( I I s r " 1 i ''1 I jr- 1 . j . m Carolina Watbhnian. TnUKSUAY,JAXUAK'2y. 10. ' S2p;f(K). huveueeii raised for tfcJLeul ioDUiuent. ' " '. fUr. T. U. Henderson was horse-wbippctl, llondaj, bj a woman in Cincinnati. Kev.rl!t Wyclie Ira recovered from a Jung and d;iugeronai B preaching. ; There. Is to ue an extra st'flsion of b. C. I riKlAtiirn' to correct' rliViIunderVof ' the nijular session in the lax levy act. t . . Th mud winter prevails I norm ra and easteln. Htatt'aiid fears are eu terUirteiVtliaVit wMl spoit llic7&?crjViv " ' ...... . . i 4 - Kit Some insect, al'jo'ut v.nuh there is , dif- ference of oiiiiiion,s injuring, the w.he 1 4 eat in Mecklenburg. Gaston aiid 'Lincoln copnties, .T- !.-. . ' --V..1" The creaiet rtulroatl. speed was made lietween Jersey. City. and. Trenton, a i lew days ago, to wit : CO miles in 45 minutes. It is announced ifronv Washington - that v hile Gof Seymour:i reftiscs to be a candi date for !P)rea!ienttal nomination, he would jKWsiUy not decline if noniinated. a ..J 3. . Geiu Grant got, to Cuba in timo toex Krrieoce:thtefflectLotaipretty ; sereTe earthquaLe.'i lie .may feel an other atliomo if a candidate for the Presidency. New'.Yorlc has an organized party k 0 owir as the Iudepeudeut Kepublieaus,". yledg d toiesist the-nomiuation of Grant and to oppso ln election if nrtmiuatea..i -.r i !) IS If I IlliPl II I 'luj 1 I ifar Kings county,iK ypenitenliary wasdt prisoderaan4 360 outsidouhands: involved I in thedanerbut all Were safely deBTei5eaJet.ut ot t,0ljt,f? anfeeve.tue tai-e i ihe building) cost $100,0005 rt -. . - I - jS1,l t ,; , 1 Miasissipri Skvatok -4-The loiiff-con-.i teat in'.OaaStaUto.eleefc .Uited-iStfttesiif"vri" a terriWfj'liard acraiauai Senator in. the place of Uruce thes colored auxiouo get uuuui riv. jac mat lasucceni uusjew iuc wemwrwy man,4aded on tlie 21at by the election of hastc,i. If ajale be agred pu by the next must be united, thoroogUly organized! and Judge George, who stands very high as a 5 .tnre. Legisluturevit should be ac- the voters brought to consider the iitopor- man of lare abilities. complisheU Avlth delibemtipii, ami tiiein- tanee of the, tight. s , ,f Tlieyarer layiug a railroad on the ice -across the St. Lawrence river at Montreal, Canada. The trial will be made with an Id ton, .locomotive. . The river is two miles wide. ; Don't thiuk it would be nice ta 'co. ejcetirtika on that road;, : .,", . ,. ., . ... ... I ' 1 1 1 1 - WoNOEBFt'L .Cave. The' Ciiwiimati I Commercial publishes an account of won-1 i . ... 1 derful things just brouht 4olii:ht in a l I cave In 1 Adams county, Uhiou ; It reads .... i . ... .. . nice a romance xo taiK.oi itne remains oil giants wrapped up muuuny fashion and found In a. cave of the jt'new world." . 4j The SupretnerCourt of Maine has answer- j cu ine inquires uomutea . uy the lusion I Lelature, igiying i tho reasons , why they J . I xt t ...Si . . . cannot recognize ex-Gov. Gracelon's legisla- ture, and why the other .body claiming legal authority, should be recognized, fej; is prob-. I nb e tlie ittoubleAvillnot .subside, and the appealjbe carried tothepeopleaL the.nextL election. TliWilmington arpnblishsov state- owntfromnhee county, slmjringthat Uito prpierry oi uie county lor l67Vf was 3,- i M Stf li VI WHS Slim $,5dO. IS Owned III' Aiilnn.il mun mlt.i. ... I "irvr..vr .T?" " ?! iiiiiiD,vuiiuru iucu 01 jew nanover i hajre acqmrediat ""rVftt'0 1 "Vl'V yvourat iuey ... . " m.. . . . . liril not lUllllr ftliliroagoii I : . i . "ci"v,. I I ,,ei PrrH?uers W Montgomery, county j-"f iuumuer, uuemptca to escaiw .oil ... i : . r . - i ouiu e nigutot the JOJtU... ,TUe.v. had un- locke their , cel doors with a rudely couT structed key, aud sprung on the lailbr ' t iit-ii uh came, iu lusten the wooUeu doors of the cells, with a rcn tiack- to i their ; cells airdjhe othera escaped. junuing oyer tlie jailor' wife, who was hold IU C a door' IiehkW-! Trm'wnnn.Ul '-.-,. v .r"Ftoi;;-T"Tr. man wasuocserionsly hurt. ; " "iV'.'