I JS 11 : . ; -' V -' : - V .V;.- V - V "r'i-:V Jii:'. V.M' VVVVv jV'vv VV''- h, JV .' 1 - ' 'V: ' ! -v' if " ' VlV 1 -: - -V- j W,p" . V . : Vi v-;: : " :":-' 1 : - V -V - - - - -. - -h- " SI j.T ..: - - : -.--:--:- --v-:v 'v.;.v - fvr :-v;'v --V v- ..a vv vv..;.. r , j iv--v .- v v . - ; v. fe.Sr S ra'c--:'!', V v, -vV;- vv .vv mm..:-iM S; I !;v ' , ffltT''T1--t. .!'- . , 1. I -I: :-p;-" ! I ' - ' ' '4 i"j f 5 ' -i' '- ' ' : ; - "V:t:.-V: Vv -1 -v:..; -; :ii , Vv THIRD SERIES SALISBUB.y,ilI. C, DECEHBER II, 1879. i ! 10.8 'f7-;r, i - AfimnV Ifll inmA Ann fMica Htr tnlAvK' I :.-rti m ' . 4 - t":4 i' . ! - - h i i : : ! - . . - - - - . 1 . I 'I S '3 III I ' I m.mi M. m " w bLilCJ.' lilllll. 71 I 1 1 I. I I V it liorae and cuss bv telecmnlii rW?nf 1 ! ActsW: 19 AELEGRAPHIC 5TSTEM OP THE I In h. Rlonm on ThfLnlcsTiviiio-.T)av. I WoRLDThe system W teleeniDliar In H ! I S i 1 Nowjt's a batl sign 4o hear folks EaT0P6 comprised, at the end of 1877, Watterson tves tbe readers of the diking and writing about a kina 268,809 ile8 ofline8' and 7e59,768Tmiies CotfiJimrnilnthttoomj homily imitexl monarcHrwitb GenorfllfL j There were 19,( government inr" ! .. .. i " reiegrapa Stations, and 12.708 rftiltrnv : wnHswimi. t ieugij ana ciceeuingij on tne tnrone. Jbor twenty vear : i r t i -r. muvus. no namoer oi em- pave been wanUering around like the plojes amoanted to 61,934, and the iKf -S "Tike thy pen and write. S- lJ i ii tn tlx. Jest when ay ,n.-,k I shall ten tin", . -- nam-: phi Wren of Isreal and like them have of instruments to 41,708. 'The num had very bad judges. When theyot of Paid me8age was in round num theyot thoughtful article entitlecLSome Break era iAhead," he touched upon tho subject of feedingn only to pronounce ita grave and unspeakable One, and turning from those matters which are not naturally " j. I ' 'a. -IrtH I T. !l I1U I lOVWMivii ww I T -.a I 1 1-- 1 1 U -k 4a 4-1. . V .1 .. n Tjtiuu "v;u"u necien rae aim ne will appoint him I 1 v-uo wuriu l America into iU,l irriefst-thy friends- are captains over thousands, and over fif- w 1,4137 of wires; 8,756 realth has flown "ruu.ei is w (igrs to 1876L 24.S21 nill,. f 40 war. and he will take T- uiwou8, ,ow,uw leiegrams. Australia to be cooks and bakers, and he jwill (1875) 23,582 miles of wires; 689 stations take your fields! and your vineyirds, 2,500,000 telegrams. Africa (1874 to 1878), and give them to his servants, and he 8,148 miIe of wires; 19G stations; 1,200,- rilLtakp vnnr nrlKcf uw leiegrams. J wwInM yUUt U1CII and put them to his work, and hd will take a tenth of all your sheep, I and cattle, and produce, and ye shall cry bers, 86,000.000. of which 20 nrm nm m. . . ' ' ' I? assemuia?e The number of 6Sesteu oy ine meuuon w inanKsgiv- ,i . unted 1 to 1 1DS iaJr discusses the, possible future of 1 ut5r8 01 w,e conclusion : nnn rrvlfl m tint Ka . I r 4,JCJr wauieu a King other teleornma f.A o ..a v ! ! I - - . - vv. UIUVUU1W i W I . . j the loru grew angry aud said: ! "A about 7,000,000. M. Newman Spallart tuopablic, saying fn c king I will give you, for you have re- 6"" the following statistics for the oth4 We daro. 1 , ji&amage or a JUinister. U th wttehnu. I u intention to harms those who should - THOSK HT.TTP! f. AWH nVPT'l rpfuwi comnlb.uce.n Thin was tli iutrn- uEev. "V: TJ. Murkland, pastor of , 1:. 1 MOKE. tiop and the declaration wasforcerin the iFranklin' Street Presbyterian thesucceding1reignfoniIr.Hallan church, and Miss Bessie Austin rhe a9crtion oy Veritas, thatl virtual- of that reign that, ''the most obnoxious, Aii 1 1 - fi 1 4 V m.i. i ' iy admit the truth of all the laws attributed if not the most indefensible, of these pros- daughter of the late Dr. Philip Aus- to Peter, except five, is entirely gratuit- ecuUon. were for KfotiMto read what tin! were married yesterday afternoon t rt i u wa f111. ,A BoK0f Sprt9f namely a lu u 1 a 1 t ii . I, - .f" ."t 1 proclamation, or rather a renewal of that 104 the churcb of which tho groom is J because they are those usually paraded J usued in the late reign. It was in it- i'.fho! rti tllndlet it dry thy tears, ?Dr l.mft nubelieving tears; MAtbuilton whatapiieaw. pastor, in the presence of a crowded hy, wiu, humorists and buffoons," when assemblage, composed largely of mem- with ?ort to ridicule and satire, congregation. The pulpit Ll. ., .