L . . - f- --f-r aji.. -- , . .. ... :- :-r-r - i ,M : l .r-:- l i ! ! : - ' - a v ' r i-i ""', ) ' . . " . . .1 j i ' - . J I ; T.I- ; 1 - ' - , r j - -i !: -- -. n ii I T - ) : ' -i ' -" - ;'f t f ' J . ' . ' t i - - I - - - i - J ; :1: Ml ! ; -T yi - - u ; il: 1: J : Ft; HI auiWirM.CttUlTtted. j - As Governor;! Drewvs has received numerous letters from different parts the method of cultivating corn and the kipdf fertilizers used, by which lie was enabled to produce one hun ' ilrecl and thirty bushel of tho afora Wd cereals upon' I acre of land last year, Re lias concluded, for the bene fit of all interested In sdcli things, to have published -ft "statement" of the manner of preparing the land, and the tind of manurea' used, by which he , Was enabled i to r produce ithe'.'l above , yield t' " '. '. I "The land was common 'pine 'land, pear i the AVithlacoooheeT river, in Madison 'count Vi: Florida, i: and had been In cultivation bout' six years, The land has a clay - subsoil about twelve inches below, the' surface, and Was In , ordinary condition, About the lst : of January, 1878, ; the land was broken up with a two-horse plow about ten ' inches; This ! "plow was followed by a subsoil plow run in the game furrow as - deep as one mulo could pull it. These two. plowipgg broke up the land thoroughly, nfteen inches in .depth. On or about the first of February, one hundred bush els ;of cotton seed and an eoual amount of stable manure, composted, Was spread ; Upon the -land; J These manures' were plowed in, about six inches in denth, On the first of March; the Jand was" laid off as fol lows r 5 One-half 1 acre was laid off in tw5 and three feet rows ; alternately ; about seventy five bushels of cottdn seed were placed in th drill and a light furrow turned on it, The corn was then planted in the drill, about twelve inches apart.1 After the corn came up,1 it - was thinned out to two stalks in the bill. After this; the I porn received common ordinary culti- vation given to corn in this country except that it ' was cultivated y with sweeps, and was plowed rather shal jowvlKThe other balfScrSjwas; fkffi vated in the 1 ame way; except that the land was ' laid off in rows three -eet apart. Aboutthe time ihe corn was shooting to tassel, there was a severe droQth,rttiai"c6ntiiiue3 for five weeks, which did not seem to affcqt the corn in the least. Sometime in; September the J corn ' was ? harvested from ihe two'different lots and weigh ed. The result of the - first half acre was seveutyfive bushel of shelled : corn, weighing." sixty pounds . to the bushel. Tlie secoud half acre yielded fifty-five bushels, making a total for ; the whole acre of 1 30 bushels of corn -Tallahassee Flaridian. . ,. I Jfyou want a. supply of excellen Winter feed for the stock, something to help out the supply of corn,' and j ttx vegetable that is not unacceptable ! on your table.' then idant turnios. 1 Jut in a goodly acre; you caunbjriYelfl have too man,' Four or five acres on goocl land would be worth F $200 fo you the coming Winter, and now sl9V;tue: -Ttne kest t time,' in fact, of the whole m season. JJutowmgs may bemadevn' as late i the JOth of September, t 4 be turnip is a food whioh, tuough containing alarge proportion of wa ter, (over 80 ; per cent) , is, VnptyiUi Standing, highly relished by all stiopk, is nutritious and liealth promoting. ixJyR1") raised,Nvery cheapirid feeds a large amount of stopk. nt lt tle cost. T. . j Wffl panting is3better,than broad cast, aud thereby, the crop may be j j plowed. . The j-utabaga will not pro uluce yi unless IreatJ'ihis'fey. j phosphate of lime and bone meal are the best fertilizers. 2?. IFl J. tn Chris- 1! 