1 KEW TEK3IS. 3Q the subscription I'"" V1 w" .? l t.id in advance, - $1.50 1 Jaynient delayed 3 months, 2K 1 U ilaviueiit delayed 12 mouth, 2j5U fe i lifc Salisbury Da Hy j-JVciff bade ad ien ft Iatrv Tltni silay last, j If Tfiere ire rumors or a new. p iper io oe of an . - . iL jfotfrk campaign Tdieet for the repu it-- . ! ' If iijMarshUiinchine shops have been I i n.j tlif usual amount of work if reran cu, - 1 dune. U MThti cotton market m sun nn-n goou .Ml J V 1 ! coiui"K "' every day, and the pi ke ' ;j02r50 aiiid Mill looking up. 7 jg j," .: ' - -o- :.- f kttrlAun challenge at public test pit ; .'$!jhW; .-! See tiiin iu his Spreading adver lUcnieut and then try him at hi stoie. ivS- E Poisoxeu. A colored cou n t ry -":!un'J dog came out of oue of the fchops ri&Ui tok! Sntimlayi aud fell down in iii itreetiid died in a few minutes. $tHcluio kills a dog in a very few Bjiuutr. 0ta Dats Paying (Jut. Mr. Jame B.'Lnnier, of thin place, had a inn on fcljahtst Sat iu day, and paid out $13X;b. ti mm wart art hour High when our . v p ine8ig' WdVand U" wan n'tiil paying Ippund Oil last Saturday iu front of Ivsruian Shoe store, - a lady's Oolrt ififrast Pin, with a coral set By calling g ihiii office a " d , pay i n g for this n ot l ce ijiWuer can get the IMn. -o- ICood Wiiistlixo. During this pleas afit Weather, liarker's canaries have been dilajed in the front of the Dt ug Sftre. 1m birds are all god singers Buy your bird. - - f Mr. D. J-. Isriugle has ieen -re-nonunraw ' t ijor the : posit ionjtf Post iaster'at this Mr. B. has been holding the office . fdy wine years, and we believe gives gen eral atifactiou. -o- Jlie Rev. Dr. Biklo preached to a Urjie cougrcgatjon iu Uie Lutheran church t this place, Sunday night. Subject : thVjcondeficendiug attitude of God to wardii the ruined ninncr, as showu iu.the lifchap. uf Irtah. ' tlie Doctor has resigned Ids pastorate ofUit i luirch in Concord. r-1 ; ! ' ' : o 7 ttianixp. A' little boy in this place bul a pneksge ofowder oat of which he wii expecting ,4lots of tfnn.,T He opened ml laid it down andtiien getting down tlj tjo it; commenced --blowing a 00a f jttetch it off." It went unex . pociedly, and came irtar putting oiit his eyH. ! He'll kuow all about it next time. I j ' Enoch vilJe Items. urL Kinirod (Washinirton Orercasl i pn'i ,lome anotiier wihl turkey last S.fu.lay; 'Mv has non killed two hundred ;ikturkeya, not counting a nunfber that heilcd and afterward founds dead. We Joji'lbtjlieve he can )e heat in the county. 1 -2 : I - 1 " T pernjHiait In Ue State. iCiUose, sulTcis sev'crelv from a cur in ih)t rective(l one day last weak with an ul whilo clmping wood. cforUago the almanac, February will lo .., ; j .'V- .1 -. lilt; . ejvttr ocrur lefore or will it ever occur Jgfiit ?irso, whsn? 4 ::jjbVlJvinr, Ph;toiaphcr, js l,erc rfd reuifim a few days ufenre tviniium m n.rt t-r .rlAksmitht Shoemaker, Carriage and i TJ1WKr ae-.tiecdtftl .here now.-. Vacant Nt4jh the place can he rt-ntel 011 easy teruij TEXAS. OK.s,tCAS'ArNAVAuno County, 'I'. - , . ivi-tuUt' 17 1 a?o t.r fa-jbilttor,: For -several inonths past I Mv-j iM-o lnteiidiiig to wi-iie.you abort Sl'' tl,is S eat State, and mk Iwrticntirly of this count v. JfWated fnnu the county jnst nnith JDavie)in the fall of 1377. an I. wMitectly to this city where I la;ei ai vaU ? 1 iyj b LJ Sta,e a i.v future home, I ("JftMd 4 Itrnttdeal said bv those w!io "Ifisited tijia ciKuitry, and bv foreign P'l? (concern itiir rh ,.;, ... .1 "W did di,i(i vantages of this State. I ntor the past two ears been tudi wiobwrviug the various advantage 7.t'Si,,ne!grant derivesiby settling in WMMLi1fe ' hieon veiiieuVe which he ? IPinter1 consequent 'upiui tliiw ?l cV'Watively a new country, &e., 'V'1 H"iyel at myconclusions tnT iA,aTiu Muister motives m'at.aodbiac-d by .no individu-ien.-st, neither present nor prospect- . . v -r iirco . iiiiiii wirimiir. t 4 r,;in ori if.. r........ v.. .l . ?. . faccuaed of playing the part of a uuder Th J J cori-eaponucnt. - HiP ? " woo leau an -agriculture rftiVcmutry iu tlie world can boast taiah?1 fr.orl,uore ;P-ve soil 'l3ifef l:-hVe';tue blilck v lou vV dt atl(f4n fact "evty species of . -2j,W"JtPe student, of future. 