si 'fcoinsnd &t the 1st day of Jitsry. m rear, ! payment delayed 13 mouths, 2ZQ fcilaroe Rajnof ; announce eereral J jrigcs to Uke pi tee coon. kiii No."2, we learn, have lettert iltjoirlnil for ?tero.w ; from Chapel gl tad intuiy wieges. t ? C Harris ii manufacturing a ftfl ff1 cigtrrrwiinotti any tdul- 1txt gloomy weather htti . no effect j of J oung people-nbtlief candy Ulirng this week.'.-t - . 1 ' rii-im! O I I Some people d isregard the necessi- f !of f aleepi at is a vowed by ' son- rousg ladies is this county. , .. iVf iioticein" 4he city, lNIr. B. If. - ItpgtrX rnerj7d? Meroney's & Rogers, now commercial tourist" for Lewis Vogler, of this place, has bought and sold np4o this date, the present season,' 20,000 rabbit skins. 1 IT H - ' r1 I - Q . - Tlils has been a remarkably quiet week! in Salisbury owing, most prob ably j to the bad condition of the Monday morning (the 2d) an arcticilike snow storm was "boomine." 11 AhL 1 Mi there is bur one road &Iil hnt 1IUIU. back the pan, Out neTer mind "Ihia liAntr. ; weather," TV 1L so Ions as oa keen pouring jeU of your Terr acceptable wit onus. - ; -Yoara hamoMialTi s i - - f ---- " i " waiwuiu i, uuu uiuuauil uu luat taiaa. ajbci ina iai would rw ii in : i7..- Tn ft.. ruii . r iT:t wt..- , . " . i r f I M. 4W varv -m . aMatl l a - -- aV I ' ' - ImaWaia , w uio cafc in me oair. - . I JIlcAdeo. A rtrhtjrin lfin)at nn T. 0. ilxssa: att. . - I ROWAN COUNTY. - ! i r t A" Very pleasant conversational par ty; St Mrs. F. E. Shober's last Tues- jdy evening -orchestra music formed to attract! v feature of the evening s progranime.' Hi . - O - fC. K. Barker is having remarkable luccess witli his Canary Birds. He i fa fiue lot of import ed birds on bind, and one "nest eggs in iucuba tion. . j - ' Ikisii Relief. Persons in this LcoouuunUy wishing to contribute to rrltlie' relief of the suffering people of ttreland, may dr posit their gifts with Jlessrs. Ross & Greenfield, who will rtvrlhe business the necessary attcn- .lion. - h .ft " " " 0 , ;W. If. Kestler has improved his ixJoon by painting also by putting ' I :!.- i av on eituer siue 01 ine uoor elegant THE COURT HOUSE BUILT, j The coa tract for balldJng the Court House was taking bf John; Whitsett, thsiCottnty Treasurer, but far reasons not explained ft was notHaiabed until 1756; at which time the evert met ia the Laildinj for the .first time, a Before this time the Court probably met ia prirate bouaea, or in the public room of some convenient Ordinanr. At the condlerm of.tIleOourtt0ct.lTW, the jus- uccs juijouraca once to the house or Junei Alexander, and at another time afterwards to Peter Arrand's Earnhardt?) Ordinary. James Alexander seems to hare been a fesi dent of S1isbury, where he died in lt54. We conclude frouhts fict that the aec- ona iern. 01 cue uourt was Held in Sails bo ry. And since the common gaol, pilkirj and stocks were already up and In uae Jn 1T64. we.have conclusive evidence that the courts from .and after that date, were- held sear these public buildings. - Tradition; stares that the old' goal building was .located at or Hear1 the site of the present old coal build- ing, now standing at the north-west corner of Corbin and Liberty streets. Arrange ments were early made to secure suitabTes lands tor the - ; j . TOWKSHTP OF SlLISBtntTj ' ' At the Court in 1753, Edward Hughes. Esq.: was Appointed Trustee for Rowan County, and directed te "enter" forty acres' of lan3. at the place selected for the "County Seat,? and to see that a title was ' secured from Earl XJranville'a agents. At the same time John Dunn, Esq., and John Wbiteett, the Treasurer, were directed to see that the land was laid off in a manner suitable for the purpose intended.- It appears i that Mr, Hughes did not succeed in securing immed iately, the forty acres required by the court, though some of the public buildings were at once erected. -,The Peed for the Town ship lands is dated February the 11th, 1785, At that date William Churton and Richard Vigers, agents for Earl Granville, having received a grant from .rancis Corbin, Gran ville's a torney-conveved by deed ttxhuad- red and thirty-Jite (635) acre of land far "Salisbury Township." to James Carter Esq and llugh Foster, farmer Trustees includ ing the land upon which the public bul Id lings had been erected. The deed for the land calls for the following distances, tir: "BEcsrsxtKa at a