t i 0 0rn Comedy Troupe will play heie Hi A JfQO IS DOW ,KUUiW mvnini,niiusii i ....... i . w 1 11 aiii l n Y-1 - prices average from 9 to -o- 0f the Cinciuaatl excursiojlists Some tarnea anppeak akiagl owing terms ... - ,-1 "8:- George Mowrey lias began the erec- &a dwelling near the Fair Grounds. gf . ,Jn!it nit n. ImndiUiitiA bniM. mi rcgro' to1 nru 'IU Ir Frank i r.r uf MerouevV Machine Shon. i tie Willie, son f 31 r. E. II. Neavc, ,. t.t.ti.iT o (loir fir Mr I1lt, Ovarii, la aiuiuaj, -aire uug uu gild's er-iMM-iMs 11 cu v, " r o- Sj young townsman, Mr. Jes?e Julian, ftliMit and early tins morning for Da- plmotr, to uuitetT lu tlieHoly DJs"teMis Jordan, ofjtbat county. "cED. XlcIIenry, quitevnn iu; Jm young gent of color, from Charlotte, lyttkeB qp by tlar anfhorities to-day r firry big a pistol, wiling to give ,ni was sent to jail. 1 . . k4j " r-i -- tiSeRev. F. J. Murdoch Rector of St. Iikl EiHiropVhurch, Salisbury, after rest at Long Branch, X.J., ret urn - lit week, and had the u sua Id services Sunday, j nr. -o- yfir. Goons. Mr. J. D. Gaskill, is now tiling one of the lest stocks he has yet id tlie 'pleasure of exhibiting to his friends ilk tti iitthlic. Tlie assortment H gen- lyfisTing 'been scleX'tetl with careful ,U ind see tbein. i'a M.BPool, of this county, left for aib(iiT, last night, to attend his second Urs6 of studies at the College of Phyi iaus knd Surgeons, of that fcity. Mr. P. W"Amm of lair promise, ami will Iwblblygradaate at tliis session. i - -o- ' .4. 1ER WAtKIST IX tHE FlELD if Potts1 Rival. Bettio Shaw, a JilglllwwmaUjOf this place, left Stateville, iprpday, morning last after sunrise, and cliM tins place at o'clock, p. m. Dis- nit(by railroad, on which she walked, tufles. She says she can do vastly tet than tltis, and challenges a test. Spnle auealk-frlisef eutered t Mr. John II. huSs' yard suid stole a nice lot of xonng' This h the third tune in the I I lit tf years he has lost his poultry. Thifnext night ;;Suuday), a lot of cab alas stolen from the garden of Mrs. iicxAWAt.-rMrJ Le Mock's fine ipiitched ti ni sulky, broke aw ay, Sat- ayVand ran furumsly through then hole engtljE of several streets of the town, tlie MllN'hling over as he turned the cr- ke(ainrcan to a dog's tail. He ftaiill: bronght up without damage to Hlf, bat the sulky faired badly. I S: ' t: o Faib.- We acknowledrn n. rnm - i'Ury ticket to the annual State 4?ffcJ i to be held on the l.Jtb' 14th, liftbh ancl 13th days of October ycefs of tiivInstitution, as we 1nnvt lie Raleigh paper, are dil i- ntjn their elTorts to m ike ready for it. lis prospect is good for a grand suc- a reply from "Veritas" to "PV tfrticlc on the! "Blue Laws," to appear paper., these articles arc interest P scliolars. as ther f resdinir and inTitirrtirtn Tii r 1 suitable for the columns of a coun 'wlij,5M;our friends verv well k now. ,fiavpuot therefore; extended - them a? otherwise have done. . - " . . . . . w . wu ' ra- :IT1T ml.. n f ri,TA GRAND DAT.- 'JSaniaritans of the 'state are PR grand day here. As w trn in Pf:th greets are' thronged with ne nu Raleigh, Charlotte, Morgan ton', 'aii: Hnneuiate points; and the whole Mndehiht rOll. lninuncn r n mltora 8??mwitirhras8 band ninsic and K?rM ,Tlur will )J Z i-iTi' ? if ccrV tPUt. "cake n,C(H this couiitr. r .T d ghas left aribfrSce a sample of a efi0lit years n;oi . . i : i. i. : . k& cll,t,M npenor to auv we have examine I ti... illrMnV10 ClHlity frW year, 4tMl -tafR?e of ;irduc- ff the icomitrK! Tlie ad vantaea 5"S having i L . - . . yVl that wii u . 7" ''J- cauuoc uispene n considerable out lay of I rill S i , ii v-V- 1 1 i' i.v.t tif.1if ,i:rdr a "tive of this coun- briT " U,e raUr0Atl trackV near w!?taraiVr "Hilit. lUerolJy ctit to e . iiic 11 ill II fill II Of. hi linnlo.. . Mhe tracto rest, aud falling a"V caught bv the train. ilT ?U body was qold when a.vi,'e trii!u hands, and it has I been "aloiik U3a-Hr'oro ain i f . ' 'H im , . - .. . . It ft tlie Kime .tiiue and place. Uff f gbt for) several : days that the MWH Peusoxal. Mr. J. p. Gaskill has re tnrnd from a two week's stay in New York- ; : : I r - Mr. L. W. Klcttz has gone North for new. goods. 7;CJ -1 f r;" f Mr L. S. Overnian, Private I Secretary of Governor Jarvis, after spending sever al days ia the eityg has returned to? Ral- etgll. t -iK? ... . " I . Miss Hall, of Fayetteville, is visiting at DrrJ. J. Sumniereirs. - i v i 37 I' '. . Wenre pleased to see: Cap.iKewland on the;streets again. : lie will soorT be ready or duty oil the Western Nl C. li. K. Several car loads of sheep . caiue down on the Western Road this wee' destined to a northern market. , The" tinie of year is at hand for many similar I shipments. lieef cattle, sheep and hogs were driven I through this) place every falljn former years iiilarge ' quantities. Tiiey now. go to market by rail, and sehloni ttome this wayVt U we had the .AideisJboi ;o road, p u 1 1 tug us i u eon uection wit hUivilmi ng- ton and Clkarlcsfon, it i highly pnball that'the old rrfcat.ctifihis trade, would return and tfow as it did yeaisj ago. ? Fire. Mr. Samuel JJ. Harjison, near this place, UKtaiued h pretty serious lost Saturday , jnigbt by the burning of. his barnt; Th tlithett firt: discovered, about uinej o'clock, had already envelop ed the whole building, and, wajs bursting out to such an extent as to make it im possible to relievo tlie horses and mules in it. There were eight bnrudd to death, , and onerther sor badly that he had to be 1 killed to relieve him of pain. Tliree of the animals, two horses and a,-mule, be longed to Mr.' Jas. R. Crawford, were taken there that evening for protection against the threatening weather, his oivti stables nut being ready for' use. Tho barn con taiued much other property broverider, harness, implements, &c., making up the aggi-egate loss to about $2,000. The cause of the tire is not kuo-wn, thougli it is be lieved to be tho person. of somei wicked Franklin Zephyrs. Having passed through an equinoxtial gaie on oatnruay, Sunday am Zephyisue sqtialhj and rather Monday, cool. ' Cotton picking is now fullv in1 progress The yield, though short, vill"bi;;of n very surn'riorjouality. Mr. Andrew Kincaid had the tirst bale ginned and Hairs new gin. packed at Traveling around itf the township, we were surprised to find so much tobaceo had lKjeu raised. It is of tine quality, and w now being cut and cured. Large erops of sorghum have also been raised. The Messrs. Thomason aud others ait! busily engaged in making it up. j; Mr. S. Fi Lord has put a cane, mill aud evaperator on his farm, nt the iiiill place, aud is making a very superior j syrup. ly-the-way, our people would be 'greatly benefited.if there; weiea good engine and doming and corn nulls put up-iiu the old McNeely Mill-house. You coujd make it pay, JlrXbrd ; what say you Ui U T - The "Stock Law" is the all-jabsorbiug question with us now. We are fholditig meetings every Saturday at d I lie rent points, at which we have a full attendance, aud many ladies - who assemble to hear the speeches deliveixvl by J. M.jGray and II. C. llist.; Esqs. TImjmj gentlemen arc doing valuable service in the cause. 'Oar list meeting w as at Gheeu's Sch m1 Housi At least one hundred persons we -o present, of whom about fifteen were ladies; The next meeting will be held at Tilmau Crau trod's, on Saturday the 27th iitst les hrs. Gray, Bost aud T. J. Sumner Esq., are expected to 'speak. The tadies are especially invited. j Mrs. Auui relict of the late jiley Ruf tyt dee'd, having beeu aliiicted tor several mouths past with partial paralysis, died at her resideucc on the night of the 22ud instant. Wre see in the papers, that, our esteem ed and cotemporary ."South Ijiver Hip pies" was recently married U a youug lady of Concord.! May he and his fair bride enjovy for at least doable tho' ordi nary dnratiop, a lumey. moon ol : enthusi astic, laptnnms blissfulness as peifect as earth's children know, and finally settle down into a cool, steady -going, calm con tent that will spread (ut and last theuT to the end ot a long, prosperous, and very useful life. So mote it' be. V : I W. 1L F. For tlie Watchrrian. Sunday Senool Plc Sicr ; Editok Watchman : i The Sunday School Pic Nicrcame off at Gold Hill on the 13th instant. The exer cises commenced at 11 o'clock by a prayer by lie v.- Dr. Alfiord; Then Masters Fran cis Lyack, John Prim and Win. Jackson, were Vailed on the stage j and If hey ac quitted themselves handsomely iu their declamations. Then very appropriate addresses were delivered by lie v. Dr. Alford and Profeisor Owen. The Gold Hill choir, under the leadership of Mr. Mattliew Cauble, regaled tlie audience at intervals with the finest -melodies. 1 The whole pixigramme passed olf as a tine success, i f! I A. Spectat6u. Sept. 20th, 1879. 1 j - THE ANSWERS TO IXVITATIOXsJ Ashbtille N. C, Sept. Ill, 1879. H&srt. O. , 'A. Binghaui and others, h i ' '- -v- 1 - t '; ; j Dear Sirs: lYour kind invitation to attend at Salisbury on 23d October is at hand. , I am just starting to Washington, ; and will be gone until some time in October, and expect it-will be out'of tny power to return to Salisbury jafter just getting home. 1 thank you for your courtesy, and; wish the "reunion" a great Success. - If circumstan ces favor, I will try land attend, -j. i ' .'""!... Truly, ; .;- N i - J :' - KOBT. B.VAX fAXCE.- ii: l TTvTrrn STiJrra Ti!oid?m r,rrrr k - Osi'EXSBORO, !N. C, Sept. lj), 1879. Messrs. G. Al Bingham, A. G. Ilaiyburton J, A. Jiamsay Chas. Price. . -; f J." 1 ! " . -., '--.4,- ... j Dear Sirs : I have received your kind. in-, vitation to be; present at a' grand re:union of the surviving soldiers of the Union and Confederate armies at the city of Salisburv on the 23d of October, 1879. . . " . I find that I cannot attend, as at the time-desiffnated T will be engaged in per- forming niy omciai amies uz Diaicsviuc. L ii sincerely hopethat such re-union will be ye" tnurce of pleasure to the participant n.d result inthe general public good, byj foster- tion&l pride and patriotism by allaying the JbittUrness of party -strife, sectional prej udices and personal animosities. and, tend -o unite our people in proper efforts to pro mote anl secure the welfare of our beloved Statu and nation.