-j,.,,,. tn .w .iHfP was removed and the marriage took ters was false in these, he was , not enU- place on the platform within the chan- tied to belief as to any. I admitted the eel, which was adorned with ever- semblance to trnth, in some of them, upon greens and growing plants, and brit- the principle that he would be a sorry rr-i I couuvcricivcr inaeea. wno am .no mix that this country must be delivered front 'the clutches of cupidity and ignorance, or" else its fate will surely be like that of former repub lics. It is one of the constantly repeated facts of history that some Pisistratus, sharp and corrupt is always ready at cri- j J. Bullock, of Alexandria, Va., assist- should seriously object The principle self preposterous, and tyranical I it fa temtionj to enforce, in churches this li cense, or rather recommendation, of fes tivity. ,;The precise clergy rtfMed in gc eralt to comply, with the requisition, and -were tuspeuietl or (Upriced in consequence. Thirty of them were excommunicated, in the single diocese of Norwich." t-n K'. "William Prynn a Barrister, for a book he wrote afcainst the sport on the Xonl's day was deprived from practsing at Lin- i,aDuy ng,w ,v,m taper, Ihecer-.re c.uuujr puriuruifiu uy xvev. jr. u. Aa to Ko o, a .nn..i A . uxioru, Bew in wie pu ory, uai nisearscui; . . - e 11 or heaven's! faitfi ikuot bu Tlierlya region fairer far irfiU.tl.V fair seeiies, -T Ihright star, - . JgaM starid evermore ajar. nil jtc a i4"son con,cs dtV!n JSilea lights on tower and town; inters rage, nor tempests fi-own. f i Mi 'LiilU.lm above the purple hills. tb landscape tills. i ! " shines there, never sets ; .r l tit snirif. frets : JOlOeS " -yVBa i y 7 tfl tiurl, nor fears, nor vam regrets. sis in the life x republics" to step forward aiid seize the reins of power,- and under the forms of free government erect a des potism, i r 1 s 'This is. not tho most . cheerful topic for consideration, but it is one which em bodies a real danger at the present time. The Acalfti fkistitt that New j Suspension Bridge. A new feature 4 in the way of a suspen- Son DnnfTft was rpromf iv Rtn arrnsc I ii .:n t. .i . ..i. i. : u: : . 1 t 1 1 . I O . J .vw 1 1, m 114 nut, uu lu iivruu-uwii lb iilOWIJ 10 out in tlmt day.because of yourJcing, the Housatonic River, a short distanW, full of it. f aim. uieoru wui uoi near you'. . north of Falla Rritl. Tt w M "So while the turkey, fracrant with xw,x.uuv, - uiwy Bw thread of a spider's web suspended iiieu -siijuit men uut rve tllOUIlt O uie wiiuie in iHg over, auu 1 aon t nnn nfW Uatwn Qnn -,i livv u pwt vss. 17V bfT VVII WVS CMIU Know Dtuoiie iiuiiviuual I'm williner to Ann r : 1 , ' O I -XVV ICCil! Ill J oysters and celery, smokes on the mahog- ed by Rev. Dr. J. A. Lefevre and I upon which it was based the tsxiug of RevJ J. S. Jones, of Baltimore. The laxnries is acted upon in framing our bride was escorted by Mr. John A. Tn ls, even to the exemption of a cer , ;... i .. 1 tain amount of wearine apparel. Veritas xipiiane, Miss nattie Austin, sister does not affinB fhe eii8tance of either No of thp bride, and Miss Mary A. Du- shane were the bridesmaids. The bride wore a magnificent white satin dress en train and a sweeping bridal veil: The groom with Mr. Wilson life and tiued five (Buck's Thcol DTc. off, imprisoned for thousand pounds." p. 335.) Veritas says Episcopalians were pun ished for reading the Prayer-book;1- Such may have been exceptionally the case, but does not Hutchinson deny itt When 20 which forbids a woman to kiss her the King's commissroners visited Jew child on the Sabbath or Fasting-day, or England in 1665, did they not, according Not 45, ordering every male to have his to Hutchinson, report that the people .of? hair cut round according to a cap, but says Connecticut, "will not hinder any from of