tilAtlllTgvniify'' some of fl j jatrons to kuovvwlitn tlie next ex trains "leave Toi4 the ..mountains. I re w ill be one nextFriday. MrD, is litiiui seconii ti f p? will be made Wed- tfijcU KObbkrV.-tTIio dwelling house entered Tuesday niirht. and V jt iioo stolen outjn his pants pock a. I,ilc he was asleep. lie hndTmng hia :; r the bed post near hid head. The t -also eutereo. tlie . yiuing room and M jicarly all fhe taW ware. It is not 1!; who the guilty party is,-but is is irJabte ' win fom,d out- " AtSi0W23(i879. YY ' pvt.- Y- ! . . "Y I Y 1- U I ?- Y Everybody. InyitcOo-AttendJ - FedrrfSoldierS; Invited ::r -Vo Participate.;; ' i OFFICERS IflTHliRHli . Itlv 'nn TVMT-MtTTvrrn i1 f; sceks. Dr. M.; Whitehead t l.i nn fjirht cancerous cases has oj within a A GRAND JOLLIFIOATION AND NO POLITICS. A large crowd of Ex-Coufederates and citizens assembled Ot the i Courthouse on S:ltlllil:ir. Alinr.Kt HUli 1S70 to nnt in won't blow YoornYTTi ho it for rnn. Wm. F. Watson, Esq., of Locke town ship : has,- withou t reception', - the? very prettiest pond ;We have ever seen, and contemplates building -another just bet lowjt. ; , ; -Ti" 1. ' V !r On the 4th instantonr poud w.vi graced-4 by the presence of Miss Amelia. JlcUilirary. wha came out, chaperoned iby'Dr. ij. Sum merely on purpose to ee it VVe had thd honor of giving lier and the Doctor a RaiTlfi onr boat. The young lady Is' a native of Siam, Asia, having f been born and raised fin- that country, bat is now residing in Statesville niider the cate and tutorship of Mrs. E N. Grant, of Simon-, ton Female College. : - i ' W. H. F. . IfeitiDiOaib, wx ofiwluth -we uareaueartli mottwi' tbe Ullliu-fi grad gatlienng of I Ipnof as entirely uccessfuU laitlsiddierH of botlf nruiies r Atjthis'phice, Oc- was that of Mrs. Mary C. Mokise, of, T"er f r 4t Iftfiafros r ounty,f. In v ythis he w as aMed t, Chas., Price wnLcull n tL - iL' T' C.wiriill fliVil Til -TT T Tronf. jlOfoqsfr was conjinf4Xtobedjif.' operation only ten ori twelve clays, fy she left toWn'for her home, and we f ..i j3 d6w well. The cancer was in the taKen out in a lew ;ritft breast and: w; o- ibD'e of jruf jnerchants have tiiade a slight il &nionstration ot willingness to pfovide 'p0ji)rtabl;e quarters for wagoners and their ii stoDDinir over night in our ttwn. not too small a matter to c.-vrnest attention, uni you I I&iu. . Some whom we coull name have I tliteyes open, and cleverness pays ! 1 1 fiiintlenien H.ag6.your in the i -O- if'BOMESADE COXCEIIT. In Salem, public .1. . t.. ft... i-i t. re lor i ne wnniv i un- .liiui oneet 'I SilidAy-thool. "Vinsl6n liejjultluan. I iOuitreigbbQrs liavesimpic out cute waysot ; y " I Jng things cmciemiy anu pieiisanuy. J jriie railroad question in Davie has been I Glided in favor of a county subscription of i 000 to the jlVinston and Mooresville f jfjieuie. IriieJJowan Sabltiitji School Association W recently bhl air annual meeting at Luth- eVs tlinjH'l. It was an occasion of con- dilcra We interest to the people of that I m-lghborhood, and was largely 'attended 1 lheuirOspecially the Cist day. About 20abbarh Schools in the county were represented fn the meeting, to wit : Lnth f (tjia' Chapel and Mt. Zion ; Salisbury I'.MltlMidist f Ci-ikre 1 Grove ; Elm Grove; I 8tS Peters and St. Mathews: Libert v, I JJcthoilist ; St. Ejioch s, Lutheran; Or- Ja church'; Ebtmezer, " Luth.; Union, 1 iiftvveUV toynsliip ; Fajiuel, Lutheran , I iienezerpMctliodisf ; Union, Providenee fjiwtiship j Ilartis. Chapel, Metho.-; Snlis- liiiry.riesbyteiian ; Salem, Luth. Tliese diair, and C. E. MUls and C. K. Darker wercl requeted't$ act as seeietai ies. The chairman deli vefedarslyirt b it stirring addms explafnhig Jhe j'dbject of the meeting. . " j ... M. I Holmes, Esq.; lepoi ted the select tion of a Central Exjcutive Committee, on Transportation, and Tovvuship Commit tees on contributions ; also, flie selection of Uarrison's Ghfves as the place for the barbecue and spealtingT?and the 2Jil day of October as the day for the Reunion. On motion of Capt. J. A. Kainsav, the t chairman was added to the Ctintral Ex ecutive Committee. ' I " On motion of M. "L. Holmes, the secre tary was ordered to furnish the Execu tive Coinmittee the names of Towuship Committees. On motion of Qnrt. Iiainsayi the secre tary wa ordered to supply the chairman of Township Committees with the names of their committee. ' ;;: On motion' cf Jno. W. Mtiunev. the Central Executive Comniittee - was cou- siituted a ('onimittee on invitation. is onlei-etl tliat copies of the pro ceedings of this meetiug be fnhiished our city papers with a request to jniblialu AcallJeing made fur J. M. Gray, Esq., he responded witli a sliort but an apxro pi iate speech, i M On motion die meeting adjourued slue die. I . The following are the i committees, ap pointed : I j Central Executive Committee G. A. Hiiigliam, A . Haly burton, Jno. A. Hamsay. v ; ( j Committee on Transportation-Moses L Holmes, Kerr Craige, "Sain'l H IWiley. TOWNSHIP- COXTIf lUL'TIOX COMMITTED : Salinbury Theo hi Ktuttzj P P Mero- ney, U li liarker, K J llolmes, D.K Ju lian, Phillip Sowers, J 1;C raw ford, Davhl L lirinsle. D A Miller. M M liailev. FrantrlinH 0 Host, j James Hudson, Jno H Foard, Abner Hall, tV U Fraley, Urftelier .Miller, K J llaltom, ;jilin