0 Vol xl-third series j '.t'rWI.-J 4, i.lrt l f,, : ' ;...4"rli'j ; r t ' - 1 . l ' ' ; TltE l?JIOUS IIUTITTY S ,4 fit , I On Board tbeJ S.,Brl Sonpl' r. -ft. Kirnl0nrin t .11. .. In lQveiicr842jut oneof e most noted mutinied In thhisto- ! .U- llllT " Ji.' dL ' i.u"l?l . rt i.kfKfflM&la! IG8L tl- t h J - - - M j nr it ii u ...' i. . j'iT' nj tin , floats in4 ?f5fftS hmpwau JheI-a'rder;tTVes and itnotan iacaraoiA uruior. it nsomj ie vessel nuo a privateer lor u 'tU'b'enlfa specific, will., core jou, , i t I.,, in 1 1 in I ii I i A'jeHt ever ijjiscwrvrvu . Vta-i!' Carbo ie ralvchei lj burnt. . Lar'i Carbolia &alr-e' r 1rw;( ,arboli& et.:l&, tilluys'paln. Henry' Chrboliq hun-v rNrr a eruptions. r.u' i urboliO halve Lcais bruises. iik for IIcnry, ana 'falto Ko Otlicr. uai ana loana gauteseutenctwiwaj .arWiaaHfjSfrafnWi lifJW '7,. msinai me prisoners Deexecutea ironi' mai vneynacvaeciaea-io o marrxea the vardarm. Tiiev were brought ud anerwliich Ihey Be laved 'as affelr- i i.4Iw.Hna iriy Survive. 1 'Be$oUd. 3d. That on.UiaTD5orniogof cK6VfcmDer 30th tfaftmrfe .sdr bafcaa soili, sofj-r T'" -f-n Jt P"9111 Poard in ch fbffexecutionj BmaHway;tibmovea:r? ergktfd AtldWa rishte were4 An egnt fermer,ho nsidea , semaf of iome4of the A.il&ri;llti!aa. hJmla.?. mt ort diatanfeeitrom the citr. . Wf05 2 Spenceraa 'quite broke down. . ' i i r i a. mm i aj-4.i ? :..! I' f5 r rather bad news for t "' - r-.maaia uiengut place. - ner's Inrrati-.fin,, i.,u e the ac-j " , '. a' anging the ' Blind Crtin.n, the old neim who ti important in- fonncl in a8waiun near the citv a Av n. them in two since, in nu inmmgiTilA' nrt.lifSnn tommissioner. died Saturday niomfng nbont 2 o'clock. Dr sending Mr. Yandle, the supeiinttndent oftlio ticatTe, "rla: hiL aCA, A; nLi mnWg..W5ve ,4than has Jet from the Bible and prajer-bookbefe. 1lfadAfrl&ktadik4 TTOfit Aooft8tipftlof the ta Jwtota ffed fomfveneWor all: ind then said LLS.lL - Olo64inttyad we are informed by a re- aWnltttfe WmVU. he.wasady, to di. , . Tf f f jcould not sh6i na whcat On motion, it was - ISlacli cans tvere -inadTitrnMHaot ro rTST1"' handkerehtefe. The colors were to V 'riBSto fcoUd at the moment to giyitaen- vJti whetbeeraWlf two- h, nitv to the occasion, and 4hm a-cun Uldt.mndrMfi2itf U'AxiKWi was.inif a on of the lf present.ojitraqt waaues-1.!! . ... A " AiZtii. :tin.. Af nniiiiArriii iirizL&-V.i" the pest with t ly addressed the condemned apd ie purr i enromity-of.theirrime. bpencer leaders were discovered and "executed and the crimelfustratediThe L leader in thej aPi$ras Hlillfp Spencer; jqa 4if4Iou. j iiu . y, opeacer, ine..aisunguisiieu man'Trtjav 27 e wYorkS'the Sec retary olVar in UielJabinetoni'res- Hm.f'gr... JjaaMJWQW prom- was to be n red as a signal torjlie men . tWeteWas 1i4i,law.'C0imanilins4k 1L- inence iiius given-tne event, tne mu at the ropes to pulK Bnencerwanttd cencruT&e jc6uHf'wtnoat professing tiny was-overywhere a topic of discus- 1 to" give the ,wgnt,?but afterward he 1 to cloubt the llad's worSi'sailfet tlw sion, and. reviews of the case; were requested: ;Captr Mackenzieto do itltFraTSot """vu o uuiuwiwj uuicu ujvij, in- ior ium. uneau wasreauy, met eluding J. - Fenniraore Cooper. The condemned men sitting in their ham-j ieveianuxewr tnus tens tne story mocks, awaiting the dreadiul sum froni the lips of one of the crew : mons to another world, the gun belch ,Capt. Wru. Buffington, was jone of ed forth Its "thunder, the men at the the crew of the Somers, He was vis-1 rones drew in. and the three unfortu- P tI?f tr fdtMt tyttVtAnmi fences of a violent. fight at the SneW he farmexa .vho f trt ttieiedpfe dHhs1 Slate. thefebrH.Vnii. fr !: .!.