n w We old bones. Burn them fvrw . . I with your wood, and the ashes thus enriclied will prove a valuable ferii- lizer Monev cannot buy" any article vWPk1 m 60 fertilize your soil, i-.- h:Lf.maA t?l! owntltr in -T1 : I. r ' - t 1 I 1. crease the value pf wood asnes, wuicu in themselves are ampng the best of I soil enrichers. ')"' , l' ' I ..jt, ; .. i m) Wood Ashes and Salt kok Cattle.t ealiifingtije necessity of an ocpasjonaj rwliali of salt and wood ashes for oil kind of acock, me worw .maps . . most convenient form in which these ma.- Aerials can bo offered, is in a solid mass, which admits a- ciligeut licking on ine pariof he imim4 without gaining more pf the mixture than is desired. ri turn mmnra rnn.n is ukkucu am fMV ! 1 - 1 - ta mix the intrredients so that a solid WW&rWrp. wood ashes in theiroportion of pound for a x . Am- . An a oi innr. il km i i i pound! witn wate samcienp w noiu iuc jnUtnre together To preserve tha mxr ore m a ioW jw - w-fc- pr boxes -Biiplfprca snnjcieuwjr w wp rftln and snow from reachin: it and con- TCitiDe 15 into aiKaiino jncikic. ucw thrpnghs with their tempting contents provedfiaent ashai fcr alinriag wHmen but that idle men tempts the lUAiSa a I day, home at night. When cattle phew Jeather, wood and old popes rememoer that it indicates a lack of phosphates pf limeineiriooa, wmcu i u1?u w apply bone material. A-teaapoonfui pi "f, f -bpnejneal given daily witk their grain enr will correct the bab and supply be 4e- lciency which rnauces it. n tne oisposi; . lion w eai uuucsl- muiuw u ly exists in the soil, and tho pasture will be greatly benefited by a p dressing m bona dnsf? T?TP or threjiandred pounds a Hia mi art urn hrnnnM.. Will TCDAV I attending expenses in a better yield and Qoality pf milk and butter. TORKIJjG W0ME5 OP ESGLim Enrfish writers on American man- riers and people are very apt to folr loa the Val ef 4 dwomnes (from 21- 1 x.,a VUB ViUO 1U1U1 JUU JHUUICUD vf Mis M w ki,w oc0e whole:, ; we give n v v n i H7i ft ft ft ft iiiti i of the employment n4 pay of yomenj but we would be far from suggesting that It is a fair illustration of the treatment of all women in "Merry England." The account is taken i?om letter in the Pall Mall Gazette, written from the Tillage i of Rowley Jlegis, Lancashire ? "I came to this pjape called Belt Pnd, which is apparently a new part pf the old village.. Through a small window I observed , a female head bobbing up and down ; soon I heard the - sound of a hammer; and never .-. baving seen any rivet-making done witb human hnds, I threaded my Tway $brpngh .sorne bflo passages un- 5 tiLI came to the little' smithy where 'Alice was at work. This was the name by which her father called herJour disease greatly teutfsto nervous whom I met on the way,and to whom I Am indebted for the following re- markable pjece of knowledge. Alice, Imay 8ay, was aroung wife, engaged I 1 1 T I .11 . . o wowmg oeuows, neating pieces on iron n forge, and producing fiveus iroman anFirap me mteor three thousand a day. For this man- iauoC Auce, ner iainer proceetiea k uc 4u ucir preseuw, geis irora ware-House one shilling and three- quarterpence, out of which she was to ty xur wear ana tear oi tools one 3? carnage one penny, and a like giccus, flq pi small COKe exprcssJy for nail and rivet for- ees. Un Mondav she rirw her wacli. ing, on Saturday her cleaning lunl that' she onW . works at ri vPt9 fn,,r dats in the week, and h,.r .m- ' w ines. therefore, amounts fn,,r;iJoww,uuu sumce 01 lue iinr smrl hr0 nM foelve thousand rivpr, T hva nbthine of rent which Alir wnnld pav. and which micht nmnnn n An. shilling a week. She was a ieAzt young woman, well-spoken, with , foice 