liiilt l.' -:-.t -;-;i ,;-:r' ; i u H b i .. - ' -! tj . . - u, . - 5 i - , s jv- " jr. " " 1 I - If rl 1 J pi sfi . Is 'I f V It' i," " 1 nil! !! i L1 j ; .1- ! t' i i. I II III 1 1 ' filif I'll ii I tf. i rf 1 1 II :f 1 is Ik Mill I M! S P;! ii'. 1 i I - -: i . Ml ' ; ': " f ' - if: Hi 'ill ' 3 I : 1l: 8 tn 19 .Carolina Watchman, ;v Urge tton factory iQu pt ap tl Cfcarfottc IGlx4S feet. aadian baa the Urgent hoa fundf Cay State in the Duipn. It w $20,iWU,UUUf to txtrj child attending the public soola. ' T j v j ' "iphmwnVrJmHl? for sore eyes s Steal lioWhaivmdMio tST d tliar yni tfop tbajwbW liuy ana imwuj - ajoVtty of 38,tXX) ov. r CireU. The Ke - tailoiitr iljraWkMt of New York- state nave laiieut ;i A nccroboy:aud two white , boys hrere ar orielrvoiproo oy o"ukM.,-iborje4 tedeatu in a eottonin in Barn CC3ad the Demeerata about MfiODS v ;;rwej canty.Si pt recently. .The, negro "!"', I - altlniore Sir- : WS Bxto will be the Uepublican, :he Bepnbllcantt ocratie, eandi-1 aAts I tld JulTowfe tl? nHatie, ' -xXfor Governor !a thU State next year. -! Xerfcapa ao. ,ir) t n . - ,"f f ' J . f ainUDhiskej;' :y:l : Frato rnnkr ofrihe "poorand L3 -.'i " craud" coiue;tltlilV'c!aaa Srho say the : ' ranerallr fiiid hi prisons and penltentia- , ?- -i u u fiii vr.: f ,A colored man of tyetteTille has turn- IsW the Gazette with a. sLtnographiC re - part f Gov Jarfspeech at the coiorea , fople's Fair in Kaleigb.,, It U said to be 'Mi r ill- ! ....'1i'iiU(M ;ij ue r ayeMeviiM M: "v s Waavery pleasant and. successful. GbV. t Jarylr was there and made a speecli. The - jJltCIUIUluo w " -o ' ; "J; -L Chapel Hill IJailroad will prouawy oe " ! ... I tl to iDurham. Uuruam is raising a abaerip&ion to aid the enterprise. : The 1 company is satu to ue rcaay . to organize an4 commence the work. Naw troubles liave sprung up between tho English : Government ' and the Irish, i mwinr Antf thm, arreat'of three leadinir titn mho have bWo denouncing the poli- tf of government in eoerdng the payment rt)f rents. . ' 1 ' f f i-5 ' The existence of the Republican party depends on its ancceaa in keeping up sc "tional strife. If the South shall keep '"quiet it will be giving it rope with which ;V' hang itself. " Whom the gods meanr to Mtrn tlir'firmt; niVr mmf. - '' -55? i v ""r" Ci:' 'viil thwereallsobadly burned that death - the triedr to batter im W braint agalnat -7 i - -j -. . ' h - wawauaoi jipn-uu. I.,; Ftsxr. A Wilminirtou. Ni CLrcoms Judge Seymbari saya the Fayettvillef r"" 1 onuqteit a Herald reiojter Gazette, ient'a'whole jury "in Robeaon4 J161 W11 "n there yesterday. About lWty to JaU for J days; and ihe deputy f,!1"11 car olu wf tail, spare fig aheriff having tliin in charge for six inon- ore ercct as fn Indiftn chief, having liair ths. They, were impanelled to try the liakbaw case, and all got drunk. Sarred ihem right., ; 1 1 ' i V . 1 , ; ' , '.TlioIIenderaou, N;. ' ''iteview aays there U f strawberry patch there which if llhe weather is'favorable, will ripen a sect ond cropbf berriea thisyear. That Coop- !. n, ' ! ', are Tobacco , warehouse is large enough ibr old jJohn llobinMn to give an exhibi- tioninl including the circus, menagerie And attendant aide allows. 1 . Th xepnMfeaaaare stauipeding South ? . aro negroes iust now for I Dolitical uurno , 1 u:.. s :i . t miHi Luia ia unuv iuiihil rmiiimiia waiiac-ia 1 . ' vl il- . -j. .v.,. i.U ;v' -. ' A.Li .i . Mta uiir m vii a. kiihii tail iimtpiu inpmvi4 'mJ: Th fn li-iU ;Z j ; j - - j Aasviha.HaciH.i.. J . ..... , rV .:. Ajiwr, Aiuiuer at uiuj Bliruw Tlceiloffi.r nI .,'fi. 'us. k . , , 77 taffeVVeW thb iirlncli W,.th Partfd- i- -r -feer and some, wharfage weiVdestroyed H tyiiir the South- is soiidw Is a frultfai aubject ofis ;3outhi U VTe nly ium-IS. aatjitpf :ferWxialaW4" fJljXjiatoieilect of canaes,f whicli iprr aratlHfmm ma, very clearly and -Coaeiaely iboaw.litoCra ispeah: of iesaTsaviWlatt C6reamin h'i -.1 r ' "-- T" Wa--?l" t I i ; iue Tnae-JSraod of ihefevan tn; .tJrclrT" ,m Mmo-' tinw, I randm kepubHcans would car tlie I iinbnes d! !but4 'fjarSait J? h n the.- f t iy.009; ia4;l ttreu in1840on thejmrd times issue. 