2 Jt i ; ' K poentofthe Country. Uentleman writes: "As to the lastiug i fpni niy oWn experienMtywjlfi 0ett that they do benefit succeeding crops, particularly-grass and-clover, follow ing wheat;to whiclcsupec: phosphate of guano had been applied ut the rate of 175 to 200 pounds.cr .acre with $be drill, the grass always being beU ter iu , the drill w'thanjin'ytiere else, although crowdedj in lifirst year's growth, by the wheat plants; I; can now see, from where I write, a square in the field to which 2C0 j jwunds of super-phosphate, made from bone-black, were applied five years ago, when the land was sown in j wheat, ami has J been mown every year since, some year twice, ine clover will stick 'to this uare, while it has disappeared . from Uherest pt he field, aud it ana me orcunru crass are now green, wniie me yuw art8 JDf tlie fjel4l presents a brown appearance. I , - v A Terrlb PJsaster. , Recently the passenger train south .. . . i i ... ' on the Keokhk division was lifting tself right off the rails. She was run ling so iast (the noise of the wheels was rattling along about two hundred yards behind; the train, doing its level best to kpejt. in sight but losing ground every 'Jump. Suddenly the train stopped. Away out between sta tions no cattle on 'the track, no water tank in sight, nothing apparently to stop for," She pulled up so close to an orchard that the farmer came out and rat on 'the fence With a srun in hisl hand and a couple of bold, bad dogs, looking deceitfully pleasant, tagging along at his heels, (He evidently didn't care' about setting up the apples. Ihe passengers were alarmed, not at the determined, neutrality of the farmer but at the sudden stoppage -of the train; They knew something serious had happened. Presently the fire man came Walking down alongside the track, looking carefully, as though he had dropped his diamond ring out of the cab window. What is liV asked the first passen ger . ! ''!! iat is the lIatter?, asked the se- i It cond passenger, j ' What has happened V asked the third passenger. (What is brokej f asked the fourth passenger. ' Why did we stop V asked the fifth. 4 What's up asked the sixth pas- senger. j jj What's broke; loose?' asked the seventh passenger. 'What done it?' nsked the eight passenger. I 'Broke a j spring hanger grave ly replied the fireman, and pass ed on, and all the questioning passen gers drew their heads back and closed their windows, and with great gravity was repeated the fireman's statement to tl)e Qtlipr passengers who had not been able to get to a window in, time to ask the fireman anything! j groke a spring hammer.' ' '.Broke a sling lmmer.' 'Broke a screen' hanger i 'Broke a ttringj hammer.' J ' 'Broke a stringlander . 'Broke spene hannpr 'Broke a bteam hammer.' 'Broke a swing hanger.' ' We nil supposed that when a spring hanger broke, it just tore the engine 11 to pieces, stood jt on en) and ram med it into the ground, and then ran on ahead tore up the track, set fire to a bridge aud blew up a culvert. The average 'passenger has an idea that a spring hanger owns about the whole engine that it is one of those things that can even swear at a brakeman and walk U to a baggageman and call bira a 'wooden headed, fiat backed, trunk liftin hurricane of wrath aud conse- QjentJy yhen a pissenger is told that the spring hanger broke, be bas.an impression that it will take every last dollar there j is on ! the train to set the old thing Upj again. A Phase of City Life. i - - A bright-jookiiigboy, twelve years old, who said hs name was Tommy MoEvoy, went alon into the Jeffer son Market police court last evening and 6aid to justice Morgan; 'Judge, your honori I want to give myself Up 'Why, my boy ?' asked the court. 