V""X-"' i!t" ' (gib i ii w ii ii it r i t i i i I .1 hi . 'a ' ft . f 1 S n. ; f t- 1 !45 SALISBURY. H.' C.; OCTOBER i&, , 1879.: . r ! I i j, THIRD SERIES It: - !t l!p fr 5fJ..ft ' i) 110 5 2 ' - v ' ' i ...r! i 4 i! ."im.i'T , ii,- 1 I ifi'l 1, Mil t t 1 tf I. K M t . ' ' ' , ? i ".Ti l.!t !4 1 PAPEB. AND iniSTOKX ff"-;boo MAKISO IN AMERICA. " ' 1 ' " TV" ' "Sr-jT T . i " S, - ... , S . ) It "- - s - - 1 r - V -" 1 .m . i-i yi.-ii , , .,-,.,-, .,., , i M i A" m. HtiAitti mi ' -f ' a t rwft t-inv i ma was nui. 111111111 111 i in iitri n.1111 uiriiiii mi ijiiiillitii iij i 11 1 f jiva &uttn 11. nun r.virv imhi w iirwurrMi nin 1 - 1 "r - 4 b'mm w . , r ! I ulllf Aii VCrY " I , UHtmUllj.a v uvumiiiigij. ,wM-,,r 7 " iI ;! r r. r . ; , vmi iiwiiiivim " I m . -- - . ma rA as n vrw-n i nn u iiawa nn n iiiiii'ii w-j m m i i ww ' -. m vuwu-a luiii r - ' iki 1 vrmTUWvn hi Bnr i wnc aiiu it i i m & irr as - iiiiiiiiiii .i m iiii.i iiini ii v. w a r a r mm u m v w w w , . . m at - i ? fui ft. VtA-M UtVM . . , - !- 7 I 4 4 ; A . w , f . . I 1 1 . They cut thw reed, previously mg a stitiftitute-tne grimung engine n C are us p auu -l; r . ' s - ' - r - . : a. z 1 T ri I i ..am itlti ns n v I n a lnn rwn n f iiAAil n I r - . . - 6tni)etl of iU leavesnnto pieces lonr was inveiueu in now. cu uw;;i p.a ... Bt)1.nai.i rMi(pnpk h.,i!t: fm-w Af. J :toijL f r . . - - i - . t i. . - t - - ' -. . -I -if great industries, which con- or five feet longjaud laici them "ff rlviWit toiheiiwlivHl- -mixture omiidu (n lriD!,t? - X upueral nros rate, leavins them a!out-five,ua's. and it rarity that the main fcupply ; and placed theW in a dry dtch-nith and th ti'Pt5Ui , l.U. r.,m tUathielMliraeAvluchtheymoi thai ct off:" ni alv utilized for the slack it. After several ldys llje: United Stat Marshals llt-iusuredA I ' Y 0Uk to b rmtefat for firrorAbl Outlaw EntrtncXed U t& Mm- I ea8on, and ihree gbod wliealcrtep Ha tocteaaioa; - d yt ire iear .agreat deal about Jiard times and the Trant ' (t Ifi ; money. i-Farinere who lire within i'.tneir! in a the iiiventor is not furnished any la clry pressr au ioimense , pressure be-: UrjlHani lioireyiriooa'MaTW- Bortoiatod)ila iwHX?0T03f October 1 The United npel of the orttiiiarv means of tnfofmatioli. injt this tiin4 exerted. o as to give the beautiful vonnjr tkife Waclnded to settle States marshals throughout the country has probably been tor&otten. paper a nai smooin suriace. xne . wn wine iarm rmeu uaa oeen given UJ .w . , " -.s.-ru:ii'-i UKiOi J ' .tliemr and Mark determKed td adont M 9 epresentatire Atkins, chairmaa of flash times, may i and I often .do-enjey ie WU9 it native V. UUlluuu auu iovuc uivmwii M wwm" 1 1 4o., - !. . i. . . i- t f ' i:' n : i i ....wing us a ousiurKs. nere ail went )nnlry,is linqiiestionefl, the en- j America, uutH,'t))e' introluctlon .of the.; :L nrPV itllf ' i i j .... 1. 1 y lie DC! Ug Known . asj Hie noiianuer. 1 rtiu ni rimer uiaunuieaj which, wunnie - ' v...Qi..t ....0f.,1. .,, 1 ni'iltyUittirfhe nresent centurv Daoer was Icvlintler niacin ties subsequently in- i" l i-fiianutactiircs. "uim. uii.,nfc.m Mt.n. tvt.nt. v.- . . . , l v t : ! nt Oilier --. .i . '. . i?i ' L .r"Liii.f . .ailltMnnla liuimnr. rlli Mr I vpiitpd. Iijivp in thia cbuntrv at least. - - t I ' T s i J ' certain sensed to the piecea into filaments wliich' Vere5 um verftiliy made by ha method by in a 53f -"I , . njjssion uiid to have eseil to the rays ofUhe sun to dry Having oeenjSorifaciraiiFeu ami re- i-ump. y.FI.ic w.c 1 !,fi viee nd but fi.rand bleach, these ftirther maniou- hand j j f;! i ' i iW lIite'and'ijiow boUedJn; large :;kettle;aiid then.Jation m,erfuried by three work- 1 7T .