rOETKY. For the Watchman. True Worth, - UH!v'Pritl,erosrs nanie i nfold never make a fav'rite flower;' L riyalet! ddors breathe their fame; ! surpassing splendors bear their rMyw'r; f,n'eir-scenf0raw8 praiae e'en from the blind, TUeir iK-ahty homagfromall eyes; r m . t fmirrait honey-hearts enshrined ' itf scjptf e of the flow'r-queenrties. - star no lover turns ' .worsfl p"Venus inhh dreanjs; Affection' I weetness round it burns ; Tb dejar and absent haunt its beams. f,i rtf tci softest place Tiatar young life which his entwines- tTJaJYcnOSPaiieu 10 marK us pi ace, I Yet injtuat star his Mary shines. Fuirtnaay.a pianaiary nun f Anil ijstiein in wide space reVolve : Yjfiftel all there, la but one" V j- p and tho we oft may solve Its rnfll ifn Jiiietjrecl size and, weight :ItiliUio:ned lines of heat and light, Our lekttli Its ward, that makes it great; ; Oar jircj.its gift, that makes it bright. T&ldtulless heav'n,' the beauteous sea, r Tie crescent moon ana little boat AreUumh but oh! how cheerily , at fates tie waving waters' sweep Eraficp the heart; and moonbeam Vsmile ind IDvlei t; snoFe ana mirrored deep A.i Mefeed in music s selt the wlnle Erti; flavi-Vs and stars and suns and sea e essences divine ng -owe their now'r to please; 3 Sol buinhn character can shine n. B tM atmosphere of good, i lustre of our loving deed?; . i !- 1 .c ii i . , tVerfctl but. rightly understood, o Fksh loft's tricks and trumpets needs? MO.. E. I II. Tlie Idllies of the Field. j s Central Presbyterian. . - ; .' Wide scattered oer the pleasant land. In csirnienU white.and radiant, stand God'i sWtinelsj fresh from Jus hand, ejlilljesof the field. , They never weep, nor toil, nor spin, or ?er grieve, nor ever sin, ' 1 But fiiir vjthout and pure Within, -!,-' A ' ,-- 'i 1 Benefit li the daylight's sultry beam, )r l4y Musi de the tnurmuriug stream, hey jiJefekly b'W their headspiw seem To know ot discontent. , pi big i estate by them preferred, Ko rirc of sail repining heard, ?ee-silehtpreacliers of the Worl,. T: ireary mortals sent. ; ' H ;-; ' j : . . - - ' "' " Sot U a5res rare, nor priceless gem, ;3Tot (fiRtly-roljefwith. jewelefHicin, iSor riyi.I monarch's diadem" i? wpaltlofjlndiii seas, ! . P': Can W t these humble flowers compare ,ln sjiq l iss garments, ott and fair, Xot kti : iu all tlieirlory are Arrayldt lik-c one of thfse. SwtcE ample ilillies of the field, ' : " In vofi low; much of Bod revealed! - Faith'! ulsja bulwarkand a shield ; Iir essons you impart. 0, tca i my will to be resigned, Instruc , my proud and. waywafd mind The best, .truest peace to find, i iini lAntify my heart. l!i I -.. ic Southern Soldier Boy. BY FATIIKU nYAX. totng?a8 the youngest who donned the ray, -:-f- - - i ... .. " Tjrnea8 the truest who y ore it Brve I? die bravest, he riiaiched away, itllot hprs-on the cheeks of "his mother Truiin pliant waved our fl:ig oue day, He tdl iu fiout before it. Firm; M the firmest, where dutv led. I fie. lurried without a falter: - - B,oltl as'i as the boldest, ho fought and And tl day was won the field was red, Apdtfie; blood of his fresh young heart I ; fusshed, " : ! jOu-lj' coautry's Irallowed altiir. rtlie' trampled breast of thebattle : VTierfe the foremost ranks had wrest- 0 his ijale, pure facc, not a mark of .... . J''11' - ' ''M"'1" dreams they will meet again, Ihefrtjtfest form sunid nil th sbiin.V Ukei child he nestled. "IC Hftlemn Rhad'S of tlm wnnda tluik i i 1 ii'- 1 I en 4herfifM where, hia comrades found A"ey bilried him there and the hot teari men's eyes that had seldom Uii nhjther God pitv her -smiled and "reaiuing her arms were arpuud him. A Bra,f-in the woods with the grass oVr- Sfayo in the lieart of his mother rf. caT 1,1 the one lies lifeless and lone : a iV? not a name, tlieww not a stone And oiijy the voice of the w lud uiaketh ' i ioan i - i er fjp grave where never a flower is hh memory Uvea in tiie other. i u tmted States has become