7 -i T; ' .-? , . - I--".-: !! -.1 I I , i ! 1 !-.- - ill - i ' - - - - r i . i. .1 . . i . . : .1 . . . . , i I i j 1 ' ' . - - .i I . s - 1 - - - L : ' !- - It,. - -!l . vLoi, vLaj-11 O ... J Ot STHIEJ) SEEIES SAIISBUEY, ill. C, AUGUST 7i 1879. HO 42 t i, i I.. -. ; .:; ... . v -;i , , .. t ,J . 5 ...1 -. .. !! , ., . .".1 ' - .. .. . .. ,. : : mm mmm M - -- - mtr TTl '' , ft . . rtt in i v. uvovuuru id eaviu ui u uiau just ? i ! . '-; - " STYLE. BEST SIX CORD. ; I r' FOR jlachine or Hand Use. FULL ASbUitA jiti r ur M muck land aa his neighbors choose to - some good sense w a HUMOROUS lay out for hiin under the valuation clau ses, so tliatrlie says, creditors have suf fered niore than debtors. I also made the j acquaintance of Mr. D. one of the prin cipal residents, also of his sou and some: , , ' , ,t , i vour mindi with.imni'actWL iispW . : ' . . U' 7 other gentlemen. Messrs.:.- cliimed i le"Da? U1f wing V Pen If iiflf T, 1MJ ' ,i" rI " 7t "-7.' - "DSi01 lingers and baggage into to hold their land under royal grani, and ot " U ncle J ack Mara bank&'I to I are Episcopalians, but I understand there 'nephew, is worth reading. We copy ftio cuujparauvwiy jew , x.piscopaiians in ! jj 2torth Carolina, which was not so ariato I cratic in its origin as Vifktnia on the one side,' and South Carolina on. the other. : . 1 ; Besides the few blacks who possess farms of their,- owni; very many own houses and small patches of land ent farmers, and these men work as1 hired mencement exercises." I notice with limberS aild ColOrS, laborers besides cultivating-Mieir pitches, pleasure that your name figures hon-i i near do conipiaint mat tue uiacKS aoouc -rorauiy uu mis eiauuiutc junnumr re- ; him are idle. There is no decrease in mm. and I doubt not that friends Ai WHOLESALE AND RETAIL, ' jrjfrttz and 3Iendleman, sails Dury . u. , FROM MY JOURNAL. From the Kaleigb Observer . FOR GRADUATES. heilifting inspirations that you have and reluctant, the new era of. radical I green, the gathered dbring1 yoar Academic cirecr thought and irreverent nalv:,!i f T- T T' , . f I "tt i"1"1 the ionVheat, wi. ofteafeerrhLhessinolemea- to? , As many new "gradaates" bf . Col- - V T"' S . .! V ' .bttai low the snmmit of the Kidge. Here dUUnoe. ond A UftTJr,,.; legos bavo but recently appeared in "" "een a ! rocesso, mung ana progress m.ghtily astir ; but we'a ightfed and watched the transfer chsrre of tIMm,.Km:i . a very agreeable companion -After . downwards for sev- l thought, the en cmeer i part, win potstandjywv. instead ota thoosand. 'voices .beat the air. wm now directed I- imaWh . on.lTk L ;r!?T: quality fbr w W4h: Inowi no; betto filse, some of uncerUinsoand, FoH overshoei and moant ourrches once wa iTim ' t&ed iai name than tnimntiAn,r lh wnnl I vnnwtf u.. u. .u a; i. 'i.i 1 i , . 1 . . I vireu,. ( XO ttT ; j - o. ".t ' i'fu"T'i UVIU " vue umv laiui ' im a j more. deserves a 'piacej mo ir as the thing demands a mental constitution. Jof everv ' snooAfis. I Tnuil i SlvAn:.:. .'. I j. . . i . . .. . I . , 7 7 7 - i i t j .wuiaiu 19 au unwoxxny uoree. in a men cut ia tne side ot the o -;.tii mmt raM- A4 10 f r:" - "lumcr" Business wnn me so. tnll ot potential, tunnel. .UMr, c i u a , ' w r Ln hn. :.;tLit ence between knowledge and wisdom, usefulness. Prove all vou can. hnt Rnnn nUn ;n. u AaL l 1. .rA - . & d a - 1 own uiiii ui kvue iuul ui uih - mnnnrjiiii the Macon Christian Advi rom cate : MyDearNephew: I am told that you are about to be graduated, and, indeed, I believe I am indebted to you for a very handsomely made-np invitation to be present at the "com- eUnquisU oar euitoriai space ro- .qW tUe black wtmien w U not Uhonld nrPVPnt m frnm Rhrlvin!; hv sir George UampDeila meiuoer 01 Work: thevlik. to