- i r ,- - :-: ... . . - 7 : i ' ' i; ' . ' ' ..r l.noii mi I , Tli lttfii rorrHtlA trir n !wn'rtl rimiaiifli llrt-i n'oot na iili. . ... ii. .t ' f f 'I ' - ' - . J. v """ ""fcr"""""l,,',"l',"""lll9"- '" Carolina Watchniajirv TIIUKSDAY, AUG US T ? 1 r TLry Jia'virniad eooutjfv -- A'; A iu lioclvTiisfuiiuSi Gov.Vnnce is appearing in several ciww'1u;frkleturjf -court' this week,1 .U.,Uf, - tmm. , . I One wfdte and three coIoml.jiiejiJEgjce, fcefiTfroo Vo week. i -i '.f ! "imv? -sr.i ?'' I- f JliacholerfliiipniUiiitlf lm f3e? ii. llwroudi5ljin!rfcr ai ex ported down wit hi" ptlloMr feA er at' se w I Dr;; Gha i les t TUilHj Jui rtigoed the I professoi tdiip of iualttjiyi(ic in the State I liiiversity on'utcmitHoi' iraj)aucd lienltb. ; f '- t ' i Q ' Iv. tTlii VUlrrer j tells -us W 'a lave-slck jouds (elUiw jn CjiarJotttvtv'bo. on being .refused the yx ivjjt'jge, of mingliU adored, feigned, 4iMiie preKeace of several j ouug 4 ladles Iwlio wx;re denying hiiu adinittauce 1 into the hons to couuni t suicide by' stab.- ,bing himsel; He-feU vdoW ind rolled in the dirt for n while, but it didn't alahii the gi yhi wdrth a ceut, nridJie tlieo rose h p 1 obi disappeared, and has not ; ;&iuce. beeu f fjearu.Troiu. v ft' -J. The daroliua Fair Assoelation leld a-meeting in Charlotte," Monday,' lor the purpose of electing a board of 1 directors The meeting - made & selection of th irty gentlemen to constitute . said aboard,, fif teen of them representing .Jleckleuburg county, and one erich in fifteen otlier coun ties. Our practical and worthy fellow citizen. Mr. T; J. Sunaner was selected to : represent Uowan couulv as a member of ! tfi boardv s rTho Association was . orga uized 08 aVperraauent institution and arrangemeuts made for stated meetings i ,to lrtarddres8; &c7 -- I " ' 1 - .V'i a ! Sir Geo. Camtb zltJ,, Mi I:1 of , England, i ' of whose visit we hate heretofore spoken, ' Las fallen into some errors in his "Jonr f nal, published sis ce hia return ; home, jl Take thil from page 2G9 ilt is very dif rficult to ascertain what is "now the state of things in" some bfthe Southreu, States because bo Repulican -newspapers ' what ever are published there. Noone' dares j to publish such paper, 'and if he ? dared he would find no one to read it, for want of education. The're are three errors in theaboy?; It is not 'truewe UiiiikV tliat anyiman would ho in personal "danger by p pubjisliing a KepuWican' newspaper'1 in I any one of tlie Sontliren States) uor-is it correct that; J want of ucation'! among ; the people'would prevent him. It is true, i that a majority of thocolored. people are illiterate, and thatthe white people, being ! democrats would not patrouWa Republi-i cjin newspaper. Sir 'Geo Is also mistaken when helBays 'it is very difficult to ascer- . tain whatiar now. the state of things in feoiiie of the Southren States," &c The; ; local uewspapers'piibljsh every thuig, ami there' are black an'd wliite reprtblfcans enough in every, locality to supply newsl to tbe organ8; of!the ;party and toimemi ber ofongiess, aud thus everything ti' j a; public or ; political character is ibuad--antIy published." Soimj oue'hKs misled our usually fair frieud, who no doubt be- lie ves that his. statements uro , correct. ? ; ), Sir George's MJoui nal'f, is, however, a Tffi entertauiugbooki ah1 teiia us a gooti' many things abWune'' eyep, whicli wedid iiot kuow ;befoie, or knowing them, had not1 Been in tite"' light iu which his presents them; i ; ; lr:. - ; THE FORKED STICK. Two Pi-eacotts, brothers, in Massa- !?Set'1J,avo fWa'ted (juite a'sesa od'Iu ."paris' f thai 4Sfat I,v' ihXtiZ Ci tiod of -a forkcdLst!ck : of ( ajple;J hazel1 or elm ,-WOod. to ilntrniJ $i ear" enm-nta off electricityC and j '?f lo, Pu t the" ri -h t places 'to set up o vj uoovi i vililb ilgllL- . ning ibeverstrikesniie artli1 except on - inestteariucurmit' r. electricity J and i yrd.er' t0 Pi the r exjvet , location, of r thesecdrrent8,'thej1t4ke,a fov&d sticky ! loHing a pning ln! tahsHanti;1 and cat rjingit beforcrthem Vith tlie shank 'stick' iogiup beaTenwardsy they walk about the j premises waUhiugs,-(thef haukaud wherever it happeus to bend towards the Kearth, there they sfbp'Ind tllero they feet lightning rod.:,. vlY ;- , r : Ihe people of this region will ; at once roghisS this astheonjnreW method to fSf?M H?S8 M theearth, a"d t-w,i dftejr njfue . Where to i dig'well luoiUnt iw)jle' jelieve iir itr but , it is eryrVanUduYthe' South, white or oiacu, put futh n sivrhousenso bow; fenVC:fifty yetir; half in snort and balf in U,if n.::i .. i around. buckVnn LUG' i;!r-zJ.: : r ed i sticky iuthejr banLi s pretending to tiudwafer springs lw: currents in the !"if:-,.A' htstt ; ! t fh.I tilevoteg Wo i colmnns to tlwwideifnl discovery" of Massachusetts Boston tlifr liubThe : jlwe,TOelightM witli thVsbideitAUd 4 ! treats itvitJiibunuhumor.: r I ' TwirexV foroiulU tglnm ;u ifh jutes' bxcei,!. JiiglXJow pi Bammor.The'esions woso business uaiutcb ft,!k Oucbuioudf and Baltimoreimion- W ultiyate, 'Hus is-rfectly mitutak til... ..... 