. t r - s - i i - - :- ------- , , - ' I : i; . - 1 i hi J Ifji lit!' I I i I i i 4 K '11. '.!' j? -i J' I- m '-'4'- "i it .v : ? ? f i - I If! MISCELLANEOUS. Mrs. Partington eays Ike has bought a horse so spirituou that it always gs off on a decanter. After -a. Texas jury. Iiad; stood out for ninety-six hours, the judge got a verdict out of them in two minutes by sending them word that a circus had come to town, . , As many women learn to know J their husbands they wish they had learned to "No-" them when they were only sweethearts. -j 7 ' . . j The Chinaman had a good grip on the idea when he spoke of the cucum ber a "no belly good." A man boasting in the company of young ladies that he had a luxuriant head of hair, a lady present observed that it was owing to the mellowness of the soil. . An Irishman in describing Ameri ca, said i "I am told that you moit .- roll England thru it an, it. wouldn't make a dintjn the ground ; there's fresh' water oceans inside that you moit dround old Ireland in pan' as for Scotland, ve moit stick it in a - - , N corner and ye'd never be able t find It out except by the smell of whisky." A young lady just . home from boarding-school, on being told by the servant that they had no gooseberries exclaimed; "Why, what has happen ed to the goose ?" The latest Yankee discovery is a spring in Michigan, so strongly mag netic that a man who drank from it and went into a blacksmith's shop, found the anvil on which he sat stuck fast to him and had to have it amputa ted. Mr. Tennyson still devotes him self to domestic subjects ; for exam ple! Put the arm chair in the attic It has earned a needed rest ; For the pair it oft supported Now are married and gone West. Too Much a Business. - Squire Hopkins and his wife, of Stokes, gave a dinner party the other day, and many young ladies were r present; the young preacher, too, who had just been sent, was there, and before the young ladies went down; Mrs. Hopkins said to them : "Girls, our young preacher is in the parlor." M0,is he V said a chorus of voices ; I ,I certainly want to see him, they say he is so liandsome." "They're making a deuce of a rack- f et in the parlor," observed the Squire i soon after, as he and his wife satin j the adjoining room. - "I think they're playing some r game," she said, "I wish you'd peep in and see." j "Blast me, if the Parson ain't run- j nin round the room with two boun cing gals aholt of his coat tail I've often heard that when playful with j the gals they're the sportingest things on earth beats my colt to death." , I "I think myself, Mr. Spriggs ' hould be sadder; you know, dear, he has to be at the burying of poor Mr. Smith's little child late this evening." l "Fiddlesticks 1 Sue! it: 15oks too much a business for me, reminds me of 'the i lawyer that cries over the I prisoner and makes the jury cry, and j next steps out for a drink with the j other fellow that's trying to hang I mm but hurrying up dinner and call 'em in." Josh Billings Advice to the "Quire" 4 Singer. - i - ' ' -. - - The first thing to make a good quire singer is to giggle a little. Put up your hair in curl papers every Friday nite, soze to have ft in good shape Sunday morning. If your dad- dy is rich you can buy some- store hair ; if he is very rich, buy some more and build it high upon your head ; then get a high priced bun- pet that runs up. very high at the I high part of it, and git the milliner to plant some high grown artefisluds onto the highest-part of it. It will I Jielp you sinjr high, as soph ra no is the highest part. 1 t m. i nen the tune is giv out don't pay attention to it, aud then giggle! ; uiggle