i t -a ,r.o.K' ,aam .eaxik (NinUfiswJ ' -v I I . .1 m - M m m. .. . . v ... i i. .. . If !-."' A. V- - ,tl-.U. 4sH J Jt .is.1! tf hlJ5aa3 fiTJ;4 3 TTAT8 VyX n.-toU itT ,bw)tyi -iUt&: I .-fewl wa-t ?'ikif if aatitsC-.tii! !-, !ti . . tr . it . ii - . " . . . 1 r . . i - . . si :fif t l n 1 . 11 1 1 w ' 1 t y5w Kb J 1 1 II II.. .w 11 .11 111 lJ -If I'll i s 1 F 11 1 5 r f of insanity od his countenance. Kit- pamngljr at l.er wd"-. , IJaflt prompt mCW&d 'Charles! she lg?4j mean that you have (JtlMiWatlvr , i-ijr?? 1 "'"M i 4 trf j Lf j HlT,tyTl ' . glatl you are uia punctual, fjny,g6od II 5. 1 Wk i ) U.Jh conccrncU and certainly ,itji tbe interests ,qi uiu, -H -il 1 Um Inmtiim to Hunts .tnrs oruci w , , vi! lotf the laUKinf nuw lid Mocksville, ana n nrrjr graw- ;fl. n to BflOW lUSfc j w V" r M road beti to . ' hmt l"" 1 . i 4. t.:. madeof offept : ca of sttcl, c;:t by one ow of -pachina into i .;its on one rfc'fcW English fork is marte from a niece cuiseif ana eacn lineiCmadiby teid mg anmujn piece oirsceej to HitJ liaJl inara&iiparti of Wiellin locI The result h that thef first is light, elastiCajiilliefMthg seiBaTJlWbYt always defective in some necessary qualty,ide 4e3 tlierefore superceeded "Ihe I bjidisli in Jnrlaul. a-well as else where. eign lo. ' dear.' said Loungr in tnek eet)vbWiisu overcoat rp)ckekSdBWiSrn?& 'I may foot liave forgotten lint I Jon't seem Till Bules . u believe.; abotfct- thirteen froui W mston. ana ueariy uue ..ilof it on the dkin. ipe noaru further appointed, a committee to wail - UL ' .11 Pn,nr.iihl.nra of RoWUll cor.-and call for the $6,000 , boLas authorized by bcotch Irish town ,hij. These will be issued, for there 5,1,0 wajj of dodging t, and will com. road-bed from tihirdtWreeK totllth Yadkin. - r The grading from Mockiville to the gonth Yadkiawill be completed in a Jcfieeiip, and indeed there u n6 rea 4 fwbywith a moderate and steady tflirt, ittl first lliirty niiles shall not (-graded iu a very short time, jfteea iter cent, of the subscrip- tiou uave aireaay oecn can it x, aim it bs ordered that the whole of the rtiirnder be irametliately callctl for " ; Ohl Fred Douglass Ims got , ad anjl gives he landless Jaborers of tl e South' some very da n'gerous ' ad vice. He tells them. to resort to ibe .nlatnl and dagger and to 6rc an) pillage. He ousrht to fro at bnce tos.Yazoo and Try hU lurtdi-lea g l. '- 3 IT. ! . lor iii!, own gooa, , a inMisj, 1' TTater-Spoats. HOW FISHES AND FROGS tlttE SOilE a Occasionally a correspondentvrites ave fallen rom the clouds during a vio that lrtMnS6r:(3ea(l TrOfffiSiiai nsnes alwavs with lite extinct n i, in , , , , - r , ... lretluJJ.Iyjini lijlicoie, elicited in- withsttidi . -1 l rA..L L tf'l CJ.. .IS I . .1 . I O ! is. I 1 -0.4 m iwuioi ovcniucrfwiieu-mere i...- U: lift. I I - i .: . . I iiii'i iiiuii in iiic uwtoc ilia iiic fBIbereorgau,tion?if the brd, - nue f "fehes fall ie in trf t - ,.0. 0 (ti-'itrt pyWn 1 w-Couiiioiiiiff. machine HI y tr-t i v.