Carolina Watchman. THURSDAY, MARCH 4,1830. ' Ily vote iu the House on the 2d iust., it U indicated that the present session of Cuucivm will not undertake a revision of I he tariff ? - - TLe Boll Punch law of Virginia has iHeea repealed With the general approba tion of the people. It failed o answer the purpose intended. - , Mr. E. J.IIaleiu aj letter to "Hale's Weekly says, Dr. Phillips, whom he visit tl at the Tresbyterian Hospital,'1 iii that city, is improving in health. Westkrx.X. C. K. K. We conclude tke publication inlhis paper of all we Aesixned to say on this subject. The de vision of the General Assembly next 1a order. - Al well-to-do former in Newberry coun ty r S. C, under some momentary aberra tion of mind, as It is supposed, cut the throat of his brother, then of his wife, und hist,; his own. N t . ,-,:t The parties concerned in thejnj unction ease appoiuted to be decided at Newton, last week, met there and4the case up j but irinir to a disturbance between the law i ears the trial of the cause failed, and uaa continued to the next term of Mc Uowell Court, . " Mr. Bayard's Dover speech, in 186if in . - .1 which be took ground against the war on I the Southern btates ana aenouueeu tne N4rtlern army as "aliireliugarmy," will probably settle the question oi his cauui- j dacy for I'residcntIt was anexcellent speecu uo goou u mase uiiu a popuiui CiinUiaate. The newspapers of Ttril. .J wl 1 KKd,M!ti,1n, burglaries titan the i f . - rus in the otatc. tvuunuuiuir wiu Charlotte report more iinanra nf nil it.b(r tnwii a Theueoes break into and rob each oth- S hn. Rnt f..r th. m Kn, ., .... , ' i t iUmt ti ri,.r, , ,i(.,rml 1.a nnnrnr. or, in these two towns than auy where else. ' i The Supreme Court of the United States hasat last rendered a decision which settles the vexed question of the right of a reye- J tliA Iawk nf t!i Stti wliiln in th 1ilisriTB of his official duties, to remove hhTcase fronUhe State to a Federal CourtTbr trial, The Court decides the question in favor of the rcveuuo officer who petitious for such removal of his case, Pennsylvania, New York and Illinois Republicans have declared in favor of f their candidate 'for President. We suppose thequestion is therefore set-1 tied that , the third-termor will be the inau for tho. Republican party. Do they i propose if he is elected, to re-establish the I era of thievery, corruption and high-J handed oppression which prevailed during I his former adininistration J To what a deplorable depth have we fallen if the ( American peoplo have so far departed from political virtue as to be willinc tot confer on such a man as Grant higher honors than. wore ever bestowed on an v citizen since the foundation of the Re-1 mf I public. t --.- Prtl Tnmiia T? nnn. . 1 ! I ".i'W8! uicu resi- dncepf his daughter, Mrs. Chalmers, Glenn, iinSnam couniy,on tne th t ebruary, llltimn ' IU U'Do In Ma Cfif I. nn . -. I i . t. 3 ' a. lirfitl hannii mon .1 -.. .. f t.!. I w vmo uivui uis 1 8 We" rcmewbercd byh oMcr lUWnirt nf lfkAn am n 1 a. I v -pi.nwuS lawyer as I ho Rnwin Pnnrt. 9; nr ?.n v. ... t- 1w. I 1 i 1 i i - ' n A ; i .. .1 J Rmu, 4h ril' I ; ir "t r tv Z . ' o , TiAU M i ' V ' . T '"""'VMS88 of XortU Carolina approving w-v., Oorrel, Nathaniel Boyden, and Pthera, 3f r. r..-4 . . - m -t , i ' ,.7 i 7. 1. Lii .! , roim, U't. ,. . .. - nZ w ocsieem ' : o I V 1 iHl nim U ?D T lur hlR nmniml mnrifa W I tt-i- trr,, , .. - rwlV ' neauy iqt lOHOWinff ftketelL nart of it writfen KT.-i. psl church! and as & delefmtn thJ'v TLf- r-w1 n l. . . . I ropal Convention tint elected him, votedl !"f , "p Ratenscroft. During Lis life he I iQtorof tUan, n Vr u "os V.ftS CTolton diatrict: for tiltA Ar rnnn i Clerk of tje Legislature: and also for nianvJ yean Clerk of the Supreme Court in Mor- JUw on the 24th May, . w liKeauofo jo eight years, -After he was I dected Solicitor ha removed to Lincolnton, rY.,,uui wur years, tie was sucl k KjieiL, Tu Z" . ' ' ones, . ; . uv.i,. v LUUiuiLALinn rl?W na ,rm- o"c msnased at home, im! I lalitrorl n;...f 1 j.. . .! lUleih and nt M J I V " were alwavs hannv eare nrfrnKi. t-ntcrod our door, and these