"i-- i - -f.-,r 4 V )-5jli;Tal''-7'- J ' - - ' T . I - --. , - i. 1 -if:- A , ; iriir iriSjtsoetf If I bad acwm tW m 01 1 ins i'uji - - ' . in. VawYorkl forth irijff oi 9 ! Ww VwiTlutle M tba( I onld Hply with tl reo.ne.fc --her PU-1 GencS Hitfhrcfi1 month V about tl to toleration widtiweeato, wjule by W5l5.A tboun4 Veritas wiacb should lel aa-: 1 tholemeu Ji Spina, 'were wecuted l jiirertbat -I bav notfe tca Mwn lone Yr7in the diocm of Como, and toan.wer, those out rained by the article j.i...--. ..init the rate of in the PhiUulclnlu pmbnfenan, I, will lutrr w . . . i - j i afwr. la ivorraine, itow : 1 1695 Uemlgfuar Uwstsr of ; having burnt nina hundred, . In France the I execution for the same crime were 6f fteen hundred and twenty. In WurtE 1 bnrgSdTreve, the amount of exe cution!, in tno course oi ins century P. Carolina THUBSDAYi SE Horse stealing 1 atchmaiL lias been raised ' to a preceeedin 1628, la recokned to be science in Chicago-one ot uie nne aria 15,700 ft has ,been calculated that aaJha been receu ly, discovered. , Sev SnGennknv alonW the number of vie- end gentlemen nea rthafc city who were tlms that perished from the date of recently robbed oft horses and baggies, rihnnnmtVlbnlHo ttietiahteenth ceii- fortunately hit uW VpU bywbich to turT,: conaiderabl exceed one hundred search certain suspected Quarters of the thoutawt" t J. r -iltr- .-i ; city without the usual preliminary of ?! & l.lite W 1722, poor vroman swearing out wrrttitsi f. Having in I this wm Urnid for vliitpIicraftrl-wWA way obtained information, worrauU were '.mnrr tln Inst' executions , taaned and the. officers of the law came a Scotland. 138V Wsoh Conr$r (kiled, ' this weeky jn coBseo.aence or ine ma . neaitu or; i uuge Kerr" It U a hardship j n those haviug cases la Court whkh Uiey wercaaxioiis to bavevtried ""andTthe (county j rperhais, io keeping prisoner! who ought to been tried and diapbsii ot Tlie Judiciary a.vs tem could be easily amended to prevent these failures, aud clearly : it oat to be done. Ax lixckTir QtuxxiTr.- Sdiuzriuiys L f i A Mniintl inmiAvf nAtiuMl 'laiiint l . 1 1 This country is a big thing, though somej people don't seem to know It. ' In the'Bport-; ing line hnrso racing, trget shooting, boat racing, archery, and ball! plajing.tbe Amer-j itanj alwavs win have taken prizes over every nation with whomj they have contest ed. Lord Brougham in a speech in England,; not king since, said that "England hart better look out for ber.!anrels,w referring to? the rapid progress of the United States. If the noble Lord had made that remark 20: years ago, it might have been appropriate, but at this late day it only creates a sniilc He forgets that tlie Wist of the English j man, that the sun never sets on the British empire, is also true of the United .States, j "New Obleans. August 30 Gen. J. K. Houd died at 4 oclocki this morning. It is believed that hisdighter Lydia will not recover, Edith is also very sick. ...... t ! : ' , ' Mobile. Aucust i 30i Mobsle quaran- !iaed aud the officers of the law came tines New Orleans on! and after twelve riii Renata safiereul tlie snsoected offeuders with a o'clock to-morrow night. 1 hw port ..itlQ: U nrmanv: and iuni.rAi.ihJ Stolen horses aud boc- niaius iienecuy nee uyut jcuuw icr. mJ ma , jj Mivivb -r - ! the Cathdlio 'Oantoa! of Ularus, " Uies were "recovered, aud the arts of the oitkxLK, August ju. ? : u XA tvitMi i i.-L:t.- ..fimru.. of new cotton arrived ye i Va. OJirnt so laie.aa lue jwr w, the siiape oi ineir iaim, c, . uu ii gtricUow middling aud sold for 1 li Wfi'see that frbm teventy to riDgiugbnggieaaha wagns,-au wrere cet, : . i iirontriic io ii "ill. iruuia uuiciiiucuu cp- . . ' ' i I .Ktimati( unirtori itn of tha hi r ham ft tiQOs, comparatively trifling in Lttacued to a iivjry stable Suspected England liad ceased, they were contin- parties were arrested and pnt under uedboth in the catholic and protest bonds ta answer in a criminal Courts 'Li HM.:,'fr'rrt.u1 Tn !nrlflnd and now it is thonkht there will be few ft treaties in defence of witch j traft, and persecuted those who op tmsd his oninlons on the subject. It is jo- f i The Small-pox in San Autotua. Texas, is reported to be spreading. Tha Pikrtnirntfan pnnitil nt. tliH rmrf. Of i - Peruambuco, Brazil has been murdered. j Accordinir to the minutes of the lust ftdt countries of Euroie. In England and now it is thonght there ,will be few- General Assembly there were 1 17 minis- i . -.a.: .jf. I - ir '--'J f losses of this kid for a whjle. though Jers jn the Synod of North Carolina, 2J fW' " n , t!,XS U large nd 6l aud 17,7V meu.,. j diurch l'ThflDeJenUeroftliitUi n. . J- Iu tlie Clluital of Japan, writes a ral- sionarv. there are about 70.000 soldiers, alliu the American uniform, and provult-u with arms purchased from tho United States. I 1 any circumstances .Bat; yout never can tell wbat SehurzUvill - dor till tlie time comes. That haa iieen. tried once ertwiea FoujffD l A Uabt. Kieltt Wfore1 last a lie iidsouie twelve poaml boy baby was left on the door step . of one of the sub urban residences of Charlotte, with no in structions. .The door-lell waa! ruag. and the member of the family who auswered uiscpvereu uie ntne iei iqw; earefn uy wrapied RP bnt eonld see no one rise In sight. ! Ilia little, stranger wai taken in and will be teuderlv nursed jaud cared for.-i-ChdrloUe Observer, j M f Leave - :' SalUbtirv vl Third Creek Statctvilie t'atawb Station Nevtua ... Conors .... Hiekorr. .... Ieird. .... Morgan ton .... Glen Alpine..... Usrion .... Old Fort llenry The bullion assays at the United States unsay office iu this city during the month of August amounted to 7,936.4G. Char lotte Obiter rer. i I I MortJart Report. Mr. Ji B. Booke, keejier-o Elm wood cemetery i furnishes the following vital statistics for August: ,H Internments in : Elm wood cemetery Adults, Qj childi-eu 3; total, 3. i A MbiJancholy Fact. j-It is a melan choly ifaet that the editor of the Okoloua States I mid tho editor of the Lemurs Seu tinel are bot North reii men. I It takes an immeiise amount of lire to keep the . iu wards ofj these twovan iors iu health. Louisville Courier-Journal. HiBCETS. Sept.; 1.-Cotton mid WlLMiKOTOS", ji ;.. .- i i . CiiARtoTXE.iSept, .2. Good middling Hi; miauling, Jif: low niKluliiig, 10: i lULEiaH,Sept.2 Middling, strict ly low middling, 11$; low middling Hi; Strict gojml ordinary, 10J; goml ordinary, 1(4. ! Bulk meats, clear rib sides, G; shoulders, 5o. Fi?RS.j-Otter, fIiuk, 75cts; Fox, 90; Coon, 35; Musk rat, 10; Rabbits. 3. .TOBACCOW Winston, Sept. 2 Lugs, common dark, $2$3; com. bright, $3$5; good bright 86(&$d.50; fancy bncht. I0S15. Lent. com.! dark, $ZH&$5't: common bright, $5.50 $7;50i good bright, 833?12. Wrapjiers, gcunl bright,. $25$30; tine bright, $35 850; fancy bright, $o0f 75. Judge Graves lias been fining the bar- 0nvi!, alsoao Buglwlldtvine, dying in 1680, as vwl I as others, wrote in ! defence of whitchcrafl and apparitions. (Kck.i P: 2o-i.) ;r; j I Bnt strange delusions and even atroci ties are still prevalent in the world, nor are they confined to New Englaud, or the The Sprague-Goukliug ugliness cou- Thomas P. Bowhian, the wife poisoner, of Rockingham county, was hanged at -i . .i yii.-Z' : j' I liliJu.m l-.nh PMdiiv. Tha nriaoner n tui inni me vreaL nuu ifiwu i -- - ' j -r, - T'ntW attributed thunder and mL 4 been married fM) years, and they had keepers of Ashville for violation of t).e r'T T 7 V , M i u ' six childreu, all dead but one. Streneous liquor law. Some gentiemeu oi the "green tCOFS 4 to ,ID aeviu xne ceiewraieti .ffnrfl. ni!WiH i,v inflnctial ctlizens cloth" nrofeaaion also jcxiieneueed suuiuii EilpK Cua worth D. D. of the English Lf Rockincliam coiinty to have the death treatment ' WWw,WtV4t.ft71i ?n 1 R8. and Joseuh UH.nM mmUl t Inrinnmnt for The largest cog-wheel ever niudcjiu ' --Li .. it -w .... . i i .. . M. i: e Pittsburir has just been huishel. Ihe ii u-a,.iiohiiiuma Muinir iiiir. nirr n. rjirfini . I'fiiiHiiitiiLitiii ui i . " . ; . -- I ii-fkn u tu'oiitv ten in iliiiiiitpf. tlie iMri. iHe nuiyect iu ; uie ngui, oi iiw iw:i, pUerj ten iuches wide; weight. twelve tiiis. together with a due regard to the public It is designed for a sugar factory iu Cuba, sentiment of Rockingham. Gov. Jarvis aud is to be used for crushing sugar cade. declined to change to the action of the 11 m.akes ouljr two ""f1 u Lalf . "volutidua Court, ! am.nuie. The x ear ok Flextv.