the latter, and of that portion of No. enjoying the sacraments, and using the, commou prayer book, provided, thatthey R5 rl!tinr tn m 5 n rrl niM. rsinla. rlmiMiirr ony and the rosy blush of the wine mantles . arey as bcsr man antl te othciating & tnat are "nniuiportant," and I hinder not the maintenance of the public- the! crystallic sides of the drinking glass ministers were in waiting at the chan- asks what motive or why should Peters J ministerl" and what higher religious priv Iegth. How did the crea- there the Master gathers in, ) Vrwn l ilii -poor wi Id of care and sin, Tliils wlium He hath died to win. ' Xi-M 'if I'm thev Rliine: they are 'not lost Vliu pith's dark 11oh1 have s:fely cross- -SoWigertorn nor tempest-tost. llien no longer ; with the dawn, r.ini hit ih v batfle-armor on : t Hti4i 6hf : earth's woe and the sound of laughter is heard in the eel i when the bride arrived. Wed- land, let it not be forgotten that a few ! dig aDthems were sung by the choir, who are naciuff the deck wearily and ! -. rr ",y 1 'ti. .l j '"f X7"?T co.yect, red that the engineering .pi- .verbcad know that the,. . T tJ were N. S. oreaKers aueau, anu iue prow oi me biup . i'endleton, Arthur btewart, n.ugene ! be over me, and that's Mrs. Arp, ture anage to t it across ? It IS for thirty years and am willing to live der raut have calculated the distance under it. I don't know what anybo- SDUn a ihread the reMiircA eastu ad dy else might do, but I do know she then at the rizht moment have thrown of $tate is poiuted towards them." foes'will soon be iVviaW-vanished, and I went I'litii hir task with sweet eonteut. j Who knoweth wherefore dreams are sent t : - II I- -I would take good care of me and our children with a liberal entail for our coming posterity. But 1 don't want Gen. Grant." - He's got too many re lations. Our folks wouldn't get nary office. Everybody from our govern ors down to the constables, would it out, when it have invented or forged them? Ii.ns.ver for the same reason that "wits aud hu morists and buffoons," have added, that "bees should not work, or cats catch mice on Sunday for sport as a mad man whocasteth fire-brands, arrows and death, ileges do dissenters have, in old England at the present day T ' ' But I perfer to let the Ministers of Ply mouth, Massachusetts, in 1629, speak for themselves. ' They declared that they on ly separated from uthe4sorruptions and dis orders of the church ofEugiandj thai they was carried on the of some favorite breeze to the opposite side, where it became at tached. wings ias 1m men 1tf s7tfMifIi liia tisi rrli Vtnr -w- T 1 -w I DU 19 vuu uinu VUUW v www 9 .WBf ' urceu way, u. j? . i5oy ieston, r . at- and Mith Am not I in siwrtr Nay, for thurs, Terrill Dawson, Geo. L. Irvin vindictive malice for any man who could, nnd Ceremonies, and had suffered mnch cndThos B Sneckleson Last eve- M104 ' aog , f0r their non-contormity-m tneir natjve Tsna inos. r. opecKieson. iasi eve- erg of Ncw Haven colony 'to the eternal ij K-rft. kii . ninff Mr. and Mrs. Murkland went infamy of christian policy, found means thev'mieht have their libertv. thev nsith- to spread the gospel mto every Indian I j. conid nor would use them; because they came away from the Common Prayer I nan II ' - . MW VlllflK'l IW IIIMI r II I M - J i .1 T . A Wilkes county bear according to the Index, stood out against a party of hun ters until they put tweuty odd bullets in H-thbUTtob orf. wedding tour, to he gone two SdXHn,, CTiffSSrH was a male 7 feet 1 inch long and 5 teet weelcs. wheu there is no evidence from nay record fbeufui conuptions of the word Of God." 8 inches girth, and thought to weigh from To the poor, humble and despised 400 to 600 pounds. His blubber, or ex ternal fat, was from 2 to 3 inches thick. Casualties op the other sides two good dogs killed. MISCELLANEOUS. believer, the kingdom of -heaven ex - have to step down and out. I could- pressly belong, there his best desires ent even get to be the king's fool, for will be i eternally satisfied, his tears t ii 'i rr. i. j I -ii r i i iV. x u.at