J pi- . 1 ; j i - : ''if i " I 1 I ! '" ' - ' . i ;? V' ; 1 , i - . I - L O C A L tl rldus sending in advertisements will . "I!'1 . . ...Ml I.. .1 ft.ijjiredr or iney win cuuuuucu and"chrtrgcd accordingly. 'VS eTturii thanks to Mr. Rogers, Junk 'ijjce importer, etcr, for a fine piece EikMainelce- clear, solid, pretty. Al- r: in- ! t t ..-2 " . s a i . i . Stn, .v. j -4-r ' nii-ki'A "Swirt Foots" left here in l. .Hil ! ' ' .'. il !i . - - f A. . Lfiaif! conveyances mis morning iu meci it j('iurlotttrnine on the base ball grounds f folicorwt wiic re a inarcn guuiu win uc ! .aJfil nt 4 o'clock. I " flir city authorities aretioiy building a TiHioe at the treet wen ueai ine Partial Hotel. For the sate ot a cuange, !l(tould try ft pump ' O . ; " W C. W - .Woolwine, the photo 'artist, i going to Virginia in eight or ten javis itJ be abhent several weens, a uose pictures should call on Liiu at - Ii!:- ii-J ti-.1 -I t i f ' L - ' ' " r,'S!.' M. Woodward," Joseph Cope and j jI('Copef all of rennsylvania, have j.Brtlia'ied tiie O'Xeal aud Snider gold fcWijnd are operating it. jfr.jff. L. Austin Aviites usJVomMoeks that A perfectly black old field hare was icT-ently caught in Da vie. Tliiscuriosity wtlii property f Lulu Parker, and taii b'u seen at the Davie Hotel. -:Vit . : j o A tliitf entered the residence of Mr. Win. mfti(leal, in the Eastern ward, ouo night l;ihtMrck' during thx- absence of the faiui J,:iml lobbtd his wardrobe-. This is a raie occurrence here, and we think the thief ! si most likely a trauip, and not a :cMlfnt of the town. ' -, Mr(. Siuitlideal's writing school rloea Wednesday evening, and there weieh distribution of prizes to four of tliV pupils who hadmade tho best pro- plizo to Miss Lisa Lrralsani C. E. Shober. Ii. L. RaaiRay. E. II. Wilson bury. We have, interviewed the, Squire and he is eomiiig over, on Jumping Run, (where'tre taised him) partly to snperiuf tend the putting up of a uew .Engine, Cotton Giii and Press, and. the erection of a Saw aud Corn Mill, bnt.niaiuly, that he may the better look after the comforts of his aged mother. His actual? removal however, vwill not take place till some time iu the near future; and, even then, a large portion of his time;will bo speut on his estates on South River. So, dont grieve about him. Whatever he -does, his actions will be prompted by : a large heart; a level head, aud a strict eye to business. ; A propos to. moving, Dame Rumor hath it, that" there is a younsj situjU party looking out for land, with a view to set tling permanently, on "South River," and that prospective matrimony has something to do with thecase. How is this friend "Ripples"! W.R. F. ,-, Tor the Watchman. A farmer of Davie county asked me wliy it is so cold up north. I undertook to explain, and told him that no one bad ever leen able to reach the North Pole on account of the extreme cold of that cli mate, when the---astonished' interrogator exclaimed, ' Well, then, how iu the duce did thev tret the Dole un f" . ! ' - - 1 i Wood Leaves. F'ut ?ec(iud Tlmd : Folirth a, 4( i I -o- Tlie McPmith Music House of Charlotte, X. C.r is the pride of the Carolinians in the lrfusic line. Mr. H. McSmith, better knhvn usjuspp) Mac, says these two things lie won't allow any one North or .Sou'tlj -to get away with him on. One 4s good 'pianos .and organs,- thether loVv iniws suid easy tenns. Read his adver tU'iiieut! i;i our columns and you will knowl he; means business. Call oil him or -nritmuid Ire will be fuippy. Happiness i cofitageou to every ouo that buys a jiiaii or org:in'-fioin the McSmiih Music House. ' ..' ' The thermoaieter. on Saturday, the 12th iust4 i-egistered 10" in tho shade On Sunday, the 13th, and also on Mon day, we were blessed With refreshing lains which fell in great abundance. Tlie exercises of the Unity township Sabbath-school convention, will begin at Unity church at lOo'elock- on Saturday, th liOth inst. The following gentlemen have been -invited to deliver addresses: Revs. Stickley, Earnhai t and Vatkins, Dr. J.O. Ramsay, and Messrs. T. F. Klattz and II. C. Host. Resides, the reg ular business of the convention, the fol lowing subjects will be discussed, the djsciissiou being opened ty the speakers vhose narnes are subjoined : M J. The Work of Sundav-schooliaborers. Speakers to open, Measrs R. Culbertson, Ii. W. Eveiluut and J. C. Foanl. 2. Who should attend Sunday-school, and what are the duties of the dittVient classes of attendants ? Seakfrs Messrs. J. Powlass; E. Rice aud H. C. Host. ii. Siniring in Sabbat hrschools. i Speak ers, Rev. R. W. Boyd anil XJessrs Brown and R. F. Johnston. 