1 W was berteAibiu Tfoj neglected to do this, however, arid jllenkeVotaoi wml to t make any earnest, I wd IteMff.XrtkTbf coS ""Mo relieve country froL .t-r' Ii"'! f- i ' rW"f!urf1h Its ditrr-a tha i.L.... . . i iT! nHe.ecretary, the-gularl LJi -Ir-TT'f wf"-cu uisgua rcmary beig abaeut, U, v! 5" a"d laveiinclined to leaJe 5S, - "f thenudcTheDemocraU ihavealao Wtbi-St ALaZrni: wwjean ixsen playing mto tlie hands ! If: t . - ; . - . , . . -"... . : . Mr&tr had lost th cmiudeuc l1a" tUBatlaal thr.i!r;!. country by their bad civil rovern- oo-referred to mstbe baaed on the for "mtihtl-U'th gotua what aa aUadoned tima a had htf aGfan 'with raai they are prepareda tne ejrperfment ' Jt i Change, BuV ffth arattSf . The first regular session of the 4Gth Con cress will begin next Monday. The members are already jojn? on to lie ready settled fur business. Jj 1 conjeeuirpa iuu n win,, vu tb wheYe: Uneventful session. I TheTe ilJwiljgVetiealj country is at present prosperous, ad the signs ox cne times, so iaras puonc uappi- fe''it!at1t-KoMfbi.Mearix I the whole of the extra session was spent in j a straggle betweei the two parties to tn J political capita) for the Presidential Jci '..j U -t.; ifl "'rltjw. to; matters Uf businessUnd tojdo. il j they can to prbmoU the peace and prosperi ty of, the country and leave the Presidentia nucstion wfaollv in tlie liandnf the,npAnl .to W,oin t belongs t fI?i, 1 ' ' ' ' ' l'. " Llboy waiiujhe Jintijwra , when the lire U tf caused (it ia appoed):ibyia ftcU the gju J The ,i hajeariof agej were in the preaa boi nhi , - X.A Th L- fl anu i lnlil lint raf nn Tim 4t.n,A. A 1..1 ; vm j iiu . uuiuta iuuucu oter. the, whole lonse in a uiomeut and although rescued j as quick as possible. pondent of the New . York Herald, says there is a ground swell in North C.-irolind la, favor of Graii t for President and Stjpph- ns, of Georgia, fof Vice President. That fellow, should be tapped for the simples 4- : The dejK)t and stables of the 8th Are burned on the night of the 25th, in which 1 about 100 horsea and one man rwritjieil. The ?ene was distressing to witness rmm - ' , The Milton Chrhiicle says "a treei fell in this vicinity lateb' and killed six sew I ; , , i .. I mK nwcuiue agents." f" A team ranaway hei-etlie other dav and I sprawled five picture agents who were l " nwA )IUHUU14 tent UI VMP1- nauofva j; actoky. The Clwrrotte vwrrrrr aaia some weeks ago that Ijhey werd going to have! u bellows factory in i i'mm-c, uuui now it says gentlemen from the north are Iiere making arraiige- UITUU iur It. OKAKT AND THE SOUTH. j x-sexator cLixgman' ox tiie cam- i paigx of 1830. A XewXatibnal Tarty Wanted Any Can- auiate W elcome to fhe South Who 0 uaran tee$ Good Gorernmcn t. Xorlc nerald, 22a. , iiavuig ascertained that ex-Uuited States Senator Thomas L. ClinirniaiL of j iHonn Carolina, was temporarily stoping ,e at the New York. Hotel, a Herald reporter l",;r"T."1 " firay, wnicu intense hwm weatner-beaten, appearance, l-t",eix:,Senator t ; is better known at hHue: P.eneiia Cllugman, may , bere- aide?.a Teul connecting Hnk be- ecn.the presen t aud that era of the past Fbe11 th? ntterances bf Sontheren statjes- en were an potent 111 the councils of the I nation TI.iLf,. .. ' . 1 . u7uuv iiuriyaix j years ago General "nfinian.was elected from the Pine Tree State to , the House of KeprcsenUtives, wuere uo continued! to sit for fourteen years,,, each time being . re-elected as; an independent candidate. Ju the snrins of ia38 he fl . to ' , . ippoiutcd United States or 7 - " j v uuTcruwr 01 IN or tn (LarO' inn. still ii'iq i , . , . - I ' owcuujiy eieciea, iwirn "sjnsUtare of tliat Stat. About the tfin . - r'!e War commenced lie had entered niion b na a. United State. Sena, tor, but in the early days of the strugke1 1,0 offered las' sword and services to his f wa ai 19 On UI u A III I " Confederate array, the last WW Of, which were passed as a ireneiral 1 various timnt ! t- ,, ,.!. - . ..vuuvf.-,f oyUC Ul WUCll Ue still tuffers from. He 1ms not been a candidate for any political office since the war closed. !i GXXkRAt CLIXGMA-bX PARTIES. 