a good eel. j (Whisper to the girl next you that i- Pm Jones, which sets on the second seet from the front on the left-hand Clilo ' lino 1M. K . . a. . p.Uvr M Hti uuuuei wmi me same i color ; exact she had last year, and j then put up your look to your face nd giggle. I Object to every tune unless there is 1 a solo into it for the sophrano Coff andliem a good eel before you begin o sing. ; - , J j When you sing a solow, shake the artefishals off yourItinnef, aiicrwhen you rome to ulllighjiotebraceyour self back a little, twist your head to one siue anu ppen, your raouiu ine widest on that side, shet the" eye just a trifle on the same side and then put -.. .- - "i '.f ,. ! s -, in for dear lifeH? 1 ? When the preacher. gits' under hed ly with his preaclunwrite note on isit someboay tmpass thenote.to sum- body else, and you watch then! wlulej they read it, and :T-lJ.i tit :L.i2t ,-If any body, taj ks or lafls inrthe con i -- - - t .- -j f . thepreacheir takes eregashun and notis of itvthats a good Lcance for you to giggW ajgrejaJt.jThe)ich er darsen't say anything to you be kaus you are jnlhe quire.Zf you had a 1k w. before you swent Jnto the quire give him the mitten you ought to have somebody, better nbwT" Don't forget to giggle An K.4lay on 3Ian. ; jv 4 Man was mada in dryiweather. He was maddjof dust. . the ; blaukoieaf! -ijfyour note book; Thai s what the ueaifwus made for. Quite a number hayernever-recov-jyeari ered from their creation ; they are still dry. tt -s5 It's a man's "natureTtt be discontent ted. . .: V ' . Adam had a monopoly, but lie could not behappy without some one to crow over. H ' "For-a while 'he knocked around over the Garden of Eden, and then went to the - house ; but he had to cook his own Supper, there was no stove-wood chopped and things went on in a bad shape' general lyi tl" r The next morning it was the same way. He had to make this . o wu bed and sweep out. His socks were dirty and his arm would run through a hole in his sleeve. Sd-hc wnusTdis satisfied. Ij The next nigtit, when he Avent to At . r - ' "'17 - sleep the Creator puuished-lJiim by making one of his ribs into a Ionian, a great misfortune to,.the,xace. It has been six thousand vears since that rib wasiost, and yet man continues feeling;for ; This is a very feeling subject, f : Pursuit in this case is said to be sweeter than possession. After Eve got acquainted with her mate, she vowed that- alPthe men in the world were not worth Adam. Goliah was a man. A fop is a male who is ashamed of his sex, andy attempts to conceal the fact that he a man. Concealment in such cases is at tended with but little trouble. It is only necessary to part the hair in the middle. The family man resembles au oys er on the half shell. -r The shell is known at home the soft side of a board. Some men carry this resemblance in their faces. A great many men have countenances like oysters. Job is said to have been a very patient man. He had boils all over-himr Many a man now boils over him self when the preacher reaches "thir- teeuthly" on a hot summer day, and never thinks of the grandeur of Job's example. The American The editor of the London White hall Review at a dinner, recently, pro pounded , the following Question: What is the origin of the sign for he American dollar.' The American consul did not know. ; V It was suggested by one of i the guests upon the authority of "Xotes and Queries that the sign was a sort of mouogram of the United States, from U. S.' But tins would not do. The American dollar, says the edi tor, is taken from J the Spanish dollar, and the sign is to be found, of course in the