4. Helps in teaching. Speakers, Ueo. B. Wetinoi-eHXD., and J. Rev. Messrs. N. l'enniugeiv J.' H. Rice and Geo R. McNeill.' ; All who are interested in Sabbath school work are cordially invited to be present and participate, j j M. "1 ; IIOX. WILLIAM ALLEN. ; The Story of an Even tfal Life. Mr. Allen was self-made, of more than ordinary ability 'and as a public man for many years occupied a conspicuous pim-i tion. He was bom at Eden too, - Chowan county, N. C, in 180(3, ejarly ; lost his parcuts, and theu drifted to Lynchburg, Va., where he remained until J822, work lug as a baddlers apprentice, when he determined to so to Chilicothe. Ohio. where his half-sister,' the mother of the Hon Allen G Thurmau, resided. Young Alleu was poorly educated, but self-reliant, and he made almost the entire trip on foot, in mid-winter, through frequent snows and intensely cold weather, having as a companion a drover, and this for only a portion of the distance. On ar riving at Chilicothe his sister placed him in the academy there, where he rer mained two years, and thn, at eighteen years of age, entered a lawyers otfice. He was admitted to practice before he was twenty-one years M age, and be fore reaching the age of twenty-four had achieved considerable reputation as a lawyer, particularly iu criminal cases.! In he received the Democratic noiHlna tion for Congress in a district which was Whig by from 1,500 to 2,000 majority, but he made a brilliant eaiivass and was elected by one majority iuf a vote of 10, 000. At the next election Mr. Allen -was defeated by a small majority, but ran 1, 500 votes ahead of bis ticket. In 1837, when only thirty-one yeaijs of age, he ivas elected to the United States Seusite. and took his seat March 4, where lie because ii eader. Just before-the! exnirationr of lis term he went directly before the pjeo- ne ot unio as a candidate for re-electikm. The result was that the Democrats had a handsome majority in tihe Legislature f nd Mr. Alien whvS re-elected without im position. In the Demoe atic National convention of ld4d, which met ith Balti more, so bitter was the contest between the friends of Cass aud Van Bureu. the ending candidates, thatL to prevent a division, acommittee composed of ihen from both factious, wailed on Senator Allen, in Washington, ainl urced him to accept the nomination for the presidency, but he persisteutly refused to allow his name to be used, taking the ground that as lie had been an earnest advocate of Csiss's nomination, to accent a nomination him self would bo a betiaval of his friend. He afterwards made a canvass of New York and Pennsylvania in) favor of Cass, Mr. Allen then retired from imblic.life from which he did not emerge ajgain until 1874 when be ran as the Democratic candidate forJovernor of Ohio, and was elected by about 1 ,000 minority, his associates i o n tlie State ticket all snffeiiar defeat. Mr. Allen was again the Democratic uonunee for Governor in lri7(, but I after a memo rable coutest was defeated bv Gen. Ruth- esideut of the he has been in Lexington Items. The thermometer stood at 10a in the shade here last Friday at I ju'clock P. M. Home-made ivatermelous and peaches have'made their appearance in our market. There is more sickness in and: around Lexington at present than there has been for several years. It is principally among young children, nut. mere jiias been sev adults we neat' T expected to Kept going among re -1 11(3 WAN C'OUXTV ALXtLIAUY HEALTH IaIm. r All the physicians of the county who'nre! eligible to membership in the .SUt Medical Society, "the' chairman of County r I Commissioners, May or of the county town, and the County Surveyor, hj Mt of the last General Assembly constitute the Health Board for the Coun ty. his. Board met at the court house' la tt Monayj and organized by placing Dr. J. A. Caldwell in. the chair, and Capt. J. A. luiuwij-; Secietary, Dr. J. J. Snmmertll -was elected Superintendent of Health for the County.' ; His powers are large and important.. j. , South River Ripples. Some go'Triiins have fallen recently. The props present an improved appeir- Our people are going en mas$a to attend ilic Maspnic Pic-nic at the Shoals on next Wednesday. 1 1 -' t0w frieud Mr.- Wilson Trott,-the first timcin ten years, has been having chills. Set. ool will commence at Fisher's school house on Monday the 2 1st. . - Wieat crops are turnitg out niuch.btttcr tiiaa was expected.' ! The plank on Second Creek bridge (long bridge) are continually-slipping out of plaee.i Perhaps it would-be welt for the Commissioners to look after this, i THe Uiermometer has been standing for tlie last week, in the shade, frdm 98 to 106. 'fj i ! j- ' F.s. s. eral cases of typhoid lever that have proved fatal, land seAeiai others wlio are uot iewver. Our phvsiciaim a night and day. It is Juiped that the heavy rain of last feunday will prove ten- enciai. i All of the mines in this county, and htheir name islegiou, are now being work ed. Silver Hill ajone shipped; over 800 tons of rich .ore during the last four weeks. 