- In ' our recol lection, now covering a long period of time, we do not thiuk there has ever been a year nwe protlnctive and ii'ioro aliuiid aut iu all the necessaries and comforts of life than the present. -Iiichmond JHsjXttrlt. Mt u Cut to the Ftont. This fanirms spot comes to the front once luoic. This time the bank caves in on passenger traiu and completely buries; one coai h. This took place lattt Saturday; night as the down passenger traiu with excursions bar attached was making! its way through the cut. Fortunately nooue was hurt She- th "Satea. once out forward by his party iaTnrft ' ri. first Vrt. i.f hi - tuvhur. I ' ' r.f. . ' ,. . . " - r I . ' I'TTt Fl .... . . jpf the, highest positions in the The JoVr." fs oil our table, and a sjurit- Q OT " AK iKTy.-KalWKh is a Uarl pt. TTnlnn -hail iittrwfnittt1 . rlinirs flnrfMl nt I .i s. I. .Lin l. -I ..,! ... . " " . 1 . M-yt--,.---:r"r i . - . cu ouo iv i. in ow ucnuicu iu me i.wliilcrMi in luiil hiiiriiii.,o toxvnril imwIi ...... . . i - . l i - . ..... - .. ftf taU, tor.pio accommouaiiou ot some i interest of the people of the Brushy Mbun- otlier a very luul pracrice. Neither tbld of his deceased relatives; There are those tains and the country bevond. -JL will the whole truth about the other. It would among us, or, who believe jieia, anu wuo at umes, resorp ip con- wi,jci, it uiocated. Mr. C. is a laborious cravat. Last year the Califouia workinc A .A. . I - 1 I - . - . - jurera, tortune-teuera anu usars, i map and will eiirn a liberal support and men worshipped ' 1 But none of these delusions pass away I we trust he will receive it. . so quickly and entirely, as did the prae- Doa of tnulcttng the penalty of death for me comptroller of the currency trora Supposed Witchcraft, in New England, recent reports made to him, ha? shown The delusion Ustod only a few months. I that the comparative losses by creditors The parties concerned, both Judge and pf national and private or State banks is deacendenU of Puritans. Swedenborgism tiaue to interest the newsiiaier mep jutd jpr SpiriUolism, Socialism, Nihilism, Mil- tfie gcaudal-loviug public. Mrs. Sprague lerism and Mormauism, are confined to m8 flwj fnm ueT ilouie and, poor crea- no CQUhtrl'and sect, and are not less tnret WOuld gladly hide In obsenrity. s atruejoiw than witchcraft, in lielief; and got newspnier reporters are everywhere, yettnese am WXy WbevedLandpractie an ns eager on her track ashounds cry- ed, elsewhere, than in. few jngianu. n oa a fresu traii. Xnueed.'it haa not ybeeu a great while, since I was credibly iuformed, that a dis- H. H. Ckowsox. formerly alitor of the tinguished gentleman, iu one of Uie South- I "Bluo Ridge Blade,'' has opened at Wilk- Geo. B. Wtt, L. U. Hunt and others, non resident : Tata ntie that the following mrninon ha been issued nyaintt you. Davidson County In Superior Court Hcnrv fysinger. ) Plaintiff;) agmiist I Summons for Relief. aset relatives, liiere are uiose taiusand the country beyond. -IL will Uie wnoie trutn auout tueotner. it woniu some of whom the people hou- be Democnitip in Hides, and will dunbt- ;uke a 11w,n?l2?c;i ! wPul?ie1V0 lof ' na. u .! .i,olmiJ i . ' , . i, . 1 , the world if Kalloch should die ot De Jieve in signs, charms, and am- iedo good: service in the country iu younA bullet, or De Young of a tight jury, soon became sensible aud made public largely against the latter. The reports Acknowledgement of their mistake, and comprise the , period of the last fifteen humbled themselves before God. Even I years. Captain Wallace, from Kiugstonj Ja maica, who arrived at- Baltimore, aj few days ago, reports having fouud on his voyage, . the Doj Youug. This Vear they worship Kalloch. Why do they wor ship un principle editors or adulterous preachers when there are honest wurk iugmeu living 1 j Senator Vance's Movements. im mediately after the adjourn ineut of court Senator Vance will leave for Topeka, Kan., joining at Washington other mem- Geo. Bi West and j others, I Defendants, j STATE OF NORTH CAROLINA, 7i the Sheriff of Randolph Co.t Greeting louare hereby commanded to summon Geo. B.i West and L. II. Hunt, the Defend ants above named, if thev be found within your county, to be and appear before the Judge of our Suerior Court to be held for the CoUntv of Davidson at the Court House in Lexington on