Vl :iV -:" r : ;. " - " v-,i '. P w .:- :t:,C: v:: it , -j ii!-- v - -. -r-:-. r h' :i' vv.:;.:;--;s-;-vvr.-; i: i' - ! - , ; -Vi v;:v: ip i . - ' - j: r , . . ' ' " - ' rp; -w "-' f-"'" -"'--"'" ' ?''"J ' : a- a . : 1 ;,- jy''-- - ' " .-iiiaiwaagtia -' v - ',"""" 1 . :- k 1P"!-- ;7.i :r JppKi: 1:!; : --"":AAv'':-1" RWrl "6 inv ":M p - , " " .VpTT. r ' uW'"- ff -v-i . .: ,J r. ,s,..nY..v,-i. ill.- li ;- ' . - ; - - H-f : ' ' I " n n ! ' : - - . ' . . , 1 - : .LU - 2IrTHIRD.SEEniS . ,. ; !' : j.---' ' 1 'sAliSBTJ; NC' DECEMBER 4, 187a -r.rV, W7 m ISCKLtVXISOUS ";ov.enbor. - i . i:.,...f 0xv smiUf tlircm-U tlie sou va- lotid i vinls 5 1 nil -V Small Steainliont. Correspondence ot the SclcnUIlc American. true way to healtlris t!m which cgirr- I have been , interested in fceveral : ra.n sense dictates. Live within the descriptions you have given or IsjnaU "pandaof reason. Eat moderately, ; c The Vay TO H EAT.til. The only The Proposed Westem Korth Car- air. :lu1l tl.e taik rmk", a J U't.'lT II!S ill I . ' s un- 5 ' ?. w oVr t!ie nieiiuowi tlie brown lii!U and f uakeJ ose Buuiiuei jtiai flower, that in the . olina Railroad Issue. ' Now iliat the work is so nearly ac- steam yad,ty d ai,T haveljlately temperately, s eep J reg.llarl,;, all(, .Lat thel wisdomial.this built one winch is with ope exception avoid excess mevervtliiUS) udW . f.;Lt;. i. : lllUUIlb vuu v Env .l.iVH in whidi the t-e fcfSife.S 5ntev frosts, and iwinds, I Knd laiui'uiitjrair. it w. t is r yam. It- It 3 I AVhkiv are They. j . Vhre arc tltc girls that use.l to play i t kh Mkthe songs loved so y.-ell? I Mm may journey.maay away ,.. jIVnick them not uo one can tjelt. I lolilv At H-ine the silken curls ; ; i ' TlHt Ml o'er l.Iihshing shoulders l)arcv I n(iJ thev, as when they were girls, lljsumnicf roses in their hair ? , !; kT Simctirtres-reoall the past I I titii w thev sunf-r happier days, - In-lssmetimff tliink of eyes Uiat fast ilktliir own such tender rays?; s i f . -, , .. . ''Ill J'vin shed with the rainbow dreams ams ; spring - m. w . . k I ' SB, If.B-lL-im . "1 ' 1HMf a. A A 1 . . a w a . i " . i i TJ - i . ii i v :i t v i l i i m run run 11 iir Mwfct"tf''. tle gentlemaii. it is with him or object of small, che,p jteim pleas- j wr,pitl.ie.r hves by indolence, and, t, pw of policy,- 1 X .fmO r B ' Tr. n . . . o A 4 1. MW.M W V T W t a llllll. III. I llr. 71 If If I 1 VWttW"! A U II I lllILIl'l- LI R ft" af " . -a.-.a, - suits I get with a verv small nline ' 1,0?W vtHc not a few, si'ik hys having a light boat and higjis- j iutht grave "under the effects1 of vi stire.? f ' - if, j cibusapd beastly "practices. - Allele ' "The total length of boat is feet; W-jW iu creation arc not wortfi heain 4 (Vet; deplh, 22 inche built ; farthiD? to a iuan who is - constantly of7-lG inch cedar, lap joint on xlj aud hajnjually violating the laws of ownt. nature. All the medical his v j fiat niaoc nmwu" " Jfliikfth'4 silvery streau i Thaj from the iorcst laughing ! . ihitiktr, never inert again, s i Ijlint-ycnnitre flow clear and free, ! Ipjtf'nt last the tranquil plain ! iTIiBinrlcwith the unpcaeetul sea. !ht!)ecpest!Wcll in the AVorld. flwliliiikinsrof the (h-ep artesian well mrli&ia liVsth, is nowuoinpleted the ivksfeie!romineneed as far back as bKMil daring their progress many in tisn1ifiitts relating to geology and Mltpantill tenlpraHue have been brfglllo light. The total depth is 3, iltilKi tlc tfinperatiiro of tht)' wa- oak, ribs, and sheathed inside, i Tola a : . i! . ' ' ' ' . I RfMfnrf. ilil illP wnrlrl rriimf cqt'a Kim weigiii. wiiii nagpoies, awning, etc., T v. ... ... about 400 pounds (without boiler etc), j from a prf mature grave. With a su- The boiler is madeof a uiecebf Ian-1 ,c,uai cPlrse OI w -a llnt welded boiler flue, and is 12 inlh4 in ! inS the;8exls of decay inliis own con diameter and 34 inches high (upright), I sution, jand accelerating the destruc- IV'ltll A.f ' j3?an' ni Iocs uL. .,k t ?.A : tion of his own Jife. ..ail A JVIIIUILOJ U,a30 til UCSj iillVl 13 provided with steam and water guages,: jThe doctrine of protection it is gen erally