- . - - r Wiin; Sfi ateGhairtSagi , fIrin cutlrrv ls '!ig Art m m .i a m m 0m0 jwn. . i ... c , ; . . i - t. . - . - . ; . . MWgWM.m.wwwwMwwwimiiiMWMaMMwiiiMMBi.iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiM I SvpflEXSSCaOlUJ I 2 W aiueffiom Meredith drew a long sigh o'flTEABAOT JpROFfiSlOKS 3,- ? iww v ignixr a , near ruiacir1 wainer - oaar, a l mitiffled retrret and MM" 1 : 4 -MLiiaTzihi "iJawi Dook )twt sure ULM al4,a ,i, 4iat:M lUi vU pla.te! Hilkn'd tal i Ujt i J-rTiT'JSti ?S .police waiaken?iD airecent t.issq6 js.JvBfcildi Jii18 fectf t sqttarefottf' 'ikiediHlSk8" ofthifttafth .-M J i t , i liiiLrt: Kiiue uinnuinrinrpr ni Till. rM.iift t.ii hum dearsa UL Mr'M uenco i sain iirs. iiprPiirn nun citArji .UmhnjAjii.i,M LiMiw-ijiki wir i -h nmfn. fc.et - i " f vrfT I - . v r -4. CI I . - . - .-r-r K VVaWXSl W f AM fr A Ml. vv . & 4a .1 e .MM II I . n .111.. I . . ... . rj yfS'iSfillmHm real i ratesnd Steady- employment ' bttt Hght hhdHhin,due t6 Hnibeffe fP4 tyszepuyr-wpol and the servanUrri UrUiU luikiJMJtL ualrd mil .-m glad you are i ;sa punctual, ijnyg6odghT?aj nj iiti - .n .vr -L' t.t Jrt jeatva ,4 , .ktr .r Mit fc-tiaj .ftitK'W4: i SThe oyfers riuggwljh'e Xvjfe. "-'OUi.yesLUiajd Mr, Meredith. : the .4i:K4 fei jam" i: "t Uw'.c ; :tl) a I t t mlAndHw1 Ounces of doublepliyr s&rlet wlfiW And the depot-hack to be waiting at4wo o'clock for you PEo&sinTro hicago.'i f , , , . r .i Mr, Mereditu slapped He table. k 1 1 : 1 'Sue. i oonjing lo-day, I declare to JA6 one hand on goodness fllie ejaculated. " And a dozen Havana oranges : for dessert, aud.lwo pounds of grapes a:jd tfoiue Of those delicious little Naples biscaft.aii4, niaccartjons, . from "Salta- selli'8 k1v. and let 'them send" me'-up J':. i.i V. Oi tk .... i ' ' f-7vhfctt.?,.f- 'Ai cirl. voutt-eoose'l for ceneral liousewoK.'t, Pho2bev weiit home this j. tti i.,jf..- i. it uivriiiiig wiHi' iii? ' lactrui'iic, ami 1 can be left alone with company com- ing.flnM iH'21' 2afs 3,ra j i$ and understands waiting at tabic. ; A n ( t' 1 e ttj! usltc j 6IF lo 'catch tho ininethiKy' express with a kaleitloscopoi courusion . of . grapes, zephyr' wololj depot hacks, oysters and Mrvant-maids, careering through his brafn, which boded ill for Mrs. Mere dtlvs domestic plans. s While that lady, clasping both hands over her forehead in a sort of tragic despair, rushed down into the kitchen, where a very gKKl -looking youngmaivoiCsome two or three-aad- tweuty -was on his knees in front of i - tor i the; rangei trying to coax a most un wjUtog nre to burn.'' The good-look ing5' young man glanced up with a comical sparkle in his eyes and a smear of soot traversing the bridge of ?WeIl?! said he. - - work In bis &ctary offering full cur- l-Bnght yellow on the-hill JLeaF large !iu.k.,Vi4:'!Prgot. U-tffidf plain up- t.yn,,. 1 off v vrlllUf Tt J,a A j:Krt;l7n ipt h , atlver1iseJ;for a boote keeper, .and.ltUe imom ' ithta Ao ilO, mi8ixlcaf nomli R P;-. e"fWWU tji, J tjnxu Maw, ,a, Jwl, ( uo4) liext day's mail brought threevhun yellow 'atlend Uif l& hbhnm htt'to-4! i' r -A i " i i ; . - . ii:,. i.?,..!i....:...,.' i i .j.f-j in , i. . .. . . . . i r . o ' r:?, : 120! Mri-siit 'itorte ftfno M tHfei WPlt onnif IIIff-tI V- flfilVll . lntn 1 lio ! tnl Mpc. t . ,(V... i 4. 