the chief 8ricjfnral. regfon of the world, and the 'me oj our agricultaral productions ha ow fejiched tho enormous annual aggre- of,500,000,(K)0. Am a breaking out-of tho revolution u ecolL lata possessed but nine colleges, fifing5! them , Yale and Harvard ; now there are three liiliwltWI Aimilnr Ttiatitn- i. , . . - r . . r ..t . .... . f . "on in ti,:. l. ' . , - c(ip-u,Dg to J. IJ. Iltmter, iq the Ox- "r,1J)rvhn,jht, John It. Knight has the :'c;.tree this x side of ... the- Yo&cmite Galley jaixteen vards ;in circunfer-r STACIA; An Old Man's Darling:. She stood iu the garden among her flowers; with the sunshine about her and dohrj Ashley, watching her fronj the doorway, with w curious, thought fur expression on' his face, could think of nothing but a bird or butterflyj as she flitted about from rose to lilac; with her yellow curls flying about her face' in a cloud, and her eyes full of sparkles like water, in shadowy places. - . - 'His years were t more than double hers. lie was a man whom study Kad tmadeoernirirarghtful 1 in elrly manhood. He had a, brave, strpng face, with a - strange gentleness- in it now,, as he stood and watched I the girl in the. garden.; She wajjjjje only ch ild of an old friend of his who left her to him when he died ; he Nd had accepted the trust willingly. He tried to be faithful to it ; and he succeeded, , had had 'She is crowing into beau! tiful self, her and face I . ped womanhood he said to hin Some one will be robbing me of one of these days I suppose.' He sighed a little as liespokej the thoughtful look upon his grew deeper. 'Unless and then he std suddenly, and shook his head, as if to assure himself that' what had been in his mind that moment was riot to beJ bought of seriously. ;The girJ in the garden began to sing;: Her roice was clear aa any brid's, and the still morning air ruug with j its ' melody." J oh n A shle y left off thinking to listen. A bird j erch ed on one of the little lilac bustes by the gate began a song in pnreii :alry. It seemed as if he would sp it his slender throat in the attempt trout warbicthe singer in the garden. She listened a moment, and began again ; she ran up and down the lilies of melody in lights and dips of sounds tliat nuide him think of a bird flitting in mid-air. - 'Bravo!' he cried, clappiu g his hands as her voice died into slleuce, and the bird flew up and away in th blue overhead. 'You have put your rival to flight.-; 'Why, John !' she always called him that didn't know any; one was listening.' 'You would make a fortunje witl your voice, he said, "liut l wouldn't like to have you try it" 'Why V she asked. 'Because I don't want to lose you he answered. 'You'll never be fortunate enough to do that, she laughed.- 1 m going to stay with you always, Johu.1 'You'll change your mind some time he said, gravely, looking away toward the mountains in that way" he had when thinking' deeply. Y ait till Roy comes 'I wish Roy, were here she said coming up the steps, anu stopping .1.- . 1.1 close by him. 'You have told me so much about him that I want to see hi m. '. 'He will be here to-day or to-mor row he answered, thinking that wth Roy's coming there would be an end of the old quiet life, -in which he had Stacia all to himself.. ; SomewayJt had seemed to, him -all . i along as If -Roy would marry Stacia. They, were suited to each other. ' He khew of no one he would sooner give her to. but and always Jat the tliought of giving her up to any one there was a curious little pain! at his heart. He wanted her for himself. That night Roy came, i 'I like him very imuch she told jonn Asniey, next morning 'We shall be the best of friends.: 'Orjoyers he added, with a grave, slow smne. 