-ii'i;.v--',--L fc-Ji ' - ' ..... . -. .-.rl . . - l.:v:. . ll l. -ll j rv :"- -' - i- '' -is- - u 4 m Li J : - ! ? t J. ' r k 1: : if 1 If ' ! I! ii - f -r 1i. rii Si 1& J, ; i"'J, ; iS'ii. ii; ii: iiji 1? i; i. ' ' - If : ' I" .; 5 T-. i 5L : . . - r1" nvprvbiodv r measure on the; equal strilmtion p ? that de- to smoke, sir; liearh eNebouv i, oc Jo accom 1., wnrth living ,lm..vrr i suiuftw "- M - . f i ''IpUsH tlllS tlie IOlIOWing means ui c uc- )n "l(! nr ,"I am sorry io say, myyopng ur. i-f iy:-Vployea: J)iptlioriaipftvailingtoqiiitc frnd I can't employ you. j - If (1j prune the branches of the most -cn alarming' extent in Duplin 'u have money enough to smoke vjgorous parts very short, and those. - rnntv: - i I nitrars. vou will be above working of the weak parts long. (2). Leave ' TheRaleish Observer says there as apprentice ; I and if you Have a large quantity offruit on the strong lneltaieigiiy y rr w frtr M.irs narr. and remove the whole or great- 2.200 dnWrtm ffl c "l pt of the fcble. (3). Bend ,1,. of that city. - nugw ms? ,T. UroxH. and keepitbe weak erect not chance, is oftonest who smokes can c-. t1ie more erect the b ' . fncontivd to evil courses. ment in my snop. the greater win bo the flow of sap to . - Those who have always much Paper. j the growing parts. This remedy is v . i i: I i tt MPw;iaiiT v 1 to relate usually till tncir ouui- President r olk s xxuum,. Remove the vigorous parts of the tore with little-worth reniember- One from the capitol at gu fluoug shootS) a, early in the ing. - j Nashville, lenn., is iu icwwui-v. reason aspossible. o). irincn eany It is iust as easy to help a man 0f James K. Pdlk and home 01 Uhesoft extremities .of the shoots on ' him tin. and vet his livimr widow, now aged sev- the vigorous parts and as late as posi- flniiB so constituted I entv-six. Ini Jthe front yard, ble on the feeble parts, except always flatter is the rule .and UmngWple poplar & - V t?C CTPUO'" . r'l huWturc t-estrong shoou o0 the trenis h,r ,vhih vva make one ; ant Imvr. the feeb e parte ibose as ;.L.i "1 r Sa a IncinHon four doric columns, with a ; .- ... . esualier trees menu aim uu..,; - ..-o lWv on r-r . came because revenge is a much iimesioucu ;1 - Second. T!ic sap acts with greater T-L.-w,i tbnn cn-ati-which are inscriptions in painted aa produces more vigorous Sirunfcui Fii'-r- ' t.,i: i. Tim hnnse is a uiucjv iciw-ic r- i trrowin on a urauun ur rather oldish-lpoking pile of ir- 8j10rt than on one pruned long : hence It is very dangerous for a man rp(TUiar brick, about one hundred the practice of pruning short where to find any spot on this broad in fr0nt, with a portico on wood branches are desired, and lonjr clobc that isswecteron him than ! g.de of f()Ur woodcn compo- for fruit branches. his home. ! " m i on,l Bfirv nf tho Dortico the extremities of the shoots, causes ; . Joining in the aumusements The . te terminal bud to ,.3h with great- ofotl.ersi8j.uour social state, is balconied. A PtJ' er vi than ,he iaterais. the next thing to sympathy in toward the ngiu.wnere ineu. . v . ' : i :vJ-o Iri-ivn nitri domestic their distress. The 'Best Paper! Try It!! BEAUTIFULLY ILLUSTRATED. 