5Pf al as to hdw ho Grant move t W progressing fmdn the SbrithV " PP.10 ueueral CUngmau replied as l?!lowM"laTo hot jbeen disappointed Ife-H'tnftji'w ycajy On the ;lT.iitoIdour friemU last winter. :: : .. -' , . . . ) , ,"?0llS, w recover, Uieir ground by revU?n njmoa!Uea:of,tlie war. Tlui ortl4 cohnect tho war iu theirininda wwiUi the question i of State twat0f P106. we? comet lick !"l bb startled iti, tho fluttor of i -.1 T w - wWAliuuLO- Ijrfor thetnn lves, hecepfed the banter of the K-jmblwans and kept: up the' debate 11 y I .-! I I :s . i i - " , ' ' p en the1sulyrt:t of State riglisi The elec tioi)8j)f the pasUwo years have made el&ventatea iji j the fKorth, which gave the electoral votes, tbixsw heavy majorities against the Rejmblcans ana wun tue souu oontneru ; vote coaiu have beaten oyerwielniingty. During the present year tlieemracy; liave: oeen uisasirousiy uearen. liotn 01 tnese 'fie8erare at this time. a 1 When the Republicans, ire assailed m the North, instead of defend- lugthemsdvestheysay effect. .'Though v imiv.wucu.mij uu uuu whit ucui with us than let the rebels come in.' On tbe otlier hand, in tlie South, Iwhen com- plained of, Democrats say, 'If you don't atand by us the 'lladicals will get the control; h Yon will be nuder military government and plundered again, as you were by the carpet-baggers., One is re- minded by them of the story of the old fox in the fable, with this alteration, that wheu.;.the: fox eomplaiued of the flies sucking his blood tho flies rcplietl to him Yoa had better stand as, for if we leave you a swarm'of wapa will settle on you and make it much the worse for you.' In telligent people, lth in tbe North and in the South, seo that these parties are mere machines for keeping certain men in office. To that extent has it gone in some places that a respectable gentleman told me in North Carolina some time ago that he- had beeu earnestly urged to a secret poli tical imrty. that was organised to electa certain individual to an office.' souther onxnw or oex, ok ant. L What is your nn preasion o the Grant movement in the South ?" , f 'There are two causes for it. r irsr, a -.t cuuleui i,nu a qesire ior.a Change have something to do with it; second, people m the Soiith generally be- lieve that Grant would be nmre liberal as a President than such tneu as lilaine, Sherman or Coukliug, wlio, to strengthen l ,i: ... - themsel ves in the Nbrth, are constantly fluepce enough to lead their "party into re repeatmg maligiiant 5 calumnies against fusmg tho appropriation because -it would the Southern people. Both parties in the (Mk nke . down:" but it i Pvbl.nt Cnnf). ..1 .. I .. il. . . . v.U... w ,no ;niauufT iu wjiicn i iej are rreateu by tlieir associates -in the North. Though a majority of the Southern States voted for Grant in both his elections, yet the Southern Republi- cans complain that they were ignored most positively that they will not again be and snubbed by their associates iu the dragged or driven into such a position. The North. In fact, Northern men arc sent army appropriation bill will, no doubt, con iiito North Caroliua now to fill many of tain the same orovision in rnr.1 to t the best local offices, though the natives are very anxious to occupy them. The Southern Democrats have similar grounds for complaint. The course of (he Kepub- lican party in North Carolina' has made the Democratic party also sectional in its action. Though Tilden expected to get a majority of his votes in the South, yet to sustain himself in J fh v,.f l. 1 w I If ie deemed it necessarr tn iitn etter especially against Southern claims, aiij oiner candidate would have said in .1 .... . - . oimer times that he would oppose uniust , . Claims ana pay honest ones. Hut South- em ciaims were to be rejected without re- -l . ... cre,"-c lojuhiicc. a prominent Northern a a? a- Ueinocratic member of Congress told me that he would have been beaten in 'his district if rilden had not wtirn w etter. Again, Northern Democratic mem- aav bcrs Siiid that if Southern men got subor- dinatc places in the capitol at -Washinir- ton they could not stand it at