1 he ore from most of i the other mines is shipped from Thomasville. There was a lawn partv in the Presby teriau ciiurch-yard lasts batuniay even- inir. The yard was brilliantly! illumi nated by tiro. which had o Jin lams, ouo of "Ice Creamn in large red letters on it. It seemed to us as we peeped over the fence that it was scream, instead of I Iscream. Try it again, boys. j ; Prosramnie of Rowan County Bible Society and Rowan Sunday School Association. - Franklin Zephyrs. Ffjtnkltn would have Itcen zep hyerlcsa tliis ti-eek", but for tho reason, that w 'Mml to chronicle the gratifying fact of ur tiaving bad. i tnitmghout our entire "OUtEitaries, a splendid ram, on Suudav-i lAst, and. still another ou Mouday. Corn JfMiiidewl, far spent, )vnd seemed almost Inedeenubly lost ; but, it has great recu perative powers, and the fate ruins have already worked wonders in its appear bce. Tlireshing is now about over, and the jlieatciop, though gotU has generally "uieji Somewhat short of expectati)us. yata uas yielded a good average, r, Thomas Wyatt, a helpless cripple, "ojias not walked a step for 89 years, :Mie result of an "attack of - rheumatism, nen he f was 17 ! veara ot ace, is now ""Plessly ill, from an attack of paraly Tie Mercury stood, in the shade, on "o utu, at 102, and on the ltb at iui. w J.ttuch cooler Since the late rains. j. J.u Ivy Simpson, late of Stanly Co., U?,nS oh the plantation, of Mr. J. A. whilst hauling a load of boards, 7 ue morning of the 7th. inst, was wofru from the top of Ihe load, aud was ickd by one of the horses, jmd his skull fW fi-actnred, which resulted ra his rm OH t i nt.li iiiRf nt fl-nV wt. A- II. If jouxan get. ahead of a full blooded Stalwart you must rise yearly; worlt late and keep both' eyes open. lie "has: no more regard for the meaning and intent of law- when he wishes to carry his mint, than a Zulu has for. the fine clothes of those be ambushes and kills. . The last juews from Washington tells of the -nice plan of Hayes Co. to thwart the Dem ocrats and still have the usual number of marshals and deputies. " The Baltimore Sun's correspondent writes'; ou the JOth, inst. : J ' 111 i1 '. r ' ",They say fliey expect no resignations of marshals and no .curtailing in their appointment of deputies. The emolu ments of marshals aud their deputies come- almost wholly from an apportion ment of the fees collected,'- and as a very long time is giyen for the payment into the treasury of saidvfees, it is anticipated that marshals fwilljtake advantage of the niKM-ai nunc aiiowea ana maKe no con siderable retuf-n of the riiouevs collected until CongresSffat the next session, shall The Democrats did not purpose in I any way to impairj tbeiIegitimate business of the United St(es juarphals," as. Senator Beck says ; but neither did they intend to allow the oIfc as lias been the ase in t)iepast. liut,inccoidingto the above, there will be M uurtailnieut iu tlie ap pointment of deputies. Wilmington Start Governor Seymour made tho '-. Auburn prison convicts a fourth of Jnlv nK showing theni how the errors1 of life wight be transmuted into blessings. In review ing bis own carreer, which atmima. ed in mistake, he found, to his surprise. it there were any goldeu threads running tlrrpugb H they were wrought out by the regrets felt at the wrong ; that these re grets had rnn through the course of bis litej guiding bis footsteps through all its intricacies and problems, and if he should oblibe'rate all of these the act to which these- golden threads were attached whose lengthening liues were woven into his 'ery nature if he should obliderato all of these, he should destroy what little there was of virtue in his moral make- uiv - ' - j r i Tns Touacco Crop. Tho Virgia'a; j Talking at Loxo Distance. Com Tobacco Journal has reports from the versation was carried ou several davsajrn,1 My means of the Ldason , telephone, : le tween the manager's cdSco in this city; and Wilmington, X. Cha distance of 22I iiiiles. The experiment was a signal suc cess. Petersburg Indax-A jppeal. ertord B. Haves". 'now "Pi United States. Since then political retiracy, but was be in vigorous healt! Mr. Howard Carroll, of ilmes who recently pablis ed interview with Mr. Allen, closed i bv . I r w speaking ot him as "the sometimes bitter but always faithful partis: politician, the statesman times. ' understood,, to for one of his years. the New York led an extend - iu, the honest of the olden YADXiX GOLD old mine, near A correspondent of the er writing ou the Yadkiu this place, says ; The profit in gold mini the world depends creat agemeut ot the sulphuiets; In all the gold bearing countries ntimerous plans and devices have been adopted, but thus MINE. j Italeigh Gbserv- Onr Stale Contemporaries. ! M - ", : : - But: let us whisper, we do declare that the taut est an cj pittist dextrous way to spite a friend is to prematurely nominate him. How many a good man has been impaled on; jn preinatiij-e nomination ! Tarboro Southerner. - j . I With all humility and from the depths of poverty, we suggest that there is one thing which iiof vastly more importance thau the presi convention, and that is the dignity ofjthe jnewitpaper business. It is all Very wejlifoi the fraternity to have its annual gatherings if its members are able to pay tojrl getting there and for what they get while there, as do other mortals as good as themselves; wtherwiso they will contribute more to their own self respect, and do more to increase public respect for them, by staying at home, however hard, it may ie to do while the dog star reigns, and following a business which ihaugerliion jarouud the outer edges have doue inuicli t0lrihg iuto disrepute. Charlotte Obscrrer. A Max Who Has Sebyep His! Paeeti W JiLi.. General W. R. Cox passed through this place on Tuesday last cm rW to his farm in Edgecombe. We will add that General Cox has done