1 a . .' ' ' ' " utTlM with the spirit of t! tiint-P. me om siow wmi me giffig-phieito aew aud moreiaggressive system. It is estimated that therenrb Jnovf Ju tho field, no less jUikiWhnndretl ti)OUsanutmvcjug agents, representing inettlmhts and man ufaetorif s iu every ity, town and hamlet in the United $tat s. This system has grown in a few jyea i s to its present im mense proportions ; and although it may vet continue fori a considerable time, it is notnmrtWy; the- Cheapest or roost efflH ;icnt system pnicticible. 1 he new metuou inviting"the4)uu ;ry luefcliant f tofpay jisits to distant! citi skt Jwhicli costs tlietn u6thing, tf) where they are wined, ami dined, autl escorted with music aud pleas ant company fipin iue scene of; interest and t pleasure, Jo uother, is probably cheaper than seiidijiigoiut traveling agents Aud'nbro efficient in "establishing busi ness 'relations lot a ' solid and durable character. In Withe r case it 1s 1 evidently business these hbspltklde city men have in Tiew. And when tl ey assume the ieeu- nijirv 1-esDonsibilitt of these modes of com muni cation Witli patioiis, it must be remembered that tljey expect to make it paTlie' public Whoiook)ii ' without feeling any special interest iu what they see passing before tlem, must eventually bear ihe.burdenof the excursionsrHUiust pay .for the fiue , dinners, wipes, music aud all, just as; cftauily , aVthe spatje ling dew drops wliiciTgiitter on the moun tains niust go at las ; to the Tiver and the river to the sa. j f Bat we do uot advert to these things fin- tm nurnose of tiiidiuir fault s but On- I . - , . ly; to notice the changes goiug on in busi ness modes. New expedients will ere long take the place of these, just as theseJ have superceded; those of the past. The inventions for omlmuuicatioii with the world, already perfected and in process of construction,! wjll almost aunihitate time and distance, jud must of necessity produce great changes in all the affairs of life, business and social.' Vie libve bo time to speculate on these changes, many bfwhich suggest themselves with obvious clearness, and no Extravagant mnge of the imagination j wjill pixibably surpass heir far-reaching effect' on the affairs of the world. ! I '' ' ' ' i PRESS IcOSYEXTION. Elsewhere wilL be found a statement of t ho business of convention. We only wisli toieniark on tho hospitality of the citizens of Goids)orb JXiirharo, Kaleigli and Glen Alpine' Springs, The conven tion1 was-thrust ofa Goldsboro "as it were by ; the . destruction ; of Beaufort. The citizens very unexpectedly, paid the Hptej bill forthe whole party-abont sixty men. This is wholesale generosity, and it will be. remembered. 1 A good many citizens bf the" place took editors to their homes Mr are nnder oUitions to W. H. Bor den for courties extended to us.,. Mf.. Bouitz, the editor of the Messenger, did honors Jo, tho Press, heretofore unsur i t At 'Raleicrh, Col. L. L. Polk made us all feel good his department of agriculture was? in good order ajnd we were glad to note that. Rowan's shelf had about as much on it as any Other county's shelf, and a greatdeal uiordthau some others We hope ourpeople wil such thiiigs to Col. credit to the conutv continue to forward Polk as wi'l.provea Then Street & Son, Of the National Hotel put nsuuder obli gations , for a tiu dinner. Editors, as a rule enjoy good eatiug and these gentle uieu know how to ptepare it. At Durham, GitiTand Webb rushed at the - tniin, yelliiigj "geutlemen of the Press of X. C, Blackwell &. Co., desire you to come in and partake of refresh ments Je has provided." The press went in .and did Justice io the sweets and brought away a iiie, aud a oaekace of Blackwell's best SmbkingToUicco, which means something gbod iu that line. The association, about )6 of them accepted the j inyitation of-Ietssrs.; Valton and Pearson,, to, visit fjleii Alpine Springs, near Morgan ton. 1 hese gejitlenien threw open their doors, and gave everything np to the press. Most . of them visited f'Raveu cliff," from