. - . , ml,i ;, ? bj.AS3 Jactout. The .Wilmington Istdr 8 MV JMcre is to be.a laas. factory es- iauusnewot hat city. A, gentleman from 'jMmtvujm connection ,wjtn one or more capiiataf YMmiugton, hav the enter,- pnse im hand, apdsai,w making .the particular line has just fairly oiW-' ,tr . t. .: " v . rdaVlr frnt SP- lS teS uIariyfroiuA.l0t,'to wlchptHnt they f re Marrow meisie and' Kentucky. cj nre m ueiuanu ana-urW first rate '7..... ",S VnaimU9n inWr. interests.-.. Obucrvef, 4 - - 'iWl,SeH1u?orVltlVfft,,e dreu a" very yonng, without means for dieial XWt has 'rendefjrd a -unaaimoas paired ttiiaiugtlo location .of ,wlich their support.';, ''he sAcrfed object of the decision dcclitrtng rfebguize1 tlie Fu H-ainrobabJrJ n i the northern part of abovo; Ruivation should, cow mend it to sionkt bodies jitAhsusta,j and especially t,,e Sl V ,lenr? now $01 glass man- publ! favorj though no'ooo deubts it is a declaring fhg House and Senate now iifacnes iujbe United States, aa'd only, wotk of hih value. ' holding sessions in the St.ite House to be W. WadswotVh.'has VoldY. i 2 rice fou,d not i. . - A a nimr iid, or-wtthout floodimr: but late ex- mvifp buu iHuicsm iuesurrounUincOuu-1 L-iJJ' 'V t ' - - , . trv diiiit. -ti, n.'.-f'i.V vi",: Pnnicnt Tiaye demoust rated tin jry uuiiu the past winter, and the trade I v..f t, is ' 1 v ! ' ' ' , , ' IU tJus -Jr?:.,:..?T7:? erQwsmaKeeks,whicU wm. make tbi3a ricc centre. f UM.lu"J ,CTS;11 nTPiip and temper of proniinenrpor.tuMans-and-newspapers Sui ". "tb.re-, gard.sucU eviacaccswuh profouad-. satis- X T ;Th;rMfrrnb0f hMople otthe nonh.utheiuicient.aua a PUUIic mao. . Ilia riftirl a PT-jlor. ; oa " , .. . . " " . 4,1 -u.j-.vwu, miu nwiii wc t or Mconn. - trythatno successor Kh.il . . J. . , ged to adopt it as a copy, i . . ;" The Durham RecordcrU Iri fa cor or an early organization of the Democratic par- tjnectfotTo corfor fmuklyderlurea it prefeieneej for the? ie-electioTT'of Gov. uiirvisf whom it cQiuefc& vej,hij;iiy aivry jnIy a?J a mau of high vominon sense nnd practic al wisdom in the management of State af fairs. -It al&osreaks welt of Judge Fuwle, arid might well have extended the list and taken hi CJeo. Davis,- YVm. M; Hobbins, aud others. But' it is' enough i the State ha pleat y4tMMlaUiUeualr u Lickdabtt may trell lie proud, and if is really a uiaU ter of small 'import whom she calls to serve ier. ,,inu! i"Ueri ahall urge the ciainisVf ihriirtticttlar'fndivMaal, trust- inc 'I thatthe Stafa eouveutiobwlll he gu itled by txt I nlarged j and 1 iberal tic of ihe suly ec,t wh iehNvili or and welfare. oi tne atate asiar aooye v 1 .... .... . n Eaulti State- uoxtestiox. ip s been nopoed by aouie of the Democnitic M ft . ..- naucista lioldiour state ionvenuun l an early da v this year, viuero are, .wc tluuk, many gHd reasons in supiort;foC thft monoMtiou and wo therefore unite vltx oir Viiends iu fcalli ug for it. hooe tlie ceiitral Executive Committee and make the nsual ,anoucemenr.'et hil Jill nm cod and I cliieflyV, anxious :.4oth4 success of our . . . -. ro jti tiiiu K.r nun I hav no strong prefererices for menf -but they do ' desire "the success of the party, j and the cany settlement! 01 quesuoua iiwe- 1 ... ly 10 causo utueveiivcBi . - i. k . 1 .Western X. Cf IL It-f-The proposition ctiiework syndicate is verj likely tpif $0 the "gtbnnf at eat fol the-pes enjtp f Ve4iave 110 legrets 011 this turn of the matter.; We beHeve an equitablesalc is desirable for some ireasous, not thej ea?t pf "cU U wo?ld. take ,!he fixhM 43t i . 1 ... .. ....:i.;T.t.r . I.i,.l Fair 1 OiULiaiN oi U iepuuiu4J4,ij mvii itn uiu i tfisch;Vrgc with general acceptability. 13ut uot l,lc 3lHie rns" ,uto 1,118 "1L'l"UJO itaerests of the State duly assurodi The etiKlus movement J undergoing1 investigation before a Cbngressional com- mittee. And it may bo added 'that the witnpsseW thus far exaiiiinedr mostlr tn- leiiixeui. coioreu men 01 iius om-, .o" . .' i , ' . ..'i:; . r. ... demn the 'movement and say there is no just c.Tnse for it growing out of theu-eat- . T-r, 5 .-v .