years were far W - W UUIIlIj IIITIEl ..ftTf., 1 Alter inany years f wv old fSendtuffin when: I handed to m v old friend Ji. n.! sour fiou.uo, which was the last debt 1 IwinffV' JJ WM I)aid aQdit is still trt- ?. j Geueral Vance, of North Carolina has ' Introduced a bill iu the House to amend mo .internal revenue laws and nrrvfi.t ahiiRM ly Unite! States Courts in nun- iHiniig uncit distillers, Tlie bill provides a i u. ,W I!? for iho.piBtrtet Judge Khali !aVe powc ,uu,s" ""-"isuisurMsioil bvfinenrlirtrra piitnent, or loth ; that lio sintrle viol.lHn im Hio iw Hiiau oe an indictable pffi "en wie aceuseu is guill prated oU'euces ; that no inarstial . pty tshall have iuwer rn bHmrti.. ' P J Pther United State:Con! piissionpr than the one in thp touhty U lit ItVX lift AlIMIIilA UTa O fipHrted by the affidavit of a creditable Kituess. statina that Im L.,ira i. . ...... I .1 mn . . ' ,IU" r'M WilVW tllilL IIWI Uttm I.-,-... lated. -J"" C ; LIGHT TUliNED ON. Gov. : Jfarvla Manifesto to the People. 'l - 'vU-, . ! - ' - Th Proposal to W the Western Forth Carolina Ibtilroad Considered, and What Vie Governor Thinks of It. " To the People of North Carolinai I have to-day exercised the very re sponsible power rented in me by the Con stitution and Laws of North Carolina, in convening the General Assembly in ex tra session. "' The purpose for which 'the extra session is called is to consider a proposition ; made' by W. J. Best, J.N. Tappan W; Ri Grace and J. D. Fish for the purchase of the State's interest in, and thejtpeedy completion of the West ern North Caroli na Railroad. That road; as will be seen by -a! glance at the map, begins at ' Salisbury and rnns west to Asheville, a distance of 143 miles, to which point it is noV practically finish ed. At Asheville the road forks, one branch running off to the Northwest with the French Broad River to a place called Paint Rock, very close to the Tennessee line, and distant from Asheville 45 miles. The other, or main line, the oue commonly known as the Dacktown line, rnns from Asheville southwesterly for 135 miles through the counties of Buncombe, Hay wood, Jackson, Macon, Swain, Graham and Cherokee to Morphy, the county scat ociieroicee, uie exjrenic western counry in' the State. Beyond the North Carolina) . - ; i I line, and some eighteen or twenty miles fr0UJ Murphy, in the direct line to Chat- w : , , tanooga, the great railroad centre of the south and West, is Ducktown. It will be .therefore, that 'of this road which private individuals proiwse to buy -and complete, there aroj iiow 148 miles com-1 pieteil and miles nucompleteU. It wus not proper to do so in my pro- . .1.. :.... 1..,. T .1....... i n t-ct.i f I CiiillliltlOII, UUIl X UL t 111 1 Ui IU lUJObll I now and to yon, that I should detail to '.... . . you my connection 1 with the proposition - . - ..t.s, , ....... I for tlie of V the propo hon lluti Ul character and stand iuc of the parties making it and my reas- Ollfor my COUrSO. My connection with; tho matter in brief, is as follows : On the eighth day of January last, Mr. W. J. Best, of the city of New York, came to lialeigh and submitted to the board of directors of the Western North Carolina Riiilroad. then in session, a proposition to nurcliase the State's! interest iu said road, and to complete the! same. I was not prescut at any f tlie sessions of the board, but was informed by a copy of a resolution sent to nie immediately after their adjournment thai they had declined I to entertain the propostion. On Saturday eveuiug, Jauuary the 10th, Mr. Best sub- mitted to me for myi consideration, in the presence of the State treasurer and Sec- j retary of State, a proposition of the same I general imiort as the one previously sub-1 mitted to the board of directors, vbut differing , from the former, as he I stated, in that he then proposed to give the State $450,000 of the first mortgage bouds of tire new corporation, iustead of tlie $850, (XX) of stock offered to the board of directors. I stated to him that the 3450.000 would not: cover the exneudi- tures made by tjie State on the road since lit purchase, aud suircested several other w. VO : " I chanires. all of which t recrarded to the I ladrautage of the S tote. The proposition, I with rhfRA riinnos itiftbrtnii u-no ni.nrrif. I -- Q ......., ...m. tv nill- ten and. toiyother with Mr. iwt'a lfti.r placed on file ln the executive office. Be- hjeving the matter to be of such impor- I tance as to require my immediate, patient ! 