' . - I . ' ' : i K ! - ... " - : i- . ' : r : - ' - - . I 1 i , ' !: . : X 2itfartMKMSaMaftaaaSaaaBaaSiaBBaMBMaBMBBBBHBMMMBBBaaMBBBMSBi HBBBBBBBBBBBBiiHBBBBfcBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBjBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBJBABJ MttMfeaariasaitadNanBMMMHMMBMHavBBISIMflaiMHI i r la kit :;f. f. Is' .:! . - 1 ''ft its- ;'' ; J r if 5 : i' S - i' : JE ii f-J j- 1: M: Carolina Watchman, 1 THUKSDAY, FKIilUJAHV 5t 1680. Tltcixs a $3,(KK) fire on "stlio 0, J-'Trtt: Daily Djstatcii Ore first o I Arr 6f ii uew Democratic "t)siper, jnst stitrt i 1 at KaIeu:I hoa Qur. table, tlii week,.- i ! There nre1 fifty Jive ttpplionesia tise iu : Ulcili. Hixti jviutl tloiiot afiEect the -lonTtyauce if souudi as it was supiHised 6one of tie went ier jr4iliet8 predict ULt Dan will 4e tke evreit printer iouth of tke' year, vitk two or three nuov storms. 'i ' rilr. Bfst, who ioceutly made an offer , to tuny tbe West. X. C. K. li. is agaiu in -iUleigli, and it in said with a new propo , autiou which the Governor will present o the coAiijdcration of the Directors. ; Masutkic -mbleuis, it is said, were fbuiid 3u the iouudatiou of Cleopatria's Needle hj tlic Amciicau officers sen ti there to cHtpcrinteiid its reuioi'al to the . United States. " '1 - ' I : S.' LKruiy, has-just returned to Iftui combe, alter a .sojourn in Nebraska, where he had expected to make luouey easier and more rapidly. He is happier In his old home and advises his friends to be content with North Carolina. r J. II. Cauuwell, Douglass, liockiug haul county, is tlie Census Supervisor of , .Second District, composed of tlie counties of Alamanee, Caswell, Chatham, David L oi Davie, Edgecombe, Forsyth, Frank l lin, Granville, Guilford, .Halifax, Iredell, Johnston, Nash, Nrothampton, Orange, -lersonf Randolph, Rockingjiaiii, Rowan, Stokes, .Wake, Warren ami Wilson. He is a Democrat, and the appointment is an excelleut one. ..iSiiams. -Tho people have need to be constantly warned against shams, for they infest every department of business. Itls safe to reject every offer (by circu lar, advertisements in newspapers, or by travelifig agents), that proposes to give you something valuable for nothing. Settled it at once, for that is not the rule of the honest business world. Tempting offers are nearly always cheats. :j EFThe storm commenced here a little before G o'clock Monday momiug. It did not reach.Loug Urauch, . N. J., until 1 o'clock, Tuesday morning. . This indi cates that the storm "traveled from the west to east. And yet it commenced at Nashville, Teiiuesee, at 10 o'clock, Monday morning, 4 hours after it- com menced here. At Nashville it was the heaviest tall of snow they have hadifar years, w no can tell us where it begun and the direction it traveled ! We learn that RrxaiiAM'a Scnom lo cated at Mebaueville, N. C, has opened aliead of anything in its history. Itis ahead of any similar school in the whole South--oue hundred and fifty odd on the roll and some still due: Ten Southern States, and for the first time in the histo if the school, thieo "Northern Statea are represetJtcd, and also two foreign conn- tues, fciam ami Urazil, I FThc Cape Fear ieople, as appears both from the Wilmington Star find a Wilmington correspondent of the Char Jofto Obsm er, are opposed to selling the Western N. C. Railroad at all ; but if it must be sold, insist-that it should be owned by citizens of our own State, and tfiai no Kile sliould be made witliout gir fas them the opportunity of , bnyiugit. To all this we most heartily subscribe, Ami we doubt-not thatnhat will be the respouse of every honest North Caroli- niau. r M ; Westeux N. C. R. R. We like the j views of the.Wilmiugton Star in relation I tp selUng this greatest work of the Slate, and haveuade extracts from a long and interesting article published in I that paper of the 1st February, to which we Invite Iheattenl ion of our readers. We would much prefer the State would hold on to this road and push it to completion. But if upon mature consideration it be ; thought advisable to sell it, tlie contract i should careiully I.rotect tho State's n i terest andguard her people against per- l tuaiunoyance and damage through the j operations