more for the Demo cratic party iu this State, to have received nothing, than any man that we know in the State. He is a good man and true pajriot, and we do trust the jieople have it in their h eart s to givehini some evidence of their appreciation of his unselfish de votion to the cause of true Democracy. Goldsboro Mail. T state of the weed cron from ten comities in t)iat State from which it appears tha t only rain is needed to make a fair aver age: crop, i Granville is the only county reported from North Carolina. From it more than an average, yield is expected. Kentuckv, Tennessee, Indiana, Ohio and Missouri will make less than half a crop. Illinois, Wisconsin; Pennsylvania and Connecti cut jreport good crops needing only rain, l The Journal presumes, that nader the most favorable auspices, the crop will bo not more than two-thirds of the average in quantity, but above tho average ia quality. Ral. Obserter. Murder Trial In Virginia. throughout y ou the man- ected so that' jeabout, of the Mears, of PJiil- ve years since whole time to iar no pian nas ueen per! over 60 per cent, or thei gold could be saved. Dr. adelphia, souie ten or twe conimenced devoting his this subject. Chlorine gas could be uied. but not prohtably. It took too much, ami cue modus operandi, cost I he idea then occurred mystery might be solved by CHLORINE GAS UNDER PRESSURE. His experiments in the laboratory were successful and perfectly sa tisfactory. He theu chose Concord, in Cabarrus county, as his operating point, ani I understand has made a perfect succesk. too much him that the A Jurj Composed entirely of Negroes. Ii- j Riciimoxd, July 15. --George Lewis, the negro, aged ljineti'eii, who murdered his grandmother h January last iu Chester tield county, and Jwas subsequently1 sen tenced to be hanged, having obtained a new trial, was again arraigned yesterday. 1 he jury, much against the prisoner s wish and the fearnest protest of his coun sel, was composed entirely t of negroes, and is therst of this kind empanelled iu Virginia to try a capital offeuce. The testimony at this trial w as much stronger than at the first, as the prisoner's con fession, showing premeditation, was ad mitted as e viclenc. The crime for which Lewis was trid wjas most brutal and un provoked, as' according to his own ad mission his victim ordered him to per form tome trival'1 service which was not to his liking. He thereupon made up liU mind that iu& Avould put an end to her dominion (ovei him, and in the; after, noon of the sa.me.day shot her deliberate ly wfttb an old anny musket, literately blowing off the greater portion of her head. Tula trial occupied all day, until near midnight when the case was given to the jury, who, after au hour's delibera tion, returned a verdict of murder in the second degree!,; and fixed his punishment at eighteen years ju the peniteutiary. The Newbern Xut Shell is responsible for the followiug item from Stonewall, Pahilico county : "On July 3d, about sun set, S. B. Lane and his three sons, ou crossing a swamp, on their way home, were attacked by the largest and most ferocious alligator ever teen in these parts. He tore npthe ground and seem ed to stand on his tail and chunk them with logs. They fought him manfully with poles and limbs, but finally had to clijub the trees. His bellowings shook the spongy swamp ground like ab earth quake. and coming to their rescue, brought the monster down with three loads of buck shot and four pistol balls down his throat. Raleigh Aevs, 13th : The city was all ag yesterday over the annoducement that Governor Jarvis had. made another attempt to secure the presence of. Gen -M. j$. Littlefield, having dispatched Mr. (Thomas Pi Devereux with all the docu ments uecessary to accomplish his pur pose. Mr. Devereux had given out that he was: going on a visit to Halifax, but this blind proved of no avail, for his object wasl thoroughly understood i nd Little- field was telegraphed to, audit is reported that he will receive tho North Carolina ambassador w ith a band of music aud a torchlight procession. The kuowledire on the part of the fucitive will proabably emuarras cite bashful barrister especial ly when he finds out the route he took was well known to Littleficld bcforeiei reached Jacksonville. i t has been feaifull? hot in Wilniinsr- ton. The Star says that duriug Satur day afternoon five men in the employ of i v apc. s. lseldeu, engaged in rolling rosin, were overcome by the heat and obliged to quit work, three of them being quite seriously "affected. The most ra- 1. C. Dilamer heard therumpusrmarkable; instance of the sevcritv of the heat is that reported of a man living at one of the sounds. In the neighborhood of Mr. Dougal McMillan's place. He states that ho started to town on Friday with a flock of sheep,' and that the road was so ittry aud hot that manv of the hoofs came off and he had to leave some oflthem on the road. How to Swim.