1 l. ; J r 1 1 ui 1 'illT w 1 iuit 1. ... ... t L . ...... ifi 1 ':'!'; ; Tr'v T"".r' rrpcM.i - I ' Dunns? Ihe sime month an advlr- honwLridmiTneiri't'WnTm ttheu. ' . I;, i , . . U. SheVhere nbVpih the kitchen.' o 'JbJ.... . ...... :r ... ,..J ' VJ. L-tf -tl ri one iea me way uown, ionoweuuy: tlie iieAr 'girl, "it hose corintenance bore i .i'V. 'fi Kol.miAirwii ,t rainej a otwuatjreu4ip.xpres:ioi, .5m(, ."OTrV.ite., one hundred and thirty I then io 150 iu. three.hours,audie4. said Iie 'Never thoutrht of 1 .jilAt'2'9di.j.-Jl''l--'. . i . . i , ,- 0 j,. ' -u j.. ii. ji.H-ii.u t .o.jr; jttuuiiumviis uibu uav. auu u trrcu- 1 mainea. iiiere:inre noun , ana inenawi !f ' plications' the Wt da,1"' u 1 tlUre twelve' lionrsf. A wrfect'Mrcj2,l.'' IV,lv Ausadvertiserasnti tor, aiireekja the 1 in t Beveiuy-two . hours, and, bright ,4 . iW .ViiM.M UJOHieat jo-uu.i terinumlier of UttPr And temniil un, '71 i'.. (WpK.0 knnra n1 mnlinrttar (It ..il. ...n4l.rnl..'l,l I 1 ft I . . . ... I. I . ' . .. . t unv r. jwir iiaujd Binr-asuwj, give VOU niy.l Ortl OI UOtlori ,u: patrouizmgly: ittqiS cl 4ihen,, slowlyb ejaculated ' 0 m W - 5 : -.. m J I j I lie 11.1 mo V I C 1 1 1 ! t3 ; II niiba I (I..L. ,1 ! ,1 . 1 I . - lllMII iirtiTW 1 Mfll 1 - - I . . 1 , - liiit iMA v iii in t i ii 1 l a - aij iili iii . . aiii 1 -w nil f 1 11 1 cpii i 1 hop r 1 . 1 hi v lirT , . u H i u-.ul. --a ,ue y",1?.113 u"5 rJ,Sik:P.a)e": lemon pojprlBli ninvdM riP'lf ?COll-q VJff1 ii1? Iter, oiflylbVought fourrT ?ICA o 2Building same size, fitted upr iuruia i uruiuaiiy peaicii -airs. r-Jjet'S.liavc Iier UU 1. W ho knows but I.. T :'.14m-u.- .Ik.ii. !.r .-1 .4L i j 4T.i r -isii-.i kt i .. . ,.(HH',4M,hT!.',1 jI Ststs n. - 1 , 1 . s it ,,r is auucuiu mouuua-uiui ninny wiiu samBRinu oi uues.74jru'uneu Meredith. Wtnt tarfnffrlV'rttrmC rr f I Wat-Iie onnof t Kosa rPn r wtmni. .Vii". .V J' I .?.i'ii i?:tnl ? ?3 'Vi f prohubly the elation of a !- tlrat wa JuffntffJfiBWa, ,iba3 dIoresville GazetU. ) - .,ut K.,.iliiL jLlmlli RfAnTili li - . " found iitoUhicnt, gleaned 'from tne ??t?htlns f?fv: flt Jfew York .Sun of last Friday, which TjSevell of our State exchanges have very cteaHy a&d tisfaclorlljr erptains been touching up the politicians who ow ucH .creatures: were arawn- mto ifiKrlisive in :meir oSceictiV clouds, ahdjbowi in c6nse Thetruth Is the people iiave but lit- qHce;tbei6n1d0ci.me dowd w!tR tlfi dci witlil the selctio 4f State a rain aUcliopthe heiry fHtwmn Sa fcwleaitow! fjftfaw Dt WW" ! lave & able tetomae. hTPrJi":,; .'1 . : .tmiirtfcv SdteiinvMioiis aW hrATER-spouTS bx the irmpNiAXP hid ejeito scci must have been dis- At twenty mihpitctilock rested fUliniant things thardccnrH on Wetlncsday uHteumgf ibk water of pfco savjcnimgh iainaktt litres the - 'JunMiua.lvMYI'1-- "k.1-1 tu'ill)'ilE;Rn,yp;H ii4U With Uueto thcifrks,and spooiis IV. rtis4ment for 'book keeper or re coj wVo5ikmel re: lkW W1L M .