'because replied the lad, I hain't got no home, and I don't want to live in fc-ie street aud become a bad boy.' 1 Why dot irou stay at home ?' I ain't got no home. Father's been dead nine years, and mother1 died before that1 .?But where havje you been living since f Wjth my auut. She lives jn JTorty-first streetBut she gets drunk.' And she Won't let me stay in doors, fo-day si0 chase4 me out and, sad ifjj rever came back she would f do Something 1 awftjl .40 me. I'm afraid of her, in4 so I've got no homer Nobody jWUi take me in-lm. i anu wopk- get any th 1 us to atiinlesa I Wgbrsjtel; itrhentlie ; 'cops Ml take ine in. I don't1! want to '.be 'arrested.;- I don't want to steal, nor to be a bail boy. Won't yon please sen4 rac somewhere where ; I can learn Munethiug and get to be a man ? There's places like; that, ain't there?' The justice -toM the loy there were s,ch, places, and, taking the little fel low under his protection, promised to nna ntnraiiome m some gKKl msti- union. 45 Years Before Jhe Public; 'IJSd'noLADXE'S FOR THE CURB OF Hepatitis, or Liver,CpmpIaint, ' t , DWitmA Alt D CK HKAP Symptoms of a Diseased Liver; in tpe right side, under the edge of the ribs, intTeaie On pres sure; sometimes the pain is in the left side; tHe patient is rarely able to lie on the left side ; sometimes the pain is felt under the shoulder blade, and it frequently extends to the! top of the shoulder, and isl sometimes (mistaken for rheumatism in the arm. The stomach is affected with loss of opje tite and sickness; the bowels In gen eral are costive, sometimes alternative with lax; the head is troubled with pain, accompanied with ft dull, heavy sensation in the kick part, j There is generally a considerable loss of mem ory, accompanied wiih a painful sen sation of having left undone some tiling which jought to have been done. A slight, dry cough is sometimes an attendant The patient complains of weariness and debility ; he is easily startled, big! feet are col4 Pr! burning, and he complains of a prickly sensa tion of the skin; his spirits! are low; and ah hough he is satisfied that exer cise would be leneficial toThim, yet he can scarcely summon Dp. fortitude enough to try it, Jn fact, he distrusts j every reniedyi Several of the above symptoms attend the disease, but cases ! have occurred where few of; them ex-1 isted, yet examination of the body, ! after death, has shown the i.iyer to i have been extensively deranged. I AGUE AND FEV ER. ) Dr. C.m!c Lane's Liver Tills, in I cases ok a:lk and i'KvtR, when taken with Quinine, are productive of the most happy results, j No better cathartic can he used, preparatory to, or after taking Quinine. We would advise all who arc afflicted; with this disease to give them a fair trial. For all bilious derangements, and as a simple purgative, they are unequaled. BEWAUE OF IXITATXOXft. The rcnams r.rs n; ver su.'ar coated. Kvery lox lm a r.l v ; x seal ton the lid, with the ii.iircsio: Ii-. Mv.l..it's Liykk Psi.i.s. j Tho genuine MI.AXK's I.iVER rn.M bear ;he signatures of C. Mcl.ANt ana Fleming 'Ki. oi tin wr.tnDcr. iuit u;n ; having the genuine Dt. C McLaxe'.n LiVkk 1'u.i.s. preparii by Flem- mjlLros.,of I'lttshur h. I'a..tlienrk.eteine i uu tn imi r , .- juctane, i.ell! 1:" i ''Mi-M'ion. ROBINSON Richmond, Indiana. 