associations of the Spanish dol lar. We littered the table with books in the course of bur researches, but I proved my point in the end: On the reverse Of the Spanish dol- tar is a representation of the Pillars of Hercules, and round each pillar is 11 .. .M. il ' ; ' T' a urun, wmi ine inscription, 'jrius vllra This device, in the course ofl time, has degenerated ntOLtliksfgii which stands at present for Ameri can as well as Spanish dollars,'.. ; ine scroll round the ptllars,u 1 take 4t, represents the two serpents sent by, Juuo to destroy Hercules In his crad . . ! ' f - The negroes who Went from the South . . . ern: States to Kansas last, fall are reported as saffering from Want and cold.;If their true condition is t explained to tiiose re4 maiuing South it may put an end to their foolish ' exod a i n fataa tion sX 'ri brt h ern climate is uot healtliy for negroes; They cau do better where they are -Dexter, (Mo.) Enterpriw-MeKsenger. I : 11 . -. I r- - lit. . 1 ' fS -- t .-..- . I i : -. 1-C . :f r i. Manure. ut Keep the Rtalls of iHirsea , antl ? cattlel wen Jittereu with kobi absorbant-Leaves are 'most cdureufe&t. fWliat: the coiintry, needs is plenty of home-made niao are. ' which will ,enahie the: farmer I to, wake heavier crops from Jess ; Jand. Parming does not pay when it takes all a- inan's labor to make his .bread. Fonr, .barrels of corn to the acre wil not , paT ten ,.barJ rels will. ; fSix bushels .Qf wheat, for ; one is a loss? twenty for on mikes money, Kee refuse tanhark fiawduRtj, Wood earth! orYefase ef wood Spiles. ; iu .-, hen houses tliree indies Mdeep rail Wiuter, Put iu a freah supply every j week f mix. with plaster in the Spring, 'andn sdw') oir weak places iU wlieiit Aeld, or reserve to plant in hTlts wrn" or tobacco. j r ! h'-: 1 One way to utilize straw as a .fertilizer ia to stack or pile iu a yard for the pur pose, where stock can ;ron to it. Ia a year or two there will be immense piles, of half rotten straw land manure that makes an excellent top-dressing the . first and the second year tit niay jibe plowed under with great advantage to al most any kind of crop. - , " 'j - ivnimais mac are weaic anu thin in flesh should receive special care jiud at tention at this season. Such a creature is liable to beeome diseased, aud, one diseased animal may infect the well -ones with the same disease. , The Mexican War Pensions. Some weeks ago our associated press telegrams announced the fact that the committee on pensions, of the House of representatives, had agreed unanimous ly to report back: t& the House' a bill re commending the payment of pusion to all survivinc Mexican soldiers.' The re port was accordinlg made' and the bill has had two readings and was to have come before the committee of the whole House on yesterday (Monday j) The bill restores to the peusion4rolls, withtlf ar rears of pay due, the pen slob ers of the Mexican war who were stricken from the rolls for alleged disloyalty, and pensions all survirors at the rate of tight dollars per mouth from the date of its passngei It is stated that there arebut 6,000 survivors of the Mexican war 'who siVe eu titled to tensions under the bill out of 75,000. The official . Tecords show that the army fought 10 general battles and 08 engagements in the course of i two ' Vears without the loss of a single stand of col ors, anu that they entered the City of Mexico, with 6,500 men, and dictated a peace within a walled city, the capital jof a ftfreigu nation, of 150,000 inhabitants. The population of Mexico at that time was 8,000,000. The United States ac quired by our arms 1,000,000 square miles of territory, iu