1 and i!irnA.t nroahmifinn 1 at nnnn ol I dressed myself to its consideration. S -s ' , I At the same time that tho nr,n!Hnn -- - ----- y- - '-" l wii a firnl UT t Tine t.lniuul wiil. ..1.. I .v., vs.. 4tMvt niw uin uiau v Otters from the Senators and members of in general terms hini hnVir. f tl, i:iM i1ii m( Tinnlii..r ff..M? T ...i. ir 1 a. I wj v uitoif i muw iura uest it i I wrote Mr. Best a "letter, s;ying that the amount of first mortgage bonds must bo $550,000, and Uagcestiuircertainotherimoortjintanieud - . . - . - .1 I iiuivuwj, iwjmuj; uiftjucMur protecuon.oi I f . lnAl.nM I,. . a. t. . s.. . U , . . . Wou a inusr au ucner guarratees ITiir tlin nnrfoin ,,.;.x.. t .1. 1 I V-v411 WIHUJJ Ul tllU IIMU. To lettc Mr. Bestrepliedoa the 19th dajr of Jauary, asseutiug to all the pro- posed changes except one. On the 20th of January he retnrned to Mie city of iwieign, and on Uie next day in the presence of Dr, Jl M.Worth, State Treaa- orer, Col, Wm. L. Saunders, Seci-etary of tt. W.j f vr?- , vm uuaru ot uireciors, aud c M Cooke, Esq of the board of iu- ternai TmprovemeqtS, he went over his whole proposition with me. Several ad- I .... .. . .. left thecitv to visit !th lin nf !. rail, "d a"d while at Salisbury had a cor- . " I fected copy of tlie proposition sent to me 1 - t" I I n,ail- As our members of Congress hiul written tome id general terms ap- thought it but 1 myself, , that before taking any de- cisiye action I should! submit to them tho i .... . . piupuiu)ii us aipenueu, and to take their PinioD as to wliethei it was such an one 10 autho,ize me;tb call a special ses- CiUU MI 11,0 gisiaiuFO lor its considera tion 14 Lwa fur tIli8 purpose and no oth 1 er "at Mnt to Washington, lietore leaving Raleigh I carefully re- changes that could bo made therein to Wna Itailroad, at Morganton, to tut Mr, back frtm AaheyiRe, and requested ti - me at Greensboro. ton. .'rliiiv :nti.f .J A-1t , They mettueas requested; and on the way I called. Mr, Best's attention to the I tl mam limn fo T -f ' r-. - uos reu, yuo oi uiose ldinent.: reqirp4 .iiui to-commence nure, phe further ; advaqtago of the State, 1 caused a thousand copies of the proposi- for the support of convicts about $45,000 ty of re- thereupon at;oncptelegrhed Maj, Wilson, h00 to Pnnted and tent on-ono to Juiakingin all $174,500. To collect tliis ?f?5 the Jreideqt ftf the Westoru North Caro- eam member of the General Assembly, mbner and place it in the treasury the paying interest ou tue 30ou,uwjursc mori-f j gage bonds on the day that; the j General I Assembly shall adopt his offer, Instead of on the first day of May, as, set j forth in his proposition. If the contract-should I be agreed upon the middle of March this amendment would make aodiffereuce I of over $7,000 in favor of the. State. The other change required mi' addition.! guarantee for the completion of the main I line to Ducktown. After some hesitation Mr. Best yielded his assent" to these! j changes. ; t i J I arrived In Washington or Thursday,' j and on- that night the North 1 Carolina in the contract and all the i other coudi delegation in Congress, accompanied by tions therein stipulated are faithfully Gen. James Madison Leach and Col. F.i performed! the deed is to be delivered to EL Shober (one of the board of directors)- had a consultation with me at the Metro- politan Hotel, at which Mir. Best audi President Wilson were present, j The pro-; position was read over and discussed, and two changes were suggested making thereto, and the State re-outers at ouce more explicit a portion that some of the into the : possession, control and owner delegation thought indefinite.' jThe con- ship of the entire property. H ference ended at a late hour, with the un- j derstanding that I was to have these