home. The case of the Southern Democracy is like that of a man who is asked to enter part- nership and contributed his full sh are of money, but is told that he must not enter the parlor or dining room, but cat in the kitchen and sleep iu the cejlar. Though ery few Southern men are really office- eekers, yet' they, feel humiliatdd by act- nig with parties that are ashamed of their association. A NEW PARTY PROPOSED.. s "I am satisfied," coritiuued the Geueral, "that a large majority of the people of the South would be willing to enter into a fair and liberal new national organiza tion. At present we are in slack water; but there will be a , ruoveraept of the nr. f tiVM n a ' J . ... I ..mciocic luug, amj iao current willinenueux licpnoiicaus w iuo State, in probably prove a strong oue. There is, however, in the minds of men at present i "The Uepublican candidate for Govern au indisposition to commit tlieiiiselves to RW York has been elected bv near- any particular candidate. They think JtfwT Prir" n' 'rm"ks U aboil,.t5'' i.f ... ' .. . ' , ,rtes tor tho lamuiany candidate. wuo no ueterraineu not,to1cross thejbridgo until ho got to it, I mean to say, however, that a maioritv are ready for something new,; and that! i.o,.. i v . , . lt , .. the will look anxiously to tlie develop- ment 01 the next six, mouths. Iu this con- nection I may have somethimg important to, coummunicate to the Herald at aiJry fcvart s apical not to otein the air," early, day." i.r ,i' "To you think that a, majority of the Southern people would accept Geueral Grant as a candidate TV . ; fit Kv".10 ouMiMua.copie are. not, i thiuksettlod as to any particular caudi- datP--as their iarainouut desire is to get good government, peace and quiet for Uo whole country 7-theyjWill be prepared to support such candidates as nmy seem most likely to promote that end. hat is most desirable is that we have nation al parties that may be maintained iu all tho States, c. When thirty-six Years ago I was first a member 'of Congress m' speeches were as well received in the Whig States ofYjeriuonfcaud Massachu setts as they wer iu0my own . district. One day when diui'ug wHh Senator Davis (known as Honest John'), of Massachu setts, ha said to me? f I' caiiuot satisfy my )eople with that speech of :ours.' I have already sent home-' seven tliousaud Copies, and they are writing for more. I would like to see a 1 similar!; state 1 of things as when there was no sectionalism in our imlitics.n ..w'.j m-.z . snviiattrilth is there (iii the' I reports that the elections are carried on" unfairly in the South lnv; olt u . f "1 think there is lirtleif 'any I ground for geueral coiiplalnt ou tbat4 iscore. ! In ' - S North (Carolina the Vlectilns " hiv e been it lerii ctly fair for the lasti! ten years at the deavor to eai McW I SeVer.j)ritli4til -ad publl iprovioiiKly knowu well. said1 to me, 1 would like to vote with you democrats, I uiu l am afraid of the leniiues. The onlv dinHauceJ ever knewi iii thetate ou eUcticUMliy .xxurn-d al AsJievUlelkbere 1 live, in ItSOtJ. when n unuilter of negroes attempted to kill by throwing atbues iind shooting nt, a mulatto. mail named Silas a waiter in the Eagle Hotel, where I hoard, fbbcaus he persisted in vptingfbt Seymour ioiiu jnur.- in iacr, imm wirat I, reaU' m the papers and have heai-d fnmf respect- J able gentlemen, therb was more improper influence, or buldozing,' 'in Mnssaclm- sctN laft year to beat Ben Duller than there Vras in the general t election in nil the1 Soutliereu States combined.'' j!j Tf44: v'' .ian - '; ?" The programme ' for the Session. YerJ ?uch 18 "ff Mcn, especially by Washington correspondents. In regard to the probable action of the Democrats in the coming session of Congress. 