'! i m XL TB02D SERIES SAUSBUEY. ITir-C;, HAECH 4, 1880. .: - 1 .... . . . i ! , - . ' . ' ' - ' v ' 5 - i ! J 11IQ20" t ' t rij) .'-it: - ',!, file llie Carolina Watchman, 1 :NEWS ITE3IS. f .4-.' T" ' i H :i .. York uioii the hannon j tvliich, pre vailed ia tbe convcnUou, . and says .the coijven A tion will be certain to hsivo tbe effect of I making tbe discussion of tbe Presidential or I lOrant, tlic masses of tlie Ilepablicaa party after fe Ool of t? snap judgment in Pennsyl vania, more 3XJLBW?IIED IN THE TEAR 1832 rftHTKACT ADVERTISING RATES. i GRANT AT UTICA, i t Ainoug: His Slavish Followers I ' - t s ! - , . , i tea;! i i T! iul ) 1,1 fof TJjuiiibfor l iionUi s m's 8 m's 6 m's 12 ias . f.5 I $3.60 f5.A) fS.OO ' 1(N) 4.50 6.25 7.50 1 12.00 4.50' 6.00 7.50 11)0 15.00 4.00 70 ':. 9.00 ' 13.C0 1S.00 150 9.75 11.25-15.60 25.00 1J.25 -15.75 !t).50 S50 40.00 1$.75 26.25 33J5 I 48.75 75.00 " Sew' -'York Casts Iter .Vote 117oj She Proclaims to be s The Czar and Asia. Battles" A Motion to JSfale liiaitie Tail Piece tkrftl on the Table. vigorous and . exciting. ,Tbe UeraUl says the resistance to the tbird term has prov- Utica, ebraary .Shory ftef 12 altogether stronger tlian anybody Oared t 4xi. .' ti i . . . : i ' lione or venture to Dredict twentvffour V ciuch wuciiii muiur caucu uic couven- --- -. r . - tion to order. When Albany county was houra a' " ' -J,-- ' ' .1. '.wtisiiu W hite Snol.intr.Gout, Goitre. w piisujnption. Brcncliit!)., Kerrom Dc Ii,ili4. Ujlaria. n:i I nil disease ei-hing Ifmia &n impure condition of tko blood, ClJEES ' SCROFUIjA.' Famine in Russia , It ussia .., Dc- kna iids the Ilxtraditiou of Ila rt ' 'man--Full Account of the ! , r ,r Explosion. ,; j 7ni1 Ssnntni' f?eai-ay jtiriI tiA I credentials of .Win. II. SlinwrlAiid ami his twelve associates, and the petition of Hamilton Harris and his twelve associates, J be referred to the committee on contested ' j seats when appointed. - N. ii. Curtas sec- 5 By Teiegrraph to Raleigh News. ' nU..1r. n dl.J. ' ! 1)...., 1.-.11.1..U Ot - ll..'7V.t.'n.t1.J 1.1, syphilis, Scrofnioas Taint, Ehea- ' raised- point of order that no business lishes a letter from St." Petersburg, which ctmld be done, the convention not paving says: "News from the iuterior of tbe Eui been organ ized.' Tbe chair decided that tbe pire is heart-rending . Famine and diph poiht was well taken. Mr. Foster appciil- j theria are decimating the population. Tbe ed from .the decision of the chair, and call- 1 provinces of Saratof and Kief, which an- , ed for tbe eas and nays, (applause), but nually export, luf ordinary times, enor- , Governor lloskiiis moved to lay the ap- . inous quantities of grain, had scarcely ' ionl on -the. table, and the motion vas car- ' any crop last year. Tho calamity is ag- peasants being lorceu to sell tiiem. i In, Caucasiu the famine is still greater. J Cures Rhcamatlsm. CMrcs Syphilis. ried with only a few votesju the negative, gravated by a want of Tbe secretary then proceeded with the peasants being forced t j ; In Caucasiu the fa disputes j The people are com egations ' selling their children. ROSjSLDiULxXS Cures Elalarla. . N 1 lie secretarv tlien proceeded roll call. During the roll call several arose between fho contesting dele. from various parts of the State, and there was nincb confusion and wrangling over tbe appointments to the committee on mitting suicide and -1 " ' DEJIAJIDS HAUTMAX, London- Feb. 21. The Tones Paris dispatch says, the J demand of Russiajfor r ; ! I c i sicredeutiulsr Stephen B. French of New the extradition of Ilartman, has been re York, nominated for temporary chairman j ferred by Premier Freycinct to the Miiiis- Hon. Charles E. Smith, of AlbanvJ! The nomination was veceived with applauses JCurea Nervous Debility. ' , ... . . . - -t , c remavkft on takinir the chair, an allusion to Grant at Appomattox Court Houe was received witli great applause. ij Mr. Foster said bisjdistrict bad select- 'CURES COXSJSIETION. v3S53 i ey mislKimoasV vp delegates. Vk) be- nas Its ingredients rnbllshod oh every packrvTO. Show It to your PJ:yslclaa. nnd the will; teil yon