eoiir the! White, fen V r- , IU J J. attenaance my unequivocal interest in you and your day of triumph, I have determined to send youi; by let ter a few words of suggestion which vou may not be aisincimea tQ; receive. There will be no lack of coosrratula tory sentiment pressei upon you, and T .! I f ' their numbers, but owing toj their habits flmJ kJnSn?onlfi will feel a iiist com. tliflV ai not nnw inrt5i!BJriof na -fAaf na I . II - , . , v f xl T. placence in vou when you come to tliev nsfiil tn. nnr un fjisf. oa then tt-lntpa I r .. k. The disadvantase in reiranl to labor in Pla ouc Part iu that "last lceo of these parts is that the female labor, which all" in drama ot Uoilege JitcjL Aest, was largely available in slave times, is It You w.H oot at oned apprcc,ate .t, do not worry oyer what is too large nea again the eoginc came.to a halt, and the rfde down was deliittfuUt but the older ym groW.n experience, r your slate. It can stand over, and! the. Word-was given "You must reached Henry's just i time to enjoy 'rS the. more g yow.H come to Honest work fbr high ends, candid alight hee! But how I We could one of Mr, Sprsgue's excellent dinner! ' see;in that balfiverse of Tennyson's: earnest belief in Christianity's God-L not see oor hands mnch less ; know m.s mi i..Si .Ja i - . .. i ' i"J " "wn uaviug vUUwlUUcU VUU "Knowledge comes, but wMom lingers." tfiese are the noble dualism that will where to jut our fleet V At;somedis- penitentiary fare was too" rough for, You will be j disappointed,' too, as fill your life fullest of the best thai tance ahead convicts . were at work us; , " , . i however, imperative engagements j10 e 11 reuire to accomt U V to men' should nrevent me from shriving bv PHTh WN seem to yoUow.very matj ! And now my til dav to sr ueoigo vj. worb tbey Hke to copJ tlie; Whites So this tUh raihauent, wuo spent some r tf and preachers have takn the thbeMth q ia xoi viu x gide of the womeir TheJ cook aB 4 Wft8h ila tells vlati he saw of us in a and do household work, but, excepting tnotlttlier-acpniphinent. the cotton picking at the pieking s'eason, j . i 4 . ITl- rt A ..till .11.1. - L i will seldom do field work. ; Those of the lower class IT whites who have no energy to rise above the position of hired laborers are no better off than the tU mor airreeaoie vo ur reauers .iiikvtliincr that would come troin our Mil. : JIT S1K or-vi'j' y I noticed .niayr miseraoio uuw ocai tJred ibout iu au isolated way among the aind tlie woods. wlhey seemed to MiufllUy ot one paueru, aim were hi liitefl both by white people and by black i'l reraarkea to myieuow-pusseu eal tbe wretchdHess of these houses, ml ilpv admitted i that the cottages are celtiuiily very poor ; but they say iu the . . .1 i t . f A Suuli iHiopieaie less ijj uccu ui guuu ki5il,"ns te climate is more favorable. I amldrsta(l that these isolated houses lave becu uuut; 8iucetne war. ueiore tlie Var the; people at any rate, the Wacki used to live together in planta tiiiu ettlenients. Since the war both vliitfs and blacks have got land who had itkodlfore. The two firsfracquaiutaneea Itmiiie both! came into these Southern parts with the Federal army, and stayed jpyeim of the war. Une 01 tnem is au bgliblnnau ; they botli seeui to be on xt terms-with the people with whom tljey are eugaged iu' cotton buying and ih-li pusiuess. - illli the cottmj fields I several times no- tkw uliite ieople at work, but the ma jority, of the cotton cultivators seemed to k black. "White and black children seemed friendly enough together, but in termarriage is prohibited. It seems, losrerer,-that there has been a good deal jf.iDtieriuixture-if races, and many of the (HoreJ jeoplerare not pure blacks. -1 ave Jieard it said with much