1 ; f ESTABLISHED IN 1842. WE BUILD PORTABLE ENGINES Mounted on Tracks or Frame of 6 810 12 14 and 25 Horse Jower. WE iLSO BUILD THE "PEERLESS" Portap; Enpes 1 f ! on frame of 4 and 6 Horse Power. These engines have horizontal tubular boil ers, made! of No. 1 charcoal ham mered iron i inch thick and of 50,000 lbs. tensile strength. Theyare the best small engine in the market. AYE BUILD Ttoesliing Haines FOR 6, 8, 10 jand 12 HORSE POWERS. HORSE POWERS of all sizes! I H gJNGLE OR DOUBLE - I ' rl 'I . - s saw SvSBIs. I I STATIOBTARY ENGINES, DRAG SAWS, SAJW TA3LESJ conii siiEUEns, j FEED ilLtS, &!c., &ci "? : j ; " ' : p. ! I We offer special inducements to cash buyera. ! ; Send for Catalogue, and state what vmi wK n Kim Addresa, 14: ROBINSON & Co., !: " Richraopd, Ind. rThere Is a circular ot this House at rnvfrmio rtardwire store, P'ury, information In re- a Ant t itaQ rM a r w.a- - - ;i SPOOL COTTON. . "if J 1 j '' -i--; ESTABLISHED ISlt. j -j .. . . GEORGE A. CLARK. II M - - SOLE-AGEST, 'i 400 BROADWAY NEW ?0BK. The distinctive fewttures of this Spool cotton are in&l i v maae irora toe rerj nnesi SUA ISKASI COTTQXf, It Is finished Kit as tbo cotton iFOtn which It la fFOE lalfli made; It has no waxing or artificial finish to decel re tne eyesMtw toe strongest, smoothest and most elaitlc sewlnsr thread lo the market: for machine sejtfing t has no equal; t M wound on ! " WHITE SPOOLS. The Black ts the most perfect j TJZ3T ever broduoed in spoolcotton. belnj drd by a svstem patented bjr ourselves.. The colors are dyed by the j NEW ANILINE PROCESS rendering them so perfect and brilliant that dress- maKerseverrwnere usetneminKieaa 01 sewintrsilKS. we invite comparison ana respectruiiy ask ladles- to give a lair tnai ana convince; tneinseires of us sunenoniy over au oioers. , Tb be had at wholesale retail from ij Pi! N. I1EILIG & SON, would can attention to their large and splendid StOCKOI 1 HARDWARE Embracing IRONS and 8TEELS every variety ot mzes ana shapes nest quality. i l Wagon and Bug-gy Materials. comprising aU the various kinds required springs, axies, wneeis, sc., ready to set up. Telegraph Straw Cutters, all Sizes, and unsurpassed in quality and durability Great American Lightning SAWS, every kind and size, embracing MILL & CROSSCUT N A I LS all sizes cut and wrought. lOWS ; The most popular and approved Styles Plow Oast ingsau Kinas, doiis, c. cai -fsoi 5 poiuts ror ji WINDOW CLASS irom sx n to 24 so rutty, oils. ! ! faints, v arnlshes, Lightning Drier, &c FA1KUANK SCALES Steelyards and Balances. Worlt Tools For Carpenters, BlacksailUi-s Shoemakers, Farmers. Champion Blowers and Reapers. Horse Rakes, Threshing Machines, ! Horse-Powers, Pumps, fWiirtiln Cradles, (l ! Grass Scythes. Planters Handled Hoes. GUNS rlstoLs Knives, and CUTLEMY ot all kinds. four stock embraces everything to be touDd In a large and complete Hardware store, and all at low prices tor cash. With thanks for past favors we nope io merit continuea connaence ana lncreasine patronage, iiarcn , isis so:iy YELLOW FEVER-BLACK VOMIT. It is too soon to foreet the ravages of this terrible disease, which will no doubt returo-in a more malig nant ana virulent iorm in ine iau montns 01 isy. MKKKELL'S HEPAT1NE, a Uemedy discovered In Southern Nubia and used with such wonderful re sults In South America where the most aggravated cases oi fever are found, causes from one to two ounces of bile to be filtered or ; strained from the blood each time It passes through the Liver, as long as an excess of bile exists. By IV wonderful action on the Liver and stomach the 11EPAT1NE not only prevents to a certainty any kind of Fever and Black Vomit, but also cures Headache, Constipation of the Bowels, Dyspepsia and all Malarial diseases. No one need fear Yellow Fever who will expel the Malarial Poison and excess of bile from the blood by using MERKKLLf HEPAT1NE, Which Is sold by all oraggists in 85 cent ana 91.00 Dottles, or will oe sent by express by the Proprietors, ,l J ; A, F. MERRELL A tJO., Phila. Pa. Dr. Pembfrton'iSlilIin?i!i orcern'i Dclijhl. t3PTbe reports of wonderful cures ot Rtoeuma- tl8m. Scrofula, Salt Rheum, SypMlia, Cancer, l