'Joh Price (Alices father) then, at PT rcquest? took me to see his neigh llward and Phyllis Tronians, Vf piveel ana worked at making pails close by; pj,y I H3 is a 'handsome woman, Villi beauiiful white teeth ' Pnnaacc of flesh, which Rubens ght have painted, it is so plentiful arid rosy. This wqinau was ' forging large uai!s and. the manner in which she made a iiail yith a poiut and a Jiead, with au inch and a half iu cir- muw of a piece of pot irW, ! I rTs inarysus to ixpfalft. ghe works I Tfon eight o'clock in the morning uu I; ' til nine c!opk at night, and in fyUr f flays will forge fifty-four pound weight pf clout nails, for which she wiHe. kpveth,o wondrous sum of three shil- j wgs ana eigh, t-fenpe, o pf trhich 1 - - I she ha to pay j5ve-ncnco fur and tio-i)encft fori! tools. Her liitt- band works 'as bam as Ho can urivtr from six la the morning until eleveo at nigbt ; and hi week's wages amoqnt j to twelve shillings; JVorrt wbioU ten pence for gleedsj add foil rpenco for tools will Have to ucueuucieqiosay . . . - . . i . .i m nothing ot rent. Jwaru iru was only forty-three jrears of age, but looked much nearer seventy. Twp other young women were nammenng awav at rivets in company with Pliyl- ' 1 I J T !... 1 I us, ana neve? as forget the little bWck smithy. J.once uravenea many a tu y - TV . I T7.l.Li.LT . - l,n( tliaM mna I JcOrge uy V eiawjup'! uu who w o in that famous picture no. figure equal to that of Phyllis Romans, and I shall remember Phyllis tq th,eJay of , ray cJea.U. fw 6ucli $ wqman should be slaving in soot blowing the bellows, now a weildioe a hammer with her rjghp bap4 forging clout nails for twe.ve houre a Jay,iu prder to earn less than forty penc a week, is a phe- w i 1 a nqmenqn tuat A;wpum never wave ueve4 as being possible in England .f j had nQt geeh -t xue j.ur& ubvc a fiunu nivn ..g that the ey,i tempts all other J 1 ucv J.aqy, jokiqg about her nose, gaid: "Ihad nothing tq do with . it . it was a birtbday nres- Truth is the most powerful thing word gjnce ficti(m- on . , . . oa:wry. w scujDtor3 and. Dajntcrs material is our owu fle,h and auu uuura. ; auj uuuieuew uc- gins at once to-redne a man's leatures; any meanness or sensuality, to imbrute them. Thoreau. As weeds grow fastest in fat soil s oar corruption grow and thrive most when qur natural state is most Drosnerous. Therefore. God's love " i ana care ior ns ponsirain mm some- times to use severe discpune and to cut us short in our temporal enjoy ment. The step-mother problem is solved by a lady in Ashland, Mich., as fol lows : "I have been a step-mother for nearly thirty years, and ray motto has been, Do: to your step-children as you would that others should do to your children' : then leave the rest with Our Father." "What is the name of your cat sir?' I lUQUireu a visitor. "Hisname was William' said the host, "until he had fits, and si nee then we have called! him Fitz-Williani!" i hWe should; never resign ourselves to inconsolable I sadness. Sometimes depression. But let us hope Hod. f he Lord hah pleasure in them that hope in mercy." Hope on. Hope ever. Hope against hope. I i A Deaf-Mute Cow. A Russian veterinary surgeon reports that a cow, twelve years old, of Algava breed, belonging to a Russian nobleman, never fihowed gigos of hearing, r bellowed. Seeing the other cattle bellow, she tried to immitate them by stretching her neck and head, and opening her mouth, but she could not pr6duce any s0UnJ xhe sense of . s;0n 0f this cow was found tn Ka nn ;uuaiiy well developed. I i i There are deIhts in e ocean which u0 ever stirsi thc ar H the reach of al1 storms which l ... sea- There are heights in the blue skv to whic1 