- : : iu'vhfff laws were intended and are well calculated to sccur all the rights, privileges and lib erties of f great, free and enlightened peonle, and I sinjcerely desire to see those eonstitu tions strijetly and faithfully observed--aad those laws administered in the highest and iruest spirit of comity, justice. and imparti ality. I jalso sincerely desire tosec theedu cational advantages of our people greatly increase4. their industrial pursuits and ener giys enenju raged and developed, and their peace, harmony and prosperity in every way auvaucctji. . - , ; - Any measure mat renu.-ito accompiisn ana secure !v of these Groat and beneficent ob jects wftl always receive my cordial approv al anu ime assistance oi my oesc ana. most earnest efforts. " Vr..';:;;' H ' " 'Withjinany thanks to you and tlie peSple of Rowa? county for the kind invitalioti o cordially! and pleasantly extended, ; ' w J am " i yours sincerely, v ! ' J h ' , . . Robt. P. Dick. States vir.i.E, N C, Sept. 20, 1370. 2fert; Q. A..J Bingham, A, O. ITaluhurton. Johii lUtwtiiy and, Chat. Price, Vvmrait- tee : Gentlemen : - Your communication is re ceived, inviting me to be present at a pi:o posedl i?ejunio- of, Confederate andi Federal soldiers j.6n the 23d prox. at Salisburv. If not pjteytfnted by some .unforeseen, hin d ranee. i; will afford me much pleasure tj be whh voj. - , ', j;-'r: 1 ' -The jnieat and patriotic work of restoring completej harmony an I fraternal j- i'eijig among ajl the people or our common cmn:f'r the future, .ind tead a portion or tint tr 80 Kte,-V rcnt civil discordiuglii to cmisi imc iins i earnesi enorrs or eve. v thoughtful and true-hearted mam Kane can render more effieient aid toward this blessed consummation, and none aj- niore prompt; tp do so, than the gallant imeu o:i both sides who, during the' 'conflict, per iled thein lives for their principles. When such men; meet they can bury past bitter nc. iu the profound respect they feel for each others' manly courage and devotion to the right as each understood the right ; and'l the spectacle of friendly reunion and hear ty greeting on the part of late adyersarieg in arms' cannot fail to have a leni2;n influ-i eneei andj awaken 1 in the .populair heart everywhere a warm response to the senti ment whiich now inspires the bo'sonis of all the nrjUlejt soldiers both of the "Blue" and the "Gray," "Ours are the plans of fair dells-ht'itl reace. UuA-arped by party rajje to live Ilka brotliers.'' Verv respectful! v, i " . AAVm.M. Bobbins. Raleigh, X. CM Sept. 16, !l879. A. Bingliam, A. O. Halylrurton, Bamaay and Chai. Piice. A Jfc'Mrs. O Jthn A Gentlemen: Yours of 15th of Senteitibcr has been received. It is not in. my power to say, at this time, whether I can be with you on thp 23d October. , Unless detained by busThefs, I shall be pleased to taccept your invitation and Imj present. j ioujs truly, , f Das'l G. FoisvLE. CffAiaoTTE, N. C, Sept. 23d, 1879. To Messrs. G; Ai Blngujim, A. G. Ha1yburton John A. Iiaimay, Chas. Price, Committee, Gentlemen : Your favor of the 15th inst. inviting hie to attend "a Reunion ef" the soldiers, Confederate and Federal, pif this State on the 23d day of October next in Salisbury'1!, was only received two days since on my return home, after an absence! often days.' i f - Cordiallly sympathizing with the patriotic purposes rrf the people of Rowan coiinty iu their endeavors to restore harmony snd Triendshiptljetween soldiers recently at wsr with each. ther, and '.ordiality and pros perity between all sections of our common country, I heerfully and respectfully accept your invitation. This I do the more readi ly because 'General Sherman has so eremp torily declined to be present, because the occasion will not present-a suitable oppor tunity for iim to glorify his own dixd of valor in the ruin and desolation he wanton-, ly caused to private property, to old age, to defeucetess wpuien and children in viola tion of ciyijized warfare. Please accept my thanks for ;the courtesy of your invitation, and assure! the people of llowan that it will give me great pleasure to be. with them on the 23d of Oetober next. Very respect fully, i your ob't serv't, I Wm. Johkston. Louisncuo, Sept. 18, 1879. Jfessrs. G. A. Bingham and others, Central Ex. Com. Dear Sirs: Your kind favor of tlie loth, inviting jb to attend 'a Re union of the so'diers, C6nfelerate and Federal," to be held in yoiir city on the 23d day of tt to ber, has been received. "Ko Federal soldier, who fough honestly for the 'Union ' means' of preferring cicil liberty, can fail to rejoice at Cjvery indication of kindly feelings between the surviving soldiers of the two armies, aud since it has been decided that cci7 liberty must be preserved in the Lhion, I am sure that no true Confederate will be behind his Federal brothers in promoting every enterprise that will tend to strength en the hearts of the people irt devotion to this Goddess of our common worship, j It will give me very great pleasure to be wiilfyou oh the 23d, and, if nothing pre vents,! will have that pleasure. Thanking you for your invitation, and wishing that the occasion may JQJ happy and joyous one, 1V I amTvery truly, r f j . Job J. Davis. : LETTER FI10H 7T'I0N COUNTY. I Monroe Grand Reunion, of Confederate Soldiers Fowle, Steele and Ben ' nett . Speak., : .," s j Corresqoiidence of Raielga Otter .