the 1st Monday of Sept em ber, 1879, and answer the complaint which will be tie posit el m the otnee of the Clerk of the tpiuperror Court for snul Countv, within three first days of said term, and let the $aid defendants take notice that if thev fail to answer the said complaint within that time, the Plaintiff will apply to the CoUrt for the-relief demanded in the compfalnti : 'J Herein tail not, and ot this summons make" due return.' Given under mv hand and th seal of said Court, this 14th day of Julv. 1879. C. F. Lowe, Clerk-'of the Superior Court. You 'will also take notice that on August 20th, 1879. a Warrant of Attachment was issued against your property for the sum of wo nunureu ana one anu z-iuu donars due by! accounts and contract, which is re turnable at said term of said Court, when and where you, can appear if you think proper Signed C. F; Lowe, lfo46to51 C. S. C. Davidson Countv. bers of the Seuate sub-committee of priy lieges and elections appoiuted to investi gate the charges of brilery against Sena tor Ingalls, of Kansas, in connection with his electiouNo the Seuate. Senator Sauls bury, of Delaware, is the chairman of Hi is nll.mtmniit'tno It will liurrin ifu L-iffiitrr Indou bargue, Bldruey ftt ToI)eLrt ou t,e20Hi iust.. and will orob- a helpless condition owing tp ably tiuish its work in ten days. I in rood- bargue sailed mteiy tnerenrter, provideu the session mAn. aoes noc coutmue longer man uie time lnuicauMi, oeuator vnuce win go to umo au4 PMter the canvass there, making .four them Dr. Cottoa Mather whom the Rev. Mr. Jjani, according to Veritaa, twits for believing that (he witchpruft delusion had instrumental iQ promoting a reviva Ff-rteligion-declaring that things had 1 3 Mf1' " "! Vr rriH rr fi,.:i Brother, in lm:ial8almiKweriinff to kl810 hoard. The .;ni v..i i mi k-t I from Hayri, with a crew of eleven ; prineipIeB, (Neal H, pp. 165, lu7.) ! .,:. , ! , ,. ) . . ' ' I aill Jiicrllf. 1tcul Tlio nlliu. tliiuu. ImJ H I H 1 . l ' i i r f r i .m.. M.vu. . . uuco iifiu pMi- I ur i1Vp Bpeecues in ueuau oi uen. ruwmir. yived, but had lost retikouing, and the j during the week preceding the election. vassal was flontlni? mm drirmi i.v vriWA nA which occurs on the ldth of Uctoler. fl he p.koiH w ..u.. '? I same committee that will visit Kansas, is waves. Captain Wallace nnt two men .1... . .. .. - i 1 r i n i hi i Kiiarrrpii wirn nn invpsnnnriAn riiu on oonro: pa jmpes the vessel rekclied Spofoi-dKellogg ! case, from Louisiana, Kingston, to whloh port he ordoped her. aud had expected to sit at New Orleans '. j j-T-r - ' j tor this purfHise, but owing to the preva- Tl.unL.,nninnumr;. J-r lence of yellow fever there this much of or the article itself, into a pensure of the mhnrtl rUi i.a TL 1. ...JL ?hValTV j- -1 US het is' Supposed It has been 4t J .e article that a Ku gbt ap; uuderiniuedy a rv ia;hich flow near 1 fMra-wtue Euiseotwl aide aud tha PW- L A va. . -1 . taas. Vf th. Ut ntre n.hn' L W IHU" uf to the cause ' , i. . t IT 7 i ,T ha8 Prouaeea considerable excitmmt Jiavebeena n.5,,i,W!.i Ai .. ... .!.. rir -r jvvcu uioocnwrB i -. a uiu nor, as l :ce- k ktc .i z a. i i s 5 i f " ut evinceraie auy tiling irom the CLEorATRAVNEEir.i!,Thi celebrated vucuy uecause, as i then said "tlie mil- Ezmnian Obelisk. sin, cast first stone at the Puritans, Vr Mtlg IIIIVUUMIi , ; i , I-do not feel that J have ieen wanting In Either discrimination or fairness," as L Veritas asserts, because he construes tlie remarks with wnich I prefaced the article i clipped from the )adelphia TmbgU- i and eommaaicate pt the H'rAwiH, A Nkouo's Terrible Death "bur gess Jlolmes, one of the negio hands em- moyeu fp f jjp rouuacco factory -or John Liauou iu of north Iredell, had been suffer ing with cholera morbus. He was I told by another negro that he iu a similar case. bad been pured by taking three drops of the ? peach navonng" (chemical term for oil of inurbane) used iu flavoring tobacco. Burgess, negro-like, thought the more he took the quicker; he would re cured, so nearly; half th t'on W'hirh. it will tlw re t j uu x-r-iivauj ui wi article would be membered, by I the lilerality of the IOOK 1,10 lu,CKeri ue uch Impaired by so doiufr " und Wn ; p... J..J i. .. :3r drank, it is tluught, thl,ri-is.n