37thiat-,,a? betweetithe 26th and i'?111 North ititade, and con CI1 !t,V0!?e8siu a -fiwat "variety of 4 Vecan ral,MJ the varioas grains rfproiluced . by soil of colder cli- fruitJkT. -u a8 the various' trop cal Pun 1 pbZ , ; . wrm uopiciii re- tJl .nd of Northern Texas sit- Wthe tier of counties '.bordering on fiSj?r PwWn from 20 to 35, busliels . wat per acre, from 50 to 75 bushels i tl::wraT,ous small gmins Wftioo, aul from to 1 UlNif Pt ra,? t,i08c,n ui-theru Texas, ex aehS ' ' t" aTe -UM! 8ulgect .ro rSr'V cn iM'rncre is an " i. ... . wauu , wmmm I m ecially along the Biae)S Biv- 1f!lf:C libera T exa, from Wa- ... v-v.it i mciirii niifi ini i-rin. tropical fruits. While in Western Texas wbere as yet, the lands are but very sparsely cultivated, pasturage is plentU till, and horses, and cattle are raised the thousand, subsisting wholly on the prairie grass. They roam over the green prairies in great herds until grown, and ..Dluu,urnui fo ne xistern and North ern utaiKets ior;sianglii above named are geiien iy running streams in great abundance tne stream?. Thus you see, our State is di vide rided into iwo regions. Grande, produce tbe variousaiusaboveland TarvtrTr?' ,ssrs. MeCorkle mentioned as tvell as an abundance offiV!.1 Solicitor ? and timber is found . . Y.mu 1- ' 14tt,:Iafi,1 along the bankfi ofk r.:i i"l,ul f .j. UM.: II. The cattle region, bounded by thdiXfr i U wa. lone; after, but Indian Territory ou Ui- , 'n..ir .?e,,l "is partieipatJou iu it. Snul wi ueiico niui tne i:io Uinn.U ,. uaZZ " "'"u l" u so, unt fteeliiiMl. outu ; me lirazqs m er on the oast, nnd " , -"ani , witn it. don't New ..Mexico; and the Kia Gnd on tlS V "V? ttIV ,l.oub.t of hi wer. j ! Ty' t1. M.L.McCorklend Navarro County Is situated in i!?e hrAt&rU?XV '" We,"'ldimeuted by of Central Texas and is One of the , i"hS t f1' manner in wbieb theV cpnntiesin the State, it is well watered !i S duty , impedou them by by several streamM unniug though it l?w V1' ? : ' M. ii mil west to least ami -iiiptytg-iuto tho : . -v 1 v 1 1 inity 1 1 vei which borderslt on the t:at;4 ' cpoierence Appointments. 1 imber is pk-utlfiil undlaud ischeo. - u ..im inallv b. uZZ Z lie annual MtIio.list iv - . i in-ill. i i'hu niri' iu t . sip.irTVii.es and Noriltl Caroli,I!i. f?s at Wi!son' N.'.'du IU .lie I IiaiU-tVnl tlli.r. lll'iKnuu. u a id ,int; Uigeiit potle. This fact :s illus liated by tiie political completion ot the inhabitants. Our county gives a umjoi i-' ty t 3,5tK) Demociatii-, and there i only mivhu? rrpvutuaHS lit the county, who in co-optiraiion v ifh the African ele- tueut oj t he count v. rutiol ii ut! tin. !.-. Luiiul ian be piirvi.a.H, d in Mi.y portion ot the fetate atreM.aUIepiitvs-tai.-ing lr m to $Jo M-r ayif ti iaiprtvt l, ui:d ir.mi uucts. tO:S4.00toi iuiliipjJed ImWr. T pus, from i to i cahh, balahjce jn horn iv jrauv; lnsiainneuts. Uian ii,: lioio to 1 pet cent, luteins p-r ii;.i unt. The land lith s iu the State j,re uot-ueu- eral y very well i t h d, attributable u:- Iiabiy to the loosu jmd uulnt.inef48 like uianner in which the .original giants were made and located,! resulting in 'conflict of survey lines,-&c. The unsettled tate of the laud titles may alexin u iueasnre be attributed to the operation of the "(Jn at Land Fraud Schemers," who have attract ed so much attention both within and without this State. This company it seems, jndginjr from' iccrin legislative luvesiuratioji- wjistnrni. ed in Kansas City Mo., some (10) years ' ago, with, the great laud pirate, J. It. Hani, foiiis leader. Aware of the unset- ...if r- " i c- - -- . i tied state of affairs, both social and irov ernuiental, which existed in this St ate at that time, wheif our State and iumniciiial i goyerninents were undergoing the trying "":; " uiiuiarv 1 uie, wiui ine tuiaiuoiis ana piratical t,. J. Davis at the head of affairs, this cotupany knew that here they won Id be sucefssfu I in ' thel r4 nefarious work, "and, no dortbt, having the hearty co-operation of tlieJ de facto g(vernmenr, during the short period of ten years forg ed titles, to 1, 000,000 acres of the best lands in the State,; owned priiiciiially by non-resideuts, and orphan heirs, haviug no one to guard their interests! But soon a new and brighter era flashed upon us. The Republicans, Davi and his regime, were at leugth driven from the capitol by Ithe votes of the true yeo men of Texas, whose" fidelity to the cjiuso of freedom has'hecu so ften tried, and as often proved true and steadfast. Demo crats were then placed in office, with Coko for Ooverner and Hnbberd for Lieut. Gov ernor. And before three years had elaps ed this whole fniudleut scheme was un veiled by' vigilant Democratic officials. Ham and a great number of his confeder ates have been tried, convicted and iu c ircerateTI as they defierved. j Our State owns an immense quantity of iinlocated lands. When she entered the Union it was agreed I that she should re tain title to her; public lauds, I hence the general government has no control over them. We have a verv: liWral homestead law, under which the head-of a family mav neon ire title to IfiO neies of ltid hv years residence, and single men 80 acres. 