truth,' that aince lit is so there is much ground for esaliziu iuteruniiriage. Bjtb wy travelling acquaintances, though 4 sa'iie sense carpet baggers themselves, spak strongly of the evils of the carpet ag:ovtrumentof the Southern States. KafleL'h seems to be a pretty country p with plenty of llowersand good veg ftati.in. . il went to the Yarborough House tiote,t which I found coinfortable. Kcad- uiiv 1 ! "IT blacks, and are not paid higher, but by lu far the greatest partf the hired labor is offer you what is far less gfjateful to black. In the town, laborers get nearly the roseate confidence of youth-rsome using miner's lamps, and lights being ! Such a mnddy individual as I was!! time is up, and II brought from that qu rater we descend- On taking a' snrvev of mvsMf after ter of course results. You will be as have said enough in this hasty but en safety; Stepping from silLto sill reaching the hotel I was not surprised tonished t find how Jong it takes to hearty fashion. Take it to hearth, and at one time forced to climb on that the President of the road did not make you j: patronymic, modified- by sind, if it mean no more to you, at and walk across some flat cars which wish me to Idine with him even at the your initials; jsignificaut above the least let it be the earnest of genuine stood in the way, wefat last reached a penitentiary. To our great regret he rank and j&lej.of Smiths, Browns, elt interest in you, which I shall be glad place where some convicts were pick- was called away that eveningl , I lia4 ai. ii, is nuuauic cuuugu iuab con-p w iuauuuiuctcijr jjtau- tug ouu,uiuwg ai asiuep oeuoiiwii nopeu u outain irom mm a map 01 VV V "VfttirjlflFfrfirnoo unnla ! I enma fi 1 1 n 1 1 1 1A HaiijI a v!! mm mm .l m - ventions aftr year a dollar a day j in the country they are hired at eight or teu, dollars a month with a house and rations, or fifty (cents a day without rations. 1 hear complaints that many of the white people go Wst in stead of improving the lands at home; many oT the Highlanders have gone) West. Here also I am told that the complaint against the negvoisthat, though generally willing to work, they are too much in- advice. Afterthe feast, physic; land, so, after the music has died away d the an and the curtain has fallen, lights are gone out, you may find it not unwholesome to offer you j mental digestion these avuncular pellets. You are young, your pulse beats the music of health, you have a well balanced mind and a fair sjiare, for rlinpvl in tnzn hnlirfavR nnil iimnsfti thfim- selve That is said to be an objection your age, of what is rather indefi to employing them at milU and! places nitely called culture. You cpme into "the great battle of Ife," as certain of without ever thinking, in Jack Hardbaxks. where regular laborsis required.. They are apt to go to church-meetiugs v p commencement orator will sav. or to market the produce of the r little j. . d nQt the light bf a possible wife for them, but 1 do not gather thlt they Wlth earuest PurPose and f he most are very drunken. ! I sanguine nopes. x on ieei uic conui- Governor Vanciei bugh a tions oi success in you, aud, it you Democrat, comes from the j western- hill follov"the right line of conduct and "thine own self be true they are in bl?od aMd--don't -wink at me you yidual stood gazing after ns, and my V " ' " , " 7 " " Blood, brains and bottom, (es- sly, yourg dog!