which height, a fine .view of the valley s of the Catawba, and tlie Blue Ridge beyond is obtained. The time of the visitors was mostly taken up with music, daiiciug7 croquet, billiards, ten pius-fce.'1 The Waters of this delight ful resort are very fine, - There are five springs iii allthe first or "Temple Spring"; biug the' most important. It contains iron, Potassium, - Litthium, so dium, &e., No. 2 coutains alum; 3, blue Kulpbur; 4 and 5iirou and 8ulplur, making in all a combinatioii of waters not found at ptber resorts. The great difficulty bout these places", is the "expense getting to them. ' In other States, the RailRtmds make special rates for all home enterprises, U?ufc North Carolina does no bucIi thing lj; is foi-etgu to her system. If this were ,at (many who .will stay at irome might avail thVinselves of a few weeks, at our liealth and pleasure resorts. Excuse this little digression from the main subject, but 'the -idea1 :-bf cost uatuf all.f came un..ub AJi.u--. . .. . . The Press w e favored by three, repre seiitative fronj our sister State,.Yirginia, viz : James P. Wtnkl city ed. IKi, T. V. Morton Tndex '& I Appeal, aqd I)r.!;Ai Mouteiroiabchester CouTter.1 The DrJ Was a favbritelaiming nil, : especially the ladies. ; He haU hue conversational pow ers, full pf wit and! humor,-i-bv-the-wav. V l4S VlSACoi? dohu j A. iJosby's, surgeon. All remember. Mosby the Gorilla." - w The Dr. h3 now in press, a history of Jiosoy; wnieb he thinks will be t-eady iu 00 days; & t;"h t.t v ??, -vTIm meeting5 .was entirely satisfactory jjjiu Pieasaut-f wa so pronounced by ul , Babies are joo highly piized to permit them to suffer with Colic, Flatulence, etc., when Dr. Bull's Syrnp will relieve hem. State that every item of news iu relation to it, ' possesses I especial ; interest to our people. thdugliwe giivfe preMy full re ports of it iu our last,1 they did uot com prise much that we find in the following article from tlie Wiluiibgtou tfftif. ( BEAUFORT i -it I Arrival of the YilmiMjpnitui$--Tke Boty f vfiUe Late Vlmster, f Tlie ladies and geu tie uien whoj wer rit, Bcftttfolt froirfthis ttf if ached liiime rafe ly yesterday ; luoruingj 'auU wiei;e4 ket busy receiving the congratulations of their friends and relating their xpcrieb- cesi ' Tlie following is a liit f thotse who were there from this place : Col. John W Atkinson, Mrs. Atkiusoiii Miss Fannie 11. Willhims, Miss Lula Atkinson, Miss Eui ma D. Murcliisou, MisslSeunie Atkinson, and Messrs. John D. Williams, Jr., James G. Bradley, Charles G. Mithell,!;Thoiuas HrMcK'O', ad Duncan M. WilHamjS. All returned xceptM.83rs. Bradley and NcKoy. . 3 - - ;n.-. i ;! - v ' ! ; The appearance of t ic, party! showed very plainly that thtyj Iid had a rough experience, their outfits beiug decidedly unique and yariegated.1 , The must - strik ing feature of the .costumes of the .ladies was their Iiats, the brims of wliijh exten ded about three feet from the crown aijd made them present quite a ludicrious ap pearance.1 '' ' ; ''' : : Miss Fannie Williams was fortunate enough to recover all of her jewelry and money and some clothes, her truuk hay ing washed ashore. 1 j ; j i , 3lesrs. D. M. Williams-and Thomas H. McKoj, 'Jr., also saved or recovered their clothes, but the former lost a fine gold watch and chain. The rest of the tisirtv losfc nenrlv evervthiii!?. the ladies a large amount of Jewelry, iucludiug two gold watches. I ' From conversations with seyenil, We gather that the guests, with u few excep tions, had all retired b1 2 A. M.. at which time the storm had commenced in earn est, but was iu its incipieucy,'! as it after wards! proved. Tbe two or .three gentle men who did not retire at 2 o'clock be came soon convinced that the gale wbs to be of uuusual forcejaud severity, and woke some of their friends to enjoy the excitement. A little later several sug gested that it would probably be as well to arouse- all the guests, , but others, in cluding Mr. Perry, the 'proprietor, an old resident of the place, declared that it was not necessary, as there Would be no dan ger, and the matter was dropped. Between this and five o'clock many were aroused, by. friends already up, asa. matter of pre caution ; but few, if any, thought there would bo any real danger, nor evbn dreampt that the building would be swept away. Shortly before five o'clock, the change iu the wind brought the. water in to the sound iu an immense volume, and the distance between the floor of the hotel building and the water "became rapidly less until it was even