.: i I" my I - 4 i 1 I , ',-5 - e it i 'Carolina Watchman, 1M . j ! lis JAY, JANUAHY I, 10. Maine are a yet" without relief? i it ..uliii h rive assumed the lead- . the war on the Governor and coun b' tmii"tiit0!l-meetings bare been, held nan OI B sou uiuuu aim i rUnseclies niade, until the. people are it jfcady l''0P:n a regular ar dance. "K.llevtd however, that "sober second Lj',jl j aven sinie, aim iub uimum iich really a serious one,.. will beset: d f ; ceorJance with well recognized ,4' - hfinstice. e nave no idea that Ifj nf Maine ; will sanction anv 4. i wljjcl "tieicaiB me cir.uiy epresseu. ... .if H,e lCOpie ai Uic uiuip uy, iHOUgu, . tiwv liave a precedent in that Htati 'fnaU.c by tn Jtepuoncans a lew years I if two wroncrs could ever make J F : ! L.l 1 ....... mi'A flirt T nt!i:lfttnrA trv fit! ' w"u H".&nv vj 6 : ?: i--it '.f.raiif. nartr. Grant's SUTi(Kux Touu. Dec. W. General ; Gra; frcfclpgton,' Uec. yu. uenerai ; uram i ..u party tJC Ior iuciiuiouu-a.ii u.iii-iiiaB - iiic ay this afternoon in ioi. mm ocori s pri vatdcar, !"- mtneni. n( l'iy ; istil of Gen. and Sir. &:ant, Geu.and fr$$jieridan, CoL and Ainu Grant, Miss tvlf. of Galena, aiid Ilvron t An- Tub- r Governor in Vote ix Louisiaxa. Uetutna Life in NeW- OrliMins lMftv A'ears irom forty 'live parishes, out of;fifty?ejglt U w Affo; 1 1 Si ve mi ionowing l eatuts oi tlio votei for I f 1 1 u tt- ' :i iv. Lonisianan at the redentl Bcwifcbinpt bnfnettes, with eyes that ravi ishetl, even the anchorite led the" brave Cre- uojs through the mazT.lauyrinths ot tic niajoifities so fur, Sa.010, ., , In the kuuq 1 ova nt JlouJ to tn? erry music of the parishes the majorities for the debt: ot- eicliUCa:iin4 wa,tz- On ball nights Orleans dinance i is The LegisUtnrW is ret waablaxe with the lights from the moreT largely Democratic than the jasi 1 jWindows, and bv, twelve oVlock the qhe, . v ' , jflo)f -wsa crowded wjth jj f ; - imm , : i:1J-at;,'tlie violin.and . b&ssoon could be heard th,e -TTI newg from Hayti indicates cleat delicate footfalls, and tiny slippers tripped quiet there. Tlio Island of Harti con merrily tnrough the mtncacies of schottis- sisti'oftwo repwblicsr both uf tWhich h'h"4 to n outsider, appeared as hap have ,.bei' 'oVcrturhwi by rerolntiona 1 PJ as t wedding. Presently a young man. during tho past month, lu one the Presi- who had receired some slight affront, would dent is being beseiged by the opposition leaT? h partner and slip over to a friend, and most of the ministrv have beeii htuifr: A fe niiputes' conversation would follow, iu the other, the President his -wisely attU ne ,ncmJ WDum bearaciiai flod from tlm (.nnh-v' wLHa 1,1.1-1 leugc td the rude dispeller of the gayety ents, are either hi j:l,r concealed at one oovmg of the forecoimr consulates. All the nresi- Kfntiemen would quietly withdraw froni the w j ' , dej ile joyi tjuict. election! Democratic majorities, 37245; !suf Kepublicau mtijorities 11,235; Demoera'' - 1 - , i s : 4" ( i . .. . i r t sni r i t n ts ministers bcius thus dead, in cx- 'room am go Dm towarapAntnon, or besieged tW two reblics are en- 8uaTe !Hrou!Mi2 W"?? tuir the uiimoial uxurv of neae nul I V1 i ..v. , .. - . J Ml - uxury weapons at hand'Were swofdeanes, and the seconds examined the blades to see if they were, of theJindtepgHvI tTha city damps in those; days:w'ere suspended over the mid die f tbe streets. A54&irge tiprfght1 ptwt nypoiutmcut of Gen. Jos. E. John stou to Ihj head of tho committee, to re r an-r -t- t "- i. 'Li Jji.iiti..ili.