which are embraced Cali fornia, Nevada, Utah, T Arizona Colorado, Xew Mexico, Wyoming-, and part of the State of Nebraska. The bureau of statis tics reports that from the territory thus acquired $1,100,000,000 in gold and sil ver have been taken in the -past thirty two yers. The soldiers ask only eight dollars a month. - No snch results as they secured have ercr been achieved by so small an army for the county that it serv ed., They more than doubled the territory of the United States. i Wasixutox, Jan. 26. Confirmations. The Senate to-day confirmed the fol lowing nominations: Jauies ltifssell Lowl ell, of - Massachusetts i as miuf8tef t!o Great Brittainr; Jii6."W.fFosfe-, of Indi ana, as minister to liussia ; Lucius Fair child, of Wisconsin, as miuistes to Spain ; Phillip H. Morgan, of Louisiana, as min ister to. Mexico: Philip S. Vales. of Pennsylvania, - as chief of 1 the? bureau bf medicine and 8urgeoa general of the navy, with the relative rank of Commo dore. Also . the . nominations ff tlte fol lowing, postmasters : K. i-G. Staples. aV Portsmouth, Va.r David J. Johnston;' at Madisori, Ga.,' Win. Jlellings, at Victoria, Texas, . V " ' --..r ' Coxkeixo Latest; -Over a year agb tlie'saddle colored (but very gentlemanly:) SejatorfromMississippL JiiK. - Bruce, 4 took to himself a wife an educated lady of color, but the, color is uot much deepejr than that of some Kentucky brunettes we know and admire. In the fullness of time a child was borna mau child :ani he Was christened lloscoe ConkKng Biuce, after the great Narrngauset hero.., TheJ hero appreciated the I compliment, and some evenings since, in the presence of a 1 . , ..-. m w r-.i-r": ---" ehoice assemblage or Kepuuiicao stalwarts of various hues, he - presented hist little tiamesake with a service of silver. It is stated that the little darling was handed about jiud kissed nil round:' If this does not ' insure Conkliug the colored YOtej, what could T Elizabetuiown Xeics. ' '. U- i: The total number of Irish absentees 'as given by the government .returns, a few years ago are 2.973, owning 5,129,816 acres, about one-fourth of Ireland, of the annual value of 12,000,000 ; bf these only 180 ever visit their Irish estates, and these spend but a few months on them every year.pThe fam ine &nd trouble in Silesia, also, wtrere linnd! reds of thousands of jKnipte' are' starving to deathare largely due id the same cause absenteeism. The Rothschilds, jthe Lichi nom-sks and a number of Prussian nobles are; owners of immense! estates ia Silesia, which they never visit oj improve. The rej- suit of this system a constant draining of the country of. money is chronic. jpovertVj, Which the German government hss done al in its power to relieve, but in vuix MATURES OWH REMEDY nvtt I tii .; I . n.i 4Abi VEGETABLE MEDICINE FOR THE filDOaiMR&KIDHEYS, YJr. medidiuil com-; poahd of known valno-i i camblnimr tn one prep. kjaMlJf 8 i ti-ilti gK' CURATIllE;:.. .. , . ; Tot JUrer CMaUU . "CURaTiH' piwn iot ine- ctiu wbU-li nrotlnte nil di tum t.f the jtiod, tbe Mveri the Jiitfneys. ' Uanuls io ction and , thorough ia Its effect, it fei unexcelled for the core of all Dim-, eamrm such as tirtntf Ml i flPm rw Bmtlm, Trtter.tmlt Mhenw, lthHtiimt i mm, JVer ennui liting, a iHQ t CitBtipmti, Itynptpmiti,' Inai neh. llmtentlon mf trine, etc. ASK YOUR DRUGGIST .4:j FOR IT. R r ' - TEE BEiinnf CHEBICil CO.: ,, BALTIMORE, Md. Foe XbcutuMiaia. 