point, near. the,4Public Square" -Jamea Carter's corner and run ning dee East with James Carter's line, 66 chains: thence North 37J chains; thence West 103 J chains; thence East ST chains. crossing Crane Creek three times; thence North, 60 chains, crossing Crane Creek to the beginning." The Townahip lands; the streets and the streams are pretty fairly rep- rusemeu in ioc louowing diagram. '-it - canof . tolored glass iamps v, v . VpHis billiard HalU USo yMOTrte Jt furaished. r T t ? - f ! Mr. Lee &" Ovefnian, our legal f j (Tnend, is well fised in bis' office on ittimStreet' In iheold Mansion r plouse building. AVe called on him f iate last evening and would hare had a real social time if lie had been at but it was after office hours II i 4 fctrt me d we excuse, hfnir Drawing ScHoOLT-Mrs. J. J. Stew- i wiiropeaLi dru wing school at her Residence oh, Monday, the 16th inst. jUnly a limited number of pupils wrJl be taken- at usual rates. iDrawintr is like juusic those who have the talent should begin its culti ,.:iibnrlyV.-r , -.4-4 -It Y 1Z r, redsof Deedvahdif Is invariabry- written -lanes" . u.,,,;; : . There were probably few private reddea- nntll Hugh mis sionary expedition, passed from the "Jersey settlement1' end over Trading Ford,1 to James Allison's," owning land about foor or five miles south of Salisbury n Crane Greek, u uc uuKie no can as oausoary. fernsps he ftdlowed the Trading Path,' and so trav elled up between the two branches of Crane Creek. Perhaps If r. Sloan, from whose house in the "Jerseys," he came, knew of no Pres byUrian familv in the little village, and could not encourage liim with the pope of congenial entertainment. At an evenuauty or Inclination led him to pass pa to James Allison's, and fromMr Allison's to John Brandon living on the west side of the iJaatation now owned by C. II. McKenxit, Esq. Froa . thence be journeyed to Thyav turn, te Coddle Creek, to Centre, te' Reeky River; to 8$gar Creek, and en to the west ern part or south Carolina. List of nncUlmed letters remaiainff In the Post Office, in Salisbury, February,!), 1880: Frank Duncboo, Wm Heediger, Adaui Ore, Jesse Moore, F B Jerrell, care o J D HalTazewtsll Vebb, ilf H lUMAouser, vocx raiior, j i ii-iutu, sirs Mary U Cruse, col., lira Oily C Graham, Mrs Uargiret Ellie, Mi Us Avery, ear of It C Arej-, Mies Martli McNetdy, llisa L J Cook, Uiss Alice Thomas, Miss ; Hattie Coster, MUs Elixe Chiuderaon, Anna Wooda. 4 " Wm 'called for, please tar i ad ver- tlsed, and pve date of list. : D. L: Brixgle. Salisbury, N. C. "t .. -4! - ' Franklin Zephyrs. ' We learn, the members of ML Tabor, Methodist Episcopal Church, recently did a tiancsome Uiinj; for their new pastor, Rev. Ur. Cfeasy. A large number of the congregation met at his residence, where tlicy furnished the materiel for, end got up eeaaapftious dinner. They then fur- uiahed hiui with great variety of family necesaaries, house-fumiture. Sec., and tit- ted up his borne in a very handsome man ner, for all of which they certainly de serve great credits Sleighing was introduced for the first time in Franklin during the late snow by some young men, who extemporised rude sleigh for the occasion. Hitching two brisk mulea to it, they gathered np a number of voung ladies, whom titer de posited at a farmer's house as a sort of headquarter. Then the sleigh inx began In earnest, end in regular country style. The sleigh being quite rude afftur, and the young men (being novices in the bus iness), would some times overload it, and ey cerelese driving cease it te be broken down and torn to pieces, thereby spilliuf the entire party m the anew in a confused beap But, nothing daunted, they would gather up the debris, repair to headquar- t era, and by means of witliee, ropes and nails, mend it up (the girls assisting) end away they would go again. They ell speak of ft as quite an enjoyable affair, and are determined to repeat it some time. Little Walter, son of ii. R. Rufty, aged two years! after siittVriug with scarlet fe- ver lor auut two weeks, nea on suuday ua cui tnac, at J o'clock p. in. We learn that FrankUu's Stock Law fences asd gates are ail complete. Tlie edict of 4ha County Fathers ha gone forth, ami the toes are to be enclosed by the Za instant. In the meantime, our peo pie are completing their stock pastures, and will be fully ready. W. R. F. Fell torty. Feet- in 'la ,ae "Sine Hours: Under Ground. It, was 