i :T": ""T. tents of thp battle, Over two hours! had Tf Zt Ti i ii j P"lrty, otjtue united States, wjill ere elapsed before it was discovered. DriLit T . . . wn.iui aoollougbeonshipboardaudsjiilinirtoiUdes- tie immediately administered an j'J, "drawer injustice, ,f you tination. Officers and men charged with u, ..Kn..gl M,,y have the re,Hnsibility of the transfer hive al --r jnasjiMi.M-eouai clmrcu was ready gone to commence the task. reaii jniny as uujustjy, Hot be was not idease jw to dor- As it is, the alacrity The Virsiuiaouaeco Journal emetic and the antidote for prussie hydrocyauie acid; that being ther active principal of the poison.; All, however, was of uo avail, anu ne uieu m about an hour, raving fear- iuuy an me time. ri)eeye-wituesseiisay boasts it was the most terrible scene thev t ievur . avitu whicb he pomea forward, aud the f inirtiou North Carolina and Virginia beheld. Dr. L. thinks the (inanity taken was Buuineut 10 nave Kiiieu n uozeu men. After death, although the body showed no siuus of decay, the odor in the room where it lay was as though a bottle of the as the beut tobacco regiou ' in ! the States. United ' animus of his artjeies. justify the conclu 5 i-!!jI-t,iat ,,e i'Wtlier phased Uiairofund d, totliid au opportunity nf Indulirlnir T i . " ' .. r . . . . y oi ,.. ! - ... 1 . I " J " " " '""is-- -.."v.. j Miiuie popular a.-1 are of rehuhinir about I : 111 lue ca,r 01 v At againstl navonng had beeu bnikeu and scattered . J . I ... .. ..... ' . . . . 1 ... . .... Hie fanaticism, bigotry and panting hy-i va,Jlce lnius, recently before judge nvcT wuom apartmeut. -rjfteuuiout jHicricy of the early settlers ofNew En-1 Pravesi lMth parties objected to the rul- , gbnd.w The part, however. I w'nhed - to I ,ntf "f his Honor and the case will to tin lie articlejwas thp aeser-1 f Supreme Conrt in January next, Presg, the question of trans!) will 4 jpviMcerate from the ticn that "one of the? KuIaoniMl J.inw.i- nieauwhile had inti mated that i was to the intereat rwrt . tv- i'?; rnH:Fii jioRt-ngine- a near brick: To ha cro . Warehoise baa ??"flw- ? -J' -da-,? H niHJnr just beej, ppned with grand ceremonies wined7 not liecause I d(slttlieved th Ut li..t.m i oo;-ui nn. .1 ' - -. . ' - - - . vuiuaiu, kMiiu lucre are now f':; "V -"' u"' rjKI Sr P"Jt nye'jarge rrojiacco Warehouse in this .y nan noypu.g to do with tje truth new pity, which i growing j with k rapid Vf luatory Sectarian ant)1MiUiies ttn, of- ity never before known in the sfate. It ..uir, rauier tnau elucidate the is becoming t the coautiy", ie great Millions op Ccurexct DESTRortii.-l- Since ltwi, when the net of Congress pro viding for the destruction ( of mutilated and otherwise defective currency.! first went into eftect, up to the first week of August . ult., there have been redeemed and destroyed by fire at. the Treasury De partment $2,651,187,014,47 in goveriimeiit notes mat nave circulated las a legal ten der, in elusive of ithe notes of national banks that have suspended. The greatest amonnt burned Was in . 1873, $140j,947U W3U,X7. uunng the last Usual year the tobacco centre oft JT.:;:"Z: " ."ii T ton bun. f; JTIAIElTABLf: j a A7E8TERII Hi C. RAILIIOAD. ooixo WEST. ; 10 45 P. II- 1137 I" J225A. II. 1 20 7 8,05, J a 17 . 245 3 25 4 ("J 41 r 41 0 57 r 4:.- SWANSANOA GOING EAST Arrive Salisbury Third Creek Stateviile Catawba NewUvu ' Oouova Hickory icaru Mrgsnton Glen Alpine Bndgewater Marion Old Fort llenry j SWANNANOA. - Trains pawat Catawba Stations. A freight ard Accommodation Train makes three trips 'a week over the road going Vet atonasys, weanesusys, and Fridays, snd go ing East Tuesday, TharMlays; and Saturdays. Going Wet; pai'e Hickory at; i 27 p m, Kastat 11 33 a. m, I J. W1 WILQJf, President. 3 12 J . 21H 1. L120 1237 1 12 28 A. M 1157 1112 f 10 23 i 9 56 9 34 . 8 47 757 7 45 ! : i i ' ft Who has once n.ed tho PEOPLES' MACHINE will prefer it vet aj it fiud it just bat the shuttlt ,y r 7 ' I 1... AGENTS 'selling PEOPLE' waut: - It makes i. -'iti-l. i I A -. k 1. J " . wiik, and winds the bobbiusi without run . .