-. " . i . .-. mjs lucre WCIO UTUfilt theynwotlTd fee rid,ofHP?ift? Jt ;the land ia; closer Ufckt ''e4n lying around," with the fall of mow or the L Ge.i IvH 7-ilT 7 . uuu riktks enougn iyUg around, wii woaj pre mg good. I beaten hi,n, to make a' ndoratel i "Inn ave fifjfttW. Rth -ill U.n ' " ' " .-" 'n - , Bail, n llll tiro li. V;i-l- , r . jiuuti, me luiu v . imvait'iaii- pieuorewe preMiBs of our cammissioncr thft .t nirf Vf;' addresses on ribly usL 'tfrfi. f- presence is not , needed in savh.if tlnf Wl,? W,i ii by two negroes to a cotintry church' with JP ! f"? f lheSC go Xorth for some purpose. That he hud i tgley's Carbolic; Trochss,: .A. SURE PEEVESTJVI! OS" Cwatafriou Diseases Colds, Eoarsraess, 7(Ty:pii.tlieria, and "WTiocpiiiir Coucu. ' rieasant to the Taste. Ileliare Dyspepsia and T.fttrmBnesm.', 34 roil SALE BY ALL DRUOGISTSL ' Jpt Sale by T, F. KtTTTTZ, Druggist, lO;iy. . ojiusuury, ai PdETUY. r:x .; TP ree Kir a ins t'orn i -I roirsteti)V nan-of thevamfyT inridents V t b ftiemi irahlelrisliTuin) i UUQ OKI IIIC IOSb'lUU)lua U iljSil ! IV lit noiher, as he tvaa a tn- of starvation SdlnTesainjpXjcorrn acorner em to him ly were pcriahing from famine. -Givtin three grams of cqrn mother, OjJfUicee grains of corn It w(ll keep the little life I hare ri'TfiUric joining 6f. he morn. , ' I atnj (ijing of hiingef and rold, mother, teDyiag of.hunger and cold; Aid half the agony of such a death ! Mypips have never told. ( : fit hs jigged jacket, and gave them ItTrjaTl'she Sirfj (h'whpfe?sii it. im'jgaawednke a wolf at niv heart, mother, , Aiiiiuii uiaua. utrtT lor uiooa All Ishejlivelong day, and the night besidv, . Rawing tor lacjk of food, rjQauied of bread in my sleep mother, 1Ard the siyht was heaven toe Uwkewith aneager, faniisliing lip, Bin) you had uo I bread for uie. How could I look to you. mother, M,Hott1d litmk to vou 4 1 ub bread. to giv your starving bo?, ,, lr wJn you were starving, too ? -f oripaa tne umine in our dieek, piAJAyour eyejso wild, I And, ; ftflt it in your lxmv hand. K-Ajjjyou laid it oh your child. 2. 'fir ' : U - Jle fieen lias viands and gold mother, ilUvueen lias iaHis and gold, itied at his Residence by a Leather re- nates shot aloft, the sudden contact Prter ap(1 .relad" tjie story, though I with the blocks above breaking their modestly, preferring not to have.any- necks and hurrying them into the lung published as coming frohi him. presence of the great White Throne At the tune of the mutiny.Capt. Buf- Two of the men were hung to'one of fington was eighteen or nineteen years the main yards, and the third to the- ot age, and mauy ot the facts haves- other. The boilies were BeWfi up rri caped his memory. The "Somers" gall cloth, the feet weighted wttli lioL sailed from Nw York for Iilwria, I auJ the earthly remains of the reck- Airica, wiin aispatenes, out was oi- less' youths were slid on a plank liged to put back on account of ipsuf- I thrqfjgh portholes, and disappeared in faciency ot crew, and other seamen the depths of the ocean. were obtained from the receiving ship WheuKew Tork was reached a "North Carolina," Capt. Buffington court of inrjuiry, composed of Commo- being a member of the -second crew, dore Stuart, Jacob Jones, and Dallas, On the return from Liberia,! before examined the case and approve! the reaching St. Tiomas,:"vvhereitwas the course of Capt. Mackenzie. A'ctiurt intention to stop and Jake on coal and martial was -also held, Commodore provisions, word was brought Capt. Downee being its president, and the Alexander Slldell xIackenzle,the com- action of Capt, Mackenzie was endors- inander of thejSomers; that ajcousp ed.