-i. ... Ym1 I l-i iiititnti - tn n.lilrMc tliVkv fl.,.t,.l wmcii rau u n ynFjeciiHg-Buniiori. o Army of the nepublicatPittsbui-giiretwo the !amP' was at each coroer, ami tlie lights very siffuiflcaut ihcidents:andirRrrka ""T ' "i!r-Jl"w " ..rr ,VLiJ!i,ftl,B Chica-o InMvmn. they bo-iniiiiiff of the abatement of "thati'sec UP w ,ittle attached to the post- It will f&h Kichniond at eleven o'clock to- komil hate which all but iKliticiausrecogi wasja SfeS affair, but h held its A recent "chamre; in one of the. Nmthcm railroad lias thrown a wet blnkt-t wirer the proposed exteusionl of the "jrginia Midland llailrocid to thh oriany other place. There is no prolwibility of ths scheme lieing carri ed into efiecf. at least lipt for several years to qomt,LuMdmafk. Mj ' i j : - An llliiVoU yoii jli invested $1.50 iu a New yoilc finu to discover ho-.v to'ap- ai w-ejlju siiciety. ji Tim ieeeipt; which Ue-ieeeivea uy utnru man was snort, simple and eai"umj(jrstiod; "Always eep your faee washed ahd don't suck more tlin one fiiisreil at n time." A E0CHESTE2 PnYSICIAN'S EX- PEEIjENCE. K. Chulkins. U. it, of Rochester, . Y.. rertifies, Oct. Oths, that hn has used the .Safe lvidneyj ixnd Liver Cure in hjs practice lor diseases ot; trie kiuueys and liverand the reiulti has been satisfactory in the extreme. Jlo-MiVs : 'l would now prewerilc the sauie remedy! Ual similar ly araictcil, and jyoii are sit liberty to so State in your testiniomals." yjanltApl-'A j' (''. 1 i " mnt exnect to be in Cliarlestpu New niWas an unmitinited evil. Those! ii-1 own aTns.1 newfef Inventions even down to Yfinbruius. From Cliarleston ?they pointmoutsarotribate toicniiueiity per-1 u,e 'r portion oi niecuy. inis ivftpr soiml worth and genuine patriotisms ""k ",'?,V.V,-U"?.wt.v Wl llafaoa in the Reamer Alexandria, of jjress or a partisan military, organization F ' . . I - r . i nL.-- .. . . ; .land somelMidv was wonnded and cirried hlieiNew xoric uavana i-iine, wiuoii icit i no aaiiiitncii virtues- iw the go called - - -.. e- Vi'k Saturday, and will put in at I rebel South. The world 'move. ir Wniindlna for them. Gen. Sheridan Hum llecorder ill accompany tho party as far as Ha tana.faud his future movements will -bo j -rAx- Au.ege'd Coxspiracy A'gai4t Af tfoVerned by theourse of events in the gIiaxitax. Calcutta, December i 15. Ipqijaiu country, j t 1 ho 1'ioncer newspaper asserts that au immense mass of correspondence has home ami the pleasure J P. S. Gen. Grant and party, passed here csterday mornlug between 9 1 and 101 louua ana laid betore the gtivern- ,hllr Liw niTH erowrt were at- "lent, luciuuing lnsiruciious uoiu tne rad tolthe depot to see them.. The Russian', goyerumeut to its agents inCen iiieral camo' out on the philforrn and tral Aia, maikiug out the couisa they I sH. . . ... . . I r..n ' r.t. " shpoK hauus witu a iiumoer ot persons o stepped forward. It was a juiet greet ;4m5;hxaing " Pther poisy demon. gtfatlonj either on arri val or departure. if ! were to follow with ex-Auieer Shere AH. These papers are said to show that Rus sian intrigues against Afghanistan were active as far back as 1673, and to ? afford conclusive proof of the falsity of the ex cuse given tor thy Kussiau mission to Cabul last year. i j t bedrest" or tket party.;rcturned Jo re oi ine uan. 7 it seems mcreai- ble,' .looking back inow to those days, to think .how Jfew of these affairs terminated' fatally. ' The seconds were prompt to: stop the lighting at the px blood, but even this would hardly prevent severe strokes Uvcre the young gentlemen of those rollicking j-ears not expcrtFwith the i!X)ne thing ' wsis prevented by this appeal to the codei, and that was- street uroiis and promiscuous shooting, wh'erebythe lives of innocent spec tators were placed in jeopardy. Insults