n? cloud ever ascends w,,cre no mPes ever rages, where i11! is Ppetua sunshine. Each of 111656 15 au eniUIem ot tnc soul which - V1SltS Ji t0 WUom he 8Peaks hls awe, wuosb ear ne uispeis, anu lose lamp of hope he trims. Twee- - i I "Ah," sighed an old, faithful clock which 1 had; in my roow, "what a burden h life ! These yeigljts wear me out. W ith much pleasure would I say, 'Tick-ftick,' and strike, as is niy duty, if X only need not carry these dreadful heavy weights ; I am pot free from them one single hour." So it sighed daily, till I, moved with pity to my dear old faithful clock, took away its weights, when its com plaints stopped j but it never gave me of gratitude since : it was hence forth silent as the grave. So it would be, with many of ns if we were with? out the burdens of life. Ijo 4oubt they are often heavy and wearisome, hut needful io our spiritual life -From the Vahrheitszeuge. , glceds j THE GENUINE 35R. Cj McIlOTE'S ' , n$.lebrted American ! : VVORM SPgC!FIQ c -J :' .7. I: I VERMIFUGE. 8YWPTPM5 OF WORMS. ' THE countenance is pale and leaden colored, with occasional flushes, or a circumscribed spot on pne pr botl cheeks; the eyes become dull; the pu. pils dilate; an azure semicircle run? along the lower eye-lid ; the nose is irr rotated, swells, and sometimes bleeds; a swelling pf the upper lip ; occasional Jieadache, with humming or throbbing pf the ears; an unusual secretion of saliva; slimy or furred tongue; breath yery foul, particularly in $lje morning j appetite variable, sometimes voracious, with a gnawing sensation of the stom ach, at others, entirely gone; fleeting pains in the stomach; -occasional nausea and vomiting ; violent pains throughout the abdomen; bpwels ir- Feguiar, af tunes cpstive; stoois sumy; not unfrequently tinged with belly swollen and hard ; urine blood; turbid; respiration occasionally difficult, and accompanied by hiccough : cough sometimes dry and convulsive ; uneasy ana aisiurueu sieep, wun grinding oi the teeth; temper variable, but gener ally irrjjable, Sec Whenever the abPVe symptoms are found to exist,;' D$, P. McLANE'S VERMIFUGE will certainly effect a qure. IT DOES NOT CONTAIN MERCURY" in any form; it is an innocent prepara tion, not cafa&le pf 4ping the sligliUst injury to the most tender infant. The genuine Dr. McLanes Ver mifuge bears the signatures of C. Mc- iane ana Jf iteming iSRos. on tne wrapper. :0: DR. C. McLANE'S LIVER PILLS are not recommended as a remedy j" for all Jhe ills that flesh is heir to," but in affections of the liver, and in all Bilious Complaints, Dyspepsia and Sick Headache, or diseases of that character, they stand without a rival. AGUE AND FEVER. No better cathartic can be used preparatory to, or after taking Quinine. As a simple purgative they are unequaled. BEWABE OF IMITATIONS. The genuine, are never sugar coated. Each box has a red wax seal on the lid with the impression Dr. McLane's Liver Pills: bach wrapper bears the signatures of C. McLank and Fleming Bros. : Insist upon having the genuine Dr. C. Mc Lane's Liver Pills, prepared by Fleming Bros., of Pittsburgh. Pa., the markjet being full of imitations of the name M$ ,attet spelled differently but same pronunciation. ROBIWSOrJ Richmond, Indiana. 1 ESTABLISHED IN 1842. WE BUILD PORTABLE ENGINES i Mounted on Trucks or Frame of 6 810 12 14 and 25 Horse Power. WE ALSO BUILD THE "PEERLESS" PortaWe Enpes on frame of 4 and 6 Horse Power. These engines have horizontal tubular boil ers, made of No. 1 charcoal ham mered iron 1 inch thick and of 50,000 lbs. tensile strength. 