believed, has been losing ground in New England for several years, at least ever since the colapse of the cot ton manufacturing companies, there, Tia view is supported bv Jdr. Ed- mm m A Panic In a Church. ; A Wild Rushor Ecap--Men and Wototn ! Seriovtly Injured. V' Special Dlspitct. to BalUmorc San. WAYSE8BORO, Pjl, November 26. A ward Atkinson, who has prQbably , P46"5 occurred in the Lutheran church at better means of knowing the facts of I thlf P1ce lat' Shi whch resulted aeri- the ciuc than y l.er living He has several times said that New i ITV . .rres., not m.ae.t tht Hme of thai . M ouj.pji i uinuun's i jr.eir. x". uergsiresser a x.utncraB clergyman. whistle, etc. Engine is upright, with reverse link motion,! having acylin- der 2 inch bore by 3 inch stroke; runs Any fibrous material can be stuck to metal, !whehcr iron or other metal, by; an mjilgam composed of good glue dissolved in hot viifegar with one-third at about 200 per minute, uWer a of its volume of white pine pitch, also l)ressure of 100 pounds in boilerj Pro- hot. This composition, it is said, will peller is 16 inches, 3 blades on a 1 1 give a sure and certain result. iuuii suair, coupieu 10 engine wim universal joint. The pump takes wa ter from outside the bilge box, and will throw into boiler or outside; of boat. Total weight of boiler, Engine and shaft, wheel, etc., 400 pounds J About three scuttles of coal are used in ten hours' steaming. On still wa ter I get a speed of 5 to 6 miles an hour, or with the tide about 8. Tic total cost of the boat was less than 230, including machinery, etc. 'Unclean Sociari.ife. POLITICAL. ITEMS. The Empire. A correspondent of the Philadel phia 7Yicssays: I met General Toombs ths other day and! asked him who would be the nex President? "Grant," he replied promptly, "lie will be the next President and the last President." "After jGrant what?" "The 'empire, bv G d ! I am ready for it." r Yes, and that is exactly what wc are not, and never will be ready for, and as long as we have a majority in. the Senate it cannot happen.- We will Bat is l that good policy - which sug gests subjects of ' discontent with a . . j S ii j - . measure the difficulties of which are nearly ove-comp, thp cost of which will soon have been covered, the fruits ohieh.wIH sopii begin to be reaped? Is it good policy to awake and fan iu to flamp the discontent of tlie Demo crats of the; East with the certain ef fect of arousing the counter discon- " . tent of the jWest, and to set both by iue ears wiui tne worm consequeuce ox turtring thej State over to the JRepub lieans? " j ! : , But so palpable U the hostility of the writer or writers of t he circular to the Western K. C. Kail road, that they seem prepared to risk any consequence to attain the desired end of obstrution and final stoppage of its progress. Having reached -Asheville in spite of him or them all that is left is opposi tion to its further progress beyond. Inflammatory appeals to, that cud so far in advance of their necessity come with ill graee, ot with mournful bo ding from ihosu calling themselves good Democrats, at a period when to be a Democrat is to be a patriot, and when the success of the Democratic party mcans?the security of all in the government that is worth preserving. Durham Recorder. Snorii;o the Qrrjx.Kr Yortr, Nor. 27. Jamea Boyd Jr aliaa Jim Bojd,( has been arrested charged with dealing incottn-'" tcrfeit quarters and tea rest piecc.'-Thii" commissioaer committed Boyd to jail 'for examination in default of a $5,000 bond. Some time ago Boyd sold one of the ofScers of the secret service several hundred dollars worth of spurious coin, and he has' tinea been kept under constant aarreillancer f Ilia arrest was not made at the time of1 thai Is virtue driven from the field ? Ila.s vice won ? There- are hints of an . 