-i f : k. ' I went of tlie negroes in; orth Crti-olina. ? r The Indianapolis Sentinel represents the I nnmigrauts arriving tliero as pitiably in mt . . ..!.. vi-1 1'! tue exrreme. iney arcun u tsiarviugeuu-1 dition and ten of theiii ' applied : to ''thef Auditor on Saturday for means to - iy turn to North 'Carolina! "Tho Cincinnati J Commercial siits thatf ludiaua farmers I, , - , . . t v.. v 11 I wno , nave given employment 10 onu Carolina refugees are fwarned'to get rht of them. In lUilcock county barns of those who have iiegrocf employed have been burued, ,"May Weak the Gowx. At a meeting of the members of the (Lutheran churcti in Charlotte. Sundav moriiiu2 last, savs . . i. tjie Observer, the vote of the congregation oli rhe aestlonf wearing the gwfn by the pastor. There being a disa- -veenTalmTt! i4.PK tl, n-,atm. fnilM l.wVmnntin n S . a means of nreventintf dissent on. The .,.oSr.9 ,i;,,u'i ,,,f The next question was the ac- ceDt:im-e orreiect on of th naato r'sres sr- f . --i 4 - a ,t ;ts . . nation, winch was Jiln vcrv i liei(IeHv Tims all ditlerences were harmonised a . -. ( . f - . i the people and pastor move on quietly toLrether. . o ... i, i Advance and Ketkeat,'t is a title of statps and C.onfpdmrA Stl.t ;n Ae iate (Jen. J..B. -Hood, Lt, Geueral in . 1 . ,i - ' i i - ' vue uomeueraie'Anny it is no doubt a verylnteresting book, and richly worth the price9'wh!6u' rarlea'-froiii $3.50 -to $5, ' according tu biiidiug, &c. All the'. pro- peeds of the sales aro tq be devoted to the support and education of the ten orphan children of Gen Hood, who, it will bo re- memberea, died of yellow fever in Sew Orleans, lust, summer, leaving ltis chil- it eastern " i" li:. , ' , .7 ! ,7 . i iiuM, ie ivcii suueu lur rice culture, We lwve notW able to obtain minv def, nnitsresults, but know 'that althouVh the UeWon w.. vr "rtrv mmnr?i cron i l fiTC to fiftv boalieles ner acrtCseyeEai thouU u nmw iHuuuv.ms iiuui i, w cult- this market, kritnffftnA - . -. s, , cr-T Fw uMMcj-. lice imii riU be in, operation in fTtv bern in a few Mi .jii i.i At: Hxierafaa, f tjee summons thejudgesWUie Sapreme ; DrThoa. Hill an ctWCOUntvwgp hasCurt to assemble here thi evening to been raising rweoa the high lands of Row- deteiniine wbether any and' what I action Tfae editor ;of this paper remember .D U. taten upon the cti.m submitted 4U wing by the' Fuiionists. As thecouit has yeara ago, . , ). twice gone over the whole grouridlof the , .' ?. ravln"Wt held an interesting session i . i.. ... , a . r- UH a uauiber of 1 uuiegates anu members were present H7i Leader, That excellent financier and capable Trf a- surer. Dr. WortlL has met with more success in hire unrts tr torn promise the btatc ueut thanCcould hate been expected, fit U at the Jeginning that such matters present thed greatest difficulties, i Urdiuanly the creui- tors, between wliom mere can ue no generui co-operation, hold aloof, not knowing Hfbw the cat is going ta jump," and each fearing to sacrifice his bonds, while others by hold ing out may do; better. It is the" same -old i t--t v-' 0 "gfc story.4 All who have had experience in! ef- iectingC0uiproimsca of .the Jiabihtxes; of large firms or corporations, know aiKl i ap preciate theca,nsc1Wiiy,At' first thVinoto ment s emlMirrassed. After the Adjustment has proceeded sonto t fine, fan d many have asset! ted to the arrangement, others ho originally held back .and Were doubtful .about accepting the proposal, come forward 'and enter into-t he agreement. Fortunately, we areiidw past the initiatory stage in coin promising our ? State lcbt, and it is only a Hestion of time when all the bonds will be exchanged. , s 'I i)J)T. Worth irth.bas exchanged 2,40,800 of of tlie first class issuing therefor old bonds $901,320 ir new bond. lie has taken in $1,48C;045 of fh 'second slass, issuing for thehi $371,511 of new bonds. Of the third class, he has takvn in $1,27900, giving in exchange f 191,010 in new bonds, j Tlta old bonds; retired amount to $5,176,243, wiiich are now represented by $1,327,791 in;new bondsRaleigir Observer. ! j favor an .early! conventions It gays . tliat if there ws peinamei , wlneh towered, above 1:11 l ' A .1 ? ; ail oiner 'coinpciuora ior ine nommauon 01 .Governor, and it wivs certain that tins name WOqld bVthe choice orthe. corivonWon be yound 'perad venture, then probably -there might not be a necessity for early