'Oh, no; only friends,' she said, dropping her-eyes before his earnest gaze, while a so(V colorlike that in a rose's heart,' came into her face 'I'm goin to have no lover but you John You :. -: ead. : 'Wait and see he answered don't know your heart yet - But Stacia only shook her 1 She and Roy were the bestoijfric as she' had said; they . would be.!, , ends She had never known; a brother's love or companionship, and Roy's,, pleasanf ways won a p!ace: in her regard Tom the first. There were long rows on the river, in the pleasant days when all the world was full of summer sweetness, and walks in the twilight. And John Ashley, sitting apart, with -only;, his thougts to keep hiin com pany, saw the two together, and tnld himself that what he had foretold had come true. Roy loved her, and he was going to lose the woman he lov ed. - ' itu ftk . litJe.-Sii r!i;j 4-- (I must be a fool to think of suci a thing as linking her life and. mine together,' he said, bitterly, one day, as he stood at the window, watching them rowing slowly-up and down the river. 'I am almost an old man. May and December were not meant to tnaU i togVtfierT Uml yet. you wo men have loved men as much older than they were, as I am older than Stacia. If she could; love me how complete life would seera 1 NVithoiit her, I shall always 1 be a lonely man.'. i One day Roy and Stacia were in the garden together. They were tying up carnations. ; 'I don't know of anything in the world sweeter than carnations except your cheekssaid Roy, all atpnee. j 'That's a very pretty compliment said Stacia. 'I suppose Ioughtto give you something in return. Here is a carnation. That's fair you give com pliments and I'll pay in carnations. 'I d rather you d pay in kisses, said Roy. 'Do you know I am jeal ous over that kiss you gave uncle John this morning ? You never kiss me in that way.' 'Because I keep my kisses, for the one who loves me best she answered, softly. 7 1 f 'I love you, Roy said, suddenly. 'You must ifjve seen jhat, Stacia! I have loved'yon since the first time; I saw you. ' 'I never thought you cared for me -not in that way, at least said Sta cia, pulling away the hand Roy had taken possession of. 'I hope I haven't done lor said anything to make you think that ' and then she stopped, at a loss how to explain her meaning. 'Yon hav'nt tried to make me love you, or exerted any wiles to catch me if that is what you mean he answer ed. 'But I thought you did care for me, Stacia ?' 'So I do, as a very dear brother, she answered. 'I love you very much Roy, but not in tfie way you meant just now.' Roy's face was full of keen disap pointment.' He had hoped to woo and win this girl. But it could not be. ! 'I am sorry, very sorry for von, Roy she said, tenderly, touched by the sight of his disappointment.' 'Let me be vour sister Stacia, and forget that you ever thought of me as any thing else." You shall be brother Roy from this time forth. Is that agreed on Roy?' ; 'Yes, since you will have it so he answered. j I He understood that it would be useless for him to urge his suit., Sta cia always meant what she said. , 'Let me seal the compact with a kiss, then she said and kissed him. ; Looking up, after the caress, she saw John Ashlev's face at his window. He had seen her kiss Roy, and his heart was full of keenest pain at the sight. He thought it. was such a kus as a woman "gives to) the man she 5 loves, and sighed to think his life must be barren of such kisses. That night he was in the parlor alone, thinking of her, when she came in. - ;.';.;. . . '! - j 'I have been hunting for you she said. 'I am lonesome : ! I want some one to talk to - " j , She drew a little stool up to his feet, and sat down, leaning her head upon his knee. t .1 j 'Lonesome, are you ? he said, strok ing her yellow hair getitly. 'Whqre is Jioy ? He ought to keep you from get ting lonesome w ; : i i J don't want to talk to Roy,' she; answered, f I want you, John. You don't act as you usedta before jRoy came. ; I don't have 5'ou all to myself fork quiet talk. as. I used to.' - 'You don't miss my compahy,doypu ?' be saiu, lureauing nis lingers inroug her tresses In au absent way. lies was thinking uow . mucn ne should miss j her when Roy took her away, ' ... fYouknow I miss you sh e ans- wereo.'V'A ne to taiK tp ;you Defter than ;to any one else.' J . i - 'Better than to Roy ?' he ; qucs- tioned. 