35 th Year. THE SCIENTIFIC AMERICAN. Tin scitvTinc American Is a lame Firat-Class Weeklv Newspaper oi sixteen pages, printed In the most beautiful style, Piotusely Illustrated with splendid enravlncns representlnj,' the newest Inven tions and tlie most recent advances in the Arts ana Sciences; incluJing New and Interesting lacts In Agriculture, Horticulture, the Home and Health, Medical l'rogress. Social Science, Natural History, Geologyj Astronomy. The most valuable practical hv Pinint. rit. writers in all deuartinents oi bci- c?tJ rolnmns reaching to the roof. Third. The sap tending always i;to fence, win be round m tu scientiju African. SlieCOlUimiftiv11" b f I . ... ...... Tr, fts mr vear. gl.CO half vear. hich includes postage, riscount to Agents. Sin gle copies, ten cents. Sold oy all Newsdealers. e- mil oy pusuu omer lu -u u a. vu., "-'"'"" Park Row, New York. y T A rn TP 1V1 T"i G I" connection with the Sci JrA. illlN A O. entilie A merican, Messrs. it1 mm 1 IRON BITTERS, AGre&tToniO. IRON BITTERS, A Bare Appetizer. IRON BITTERS, ! A Complete Stnattbeaer. IRON BITTERS, I A Valuable Medicii ironbItters, Hot Sold B.Ttr IRONBITTERS, For Delinte Female. ntffhlr !ivcominnded to the public for all enses mju iri ti(r wrtai n pectaiir in iHrtien. rr. Il AMt of A nrreugwn, i w Energy, etc ji en rich ex the blood. strengthen the mus cles, ana gives Dew uio to the nerves. To the 8?el, ladle, and chil dren reqniring recuper ation. Ibis i valuable remedy can Hot be too highly recommended. If act liA-e a charm on the digestive organs. A teaspoonful before meals will remove All dyspeptic symptoms. TRY IT. Sold by all Druggists. TEE BEOWI CHEKCALCQ. BALTIMORE, Md. 2 O 0 -s: r l-H; .1 rri it.- t inu sinivs uuwii juiwj vwv. b! - . r , . xl structed in ob- center. The gate in front of the e on i . - r . . ,i I Rrnicieu in iia unuuiiauuu, . t,wc myn. tu.,..u vivn md sr. vpars ftxne nunce, aim how uae t nilJtrtorS ClVeS harmOllV tO tne .. . s . - ; . Ithe largest establishment in the world. Patents ob- 'leSaVS: "It is 'L . , W kely it. Will be tO I produce fr lit LgtVedontUe best terms. A special notice is made ,11 oa y 3 - v I . rni . i. - ,--4- vtl-irkl- i i I , vt-. i...,-.,nf oil inventions tintentiHl Knrfa r f I .hlmrh ti.iV Au-em v. with the name and residence ! . ! or the Patentee. By the immense circulation thus Fifth. The leaves serve to prepare i .1 1 I .1 I ll. . 1 . V. it. II.. niruntOfl tlie sap aosoroeu oy uie runs iur me .."7n wh0 has made a nen-discovery or in- ponrismentofthe tree, and aid the n . ... a. ! All en. wo.iilso sendr our Hand Book about the lUrillULIUll till IIIC oinwio. i v A" writer on style say the fehion in. Franco for kdieS jted by aneag io uiku i ".v.. r . tn hour glass. : gloves." One objection to this is ; . that some of the bonnets do not the OTHER OX. bold much more tliail a llimp OI . , . , . , l-o costs, and how procured, with hintJf for procuring Iipui lUUCii iixwiv, i A Vi rfinnnt form of Mitchell therefore, deprived of their leaves, iXanceaon invention!. Address for the Paper, or enrror A r . . . , concerning Patents. lfUga ! Smwinr Court, a little negro boy are liable to perish. munn & co. 37 Parkitow. N.Y I TV. llffl Ti;r.ra ne ifthoVAVPre 1 . , i Qtvtl, Wlmn Hin KiwU nf nnv sliont Branch Oilice, cor. F.& ,th sis., Washington,.. i tViV- "-"V Jwas convicted oi a criminal oi- r; great, oecause oi u. ." -J- w fence which, under strict judg- - . ; 7, T 0(v I YELLOW FEVER-BLACK VOMIT lift Thy1 .Tpsus Christ who , x ae of two years, they can only be M-. , v -mww. -w - , . wriY ii nni'ii wi I ii. I I I 1 1 I I I I I " forced into the activity by close pr" trees, '.'l:" Patents, Caveats, Trade-Marks, thejr the lra Jesus unnsi, amiu ; w i r , t him to dwellsintheejancldogreatthings 1 for a term of p ..vi. v years. Judge Schenck, in con- tecausc of his omnipotence.