7 o'clock :'s yesterday morning when the workmen at the Budisill mine Went to the laft to go down into the mine for the day. ; Just before they en tered, one of 1 the men ; heard cries, the direction of which could not be determin ed. The noise wpearcd to come from one under the groundg'but at the mouth of the shaft it was less distinct J than t other pointa. Finally it was traced to an old, unused shaft, some distance off, and discovered to be the voice of a child. A tope was lowered and one of them went down. When he .touched A bottom the ropeinirke4l& nJgSer. by the holy fathers !n was the ex clamation that eamo upfront the shaft, and chortly afterwards they drew up the rope mh u cnu oi wnicn. wee Tasxenea a email nejro girl aboul 12 years old. She came np'smiHng,'' and when the rope was un tied walked ell without jrreri limping, te It seems, that she is jengaged as a ser vant at the house of one of the men, Mr. Taylor Hkst. The uight before she went to a neighboring hoase. and about half raail 0 u tl w i SMI UU IVHiVl UVtag W eompanied by some one with n lantern uciiny tut way i H uoq ainuti in sigiit uz the - house she lost her bearings., end wandering around ' anioug v the piles of dirt, she slipped into file yawning chasm, andfeU foriytfeetu;hr?ndid you strike," said one of the men. "There," said the little girl, placing her hand on her .hip. r. She, ( aoou aitexwarda ran off heme, ami eufXered no lll-eOects eithc from the fall or from ependiug uine hours under the grorotd. ; Her, escape seems to bei nothingsliort of miraculous. Charlotte UVjgerver, -? . . A 7, 1.1 X. lii 'a. winter made its a: 5 -vl 4 uia winter, made its apuearance here last week." Snow and eieet fell "(he'depth ' of four inches, which gsye dur sportsraeoa chance to amuse themselves shooting rabbits and birds for several davs. tl'HllG. fOvercash has retired from the firm of Line & Co.. of this nlace. The remaining members of the firm ii .. A. Ldpe H. M. Leaser) have bought Mr. O's interest and will con tinue to run their machinery here un der the name of. Lipe d Leazer. Thy are enterjirising, energetic men and, kill doubtless do a trood business in feijhe future as they liave done in the S f DrJ B. Rirnsay Dentist of fieorestilej was here again about tvo teeks ago. Ha. got more work than as could ao' during hb ahort stay. II(SrwiUbeb6totain in April, and weliope Tie will remain long enough to accommodate all who want lib uro- esaional ser vices. : Mr Frank Blackwekler will teach :l siiigihg school here, commencing next Saturday: He has now a reputa- 4 11004 m. f irhr 'm1 ivill rlnuhtlfMM V lnjaki muh improvement on the sing " fgihere ns Jio Iwill find plenty of I xue lairsrtown J-etter. natf&attd Feb. 2d. evinces eminent abili- ' Mi tood material in this neighborhood. ty as a humorist, and a laudabler desire to relieve hU f.Unw . Ji reiaxing their risibilities with very i .J musinr rwnnHacf. Ha will therefore. i 1 - 0 : 1 ..!. .4 ! Mwiure, excuse, ' peruaps reiisn -a man joke7; at his own expense. His net- r wasMtSTidatl written on Similar: fMJVell, what of it!" Such Sunday work U i ir preferable and worth v of commenda- rfi1i l;ion iand emulation, aa com pared with T.!i vil r :.- a. i j i ?ting of tlieir "mutual ' txieada, bj coteries or Idlers after church service, ottt ' Ihough T. 12. obviously writes and hjy letter op Sunday, be, to save Appearances, deferentially datea it a day JheadiThU appears in the closing senH icnce, in which be avers that "the weath P eontinues mild and agreeable" while jtke tact was that long before daylight on "The point near the Public square. Jamea Carter's Corner," appears, from an old piap of the Town,' drawn about fifty years pkga, and now in the possession of Miss C. Beard, to hare been in the middle of Corbip or Main street, in front of the present store of R. J. Holmes. ' - I It will be seen from the above diagram that several-small streams took their rise itt tla Tow ii mil in lanrlaV no doobt each of tlien mneh more bold tlran now. and flewina with pure and sweet water. As the Indians had for several years given place to the white settlers, and thejractice of burning oft the country employed by the Indians for) the purpose of securing open hunting grounds, havinj been suspended, the ground began to be covered by a beautiful young forest growth. Under the shelter of these yoitng trees, and with the ground