1 It is pretty well agreed that the majority will endeavor to avoid collision with the Executive de partment, and will labor to bring about an early adjournment. It is stated in some of the papers that the Democrats will again refuse to make appropriations for U. S. mar shals, but this docd not. accord with .infor mation derived from Democratic Congress men by the itor. So far as we have heard the members express themselves, that they are in favor of granting the marshaU' appropri- ntwml ivltlinilt. nliiwllnn or ilnlav Ttiia is LarticulaH true of Southern members, who jit thftt tho lte plH!tinna livf ilpmnnufp. M1 fht thn Nnrthirn nnnnlA am in f f ; ' r r- inabtaining the federal election laws; that bese laws are almost inoperative at the utlli anU therefore the members from that kection have no interest in their repeal. It roay turn out that a few stalwart Democrats fthe "never surrender" sort, will hv in. i ' ; that the prevailing sentiment is in favor of backing down rather than engage in another fnttcr partisan discussion, and the passing pf bills that would probably be vetoed There are Southern Democrat h .ffi at the polls that was finally approved by the President at the extra session. There are Democrats who will ail vise that separate bills for the repeal of the election laws and nrohibitinir anv annearance of the militnrv near the polls be passed and sent to the President, and this may be screed to bv the party; but it is doubtful if even this much i-nn i .i,.n. in ne ill MV V'.l. ... . I IV. " tJ JL IVtll Illy 1C UIH olnfti..vt inatipn of some Democrats to avoid anvthin" I o of the kind. Somethinsr will be attemnted . 0 . - - , in the way of tariff rev ision, thoush iust what the measure will be or how far it wil I j . . be pushed cannot be foretold. The Demo I . i . crats win oe very cautious about venturing UP01 financial legislation, though some of the extremists will no doubt attempt to bri ill? ilD m ensures for the rfitiromont nf na i cy a - - " Mona' - bank notes and the free coinage silver.; It is useless to attempt to predict what action will be taken with regard to financial legislation. The effect of the fal elections has been to make hard-money Democrats bold in declaring their principles P"1 these combined with Republicans, may enact ucU legislation as the; Domocratic majority 'within itself would not agree to. Tucre is r- ver? general disposition to make the fjtssion ', short, and not a few meinliers RrciN tha t,ie final adjournment will take l),ace ear,y ln laJ- umingtvit Stur, Ifow Cornell was Scratched. AT LKAST 20,tKX) REPUBLICAN JtEJECTlSO ! HIM AS TO THE "3TROXO MAX." : 1 ; New York Sun, ssd. Tho Independent Republican committee lavc published an address to the Iude li.-i. It! : .4 ... . which they say : Without that help, Mr. Cornell would have been defeated by above 30,000 votes. He 1"S run behind the ticket 3,620 iu New ... .r.M,K.i,, una ctrres pouuiugiy v hkhiiv every part ol the state. Air. Secretary Sherman ealiniates those who "scratched" Mr. Cornell at 30, 000; but since many headed Mr. Secreta and voted for tho leas objectionable of the oposing candidates, this may bean over estimate. It is probable that at least 20,000 Hepulicans rejected Mr. Coinell. some such votes being offset and obscured by Tammany aud canal vutcArr The standard bearer jof the machine ia behind the one ii uqucstioned mau ou the ticket. Mr. Vadswbrth, who makes the best test of party strength, more than 35,000 in ma jorities a sufficient rebuke to the meth ods and author of Mr. Cornelps nomina tion. : Mr. Soule, in more than 9,000 mi-noi-ity, is buried under the anti-corruption vote. ;.;,-.':. . j - .. The rest of the State ticket appears to be elected by a close vote, vaied by un organized scratching of other distasteful uarues. Mr. Conkliu is resonsible for thus eudangeriug the loss of the pivotal State," and inost of the nominees have not been defeated only because the appeal "ijot to bolt, put to scratch," brought to the polls and kept loyal to ! the party many disgusted Itepublicans disheartened by his shatu ltepitblicauisiu, True leader ship and good candidates would have as sured the complete success won with the old ehtbnsiasu) in other States! f'Finally, the balance ofiptwer in the State, which will give the casting vote iu 1830, resides, t is proved, with; the inde pendent ivolera: and the 'f'strouir inau" needed to carry Jiew lorK i d M Mml:.l..l who will attract and not repel" Republi cans of