1 3 m nilDATIMC- UWIIMIIIlkf "'3 " 4; For 6crful W3e. CURATINEr - Wiiifr'i Safe Pills M8 an Immediate stimulus fbr a Torpid Luver, and core Costive nefis. Dyspepsia. Biliousness, Bilious DLarrhcea, Malaria, fever an1 Ajru. and are useful at times in nearly ail Diseases to cause a free and rernhir action 'Of the Bowels. The best anti dote for all Malarial rotsoo. Price, 25c. a box.' TV rnra Safto Ker Inm Oul tit ! y rf ves Rs t and Sleep to the suffering, curas Meaoaci she and Neuralgia, Prevents Epileptic Fits, and is the best remedy fmNervous rrostraxiorr brought oest retneay iof nervous rrostnuiorr brought on by excessive druikins. over-work, mental shocks and other cause- It relieves the Pains of. aU Piseases, aud is never fnjurions tn the system. The best of all Nervines. Bottles of ' mio. tr isi-es ; prices, 60a B and tim ... Jfi i Warner's Safe .1 Htmeaies are Si . I ... and ' Dealers In Aledielne every. wher. . fl.H.WABHERfcCO., ! ' "Proprietors, ftoeheklrr. H.TC. aee-HenA for Panipblet and Testimonials. YELLOW FEVER-BLACK VOMIT. It is too noon to forset Uie rarazes ut tliis terrible dlseiue, wtilcli will no doubt return in a more mulitf- nani una virulent torni in ins ran montns or 18.9. MKKUfiLL'M il Kl'AUXK, a liemeiiy diRcovemiin Southern Nubid and used wltU stitik wuudertul it-- salts In South-'America w'bere the niost agsi uvatefl cases of lever fire l'ounrt, causes tiixm one to two ounces of bUe to be itUtetl or; strained from the blood eacn time it paei turougu tne uvir, as lun as an excess of bile exists. ' By rr vrondehnl notion on Uie Liver and stomach the ILfiPATlNE not only irevents to a certainty au,v Ind ct ,'evw and Ulauk .'omit, but also cures Headache. CViristluailon of ihe Bowels, Dyspepsia and all 'Malarial-(H.s-nss. Jo one need tear eiluw Jt over wno will expol the Malarial l"olson and excels of bilu from the blood lv hsimf MEHKKLL'S WKPATINK, Wnloli is sold by all Drujonstsin-25 centatd $i.( bottles, or will be sent by express by the Pivyrletors, , A. P. M KKUELL & CO., I'll lUk. Pa. Or. Pimbrrlon'sSlilliBgiii orQaern's llclijht. tSThe reports of wondcrftil cures of Khounui- Usm. Scrofula, salt ltlu um. Syrrtillts Oa. -r. nrs aud Sores, tltat come lawn ;tll p.irts.ot iiy couauy, tire not only remarkable but so hiiraciu.iw.-. as to be doubted was it not for the abund!tnW of in-oof . Eemarkable Cure of Scrofula, Scc. CASE OL COL. J . C, S'UA,NSON. KiNiwn, (i4..5;eitembor 15, lSTt. Gksts s For sixteen years l fcuvt ieou a jrreat suf ferer from Scrofula in Its most distressing forms. I have been eontlned to "my room riud.bed for lifteen years with .scrofulous ; ulcerations.! i he most ap proved remedies lor such cases hid Doea used, and the most eminent physicians consulted, without any decided beneut. Ikua i)nwtrattid, distressed, de sponding, I was advisl iiy Ur. Ajj of, oi i?'lo d Coun ty, ua., to commence i ue u.-' ot jour t nmyounn tract stilUiuria. Lanjniagf Is as Insuriicient to de scribe thejedeX I obtained troin the use ot the Stll- lingla aslt is to convey 4n adauit9 idea of thq in tensity of my sufierlnjr bt'firrc ustni j our medicine; sunlcientiO say, 1 tibundoned all other remedies ;nd continued the use of your Extract of SUlllngia, until i can say truir, -i am cureu oi an pain, ' oi an uis eastK, with nothing' to obstruct t lie rtotire pursuit of my profession. .More than oiirlit months have elapsed since this remarkable cure.; without any l e- turu or the disease.. For the truth of the aDOTw statement, T refer to any gentleman in Bartow County, t;a,, and to the members of Uh tair ofiCaeiwltpe Clreitlf; who are a;- Sualnteu witn me. l snail ever remain, -wun tne eepest gratitude, Your obedient servaM, J. C. llKA.NSuN, Att'y at Law. , ; .AVfrt J'OJNT, CiA hopti 16, 1ST0. flKSTs': My daughter was takeu on the soth day of Jane, 1S7B, with what was supposed to be