covered with luxuriant herbage, the streams were fullerl and purer than in modern uss. 1 uere is reported to have been a fine spring of water rising near the eastern corner of the Episco pal church yard, with a stream flowing be tween the site of the present courf house and jail. The tokens of former culverts are still to be seen near to the Court house. Af ter crossing CorWn street the stream was joined by another flowing from Praaek Spring. Here Jacob Franck, in 1758, ob taiaed license to keep a village Inn, and on this lot he afterwards run a distillery, for the benefiit of those whose thirst could not be adequately quenched by the purer and wbolesomer waters of his Spring. No doubt teeny of the affrays and murders, that claim ed the attention of the .Court, took their origin in the fire-water that was brewed in the boiling caldrons, and flowed trickling down threugl the colling worm of -Jacob Franck's distillery, licensed sad perhaps patronized by themselves. TTe notice that on several occasions the Court imposed fines upon jurymen who were not able to serve because or drunkenness, roe amine ana render reaped the profits, the Court had the trouble, and the citizens or t&e county nao to bear tho harden of the expense. , It is to be regretted that there is a pro pensity to change the names of places as tlmi moves on. This Is often a real incon venience and a positive loss; for it not un frequently happens that lines and bounda ries cannoti be identified because of this change. The popular modern name for the stream that flows southeast of Salisbury is "Town Creek," but in the deed convey ing the Township lends it is rightly called "Crane ; Creek," and the lines cross it four times. It is so called in Col. Byrd's His tory of the Dividing Line. There are other Deeds for lands higher up tlie stream that call it by that name. The next stream flow ing on this side or uunn s Jtiountain was anciently called "Middle Crane Creek." Then again we always speak of "Main Street." forgetful, or ignorant of the fact that the old Deeds always-'speak of it as Corbin street. It was named after Francis Corbin. Granville's attorney.!: It is not sur prising perhaps, that the older citizens should dislike .to call the,street after this grasping attorney who extorted illegal and exorbitant fees from the people, ana who was once mobbed at Bdenton for his-extortion. Oar modern Town "authorities have also taken the liberty of altering the spelling James InnesV name, and wo new see every day-staring down,npon the passer-by, "Inniss Street." The signature of James lanes may now be seen in the Register's office tonund For the Watchman. st atks v 1lle, n. c. Feb. 8d. 1880. Dsua,MEpii:lYmtcr has ciune at Ustviri the waj of a beautiful snow storm, to the very great delight of the small boys, thinking of loag eared rabbits, snow-ball Ing, skatmg, Te the grown tip ones, o the ftandilofumt times they are going to have eUigh-ridng with their Inly -bird, and they have certainly improved the op portunity, for the Helgh-bells bars been jingling all day long. f i Since the dwn of this Kew Year ou TCity" has been fruitful only in common a - a f mi mace events, notmng very sinning ine ws-aff-iwat 1 . vl us sAfl rresni-lasiiion lisirl k T A Large Fortune for a Female CoUcge. r The will of Dr. Joseph W. Taylor, a prominent member of the Society of Or thodox Friends, who died recently in Bur lOigtou N. J., has been admitted to pro- .The University .has 170 students. 1 MOTHER REMEMBER THAT X0 ! m, t i C V ' Ifiouicine eures, it simply assists-nature Abe iialeigh posoOce uses three- in relieving itself of an nnnatural condi- d uarters of a ton of coal oar dav. so t,0iV P system. Worms disarrange - ! , . 1 rff the Aors says. , . ; , - Fifteen gnano companies have pur chased licenses to tell within the lim its of the State. -; - - -i i -"-buriner'a Indian Vermifuge kills and urives ineni from the system, thus moving tlie cause of the disease. re- BURIAL CASKETS! MARRIED. Eighty-three sheriffs ' have settled U county, Jan. 2Dt!i, 1880, by Rev. m full, and nearly all the ? remaining Miss Sarah daturhter of Gore ii. eleven iirpart -witli the Bute, twas- FWl1,vE1' Bre'l.V"":K.,v'':,,::f:'''M''V-;-'- 1 In Mt TJlla Townshln by J. K. Oraham. . , ts ;V t Esq on the 29th. January, Mr Richard A. L- Iam wa l.AaaJI 1.17 .1. ..J If! T -r A '. -" uE.acv 4wnruei'jciij .uu isurs ai. Doner. township last Thursday by Ji ' jnajori- ty, or l mere being t :w U H vote Cast. ' " r'- " rH S f-f r .;?t..