oaicy is u.ix-uuy appncu iui will oe cuaugeu lur mumpua.n, eungs . . , . . , e,d ,n Wilrain-. by duuge locnrane, tnougii I Know l ot joy, ana his reward win be great to0 on Thauksgiving day over ;Bill was The groom above named is quite ao well known in different parts of North scarcely to be noticed, should he speak the of their -refusal to comply with the com- r...i: ttr.c nf P QQ truth. (Prof. Kingsley, 1838. p p. 85-6.) pkints made by two of their parishioners, Carolina. He ,s a son of Rev. S. S. No ouder tlfat rita8 pilcferred to becsusethe Ministers did not use theBook Murkland, who was, during the war, qaote from other authorities, and say that 0f Common Prayer, and adminbtersd, the the pastor of the Presbyterian church there are dozens of books written npou LonTg supper without the Ceremonies, and of Bethany, in Iredell county, and the Blue Laws, and scarcely. any f them refused to admit disorderlyypersons. quote from reters. liut l do not uow blessed society of the holy collected for the orphans. Arp'Waiits No "King. Qlii Wliowaiits a king ? I'm powerful maJ with the whole yanky nation. I: don't know exactly what Pm mad a-i buutaud I don't care, but I'm not mad enough to fight nor fool 'enough to n em with a king, i ney have, teen aggravating us a long time; amrhow their newspapers crow over aiuhbullrag' us and tell lies on usj uutlliea in a business way our. people I ecmtoet along pretty well withlcriii We il trade and traffic and joke to-l gctb4rwe buy their goods and they . buy ours, and our commercial rela- tion&are all pleasant, and if it wasn't - f. f.i!i1!A' J! i i t 1 1 - i me uuuucians noootiy wouiu Know tUre as any split uj iu the family. rolitics amt as big a thing as some Wks duuk it is. We like our lead! traantl ljoiior them as statesmen, bul Muscnt: expect us to cut up anc irotiiat:ithe mouth every time they slaiidered by some yanky editor If they 'get turned down in the spell "SP they, needent expect us to FK npour hats and quit school abou a SoniP nf niii TmIL-q m In KT ' ivino uiq -lit Ul am the best qualified to fill it. Then in the asrain we would have to have a nobil- nronhets and apostles, and in that of ity established and put over us; and the incarnate Son of God, who passed you would see Barron Crawford, and the same way to His glory. Thomas Sir Chap Norris, and Lord George S. Scott. Thomas, and.Eurl Hargrove circula ting in liveried' grandeur with heralds riding before them exclaiming: "Make way for his lordship's chariot." That would be delightful, wouldn't it? No, sir; nary king for me. As Mr. Shake speare said ! Let ns endure the ills we have ; Not fly to others, that we kuow not of. No man has a right to complain of bin lot, or of the times, or to call upon socie ty to help him until he has dono all he can to help himself by industry and fidel ty in the place and calling where he is. Aud he who does this will seldom I have cause to complain. ; j During the Emperor William's stay at Gastein an itintcrant conjurer was intro duced one evening to amuse the Kaiser and his suite, and brought down the dis tinguished house with his exordium to a trick, "Now if any one happens to have a The Latest Snake Story. A Pender county man, one whose word may ue reueu on, lens us 01 a cuiiuus . iiaDdke,cl,ief." circumstance of which lie was ah eye- , . ' .ai.c ., ij i He who spends his younger days m witness. .There was an, old dog on d5Mination is mortcajiinir himself to dis- the"preinisc of Mrs. Anti Howard, on ease and poverty, two iuexorablo credit- . I 1 3-H8 aurr PJ7 about getting on top. Our ton. will come after awhile. Historv SSdJ iToiomha PYfiln.1 'm forr-Ihl.r Dttns;not going to hurt 'em. He ' too UtfT' I - .... .1. i T A? mrifT no WO rt nm mm ?