Arnte Kheutnatism, and Wit treated for the same with no success. In March, loliowiatf. Pieces of bone bogan to work Out of the right arm. and continued to ap pear till all tlie bOQtt-f rtn the vBkv- to the shoulder joint came out. Man pieces oC boiitme out of the right foot and leg., 'J'ke c;rse was met) pro nounced (tne of White sworn r.g: Afrer havrn? been continedabouttjlK.yeara o ber .beo aiut itJie case considered hopeless' I was induced to Irjf.Dr. Teia bertonf CoKipVyund Extract? of stuilnxia. and was so wen sausneu witu its enecu mat i do v connnueu the use of It until the presf'trU, , t,, "Mv dansrhter was confined to lier oed about six years before she sat up or ev& turned :over without help. .She now tits op aU 4ay,itfew,out.uC her time nas waiKea. across tne roouu ur goaicrai health laow fpoa, and I: beilere ?;ive ' ill, as ner limbs Ciajkstreneth. walk'WelLl I attrtbtc her re- oovery, with the blessing, of uod, J3 the use of your invaluable medicine. With gratUudo, I amyourstrnJiy, 1 r- West PijMVUj G, Spt. 1, l78. fiEVTs: The above certlilcate of iSIt. . B. Blan- ton we know and" certify to asbeirt;iiP. The thing is so s hundreds of the moss respected dtt.ns will certify U it. As much reference caa, be given as may be rapirrea. vourstrnty, . , i CKAWrAJKlJ K Aiir.K, uraggisis. r HON. H. IX WILLIAMS, v, W-DRj PfiMBKRTO'S: STITXTXftTA is pre pared by A. K. M KJi It ELL &;C(.. FhUafia'. SoWhy all Druggists in $I.C bpitlcs, or stoa by expreRs. Agent wanted tyjeanrnssererywhere. ' Send ton yook -Curiou!ittrr?,--tree to all. Medi cines sent to poor peppief payaole ia installments. ' .F OtT T Z 'B HORSE AND CATTLE POyDEBS Will mh nrnrarnatCictSl. -Wo Hcras will die of Colic, Bots or Ltnrtl F tis, if Fontz"s Powdefs are nsedln tinie. Foutz'8 Powders will cure and pre ven t Hoo Cholees. Fontrs Powders win arweat Gapks is Fowls. sa and cream twenty per cent, and make the butter arm ' ' jsnd sweet l r.r. .im" . i- ' 1 ' I roan's Powders will cirfl or prevest slznost xvxxT i Dtsxbx to Which Horses and Cattle are snliject. : Forora Powdees win; arm SXTisrcmo. ! 8old everywhere. , .. ( - Uath is. rorrrz. Proprietor. ' .,'...'-.'' ' 3ALTIMOBErCdU ' ;, , iTHEO. F.KlUtts: Agent, 2:6m j, i . ., . - SaliHburylJC. ;ti '''' ' -I .j i CRAY'S SPECIFIC MEDICINE.' TRADE MARKThe Great EngllshTRADE MARK remedy ; An un failing cure for f seminal easness, Spermatorrhea,! Impotency, and all diseases that follow as a sequence of seir-Abuse; as iws of Memory. Univer sal Lassitude, Pain BrOB TAIISi.'n the Back, Wra-AFTER TAIIV3. neas of Visiou, rreinature Old Age, and many other Dlae that lead to Insanity or Consumption, and a Premature Grave .! . gFull particulars in our pamphlet, . which we desire to send free by mail to every one. EBThe speciflc Medicine Is sold byan druggist at $i per packofre, or six packages for $5, or will be sent free by mail ou receipt of the money by addressing -i CRAY MEDICINE CO. . Mechanics Bikk. Detroit, Micii. t3"Sold In Salisbury and everywhere by all ruggist. ";iy. MM fljTfy lt'.T .3inT i Ziiie i etr nt o i d tn c ! ai l i s; I) Kkm i,e X JeW'e Wfct , - - rr . : " i - , I UESPITCTFULLT, infbrn the,! public that I have.. male,srrangeniehts to furnwli regularly any 6r,al! of '(lie IllujUrattd pjaper, i Novel; Msarines, &c, &e., at , j vVtwmMM'?i:fl ICES. j;. ....... I will deliver them regularly lo custom er? and subwrihers and can frocUre promptly any Novel, Xibrary, Pap r, ;&vhu-'h may beL. wanleu. BtBu Alak known your wants iu thu lice, and they shall be supphcdf ' SPOOL COTTON. ESTABLISHED 1812. GEORGE A. CLARK, SOLK AGKST, ! 