: VU J ' ; yyv:-ry.-;yyy:v'j ,- 'y-'" : : ,.yy-. -v:-:''' 11 y.-s y-y.-. yyy....y ; ;yyy ' - - : .'-.: :.v:-'! f ; yy ; y. yy - y .- : y yy .y ..-.y : ;-y . yy,-v i ( , i. yy -yy - ;.'y ' y r :. : y " '. 4 ."l.-v-.. " ;v v : - " - , 1 : y "1 -, -. y - ! ' L i ' i . - j: ;-!- " 7 . i ' h - : if - - J ; : - 1 j ' " I ' " . - r- ' . ' sin !?"r; ' - ' s'"- :-r I - - - -; . - - I - H u . 7 - - . . ,, : ...... ; , . . r - j u : 1 (R yl.TO) TWir: ' VV 1 t(P. h TO 1 Tfl : . L: lot'XI. THIRD' SEMES,' : , V ' : SALISDTOYH. C.V; JAITOiLRY 29.1880. ' 1-. - . - - ': .. 'jnid' - I 4 t Kiss. n. rtartinsr of lins as tber iiuw ? y ,: , " Tbat'rfi kiss ia the abstract, i It does not . yt M .ogag.:cau rigbtly ' fB- Jprt it-t i j tf hat Mmile suggest, or rchat fancy reveal ffifeteHo0s bliss it can cause one to ? jjcjqystcnoos I pel ! J iatnre ass f ir;:- -i ' i Ji.... ocanrArilv won a ilininmn. fxigrahep of flavor and perfect aroma. For Like Itars! 'w the sky of a eliear frosty i i yWighti j -.. ' 'i !jflieMis..bver the ecstacy Jcliugt to yoa 'T.. i jfJl "..i-kl'iirtHilMnenl ill fl II iliMb4Iir.rtf All jHrtSU'V -'"J-;r,-r" T - blISS . . . , Can but pamy uwnw wnwnuvu iu a kiss. Georye Blrdseye. . The Water Mill. " - 1 i DEDICATED TO MY BEST. Listen to the water mill, Through the liveloug day, Jfnlflihe clicking of the wheel - y. WieKrs the wearing hoars away, , Languidly the autumn wind StTi the withered leaves, In this field the reapers sing, I Blading up the sheaves. ' But a proverb haunts my mind, i Ami as a spell is cast ; That the mill will never grind, -i With the water that has passed. i " - Hy ! . '-: sly 5' ' ' . ! Antuinu witids, revive no more Leaves saeA ii o'er earth and main, r Xai the sickle ne'er cairreaj, T1b gathered sheaves aain. ButtU rippling stream flows on, Tranquil, deep and still, Ktver gliding back again, i' . 'fa tlo water mill. ' - Tnily speaks the proverb old. With ameaining vasr, The mill will never grind aiiiu : IWitli the water that has passed. Take the lesson to thyself, j Xohle heart and true ; I Gohleu years are fleeting by, Ydutjh is'passing too. karbjlo iiiake the most of lijfc, - Ldsefno lianpy day ; .'I i tTimi jw ill ne'er return SvfeSt joys ueglected, thrown away, LeaYo no tender word uiiKiid, llt love with love shall last, Forjtht mill will never grind With the water that has passed. I !: . - . - -i Work while yct.the sun doth shine, Witis all your strength aiid will ; Kevcilioes the streamlet glide, Lplewrby the mill. Waft hot uutil to-morrow's sun ii-ttiiis beauty ou the way ; All -that thou canst call thi ne own b liies in the phrase "to-daj ." rower, intellect ana blooming iieaitii Will iot, cannot always last, -r Tlifc hi ill will never griud - f lth; the yater that has passed. ' !' j ;' - ' 0, the wasted hou rs of 1 ife, J hat Jiave drifted swiftly by ! 0, the good we might have done, tost, cone without a sijrh. Loje which we might once have said, a single kiudly word ; Tl nights couceived, but ne'er expressed, f erlshiiijr, unformed, unheard. Ta)ift the lesson to thy soul, ' ake and hold it fast -The mil will never grind With he water that has passed. ' t-:!i !- !! ; - ; " lm thy God and kindred all, piy&ef consider last, Fiff come it will, when thou must scan, , park errors of the past ; Bijt wheu the tight of life is o'er, ! VjhI earth recedes from view, Aijdjhcaven in all its glory shines, iMiuat the pure gold and true, -Tfeenoa will see more clearly jTlrii. pfoverb deep and vast, iTle niilli will never grind again iut water tuat lias passed.. ','' ;r ' " X Selikim. pHK UibEWED.-pOne of the sanitary po- j I Ilde was the other day wandering over a full of dead cats in an alley off Seventh I .t , , in w linn lis w am i iiia n i Diinia lo conflict in a house -nearby. As he enter- the yard a man and woman burst open i i ; t , --. j- . i , tip side door and rolled.. down the steps in heap, kicking and clawing with right goodwill. r "What k the trouble here ?" asked the of- fiier as he nnllprl th.man.irt. "There, Via glad jqu happened along!T c&imed theman ashe jumped up. The V W0,Bfn and me have had a disPute for ln j-iof jy : i -u.r, I -i-iv:m ur uieeir years as io wneu vuns-i t Pher Columbus Sliscovercd America. Mav- 1 jou know?" ! J i l 4 vi hh tfUStVwWT eatI ;ettlo T liarl t" hnsltAnil hi d&nred ronnd. 