United States Trust Company, the pur changes properly made and inserted, and chasers are to enter into a contract bind- that another session would be held on the next night. I was engaged during the greater part of the next day (Friday) in drawing out with great care these pro-1 i i . ' . poseu cuanges anu in transposing some oi the sections so as to make the proposition as explicit as possible. i i On Friday night these gentlemen again met me in conference, read over, tho pro- ' . I position carefully, and addressed me let- ters approving it and recommending the - w o couveumg of the Legislature in extra session to pass upon it. I Before I left Washington,!! had re- quested Maj. Wilson to call together the board of directors of the W. N. C. Rail- roau co meet in me city oi ltaieigu ou the tutu ot t euruary, and l uad called a j montiniT f tli fil nf intm-nxl imiti-ni'n. I mvvm.,, " w.. v..u v.. u 1UI III J J 1 ments at the same time and place, n , ! , , On the assembling of tho board of di nt: . . , . . .i. . . I rectors, all being present except Col, Shober, 1 submitted to them for their consideration the proposition a&.now per- fected. On the next day I wasiinformed by a letter from the secretory of the board that six of its members were op- posed to calling an extra session of the Legislature to consider and pass upon the proposition, and that fire members ! favored such a call. r On the same after noon I submitted tho proposition to the board of internal improvements, which body was equally divided upon the sub ject. Among those on both boards op posing me asseinonng ot ino legislature a wme of the best men of the State, for whose opinions upon that or any other ubject I have the very highest regard, Iny daty was to me so plain that I could not let this vital matter rest there, n tae 12th day of t ebruary I addressed a communication to l)r. J. Al. orth, the Statc treasurer, giving him the names of a tue gentlemen who were parties to the proposition (which names Mr. Best had furnished me), and requested him to go 10 ew York at once to investigate their nuancialand moral standing, and to re- Port same to me by letter at as early a y as possible. At ur. worth's re- qnest I telegraphed to the Hon. Jos. J. Davis to accompany him to New York ad assist him in the iuvestications. I I also requested Col. W. E. Anderson, prcsi- dent of the Citizens' National Bank of this Place, to make similar lnnuriea tor nit. I . ' L 7 I I......... ... . I which lie did throuirh his correspondents I of New York. Dr. Worth reports that he is perfect- I. ......... . IJ aatisned that Mr. Uest and his associ- . ates I Wr. li. Ixface. J. N. Tannnn fine I .1. D. Fish, possess the financial ability to I fulfill the coutract submitted to vou bv , . . .? . . tliem find tllir norfioiinP liinin.ter nml staudiug is such as to give positive as- L . " snrauce-that they honestly intend to car- rv out any contract the v ma v enter into" Tr Tli'ia rannrta lliof Macura Tni.w.n iuvoowj. vuiuvD V- -t W. K. ii race and JfN. Tappan "are gentlemen of large means and all of them gentlemen of high character, lAnmninnilini fli. fi . I . ni 1... .. .. ...!.... wuuuwvg w uusiuvea n ' - I . ....v .uu I Till. AnflAnmn rpnnrta tlrnt tliri cnnrinc Urom wbich he derived his "information aro aried and of the very highest re- spectability in New York City, and they a aSee tafc these aro men who would not intemiouauy enier upon any uuder- "iking which would in vole their good 1-) names, or which they might not be able m u a i Hl u..vv muwiwcu mo jnu- position, my letter books, aud the report maae to vao by the gentlemen above named, to the Council of State, and asked l.r t ' . .1 . . ' y. xueir auvjee as to wiiemer tne ueneral Assembly ought to be convened in extra session. I am informed bv the i Council I ' " " X. of otato that they aro unanimous in ad- I vising an extra session of the General 1-1 Assembly to cousider tho proposition for parcluise of the ruilroad, aud in ac- corOance with this advice I have issued. 