'X ' . a . i' a I ' 1 exisung comuuon oi( anairs in cms have a - )rifr in that Um1v th:ll Nvin t,tt.ilU aiearly . Fahr. The country, given in recent, rcyelfioris, '-prevent aliy.'tich chance in the con- iwuicii equal in immoral iiy.. iKejSiate of Rome iu the latter davs of the em pire, or Paris before the fall p'f the tin tutuiti of the mad brougltt up by tSmltoior was frU'ii everv dav, uml .. wa feiiiilj jaejwise rapidly, in spilf of the j Wonm-ut ihiiini: its aseent, down, to a lib B law to 2.71K) feet. lWomt this Jourbons. Yet the mass of the pcO A f ii, hiereasc was ji(t so marked. At ' pie, we contend, are decent, arej God- aiptllof . fwt tlie teniiterature was ; Vcarit.:; the instinct of the American '.tS.-iLri-L.j.r-J f..i'. : J. t- . . . . - ;; i bored. . Water first tiUr;;' giving an averaw. increase of .,.,Ua.. tn Iu. mloat. an it i.nw . 1 f evei v h-et IT -.. - a- .4. : - IrvL.- i1 th. i - . . iiniuu.li nature; is uu vuarscr ui icsa wiSBtdiiced tn weil ill at a depth ot 3,UVU ! ! . . , . . , , ' it temperature w.sllO" Fahr., ! revered than in the days of our iafr this point puwaul it rapidly-, in- grandfathers. Our literature is purer cR))tliin.qtuiutity and temperature J thahjt was theii ; there area ihou lli,(jl,(l92 icer. its temperature; had sant- avenues into which the human Mfe ij to 150' Fahr., and the yield I ,i inrnnt,P nrt. fciuiw- iin3;ilij)Ui-s lfoni ' ,50u to 44,(KX) gallons. I . - .. , . .1 e 1 TiMMai, the boring" had reached of every, k.nd-to divert it from :fj.itj whiei. point it was stopj)l?T gross animal passions. rVi hy do these -iMuniuire oi uie jvarer, as it uurst passioos, inch.. iuiuuioic ifc, like the seven devils who found Ilil w tijconUco ot the tube, was :JG5 stitution of the country for rears to . .... t come. We hohl a check upon all ! i a plans that are calculated to work evil to the Union. But apart from that, if there were a serious design existing in any section of the country to over throw ours constitution and establish an empire it would have no consider able followers. The people at the North as well as at the South are 'too much attached to their States and know too well the value of their lo cal governments even to yield an as sent, to any such a decided change. In the course of time, it may be, by one means or another they may be brought to regard their general gov Is Grant Insane. for a judicious revision of the tariff if the issue were properly made. The Boston Herald also 'inclines to the' same view; of the case, and says, '-'that with our industries as they are at pre sent, our laboring class would be bet ter off in every way than they are, if the tariff was judiciously revised, does not admit of doubt." and Elder S. H. Bash ore, of the German or Tunker Baptists, from Ashland, Ohio, the chief topic being whether immersion or sprinkling was the true scriptural form, of baptism.. The discussion caused much ex citemeht in the neighborhood, and .the church on each occasion was crowded with the friends of the disputants.5 Good order generally prevailed, although on Saturday night, after Elder Bashore had made a re mark as to the position of the Lutheran Church on the question of infant baptism, a woman in the Congregation railed out, "That is not true," which provoked a threat the meeting that not le allowed. The venerable Edward J. Hale, one of the ablest and best editors ever reared in North Carolina, writes from from?ose in charSe of NWYnrk in Tin,' Weehhi ilmt I uc"uterruptions would u, , . .. . Long before the hour appointed fdr the v v. .uva . jIscumIoii to commence last nighfe tlere was rlir umiilrl iwrtin a.fi .hiu Kfafu I aT .a. ' ' ' ' . . ... v,v. v.a,. van; mw isjiitiv, i not sianuiDg-room in tne cnurili, wnu-ti is pmbably by a majority approaching a brick building, having a seating capacity of abouti six hundred, and was filled with 100,000." Mr. Hale has been a resi dent of that State for some thirteen or fourteen years and is a close ob server. Wilmington Star. rest others engaged ia the same lineof btaSfcT neaa.. These having aince been captured aa4 being in jail, the arrest of Bord followed. Boyd had on his person $500 in good mob cy. He has been a detective in former year, merchant " and traveller, each in tura,an4 once was a mail carrier. -.f)' Col. Jons II. Whkilkr. Thefollowing paragraph, from