-. i,0T- . .... i.:.. . rrard. in in a wooden mortar with a.long-han- lifter A Aat having been filled with ethxr tre dal ae. ax interest that other art of j 'l hammer, which the workman op- j pulp,thej vatraan standing at one side J f ikg stort. lonocdiou wit j . . erU,a wit,is ot A kruVthmis snUf ffcbldsfa mould, consisting of a simple J P"P"io . it -I a. ' staiiee exiracneti ! inimiue rsniiois oi a i ijuic wm CTW't, j 1 ,r . . ; Ma itf 1,n rV f. . nUnt mllpil Lo-tomr was. Hien mixwl : hoiranv. covered -with a series of fine 1Qu., . ., v t T tl I1WVI1II I I n - C7 : i inn... UCIfWUU WLHI 1 1 V f.ii ,U sure means ykiowledgeof all arts. Had the y paiier-makiiig and printing ex yU 1.1 their Resent development, or ifaa'cpnaiiloii even approximating to L i Mother ages, those ; lost arts, of ibicb!5 we have some faint suggestions, tro liie eiistence of which there is" oyniversal belief; culd not have perused. These two mmlern arts are Slo tle tehicle of eiftication- and in telliice, of (act and fancy, of reason inI imai'ination, oi iove, of all that we may wisli to know or of Which we.may choose to : preserve the knowledge or feeling. iriTEHlALS AND -METHODS. :t I,-: i lr.f varietv of substances, as f b rf . i yi Is nietlKMls, have been in use in Wriniis axes to perpetuate, ideas or 1 events. Tlie earliest of which we have I ttcorcj was engraving on stone, either l'it'l solid material or in plastif. j IrlticS was '"frequently", used- to cover llhe stoue." Tablets of lead and other If - CommerclaL . a boat the - year . ennftistihi? bf , . I I I ' 7 - Z1 1 -o yith the pulp in suitable pnipfirtimis, ; wires placed parallel and closely as lUl4b.lua, wife and child, a daughter about and the whole mass was ngain beaten possible (together, with other , wiros four years of age, settled io Walker coau- together till it I'lec-ame a thick, viscous stretched transversely across them and ty, Ala. They stated that on aeconut of liour. Into this the workman plung-1 about ah1 inch apart. In placed this the orations of the two armies ontho liqt ed his mould, the bottom of which, formed of fine reeds, allowed the su perfluous water to pass through it, leaving a film or sheet of paper. This from the glutinous matter -incorporat-' el in it, very soon became firm and shining, and was detached from the mould by reversing it and dropping, the sheet on the pile already made. If a great degree of sizing was requir ed, a decoctiou of rice was Jnixed with Lthe stuff in the vat. 1 he, sheets o paper were sometimes dried against a kind of stove, cMvered-vith;an exceed ingly smooth cjiating of stuccol The paper immediately adhered to the stucco, and the mould being with drawn, the heat rapidly dried it. Before the paper was dry it was brush ed over with a coating of rico sizing. If it. waft desired to make the surface still better for receiving thcink, the arrangement of wires a Very finely woven web of wire was sometimes used. LAID AND WOVEN PAPER. North Carolina cbnit, where they resided, they were forced to seek a home else where, and when they started from their North Carolina homo Texas wan their des- e in the parallel tination, bat upon reaching Walker coun- , . , ty, in that State; they found it to be a re- aui paper, and on , , ' . 1 1 ... timl, peaceable and prosperous coniuin- the honse committee on appropriations, that I about all the Jeeility earth can yield:- Bat ' merry 'as a: marriage bell.? Prosperity tneit necessary expenses shall be prorided the flush time have rained more tlian the I smiled upon them.and in dUetimeawn ir ;jn the reassembling of Cohgreti Th& hAittoeiw4W!ii lBarket'wergood'b1. was bom unto them; an event whieh wss iMn!perfect accordance with the .under and money plenty ; farmers bought yaore celebrated with great' eclat; and wkiclf taading when Congress adjourned, j .While land, built fine buildings, dressed la-ex? brought nnnsnal joy to th parent. In it w settled that not another dollar should pensive atyle, and neglected to pay prin i the midst of all this' hai4 condition of iirawn irom tne treasury to pay men ap-1 cipai na re ooe, wncun--things, tlie whole neighborhood was thowri Panted simply to push; the fortunes of ;one 1 That was the time when, thoughtfulnnenxi into a tat nf .. 