with it. F. very body was then aroused and (soon collected on the first floor, but most all had dressed, under the impression that at the. wortt would only be necessary to leave the building until tho storm abated and the water went down, audi hence neglected to take steps ton aids saving a ay evenjof their most precious article. Tne necessity-of leaving the building, at once, soou became appareut, an endeavor made ex ceedingly difficult;' onj accoin.t of tlie height of the water and the fact that the gang-ways leading .to, tle shore were ex posed to the fury of the! hurricane. The gentlemen, however, went to work with a will, ; and sooa, but not a minute too early, all of the crippled and women and children were gotten safely ashore, but not without many narrow escape.f from drowning and the occurrence os numerous .iucideuts that would fill f a volume. Before was first sought iu the old ten- pin alley, but the eucroachuient of the water soon made it necessary for them to move again this time to private vesideb- ces, boarding-housys, &c, throughout the town. j i One of the young ladies from Wilming ton was so unromantic' as to co ashore unassisted, which much disgusted a num ber of youug men, who would have been delighted to have risked their lives in saving her. But instead of screaming or getting excited aud waiting for aid, she coollywalked ashore by herself, thtrs showing that she was abundantly able to take care of herself even iu such a pre dicament as was there presented. 1 he roof of the Atlantic Hotel was hrst blown of, and within the lapse of a sec ond a huge wave struck aud lifted the structure up, and i with a whirl it broke to pieces and floated in all directions. A secoud or two before the Hotel went two young gentlemen of Kewbern, Messrs. (jruiou aud Dessaway, were seeu at a third story window, from which they shortly threw amattrass, and jumped. oi tuuatelvr the distance was not great as the water was up to the second story, aud one succeeded in getting on the mat- trass and subsequently ashore, the other missed it but managed to swim out all right. w ' ! Those who are familiar with the build ing will remember that the bar room was separate building, with oue end on shore aud connected with" the Hotel by a gang-way, which Was the route by which most of the gnoats left, it being more sheltered. When the roof of tho bar room was swept away Mr. John M. Rob erts, af Newbern, was seen crawling out of the top. He had gone back to search or his friend, Mr. John D. Hughes, of Xewbern, aud was passing through the barroom on his way out when the root blew off. Mr. Hughes was seeu ashore ifter everyone had gotten out of the totel, and it is supposed he weut back to ook for Mr. Roberts, when ho was struck ou the head by a falling1, timber nd car ried oft in the ruins. , Hi body, was re covered yesterday, and was , found to be very mucli mashed aud bruised,-whieh would seem to substantiate tlie ; above supposition, I lie YYllnmgtoiuaus speak in the highest terms of bis actions during the excitement, in unselfishly seeking always to aid others , at the risk of his own life, ' j ' '' "'.'' ; Mr.: Hughes was only 23 years of age and was a youug i man of unexceptional character. Brave, generous and cour teous, he was at once liked on meetiucr him. All who Knew him ; regret his un timely death, and sympathize (with Ins mends. His body was interred at New beru yesterday "afternoon;; 1 r .1 i Advice received here last night state that another body was also found yester day afternoou, which was identified as that pf V Henry Congletou, a of Beaufort' and a fisherman byf occupa tion. It is. supposed he was ' lost iu the same mauuer as Mr. Hughes. f j j All accounts agree in stating that every man worked bravely' and ) unhesitatingly towards rescuring those unable to help themselves, but; we will not (mention names ; where all were sot conspicuous. well satisfied t'liit .thosp from jyilmii - N ! the Purltrof the Dallot. i Even in Massachusetts, generally a! knowledged to be the most; highly civili sed aid best governed State in the Union, there are offeuses agaiust the rirhts f man. ,,V hiUi , tho. develoitiLUiiit if .tli L Wallace c4uimitte;Jn ugiird,tuL tiujlliiUiuJ J ldatiou of voters in this State! are ridicu louswhcu towuareditU.offeuea kIa where, it will bo seeu there are cases even here Which" preeeut'au unpleu'sant appear ance betoro a tribunal;- ho doubt tho of fenses charged grew, Qijt ?f .ztjnl for, good government, but the, same plea might be made, for the armed "tulidozer" of Missis7 sipiif Brains' enterprise;; and wealth are iudaeatial' enough in , a)iy jcomniunity without resort to threats, either of sudden death or drschaf ge" frdhi eniploy ment. Tlitf Idea that there wasi any concerted plan j to 'iudueuco voters by improper methods is absurd, but here aud there a zealous pat tisati Uudonbtedljy overstepped the bounds of propriety. ,jAs. a., rule even in hosu places were the oftehse wascharg edj tlie voters seem to-have stood up for their lights. ; Tho evidence, takeu streng thens the argument in favor of supervis ion by members of both parties, hlle we believe "that tho employment of deputy .marshals for service at elections is almost sure tjo be abused. It provides a conven ient system of bribery, by which the votes of bummers, may be bought with public money for th benefit of a particular par tys --' If the Democrats were in power iu the national adininistnition, tho Kepubli cuhs' would promptly see tlie evils of the system which they have defended - while it worked iu their javor. 1 lint we believe that every ballot box should be supervis ed by brave and honest representatives of all the political parties presenting tickets, aud that the humblest ..voter should be protected from the smallest' degree of in tiiuidatiou on the part. of any other man. Even ;an attempt to scrutinize .another man's ticket should be held an offense to be punished,-' org better, should j be made im possible by proper precautious -Huston Herald. Boors Wajw Nearly 40,000 people were at Aurora, in., j; rmay, aiteuaing tne grand reunion of. war veterans. GenL Sheridan . Til T- 1m'.- l was among the new. arrivals. The event of the day was the . storming of the sham "rebel Fort Wade," over which the Confed erate flag had been flying , for three da vs. The scene was highly exciting to the spec tators.; len. I. J. Henderson commanded the fort, and made a gallant 'defence of it. The attack was made . by Gens. Mann, Swain,; Killard aud Torrchce, witli live pieces Of heavy ordnance. Gun. Mann or derei ia general advance at 4 p. uu, and, under cover of an artillery flic, Gens. Tor rence and Swain attacked the' redoubts. They Were temporarily repulsed, but, being reinforced by other divisions, made a grand rally and attack, whieh carried the fort with a ruslu- ! A coilREsruXPENTof tlie Cleveland (0.) Herald a out witli the startling aiiiMHince inent that lie has discovered the real se cret -of the colored exodus. It is.not race or sectinal prejudice, but a Catholic trick to get the negrtK'ft out, and put Irish Catho licity their place, and evciiluall.v, an in dependent Catholic .State. The corrcspon ;dent has traveled extensively at t he South and got hi-fi inkling of this conspiracy from a letter tlie editors of the OkoIoiih (MNs.y States showed hint' front a South Carolina Catholic bishop), who assuicd tlieni that t lie whole IIoiikiu Catholic church from it 3 Pope down to the most humble member are heart and soul iii this work, and they will do all iii their power to make it a1 success."' Thf correspondent says that all Southern politicians know of this, plan, and that it is the secret of their defiant utterances. j WaTeuep Goi.n. Much of the gold sent to the assay oftice in this city to be inelted and assayed comes in what is known as the Rpongo form, that is, after the murenry has been driven out of the amalgam Jy the heat. It is uot :nufreqiieut ly the case that as soon as the mercury all dissap pears miners plunge the, spongy mass into water fortbe purpose of cool ing it,: The mass is sent immediately to the assay office, where it is weighed. In the process of reducing it to the solid state, all the water which may have col lected' iu the porus mass, is .evaporated-, and consequently when the gold is again Weighed there is a great falling oft. 1 he iissaver asks that attention be called to this matter for his own protection, as well as that of merchants or others who inav bny gold in this state. A caso iu point occurred ou Saturday. A lot of gold in tins state was sent to the mint, u hen Subjected to the sand bath, causing all the water to evaporate, it lost .forty pen iayweiglits. Char. Ob. Deficescy in English Crops "What Will be Reqctred Fnor Aijiioad. Lon don, August 25. Mr. Scott, a wtdl known, Agricultural authority, in his anual letter reviewing the crops, estimates that the out come of the grain crop will be a; third jess than the average that the deficiency will entail a loss of twenty-live million pounds, and that sixteen or seventeen