- Capt. Buffi ngtoqsays that after racy existed to capture the vessel and reaching ew York the ship physi- take her to the Isle of Pi nes where cian shot himself, though it did not she would be joined by a Mexican appear that he had been conserned in privateer, aud the two would coin- theJiuTtiny. Capt. Buffingqii knew mehce a careeif of piracy.' ' ' of no other survivors of the crew. 4 hi t those days comparatively iew colored man employed at the Union steamers sailed the ocean, and of course depot, who died last summer, was 04 the security of the pirates was much 1 board the Somers at the time. Iris better than it would be at present. J probable that there are some, living, Mr. Wales, the Stewart of the brig; as ' thV crew, which consisted of eighty nrsi Drougiu me anair to nonce, vu j persons, was composed oi only eignt the night of the' 25th ot Nov., Mr. able-bodied seamen, the remainder be Wales was asked by Spencer, who ig boys of the first and scceud class. wasa midshipman, to go aloft in the) The excitement over the affair in the riging, where he wanted to converse United States was. intense, iaud opin- wlth him confidentially. When alone I i0Tis Were given for and4 against Capt tne iiuusiiipiuau swjsiru ii wiui i jiacKettziets course. a questiqu'Do you fear death do you fear a dead man ; are you afraid to kill a 'man ?" Somewhat surprised, thuugh,still cool and CQllected, the steward listened to what followed, ta king the oath of secrecy imposed up- ler bymN patU SH'liv?fl!& author icer ana'Tii Clie presence of two j hau A strong argument can-bo made in' favor loiPeach bf thes4conflicting views. But" what confusion j may arise when pedns nlorrjedftaCSfatetof liberal cbunles foriiia- not ?,-.' Qniteilately tUeupreme court atTiJugtto xViicalled Ui6tt tbde- caderAbiH.quqsltoiUl muu of Pennt) sylvania where, apparently,5 the lqjv dees- yo cegjej ai j ofiksial wedding, traveled iintw Michigan, where the statute pfescribes'a ceremony by a ustice or minister aha'wathere mar ried. But the lacVywas an Indian girl, and fliejtfaljfte vdUfegade)V rri n a it 1 a loaian iorins were ioiioweaj of pgr f-WJMlv,WM8 W lo secretary or tue in i,;- rut jW , I Ci.i. j , . ,. , , i i - .....-. v v,i ? r quuuii'u I fJri gnC UrC UDder the BCal of , collars; he was very incoherent and it T . . 4 was with difficulty they learned anything county where the fly first nnwd iUilf ttl-'ta re80lUtl0ns were V0Mnx- from him. The coroner was bunll day pTnce.Mt'1i-Stated that hett7 m . n, . ft J Jterday investigating tlui matter, and Ufeydlice besiege "a field. thWeveVHoran . isA - n., n w tITI I n strengtli of the testimony so far '.wu U:ilff'VJitt,.iifc,n- tf -. . v-given, the follow in ir unities hive Wn tovf,4ii'frtyitaye,cu down every Capt s. a Alcxd.r, R B. cdw.!., s'&ttir "iT T. murdered mau's wife, and Jim Mown and Freeman Land. The coroner is pursua- ! ded tluittlte uMirdor was the result ot a number of fUkjmd seem , ; to increase in mini- other members of the order in Mecklenburg ber at the rate of about a hundred county' for 4l?e8e of thc Uree and cmnio- those New .Jprk or. Missouri gbrtolive in jMaryl'rfnd4 b tali connecfon wtth'tlfe W wthat they k,,, aj .nrt i " 8 q,me ' can be driven 'frbm' fietd bv' thc n.