9ur siciety here, suffice-it to say, is as goml an in any other State! The laws are fearlessly administered by efficient and aute omeers. unr cities ana towns are well built, and i have the adrautages of educatiiuial and religions teachinrs, with officers to pr:tec't their citizens in their legal llgjits. X . . t- 1 ca"nht closerwithout referring to the unprovoked and slanderous assaults that have been "made on Texas by n number of foreign newspapers, aird disclosing the motives thatjmnnpted them in so doing. 1u a recent pablication of the Chicago li'iouie weu lid; tins ; passage concerning Texas: "Society is. sucb tltere, aud the law so loosely and administered, that a wise northern niau vill keep away from Texas. ! We find again in nn editorial onTexns a similar passage 111 a late issue ot the Inter-Ocean. Another noted specimen of the new spaper enemies of Texas, is the St. Louis (Jlobe Democrat. It Mjems to lie a labor nf love Avitii that paper to malign Texas. Every crime committed in t he State thai it can sift a iu account of it ex aggerate and rolls as Irsweet. uioirjiI un der its venemons tongue. Although it has heretofore -received a gtiod patrtmage in this State, aiwl has gotten liberally of our trade, yet its chidest di light seems to be to flaunt its glaring head-lines of foul accuat ions ami its membicious tnoathiiigs of blander against our people iu their ve ry taces- We bave uoticetl ther papers equally as liujiut a 'these, and while they are generally republican iu politic, and of the bitter partisau kind, yet we should regreat that political considerations, because Texas gives largo Democratic majoiities, actuates them. These wil ful and malicious enemies of Texas can have their poison neutralized by showing to the! public their motive in so doing, which ;is, that they are retained by Kansas and Nebraska emigration com panies, which can Ikj proved by competent-testimony to the satisfactiou of any candid mind. Respectfully, E. O. Call. Taylorsville Letter. Deceubxr 5th, 1 879. Alexander Sunerior Court is in session this week. Judge Scheuck jiresidiug a large crowd is irj atten'dence. Tbe State Docket occupied tbe court up to this writing entirely.! I The State c W. C. Teaguefor theTkill 1ug of Anderson Denny, colM,' la4 April, has just been tried,! occupying two jdays. The jury retired! Jast night at 8 o'clock, and returued a verdict tins TOorning of 'Guiltyof Manslaughter" sentenced to the peuiteutiary or 10; years. ; A jury is nowbeiug -made up for the trial of Joe Gillespie as - accessory to the ninrder of ynij ti. rowier, at Alooitf tille,- Iredell couuty, whieh caw ira txKr i , . Atkmi and Me.,ri RffiC Burkhead for th i.r.,;l " "?ej ana We notice in attendance of tbe Bar, tie- des our resident la wyers Messrs. Liuuey Me and Lane, the following LntlI. . ("vovvillivu. rs. judgo.Furches and T Turner" of Vilkeboro; Messrs. Folk nnd rI. i " J V !w,er: aturlay tenced to be hanged 30tli Jau'y 130, at inuuueu lotatenville jail uw niaue a talk before admitted Ida know I. committing the mnr Conference was in ring the past Wee. Ii:sh:)0 Wi'stititinn nri.lln . . I. I.. brs Closed Monday evening last, at hkh tmie. tne .fodowing list of : appoinUments were read to the public:' BALK!U'I DISTRICT. Ker.-S H d wiisouj Preilillng Elder. r'.1'"-. mo W S Black. Person Strtet, , holesvtiii- L Sbell Sinliatleld, P L ben - Tar uiver w H ;.;oo erraan and J T Flnlaysoh. oore. ' Yoa?vli;e, T B Kecks. JLoui burg St itioa, W c Norman. Oxford, J T Mbbs. t;rinvtt:.-..J i 1 liora, son. t"Q4r a, L.J 1 oIJoq. Pldsroway, us -.etn. - Nisivllle, JTL.ox Wl;son circuit, W L Cunnlnjfiara. Halcls'a Christian Aui'ocate, W 8 Black and P Reld. f HILLSBOW DISTRICT. o Aaams, Presiding: Elder, illllsboro SUUon, J 11 v. lieoler. fclli&boro circuit, E A Stone. Orange, II 11 Gibbons. Durbain, F II ood. Chapel 11m. J f iieitman. wuu. Leasburj, K A Willis. Yanpyvliie, L II Glbbona. Alaoiance, K M Brown. Uaw Klver, W M Jordon. University of North Carolina, A W Mangum. GREENSBOHO DISTRICT. v a uooDitt, Presiding Elder. Greensbop) St a, tlon, D R Bruton. J c Thomas, Sim i uuiuord, EH Edwards. Pleasant Garden, P L Groom . Frankllnsvllle, L E Thompson. . Randleinan's station, B C Philips. Randolph, C II Philips. , Trinity, B Craven. Thom.isv111e and Ulgh Point, C c Dodson. Lexington, T s Campell. Davidson. M c Thomas. Wlntoi, P J CAMway. Forsy the, M J nunt, S P Duglas. Stotes, T II Pegram. Madison, J W Lewis, Dan Klver Mission, J Johnson. Wentworth, V A S'airpe and W S Halea. Trtntty CoUege, B Craven, President. Agent for Trinity Coi;ege, J B BobbllU SALISBURY DISTKICTT R G Barrett, Presiding Elder. Salisbury Station, J J Renn. Salisbury circuit, W S Creasey. Moore3vIlle, J T Harris, Statesvllle fctaUon, B Rrllall. Statesvllle circuit, T L Triplet. Moiksvllle, T A Coon and W C Wilson. Davie, J C Rowe. Iredell, M V SherrlU. Alexander, "J P Simpson. Little River, A Carson, i . Hunting Creek Mission, A Ii Long. Yadfcihville, S D Peerer. Mt. Airy, N E Coletrane, J Wilson. Surry, S J McCloud. Pilot m., M Foy. Wilkes, E J Udally. . Roaring Klver. J F Craven. Lenoir circuit, J S Ervlng. Caldwell circuit, J C Crisp. 