--i-i 1I0NTEE Ai HEAED FROM. I It. L. Mosely, of Montreal, Canada, cer tified. Sept, 27, 1879. that he had suffered ifni-- ri , j: , iwiiuij irow ujapepsia, ana waa co:n- lhe WsMHT sayt ther are pro, pletely cured br takiag Warner's Safe pects of -'a water famine in Raleigh. Bitters. He says: My -appetite is good, prAaa- ne - ii ' and I now suffer no ineouveuience from fifteen of the public Well are re- eating hearty meals.' These Bitters are ported by the street commissioners to also specific for all skiu diseases. tie W '! ' t l .w I eaanea4 W ' . oak. ei&rht of nine, none of anmn f ,i ;- " u ' it' 1 Cotton firm good Middlings, seven of magnolia, .eight, of hickory, idling ana n ve eacii ot elm. and birch, low do stains Tlie forests of North fJarolina pro- PRIGE CURRENT duce tweutv-two different kinds ofl : TOorreCted by J.'M. Kkox & Co.l February, 12 I860. 12 11 8&S 20 ioii 65 1.251.30 3.75 3.50 8.25 50 50 89 50 4505 20(21 G7 'r.,- rf:--: - - J' i , I have jus: received and hate'jlnn' exhie bition in the Jiuom AhvN the:. Jfajijfcarl Stare of Messrs. Crawfiml fc Titvlor-a t1. ry Handsome Assortment of Btirinl !-Cas, ' " w juiuuu aiiemioa s Hiviteu- THEY ARE OP f VERY NB AT STTLBSj Carefully Made and of various flr.iden. 'Will'" be sold low. Pei-aor? wNliing nnTthing of the , kind should call and see tlnm. I am prepaiea L u uuuen.iKe ami lirrnicli erervllure reoriir- jAvi;i:ti iiuinuoi; in lTCMTVing. lie el dies from Diwljrinff.-ti1 I Imve had miuh personal experience in tills line aiul ftel sure of giving satisfaction. Nov. 25, 1879. C. W. C. WCOLHS. ' G:Ctn "ACORH COOK STOVE." at ... Air, C C. Clawson, a yoong Ilal- BaoOk, county, hog round eigh genius, has "invented a calcula ting machine, will soon have Cbzokbsis per dozen patented. He has .patents already W on several useful uventions. i- ' l Wheat good demand at FLOtm best fam." Tlie Raleisrh Observer states that! extra letters are received by the com rots- PotaToes, Inisn' 8ioncr of agriculture from abroad Onioxs no demand nearly every 3ay, making inquiries hIT as to lands, Immigration, &c Last Oats week letters came from Italy, New ?WT South Wales. Switzerland and Scot- laud. An Italian wrote that he de-Iam dried 5 6 Bireu. so secure a trace oi land in tne pine country, to which he could bring Chew Jaclwon's Best Sweet Navy Tobaccc a large colony of Italians, skilled in .it. . bate. The estate is valued at $5,000,000. "ie culture oi grapes, aiul also grow Atnong tho bequests are $5,000 to Haver ers of silk. Letters are received from ford College to be osed as a professor's all parts of tlie State daily, from par- fund; $3,000 to the Old Man's Home,ClnHtiea,trj9h;IJg to regfefc, laiulg. Dur cinnati;$500to ech of the "six yearly h ., m - t , , mt. onnA ing tne past tew oays about Z,W0 acres have been registered. The new plan takes well, and the results are gratifying. meeting of Friends in Unity and corres- pettdeace With the London Yearly meet ing, rtH Ohio; Indiana, Western Iowa, Kansaa and North Carolina yoarly meet- in ira. to be nsed "for the circulation of the Holy Scriptures and fr aiding First- II w estimated thai 50,000 men and day schools within tlieir limits." Deduct- women are employed in Philadelphia ing these and some other public and pri- in the monufacture of clothing, making vate legacies, amounting to a com para- 20,000,000 suits a year, tively small sum. heieaves all the re maiuder of, his estate to a board of true- TUB H.TERaETIC Ma N AT A Fi KE. tees, (of which Mr. Francis T. King and -Coolness and prompt action in time Dr. James Carey Thomas, of Baltimore, 0f danger 8 a great thing. A vol- are nameu ns memuersj, tor me esxaoiisu- nii. - tn Kmm BUSINESS LOCALS. NOTICE ! Monday Night, 16th, Salisbury Lodge K. O. H. will hold an important meeting. Every member should be present. Reporter. 17:lt WILLIAMS BROWN Has tlie exclusive sale of tlua celebrated Cook Siove and they are going off liko hot cakes. . 7.j f JUST RHCEIVED, -Saplin ('lover, Red Clover and Orchard Grass, Seeds, Come ;inl buy before tlei' rise. At Ennis' Dm it Store. HCTE PAPER, LETTER PAPER, Kim-lops, - Lead- lVncirs, Tens, Slates lied, Rliiek, Violet, Ulu and indelliblo Inks, Copy, Memorandum and 1'oetet Hooks, cheaper than ever known before it ExxissV TO ARRIVE" A lot of School Bjwks will k; nold ven rhciqt sit - Kxxis. V IS IT I XG. C A 1 M )S . 