(e TfJfA 'Jr.io- -a i '"Soes. l l Y-qt -t l!lrf -44.,Cr " ;U , ftr j It is Raid that Crump, besi lu. w usues uuii n rciuieu UJ!ib oq cuwimu a picaaau remenuwrance oi our i 1 . . Mm. . . I . i 1 , , . i tarmer WltU his. tamily -pf four or among meso juna ana uospuaoie five persoss'sueceeded in about a half Pfle; .i,,.. UJ. . , , , . . Resolved, That our thanks are due, and tfdayriddi a:twenty acre held of are hcreby tendered to n. C. Eccles, the them, drmhthem Out as the would proprietor of the Central Hotel, far kis l'T P r?' ' l. ' rrt t?t. It . .... ... injliY !S -"it 4 Aiiey leap iiKea oounicous are, ana to luose rauroaa corpo-,J grassnopper, a distance oi lour or nve suiuj u rcuucw ne ox ure, aad 4ast, but. not leaal, to Uit Jm ftefe at A.tftncv and it is nojtic&l that y rncJined to move eastward. Vhttn -Observer?-"" ' " ' Utl 'lybu are forded to your empty breast, wu3icaeWD babe to hold mi it bnkjitfat is dtihi? oft want, mother. ! t At iihdvinff novv. 4 , I'WjrTiastly look in its sunken eye, toSine upon its br owl P Has poor lreiand done, mother. aJS hag boor irela'nd done. - b world loijks on, and sees us starve, uain one in ne enlof EnHand care not ' mother. laen and the hirh. . i im jittering tfint if Erin's isle, I Wer4Seyliye ordi? i J I118' many a brave heart here, mother, 't aBd proudvtnen thefg, mother, "siinronrfrnwi wTtn in tiw. ,13hl- m 1 it li Ii jfeter to waidel mother, Conflict of the Marriage Luvs. . Oue can easily see that great pru dence and sagacity" are required from the courts in administering the conflic- on him by. Spencert -1 he latter then ting marriage laws ot the States. i?or unfolded the 1 plan for the mutiny, tlje States have diflered widelvoTe sfntJiio- timt. it whs writtpn out on na- command a ceremonv by a nmHster & r-i i - . i.ixt fc i rmpin Aii.vanta?e per and then tinder his collar back of or magistrate; others allow lb.e pnL i$M&PX- nis cravai, auu lie woum anuw it hi u u mane vwUv. ... .v the morning when it was light so as they please, ti to read it' Twenty of the crew, he When Mrs. BisselV sned Mf.B.; for .lolmArl vnr Vao-norl with hi m anrl I divorce, about teu vears ago. in jev the murder of the Captain and officers ITbrk State, he declared tnai ne naa of the vessel would be an easyjmatter. j never beeu married to her. -."Yes he When fully apprised of wliat liad hasa.idhe "Ve,, were 0dliig in tiktn place, Capt. Mackenzie ordered la carriage one day. We had been irii- a strict watch kept tit the movements j gaged to be inarnea on uiatyery uay nfSnrTnpr ? In a dav or two the Caii-1 He pave mc a ring, aud said; 'Ihis i J . I O - or tain encountered pencerpn deck and Is your wedding ring ; ve aremarried; nskrd him what he meant bv such I F will live with vou aud take care of 1 v ;w talk to Wales, but the young man I you all my.-lifeass my :-wifc.' - I took explained that it was a joke, land no 1 it ;tbr aweddjug wg; and went t, harm was intended. The writ'ten ploq liveit! lmiraHjiis wife." And was demanded j but Spencer denied itsj shprovedFKat oTthe boarding-house existence, and a careful search oMiia if wlierVthey-Jivcdlhe Introduced her Hrbirfrr.o w in ;ir nersoii: tailed to disclose it. -! It was Land iKiifUber board as hi ... . .j ..WV.J ... IIV" , 1 I f . - - - - j I : ' . r 'V - 7 ... Att W hntad thev Hin? to their doers to- 1 i:. .. J;i " f,k..r.. ""e-A'l" I i.li. I tl.t. '...f, M