Iind- sav, Licero Liuiiui, Juinsom Jacobs, m e Linster. ' Uuityl)r Clement, M S Fraley, Rich ard Culbertson David "Rice, Jno H lJai- ley, Geo R McNeil, J C 0 Graham, Jos V; y;.. Tajlrosville Letter. f TAYtousviLLE, N. C.Aug. 15, 187.0. The first execution of a criminal that ever took place in this county (which has been in existence iiow thirty-two years)! took place to-day. ifobert McCorkle,; colored, charged and convicted of mur dering J. W. Wycotf, in Catawb county, suffered the extreme penalty of the law at 1 P. M. to-day. 1 was I not t present, but learn from Deputy herilt Hill the following particulars: Left the jail with the prisoner at 11:45 A.M.,; and arrived at the gallows at 12 M. The gallows wks erected about a quarter of a mile out jof town in an old field near a branch, giv ing a good opportunity for all to see wjio desired it. The prisoner! was conveyed troiu tlie prison to the gallows in a wag on, a guard of a huudred men being on fully competent o teach Frenc1i7 German, kind 4ui toll perfection, Withi drawiniz. painting in oil anil .ivatefefiolors on wood, silk, felvei, cluna,'&c- . 8.. NS jd t.; Miss MtiGilyarv, :'who 1 graduated with (distinction1 at t he last ct)mmcncernen will 3ie retaine!l aslteacher''iinvthe - oreoaratorv jdepartnenv'.ijr.id(ging ,jfroirtrhat 1 jEndiof jiier, she will be no less ftu ornamentto tle jschooL novr than- she wasroa iaTSchoot cirl. Prospects seem I flattering for Ja large) ii jrrease of pupils. iFor the geui4 c&od f the daughters of the land, I earnestly hope many of tHem!may come'and bo liehefittetl. I su rely must !nbt close without tomercaler iencc to our xnjilo schoolndeTtthe excel lent management of Prof JjkU3 Iliirr who is well ami fifvofably known ash educa- th Carolina. a goodly nam- f thilAV limni.1i n. - - j ... ms in Air T UUHUIII IIUIU LUC li inviue ranai uem tovam faxed Wt UPJohiogs mori qifetly? AValked quietly over to the fall andlliere spent the day on the rocks, admiring wonder(ul,eryanineatallycoiuJ 'rv.wKniw iue maxer r it. i ! The next point JecidedrVas tfotm Moantamr Some-fi the ? party did not have ime conld not stay away from home so long, but were soon persuaded that it was a Uttle.xeater (!) to Hickory, via. Kuan Mountain, than i& any other route. Having their miuds eased on this subject the party gayly along, cmins into the little highland town of Bakeisyillc just in time tur dinner at the Moantaiu House. e soon, run ninm that for tJiroughotit : West era. North It is lelieved there will be uer next pie, nave ajiy oovs tney wish .to send to a first class j school and a healthv rlimnte send theni up. iTticy canffind board ift good families, But I must stop; the pi ration On the common mules, in "1U- won t come at my bidding. , A co.nstaxt Reader. Week; in the Mountains. morning of the 5th of August J a of pupils enrolled at the 6pcnhig-etrtten?uWfeaK. tho lioaa MouuUiiu lleuub t session, and if vour good Rowan peo-1lcaM wll began immediately to show us iuo ucauuea-oi me place. ISakersville is a flourisliing little uiotintaih town, the conn- ij BeatoiMircnei.. A clear brilliant stream flows through th main street, in which little fishes may be seen playing near the pebbled Iwttom ; the hills ! rise on either side so that you cannot see out of Bakers yille when you are .iu it, and you can't see Uiikersville when yon are out of it. Dinner over, we pnt off for the Roan, nine tniles distaut, exiectiMg to see the sunset. IJnr, alas ! we knew not w liat was before road wagon, drawn by two stout ght have been seen weudimr its ns. "About U o'clock n. ra..' we took way throjigh! the struts of Hickory', 'stop-1 camp on the side of the mountain, a mile ping anon to take'on passenge'ra ami uml a half from the top. We had been baggage. The;Hotel piazzas and verar- toiling all evening were tired and hon- !;das were crowded vitlr ladies and sen- ' gry. tkniu a camp tire lit the snrrotrndine:. duty. J lie crowa present was large tl men wli were bidding i'farewell and a and with a coming appetite we ate our variously eatimated from, 2,o(Xl 'to 4,000, 1 peasant Hl" party of vonng nnqde frugal meal spreading our quilts, and five counties ( ilkes, Caldwell, Catawba, , wi,0 we, starting orf for a mountain trip. ' covering with the spanglM canopy, &c i. . -ii-Aii oeuiK reauy, me wnjrun nrove on wiin imcuuscu kciuiv uii me risiufr moon Misses Mjittie Raskin and Susie Baker, of ! arneil us that if we desired to see the represented. Notwithstanding the lame crowd present, everything jyent ofif veiy quietly - and without any disturbance, whatever. Much credit is due to Sheriff M:iv& for his admirable oolice reffniations , - - i 0 i wi n anu ror tne. manner hi wnicn ne acquitted f being understood that Messrs. Lee Cliue We had made a rule sum Hickory, jMary Cassidey, of Wilmington, j suunse we must break up camp, which piary Rufiin, of Hillsbjro, and Mary Hen- thing we did, and feeling strengthened by ;derson, of Salisinrj Thos. Hill, of New : rest we made "Suurise Peak," on the jYork and T. K. Brnher of Salisbury. It j Roan, a full hour before time. t n vvi m Hl1 i imseii in in s nis vnrsC anu, nnp,easanailti j. s. Tomlinsou, of Hickory , were to fu.s as possible in travelling, and had duty imposed upon him by law. Arrived ,foilow OI1 horsekick.