- ideration thc culprit's! ex- ir1- treme youth, mercifully allowed At what ago were you mar- him tQ turnca loose after a ninjr. and in some cases, notably the peach, this even will often fail. DO IT WELL. tt i tnn sni-in to f onret the ravages of this terrible disease, which will no aouot return m a mure uniug nrt virulent form in the tall months ot 18TS. i PHuEM's 11EPATINE. a Hemedy discovered In Southern Nubia atvTu3ed with such wonderful re onium sinuth Auwsrica where the most aggravated cases of fever are found, causes from one to two ounces of bile to be tillered or strained from thc blood each time it pisses through the liver, as long an pwpm or htle exists. By ltn wonderful action on the Uver and stomach the HEPATINE not only prevents to a certainty any kind of Fever and Black Voniltrbut also cures tleadache. Constipation of the UAiroic iiw:Mnsl:i nnd all Malarial dLseases. t f;ir Yellow Fever who will expel the Malarial Poison and excess of bile from the blood by I scrlptlon Tied ?" asked slie, inquisitively, v- nininstead of sending him Whataveryou do, do it well. A 1 a! I li c 1 . . .. . .1 i.,i,h.,i ni.iain !in'i pvcpssnf lillfl from tl Uut tne lOtiywas equal 10 uie irt t.9 penitentiary to suffer a job slighted, because it is apparently n'VMEuUEi.L iiKPATiNE, which is V .1 1 r"u -f- ' J a , , , ... 1 ' Dru'cists in cent and $t.ou botttes, or v emergenc, and quietly rcspon- iony period of imprisonment and unimportant, leads to habitual neg- by express by the proprietors. n O "i . . . i . ' . . . . A. F. MEKHELL & CO.. Pi T. Buy only the ; IMERICfif"' -v; . It tub . " '"' t Only Sewing MacJW ! Ths Bast E'Jilil! ; : ' .', " ' ' : The Simplest, thortD i . aUe;cndiii E:ery EesptJ-l . : , e m -r s . f a a r- K 5 ?! CD I? - 05 til. oa lrt au.iiiiui tk. AM?rIC A'Nt ie easi! learned, does not est out o' oaer And wiii! more work' with less fibor tha, ;ai.y other machina. Illustrated- Circus 7,. application. 1 , , AGEITTS 7AITTED. ;i f ?. S. DOVEY. Slater. Ci N. Charl? Street. tJalUmore. xC MBRONEYS & BOGERS, Agents, Salisbuiy, K. bX' Price from S25 nH5. N 1 do not lieaitate to say tlie Amciicun Machine surmvH M.lhvr madui.t Bwa i in- all the work that other inachuits can. 11 oveiu. .m -'V' any from Swiss Muslin to Ueaver tloih. J nave ustu ouiSc, .vt.c acmuw, ui i 1 . 1. .n.,w.'in id siiiritr Id llielil all. . . - 1 UUU 1UC x.lt..v-.. lltCC . PIT-I', ,.T.i I have used the Singer and oilier rduchines, and any. . would not exfchange 1 lie American 4r - WiiS. 11. i. lUlMiH;t i " & lisbnry, K. C, May 22d, IST MebokeyA Bro., Agents American SewingIachine : - . '': v:..... 1 i..vo th Howe. .Sinaer. Wheeler Wilson, V ilcox & 0 ibbfrrStinni V.. chines and would not give the American for all of them. It will do all that in cl&Hutd foj H; n the circular. 1 conquer 11 super or iu x PPTCnv Very respectfully,' -MliS. (jLO. . HARRISOX. DEEDS & MORTGAGES: t? c;,t,1a nee.1 Deeds n Tnist Mortp-ajrc ucctis, commissioners wrcas; Mlerff j : SJ . , , w 1 , , . , , . Deeds, (,'hattle .Mortgages; rami uonuacif, 'iniiec ...n.i. vvmuuin, Distillers Eutnt, ana various other ionus ior suie :u uic WATCHMAN OFFICE. , SALE "N OTICES .4 .i.ttmnr evr-fntors pommissioners, sheriffs, constable?, agents, &c., are adtkitlr -.11 fr,r ,;nte1 Mi1f notifcs. It is certainly great injustice io owners toputi their property at public auction without first giving ample notice of the sale. The: ouircments of the 4awjn the subject every body knows are .insulh -lefit. Proirtyit often sacril saved it am Shocko8 Machine Works, Manufacturers of Portable and Stationary Engines and Boilers, Saw Mills, Corn and Wheat Mills, shaf tlne. Haulers an 1 Pulleys. Turbine Water Wheels, Tobaeeo Faeiory Machinery, Wrought Iron Work, Brassand Iron Castings, Macmnery 01 n.vrrj uv- ilked from this cause when a dollar or two spent in advcitising might iatt nd made it bring its value. We furnish sale notices -promptly awl tlieap. XT0TIC3S POP. PCCT2NC- LAND n sold by all will be sent 4cd, "At the parson-age. to farniHarize himself with! vice lect, so that men degenerate, insensi- lf A rhureh committee on the in every fovnl For this action bly, into bad workmen. knn wrote far a surmlv for their of the court a howl was raised "That is a good rough job, 11 Puii.A. Pa. Dr. Pcrabprlon'iSlillingia nrQasrn's Dclislit.. rw-Tiip remrts of Avonderfnl cures of Rheuma- E.i.rrr .