It la composc-l of tho caiciit iiooa iutuct. L03ADALIS Is.cold t7 all Drogglsta. X I i Tlie Russian Czar is resolved i ppon ex-, tending bis already vast 1 domains in Asia j Nearly or quite two-thirds of that great con- iingpi is nis, ana yei ne is pusiung on ins arm ies to new conquests. Gen. Skobelofi one of li is ablest soldiers, commands the main army numbering 20,000 men; . ne is to be sup ported by two ..other armies. Sooner or later England and Russia roust face . each other, then it will be seen Whether the forces of the Empress of India will be equal to the task! of driving back thd armed hordes of the nighty Emperor of tlie Russias. In the ineao'time the inexorable, Insistent, sleepless enemies of Alexander ard dogging him at ever? turn and laying their trains of gun powder and dynamite right under his palace. When he travels his train Is wrecked ; when he sleeps he lies over a loivded volcano and aj slambering carthquak4. Trulj there is something awful ia-the remorseless determi nation of his multitudinous enemies. The blood hound on the traci of the fugitive ; the implacable avenger pursuing his fleeing enemy; the Indian tracing the steps of the alarniiod and shuddering victim ;! the watch ful, crafty, skilled, determined detective fol lowing the criminal through all his tortu ous windings and his ingenuous dodges in 1 hope, of effecting his escape these are faint typds to express the undying hatred, the re Bolvcd will, "the pertinacious pluck, the sleepless energy, the incxliaustable ingenui ty, the reckless daring of the men who are sacrificing all to compass the destruction of their victim, and that victim the royal head of one of the greatest kingdoms of this world. The poor, half-fed laborer, as he sleejSs'on his pallet of straw in hif hut, is wrapped in clysium compared with the roy al head that tosses from side to side in un csy filecp, and sees an assassian in every shadtw nnd the gleam of the poniard in every flash of the fire when awake. a Lauds Sold for Taxcji. Raleigh Obserrer Over Two' Thousainl ircrcliants tt .:. 'i Tnrttn.1 sr ' "i-U.-iS. 1 . .r- ' '. " , , ., 7 . " . 1 t TMay the; secretary of the "Char- !Jd, public - laws of 18791 provides l vharlotte, to.o comaiUnicale at once if any persons whose law"1iaaf been ) Witk the secretarys whV will gladly erty so held. P,,U "nUljiriH ! marks of;Mr. Poster, ii lAirfi vrllMbEA; sj& vork i I .External and Internal. v 1 Mr I few me ML t6trs-Li?r mm. THS GREAT VEGETABLE CATHAETIO i iD-m'I ATI i- Vegetable WORM SYRUP feriaysstTPiSJTXCar!, imtt peccpcnfled DTTcf aala '!.- nil Vrunfltiu. bs:; n. uensy, ctmnAr-i & co., Coi?r;B P:aco, - new York. Fir Sale by T. F. ELITTTZ, Drn gist, ! h 10;ly j -t - Salisbury, K. C. .Davis llilains the "Clothes Story. MttcrlrttloV. Stone, of Mississippi. ie lite Mrs. Sarah A. JDorsey, a d;iyf before her death, iustructce Ui preseiif to her native State, .sl.-tt,ij)pi, tlve craii portrait vvhich I aft self U4 CM Ev ia la pawn's this -let tor; It'Avas made r: tnei or-proof u W i)f J.cac Q1.S led set i! and Uumldcrs when I ty tent ; but on being hailed by 4irmati Wluj rude a considerable aacc before his i com rads, 1 d ropp- oth the Italian and shawl while tig on my challenger, a ud t h us 'ft'ilrtd l)ornrp. mv cnninvK in Iio ex- QtfcMme ireprceiiuU in the por- Faithfully yours, . ilpir'H l Jeffkuson Davis. . MuVpir, ;Augnst 14th. . K4vr aTorlc 't'tm-esnnntlent of Hales i A -St ! , WttA: hook of 72 naircs has I r, .; i . -i . . ... . orj bfiotograpmc Jikencsij ot, my- qh was-taken iii the identical tiipwoim when I was captured. fr1article X then had on appears tliisi; portraiture, except a pair of ! ''tif ! '- - :: L ... - . " ! - V' . ze spurs, wliicli were stoicn lrom Is :Y,; ' J I ' . alcr 4 my capture. 1 had a Kaiilaiu. and a shawl lievc, as the cbairmau has said, that wo should have a presidential candidate be fore whom the rebellion dare not raise its horrid bead. We, believe that Jaines G. Hlaiuc is such a man. - (Great applauses.) II. R. l'ieison, in replying to the re- to dud a nomi nee. (Krong continued applause.) j; We can tind one in Ohio. (Applause.))