lcers and Sores, that come from aU partH of the country, are not only remarkable but so miraculous an to be doubted .was It not for the abundance of proof. Remarkable Cure of Scrofula, &c E CASE OF COL. J. C. B HANSON. f piNGsroM, Uam September 15, 1S71. Gents j-For sixteen years 1 have been a trreat suf ferer from Bcrof ula tn Its most distressing forms. I nave oeen conunea to my room tna oea iur niteen I years with scrofulous ulcerations, 'i he most ap proved remedies for such cases had been used, ana the most eminent physicians consulted, wttliout any decided benefit. Thus prostrated, distressed, de sponding, I was advised by Dr. Ayer, of Floyd Coun ty, ua., to commence ine use 01 your uompouna. ex tract Stllnngia. Language is a lnsufllclent to de scribe the relief I obtained front-the use of the Stll- llnsrla as it Is to convey an adaquate idea of the in tensity of my suffering before using your medicine; sufficient to say, I abandoned aU other remedies and continued the use of your Extract of stlllingla, until 1 1 can say truly, 'l am cured of an pain," 01 au dis eases, with nothing to obstruct the active pursuit of my profession. More than eight months have elapsed since this remarkable cure, without any 1 e turn of the disease. For the truth of the above statement, 1 rerer to any eentleman in Bartow County. (Ja.. and to the members ot the bar of Cherokee Circuit, who are ac quainted with me. 1 shall ever: remain, with the deepest gratitude, lour obedient servant, J. C. BRANSON, AttT at Law. Wkst Point, Oa., Sept. 16, 1870. Gents: My daughter was taken on the S5th day of June, 1873, with what was supposed to be Acute Kneumausin, and was treatea ror tne same witn no success. In March, following, pces of bone began to work out of the right arm. and continued to ap- Eir till aU the bone from the elbow to the shoulder nt came out. Many pieces of bone came out of the right foot and leg. The case was then pro nounced one of White Swelling. ; After having been confined about six years to her bedj and the case considered hopeless' I was Induced tjo try Dr. Pem berton'8 Compound Extract of StUU ngla. and was so well satisfied with its effects that 1 have continued the use of It until the present. My daughter was confined to net bed about six rears befoie she sat up or even turned over without help. She now sits up all day, and ?ews most of her time has walked across the room. Her general health is now good, and I believe 1 she will, as her limns gain strength, walk well. aunoute ner re covery, with the blessing of God, so the ue of your invaluable medicine. With gratitude, I am, yours truly, i W. B. BLANTON. . ?i ' West Point, Ga.. Sept. 1, 18?0. Gents : The above certificate of Mr. W. B. Blan ton we know and certify to as being true. The thing is so : hundreds of the most respected citizens will certify to it., As much reference can bo given as may be required. Yours truly, i CRAWFORD v WALKER, Druggists, j HON. 11. D. WILLIAMS. tW DR. PEM B ERTON S 8TTI.LTXGIA is pre pared bT A. F. MKRIiELL & CO- WillA.,! Pa, So'd by all Druggists in fl.nc bottles, or sent by exnress. Aeents wanted to canvass everywhere. Send for Book ' Curious Story" free to alL Medi cines sent to poor people, payable In Installments. XQW IS THE TIME TO SUBSCRIBE IFOR THE WATCHMAN USB THIS -t HAND, BEST IN THE WOELD, M Mer to any Saleratis, One teaspooufnl of this Soda used vrith Bour mil tnuIs Foar teaspoonsfals of the best Baking Powder sar irig Twenty Times its cost. Bee package for valuable . informatiou. 