a letter written by CoLE. K. Lilcs from Washington to the Wadesbox Herald, tn reference to Col. John U. Wh&clex, will be read by North Carolinians with real pleanure: The venerable gentleman ia lively and ia teresting in conversation; walks as vigorous ly as he did then, and cherishes the same love fJr his home and his people that 'ani mated him in the years that are gone. The second edition of his history, as be informed me, is now about ready for the printer-rand he hopes to see it soon before our peo ple. Alluding to the first edition, he can- uiuiy acinmiea its hunts Ana errors iand undeserved ridicule that it received. over eight hundred people. Both tlie floorj laughed most beartily at the criticisms and and the galleries were densely p u ked, while scores of people outside struggled to gain admittance, onortiy bciorc 7 ociock a bench in the church broke, making a crack- It is the opiniou of the Vicksburg ling noise, and at once some one ia the con- Herald that with cotton at $50 per gregation called out "The Uilding is fal- i 1- !.. c ...ii. ling." A scene of the wildest excitement bale the oouthern people won t worn' ... ' frtllnurAfl th arrpam a AF uniunn an.l lil- themselves over the currency ques- dren min2,in2 with the shouts and exclama tion. NEWS ITEMS. A Soft Place for Grant. tions of men. A general rush was made for the doorways, which were soon blocked up by the frightened crowd, and, to add to the terror, the railings in the front gallery gave way, precipitating the occupants on the heads of those below. Fhu1in; that egress - A paragraph copied into the Times, a-day or two, ago, fiom a San Fran civo. paper, in which ; grave specula tions were iiiduljred as to Gen. Grant's sanity, has' attracted Very general at teutiun,'aud lead to a deal of discus sion in this city, j Tlie average trad er .io doubt took it for granted that the paragraph was written in sheer wantonness, for the sole purpose of creating a sensation, in view of the importance of tho subject in the esti matron of the public. Strangely enough, however, sombjof it hose who have seen most of the distinguished personage during the reception week just closed, lare least inclined to treat the matter as a silly or cruel joke, and the state of Gen. Grant's mind now that ail s Jr .'fr .l; jm jicaragua mier-vceanic ,anai xeneme. by the doori WM cut ofl; the w;ndows at special oi3iaicn to we Baiumre un. the back of the galleries were burst open. I 3 Jl 1 . I .1 WAtnKOTox. Nov. 20. Senor Tomas de BUU ,uva auu "JP Krouuu Franco. .rrnt of certain French capitalists I distance of twenty-feet. The trampling : uu .k- a..;a " 1 of the crowd on the floors-raistd a crowd of ill wuucviiuii n it ii i iiu iiiivi- vx taun. ca i c i i I J A. A. I - 1. ! aL 1 . I 5 1 - t 1 1 scheme, arrived in Washington last evening. ou" "g" 'P ' - - ' I 1 1 1 at l.tOTl and to-day, in w.mpanr with Admiral Am- oaiJ M Men aim ana tDOUicr ine men and Mr. McnoeaL his assisstant. waid building is on fire," caused all to redouble ui. -i . .!... t-.;,i- ar their efforts to escape, although the mass of T I 1 laJ 1 aL!. a! 1 .! U a 1 Evarts and Secretary Thorn oson. The Prea- PeufP,c UBU u,uc 8 "g"" ident, expressed a very warm interest in wedged together that movement became al the enterprise, and said that he honed to mo" imPM1D,e- ine minisiera prescmen see it well under wav before he retired from dearbred to allay the panic by calling out, office. He conversed verv freely for half an 4tFor Gorg 8ke kccP lult(. thcre is Dotuing hour with Senor de Franco, ami tendered him the courtsev of the White House. The party spc,nt an hour or more with Secretary Evarts, who haa the official charge of the matter, as far as the United States is con cerncd, although the enterprise is purely a private one. Senor deFranco spoke at length wrong," but their voices could not be heard for the cries and groans w hich came weaKei;ingj is mooted is discus sed cyen among his' most entusias- j tic admirers, with a gravity that indi- Kiitjtaiiie(fjlisengages carotonie allow them to come hi. n'lln almncjanee, and