- . ; kept1t we thought, until wmisSed at the gallows religious eryice inclnd. f Tho agpu i hA(X a straight bed, i with ; the Cloudhind Hotel, on the Roanr JSI'n.yer and singing were condncted -four spring teeats oi, it, and had a-good passing seemed to have waked every one b.v Revds. A. Carson and David. he cioth covjeivjand in addition, a go,,d. oil- I ! the hotel, and the gentlemen soou prisoner requested halt ai honr to talk jCloth-"nj ! The driver, was directed to1 joined us on the peak. The parties hv which being gran ed he addssed the j t,lke thejoad to Lenoir, which he did, Hug been introduced, the time passed quite crowd and spent the time allotted him; xi aiu fttW crossing the Jong bridge across ! pleasantly. But the sun did not show talking, and singttig two or three abort the Catawba; River, wrfound ourselves itself until our party had breakfasted at pieces. In his address he said very littlo iu CaUhvell county. There being uotrfiug the Cloudland. It was then our pleasure about the crime with whiili he stood con- f interest alori' the road. the nartv Onlv t .Ilftv r i...u :nHijs report (3. KchoIars 145 teachers A eon- ii id 51 ofiicers supervising them iwiieniblc-iitinibcr of the thool are 'using it!(ft ItiterTuitiohal is.cilc.stuitis. set 3 for 1-Osson.s. disc u ski on The various occupied the Association the; best1 part of tivo lays. in. . .'':. ' 1 o I 5; Roiran fjounly Bible Society. i-S-i'li The aautul bunting was held at Luther's (Impel, near China Grove, August 13th, lilt. Crawford, President in the chair, and fitfX 'D5vk' Secretaryt pro tem,. Rev. J. J. limn delivered an able addn.-ss, which he 1; ) prepared with great care, and which jr eljcittcHhe warm approval of his hearers. y collection xha taken up, which amounted ,i ti).$?.30. The Treasurer's report showed to the treilit of this auxiliary with 1 ' fr the next wiiicn was r 1 1 iBe prent society in New York. On mo r ;tfnh of Rev. J. Rumple, $50 of this amount, ! if not required for use in supplying the des : titufe Hi our own county, was donated to f I parent Boeietv, to be used tfr the bene- ll fit of the destitute elsewhere. i yar reported ! the "following; ! $r10l!s!y floptod, vizV ' ''' l :For Prescient, J. U Ghaeukk. : - j ice 1'resnlcnts, Pastors of Evangelic cs in Salisbury.; surer, .J. D. McXeelv I : tPqsity, J. F. ;Uom.; -; I :Executive Committee P. N. Ileilig, R I li Crawford, J. D. ?cNeely, Geo. L. Wright, : Rg('rst;- and i the vice presiilents, I "Jfeio. Yl. j ;,r-'.- ; I Y0n motion iit was rcsolved to hold the mtings of jthe society hereafter in 1 Djunctioa hh the annual meetings of I the Rowan Snnday School Association. rl ltvas also remlycd that all the churches I j. Sth! wu'ijtjj be requested to take up col i Actions for tjic :.Bible . cause' and forward I" ,he 87me l the Treasurer of this societv. eph A Mingus, Hubbard Bai Noliey. Scotch Irish Chits Kiidei son, Thos Phifer, V'in A LitcUey, Joseph ey, William AV G Wat- (i M Lyvrly, Benj Barln-r, Newtn Beushaw, G John I) Johusot A Knox. ML II Ih Steplien A Clarke, Scott Thomasou, J S McCubbins, Jno W Grali aiiL, JnoNiiil, John K Graliani, Sum'l A Lowrance, J M Harrison, W F Lackey, Phi Alexander. - j - Aticenii W Corriher, Frank Atwell, Joseph J' McLean, Aaroh Yost, Sani'l F Furr, Harvey McLean, Capt S. N Wilson, Jno L Sloan, li J Overcash, Dr J B Gaither. i; j vori"?'-Jacob A Fisher, C HlMcKenzie, Jho F Robinson, T C Watsoii, 1 Frank Patterson, Jno S AVilkeiiOn; Dr Wm Murdock, Wm F Watson ' A A Cowan, Dr R L Co-an. i LitakerKrl A Sloop, jno M iEddleman, J L Graeber, A H Heilig, Jno $loop, Esq., Jno L Rendleman, Dr W M S Gline, Jacob Correll, W C Ivlnttz, J L Siftiird. OoM IimUr L W Coleman, F H Mauney, Dr R A Shimpc'eh, Harvey Bernhardt, Moses Barger, Clws A Miller, A AY Klutfjj. .W.C mti m Ifoltshonser, L A Ileilig, J C McCauless, Munjanll C lleid, Thus Rufty, John Buchanan, Levi ; Tie. let, Leonard Hoff nian, Jno F Hodge, Atlas Jvirk, EH Wy utt, Jno W Miller,1 Isjiue M Shaver. J'roritleiice Lewis Agner, Daviil llar ringer, Stephen !A Eariihart, I Alexander Reniwell, J A 'Ludwickj Mdses Peeler, Andrew Barger,; Henry Barhnger, IJ C Arey, Thos M Kerns, Jno F Agner. Chas. PincE, Chairmaii. C. E. Mills, B.VEKE Aicted, and neitner amrined lus nino- ceuce nor denied his gtult. It was a rambling harangue . without much point in it, and had the tendency to-lessen very inticli whatever of svmpathv may have existedjn the crowd fojr ! him. A few, moments before the drop) fell, a gentle! man from Catawba approached hinii tcf bid him farewell, and .asked him if lie Uvo ran ali-ouiid to Bio. Blakev's ofiit t killed Wycolt. lie said be did not. He eaouire after the Tonic. ,t i i.: : i. i i.:n 1.:... . .j. i . - iiSKeti ill in ii lie hiiciv wiin tun um iiiiii. He answered "Not exacty.M At 1 o'clm-k the drop fell, precipitating him about 4J feet. After hanging thirty minutes life was ; pronounced extinct.! He was cut down, put into a cottiiu and csuried some few hundred yards to a grave prepared in the woods and buried by the "Sheriff and his assistants. Xo irieud was pres entno relative to claim his remains or perform for him the last rite of sepulture, but that was performed jby the officers of the law. The medical I profession were represented in the persons of Dr. Camp bell, from Newtou, Dr. Quint Little, Catawba Station, Dr. Douglas, Iredell, Dr. J. M. Carson and Dr. McLittle, ot Tavlorsville. The press! also had tliree4tie nartv- , viz : th ! Cliarlotte j Ob- m0untai!ns. 4 i 1 iJ Secretaries'; - a Franklin Zephyrs. 