of a company having no other ucwgu man 10 make money for the : pro prietors. iJe Gillespie, colored, who was con cerned iu the murder of Mr, W. G. Fowl er, at Mooresvine, N. C, paid the penalty ot his crime at Taylorsville, on the50tli Hit. He wanted tofaH into the hands of the mob which hung his confederate, Jijle ?)avhlSon, a day or two "after tye crime ; but tl,e oflicers ofUhe hw' leaned vlth 1 him to prison, and he lias slue had Jinje it. letlect and prepare for the' journey jv.uch can lMi made but once. This i- - ddejjt closes the bloody drama enacted S;y Davidson and Gillespie ouadarkere- lug in JWmVr, Js. The man they Mllcd .and robbed,. wys a qiiiejt and pma. able citizen, and was waylaid and struck lownforaiewdorl, Wi8.SUI)po8cd have wi his possession. The wages of in is deathajs tls good Book, and this is ut another illustration of the trath of t.. .-j -U l -:; . ' r. r : There was another attempt to iSre pharlotte on Monday night, wirfcli proves l hat the two lnys that alarmed ' the city Sunday night, were not all "who were concerned in this uefarious work. Tlk4 l?aljBl till 111 Art S 4 A It Y Cevtnve moTvehit ""tsfon" f5ot tx brfng Wat' Uie; passage f another bankrupt UwvTWe are orrjr;ta hear it ; thoUgh therreiijrfvreliilJth intimatlwui cf the moTement, we doubt not it it so. Tlie lata bankrupt law made a harvest of fees and rewards -for; a certain class of men during its existence, the remember ance of which doubtless makes them long for another. Hie i late act became a tttticlrtnhostm industrious part oar rcople, and its ex piration tlie subject j of rejoicing.- Can it be prossibl5 that tlie .bnsipess men of the country desire Another, so early after witnessing the iuiqnitiea' under the form er T If so. let them reach it after a fair and open discussion before the" people. We hope our members in Congress r will have' no hand in any movement iu this direction without first ascertaining with reasouablo certainty the tvill of their cbn- stitucnts. r"North Caroliuar State Grange was in session this week; at Charlotte,. Col. Cheek, tlie master, ; called . the, body to order at 12 oV-lock, Tuesday. There, were 31 grange's represented, ' which, being a quorum, .the officers, ; made, their annual report, and the ..business of the Order duly? opened. , Theniater,' address is a comprehensive . document, , and after a general recognition of - the goodness of God in the bestowal of bountiful. crops, proceeds to give, an account of his labors iu behalf of the cause, and to recite the needs .'and. theaiUsion, of the organiza tion, j . We regret there is nothing in the 06 sercer't report which shows ; the presence of a Rowan man in the meeting as: a delegate. Can it . bo iossible .that the order, srhich at one tinTeenTbTacetT80 large a portion o(j the farmers, oi the county, is lead T .We hope not, for we believe it is in the power of the' farmers to make the institution productive of much good to themselves and to labor ing iwople generally . All great ends are reached through organized efforts and without organization' and united effort the farmers and laborers of any couutry will be at the mercy of politicians and rulers. JSelf iutereatj tlie strongest of all arguments; should keep up the granges, and we hope to see a revival of the order in Rowan. Properly directed it will do good, !; They had a very-serious fire - alarm in Charlotte, Sunday night last, as we learn from the Observer. .Fortunately, no great loss was sustained, and better still, the incendiaries w ere the next day discover ed and are now in jail. Two little negro boys were the cause of a city's distur bance for a whole, night. They first set fire to a bale of hay in John Wadsworth's livery stable. It was discovered in time to save the premises. They then renew ed the attempt to burn out the establish ment by starting a fire in another place. This was also discovered and put out. They then went to., the house of Capt. Stitt, and fired a-bale of hay stored under his house. This he discovered and put out. Still not satisfied, they attempted to-fire Capt. M. Jordan's residence. The city rung with alarm's during the entire night. The fire companies were constantly ou the run, and the Hornet's Nest Riflemen were called out and patroll ed the city until day. Charlotte was undoubted lively . all night, and will doubtless do what she can to prevent a recurrence of such a dis turbance. " j Forty-Sixth Congress. A bill was introduced into the Senate, last week, by Mr. Kern an for celebrating tlie one hundredth anniversary of Amer ica independence by a world's fair in Xeur York in 1883. Mr. Bayard spoke at length and ably in favor of his legal -tender resolution. The House discussed its new rules and passed a bill declaring all public roads and highways post routes by a vote of 134 to 97. 