1 have exercised all the intelligence, an1 c"5 1 possess, in conducting the ue- g""u, auu m mrowuig an possime 1 i .i u , safeguards arouud the int State. I felt obliged, in j iterests ot the justice to the t . parties contemplating the purchase, while Sven to it. For this purpose; I have ueritT, register of deeds and clerk of tlie Superior Court, and to very , newspaper . .. n. ... i I the State. Any information that 1 I have on this important subject ;wiir be I freely given to any citizen of North Caro !ina, WUJ h1" i u aud myt letter- I vwo o VliLU lur 1IIPWUU1I The proiiositinn of Mr. lSfclnn.l l.l. Jasocktc.a iierfoctcd; briefly, stated, is this : The State, through it$; proper com- luissioners, is to make a deed, without any wairanty of title, to Mr. Best and his associates! for tlie State's; interest in the V esterulNorth Carolina Railroad. This deed is not to be delivered to the pur chasers until the railroad; Is completed both to Duck town and to Paint Rock, nor until alt the stipulations of their con- tract are performed j but until then it is held m trust by the United; i States Trust Company, of New York, upon the follow - mg conditions : ji If the road is completed as agreed upon the purchasers j but if they fail in any one the grant becomes void,! the property reverts tp the State, the United States Trust Company is to re-deliver io the State, the deed and all papers pertaining Before the delivery of this deed to the lug themselves, their executors, admin- istrators and assigns, to build the branch railroad to Paint Rock by July 1st, 1831, the Ducktown line as far as; pigeon river . t . . i . . oy ute same time, anu to complete tno Ducktown line by January 1st, 1885. From the day the act authorizing the sale is ratified, the purchasers are to nav all . - " the interest on the $850,000 mortgage bonds which the State is now navinsr. and are in due time to take up and cancel the said bonds. The purchasers are to have tho right to mortgage any mile of the said West ern North Carolina Railroad that has been completed and is in operation, to the extent of SlOOU per mile, but tlie affirrecate amount ot these mortcaee 1 J J 1...,.!-, tnnl,.,l. (In iairt nlA UUUUS Dimil 1UIIUUU lilt; G!VJJ-jyjJ iivitui- . . ..... .... . fore issued, until tuese later, bonds snail bo cancelled. Of these bonds issued by the purchasers they are to deliver to tho Stato treasury $550,000 to rc-itnburse the State for its expenditures made since the purchase of tho road in 1875L The niort- gage to be made by the purchasers is to contain a condition that it cannot 'be foreclosed until the railroad is completed both to Paint Rock and to ; Murphy, in Cherokee county, aud this condition is to be explicitly stated in tho body of all the mortgage bonds, ' that no defalcation in the payment of .intereat or anything else can work a sale of the railroad until it is completed. If the parties shall fail in their contract, ; the remedy is twotold. t irst, the State has the legal right and the abili to enforce its performance, i But if from any cause it shall becomo impracticable or inexpedient to enforce it.s performance, the railroad agaiu becomes the property of the State, which takes that part from Salisbury to Paint Rock with all the rolling-stock and equipment free and dis- charged of all mortgage, lcin or encum bcrauce of any aud every kind, iu favor of the purchasers or any other person or corporation except the $850,000 now on it and tlie actual expenditures made by tho purchasers in the construction, repair and equipment ot tho said road, not to ex cced iu the aggregate 5 350,000. B ut this jeiu or iudebteduess shall not be due or iu any way collectable until the com- plctiou of the Ducktown line to Mur : - - . phy . c a..,i,.U.1,A.mAn.. nn..i,.. 1 111 kl nildlOUVIVI IllUUtl UIG I Ml 1 11 1.3 J l r d.uii I.. .,t,aa ti,.n,i- will absolutely forfeited unless the road shalL be completed both to Murphy I lr aad to Paint Rock. If, therefore, the pur- I ' l I 1.., o...c. l.nlll tl.A P.iini- l?nl- lir.mud n,,A SU)p there, the State will take possession f tl, miim-iA. v1.Mi U rn..hilr I " " : ln .nn.ll. ) ivm IVUl TJ. ... i tiuuucu LU uxs n ui in -i,w,vfV7Vfi. i uu vii- iy encumbrance upon it will be tiic $350,- (XX) which is now a lieu upon it, and which will be due in IBiXJ, and the amount I 1 i l . 