8BELBT DISTRICT. J S Nelson, Presiding Elder. Siielby and Sing's Ml, W D Le. Shelby clrciUt, J C Ilarueu. Double Shoals, C A. Gault. . Cherry .Mt., J V Pewett. RutherfordxonR F Bumpass. Llncolnt", J W Jentlna. 1 " Coluoilris, W B Maness.1 Morgftnion and Marlon, 3 W Wheeler. South 3tt.; 3 W Jones South Foit, jr'V Callahan. ' Upper Broad Mver, F 3 Uoot. Morganton circuit, S W Jlogh. McDoweU, C G little. I Happy Home, J B Carpenter. Iliskorf , C M Anderson J ' . ? Xewtoa, P F W- stamcj. KocK Sprjigiij G W I vey, CHABL0TTX DISTSICT. M L '.VoodU Presiding Elder. Charlotte, Tyron street, A A Boshtmer. Charlotte, calvary mission, 3 E Thompson, North Charlotte, V J Croson. South Charlotte, W 1 Ppyle. Plaevllle, 1 E Stacey. Dallas, 3 B A If or 1. Pleasant Grme, UTU Stevenson. Moaroe Station, 3 II Gunn. Monroe Circuit, J B Bailey. Concord station, 11 P Cole. Concord circuit, E L Earnhart, , Mt. Pleasant, Z Rush. ! A Ibemarte, t? M Pepper. ' Staaly, J D Carpenter. ' Ansonvllle, J X Cole. Yv'adtsboro, V s Roan. Wadesbjro, circuit,) J Brent. Lllesvllle, T W Guthrie. ; . FA TETTE VILLK EIBTBICT, L L Hendren. Presiding Elder. Jonesboro High School, W M Robey, FayctfvlUe, L W Crawford. Cumberland, G W UardLwn. Lumberton, D May. Lumberton. ' Robeson. 3 3 Cardea. i Laurinburg, J W North. RocklngSam station, II T Hudson. Rockingham circuit, P Greening, Mt. Gilead, 3 Wheeler, j . Pekln, C M Gentry. ! Uwharrle, M W Boyles. ; Montgomery. F L Townsend. . Carthage, A P Tyre, . Jonesboro, J F Round. U Buckhorn, J R Scroggs I W A vent, Lllllng-Cbn mission, W S Chaffing TVlpi IKGTOJi DISTKICT. L S Burkhead, Presiding Elder. I wumtngtcn, front St., A Tates; FJftft at, T P Rlcard. . - TopsaU. W I Hull. . Duplin, A D Bells. " J Clinton, 3 SanfortL Cokesbury, Bishop, k - Coharrte mission, D Culbreth. Bladen, J TlUett. Elizabeth, M II Moore. Wbltevllle, 3 W RandaL i Waccamavr mission, N A Hooker, I SmlthvOlo station, n F Wiloy. Brunswick; T J Brownings Onslow, B M McCalL 1 'f' New Elver mission, to be supplied, viir lESxe PisTucr. wipaa Clos, rresiias 5?t. 1 Lie n oir. ' 3i ml ir....i.i- . T7 . ' rr, ""viu. uotiiaioi iui New Berne. J a OoMsboro, J T Basweil. " " Tuaun, i a. jua&niaglianv Wayne; SMJarney., -. OoLis&OTO circuit, A 3 Flalaysoo. Mount Ollre, J It Haley." : ,-" '.JQoston; r b sWlnHelL " - - fx- r. 8" Hin,;w itcau ana D A W'atHas- ' Nease. J SUnoaey.., i : XAQiaoze, j i t Wychfl. ' iy r h 8w, creetrr p Bonner. J .' t " r i Craven, WPMcCorUe.- V- ' p Jones, wepuckett: ! - - Beaufort, K C Beamaa. Carteret, J EBrtstow, . Pamlico, H Farrow. , . Pitt mlasloa, WJ Gay. - , F saoll's mission, J o OutUrte. - fV' " e i, WA8HWOTOX DUTEICT. 4 l J E Mann; Presidlng'Eiaer." - -I Warrea and Macon, A U Itavei. " 1 Warren circuit, W C Gannon. -I -Boanoke, i o Burton, ! .' ' "' f Welloa and HaUfax, J M liaodea.". ' . n uaWax circuit, 3 d Bute - L&wt Halifax. c mc 1 Tarboro, J D Arnold. j Edgecombe; J it Andrews. T 1 South Edgecombe, J tc Griffith. - i wnjumston, W' H Watklna. - Robinaon, 3 U Jenkins, r GreeavUle, L L Nash, j ! Washington, W B Doub. 6 ' " " - j- f Piymouta, s M Davis, j : " ;i5 I Columbia, T L lloyle. j 1 .... "v, Vf ' i Bath, E v Hoover. l ' T ? tMatUmoskeel, i U Cordon;" : " Portsmouth, J M Luuxley. 3 CC Harris, transferred to Pacific Conference, i The sum - l 2,i4 wasndsed for the purpose of re- Beving Trinity College of; Its ladebtedness. All joiueu in l4gliiK tire ddxology, the benedlc-i tion was pronounded by;the Bishop, and we parted some for joy. some for ibrroW'oaie-for Hfe. smn toroeath. I j . .. -w M r ; Tlic CTeiifiits. 