400 BROADWAY NEW YORK. The distinctive features of this spool cotton are that It Is made from the very ltnest SEA ISLAND COTTON. It Is OnlKhed soft as the cotton from which it if made ; It has no waxing or artlticial rinisli tocieceive the eyes; it is the strongest, smoothesj: and most elastic sewing thread in the market : for machine sewing It has no equal; It Is wound on 'WHITE s;i?ool., The Black is the most perfect JET BLACK- ever produced In spooleotton. bei wr dyed by a system patented by ourselves. The colors t e flyert by tho , NEW ANILINE PE00ESS j rendering them so perfect and DrtUiaBt that dress- j makerseverywhere usethemliLsleati of st-win;sJlJv'Si. We Invite comnurtson anl respectfully -ask ladies I to jrive it a fair trial sind convince them.lvcs or Its superiority over aiiomers. Tb foe had at wholesale retail from i. D. (i A SKILL 5:6ui Salisbury X. C. ZVXason and Hamlin Organs. En dorsed by over 100,000 dslighted . purchasers. , . , . Hot lowest priced, poovest and dearest. But highest priced, best mid cheaposit. Cost but little more thau inferior organs. Ciivo five times the satisfaction. Lrftst twice as loug. ..Xjictovs at ttll world's ex hibitiou. Acknowlet-swl best by all dis interested and competent musiciana. $vlid fads, indisputable, such as no other orau maker iu tJio world can nbstantmte. ftlm-inns newa for nnrchasers. (rntud In troduction Sale. New Prices, ti hitous El- cgant Case $0; Superb MUrorTup Catte, 10 Stops vntij $100. 15 days trial. Freight f paid botli ways if Organ uoirt suit. . bold on t'asy terms. Keiitcd uutil paidrfor. Delivered any where iu tho ivmtlt for. .4 extra. For full p.u tictilar.. address Sud den & Bates, Savannah, Ga., Mana gers Wholesale Southreu Depot. Prices same at at Factort. -fuf - . r- , . NOW IS THE TIME TO SUBSCRIBE FOR THE WATCHMAN Mea up your Clubs and send them! in. Two Dollars a year. wiraieujiieru,!!' . . f . mi ' umm . ., i s " q j J . ; o ;t3 1; '"' M " r 1 t h s - J' pjJ3T r -i (ZD to g ' " c w " .5 i mSmmr Q S I i tKliBf o i' -BB f- EH o ' -w jrr mm m r . i , i r.k!t::' "lU fci'f JtUJ il ,!-.;... j I ntir I1! h--Wf m Jlf r ' uv'm : ,ill i-: (ill ii ii(tht Mi ,,. ,1M.KKJ'Jf 5.'! l' . ,,.l M W 2 m Illlll B llliMIU '-IISBBIII li . 1 aheiwHEWf AMERICAN "is easily learned does not fret 6uf 'obtdlM? ahV. i. I l . i i L : ; III. ...... -.- i...-. - more wont wiui iesa. iawoj n4; ".viner; application. AGENT 3. uui ti, Jianayer, mjs4. ...''. . -j ' ; ' r JklERONEYS & nOGEES, Agents, Salisbmy, N. c. ; - i GJDRTi ; H- i .t, .tr- T .In not luot:it io nxr lii! American Machine in, all tle work that other machints can it rom Swiss Muslin lo lieirrer tfoili. J have and the American is suieiior to tliein all. I have used ihe Singer and other machine, my. if erokey & Bftb., A eifnH' American Se-wlng SIRS: 1 haye used the Howe, Singer, H tnd would not give the American for in the ciro ilar. I consider it superior to all . . Very respectfully, DEEDS & MORTGAGES. '. , ' 7" ' m . .'sir ...;- ;; .l;r Pec Simple Deeds, Deeds in Triist, 'Mortgage Deeds, omjssioneriiV.ceds, Sbrig. Deeds, Chattle Mortgages, Farm Contracts, "Marriage "arid ' (S)ntfhnatitn CcVtiiice . . Difctillers' Jvntries, and various jotlier ; forms for sale at the - i SALE 3, commissioners, ; notices. -It is Vdministrators, executors, .... : .1 Tail OU US lUr IIUlll.ll M1U UWUVViJ. i- rJicir property at. public auction without rii juircmentH of the law on the subject every body knows urc inpuflicietit. ProjK-rtyh ' l'ten sacrificed from this cause when a dollar or two spent in advertising ; iuighta?i -'. saved it and made it bring its value. We furnish sale notiecs promptly and cheap. 