were quickly atoned and the quarrel ended FARM, GAUD KX 'AND HOtTSE- - HOLD. ki pciEST Piep for WmpriNG- Boys ! who Officiated at a Pkotestaxt Jujrn- raM '' I The fctutesvme lAindmark savs a hpr;oft!ie f"rris Catholic Church, Ver- strong petition has been forwarded to gaillel, Indiana, for assault and Mttery, in Representative Aimficld in opinisition sorely: whipping three boys, his pupils, to the proposed removal of the United for attending as pall bearers the funeral of gtatea Ditrict Court from Statesville to mvcthiu w : , w uj in jug-1 jiorrantoQ ment against him iq one Case for $13, and in saoincr ioi 10, ana cost, wilicn amount to nickovy Carolinian : A wagon passed or;3p0.: The case excited great interest, through Hickory this week with these and o much bitler feeling was engendered 8igI1ificant woixls lrawn in blazing char tutthe venue was changed three times. acter3 ou its cover : "North Carbliuaor tasrietenuaut wasnrst arresieuai JiorriP, Bust." It was a prodigal son ofjtlie Old mpiey county, maiana, on iovemoer 11, Nortu gtat(J tinsT miuoU but ippUed to have the case removed to Batcsville, from which it was again remov- d to Pierceville after the trial had begun, nd; thence it was removed to Versailles, here It was finally decided. . i: Care of "Flowers. There are many thing iu the care ' and cultivation, of flowers which need fie queut repetition.: Nearly Uli: flowering plants nccl rest at some se.isou of the year.'fIt should not bo expected that ro sea, fn'chias, etc., which have bceu kept at their best flowering all summer will continue to do so all winter, lhey, must have rest.' .1 heir natural habits are to grow and bloom six mouths and rest six .... - .'.'it ' . . ' ... lhe tuchnis require less rest. It one wants their -tea, noisette, China or bour bon r ose, to be igay, during Uui-winter Lthev should be kept iu some cooli sha dy place diihug 'suuinier. Keep th buds iickdotFttnU"see tlmt the? roots, do uot in-ow tliroucrh lhe bottom of the Raleigh Xews : The longest train that ever came into Raleigh', or probably was ever moved in our States was the through frieght on the Raleigh & Gaston Railroaders. V ft A OH I If-It 1 P It l B ou Wednesday last. If reached this city Most plants require rich soil. Rut on schedule time, with forty -eight cars 'Thurible RM. Accidext. The Tele- graph; reports from Loudon, England, ovier five huudred yards long nearly a dated!. Dec. 2I)th a most horrible third of a mile, accident on the North British , R. R., at 4 w'clock that morning, by which SOU lives were lost. The: train bad just left Edioburg and fell thrdngh a bjidge, fall ing 18 feet before reaching the water, : ti. WilkeBlKroiMejr e stop ; the press to announce the death of lie v. James McNeil, which occurred jit his homejiear lkt avian " Falls last1 night. Ho com- . which was"45 feet deep. There were plained of feeling a little unwell on re '-I. ' 1 I x ' 1.... :. . ....1. xi .j 1 about 300 passengers on the train besides tho Company's work hands, ami not one Cjscaped totellliow the accident happened. The bridge was new, and was thought to W a wonderful master-niece of skill and strength. . - tiring, but was not thought 'to be very sickl t His wife discovered1 about mid night that he was dead. - - i T)ie legislature of S KdlMon'H lilectric Light. A long nrticledescriptive of Edison's outh Carolina hare elective light, with illustrations appears Element of the Stats simultaneously i two hiding newspapers, ft one at the East and the other at the West It is declared that Mr. Edison lias found passed an act for the settlement debt in accordance with the recent decision Ot the Statp