1 Kalelgh Observer i .For the puqosc of taking (he census the different States are divided in districts, to each of which a supervisor is assigned. These districts will tlien be divided into sirtiNdistricts containlhg not nj ore than fjur thonsand inhabitants' eaeh. a' cording tothe census of 1870. The .appointments in everv case to be nnn-p.inis:iii. titer' are to le made with reference to quaMfii an'oijis. ; Npi th CHjolina is divided ijnto four super visor's distrietr, as follows: j ; First District Beijufort. Bertie, Camden, Carteret, Chowan, Craven, Currituck, Gates, Greene, Hertford, Hyde. Jotvk Lenoir, Mar tin, Pamlico. PaHqtiotank, Perquinimans, PitfcTvrrell and Wiisliintfod counties. Seteond district -Alaiuaqee, Caswell, Chatham, Davidson, Davie Edgecombe, Forsyth, Franklin, Granville, Guilford, Ilal- . 1 ilax, Iredell, Johbston, Nash, Orange, Person J Uandolph, Xorthampton Rockingham, Rowan, Stokes, Wake, Warren, Wayne, and Wilson counties. Third district Anson, Bladen, Brun- swick, Cabarrus, Catawba, Columbus, Cumberland, Duplin, -Gaston, Harnett, Lin- coln, Mecklenburg, Montffofnerr. Jloore. ew nanover, Onslow, Pendir. Richmond, . -1 ' . . Robeson, Sampson, Stanly, and Union coun- tics. The fourth district embraces the remain- ltg counties in the State. FORTY-SIXTH CONGRESS. Av Asnixc.TOX, December 9. House. Ponnd of Wisconsin, introduced a joint resolution proposing an amendment to the institution pioviuing that after the 4th of March, 1335, the ; Presidejit and Vice- President shall hold I heir offices for six years, and shall be ineligible for more than one term consecutivelv. and that . i I member of Congress shall be elected foH three years. Referred. The Speaker then; proceeded to the call of States for the bills of reference. I Under a call of the States about three hundred bills wero introduced, most of them of a private character.1 Amongtho.se of a general public interest were the fol- lowing: i By loney, of Louisiaua declaring cer- t'n kiud of matter ummailalde and de- ftinng the dutiea of the postmaster gener- ai iu connection therewith. I his lull was prepareu uy nie law officers ot the post- office department, arid emlHKlies the views of that department with regard to lottery questions. Hy Oroode, of lrghna, to aid the edn- cation of the colored race bv a pnronria- on for that purpose of unpaid bounties and pay colored soldiers. By Feltoti, of Georgia, for the admis- sion ol Peruvian oaiK and all prepara- tions thereof free of duty. Bv Wood, of New Yrki to amend the awt relating to internal revenue, It pro- vides for an allowance of a drawback on all manufactured tobacco, Included iu the are ajso those by the Calon, which arriv provisiona of the act of March 1st, 1879, ed yesterday. No arrangement has yet which drawback shall equal in value the amount by which the tax paid on such tobacco exceeded the tax of sixteen cents per pound now imposed.! By Felton,of Georgia, t6 protect innocent persons tioin cniui-'iai pnisecutions. it I provides for the repeal of section 1,022 of he Revised Statutes in order to prohibit the use of criminal information in crimi- nal prosecutions, aidi gives .every crimi nal the right of trial tinder regular indict ment by a duly empanelled grand jury. By Myers, of Indiana, to retire nation al bank notes and substitute United State Treasury notes therefor. By Warner, of Ohio, for the appoint- rnent of a select committee to investigate ! . . i . the questious relating to jnUr-State com- Thursday in a state of total disable ...m, I lueut. Nearly all her crew daring the Wood, of New York, offered a concurrent resolution providiuc for an adjournment of Congress from December 23d to Janu arv 6th. 1 I After an amendment making the date of adjournment 19th insUnt iostead of tbe 23d, it waa agreed to, Senatk. Bayard, from on finance, reported back the committee the Senate bill for an interchange of subsidiary silver coins, amTmoved its indefinite jmstpone went. So ordered. Also the Senate bill to authorize the secretary of the treasury to issue ten millions dollars of 4 per cenf. , bonds for the payment of arreara of ep- lions, and asked its indefinite jiostpone- munf Rn nrii'tf. ! ! The Vice-Presidei.t laid before the Sen- , . jte aeomrounicatiou frura the posmapter-1 General transmitting a letter from the I jitant poarmasttr-general callini? .tteii asi uonto the n&ciency o the.flpproprfa. U?nJ in!an1 wail transportation for the present fiscal earewmniending'tUV " u"'"s uouars ue re-appropriated out f unexpended balances pf former ap proprhitiou for that purpose during the list four years,, which Lave, been covered into the treasury aud be made available! to meet necessities uf the serviced Rejerl ierretl to the eoiumittee on appropiratious5 , un motion of Davis, of, West Vkgiuia the resolution heretofore submitted. bv him; calling on the secretary of tne tfeas4 ury for a statement by J Stated of the, amount paid out of the treasury since It?CG on claims growing out of