! lint among all tbese peers among peers, Jtliere s a liuino I liohl above all -others, ! (Ap dau.se and mingled cries of Conklingand hh'.inv.) I mean that name that stands as. the gwl of battles Ulysus S. Grant. (Great applause.) I believe that it will be Grant. I believe that tbe imperial State of Xew York will go, and ought to go, to Chieago and express its imperial will as a unit." (Applause. j, . After trsiussictiug considerable rbutine of business, the convention took a-i-ecess until 3.oi p. m. LiATEi:. The convention lias adopted a resol ut bill favoring the nomination of Grant. The test vote showed that Grant's friends . bad 37 majority over the jadvor cates of an untrammeled delegation. resolution favoring , lilaiue for a sccoutl choice. was laid oil tlje bible-. The Republican convention npon: reas sembling this afternoon effected a perma nent organization by the election of Chas, E. 'Smith, of Albany, as permanent Chair man. Resolutions were then submitted declarjng that th.e safety of the nation is again imperiled by tlie unlawful cft'oirtso the Democratic party to overawe and sub vert State governments, as in Maine and ter of Justice.. It is stated that some of the reactionary deputies have applied for the man's release, but was told that if it - -I it appeared that ho was connected wiith the Moscow attempt, the government would surrender him to the Russian au thorities. 1 " I i ALL ABOUT THE '8T.S PETEKSBCUO EXl'LO- siox. - j - Loxiox, Feb. 21. A special dispatch gives the following' from tbe Standard's vigorous, needed, salutary reforms through Berlin correspondence : Lately the Ckar out his immense empire, and giving the hardly ever left WinterTalace, and when country a constitutional government. But he went abroad he was surrounded bv a will he do this? The present Czar is no cloud of mounted oftieers, who concealed doubt a ruler of a milder type than his the carriage''' aud with their bod icccssible only ries and oiucers.' I ihe ;ieoplc ot Russia are discontented al At tbe eimper detectives occupied seats though tunny abuses have been remedied that were formerly reserved tor distin- and Xlie lo-. ot millions has been ameliorated. Ktiisbed visitors. The detectives infested Hc 'sfc farther'if he would have peace. the kitchen, and everv dish was tasted bv Jfe u,ust 3 RW to the entreaties ot the op- persons of rank specially selected fr that lesl if be would enjoy personal satety purpose. The-Emperor did not even ven- d Cpeaeo ut mind. Ihe cap ot relorm ture to oneu his own letters, documents fromiwhicb the Russian people have sipped v Ui a second edition at Cincrn- jngiiuaUtplJUraphy qt -L-cvi "the remitedt'resident of the .'lirgroiuid Hail road," by which in fii ibf slavery so uahv thousands s.yci were eouveyetr to the free jlffUidM Canada Cojlin was a bScifi-a t ativ of f lithfinl'nouiitv. Slhere he was bbrn in 1798, re- v tjlnd iana'JiTl 72G, a nd co ni -W!t0 WritW tbk rlinrv in 187G. jWlliia hjearJ : He has aince n',! ".ciainis to havc aided by his rground' railroxid" in the escape laves, among them the Eliz- tris of "Uncle Tom's Cabin." having repeatedly been steeped in poison and sent him; With all these elaborate precautions, it occurred to nobody to search for the an uouneed, advertised and placarded mine in the basement. Tbe Emperor and the Duchess of Edinburo were seated in an apartment next to the dining room when they beard the report of tbe explosion. Tbe lights were extinguished and the cas pipes burst. The Princess of Felcos and her valets went Mindly through tbe dark and then imured iiromiscuonsly through the door of the royal apartments The Sovereign wasr found groping hii Way but of the fatal quarter. All who' saw tbe sight of the picture of Alexamler XI leiid- Reference was' made recentlv i to tlie fact that i PTPst nnmluiM tA.Jt. lands sold for taxes are held ii!the office of fi Vlf rmce cngag the Secretary of State.