also 3 I- trom uundreus oi voices, btrong men seemed to have lost all self-control and joined in the mad rush from fancied dan ger; women were either trisnipled upon or fell fainting from terror, and children were - I a , . TL. .:i of his nuriK)5es incoming to this countrv. "g" " " ine.gem-rn. ne.. nu.uuu. nnrl oftl.e ntan. h ha. in mind. Mr. Evarts. the building had almost been emptied, and a ' .1 . ll l?Ja-aa a! .1 I I who is also warmlv interested, will take ine PP"5 reauiea mat a. no ume mere au part with Admiral Ammcn and Senor de nJ CRUSe for ,r. lid thc be?in to : IXl. : 1 a - AX" .a a a. .1. a ; -a . J a. a. AM Frnneo in maturini? th nlans. He invited lum oa luc eucc" I'UIC Ul,u nu T I . -.l !a a. J .1 4. a - t-. a ,. u: i . I examination ueing matte u was joudu mat Dttnor uc r ranco to uinu v 1111 mm sun uicct i " thM nrnmin-nt nmlK.rs of the foreiirn leira- manJ were seriously injured, although for ti . ir.i.:.. .. I tunatelv no lives were lost. I.IUI19 IU II -MIllllUll. Senor de Franco, who speaks English readily, assured your correspondent of his I Miss Lixkhaw Acqi itted. The trial of confidence of success in the scheme he has J jm,, Amelia Linkbaw, for the murder of undertaken in cyming to America, which is I d nartman, which was re-commenced two-foldfirst, to secure the organization of I Monday Morning, at Lumljcrton, was con a company under the laws of the United J eluded Wednesday night. A telegram from States to build "a canal across Nicargua, and there yesterday conveys the intelligence that second, to secure the services of Gen. Grant Bhe was acquitted. Col. Duncan K. McRae as pcsident and manager of that company. I was not connected with the defence as at In the opinion of the French capitalists, who I first reported, though we are informed that were expected to furnish the great; part of he was to appear in the case and did not the capital for this work, there was no man through some misunderstanding between in the world so well fitted to take the lead- rCoh W. Foster French, and the friends of AfimiKa c intm in ntir UPW'SnM llfTS. ' unienri! nt lAiflsInlmn Ihflt. lio II Ot 1)0- rl. . .xrM1. f A -nnlvanwr fl.A - I. : - 1. a. it n-onl1 Iia alnrrl Ll.. - 1- J r...: . . I. !..:),... r . U j vi aii . v, . - - I I 1 v v ------ I X Will llaa eci lituj'it iv m..."... cilinj u U4 mh iuc jruuiiy mill. vn iuj io tuc lanui c vi nic ' IT ..11. !i a. ..ii inla . I i . Ii 1 'PI.. .lanI- o r.f 4 nil ' at' .. 1 . J. n.arxn I n .a, . or.. 11 nf lu ail'Mt IlIKlf'r tiiD I Aat !. w-sttl FA 1 wl oVvrllt C 1 - l a r U OUT oruiiiary iuit, in viii iif i-JiVisr, ; joilC 10 iw-! ai uc uaugci ia hui iniDrCSSlon llio Mcneiui uiu nwtjii oj vvu. - r. uib. i'i a-v vruj.w. - empire, but of a consolidated govern, f lhcm in Comii.ir ihto contact with him, leadership of any other man.t was tne xact cf the court ! 1 1 1 w . ' tUmt- nr.nlii rtama a-M,l1 IT1 anmi I . ... a. . ., . i - 1 . ..nmn mituMt nor.1 i i a ...I. l,l o ..ll l""v""1' " s--- I i ne prisoner pieatieu -not gunry 10 me o 1 J J auiu,. ui tu j o . morn ditrnitv and importance than it could I . . .1 1 r .i..r -.. I !, , ,, 1 . i Ja I 1 " B - I lUUlkliUirui auu IIU! giwuuu ifl utivim i .or "his way' before, now presents it- lothortvi.e Commenting upon the! f. , n-fv n- v r r,nffi- f Ul,n:'r5C ff 272'(!0 thc house 8Wl,t atid-garnishedi and j ernmetaS being invested with great- cnttis a feeli,Jof serious apprehension. a, ams Mi iwiurs. 1 I Ins yield waa af- I . . A . , t - . i , &; ; 4 .jk,eed to.; IG7 200 -alU.ii, iu fMtcred111 to take possession .. ; We . ec powers than have been conferred. At H,e hotclsj and at the clubs and ! " i 1 . ll.... llw. tmnj .MuaBMu...L.r-K. 1-...W. I.. :.... 1 UClievc one reason iu uc hum, mv feiJW, w.hicli i-etlneed diameter, tiers are lowered in domestic Hie to But they are at present far from be- ; pulilie resorts? generally, Gen. Grant's ing preparetTfor any sweeping change merjt;ll condition has, during the past Matter are f in its character. Indeed the danger twoda-vs, been a frequent topic of con- ContaillS 111 ' Kenneeoil ill llio r.rPSiMlPf OI VOlinCT ' mi r roi ill I 1 ii n 1 llst I f 11 f in IIS ( ICiOH IlOt 1 ,1 5l i nn Parlinna nrt treif 1 j i" i i miovuso-'i .... ' j. o , w win v ...w...... .