- -.1 u..n I'houtn vrliiii fincpr IT leers Saul a ana s.nes. 1h.1t com" from all parts or me couiuij, are nt onlv remarkable out so nuracuious as w uc ltAiei nrr ropntl v 11 nil f i.:?it. ii w is it not tor the abundance' of proof. pulpit. They wanted a nrst-rate aooui us ems j uv "aTn v ; ' T : ---- n b ; . r ii - o0 rV.r Prnuhh'mn Asheville Jour- he meant that it was a' piece of work Rsmarkaola Uiire ot bcrotula, &C. man forjsmall pay, or, as they Kepuotican, xne Ahnumt auiu i . , of cul. j. c. bkaxsox. expressed it, "a salmon for the nal and perhaps some other pa- c,cgant " ',sf"f nu slronf y Boston, oa., Member 15, isn wpttow-u , V . - J 1 . rrt I rri, made and well put together. OEJtTS:-For slteon years I have been a great suf- nripeofa herrillC. PCrS Of the Same Kldne. ; UIC , , , , ferer from seroiuia in lis most distressing lornis. I prilUia UVlii0. 1 j . J Trainine the hand and eye to work uavebefiioonilne-ltomyriaand bed for mteen x li vnrt 1 111 n fi tho iiaimiiK " " . ..rofuiniw ii i er.it inns. '1 he most an- lITnMflfLL'lUll v w Ginning and Threshing Machines A SrKCIAI.ITT. REPAIHINO PROMPTLY & CAREFULLY DONE. There is more in the feed than Jn tho brccd-thc fowl that has "barbariouhipping post' ; w well leads individuals ! to foWll Correct proved remedkror smh cases bn iwecl and "IS I I tue most eminent pnysu-iaaeuiiuiiiu, mvuuuvunj nltr In other resnents. nnd a ffood decided benetit. hiis pn,stcated J'..T been well fc and well cared for V: ; ' 7. 7 workman in st cUses, a good ScfflSr'S of the in- mllclne ; remedies a ad - iriiiiirnroM nnnn simiei'i, in imm-i ... it . jj l i i u-h u ibp re pi i oiuaiiu.'u inuii uiounc -y .Aft elibll hft slnno-htor- ucu,w" 7 Citizen. 10 one neeil none w ie tn convey an adanuatc Idea iuaiv0i.v .. v.B i-i . ij .1 U .. ..... ..... i..x .vf mvsnn-ertni before slnr. your triJ- ill 1. DOrqai UUll&MUllciib ciiAU. wiq uc- a0OVe lUS present SllUatlOn who Sill- LnTt isav. 1 abandoned allothei ing-UIIlU, Will jiiuku ini;ui-tw ' i . . , . , contlmied the use of your Ext met of stlllln . . .-i prradation therebv entailed urx)n fers small thincrs to pass by mum- i0"1 ! nm cnnn or an nain. o r.innt . .-ft.. If O TIT nllinL'OnC I O ; i I"" o . , . r- - -- - - . J. C. BRANSON, Att y at Law. Wkst Point, iA., Sept. 16, 1ST0. Cents: My daughter was taken on the 25th day of Jane is;:j, with what was supposed to be Acute Rheumatism, and was treated tor the same with no success, in March, following, pieces of bone began to worte out of the right arm. ano couuuueu j uii- ra, until all dis- . .M1ML.'1llt ,f - m m i lti ii'irii nkt i m r in iiuvi i .i - i i i' ;ii i ki: iiuiuil ii T, ... . , : , the Offender. 1 I proved, Or Who neglects, metapllOri- ,ny pn)Iession. uore than eight months have that Will DC COOd CatinC after 1 - ; , i . L 4 a &s.dcothls remarkable cure, without any. e- ' ' , . .,. 