-l-'-'ie's a nigb tempered man and Mne reason he dulcnt go to Ch gM;iUe was afraid he might get madill n'f.l i f ; ouuueu auu iiirnoverin mpl( One of our" Bartoi boy utaown to your town the othe -tei the circus, and he1 was s ; Me4-with the concern he deter lo jine it. So he applied to th$ 7s,? pothered him, so much thai r'ine boss agreed to hire him o Topsa i 1 Sou nd , which had been sick and worthless for more than year, caused it is said, by snake-bites, he having been bitten six times, four times by rattlesnakes and .twice by moccasins, . Our informant, having heard all his life that a snake would foruTon the liver of a dbg which had beeiiftbitten, had long had. hU eye ou this old dog, determined to verify the saying, as soon aaLhe died. On Tues day of last weeK the old dog died and was cut; open, and sure enough there were found six snakes hanging wi th their mouths to. the animal's liver.; FoHrf-tlieso'Were rattlesnake and the other twowere moccasins, as was easily distinguished. One of the for mer was about eighteen inches long and rattles were beginning to form on its tail. We tell the story just as it was told-to us. -Wilmington Review. n i i Another Anniversary. YesLer dnv was the twentieth an ni versa v of .j ----- - the hanpin&r of John Brown, of Ossa - i "vs j D -v w iiiiii. I o O . ' fftgQt;him b currycomb and a paiaolf Avattime notoriety, at Charleston, Va. Ulg shears, and a file, and took him I A great many things have happened round to the Bengal tiger's cage, and since that day, and public opiniou in to?8 h?; "I'll eive voufiftv dollnraA ' particular has been in a measure rev- -. m t k i. j ti f - ; , of the sentence under which this brave old fanatic was executed has not been controverted, ,Tq do so, in fact would be to deprive society of those guaran tees and legal props and securities Which are needed to preveut disorder, and to permit the'taking of human life, as was done by Brown and his followers, on any pretext that men might chose steurrv Mm fh Hi claws three times a week ani '"rip pjethj whenever it becomes necl Jyl j'Thelast man 1 hired was a lUleareless, and the tiger jeat him ttPi S ynn Vill ha vn in !, ..Lrv t.1 suffering. rr. S"Mister,I dou'tthink this bust ,Qv ff1! 8ut me. I'm notskeeredby J 3.ns, but-I'm a very high tcmT -H jumn, janu I'm afrai jljlcnly mad and kill your ti to set up.Bq. Sun, 3c?.. to ore, who are certaiu to foreclose aud take possession of the premises "Come, doctor, its ten o'clock ; I think we had better be going, for it's time hon est folks were at home !" "Well yes," was the reply, "1 must be off, but you needn't go on that account." "You jnst take a bottle of 'myvmedi cine," said a quack doctor to a consump tive, "and you'll never cough a; 'It. is so fatal as that !" gasped the - con- uroptive. A writer on school discipline says Without a liberal nse of the rod it is im possible to make boys smart." .Those who sow wild oats are in danger of reaping a crop or nemp God had one Son on earth without i 1 . .i ..: v sin, but never vuuaui Augustine. . As no temporal blessing is good enough to be a sign of eternal elec tion: so no temporal affliction is'bad enough to be an evidence of reproba tion. Arrotcsmith. He that hath many things to trust to is in suspense which he should take hold of; but where there is but one left, with what greediness will be clasp hold of that. God cuts down worldly props that we may make him our stay. Charnock. - t No righteous man would, in his right mind, be willing to make an ex- chano-b of his smartest afflictions for a wicked man's prosperity, with all the circumstances attending. It can not, therefore, be bad with the "right eous in the worst condition. Quir nock. - , There arc momenta in the battle of life that rush past us, pregnant with vast result, which seized, may be the turning1 points of our everlasting safer 3 road is the road that leads to debt ; And thousands walk together there : Prompt payments find a narrow rut, itli here and there a passenger. who has ever since resided in Iredell couuty until about a year ago. NJ2WS ITEMS. The Excited Irish. ! Parxeli. AmmEssixa a Crowd rx Lon don Demonstrations OK THE 1 EOPLE in Ireland. A Father's Crime. New Haven, Dec. 4. A man named Upton was arrested yesterday in Ansonia for causing tire death of his infant. Ac cording to his wife's story he came home drunk a few nights ago and, quarrelling