mflrrUno givfc Ufto 4 sad. , . razor case, written in Ureek language, IiranptherinjitaUce a man deluded a bt one of the officers understood the Brooklyn ; servant; gin byia mock W'eddlUgf4TiUglug,a crony w jiereoii- Wo subjoin the following part of the proceedings on the last day of tne recent Session of the State Grange at Charlotte? The committee on education submitted of ubject, and to carry out the require the following, which vrns adopted as a men" OI ,aws now existence, tne i.egis- euhstitute for the resolutions introduced ln be requested to pass a stringent law bifessrJqoes and Richie, to-wit: for the general protection of sheep hus- lUsolveiL. That the executive committee handry. lips, noa Harried grange be required to pre- The Grange then adjourned till the nigtit dusky btf(crbtftl?'io Pennsylvania; - 1 1 veiUand. acquired nrvperty in yicriT session. the proceedings last nigtit were taken tip .'ittsburgMa t1iettthelr bliHilowr StA'te for. a! deast sfi months in in the exemplification of the un-written il:.J .1. . .....4. l. LrJrT, " . . ... I wnrlr f Hi r1r ami in th nnnfprrina cd the fifth degree. Before the grange closed the follwing res olution was introduced anct unanimouslv adopted, T. H. Robinson having been tem- they 1 claimed their -estata .the, answer made that the fatherand mother wer prjeme Court administered justice in tjys instance! by saying that, as the Michigan law did not say in so many voftls. marriages shall be void unless celebrated bv an officer, it ought to be enforced sonieothef wav than bv ad- ( . i . : - - juclging them void, aud punishing in nocent posterity. But sometimes te statute does say thai fouudua the case of marriages' between' a" p black and a white person Sjgtliese are explicitly de clared vtndA aiid laws of several thev are tolerated. If. then, a they may lawfully wed, and are law wfter ths ismulavKim,f wumnaw ue ml gtfeat advantsge nio a.uiuform uatiohal -W9. It -.! 1 .gIVAa d .7 s- . K) ;o!h.h. tA. Strtmge Story. . .in: ..! ! ' t. m ! raris una Hnother strange tragic love 'tt a TTfT sr..?.. rr i .i. . storrK une or me uescBTiTceoas an i me Grangers in Council. lotte Observer, for its daily and accurate re- ports of ur proceeding. , ,t Jtb Sesolsed. That tha members tepdcrindi vidually, as well as collectively, fixyrejjsion of their warm appreciation of the zea) and fidelity of our sisters, who have honored us with their presence at this session of the State Grange. ' liesolved, That owing to the importance PWftftlto M$iu3rr t session. turo to LMve us a mumc- nooi law tuuxi pyilAasn ve aooscljvoL ip, feevy diattict i . li.j... r. fc 1 i -J- : .- iuchyeaj audthjisaid petition bo sent to jeaqh suborjbimte Grange by the secre tary, antj.bo distribnted by the Commis siouer of Agriculture during the month of next November. Itemlved. 2nd. That the Detitioners be poraniy called to tne chair. rooueated to send their Senator's and Ren- That the members of the State resentatives in our Legiature these said Grange, reposing confidence ia the integrity petitious as early 20th of J'uaay and biHty of Worth j Master W. IL Cheek, tender .him, as reaa all thc other olliccn? Uresoiiitiou was offered in regard to of this bjdyf! their. harty UnuUtS for the .Jri.,r m,,r than four hundred oounds ihful perfortnanc f du Amw the of lint cotton for a ton .of anj' stanhakrf l JPr, and jecWIy for y,q,4aborbf Wilier l,f ftr diRrnsaUTtwksith- the Present 8eslon of Ste Graue f,)T dr-vn .iiul the miberaof die order wefe I tbyr' 1880- UHLtJl:VmLmKU..