-IU ,briug;Jfly; timei; A fw sornefei.y. t manyireplies as an advertisement Ar Started fires andtran, up ,,to de,j . th,,,i,raI:;PrfK?l "OT1?.?, lk PCYgl a-hiir'lworkman in any .trade! -. grecsjn eight hpursj. then.to.lOO iu, fM yeying.bcr fropip top to ,'tbat yok camcupsinjng ,aud courtesyiug, Tt :s aUo Drobabletlmt iii anv and six hoiirat then to 110 in teoihours- -u loctioX jver jo. iiito such a JmhIv ffoni SinjSiugjjjyir wujjAgitgtjin. lp'aj VeSire satiWfietl tltat''1there. tcctiliar ruHii9?r41,4!hre thl?e was ii io;aiuendraent uptil the ieo-. hardIyifajgrieatJrpt pie taWtie matter in" hand anil send wjiere ejjs&qn, the river was iliere uy of their own selection. "The TOmmotidni?f resenttf a!!large.raV Witions hive Wown' to iuefi ' m- cloud drifted across the sky, and. have irro m fli& tliey liaU ibecomo nuwieldly hangingiryjveljeisur .Kfeo. mncH on the order of, re- water, becanvto tigTmqwnwjtrd to- nnxiahlc mobs, i How can it'be pos I warcl the river, and after a few second f ;f thousand- men io assemble a thin jthread .of water shot up ixom conx ention and transact business iu the agitated surfacs,nahentered the mlf aaiictol-whea "hot Squd. The:stfeallarra ."fjen has anyinowlenlge of par- largerntft T.iiailiioonf fneutiry law? One or two men in -twice the ize of ai hoghead.lirti ' uc eganon are leaders ot tlie oth- cloud cire up tne water very rapiuij. 1 -v:.- "llodrcd and fi(w 1a1T!ilca TV. I .TOl0it3nd ?cre WprMliennSIsibre .TSendiedl'd rht.ftl Itiobti1 1 the u were nominated who were form! ofA ggauicujrve,4lbe son -at ?iH,-o tue party, s aw e ao noi 1 tui4 momeni uur&v ro:iwwMi ! enber to haW beard complaints and, I ! Ik". ..! ' . . . I "I In 4 - l I t . - i 1 - -r raf:W hadbeeVli5frt V siutherewasTgoifi -9arcovcntrdniar8' 166 lirgeV rple must give 'more alftentidn matter of choosing delegatea n tora said Mrs. Meredith, hysteri cally, 'can you make a lobster salid?' 'Xiike a book ! said Tom. t m 1 'UP' 0 I learned in Paris. . , , fii(Good;isaid ?irs. Meredith. 'And I can make 'buttermilk biscuits and, between,' us, we!! get up a decent lunch foii the young lady from Chica go L As; for dinner',, ( " 'Well ?N again remarked the young man withjsQot-besmeared nose. iProviaence must provide !' sighed , 'There'tan old chintz colored roos- Vex in tfiel barnyard'' said Tom, hope- fully. 'Ifilieouldcatch him I'd have 1a chicJcepjBte.V f r , , . , Tom,iaii Sirs. Meredith, 'did "V 'l j. i v:i ... 9 ypu ever jmaise cmiucu aicn 'No. s. .liierOQi? talking about said tbe ; lady, with goraaaspmiyv ,.n f, lt. ,;, Yes In .doiitod maintained . the . mm.. v w -- . J tioij, ratty ; bnt of course .yon. have siome plainer jclothc 'iri? qtfr'trujil wlien it comics! ?1ci( ; u j i! i i The stia Vget Ifted'a pair of "gray e, blue eves to ft ie iiUHi foiTJ1 girdel' around yijli aj tbwelwjiyiwus vigorr cjusiv wrestlingylth tfteclhws of u you'd.'. 1 - . 1 ; . Do jou k ?p j a nqaiv okpia?a?ii? said she."- U Mereili tlji 'dre.w S'Jiei'sciff u p. Certainly noil1- bid she. fTiris ism breather, .Mr. Sttlwyn, who is kindly assistini; me tOilake a salid.M t! 'l. ; 'But lie is not doing iright,' Faid he-new ' girl.i flHc,H ijevcr get the meat out of the shell in that way. Lei mehoHfMV.