million quar ters of wheat will be" required from abroad. Ie also estimates that the deficiency in the fotatb crop wilt cause a loss of fifteen ual ion pounds, -Rnd the deficiency in, beans, peas and roe, a loss of about three million pounds. J mW& ' f To BeHebuilt. Capt. Robt. D. Gra linm, of this city, owner of the site on Which the Atlantic Hotel at Beaufort Stood befoi-e the storm, informs the Ual- tigh jJVctp that auotlier hotel oii a more pularged" and 'Improveil scale will be treel;td ou the same spot before, another fsmuuier reason arrives, anil .that . Beau fort will have lost noue of her former glo fy a a sutniner resort. Ho estimates tho loss from the Storm at $150,000 at least. Char. Ob. j A disturbance occured at Pana ma on the 10th during the polling for the members of the Legislature. A party in ojij osition to the present administration (Ndtdmal) plan- neu tne steal oi tlie uanoi oox ntTiicuentrai precinct of thercity. Some be i to light the ballot others being instructed to securd box in the confusion, but their j laus j were frustrated by two officers who hsed. revo!- vers freely. ' In a few minutes guard of ioliece, armed with; rounded tbe pplling booth and order to tlie' close. a strong prides, . sur- preserved What ChaKdleu WftiTEsW-Mr. Wil Haiti E. Cliandler. regulator 'of fetu ruing boiirds, writes from Nevada tin t '-the Re nublieunsre likeTv to lose California iii the! coming election; because the party will not commit itself to a vigoiroua appli cation of the provisions of the coiistitu- li tioo for tli n nrrtctioii of railroad abnsesin J that State." A'etF lorfc -Sar. TIME TABuE WESTE3H K. G; nASUlCfiO Leave :. OOINO itsTl-'' ft .10 45 P. M 1225 A- II. Stateitiile . t'atawba btatiou .. Xewtua ....... Cunora a...i.i 1 20 S 17 21 45 419 4!3:f Uick-ry ; ........ Iwirdj 1 ; .. .. IJoricfintdn -i Gleu Alpine. . li ridge :ule. 4158. . : ! . -r Md-mn Old F.rt lleniy 541' .-. mm ... SWAXXANOA Arrive 4 UOlJvO EAST ij Salisbury- ' Third Qwk 3 12 218 120 I Stittesvillo Catawba" NewUn.'t,.iJ . i -. Couova Hickory card Murjranton Gleu Alpine Bridge Vaier Marion -Old Fort i -iti A. 31 I Vi ? lu-y:i i50 -U3I 8 47 7 57 , 7 45 llenry S WANNA NO A. Trains' pas at Catawba Station; A freight ard Accommodation Train tnafce three trips a week orer the road going Weat Monuays, , euuef days, and Friday ing iat Ineday, TJinrr-days nnd Going West'; paces'' 11 iekory at-1 East ut 1 1 ;'.! a. in . , w ; Saturdays 27' p. in J.W WfLON", President, North Carolina College, Mt. Peasant, Cabarrus Co ,N. 0. July 7. 187. Ths anti'i'U wissloa of this Institution begins tne Khsc Monl iy in A-i?ast and eontlnufra 40 weeks. The emit.' o lastratjtloa U th rouh ; jthe location neaitttv: tne community moral ; a tx ooaru low. For lujxuor particulars aiMre.-w i i 33 41 SBCI-.ET.inY OK-TUK FACn.TT. IN THE CITY OF SiLXjISBUnV, tst. o. By virtue Vf a Mnrtg-i-e or Deed in Trust, fxecuttMl hr Tit on. E. lirown and Wife, E. W. LiroMii, to rjopitia lii.sltcrer. dated the 19th day of .January, 178, and registered in the ollice f the Uei.i-ter ot Dv?e'U if ltivan co'ln ty, in l'uk of, pie 4Q'J, 410 and 411, tc, and iipiut which default has been made, I will expose for ale at pnhlic auction, at the coui t-hoiHe dour in the Town of Salisbury, ?T. Car. on Monday ti-.e 15th Day of Doeambsk", 1879; at 12 o'clock M., the followins; rel estate, to wil : Tlie L t or I'icce of Land,! known .s BR03'3 LIVSRY STiAOLE, emhraciii" the greater part f lhj lot pur chased front tlwin Shaver and Miiry K. Slia ver, and joining the lands of Jolinj I. Sharer's lieir. I)r. V. K. i'ason, and tlie parsonasre o( ihe Episcop.il t-liiircli, in the Towfn of Salis Ijurv. i T'E.tMH CASH Dated at Salisbury this loth day of August, 1S79. Chas. Piin-K, .Sophia Behieueu, Attornev. ' : ; OF ' ; I'.' Yerj YAIUABLS REAL ESTATE Trustee. r Property AngHioDcclo On Saturday, the 30th instant, at 11 o'clock, A. M ., un tiu premise", i will ofier for sale, unless sootier uisjiosetl of, my Otie-ifilrinter-et in that part ol the National Hotel Uuild itiiS thai tr. jilted to the Heirs of tlie late Jtml II. Jenkins, and iu jMessru. Iforah liaTe their Jeweler's shop. I'rice asketl $GO0. J.no. A. li,Vntjx, l.':2iv Ulowing -ttojcfc, X. C. ; North Caholisa, Davie County, j- In the Superior Court. . M II ChafH:i, Adm'r of Samuel Smith, dee'd, PuT against Jonathan Smith, Jr., Samuel Smith, Thomas Suiilb and Bell Smith. Petition to r4ell land to j pav debnf. I ! J I It appearing to the satisfaction of the court upon a Hi lav'u of the Plaintiff, that Bell Smith, one of the defendants alove named, is a non resident of this State, il is ordered that publi cation he made for six successive weeks in the Carolina Watchman, notifying skid defend ant lo appe-u at the ollioe of the Clerk of tbe Superior Court on the 2)tii day of August, 187!), an I answer t'ta coaiphiintl which is tiled in said ofl'ue, or the Plaintiff j will apply to the court for the relief deftviujded in ihe complaint. Witness, (J. M. BlNOH VM, Clerk Superior Court Davie county. 