'I'hft rnso llfl; a. rOUnteTDart. cany sueaMiigi i uim up a vtu uv- turnor uwaiawise. hfiv nrP dplfl SPO that tho V will An tuumuiwn. i & r Fir the truth of the above statement, I refer to iney areaeaci, SOL lliat lllty Will rAvl.olVtl,i rnllrf Ucf ioolr Cause It IS not a dollar. any gentleman In Bartow county, a, and to the ll l,ft; lit-ftcj In UleaVelana VvOlirt, laSl WCCU, y ; membetsof the bar of Cherokee Circuit, who are ae- Cat Well QUnnCr tllCir 11 CS. j- . : x I L l.,it.,iwitt.mf. ishallever remain, with tho :n i i " I n. whitohov Was COnVlCted Ot a OOme OI Hie W.bMaw...c.B, uestwaUtude, Your obedient servant, ! Weetl that have gpne to seed yiolent assamt upon a ;giri. best statesmen, the most g.t ted artists, -Fhould bo burneclto destroy the Judge Buxton animated by the !he most M ,nSen; : Beed. Jt isiverppoor policy to sampirit that had moved Judge inus mechan,C8' rS T gfat .letweeds go to seed at all gchenck, subjected the boy to ma ' .j I u Those I that liavo not t rinened Li -i i ' i u A 11 w,w,u " w"t"- tm tne m the elhow to the shoulder !ft0Sel 1; n, the lash and made tho whipping L. lmm:,iate ,linl bltctv by saying: .now may oe sa eiynrown inu a settlelAent 0f the claim You blacked my father's boots onee." BSSSttTS .the pig pen, or b0 put away to whichho law had. upon the -Yes," rnplied the lawyer, unabashed -?QT uecay anuuo mauu use mi. criminal. 1 " "and I did it well." i And because of riSMitfiS .' ' l - i I . .. . . I - I.. . ... m ' ,1 ! 1 xirt.m.rhtprwaseonilned to her bed about six A. farmer attempted to cut in- Jiidce Schenck is a Democrat his nauit oi aoing even mean luings j ' bKsre she sat uP or even turned ,o to a premium pumykin at a fair and Judge Buxton a lepudtican. wel rose to Kreater' at Council Grove, Kansas, to get Supposing the boy in each of Take heart, all whb toil ! all youths a few of the seeds, but found it these cases to have been so young in hurabl situations, all iu adverse made of wood. It had taken as to have been a fit subject for ' Tr.. . ,. A.. . ; I nnannreninterl. It it be. Lilt to OTlVe 01 clemency on tlie Av.nw strI Talbot's Patent Spark Arrester, Ths Invention of the Age. Talbot's new patent Spark-Arrester is really the on ly perfect and redable one, and Is superseding al nther in use. The creat eibclency Df this Arreste is attracting universal atte ntion, and Is being en dorsed toy t he best mechanical enfriueers and insu ranee companies. Its prominent features are : itdoes not destroy the draft. U does not Interfere with cleaning the tubes. It will not ciioke up, and requires no cleaning. It requires no direct dampers to be opened when raising steam (dampers being objectionable, as they may be lort open and allow sparks to escape.). It requires no water to extinguish sparks, which, bv condensation, destroys the draft. Besides, when water is used, if neglected, the efficiency Is destroy ed bv evaporation of the water, and the boiler is kept in a tlithy condition. . It simple nnd durable and can be relied upon. It can be attached to any boiler. No planter should be without one of them. Insu nnw f mnn mies win insure trlns and barn where the Talbot Kngines and Spark-Arresters are used at the same rates as charged for water or horse-power. per send for Illustrated circulars and price list. Branch Hotise, Charlotte. N. C '29:r,m W. C. MORGAN', Manager. T A 1YTPTTT M SCHOOL CIRCULARS BITiL-HEADS, LETTER HEADS, 1 Monthly Statements CARDS, Posters, all "kinds, H Sl'LL. ' ;l SPOOL COTTON. ESTABLISHED 1S12. SALISBURY BOOK STORE. GEO. W. YOPP, Propr. (At Plyler's Old SUind.) BRIGHT HEW BOOKS AT XiO"W PRICES. CALL AND SEE HIM. 0:tf. many prizes at fairs for its! the exercise the plow, strive td doi it well j if weight, 230 pounds, and its cir- part of the court, we endorse the be t0 wax thread, wax it well ; if it jcurafbrcnce,7 feet, action of both judges. But .what oniy to cut bolts, make good ones ; 1 An KnoTmh farmer's' lmv have the papers named above to or blow the bellows, keep the