1 rrinf.uinn w ti.A xmi poHticai party, there (wa a unanimous t ac- detlarea tuetr inoepenaence. uy v getting port that Mark Norton had 'eeparated Haie-ceaee that -the . necemryand proper I eat of debWIt !a Terjf -hardtittetf tor from his wife, and that he had filed a bill expensesyof the United States marshals those WPO went into aeot woeo a .euvw of divorce, alleging that a fraud had bee' boul provided for at the earliest prac- half dollarwaa equal to a dollar In p plrtrated upon him in the ' marriage; moment- some of the district, per, and after paying heavy interestbe that hi4 wife had negro blood in her veins; ihc P of the marshal, are very heavy a number of year., they find it take. Aaro . ti:tWAte.'d.iM .nu nA in connection with the enforcement of the rilrer half dollar. tqequaUA. greenback void. There were hundreds of amors, Menial revcauelawA ThUi. noUbly the dollar, .otiut they bavetopay twodolla s I . r . -r IT . I. n I 1 t. JI ...M.ll.ini. thaw, nira some ridicalous, v4aiftiniiilA alkkii usual in such cases. The houses of Bey- fiftX m consUnt Ten w6! 1"P J cneap, auufc money , ttolds aml Horton were in a flutter, and wlth thcse rom being able to prHUiot increaw in value. , . were closed to all outsiders. The case P lUm UstlUMI- 1 "S? l m9V l ah out law kstrekcded. &ard-wprKing, weii-meaning larmers rw m , Col. Robt. IL Douglas, the United States in debt, an4 some are loosing their home. f ,t marshal for this district, is now here on of- and good name, and injuring themselyea, ficiaF business. Mr. Douglas savs that Red AHk..l 1 a wm.t-rwlrra flAiilh PaPAllfia Mnnn I n'iiraMilniV ft tit fill VaA ITlATA IUUUUj ,u uwv.xvuaf uvuiiU xa v i ui wm- i HUUU1U L"C mm VV O Aasa ,v mm w w w pciais ; were aisw m ' i - J I pi evident from the feenptures oi tne 8ieets xVere again dipied inasplutionof hjld Testament, and from relerejices i lcineJ aum twn partS and isinglaps I jiiyltto earliest profane writers, bub- one art -php Chinese also use the j fluent to the use of these materials, bacj. uf the worn papyfera as a oia- The paper made wires was called 1 being held, up to the ngiu piainiy jjtVf nuJ hence tltev cm,ciU(ied to; settle showed ihe marksaf the wires in both down there.! In addition to the family lireetioiis. Paper made on the wire! John H. Reynolds, wife and daughter, as has just been decided, and the facts are substantially as follows: During the ear ly part of May last, the quadroon woman, Lucy Shepcrd, heretofore referred to) was taken quite ill, and when it became ap parent that she could not live but a few shiner, upon whose head a price has been I careful in the future,. If we cultivate-. web .wa called wove. surface of the mould is placed a sim ple frame of wood called a deckle, de signed to receive the pulp, its inside measurement being of the proposed size of the sheet of paper. I he vat- man holding the mould with the dec kle upon it in an inclined position, dips it thus into the pulp and brings iiip into a horizontal position allow Oil the wire already stated there were several slaves. Among the latter was a haiidso.ie quad roon youug womau, who was the maid of all work for the family; She was kindly treated, however, aud most of her tmre was occupied in taring for Mis. Reynolds, who was an invalid. After the War-closed Dr. Reynold con cluded to remain in Walker county, as he had secured; a giiod farm and was in fair circumstances considering the losses en tailed upon! Southern men. Wheu Mr. I out In th mwirnmnt fnf fS W-?U5nT rtf nnc I .nnntmant WA !1TI Hfffl liannV. Iioblfl . iIivr alio RArretlv niitietetl Dr Black- s b w,u,u.v,,;... - .... -i, - cla8,she secretly requeiteu ur. uiacK ofitgofficc is now firm, entrenched in live, without giving a mortgage, on. our , , man, the physician attending her, to in- . . ,a . . v ... . 'JXa i,Lfia . A . . . ' . . the mountains of Swam county, N. C, with homes. Some good old homestead. form Mark Horton that she had something L , - . - . , ,i . -i 1 - -i- ' , viun ' " . A , . . a band of twenty-five or thirty desperate have been thrown away lor very, vanity. ; ,t i Tr... ""A'n"" ""r "lu foUowers. Only a few days back some of The law. - of fashion, those , who yield- uvMini nun iu vail auu oiv; iici ni uitvc. ing the surplus -pulp to run back into j Reynolds liied in North Carolina one of the vat.land shaking the mould to and his wannest ami truest menus as n '!;? I ' i l.i. .f TI. ....... lT..t.t.i r-,. f... a f. .Mo..Q w t i a mntimi neignoor ui iue iuuu. . . i . . , i i . who was also A fanner well-to-do, and acqutreu uy praeuee a.... .Tiu w win traits which render neighbors spread the pulp evenly over the wire. mnch attucheu. Ti,e great desire of Bey- The-water'- drains through the wne 0ia was to induce his old friend aud aud the fibres of tlie pulp become so neighbor to sell out his possessions in s form a continuous fab- North Carolina and move to Y alter coun- v I u . a t . 