4- -W I' r Hi il Gleanings tom aiarlotte Observer 21st. Biietard of Lincoln county, is dead. PNmhij, i? described as fwhoflfv'- enfeoff ooi the' w.H-1.1 1 Wi 20th Twelve cases reported on F.n" .(iitoria convention met in We Oreg Jipug Goldsboro, instead of fjThe Independent Hook and YLadder Co. ft tharlotie have a- pic nic at Mt. Mourne, Wdell county, to-da v. vliBlack bum. Democratic candidate for . pernor of Kentucky, was elected by the I h !iSe maJority of 44,000. : ' ; Y ' f ; " i jFiTe yachts and twentv persona are mi s- f -gfrom Ph mouth, 3Iass and it is feared -pre lost in the late storm: ' ' " MV'VflllU VI.,'! IIIUIMkIOII. M- JLH- .Our enterprising neighbor, j A. L. Hall, Esq., is4niw re-covering nnd le-weather lMarding his large gin-boaso jfn Jmoping uun. preparatory to tne reception oi ins newUHiorse engine, gin and Cotton press. This machinerv, as per contract, is to bereliverc)l Onf'the 30th Tnt (Ihis sll new and strictly fiist-cass, tbe gin being a (jOsuw, patent cumdenser, and the Squire expects to be able to gin ami pack a 500 re p rese 1 1 1 a 1 1 ves , tterver, Newton Enterpriiic, .and Jj.iekory rrcss. .' hue the. crowd present was quite large, there were a great many white and ! colored whodid not attend the execution at I all. And although 'everything passed off as quietly here as any occasion of the kind anywhere, it has jnot altered my opinion that all executions should be private, w ituessed only jby the officers of the law and the necessary assistants, and miuisters of religion when desired by the persons themselves. Public executions, as now condncted, are demoralizing in their tendency ami effeets on anv coniniunitv. 1 hey have nothing in them to lessen crime or in crease respect for either the law or those called to administer it. : May the dav be far distant when an other execution is witnessed iu Alexander. halted an . hour for i lunch, and by three o'clock found themselves in the beautiful town of Lenoir. The wagon hauled up in front Of Maj. O. W. G. Harper's stole, where they were treated to soft peaches amj good, coob water. While 1 he party were engaged in finishing up the pcafhes . and makjiiiginqiiii ies couceruing the road, to We found hiim "coat off and sleeves up" f tho usual cos tume of j mi editor), looking so supremely happy tliat wo were constrained to con gratulates him. ,This was ft hard thingfiu a single Editor to do, bu we braved up and did t like a man. As a reward we were introduced to his charming bride, and aftelr a few pleasant remarks, we again joined our party. Leaving Lenoir we tookthe: 'Indian Wariier Gap" road, aud aftef- a hard day's drive, we fonnd ourselves, a 9 o'clock, p. in., at Mr. Nel son's, miles from Hickory.- It is hardly hecCssary to state that by this time the party felt soinew hat worsted, and only waited' to get a ciiji of hot coffee be fore retiting. ; ronv Ih-ua accommodated fortunately .it's cool iu the Verv unexpected! v, the par- Suurise Peak, from which point we en joyed one of the grandest and most ex tended views it had ever been our good fortune to gaze on. We were informed that 50,000 square miles was the extent of the view, aud that we overlooked sev en different States. The line between the States of North Carolina aud Tennessee finder 'InflirtpJ uya urunkeu woman- . i . .Hovt is it thai trees cari pat on a new dress without owning their trnnks! Be cause they leave out their clothing." - Hie Elualeth City ' EtinomUl $ars that 1 21,09 to $30,000 worth of hacklebcrries have been sold from the counties of Chowan and Perquimans, during this season. From tho first outbreak of the yellow fever in Memphis this vear. nn to - last Satunlay night, there had been 531 cases and I. j death-, J rNew , Oleans last week the total mortality was 60, and among these there was not , a Ciiso of yellow fever'nor .even a suspcions case." ft; t - . y. . Y! -v. , The cactus grows to a wonderful size in: Arizona? One -rarity grows to1 the height of sixty feet, and measures six feet in diameter. There are fifteen or twenty varieties'thred of which lear froit that iV highly prized by the Indians, who depend largel npon them for sustenauce. We have often wondered how the word "pit-a-pat" originated, but when we call to mind that it rains 220 days in a year in Ireland, it comes very natural to pity Pat. C'fHciHUtti Time. .' Financially speaking, the French. are a franc people, while' Italians are lires. i onker'g SUttemnn. And tho Spaniards ail admit it uoes'iit peso well to trust tlie latter as the former nation. ; Thk Pkess Coxxentiox Change ok the Place of Meeting. Raleigh N. C, August 181 Owing to the destruction of the hotels at Beaufort by recent storms, the press convention will be called to or der at the Gregory Honse, Goldsboro, at 10 a. m. August 20th. W.A.Davis. ' j . ? . Secretary. I Jack and Duougiit in Cuba. Havana August 18. One hundred deaths from yellow fever occurred liere last week, bciug an increase of 7 as compared with tliose bf the preceding week. 