couiicience, intelligence; and mem ory, kliappiiy, this power, strong onlv ao far asj it expresses aud appeals to the ' f,xnnU com mou sense of the people,1 is its owu'Gfilce. jrarantee agaiust miause Chaw Jackson's Best Sweet ;Navy Tobacct BURIAL CASKETS! I have just recelvetl and have op exhi bition in the Room Above the Hardware Store -of Mesaia. Crawford Taylor a ve ry llantlsomo Assortment of Hnrial Cas kets to which public at ten tiod is invited.1 ' ".; ; 'i THEY' ARE OF i ; --. -:. VERYr llEAT STYLES, Carefully Made and of various Gradf jYVill bd 8ohl low. Person wishing anytliing of ihe kind KlHrtihl rail and see Ihem.i l am prjmied to Undertake ai:d furoioh everything rtuir ed. SSM-ial attention to Prmi.iVlio dies fni DiM.i.lring.-g: I have had much personal experit-nee in this line and feel sure of giviug xaiiffaclion. ; o. vr. C. WOOL WE. " Nov. 25, 1879. M ' 6:6m - ADMINISTRATOR'S SALE Of Valuable Property I. ' As Adm!ni(-tr:tor of the estate bf J.H. nai grave, deu'd, 1 m ill ell at public auction Tor Cash, at the plantation three mil en somh of Lexington, on Tuesday the 4th day of rMHm ber, 1879, all the personal property on and bt lonsing to the plantation, consisting in part of 10 Mule, 1 ilhet Cattle and Hog, 1500 to 2.000 btishtU of Corn; 1 2 or 14 BK-s of Obtton, 1 new Mower and Kake, interest in Wheat Threxher and Cotton Press, Wheat Fan, Corn ShelJer 3 Wagons, Plow?. &c, including all the Fnrmfh'j; niensils. Sale to continue until all infold. B.TI.ere will be a sale of other projerty in Lexington on the 3d day 'of Dec. Ai.frid IIaroravk, Admr. Lexington, N. C, Nov. 1 2th, 1870. 1 1. A FINE JERSEY 3TJEL at my stable. A ran ehaueo to cross vonr stock with the verv best, which all ought to embrace. C. PLYLEU. G:3m., "Tie Singer again Triampliant !" FIRST PREMIUM AWARDED AT THE STATS PAIR. Note the following improvements: An Elegant guilded staml, Improved Bobbin Winder, winds thread without running thema'hinc. Improved patent Journal, which makes it THE LIGHTEST RUNNING MACHINE BEFORE THE PUBLIC. Sold cheap for cash, or small monthly instalments, at the othce ot - the Singer Manufacturing Companv, next dimr to Barker's Drug Store. 1v. J. O. BEAM, Aox. I Biges!! Boipes!!! JUST RECEIVRD ANOTHER CAR '"LOAD OF EMERSON, FISHER & CO'S Celebrated Bues, with and Without Tops. DESCRIPTION: Bodiks Coal-lH)x and-Fiauo, made ot perteetlr sea soned wood, glued and screwed firmly. Whkki tienulne Sar-en patent, ZW boiled In oil before painted. Tykk Made or best Reilned Iron, secured by Nor way Iron Bolts. Axels solid collar, 1 Inch, v patent, Anchor Brand. Si'kinos Kllptl warranted oil-tempered. Gkakiko Made ot best Seasoned lllekoo. Iron Work best duality of reiln.vl grades nt tmn Seats stren?htenet by patent seaUc)rner Irons Paistiso Painted black withhold striping and oth er ornamentation. . Tops leather (not imitation) Quarters and Back stay, rubber roof, flock back and side curtains, cloth heading. Cchhions and Backs of cloth or leather .as nrpfAmwi Dasiiks Full Leather, with patent Silver iash-ralL shafts vainer inmmea, streng-tlicned at the cross bar by T plates. GUA RASTER: These Buinrtes are guaranteed, with fair nnri sonable usa?e, for one year from date of purchase But I will not acrree to pay any repair bills. I do atrree It any Axel, Spring, or W heel selves way, caas ed by Imperfection ln material or workmanship, and iuc otuut; vim uuu w uic uj iim purcuaser, l will return him a new one, he paying the chaives ooi way on same. The Top Bucreles are all made w lihhmino- Bnn so that they can be used as Top or Open Buvreles. tW These BUCCI ES are made of th Her'vf, terlal, good Workmanship, Handsome Stvle, stromr and Durable ln every respect. They- Will be sold cheap for cash. cVCall and examine them and hear nrieoa f ore purchasing elsewhere. W. SMITHDEAL. Sausbcbv, N. C Nov. 11, isit. 4: 3m t Little SHOP AROUND tie CORNER TO THE PUBLIC GREETING : JULIAN &FRALEY, Cabinet Maters a'ni Carpenters. Their prices are as low as it is possible to make them, and their work not inferior to any; They till ordei in tvo departments. Their ready made