-the usual course of conscience .smote, me for not remem- u iu r XT country, aud' both" he and Mr. C. aud oth ers whom I met. seemed to be very well they often made the best farmers! and pecially the two last) cannot easily generally the best laborers; ! The Gover- be set at naught. i3ut tbey have got uor says, that on the whole the black re- to pull, a straight course and! bend to preventatives sent to the Legislature are tue oar if they cross the victor's line fairly selected; illiterate tliey are, some w;nnIno. t:mG, A11 nn thk scaie cf a ji ii j; 1 T i. .1 - I O oi iuem are quiw wen uisiioseu auu bcu- i, L mi a l ... - . - i-.. . .v human undertaking vou will nud 8iule. tie instances as one oi tno oesc a i . . ... L. , black canenter who sits iu Ithe Legisla- that it is work that wins. Isn t one ture, and when -not so eugaged works well of your honor-men the fellow that at his trade. Most of the skilled trades showed so slow but sure in freshman are in the hands of the whites, but there vpnP 9 'Haven't the eves of f the class are black carpenters, blacksmiths, and . (1 , t, . h f t - bricklayers, and the whkes have not at- ,r . T . , . v ' 1 I I M.MMn.i...M nA.Kioinnnn V I SISMl't CUV tllO temnted to nut them down.! In the last . - y State assembly there were 8 o& them in hare can t beat the tortoise if he will the State Legislature. None of the State keep running, but he can't run the race and sleeprat the same time. Those over the" face of which flowed a stream in regard to it. of clear ! cold water. We clambered My-traveling companion had oncer ' or rather were pvtted up this bank and passed over the "Horse-shoe bead" found ourselves in a place which look- on a railroad in western Tennsylya- l litb lnnn n.l Un t m . 1 1 I ttia. fllld fihft tfAVd ft' ft fllP fin! Ill ATI W.i . - ' . . . . i v u iuut; tiaiicv, viic idui j-1111u it i j r- o - , -- 'r' irhnnf onir avnanfatinn rt mnalinn il O O t r O I . . T , fv..vj vrvvv.v,u t i u J; . t i i ; that the views nn nnr marl wam fnllw i the skill of. my friend, Mrs C. P. Si, ,f , . , , - Mn.A ;n heantv to thoa nn fW tA . mUio niu tuc uuuuiaucupitiiiui i j - w the last and longest tunnel. Word except that the cliffs are not so high. was sent ahead to bring hand-cars and To all lovers of picturesque combina presently we could dimly see that they tions of art and nature, I recxminend were at hand. Taking our seats we a triP over our Western 1ST. C. Bail were cautioned to lower our heads in road, and a stay of several days at order to avoid being struch by the and around Henry's in-order to en beams overhead. The cars were very jy an fully- take in themany beau muddy, but that was a trifling circum- ties of the scenery. And there are efnnno nnrl in a four m inn f na nra omor r few men who have such rare ODDor- Hn va" was nnovontfnl no it u . .:. I . . ... m . . . . , w. , H'frnm;thA flFlrnPSj intn flio nnpn tUDltieS Ot ETlVinff DleaSUre tO tLElt quiet country throush which we pass- i . a - o u..r: w:i I k now nothing of your aSuirs of and most of the inhabitants Vere l" " "J.. 7' 70: heart, but the on dit does not seem 1 i,.,i a--.ic.:. r. 1 run- i a our graunta- r- . " ineredibld heu I remember your U,-the train moved aWay ftom "C- t "O0plbed th. top, finc readir sensibilities, yor quick i,wba gtrtkm" lonely loldDg ln P"? T'' , iii.i m.L ,iJi. .:u Mi. ' I.. . . . I 6. 1 I Single exception, we were the first la- strange nejglect of the public weal, of nominatinjg you for the- Legislature, to jpay nothing Of losing the ppportU nity of securing in you a brilliant young Cohgressraan. And you such a good scholar and flueut speaker too! Sid vita.- common i metre ! Suffer in silence. It is infinitely better so, as will appear to you later. A word as to a: matter of impor- it n A -v . r f 1 1 : n n rl 1 1 ft T vmMMs.nM r P I kuiiuc cis rvu, auu uiUi a. iniamuG. uti i .1 . 1.1 . u ' ,f i , . auee otners to come in -ana taice a T..I A T:Um mm C I . ,U.,BU !".."