1 hey are the best small engine in the market WE BUILD FOR 6, 8, 10 and 12 HpRSE jPOWERSJ HORSE POWERS of all sized i- : SINGLE QJ DOUBLE : '! "I- ' aw Mills. STATIONARY ENGINES, DRAG SAWS, SAW TABLES, CORN SHELLERS, FEED MILLS, &c., &c. i We offer special inducements to cash buyers. Send for Catalogue, and state what you wish to buy. Address, ROBINSON & Co., 14: ! Richmond, Iud. tThere la a circular of this House at Crawford's Hardware Store, Salisbuiy, where information In rei spect jo stewa engines may fie obtained. . r Twins lactones - - 1 1 - SPOOL COTTON, . j . ..,:! ESTABLISHED 1812, GEOHGE Af OIi ARK. ' - J j . j SOLE AGENT, - 400 BROADWAY NEW TOEK. The distinctive foaturea of this bdooI cotton are in&i it is inaae irom tue very CQef j SEA ISIAND COTTON. It lsflnlsnedBwftastaa cotton from which It Is made ; It has no xf axing: or artificial nnlsh to deceive the eyes; It is the strongest, smoothest and moat elastic sewing thread In the inarkot: for machine sewing it nas no equal; it is wouna on, WIIITIS SPOOLS. The Black Is the most perfect ! JET BLACK ever produced in spoolcotton, tjelngldyed by a system patented by ourselves. The colors are dyed by the j NEW ANILINE PE00ESS j rendering them so perfect and brilliant that dress makers everywhere use theminstead nrsewlngsllks. We invite comparison and vespecUully ask ladles to give It a fair trial and convince themselves of Its superiority over all others. Tn oe naa at wnoicsaie retail rrom i J. D. GASK1LL 6:6ra ; ! Salisbury N. C. P. fJ. ! HEILIG & SON, would call attention to their large and splendid stock of HARDWARE Embracing IRONS and STEELS every variety oi sues ana snapes Dest quality. Wagon and Buggy Materials, comprising all the various kinds required springs, axies, waeeis, sc., ready o set up. Telegraph Straw Cutters. all sizes, and unsurpassed in quality and durability Great American Lightning SAWS, every kind and size, embracing MILL & CKOSSCUT NAI LS all sizes cut and wrought, i JPJLmO'SJV3 The most popular and approved styles Plow Cast ings, ail tinas, dous, &c. lr iso. 5 points ror i WIN DOW QLASS from sx w to 24 x so Putty, olLs. ! ralnts. varnLshcs, Llgatnlnp Drier, &c. FAIKliANfc SCALES-Sieelyaras and Balances. W 3Xl3L Tooll For Carpenters,lacksniiths, Shoemakers, Farmers. Champion Mowers and Reapers. Horse Rakes, Threshing Machines, Horse-Powers, Pumps, J3F"Graln Cradles, i (irass: Scy tiies. Planters Handled lloes, GUNS Pistols, Knives, and CUTLEH Y of all kinds. tour stock embraces ev erythlnj? to be fouitd In a large and complete Hardware store, and all at low prices for cash. With thanks for past lavors we nope 10 nient continued commence ana increasing patronage. March 7. lS 3 20: ly YELLOW FEVER-BLACK VOMIT. It U too soon to foreet the ravages of this terrible disease, wnlcu wui no aouDt return in a more malig nant ana virulent form in tne rail montns or MEKUKLL s HEPATINE. a Kemedy discovered In Southern NUbla and used with such , wonderful re sults In South America where the most aggravated cases of fevt r are found, causes from one to two ounces ot bile to be filtered or strained from the blood each time It passes through the Liver, as long as an excess of bile exists. By lu wonderful action on the Liver and stomach the HEPATINE not only prevents to a certainty any kind cf Fever and Black Vomit, but also cures Headache, Constipation of the Bowels, Dyspepsia and all Malarial diseases. No one need fear Yellow Fever who will expel the Malarial Poison and excess of bile from the blood by using MERK ELL'S HEPATINE, which Is sold by all Druggists In 25 cent and $1.00 bottles, or will be sent by express by the Proprietors, j A. F. MERRELL CO.. Phila. Pa. Dr.;Pemberl0n'sotillingia or Quern's Delight. t3TThe reports of wonderful cures of Rheuma