- Wake? cottntt5. ftiin coding, Koat.Jnvitations., and andi mote especially Raleigh,! is largely passes V to merchanfs, and in - another represented, tbeie beiffOflJMIa LJxlnm -J.i:. tliis;.eounty. By the late General AssemitKU tituZS ul ter of the fedemntion, f I-M -1? UiWt? ho may, have bee f 1 l . . which it would be well to read. ChapfoyeK10OKCt ana JffhQ, , desire w come ter that i : , j " mui-5ii liiciu nuu parses. XI IS CSpe- 1st day of Januarv. 1870. ahall Ufnm u V t ? .'uVi. .. f w 1 v ? .1 i r rtaoi rM mm mIii l the ldth of March; 1880. nav to the treas-1 v . ti f v urerl the ta dn f a. r -i.w 97cr.0Kcd. but it can readily be seen w - II1IIU V UIVJ It", . . - sale of such land, and also all taxes that "tsy t is to omit ooe name from may have accrued since such !;gale. togeth- a lss tuat embraces nearly three er with all costs and expense;' nnd also thousand. ! The plan1 of the Chamber the sum of ten percent, upon the amount of Coirtm'fthWY Anlb,f Ihnirhl S T pe?OT,S Charlotte a busing shall be entitled to receive a deed of Ve- . , . . ' ..r , . .i V1 conveyance from the Secretary of State . ' T nas never Known oetore. At upon! exhibiting soch tax receipts and 13 "Watea that at, . least two-thirds paying the secretary the snni of one dol- oi the whole number of J merchants to lar for making out such deed. 1 After the be invited will avail themselv(es of the 13th of March twenty-five percent- will opportunity of J" vi(inff ' CKarlottW v.scu. county ireasurer eatncry Tlii"w 11 mk ihlna i will tell howto proceed togefbackiirop'- 7:' , men aremaking extensive prepara tiqus for the boom. Large purchases Will fnnliTf lliini M nffoir QrAToT ! T . PrTlMionriii X.1..!. Or I'I. I . 4. man. Vera Sussulitch. a famona Nihilist rulucul LU lu iraue aV ua' ,nS agent: who tbe 5th of February, 1878, at- ouce secured the patronage. 0f iner- tempted to assasinate Gen. Taehoff, pre- chants surrounding ns, they feel eon- feet of St. Petersburg, has been arrested fident that they will be able to hold it. . . . at the residence ot one of her friends in I All rlnssoa will LoUofitU K. ... I ' ' ..... WW vt...x....,v. Wli ' f' ' Ut. Arm x i.'a- r!......i. r bii v,ntmc Tiiiv;ii iuc Valium uei in ,r an- ru : ' i noaucea the arrest of a Prussian officer "ucs; " iiiiiugMiuieu, una iius will be seen at once from the fact that i ne oniy saiety oi me uzar is in yielding IT w ... . i .i 1 . TKn m n n i I .' rT 1110 miAnlii lnjMrntin I I . . H bliu V4Vliliil.u vl uio llllllulillll I T . T. rtpw . .... I . . . . . . ' I I JVnnV kVll OV A IM-lnnfn Mun. ll.... . 11.. Ij. : 1 - . . jjuiuhj itRguuii men win oe, it may ue saieiy esti- ironi japan states that a severe earth mated; from two to three hundred l. .1 a . i . I 7 - ' I m ni-r. 1 1 1 n ff c tin IwtnnliA I l.imi ....n hilt lift dot All A nrn tivaii. I t n . I fit . . . .r A Paris dispatch to the Manchester Pl inecouiury--on our streets. uwr. Guardian says the official : documents Observer. eminent bv I .- i - I r n. . t ambassador here, uur Dtate u excnaiiges present very by w hich it was intended to prove the J antagonistic ideas on the question of crimiijality of Hartmau in connection I the disposal of the W. N. C. II. Ill with the Moscow explosion, are consider- Thc Vilmintrt6n naners are livelv on ed too vague to establish the .unlit of I : i s t . . s !,, ; . i ,4 r s t. . . .. . . , . i tue subject, anu go into me uiscus- tho accused. Public opinion here is on-1 . -n. . 1 w.i; :s. . . . f . . o - . I L. . Til . I -. l-i: T . posed to Hartmau's surreader; nnd the ?lon I WV" a; 'U?ai wiep.inuicaies,ft officials are delaying action imthe matter fear ,;of disasteritQ the, .city of Wil in order to find grouud for refusing the j mi ngton shoull.tlie transfer be made. demand f or ; his extradition? without Tlie Bubjct has become-' a ' ? very 'grave wou.rling Russia's susceptibility. ' 6ne and though ' opisetl in the aln struct to the call of an extra session of Cable Flashes. 1 5 Representative Robert B.' Vancci of North Carolina,; has intrbdoceri ii,1 j bill toVregulate more satisfafctbriTy antl justly therevenne laws Thisil'i.11 riglit teny and J Copgreslhoukl noiv: fail to corrat'as 'facias possibfe ali'tlm1-f aboses tthat7inhero4 to- trieystett. That "the are abnsesgritfA'li grant no oho "flr enyT prooabir-- save one of the "red-legged" fellof who smell around. Wilmington Star. 1 j Mr.