stvk in hand comprises a general assortment of lioue furniture Bed? nteads, otireaiis, Ciolbeii I'resses, Jounges, Backs. Wardrobes, Book-Case, Cupboard and China Presef, CandleStnnds, Tin Safes, Desks, Tablefs Washstands, Chairs, &C. They also keep an assortment of OOFFIISTS of walnut, pine and poplar, from $1 upwards. Also, Window 1 hey hit orders without vexatious delays. Will contract for carpenter's work and warrant satisfaction. Will take good umber and country produce in exchange for urniture. i"hop nearly opjxwite Watchman JULIAN FRALEY. i 4ily J9 'mm Who has once nseathe'fttl'! .1 Ive : T Yerj VALUABLE REAL ESTATE IX TIIE CITY Or JV o. By virtue of a Mortgagee Deel in Trust executed byTho. E. Brown and wife, E. W Brown, to Sophia Bheier. dated the 19th day of January, 1878, and registered in the othce of the Uegiter ot Deeds of Howan coou- ty, in Book .No. 54, p:ge 409, 410 and 411, Sc., anu upon which default has heeji made, 1 will exMwe for sale at public miction, at the court-house door in the Town of Salisbury, N. Car. on Mundav the 15th Day of December, 1870 at 12 oVIock'M., the following real estate, to wit : The Lot or Piece of Land, known an BROWN'S LIVERY STABLE, emoracing me greater -pari ot the lot pur- cnaseu irom iAtwin biiaver and Marv K. Sha 1 - ! ' ' 1 I i jr " . rer. anu juiiiiiiK uie lanos 01 Joliu l.bliarer n heirs. Dr. W. F.'Baon, and the parsonage of the Episcopal Church, in the Town of Sal is bury. 1 Kit MS CASH Dnled at Salisbury thia l5th lay of AiiituFt, 1879. - CllAS. I'lMCK, Soi'IlIA BKSHERKU, Attorney. Trustee. AugI4toDccl5 HOW TO SAVE iOEY! BUY YOUR HARD-IB .WARE If, And you will not only save money, but get the Best Goods nfade. Yoin will find in his Well Selected Stock of Ilardware, Mowers, Thresher, and Sewing machines,' Straw-Cutters & Corn-Shellers, Grain Cradles, Grain and Grass Scythes, Blacksmith & Carpenter ? Tools. ; . HOUSE AXD MULE SHOES, Tin and Hollow Ware, Patent Oil Cans. Patent Fly-Funs and Traps. BUGGIES, OPEN AND WITH TOPS. Huggy-Harness, Harness Leather and . Mountings, Wagon and Buggyj Materials, and many other articles too tedious to mention. At Heilig's eld stand, main street, SAL.ISBURYJ N. O. 50:1 v P. w Practical Blacksmith -I10RSESH0ER. SHOP connected with Brown & VerblCa Livery stables, twu desljrns of Shoes, to Bntt any shape or foot. All shoeing on strictly sclehtllle prin ciples and WARRANTED. All Iclnoa biacksialthmfir promptly done. is:ly FOTJ t!z 'S HORSE AND CATTLE POWDERS Will aura or riravent IMsamm. Tfo Hoasa will die of Colic, Bots or Leva F Tkb, If Fontti povdera are used ln time. Fonts' Powders wil 1 cure and preTen t Hoe Cseina Foatt'a Powders will prevent Gapks ih Fowls. Foot?! Powders wUl Increase- the qaantity of Biilk and cresm twenty per eenu and make tlie batter firm and sweet. i Foatz Poirden win can or prevent almost srxaT DiBZAia to which Horses and Cattle are s object. . Form's Powdbbs wili, enrs 8a.tista.otio. Sold Tery'here. - - i DAVID S. TOTTTSS. Proprietor. BAXTIXOSJS. Xd. Tueo.'F. Klctts. Agent, 2:Gm 8aliaburyj N, C Subscribe for the Waichtusn orIj $2 BONDS, L 1 ' i To make Title to Land, and Laborer and Mechanics Liens, for sale at this Office NOW IS TIIE TIME TO SUBSCRIBE FOR THE WATCHMAN j . 3am. - '.i : J OF FROM Plows, Iloef, Mattocks and Picks, Shovilp, Spades and Forks, Glass, Paints, Oil, Putty, and Varnish, Locks, Hinges ami Screws, Disten,8 Cross-Cut, Hand and Mill Saws. :t-- AGENTS sellinr it find it f PEtiPLK wAwt. it .-!...- ....... ltta uie stitch, runs easily, does the widt ra to wiok "and wiikIa" h lwCTs.i?.' .. r . .. . . J . ' II circulars and full particulars !M ' 1301 &1303 Button St , HHILAUtLPHIA, PA. sa m mm mm m ... "sa ' ; " 44:1 - ISAAC A. SHEPPARD & 00. MasBfectsrert of THS CHEBBateti ii ' if r fUv ' 4 - Unturpaued for 0iwbllltj,! Eeaisomy, and Convedl wrcneeiiiBNMiU. - I l ; w C. F. BAKER & CCisbuiy, N.ft roa liLi m To J. Howard Jone and W. M &,ri i ident, you will tale notice that the iug sunmom ha bun iued again yJP DAVIDSON Connty-In Suor Court John M. Prim, ) i Plaintiff Against j Howard Jones, TVVM. Earl,' DeJIs Summon