-SeWfti- And with deft fingers she ,Jooscined thetlucious w hito .fiber if roai the scar- let shell in a manner that made Mr, SeUvn cry 'lWjBjpM3.HMeB.10 3 rAnd now. Pattv, r said Mi. Mere- dith, I will show )ou where the things axeand leavc as you can for half-past two o,clock,- weUre expectliiniyhnsband s cousin from ChicagoUind I Avaut everything i 11 Drooable tlmt iu anv m e 1 1 1 1 ! o vi rd retl ;fmir j fet a pW Meredith uttered an exclamation erery city the average earnimrs of leaf yellow ; then to 120 in eightlioars; I I w J- ' i . . .-... i ot -amazement. - clerks are nowhere neaV so' larsze asU 130 m six' to 140 in six;ahdrev f4( ! "', 1L i,ij,u,a iuucuiui . i tlie earn mtrs ot workmen ot average f'"1!1,11 H!1,0"1- skill in'tlie. various trades. V" , 8 .. M..i ffl .wwia - t Further. s it. Unfairly - certain that j1; A udd he cluipcd 4iert in his arnis with equal capacity; industry andl withiashowcr tfr kisses that made thriftj the young man'who learns any lionesfr'TrinVs hafr'stahd onend ; f tradpi'xfill'-rfchieva reasonable com- ,M -ftffslf slip itit'i nifsirt Trnftl 1 1!.4 i ' ' .1 1 Chieaaouitered e u astasre aside. , .k. u'i. . ...k:i. was due to Uie.8ize.pf tobacco. , T ie Kitty turned as scarlet asa pepper- fnr mfprill v imnrori.rWi Lft"e of W niauufacturea ro equaii M- ;, , , . , , . condition are more numerous in the X effieieut, and require a veryf small- h 'Oh,t good! gracious!', she cried, tra than behind the counter' or at qnantitypf wood. ; J ou' ,'I jelalping her little Intnds nervously; the ' . An opening tea inchea -wide eftj.' - tT . i r a V ' if - tneaK.w ,; .... , - I 1 1 t . who e lefigtb'of barnand 'and I took her for tlie cook ! Why is it, then,,ihat the .boys all , ; a r-fTTA m .. s-,. i t -r t1-"" . : . .... . . . . i ciosea aiiec ue nea is. cureu. ioiin ; aL" ,v " VW.UOIWM 4 vfantito oecierKS f v ny is it inapin- uiieg, Cousin Kitty !', said pretty telligent parents encourage them in Martha Meredith, making her peace lookiuff for a chance to 'get into busi- mfiim nor frmn hours j , . ffheiK to 7tQfilpur8j.aQ4 ,,ltj i contiuued;. thereabout, twelve hours. I Stalk, stem and i leaf fally cured at the expiration of eighty hotrrs. Leaf s bright lemon cojorr Success.-, . . - . j; ! " .III llfl ICVl "lUtljl ,f . i ! Til fiuishf the salad said Tom, wife had secretly! been! observing the pretty face and trim figure of the new fdJmestic, 'noiy that' I've commenced it. But yon needn't look so perturbed, FAttr. if that's fyour hame. ? 1H1 be care Ail not tq get in jour way.. And you can . ask ;myj sister ifFm-not a handy sort if a fellow around the kitchen," ..Uy.' ' .:-' -.shj ..'.". . 1 Kitty shook6 her head surreptiously at Tom behirtd jtbe screen; Tom reso lutely.' alTected not t' perceive; the warm ng. esipren. , i m-.: -i?t i" ?t.u;"j 4ialf an Ihour afterward he came up to the dinningTropm, where Mrs. Mer- edith was .arranging ner oest mac- wiUi a kiss. 