? , U1 . share in such enjoyments, followinglthe apostolical succession Of j w1 1a(s o.. .Ir nf Wnii yonr ancestors, ss to , speak, you will t . j m. i ,-' Ion a. brio-h t Riinnv dav. I nA nrift tn X GLIMPSE OF THE MOUNTAINS. From the N. C. Presbyterian. in descriptive narative I should yet like to attempt to entertain some of your readers by giving a slight ac count of some incidents of a late moun tain trip hoping by this means to iri- to those whe seek such entertainment. blood aud -don't -wink at me you such t hiivrs in the fam v. But t L.: o us-L muuM WA tuc tuuuei au S1U wa3 was different in our day, lad. Oar hi, home there and might have beeb d'-B Jth flat-cars loaded with ottum cun dgnita(e had its pro,, tU, cheered by exchanging greetings with "tr"? T , o . ,ih,r Ka ;a cnn, nni , f comfortable seats on these sills and as our datlv work lias its SDur now. i,i v.:,i tl mmm4m I' i: ! r iMBUlU U.CUU. lWWVUUJBWUHi.W :1 . I..x1.m- :m m.. 1 k...' .m..m m;j K 1 Tf T U - . ... . "! were laneu a iniie or iwo iunuer into and but; never mind that! If I were food for melancholy thoughts on "lost rj. t r u i fw.,f' .in.i x- u' i ........ m tsancombe county, as far as the track young as ;you (but alas! time takes opportunities" which have forever es- l , w r, , , . , opportunities no backward step) and had my way baped us. The Catawba river bright- to make in the world, as you have,il was laid. We wandered about seek- Root Crop vs. Fallow. Tho old idea of renovating the soil by a season of rest, after two or more simi lar and exhaustive crops have been grown, is fast going out of date, and the root crop is taking the place of the fallow. This . change is a great improvement, and means a mixed husbandry and rotation of crops, in I 1 !! ft .M -r tl'fl I i 1 1 11 rr wi in nnwprs imin n ainr w 11 son 1 . A - . - . it cried our landseane. hut we were eon- i f " . . J . place 01 tne Single Crop system, (WUICO i . . : - - . . I r ' I wo a or loisnro tr ottnnrl tn nc o rrn l n I . . . . . . . should gp very islowiyand prudent y stantly disappointed in seeing scarcely ' rp7" , " 7" should be practical only in a new ( about tbdmltteV of! marrying. It is Uy wild flowers-we . were several urning through the country and perhaps .not, always a serious kteii. and one'that cannot be tnn U c, A n rulu guueu there. ou know what Bacon passe we kept a ookout for "the us! on foot across the top of the Ridge, Study your own interests closejyt c. l . 1 P a 1 .. ..... I si 1 SI I ir 1 1 "S If XITILIllir llllJlAi' 111 - li;ivki. nng the matter about giy- fountains which at last appeared to U , rtw nn,, pn ..u i ' and do not spend your . time in elect- jug the local papers iu the evening, I saw tliat bost of the seats in Congress for this f wtd are contested. fenci of auy great bitterness. In the na noticed an account of a locarcoun ty meeting for Wayne county not a pop Wai beeting, but only of county coniniis iioners, who arex tivoju nunber. The atjct8seem. very like those dealt with Pyolr local boards. I remarked the fol lowing. The poor .house and paupers ; flie cbauty goal 5-roads aud bridcres, and TOtioumeut of labor :: iu these States euaabitants" are bound to work the foaili. on the system which used to be statute labor' in Scotlaud; spirit Nmics valuation of property j registra- ftiOn it rnlflN .MJJM-Li-..i.M.' i i (""j uiiniigciucui ui scuuuium' i appoiutaieut of local constable on iai vacancy. It is mentioned, that are. aiue niumfi a i n th a nnnr ln 11 aft L ' i-. . . . rr -r ' rr - Judges are black, bujt some pf the county Officers are. There is a black Jrosecu ting attorney at Raleigb, but . he! is not are al- of your classfellows whose college course developed tbem into sys tematic workers are those that have ... - i most profited by it, whether they I do retraced. !J!H' t.nllfM -,r"? 