action ; bafunder the I present circumstances tas it is well known that the names of quite a number, will be presented to the convention sto 'us Uhe part of wisdom to Settle the disputed question as soon as possible, m t...4 , A.Z .. i 1. .i" 1. oriier mat uur irgiiiAaiuni uimt uc j.tiwi' jedahd preparations made for an active and tnorougu tiupuign.... ujsgmse it womav attempt to do, there is no disputing the To succeed in this, tlie State must bo can vassed from the Mountains to the seaboard. -Each county must be visited by the ctindi- dates and speakers of the party, and this cannot be donc in less time than four non- 1'thsY Raleigh Observer. .4.-2 -'" v. i, f I. ' I . , Death of 31. J. McSweex. From our exchanges we5 learu that the above named - ! - - - ! .--.'.i gentleman, formerly hditor and Publish ... . : er bt tlie Jr ajfUeville .Jxtgk.nwi familuir- ly "known as "Long Grabs' the humor- ous wiircoiTespuuui.Mii, 01 mt- r;iu:ucviiic -.is. - i " : ' i .i. '-t.- . n ' OUcrrerJ died flt tlie residence of his father-in-lawi Wm. McSveen, KsqL, in the State of Tennessee, u the 3rd lust. Mr. Mweeuj wsi hvn iu IIIuq spring k:.. 1. it .1 ' " J ;.. 1 jv i luwusniji, unutsuu coum;;, iu iaoi was educated at the University! and was pecu- liarly gifteil as a newspaper correspond en t. tThe many friends of Mr McSween in this section will be greatly pained to lei n of his death in the prime of mau hood. Moore Index. , "Tiie'End ;Dratik ''Nigli. ''I' ?; 1 1' Miit:-. j-' - n- I Hie Su2rcme Judicial Court Decide Against the Fusionhis Threat of lie-, , , . ; sitting A n est. ... - 5 Ttvrtl, f,, 07 tm.a j s i i . i. . They will tonfbr to-day upon the Fusion .t;nna IM. Qiiuuo. I 4 illy Augusta, Jan, 27. The Fusion Leg ce, islature assenililetl to-day, but adjonmed md uutirtb-mVrro!w 1 i ! ..- . , n Bostox, Jan. 27; -The Herald Aagns- U 1 Divutitb run o iiiijig iiaic ucnii nuiu: large arrivals of Fusiouists from Lewis- ton and Auburn, and the Adjutant-Gen- remnt tn nrreiit die official of thHrt m. ernment will be resisted by force. ! The U . . ! . . . .i Urovernor uas ueeu nrgea to call the Portland 'Blues'and' Montgomery Guards ' to this cityj' and ifha'a'beeii' suggesied to lia?e ' thetn quartered in a; hall near that in , which Ithe Fusionists meet, i The Goveroer'a proclamation is expected to follow, close upon the decision of the -nprenie fJooyt.. " . . I v '" Bakgor5 TaI 27J The4 Suprenie Ju- ,TnE Number Skves-Tjib Fr:stj)xisTS Lto bk DiSFERSEtir-Bostou, Jan.26J The ujjusta.special says the Fusion seuatc met; to-uay witu omv seven mem 1, - .1 t ii H ,U tr'l t r . noWtbonght that after hearing what the Supreme Conrt has say! to theusion stateinent and ouestions, Governor Davis will issue a nroclamation eallini? on th l . ; . Faaon.verueiit.to disrae, :aiMl .wUl enforce.it by arrests. It is thought that Wednesdav will be the last dav of th i - ... - . r- ,,, " r, . ; i. nal government.;; ( . C "ItsirnTni t. . .Tiin. fi. Tim f?!iif .Tnc. : Bangor, Me., Jan. 2G.-Tl.e Chief Jus C4ntiwcy tlie session will probably be brief. . I K : HatteW TUiT.irn.Xftw ll.vM ' T.m . - - : Jir... . T SG.-Kev: Mr. Hayden was admitted to bail to-day iu the sum of $3,00Q aiid re- 1 leased. ;A most distressing accident happened a rw 4.1. i c mile .mciuw hiis pittuo a iew: uuys since. Mr. Stephen Kitchen had been to the field gathering corn and had unhitch ed the horses from the wagon and started to the house with two f his children, who were tiding one of the horses, when some one, not far off, fired a gnn which scared the horse' the children were riding the horse jumped and ran, the smaller child, a little boy, ? was thrown off. entirely but iuD ouier, a nine gin, aeveu orr eignt years old waa aught in . the harness and her right leg waa torn from the body be fore the horse could be stopped. Dexter, (Mo.) EnierprUe-'SIenMnger. j j Quebec TuiiEATjiN'Ep V?m jSjfow A yaIacii es. 4-Ne w York, January j 26. A Quebec special says: Since the recent heavy snow storm, dangerona avalanches have been falling at intervals from the cliffs beneath the citadel iu the cirri Iu one case three children were overwhelm cd by a mass of falling anow but were dug out alive. ; louses for a distance of 4two miles along one street i are threatened "with the danger of Ix-ing swept away and the greatest consternation prevail among their inmates Fire iNvXrw Jekv Newark j Jan. SG.