tism, Scrofula, Salt Rheum, Syphilis, Cancer, Ulcers and Sores, that come from all parts of the country, are not only remarkable but so miraculous as to be doubled was It not for the abundance of proof. Remarkable Cure of Scrofula, &c CASE OF COL. J. C. BRANSON. Kinostom, Ga., September 15, tsn. Gents : For sixteen years 1 have been a great suf ferer from Scrofula in Its most distressing forms. I have been conflned to my room and bed for tifteen years with scrofulous ulcerations. The most ap proved remedies for such cases had been used, and the most eminent physicians consulted, without any decided benefit. Thus prostrated, distressed, de sponding, I was advised by Dr. Ayer, of Floyd Coun ty, Ga., to Commence the use of your compound Ex tract stillingla. Language is as insufficient to de scribe the relief I obtained from the use of the Stil lingla as it is to convey an adaquate idea of the in tensity of my suffering before using your medicine : sufficient to say, I abandoned all other remedies and continued the use of your Extract of stillingla, until I can say truly, "I am cured of all pain," of all dis eases, with nothing to obstruct the active pursuit of my profession. More than eight months have elapsed since this remarkable cure, without any le turn of the disease. For the truth of the above statement, -I refer to any gentleman In Bartow County, Ga., and to the members of the bar of Cherokee Circuit, who are ac quainted with me. I shall ever remain, with the deepest gratitude. Your obedient servant, J. c. BRANSON, Atfy at Law. West Point, Ga Sept. 1, 1870. Gkkts : My daughter was taken on the Uth day of June, 1873, with what was supposed to be Acute Rheumatism, and was treated for the same with no success. In March, following, pieces of bone began to work out of the right arm, and continued to ap pear till all the bone from the elbow to the shoulder Joint came out. Many pieces of bone came out of the right foot and leg. The case wsis then pro nounced one of White Swelling. After having been confined about six years to her bed, and-the case considered hopeless' I was induced to try Dr. Pem berton's Compound Extract of Stillingla. and was so well satisfied with its effects that I have continued the use of it until the present. My daughter was confined to her bed about six years before she sat up or even turned over without help. She now sits up all day, and tews most of her time has walked across the room. Her general health la now good, and I believe she will, as her limbs gain strength, walk welL I attribute her re covery, with the blessing of God, to the use of your Invaluable medicine. With gratitude, I am, yours truly, ;j W. B. BLAXTON. West Point, Ga., Sept. IB, 130. Gents 1 The above certificate of Mr. W. B. Elan- I ton we know and certify to as being true. The thing Is so : hundreds of the most respected citizens will certify to it. As much reference can be given as may be required. Yours truly, CRAWFORD WALKER, Druggists. HON.H. D.WILLI AM 8. DR. PEMBERTOK'S 8TTLLINGIA 13 pre pared by A. F. HERUELL & cu.. rnua., i-a. Sold by all Druggists in S1.0C bottles, or sent by express. Agents wanted to canvass everywhere. Send for Book '-Curious Story" free to alL Medi cines sent to poor people, payable In Installments. NOW IS1 THE TIME TO SUBSCBIBE FOR THE WATCHMAN USE THIS RAND s BEST IN THE WORLD, iii better than any Sarans, Oqo teaspoouful of this Soda used with fiour milk equals I our teaspoousfuls of the best Baking Powder, sav ing Twenty Times its cokt. See package tor valuable! information, i j If the teaspoonfnl is too large and does not produce good results at first use less afterwards. Jan. 30: 6m. OLD, AND