'r. 1 N0TIC3S TO?. POSTING PAMPHLETS, SCHOOL CIRCULARS, ,! BILL-HEADS, 1 LETTER Mon CARDS, Posters, NATIONAL HOTEL, Cortlandt Street, XKAK BROADWAY,- NEW YORK. HOTCHKISS & POND, PnoiMtiETous. On The European Plan. The restaurant, cafe and lunch room allach ed, are oastir passed lor clieapueHs and excel lence of service. Kooms 50 i Ia. to"$2 per day $3 to 10 per week. Convenient to all ftrrie and city tuilrouds. New Furniture, New Management 13: lyk On and Off SlicK as Grease ! BOOTS, G A IT Eli S, SHOES, SLJPPEKS, &c. "W. M. EAGLJ, Bespectfally announee hii continuance at his old stand in his old line, on Alain Street, opposite Bnni' Drng Store; ..He is always ready and anxious to aooomutodate ciiKtor.ierK in bis line in the best manner possible, lie is prepared to do first clas work and can com pete with any northern Shop or Hand made work. His machines, lasts, Ac. are ol the XXJ31 JS-iSSS? ZIZ work, and VUck eqrial to any Hpinl order, lpniiirinimAtlp and nromntlr din at reft. ipn.ngneau.y ana .prompu? aue atre. mahl price. Satisfaction guaranteed or iro i charge Prices to Suit the Times, Cash orders by mail promptly filled. . -St.GmoH. ' . "WV M. EAGLE.' I ". ! ' ' - ' .' . BONDS ,, To make Title to Land, and Laborer and Mechanics Liens, for sale at this Office Practical. Blacksmi AND iioRSEsedEfi; ; ' CHOPeonnwted with Bro-wn A Verhle-s UvCry ! jt j the "bent in nxe.arto"1niPnI,,l Q suWfs. PTU designs ol Shoes, to. suit any.; l " ,ne u - . . . ,-,.": Twfteof f oot.' All Khoelng on strictly sclentiflcprtn, Reqtiire no cotton-seed nor irtable manui. clplwtand WARRANTED. All kinds blacksmlthlng- vl,.. fr pin A riKt to une. promptly done. M . libir . sSo charge for reclpeor light io une. i .p , . Uo any $50 guaao. aiaa en tested for yer Snbscribe fortho Dutchman only 2f CaUlina get particular and eelwiwoiU . ' ' .'--. j Don't be humbogged hf cheap imitation", !j! ir i ! ti j 1 i. i You ca get the genuine only from . Mortgage Deeds for sale here . tiieo. f. kluttz, DarcowT, ; ; J $ ' ' : .iso various Qiner uians. 14 " " TBI a itutjMesi, int Musi fa, - able. vndinEiery Benkt iu.?ui'.iuj'n3!j5i! :t mini 0; wtniHis. , W A N E 0. U4 iM. marie street, liaiuiuore v ., r . . " . ' . ii ' ! i. i "iili, ttr .;') - v ;ir.: 4 " ' l CJ AXES : sun i r passes all i4her machines. BcsJiIm overseatus anU worlts button holta iin y : mwd -8ingriViuWcrii4' Wee4 Alathinesniij i -r-'.? H . b . ".. ii i and would; not exchange the American fni MKS 11. KJliKlMiLK.: .Ss lisburr, M, C, May 22d. - Machine: ! ; - heeler wnaon, u ucoxv Uibba, fJewing all ollliem. It will do till that Ia clauiiedfoT. others I have ever seen.r , a r MRS. GEO. W. HARRISON. ? ! , WATCIUVIAA OFFICE, t- shcrifT$i, const aides, agents; &c, are advise(W" certainly great Injustice to owners 'io pit' fcp ... , ......v.., iv up - t giving ample notice of the sale.! The ft- L-ND PSADT PHIXTT3D. HEADS, ateraents, avsii: xnv waivt II A R I W A K B At Low Figures 4 t' 4 l Call on the undersigned atNp. 2, Cruii Kow. - '? ' - "'1' if""' j Salisbury .N C. Jane 8 li- ., i'i " ENNISS' CHICIvEX OlIOLERA CCKE or nioney refuijledir-if . directions, are Btrictlv followed it' PRICE 25 CENTS, at v i; 2(:tt . , . E' Ni.S.S' Drngtore. Farmers DON'T BE SWINDLED - ' but5 of BALE OF COTTOH j: :. f . ; '; i. --: ' " j i THEO. F. HX.UTTZ fe 'i i will sell you one ton of Boyli,: earner Wo's CELEBRATED - -,ti istr: Fof 200 IfisV CoUob. JPATTABI.I3 kiaT. TOV3ff33a I o-iy pmf -i! -j , NOTICES St J all kind HARDWARE, ; IfarraiitefloCil mm .. Horn I" rtuizer if fffo 1 i it G tr. '3 Hi ,t'": -' ! i ; . . . , c ; -:' '.. r - : i-i;

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