-J. 'A;t Stfrewalr;railferandt,: fkrmer of . iCabarrus writing I to f"' Vi-'- 7 "ii- ii ."? :'-tu if?.' s:l;r-4il A lamace (jlcaner in rcgam to the - . l.. .:: I"in. workings of the stock law in that ' county, says : Last fall; at the Mi blf W Poplar Tent, the stock' law jtownshipli showed the' best stock ever exhibited" itetl officers, who concealed oouo, a .er ox a mi.uer type i.mn n 6WflH the-( official m imP protected the inmates father Xicholas was or indeed than any of snbnitted to t,s Frencll goVe lies. In the Palace he was his predecessors on the throne have been, prjnce OrlotT, Russian ambas8 y to diplomatists, dignita- but he is too much ot a despot tor bis age. intended to a few drops has but intensified the appetite aud fired the blood for larger and more sat- O o J I rl liiO incflf ntintt t..l fl.A In f nnjl JnmK nv uiPiiviliir4l 111 cbil'l 'I'tlilLf il . T . l . i I 11 I The New Orleans Cow-Pea King, and the blind has 115 pupils in tho white '"e .egisiaiure, wc uaruiy see now. department. v 1 Governor Jar vis can relieve himself Tho exports of bides from Texas hi a of responsibility by allowing the amounted to nearly three mil- j matter to haiig in uncertainty. Tlie iivii uuiima. imnr. nna rr MAr-fir nrm tnp i .pcriamr.nrp We are requested to direct public at tention to tbe fact that? there exists in 'r.iv OrUans -i rnn'.lio.1 vlliff nmrMV-l1 of 1 8,11gl yea!" S eiommission merchants who have organ iked themselves into a club for thc pur- The State treasurer last week received I must do 'it. Dwliam Recorder. pvse of controliing the cow-pea trade on co,' iu om oonus ior exenange anu is sued eignteeu urunimcrs' licenses. 1 Rtiu TAh ., T.. Aavnn. Hon. Peter Cooper, the veteran philaiir der county (Miller's, i township) one thropist, completel his DOLh year I burs- jay bust week, a raarriae took place . I pa A Jiaitimore ianuiy is reported co nave j rr p-u raf!,.pv nnf1 MJss Rettio ..........4....... nl.M.l...... tl, ..l.ln.t I . . hut 18 venrs of arm. "" I,5U ""uoiipg par "f tl N is earnestly reminded by Grant organs, that he is pledg a second term, i The lemiuder Wineeessarv. Tbe teople are even .I m. ;.; ; l p" O J vf. several "Southeru States, with a view to securing control of thc general goycrn nicnt by deed of violence and fraud that in this emergency, mindful of thd: fact that the forthcoming contest must be de tided by tbe electoral vote of-their State tbe Republicans of Xew A'ork pledge to tbe Republicans of the other States f their ability to cast the vote of Xew Yorkfor. U. Si Grant. After expressing theirj con fidence in Grant and declaring 'that? the objection to a third term applies only to a third consecutive term, and not to the. re-election of a man Who is aud hasjbeen a private citin.cn, long absent from; the eon n try. . The resolutions declare? that Grant's re-election is urgently important, and instruct thc delegates to Chicago to use their most earnest and untiring efforts to secure his nomination. At the close of tho 'reading - thcrc was long and continued applause, miftgletl witli hisses. I ' Mr. Fester moved to amend by 6tiking out the references to a third term antl sub stituting the name of Blaine for that of Grant. ; ' f " I. . After considerable elrscussion, Mf. W. B. Wood in moved to strike out the mime of Grant and leave the delegation nnpfeelg ed Mr. Foster accepted Mr. Woodin's aniendment. - Mr. Coukling took the floor and j ad- dressed the convention at great length. The vote was then . taken on Foster's amendment, as amended, by Wooidin, which was defeated by 217 to 180. j The resolutions were then adopted. j A delegate moved thai- in case fJrant canuot be nominated at Chicag, that theii! own terms. Their 'mode of getting consignments ia by scattering broad cast over!' tho country circulars holding out great inducements to shippers -which are rarely, if ever fuliilled, their 'classifications being of such a nature, fur one thing, that ing bis daughter away from the mine of it is impossible