1 ' L A Y I N(i CARDS, Chalk Crayons. .Russian IJath Soap, Car- olic Soap, Suiiiliur .oap, Vasal mo Soap, Rose Ritby Soap, Alsate;ui : Soap. Todth Uruslu's, Hair ami Nail 1"i ushesCoarscand Hue Combs very low at Exniss. tf. DON'T FORGET IT COMB AND GET YOUR IE 2iotograph.a. CW. C. W00LWIXE, IHOTOGluniRR. nient of a college or Institution of learninf, to have for ire object the higlter education of young women. ' !l Jest rereived at A C. Harris a fine lot of No. 1 Ctoass and Fasarcu Candiks. Too Uccb Simp Ijcrctaocs. Too much sleep blunts the nervous system, impairs' memory, enfeebles muscular en ergy, and is apt to produce Inordinate (at. To sleep much is not necessarily to tered a dwelling threatened with des truction, dashed op the stairs, threw a mirror and lamp from an upper window on to the' heads of the peo pie below, took an axe and chopped six holes in a Brussels carpeted floor, jarring off the plastering below, broke I vr i it . i . a . a be a good sleeper. Generally they that a French cioca on tne mantel, tnen are the poorest sleepers who remain long- grabbed a feather-bed and carrried it c in ucu , wiv i8 uiey -""Hi ich rr- tUree-q UartCfS Ot a mile to tlie bank t.kttkr. ml Note Heai. Rim. Heads. trealied, than if the time of arising were . hunted ud the cashier, to have CUuis aud Kjcvbxoi-es printed to order . ... , , , uiiu uui kuc uuiuc iu UJ3 oatc, UIU I JK H tn thnt rnililnin ntiil vonnir iwrtitln r-1 r I , O.I . j o i 1--- ., ., , . , . .. . quire more sleep than their elders, yet it tnen uie nre. wnicn was, in .tne dionld be the care of parents that over- woodshed, being extinguished went TIMETABLE j w. i i indulgence be net permitted. Where home under the impression that he I YCQTCPH N P RAI! RflAfl had rendered valuable aid and was a GOING WEST. Sfin SALE VERY LOW A good new- II 2 1 ly repaired Carriage and Double et Harueas can be seen at W. M. Duik er's shop. For terms apply to II. M. Jones or 2m. J. D. Gaskill. the habit is for children to lie iu bed un til 8 or 9 in the morning, the last two hours at least do not bring sound dream o I less &leen where the hour for retieing is as I hero. Boston Pod. Yearn party which they all enjoyed ; some of the fair nc taking exquisite delight in playing the agreeable to those favored beaux who had on former occasions been gal lant to them, and taking equally as much in snubbing those-who bad been remiss in at tentions. It was a consolation you knew. The blooming Misses and Teung America also had several sociables. Business in a general way has been pretty brisk. The medical fraternity distressingly idle. The Spring term of our 8. F. Col lege opened under very nattering circum stances, it Is growing more popular each year, and well deserving too, of the highest praise. Yea have sent as some girts rrom your aection bop you win continue to do so. That terrible disease, the "Matrimonial fever," which has been raging to such an alarming extent throughout the whole coun try broke out here a few months since, and several of our young people have already fallen victims, ana ier weei er woe ten the state of single blessedness, and taken Boon themselves the holy vow, we bone. aiirraetrv. aaruaair ua ia iims tear m Ood." The whole town seems to be infected. and the symptoms are decidely favorable for several more soon to join the "noble army of martyr." liay they never nave cause to re gret the 'leap," which 1 have always heard was a -Jean in tne daric. a warning voice Comesto us from'many a hen-pecked hus4 band, and heart broken wife, escape, escape. May th's new year be a happy and prosper ous one for tne naicawuin. A Coksxast Reader. The Elecutjc LjOht Again. About 7 o'clock last uigfit the city was illumi nated iar what appeared to most people a, most unaccountable manner. At one moment tkQ copola' at the postofSee was bathed lu a flood of light, the next mo- ment t. Michael'a stood out iu bold re-j liefaud a moment later the gilded cross on StC Philip steeple seemed to be on fire. Mr. D. A. . Schuyler, the agent of the United fitalcs Electric company, waa testing the light on board the steamship Citvi Atbuitel to "which reference has" already been made.: , The light was flash-: "ed ln 'every direction, casting a bright glare for miles, and rendering ; bouys aud ships in the harbor visible to the naked eve from the deck of the steamship.; .The display attracted quite a number of 'per sons to the wharves. With the Tevolvj ing electilo light . on board thb officers of the City of Atlanta seed fear no collision atsea.Csarresfoa ivetcs end Courier, ithi Salisbury Third Creek Elm wood 8 or 9 iu the evening, but are spent in INTER0CEANIC " CANAL. Tlie se- Catawba Station dozing, and iu fact, such excess cannot lect committee of the House on inter- Newton fail to insula harmful results, and estab- shio canal met Friday and Hickory lisli habits of indolence which last through , c j r - ::,w.i -i. Ieard.