'Don't be vexed with me ness ant in foojspwaju ixje, 'for humoring tlie joKe indeed, I ' ' chanieaf "emplovments as thouirh could not help it. And I'll show there,, could be , any calling more you how to., make tlicse yxcringuee. wretchedly mechanical thatv ver.ige glaces and tlv Neapolitan, creams tor- derking;1 Why is it that teachers al- .orr(w. ' most invariably trdin tiieir pnpils lo And tliey all sdt happily down to- l0ok above' .mechanical pursuits I get her to the roast ojiaifand fricasseed , Wliattiie country wants now is rabbits r-ahd Kitty aud. Martha went workmen iutelliscnf , indastrjoifs,' iev to the intelligence bureau on thrlftv workmen : raeuwho can do . i 1 . . . .1 - - ---- 7 . - the morrpw aud established a damsel I skillfully the work that waits for the in the kitchen,' who tis not at all in- doino,who. Lean invent new means congruous.to her.siirroundgiug J s( Uuj j better processes' for developing Aud Tom, leaning over his lister s- he brutjei, fesource pf ithCflandnd shoufder( whispered, waggishly : .'V for converting brute rrratter into life u'Didn't l tell you she was a g?m of sustaining and life enriching, wealth. the first water 1 1 , More clerks and record keepers are At a discount.1 There areTtwo many of pm 4ij EEiCAjr. Gejus. JournijI i caa genius 'crojit for at least Bays have 'been adopted all . World.'! Tb fi-Tnmhba of r erican genina are thtis enumerated fttriiwttvgiq;.: tb.a ! i ??achinej;, the grass mower 1 1 :? gma tearjer f 4. the totary print (Iff frBvisiiot by steam? J & iif?!trerrcalbrioeD W achine for the manqfactare 4 ele . ThegnrgUng rnsbipg water was Aoan cnintr tin finto the heavens, and ifler re Minutes- (h? cloud wm filled u. c:.u. PcMi! ffJdiAfrihntfr1 ita pontenfci!, !itrenUJgw.Wlvcr . TT- " -- the sbore'of the .Sound." at 6 o'clock thii eveomgtwrQ Jercftiwindciouda ripidlyjlapproaclh tne oouna ana soon jenneu, uu ibjuw diately ra'ter-sbout Ivm fortncd. 4 yast bcKjy ot jyawr:waA.wniriea rep into the IbwrexbaWipS clquTbe ftnoui tsas about six miles trom the month of New Havea uarborvlod yi$ible';Uritii darkrbuV it' mt from I Doer gaJt, autU-' Horisehse r i n tepbsed Mrsv.Mere- ViVv i nUtvlr Knt. lobster out of its defraud Wye off romancing ! You're a ,deal ieifceV at poetryatid newspaper sketches than you are in- the, kitchen; thoagh to be sure with a. twinge of T ' i . -I , - . ' . . ... . t should dp without you just' in inis .... . it f j'0- 1 1 iiiiiifiiODSier cwast onjy,naj,, picscu out of thi shelli the .buttermilk-tit cuit waa -still - unmixed,- and 3Mrs. Meredithl with a pocket handkerchief tiettfrouoa ,ner - pretty orown iur, was dusting the .' little' drawing-rbom whenoithcre.cameia ring at . the door bell,' Sbe put Jierturbaned head out of the window after a most unceremc- . I ' -4" .."i.- :J njoos xasnion. iW IWhQ'a : Ibere she demanded, in a hiebt contralto., .) 0 I . ' 1 . . . - .. Mrs. Meredith, live here,. I retorted a womana voice. : Ard at the DUU iUlU 44 14444 : . : f'Kitty," said lie, " sbe's a jewel A xenv of 'tae firt aterf , VP Uiwn it she's potalways worked in. the kitchenl iattotl tShakespeiifei; P A AA '-- 4l T Jnn'' apropos oi sonieiiiiiig uruni,. i yuu , remeraoerj wpai,anu sue reco. the grand old words at once -her eyes"' ;h,ened, an e color come jinto ner c aWiikQlg stairs iaid MM Kittyf disdainlfullyf 7' ii. ne iuuciv raiu6,uv ai.,M Mi.