- Nothing is more easy. When the air ia out of a body itk owner sinks; when the air is in the body its owner floats. Let any one slow ly d raw in his breatb as he draws back his legs and pushes forward his arms, retain it while he is prepariug for the stroke which is to propel him. and slowly allow it to go through his lips as his arms are passed back from before his head to his sides and his legs are stretched out. The ac tion of the stroke should not be quite horizontal, but should be made ou a slight incline downward. The real reasou why people take weeks to learn how to swim is because swimming professors either do uot know or do uot choose to teach the philosophy of breathing so as to render the body buoyant. 1 would j engage to make anyone a tolerable sw im mer in an hour unless be be a idiot. ' . , .-; '. ----- ' i Down in Geomta. ssts the iLoilisville Courier-Journal, they are iu favor of re moving the tax on quiuine and putting it. un dogs. Changing the duty on hark, as t were. Dcfroif free Press. - i- - THE GENUINE C. McXlANE'S Octebrated American I WbBM IsPECIFIC Found Out nr AcciDEXT-Reidsville, Nj C-, July 5, 1879. I wish the woild to Tiiiow that calcined plaster of Paris ap plied to Iresh burns will relieve the burn trom causing any pain whatever and pre vent the skin trom coming off. 1 had my hands badly burned a few days since wpth melted lead, and in ten minutes after being burned I had tho parts submerged in mixed calcined plaster, and felt no paiu from the effects of the burn after wards. I his I have written for hutnan- mu. vr. morris p Infill jnninjerellM waslcalled in the abve case; filpplcsn i'rohable reimh al of A. L. Hall Ehi., tr.t n .1 .1 a. : --3 iw u pnnnising uoyf auu ine main Vof Id I wrote Dr. Summerell. nTl . . . . 1 T .....jr... a ri'ici seems siignny uusyrunueu si 1. The meetingiof these societies wil be -held at Lutheran Chapel ou i nesday and Wedueslay, the 12th and 13th days of August 1879. . ! 2. The meeting will (opened with - an address by Capt. R. R. Crawford, Presi dent. . ' - - 3. All Sunday Scluxd teachers aud Superintendents in the i;ounty are mem bers of the Sunday School Association and are earnestly requested to be present, and to bring a report of j their respective Sunday schools. j j ; j Tho following are subjects for discus sion iu the Snudny School Convention. 1. What is the relation ofth Church to to the Sunday Schcolf j -' f Speakers: Dr. J. G. Ramsay, F. S. Starrett, J. L Graber, Henry Best, Rev. R. W. Boyd. .'!;."'! 3. 27ic best method ofondneting Sunday Schools in the country t h Speakers : Rev, Peter Trcxler, C. W. Corrihcr, Moses Lingle,jRev. D. L. Earn bart, Rev, W. H. Cone, R. M. Davis. 3. The Sunday School considered as a Missionary agency f 1 s "Speakers: Rev. W. J. Smith, J. W. Mauney, Esq., Rev. J. B. Wetmbre, John Sloop EsqM Rev. M. II. Brown 4, Uow can tcefast secure efficient teach ing in the Sunday School T Speakers : Rev. J. Alston Ramsay, D. L. Barringef Esq., Dr. Shimpoch, Rev. Mr. Stickley, Rev. Mr. Linn. ' j The Rowan County Bible Society will meet at Lutheran Chapel pu Wednesday the.I3th. at 10 o'clock A, M., and will be opened w ith aq address by Rev, Jl J, Renu, aterate Tty. W. J.: Smith, tributors; to4lie Bible cause iui ty ai-e tnetuers of the Society and are in vited to attend. After the addresses, the officers for the ensuing year wil;be elect ed. ; All churches in the cotinty are urged to bring up contributions to this cause, r;;.-.-.' ' . ;'" " J'j t Tlie Arknn6as Traveler" liasinvented a bottle with a cork at both cuds. Now, if somebody will iuvent a drnnk that will lex pleasant at both ends, . "Arkansas'" will probably be happy j It is a fact worthy of note, and bue to be alsq of Philadelphia, and practical man n All con- he coun AVIS, lachinery and ear since I the both gold and Dr. Mears and as tol- ry state as fiue in the manipulating ot" chemicals, purchased a i Yakiu mine, which yields copper. Having taith in his chlorine under pressure process, he adopted JJr. cares' plan A description of this prHess (which is not laid down in any cheluiistry) as seen at the xadkiu mine is somewhat lows The ore is ground iu a as Hour, when it is placed iu an oveu and is subjected to an liuniense red heat, which liberates the sulphur. The baked flour ore is then placed iin a large iron cylinder, called a"chloriuator,"and there placed under a high pressure of chlorine gas for an hour. From the chloi inator tlie coutentsjiie discharged into filleting tanks, the -clear fluid pissing into the precipitating tauks, where the gold is precipitatel. After this process the fluid is passed into another tank and the cop per is precipitated. The amount of cop er saved will pay the running expenses of the mill house. This process saves all the metals, aud if silver jappears in any quantity it can be as easily saved. Mr. Davis says the experiment has proved itself perfectly practical, and that he has clearly demonstrated the fact that our, aud not only our but allJ sulphnret ores, csui and will be profitaH handled. The cost will he as little or less than bv any of tlie old processes, and then when the satfd is thrown away itMill take a No. 1 chemist to find even a trace of gold iu it, as all the gold is saved! Mr. Davis also intends to save the sulphur, which can be done at a very small expense, and also manufacture sulphuric 'acid. But little has been said cess, which I have