-er. I Moxkok, Sept. 13, 187p. -EDiToai Observer : Upon my arrival here I was surprised to tiud so flourish ing a city. ' Tho county seat of Union, Monroe, is in the heart of a line cotton section, a'iioj already numbers 2,500 in h ibitants, while ten years ago thete were wily 400. 1 There were bought here J5.O0J luiles of cotton last year, aud the an ) on l it will probably le increased this year. Xeiv buildings aiiegeingtip, nmougtiiem a hew Baptist Church that will increase its city like appearance. There are crowds of people here to-day attending the grand gathering of Confed erate soldiers of y niou and adjoining CHuntie.. Though "grim visiiged war hath smoothed her wrinkled frout," their liattle scared yetenins have met togeth er in pleasant reunion, and to listen to tributes t the sacred jnemories of their departed comrades. At eleven o'clock the procession formed iipou Main street, and headed by the Rockingham band, these soldiery citizeus marrheii as ol old out to a pleasjiut grove, where a stand had beeu erected lor the orators of the day. . ' . j . ' ; . .. - ' Tlye upeakeTR-weTe the silver-tongued kirator ofjV!aUiS l Jnd;e iDauTei'Gi Fotthl Hie talented inemlwri of Concrress from this Distrief ; Col.4 AValtef L. Steele, and uie g;iuant iiniif conitnaudiug, Uol. IL T. Ben nett ,jjiXyzwi i iThespeechea . were sich C4jlytas. coiild expeettroiu three iTepreJentatjvij ineutiik&4 theseX and the vasandienise. -iiif tlilree tjionsamf listened attenti vely toi theiieloq&ent addresses Judge Fowfe letl oft iuoiie-f his, liap pfest . errotsL'bnt IH!mll only give in few poiuU,andoi;daany of them the pijasl tlte of an1 epitome, lie appealer I to fthese cjld eiuirads for;reebneiUatioa. It vas only the'Jbi!av wlmi alter ftheconft: Kiiey noy.u iwgivc way o regaSu'our coverumenr. mi - in State, 'riidtutheconki ion a nd t he I h niftn it lie ?iitCiilelto them. pride-: That to be ca lmiau kuouui ue a m pri le. He buloffizedi the' soldier I f this section in the late wah letl bv snch lead ers as Daniel. Col and Pettigrew, and feelingly adverted t. those immortal dead wIki lost th4ir lives afc Get tysburg, Shiloh, or on ihrditiua f Viigihi I, in defence of tjieir imtivS land.. "No stately cj! iinn liHf: tho hallowed nlanft Where sileatri . " i imuc iivui;ic k ine urn Grande, Under inaUHa grass crown hil l l'llll ,14. Iilun lli.i...... A. .. . .1 . lock they sleep the sleep tliat knows no Vaking ; tbuf their deed have ehgraved fol" them pon tho pages of history a uiouument tjlsa timyui peverell;ice. ; j JudgFowJewnVffol!owed bv Colonel Steele, w hoj after regretting being saii'd wiched betweu lWO:Siicli distiuguiched 6riitorsVaudihMthliig a half dozen com pliments at the ladies that would have dpne credit o aHMp younger man, pro ceeded to read a cimste and witten ad dress. " lie ipoke of our. relations to the uuuonai g; eip!ueir,;anil our prospects admirable .speech' ot . t its delivered in Con- gress hist spring th;; tie Kcasio;i ! iAl'te.ivC.!j Steele, t Was awnroiiriate to Col. Bennett arose. apd in that maul v and imnressive. iiuiii- uer of his, held his uudieiice riveted for fviitv miuutds. jllis wis the regular sil- diei's trilmti-, apd nttjag it' was, for he entered the war in Idol and -returned houKonly afters tin Mat to.- .He knew fatal d.iv. atiAppo- ioV to spe;ik of sol - 8ler's deeds and to jlay iflowers upou the graves oi our ueau, auu well did he do it. lie fold Jiojv ljuiou 'county had sent t elvc couiilauies to tlie front, over 1.800 n'ieu, aud, hbw j she iuintrned to-day the loss of suehl na'nies as Walker, Mcltea, Anstin, am now recaliJ a ihost or others "I cannot is speech was.well re- ceived. At the conclusion ktf I Col. Rennptt' !u1- dress, the 'cilowd weje invited to partake otj a Uiiln'ciin ih'at hlnLibeen preiareLtpr the old veterans. There were several long tauies, uuu anosjt bijtiaititully were they supplied. All ate heartily and came away satistied that .Upionj county hospitality was of the tiist prdeliij ; , It has indeed beeii a pleasant day lor the io't eajusej Their greetings, and reiuiniscencs oif haixl lbuglit battles, of Uijnow escjiiics', ot lou g marches, and nightly bivliuc,; are! pleasant themes to old soldiers. Itjalsd brings to tuiud, the laces and deedslof heir departed comrades.