'w then, old woman, will you give up!" "Afcverr wu. won t j " aotan inch! I said 1490, and I had Pr Beck across the edge of the step. We alreed not to bite nor scratch, and I orefer -7 ,ren" the . conflict rather than take a Monger's fiWesr! Hnmi. into the house!" The officer ti'?fpi t until he I I.L.' . i .w.- e i 1ra two chairs smashed down and a doz-1- -, uu ue resumea uis rounus who a i growiag conviction that Columbus would -tfUmaielj be two years ahead in that house. I 4 bly Koat in the neighborhood of a col 4 I. Tcu VhUrcll in Tftrhoro smU cimM liinrr a; . - a , , much like murder, that it Tcaapanic 3 r vi oj among the sable worship- erg, -ill- -Si'.': A i kiplis electrical comes with a start oTf titisrlea a delicate shock to tljelieart, t tne eye i iimiiug iw erllme rushing out of the church c1 ttuth to the! surprise of his goatship. fhlitiH:, i I ; '!..'.. 't , y , BY BLANCHE SHAW. One A u trust afternoon a voimp' o-irl sat on a rustic seat beneath the shade of k She weight and snl, witK a delicate pale face, and large dark eyes which look steadily before L -. . . . . .. w .. ... 0 o O" her instead tf at the knittinsr in Her y - : " i : quick fingers." She was alone as far as human society was concerned; but the birds flew so close to her, and the grasshoppers chirped so loudly, that all feeling of solitude was banished. Presently; another sound was added a footstep; and then aj gentleman ap peared. He stopped before the jirl, and raising his hat, said : j "I beg pardon, but may I ask if Mrs.-Mortmain is at home?" The girl turned her intense eyed to wards the sound, and replied j 'No sir. She went to drive, and YllMiot return till dinner. Will you wait for her?' 'Thank you, yes he answered.? She arose to lead the way to the house, but he stopped her. 'Pardon me, but if you will permit me, l would rather waityhere till mv aunt returns - 'Your aunt V Audi the large eyes looked atjiim questioningly. 'Then I have the pleasure of addressing ;Mr. Oscar Mortmain V He bowed. 'The same at your .ser vice. Am 1 wrong, in calling tou Miss Leigh?' i r 'Indeed you are giving me honor to which I liave uo right." My cousin Laura went with aunt to drive. ;My name is Page ; a strange one to yotij is it not?' 'It is ; but I hope it will not be so long. It seems my aunt has prepared a double pleasure for me.' He stop ped abrnpty as he saw Miss Page slow ly extend her hand before her till it touched the chair she had just risen from, and then passed it quickly over it, before she sat down. Too well bred to. show his surprise, he took an other scat and was silent till site siad; 'Aunt will be very sorry sh was not here to welcome you. Mr. Mort main, but she did not expect y oil till to-morrow.' 'Yes, that was the day I appointed, I believe; but my friends tell me that I never kept an appointment in my life.' A ball of worsted fell from her lap and rolled to his feet. He picked it up and handed it to her. Her: eyes were looking steadily at him, but she rdid not notice the wool. He drew it back, and said : 'Thank you, I will keep it in mem ory of our meeting And without waiting for her to reply, he continued: lo what luckv chance am ;i in- debted for this pleasure, Miss" Page? How could you be indifferent to the charms of a drive this delightful af ternoon?' A quick spasm of "pain passed over her face, and then she replied : 'I would not be a very desirable companion on an excursion like tue . i j . i one they are taking this aftehioon. Jt iins ,,1 Ood to veil -from me . . M , . e i rr. the visible beauty of his works.' Her vo,ce trembled, and her eyes f grew deeper. Mortmain drew his-breath quickly. He looked at her a second, and then the-truth burst on him. one was t i blind! A cold shiver ran over j him; and had a third person appeared at thfii mnmunt would have'said that his was the moister eves of the two Tt . i . .i i n He tned l y Something; but UO fit .1 1. 11 - . I 1 J ting thought would come at his bid ding, aud the silence lasted till Miss Page said": M feel that the sun is sinking low er. They will soon be home. ! List en ! Is not that the sound of wheels? - Mortmain bent his ear, but f heard nothing. She smiled. , '- . j . - ' . 