7 : .? . PUUUW4IU8 WIUUU a" appeaieu iu n rtw nml fhpn wn ,ng a hostage jto iortune A little strike us with their grandeur. We f , 1: PPm;n(rW :nst ing presidents, governors, and other patience and you will be able to give regrettd to miss a fine view of the bGneatli small officers, and in whittling stora the hostage and laugh at fortune. "Black," as our travelling companion Ijt 0n tlie top of the mountain we toxes- Take your time and make But Sir Francis's sagacious observa- could not tell us when and where to sited a fish hatching establishment calculations ; do things in a hurry tions are worth your caretul attention Iool. for At a littje after 6 P M., I Kpinn(r:n(T ,fl.tiie tt s Government, ami keep your mind as well your body T Irnnw t hat n. slender income I : i a u.n'. u W ----- - - - i vt? iirnvMi 3.ii jieui v a 1 11 liic ileal l via rhA v- m k. . M,t. . .nri - mm M.n enftni nil i tuj mv t wu j- - ' j ; -7 4,uv UiXUj uuuv Uliu suiuiuu cvhjvv now. very good. In this State blsxcks I lntnl fr n eA m. A tl l-lika O 1 ll il r QmU AV- did not see evi-1 , .; 1 . . s . v ....u : - , i . 1 I 7 : i j a .! T .1 lnrL-a lir onniirrli ann tn finnrA in thfili'L. : ' ' i i-. 1 J I.Li . - . '- . .. . is still a very scrong socjai prejudice come in lor lueuouura. ur.uyu a uu . r-& -r - -y-iuie niouuiaius, wuere we wuuu wu. i yey enough; one can Hardly imag- Qn last Saturday Dr Kamsay ex- against people with any tinge otcoior, not bell ve with some observant peo- nioonngqt oi youiuiui romance, uuu f0rtable rooms, excellent tare and a ine a quicker movement than the tracted rom the W iust bdowthe esjieciallyjamongladUes,, .wuld.not e that valedictorians and fi'rst honor n the '!e airf of her inspiring pres- bost courteous host. We were much Spring" with "which they sei the kljee of CaDt. FrvV babr one-half ofV for their lives sit in the same room with " ... :ii ftftU, enne. vou! feel as if the vulvar wants jLj vfotM- w;icrtr, k'; - $. , r. i ?X ?U 8 . i ,i ..;! t tw tk.t til. nn.. '' u,a,k0 "",U1C "4 ""w" I " i-' I "' 1 . . i"Bopc w iiicK miaojv h j.ouu, i iqqq wiiicil is lurown to iuem. nese ia needle. The next dav the othijr fiirtta. it tuiuicu IU.1U. i aui iu vm. . v r I . mi ' I ..irniii 1,T int.lrl nauo- nvnlA n .1 . ( il T J -fxl. 1 J I i . i - . I : "V - ..uuIj u :M-.,k i.a 4O6t-C01iesrates careers. Auey ; very , pv l T fresiaent oi ine xwoau, wuu whom we .ihoia have a stream oi clear water ,1:0. 1 a.j .rni: emor was vuiiijcu 10 guo uu um iw-cp- j - :! 1 i I !-r ? i it. ' 1 J vi... I I T Tr -s -r" - . noa uiowtsicu a nine lunct uuwu tions because KIomI- ,m,KmPB nf fi.A TmsinfiirL for if 5 IJfo inrl fulfill thftlr ertrlv urn- ' are UOt tlie mail. II 1 knOW the blOOU, 'V-e iJ fJmo anil old friends- while 1 A.I1.' .Ivll .r'-hAAant1n --lkt1 . . l . -( wr tnll Vf ; white aud five colored and then notice "of r small allowances grau- toout-paapers: .7 j fet ia the evening I. went to a Dem- they came no whites would comc. The m;se. 3ut depends altogether, genius whites have agreed to accept tne oiacks :na. nn whether or not thev ..- .mm 1... .ninl b- 1 " '"-J be steadv workers. Labondoea mn- purposes.7 inis Jstate was ongiuany cu- ... tirely against secession and! war; j It was at, if your classical sensibilities will formerly a verf Whig State,! and although J allow the expression. afterwards the Demociats prevailed, wnen y destined, my dear boy, to ai. : i i.m-mm.. im Vmk mJ.1 a.,AU I ' J ' Uie uuitnci ucinvcu iuc .iviui turn nuuvu i . l a a xr 7 , i a- i some disappointments incident to your came, North j Carolina voted entirely ou . ' against secession till Lincoln's bilitary entrance on practical ine The disv measures for the coercion of! the South ex- I cent from the college rostrum to the cited the opposition of the more moderate j dusty arena of this work-a-day world Southerners; then North arolilia took ;g greatt In it folk will 'not make ,-c meeting, but it was very cold, and fu,e ."