39io44 - ! llflWTO SAVE BUY HARD- And you will not only ave moriy, but get the Best Goods made. Yon will flind in Ids Well Selected Stock of Hardware, Mowers, Thresher, and Sewing machine, j Straw-Ctittcrs k Corn-Shellcrs, Grain Cradles, Grain and jjrass Scythe,? Plows, Hoen, MattockH .and , J'icks, Shovel.-, Spades and Forks, Glas, Paints, Oils, Putty, and Varnish, Locks, Hinge and Screws, Dusden'm Cross-Cut, Hand and Mill Saws. Blacksmith & Carpenter llOllSE AND MUlk SttOES, Tin and Hollow Ware, PAteni Oil Can. Patent Fly-Fans and Traps. BUGGIES, OPEN AND I WITH TOPS. Uuggy-IIarues, Harness Leather and. Mountings, tVugmi ami Bdgijy Materials, and many other articles' t tedious to mention. ! No. '3, Hedriek's Row,4Near National Hotel, MAin Street; SAIilSBUEYt H. C. Cheap Chattel Mortgages, various 'ther blanks for sale. l.cie " T . cn Stibscrtbo fro the attiitiian only $2 mn CI YOUR JwARE fhu.m: 1, ITIiOftl, ! ' I ' ' Who has once nsed the-PEOPXES! IIACUISIT vill i;eiVr iifv all ' weilc, Uhe ivo t . ; ,. . f i . - . , , f , OfiG-AN POP. SAL3. A first rate 5-ston Mason & Ilim'.ln Parlor "Onrah tor sale. Apply inrou.t pj.sl-jiliou Utx No. ct. , j . The Mexican Dollar. ' . ... . NV Hal is tlie rtttterence oetwecn llje .Mexican dollar and Tahler's Buckeye I'iie )iiittntni? o.,,i,0u.i,.,i : ......... ...,.i i'... ..it.'... .i...u .. ..... .. ....... not. 1 lie Mexican dollar save, "i am one' hundred cents;" hul whir you come U invst ! it you nnd it in O'lly ci-lity-tj ve. 1 ;ibler. Buckeye Pile Ointment says 'T wld mie uu of Piles;'and upon trial it is found to do fo in every-case. It make -hut one promise tin cure Pi I v; aud does so without failure. Price 50 cents a bottle. For sale by II. Barker, Salisbury, N. C. Coussens' Compnund Iffituy of T;ir !:ns been ho long and ftvorablv known thai it uei-d-t nb encoiniuin. For ootrjih--, i-oii'.s, sore throat, hoarseness, etc--, it affords speedy relu-f, and is a most pleasant and cf!i-.:acious remedy, hpney and tar being tw of its ingredients. The skill of the chemist, and i he knowledge of a physi cian were united in its preparation, the restd-t being a compound which is the fa vol iie- rt rnt. dy in this severe climate, and has no erpinl :i a cure for coughs, col Is, hoarseness, linmchit is, croup, e:c. Use Coussens' Hi.ney f Tar-. Price "0 cents. For sale by C. II. Barkery Salisbury, N. C. - Greensboro Female College, GHEENSBOItO, N. C. The 47'h Session of tntion will open or. We.bu-sday the 20i!i ol August 1 erni rtducid to tlie t nni s. Applv for Catalogue : T- M. J')X'-;s; President. June 24, lS79.-::G,ljn ELK 9 Pi mLi Carding, Spinning, -Weaving Fuiin and -Dressing.' The Elkin Mills. YudMn County, have taken :i long step forwnu!. Thcyutc now niakiti! ten or twcl vc diUV-mit vaiictics of Tweetls and (.'assimcics, and ait .still ar ranging for a further ad vnuecv The prices are tue mo.st surprising talcj atout it :, You can seuJ your C'ieaa vv ooilo the t'aciory and ia a few davs receive back the n ils at cents a poiutd; h-ira it iviri into ram jit li1.. i ts have it luiide in to Jeans clollt at 2 cH. a yard; or you can pet it j colored, fulled, pressed an t rOieered. liulaLcu up m style, at 35 els. per ard. Colored Unsey 1S; cents; wiilte. Ucts.: lilankctb, white, z cts. per yard. 1 lb. cfe.tn wool will make H7I0S heavy cloth. Samples or the various cloihi manufactured can be seea at J. D. MoNEBLY'3 ST0E3, Salisbury, . Who is .V?ent to r v.-iv tor this cstablishmt nt. "ool ui I to deliver C.oodi .r. i). .ic:-i-:i:LY, Ajrt. ' If you want a goo 1 Kertlllzer for Cotton or Tobac co, go to J. I). AicNEELY. If you want a lot of Superior s.ie4 Sidn-'leH, go to J. i). McN KJiLY. 