-.oreescr ire c irculars and full particulars. . V: 1301'&1303,Bntt6nwdod 8 !. PMlafielpMa . Sewini .jHaciie .4 PHILADELPHIA, PA; t 44:1 -j 1, North- Carolina ML Pleasant, Cabarrus Co., N. 0. f 3 CLT 7, 1879. The annual session of this InstttuUon begins tae Flrt Monliy la Aatrust and continues u weeks. The coarse of Instruction l.i tUoraua ; the location healtoy ; the community moral ; and board low. For further particulars address 88 41 8SCKETAKY OF TUB FACCLTY. V t4 ISAAC A.SHEFPAH3 &C3.I25!5ZJ (UK OP Very VALUABLE REAL ESTATE IX THE CITY OP 3XT. O. Bj virtue of a Mortgage ,or IDeel in Trust, executed by Thou. K. lirown and wife, E. W. Brown, to Sophia Heilierer. dated the 19th day of Janu;irv, HS, and reginteml in the office of the Iiejlter ui Deeds' of Rowan Conn tr. in Book No. 51, p.tge 409, 410 and 411, &c., and uuou which default Has been made, 1 will ex Kne for Kale at public auction, at the court-hone door in the Town of Salibnry, N. Our. on Mutulav the ; 15th Day of December, 1879, at 12 o'clock M., the following' real est me, to wit : The Lot or Piece of Land, known as BROWN'S LIVERY STABLE, embracing the greater part of the lot pur clianed from Edwin Shaver and Mary 8ha ver, and joii:inif ibe land of John 1. Sharer' heir. Dr. W. 1. JIafon, and the parsonage of the EpUcopal Church, in the Town of Salis bury. TEltMS CASH Dated nt Salisbury thin loth day of August. 1879. Ciias. PjtiCK, Sophia Bksiierikr, ArtoriH'y. Trustee. Augl4toDecl5 . ORGAN FOR SALE. UawrpamfcrOrbnitt Fxaaemy. a4 Can-ir ALSO A-TiJtlri' ASaOETMIST.ft mrJjlL HTIATIITQ STOVT i torn RAia at - ! .-! C. F. BAKER & C0.,5aIisburylH,a j-$zri- -Miii - '-vt' ff'i "j"""! .'i v.... . . - it-. A first rate 5-stop Mason H.imlln Parlor Organ tor sale. Apply uiroiya post-ottice box No. 55. : Noi 4S - The Mexican Dollar. What iti the difference between the Mexicaa dollar and Tabler'a Buckeye Pile Ointment ? One doea what it promise and the 'other doe not. The Mexican dollar warn, "1 am one hundred cents;" but when you coiae to. iuveM it you find it is only eighty-ti?e. Ta bier's Buckeje Pile Ointment says '"I will cure you of Piles;" and upon trial it is found to do . so in every cane. It makes but one promise- to cure Piles; aud does so without failure. Price 50 cents a bottle. For sale by C. R. Barker, Salisbury, N. C. ' Summons for Relief. 7V! G. A. Coggin and otlurs, non-residents pf North Carolina : You will take ntice that the follmcing Summons ms been issued against Davidson County In Superior Court. Alan th a turrit, Administratrix of Randal Coggins, decd, against Joycie Varner, and others,! heirs at law of Kandal Coggins. , . STATE OF NORTH CAROLINA, I To the Sheriff of Datidsonl Co., Greeting: You: are hereby commanded to snmmons G.j A. Coggins, Jane Cloin, Taylor Cloin, the Defendanis above named, if thev be found within your county, to appear at the office of the Clerk of the Superior Court for the county of Davidson within 20 days after the service' of thi summons on them, exclusive of the day of audi service, and nsWer the complaint, a copy of which is served with this summons, anil let them take notice that it they rail to answer the said complaint within that time, the Plaintiff will apply to the Court lor the relief demanded In the compUint. Hereof fail not, and of this summons make due return. Given under ray. baad and seal of said Court, this 29h lay of Angmtr 1379. JKo. II. Welbobx,;. C. F. Lowe, No46to51 Airy. Mr C. 8. C. To J Ji Marsh a .nmreiijtnt defendant. you Kill lake npitee -wit .me jnuwwtmy tummons ha beeji Utved against you. Davidsofl County-Ifi Superior Court. John II. Welborn Plaintiff. i Againt U' K. Mah. ' j Defendant. STATE OF MORTH CAROLINA, To. the Sheriff of DaidmnCo.t Greeting: You herebv commanded io summon L. R. Marsh, the Defendant above named, if he he found in your County, to be and appear before the Judge of our Superior Lonrt, at a Court to be held for the C"ounty!of Davidson, at the tlie Court House in! Lexington, on the 6th Mondav after the 4th Monday of September, 1879 and answer the comidarnt which will be deposited in the office of the Clerk of the Su lierior Court for said (bounty, within three first days of said Term, and let the said Defendant take notice that if he fail to answer the Mid complaint within that time, the Plaintiff will applr to the Court for the relief demanded in the complaint. . i Herein fail not, and of this sommons mak due return. . . i i - : I Given under niv hand arid the seal of said Court, this 15th day of April, 1879. i i C F.: Lowe, C8.C. Yon will take notice,! that on the 3rrt Tay of August 1879, a Warrant or attachment as issued against your prop1"1 ftr the sum of $260 and interest thereon dne by contract on account of machinery, which is returnable to aid Court. 