-rTlie fjictory of the Western Electric Light Cnujiahywas 'damaged by tlr thi uiorning to tUe aiuonnt of !U,tKK I Ma ny machine and patterns werei destroyed. The supposed tn)giii was an . overheated flue. TliOj I04S fully coverctl by iimur- a nee. 1 ti MAKltlrrM. M !- Cincinnati Jauuarv 20. Flour firmer; family'? $G.006:25 ; 'fanfy $0.75. Wheat stead r ami firm at $1;30. Corn firea tit 4H. Oats steady at;40. Lard $$ 30 otieiet Bulk meats steady and unchanged. Bacoiri dull aud unchanged. Green mats dull ami nom inal, owing to bad weathef. Whisky active and lower at 1. 08. Sugar firm; hard- 10 10; New Orleans Cin Ho,;s dull; sel lers holding off; common $;l.8o$4.0, Baltimore January 2G. Oats quiet and firm ; southern 4fl50; western white 47 30; mixed 4849; Pennsylvania 49(w0. Proviiiohs dull. Mess Pork $13 50. Hulk meats loose shoulders 4 ; clear riUhle7; do. packed li.non shouUlt-rs 5-J; clear rib sides. ;8; hams lOlfell. Lard re fined, in tierces 8 . ' 'Cofti'e dull; Itio -ar-troes 1410J. Sugar steiadv; A soft Dj. Whisky dull at $1.11(1.1?. Freights quiet. Wixstoj Tobacco Mahkets Jan. 22. ' LUGS. Common i - Good... j ... f 8UOKEK Common .. . . .; .$2 no to ..3 50 to $:i 50 5 00 5 00 10 00 30 00 . $3 00 to 7 50 to a .12 30 to Good to Fine , Fancy.......!..'.'.. ... l.KAF Common .... i . Good.. . Fine Waxy. . j, Good Colory . . Fine........,,, Fancv 50 U .5 0,0 to .10 00 to 5 50 ? 50 15 00 WKArrEiis. .915 00 to 20 00 ..20 oo to ;;. oo . .45 00 to 75 00 A B0CHESTER PHYSICIAN'S EX- R. Caulkins, M. D., of Rochester X. Y., certifies, Octi (ith, 1379, 'that he. has usel the Safe Kidney and Liver Cure in his practice for diseases of thu kidneys ami liver, and the result has been' satisfactory in the extreme. He sjiys: "I would, now prescrile the same remedy to all similar ly afflicted, and you are at liberty to so state iit your testimonials." JiiultoApl ? ... Hortl Carolina Rallroal Company, SKCItKTAUV AXI TUEASUKElt's OFICK. Company Siioi's, X. C, Jan, 27th, 1880. The Directors of the North Carolina Rail road Company have declared a Dividend of li per cent. Three jer cent, payable on 1st oi March tu Stockholders of recortl on the 10th of Febuary next; ajid Three per eent paya ble lt of September to Stockholders of record on the 10th of August next; and order the Stock I$ook of the Company closed from 10th February to let March, and from lOthlAngust .to 1st September, 1880 15:3tj 1'. II. RUFFIX. Sec'ty. j f . . , 1 NORTH CAROLIHA, tOLIHA,) l KXlGTOX' fj ax. 28, 1880 ,'ounty. ) RHfl. jjavuisou ton To All whom this may concern : Be it known that the undersigned docs here by call a meeting of the Stockholders of the M Lexington Manufacturing Company" to be leld in Lexington, C, oir the 21t day of February 1880, for the purpose of Organizing, MOjoiding to the provisions of Chapter 3G Bat tles Keviaal. U. r. Lowe. C, b. C. I5;3t for Davidon County. NORTH CAROLINA, A. A. Weaver and bURan Weaver, ndm'rs of Christian Etandec'd, Plafff, Petition to Sell Land for Afctet. Against, i . Eiilir uhi Disher, Sarah Dia ller, Elizabeth Evans, Mary f Di.-her, Jno rultz, Law ra Fultz, Dan'l Evttt,Lui-inua Evans and .Michael, Evans, lleirs-at-Law iJffend'ts. It appenring to the sutisfa tion of the Court from the return of the Sheriff and the1 affidavit of plaintiflp", that Mitlmel Evaiif, oue of the defendant in the above proceedings, is a non resident of this State, and a necessary party to tlie determination of tuns proceeding, in refer ence to the real e-tate in this State: It is there fore ordt-ml, that publication be made once a week for MX consecutive weeks in the "enroll ni Wuu-.hinaiiL" a newspaper published in the town of Salisbury, N. C, uotifving the said Michael Evans to appear before the Clerk of onr Superior Court at his office in the Court House in Lexington, Davidson county ,on Thursday the jl 1th day of March, 1830, and answer the petition