TRUE. People are getting acquainted ad tboa who are not ought to be with the wonderful merit oC that great American Remedy, the MEXICAN Mustang Liniment. FOR MAN AND BEAST. TbU liniment very naturally originated tn Ameri ca, where Nature provides in her laboratory audi surprising antidotes for the maladies of herchft drcn. IU fame has been spreading for 85 years, until now It encircles the habitable globe. Tho Mexican Mustang Liniment Is a matchless remedy forallcxtcrnalatlmcntsof man and beast, To stock owners end farmers it Is Invaluable. . A single bottlo often saves a human life or re stores tho usefulness of an excellent "horse, ox cow, or rhecp. It cures foot-rot, hoof -all, hollow horn, grub, scrcw-worm, shoulder-rot, mange, j the bites and stings of poisonous reptiles and insects, and every such drawback to stock breeding and bush life. : It cures every external trouble of horses, such as lameness, scratches, swlnny, sprains, founder, wind-gall, ring-bone, etc., etc j The Mexican Mustang Liniment la the quickest cure In the world for accident occurring In the family, in the absence of a physician, such as burns, scalds, sprains, cut, etc., and for rheuma tism, and stiffness engendered by exposure. Par ticularly valuable to Miners, 1$ is the cheapest Remedy In the world, for It penetrates the muscle to the bone, and a slngto Implication Is generally sufficient to cure. Mexican Mustang Liniment la put up in three "f8 of bottlen, the larger ones being proportion v elymnch the cheapest, 5pd everywhere. BLACKWELL'S IXJK.H-A;M Mortgage Deeds for sale her Also various other: blank?, f I do not hesitate to saj the American Machine surpasses all other machine. BRidMJ : T1 ' j W i IntU Ihe work that other machiuts can, it overseama and works button holes in . any fk li I g 1 f J'rom Swiss Muslin to lieaver cloth. 1 have Used Singer. Howe and Weed Alphinu.rifi hJ 1 8 g J find the American is superior to them all. ; " " ne"ndi Hg 1 5 jg O J IT w 3 S F3- hH 0 C 2 2 w o - tj 1-3 tn i -' B o 0 . Kjpii f H3 g TRIED Hi TOBACCO The Best Family ;Seving Machine ! I The "NEW AMERICAN is easily learned, does not get out o' order and will more work with less labor thai any other rnachine. Illustrated CuCu'ar luwlshed t : application. .1 AGENTS RANTED, f -2. S. D0VEY. Maaarcr. CI N. Charles Street. Baltimore, lid. MERONEYS & ROGERS, Agents, Salisbury, N. c, I j I'rice frtm $25 to $45. I hare used the Singer and other machines, y- : Sibs: 1 have iwed the Howe, Singer, Wheeler & Wilson, Wilcox & Uibbs, Sewinr Jt., chines, and would not give the American for all of them. It will do all that is claimed for 1 in the circular. I consider it superior to all others I have ever seen. . ' Very respectfully. DEEDS & MORTGAGES. Fee Simple Deeds. Deeds in Trust, Mortgage Deeds, Commissioners' Deeds, Sheriffl Deeds, Chattle Mortgages, Farm Contracts, Marriage and Confirmation. Certificatei,1 Distillers' Entries, and viirious other forms for sale at th SALE NOTICES. Administrators, executors, commissioners, call on us for printed sale notices. It is their property at public auction w ithout first giving ample notice of thesaleT -The1 r quircments of the law on the subject every body knows are insufficient, j Properit ik often sacrificed from this cause when a dollar ortwd spent in advertising might hatS saveu it auu niuue it unug us yaiue. tv e UOTICSO FOP. PCGTINC- PAMPHLETS, ! SCHOOL CIRCULARS,' BILL-HEADS, f LETTER HEADS, Monthly CARDS, Posters, all kinds, m (GALL. ' TlYEKf STABLE. Having purchased the Livery Stable on Lee street ami perfected all necessary arrangements for car rying on the business in a com plete and satisfactory manner, the public are solicited to give us a trial. VY e; are prepared to afford All usual Accommodations; and will do so at the most moderate prices possible. 