11 Mondy in Hepteuiher, 1879. VVhen and where yon can appear if you think Summons for Relief. VALUABLE PROPERTY FOItSAI.E! On Saturday, the 30lh instant, at 11 o'clock A. M., on the premises, I will offer for sale' unless sooner disorfd of, my ()ne-Fifth: inter" est in that part of the National Hotel Build' ing that I-longed to the Heirs of the late Joe' H. Jenkins, and in which Messrs. Horah have their Jeweler's Shop. Price asked, $600. Jxo. A.i BoYDEX, 42:2w Blowing Kock. N. C. In the Superior Court. 1 Petition to Sf II land to j pay debts. I J North Carolina, Davie County, M R Chaffin, Adm'r of Samuel Smith, dee'd, Plfl'. against Jonathan Smith, Jr., Samuel Smith, Thomas Smith, and Bell Smith. It appearing to the satisfaction of the court upon affidavit of the Plaintiff, that Bell Smith, one of the defendants above named, is a non resident of this State, it is ordered that puWi- c.ntion be made for six successive weeks in the Carolina Watchman, notifying said defend ant to appear at the office of the Clerk of the Snterior Court on the 23th day of August, 1879, and answer the complaint which is filed in said office, or the Plaint iff will apply to the court for the relief ! dem inded in the complaint. Witness, O. M. Bingham, Clerk Superior Court Davie county. 39to44 HOW TO SAVE TlOrJEY! YOUR WARE BUY v HARD-W li! FROM j j: - And you will not only aave money, but ge the Best Goods made, ion will bind m his Well Selected Stock of Hardware, Mowers, Threshers, and Sewing machines, Straw-Cutters & Gorn-Shellers, Grain Cradles, Grain and Grass Scythes, Plows. Hoes. -Mattocks and Picks, Shovels, Spades and Forks, GUbs, Paints, Oils, Putty, . t - r -1- - II ! I k.' anu varnisu, wjchi", jlihhct ohm DtTcw, Dtisten's Cross-Cur, Hand and Mill Saws. Blacksmith & Carpenter Tools. HOUSE AND MULE SHOES, Tin and Hollow Warei Patent Oil Cans. - Patent Fly-Fans and Traps. BUGGIES, OPEN AND WITH TOPS. Bnggy-Hanie, Harueaa Leather and Mountinga, Waon and Buggy Materials, and many other articles too tedious to mention. j . No. 3, Hedrick1!! Row Hotel, Main Srrrvt, SALISBURY, IT 30:ly Conssens' Compound Honey of Tar has been so long and favorablr known that it neli no eneoiuinni. For ' coughs, colds, sore throat, hoarseness, etc, it affords speetly relief, and is a moM pleasant and efficacious remedy, honey and tar being two of its ingredients. Tlie ski 1 1 of the chemist, and the knowledge of a physi cian were untied m Us preparation, the result being a compound which is the favorite reme dy in this severe climate, and has no equal as a cure for coughs, colos, hoarseness, bronchitis, croup, etc. Use tumwns noney ot lar. Price oO cents. For sle by C. K. Barker, Salisbury, N. C. - j Greensboro Female College, GREENSBORO, N. C: The 47'h Session of this well-known Insti tution will open on Wednesday the 20th of August Terms reduced to suit the limes. Apply for Catalogue to T M. JONSS, Preside!. June 24, 1S79. 3G:lm ' - - i? , ELKIil :SV11LLS. Carding, Spinning, Weaving Fulling ana Dressing, The Etkiti Mills. Yadkin County, have taken a long step forward. They are now making ten or twelve different varicti4R of Tweeds stud Cassi meres, and are still ar ranging for :i further advance. j The prices are the most surprising thing aboat It : You can senl your Clean Wool to the Factor' and in a few days receive back the rolls at cents a pound; have it spun Into yarn at titf cts.; have It made in to Jeans cloth at ' cts. a 7ard ; or you can get It colored, fulled, pressed and sheered, finished up la style, at 35 cts. per yard. Colored Linsey- is.v cents; white. 14 cts.; Blankets, white.. so cts. per yard. 1 lb. cfean wool will make i i lbs heavy cloth, i Samples of the varlouscjoths manufactured can be seen at J. D. MoNEBLY'S STORE, Salisbury, Who is Agent to receive Wool and to deliver doods for this establishment. J. D. McNEKLY, Agt. Ir you want a good Fertilizer for Cotton or Tobac co, goto i. 1. McNEEfA. lf you want a lot of Superior Sawed Shingles, go to J. D. MCNEELY. 