fwr jj-'-" STATE OF NORTH CAROLINA, . ! To the Sheriff of fyridson Co., (7! Arr lisra1t -nr-em .1 t a t. j- J Howard Jones and W. M. Enrl, the h tendants above naniejl, if they he found wfrKr in your County, to 1 and appear U-foreiiJ," Judge of our Superior Court at a Court-to Ic held for the County of Davidson t :th Court House in Lexington on the 1st Mod day of Marrh 1880, 1 and answer thc plaint which will IwmIc posited in theofHrt of the Clerk of the Superior Court for iiij County, within the three Urst days of sti Term, and let the said DctlndrnitiMakeiitf. tice that if they fail to answer the said com plaint within that time, the Plaintiff wiH apply to the Court for the relief demand! in thc complaint. ' t rj't Herein fail not, and ofthissummonskkki uue return. Given under mv hand and tlunpitl nf.iiJ Court, this 12th day f September, isb. J C. r. LowE, i t'; - C; S. C. Davidwm Ca : You will also take -notice that at theMBf time in s-aid case a warrant of attachmrfet was issued against your proerty for tb sum of two thousand anl ninteen . dbljari and fifty rents, (2,019,00) due hy opeti W count, and returnable to said Court iiv ni County on the first Monday in March, 1880, when and where you may .appear if yk think proper. This 8th Vhy of Oct. 1$79. C. F. Lovr.,.C. Scft j Jno. II. Welburn, DavidsonCa. NoShOw , Plus. Attv. To J. H.Jonen nnd W, M. Karl. nn rttidrrdt Tott trill tale notice thit the toll wing w ' mons hftt been ixted ugnintf y. DAVIDSON County In Su prior Court 31. L. Jones, - -Plaintiff Mjr against Summons for RelietU; J. II. Jones and y !) W. M. Earl. Heft. J ; ' ; '! STATE OF NORTH CAROLINA, To the Sheriff of JMtitlson Co., Grntlnf. You are . hereby commanded to 8Uiiunoi II. Jones and W. M. EnrMlie BefendanU above named, if they 1 found within jour Countv. to be and appear before tlie Judt't of our Superior Court at a Court to bejicld for the County ot Davidson at t lie Court House in Lcxinjrton on the 1st Monday of March 1880, and answer the complaint which will Ik? deposited in the office of -the Cleric of the Sujcrior Court. for said County, witW in the three hrst days ot said. Tenn, and lei the said Defendants take notice thatif lhey fail to answer the said complaint wit bin that time, the Plaintiff wiH apply to tU Court for the relief demanded in the cwn: plaint. ";- - ; t y ! ;p Herein fail not, and of this summons maks tine return . ' ' U- Given under my hand and thewal of W , Court, this 12th day of September, 1811. -i : C. F. Lowe. 1 ' r :' . c. a c. You will also take notice that at theisms time in said case a warrant of nttachmcrt was issued against your property for J tbf sum of nine hundred and live djllars iw eiirhtv-one cents. r905.81) due plaintiff by open account and retfirnab?c to said court, in said county on the first Monday in March, 1880, when and where jou can appear u . you think proper. - - ' f This Oct. 8th, 1879. - C. F. Low.' f -! " .. C. 8.C-, John II. Welbcks, Davidson C6. N(51:6w Plff., Atty. ! p HATiE'S WEEKLY; On Tuesday, the 7th dav of October, 1J" i and in the City of Raleigh, the undewgses will commence the publication of : - II ALE'S WEEKIiV,! j V A NORTH CAUOLINA BEMOCBATifi KBWSPAPER. ; j These four words convey all that a cola" of Prospectus could tell : tlie good of the success of the party which is the Jifeii'ft State and the country; the publication " (he news; these the objects pioposeiL T" he can do the last and contribute to and second, the snbscriber does not afiect w doubt. The people hveset their aeavl 'rr proval uiod his past and he does not douw the future. , - mm Hai.ks Weekly wiU be printed from " and beautiful type and oh fair white PPr' The price wil) be two dollars per annnm- rame will he upon ite mail books without ment and no paper will be .sent, after r" ration of the time paid lor. , r y v P. M. HALE. ,. Raleigh, Sept. 15,1879. - 1 ,p p j Tfsnxsi kvnvp' Still increBI in filvor. Try it. It is mild and PJv For aalc by ; f GabkiU- f l. Cheap Chattel Mortgages, f sriou other blanks for sale hers Mortgage Deeds for sale herf w w V .... i Also various otner bUnKS i 4 n .11