29:3m BIH(JHAXtl SCHOOL, MEBAXKVILLE, X. C. The 171st Session begins July 30 1379. Arrangements have been made hy which a limited nnml.er of youn men w ilh small means cau '"Mlis" ut $ per month. j Board, with furnished room, Reduced to S12 per month; Tuition to 350 per Session. For particulars addr s 35:1m Maj. II, IiIN(i IIA M. PUBLIC SALE VALUABLE AGR'rtERY! At the Court House in SalUury, on the 14th day of July next, I will sell One Steam En gine and ioiler with all the 'Machinery at tached. Also a Saw MiH and Grist Mill wills all the machinery attached ; it hewing the pro perly conveyed lo me hy John Heard and KI jen H. Heard hy nnrtsajrp duly i-e.ii-tered in the Register's orlice of Ilowan County, in Iook No. 47 pnjfe 351. Terms of sale CAS'ir. "B3i LUK KBLACK.Mi::!, Tiiistce. June 10, lSTj 5w Chaw Jdck-on's Test Street Xavy Tohaccc Blacimer ail Henderson, ' ; Attorneys, Couuselcrs and Solicitors. SALISBURY, N.C Jicnuav22 1879 -tl. 0 Practical Blacksmith HORSES HOER. SHOP connected with nrom & Verble's Uvery sitAbles. U designs of Shoes, to suit an I clples and WARRANTED. All kinds hlacksralthltifr J promptly done. i-:iy i ariP nr frnt: ah fchnetner on strictly scienuuc rnn- mmJZZ.y ' -.--ri- IS 1 ' r.'V'7'v? .-..li;i... If .... :.h J- i ilUiVJIO ;lll'j, . -IU1I1- 'III" IlUt Ul i rVVl'LU want. It makes the f-; ana wiuas tn uuuim 'Iwitliuui i 'koi'k ct ihd. uracil nuUl AY!nte:tii H Mil m ircnlars aud full narticnlam. 1 n J-?i s . . . -S. tOf.ia.r,. .... i " fin 1301 1303 Buttoiiwooa St iiJiiia PHILADELPHIA PA. - 4 .vg..? 4J:ly ISAAC A.SHEPPARD & C0.,Sdtb, -f 1 - Manufacturer f TTTTf fTT-r-on . ! i Unsurpassed for Durability J fconnwy, and 0veii! !'ci.'; k ALSO A TAKIED ASSOKTMEXT OP STOL ' - C. F. BAKER dt CO., Salisbury, & tH Mi 7 1 WndnTTOTt Foln T.J , if viuoy eta, i' ciuaic i lilitblLuTP I ,t-. . . . .. . 1 k I j ()pensits34thSesstt)n,Septeui!.,rlSili;-ii $ hJ ar5fc'V'.ofa fl,r hi.hinfc V"1"" oiaie?. v,om.j.e ansurtuKiL 4 --jt... roundings 5eaiUtf;d. A-Ueittd lv twvls'i-TI i .Seventeen States. Stride eeigx'mv r,7i,;l j i . . .1 i . . . l, .. . lUif. jviu'mi me mwc-i ichis in ;iilt t. hlt'n, Tktim : Bjar.j:,' 'asi.i.;- I!., j Coiu se, Latin, French-, foi' eui b b;t3f if mi ischoIasWe. year .Ail tS;r.is vcrr' 1' or Catalogue, auiiress ' j Kkv. V m: . rlAEitts, p. D., Preskt v r 1 11 h T!k Town Tax Lhjt? wil If h KtpHiM, Julv 20lh, after which date ithet will i(iitivl I ly he closed and double taxi inif:oxrionji!t.i liuq itints. By order of .tlie lloard of. L'Ijb. 1 inq rijssoiM-rs. , Julv Tib. IV. 1F79. 2t TALBOT A; SONS Shockoo Hacliine Vork's, Mauuracturersof Portable and Mationary Krigij.es and ItLjlefs. s.iw Mills. t:rn ami . Lai Aiili-i. liutr. llaiijrct and iJu!it'y,-. TuiIjLdC s aL-r Wlii-tls, Tiiii'in-ii 1 ai tory Mari!ir,cry, N.rovRul lif in WilrL i Urass and Iron Castings. acliUor of Every if. . s?'i t;iiOi. - -. j , G:i!fij2ig: and Threshing Machincij A SPECI I.ITVT" i j : - UEPAiTlINll niOMPTLY & CAHIIFI f DllJE. - Tallct'c Patent Spark Arrcrfcr, Ti3 Invention of the Age. jj Talbot's new patent Spark-Arrester t renllytl.ef'9 ly i.-eriet-t ana re.uu :e one. and is. suMvciBgu h others In use. The rieat emclciioy of this Am Ji Is atraetiiiiyiiiverfc-.d af.eu;'Uru,.tUid Irf beinn j u r -'(t ny trie ocst tuecnauieai T,j;iiieers aim iur raci-o companies, its promm. li h aturts ar? : ltdoes not Utstmj- tie draft. : .it. does not interfere witlt cleanifg the tube?. .11 wiil icit choke tin. and rauires u clcanlfir. It rcc.uin sno rtin-ct- damp-rso be opened w& raisuiK steam (daniptrs beity: objectionable, cslftey in iv tnff nrn-Ti and Ufnv-m-irkH to ewane.l -U 11 rcoiitri'S r.o watr to extin.ru sli Sharks. vfiftLi by condensation, destroys th'rdrait. I'sKIps, wkenf water is used. 11 ceieclto.Jtne eincitnc-iwrMnri ed bv evaporation ot the watfrtandtheb('ilerlskl!pt in a tlltltr conoition. ' ! It Is staple atiil durable and cna be relied upon. It can be attached to anv boiler. , l. X'n r ir.t.r uhniil.1 ho iritlmut one (if (Tlem. ID8S- r.iiioe compaides will Insure Flusand barn whmtliffj Talbot enranes and spark-Arn (Hers ate usru . nime rates as eh!r?Hl for water or horse-potrfr. ; tw Send for 1 lust ra ted circulars and price list, llr.ineh House. Charlotte. N. 1: Om ' mm m -K mfr.tt fTC. B : - -4- "iteisa! Hsibbs ARE ALWAYS HAPPY H 1-HE8I JlcSmith Music CHAHLOTTE, X. C,,i -!i i Branch of Ludden & Bates," SAVANNAiT, dA. :0: Mm ! JT OF ALL KINDS. PIANOS 'from $125 up to 1500. OKGANSV ''J ' VPart Cash end Part Thnrm L Very-iow for All Cash Seiul for Illustrated Catalogue ; List Fkek. The' Best Made! All Gnaranteed for fineen Years : -im..-!.'? Ve t4v fW,lt! f infill Oil I tclj r HlilK - i j- both ways if no sale. ' ; : ; Call on, or address- ' il H. McSMITH, I Clt.UU.OTTE.N.f- a::-im KERB CRAfGE, if - A i 1 Dili - -4- , i" ' " - i I h 1 -n i i i ! -

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