the late war. w taken up. , Pending the discussion the; morning noar expired and the resolution went over., " :"' "" "' ';'' v '""j On mbtiori5 of Davis of Illinois, at' i .'Oj, the Seuate went into executive sessioni The Senate, in executi vo session, Uiis af ternoon, con iirmedthe nomination of ect retary McCrary, t6 be Uui'ted State 5udge for the Eighth Circuit, without debate or division. !' - f -".v;-- . Wben tlie dixrs were re-opened at 1.30, the Senate udjounied until to-utorrow. J Work on the Western Insane Aavhini building, at Morgauton, lias oecu sus pended until spring. ' ' This time it is in Wilson county. A negro family went away from 'home, leav ing the child alone, aud it way burned up wun uie ouildiug. I The .Wiljiiington Star is an avowed heretic on the subject ofceutenarians, apd s t.vs : if a man really 141 years old could U found, be wMildUe. woitli a million dollars to the exhibitor." The Blue Hidgs niaA'e says the chest nut crop in the mountains is the best ever known, and a great inauv people aret killing tneir hogn in Uie wools, where they have fattened without feeding them grain of corn. TheiVoyress le.'.utes that the telegraph operator ;vt Battlebaro went, off to din ner, leaving a hoy iii charge, and the boy hearing some one "call" over the white, began shouting at tho instrument: "Mr. Newell isn't hyer!?' The noise ceased. ! An exchange tells of a singular occur rence in Warren county last 'week'.' A hen sat on the edge of a barrel filled "with water A hawk, seeing tjm hen, swoon el and struck . tit her. , Ilia calcula- ,,on was incorrect, and missiiiff .the fowl i .; -i . . i . . ' . .7 piungeti into the barrel of water and was drowi;ed. Great Storm at Asplnwall. Villages arid HouKe'g Overflowed, and Tco : pie Heduced to Want: ;New York, December 8. Further particulars of the great storm and flood at Aspinwall state that about thirtr miles. of the Pauama Railroad had been sub- merged, aud that the freshet was the most destructive that had been . known there for years. At Yatun. seven miles out. where thn UIHV Qiutxvg lilts Chagres river, sixtv-one houses have been washed away and the neonte are re- ported destitute and suffering' from huu"- er. In short, all the native villj.m.a nn1 liver farms have beep inundated, live stock of alt descriptions drowned, aud the poor inhabitants left to starve. As soon as the news of their sad condition reached Aspinwall, a subscription was raised and several boat loads of uupplies sent out. But the report coines-back that the relief, though timely, was inadequate J and that to prevent starvation further immediate help was necessary. Under date of November 29, it is stated that portions of the railroad are still under the water. Reports of serious damase to the Barbacoea irou bridge, across the 1 Chagres river, are full v coufii med. Tu n piers are undermined, and the'bridge has settled six feet and is in danger of full in e into the river. The wash at Mindi it will j require several days to repair, and it is tliouirbt it will be fully thirtr days before trains will again be run. The English J mails and passengers, which arrived on I the 34th ult., are still at Aspinwall, as beeu made for seuding the mails forward and passengers must get on as best they J can, or abide where they are. All is con fusion and uncertainty. A Cowardly CrcM', And a Vessel Which tca$ Nearly Lost. London, Dec. 8. The British India steam navigation company s ship Eldo nido, with 05 passengers nnd the Lascar crew about 00, put iuto Plymouth Satur- day last to repair the damage sustained after a hair-breadth escape from total ,OSR 1,1 tue 1,a.v Biscay, where she lay tor I on l.i A 1 .1... -. l . u,s """'"g l" B" u " wuewiay WO"1 tiuie of her danger were anticipa M for duty by fear, and but for the ex ertions ot the passeugers there is little question that 6he would have went down. he waves broke oue ot tlic ventilating hafts uf 1,16 veswl aud ! Hoded the en gme room and all the flics were extiu- guiihed. The Lascar crew abandoned their posts and the male passengers at the captain's call bailed and. pumped water from Wednesday night to Thurs- when the storm abafedand tbe fires were re-lighted. A CHILD TOSSING IN ITS SLEEP indicates worms. An army of them aro at work atiiir tho vital nir.nr una - O wuv; dseof Shriner's Indian Vermifuge xvillf destroy them and save its life. ' The charters of the natioual banks, wbii-fr were granted for twenty year begin to espjrejiu 13, oue' bumled aud,seyeuty- VtyH institutions ihajriiw been . -t . a ood .many shrewd men in Congress are ltokiijig forward with grati ficatioa to tho timeVwlienlthe banks will wautlfavors at their', bands, i ? 