1 m. , - , . i .i .,,i tv, to assume tne same reunions ne oi-cu rie. The-deckle is tnen removed, and , nAArmumuA pied III lormvi unj n rj un.oo Marshal Douglas's deputies ran across Bed-1 themseves ' slave.' to its -powr, , secta , , motid and his band, but as they were much J to be more deip'otic-.than the ' laws, and r L inienor hi point oi nuuiucni mcj t h uunn taxes o iviug ucurgc. iio wd uuw mw from the vicinity without much ceremony, obligations to follow the lashiona otton-k The only reason why Redmond has not been jjon anl Paris. Bat we are 'under obli apprehended is believed to be on account gations to follow the good old-fashioned of the insufficiency of the reward offered by ten commandments, and owe no man any ; the government $250. There are plenty of thing. There is no merit in wearing ex mountaineers on the borders of North and pensive finery ; any fool can go down the South Carolina just as brave and desperate gtream of fashion, like drift wood tin a -as Redmond, vnd if the reward was made flood. It require, some moral courage sufficient to excite their cupidity they would I iaugued at for wearinga hat behind Mr. Iloi ton in response to this, request Called about nn hour after it was made The womau began by telling him that she had kept a secret, locked in her breast for many years, aud now that sue was going to die, she could no longer jemain silent. She did uot wish to go to her grave as a partuer in a great fraud. She thcu inform ed Mr. Ilortou that his wife Jesse was her daughter, that she was the illegitimate child of Reynolds, aud that the secret ..... . . . .1 I I nv rst which Had so long oeeu kept was me cause. . hig fft8tncsll and briBg him out. thtk .tvlp. or -n Did Toat that ha done of the death of Mr. Reynold's wife, who Marahal DoU2ias says if the government will I good service for ten years. We can buy grieved herself into an. early grave on ac- mmU the rewftrd $i,000 he will wager that new coat an v day, but we can never count oi uie uauu which iveuoms w Redmond will be forthcoming. practicing m palming off Jesse as his legit imate daughter. The woman informed 3or it way even have been at the same ur;a for ,naking paper. This is also lis. otH nwien It I i;i 111 A mat f- I . I : . L - I .1? ' II .. !, llm I . i . I I.I ..I .. '". . . in 9- maieriai principally u -7 ... the vatn)an SMaes tne inoiuu uiuug,u.. n nillin- letter8 to Horton, F mrm W SItorvl the Greeks and Romans used -ft,iJi :ntn ! Hindoostirf !and Persia ti,u nonhpr misp nne edfre of the fftiilifat rtf vvftfMi pitlifr nlain or cover- I .1.. f ilm fTiristlnn om. I ..-i.i I z. - time I -t'y.v. 4 - im me cant paiv w ' muuiu uu a PH't iw" " - " i Mwiur wax,anu aiso tire iuuhiuu.u tjlc mater,aj US(Kl being the raw cot- gecon(js w hi le i,e lavs on a board a Mr. Horton that Jesse knew nothing of these facts; that she was perfectly iuno- Cent and believed lierselt tlie legitimate. Ldaughter of Reynold. She. stilted that Jesse was born in Wilmington, N. C, af-; ter Reynolds had married, that ho notifi ed his wife that she must adopt the child as her own aud rear it as such. He threat ened both his wife and the mother of the child with death should they divulge the Hints on Calling. Hill's Manuel ot Social and Business Forms. Do not stare around the room. Do not take a dog or smalt child. Do not linger at the dinner hour. buy a good moral character. So let as live within our income, and be worth the) title of honest farmers. William Lam big, in Country Qenlleman. J The farm belonging to Mr. William DalrvmDle. in the northern part of Minne Do not lay aside the bonnet at formal I cover, thirty square miles. 