-' j h ' y It would iMi'well if tins jiractice ofol di r rvunioufi ths ijuiugurated was per petuated. I j ' ; j C. We glehn jfrorii the monthly statement of the Orphan Avlukn, tlie follow : August closed twith IdS Orphans in nt- teudanee, auu muny sion. The dew bail otliers asking admis ling, though delayed tor want of liunihbr. will be occupied, at le.is.t in parti bv the middle of September. and wcsSialilt licit lee at liDertv to increase lt uutoocr oi ciimii lVi-inm-. desiring ! ..!.. i i: i i en. Orphans should de- seiirbe si:c!i Ihfy tant, state, distinctly what hey wil npji e of them, and then wnat iney w ill do tor them. It is need- less 10 wii(e;ani j asK "wnat do you re quire f" Do iot send us imy list of refer euie, us woialways Aviile to somebody else., . ; ; Generally post masters and mail agents arq.kiud to jjthelOrphans. Rut a good main, Mr. D. A. Siiggi, of Radiance Lodge, XL Vi, senr; the Or-bhahs 7.G0 by mail, uiijl it sceiusjto have ueeii lost on the way. Thi'ie must im- sameWhere between Suow Hill and Oxford, a nan hiean eimugh to rob an oi phap. Among all Mr. Wesley's illustrations !pf iJumnu depravity there is none ep;al to ti.is. We are un-as. UboOt our people. They are so prospiii'iH;tnat many have iorgot tei the3oip!utns. It may be necessay that alUjctions sh:jll be injinefcy sent. "1 - ' r ; The IIool Chrlldren. The following circular has been sent out by tl.-c New Orlelius j IIooJ Conimit teei ( ;i . I: -1- XEt Ouleaxs, ept. 15. 187D. 'tThe lloodJ Relief (Joniniittee." as an answer to many ., questions continually coming in, and for th information of the general southern public, publish the fol lowing facts :! i J; Tlie surviving child feu jof Gen. J. B. Hod are ten ' jhi iiiimlkr j-vie., Annalel, Ethel Grnevieve (twijis) dgwl about n?ne years ;'John BelI,iJf. ig(it years ; Dun can Norbert, even ycuirs Marion Maud, Lilian Marie (twins), six years; Odile MuSson, Ida Richiu-iUpn (twins), three years' ; Oswald, thil tejen -montlis; Anna Gertrude-, (at Hate) seren ! weeks. " "JSll at presejit utiiler thi tare of their maternal gra U :1 mother. Col Samuel Flower, at .j request of the family, h is jip'jdic'ij fot th adniinistiation of the eslatc, and fun)s intended to re lieve tlie inf mediate wktrit of the children should .lie sent directly to'him Funds stmt tlh? foirimittee will be strictiv applied to investment as indicated in the apjieal.j l ' ! .. Itj was the particular request of Gen. Hood that thejehiidren should if possible, be kept together!) ai'idT" applications of friends to adojlt one pi more of the little ones will not at presetit, tlierelble be con sidered. Tt is vbry desirable that this in teresting famil ochijdren should have no disruption of tire family ties which bind .t hem together, ; aul We hope that the generous iil arti of rtar feoutheru peo I le aViII ubt permit itj py promptly meet iug the npjieal inade'fdr raising a perma nent fund for their maintenance and edu cation. jj . i ' ; . i . In'due course peruianant trustees sug gested by the fmily, "3jill 1 be appointed and imto their fcnstodyj will be commited thefimd raisedj Meaqwhite this commit tee will in vest loiiVys Scorning into their handls in the United States four per cent. Imnds as fast a4 reciuvdih aniouuts of 65o0ioi-$MXK),!so that i no iuterest may be lost to tlie chillren Comiiiittees in oth er States qr cities ban l either remit in money of makeltheiuvic6tiiieutat home aud forward thej bonds jas jiidgmeut may dictate. ? j J ; j I . j . ... Onbehalf f (lie committee, " ---1 t iAW. lL UTsrCbainiian. J. A. CnALARby, Sectetnry. 1 Mf-AUiu QLIV.1X 11 il I1IH J. I'l'Itia lilv...!' .1 I'll A & . . . W i . wwtr lu-th ,,r,,iT ' 57 rt llunai,lou' is made by those Mjwei; in tlie general cuternnsinif niannfaotniM .ir.i i ,t -. . , v. iiiiuiuuu," ii. auevnave beeu r"'Hiir Ued'?:rtii ' ? bvu. uouoni.ro tn&tate tor sevr Mt a a Aortli'-Caro- eral A vars. Thev ar Ln.v. n1Mnj.L uuer or me irrearest i Bouatlons to theJfortli1 Carollnalgri- The folioi iriff'-ftrH'-lofin ttm i.Vl xt . . , r r iuvj ti .IT. TSuy V- Denson.sefc retaryin behalf of the Executive Com xuittew: jlif r a? .mtni i j f Ouo D4 E. one horse, plow frith sweep lpd ccraper, attach nients j . one A, B iW. "l 1 uow .s lv,awacliment as above; 6e F. & J.' two horse plow j one W. & C. two horse plow. v-.t-f.'w.4p.it; out our State, and the senior member of the firm was one of 6hr honored visitors iasr. y car. v e liope to welcome him again. Theur,pecialties arc Watt plows, castings top- plows and cultivating implement. ,; , i One selection of axle giase, from the Ffazier Lubricating Compauy, 73 Murray street,' NewYbrk Tlds firm uiakes sei' erai standard brands oft Ik ir useful immwIs. and have been represented at our fair asi vuuii luuiorsneieioiore. t j I r)ne case of ;Meicliauts Gargling Oil, ussorted sizes, given by the Merchant's Gargling Oil Company, Jolui Hedge, Sec retur, , LHjkiKM t,uNew York This cele biated liniiueut has also been exhibited aud donated heretofore, by this enterpris ing company. Mr. Hodge, th'e'Secretarv, isiivell knpwn throughout the country for his succetg with the goods that he repre sents. It is worth the attention of owners bfj stock especially. AU the ubove goods atid those stated iii previous articles will bej displaced iir the Hall of Donations. Person.desiroasofiuformation can bbtaiu circulars of the employees imrttendauce. Raleigh Scirs. j The English Labor sit uaUonV StttlKKS 5fUf.TlW.YlXG, Mils CLOSIXG, M olKU.VXlVKS IDLING AM) A PAX-' !' L.. ,fCK.V FKKLIXG UXIVERSAL. j u Loxnox, Sept. 10. The labor' troubles are inereasing. The Retlford tiew mills at Lehigh have closed, and seven hundred operatives are idle., Tho Preston Spin ning and Manufacturing Compauy run ning 45,(HK) spindles ami 750 looms, have commenced to run on the short time sys tem. There