in this proceeding, other wise judgment will be taken according to the prayer oi me peuuoners. s 15:6w I C. F. Lowe, S. C. ; Music All tho Year Round. i Christmaa comes but once a year and don'i last lonjt at that, but tlie South prx Musical Journal pays its nsits twelve t nuts a year and is enjoyable all the year round. One can not make a musical friend a more appropriate or acceptable present than a yearn iiiMcrip lion to this entertaining monthly. Keiut one dollar to the publiuhers, Messrs. LUDJDEN & BaTE, Savannah, Ga , and they will aend tlie JprRs xi4 post paid for one yearj and pre aent you with One Dollsr'a worth ! of Sheet Music (your own selection) aa a Chri. tmaa FARMERS A II D Would save uionev enoiiIi ri buy uiy t j " - THE BEST BRANDS ' OF ' T " T 'j ACID PHOSPHATES, ! (Desolved Hones), aud other Material : FOR COMPOSTifia. : PRICES: $3 to $10 for making One Ton ; or 100 lbs. Cotton, payVr.V Noy. 1st. jl , i t n Aa thei-u are a great many fyurious and JtierorbraudM ottered yon at low figures, which nre shipped under the name of "Chemicals," to avoid taxation and atialv- ai, 1 rej eat, you should le Very) Careful aim save your mouey. by getting j such goods as ure legally authorized to be sold in the State, aud have been analyzed aud stamped. s TT Don't forget also that I continue to keep the old established i.nd reliable , "NAVAS3A" and "PACIFICr GUANOES, And COTTON MIXTURE, wl.iYh I hare been Melting !.r tlie last 12 ytain iih ptifct HntUfat'tion. tYou hi'Veunl) to ak llne wlio have tried theiu. J)o not waste limp, money at.d trouble by f if ntneni my wiib iik many nt ami uiin iL-u ur;t ikik now going 10 m- tumrra yon. Yon will do well to consult the undersigned (who fur the luxl 14 years has made thirf a pi cial businesn) before i)urt luiHii r. ' ' ' J. ALIEN BROW. P. S Kr. J. A. Cook, i my authorized Agent at Lhjnu Grove, and wiil ptll at Salis bury prhen. lokaplO Nortli Oarolina Pres'ojieriaiL: UK Xo efforts are spared to make this or gan of the XorJi Carolina Presbyterians both attractive and nsetul. To do this we present such n varietv of moml mid reli gious reading as will" be 'read by Voung and old, rich and poor, clergy and laity, learned and mileurued. Oiir special ai'm is ti publieili a live paper. It numbers among its ' correspondents Rev. Drs. Drnry Lacy, J. Henry Smith, J. H. Adger and A. W. Miller; liev. Mes srs. Jo. M. 'Atkinson, K. H. llardiitg, 1). E. Jordan, J. llumple, E. V. Rockwell, P. 11. Dalton, L. C. Vaw, 11. (i. Hill, V. S: Lacy, W. W.Pharr, F. H. Johnston P.T. Peuick, K. Z, Johustn. S. II. Chester. J. W. Prinaose, S. M. Smith, li, U. Uded, J. M. Wharey : Prof J. K. Make; Mb. Cor nelia Phillip S 2oiiLvr, .Mr. 11. M, Irwin, and many others. Price 8"-J-J a vear. Addrt, JOHN McbAUlUX. Editor d- ProjSr, Wilmington, h.C NOSTH CAROLINA, ) Davio County. ) li. F. Li nn, adiu'r of 11. li. Young, lecd, i J'huul'f, I t lit in to ell land Against Nancy C Petty, W. i f r asil. Swindle arul wife Nan uie el at iicir.s at luw, Drfen'U It appeariii" lo the siili.sfaclion of the Court tilon affidavit tiled, that V. 8. Swindle and wife Nannie Swindle rantiol, .-tiler due dili gence, be found in thishiate: lt U ordered that Mib!iuaiiou be made for ix siici'e.s.si ve weeks in ll.e '-I'arolina Watthrnait," ub!i4ud in Salisbury, N. U., notifyin the said dtfend ciits, W. S. Swindle and wife Nannie, to ap pear at the otliee of tlie Clerk of tlie Superior Court of said County, within twenty days from the service hereof, and answer the complaint which is tiled in Raid office, or the plaint'ilf will apply to the Court for the relief deinaijded in the complaint, ims Jannrtry loth, 18S0. U. M. iilNOHAM, C. S. C. 13:6w V I K ' S IlluBtratecl Floral Guide, A beauiid work of 100 Pages. Colored Flower Plate, and 500 Illustrations, wiiii iccrinion oi ut v lowers anu veueia- leB, witli rice of kcciIh, anl how to. grow them. All lor a Five Cent Stamp. In Eng- ish and German. Vick'S Sscd8 are the bout in the world. flVE CENTS lor postage will buy the FLoKAl. Cit'lDK, tellinj; how to get them. The Flower and Vegetable Garden, 75 P.i'ea, Six Colore! t'fcue:, and many hnn- drcd Engra vingn. For 60 cents in paper cov er; $1 .00 in tiigant cloth. In Cernian or Ensiuch. Vick's Illnstrated Monthly Magazine. 