Snnrprni Pnnrt feffarded as i Irclt victorv ainst thfi rmndiationists. at least, what seems to be an absolute AH!ic't to utilize the Columbia canal has solution of one of the most important pvea great satisfaction, and itis thought problems that has engaged the attention will make Columbia the Lowell of the South. P scienunc men anu inventors in our if .B 1 1- ; 1 - - 1 ' I : c. t. I . ... . .. t . i vcooipani of uorthern capitalists are on tluurifc"t tt!"liy 01 seeu yet 11 is strong mm uiusruo liind. and ready to takeadvantage of the 8,vev Alf lu,,li vu -,PluS,tja? ,J0r- per sous who raise flowers .must study this ucstioii carefully by learning the history and nature of the plants iu their care. While one plant is a native of bogs and ponds, requiring constant water, j others are natives' of arid deserts, requirin comparatively 110 dampness, j While these are' the extremes, they all vary more or less 111 the degree of dampness re quired for their prosperity. This must be studied and practiced. The degree, and quality of fertilizers required for each is also aniee question Nearly all plants require a . fiue, friable soil. . The manure of horses, hogs and chickens is considered hot, and if used lavishly wfl turn the plants. The msi- nure of birds is the richest, but, like gu auo, should not be used where seeds are sown, as il is too strong for - them, and will destroy their vitality. G uano, which has been bit the shores of the islands probably for thousands of years, has lost some of the strengli which injures the vi measure. iB.:F. Butler'says he cannot see how-the Governor and couueifof Maiue could have dpnd otherwise than they have. That un- dr the pnnaf if nf'inn nf tho State liA?P fffi i lUS Edison was making in this direction, and of the dohbts expreseed by many scieuti 60 men as to-whether he would1 ever suc5 ceed iu cupipletiug a perfect and economl- -. . t 1 1 5 rri :'.' . I ' '.'L -1 -1 cai electric light. 1 ins, iiowever, accoru to the present 'account, he has ac4 i1 i UCISCe hrnilvli lufnra1ini 'Mpfhtrti i - l tually accomplished. . Ho lias discarded Becnis to he fiimnlv mHtistprinltn ilecide I J , , V i ' . . . : l"J mm n 'i .sr.' JI.....1.-.1. ' h the linMtir nf . ttn r ..nt 1116 lueii m using incauucscen piauuuiu DP Dd ll.iv. im riM,ttn ituW 1utMn l',-M:u lU?;i j....i':.:; ..rj i.irr adopted a carbon light of a peculiar kind,; - -: r "tt . 1 - o ; i ...-i. : j: i. : i that the substance best athipted for car I 4 fi'G u la u. - A woman in Australia, BOon i;lt Si.i iW:; which llii-na ia ttlih ii. r, i T 'r 1 " r" the form, of 'Bristol' card-uoara. .lu&lips, 8;a man, haviug-iu the meWntimc.-. marr. .Attt.in u t,i vu hatl tohooda ril tk. i r .t-5i-.M . - . Or w'cs,-tw oi.wuuu. uiv ucmi, Faureulwit.' This carbonized papers I , re J oeen aisc'jvereu, uer wives plat.cd iu a gUbe, the air isjexlmnsted uvu wu i ner AvitnouL uctraviDs tne : :.. s.-;t..: crct, and had she not gone mad it is te iamp" i ready for nse.l According to the account this lamp is one of reniarka ble siindicityTAs completed, it is a ghisa frljtlu. i-s;tiiifr mi 1 ct-inil nf t n 1 n V 1 jtiRE. There was a fire irfBoston on the . w1 ' r tJlB riwi' lf nn- nrdinaWt IW tmtnetn, wnicii aestroyca aoout bu rner aild ,tbo nWes f)OIU the Hectric worui oi propeny, m ouiiumga battcry maybi obnreyed to It i the tube wa goods. It broke nut irvthe paper ware- tJiat rved to convey the gas to the same 1 """- "- v" f'.r.l burner, uuiy tlie form of the lamp needs (irobable it would uot have been discover ed until her death. troet; and spread out in several directions." H I ! : " J ' H I A negro woman in Charlotte, says the