-n.ana There being no further business the wkf. ri.nrmittd: iiu- urasauuii tne uieasure. I .1 nnni.litiKlji Vr t nA 1 f . t n.k.A.MM ybleWortmnsrfttfonan A p, besides being , somewhat of a poet he has written sev eral ballads we understand was durinz he war a servant of Col. Cfias. Fisher, of Rowan, and carried lusdcad body from he Manages Imttlo fitld. He was a iat!ve of fi'ingon,.X. He lost his .gnrrso he said, in tire arm v. Charlotte rrtinitfg tne fall campaign one ITowtTd 91. Kfttf nlfT, a blatant Republican, who edits a newspaper tip in Wisconsin, hfged his par- fty ffitRds to go Tifto the election determin ed to'-fW.'"- TXdr M'erc thev to be satisfied with t he-mere determination: action was to be taken, and action upon altogether riew plans. He urged the Republicans to burn- Democratic barns and cveu to shoot their Democratic neighbors anything to caTry the election. iu?ic lately, bciriirof a nraver- m'' ful turn, he put tin a regular Republican petition to the Throne, of (Irace, "to send thy hot damnation upon the Southern ku klux and Northern Democrats." Mr. Hayes -was doubtless' pleased' with the advice to kill the Wisconsin Democrats duringthe election, but that was not sufiicient tq secure an,oDiccat his hands, and Kutchin reap ed ho politic al reward for his bloody-a,dvice. . But when 'Kutchin put up his prayer, Ir. Hayes remembered the fate of Davy Crock ett's" coon, and heat once came down with a fat appointment.. Kutchin was at )asi made happy. The administration had per ceived his merit and recognized him as a stalwart in good standing. The- appoint ment was a revenue coljectrship, but,jun happily for the auiUtittus aud inis , Kutchi in, a D(jipi alio Situate hd io atUytc and ueui tuju.aii,yuiluut. This tlfibom- Lipifme DctnocriiljqfiiBMil to do, an4r now, J9le .hi ,pi4-ty, Mr. Hayea must let the xJei'aVd spirant rttiunto Wisconsin with-. out a substantial oken of hi admiration. Truly these Democratic ruator are awful, ly in thevayufjbad appointments.' Raleigh Tlie Contest Over Jfr. Dorset s TT.iV drule ? .-The. Supremo . Court s ve wLtkWcase of thiSifcind this wWIUteiX esoteriirhftJMthjseijriarj 4 brstate? lias bwan In earnest, -md-du nr(M8howsVtliatMhereI'WonrU -bs Qtp&i moum tne a. ciljy wastopiiljsyreet laU fW n'urht bv nion with iirnun rpvnlvpM. laadl ricnlthip. cliareTnir tharthis action in re- with tflimfflijwti&l to the room ' of garS, fo feVA&ets woutof1n;eeire priefr nnsnitifuti waimticwiio wasan Deu. ana, t inexeoi. wane (hitieneorrrfiam lrutr a eohvt pnitate her1 tkt aiiit. filc hemslf begged Mm itot to nresejib 11 liesitlbveD.ngont as it wonld save her lite. Hrt7es tiere I Less ftuB, ana. . i t-fjtttmv j;t . .';? . thnrt)SWarwrffttn and rfwmt Jen vue 01 iaai article; and, vft reason to believe llnswri riei iThe lidy wasthtrajtngli- fthat'Sie course p'ursned by some of the f rr6fylrminh giv- friends of this department, is caicuiaiea en her iu marrige o a wealthy J Count, to cripple it in its operation lor good; rthouffh she loved anotlwr man, and nf- and, ter her Weddirig, continued, against the j Where a?, Such a course is tending to f weaken thebond between that aepart- meht an theUte1 Grrarfgv f wth Cat- WS f cannot sgeu, mother, v:;tr.waikg5ne; 1 1! T"n"f 1 ttear -motfierr ere I difir I 4cnnmgvldnf of corn.