- VclsaiiUJI iiinruiaiusaiuiii v "a.j'w pu llerIlS ? rls which once matrons blushed-to ' c in aiiWiich open, paliablecha,.ge;Tone;in Chicago would have entertain- 4fcl.liteu.calH meution. There is' a iainiliarity;w1tjht is to be found in a practice that has j ed 4 thought jof trouble but for the 41,iiue, amllnagiusia. ' ' J lice, an acceptance of it as a mattef sprung Up in Congress of assuming pararapli from a San Francisco paper. The CxTnoLics and thk Pcnuc ScnooLS. Boston, Nov. 25. An announcement ia made of the policy of the Human Catholic Church in New England toward the public schools. The Archbishen ' follow intr the advice of the Pope to a European bishop, has directed all the priests in the arch dio cese of New England to at once establish parochial schools, and threaten parents who refuse them with the- terrors of the Church. In localities where the influence of public schools is thought to be particularly injuri ous to Ctrtholic youth, the priests are-instuct-ed to withdraw the children at once, evem if there be no parochial schools in the vicinity. - .V Doc's IIigu-Toned Bcrial. The whims of some people had a curioua illus tration in an order received a day or two since by a well-known undertaker's firm in New York to furnih a rich cloth-corered casket with velvet trimmings and solid silver plate and handles. The interior of the cas ket was to be lined with white satin and silk trimmings. , .Vll this w as for a dog be-J longing to a wealthy family up town. Tha animal had been nursed and taken care of for the past twenty j ears. The dead ani mal lay in the casket wrapped in a mantle of white satin, with white silk ribbons around the neck. The remains wcra takes to a cemetery close to New York and pot into the family vault. Six carriages, con taining the friends of the dog, followed the remains to the cemetery. X CUJE ITt imi firw' & . r,-...-v.. .a. iraniHTm.. - i. i i r. . ...i..k .lah.ieoai f no minus ni rim viinmr. r- ?V-V iJl . it. , M. Ul'lrlltll, Ot H'ltm usuaaw mv. im v. ; fuiil, pa., reports mmie astonishing The very air is pisonel in whnqh ilhjed lt the administration of L.m l;iUaa. Vn' Utrislntiail. no . f, Ii, t ! Villi V.HIIUIV.U II w. ' . " ; ,M rojiaunipuves.. lie 4jn(rl. rpr.pm can touci this disease any more than it could cure malaria which Slavs its victims by the thon- ot' ?ywt'ritof tweuty-liver eases ;-8 fVv !ul'eulosissotTeated ten f allineans- of diagnosis' cured ipfciiaive bei'ii iii:it..vi ili,- i.....iii....i . Bit nil . I ..It.." ; '...VI.H1I1 .1. ilVIItCTII , I-1 v iliave leen irmlcr' triMitniont l'f months. The nausea at- t JHli"ary rle petrole T ulwi hiadoptthestMiii-s.ilid oil tlif tttl till Jieti : .. 7..1 2.'Jt . ! - i . tlitf '."''T - i 1 tuning qj wens. liameut. It is fortius reason that we hail her to the:n in an altogether diilereut magnificent recreption Grant received upon FaTetteT.uc, testi fied to his belief that the with so much satisfaction every deci- , ;,-ht. ami with a'jieiw'iiteaniiig.--Chi sion of the Supreme Court of the Uni- Times. It is for each family, each ; ted States declaring acts of Congress ' clcrcrvman, each mother, to clean and sweeten their own household. N. j . Tribune. ' ii lWo three or fiyo grain !fill -SlVftfatiiif any inert vegetable '!1iw4f fhiuiiteretl from thn to h ")in ar4The lrJi-HRiSht'4weats arc relieved, SL1irov;W, aud weight is rabidly kpffilfVWtlr. Grifiithl has liWfNtucIWiriiited phai of ?!i Chial disorder for trne-eon-MfA felungs; also that coulinu te i alleSd iehiedy will justify iti f - !lha8 formed Hi "rifeard . if."? f ; t 'J Itfri 1. 1- aljOT ffniAing to watch :the or- ,irfTwr,carpenter elect rifiesl. the JJV d eatencd rerolntioii. The "ocratc GovernoV is about Thi.-.l.-'i .3:...il. ,S)!Hfft.hvw!i..aL .. -- 4 -. .j;-iiii.nc nnotnerwar. jTho illHtl a L . ' . i r."? "-neii inotisanrt IJem .iia A ' about to enii- Ml4t IlllirVaa a-f A , "f rrcnicndons Of- Value- of KxowLi;rGE.