is not the least indication of a settlement) of , the ; present strike. At Moseley the number .f strikcis is increas ing daily, and by the end , of this week it is': 'expected" that with two 'exceptions eJeiy mill iu the district will be closed. The oiwrative. spitiuers of : Hyde will meet shortly to discuss the reduction of wagesand decide whether there shall be a Stoppage of the mills throughout the whole district. Quito a panic has been created in Glassup by the air'oiincemeut that the Sommers mill, employing three thousand hamls, will shortly be c o e I. Wood Rros.'s mills, eniployiug an equal number of hands, are about to start ruu ningun short time. . As Glassup is en tirely dependent upon the .cotton trade all t'lasses of the community express the cob tern regarding the condition of affairs. It is not thought that the operatives of Oldham will resist the reduction of wages. , The Exportation of Wheat. Unless there is gross exaggeration in the estimates' of 'the Paris Bulletin des Unite, the French purchases of toreign w heat for the harvest year will, he on a scale without precedent during any vear of peace, An I estimated deficiency of some 50.000,000 oumis w oc Uppteu aimosi exclusively bV'this eountrv involves an almost incredi ble ad vance on the i.-IOO.OOO bushels ex ported to France in lb77-8, even assuming tlat: as much more was sent by way of r-ngiaml. During tlie last nscal year the exports of wheat and wheat flour from the United States reached a total equivalent to 100,000,000 bushels. "About three-fourths of that quantity found its way to Great Britain and" her eolotrfarpossessidni For thfeureut l&cal year our. .wheat exports can hardly fail to reach 200,00 i,000 bush els, witli a proportionate increase on other dse(,r:pitions1iofibrlstaffsi7For the last fiscal year our exports of cereals were over 2. per cent, greater in value than the ex perts of cotton ; for the year ending with nesft June tlie excess will be at least 50 per ceiijt.i and wheat alone,, which very nearly equalled cotton last year, will fairly take its place as King. Times. Settle it Now.-j The Wiliningron Sar claims that the beautiful piece of poetry oh the Swannanoa, beginning Svvaanaaoa, nympJi ol beauty, 1 would woo thee in my rhyme," was written-bya North Carolinian. Some one else Rays it was by 'a South Carolini au.i Srtlrsbury Watchman. rThb piece of poetry alluded to was writ ten by Pbilo llendersort of this corrnty, one .of the brightest aud roost talenteil youug wen in the county at that time. lie died about the year lBal, and ham many relatives still living in this county. Mr Wm. Ruruey, who has just returned from Gerin any where, he has been study ing Chemistry, is a nephew of Philo Hen derson. There is no doubt about here as to Philo Henderson being the author of "S wauuauoa." Charlotte Democrat. Class Rall Shootixg.-A party of young gentlemen, yesterday afternoon, assembled at the grounds of . the Raleigh Gun Club, lor practice in this popalnr sport. They will practice every Friday afternoon until Fair week when the cham pionship badge, now held by Mr. Ed En glehard, will agaiu be contested for. .The The following fs yesterday's score ; Shot at twenty balls, twelve bore guns, eighteen yards rise; ten bore guns; twenty-one yards rise ; two traps ten yards apart., W. P. Ratchelor, referee.' Nor fleet, 9; En Mellaril, 10; Pulleii, 13, Jolui C.i Creech, 17; Morson, .12; Rusbee, 10$ RIake, 7; Johnson 9.Raleigh JVcir. i " '' v ' - The Arprto.cnCiG Sr.vTfi F.uR.-fThe biisy uotes.of preparation lor the Fair-re minds us of its near approach. t Under the Uiirection of the able, committee on grounds, Mr. W. G. Uchnrcht aud JJr. p. E. Hines, the Fair grounds, are beiug placed in tip top nrder, wells carefully cleaned, halls whitewashed, wood work repaired,' &c.7 '1 - Owing to the demand for space, the large" 'saloon at the south fud of the Grand Stand was rcseri'ed by the "com iu it tee. on privileges, and Is being prepared, for an exhibition room. Convenient doors will be opened, nnd the vhole converted into an attractive hall. This will bo a very eligible spot foMhe display 6f carriages, close to? the race track, and , wberetlthe vehicldi can bo inspected between the times oft be trials of speed. , : s Mauy other improvements are in con temptation,-, and-- everything betokens the most interesting Fair we ever had. Ital.Xeict. constitution. -'Ilei rK..t.M.A.;ji RtfiH;--..