'Yes, better; than to Jtoy she aus- w,ere,.. ' . , : ':S 1 i "V -: . t (suppose jt js all settfed , between VOU land ltov;' he. saidl : bv-and-hv . I J W - - 1 J J y ureaning me j snence inat nau iaiien laueu about ihemf. .. t voice had K khlm . -; u m toucli of pairt in it "It hurt him to . - - talk about losing her. . xes, it is all settled she answered. Has he told . vou V. i - 'No; but I saw; yon ; kiss him in the garden this afternoon, and I have known JiqwUt wd: ? be from the first. I hope yo'mwill beN happy, very happy, Stacia. It will be hard for me to give you np ; I shall miss you more than you can tnmkV .but I am not selfish enough to try! to keep you, when love calls you elsewhere.' 'I uon't understand you she said, Iooki ng up at him in a puzzled way. 'I kissed T aI J 1... I ... ixoy in ine garuen, uiu it. .i .u that that doseri't following frotn you calls I am e got to give me lip, or that love pie away irom vou. It dosen't. going to stay witli you always, and be your j Stacia.' Dhn't you love Roy?' he asked, lifting her facej up that he might look into her eyes. 'Yos, I loye Roy ?'; rnd we're going to be the best of friends. He is broth er Roy to me, and I am sister Stacia to him.' i sill . t ' ki rnt And noiuingimorer mere was a strange eagerness in his voice. ' 'Nothing more she Iv. L ; answered soft he began, and i asked. 'Stacia, I wonder 'j stopped suddenly. 'Wonder what ?' si 'No matter he ansjwered, getting up and going to the ; window, where he stood looking out with a shadow on his nto the face. night, Bi)t I want to know, she said, fol lowing hin and I jay ing her hand upon liis arm. 'Tell me, Jo in ' Wpuld you force me to tell you cried, passion that 1 love you ?' he ately.! 'That I have been fool enough to droam that I could make you hap py ? I Go away, Stacjia, and let me thiTiklof my t folly, anil try to conquer it.' 'Is it folly to love me ! sue asked, softly l lifting her shy eyes to his. 'Oh John,! I could be happier with you than any one else in lie world 1' you could care : old man cares 'D6 you mean that! for the old man as th for you, Stacia? Hav e you thought of the yars between usr 'I pnly know love you she said, and put her hands in his. 'If you want me. John, why lake me I' 'But' with the old haunting thought throwing its . shadow in his face r'l am so much older and sober- er than vou. Do not take me out of pity, j$tacia.It is love I want. You will be in 'wpman-ho3d'8 'prime when I am a white-haired old man, 'Tllen I will be an old man's dar lingjshe said softly.' - And John Ashley bent over and kissetj her with ; a grcat joy in his face. She was bis: all his! MISCELLANEOUS. . ,: ; :- 1 - t Kindliness n Beautllier. A beautiful person is the natural form Of a beautiful soul. The mind builds its own house. The soul takes precedence of the body and shapes tlie body to ts own likeness. A va cant mind taked all the meaning out of the fairest facet There is no sculp tor like the mind. There is nothing that so refines, polishes, and ennobles face and mien as the constant presence of great thoughts. The man who livesdn the jregiou of ideas, moon beams though they be, becomes ideal ized. There are no arts, no gymnas tics, which cajuemtributea tithe so much of thefpignityJ the streugthjthe ennobliug of a man's looks, as a great purpose, a high tJetirmiuation, a no ble principle an unquenchable enthu siasm.'' Bat 'more powerful still than any of these as a beajutifier of the per son is tlie overmastering purpose and pervading disposition of kindness in tiie heart. Atiectioii is the organizing force iu the human constitution. 