-v periect orper icago'arriVeaj1' up to the door 4J11SS! ,AUpreOlM:1'? r.4w. 1 CuBREsrr Comment. Since the nb- them and the professions, so-called torious Victoria Woodhull described jare almost equally crowded rith men Mrs. Tilton's lapse from virtue as "an wno have nothing to .dot.. There' never amiahle concessiveness, there has been was a time when "ability to do some no euphemism invented that would thine real and practical i as worth so compare with it, until Mr Tildeu, much as , now. . Yet our young men the other day, ; when pressed, about BWarm after clerkships.' Why is it ? Nephew 'Pel ton's attempts at bribing SciehtiJic American. ' ' ' " Pres dentiai Electors said that what . . , v 4 . ,..,, T4 ii . Athens M CAromcc: Rev. N. A. be had done was no crime after all, . -,4t -.-,- f y , , i r- A . ur Pratt, of RoswelL Cobb county,a but amounted, at most, only to a "fu- t'HJ. ? ;i t. ., iVii m w-'Win 'j if''" ? "f'J Pre$bytenau, divine, died iwo. weeks tile dalliance, tile dalliance, is : , - : 'X.i.p good, fully as" good' as "amiable con- f " fc rT-- --- s-- .'iMiltMi .J?t f-'. v.t-.,.a of thepeople of that place for nearly for- cessiveness. Both expressions, coyly, "1 ... " ' S:.; LV9n, hth ty yearsand no people, by urgent ap- ;:.;"V6. ,7, - 1eals and a Godly walk, ever received mask its 'hideousnesa-Jfeeneata a.yar- -4-1 v , ..! . , . 411: more i. earnest admomtions0tp,Tollow1 m vr.-, - JY Saviour.- He was about eighty ve cation of which may be fairly termed , .- lm.j . .u .tn aIstro:pftgepjus.estou:Ai j; herwilClyexed? Bu,:howpyer, f i Viontmucli! mint! ! company com iag iukwtclha inch! an excelMnt girl l" t m heiubafl quail s aim rauunjmwwoi - defeert otcustdrcl and 'jelly, was duly served at precisely lMfeuk thlph our MrX Meredith bonndedin,-hot r, 0, v,t I .' ,. f, tL-j, &rj.iix iil irJjf ana nusnea wnn we uaip. wmw made. ? . :h Jij - f wcm-.t ir-fj 1 f Where 8?'- cried he. ' ? v nere isf wpo a J'11. 'fMv cousin from i' Chicago V . fOhlVsaid Kitty, sho basnt come! -' Not eomer'l i -L- hl'l J A'-t No f lfish of refined expression, theppH cation of which may b and Courier Dan.) i taV ; ! ' f ' small boy carried on-the back of .1 uthebiAKd'8?Waqoneite.-?-A 4 tumble tof about sixty.feet, a iwvc.tj . m vm. pearance on our streets yesterday, and. fnsecurelyand the j professor ire- A.trapfpd no little attention. It is I JLuiiwi ik-f i,q,1 mpupV" -wnllpd as called: a aftifti and is therope. Vfijj & in Jirantnatit 14.. .i ' vf .i .1 fvuitnpnanii. iiiu mi j.. .4.ii.fv ; lx anm jr, vt vp- v-"'f i - - - -j i-was not at aiicaic. nirei uuiug o"" pr'fttkble man. ! Ther waeonette' is jJl- i Vu v hp ' ventured .' unon fthe very handsome conveyance, will seat ij- with tUe boy blindfolded 'upon about twenty persons very comforta- shoulders. t TheslreeT .was,. 100 hly,jfs draAyaby fe wjde, and he succeeded, iq, walking bells attached to themwbicliikeep glety.rfiv.e fvthtk heJost hia bal .ip1eajsi9ijingfeap& inleabd swayed.to and frowhile the removes all danger of "sweating." Border lie view. , .,11; Introduction of the Tomato, ji, 4 Of the introduction" of ithe tomato"1' into the'tThited Statesy-a corresponcl1' ent of the Boston Transcript gi ves the following account : Capt. PhinjeasEl . , d ridge was a resident of ; Carpenter; street, west of Fourth street, Philadel-Jt phia, inl793.