-. ul J wety-one clergy meq returned Uo:p ftbra foreign tTR vel iri'threb 'stlWuieri ar 'fl'V2Ali- vine at New-A'oilr SandVii4w .'i3m i As :an index of good timcs,M the tforfd id! l - . vi.n &IIII1 lull ii ant nd taming gaests awary2'J'',i "f 'tji 4 liliWhat is the matter just now.with New . g uiuu i j v e uaven i Heard of any enr 4 iueMifments mere lor nigh ou three1 dayf. H-Blt: Gazetlctj tmmtUtmrtH J I ' IThe Newt Orlcan'a Tlk$foV$si r It ake twenty ahleibodied mieH' tif itfind Nd look At one poor, little Isin - painter i EdwardTJ. Willialnsdnl thearthk Tras before Commissloneii'Piliifl In A tek on n (chargei of s vritibg infautuis tal cardi and sendinsieiur 4hwugh tho mail, and who was committed to-jail nr default of $1,000 bailwas tdav re ts sexrure4 bail iu the nmonnt pecified above - pj-i j ScspkNSioxs.li(icagSep!i 2c.i-Tlie !apid advance in the prices? prbvislmis 5WJiH&tJ,r day,reulted.jer uy in the. susnension of Jopnh JnnM..t f3) me omesi nrms jon cnange,-! M of 'Campbell JohnsorjP'wh'oWeVe Tf" f w"Tuai lumunu snort nus." i KUi of Margafxind Joselhlf.EAi-lF"nf SfOuterS; L, came here to flghi ' .ndrieu Margantiwaf aiTested and gavea betuL Larle esc:iped. . It is believed : that .the Varties have goue to 'Jfortn" Carolina 16 (ight. Rotli are Lawyers" ad- luembert Of tlie Sooth Carolina LeffislatareJ' I Carolina Legislature. I vj d. me ioapei iiui Jjcager : FWe learned that the NAfioual afd Health have requested Dr T. W-JtHnrrf 4f the University Medical School, tn' enrt lespoud with them upqn th?sanitary cont uuion auu regulations of the UiuvevsjfAi Wrliarris ttas beeii eonhected1 Vfth" the University not quite a year; fetttJ lms' ntt ready, built quite ftijrepurati6nai ii w attested by the uumbex reading, twifci him. .1 ' , . "... ' f . i j ! Some new featnres'liave been a'diled td tlie? cnrriculnm studie's hi the ITni vcrsfly; A class in Dra wing,-is ? taiighe bv Prifl Siinonds aud one iu Commei tint Ai l thiue tip by Prof. Graves. This is cominr to the; nixinriial "' - " . t. i ISays the Xewton Enterprise:. , j iJulius McLurd, a , notorious character Of Knob Creek, Cleavland county,' ho jras sent to jail at the late term-' of our court for failing to seenre the costs 'tn,Ya Mi c;ase decided against him, Cookithe itisol-; Veiit oath last Saturday aniLwas.relcasd-1 He had hardly gotten- a suift of the 'sweet aiT ftf lilrtywhen he' was 'dr,rifedi by the United States authorities for tA'm per iwig with O-Re-Joyful, without a. license and returned to jail to await a trial inext Safhrday. Rut the festive Julius had no ided bf being tried for so grave aVoiTe'nsf,' mi when night came he wrenched 'a bar tVom the .window and by aid of hia blan-1 kt slipped down and out.. , If . the r gy Julius is run np witV again, lie will uo.t le given qnite so many privileges in 'pfts Oii as heretofore,Jjut he will beputf Tri a cage and balled and chained. , i f IWei.i.s Dkt. The present dry speTl lias continued for such a length of time" that many of the wells in the city have., gone entirely dry, and some of our people. : are having wat? r for household purposes brought considerable distances. We hear of a case in Union county where a certain citizen's dependence for iwater i isf upon. a spririg in a wk, , The spring has gone dry arid the'eitizen is hauling water three.miles. Rut this isn't anything. JA' gentleman, of this city received a letter a few days ago fij'Om an unele in PlantersTille, -Texas, and among, tlie statements in ijws onethat the people Iliere were hauling. i a distance oi npuc nines, auu inair me M iner uau, a oav otwo beforej seen 811 f f7 for a'trib- lall of water made and refused. Charlotte Observe : - ,t. ,,. .H!, ,1( ,-...! ,l-k m". ' " ; Jndge John A. Gilmer. The Impres8iOU which' He- has Made in the Uoldhuj of Ms First Court, ' j SalisrOuy, N. C, September 20. ' To the Editor the Charlotte Observer. ' " It was my privilege to attend the firs' court held by the newly-appointed judge, Hou. John A. Gilmer, in Davie. His course on the bench was. closely watch ed and scrurinized by the public. The Governor, having a large number of emi net lawyers from whom to fill tho ap pointment, public expectation demanded tliat the appointee should not be wantiug iri 'any of the. qualities essential, to make a iirood nisi nrtus indyt. I - J , O . . " , i- "'1,1 'jnuge uumer presides witn great ease aiid dignity,' and is" free from the usual embarmssnieuts which most young judges labor under. Ueis.qu;ck ,and correct in his rulings onthe points of evidence, aris ing, and clear and full in his charges to the iuryi He possesses the rare faculty of making himself al why s clear to the dullest" mind,jand theaccuracy and clearness with which he crannies with and decides lezal principles met the approbation ofthe entire bar. jThese qualities alone caw and never tiU con8titntethe posse Bor h goo I nwpn judce. To these must be added an amia ble temer, au abundance of patience, goml judgmeul, and a sufficiency of cour tesy. 'Judge Gilmer, in thoopinion of all who saw him at Davie Superior Court, unites all these essentials, nnd they are so' admirably blended in him as to, make his friends believe that his. appointment by the Governor was a most excellent' one. Many of his father's bid clients thought tlieyCouhl sea in -him many of the ciininoteibtics aud qualities rwlach enfleared the late Hon. J. A. Gilmer toi the; people of Ins Sfafe. I thiuk it evi-, deiit from the! maimer in w hich Judge Giliner has commenced his judicial ! ca reer that, at, do distant day he will be re garded as amongst tho, very best judges upon whom 'the erminp' has' been cast. He evinces' mieh charirrin theaidminis tra tion of the jrriniinat law, ahd it is evi- dent t If at, hia jjudguients are.trtenipeied witli inercy. I predict for, him adjudge a rarreier of usefulness to' the . State and honor to himself. " - ' Lex.' ; It JlLl : :i ; All the jworld over, baby governs. Yct ften disease will overcome the baby and theuLithie thab? Dr. Ruli's Baby Syrrip proyea its worih; by. conquering '.the dis- eafl l ice 2 cents a bottle. if i lift. "J I ldttifseitr;uy ReV. j. jr.' Kenn, Sep;attu, in tte Methodist cliurcti,; Mf. L.Jl. Lukn 10 lls lvla aAi-vsci-TOS. j i iMSH rAlU rr iugs,,iuon, BOXES. fPTiAT2 limps nvmv &cJ;l AVanted I., r htitL STOliE 3 Opposite the Post Office. S. J. BINSW ANGER. 