1 One day in each House was given to eulogies of, the late Senator Chandler. These were in tliemost shocking bad taste, and but 17 Demorats remained in the House. Only one' Democrat spoke, Senator Bayard, and his speech, while containing all the good to be said of the dead, was, in tone and manner, a stinging rebuke to his living eulogists. Five or ten cents worth of cobalt dissolv ed in sweetened watef and applied to the blossoms of the jimson weed every evening by means of an oil can, tube or quill in the perforated cork of a bottle, as early as the blossom appesrs,snd on throughout the sum mcr, is saidlp ipsurej the death of the to bacco fly.nd thus save the tobacco from the ravages of the worm. Try Jt, tobacco raisers: not one, but all, as the surest means of making it effective j '' Three deaths from starvation. are reported Jo have occurred in Ireland, and it is feared thst this is only the beginning of a dark catalogue yet to follow. Great efforts are being mads - W relieveTthe famine-stricken poople, but it will be difficult to reach them jaJl in time to avert suffering and death. '' : ' Some of the planters of the Mississippi lands btld a conveutujn at Memphis, lately in the interest of cotton seed. They ascer, taincd that the manoficturers of cotton seed oil were realizing grt returns from press ing cottoa seed. Crjjde oil is now worth 88c. per gallon; refined 48c, per gallon; oil meal, 15 a ton, and oil cake, , $23 to $28.50, a ton. Thej $gree4 to advance the price of cotton seed about fifty, per cent. Raleigh Obterter. : , r. ;iJlfc .-j.' A MOTHER WHO STARTS IN THE battle of life without a bottle of Shriner's Indian Vermifuge is like the warrior who marched upon tlie battle field weaponless. Both meet with defeat because they are uut.prepnrcd for the battle. THE KXOpUS. I The New York corresem)ent of Hale's i tckiy presents tae loiiowtng on Uie ex- ouus:. uK "Plan's inhumanity to manihas been seldom more painfully shown than in the crnel deception practiced upon the negroes who have been deluded into leafing their homes and friends anjgoing'to Knsas and Indiana to sutler among strangers and eiituiioii Hiiu jiaous. ine scneme ongi- nated with unscrupulous politicians, and has Veen carried into effect by equally un scrupulous; agents . whose, object was to make money , regardless of the suffering, 6ickuess and deaths of the negroes; 700 reached St Louis within a few days, and a list of 900 families who wisltcd to follow from Louisiana and Mississippi Jhaa been sent to the Relief Committee at St. Louis. The North .Carolina negroes cou tin ue to amve at" Indianapolis. Within .two months, says the Sentinel of that city, over 2,300 have. arrived. :A reporter of the Sentinel' interviewed one of them as follows: i 'Where are you from T" "Lenoir county, North Carolina." "Why did you come here f" ; rSamuel Perry and Peter C. SVilliams came to us and said get ready and go to Indiana. They 'lectionecred just as they do in election times. They promised that if I came to Indiaua I would receive from $2 to $3 per day for any kind jof labor, and that I would be provided with a house to live in." "What other promises ?n I "Well; dey said that there' were 500 houses built and furnished for us; that we would be given bed clothing and suits and a milk cow." "Were you to get work ?" i "Oh yes, yes, sir, we was given the privilege of farming for ourselves or work ing at $3 per day. They j said we could buy good laud at $1.50 to $2 per acre, and that provisions would be furnished us for seven months, and those who did not buy lauu would be hired by men -as soou as they arrived in the