1 1 If the prevailing drought continues tho present fine prospects of the crops will bo seriously impaired. The Usi:al Wa v. While the lawyers Were jawing over a case for larceny of meat, on Monday, a cadaverous cur came in the court room and stole it. The lawrera both were waxing hot, AM dust and fuss were makln' Asly old cur put la his lip, And toted oil the bacon. Tarloro SontI.tr ntr. mmmi mtel Cortlandt Street, HEW YOUIL: 1H0TCHK1S3 k P0NDf Pboi-uietors. - Oo Europoan Hak' 'iS , The restaurant, cafe and lunch room attach eJr ar anxarpsMior.cheapaera andiXSCti lence of service. .Rooms SOcta. to $2perday $3 to 10 per ireek: ' CooTenieni to all ferries and city iaihoad.i. ,, NjW 1 Fundture, Ifew Hanitg'ciatkt .; j?lS:.ly 'mBt'--v.t v;;tl13uJy4 BUSINESS LOCAL COUJUlV i ' The Hile-entl Spool Cottoa sold b J Kluttz f . & Rendleman is tbe best. Give it a trial. f The next session of Mrs. Wm. M;.Bar-ilj ker's School for little Boya aad Girls will o.fen .Monuay, September lsr. CPTernw: nioJeratei t? ;i 1 ; - COW FOR SALeTt" ' At A, Devon Cow (or sle. A splendid miller, r erfectly geiitle, sad will calve in thj early r - fiJH.YJi - J J, ,v J, J.Stewart;, ; j BIflLE SOCIETTY NOTICE. iT The Etecitive Committee of the Rowan r OopmjF Bi le Society are reqceted la oim,t R R Crawfonl's office, Monday moriibjjs 0 o'clock. The Depositary, and Tieaanner -ra,j by calling at ooce andgett jnff (or leave y6ur order for your,ChenucaU and Acid Phosi.hato for Compostrug.'- r have several - kinds ranging, ju prico a? from 7 to $12 for enongh to niaka astoiv of excelleu t Wheat Fertiirzer. Alsn hayo? VNarassal and! :'PacifflonGaau6cs,I oil hand, aud will take vour orders for. tho genuine pure Peruvian Guano.' -' 1 3 f FALLEN BROWN h i Ang. 14,1379. 40:3ri Statesville letter. coruT WEEK 1, HILI8 M ALE BlMONTok SCnoOL PROF. senooL, &c, &v. Dear Mr. Editor tliotr;ihwhat 1 have to siiv mil will be the ki ml tf wi ..ti,.--..""i I Columbia, Goldsboro, &c., members of 1 J1 the AhHl fiamarjUns and Daughters of I; - PaniHria. had il (rr-inl rf.l'.).rnfi,.n in Pilar. yesterday, j, ' . f t ressd working people in England v' klue to.be-a cause of public anxkt v. wctpueand workshoDS .are ohliire! pound luile per. Iunr. A saw added in tlie'spriiig.1 'This is enterprise to build up. any community. Win. M. Kincaid Esqr., loiir worthy Countv Commissioner, lias often f twitted us'about having the.Jish feve, and accus ed us with being a monomaniac on the subject of fish and tish-pond. Will yon believe it, that he is now dojtvn with Uio same disease J Heha's-a' screw attack.'and it ges lianV with hiin. Well,Jokingaide, bedesrfes great creditov tij-joU he has receutly conipletetl at hisfisl-pond which should lie seen to be appreciated. He built his pond and stocked fin the fall. Now, it is so foil. of young fry that his sons, the other 4lay, by4 means of a small snatch -iief. cancht. in ! the feourse of-an honr, one quart, about' li inthes long, as thick as au ordinary broom straw, and fed them to the chickens. We r.ientiou Ithis as allowing the exbaonjinary feciin- August 14, 1879. Here I am again, sav at present does not seem very definite inj my mind. I amf somewlrat in the conditiion of a ceriain di-j vine I heard of, after announcing his te.t4 He informed the congregation that he had not" prepared any senuonbut instead hoped the good Lord would "inspire'' him as he went on. So I hope to jrain inspiration ai I proceed to give you a jfew items relative to our little ?city." j This being court week, there are the usu al number of wagons coming into town!, with numerous articles Jof produce, fruit, rneTons, &c.', and men of all sizes, ' com pi ec tions, conditions aud circumstances on the streets, witli, of course, an average amount of loafers. T I i . J So far as amusementsr co, onr town is about dead with , dullnjefs nothing of in terest to vary tlie dull monotony, j The "beaux and belles" comjplain dreadfully of ennui at times, and threaten to commit sui j-' oh matrimony, some of them, jjust to get a short trip, and enjoy a change) of sc ene, and, break the regular routine qf their mo notonous life. .Methink it wou!ld be ad visable for them to consult a certain Mr. Editor, who can read thoughts,! and con siders himself very wise ! ! Conference has come ing the closing days Sunday in August. And to bo jsure, it was a rainy time ; still there were a goodly number in attendance some! excellent preachers among the number. I will men- mention liev. Dr. Uravep, oi uinity col lege'; Rev. Mr. Yeates. of Yvyilniington ; and gojie, euiibrac of Jujv and first dity of tho finny tribe. Bv the wav, the fish fever is on the in crease. Our. excellent friend, John. C. I- pM5 tp-ok-k; on ! hort! time or ireduce ' Miller; has re.ee! atlierV gieatly seularged tjstbp: operations entirely, i Hence . his pond and isriow mak'ug arrangements L 9- uu i n ' y x . . 10 e desire our readers to caTefully reail 'o Pliiiadeliihia Sewing Machine Com fy$4. 'a4yeiiseijnent found "in5 our col JSD8M Wl for circular if you wish lata t hnvl l.i.-"1...;.i is i "j.iMip Mtel. oe w ing inuciiue ever PJade. ; .'