- s r, 1 '-"V room for you as at commencement. tljemeetinT i , . aa i i ,P, large numbers of soldiers to the Confed- i . veenngn as thinly , attended. The ....l Ai, 7f(,t. ! -,Ma n There are very many unappreciative Clitic ill 1U -mtci vuw vuvv, . i - ir ..o.m.1 iu.,i nf KirrlrnnQa irnpf. hmr ruift I neonle to whom it will make not a lasted forsome time, and there were Ivu- j groat s difference that you tmti wein vt.rri m.,,i . u . - v.j oinilli aUU UI1UCIUUU9UU- , bile the; orator exposed fiuaucial 'jious. He went in for an extended , W, without precisely saying that "pint greenbacks. He was against Paction. He said that the property of Jfchusetts is ten times greater than KXo-th Carolina, but the . United tio fXatioa 'oHn the same propor J 1 6ey he sirid, ." was unjustly kdf and. every thing elso depre- ft! Tfc 1 cil(i on the Governor of TervT- nce' ho received me 5ij X viXf an With him I found an old 'irii of Scotch descent, and formerly 7 Proprietor!, Who had at least a thou . Ys, But who now talks is if he l razeed. Ho said that what th Klux organizations -against things have quieted down Ion I - , n PePlo of thistate is 1 'onjefittail law. it; tut now A terrible flood occurred in, the . Pitts burg section of Pennsylvania; twenty- five houses at Petroha werei swept away and destroyed, and Kansas City was sub merged ; the people barely escaped with their lives ; the damage to I houses,'-rail- inense. Wilmington Star : We se announced took the Smith medal for the best essay or pronounced the most eloquent gradu ate's oration at your -commencement. The poUot will jostle you arid step in beforc you just as if yon had done no such notable thing. Only in the community where you live, and in the local column of the hoine news- roads, cropsi &lc.t iu many sections, ia ini- paper, will the noise of your! fame find echo. And most of the fine theories .... . - i " you have worked out, and he large generalization at which you have ar rived, you will 'find above the practi cal problems in hand..: Many of your down be- that Senator Vance is to sbeak ilnfiiifr the caninaisni. We ihionei ixntM!! ln'mspif y That U Torn hnrwinT Western feU in. Ohio he will of a difficult abljut the often acquit themselves handsomely your; bliss. But they could. You sat 0n the porch after supper, talking flAwici:tlirough them,and are beauti- and cut out They have no idea how s of the LegUature, for if a life, and fulfill their early pro- are not tie man, ill I know the blood, of times and old friends, whije fpW sied by rhododendrons, azal- the needle came to bewhere fonn1 r . A. i . I A 1 . l ft-l-l. . m - . . . to grow lai unuer ine weigui, oi ouu- our eycs were feasting on the sunset flowering locusts and other moun gatious hat you ; could not meet, i it o-raduallv faded away be- fn;n f rP aii shrnhs. Mirandalwill wait for Ferdinand, if j d tbe giue Kidg-e. Finding that A short distance below wq found a Monroe Enquirer: A negro des- she be the true blue, and you both We intended to spend the next day sit train of flat-cars, loaded with earth to perado, by the name of bimoi? Jones, will be jthej better for waiting not Henry8) Major Wilson kindly invited be use on the ."files," and took our formerly a section'hand on the (X C. until your youth j lias lost' its dewy QS to accompany him on his rounds, seats on a couple of empty powder kegs Kail way,, was shot and killed by a bloom in; the toilsome race for wealth !j;ue at tue Penitentiary,, and return which lay on the rear.car Ivlaj. Wil- white youth neat Charleston, reeeat