4 Wo man is fairer tjian rian because she has more affectroq than man. Love- iiness is the outside of love. Kind- nessr sweetness, good will, a nrevail- ing desire and determination tn mU loth hers happy, make the body a fair Umple of the Holy.Ghost. The soul (hU o pure and generous affec- tions fashions i the features into its own nnmlin . i;L-anno. it.. I 1IUVUES3. iU 1 IIH HKP I wnicn ptows in' oti .- nil wmcii grows in grace and ' blossoms I infn Invnl mnsn n1.Tl. i. . . 1 . : m ' t . I biiuna iv an fr? n nnr oririi rp. t v . . Aliere IS nOtUin? On earth Whmh mn 1 quickly transfigures a personality, re- fines, exalts, irradiates with heaven's Aivn r i-i: - 1 ..... " I ding, prevailing kindness of heart. I Presbyterian Journal. ... jjj Aglow 400 Hours. - fi, ZJte lane Dur ma which Mr. Ed'utnn',m Lights Have Burned Without Losing Lwtre. Workmen were emnloved in Menln Park yesterday in further increaaino- th w , number of lamp posts that line the neat board walk leading from Mr. Ediaon'a l .i a. a .1 i .. . I i lawraiory W IDe UeDOI. T IPSA nKW amn . ... , A. . r I ' I08ts wil1 bo connected with the wire by i- . ... - plied with the electric current. Mr. i v"vn muse uiicsklv buiuuiu!t are sun- Edison sava that before Innir h will ha lamps going night and day, all fed Horn one dynamo machine attached to an eighty-horse power engine The lights new burning necessitate the use of only tiivo generators, but the dynamo machine standing in the engine room, it is said, will supply fourteen generators. Some of the lights have now been bpruing about 400 hours. Supposing that artificial illumination is repuired six lijoura per day, on an average, it has thus been demonstrated that these lights would have remained unimpaired for two months. Nice tests have shown them to be yet as bright as when first set np. On several j occasions iu the last two weeks, how- ever, the engine haa been stopped for a short time onco when the supply pump ! for the boilers gave out, aud at other times . for experimental purposes. At such times, of course,-the lights cease to glow. New York Sun, 10th. ji Old Folks on the Farm. y 1 f liThe tenacity with which the veteran farmers stick to their farms not only, but to t he actual work 011 them, is one of the .ah intfi-oatiitir ani.Wf. fnr ti.M itnnf niost interesting subjects for the student of social charactvi istics. A "retired" farmer, living 011 a small income in a con u try villiage, with nothing to do but tti: higgle over his purchases and growl at the taxes is a proper olyect of pity Happy the man whose younger kins iiieu will carry on the old farm, and let him work or not as he pleases giving him au easy chair by the warmest corner of the fire place iu wilder, and a shady nook on the verandah wherein to nod ov cr his newspaper and play with his grand children in Summer. Thrice happy the good farm wife whose daughter, or daugh tei's daughter reserves the best groundfloor room for her, and carries ou the' work herself all the whilo pleasing "mother," with the belief that she is still doing it as slie did for half-a-hundred years. How sweet and placid the dear old face, as sho goes with feeble steps to kitchen and and dairy "lookin arter things!" She knows how many chickens there are, and when the speckled hen ought to come off; She passes judgment . on the new cow, and gives that finishing touch to the but ter which won the first premium at tlio eojpnty fair so many years ago before filioin1' ti-!ta Irnnwn in fli. firm ' !ioiir. Slie "goes to meetin7" with a regularity that shames her children, and passes mttitiv iinnn tho Tarrnpr Rinnn or thr niii of life serenely happy amid accustomed scenes aud familiar faces. What ' ham - pored village existence would be so good for her aa that? It is poor work, trans - i.i lililllliuu uiu ticsB. . , There is, we think a danger that the old men on the farm will work too much, ' ... . . ... at 1 no gritty American ; larraer gives up hard : and in the hurry of