jOWrj-er. was filling a lamp while holding a lighted wick1 in her hand. The fire reached lihd exploded the lamp, covering her in an inita6t with: flames, and' she '.was burned to Stf'crisn ami Ai..A ;w i.am f.;rfi J An atmpt was made on the life of the king of Spain. Tuesdav. bv a. rounjr man. a laborer, W fifinir a pistol shot at the j ifyal carriage while passing through the, to be mourned to serve tor tne table, or in brackets, or chandeliers.' The elec tricity may bo generated frdnj a battery contrived for household use, or from a ceutral outside source, and, in either case the liirht is altoirether under control of persons in thehouse where it is used. . It is alledged that it can be produced more cheaply than t'.ie a meter has" been perfected, to measure the quantity of electricity used. lie pro poses, it is said, tcT light up; Menlo Park on New Year's luxo by the process we have described. Baltimore San, (ck iu) m 4 mm. JAMES .M. GRAY, Attorney and Counsellor at Lar, . jf: SALISBURY, X. C. -fjfiicci in the; Court House lot. next door to Bqnire Haughton. , Will practice in all thel Courts of the State. HIAT10HAL HOTEL, jj-1 ; CoTtlandt Street, U XKAIt BROADWAY, !l HEW YOEK, HOTCllIvlSfi POND, Piioi-niETous. ,-;- ' r j! 0a T!i3 European PUn. The resrtiranl, cafe anl im li room attach ed;iarc uii:ir Ibr el ; j uw nd excel lenice 'f nervier. 1 looms LOits. lo $2 per day $3 lo 10 jht week. - Convenient tu all ferrie anirnly i;u!ro;n!s. New Furniture, New Management f0R I .i 'if I. . . ' s i- r. k BWME; i- v.iffr' . VHEA' YOli 'if AWT." 1 At Low Figures the undersigned alKo. 2, Granite Call inn Kowi Saliishiirv .N C., D A. AT WELL. June S if. g.Avepetabl preparation nnd the only muw remedy Iq tbe world for Brislit' IIcm, iitnMiM, ana axju luanejr, urtr and - KrTesUmonlals of thehiehest order in nroof of tbese stAtemenU. tarVor the i-nre of Ilbta. call for War. exa Sal)i&bcttt Cure.. - - . . B3-Forthe 't!!ira Brlfrlil's nnrt th nlhr I diseases, call . for jVariie-r'a Safe Kidaey andLlrer Si BICAtOlfi i Bk ,1 ! J i i I I 5STWanters Sufo Keme dics arc sold bjr - Druggists and Iealers tit Blediclno 1 eTerywlici'c. nJS I i IToprletow, Rochester, N. Y. KScnd for Pamphlet and TeatimouiaU. 1880. Who Shall! be President ? Who Shall be Governor ? Take vyur Counly scribe for ; ! I IVper, and then sub On and Off Slick as Grease ! IiOOTS, GAITEUS, SHOES, SLIPPERS, &c. EAGLE, ltirtjifcf Tally .iiuionnees his eontinnancc t his nht stiind in his old I i lie, on iluin Street, opposite K-iniss' i-irug Store. He is always ready and anxious to accommodate customers n Ins It lie. in the bust in inner possible.' De is ptepareillo U li.-st class work nd can eoin- ,iete with any northern blmp or Hand made " His machines, lasts, te.. are of the latest ai-t! le-t jiaierns. lie works tlio very bept material and keeps on band ready made work, and strek equal to any special order, ijieitairtnii 1 1 iM a;id promptly done at rea- anhable prices. S.itisfeetion jruarauteed or no charge. Prices lo Suit lhe Times. Cash orders bv mail promptly filled. JJl.Gmos W.'il. EAGLE. jj SALISBURY BOOK STORE. GEO. W. Y0PP, Propr. i (AtPlyler's U'ul St::nd.) Night new book AT LOW PRICES. ran tefl to Cure! ENNlS CHICKEN CHOLEHA CUKE- or inojiey retiMHUil it dinttums are strictly folhiwetl. ! PRICE 25 CENTS, at 2:th ENN1SS' Din-Store The Raleigh Observer, DmuH-ratic Newspaper, ASHE, Editor & Owner. ! S.VMUEL A CALL AND SEE HLM. !:tf. . . 