.i'"' y: ' . to iH-ocurO cuoice stock fish.. We .were over the other day au4 engineered a siio for a poiidw hich pur jntygliboc.J J. Stewartj-EHq., will won jconxmenco bnild- tu ;Gw. R. McNeill, Esq., of Wood Leaf fame has recently erected and stocked a Raleigh Chrittian. pulpits in towi Rev. Mr. Reed, of the j: Advocate. The various were filled on Sunday by brethren beloag- 1112 to the Conference. - As the time is drawimr near I for thevai t rious schools to open for another term, and parents will naturally lie looking arouivt for the best place to send their; daughters, I will say for the benefit of all such a few words in behalf of our j: most excellent Si monton Female Collegej, which jwill resume exercises the 27th inst. jj Witli Mrs. Grant's superior skill in nianagjmg aud governing, she makes it a home, likeone great family, and parents or , guardiaha acquainted with her method would feel pertecjtly) safe n sending their daughters: to be trained in her school. With regard-tjof the hccoriiplish ments and thorough imtruction,, It IU com pare favorably, if not siirpass, any school in th;C Sx0thJ There iano, humbuggery abopt it. In addition to the already superior ty were joff next niorning, -by Bi o'clock,; and byiwo o'clock were at Sherrell's, on top of BluejRidge in Watauga county. i It was unanimous, . c, to have a good, square hieal,. ; The youuj: ladies bestirred themselves i;and soon called us to a sub stantiallreiuist, with ''apple dumplings" as ilessei t. The latter word soon became, quite cdmuioir,' the chaperon remoustfat ed, but the lxys would beg olf. After dinner, j thi party visited Fair Vicwj Blowing Rock anil the Spring known as the source of the Yadkin, or, as it is call ed belojv Salisbury, the Pee Dee Biyer; The outlook .from both Fair View and Blowing Rock is niagnilicent. From Blowing Rook, you' have a view which can only be excelled by those from the Roan, said Mitchell's Peak on the Black, To thej right, the "Grand Father;7 lies veiled with suow-white clouds. Around to the lleft von have "Hawk Bill" and Table Rock," ; which seem to be sentinels watching over tho lesser hills and pictitr esqne vjalleys intervening, through which beautiful streams are -dancing, prancing and sparkling as they roll between their banks of eiierahl. '' But Lctsnot ilie! pencil try to mate, Y ; Whjere the artist's brush lias tailed. Seiifing the night very pleuRautly,at Mr. Shirreirs, the party started bright and early iext morning for the "Grand Father!" This day we lunched on the banks f the Watauga a lovely stream. While jit lunch the party was surprised by a sHowejiybut was too well "broke 'in" to give; way. Gathering up the wet frag ments,! we proceeded on our rugged way : Miss dassidey was Cli(ii)mbing along; Miss Heudelsou was Baskin(y), while others kvere Ruttin' it np Hill tbe best theycouhL Jst t this juncture a lone horsenian iwas discovered. He looked kinder! bashful like, and when interogat ed saiii his name was Baldy Henderson, from Yjauceyyille. Then there was a stir in camp, and the .Hills echoed the loud cheers Mr. Henderson ju oveel to be a i-elMtivU of Miss Henderson, and they seemed happy at w odd a meeting. Mr. H. joined the party loaned his horse to the gills, aud onward aud upward the part v jnov'd all happy. By night they had reached Mr. Calaway's at the foot of the "Grand Father." The rain con tinned duriug! part of the night and it was feared that ni'xt day would be foul, and conse quently ua!! view. .But. with the morning came evidences of dealing up, aud the party jbegan the ascent. This is a very difficult mountain to ascend, but the la dies stood it reinarkt bly well Mins Baker in thejlead. On gaining the summit, wc were amply rewarded the clouds were hidi aiid ohlv added more beauty to the grandeur of the scene before us. 1 he day was pleasantly spent aud the party came downloaded with sticks, stones, mosses, ferus.i&ci velics. Next morning the par- tv determined to ro to Linyille f ans, ana in si short rime were travelliui: down the LiovilJe River imo of the most beautiful Passes over this mountain. The ton ii i bare or bald ; red rhododendrons, az alias mountain heather, terns, irrasses and mosses, being the only growth, save a few. spruce and balsam trees.- From this mountain we have a view in all directions: Looking northward, the eye rests on the Uuikas, or Iron Mountains, Stone Moun tain and. the Chillhowee Mountains; to the east, the Grand Father and its sur rounding hills rise before you; to the south, lies the beautiful valley in wliich Bakeisville is situated; to the westward, mountain rises above mountain until the line which divides the land from the sky pales attay the natural eye fails to note the distinction between land aud skv. This is probably the finest view iu the State, except that from Mitchell's Peak ou the Black, and that hardly surpasses it. 1 his beiugtJue last; place of interest, the party 'hurried on to 1 Marion, N C, whero they took the train, and arrived safely in Hickory on Wednesday uight, This was a most enjoyable trip-all pleasant, social, aud each seemed bent on giving up individual pleasure "that the whole party might enjoy more. We have omitted a. great many thiugs, but have nether the time nor space tb.de vote to them. Nothing short of another "Land of the Sky" could tell the whole tale. K. : - Y- n ' '? ' Yi-U f ii ' ' '- " '' ; -i. f 'i ' " Fot ii CUbs Brkak LOOSE AXD