1 If the teaspoon fnl is too large j and does not produce good results at first use less afterwards. Jan. 30: 6m. OLD, AND TRUE. Peonle aro rettinjr acquainted il tloo who are aot ought to Ik- with tho wonderful merit of that great American Remedy, tho ! MEXICAN Mtistang Liniment, FOE ULAN AND BEAST. Thia liniment very naturally originated In Ameri ca, where Nature provides lu her laboratory ooh surprising antidotes for tho maladies of nerehfl tlren. Its famo has been spreading for 85 years, until now it encircles tho habitable (lobe, Tho 21cx!cs:i Mustan; Liniment Is 4 match remedy forr.ll external ailments of man and beast. To stock owners end farmers it is Invaluable. A single bot'.lo often saves a human life or re stores t'ao usefulness of an excellent horse, ox cow, cr clioen, ' j It cares foot-rot, hoof-all, hollow bora, grub, screw-worm, slioulder-rot, mange, the bites and stlng3 of poisonous reptiles and insects, and every gnch drawback to stock brccdlns and bush life. It cures every external troubto of horses, such as lameness, scratches, swinny, spralus, foondes, windfall, rlng-boae, etc., etc. j The Mcilcaa Mustang Liniment is the quickest cure In the world for r.ccldcnts occurring In the family, In the absence of a physician, such as barns, scalds, sprains, cuts etc.. and for rheuma tism, and stiff ncss engendered by exposure. Par ticularly valuable to Miners, i I It Is the cheapest Temedy In the world, for It penetrates tho muscle to the bone, and a slngl replication Is generally suftTofent to Cure. 3Icslcan Mnstang Liniment is put up In three res of bottles, the larger ones being proportlon ; r sly much the cheapest. Sold everywhere. EfiE O B LAC KW ELL'S 1 Mortgage Deeds for sale here . Also various other blanks. fllpF " CD S s j2sW;o Mbm r Its H Otril' - 'Or f sttsT ZaW to U : . K 05 L, , . E 1 dpi i'li-la 7s Wgm ?? 1 0 S Igjljjjl g ra TRIED TOBACCO i!.;. i: . -.in ' . - - . ' :nSr i " American The Best Family: The ''NEW AMERICAN" is easily learned, does not get out o' o jer and will HWf worn yvitn isj UDor thai any other application. . ; A. nfqS AM am, - 5. 8. P0FET. Manajer, ICONEYS & ROGERS, Agents, Salisbury, N. C. ! " Price from S25 to 45. OEBTIFIOATES: I do not hesitate to say the American Machine aorpases alt other machine P;V Y; tr... oil Ko ik.t ti.A- n i .:j.i... . . uoa do. wg ti n .. uiavuiim vai 11 from Sw8 Muslip to Bea;r cloth. 1 liave find the American iauripr to ihem all. I hare qed ihe Singer and other macliinea, and would not exchange ihe American r n7 j MKS.Il,N.DRlM!LKy7 Sr liabu ry, N. May 22d 187i 1 MBONEY& QfiO., Agent American Sewing Machine: - 1 j ! Siks: I have used the Howe, Singer, Wheeler & Wi!son, Wilcox &Uibh Sewinj U chines, and would not give the American for all of them. It will do all that is claiaiedff," ! in the circular. I consider it superior to all other I have ever seen. J it ! j Very respectfully, 4 DEEDS & MORTGAGES Fee Simple Deeds. Deeds in Trust, Mortgage Deeds, Compiissioners' Deeds Seriffi Distillers' Eutries, and various other WATClULvN OFFICE SALE NOTICES. Administrators, executors, commissioners, sheriffs, constables, ae-ents. Art?., fir flflvicarl call on us for printed sale notices. It is their property at public auction without quirt inents oi ine law on tne suuject every ooay Knows are insufficient. ; Eropertj often sacrificed from this cause when a dollar or fwo spent in advertising might ha saved it and made it bring its value. We furnish sale notices promptly and ihearj, j itotioss ron pogtino land hbady pniiTTsi! PAMPHLETS, SCHOOL CIRCULARS, BILL-HEADS, LETTER ITEADS, i Monthly CARDS, Posters, all kinds, T I VERY STABLE. Having purchased the Livery Stable on Lee street and perfected all necessary arrangements for car rying on the business in a com plete and satisfactory manner,;t he oublic are solicited to give us a trial. We are prepared