2.00 Dau.v, per njnnuni, Semi-WeeKiJy, rcr uiiuuiu, Wkkki.y, peil aiinuin, . .... Potm:tterjs allowesil a liheral coiiunis siu on all new snhscribers they may obtain for T;ii; Oikuvei:. BONDS lo make 1 it lo to lanil, ana Jioorer anu Mechanics Liens, lor sale at this Ofiice ir. t: -.j rc;-a ,j i-'; - Practical Blacksmitli -iinORSESHOEBeMi SH O P eoonectea wtta Brown ft TerMe Uvery tsUbles. rw14 deiilL'Tkt bf ShtieH. to Milt anr - KiMpe or loot- AIIshoHnx on strietry s lentlflc pna-4 optv tt Ann ANTED., All lOada DliCksumuiBjj prounxlv tlone. - ' - , Tfc ..Sinier aein7;.TripipIiaiit ,-; ; ; FIRST PREMIUM AW ARDED it I i at Tirr . , . T'fi to i.l - i ,- a STAT Tl P A T J -1 I' DON'T: BE SWINDLED our ot BALE OF COTTON TIIKO. EVtiLUTTZ St will sell y ojl bde ton of Bojloii, Gamer SCo's CELEBRATED I 1' Kotk the followino; improvements: As v- Elegant frniUletl stanil, luiprovi-l .liobbiq j Wintler; winds thread without runnins the marhine. Improved jtatent Journal, yrukkj makes it . ' THE LIGHTEST . RUNNING MACHINE JJEF()IIE THE TuilLIC, t v - - Sold cheap fir cash, or small monthly instalments;- at". thcf".!ttets ''of.thcSinwr.''' t. .Mannfactnrins' Com pany, tvest door to R 1 -iUrker's Drug store. , " - ' h. judtj 4:ly. J. O. IvEAM, Aot. '" Horsie ; Per 200-liis. Ccltca, It is lhe besi in use. "Easy to manipulated Requires no cot ion seed nor stable manure. No efiarse for recipe or-right to use. Equal to any !".) jrtnnn. lias bu n iested fur year Call !um1 cet' particulars and Fee testiineiiialf Don't be huuibned by cheap iniiliiliuns. You ca gel l lie genuine only from ! TIIEO. V. KLUTTZ, Di:r con No'20:ly Sole Asjent fi Rowan ISAAC A.SHEPPARD &CO.,Balt!more,Hl Manufacturers of THE CELEBRATED f NOTICi TO DEBTORS! Tlwe itnleCled to P. is, Heilig A Son,-areJ mailietl to ca After tbe lOil ami accounts Ah drew Mur 1 ima pay up withoiu delay. willje fdaced in lhe hands of liv. r.sii , for collection. The of costs Dec. 24, IS undersigned hjopes all may avoid lite payment .11ST I?f.C:iVEH AXOTIIETt CAU LOAD I OF E5XERSON. FISIIXU ft.CO'Rd'i ceiturauM uujies, wuu and w uriout , Topa. '.- - . . -0-T . 11 i trr:4.4 3DESCH.I3PTIONI i Iiom (eal-lKx and Piano, made of perfectly aeai .snaetl wood, trluel anil re vveil linnly. , Wheki.s (.eitume'Sarven patent (jEr-boiled la 0U M i iMftae ikitnted. . ' ," .. -i..,.J J" Tvkk Madi-oi U'si KctlneJ Iron, secured bjrXor- . way Iron Iiolvs. , i .. . .HiM, axki.s Stiiw-i oiliir. itnoii, patent, Anchor Brand. Si'Kisnis KUnHr. w'arraniiil oU-tetnwred. "t. iKAKisi Made of best Seasoned lliekory. j ' i L' Iron Wok'k l.est (jualily of relbml trradea oTIroa tUf- L Skats si renuliteiii'd lv paM-ut Seat-enrner InMiK. '.'-! Paintini; fainted b'.ack with goldsmpUijf andotb-, i er ornamentiii ion. ' ' -i !, -T '101 leauwr oioi iiuirauen) vuarur ana nacK ' Stay, ntbiHT rof, RneR bacKunJ slJe vurtatna, '.'? f llufcti iteaUlli'. , i . i- J'iV rrsniONs and-su ks of tot or leather aa mrfenvd. i,'L IMSUK I ull I.eatUf r. M iUi pateut Silver la-rutl.s MK ' SUArT-l.eariiert rtmineit, Kt rengtheoed at Um noes Iji . bar by T plates. ' i. ; "i 'f!!!.. CCMIASTEK: , .- j Jii i These HugiCleS are gtiar.intml. with fair and tea-" ; ; ' tionable ue, f ir ooe year fnnn -lte or narvBaxr. i. p Ullt I WiH till! IltT-rO to :1V JIV ill- liiM I .W.- ; 1 i hrree It any Aa-t. SjVftnvr. r Wheel elves war, eaaf ft ed bv lnipiTf-cUii in material or Workman?inln,aiMt:i !i i the same is rettrtied to me by the purchaser, t will "return him a nw aie, Ue paylo tlie cUarjfei4wnijjH wav ou same. ' . i j i - The Top Bu-ftils are all in.rlCwiih Ktdftlnif Italia, ! so ili-ii tiiev ciu l' ii.sl an T; or 04 ten Huiorlea, rr iia ' SThew, BUCCIES are made of the pt Mm- i "V terial, good 'orkHianahiu, iliniiLy.me St vie, Mfoaff4j. and I ruble to every respect. 