iron ,i:Jr.iv as to thn action of mdire hot. It is attention, to. business that ! .,-. , J u , - , , t..Jx o tr xi, xuA :a li fts the feet hisrher Ui) on the lad accident, tie carfrca a loaded "UAlu" 4 uu- : ; ffoofl Book : "Seest thou iccnt in his !businessi he o i" . ' accident, tie carried a loaded "" Alite jpistol in his trousers-pocket, arid Pndenco toj denounce Judge der Iftriotherboyduwastonewnic Buxton as they did J udge Shenck i Rtriirlr tlm wnnrmn nnrl nnncn if or will they remain silent ' as to a. ?!au 1 . helD. She now sits up an aay, ann -ew s uiuri ui un . .... l . Haw Mnoml time has waiseu across m l health Is now good, and 1 believe she will, as her limbs sain strength, walk well. I attribute her re covrrvv'wlth the blessing of (Jod, to the use of your tnvaiuarae nvuiome. Wlthgratltuae, i am, youx. BLAXTON. West Point, Ga., Sept. 16, 18"0. Gents: The above certificate of Mr. W. B. Wan ton we know and certify to as being true. The thing Is so : hundreds of the most respected citizens will certify to It. As much reference can be given as may be required. Yours truly, J CUAWFORD & WALKER, Druggists. 1ION. II. V. WILLIAMS. ry DR. PEMBETO"S STILLIXfilA Is pre pared bv A. K. MEKIIELL & CO.. Phila., Fa. 8od by allDrugglsts In fl.w bottles, or sent by exnress. Asrents wanted to canvass everywhere. Send for Book curious story" free to all. Medi cines sent to poor people, payable In Installments. shall stand before kings; he shall not Utruck the weapon and caused it Pr will they remain silent ;to gooff, discharging the con- him or condemn- him with less .. befbrj mcaQ m .-Scientific nt ; U uv,.t1 f 4.1.1 -.l..xi. covoritv thnn thftv flid .Tndre . rvwiw livuiu uuivip ui mu vuumrv,,'"v, i"r j t jimerican. i who carried it " v i' A Schenck, and by either of the latter courses acknowledge i v G,rrtTrT vr i i in the first instance they t iso Smoker Neid Apply, I . . .... ; u :ttinttin fhnffl WTOaKlIlg ll UUie pollUCUl t k"v.jjj vwvx vx xh lux j chant not long since, when a lad that! Oi'pr fiftv natents have been ob 1 j faine(L for cow-milkers, thirteen in spite England and forty hi America. These nnimnlrirKrUn o fnLlo wnv o machines have been divided into 1-- - I T" " I I - i;iA nnrxUni 9 "WAitt lf three classes, j? irst. lUDe-muKers ; MT the lichen ragagainstfiUton T,fS -M-; th.rf,!- Jn Ills moiltll. Ho said to tho ... . . , . , clianical hand-milkers. The first arc Hnmn,v. w ioko uuck nai, u.e, ,.n. ih. hhI supers, ami the "1 would like to got a situa-"SainSf Schenck-Ijar- third squeezer, and strikers. S..m0 lion in vourhop. to learn the l0tt6sCT ''V devices are formed or combinations of t : i ti 1 . !! . thwA .1 n eeAO Aa vof rirt Ann milAllinf! trade, sir." Principles f Prunlnff. these classes. As yet no; one machine can be considered a success, a, not .v,t 4 iiuv b- Barrr, in his "First Garden rests witlistanding the apparent success in ou car 8ingTe mnkings, j the; constant I use; .dation -in your mouth, said the on rx.ceneral principles : 1 seems to forward a tendency towards gentleman. , T First The! vigor of a tree subject- drying -of the cow, while som ini "I didn't think it any harm led to pruning, depends in a great Mure the cow GEORGE A. OIi ARK, SOLE AOEXT, 400 BROADWAY NEW YORK. HARDWARE n ZA '-1 1 AXason and Batnlin Organs. En dorsed by over loo.vou aeiigmea purchasers. Hot lowest pricetl, poorest and dearest But higliest priced, best and cheapest fw. hnt -little more than inferior organs ri!..o firo tirops the satislaction. lxast lnnff. Victors at woriu'8 ex hibitions. Acknowledged best by all dis- SnioroAtpil nnd competent musicians. Snlhl fuel, indisputable, such as no other oi"an maker in the world can substantiate. 