city, right from the trains." . . , "You have found this true T" ,.,"N6, sir j no, indeed. As I stand before the Lord, not one word is as they said." ,';Tell me now," said the reporter, whow i. . i . iuuuu uiuuey nave you maue since you arrived, nine days ago t" . ., "Teu cents, that is every cent, as true as I am here." ; 'Have you a family ?" "A wife aud six head of children." , "Have you money t" ."Well, I is got 40 cents what I brung with me, and nothing to eat,, no ivbodaud no clotliiug. We sleep on the bear floor. I They told me wo did not have to bum ; wood bere,?', i " "What was it Ferry told you about be ing Republicans!" 1 - "bamuel Perry told mo that we mast all bo valiant-hearted Republicans ; that they wan ted no Democratic niggers in the ymy,auu mat wo muit an snow our principles aud vote the Republican tick et." . 0f course you agreed ?" "We all told him we would do as we bad been doing, and that was tovote that ticket. . I want to say to yon here that tbey told us we would be cfreojnp here, and I want to say wo was u free in North Carolina. There we had work and all we could eat, and voted as we pleased." "Did they not bulldoxe and intimidate yout" ! "Not as I have heard on. I worked with my master seven years, and he was a Democrat, aud he never once asked me how I voted." . Of the 250 families now in this city, ful ly one-third are sick with contagious dis eases. rrora tae Wilmington star. The liailroad Question in North - ' Carolina. " In anything we may say in this article we wish it to be understood, we are not actuated by the slightest hostility to the West and its important interests. So far from this we are extremely anxious to see the unquestioned resources of that favored section developed, and ?to see it put in connection with the world beyond by the most substantial railways. We. shall regard it a great day for tlie West and the State at largo when tlie road is completed to Paint Rock. But whilst we say this most sincerely we fail to see the many good results unmixed with evil that appear to dazzle the 1, eves of those who are eager to accept Mr. Best's proposition, the main features of which we gave yesterday. Thus failing, we are compelled to oppose the sale of the Western North Carolina Road on any such terms as the New York Syndicate proposes. According to our apprehension there is nothing so alluring in the Best proposi tion as to make our people agree to the sale when it is scrutinized. We cannot go into the matter at length. We briefly note, first, that tho Best proposition gives $850,000 stock to j tke vState of North Carolina, but pray what is that worth with a mortgage of $ 12,500 to the mile overlapping and hiding; it T It would , probably be worth no more than so much waste paper. Then again, what- would be the effect of such a salef It would be controlled by a foreign company, and would Je run in the interest, pure and simple, of the Richmond & Danville Railroad, its de pencies and co-conspirators. It would give Richmond the vantage ground ou the north, whilst on tlie south -Charleston will control the situation. If tlie sale were made it would cer tainly make North Carolina tributary to those 1 States whilst injuring j many of the largest towns. It may be protested j that such results would not follow, but after viewiug the-subject fa evenr possi f.w o" w-;aiwio vo us, we are sansoeu hat if thi sale were consummated, in the 4nd it would be disastirojnijto ! the inter eats of many Importantf sections of the And now vre wish to add a1 remark or pro in tlie most distinct ma6ner. "First. then, we -protest In behalf of .the people lIniiWJton, the C?apo;. Fear sec-: tion,' against the sale of the Western North Carolina Road to "any foreign cor poration. ; j We protest against handing over tlie interests of eur people into the hands of foreign conorators. We protest igainst cutting ourselves' off ' from all power to protect ourselves against the unfriendly rnlings and manipulations of men who seek to build np the interests of other States to tlie great detriment of the people of North Carolina. j We insist that if the "Western North Carolina ) Railroad is to j bo sold that Korth Carolinian be allowed tin on port h nity to bid