with, hurled a lighted lamp at her which fell into the cradle that I should be greatly dissatisfied that law' No. 19, which say sNo one shall trav el, cook victuals, make beds, sweep house, cut hair, or shave on the Sabbath day" should be Droven true. Of course works As to Connecticut, Bancroft says, 'Rog er Williams had ever been a welcome guest at Hartford; and 'that .heavenly man John Haynes, would say to him, I think,; Mr. Williams, I must now confess to youy that the most wise God hath proridttd and - cut out this part of the world, as a refuge, and of necessity and mercy were excepted receptacle, for all sorts of "T- from the law then, as well as now. With Connecticut.1(vol. 11. 57.) such exception, it might safely be endors- Douglas7 who is said to haveiiad- littl ed. ; Indeed there is an awakening inter- gympathy with the puritaiu, is quoted by est, just at this time, all over the land on Bancroft in a notCi as saying "I never heatl this subject of sabbath desecration, not of a persecuting spirit in Connecticut; iu only north, but in North Carolina, aud tU they art egregivusly atpcrsed." even in Texas. If the laws of our own But what patern of legislation, and What. gether. T.ivfimrtnl. Xoveinber li9. A mectinjr. 1 -- ...mi i.i.i.- the attendance, at which, was estimated at . sC win prooauiy uie. 15,000 people was held opposite St. George's Hall to-day. Paruell fully en dorsed the speeches for which the recent arrests in Ireland were made. He strong ly, denounced the action of tho govern ment, which he predicted would utterly fail in its object. Tho agitation against landlordism, he said would bo continued. Resolutions, moved by Par.iell, were car ried with enthusiasm, to the effect that the arrests are arbitrary, unconstitutional and calculated to weaken the confidence of tho people of Ireland in the im anl set fire to the clothinc over the T ih fl,1n,uni. f vf In,r;eh State, even of the last legislature, on this example of toleration had the Puritans . ot , ; ' , aC , subiect, and other?, were examined, it either New or old England, to guide them the names ner ciotning caugni nre anu . - . . . . . . 1eri8,atinir reSpectin2 the Book of Com- nermittinc judicial Uaislation. as freely mon Prayer ? T lived a few hours only. Upton and almost, as that objected to among the Pu- beth, entitled an his wife have been married two years ritaris, and as obnoxious, if "harshly" ad- Majesty's subject The act of the 35th ofEliza- net "to retain the Queen's ects in their due obedience," ,! luve hitherto lived happily to- J" Md execuu-d a, to .eit ed HX" venuui, receuuj miu.c ,u vuUCvu- refu6e t) repair tQ gome b cut. Nor is this awakened interest con- chapel, or usual place of common prajr,l fined to "Connecticut's whimsical old Pu- hear divine service estallislud by her Majes- ritanism," or even to this continent; some ty't lavs and statutes, in that behalf made; i i k rrn.i..,i nMnr-.. or shall advisedly or maliciously move or even in the church of hugland, are areas- ade otJher whatsoever; to ed. Lord Shaftesbury, the Bishop of Lon- forUear or abstain from coming to church- tUn Un'ttnA fiffltoa llfl Aan IrUrl hof don. Mr. Samuel Motley, several members to hear divine service, or to receive the com. . I b.i;.m.nf .ui. t finnrmnn nnil munion accordinif to her Ma.iestv7s laws and .9 T" w - 1 m M 11 I a AUibll WW m Hll Aim umb mwmm m 1 . the: V lrgmia law agaiust marriages between blacks and whites, was un- paruancy 01 , r - The papers in all directions in the South have committed an error in statin? that the Sunreme Court of - e constitutional. t)ni;.m.nf witli lr Sunrcmnn. find i.tA-r.t f iv-.w.n Pinf.r. statutes; or be present at any unlawful tmem- btio i.i,u. UU. eontenlides or meet m a, undercolor or ence. and numerous other bishops and m r nn iM t Pinion nmtmni . r. - tytw,!, vj J 1 if Hie U. D. bupreme ieadcrgi civil and religious, have recently to her Majesty's sa'ul hius and statutes? and tl. iu ami that th irovernment which ..... . c Vna mmla nn ennli 1otioirkn Vkil f I RA:nAlr luiifinn tltA f!nmmnn