to afford All usual Accommodations, and will do so at the most moderate prices possible. EPDROVERS are invited to give us a call. Day visitors can have their stock carefully attended to and every prop er attention shewn theniThe stable attend ants are experienced and careful men. Horses boarded by the day, week, mouth or year. Call and trv us. It. J. HOLMES & SON. Jan. 2d, 1878. llrtf ; SALISBURY BOOK STORE. GEO. W. Y0PP, Propr. (AtPlyler's Old Stand.) BRIGHT NEW BOOKS AT low prices.: CALL AND SEE HIM. 9:tf. On and Off Slick as Grease ! BOOTS, - GAITERS, i SHOES, SLIPPERS, &c. W. M. EAG-LE, RAAtiMtfnttr unnminces hi continuance at his old stand in hi old line, on Main Street, opposite Enniss' Drug Store. He is always ready and anxious to accommodate customers iu his line in tbe best manner possible, lie is . . . i i .i . preparea to ao nrsc etas wura Hi)i vnu uww nAf with mit northern Shoo or Hand made work. His machines, lat, Ac., are of the latest ard best paterns. uewosKs ine very best material and kpeps on hand leady mdje work, and stock equal to any special order. - Repairin jtneatly and promptly done at rea sonable prices. Satisfaction guaranteed or no charge. . ! i prices fp Suit the Times. Cash orders hy mail promptly filled. g4.mos. AV. M. EAGLE. JAMES M. GRAY, Attorney and Counsellor at Law, s SALISBURY, X. C. Office in tbe Court Hnnse lot, next door to Snnire Hanphton. Will practice in all i the Conrta of the State. ; Buy only the 1 ; j - - It, is thc Only Sewing Machl 0ZtL ' ' "wii bs : mm m am. m & ' Uftver Ireais lis TW. J h SewingaGW I machine. Illustrated Cucu'ar Urn shun ' - :': - I l W J. AM am JLl amf si f r C N. Charles Street, Baltimore lL 1 i u I SI utcikouii huu wur.'vs-UUllull liOltS lt all t-ti' used Sinsern, Howe and Weed Uachinei 1 " MISS M. RUTLEDGlJ. i '( MRS. GEO. WJ HARRISON forma liar sale at the i certainly srreat iniustice to nwnim tn L first giving ample notice of the sale. Thef nC Special Offer to the Readers io this Paper, f $7.00 FOR 63 CENTS. The American Diamond Dictionary, on taininp 30,000 words, ortftogrji'pliy, pn'ria: cintion and definitions according to tlteCHt English and American Lex icuara pliers, l rated with nearly 200 engravings,' Hatislf the wants of the schoiir and at l$eamelim4 i just what a plain learned person reedn. lti decidedly the best dictionary erer prMltad. Contain 700 douhle column pages. SnperbW hound in cloth and gilt. Type clear and hand Rome. .Sent free to any reader, of lliix pP' upon receptof 63 cent, to pay ictual pontage and packing charges. Th ia great offer w o"d . for thirty dayn only, and i made solely-forw piirfKwse of introduction. ; But two dic!i' aries will beaent looheaddrewi TMPIir' but once. Order vote. Sed silver, enrfen or 3 cent pontage stump. Andrew at om "National Book Company, Eopllap, Matt, j Reau! Read:!! Re EAD!!! Try, and be convinced Tint it in mm Cheaper, Better and more convenient to j "Earklcy k Hassoii'n 'Enlrrprtie Pure EoaU rd nUtt." 1 u- which thousand of fun-ilir? are row uinf ex-clu-ivelv. Call -n vi.nr tinxfr. snd trv ......I ' ..t TJ.1,1 g, TToaenn'a Tlnttf- prite Boasted Coffee, wheiv v,,u Ui r 'aatiitfaction ur-yonr money rrjunard. . (, j. For ale bv All OrorM.! andJManiifecttrra ! Baltimore, MJ 25:2 m WIIEi YOU WAXT HARDWARE At Low Figures i- Call on the nndersigned at No. 2, Gifj RWr D A.ATWELtn Saliabury ,N; C.t June 8 tf. ENNISS CHICKEN CHOLERA CUK or money refunded if directions atnet ly folio weu. 41: PEICE 25 CENTS, at , 26:tt. ' ENNISS; DrngSto04; - BONDS '.flU; To makeitle to Land..and,Laborfff Mbaujcs- Lirns, for sale at tins ! if Statement IHARDWRE , i' Ifamtefl to CnreL 'nip 1 H:

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