40:4t FRIGE' CURRENT. lAw ffiorrecteby.JKoX Ci UOTiro?ff HfiriT Ti4fdlit " " Gloi Jl bits ...eeeihi.-odf -ttsiAtrt -aigtH Wos.mty' hog: round tfrmati Jt LOOS - i , i.- . - , ,ift vmodcraledemaad'et eJ ' "S'-omjs60 Wheat good demand at SOCiliOO Fxoub best fam. :t i jiff super; 9. 9. P6tjlT01?S?Iulf8 j.I a M-vs-Qxicmamu uviut isa .a 140 Kta to a a t- il ? ivur.J s t 'e8a 0 . HAT- Appi.es, dried i-..-. , afl atuirAi ,a..L -n.'iiff jii e..-1 ii, ?f r NESSsLOCffi; rr fx- ,iii: 5't'-o '4,' Letter aml'NQTHEslliiHKAW, Cauds and Ektelopes printed to order atfyTates: Catlmt this orace:' : . 35 lip-I itd i-P?.' tic .rfliw 7iJiSi $.. ': Just received at A. Hahu1 fiO lot of No 1 Psnch CakBdcsV' :-)ap m e.JH'-.. i miff i?-et;' j jKtki fciEii ;;-wd.i!iiw liifc.l;r i:i ".".mi "GOOD 'PICTURES.-" HfS ISS! tograH, 6t tidtperGctWV661wIne,e and yon1! I nioti be disappointed.-1 He has some imnroved annaratua and dw wnrlr 3Pe8y-U V a eii 48iVf j j .ttf ft) trrMJbdf ' rtiTiA&avitizi ci Fine Grits, Extra, Hominy. ; and the finest CRA!KKRS and tnrtt. TMllti CRB Aif'tili EESB Khav6 rrtved ' . At f TH EO. : UUtKtIAUM'9-i BrlXW 8MOKXNQ TOBAO CO, anJ Giaaa.PpwaatiaJ KDea,ijrt : .Trr Brter. haum Cararaels-estlntown. n t . -TIMETABLE WESTER! 1 irC.:1 RAILROAD. Leave ft tisf -GOIXG iWEST. Ehnwood dfi4 idl -Jo ti?i 6 ftSn't. - UataWba Station; ..81Q , , MwgantCFA .bu&J?:.' ?ll,25't? ' Uridgerwter.:.,i. s4 v ggfi'i Old Fprtn ai.. fr.ti'il.' ?o4 -SS- ?lJij Arrive ii5C0iNGEASTn shvyh',(t i4 -'Hi vnu- afyj; 184)0. Third Creek .....dx t. "i, 'u'xl. ft Newton - . , - , I" 3 00 !( , OonrHra"' I .'- -" " " 'r48'v u UicKory 9 ah Icard; ,i Ui frgantbn Glen Alpine Brjdgewatcr Marion; :si Old ToiV, 5 1 ' Henry ;t: Swaunauoa . .lii.'l .V.i ;.-V 30-yj" ' 2 08 ,iTrups rtn diU j.Sundsyi excepted, -jC- Tram gojng Vf st will . breakfast at iStates tfrlo ana dlnffer at tferiry." Train going JSast- wiilj dinner atilckory.oJrainif ;trill pMt. at. ilaxjaa.,. , t; faux, tsimuwict.. Ul ,M ft'd v,fWIKO,Prealdpttr ... Exhibit of the Glerkof : the' Board or fjouuty Coai mLssioners. , he... county.? .of Rowan, to the first Monday in September. A.' !.' lrJ." Ainoubts and items audited,, by the Board to the 1 members1 thereof Su ' D.'-AV'Davis, 1 per dieinf1 t&X& 4 Uay extra etTice,a -J 8.00 G. A'.. Bingham, iper dienrf 1 U3U 00 , .i iidT Ttra wwIm j q nn D. C.Kcid,,per.Uem, .... aooo ir " 'I daV extra service, V 200 J. Gil Fleming! per diemp i -30 00 -'.fv -jii) ' .1 day extra lerviceyys 2 00- LI w. Coleman, i per diem. , rm ,,1600) i: u 1 i day etra servfee, -2 0(J L 5: ) aileageVa XH'i -1 Q oft 1 W. M. Kincaid, jier diem, .vi4 '-10 00 i,. ; -iiU; a. . v J el tf23f40 The Boanl w'a1n session ' 15 days da ring the yeariuo j-y. i i 31 i ts . j Distances traveled by 'the xnembere ef 1 the Board in attending the session of the; same.: .-, , .i ,u . .... .-v.iP fd fiat i P..C.Ueid, 576 miles : J. G. Fleming 1 . 432 Thflesj L W. Coleman; 180 'miles , W. .31. Kincaid 40 miles. 1 w JIokatio Woodsox Clerk.1-.August-SoV W?.uh C 4-47:411 k , ,l;.X :y ; L- ; jl j J, 1 Mexicsji Dollar.-M 'tif JVhat is the difiWence between the Mexican' dolbriandlhfr't Bock eye jfiLe Ointment? . One' does what n promises aodibe other doet nof TheiMexica dollar .sajs, I em' ont hundred ceflfc;" bol whee ybo come -to Invest it joa i linii. it- U jpftly, ighty-fivrf Tabler'a IJiickeye lUe pintmotajaI will curf JOB, t of I'ilef;' and upori trialit is found to do so in eey - esse." It f toaakes but 5 OOe1 promise to ctue filer; audioes o withoat failure; Price- fifl iwnit s hriMl . l-nr nil h: CI. Tl Rarlrvr Sailishur, N. C; r . u encoimnm Loimenen", etc.. it afford speedy relief, and It a moKtpleasaiat and etBcacioa remedy, honey , and tar beingwo $t it ingredieots. Thenkill of tlieheraitand: th knowledge pf phyi- . cian were-an aid in iU preparation lbe result being a coiopund which die iavcrile rerae-4 dy in tlu iefere climtte, tod baa no -eqaal s a tore for robxhiVcfddA, hoarseness, bronchitis, crOTp,itcJl UeHCoowws' i Honey 'e'Tar, : Pric-50 cents-;er .sale; or jx mxjw, Salinbu 3 x.c. :i.T-.T.; BONDS 1 t. . a 4-1. ;rr Jt-r -2 mi kit-i To make Tltle to Land, and Laborer s snd, i ivL'lir'Tii.. ..1. il.l. Affliu. Meciianica ijicui, jur Bajo,nii uue y,,w' SnlbsclrilMJ te"Watclinih only $2 " - T j ,Jf j ' ' '..' ; .1 J ffiortgageDeeds for sale lierV Also various other blanks. mm LIUUl Censsenr Componind Jior.er.or Tr pas beeo -long and favorably known that it needf'no tor icouen, coias, sore mroar, .) i. 4- ii,T-".: It: if 14 m s IS .1 L 'If i 1 "f I '" t;I."i ij.i I W. ,. ' 1 : - S - - - t - . : ' r - .' " i ; ; I I - i i - . . ; I . . i ; - . : - ' --;- ... - H i.