'U-. bf k DIED. 30 jnhni"1!? tnfiot daughter of nuH V,ren to ce unfa ms and ioiv Wa them not, for of sncais tae kingdom of heaven." ! Diet! in' this counfv,4 tJec 3rd,nis79 Mrsi Sarah Josey,irelict of the latir JohU f , n 1 . the, ?7 th year of.tier age. . 7. ill v.t At In : readeh if taei Mde's f at3cV In- Protl-1 AtThvaUreCtmrrlr. titnr. tor k.. ' R.n. v7- r ---:- - V'"!.' ' awiua I daughter pt coL w, aj Houofc t adycouttyj. " 7 In MocksTilleJatjthe residf.nr : f lh V,rjde .,mVi'erk Mr; Jt -HtulUcni .Pa-vne to Miss Lnlu Parker, by Rev..T. A, Boon. Tho couple have gone south for a short tour.'"' 'Married in Cabarrus coirnty, Rt'fheYes idepeo of tlie bride's father,l)eci 4th; 1879,' by Iev. Samuel RotluiK k, Mr. iIpI.' xt rrontriianand Miss Sarah A Moses Kluitsi Esq. ' v : ' Married, in Rowan countJr, ot the' resi dence of the bride's mother, Dec 4th, 1871).' ny nev. aumel liotliroek, Sir. l;ivid M. Lyei lyand Miss Charlotte C. daughter of the late Caleb Trexler. . NORSE AND CATTLE POWDERS 1 .iXoHo8 uriil diadf Colic; Bot or Lew p& Will extra omrmnntTM..... ' - iwiu i r owucn gre used 1 n 1 1 n: Foutt'sPowder will cure (indpreTentlioocnoiJu. Foatzt Powder will - prevent Gapes ijt low is. FpatelPowde wlUlBrremie the qimntttT oin-Ut. nd cream twenr pet cent, knd make the batter firm VouttH Powders will enrs or prevent almost irzay J! to.'ticli Upnet and Cattle are gut,j!ct, s 5"za Pwtoim wiuini sTisr actios. Solo everywhere. AVIX ts. yOTrXB,yr6T)etor. BAJ.TJKJDS3. ild. , Tiieo. F. KLcrrs. 'Ag-ni, 2:6,u . . : t ... Salifiljury,.C.- '! JUST RB'OEED, ' Saplin Clover, Red Clover and Orchard Grass,' Seeds; Come and buy before they rise. .... ,s ; At Exniss'. Drug Stone. NOTE PAPER, LETTER PAPER, ?( Envelops, r Lead Pencil's,, Pens, .Slates,' Red, Black, Violet, Blue aud Indelliblo Inks, Copy, Memorandum and Pocket Books, cJitiaper.than ever known before at, :,:,, r .. ,Exsss., TO ARRIVE A lot of School' ooks wiU be sold tery cheap at ' ' ' ! E if xiss. VISITING CARDS, PLAYING CARDS, Chalk Crayons, Russian Bath Sop, Car bolic Soap, Sulphur Soap, Vasaline Soap, Iose Baby Soap, Alsatean Soap, Tooth Brushes, Hairand Nail li: ushes.Coarseand Fine Combs very low at Exxiss'. 1 7:tf. CANARY BIRDS! CANARY BIRDS!! CANARY BIRDS!!! i A hne b)t of Singing- Canaries, just the tning lor Christmas presents. . At 7:tf ' C. R. Bakkep.'s Drug Store. GRAY'S SPECIFIC MEDICINE. TRADE MARKThe Great. En'SlsliTRADf MARK n cm cut ; .ah un- faUlDr c:re lfr SemlnaHV oneness, Spermatorrlieti, Iropotenej, a fid all diseases that follow as , sequence of Self-Abu; iis Losq vi juemory. i mver 8aLI.assi!ii(lo. I'dln BEFOIE TAKIXQ.1 e Back, lam-AfTtR TAimi. neas ot ision, t'mnature old Apn and many otaer DlseaKes that lead to Iasanliy or consumption, and a Premature Grave. fWFulX particulars n opr pamphlet, which wa desire to send Tree by mail to every one. 1ST The specific Medicine la sold by all druggist at l per packoge, or six packages for , or will be sent tree by mall ou receipt of Uie nionei by addreeiufir ; CRAY MEDICINE CO.. ( MECHANICS' 1J.I.0CK( UliTROIT, MlCH. tysold la Salisbury and eveiywhore bv all Druggist. , , - 7;ly. Youii, Medium-sized Mules wanted : Apply -at this Office, A FINE JERSEY BULL at my stable. A rare chance to cross yoor 8tocli with the verv best, which all ought to einbrace, C. I'LYLEK. 6:3m. HALE'S WEEKLY. On Tuesdav, the Till day of October, 1879, and in the City of Raleigh, tlie underrtincd will commence the publication of in- HALE'S WEEKLY, A NORTH CAROLINA DEMOCRATIC NEWSPAPER. These fuur worli convev'alT tli.it a cbltimn of Prwpectii could tell : the gopd of the .Slate; the auccert of the party which ilhe life of the State. and the counlry ; the piiWicllion of all the news; thee ijie objects piorKetl. Tbat lie can do the Iat and co'titritiiite lo the finu aqd Atftond, the jmhticriher doc not a flin t in doubt. The people have set their seal f ap proval ujmii his r.at and'he does" not doult tlie future. Hale's Veek.LY will be printed from new and beautiful tvpe and on fair white paper. The price , wilt lie two 'dollar? per annum., No name will he upon it mail liookft without pay ui eat fend no paper will be sent after expi ration of the time paid fur. 1 P. M. HALE. Raleigh, Sept. IS, 1879. PAHSQ2PS 8NUFF, Sfil! Increasing in favor. Try it. It is mild and purcv For sale "by , J. V. Gaskill. t- N 0 W IS , T II S TIM E TQ aunSCRiO. FOR THE WATCHMAN - .lt . , . , '.!.. ' iuaKe UP Toni -,ut3 ami sena fficm jta. Twd Dollars a year. PRICE CDRrtErTTT. j i i Corrected by J.I. il.N'oiSt LJ.I Cotton firm'' Middlings, l- "2" 1 15 r Middling ? . p. ""-Urn -do, 9J10 stains 1 1 B acox, county, hog found ; ' T 08 KGOS - . . ! 