1 j J. Glorious news lor purcnasers. urrunu 1 in troduction Sale. New Prices. 6 Stops El ena nt Case $8U; Sujyerb Mirror Top Case, 10 TSiops only $100. 15 days trial. Freight paid both ways u uigan uun t. nun.. oiu on easT terms. Kented until paid for. Delivered anywhere iu the bontli lor 4 extra. For full particulars, muirc uuu- Ann l Sates. Savannah. Ua., .Mana gers Wholesale Sonthren Depot; Prices snmeas at factory. The rtltlntive features of this spool cotton are that It is made from the very nnesi SEA ISLAND COTTON. Tti finished soft as the cotton from which It Is made ; it has no w axin? or artlilclal tluish to deceive the eyes; It is the strongest, smoothest and most elastic sewing thread in the market : for machine sewing It has no equal; It is wound on WHITE SPOOLS. The Black Is the most perfect JET BLACK- ever produced In spool cotton, being: dyed by a system patented by ourselves. The colors are dyed by the NEW ANILINE PROCESS rendering them so perfect and brilliant that dress makers every where use themlnstead of sewtngsllks. vv invite eomDarison and respectfully ask ladies to give It a fair trial and convince themselves of Its superiority over au oiuers. TD De nau ai wuuirsuic riiaii nu J. D. OASKILL 5:6m Salisbury X. C. On and Oft Slick as Grease ! BOOTS, . G A ITERS, SHOES, SLIPPERS, &c. W. M. EAGLlft Respectfully announces bi.- continuance at his old stand in his old line, on Alain &trect, oonosite Enni-os l')rujr Store. Ik- is always readv aud anxious to aoeommodate customers in his line in the best m iuner possible, lie is nrennred to du (irst clasri work and can com pete with any northern Shop or Hand made work. His machines, lasts, 4c. are of the; latest ard best pat err... lie works the very-! best material and keeps on haiicl ready niadw work, and stock equal touiy special oidt-r. Repairinp;ie.itly and promptly done at rea-. sonable prices. Satisfectioii guaranteed or no charge. Prices to Suit the Times. Cash orders by mail promptly filled. 31.6inos. W.-M. EAGLE. WIIM IOl WAST ii a m n w A R E Call on the undersigned at No. 2, Gn nOW' V T) A.ATWXtl. Siilisbnrj .N. C, June-S ti-j Warranted to Mfi!i EXNISS' CHICKEN CHOLERA CUEtf or money refunded if direction strictly followed. ! ; ; PRICE 25 CENTS, at . 2G:lt. EXNII)rSiStrti SWINDLE! KERR CRAIQE, glttoriicii at 3XT- O. Blacker aifl Heiiersoi, Attorneys, Counselors and Solicitors. SAL1SBUIIY, N. C Janny22 1879-tt. BONDS To make Title to Land, and Laborer and Mechanics Liens, for sale at tliis Office NOW 18 THE TIME TO SUBSCRIBE FOR THE WATCHMAN JAMES M. GRAY, Attorney and Counsellor at Law, SALISBURY, S. C. Oftice in the Court House lot, next door to Siiire Hangliton. Will practice in all the Courts ot the State. NATIONAL HOTEL, Cortlandt Street, NEAR BROADWAY, i NEW YORK. HOTCHKISS & PO'D, Proprietors. I On The European Plan. Tlie restaurant, eafe'arid Innch room attacli ed, arc unsurpassed for cheapness nd excel lence" of service. RoomR 60 1 ts. to $2 per day $3 to 10 per week. Convenient to all ferrie and city railroads. HW Fnrnitiire, Kew Management 13: ly. Mortgage Deeds for sale here Also various otliei blanks. rariucrsif DON'T BE -1 out of BALE OF COTTON CTXXON ; THEO.F. KLIJTF will seU y ou one ton of Boyldn, Carmer ' CELEBRATED MB For 200 lbs. riilizef . It ia the-best in nse - j mlj Requirea no cotton seed nor ji No charge for recipe or right to to any 2ou cuano. u . . - Call and pet particnlars and Don't be homBngged by cheap & You ca eet the cenuine only from. TnEo;um .... ! forW No20rlf Yr ol.-; I v ! i

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