---It s af firmed tluit "a little kuowledgo is, a "V. -I '- ! dangerous thing;" The saying! may be true, but it is not neccsanly .true. I cannot help thinking that if is a great , advantage to you to gain as much knowledge as you can, of as many subjects as you can, and not to be deterred by any fair that your knowledge, being superficial, mayi lead you into error.' Of course, the dan ger is that a person, who knows bnly a-little of a subject, may fancy hitiiself well qualified to give Jan1 opinion on points that are realljr.out of his unconstitutional and void. j When his return to bis native Mate, oenor ae j)risoner .though not now so .was at the time Franco remarked that tnere was no nation 0flne faUi shooting, a victim of mental m tip; world, not excepting tne unuea aberration, and it is supposed that it wa? States, where Grant was moreadmireathan cn;eflv upon ni tcstimonev as an expert I .The-Washington correspondent of in France. France had had her own soldi- that a verdict of acquittal was rendered. Or:?. Butleu io Iti'N ron Cosanxsa. Congressman Leopold Morse, of Boston, who represents the fourth Massachusetts dis trict, said to-day Miat he understood Gaa eral ButKr's plan to be to run for Congreaa next year in his district. tV'hcther General Butler intended to nbanJon the gubernato rial race he did not know, but it was under stood he would agaia cuter the field as an aspirant for congrcssionaPhonors, and that Boston was as good a place to represent as there is in Massachuetts. Wathington Special to jVf York Herald. Congrs shaH bear in mind that its ; ,)jaiepi'a Times thinks that 1 ers and statesmen, he said, and knew how to The jury remained out but a few hours. powers areivcry nmiieu anu are io ue c. wi pass t,e uj. making ' measure grcamess. found on lyii. the grauts a,le trt the 0ranl. baain! General. He but as long as a person feels and Jcnows that his knowledge of a jsub- ject extends onlysd far, andrdoes not veuture beyoiulhis depth, that per son has every thing. to gain aud j no thing to loose" bjr Jetting some knbwl e Ige Of it, even though the knowledge may lie limitedZon. -1 E. Otad- Charlotte Obserter. 'Referring to Grant's connection with the a al M a 1 1... V M J Mi XT t T V AfAtf OTlllllOll U' "u v!'"--"-- ' . T- (Iv-n, nr Wr iun rx Xt Von k c:a - i ;: v . ... . . r 1 1 1 v vran au uu i uuc Liiiai'ii ui .icn the enterprise. When asked n he nan any - - Kn iL' Xn t ! WOU tl . SUbmit tO an j . T, I . , . u. r a ,it. .W-l, tl.U nnininn IorK VV' ,oun slor' ww wurin """V" i- .unn er term as rresHieni. - nes,y "r, ,1" more .hn: 1,000)00. Now it i asserted empire wiui uu ? certainly wanfe to; be Trestdent again, uf"u' T- VT . . a ""l -".that there are over five hundred men in the the South, anil were jrram, iu nau . u - j i , . said that ins inenu, Aumirai aiuuicu, a . . . . i -. .1 ..ii i . - i. .i.. niui him ni: wiiiiiii uni. .. ...... . 1 r 1 iiiviiwinm. ..... -a- a ....... . - such a coup d at newouiu oe ormi-m. - - t ,e custodian ot an nis secrcia, ana reierreu A x. v , . , .A? li .ho nnhpH W ' ,.r,.ioKed recopfnition by Con cress. As J. ' u. .aa .iifi,nH. $1,000,000 and over. Then New York had fin siimiu;iiT i uotivv u j asv- ' o w ine cuuuirer iu uim, V H a! l . I af-Vf -fc! --i. al. i I. a. of the whole country. iCaleign uu- ,tu the Frcsmeutial plan tie says : tuat the inducements to ba offered to Uen server. Look here f If the Democratic "Xo, Grant! is piping for the place . 1 eral Grant were such as few men would re-H..-trMt,i hi iWiiH fro tinsel, and thus ffuse. and such as Grant would not refuse ' " " T ' - . : lar tr.t flan l,.rnt-nl. Hp is tn- i iinWi he had higher aspirations. Aa faraa i iictlvw i V ivoi av. w ai? party is ready to sell out to Oen. j.jnf; t, Js.t ti,e (fouree to keep his uarae ' aalaryi was concerned the contributors to J . 