'The - - can. tU I.m in 1STI) Do not fidget with your cane, hat or parasol. xuuu acre, w.e y.cm . Do not mase a can oi cruu.wujr uu n i eu oi wuenv. ocrcuij v. ..... wet day. I binding machine, were used to harvest ' Do not turn your oucvo uo - th ron. the work beinir done at the rate - . " ...... periods, oti i! :. ... a I Ifria such as the skins of annuals and japuneSe fr the same purjipse. : a ledge; or frame on the side of the d ibill2 j,,e Wautie. therichesandthe Ifthe bark, wood !or leaves of trees were HIND6psTANJ PERSIA & TAltTARY. I vat at riiiht angle to himself, to thj bright prostiects of Walker county. There iloyed. Very early in their tns- The art of naner-inaking was in- nm,Pl1Pr was a farm near him that would suit hoi .1 .1 iNh. luttuvHwl tint linra n.u " : - r...a t,.a ,1,1, .Jliwl Krnkon.heArt near VOU. I - . : ' A l . I.. .,Ml,o.n it Pfrnntitft ,,,vlc" I T! t, ' t 1M,.UIi. nnWa invited Of 1.IXAI aCITB a UBV. uia ai u. .... v e 1 - I ail fiffor viita nf irruf And cthamp. I ; M I i LtuH. af (V nnA aMa ! avpf Mrh ould assist him. Finally Hotton yield- : ; " .... to do so. - . m H54 - .i i. U.irftnitiU nf hi old friend. MaiK UIW-- "" iUo not raaKe a a-spiay oi wum.u6 of wmCb aa overseer i piaoeu. vwiu.u.. v a a a a a i iu a a aa aaaaax-av 71 . a.i . ' Iftineiisivfi ivorv. The Chinese, at a L. .k:i. u,i fr nerM thp nro- I ' Xe cn ,lir....!v -:.., ' v.i. P!l(.(llinfl; of the quadroon woman, at once went 19 your watcii. , , able quarters are provided for- the over Of" 7 ; " ;iju,u WH,t'"."-7 -v T 11 r I p1--1 f ' V 7 , v ou ..v .... ,m.h- Rc,m)1asaud confronted him with the facts Do not go to tne room 01 an iuvu - - fa j boarding ilvtrviinmaiit luinnil tvrri o With tnol.4 I . . : ! A mill fnr .1 . 1J I. I-..- l.n . H 1 ...If I. i.im fa ttnA ajn t-omiiV'Pn TO I : " J I, :...! 1 Ber. WWW ..uvio r..u,, -"-duct 01 mosq ieg.u.. - versing ine mouio, ue ..u ' . , . ,T1, latter did not deny tho sUtement w m.l l ,w anmnd-Uon of the farm . .r:.. I 1 1 j , n.,n M i i; .... . n?..u.. rii.rn iia nnrriin.xpn ni - 1 nn nnc remove uie iiiuih .nucu 1 uuuou . urirou, uu uoarus, uaiuuou re.3 av. the manufacture ot paper was estau- of a)er ior such it is iu incipient .-. cf the woman, but told Horton that he had r .1 h,.n,t. Th vast estate emoloys npwarda Ijraetilic surfaces. The Egyptian-, ac- ishe(i A. p. 651, at Samar(and, in I u He ti,en rasses the mould fan"a . a"w (1J mM bettor remain silent, as any exposure ; Do not handle the ornamenU of fond- 1,0 and 350 horses and males. : .-i ... di: iim 1.1 1 -; 4. ri.: . . i . 1 .1 1 ic..n. vi..fe iT6l""u;Bl,",ot "f Tartary. neariine ooraers 01 me ..i- back tQ tlie vatman, wno, in uie mean- Mrm -a neighbors, thincs jletves of the fan almllir use ot nesc Krapire. Paper made at Samar- time j,a3 anotlier mould and wj,nt ginooti,iy and iw-osperity smiled up- ' At - i ! ' I I - . a IB . SSi . uie papyrus as a material 01 roanuiac- j wag llfert by the Urceks, wno nasseti jt alone in front ot the coucher. ron the two houses. Mark Horton, tne son, tifrecoiymemcd as early as 70Q years iail trade with Tartary, andrearly i The latter now- places a felt on the aud Jessie Reynolds, the daughter, went o school together.in Uie neignoonug f ("liriwt M'Iipii !ii;ill UTflte lllS I . 1 r I . 1. .trrAtynm it intol i . 1 .. l..T,l .Iumi oml finrulu J; w l me t'liriiiii vciii.ui j v, .-- i ciipe previously .uivi u w Ijifophcyy, as iclerciiCes by him seem Venice and probably into Germany, riiy.crs the mould, depositing the toi Imitate. J li i v ; where it was known as "Greek fiarch- 8jieer . the process continuing, alterna- I Ipeu'akiNg -THE PAPYRUS. ,." AbontThe same time the fAk and a sheet of paper, until S ; : . ! 