forthe same that j they have at least equal chancts with men living be yond the State. - ' ' r I I ' j We hiive reason for- believing that a number of North Carolinians, have the matter of purclmsing the Western Cam Una Road under consideration, and that they will offer to buy it in case the State is willing; to sellr-the. State, however, to supply them with a stipulated number of convicts.! In-due time Gov. Jarvt and tlie Directors of the Road will be address ed upon the subject, and if aale shall be deemed necessary or desirable, then peo ple at home, who have at heart the inter est of the State, will become the purchas ers. . J : ;' I We hope that no step will be tiiken Until the gentlemen referred to shall have been heard from. The road to Paint Rock must be completed, but; it must be controlled by North Carolinians. ! w - j A Large Fire in Charleston. The South' Carolina H. Ji. Sheds Destroyed i inin i 'cut iiitiny 1.UI8. Charleston. S. C. Jnnmtrv 99 a fire broke out in the large car shed of tlie bouth Carolina Railroad, North of the Line street depot, yesterday at oue o'clock, A. M. The flames spread so ran- luiy mat uie entire sued was; in names almost before the, alarm could be given, ami by the time the engiues were at the Scene the entire yard north of the d'pot was in fllames. As there was no facility for obtaining water the tire men could do nothing but watch the flames and endea vor to prevent 'their, spreading south ward. By three o'clock they had burned everything within reach. The loss is very heavy amounting to between twenty and twenty five thou sand dollars, upon which there was an insurance of but five thousand dollars. All the passenger coaches of the compa ny that were stored in the shed some twenty in number, were .destroyed to gether with about twenty-five freight curs that were lying in ' the yard. The firemen aiid the cumuanv's umikliivtw pushed a numler of freight cars out of reacn or tue names, and thus succeeded in saving quite an amount f iroperty. The shed,! which was three hundred and tl'ii feet iu length and about fifty feet iu fidth was entirely destroyed," together withthe tracks and cross ties. . As the company have a number of ex tra cars the tire will not interfere with t icir business, nor interrupt trade in any degree. i A E0CHESTER PHYSICIAN'S EX- j PEBIENCE. j R. Caulkins, M. l).,of Rochester, N. Y., certifies, Oct. Gth, 1679, that he has used the .Safe Kidney and Liver Cure in his practice for diseases of the kidneys and liver, and the result has been satisfactory in the extreme. He says : would now prescribe the same remedy to all similar ly afflicted, and you are at liberty to so state in your testimonials." ; i Jan 1 to A pi ! THE STOCK LAW! PUT UP YOUR STOCK! ! Notice is hereby given to nil nwncrs nf H Stock, residing within the limits of anjr of the Territory which has voted to adopt the Stock atiun of ssid Law bv Toluntxrv nereempnt. ui n uii.il lion rinvc I'UlliC IlllUCr lur UMCf- thaL thev are renin red to imiI nn tlieir RirM-k mi or before the 22d day of February,! A. D., 1880. auer tnat uate tne atocK L.aw will be strictly enforced in all such Tekritory. i oy oraer oi tne anam oi UnramiMaionersol Rowan County. D. A- DAVIS, Chair'n. II. N. Woonisox, Clerk, j Salisbur, N. C, Feb. 2, 1880. 16:3w. DR. GEO. ,W. GRAHAM, i CHARLOTTE, N. C. Practice Limited to EE, EAR-ai THROAT Diseases. Office with Drs. JONES &c GRAHAM. 16:3m ; STATE OF NORTH CAROLINA, RoiaiCoityaKTeL. Iu the matter of Luke Ulackmkr Surviving Adm'rof John McKone aud others, hx Parte. Margaret ItcRorie and all others interested will take notice that at Spring Term, 1880, of the Superior Conrt of Rowan County to be held at the Court House in Salisbury, N, C, on the 9th Monday after ths 4th Monday in March next, a motion will be made to set aside the sale of the McRorie dwelling house, on Fulton street, in the town of Salisbury, bid off by Margaret McRorie, and for a resale of the same for the purpose of obtaining the balance of the purchase money and interest thereon due from Margaret McRorie, which she neg lects to pay. LUKK SL,At;KM KK, Adm'r of John McRorie. Jan. 30, 18S0. i 16:6w M Carolina Bailroai Company, SECRETARY AND TREASUKER'S OFFICE. Compaxt