1 ajtii rui cxncnucu not IO DilCUU fTOUU.lWU WHICH latter amount will not bo dae until tho Ducktown line is completed to Murphy ; hind if the road shall never be!eomnleted I" 1 I . . . i .1 " ... , 1 to AiurpiiF, tnis amouuc win never uo 4 . .. .. , .. . due. it win uc seen, inereiore, mac uu I V. . i. 1. 1 t.. )i;j8 1 1 U I VIIVrUi 9 UUIIU IHU 1 UiUI IU Ducktown, the Stato will get'a completed road, said to bo worth $3,000,000 cash, for 850,000 I The proposition also contains a provis- ion that the said purchasers, in the mat I Ui iiiiiiaiui union, on.iii nun uioiiiuu- nate arrainst anv North Carolina city or town, or agamst any one rsonii uaroin.a city or wwu ovui auuinci . ouuc m to hire to the purchasers not mve them U-five hundred convicts, fur which they are to pay to the Statc $125 each per .11 . ... vear. amount ni? hi the asrsresato to SbX'.- rMi nnnuall v for five veais. or 312.500 in I ; O C7n - u ... j The reasons that have influenced me to convene the General Assembly in extra 1- : session, arc : IK,. Tho Western North Caroliua Railroad belongs to tho people of North present condition bv your money. It is slowly progressing towards completion by tho aid you give it, aud surely have . .. . . . . . tlio iirht to sav whether you will sell it I : CT W tb thoso who will complete ; it, or will continue to be taxed for its construction. Second. Under existing laves j the ap propriations for tho building of tho road, to paid in cash out of tho State! treasury annually, are: For interest on the first mortgage bonds, $50,560; fori the pur chase of iron and material, $70,000; and gherifts get 5 per amounting to $8,725, ; ' 7 cent; commission which ; added to 1 ft 174.500. the amount collected, makes $000 in money collected oiit of your property every year. . Third. The taxable property of tho State is S157.9G7.431. To raise $tS3,000, therefore, out of this property require s a tax of 12 cents on every $100 worth of property." It is a simple matter of calcu lation for each tax payer to know the ex act sum to pay annually and will contin ue to pay if you decline to sell the road and decide to go ou with tlie work' your selves. "'! ' '( i" " , u Fourth The price to be paid for the convicts, that is to say $G2.500 a year or 8125.00 a head payable quarterly in cash will entirely relieve you of the burden of the maintenance of 500 convicts r Fifth. I think you have a right to the opportunity of saying through the Legis lature whetlieryou will relieve yourselves entirely of this burden, or whether you will use the money to hasten the completion of the Western Insane Asylum atMorgan ton, so that those of ourfellow Wings whom God has bereft of reason may be provid ed for with ! decent comforts instead of languishing in our common jails. ' Sixth. You have a right to say wheth er you will continue in force the existing laws or use the money appropriated to this pnrposo for fostering the public schools and the education of your chil dren, in which so much has been left un done by North Carolina. beventh. lou have a right to say whether or not this property ' shall pass from your hands into those of private capitalists - who will speedily complete both lines of this important railway without further burden to you. j jIjmu. lou have a right to say whether you aro williug that these capi talists shall invest $4,000,000 of their own money iudevelopiug in the near fu tmc one of the grandest and most impor tant sections of our State, a section that bids fair to be the great mining camp of theUn ion, aud whether this investment shall be followed by others almost equally impor taut. j Hinth. It is for you to say Whether capitalists who have been urged by ap peals, constantly and earnestly made to come and invest iheir money amongst you, shall be permitted to do so. I Tenth. Itisfor 'you to say whether your fellow-citizens of tho west are agaiu to be disappointed. For nearly a half ceutury they have appealed to you for lelp. For a quaiter of a-century you lave responded to