work, or from thoughtlessness of younger men, the old frames are often overtaxed. Enforced j idleness is often the beginning of the end ! vith men whose whole lives have been spent in activities." Rut "taking it easy" won't hurt them. Make "laying off," and lighter cares around the Jionse so natural and easy for them that they will never know itvs plauned. The younger geu- eratious should take good care of the elder, for from the present outlook, it is doubtful -if grandparents are so plenty fifty vears hence. Golden Rule. ,mm . . Many of our readers will remember itev. Samuel S. Bryant, one of the most eloquent. superbly endowed Methodist preachers of the South. His sermons were nne, ana nis literary lectures and addresses of marked excellence. This gifted man has just died in Kansas. His death occured on Decem ber 28th..We do not know his nativity. We do not think he was born in this State, although he was for a Ipng time connected with the North Carolina Conference, M. E. Church. South. Wilmington Star. Kever trust a man for actual. nec essaries who refuses to promptly, pay cash for hU luxuriei. NEWS ITE3IS. MaJ. Wilson's Eusrineeriii? AVorlr, - 1 n t Wax Cou Cameron saw up "West. - '- . i ' ... j s .s-."- t.-; -. rroa the Dvnam Recorder.) ij Passing up the narrow valley of Cnek, the route soon displayed its rinthine character, lluch as has been Jim "' uwuw oeeni said about the wonders of this ascent noth-1 DA&U MMUb 1.1113 HUDUCrU f II w : t . . . . . i iUg uus agiuaitooserrauon can realize it. I TtiA wnrb fa a An I of engineering, bold, original; beautifulyet eminenj practical In eonwption;ln fact tueonit mode apparently bv which the ele- vation to be reached tnn1A liv Ivan Ar. I come. I . , . . - The irst marveloua feature occur atthe Round Knob whicb th road encfirlea from 1 the left! AonroachinEr iL hiffh nn in theair I .!!-- .. . a :'J . " -f- ? 19.0 foor ihA tVi& (nl jm 1 x. I tie, crossed apparently by V parallel road, j " " Dim UOVk, 4 MTU A lllllg IrCS- I Curving sharply to the left, the road crosses I Jtill Creek on a single archway of granite, I 45 feet above the water with a snan of 40 I feet. b. V of convict labor, and very J . - . i autiful work it is; their hugging the base of the Poantaina' following all its recesses on1 inilantatmni n.oD!n tlonl. -J 1 I -" F"b miuuuu uit iuuu formidable mofc nt it im in ir. I regula curvatures, crosses Mill Creek again, encircles Hound Knob, and mounts that I high trestle which a few minutes before was J uijju iu tiic an iuvic us, i iii'ii ucuriULT iu the riht. it Rweena in a tnnWin. mmMri. I cal cutve round a conical peak with broad --m -j I -J J --- but irregular base, and comes back airain to find itself in close proximity to the Round Knob track, but far above it. Then again bearing to the right and winding along the bases of the hills, and plunirins deen into the recesses of the coves, it turns again to the left, crosses a fill of extraordinary height, cuts through the point of a steep slope to formidable depth, curves sharply to the m again, and then crosses by a trestle, partljfilled in, a valley which is 130 feet below the track, and about 200 yards across. Emerging from this the train halt im- mediately at the famous Mud-Cut Th diffic ilties of this spot have not been alto- . J r.s. 'a ! I gether exaggerated; only it is grave-error to regard them as insurmountable. The cut was made through a soil which ages before had slipped from the steep mountain face high, above, and the continuity of loose tex ture having been broken, gravitation caused a sidelong settling, and the exevasse which has occasioned so much delay. About 7 acres thus made their way to the track and offerbd an apparently endless battle. But havihgseen the cut m the early stages of i. a a 1 , . frnnltlp wfl rannnt fail in un hrtnr miifh nf the difficulty has lessened. mi -iL cut, originally nearly perpendicular, and 60 feet high, is