- a lifetime. ' . . . . . 7 ' ' amtnation ot tne suoject. a resoio-iuMua.ipi- i I unnwu Woxntas of PsrrRotOH.--Stoweirs tion was adopted calling on the Presi-j Marion RciK)rter" gives some statistics of theJent for all correspondence between S nrT petroleum business and production last .j, grovernment . and foreign coun-1 Swanhanoa Gap- . -t - Coopers vear. The amount ef crude Detroleum I . . ... i. i. I Blaek Moantjua r ii i im fwvi nnA tries relative to a amp can.., . 03 A. 0 r,9 7 25 811 y ( y 57 10 to 10 :vj 1 1 22 12 09 12 :r 12 r7 1 44 2 28 3 01 3 46 4 01 M 51 prouucea was neariy i,iAM,vw, oarrius, , . . .,. r .i ii i-JT- f.!.....An'M.a i- - ' resolution providine for the col lee- Arrive previous; year. The shipment from the tion of all possible statistics and data Ucreek oilfields, was nearly 16,000,000 barrels showing the present amount of com-1 Elmwooa . ' .1 x .1 . 1 T miw leaving aa stock on nauu at uie . ciotw oi merce passing arouna uape nom, t cauwba the year nearly 8,500,00U barrels, as Atrainst abent 4.000.000 at the close of 1878. Three thousand aud thirty-eight GOING EAST A FINE JERSEY BULL at nv staile. A rare chance to cross your stock with the very best, which all ought ; to embrace. C. l'L l LLR.i G:3m. PIANOS & ORGANS FROM FACTORY TO PURCHASER, EVERY m HIS OWN AGENT waaaBBaawaBanMHHCMaMManMai L.nlleii iV Hrtlrit' Girainl Iitti-otlurtlnii Salo continued unt'.L Nov , 18S0- Only sal i.t the kiml ever successfully earned out in America-. 5,000 superb instruments at lac tory rutfa for IntfiRlurtion aiul Atlvei-1 luemrnt. - New plan of selline: To Ajsttsl 19 C:a3is:i:r:t hitn Ettts iMr?:l direct fr:a Iit.Yaj ts ptxztrt. -i'.fli'a nia'iprsftsiiTci. ritsi to uL Caly tsui Scri MlliagmttUplia. l'l A.N OS, 7 .t. ia. 7! ott. $i5J Square tiranofi, fi7. OK.CSA N, 9, stops f57i 3 stops, 13 Mop, Mirror Top Case, $$.". New, handsome, fturale. O vesrs jrttaratitee. 13' days test trial. Pur. h.'.--rs c :lnir-tVoin ten IcaiS ing timlcrs anil iioo ititftrcut gtpUs. J.on this KiTNnlic -1hI of purthseri and secnt n instrument 1 vholtiSri rat. Srtal terms to Manic Teaches. 'h u rcht . and I'tixtor. A Jill ess f..r littroluetloi !!il circulars, LURDCN fi R.VTKS, Savannah, tia. O-ni. " The Best Paper! Try It 1 1 BEAUTIFULLY ILLUSTRATED. new wells were drilled in 1879. with a view of ascertaining tpproxi- mately how valuable to the comraerlnickory cial interests of this con iitry an iter- JIortfm nmn Mnal WOUlfl be. AUmiRll tl)n VtUinv - iRrlrlMV&ter --'-.... - . . i t: m: ! - i l l it. I e Cotton end tobacco command caau. out Ainmen appeareu ueiore uie cum- Marion without an abundant snpply of corn the rojttee to-day furnishing them with, a g1 btate cannot prosper. An ajncnuurai .n , f ffi - j rePort on Sa-annanoa neonle like ours, who hava to rely to any r. ... w . ... Black Moantam - ' .... . .. . i tu n ifymtnmt mines. lie w come o,M Tfnfc .1 afunt. ratMminiitiftafortneir ruv " o . wj.a. bceadstuffs and for Um means of Keeping ucioi c wic - their horses and stock of various kinds his views upon the general subject in good order, are.eertainly not in a way, raore jn detail. by the distribntion which they have made lnv tliA foundation of a vi mwi) J I rrl T 1 nrmvnnt nrosperitr. Hakeaa nittcb TOBACCO IN UUBMAU. xne xace 4 10 P.M 3 :w 3 07 2 4G 1 ol 1 ( 12 4J 12 at, P. m. - 112. 10 2 9 r.r 9 33 8 45 7 57 . -7 44 fi 32 C 10 6 00 A. M. Trains run dailj, Sundays excepted. Train going Went will breakfast at States vitle and dinner at Henry. Train jroin e Kust breakfast at Hoary and dinner at Hickory. J..W. WIL30N, President. SSih Vear. THE SCISNTIPIC AMERICAN. Tiie SriKNTiuc AMKtuovN Is a large Flrsb-ClMi Wwklv NepitiHr oi hi.Moen jwes, printed In tli most bi.-autltui htj w, l iofuscty Illustrated with aph-nffl.l fnu'ravlii'. r-i.r.