- "ecfiime it wasliAnna Mari-ah Mitt Vhnki ft' t-A-'l - at i ti- .1. ' f ly'Lr'T aiunie me nr-su : ' "ailUe Vlimf i- T,.m irrnon rv.'n oio.wnere tae xuei is ary-aii j . i i iii ii i Thef, reign exports of the port of Sa- characters and translated them into English. The names of the crew rVre written " Who would- be given a chance to "walk the Cplink," that is; be dropped overboard, and others were to be given dieir ch4c between com- Ppulsory service aspirates bt Jsi watery crave. .tF. Cconiwetl, the boatswain s mate, aud. Elisha-Small, a; seamen from Boston j were also, arrested, they bcingMfequentiy uiscovsrea -in con- " trors itinn Hwllh ' SrVencer. The three or tho past month aliow an) in- '-j -f 11 ; ; H.r .," ja ; , aRn m. wereAJouble-ironcd and taken below. TvVYJAJkY ttfcJrl.D tllUIV lllUC iap Thejlverc speedily tried by court-mar- wiA"lhth'er'h5tisbindj to wear nff which leriurintr iATer had, fiivpij litfr infc kt wRA.svttiarr out tu ioau an 'enT- f JnilslU- to which he Lhad 4eerr apnMUtl tliitiatary tep towards the ef Ablislfuieiit l.a,s departAeirfaiHltn- eherishes a tlMs haad tsai saouia aiwoy'oe 1 ins." rtieepmcercBi w iw, -......t, ate a Dftesx.rfwho read- marriage ser- marriage" But the judges said that if therewas tinaietna1 agreement there was a real marriage ; a fclefgy was needles. And in Missouri, in a law-sriy-by grandchildren to recover pro perfy belonging tojtheir . grandfather, tbejBtpry. of his marriage .was that, no clergyman or justice was called; but the happy pair stood up in the board inghouse parlor one evening, and told it.'. A H . The Tennessee Illstorical Society, has determined td purchase Rtsohxdy' TnatArvullyiadorse the Reagan Bill now before the lower lipase of Contrreesi witH4,he-tftXceutian of that portiwio seciion y:Wl. declares tjifc ' Pi2tH'fJ. ty.wJkh'4iwj ViUluiU apply JJ tjtMMC4ril4JuUSaralTor8y Beanvwir, Misa-, tt&ghtr , ... 'UfK,a blW a i Heft to Mr Jefferson. Dais. her entin nag rgn i64rCdrt'iHti r aaAseaa' inent in the United States Circuit Court tovaoHWrsnUvejerfMaagreas. 1 01 iouisiana win oe neara ana a uecis T. II Kobiiu(ittri)oUiced the follow-1 ion asked. Some weeks ago certain rela lag preamble and resolntions which were tives of Mrs. Dorsey filed a complaint unanimously adopted by a rising vote : I complaining that tu.4 -testatrix did not Wiikreas, There are erroneous opin- .410000 testamentary capaeityand tha ions enteitaiaand circulated by soino 4 8tie war nnduly Influenced, eon pled with of the people oflhe State in regard ti)tth'eTaa aptlicatf ft seyheVasiite as bo Dberations or the State departmejiJLpf ag- l ing unjust to thetiext of km and, also as u tli.lini'UCIDK vpyiINU w uhwi iu uuin., i hil,-? Messft. Breanr,' Fenner &'Htillf an emi VJrjmWitj rsti - neilt rtew vrieniiB iii uim, ns unui uc n forr Mr. UavisliiU'fjfiled a demurrer, be "are inconsistent with tne claim that tne testatrix was of unsound mind or was unduly influenced in making her will and therefore the complaint does not state facW sufficient to. constitute a cause for actfon.The lasf .partf the deuuri-er-is interpreted y the" counsel of' the noxfc of kin t8 refer to that part of the coui- VI i-u joni 4o'n fii j Li- nan nas savea macu xo our oiiMmv, 01 tne maricec mucu worvu- keeping up tho standard incut auu t-' .