their appeals with al the means iu your possession. During that time, after expending millions, you mve been able, of the three hundred aud forty miles of railway which you project nearly thirty years ago, to complete only one hundred and forty, and the track up on the part completed is almost worn out. You have in your political conventions often pledged yourselves to complete the other two hundred miles, and appropriate legislation has been participated iu bv both parties to redeem this pledge. Pri vate capitalists now oner to relieve you of this obligation. Whatever may be the speculation on tho subject, who can say when another ofl'er will be made f You are entiled to have au opportunity to ac cept this oiler or to decide ' to run the risk of another. Eleventh. You have a right to say that you will keep your laith. tvery plan yet suggested for tho Stato to go ou with the work without further taxation looks to the abandonment of tho maiu Duck town line, and the completion of the branch to Faint Rock alone. Before your plighted faith is broken, you are entitled to the opportunity of accepting, if you desire, a proposition that vill enable you to keep that faith, and to strengthen rath er than losen the bouds ' that bind the mountains to the plains. Twelfth This is tho first offer you have had for the purchase of the road aud for its completion by private means. It may or -may not bo your last. But if I knew absolately that oue equally advantageous would be made to tho general Assembly at its regular session next year, I would still deem it my duty to place it in your power to act now. Tho extra session, I find upon investigation, will cost you about $13,0(X), detailed as follows: 170 members at $4 per diem .......$ 030 4 35 1G C 2 presiding officers, $2 per diem ad ditional ... 7 clerks at $5 per diem . i . : 4 door-keepers at '$4. per diem..... 4 servants at $1.50 per diem........ 5 pages at $1 per diem i.. I'niiting, fuel, lights and Rtatiouery estimated at $20 per diem (am - Pie) 29 Total per diem 775 It is thought that ten days will be am ply sufficient for tho Legislature to pass upon this question. Then, ten days at $775 per dieiu, will aggregate, without mileage $ 7,750.00 To which add mileage, taken from the Auditor's book.. ,5,637.75 Total $13,337.75 This is less than one cent on the $100 worth of property. To wait until next January means that the sheriff shall col lect of you lor tue railroad this year $175,000 ; that is to say twelve cents on the $100 worth of property, the appro priations for the road being that nmouut. To act now, rather than a year from now, will cost $13,000, and save $175,000. In other words, it will cost one cent on the $100 worth of property, and save twelve eents.. Now I think you have a right to say whether yon desire to have that elev en, cents collected this year or what you will have done with it if collected. Of the million and a quarter of people in your State I am only one, on account of tho position in which you have placed me, who can give you power to answer these questions and exercise these rights for yourselves through your representa tives, aud to say what you i will have done with this property aud the money you are annually contributing to build it. After mature deliberation, jl have deter mined, whether wisely or unwisely the the future will demonstrate, to give yon this opportunity. Tho way is now open to you, aud it is fur jou to say what shall bo done. llespectfully, j , v ' , Tiios. J. Jauvjs. Excctttitvc Office, Ihileigh, Feb. 23, J 830, NEW -ADVEHTISEMENTS. E.P.B' House and Sign Painter, T GraiBinjr. Glaziis, ' " Kalsoiiii,; k Satisfaction guarrauteed or no charges made. Orders from thej:ountry prompt ly attended to. l&'Am ChurCh & CO'S. Fine Bakixg Soda, Put up iu neat packages, for sale at j. 11. jftcttLiX's. GEN. MORGAN'S Horse and Cattle Powders ; The largest Packages and nmallest dose of any Powder made, and warranted to do all that it claims. Manufactured at -' ' - 18:tf . BAEKER S Drug Store. MERONEY & BRO. Have their well known establishment In full and regular work again, and respectfully so