for any peas to reach their dynamite, say it was one that could uef- standard, hut tins is not the worst com ' 1 ' . t T I j. 1 C iw. f.v..,r,.t.. - - . ' I Dlexion oi tne ring, in me summer oi ! W 1 The Vieuna Tov blatt relates that for V some davs oast tliie Czar has daily re- PC'U ceived a sealed letter containing a few I nev words nf menaee: and 'saving" that if be l count , - w a . .. , j . tlifl-imtchaniruhis svstem of onnression Co., Bhipped ieas upon wnicn tney ex- he would not live to celebrate the 25th an- pected to realize a gooetj prout, juugiug niversarv of his accession. The sheet was rom tne circular quotauous, oul up alwavs bordered with black. In court which they experience a heavy loss, o;r..l,. it xvna timwn ii th hhiek letter, while Messrs. Kenan & Forshco aud J. I All oflortR .liseover tlm ncrson who Metts & Co., have met with a similar ex The new Governor of Xew York sign- I ... . . ... I f.vt.mA1 Mia nninmnntr I . t I.... .1 .1 1 i.n....mn li-ittirt .r.l.l via.. I lirillilAi Lii. I.Lil.UiUlltt . ., .... i nor. 1 - CU 1113 UlOb lillUUlll luwui.uniuiumu Ibll ' Si Messrs. H. i Jiircueu oc son snip- , . . ' I .t j r : ? . I fpnm V(TvnH..Mnint J nrn .nra nl1 croiiiTi. the mafristrato and1 fri i i -l i' ii...... c I . . l . ji . i . . vm j. . i'v... ' ... j . v. - - , n acarioatioi peub u.e.e ioi w.uc.u. . . . :.. er received a cent, not even an ac- " 1 31 a cenai" l,ull,fc ""f . . ... I xi. -L'.i:.. t... :n I - ' .i i. i of m m Messrs W. v. (Jldham I Ml onu w wc ijuiw! m . n lriveii iiour. buu uii iiic iue ui the delegates be instructed to vote as a, unit for Blaine, i The motion was tabled.! Tbe clelegates to Chicago, presidential electors and members of I th 6 S tate cni mittee were then named by the delega tions from the various congressional b- tricts, after which the couvehtion ajouru- .-.'-: . t . i .: trr"? rf:i l-r ed ac ic. : ' : i i Xkw Yoiiic, Febrnary 2T. The Tribune conveyed it to the Emieror's room were uusucessful. Conventioii of 3Iexi.eans Vetera nsin NoriolkThe City Decorated. peiicjuce. In one instance a shipment was made w hen tbe quotations were $2.50 per bushel, and mice realized was GO cents - j A per bushtl. ! Tho ring is represented to be now sending out circulars to influence tbe trade result of overwork and unsatisfactory re t suit of some of his late experiments con nected with tbe electric light. Monroe Enquirer : The last bond and coupon of Union county's, railroad debt was paid by Sheriff Hasty,, during tf)e past week. Three thieves, Lewis Merritt, Hugh ties, and T. Af Hudson, Esq., per- The bride, the enrjs at the road, beneath the branches of the trees, the 'squire pronounced the bans. It is alleged that these surroundings were hot chosen" for the nuptials without caused the cause being, according , to report, that the groom is a moonshin er and was lying out from the raid in the State. ., We ,wilL be glad Jo , t have you visit our ; fair next fall and. v judge for yourself we wilt' feed yon on milk and butterjjbreapiuttoh r anol'not go,to thWwoos,t it. Aid1 'i-i I tari..i' , J ;.. ii t Mii A NlJWiiUSB.FOR.TilE'TELEPIIOllE. . Pierre rValconr; a FrenchmanT'ox Lwkiiorf,' YVcIdi vented a deep-sea telephone', by which vessels can be kept .in -constant com munication with" the shore while 'cross-1' ) ing the ocean. He has . discovereo! how, to insulate a single r wire so, tbai.t r immersion in water does i not. impair rn its transmission of electricity and this ?U wire is to be - laid out from a eigarf u shaped metal id float, thirty ! feeHong iuj tow. of the vesseL . Jeaden sinkeri are to be automatically detached era-1' ry two hundred miles to keqi the wire ,l on the ocean's bed, and if the in ven-'" tor's claims' are 1 realized, the ocean , will lose much of its present isolation.; , Scientific American . 1 .-.tUwil . - -,-n; The Augusta, Ga., Chronicle ' gives -'" a long description ofa new invention - iir- : .- i a magnetic motor by ,Jle v. Jas.' I S, Lamar, of that placc Helias ob-.i tained a patent.' We -copy fa part of '.'