32 I'ayc, a Colored Phile in every number nd manv fine Engravings, t'rii-e $125 a year: Five Copies lor -3.00. Specimen; Num ber sent for IU :ents ; J trial c pies lor lo rents. Address. JAME3 VICK, Bochester, K. Y. LS3 C. ATTOILYEY AT LAW, SAL.IS1JUKY, Practices in the State and Federal Courts. 12:3m BEST IH THE WORLD ! o B- Im; liehti tfy dirty irlilte color. It rpoy .by. being j careful ft s appear wwtts tinaiiwu win; CHUKCII Sc ro.M 'ARM AMD HAMMER" BBASD will e'oxr tlie cUOerenee. Sea tfct yrr rssfctnrr fa Wlllteil,1: ni5,Uhoill SI MI LA IS &k:isVA;.l ul for ruod. . A iiimpTe fcnt vrer tni cf :a eom-iamtivc ralae ot aifferetit ln of 6cxt i diwotTe n denert tpontnl of fx' h kind with bou h pmS oftratrrthiitrreKne.liMcWarplawf s, Hirrin Tintil nil w tliorotig! .' dbwoe t, Tr; elft- riona inaolnMa nx Ut-r H tb inlortmr hod will La abown atltr tttliag use t wenty d!..utc cr sooner, by t he taUk? nnuw of the aotntlou and the Quantity cf floating Suckj xaattr ac cording to quality. Be sure and aak for Chnrch ft Cn.'n St! an 1 '' 8e that their same ia on tba parka ail u will get the purest a ud whitest u-wle. im ot thin with aonr rniik, i i r-reierr-ttce to lUin? Powder, aares twenty tinvn tta tmi. . Sea one pnnnd package tJt Tslaable inlbbna' tioa and read itareulty. SHOW THIS TO YOUR 6R0CER. 12;5m - t Who has once Insed the PEDL'LES' 2KAC1IIX& whl prefer it ovir all otherR, a,1(i Ycrs-SUCS' ' AGENTS selling it ilnd it jult what tu - r : j -V - - - '" 3:Cm Mast Wk- Prices! BEEF HIDES, FURS, SCItAP-IUOX, HONES, It ACS S, METALS, ANDIRONS, SHEEP-SKINS, WOOL, XCOSE COTTON, And other l'rolnco Wanted. Don't For- S5 S. J. BINSWAMiEU, Stoiie OrrosiTi-: S:lm I'o.-i'r Or kick, j,. BING-HAIVI SCHOOL, MEBANEVTLLR, X. C, Is now P3E-EM1NENT aiaong Southern ' Bounties :iioel for lio. s. j The 1 71st Session ending Bee. 17th, j 1879, has "been tlie niot prosperous in the US ' years of the School's hismr. j The 172nd Session wiil begin Jan. 14th, 1 1880. lo;ml $12 per in.iiiii.. 1 uicion $-"U ; ..... .-.r .-ii - per oexsmn. roruauuugne giving inn par ticulars, Address, Maj. 11. UlNfJll.VM. y;lni. Sup'l. "isso. Who Shall be President ? Who Shall be Governor ? Ktib - Take your scribe for County Paper, and then The Raleigh Observer, .T Dcaun-rnHc Xe cttpapcr, "THE OLD EQUABLE." SAMUEL A. AHili:, Editor & Owner. D.Mi.v. per annum, sfl.brt Skmi-Wekki.v, per annum, :i.(HI Wkkki.y, per annum, . . 2AX) Postmasters allowcd.a liberal emnmis sion on ail new subsci ilers they may obtain for Tiik U:i.se::vk!:. H0T!C TO DEBTORS! Those indebted to P. jS, Ileilij; &Son, are notified to call aud pay up without delay. After the 10th of January next, their notes and account will be placed in the hands of Andrew Murphy, Esq, for collection. The undersigned hopes all nmv avoid the pavment of costs. p. K. IIEILIG & SOlI Dec. 24, 1S79. Dt FIN LEY HIGH SCHOOL. L.2NOIH, Caldwell Co , II. C. The Spring Term begins January 14th, 1 Sil. Tuition pr session from $UJto 'ib. lionrd in good private families, per session ..(). Wasliing and lightsl'Xlra. For further particulars send for circu lar. E. W. FAUCE f TE, Princ'4 Dec. 18, 18iL 10:.'lt Eenoir, N.C. LYNCH'S SELECT SCHOOL, High Point, IT. -C. An English, Mathematical, Classical, Codi mercial and Scientific Academy." Maj.W. B. LYKCK, A. 51., Prir.cip.l, B. P. ET.ID, A. B., AFFisiant. The Spring St-psion of 1SS0 begins January 21st. ror Circular Addres?, Mai. 77. 2. LYNCH, High Point, N. C. 9: Yonng, Metlium-sizetl Mules wanted: Apply at this Olliec. KBRR CB4IGS, gttorttti at fato, I 11 Til rt ' m " 1 l 1)1 T lfi mm M- n " T U I HH ' uu r FIRST PnE&llUhl AWARDED AT TIIK STATS PAIR. " Note tho following improvenicnta : An Elegant guilded stand, Improved Bobbin Winder, winds thread without running thcniachinc. Improved patent Journal, winch makes it THE LIGHTEST RUNNING MACHINE BEFORE THE PUBLIC. Sold cheap for cash, or, small monthly instalments, at the office of the Singer Manufacturing Company, next door to Barker's Drug Sjtore. 