Shois, N. C, Jan. 27tli, 1880. The Directors of the North Carolina Rail road Company have declared a Dividend of 6 per cent. Three per "cent, payable on 1st of March to Stockholders or record on tne JOth of Febuary next; and Three per cent paya ble 1st of September to Stockholders of record on the 10th of Aueust next: and order the Stock Books of the Company closed from 10th February to 1st March, and from 10th August to 1st September, 1880' lo:3t P. B. RUFFIN. Sec'ty. Would save money by being careful enough to buy only,,!,tef'ti' THE BEST BRANDS ACID PHOSPHATES, (Desol vnl Bohes),' and other Materials FOR GOMPOSTIHG. miCES: $8 to $10 for making One Ton ; or 100 lbs. Cotton, pnrable Nov. 1st. Sj 3 3 -'f q- As there are a great many Spurious and Inferior brands offered yott at low figures, which are shipped under the! name of "Chemicals," to avoid taxation and analy sis I repeat, you should be Very Careful aud save your money by getting such goods as are legally authorized to be sold iu the State, and have been analyzed and stamped. F& Don't forget also that I continue to keep the old established and reliable "NAVAS3A" and "PACIFIC GUANOES, I" And COTTON MIXTURE, 'which I have been welling fur the last 12 years with jxrftct nalUfaction. You have onlj to ask those who have tried them. Do not waate time, money and trouble by exiwriiuenling with the nianv new and untried brand now going to be offered yon. You will do well to consult the nndenrie'ned (who for the lout 14 years haa made this a sue- ciai ousinenHj uelore urcliaHing. j J. ALLEN BROWN. P. S Mr. J. A. Cook. ' i ray authorixed Agent at China Grove, aiid will sell at Salis bury prives. 15:tapl0 NORTH CAROLINA, Davidson Cmty, ( A. A. Weaver and Susan Weaver, adm'rs of Christian Evan, dee'd, Plat'ff, Ayainst Ephrnm Disher, Sarah Dis her, Elizabeth Evunx, Mary Ditfher, Jno Fulu, Louisa Fultz, Oan'i Evans, Lut inda Evans and Michael Evunn. Heirs-at-Law, . Jjefend'ts. Petition to ' i Sell Land for Assets. Tt apearin to the satisfai tion of the Court from the return of the Sherifl'and the affidavit of plaintifls, that Michael Evan, one of the detendant in the above proceeding, is a non resident of thit State, and a necessary party to me determination ot Un proceedings in refer ence to tho real esiate in this Slate: it is there fore ordered, that publication be made once a week for six consecutive weeks in the "Caroli na Watchman," a newspaper publiahed in the town of Salisbury. X. C. nolifviii2 the anid Michael Evans to appear before the Clerk of wur Superior Court at his office iu the Court House in Lexington, Davidson county, on Thursday the 11 lli day of March, 1880, and answer the petition in this proceeding, other wise judgment will be taken according to the prayer of the petitioners. 13:6w c. F. Lowe, C. S. C NORTH CAROLINA, LEXIXtiTOX, Jan. 28, 1880. Davidson County. To All whom this may concern : Be it known that the undersigned does here by call a meeting of the Stockholder of the "Lexington Manufacturing Company" to be held fn Lexington, N. C, on the 21t day of February 1SS0, for tlie purpose of Organizing, according to the provisions of Chapter 3G Bat tle's Kevisal. (. F. Lowe, C. S. C, 15:3t for Davidson County. Music All the Year Round. Christmas comes but once a year and don't last long at that, but the Southern Musical Journal pays its visits twelve times a year and is enjoyable all the year round. ?One can not make a magical friend a more appropriate or acceptable present than a years subscm tion to this entertaining month!?. Remit one dollar to the publishers, Messrs. LUDDEN & oAri'A Savannh, da, and they will send the Journal, post paid for one year; and pre sent you with One Dolhr's worth of Sheet Music (your own selection) as a Christmas present. VICK'S Illustrated Floral Guide, A beautitul work of 100 Fa?es. Colored Flower Plate, and 500 Illustrations, wiin i;eRcripuon oi oesi r lowers ana vegeta bleu, wltn price oi scean, ana now to crow them. All for a Five Cext Stamp. In Eng lish and uerman. . Vick's Seeds are the befit : in the world Five Cents for iHtnce will buy the Floral UUIDK, telling how to get them. The Flower and Vegetable Garden, no raen, oix. wureu auu many nun dred Engravingf. For 50 cents in paper cov era : SI. UU in elegant cloth, in Uerman or Lnslinh. Vick's Illustrated Monthly Magazine. 