53F"DROVERS are invited to give us a call. Day visitors can have their stock carefully attended to and every propi er attention shewn them. The stable attend ants are experienced and careful men.' Horses boarded by the day, week, month or year. Uaii ana try us. it. J. iiU.LALt;a uj. Jan. 2d, 1878. ll:tf SALISBURY BOOK STORE. GEO. W. Y0PP, Propr. (At Plyler's Old Stand.) BRIGHT NEW BOOKS AT : LOW PRICES, CALL AND SEE HIM. 9:tf. On and Off Slick as Grease I EOOTS, GAITERS, SHOES, SLIPPERS, &c. W. M. EAGrLEj hin nld stand in hi tild line, on Main Street. opposite Enniftt' Drug Store, lie is always ready ana anxious ioacco:ninoaaie cusiuuierr in bis line in the best manner possible. He is prepared to do first class work and. can com- ... . a - I WT 1 Jt pete witn any nortnern onop or nauu raaue vnrt. ITia maphinpa. lawtts. tC. are of the latest ard best paternt. Reworks the yery . . a.i.7ai u A ,J A Dest material sua Ke.pn u uuu i.ou) u-ur work, and stockqual to any special order. Repairingneatly and promptly done at rea sonable prices. Satisfaction guaranteed or no charge. Prices to Suit the Times. Cash orders by mail promptly filled. 34.6ino. W. M. EAGLE. JAMES M. GRAY, Attorney and Counsellor at Law, SALISBURY, X. C. Office in the Court Hone lot, next door Snnire Hanihtori. Will pntctice in all I the Courts of the Stat. oaly the NEW- U ! SEIGAN - T tub ; Only Sewfng Machln. jIttMSelfSetthja ' - - la tlia Uglitcst Esrr- ' The Amplest Jht Must Sur. able, end ia Eury Lespe, - i i i i" I it MISS M. RUTLELGE.I! and would not exchange the American MKS.1J.N.BK150LE i SfJiburj,N.C.f Mar 22d. 1872 'Vi'l MRS. GEO. W. IIARRISOX. , WATCHMAN OFFICE.' sheriffs, constables, agents, &c are advisi certainly great injustice to owners to nnt lurnisu saie notices promptly and. cheap. LJLND RSADT PHI27TSD. ! A Special Offer tothe Header! . . - - . this Paper. ,4- M-i $7.00 FOR 63 CENTS. The American T)lftmnnd Didlnnirv. rctl taining 30,000 words, orthography, proDM-i ciauonana aennmons . accoraing io iiienftt Enclish and American Lex icoara pliers, jllii trated with nearly 200 enirravinsrs : mUst llio vanla nf tlio crlinlip anil al ill am tllflt just what a plain learned person need. Il tt HHiflirlIw liect Hintinnarv vr nrinttO. Contains 700 double column pajrev Superblr ound in cloth and gilt. Type clear and bind some. Sent free ta any . reader of Ibiaaptt. upon recept of 63 cents, to pay actual poUje and packing charges. This great offer i j;ond for thirty days only, and is made solely for tin purpose of introduction.! But two dictioa aries will be sent to one address. TbU PFj' but once. Order now. Send ailter, enrrencj, or 3 cent pontage stamp. AddreM flue National Book Company, Bockland, MatT j ! J j Beai! Headh! Read!!! Tr and K rnnvinrd That it U B30cV Cheaper. Better and more conyenient Um "Barkley i Basso d'i Enlerprhe Pore Roast cd Coffee," - i : which thousands of-familiea are now usinc exf clusively. Call on your Grooer, tnd try ..nVa Xr Ha.VUit Kt H allATI'l f. II LCI ' prise Boasted . Coffee, hv I09 w,f fl saiiftiacuun or jour uwuvj i s For sale by AH Urocrr. anawn". by BARKLEY & HASS05.! 25:2m - iiaiumorr, WHEN Yqp WXSt HARDWARE At Low Figures Call on the nnder-igned atlf 0; 2,'.GrwM J r D A.ATWELlj I: Salisbnry ,N. C. June S tf. ffarratsi to ENXISS' CHICKEN CHOLERA CVtfrr or money refunded if direction" ft strictly followed. ! PEICE 25 CEKTSt c rt 26:tf. BONDS : -j To make Title to band, and Labor jr , hanics Liens, for sale at this Office , Statements HJlRMTMEi Core!