but until) yoii are established in such t the j,otei on the evening train. To son gave directions to the" disposal of ly, while attemping to rob a store ia '; a position as will make the care ot a ii nf this we pladlv assented and on this earth, and during the half-hour wnicn tne Doy was empioyea as cierK, - i. .i ... .: ' I o I ' family a S happy responsibility rather to the train next morning Maj. needed ;for this, our tram stood on W offered us a ride on the engine--- some trestle-work, from which spot so L. took her perch on one side, audi we had before us the finest View, on I on the other with the Major and the the whole road range after range of enrineer standinz betwesn us. Ah 1 it mountains receding into the blue and than a srrindinr stru eerie. Then take . 0 - ; w w Miranda and ever afterward" may the bountiful blessings that Heaven lelights to crown the live of the young withal : 'lodge with aud who i was the onljrL occupant at the time. ' ' and beautiful you.; " J finally, my- boy John E. Lynch, a prominent ool , ored man of Mississippi, has beenap pointed superintendent of the censua i -,s .,r - r - hold fast the was glorious to ascend those grand m sty-distance lar awa into fcoutu fQp that -State, and the Vicksburg old hills iu such a style. The engine Carolina. Thence we moved on to a Herald, a Democratic paper says Mho seemed like a living sentient being-- saw-mill where we aiigntea ana sat i js en faith of youri fathers; not in stubborn and wnen the engineer now and then for a while watching the ' work and bigotry, but with admiring the views. Maj. Wilson uessl Keen I abreast of your, age by all mean, but do not play; Sinbad to it. j Your times are complex 1 and troublous, arid you will need all your State- and he taught those That homestead law is cer J lows how to niako a stamp .speech loftcst ideals must heeds go fore the. battering ram of routine, aud strength ipf judgment and of purpose to keepyourha(l amidst the whirl. Goiie furj the present at least, if hot forever, is the sweet, oldfashioned, sarjej sinipiicjty of faith and ofjife that made itsj well worth while to fivei a gelneratiu or two ago. With M 1 - , ', !'' oiare ot trumpets, smiun era eajrer j - I we had not not! yet come. The eU j trances to the tunnels were draped l though the rein had fallen from the then led the way, by a short walk, to driver's hand. Up and up we went, an exquisite retreat beside one of the winding our way through deep cuts, many I sparkling streams, where ye over lofty trestles and high embank-! found hidden amongst the laurels a re ments, into dark tunnels bewildered at the tortuous course which we were pursuing, and unable to decide wheth er the range of the trestles : in sight across the valley were those which we had, already crossed or those to which cess inthe jock, so sheltered by a craggy shelf overhead as to ; form i air most a cave. Here we rested and platted for an hour, until informed that the engine would soon bo at our disposal for the descent of the moun tain. This time we took seats qu the ie lidertlhat nothing might obstuct the tirely capable of filling the poei tion and we doubt not will give sat isfaction." ' ' " " .. King Humbert of Italy is troubled -with a weak spine. He ought to seud foe Zach Chandler. the man who fixed up i Hayes backbone. Jndian- apolis Sentinel, ')' " '' " J"11 J ; if tlie United States gains npon Eng laud one more year at the same rata im has been doing for the past three or four, "J years, iu the manufacture of the best -steel, she will oustrip ,that couutry in tlilat industry. . She already makes neRr- lylaimauy tons of rail a does iaig- iaad.-n' - ' 1 ' f' r s ' 1 i i

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