-scntli4.he newest Inven tions aud tiif iii'.--i p''--M attVHiM'.eti In the Art and Srlences; tin lvulin New and Interesting facts In (frU'Uituri.', I'.i'iU uitun-. tlif Itorne and HSnltU, Mcitjcal I'n S'H i il Sci 'iKO, Natural IHstory, eoljfy. A;-'.i"..ii..v. 't lie most valuable practical papers, ny i-iniu. :i! v, i-lu r.- li: nil lopartnientaof Scl eitce, Will be l-jaa-t in the Scu.ttiic American, Terms, ?0.20 r ytur, f l.OO half year,, i . iM-n'Oijrit. to Agents. Sla v.M iy sili NcwHlcaUTS. Kt--ML'.VN CO., Pobllsliers, JT HALE'S .WEEKLY. On Tnemlar. the 7th day of October, 18,9, ireadsttiffs. Cotton and to- parke, ou the subject of smoking. In nd in the City of Kaleigh, the undersigned always bring good price. reference t0 tl,e ose of tobacco by will commence the publication of eat MM voune persons he say it curious; in HALE'S WECKLY, - cottou and tobacco as possible, but let us I publishes a letter of the late I'rofessor make tnore breadstuff-.. bacco do not TVaaU.dma1 'akj A fiuu no other niarsev wan mat " ' ' 'i" . i. vnUTlT famished by bellies of the menniu uuih, iiv-rr.T'-r'-horsea enmtecd in prodncing them. Pii- their mothers' arma : ad jet when I tnrMt mm da for cotton: the stomach need is always cowJlaWt Weekly. :-.t ..-j?r Ti.. alone smoking her cigar of tobacco the new.; th ih. .:r:r,;,1 6V-A-dlapatch from Dallas, Texas, says rolled up in P1?ntn;54fl nt and seeond, the anbacrilr doea not a ffi reliable advices hate been received there rvinfr on her hip her , ctiim two or do, ,m peop.e not " . . - i ' . . . 111 nrOTMl vmmm OAUOLINA DEMOCRATIC KWSPAPEU. ThM rnnr wordit conver all lliat a column was serrine in Burtnah, many years r pcafMetiM eould tell the good of the State; 6 it. theanctWoflhe uarty which is the life of the ago, I often saw a woman walking gJJfSJJS SSSry? the pnbiieaiio.. of all Wliicli Irifiwi!.' p'-t;i',-gl eils. tin -i i s. lult hy i -.til or-l. r to I'ark How, .Ntiv ilik. Tj a r-p tti tVT rpQ la cmneetlon wltb the FH r2iljll IO. ttij:r, American, MCra. Munn .t C. nre s'u,itor''t Ani: rti an and Foreign t'atents have Uad :,: 1 t ai a exj - tenc, and new liavs th; larg e!ul!i-!in i-!it in H.e world. I'atentuob talneil'on the be-i t'-ihis. A .-roeeljl notice Is made in ihe.scKfct Ac .! .,-i.'u! or all inventions patented turough tia- . .' ii v. uiUi tiicMiiit awl resldeaee ot the l'!f-.iei-. f i!;r- lminerihe elrvulatlon Uiua jrjvi-n. i)';i)iii: ait' Tiii iv, 1.-. aruaed to the nteritaot tj,c n.-w:p.t ai, an 1 s iiir Intr'xIucUon often eas ily IT. l- 'l. - . Anv jMriiii who i;is r..:(f a new d'-.-vovery or In ve'ntion, -an n iir..-c fckirjp, whether a pat. cut can prooiiilN U- -ilt u::-d. by writing tO-Munn ( o. Wcul.-o m 'id fir our ii.:nd book about the patrnt I.a-Ai, ; .it'-nis. ' ivru'n. 'i raoe-Marks, Uiejr cost, and ho j.'r...-.4r-'i, v-irii ht.-.ts for procurinjf adrnrv i's on -i.tiony.. Address for the laper, or coiiLeTiiiny hiMiii. KUNN'is C O. 37 Park Row, ft. Y, Bnineti tjlt,':'-, eur. F.x vu sis., W;iHhitfUft, fiJ). S:iw JAMES M. GRAY, Attoruoy and Counsellor at Law, Ofiico in t li - That e tirt ect to f ap- d oubt to the effect that jay Goald and Thomas oli who alto had his or ffcTE Scottj representing theTexas and .Pacific . ,. which - was emoked HsAfs Wamv will be printed from new iJA. her little Cigar, WUICU waa w untir,,! ,ni and on fotr white paper. ana Missouri, Aansaaao. - . Pt .Jtvi On the Jfii iwo dollar-er annum. No have parchased all the outstanding bona. - - , Jm be npon it. mail hooka without pay and aeenritesof the Dallas and Wichita WftolO quesuou wic rv. - . , no r wiilbsaent after xP railroad which will be extended v to con- able to arrive at any positive conciu ncct with the Dennison'ani Pacific exten- L;ong . he. however, considered that sion of the iI..K. fc T.ll. K. thus mat- , . .a WOuld.. be .undoubtedly ing Dallislhe tertninns of the latter road, ... m(Mierat(: . !. .....i: i:a Ul. . iF"'"-" ri ana esiaoiisiiiuK uiuionust w.i - , . i , , Tn.ntr lurJ ue was not harmful, except in youth. Court House lot, next door to Siiu'nc H i!i'4iiton. A ill practice in all the Coitfl-s-of the Htate. . ; . . .kai )m. raLl tar. tuu wi ..... i . T 1', Jl. UALl'. Raleigh, Sept. 11 879. NOW IS TIIE TIME TO SUUSCJHBE FOR THE WATCHMAN Mm aM Henderson,. I Attorneys, Counselcrs i and Solicitors. SALISBURY, N. C Janaay21 1 370- -tt. Mortgage Deads forsaleliere Also tts i ma vthcr Ulaiis. 1 3