so scriled. As Dr. Meariij desired the experiment strated to a fact before! thins alMHit it. 1 he fact strated and the process! M wilLrevolutioiiize gold over. . i-"i.uie reniova fe4;i'ot-NVck"t "'fWorRoad, deplored, that murderers never allow their virrimeit to nut in a plea of insanity. his prom'i tv ou Hurt This should bo looked into by. juries. - ii . . . i , i - miles West of ralis-"l Atlanta ContiMtion. The great 4ay of heat in St. Louis last year, duriug jvhieh such a hpge number of deaths occur retl from overheat, was July 18th. Saturday was probably the hottest day iu Wilmingtou during the ceutury. The thermometer at 3 o'clock P. M. stood aj; 99 in our office, which is a favorable situation near the river. It was over 100 in many localities. It stood 143 in the sun. It reminded us of what a humorous cprrespondeut once wrote us concerning the heated term in a certain North Caiolitia town. He said it was so hot it wafva common thing to see a pair of empty booijs standing ou the street, and a copious stream of greese running along the pavement. The owner had Mm ply evaporated, or rather, had been boiled down and icon verted into a stream of lard. Wiltningtort Star. Swiss Bridal Custom. In these times when all are, or ought to bo practising economy, it would be well lor us to adopc the Swiss custom of giving bridal pres ents. The bride makes a list ;of such thin:s as are needful for housekeeping, with which her parents are not ' able to iirpNh. her. The list is sent to her friends. One will say, "I will send her this," find mark that as provided for. Another will me her that, aud sometimes wuen any thing valuable is needed, two or three w ill combine and buy it. After vhe wed ding the couple usually start on a jonr- nev, and when they return they will find all these presents in their new home with the names of tlie donors attached. Now this is com of it without ostentation. Our way is ostentation without comfort. Dot. 1 Juvenile Libertv ix Russia. The Curator ot St. Petersburg Scholasstic Dis trict has issusd a circular to the princi pals of the different schools, regiating the dress and behavior of their pupils. The latter are enjoined to remove their kepis before the Emperor, any member of the Imperial family, the Minister of public Instruction, Governor-General, priests, and other person in authority. 1 he scholars are further forbidden to ; use; to bacco, or to go to masqueiadesj clubs, cafes, or public gardens. Each is also required to show a ticket establishing his identity when called upon to do so. Exchange. The Religious Press. The rcliaious nress must not be muzzled. It must ex pose and deuouuee official malfeasance denounce gambling, drunkenness, dis honest bankruptcies, and such like Must plead truth, purity and fidelity. But all this must be done iu the Christian snirit : the truth Imnst be spoken in love Let men allj men know that the keen eye of Christian (criticism is fixed upon them, and that if their trusts are-violated thev will be held up to public odium. Christ deuoidlced with unspairiug sever ity those whd: devoured widows' houses, and tor a preteuce muds long prayers. The ton sue in the pulpit and the edito rial pen should be equally . explicit and emphatic. Texai Christian Advocate. abont this pro- mperfectly de- iud Mr. Davis to he i demon inblishiug any is fully demou- a success and mining the world E. C. - Thees Killud bt the Hot Weather. A gentleman just fHmji Edgefield, S. C, reiKrts that on the road between that place and here, he saw stud examined a vonnrr forest, apparently nnderirrowth from which the large trees had leeu cut, which bad been com pletely kilu d. Hie only explauatiou is th extremely hot and dry weather, which the jyung trees,-ty reason of having leen pryiously protect ed in a measure by the larger nues were, unable to stand, l ne allerred to have taken point on the Auijusta Riiilroad same occurrence is place at "another Charlotte; ''--Columbia- &z CharldttcOterrer. ; Ddpressiox in the Exglish Cottox Trade. London.Jul v 15. Published sta tistics show an increasing depression in Cotton inauufacturinir. The situatiou at jUackburn lias lalready been reported. At Preston, four hundred and fifty thou- sabd spindM hasro stopped out ot an ag JriTi.T:iti of two millions, as well as one oualter of all! the looms. At Accrington work is very lii regular, especially in the weavinsr denarttkieuts. Sixty-eight linn di ed spindles! are idle in two mills, besides numerous other stoppages. In the Lehigh district one hu tidied and twenty-three thmittind sniiidles are working on short time, audon4 hundred and fifty thousand be stonnedaltoirether. In the Hasling- den distiict, seventy-four thousand spiu dies aud elevfen hundred looms are idle. No 2Ioe FWer In Tennessee. Washixgtgx.! Jul v .15. -The uationa iJnil f health to-dav received a tele- irram from . Dr. 1. Mitchell, at Memphis, tt-jtiii-r that them are no new cases of vellow fever iu the State. T ! MemphisJuI 15. The first train on tlie Liltle R,bk Railroad, since last Fri ilW. left this! morning for Louake Ark., KkVhirh noirit nuarantine has been rais ed Judge Ray'f soii was not so well to day. No neif