now reduced almost to a level, and the angle is so small that there is little pressure. And except occasional delays, the cut itself has proved an indispensible mine of earth needed to fill up the adjacent high trestle which had to be brought from remote distance. Mai. Wilson will at once proceed to construct a track around the point of the mountain below the eut, and withj a turn-table, escape all further delay both in the passage of trains, and the pros ecution of his work. Some Good Sound Sense. HOW TO KCIN A PARTY. If a man like Billy Mahone who has just j elected to the United States Senate in I Virginia, differs from you upon a single question of paying the State Debt, denonce j,jJ jn unmeasured terms and brand him as j a Radical in other words, drive him out of the party- 1 -if you can I If the negroes in any number vote for him, hold it up as prima facie evidence that he is a Radical, a-a cm Um, wwi nkMih vau or KTa I tried to get these same negroes to vote your j way and failed to do it. i haw rn ircr a rv t . ptt If a man like Billy Mahone differs from I you upon the local or general questions of State policy, simply express regret over the 1 difference and labor to convince him he is i:i..t i.: s x... j : :i a 1 niisiaatsu iu uis views, uui uu ib iu a miiu and courteous manner, and at the same time j accord him equally as much honesty of pur - I , . . , 1 . r a 1 pose ana party loyally as you proiess w have. Do not aeek to belittle him, nor de- nounce him as dishonest, corrupt, &c. In stcau or iaoorin2 to anve mm out 01 ine party, labor to Keep mm in it. uive mm credit for being a good Democrat in all the it National principles upon which the parity is founded. Milton Chronicle. The above allusions to Virginia affairs may be very applicable next summer to pub lic matters in North Carolina. There's gc- in2 to be some amerence among Democrats abdut spending money by public sppropria- I tioas and paying salaries to an increased I number of State office-holders. Charlotte I Demoert, According to the opinion of the Supreme Court of Maine, aa delivered to the Gover nor ait his request, certificates should not hate been denied to the members of the Legislature on account of technical irregu lariea and defects in the elections and re turns. There is no doubt of the actual elec tion f the members to whom the Governor and Council declined to give certificates, and public opinion will not tolerate their Exclusion, when the effect ia to reverse the political character of the Legislature and enable the minority, if they choose, to make theUelvcs permanently a msjorityrtrto- ion2i6tc$ amUCourur Item. ... . ; ::r. Senator Bayard's Platform. - j From Ills Letter to the Newark Jackson Dinner, i Each one of us, whether in the Senate or any other place of public trust, -whether ia public or pnvate life, must do a man's partf to prove that political duty can be perform4 ed by American citizens in as high, stead fst and faithful a spirit as though each1 were privy councillor to a monarch and ur4 nv j,.,, , vUUuiwt mguireu marar-, rounded by all the pride and state of a gov-; . . . ... ... . . - i rnment arourary ana limitless in its pow-- m Vf m 1 to denounce any act, executive, legislative! or judicial, which exercises power not "deles! gted by the Constitution and laws. Thit was the old faith and. nrfti f th IW ocritie ritr. ;.,imbr iii?h fcV nn aeventy years they administered the afiairal of the Union with honor, nrosoeritv and' peace, and the? will do so airain so soon aa! ' ...... - . . - w - - --j nnr pnnntntnM vAMmSvA tti. f.. lVm t..VUlt.3 l low IUI WD; tand once more in the ancient pathway of the Constitution. Let ua prove -that we, "a that the success of our party at the; P1Is means a return to constitutional bounds! . .