f!nnn squanders the bioou ana treasure o. u. - .. - r v..j . .T,Vt" .. committed to orison, there to remain with- AMinle in uniust wars abroad, while mis- rrranted a Writ ot terror so that the cil or lnaon against opening uuum.au ntii th ,111 eon- 1 ,r "1 " . o I .. n ...... i . I - I - j - being thereof lawfully convicted "shall be- highest eify and famine are unrelieved at home, qUCStion can be tested in the stands condemnea m tne eyes oi au ngnv ; Colirts 2)cl. niinded and thoughtful men. I innegan, Obstructionist, member of Parliament ior A car loaj of horses from one of the Wes tinuis, spoke strongly denouncing the tern gtates recently arrived at a station on coverumeut. There was no uisturnance, the Camden Branch of the South Carolina Railroad. On unloading the car a hen was discovered in one corner sitting on a nest containing thirteen eges. All the horses . . - t .... attl- u,c in tho rr and tliv had traveled a jong way, but it was found on ex a mint ion that not a smcrle cirff was broken. It was C7 f i- close quarters for the old hen, but she did not seem to mind it any more than if she was quietly sitting in a chicken house. Library on the Sabbath; alledging among f aD(i iejd themselves, to come to some other reasons that the arguments for open- church, chapel or usual place of common ing libraries on Sunday, are equally strong prayer anu near uivme service, accoruiu The offender not conforming, was oblige "to abjure the realm," and "if he returned with- for the Sunday opening of numerous other places of amusement, as the aqnariums, the concert rooms, and the operas, and 1 out her Majesty's special license in that be The authorities have taken strong pre ointinnit. A conniiittec at a prior meet ing had issued an appeal to the Irish firm but peaceful to maintain tude. 1 There was a torchlight procession com posed of 4,000 persons at Kilrush, Couu ty of Clare, last night, which was w it nessed by an immense crowd, who cheer ed the prisoners, and O'Donovan Kos sa. A great demonstration by unemployed laborers hs taken place at Ballina Coun ty Mayo. that if it be right for men to work in a pub- half, hall be adjudged a felon and shall ,. ,., o Vi n suffer as incase of felony, without benefit lie library on Sundays, it cannot be wrong 0f".iv for them to work in a shop or factory." For '0 conforming to these requirements, Thus, even, the Episcopal church has Henry Barrow, William Dennis and John made advances from what it once was; Greenwood, a Minister, were put to death ; - , , B CI ml nftMi nfllirts His noonlef i . ..V- i.! ti. Wlirmns if we let them go. the bring Uiem nearer aim wrefij uicm y , . nearer to Himself, to make earth less harvest will be past, the summer wi L the general dident go to attractive and heaven more jdesira- be ended, that we shall not be savcu. a 0 heap better to stay ble, 'if M Cumming. The Dead Demockact. It is interest ing to read tiliei piueral discourse ( which are so often preached by the opposition over the body of the Democracy. After every election in which it sustains a re verse, its enemies deliver their funeral orations with alt gravity, aud it is exhil arating in a high 'degree, after all these obituaries, to see this organization coaie up.smiling at efery election and scare the orators welfnigh to death. From the vitality which it has a fashion of exhibit ing, it might be judged that this body ha a morbid disinclination to death, aud it must be nothing short of disgusting to the Republicans to have a party which they bury safely out of sight after every reverse, return to plague them at the election next succeeding, CTtarfotff. Ob server, h i On Friday last, Edmund Lowry, aged about 16 years, son of Wm. Lowry, near Smith's Turnout, in this caunty, died of ty phoid fever. Soou after tle death occur red, the mother of the deceased was stand- ! 7 nor would that church appear so well, as Veritas shows it, if its history was faith fully written. That history would bear out the assertion of a profound student and thinker, that if the Puritans had "hard and bitter elements of character, they had hard and bitter acts of oppres sion to develope them;" and no power was more potent, and better than that of the church of Eusland. Let us take an inst- I i . 