2:3m BINGHAM SCHOOL, MEBANEVILLE, N. C. The 171st Session begins July 30, 1879. Arrangements have been made by which a limited numLerof young men with small means can ,"MESs".at $5 per month. Board, with furnished room, Beduced to $12 per month; Tuition lo $50 per Session. . For particulars address 35;lm Maj. R. BIXOIIAM. PUBLIC SALE or - ; . VALUABLE MACHINERY! At the i Co3r( Hawse In Salisury.on the!4lh day of July next. tTrill sell One Steam in gine aiid Borler 'with all the Machinery at tached. Also-a.Saw, Mill and Grist Mill with all the machinery attached; it being the pro- rve-rtv convey ed to me by John Beard and El-, Jen i. Ueara by, mortgage duly registered in f the Register's office of Rowan County, in Book No. 47, page 351. ! Terms of sale CASH, -fejj i LUKE BLACKMER, Trustee. June 10, 1879 5w Chow Jackson's Best Sweet Xavy Tobacco Blaclmer and Henderson, .. Attorneys, CouiiselcrB and Solicitors, j - SALISBURY, N. Januay22 I87 tt. . Wesley ai' Female" Institute BTAUXTOK, VIRGINIA. Opens Its 30th Seion, September M ' isW One of the first schools for1 young Udie at United States. Climate unsurpassed ' W rouiiuingn urrauiiiui. iiienueu tv (Mlpils from Seventeen State. Strictest economy requi Among the lowest terras tn tin Union.) 1 "1 Terms; Board, Washing. Liiflu. Fnci Course, Latin, French, for each lialfif ti. ociiuiasnu yenr nil exiraverv let ..i..l JJ 1 rurvMuiutue, auuress j : T-' j ; Ret. Wai. A. Uaaais, D. D PreriJ-ij 33:3t ! : f- NOTICE! Tlie Town Tax Lists will beJu-M own mi July 20th, after which dale they will ly .be closed and double tax imposed on ail dV linquents. By order of the Board of ('(. lutssinners. BJ Roouis, C. a. CJ- TALBOT SONS Shockoe Machine Works, Manulacturers or Portable and stationary EutiM ana Boilers, saw Mills, corn and h neaUttUls. Uog, Hangers and Fullers. Turbine Water Wtrrc Tobacco tactory Machinery, Vreght Iron Wort Brass and Iron CasUnga, Jfachlnerjr ot KTerjr I. senpuon. , . Ginning and Threshiig K&chlnei A SrXCIALITT. " ' ItEPAlRrSO PROMPTLY A CARE1TLLT DOUt TalboO Patent Spart' Arrest The Inyention of tLe.'Ae. J I . Talbot's new patent Spark-Arrester is really tbel ly penect aud redable one, and Is Bupfnedtaf a otht-rs In use. The great efficiency of this imt is attracting universal attention, and lu Met dorsed by tae best mechanical engineers iwt U ranee companies, its prominent I tat urea arc:- ; Itdoes not destroy the draft. r i It does not interfere with cleaning: the tubes, Tt. win not ehnL- nn. and rpntilrps noclpanttif. !' It requires no direct dampers to beopenelj raising steam (uampers Druig oDjecuoouu, mar hAMtniwii onrt allnt crvirVS tA flaC&DCl i Itreiiulresiie water to extlngu'sh s parts, wtki Yir rondn5iatlon. deslrors the draft. Be8Mflb water is used, it neglected, the efflclenci telW ed oy eraporation or tae water, ana me oi in annayconaiuon. - n ; tn It Is simple and durable and can be reliea p II mn 1 MHohul tA (nr hnltCT. ' i ! : ' ' No pUnter should be without one of them. ranee companies will Insure gins and bamwnrrfW Talbot Engines and SparU&rresaers are ssedatw same rates as charged for water or horsey Send for Ulustmefl tire sure ana jrow nch House, Caartotte, X. . Branch S9:6m Near National C. proper. I 401001. Signed: C F. Lowe. C.S. C. Dayidson Co, Cheap Chattel plortgagcs. vaxiousoilier blanks for sale here" ' Subscribe for thu Wntchuian ouly $2 Music al tiomos ARE ALWAYS HAPPY HO TIES! ... McSmith Music ' CHARLOTTE, N. O, i Franca of Ludden & Bates,- SAVANNAH, GAl ' j ,- i f " it . Practical Blacksmith .. ' . AND ' ': -:- ! ' HORSES H0ER. SHOP connected wltu Brown t VerWet Uvery staWes. I3T-HL designs of Shoes, to suit any shape ot foot. All shoeing on strictty selentiUc prtp dplesand WARRANTED. All kinds blaclrsmlthyg promptly done. t11 ALL KlNL't f- "f" ' : ' J -. - V .in OF to tl' 1. PIANOS from $125 ORGANS M $35 XPart Oath and Pan - 1 Very Low for All Cash- Send for IUustrated CaUlogael List Fbe.e." ' 1 v Tlie jBest All Giamteei for Senl.WlS dajfc' trtal.-H. both ways if no sale. Call on, or address u Ma ' " 4: CHARLOTTE, 32:4m KERR OBM ' t n I j

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