'No, I suppose not. It is too faint for vour ears. There ! You can hear it now, can yoU not He heard it, aud in a few. moments lied up the avenue and a carriage ro Mrs. Mortmain alighted from it. She 0 cast a Iook of uncertainty on her neph ew, but in a second ilf changed to a smile of welcome. "" 7 . 'Oscar, she said, extending both hands, 'is it indeed you? ; Welcame Mme oucc wore! , Why did vou not ;me? tell mc to expect you to-day ? j Have; 'I don - 7 '- !"77y-.:. .; ; r (?2. 1 you been waiting long? sorry I'' ' 'Do not distress yourself, ray dear. aunt replied Oscar; 'I have been waiting but a short time, and Miss ' Page has entertained me delightfully.' 'Lucy, ah, yes, I am very glad she was here. Laura, ray dear She turn ed to a tall auburn-haired girl, who had followed her from the carriage. 'This is my nephew, Oscar Mortmain, Oscar, my niece, Miss Leigh Miss Leigh bent her pretty bead, and Oscar responded : 'Miss Leigh has been an ideal friend so long that it is hard to realize I a1, last in the flesh Miss Leigh lifted her delicate brows , 'Please get accustomed to the fact as soon as possible, Mr. Mortmain. have no ambition to be identified with the spiritual for some time to come yet - 'Consequently, you must know that it isnear dinner time, Xaura sai4 her aunt. 'Come Oscar, let us go to the house Oscar was latejat dinner that day not that he had not plenty of time for bis toilet, but he loitered at it, pori- dering over the last few hours anil .Lucy Page. W ho was she? His aunt's niece, he knew;. but he had never heard her name before. Laura's praise had been chanted to him ever since she hd t graduated from pina fores, and he knew that he was ex pected, in the end, to dutifully fall in love with her and marry her. But Lucy ! Her story was as sealed to him as the sunlight was to her sight- less eyes ! So deep, so searching, and yet so soft. Could it be that all was black to them? Great heavens ! it was terrible. And that evening, after list- i ening faithfully for an hour to LaU- ra's sweetest songs and Laura's most : me, and I thought I would try to ex brilliant wit, he sauntered to his aunt's orcise it with music. It is one of my side to ask about Lucv. 'Lucy? Yes, poor dear child. Ve arc all very fond of her. Her afflic tion is indeed terrible. She is my sister's child. A sister who married an artist, in opposition to all her fam- ily;hedied in a few years, leaving her with one child, and very poor, of course. Jroor Mary! her heart was brokeir. She soon followed him, and left her little blind girlto the care of her family. Lucy -generally has lived with her uncle, but this summer) I J lookng far beyond her with her sight have asked her to stay with me for less orbs, she sang 'Mignon.' The low company for Laura. She is a queer child ; solitary iu her habits. But we all love her. Laura, dear, sing that last new song for Oscar; I know he will like it.' And thus with singing, and danc ing, and boating, and fishing, the time rolled by, and Oscar,saw but little bf Lucy. He hovered around Laura constantly, and Mrs. Mortmain was congratulating herself that her darling wish would be gratified' when one day Oscar was brought home senseless and bleeding, in consequence of a fall from his horse. ' They laid him on his bed, aud gravefaced doctors worked over him for hours before suspended life was restored ; and then it broke forth in delirium. For teu days he heavy a burden When I see you go hovered between life and death. His ing on so patiently day after day jwith aunt and Lucy watched beside him, out a murmur, I want to put up my while Laura moped in the parlor,! a Strong shoulders, to take part of the useless mass of nerves and ennui. It weight.' was wonderful what instinct guided! tbe blind girl in the sick chamber, jit was her hand that arranged the phials on the little stand, her baud that gave the draught, and her voice that, when the sufferer was struggling with the fever, soothed him back to quiet. At last the change came, and the doctor said that Oscar Mortmain would live. He was weak and helpless as a babe, but reason was restord ; and when the first ray