4;lv. J. O. REAM, Aot. if ' ' ... C AKE IP YOUK ARE UP YOUR FOE-THE CAROLINA WATCHMAN, The BEST Weekly in Western Norih Carolina- Only $10 a year iu advance. the PEOPLE want. ' It makes' the; shuttle bw.i stitch, runs easily, doe the yr blest range oi v.:k, and winds the bobbins itbout runnini the works o the machine. Write; for descrinV ive ircuiars and full particulars. Y 1301 & ia03 Buttonwood St.,"- PhikfielpMa . Sewini MacMne Co PHILADELPHIA, PA. ' . 44:ly . . ISAAC A.SHEPPARD &COMSaIt!more,2a ' Manufacturers of THE CLBL7D mm Eiiiiikiiii Unsurpassed for Durability, Economy, and Convenience, CoatblaliiC aU iBprorentcaU f Talae, , Aad Perfeet la OperaUom. .ALSO A VAB1ED ASSORTMENT OF SUPERIOR HEATING STOVES C. F. BAKER & CO., Salisbury, ft. C.1 FOB 8AIJB ST j To Calvin Taylor a non-resident, you are hereby notified that the following siim . mons has beenjssued against you viz: j' Davidson County laSajiariar Cwrt ! W. II. Jiidgctt, odai'rof ' Butler Taylor, I'Griufy j Ag'tinst i Calvin Taylor, Elizabeth ' 1 Pcnse and iier huslmnd. I SUM3rt)N8. , llenrv Pense, Franklin ! Taylor, Loveless Taylor, j Harris lay lor, Amanda Crauford and lieHntsb'tid , Joel Crantbid, Jh'feu't. ; STATE Of NORTH CAROLINA, y To the Shexilf of Davidsow Conntv, grfrU ing: Vou are hereby coinnianded tn sumi. 1 nion Calvin Taylor, Elizaleth Prase, Ilenr-j ; Pense, Franklin Taylor,' Loveless Taylor, Harris Taylor, Amanda Craiiford and Joel UraMonl, the (leleiHiumsatttJVe riairted, ifj( be found in your county, to be and appear lieforc theCMerk of our Supi-rior Court, fof Davidson County, at the Court House i Lexington, within tyenty days from the servile of the summons, exefusiveof the day ot service, and answ er the complaint whicfe will be deposited in the otliee of the Clerk of the Superior Court of said count y, vi:- in ten davs, and let the aid defendants I take notice that if they fail to ' -answer" the ! said complaint within t he time prescribed ', by law the plaintiff will apply to the Court for the relief demanded in the complanit ' Hereof fail not andn.-f this sumtiionsninto dittf return. ! Givn under my hand and seal this:J0tI) dav of December. IH?!'. J C. rT LOWE; Clerk Sup. Court . 12:0-.v - David-on Connlv. AROUND tie CO LIXiSIl TO TKEfUBLIC GRtlTiSG: ', IULIAN.&FRALEY, Cauiaet Maters anil CarpBflters. h Their prices are'jis low as if is powibfe o make them, an I their worknof inferior to an t. They liil ordis iu two departments, ' ; Their ready made stock in hand comprises a ?neral assortment of hou-e furniture IJed Hteads, liureaus, Clot Iks Presses, Louiuze li.icks. Vardro!i-n, r.o)k-C:sei,CupUoard.and. China Presses, Candle St.-mds, Tin !5afvLek Tables, VVashstandrf, Chairs, Ac. They aiso ; ker-p an assorinient of ' i COFFINS of walnut, pine and poplar, fronv$l upwards. Also, Window S.ish. Thjey till orders without vexiiiioiis "delays. Will contract for birpenfei'it work and warrant satisfaction. Will take ood lumber and country produce in exchange for furniture. Shop nearly opposite Watehtn.in Office. 1 JULIAN &FKALEYV 4:ly ' ''!-""! HOW TQ SAVE iQNEYJ BUY HARD- i . And you will not only save money, hoi get the Best Good made. You will find in Wi I eil OeieClCU niuc Ul liaiuwarc, ..iun-- , Threshers, and Sewing machines, . .... . ,1,1 ii i ! Straw-cutters & uoni-sueiiers, , Grain Cradles, Grahr and Grass ScytlieKJ Plows,' Hots, Mattocks "and. Picks, Shovels, Spades and Fork?, Glass, Paints, (His, Putt, and Varnish, Locks, 11 inges mijd Screw, DitMten'a Cros-Cut, Hand and AlilfSaws. Blacksmith & Car Bt SMS. HOUSE AND MULE SHOES r Tin and Hollow Ware, Patent Oil Cau. Pateut Fly-Fan? and Traps. s BUGGIES, OPEN AND Wllk TOfS.' llnggy-Ilaritcss, HarucKa Leather Jl -Mountings, Wagon ami lluggy Materials and many other articles too tedious to mention. ? i At Heilig's old stand, :iaain street, - SALISBURY, K. C. 30: ly Cheap Chattel Mortgages, yaripus other blaaksJbr sale her I i I YQUR; FllOM I T tl' -If 1! lb -' : n 1 - ' - i . - -. r. t: . x - - s . -, , i t a present. f ' ' ' ! I i 's " - 1 . . I I I . i ' I , rh I " " ' I I Z

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