-w e - j 1 ... . . . . ... . . , Artntt'whicn clain4tr IrAeHake' active! wWMprobatf7 It will ie remtnWed Tne-)ttnt?jeahtriv; waalflcreasea by Legislature of North ear6lfrtal,dia' nioi ftifelirom he tojerh1, Jpt, into for tue state intue creation of the depart- his hands audio 1 which aU -;.latd aebt tHa'fl in any hg!etne trtu acta tor wftVi reminded of her trortner ygaa&r?,tHetefe4v v"' wronghtup ifofa pitch ofwaauess byt the iJdtePwdrst? .''That-ws, tlw State presisieni reiusai t tii wiw w guc . i' 1 x range (ima ianuciof .....4 th ril??!she kworewlhaTe fiegislartfre ' tc her hand cut off and sent to her lover, Clark Miira equestrian statute bf Oen. Jackson, to be " '..--... "'... -! . . . t . !. - z . M ntiivi r run vniiHXNfK UllTCIKrU till 1 iiiv .w , Centennial, April ,24. r It will be placed gl ai l s oner, as Col. L. L. ltlk, and we hereby to sl m fdster s'afd deMrrroenrahferpetirate its existence forstM greater gwfi! to or peo: neiolved; Sdhatwecotogfatnlateour- selves, and the agriculturalists of the, Stat in having secured the services of so There are, we UiJive, an average of elev en hundred convicts on the penitentiary rolls. These men have been- convicted oi breaking the criminal laws ofthe State, and lwve beqa aonteneed to hard labor in the penitentiary for a term of years. The pco rilaar'tad,ay, $12,0OO a year, for their I Support-, grwrd, Hot hi rig. frc. If we ,cau get rid of one-half ofthese convicts' witli--out any cost U the State, will not the other half be as many as we would cars to havo on hand at the public expense? If some body would take 500 off our hands, can vrt find profitable work for the residue?. It so, where? They are costing us $115ayeuL loiMjacii one of tliejn. And if we consider tlmt one thlrTf tnem are probably siek all the while, leaving an eircLiye force tjf, say, SfiO only, the labor of each casts us $160 a yar. For thi-) we run hire a good band, not onviet, but a willing worker. Con- 'tlct lalor Is therefore not ciean labor at the price'w A ay tor maintaining our con vits. Raleigh Oiwrcer. The Supreme Couit has rendered a de cision in a cane hrought from Pamlico county, iu which it w held that. th5 tax -pay era of the annexed territory, vtltituk was former v a part of 1 lean ton plaint wtiieh setsfortb thilt iV was opp- L ttUuty, are KU to asseasment for xaxs ed to public policy and food to admit the as that Mw. Dorsey 11 partleular stress bpott the1 fact Wt in her dgment ty. Uaris had received no reward for fight !ngfor hlirutitry--ea,,ing'irhe I'bhi fed erate! -States and that,' all Ms patriotic lrrfcTa' going witho recognition, she Hesired'fifni fo own sad enjoy her ych estate-. Cdnnsel for complainants will take the gronnd that Mrs. Dorsey's be quest hill reward Tor treason and a preni iftni 'ajlon itj and' hence opposed to the spirit an text at the constitution. Thc athenrut -fh'Volred is about $23,000. ' 1 l t : t.f . Seveuty-five vessels arrived at thc port of Wilmington last month. The Rerietc says forty-five of these were from foreign ports. 0 pay the debt which llcaufoi t owxl bc feie the aunr-Katioiu The-eourt hold that when new territory hs thus added to a county already eatablished, it beciiucH liable for all the debt of the connty to which it is added." Kr-Senator 15outwell, of Massachu soft?, is quoted as declaring that he would rafher bo beaten with !iant than "auliuit tf the dictation of -cratchers, bolters and fiermans." - When you .see four or five children who need combing, washing and patehiog, holding a convention on the front step, you have come to the house wheiWth-i mother paints pottery. . " . . It,'s the same with men as with egs: You cau't tell whether they are good or bad 'till they ate broke. 1 i .1 Hi -i'iS If. U. Mil

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