1 hey Will Uejpfai 'urii cheap tor cash. . -7.ti',HiM- r all an 1 exanJhie them and hear prkva be fort purchasing elsewhere. " ' J x W. smithdeal. hum: SAi.naa HY. N. c.j Ntv. ll. i;t. 4t tat j" 0.- P. N. 3t KEILIG & SON- Unsurpassed for Durability, Economy, and Convenlenca. Y ; ComblnbiK mil Improvenenta f YbIm, . And Perfect la Operation. ALSO A VAEIED ASSORTMENT OF SUPERIOR HEATING STOVES OH 8AL iff C. Fi BAKER & COr, Salisbury, N. a FISLE HIGH SC1LQ0L. LENOIR, Caldwell Co., N. C. The Sprinb Term lie "ins January 14th," l(r0. Tuition ier session from $10 to 2ti. ' lloiiril iu -ood private families, per session 550.1 Washing and lights extra. For fnrt her tun tu iihirs send tor circu lar. -E. W. FALIC'ETTE, Princ'l Dec. 18, 16711. 10:'U Lenoir, X.C. .; 1 . 1 i ! " t LYNCH'S SELECT SCHOOL, High Point, N. C. An English. iMaiheinatical, Classical, Coni nierci.il and Hcie'itilic Acailemy. ; Mfj.W. B. LYNCH, A. M., Piirtipal, ; B. P. REID, A. B., Aisiant. -1 The Spring Session of 18S0 begins January 21st. I or Uircular Adilresp, Mai. W. B. LYNCH, 9: Cw j j High romt, I. 3:Gm Thai Little 5 SHOP ; Who has once 'used the rEOI'LESV MACHINE will prefer it over all others, and ACILXTS selling it lind it just what the PEOPLE want. It makes the shuttle lock stitch, rttas easily, docs the widest range ol vt:ik, and winds the ludibius without running t lie works of the. machine. Write for descript ive lircujai'a a:.d full particulars. used very sparingly. "Plants reinire a rich soil, and no arti cle winch cau, be had so easily is as good i hen manure used as a. liquid, but for indoor pots too m ucli is ofleii si ve. Com - wercial, fertilizers j .liave,. hu 1" bad smell. Cnarcoai la uoi suiiLcieuiiy utHHi vvuen 11 can be sd easily had!. The wood coals in tUe ashes removed from stoves or firc- ffacesjaretiiiuwiat. is wanted. - It is iar uenei ior uiiiiiiiiiiu m tuo uuuuju tu pots than gravel, broken crockery or brick Cliarcoiil absorbs ninety times its bulk o ammonia, and when finely t pul ver ized -and mixed With earth, it isliighly btiiieficial to the growth of plants. "Soot is another valuable fertilizer and insect destroyer.- It is especially nn ac-Ijt-cngfent in destroying the '( aphis.' Put (i UU41 b l'l lb III (ft AIIVII UUbVII VU - - . . . ... stand four or tivc days, tse it without any seuiiueni in a Kriug?ruu ionnge anu about the root of dan island the 'aphis or Biltet Casl VALUABLE STORE LOT FOR SALE ! ; f I will sell on'Momfiv tlie T2ib lnv of Janu ary at publi auction, tlie Vacant Lot adjoining a v Store .10 feet front and 90 feet deet- to lhe bitrbest Lid.ler. Pavinentswill be made to suit the i 9:3t. laser. El B. CRAWF0ED. Prices! BEEF HIDES, FURS, SClSAI'-lhOX, 150nES, KAClk METAUS, ANDIUONH . ! SIIEEP-SKIS, WOOL, LOOSE ) COTTON, And nthoi Produce! Wanted. Don't For- S. J. CINSWAXGEK, il I ajgq . c &sff imm : f ssssiMa:? -wjSNasE . 1 1301 & 1303 Buttonwood St., PMla; eMia SewiiiT Machine Cif PHILADELPHIA, PA. 41:ly. ',;.-tLli Buy only the NEW AMERICAN 1 1 is -ran Only Sevjps Machine WHICH l'A A 9; V .... AROUND feCORNERr TO THE PUBLIC GIUETINQ j M TULIAN &FRALEY Pate; MaVp? 3Ttfl nnmpntp?? u' ii'ini:iiii idi-vniitti 11 nil 1 111 1 liim 1111 u. -.fH-'T - i ' ' U : Their prives are as low aa it U pWiLU iOfj -make t hem, ami tbeir vrur in inferior any, ' .:. Tliev till o'rdeia-in. to ilpartmentn.1 ' ;; 1 Their ready made rtoekJn niM' conrW 7 if a general assort nieiit f liotue furiMlttrtBtd'fiqll sleads, lureau, (Jluriiea IVessea, IBgeV 7 Racks. Wardrobes, Imm ic t-asea.upuoaruianu Cbinal'resses, Candfe Slniidn, Tin Safe, DtaHrf' ;:. Tn bless- Washst.mds, Chair, &e. ' lliejf AMD 1 keep an asoTtni4ril of , ( ; ,.;' .rfu'p ; of w ilnut, nine and poplar, Trom $1 ' opnrafa. j Also, VYinffow Sash. They till orders without , K vexatioua delays. Wilt contract for carpenteraj :.it , rnrL- nn.l -:.rr:inl yalisfaelion.' Will take good FV t . -r".. . -.. .....Iimu in avnltativ t IXt furniture. Jr'bvp nearly opposite Watchman '"!iniflW-l Vlt I W r ! Office. 