-'Duringithe,"Sa:rf-Do'A . mi no wars between5 the1 'negroes and-' ? . th whites, 'many ot. the latter fled tP ; s the UuUed States, autl.the more care-- j, fill aud enterprising brought fruit andK seeds pecul iar to t hat island vith them.: ; AT Frenchman "named Nicklo Titbr nis iamny, occaine a resiaent ot riui adelphia, in 1808, an4 pecupied a Jot 3t next to Captain Eldridge.Nicalpan4u family brought a-variety pf seeds with ihem, which1 they sowed1 antJ chltiva " ' cd, among which was the 1 tolnatO.;1 Capt. Eldridge aVd hillypcameldo ( quainted with the fruit vand Jlt&jusea K by their intimacy with theNicalo fam- ily. They- dressed iinl Used"it asa!rf5'r' s jad arid were-very fond of itOthcrf 'H 'r-i.i.."Uo.i..bi.v-4ti?jHL.?4i;:iJM ky- . neignoors procureu ine seeu, uui cui ,, -ft ... . i ni'. i iai tn"i .i.J.-yi fivated it nierely as an prcameoVJua- tS h being. under thcjmpressipn that it ? was poisonous. The tomato was ifeel-77Vi as au article of food"i nT'eWr Orlea11 ; T in 18121 :They were not, however, sm sold in the fjnarketsj :feVeftvjuPhila " delphia until 1829." The French Vc" ; fugees from San'TOmingo 'mrMuced J many new ana excellent plan's ana vgetabiesnd cultivated then) in tba gardens: of . Marjland, Delaware and btlier places hear the shon3.of5Che3a- J:if- FC4u xui . . 'i k a !! t: 4t . - ed a free ride to the base ball grounds -ngtnt ihe body was whiling through on it yesterfayafterocpnWil pavement sixty feet be- torn ouurn-. f ,i" - low.Tneboy strucK on nts ueaa ana i , l was iaiaiiy jinurcu. auc h4w4 - 171.-: fheJast plaa of inbreasing negro hihV the irooe Avith bis'toes "and "p,", ',."""" 7- 7 vicxawiea into a wiuuow. ;ri At p.h'pan excursions. One bun- b i dred negroes have just leftNashville, " The.largest -sum. eyer paid for a TnpeSpp; for Kansas, on an excur- horke in England was $72,000, given Bion, and more are to -follow at once, for Doncaster by the Duke of West- Wilmington Star, minster. ';A minister in the north' bfScoUaod.'ff -Was taking to lalk 'one of his bearers 'j who was a , frequent? absentee, andthei accused defended imself .pn the- plea rrU.r of a dislike to long sermons. "Deed,!; moii," said his i reverend monitor, aH f- s little nettled at the insinuation:; if ye ; dinnamend, ye may land, yerself r.: where ye'll na .be troubled wi many sermons either long or short." Weel, f& ;f alblins (perhaps) sae7 retorted ' John j 1 . "but it may. be uaa for want o 'minis- 4;; J.1?! -sMi nHl" '.4l'i Wni Jpif ' iW, AjDell tne armatistpu Bay street, has a, splendid young mock- ; ing-bir that will go and come as or- . I dered, torn sumraer-saults, ran around in a drcle;j.!march! fetclir an4nr.'' hop on Pne footj pick up1 coin, and, in" i fact, do more tbao any bird we ever ! saw before, t He leaves hia cage at i . will, goes and comes as he likes, and ' seems to idolize his ownerSavanoah ' ' News. ; . : . :T '' j I h ;L , lit. ! : i f it i ' ! t i - s I i ni; I--J - -V i ill 4 1 3; h r- V r v A. jf !

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