1 -rSww- - ft I jtLcetltwl of preparing itaccor- Arabians, or Saracen-, having con dniu Pliny, was to peel the inner iquereoVTartary, acquired: the art, and 1 layers of the nanvrus reed, placing in 607 introduced it into Mecca, and loQe br more of theul on a table, suriuk- ihence in their western progress of llijig jvith water from the Kile, then conquest carried it to Spain. S PttcW 'another lavcr transversely. THE EIRSTEDBOPEAN PaPEB MILL, six quires are laid up. MAKING A "POST." i This is subjected to pressure to re moveihe "water The pile of felt and f . . . ' .1-1 ;- paper 13 then passed tne tniru wora- V. UAoi. wlm tiitM the sheets -i. . .1 i uiaiii .. , -. lazam snrintKno- with thf NUr" water, nf which we have record was erecieu - . nnA , , ii ...r" ------ - - i - - - : . -, , I sintiiy i.u vic i, mmv. -j --j- .n.i i . . l.i i . . r-. i . I I . a u i n Ttii i n m ri v 11 liii: trie w - I mm suomirieu tne tiieeis-to oweriui i av u H pressure, haujrmsr them iu the sun to enth dryi i They were thin polished with this century, or in papers-. !o ivory tooth or shell, to give them 1 first introduced into ngiana, anu u- Muriate which t)iild take the ink. mug te same cemury, auuu y .v f?fjnore perfect surface were desired, is bciievetl, cotton rags were'substitu " size was made of ii.rht bread steen- ted for the raw material A n Arabi- le3 n boiling water land then passed an author, j Schenf-al-IIrina, says i tfcrrl, !flltrbi,r.lil, ,,,wl tl.n nn. that in 1151 a very fine ;white cotton pcrlikvJng beenidipped in or brushed paper was made; and another Arabian tirwmw i . 1 ...idn. civ. itlmt the best na ner was If I t ''w,lu 11118 size, was suumiueu uui"v , ffSu tolhoDroceRs'of illaliro when made at Xativa, in Spain. There are hmt'iXl -i i u ' j in.titmrw that the manufacture of ts" ii is said, it upranifl vprv nrm ana luwivuu- 4- : -' T . - , j - l - i T.1..- .knul ll.A iviiwr WHS liePUIl 111 xiuiy ouuui mv l'-r- i . . . ! Ii.!.. il I 0,"b'J i ledo, in spam, ear. exactIf one on anolher making acom century. About tne nnuu.e oi lhe vatman aml eoueher in theTneantime maauig uiiiuc. When'the lifter lias completed several piles, they are collected into a single pile and subjected to still greater pres sure, and giving to the paper a con siderable tenacity and solidity, tending also to remove any roughness of sur face received from the felt. The paper remains in press till another combina t lagc, and as the years rolled on they grew up to manhood and womanhood fondly attached to each other, a fact which gave tlie greatest satisfaction to Reynolds. His wife had died about tlie time thewar closed, and his daughter, being his only child, retained all his affection, and li lavished upon her every luxury that hert could wisli. The quadroon woman re mained with the family, while the other alaves scattered and foil nd new homes would bring shame on both families. But ture in the room. I Th th book-keepers to look after- Horton belonged to an old-fashioned high J, tegTns to lag. accounU, and two cashier, to receivi. " bred family, and pride was his most strik- po not ypmaiu wheu yon find the lady ftnd disbiuse the money, A; neighbor of ing characteristic. He notified Reynolds arou the point of going out. Mr. Dairy mple is Mr. B. P. Cheney, form that he would wud Jesse lck to him, t Do not make the first ftdl if you are a erl of Boston wllo has a farm of 5,000 w,h their child, and that he would at SBS window, acres. Last ,ear he harve.ted:00O once apply for a divorce. He then went RyUr tU arra0gemeuts of the room. , bushels of wheat, 6,000 of oaU, and 3,000 back to his home, called Jesse to a private Do not resume your sat after having - barley. The machinery ron his farm .aa .a . a I . 1 . aTAH 4 aM nnrfa 1 T ma. . . . m apai tmeut, and there told ner tne story oi ansen to go, uuies. .ur .ui.- 10,0.40 plows, ; 16 seedew, 4U liar. the ouadioou woman, who. was then dy ing as he repeated tho words she had spoken to him. , v ; The wife was , struck with .terror,, and ! could not utter a word. She acted for a while as if bereft of her sense. When she sons. ... i . i ' not wall; ftrounu uiiwin exiimin- rows. 16 harvester., 3 steam thrashing ing pictures while waiting for tlie hos- machines, and 3 portable steam cngjne Do not enter a room without first A-Wnarrel, nine lime out of" ten,' U i...nirtn.ni roAlvinir an invitation to I h- , m uw..uS..m 0 I merely the fermentation ot a muiunaer- comem. .... ... I . . Do not introdnce-politic,-religion, or istanaing. - became composed she found herself and weighty xopic of conversauon wneu 1 al ur.ri aafe to learn. , even fro -a I m . m CI. . . . aaa I .a al 11 I m wheu the close oTthe war brought their caiia m uer iau. . u8c. -: . n the if tbe U or eneofie. . aeldom safe to venture in ;.! " I 1.. ............ nlilaot: f llltr flllfl - V ITl IVll U V. I ' . . 11 I ' ,1 fi-eedoni. i uw.iu.c v.y , . wded n is better ioii v w I intruct e?en our menus. When the time crniie for Jessie Reynolds She will see no one, and passes jier time wo afterwards. . "SI .ki.1 -nHniilh lftr locked in her room with her child: j Do not call upon a perwn to. reduced . H . . .7 i . .. ..i... Ji. 1 Th pYiioRiire broke uu the Horton mi circumstanced with a display of wealth, ! nr the many year' friendship that had exis- cause fimoother than the finest linen. tion o. lifter, time, -x)r very soon, after j it was in 111 mXsXiurrrrV- onail, a8 Bartolus, who died in 1355, !; The first accounts of the thanufac- CI1A,ia f hi' havin? been established 1 - In tl W?ff Parch ment ; are of the date of Mong ago at Fabrianojfn the marsh- ditional Tears bejlore Christ. Afthetlme -Aucona." -As to Germany, all sizing. i i tomir n Kn tr nr TwMmna ; I . - t . i i?u-.t I AM1 nnrinm rditained ironi tauners. 1118 thought to rival Ptolmy Soteid to Period as. early-as -theiddlecf curriers and parchment-makers. The iirnaa lounded the celebrated libra-1 pi les has, been prepared by t he when it is taken out of the press and removed to the drying loft. SIZING. ie case of writing paper an ad nrrvma (a neccssarv. that of The sire is made of shreds education at college, her latner sougn.au : V X " dress and equippage. i-.i-.!th Mr. i Horton. and lost ho ly, the old man senm ouv u y?b . n1 nt ta;tle. Do not .peak ill ofyo IIIKlwv- , . .1 . J 111. I.nfinn l.ft I T . . time in broaching the subject of the fu- to .Norm yaroiiiia, aim w..,a .... . neighbor. Do not carry gowipirwu. vu r fnrlr Hnt-tmi mid his la lew nays s.nce ior tuiuwum u iauiuy wnuumci. . ture marriage of Mark Horton auu ms uie . i.l' n ntJ if . Gentleman, seat yourself on fraud. EejuoW. U enlleavori-g the a, ha fcjf-K " UUll f - , 4 11 191 vAllill.J a ' . . ! a I a .i; Aa iifiuuirfv inrAimin.rv AlftOl . - i- ii MnflAiMttn ted between them, aud "how happy lie to u.simsc . " Do not u a uuij, ii Hwi.s.-., ICU UC I. w cr u " 1 . . i ITn (a KlomnH tiir I m .11 .. ... nMAn. nn.llff. II n left .nU lw, t havetheson of his deartnend w. .j. -r . . i ma " and lad lady arou ladies girl tou er. But be thought both her and his son two young just then to enter intomatri f Wi at Alexandria, k To. obstruct ? bis the fourteenth century. AMERICAN PAPER MANUFACTURE. their1 1 edges in his left hand and . Ptolmv nrnlnl.tP(l the exDortl m. -j" ; Amorlcn wits I snreadms? or opeuing them iu a ian- ' y. " ... . . - .. i j ne urv;p?pc .":? 1 r i, . t - , . , , . , rnlian Kmor op nonvnx As a. 1 1 i. . ti. I pAn.ievltrAni!i';l like manner with bis right hand, he SI! " l r: . r"lV ' " . UUllt a wuoiW) " "- .: - - jlfutstitule, the nianufacture of parch- near Philadelphia, by William Rit- dips them into the sue; hetheirtakes fiH?wa8 lundertaken at Pergamus, teuhysenfterwards anf now spelt; themjwitl his right hand by the edges I th quality being atf4 first inferior and Rittenhous) atHhe expehse of Wnd opposite hoW by which he had pre- J pyellow tinge: It was greatlyl ira- nsA fiLa nrinter of IPhiladeTphiaJ vbrnsly : lield them, and spreading ans. ll'-tPAPEB -THE':CHINESE tivedin loTt.irnn,! uJnia liw I . -. l i. i.u-. I u-t ...Lj 1 1 lipns k an. before, dins them aisecond i- : - a, ,Ms. 'f tlin U7 la I Iff 1 I I iriril V LU , ULiLi&l LI AA OU A I aaa , . . i 1 Rfepli.soAosB pl?- ! 1 handloU of the shect,, they areiplad . The method. of preparing. xagi for in a pile and submitted to powerful ; : .utainc ireduol t'o a puip pulping.inu in Europe. aod.AWer, pres,ure. On be.ng taken put o. e gS Jtnont douLf, W 'thi CwU..loa7:atSplS,PT;'V paroled from . each ,M. matrt . the c,t .pn Prune current and gooseberry bushes as soon : as the leave fail. - Cutting, may be made at -the same ; Jime, and planted at once in row. a fc-r inches apart. - , A farmer astonished hi friend. In De catur, III., the other day, by agoing 4nU tliat place with a train of six wagons, laden with three hundred and- seventy. i ? a-i. ii a ii a a iirriiifrii r. i w a ma v- ne s. atihiiii mru iu v iu iu. i ii i mat iwiiat ni nrxvn uv b F-"T wr& -.. mi.tneenv . ;- nof - couditioQ to appear iu court, the hall when making a forma can. ,i .XTL 'XlUU ' thereabouts, ana tne most popu.a. vr - .f tllA lanreat the call i. extended into a visit, It may ground i ary. "T"""" to be found in the county. Mr. Hor-t fue caS u..v r-r,--- - thenbelaid aside Whether- . tting or at the price they are wortn wnen wer iu..! Tati ,,d so informed her fath- crowd ever gatueieu ni ..