4:lT ft: l?44 to chV, und i t E er y if;. ESSTOiiUOrfoiiTE Post OrFiCK.aj 8:1m green fly will disapear. liegonias, I3al sihiis, Canary V JJird V, flowers, Celosias, Coleus, Cypress vines, Daturus, Oera ulura, Aeliotrope Pansies and.'IPassiou flowers require, the, very richest Rils, anil during tlieir rapid growth and. flowering, tho water with which they, are sprinkled should ha ve soni e clear and pteasan t fer tilizers, in it. And lo koumj richer liquid inanuro for the roots. Iowa State liegis-t, : . n t 4 , 1 'ii The ngent of ai fina which : ia in the dog skin ! trade tit Bridgeport, Conn., has bfH.'Min f IJaleiirh tellinir the'peoide cheapest oil, and that ' "Sf? a 1 n V, wm IV V .U tf'v aa, ALL DRUGGISTS WILL TELL YOU what he kuows about the merit of Shri ner's Indian Vermifnge the iojilar rem-; edy. j BINGHAM SCHOOL, I MEDAXHVILI.F, N. C, l'f-t nmt DOF-FMINFNT amons Southern BoanUi!gSclMKllorIiujs. : Thft 171st Session ending: Dec. 17th, 1879. la been the most prosperous in the b8 vears of the ScboolV bistort. Tbe "NEW AMERICAN" is easiiy learned, doe's not et out.o' oider and will c more work with less lDortbai any otbc3rjmacWne.-.liiustratd'Ci;cu'ar lurn.sm.'j HOW TO SAVE L10NEY! BHY YOXJR -' "-" . . i im si . ; W Yd 1(1 1 m m IR ' I . r- ! l-'UO-M f . S,' i- i i - .' .-. ? :,..' -;q(j application. 3. AGENTS ANTED." S- DOTEY. Manarer. t N- Oarlca Street, Daltimorer 4d. The 172nd Session will begin Jan. 14th, 1880. Board rfl2 per montl.. Tuition 5o0 per SssionJ For Catalogue giving full -iy ticulars, Addrew,! Maj. B. BINGHAM. MERONEYS & IldGERS, Agents, Salisbury, N. C. Price from 25 to 845. O 9:lm. Sup't. I do not hesitate l say OERTIElCA.TCS : II other machines. ; . -. . i i ir I; im. i I tie W yomiff,! Aletliuni-sizeil WUi.r--;. MlIsilI1 , leaver rloih vvanted : Apply at tins ynice. from b'nd the Vm w. .;.t ,1. lhe Ameiican MadiiiKfsurpasses all other macaines. jaiue- y orUtbat other machines can. it reverse ania anU worH out on o . a , 1 have Usiu sin;errj iioe anu . -- el k a ii is tjuiitiior to llieui all. KSRR ORAIGE, I gittorncs at , I have any. used the Singer and other machines, and -wuu Id JlibS M. ItUTLEDGE. uot exchange lhe American ftr S. 4islory, N. C., May 221872. . r . MehokeV Buo., Agents American fcewingacnine. wilr,r& GibbS.Scwing M fcll:-I have us.d U.e Howe, o.nr ,. ... U claimed for- chines, and wuuld not give the Amen. iu.?r an y. t - - in the circular. I conquer n sitriur iu a.i uw.v,3 . Very resicctfullv, MILS. (.LO. V. IIARUISOX. ...t ...TU nni nnl tf are mnney. bat rl . -i the Uesl Uhh mad.e. Yon wttt find irbiJ' Well ' Selected Stock of Hardware, Mowerff Tbreliera, and Sewing machine, f f - Straw-Cutters & Gora-Shlers " Gruin Cradle?, Grain -and GraraScytliei, hij i'low- Hots, Mattocks and Picks,.' jilidvel, fcr,inil KnrktJlans. Paiota. OiW Putty. and VarnUh, Eockn, Jlinj-e audi Screw -f j J' Cross-Cut, ll nu aao uui oaws. , Blacksmitli & j3arpkteg HORSE AXp MULE SlldE8 Tin and Hollow Ware, Patent Oil Cani.y Patent FlyFans and Traps., .j -.4 it iiuuuii, ui Xiii " 7; ! Kny-l'laracM, Harne Leatlier and r Monntings, Wagon and llnggy Materials, and many other articles too tedious to . nieution. ; ' ' ; j . . .ii iiiint main i ttreet. i-. Ai neuis oia ZZvxZr ' r.0:iy 'i ' 1.. ' 4 i

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