1 . -n J . : . -V T : I . a ' , , ..1.1 -..U. : aa I a ma. hIIm, finnt wd desire to De iniormeo, as we before tne pf opce.1; ne nas capiureu . inecompanj nuu. We vc had several or has done what ne coum io cajnure . urani wuum hcn, v. may monev biallf asr-mo"by makes the man, and ..rje back in Igwkl time for the as- i! " . - ' .'a. .?rfa - .a?' - 1'.. .1 .1. : the want o I Chronicle f it teufellow. JiVfon seui dintr of tlie Convention, and thcre .i vr.11 iflTA ! Ke Klixixo ix Georgia. Atlanta Nor. 27.-r-Tcu men from DeKalb county were to day taken before United State Commission er Smith on a charge of ku-kluxing Manuel McaVlpine. his son and daughter, All these, were terribly beaten, but it did not appear that they were assaulted for any political or other reason in violation of the United States statutes, and the case was dismissed. It will probably go before the State courts. It Ia claimed that the girl was intimate with a negro. - Api'i.:: Blo.ssoms amd Ice. We have re- jf r ceivci an apple b!oA.om wjftch waa taken from a tree in the yard of Mr. Daniel Robia. son, near Black River Chapel, in Bladen county, on the 10th instant. On that data the tree was in full bloom, and thejnext day. (20th) the tree, and blossoms were all cover ed with snow and ice. It la a contrast ia the weather so sudden and marked that we chronicle the fact as a truly notable event and one which seldom ocean in this locality, aa. i ' Mrs. Srtt.vGUESctt.--GeorgeLinck7wh was the tutor of Mrs. Kate Sprague'a child, rcn at the outbreak of the recent troubles at Cauonchct, has sued Mr. Sprague in the Marine court of New York City ftJr $240, being the amount of his salary for three months, with disbursements for traveling and other expenses. In answer to Linck'a complaint, it is averred that at the time ) specified Mrs. Sorasfue waa the wife of Wil- hotels, newspapers, libraries, or theatres, g and thu lhe ,,ement j, worthy of the name; w e had no ocean cross-j . ! ing steamers, no modern improvements, few K Robesox Gooss. On Tuesday last, naon lie ntatloaof Bridge town- nieaJvr- stood sear- pound. largeat bird has beep left to the people, and upon which they ex- ber of a firm to ackuowlclge its ia!rtot snow in thr smitltero and eastern parts of peet to erect a BismarckUu deapotiam, and condition U allow of a writ of attachment the State this year, there haaeti nona la on its apex seat Graut aa their too).", toisau4 m,,..,-. .....-". little more than 200,000 peop'e; now, includ ing adjacent towns and the opulation with in a radius of fifty miles of Union Square, it includes not far from 2,000,000. And then adds' the New York Time$, "we had no nra tint. ftT SIllc u,v " , L . - - . . I IIT If?. 1 " an, a 1.1a. I.TTKIlril fiM miCfllt I111. I rood chabetii to sell io car day, an.l me ;est. ne s uuvr , ,a.....B . .., ,... T r 1 .. 1 for-L'n faihioni, no rtguUrlyrMurring dc colore.lftn bj tbe n.ro. of Job uouiu uu f-m .v....-., iifiri- I'm l-iff (lith in Jew 1 or K. xo- to uen. urani, which wm uckumuuiui i -.jiia 1 r i , . i. . JarJ... ...-Jo hr we b0r' V . Jt,Tm,: m.xi.Au ! rtion, nostupendous municipal debt, no reck. , Mr. J. f. Ausley, in Lnmber we traaeu, uu. - . ncI tl,e :ew iuig auu oi w... wnen uiey u.ee. iu ,..rw,w. no .i WaU ,treft ghip, 4 fowJ lf , he gtvise tribe, that preserveecl to Keep ii-ai. uicr wa loliow. men io i J " , ' , . ' not many luxuries. lut an amazing amount cd seven feet from tip to tip, and Poverty. rWorewerihtor wrong V throng of public and private honesty." . .y. five feet high weighin, fifteen We besiu to think that ! and perfectly snow white. Th. r i , it i e m' oacK in lire spruiir mrougji mu uw - --.- (; ; ...-. humbug iid that we should go for q. pi.kin,4lllj41c phces'that tWad.! a wbited sepulchre, in which its . TheSuprema diurt.nf New Braaawkk. aver seen in. that ittiea.. 1 It i. - iir.i -l onr- . F . v . ; i . n . .. . i , 1 . . . .t: i?i at . ..u i .. n r. n, . . It tx nutaLblt that while there ntiri.noL jui hiuwmiv . . , .-. ..tmiar'. mmvii n win i.mM-n nmirc ia nurv me iew nucrues vei ueciuaiiM.aiii'ULi unn-aii iv u.- mm mmr i - - a Illf I til. 1 II 1.4. I ajr a a m m w m- ---' " - -: ' i ' p. : S. 1 1 i: -41 ! . rf4i . - U I j r ft ; i ; ! ' :i y fonf, J. -P Q 1 I If ! ' 1 Hi

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