of its light shone from his eyes, Lucy crept away 'to rest she said. Oscar improved rapidly. He was soon able to don Che inevitable wrap per, and occupy the easy -chair in the sunshine; and then Laura, suddenly all solicitude and interest, would sit by hinl and rea( . but Lucy still kept awav f 7 U j- - ! : What has become of Miss Page? lie asked suddenly, one day. Laura dropped her book. Lucy ? Why, she's iu .the house somewhere, I guess J t Why doesn't she ever come to see 't knqyr. Probably she does! not like invalids ; you know they are not tie most delightful companions-' 'I wonder if one can remember, what happens in delirium, or if I only dreamed it ! : ; ' fcii" - 'Dreamed what?' : Tiat Miss Page watched over me during the first part of my illness?' 'No; you didn't dream' that j She watched while you were delirious, but left.yoa as soon as you "became con- scious. ;bhall I continue my reading, or are you tired? j 1 I 'Not at all. Please go on And he leaned back and closed his eyes: A jweek assed,jarid gsir3ied the wrapper, and abdi6atd lierttrtr chair. Aj large reception was; given by a friend. Oscar was not strong enough to attend, but he insisted upon his aunt and Laura's going, and at last they consented. Laura looked beautiful, that evening, and as Oscar handed ber to the carriage he told himself a man migui nave a worst iate. xie took a book! and sat down, but he did not feel like reading, find was carelessly turning over the leaves, when a light footfall sounded, and looking up he saw Lucy enter. She advanced j a few steps, and theb feeling :the magnetic influence ot another presence, she stop- ped and half turned to go back, but Oscar said : i ; 'Pra don't retire, Miss Page rath er take pity on my loneliness, j Per m it me to lead you to a seat He went towards her. 'Thank you ; no, I cannot stay 'Qui I get anything for you!' he asked, as she half turned, and then hesitated. 'No she replied, with a half-sad smile, and then added, in a lighter tone 'we all have our 'blue' spells Sometimes. 'Jo-night the spirit seizes follies 'If that be folly, may I never be wise replied he. j'l too, have a dark : spirit to-night, Miss Page. Have pit- ty on me.' Aiid he opened the piano, '.No, no, not that And light as a shadow she glided across the room and Seated herself at the harp. Oscar toiioweu her, una watcneu with earn- ( est ejes the little white hands Sweep j over; the strings. ! A few sad chords floated through the room, and j then echo; died away, Oscar came and lean ed on the harp, i 'Miss Page? those deep eyes were raised to his 'Miss Page, I have wished for a long time to thank you for your kind hess: during my illness.' ; 'Pray do npt Mr. Mortmain, I did nothing wortliv of thanks.' " 'But you did. x iTou bore the bur- den of it all.' j She smiled this time a little liitter- - ly. ?Is not that right ? I was bor; n for burdens Oscar spoke eagerly; 'Do not say that. Miss Page. You pain me deentv. It is not right. It cannot be right for you to bear so a w w i 'Thank yoti, Mr. Mortmain, I am not worthy of ;such interest. net laws was white and weary. "Miss Page, can it be that you are mortal? Do you never rebel against you' cross?' j She looked at him. Her eyes spar kled now, and her cheeks flushed. 'Do I ever rebel 7 j Uo you tuinic, that because I bow to the inevitable, because l Knqw tnai vjou uoes an ior K v " rm a l . the best, that 1 can suae an nature . r ' m T 1 xl within me 7 inat l can Know uie beauty of lifVarouud me, aud nojlong for it? The wealth of love that is showered on 'other women, and not vearn for it? Rebel!' Father, give me' knonr rphlllnn and to Dt ,, T V ' endure! j ii She rose quickly from the harp, aud before he could speak a word, she was cone Summer fled, and the crimson tints of aitumn began to glow. The party witlilthem. His itealtli was perfectly at uaKiana was to separate, on me ... - ,r""7 .VlVu " luxes to redeem the i t . ' . a . ' iL rt a cfmur til Hi lilkPfl IWO morrow. Laura was to return home, inches oi reacning uie ciuw .u uar- sof ccnL and iMrs: Mortmain was to take Lucy rel, is supposed to be the model tnat Marcb 1880 I back to her luucle. Oscar was Still the artist selected iu thedelinialion