liOX lSXO ti ttheAIail Tu.vhir f ?' ! Seizing the Bar. It was pretty hard on a few visitors at Glen Alpine, the lit tle occurence there some days ago. The man who keeps the bar had neglect ed to procure the requisite licese for re tailing liquor in the county, aud the re- suit was that the revenue officers pounced r down on the little shop and couiisticated the contents thereof to the United States government. conih'otoi: and engineer badly cut ANU pKULSED TUB FIREMAN 3 " ; DAXGEltOrSLY WINDED." i . Thni sdav morning as the np mail train on tlie Western roau ,was. incvanng nine Ridire tunnel it was met about a mile and a quarter this side by four FLAT CARS, LOADED WITH ROCK, that. had- ..broken loose ii ora . the con- sGiictioiltmii in tho ,laf uel ami was coming DOWN THE HEAVY -GRADE AT X FKAKFt'L RATE. They struck ti e engine, comp'etely demol ishing if, aiid breaking the tender and wrecking the flats. ' Conductor Newland received many and painful injuries, as also did: tho firejnan, Jas, Brown (colored), who, it is ' thought will die. They are both lying at Henry. Mr. Chas. Gordon, the engineer, w ho es caped with fewer aud less painful inju ries, returned home yesterday morn ing. . Many persons on the train were scratched, cut and bruised, and all were badly frightened. Salisbury yews. DIED. Theo. Bnerbanm h well again 'and 1 ias lost reeeiveM another lot of thoso uice ! Soila Mushroom Crackers, r ! V He has also on hand a fine lot of Lann-1 dry Soaps; Calico tjnilt Soap, Simons' condensed oaps, etc. etc. ; , n ; j K r resft .Northern Pickles, Cheese, . Lem ons and art extraJlu assortment of Fresh French Candies, which are received freslt every week. TRY BUERBAUM'S CAR AMELS. f 'r -,. ' ' - 'YUY.s i h Iuliis jcity -August rith, Jia7J.Mtftt8.' 1arx iB iTcKEKziii nMfe PWv!Vw McKenzIc aafUaaushter OtlMrJ JiUlaud M. A. Bruner, in tl: 31st year of her iimnrli howas tOo modest to mpii-! teachers, thev lwave been so fortunate as to tion it. Thar itoic. "Wp,h1 Leaf. if yon-Uccore the scrvic.es of tlie highly &cco:h: .i'fwl pk'tuiesqne sti earns iu the mountains! in on i ' . . . 1 1 il.! . M.,hn rl liom or the sneckled trout. In this section wo find plenty of whevtlebeiries, blackberries; &c, just beginning to ripen. Wftl noticed the fishermen along this Mrs agc.Y i t'!T i - , ! A large circle of attached relatives and friends ;are deeply saddened by tupjcarly removaVof this devoted Christian woman. Though assured that, to her. "deatji is gain," yet her influence was so pure and her continued life apparently so needful, that they cairaotfforbear grieving attheir James F. Simmons, of Redborne, start ed to swim across the" Flint River, in Georgia, recently, and when alout half way across a big garfish attacked him, catching his thigh in his month and leav ing an ugly and painful wound. A sharp battle then took place between the man and tne nsii whicn lusted tor some min utes, and finally Mr. S. took refuge in a tree stump in the stream and his enemy departed, j He has several uncomfortable Wounds, but none serious. An Eating Negro. We haTe been told or a monster in unman torm, who a short time ago, at the town of Leachville, in the lower part of this county, within ! the short time, of three hours, devoured three watermelons, weigh ing forty pounds five half pints of whisky, two dozen raw Xs and one quart of peanuts and then was willing to bet on another bait. If this had not been wittnessed by good men, who vouched for its truthfulness, we would have been inclined to doubt it.-Wash.I'resB. Continuous Rains and a Disastrous Storm in England. London, August 18. Severe storms are. reported from various quarters of fengiaud, cansing much damage to crops and interruption to railway traffic. Iu consequence ot the storm traffic on the line of railway be tween Chester and Holyhead is suspen ded. The viaduct at blanddulas, Wales lias lieen washed awav, also some of the bridges. Several sewers have been burst by the freshets on the lines of tho Liver pool railways. Birkeuhead is flooded. There.have been thirty hours of contin uous .rain at Cheater. In Derbyshire, the Trent and Derwent rivers have over flowed their . banks aud all low lyieg lands are flooded. The wheat is gradu ally rotting and anycrops left standing will not nay for cutting. The rain at Sheffield was so violent as to wash away the foundations of five houses in tlie conree of construction. ' RocVing v Train Capture of the Guilty-Parties. Saturday, morning as the down passenger train on the Atlanta & Charlotte Air Line Railroad passed a saw mill, seventy miles this side of At lanta, a half dozen or more rocks were thrown at the passenger car, one of which passed through an open window and struck Mrs. Simms, wife of Capt. P. B. Simms, conductor, ou the arm, inflicting a painful wound. .Capt. Simms, who was sitting in the seat with her at the time, stopped the train as soon as possible aud the train's crow, accompanied by a num ber of the passengers went in search of the miscreants. Thev found a house near bv, the occupant of which .saw,, tho men, and, procured irom ner me names, mo next dar a detective and several officers canto up in search. of tlie crowd, and yes-J terday a telegram was received nere stat ing that they had been successful