32 Paget, a Colored Plate in every number and many fine Engravings. Price $1.25 a vear : Five Copies for $5.00. Specimen Num ber sent for 10 cents; 3 trial copies for 25 cents. AddreM. JAMES VICE, Rochester, H. Y. BEST III THE WORLD I IT ATTBrfc . mare m-catra soda i or lletatly- dirty wblie- color. It mar . appear white, examined by It aeir. but a CORPABISON WITH CHITRCn 4e CO.'S "ABU! AND IIAITIITIKU BBAND will ahow tlie dlfferenec. 1 - - See that your 12a kins Rodn f wblte and PlJRIS,ashonld be ALL SiniLAll SUlSSTANC'liJJ used for food. 1 A simple bst em tnt of tba mtnptuatHr vtae ot different brn'. ot Sod id to diwoUe deeaert pooaul of ntrh kind with aboot jwnt of water hot preferred) in clear fflaaw, stirrinar until all is thoroughly diMtolrel. Tbellt. rions insoluble nutter la Ihs interior Hod will be shown after settling some twenty minute or sooner, by the milky j;nraic- of the aolutinn end too quantity of coating Cocky matter ac cording to quality. B surs and ask for Church Se Co.'a BoA and see that their name is on the package and )ou will at the purest and whitest made. The uie. ot thm with aour milk, ia preference to Baking Powder, aares twenty times its coat. , Bee one pnnnd package tjt valuable in&rma tion and read rrefnlly. i SHOW THIS TO YOUR 6R0CER. 12:5m In 1 - v no nas once nseatno.i'iiurLEs; " ' ' '. - """" V , tho j i ve 3:6m LS3 B. 0V3P.1TA1T, ATTORNEY AT IIW, SALISBURY, IV. O., Practices in the State and Federal Courts. 12:0m Nortb Gaiolina Presbfieriu. :o: No efforts are spared to make this or gan of the North Carolina Presbyterians both attractive and usetul. To do this ve present such a variety of moral and reli gious reading as will be, read by young and old, rich and poor, clergy and laity, learned and unlearned. Our special aim is to publish a live paper. It numbers among its correspondents Kev. Drs. Drury Lacy, J. Ileury Smith, J. B. Adger and A. W. Miller; Rev. Mes srs. Jos. M. Atkinson, E. II. Harding, I). E. Jordau, J. Kiimple, E. F. litekwell, P. H. Dalton, L. c. Vuss, II. G. Hill. W. S. Lacy, Y. W.Pharr, F. H. Johnston, P.T. Penick, K. Z. Johnston, S. H. Chester, J. VV. Primrose, S. M. Smith, R. C. Reed, J. M. Wliarey; I rot J. R. Blake : M Prof J. R. Make; Mrs. Cor- uelia Phillips Spencer, Mis. II. M. Irwin, and many others. Price $2.i5 a year. Address, JfJHX McLAURiX, Editor d' rrop'r, Wilmington, JV. C NOETH CAROLINA, ) .-In Superior Conrt. Davia County. B. F. Lx:ss, adm'r of li. G. Young, dee'd, Plaintiff, Against Nancy C. Petty, VV. 8 1 Petition to xell land ft r assets. Swindle and wife Nan nie el at heirs at law, Defeu'ts. It appearing to the satisfaction of the Court upon affidavit filed, that V, 8. Swindle and wife Nannie Swindle cannot, after due dili gence, be lound in Ihw. Slate: Jt is ordered that publication be made for six successive weeks in the '"Carolina Watchman," published in Salisbury, N. C, notifying the said defend- ents, W, S. Swindle and wife Nannie, to ap- ;ar at tne office ol the Clerk oi the Superior urt of said County, within twenty davs from the service hereof, and answer the complaint wincn is bleu insaidoihce.orthe plaintiff will apply to the Court for the relief demanded in the complaint. This January 15th, 1880. li. M. BlKGHAM, C. S. C. 13:Cw T 1880. Who Shall be President P Who Shall be Governor P Take your County Paper, and then sub scribe for The Raleigh Observer, .1 Democratic Newspaper, "THE OLD RELIABLE." SAMUEL A. ASHE, Editor & Owner. Daily, per annum, $0.00 Seju-Wkkkly, per sum u in, 3.00 Weeki.v, per minimi, 2.00 Postmasters allowed a liberal commis sion on all new subscribers they may obtain for The Ousekykk. Young, Medium-sized Mules wanted: Apply at this Office. KERR CRAIGE, portus at ftis, Salisbury, 33". O. "le Sinpr apin Triiipliant!" FIRST PREMIUM AWARDED AT THE STATE FAIR. Note the following improvements : An Elegant guildetl stand, Improved Bobbin Winder,--winds thread "without running t he-machine. Improved patent Journal, which makes it . THE LIGHTEST RUNNING MACHINE BEFORE THE PUBUC. v Sold cheap for cash, or small monthly instalments, at the office of the Singer Manufacturing Company, next door to Barker's Drug Store. ly. J. O. REAM, Agt. M c AKE AKE UP YOUR UP YOUR LTJBS-a LUBS-a FOR THE CAROLINA WATCHMAN, The BEST Weekly in Western North Carolina. Only $1.50 a year in advance. PARSON'S SNUFF, Still increasing in favor. Try it. It is mild and pare. For sale by J. D. (Jakkill. ' . a JiAUint wm prefer it over iiil otl.pr 1 1 - - L. L A tilt 1 AGENTS seiline it find ? It ir. 1'js.uristi want. It. makes tlie shuttle! io1 stitch, ' runs s easily,, dnca, tlie Avidest Van,- .! 