of do well to settle at 4t restored. He still played the devoted inight to Laura, but his heart and for tune was still his own. He, too, would gor somewhere, on the morrow; but whither he would wend his way he had not stated. Laura fondly hoped he would accompany her home to address her under her father's roof. The fare well dinner was over. Mrs. Mort main was occupied by her last house hold duty, and Laura with her trunis. Oscar sat alone on the piazza wrapped in; the sraoite of a fragrant Havana. Suddenly the soft notes of the harp brofce on the air, and then a low voice sang 'Mignon Oscar rose and walked gently into the room. In the dusy light he saw Lucy at the harp. Her head was bowed, and he saw a tear glisten on her dress. Lower and more tremulous grew her voice, and when she uttered the last 'Dahin, Dahin, she bent her head in her hands and sobbed. In a moment Oscar was at her side, and bending low over her he whispered : i 'Will you indeed go with me, my darling ?' l And Lucy rested her tired head on his strong shroulder, while over her darkness broe the golden light of love ! MISCKLLANY. Remarkable Trees. The last treaty with the Cherokee Indians was sigued beneath a giant white oak that still stands near the Cherokee corner, Oglethrope, Ga. At Wyoming, in Western New York, is an elm that measured thirty four feet around the trunk. Its branch es are thirty-four feet from the ground. A curious freak of nature can be s ?en near Eureka, Cal. It is in the shape of a tree, seventy-five feet high, one portion of which is pine and the oth er fir. Many oaks in England are 800 to 1,000 years old. The Newland oak is forty-seven feet six inches in girth. The Cowthrop, now more than 100 years in processs of decay, still has a girth of sixty feet. A peach tree in the garden of Mrs. Caleb Crow, of Hartford, Ky., is bearing a full grown purakin. The N'ics says : "This tree bore none of its natural fruit this season ; but nevertheless there hangs the healthy growing pumpkin, just as it grewn from the blossom to the present size, which is much larger than a man's head." Not a rivulet can be found on the island of Fierro, one of the largest of the Canaries, yet there is a species of, iree uie leaves oi wuicu are narrow 1 1 I 1 and long, and coutinue greeu through the entire year. These trees are con- "What are they going there fort I sup- tinually surrounded by .cloud which fe3 UIC K is condeused, and falling in drops their homes just for that, as North Caro keeps the cisterns placed under them I Ita tt-j taij canstantly full. Republicans are great for making promi . r - it 7 k tses, but they are not so good as to fulfil The trunk of an old tree that re- 'the ejbpretend. This u i .i may be seen on the grounds of the Jardin des Plantes, Paris. An iu- scription a, the root ,f the branches announces that the tree is the Acacia Virginensi spinosa of North America. It was brought to France in 1601 by Jean bin, and was planted in the . . place it now occupies by Vespasian j you tnat ,e and his family wetc proud to Robin, eardnerto Louis X III., in see me back agaiu. While down there I ' J?. . A r. i ova i had the opportunity of witnessing sever- 1636. This tree, which is now 278 a, Republican meetings, which the North years old, formeryl reached a great era people told me it would not be safe , . ti . ' .A . ., kw. ,n:i, for me to attend, as my life would be fa height, but its topmost branches with- j danger. 1 found no difficulty at the nicet- ered and had to be cut off to obtain ings whatever between the blacks and new shoots. All its branches are with Won and faUy stop- i . h a pogj,, that water . .. i . cannot infiltrate into the trunK oi tne - ag thafc wou,d its deathi I " Under a South Carolina law which provides that money won at gamb- : in ilflii nnon nroor be restored rMA .firm of Charleston has I . t r a Ann :cf htt .eiuereu suinor .wv- I proprietors of two fashionable resorts, the atnonnt alleged as having been t4t 1V vomit? men in whom the firm were interested. The expression of a boy's face at Adam leaving Paradise. The Make Up of the Body. Suppose your age to be 1 5 or thereabouts. lean fieure von tn Ant lott have 160 bone and 500 mn cles ; your blood weirha M d. . . . " - r I your heart is five inches in length and three inches in diameter; it beats I JO times a minute. 