15. CatcKEXRj-ner.doxcSj, )f.. tlffl 3.00 Cqrx Kew "... '. I $n ME.fc moderate demand. "at1 1 n lfw CO WuBATr-good deniapd tj ot :JAef-0 rLOvnbc&t fani. j . . 3.1. a 3.13 St tUll ti extra' ?i til tif t!2 -Vfi ill 19pfX4i ) 4I'1 tK l'sdf.75 Potatoks :ITsrr . . Ki Oxio3fsno'aenianiTI,itJiia.10 f 50 Hat- Bedjwax ( 'Ml .(!H!nii :iffct21 liLACkmsnniEs . - ; . 1 . .; t AppLksi dried Sn'itl&aut SfKr r t! it TTTrnrr i-i t .It lo Vl! .fl:f a fine-lot of -Notll Cioa's andKtl 1 s-nJflUt NOTICE; K'. 'OF 'H. , 1 : .tu i - n.'ln'l "Monday night, 15th I)ec.vwiJl be 'he regular nigirt for:eTecticVn bflfjftt erA'fd'rrtie next, tpiui i-Itjis important if hat behavs a fulluiccting. . ., . ' ,'' r '' :'T. B. BE A CE,: ifcwfer. 7tt. ';-' fi: t'i) 'i'.vrtr. bd) Tlie survlrlnj? tnVrAWrs7r thl''clwnn' Ariitte'rT are requested to mceCat the Mayors oUktf fct-,1 o'clock, the 23tli Inst . It beta? Tue3rta of tftr nrst weektit Superior curt,Xi reurgaalze Unrikaupar. Every niember earuesrty requestea to W rend1 i;i v. i setHarness-can be) sceayatAVM. Bark er'sshpp. ;i; For ternisapvly H. M. Jones or 2i2m.' . . m ; - , io iJ.)D0asJ4!?rC ? I " J P H tflC'T , CHRISTMAS, ,GrQ0I S, Are comipo;!s Where,!,; iCv'oftMt WeU, at, STAUW I . Jusf tfiink jf it"; lie' has 1',GO0 pounds of the choicest Frendi CamlieS coining? I He CP"Peaiodicals.h: Newsnaner.u, Seaside Library.Jp Chipped Beef, Crackers, Pop Oorn, BanatfasVOrancwi rtH. etc;.45ra Capuel4Oo(klA tyi; jyui cannot; test- J ust received l Ann) cans. - . j " ' . r !c t'.J..'f?i''rJ Better and XotbJIkadn IJuI llas, Cauds and J!xvkloi'ks printed, to order at very low rates:" fall 'at 'tlila ofllce.' J" TIME TABLE v C YESTERfHI? G. RAILROAD Leave ' GOING WEST. s Salittbarr GOG A. U ; 9 j . " 7-IS-V sori I! it 9 (6 1U .I0.,, . , to ' , 12 W r. M. Third Cfeek Elmwood Statesville ........ Catawba Staticu ... Newton ......... Conora llickory ..7. .. Icard Morgauton ......... Glen ArpineU..'.. . . Bridgewatcr..... r.. Marion " ' ....'.!... Old Fort -....'..;.;.. Henry Swknharioa Gap ,j1 Black Alountaia - ji er "144 f MM i 'i -3 til 46 . : !!! 11 Coopera Arrive' Salisburv GOING JAST r t i'.r ii'Av. r: 4 0 J. Ui 3 ;w 5 . Third Creek '. Elmwood Statesville Catawba Newton Conova Hickory. Icard Murgantnn Glen Alpine Bridgewatr Marion ; ;J r si ; i in . . -2 it lew ur Jh lj:l 9 TXi 1 .5 331 ' if I OldPyrt Uehrv 7 44 IB . ' 6 00 A m ; Swantiarioa Black Alouutam C'Kper'ii Tram run daily, Sunday exreptedJ ' Train -mine West will Lrp.ilrCmt a.r Ktt. villc and dinner at Henry. JTraln Roing Eat breakfast at Henry and dinner at Ifickurj. J.W. WILSON, rrenidett, ! 1 ' " i To Eliza J. Hanseb: You are hereby not tified th it ihe following nuraiuonp ha.tjeeju in-, nued against you, viz : 1 ' '-. Davidson County In P. T. Leonard, Adm'i of' John Loii:irl, det'd, Pi'ff: A!r;iint Ellch Ttfiner aid litis-' bund .Wiu.1 yjiiiigcr, Bnr gtss Leonard, E. J. JIan n er, V. D LAonurd, L. A". Smith add her , husband A lexMr Saiiih, S.C.Sniitli. ("arrU-Lconard, Rtbt Le onard, Julia Lcoixurd and C. F. Leonard, l be last five under ace and will and Stipmo: SnnJiaons-r r! tii ion to mII- landi " to' ralne a.sett fo dibli U 11 '. .. i guardian, , Defend? U. ) i,., STATE; OF NORTH CAROLINA. Mi.tl To iheSherifTuf D.ividon county prcelinjg i , You are herebyjCOainiandccHo rinimuirllftn; ' Tysiiger,,Vm. Tyingrr, gurgew Lfiiftjid, ; J. Ilannor; V. Dl Leonard, L. A.'Smiiti, Alex andrr Jjnhli,.S. CU Soiith, CavrleUMArn.IKV 1 ard, the defendants alove r.amtd.'ihobefoiind in your cou 5 1 y to . be: and appear Jiefot lb Clerk, of cuirSuperior CpuitJ fort DarjdMin. j Coflnly,ftrifieCouVt Honie In Texington ib, in l ureii Lie 'day f from the wrvice of thelruui--' raon?, excTuive of the dav of service, and an wer the complaint which will be drpoVlted in the office of the C'lerkaiTih 8uf-rior (Ymr of naid county, wttliin ten day,-.pnrfj In ihe aid defendanff talce n'olfce tliat if ihey fail to :t answer the naid complaint within the time pi e criled by law, the jd'aintiff will apply to tli Cnri for theMicfdemandtmlin therutnplNini. iierin in 11 nii qim ii iiiik mi hi ill un iquKep due rnnrn. 1 Uiven under mj hand a hd aea ' of ,tid Court, thia 4th day oJ October, 17V. . " - V.. F.'Lowr, C. S, 0, M. TT. Pisxix, riaffl's Atl'v; - t i -J"- Just r&m tfxfbjVk&ti Dolls, etc., etc, will be at his; lieadou ar tels in rikelefc variely. : r.i--!5jon l t : ''if " if i '' 13 I J f l '! - ii ':- If i -1 .1:1 H ; i Ji -i j 1 HV. K It ', 4 1 it 1 "Hi nil! i A - 111 35.-