! what -he says "! ' ' ;: ;'f 'f 7 h ?This in vention'1 if fully successful.' , b! !1.4 fair not ohly1 tOTnjike5 tlie Jo'ven-,:,, tdr fatuous but to be procTuciive of itn- rneuse oeneiu 10 i,ne worm. A ne pos- t sioiiities pi us lieriection qazzie the , f iniagination. If it should prove to bo ! wnatine inventor nas reafion to pe Heve it Will, it is hardly toO'Aiuch o '4"' say'that it will revolutlohize locomo tive power m the world The idea vas first suggested to Mr, Lhmar abontr (V eight months ago, and ihe Initial ex?I perimenis proveu so saiiiactory mat ue procceueu io puc uiq.iuveoiion l , more perfect "shape. , The motive pong,,., er of the. magnetic motor is, . as. itf . j name '' implies, electricity tliegrei; element which is as yet in Us infanc, T4t so far 'as 'the knowledge of man is , . concerned. No 'cumbrous enirine or .' machine is required in putting the force in practical operation. Thenow- er ; which may run a railroatl train, turn the spindles of a lactory, ,or pro Jifit 1el an ocean steamship across the At , , dntic, 1 ies ' ''within,' a wheel, 7 yro ;, t prime constituents are used,' viz : per- 4 inanent and temporary magnets which, j act upon each other r and , produce thaf , required motion. .. . . a j A-1 a m a.ra p . I 1 at .t.lx.nt aa.-k aX tm mv n n M ill A Baldwin aud Wiley Yeates, of Orange er lfc ul wuom u.uS v..c county, have been jailed for tho theft ofa invited guests. Unit iY iti.tfnn. . . I : n t:. North State Prrss: A little stir was Xpukolk, Feb. 23The convent.on of of 18d, and the mlv.ee ormose wno . a, e - cretWd amonff our colored People last 1 I... .. ; .. ,..l. tui anitn IJ frt I IT Kit ill! UUl.V 'Ml I 4l 1 'V. i .111.1 11 I . O ..,. leaineil 0 Cl uciivuib nnun n-imi"- i" I - - - I , i, .. - to a ii. i ne ranacuv oi me iiaiter niiiu- wl-ck. uv one oi men numcn " " ' Mexicaireteraus met at the opera Jionse in this city this morning, with one bun- be paccd iu their quotations is to sell peas died and eighteen meiiiWs present. Af- only sample at your own doors for tbe ter -addresses of welcome from the local next twelve months, and thus break op this unlaw ful combination which operates associations the secretary of the national siasticiation read tho annual remnt. The treasurer's statement showed 5,01)5 en rolled members aud 134 badge m en. ; Af- ter'the adoption :of resolutions on organ ization and ix'solntions expressing sorrow at the death of Gen. Jeff. C. Davis, an election for general oftieers of the asso ciation was held aud resulted in tbe re flection of the nreseut incumbents. At- a'ainst tho planter and dealer alike. WiliHinijlon Star. ufacturer8 ia unparalleled and "unjust, j tricked, as they call.it. Her hands be Give us free trade in paper. Wihninyton gan t( swejj &he soon concluded that I MfUIC V U A.J B W SUV m. -" Wilmington Uermc : feome cvu o.s- L.enfc.0 work difftrinif U the nosed ncrsons went out near Una city a I . ' ..4 . , , i .1 1" v varu lor the articles producing mis few nights past, and dug up the bones of PJIU - r i fa.,.. , - .. ; , 1 , . : i ntinnv'jmee. and after a full dav s U'ork rii ia.rR air. jrouHei, m -vi" i j 1 .... UVU VJ K.t" 1 . . w w . 1 . , ,. ... . .. f, , ... i niuld-not live With ter which the convention uajourneu nuui r t. . , ... , . ... t.iiuv ne ieu iu ioei uik oiuk !. ALLEii;i) Bigamist Buoug.it Back. Constable. J. A. McLuro : having volun teered to go to Winston for the bigamist, it.aving tbe bones in tbe public road. 1 under her steps a small package of XcMauus, at his own risk, returned witn lim to this city yesterday morning. The man .confesses his guilt, aud asserts that his Orst wife and was reported valuables had been placed she was rewarded by finding buried The Charlotte Observer tells how a Uui- J snlphur and charcoal, which no doubt 4 p. m. ; The city was gaily , decorated with bunting iu' honor7 of Washington's birth d:ir and of Mexican veterans, and the streets were corwded with people assem bled to witness the military parade. The procession, composed of local military companies, cadets marine corps, Knights of Pythias and Mexican veterans, paiad- ed tbe streets under the direction of Geii. Getty, from Fortress Monroe, and presen ted a fino.appearaBce. . last. ' On being asked if she was aware of his former marriage he replied, "I dou't know that she was.'