4,200 times per hour, 100,800 oer da v. and 36.792 . vw per rear, ai eacn Deal a little a . ... . over two ounces of blood is thrown out of it, and each day it receives and discharges about seven tons of that wonderful fluid- Your lnnn will ; : ' i , - contain a gallon of air, and yon inhalaf?. gaw sunace oi tne air cells ot your lungs supposing them to spread out, exceed 20,000 square inches. The I weight of your brain is three pound. : Whan 1 von ro m.n U .Sll Tl eignt ounces more. Your nerves ex- 1 . ceed 10,000,000 in number. Your I skin is composed of three layers, and varies in thickness. The area of your I skin is about L700 InnKr .n.l M : . you are subject to an atmospheric I pressure of 15 pounds to the square inch, j Each square inch of your skin contains 3,500 sweating tubes or per-l spiratory pores, each of which may be likened to a little drain tile, one-1 e , . ... ' 7 ' luurui ui an men long, masing an aggregate length of the entire surface of your body of a drain or tile ditch 1 for drainine the bodv 231 miles Ion?, Dio Lewi. - O 1 From the Novel of the Future. "There was a load noise like the report of an overcharged cannon, the burst boil er aent the splintered iron and steaming vanor Inch in the air. Marianne, the em rineer's lovelv dWhter. n rrril with mMsWin th-a Ain e i...i. Aaaheflew heaveu-ward, the employees K,-fK anA -i..o I the spectacle was fearful to witness. But TOtinor Jkhn. thft nsaiatntit wlm aA A . I mired Marianne from afar, was alive to thA omercrenrr. Sin . flvin mhin upon which he had just obtained a patent that morninir. he atrannd it to hi. h manly back, and, spreading the wings of the machine, vowed he would rescue the inrlnfhi. heart r,ii, n., l.. fl r nJ tl, diretinn hi. lri nn. hA tnw tt . j i i ,, , I plunged through a cloud. It wasut the work of a moment to clasp her to his 1 bosom. "Saved!" came from the crowd below, who had been watching the scene through telescopes, &c Oil City Derrick, NEWS ITEMS. A Colored Man on the Exodus. We have received a letter from a color ed man who signs himself F. P. Shaiver. It was written from Maukato, Minnesota. , H Sive8 his views at length concerning ' JI TT- xt -1 1.1 U a. Mnxr . . . , Myg; Referring to the exodus to IndUna HI l7Vftvt v v Wrj mm va ivu wa. uv.i and Kansas, he says State of Minnesota in 1865, when I was tweWe Jt&n oWf and ha;e ,cre among them ever since. Did I not go jf!TOKJftj parents, but found them both dead, al though finding other relations. 1 also found my old master, Jesse Sanlim, living on the same old plantation aa in 1865. I was as proud to see uuu and his family as hiiv nf mv own neoDle. and I will aasure whites. I also attended the fall election, and did net see any trouble in all my travels through North Carolina." i He says it was impossible Jbr him to re- ni'iin tltoro nr ha arnnM hVA Anntk KA kf 7-Tm ier seeing wuat ue uiu. nv iuiuku ue in return pet. He says it is too cold up North for the negro, and on Christmas day the thermometer stood at 45 degrees below zero. This colored man has tried the North for himself. He has had fourteen 1 experience, and he haa discernment S enough to see that the South, aud North Carolina especially, is the place for him auJ hU nce The climate and Uie peo- pic are much more favorable to the prog- . ress and happiness of the colored people. ! Raleigh Obterver: The Secretary of Sfate informs us that tbe law allowing parties whose lands have been sold to tbe State for same upon the payment expires on the 12th day of Delinquent tax payers will once, aa they will have to pay25 r cent afteMhat date. The Peabodj Pond that was to do o much to adrane the eaoae of: education In Southern State appears to fall hi Mu Several States haT beea M7V"" - M1 - W uapenoea lor .T..rJ- - i cuuuku uiemscires u lorwara edacauon. The truatea mar Wk at ft i tM. v had soppoaed the endowment vu mad the troaliag, debt-laden uwume wnen may moat neea- win. ieo jean irom now tner vm na : i.t-tit-.:r. ,7.