in cap turing ' the j guilty parties. Rocking a train is a peuiteutiary offense in Georgia, a it was recently made in this State, and these rascals are not likely to escape, Char. Ob. A C IL1IIKI8 kf Has just received a new and fresh stock of confectionery, Arbuckles . nngrouhily roasted coflee, in air-tight h packages; 20c A full Une of fresh FAMILYGROCER-, IES always on hand, and sold cheaper than the cheapest. t3Call to ; see mjxgobds, and ask pnccs.3J -. . .; x - Letter and Note Heads, Billheads. Cards and Envelopes printed to order at very low rates. Call at this office, fi t 35 39 y; w PARSON'S 8XUFF, Still increasing in favor. Try it. It U mild ami purcf.' For sale by J. D. Gabkill., PRICE CURRENT. Corrected by J. M. KKbrf& CbfJ y , Augrst 1879 , . -.: 11 ;Y 10 :.:.';, M - : n 1520 " N 3 $1.502.00 50JS5 t i T 00 , sojai.oo 2.50 2.S5 40 40 810 25 SO ,v .-y--20 County. Cotton firm Middlings, low do stains Bacox, county, hog round v B utter Eoos ' : ; Chickens per dozen Corn . Meal moderate demand at Wheat good demand at H Floub best fam. Buper. ' Potatoes, Irish Onions no demand Lard ; - ' Hat , hO ATS Beeswax s --' Tallow Blackberries ArrLEs, dried Sugar YJi Reared up in tne rresimenan um.ui here, after mature deliberation, she was re ceived aaa commnnicanrfn, -profession in f 373,' and'her tonsistenr IftV -war 1 he best evidence of her sincerity and the genuine ness of-iier, profession. ' Jn yearly life she was cheerful and buoyant in disposition ; in tii Mrduous duties of her household she .was UiuWwiell 1 land to 'pay Of J NORTH CAE0LINA, M' R. Chaffih, Adra'r of Jense A. Clement dee'd, Plafff. 1 Against ; 1 , V. A, Clement, B. C. Clem ent, J. L. Clement, II. liar grave and wife Martha, Js cob Jatoii and wile Alary, Lanra Clement, and C. A. Clement, v, JJrfts. , . J It appearing to the MliMfaction of the Court, nixjii affidavit of IMainliS; that WTA7C1 ent, one of the defendants abort tainted, I a non-resident of this State, it in ordered that. il lieation be made in the "Carolina Walrhirjih" for six Buccesive weeks, notifying ald Mefind ant to appear at the office of the Clerk of He Superior Court of paid county on theT5ta day ofAujfust next, and answer the comply in I which in deposited in paid office, or, tha plain tiff will apply to the Coartfor the relhfdo manded in the complaint. - f"Y'jt.. Witne, G.M.BlNori'AM.Cl'k! June SO, 1879. 6vr Bop'r Conrt Djifie C. ; , ..,,,; '. . r'' - DON'T BE SWINDLED A. - T BALE OF C0TT0H is patiect'aiid brare and in the Jong ntfis"of her 6iKifes8'she wai trustful and strain, tishitic with a peculiar tackle. It was a;loop tied with a slip knot, the cord madebf horse hair and fastened to the end ofi a long pole. Th fisherman would wade iutt the stream, spy the fish lying among the rocks, slip his hair loop over his he quick through bis liand so that the hand will close the slip knot over the fish. It re quires monjM patience than the ordinary inodo bf fishing, ana a great acai mou ld up to the first tins, then with a motion lie draws the rod w uvm cr.bmUsivc illustiatui theiaith which slitf professed! t tjmea shti : earnestly longed to depart and be with Christ, but was wil ling to abide the Master's-calV -A hufband and six children; vntli parents brothers and sters mourn their loss, but not as "those wjio have no hope." . ' i 7 ''She hath escaped all danger now. Her toil and sorrow all are fled ; The crown of joy is on her brow, !. Eternal glories o'ir her shed "'t In golden robes," a queen, Ja bride, She standeth at her sovereign's side ; f . he sees his face 'uflveited and bright, i A lesser light amid nis light." 1 , UNsaop Houses. Some time since tlie London Christian Union called attention to the fact that an experieneeil farrier of England reported that horses did better without than with shoes. A writer in the Times has been trying the experiment and thns reports: When my pony's shoes were worn out, I had them, remov ed, aiid gave a mouth's rest at grass, with An occasional drive of a mile or two on the highroad, while his hoofs were hard euiug. The result at first seemed doubt ful. ' The hoof was a thin shell, and kept chipping away until it hail worked down beyond the holes of tho nails by which the shoes bad been fastened. After this the hoof grew thick awl hard, quite nn Bke what it had been before. 1 now put the pony to full work, and he' stands it welL He is more sure-footed : his tread ja almost noiseless j his hoofs are in no danirer from the rouirh hands of the far rier 1 and the chature altosether a clear4 gain without anything to set off against it' My pony, I may add, was between four and fire years old rising four, I fancy is the correct phrase. He hadbeen regularly shod up to the present year." .A THEO. P. KLUTTZ will sell you one ton of r I Bortin, Carmer & Co's CELEBRATED CloiriG Fertilizer . . For 200 tts.Cotton,: : PASrASSS XXJ -Xs'OVZSSZSSlX 1 Jt ia the best in nse. Essy to rotalpalate. Requires no cotton seed nor stable manure. Xo charge for recipe or right to nse. Epial to any $50 guano, i Haa leen tested for reara Call and set particulars and see testimonials. Don't be humbugged by cheap imilation. - You ca 1 get th genuine only from ' j . THEO.- F, KLUTTZ, DitfotsT. No20:ly jol Agent foi Koyafl si; i -I: .3- I