- . f ndi the hat raay be gracefully lieia . ... -ahering to them. They 'cannot M a . jiukhenano. i iaa. l be thrown out upon The surfacebf the eround between the row. to . dry wltn- he Bible warns u. of the perils of boio , .f 11. t eo down into the sea in ship, the .a-1 ous gTeny uj . TrT.M Monev matters are in a deplorable con- . Tti. .i!.:.i liia inn ti niiiLp. a mark 1 jhi. wi.v it could be so scarce Is hara nmnv. ne ucshcu ' ri-; i unu" -v . . . ...... 1 : i- i o - - . m . ' 1.1. . 1 1. a ininfr 14 11121 ill . HHU i. .n I -w lv fcw -" . -i .. 1.. to tb. watU tete aamiaf. f m. i : Y-r .Wmki.it aklv I end TwriMf.. mm taaaja- i .-..K tn rnlleffe for a vearraua aim buuuiu u . - it reoaires to pay ior no.j- ; v.4Wi.A. 1 1 . ..nKtnk afTbrds an excellent place the same; Upon their return, should 01 etcbrought here, money will ia m bank teller fot Itprfng potatoes. If pUed onttop of 11 lir UU UbV STair.. - I a a.k.aa A TV HnUiniT S at continue to get scarcer. i'. We think it very probable. Paying oat more than comes in reduce our "pile,H certain. . ' ir ; : ? ..rf. r Resumed Work at Redcced Wages. desire to marry, the pareuU would inter pose no objections; Tlie youug people were sent to college one in Kentucky and one In NeW Jersey. When they re turned from: their collegiate studies, they became iufatuatcd with each other 4n PjL,)U3ou Oct. 3. The greater, portion sicht. Three months thereafter tnere 0f cotton opeiatiyea at , ig.u,4..n wL a weddjkM & wanrSn which proved to be one of the grandest i j " Work Monday.,, AU the affair, olthe kind that had ever been witr ; ... uave j-eCOU1aienced working. u, 4 t iiessed in that section. The loving pair wa. made man and wife under the hap piest and most promising auspices van heir to a comfortable Home iucome ' All the neighbor, thought that Elihu B. AYashburnVsays that Geo. ices. Each 0rant has never told any one that he e and ijood.,.,, nofc ' candidate for the third term. of SL lUrnia, did thi thing, last Suaday Q CToand and covered with straw and .- . oV mrm at fit. Louis, and . hav-1 . . . , . ... , !. 1 E rancTThiSL loate. earth, care atiou iu VSteir i cut ueen .icaiv. . Wi... ,.t.;. i . rim Iiirlit. A aarkcel- ! nave aires 11 j )uihiu - .- . -- - uarf and are .till recounting the many vir- iar i to be prefered to a Jjglit one Ior tuesofMr.Burrandte1hngofj-hataerH kfeeping potatoee.' vf " ! blow his loss u to the bank. Ciar m, - , 1 ous blow his los if to the bank. CiarfoM Olaerter. : 4 ' Manure applied broadcast tomeadof -arlv in autumn, or later 11 it uas .. - . ' f- i.L.-"ti'i i..'.tl T -.'l".l iWCir" t.- l.nri. VIA TOacVburn. 01 k.eninrsj, n imi. 1. don sooner, lncieasea .. u-..- dooed a fourteen-year-old boy, sentenced to - growth before wintei; atm the penitentiary for houseking , upon WaMaa early aad InxuriaU -..Hnd thai he has determined not to give, tne . , -i-- . . So?S; child to go"nside the State pril ltart wPriug. Manure wbicfrTwast,". to be further , contaminated. If there li or fibrous early in the season c bu reaaonablc grounds upon which it can b. , enougli , if piled in heapA, to sprtya nrevented. lie favor, a resort to reformat "eo b : - W i :...:n!nm fnr fmnr TOath. .JUVIl. f Ml ir m; I!: 44: ' r H ; - r V f i- 4 . i j : i. 1 - I -. A f. j1: ' - : 1 - ' " V ' - - - i ' - - - - ii- . - :- . -. ! v- - . I ' : ... :. , ? - .. 1 i ; 1 j I i .n: ' ii . "tiff I f " . I S;i! N: 1 Sl rf ;- ' , . I . " t 1 t - - 1 ' f ' - - ' ' - - - J a-" f l . -: - : -- - -- - M,M.,,,,aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa

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