- - i ln eTe,7 aepartment of the government, and; the subordination of every oflicial, high and; How, to the spirit and letter of the only iu-i Tkrpmft 11W fit th l&nn Tjt Ttm malr rnr r --w-.w-.. nartv the recosmized arencv for honest ad-? ministraUon and wise economies, and the consequent advancement and honor of our entire people. I, f CCTTrXO THEM Ur.It IS Said that the Western Medical Colleges have so much dif-j utu"J in geng suojecw ior oissecuoo, that they contemplate overcoming all diffi-f cmues uv an aounaantinppiy trom the ne- Uro emigrants who are now going into In-; p diana and Kansas from North Carolina and other Southern States. The negro cannot'; UTe lonS " iat coralimate, ana the Doc- tors know t, " henc the prospect of an: aounuance caa ooaies lortne use oi tne JieuiCtti vouches oi waiana, Kansas mn olQer nwerawB . i lue ueiuueu ireeamen move aiong; iney want meir "eietons nung uP J" "1CU1W"4:B CB " w Wf 0 f Cl" Know in" " nara to Scl ine ies of white men. bnt are confident that thai black man will farai&h an abundant supply.! Poor fellows! Charlotte Democrat. j Rrikt Ttfxvw TtttACTKYjf. Wfthinertn.' January inst.The anti-Grant fetlirg, pi rtlc-j ularly in the North, is being felt here in a; tnarked degree within the past few jdayai . The Grant men are becoming alarmed. They' - on Qf Grant if against the better judgment! , ,t - . 6 . , r disclaim any intention to force the noraiua- VI IU Will I Y. , YfCll uu n U VlltU 1VCIUU1I' I 1 - J can n uu uaajust arrucu m iu civ, wuv.- district, says that if Grant is nominated the; Democrats will almost'certainly carry Ohio.) Such testimony as this and much of the- same son, nearu nere lately, uv naving a, damaging effect on the third term boom.; Ohio is regarded as essential to Republican success, and Ohio Republicans are in a situ ation to make themselves heard. Cincinna ti Commercial. ' The Cher aw and Sal i bury Railroad ha be'en completed to within five or six miles of Wadesboro. Prof. A. W. Mangura, of Chapel HUl? writes to the Raleigh Christian Advocated On the eve of his departure from New York,! for a tour through Egypt and Palestine,RevJ Dr. Deems placed in charge of President Battle and myself the sum of three hundred dollars, as a memorial fund, to bear the name of his lamented son, Theodore Deemai The appropriateness of the gift will be ap- predated when it is known that Theodore who fell at Gettysburg, was born at Chaptt Hill, while his father was a professor in tho University. 1 The SIaikk Imbkoglio. AugusU, 3Ir-4 Januarv 11. Lewis Barker, on bttialf of Lie : j client, Ebenezer Sproul, of Veaxie, haa tdJt . t ached the property of E. F. Pillsbury, of j the Maine Standard, for libel, based upon aa r article in tnat paper cnargmg jur. Dproiu witn oriuery. rersonai service wui oemaaa I n Mr. Pillaburv to-morrows . ,i i v r r I Wilmington Bcriev: Six Sisters of 1 Mercy left this city a few days ago for I . m At - 1. -1 1 iiicKiry, wuere mey gn 10 ratnutiBu m J female school. They left here nnder tb escort of Rev. Mark S. Grow,' of St Thom as's Catholic church. ! i . Mrn flrant ta nnntcrl o li iTi'nir uiJ that the happiest period of herjife the General's was when they lived .in Galena "in a anall brick bouse and kepi one servant . . ' . '! ;. Sheriff Manning, of Wilmington, do nated the ten dollars allowed him by lav -for hanging Allen Mathis, to the paatot 5 of a colored church, for the benefit of hi charge. J The Kentucky Senate has decideil hj a large majority against a bill propoa ing to admit women to the bar. ' A letter addressed to 14George Swornj" l iuuiJi VAiuitua, iu iiiieir, it utiu ni 1119 I 0 -.. .1. rt 1: 1.. 1 .. n : .. i...u a ' office. It will go slow until a stamp Js affixed to it. f j I The work of placing Memphis in a good sanitary condition is being pushed to aii early completion. 1 i Life is put together considerably liite a set f harness. 1 here are traces of care, lines of trouble, bits of good ioriune, ureacues oi go manners, I i . m I - hnd led tonnes, ami evcrybodjr- has ; to tug to pull thrtrugh. i t 4