3 - i r - - ' - - , ufioi, ws k, and windatne oobbias witnoiifMl i - - , . '"umng works of the machine- U'rite for descript i'ircalara and full particulara. i r 1301 & 1303 ButtMtwood St, - PMslpMaSewlni MaefeCi' PHILADELPHIA, PA. "I ' 1 ' . i ' K it ISAAC A.SHEPPARD &CO.,Salthai Un$rpaed for DurabBiry,' Economy, in Conwifewai ALSO X VABTJD ASSOBTMET OF BnrKBXOa STQVFQ C. F. BAKER dt CO., Salisbury, N. a J- j.i V14;'. To Calvin Taylor fa non-rcsidenL, toil are hereby notified that the following jia mons has been issued against you, vis: Davidson County In Superior Cosrtlj W. II. Badgett, adm'r of Butler Taylor, PlainVf, Again tt Calvin Taylor, Elizabeth Peusc and her husband SUMMONS. iicnry . I'iise a rankim Taylor, Loveless Taylor, Harris Taylor, Amanda Cranford and her husb'nd Joel Cranford, Dtfen'l. STATE OF NORTH CAROLINA, 'I To the Sherifi' of Davidson County, greet ing: You are hereby commanded to ua mon Calvin Taylor, Elizabeth Pensc, Henry Pense, Franklin Taylor, Loveless Tailor Harris Taylor; Amandtti Cranford and Jef Cranford, the defendants above named if to be found in your county, to be and appm lieforc the Clerk of ourjSuperior Court, for Davidson County, at the Court House u Lexington, within twenty days from the service of the summons, eiclusiveof tlkedir of service, and answer the complaiurwhicli will be deosited in the .office "of the Clerk- of the Superior Court of said couotv. .with! in ten davs. and let the said etVn.nfi, j take notice that if they fail tolinswer tiT ' said complaint within the time prescribe by law the plaintiff will auplv to the Court j for the relief demanded in, the. complaint, 1 1 Hereof fail not and of this summonajiwkr du return. Given under; my hand and seal this &)ta day ot December, 1871). C. F. LOWEkjplerSup; oirt 12:Cw Davidson County. AROUND the CORNER ' T THE PUBLIC GREETING! JULIAN & Cabinet Maters and Garpsate Their orices are as low - as it is bossibls t ITiake them, and their work not inferioro an. They fill ordeis in two' departments." - Their ready made stock in hand corapri a general assortment spf hou fikr.iture Bed steads, Bureaux, Clothes Presses, LounftfL Hacks. Wardroljes, liook-dses. Cupboards and China Pressen, Candle Stands, Tin Safes, DeskiU Tables, Waslnitands, Cliairs, &c. They alio keep an assortment'of " M . ' ' COFFINS of wal alnut, pine and poplar, from 1 Qpafli 3, Window Sash- They fill order 4lkwi Also. Window Sash. Thev fill orders xilfcMtt vexatious delavs. Will contract for carpenterV, is delays. v ill contract for carpenter work and warrant Satisfaction.' Will take tool (t warrant atistactwn.; til tare gooa ind country produce in exchange fo t. Shop nearly opposite Watchjnaii J ULfAN & FRALEV, 4 lUIUlfl LUUll hi J li VUlHf 4U, VNW t turmture. thop nearly opposite vatcnpaB uince. w uiiiAit os , 4:ly- ' . -1 HOV TQ SAVE HONEY! And you will not only save money, botti the Best Uoods made. You will find in hit ) Well Selected Stock of Hardware, Movtrt, : Threshers, and Sewing machines, , ' , f Straw-cutters & uorn-sneJiers Grain Cradles; Grain sad GrarBcytkesf f Plows, Hoes, Mattocks and Picks, SoTfH(( Spadesand Forks, Glass, Paints, OiU, Fsttft and Varnish, Locks, Hinges and 6crewi y Dute's Cross-Cut, Hand and Mill Ssvp. jf Blacksmith & Carpenter HORSE AND MVLE SnOES, Tin and Hollow ware, patent Patent Fly-Fans and iTraps. BUGGIES, OPEN AHD WITH TOP. Rnifr-il.irnftiu. TIamPKa leather W)dt4 Mountings, Wagon and Buggy Material' and many, other articles too tedious t ' mention.- ' vr-j ' l At Heme's old stand, main strtet, SAIilSBTJKY, H. 0. 3(hly - 1 -; ! ' ' Cheap Chattel 3Iortgagcsf various other blanks for sale hcrt BUY TOUR 1 hard-I- FROM . ' " I (1 If, illg. ariatVI