1. 1 2 ing near the fire dressing a boil on her hus- ance, wnicu too piaco .miu.., band's neck, when her clothing caught on ceedmg uie immigration oi v ir.,ttru.. fire With much difficulty the flames were to this country, which was partly te rea- subdued, but not before both were so badly '.son of that immigration; and which would burned as to render them unable to attend justify, if any thing could, the Sabbath 4 Via fnn0i ne thoir o YorkTiile En law .which Peters dendes. i, II lUUVlUI vr v w " quirer. :"A Fool's Ebrand."- Is not this the fill a nf Judire Tounree's latest! We think It is. At all events the Louis ville Courier Journal has rather a moder ate oniuion of it. as witness tho follow ing : Halloo in his constitutional history of England, says: "But James I or some of the bishops to whom he listened, bethought themsel ves that this might serve as a test of Pu ritan ministers. He published, accord- in air. n declaration, to be read wthe churches, permitting all lawful recreations on Sunday after divine service, such as daneiua. archer u. May-games and tuorrice- dances, aud other utual sxrts; but with a- prouioitiou i uear-uiuitug uu uvun "- No recusant, or any one j "A Fool's Errand" is an anonymous political story of some ability, but of awfai Barnes. little literari' merit. It is bigoted' and who had not attended the Church-service, irialignant, betmying a small mind pain wa& entitled to this privilege; which might I . Iu nnai1.l na a luinntr nn filly w.nd, . MM prejn.Il. bitter HJSKTta. Ai 1 U MTnoDiST fjoxFURXCE. The North Carolina Conference meets to-day at Wilsou; Bishop Wightmau, Carolina, will preside, ! hatred to the Soutli and a reckless disre gard for truth or honesty. The ouly thing that can be said to the writer's cred it is that he was not so utterly lost to all sense of shame as to be willing to put of South '.name on the title page of his qnscrupuioua Work, - no such view. To his cynical temper, Mav-iramesand morrice-dances were Imrd- I Iv tolerable on six days of the week; they and a great many poor families were utter ly ruined, by Jines and imprisonments. Those executed "made a very godly and pious end, praying earnestly for the Queen and the 8tate," being convinced that their persecution and death lay at the door" of Whitgift. the Bishop of the .Epucopal church, and his co-religionists, rather thatt ; at that of the Queen herself. For publish ing a book called Zion's Plea, in which the Queen was called "a daughter of Heath, and the Bishop's persecutors of God's people, Dr. Alexander Leigbton was sentenced, af ter degradation to have his nose slit, and his ears cut off, to be branded in the face, whipped at a post, to stand in the pillory, to pay ten thousand pounds fine, and suffer perpetual imprisonment; all of uhvrk mis ex ecuted in, Ou most rigorous manner. The Doctor lay in close prison ten or eleven years, till he wss released by the Parlimcnt, in the year 1C40, aud was then found to be in such deplorable circumstances, that he could neither walk, see nor hear." But further During the two and a half years, Drl Wren was Bishop of Norwich, atioye fifty godly,' faithful preaching Miinsters wereexcommu- nicated, suspended, ucpnvea or otnerwise censured, in his dioccss, to the undoing of many of them, their wives and children.' And for what ! "For not reading4bc sec ond service at the communionJable, set Al-ter-wise; for not reading the Book of spo-ts; a ' i - A were now recommended for the seventh, for using cLceivea prayer oeiore anu aaer mulcated in the church itself. Iti.inaeed illegal innovations, iutrmluced by him and ' difficult to explain so unnecessary an in- nw omcen. adu doi " W It on the precise cicrgy.uut uy supposing "- --o - ' tli 1-1 f : H m-i f h - a- i. s Si ,!- . ;':,rv -; r! si ill it IS i .ill m t, f; i 'v

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