caies have been reported, and the excitement attending the reports already published, has entirely subsidy!, and a few citizens have returned. ! Caiko, July 15. at a meeting of the forenoon, it was re the favorable news congenital T;?ee Quixixe. Fever aud ague will now be a luxury in which even the poor est can indulge, now that the duty has been taken off quinine. Quiuine is not the most pleasant stuff in the world to take. It is not likely to form the basis of a svriiu for soda water drinks. No . .... person has ever been caught taking qnin me tor pleasure: sun wnen a person wants quinine, it is like wantiug a pistol in Texas, he wants it bad. Everyone must rejoice to see a tax of forty-five per cent, taken from this bitter but valua ble drug. It- is estimated that this tax has wrung from a fever-stricked people $80,000,000 since it was put on.-l)etroit 1'rcss. 1 Wilmington Review llth: About 9 o'clock this moruiuir. Capt. Thomas Blakely, of the British barqnentine Flor ence Margaret, was found.dead in his bed at the Scarborough House, on South Wa ter street. He retired to lied in his usual health last night, although for several days he has been completely under the influence of liquor, and had kept up a continual round of dissipation for some time past. He was about 30 years of age, and, we believe, unmarried. ; ity's sake. W. II. Times. Miraculous ! Wash in Reidsville Beware of Poisox. The father who knowingly takes au unclean newspaper into his family circle is guilty of a crime agaiust society and the highest interests o his children. Yet thousands of church members do this thing. A battle for the maintenance of social purity is to be fought at this poiut. Let every good mau aud woman take a stand on the light side. Nashville Advocate. Music. To assert that the music which is commonly heard in our churches is worship, or answers any of the purposes off worship, would be hazardous. It is sometimes good art, and sometimes it is uot; but it. is generally a performance; it! is rarely an act of worship. Sunday Afternoon. Leaders of church music, is it so ? SYMPTOMS OF WORMS. , j niliE countenance is jvileand leaden-- - colored, with occasional flushes, or a circumscribed spot on one or bptlv cheeks; the eyes become dull; the pu pil ddate; an a?ure stmieirtlelruni along the lower e)?e-lid ; the noses ir- riiaU'd, s cils, and sometimes bleeds ; a swelling of the iuier lip ; ctcrasioiwl - j hcadaciKf, with humming or throbbing of the ears; an unusual. secretion of i saliva; slimy or furred tongue; breath j very ioul, particularly in the uiurning; i a j)et;te variable, Sometimes voracious. with a gnawing sensation of the stom ach, at others, entirely gone jTlceting pains in the stomach ; occasional nausea and vomiting ; violent pains ll.rcughout the afxlomen; lxwtd ir regular, at times costive rstools. slimy not unfrequcntly ; tinged with blood; -bedr swcUca and hard; urine turbid; respiration occasionally inriictilt, ami acconipanii d by hicciui;U;. cougir , scmeiuflcs dry and 'nv nisi ve ; unca and disturbed sleep, witli gitndiiig or the teeth ; tcnvjKr vaiiabk:, but gener ally irrilable, t:c.i . Wherever the sltove symptoms are found lo exi DR. C. McLAlE'S VERMIFUGE will certainty effect a Vine. IT DOi;S NOT CONTAIN -MERCURY in any form ; it is an innocent prepara tion, not capable vf daiii the Rghtest injury to the 7wst tciuur infant. The genuine Dr. Mc Lane's Ver r nri'GF. bears the signatures of C Mc Lane and Fleming Bros, on the7 wrapper. :o: DR. G. IIcLANE'3 LIVER PILLS are not reccrriincnded as a remedy " for all r the ills that flesh is heir to." but in r.ffectioni of the liver, and in nil liilloiis Complaints, Dyspepsia and Sick Hcaua Jit, or diseases of that character, they stand without a rival. AGUE AND FETVER-. No better cathartic can be used preparatory to, or after taking Quinine. j As a simple purgative they are un equaled. BKU AKK r IMITATIOXM. The genuhic are never sugar coated. Each box lias a rel w.'.x c.i! on she ltd with the impression Dr. McLane's LiK ek Tills. . Each wrapper hears the signatures of C. Mct.AXE anl Ki.r.MiNr; I:kxs. Insist upon having tho genuine Dr. C Mr I.ANKS Livr.r i'ii.:s. tarvarei hv A Banker Sunstruck. in St. Louis. St. Louis, Mo., July 14. Wm. J. Lew it a prominent merchant and banker of thi8 city, was prostrated by the heat at Carrondelet, six miles below here this morning, and died in 20 minutes. Mr. LeAvia lelouged to the firm of Barthalow, Ltwis & Co.. bankers, was president of tle Commertial Bank aud one of the most active and influenential business men in the city. Gov. Allen's Funeral. Chilicothe, Oi, July 14. The funeral of ex-Gov. Wil liam Allen took place here this morning frbm Fruit Hill. Bussiness throughout the city was generally suspended, aud many business houses and dwellings were draped in monrniug. !A Good Pater. Moore's Uttral Life, published by the Rural Life Company, 114 Park Bow, Aew York, is a journal ot ex ceptional worth to the farmer, gardener aiid householder. It contains matter which is of interest and value to all class esL but more especially to those indicated arid among these it should have a large circulation. Address the publishers for terms and club rates. of 1'iir-i! -ur-h. I'a., iK Fleming r-ciR; I'.ro full of iTT.itat. oas of ihe t ame McJLUlte, spelled itiTlerciit'y b.t .uik' iruiinvhKn.