? He was com mitted to jail here to await trial. His first wife has returned to her home in South Carolina aud his j last remains in Winiton where she is at work. Char. Obserrer. 1 aecu Victoria, it is'reported, is cut to Wednesday, J, T. Endy, j !' Sales in both Warehouses have been goHV the past week. We noticed a num ber of wagons here from the other coun ties. ; At the ' Farmers' Warehouse last tbe heart by the radical talk in Canada, and hasj in conversation, more than once recalled tbe'patheti'c declaration of Queen Mary wlicn sie heard that Calais was cut lots, prices ranging from : $C50 to $25. i;-V; Endy, 8 lots; from! J25 to $370. A- Ai. Kylcs 4 oti from $4i25 to $12. D. R. Howard, 4 lots, from $7; to $35. Pied- 4 -ht ted States detective captured a nueiy dressed burglar w ho bad been robbing at Vi.'wtnn and other sectiou. The rascal called himself Pearson and had fine man tiers aud accomplishments A Surry county correspondent of the Raleigh Obserrer says the iron deposits near Tom's Creek, in said county, have been worked at intervals since 1795, and continuously since 1859 (by the .present in her mind, was the caue of the trouble The was spell at once removed , .- 1 . 1 r . il .1 1. ann nil is now nuiCL 111 max iieinii- borhood. IxCueased Membership. The increase in the membership and the extension of the order of Knights ,0 1 xxr ivi. .,.wi Honor in the State since it was intro nrnnrmrnra. J. Ij. Ol,, u. i . i v t still annears to le Idnexaustible. Tho jduccd a few years ago has been qnite iron is pronounced A thy Professor Gentb. marked. There are at present th?rty of Philabclphia. ; . : f r ; gjx Jotlges, an increase of twelve since Messrs. R. A. and J.1 W. . DoHrd, tj,c last meeting of the Graud Lodge, who have been publishing tlie i'trrmerl "et' .11. ia 1.255. an J,UA UfaJumie for the past rear under r . ; . ; t. iWiTe-Z .I,. recent- inCTMSP Ot .440 Since lue; ia. meeuug Wv1 - tin. .nn iwffi xt tire.; &C m ine unueu ouira we hkd the pleasure of a" call from lodges of this order, with a member 1M Tr'r-' A. Wonderful Clock. .-j if The most astonishing thing in the way,! of a time pieee is a clock described by a . Hindoo rajah as belonging to., ft hativ,,;, prince t of Upper India, and JeoJLooslj : . i T:"l ..il . J?-! -V guarueu. as uie rarest ireasuro 01 ins lux urious palace. In front of thc clock's disk was a gong swung upon poles, and near it was a pile of artificial human limbs. . -The pile was made up of the fall -number of parts for twelve perfect bodies out all lay heaped together in seeming confusion. Whenever tbe bauds of tha clock indicated tlie hour of 1, out from tha pile. craw-Jed jnst the number ' of parts -- " neeueo 10 lorni f inc iranie .vi one manv part joining itself to part with quick ,a mctalic click ; and, when completed, the (IimrA tnranir nn. &pi7o1 n. -unif: walked opto the gong, struck "one blowj that sent, the sound pealing through ev- ,. , cry room and corridor of that stately ' castle. 1 ins done he .returned 10 tne pu t " . aud fell to pieces again, Whea 2 o'clock- '".' came, two men rose and did likewise. and so through all thc hours of the day. . ." the number of figures being the same ai the number of the hour, till atnoouandj '. ' -midnight, tbe eutire heap sprang up andj. marching to the gong, struck, one afte another, each his blow, making twelve 1st all ; and then fell to pieces. , u ! LM., Old Toin Purdic, Sir Walter Beotts fa vorite attendant, once- said s Them am fine novels ; of yours, Sir Walter j theV I are just invaluable to" me.'i, ifl am glad to near ir, 40111, : rtturneu , tuf uoveuii , t . a ,: '" 4 " ' -It I lcs, sir,", saw v ,vm -"ior.wnen t nave- . . , - . 1 i ' . 1 - been put au oay naru wwk, and come .: . home tii-ed, and Uike up one of your poir!. i , its, I'm asleep directly - ' j congratulates Mho, Republicans of X eVi off from her kingdom. monl Press. i

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