- : uy especial need of aid from the fond.' At the breaking oat of the war North1 Carolina ha a splendid school fond that h& been aortured to a degree X that It with taxaUon redaced to living rate and proper action by the next Lerlalatore P0MiWe we can get alorif withj l M fw toe, fttnd om TitDaQ, BtUigU Bxsults or th Boom. Wheeling, Wi Va.f Janoary 22.-TheJanoarj Invoice of d " lrOB Dd manafactaring n" U city and vicinity show the reaolta of the present baainsa boom, , . m hM AlLTrA a 1Q per cent, caah dividend; the Bellaire mill, 16 per cent.; the Wheeling iron and nail work 10 Pr nt., and the Ben wood mV"J iaPr "ere are otner s -i ... T ... lt . - similar result. The Langhlin nail works ghow i earninw. aaajaodo thevarit one glasa concern a. The indaatriea of theae regions were never in a more pros- peroua condiUon. , ' , . I Women's Day in the 8knatk. The women of the North and VVeat made.a concerted attack on the Senate, Wedpe day, in avor of women's rights and women's suffrage. There was scarcely a Western or Northern Senator ; who did notpresent at least one of these petitions, and a number presented four or five. Mr. 1 Cooklinir was entrusted with six. It waa-7 noticeable that the Southern .; Senators bad none to present, and this looked ai if Southern women are not much stirred UP an the 'abject of female saffrage. 11 TnK Gbant JXK CumArIU na January 22. Gen. Grant aad par arrived lere fa the ateamer Admiral ,,is morning. Thty were received by Gen. Aw the civil governor of the provr: ince' "na TODaoc w vr w they wiU remain dunug their stay here.. After making a trip to HayU and perhaps to other islands. Gen. Grant will sail for Vera Crua mhon The Euzelian and Philomatheslan socie ties of Wake Forest College will celebrate their 43th anniversay on Friday,' February 14th, in the usual manner, by a public de bate. A runaway team spilled a load of .whis key belonging to C. G. Bailey, of Davie county, near Lexington. Tuesday of last week. Result HbotedM barrel, drunken ne gro injured, wagon smashed and a deal horse. - I There has beta con-. Raleigh Observer: I .!-t.1. .km dm In tYtm llt1Y- . nf th(S nw Wi Mowhead Citv. to "U w ( taksthe place of the lost Atlantic. The f new building will be a three-story one, with a front of 220 feet, and two wings of 120 ' feet each, affording 150 large and comfort able rooms, besides the parlors, ball room . and office rooms. " " !' . - . j . Concord Sun: Out on Church street, near the residence of Mr. W. A. Smith and r Dr. J. P. Oibsen, is something of a small Leadvills so far aa gold mining goes. Mr. ' Smith eatns down town8aturdy with 4 lump of gold weighing nearly half a pound, the result of a dsy'swork with a small milV The vein was opened out some time last December and proves to get richer as it it followed up. Two mines are being worked one by Mr. Smith and oneby Mr. Joel Reed.' North Carolina Cititen Jan. 15. Aihe vitle is to be favored this year by the nieei ing here' of two State aasociatfont.' ' The State Press Convention willjneet hers about the first of July, and it is intended to have present our brcthera of tbe press from our sister States of South Carolina and Tennes see. Later in the aummer the-Grand Lodge of tbe Knights of Honor will meet here. W have no doubt that Asheville will take good care of their visitors. J Reidsville Timw : Old Mrs. Bel ton died last week, at the poor house, In this county. She was a kindly old lady, did neighborly, turns for the good ladies around, and her only property on earth was a little spotted; dog. Seperiutendsnt Simpson vouches thst this little dog followed the coffin and laid by her grave three days. JJoit seems, though she died a pauper, she left one friend behind faithful unto death and three days after. It happened to be a dog, of coarse. ,: j The Chapel Hill correspondent of the Raleigh Nen gives the following list of of ficers elected at the University for the next Commencement: Marshals Mr. F. B. Dancy of Edgecombe, Chief; from the Philanthrop ic 8ociety, Messrs. F. H. Stedman, of Curn berland, J. P. Joyner and VI: J. Reuse, of i Lenoir; from the Dialectic Society, Messrs. C. E. McLean, of Guilford, E. E. Richard- aon. of Rockingham, and T. C. Conngton, of Kicnmona. Hi l? .it t- 11 i I - ?

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