- BUSINESS LOCAL COLUMN. The School at Franklin Aoademt, Rowan county, N. C, will re-opeu on the i 21st of July, 1879. . 1 Rev. H. M. Brown, Principal, j SECOND-HAND SCHOOL BOOHS j Bought at Yopp's Book Store, Main Street. j 1 ' - 1 V. C. HARRIS Has just received a new ancLrRKSH stock of confectionery, Arbnckles unground, roasted coffee, in air tight lb packages, 20c. A full line of fresh FAMILY GROCER-; IES always on hand, and sold cheaper than the cheapest. jEgTX'all to see ray goods, and ask prices., Prof. J. R. Blake, of Davidson College, was in: tho city yesterday, having just returned from a three weeks' visit to rel atives aud friends in South Carolina. He reports the prospects for the college for next year excellent, They expect an in crease in the number of students. Char. Observer 16th.' A. Stanlj county correspondent of the Mtinroe Express informs it of the follow ing: On last Friday, near Norwoods, while cutting wheat, Mr. Win. Thompson and a negro named Forrest . dhad some words, when the negro drew'i.iscythe on Mr. Thompson, who thereupon went be fore a magistrate and procured a warrant for! his arrest. John Thompsob, deputy sheriff, went to execute the warraut, and on (approaching the negrdon horseback he (the negro) hailed him with the remark that if he dismounted he would kill him. Thorn psou alighted and drew his pistol aud commanded the negro to surrender, but he did not do so. While in pursuit tlw! officer shot at him several times, two ba(ls taking efi'ect and producing severe wounds. The balls have been extracted and the negro was still living at last recounts. The New York Commercial Advertiser, generally ood authority, assures the Southern people that, excepting a few in curable fanatics who have little money or influence, the people of the North feel no desire to break up the present Southern labor fsy stein, and will contribute a hun dred dollars to transport the refugees back to their homes from Kansas, to every one dollar given by any rabid hater of the South toward depriving her capital ists of the only available labor for them. As long as Southern whites treat the blabka fairly, they may rest assured that no such unfriendly scheme will find many friends iu the North. PRICE CURRENT. PHOTOGRAPHS. 5 Come without delay. I will close my' Gallery during the month of August. not delay, as I may close a few days be fore that time. C. W. C. Woolwixe. Letter and Note Heads, Bill Head?, Cards and Envelopes printed to order at very lowj-ates. Call at this office, j . 35 3 - - - i i i a ' , i ij i. "i r 1 i 'i ' " 1 1 -'i 1 ' PARSON'S SNUFF, Still increasing in favor. Try it. It is mild and pure. For saleby J. DrGASKiLL. Bananas, Oranges, Lemons, at Buer baum's. Also fresh Soda Crackers, Mush room Crackers, Cracked Oats, Cracked vVheat, Raisins, Currants, Fresh Macaroni, all kinds of Double Extracts, Prepared Mustard, Tapioca, Fresh Nuts, Sardines, etc etc CALL ON BUERBAUM ! board of health this solved that owiug U from Memphis and the South, all quaran tine restrictions be suspended, . . - - -r . x ' rr r:., t ftJl. htlv 14.--A "mnliitto named John Breckinridge overtok Miss Nannie Ber ry white, while on her way to church, near Carlisle, Kentuck v, yesterday , and forced her into the woods where he out rageously assaulted her. Brec.ki u ridge was subsequently captured and placed in jail. Atjail early hour this morning a mobsnr iountled the jail aud, having forced an entrance, carried Breckinridge out and hung hiuioa a tree. Corrected by J.M. Knox & Co. July 10 187P. Cotton firm Middlings, low do I stains Bacon, county, hog round Butter Eogs I Chickens -per dozes Corn Meal? moderate demand at Wiibat good demand at Flour best fam. super. pjoTATOEs, Irish Qsioxs no demand Luin Beeswax Tallow : Blackbrrrieu ! A PPLkn. d ried SroAtt 10 0 1520 8 50&55 80 6090 2.50 2.5Q 50 75 ?10 25 U0 20 Petition to tell Jtnd io pay delta. r NORTH CAE0LINA, Davie Comity, M- R. Chaffin, Adm'r of Jere A. CleineBt dee'd, Agninrl V. A.Clement, B, C, Clem ent, J. L. Clement, IT. Har- grave and wife Martha, Ja- Laura Clement, and C. A.- ; Clement, nft. J x It appearing to the Mtiitfaciiop of the Conrt, upon, affidavit of Plaintiff, that W. A.CJin ent, cpe of the defedant above named, ia a non-resident of Una state, it reordered that pub lication be made li the "Carolina Watc-bnian" fur six successive Week, notifying aid dtfend ant t appear at the ofBceof the Clerk of the Superior Court of paid county on the 15th day of August next, and answer the complaint, which U deposited in aid f5ce, or the plain tiff will apply to the Court for the rtlief de manded jn the complaint. V ! Wil new. O. MlNGltAM, Cl'k I June 30, 1879. 6w SopYCourt Davie Co. - FOTJTZ0 v I HCRSE AHD CATTLE POWDERSi ' i i ' " -'"-:- : '"..'. ".-'" ! , fji . ' , j' 4 ' .' ". : .' ; j f -.-- '' '-.-.'.;.!' ! i i t J f 1 J7-- i e I - ' i ! ',(- '-V . ' -. ' - .-.'--- - ' . " i- i - - '; r- ' " ' ' . . i - ' 7

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