licit orders, lhey have in their employ Air. J. A. GILL, one of the best Machinists in thecounto', with. a full force of tried work men. Are prepared to do all kinds of repairs on Engines and other Machinery, at Bhort notice. Their foundery is in full operation for casting in Iron or Bras. Their Machine Shop ia turning out SohIi. Blind. Doors, Moul ding, &c., and everything called for in that line. Persons wanting anything in these sev eral branches, would do well to call and see them. They are still manufacturing the cele brated Meroney Plow. FOR SALEBARGAINS! One second hand 12-horse portable Steam Engine, as good as new. - Also, a 25-horse power Engine, now in daily use. will be for sale in a month or two. Call and see them. Feb. IU, 1880. 18:3ra O. V. V. Our Vegetable Vermifuge. The great est known remedy for expelling worms. Safest, surest and most reliable. Manufactured at lS:lf BAKKKU'S Drugstore. To Country and TOWN MERCHANTS & DEUGGISTS NEW YORK COST, BY THE DOZEN : Laudanum, I'aragoric, Ess. Cinnamon, Es. Lemon, l-s. 1'epperiuiiil, Bate inaii's Drops, Godfrey's Cordial, Castor Oil, Sweet Oil, Cattle and Horse Powders. Gall and sec and save freight and other ex penses at ENNISS Enniss' Hog Cholera Cure; A certain and Safe Remedy. Try it. At Enniss Drug Store. Enniss' Chicken Cholera Cure and Preventative ; an Infallible remedy, at Lixxss' Drug Store. 18:tf O.Q.C. Onr Quick Cure. As thousands can testify. Nothing has loen equal to it for tlie cure of colic, cramps aud diarluea &c. in their worst forms. Manufactured at. 18:tf BARKER'S Drug Store. At Eictaonu Prices! CLOVER, ORCHARD, and All other Grass Seeds, at Richmond Prices, (freight included). Cull and see at ENNISS'. 17;tf FAEMEBS PLANT'RS "Would save money by being careful enough to buy only THE BEST BRANDS OF ACID PHOSPHATES, (Dissolved Bones), and other Materials FOR COMPOSTING. PRICES: $8 to $10 for making One Ton j or 100 lbs. Cotton, payable Nov. 1st. rx i i i As there arc a great many Spurious and Inferior brands ottered you at low figures. which are shipped under the name of "Chemicals," to avoid taxation and analy sis, I repeat, you should be Very Careful anu save your money by getting such goods as are legally authorized to bo sold in tho State, and have been analyzed aud stamped. IsT Don't forget also that I continuo to keep tlie old established and reliable "NAVASSA" and "PACIFIC" GUANOES, And COTTON MIXTURE, which I have been Helling for the last 12 years with perfect satisfaction. You have onlv to ask thote who .... Have tried them. Do nol waste time, money and trouble by experimenting wiih the nianv ne and untried brands now going to be offered Vou. You will do well to commit the undersigned (who for the last! 4 years ha made this a spe cial business) before urchasinc. J. ALLEN BROWN. P. S Mr. J A. Cook, w my authorized Agent at China Grove, and will sell at Salis bury price. 15:tapl0 O.C.S. Oar Cough Syrnp. The most palata ble, soothing and efficacious remedy ever placed before the public for that mott dreaded of diseases, coughs, colds, &c, manufactured at BARKER'S I3:tf Drug Stoic. ROM Foiflery t MaotoB TO LAMDI& MINERAL Farming or Mineral t.Il1, i ? - r : alon2 ti.k of the Xorth Carollna Kaitroad. froJ n e cora io vji reeuuon, aiui wi8 t di.ZJ of tno same, win do well to call n PJI l : . tt ... . t . ! . : UNO. 11. JNISS, Apt HOV.TO SAVEloiiEYj Anrl nn will not onlv rat TtinA- i . the Best Goods made. You will find iB ! Well Selected Stock of Hardware. vL? - j w uiuur w . nn . Threshers, and Sewing machines, Straw-Cutters 4 Corn-Slrellerg, Grain Cradles, Grain i and Grass fnl, r Plows, Hoes, Mattocks; and Picks, Shob, Spades and Forks, Glass, Paihta, Oily PmtT' and Varnish, Locks, 'Hinges nnd Screw,' DisxlerCi Cro-Cut, Hand and-Mill Saws Blacksmith & Carpenter HOUSE AXD MULE SHOES 1: i Tin and Hollow Ware, Patent Oil Cah.J Patent Fly-Fans and Traps, i ,1 BUGGIES, OPEN AND WITH TOPS, 1 Buggy-Harness, Harness Leather and ; Mountings, Wagon and Buggy Materials, S and many other articles too tedious 1o I mention. i " ii ; M At Heilig's old stand, main street -SALISBURY, N. C. ' - S0:ly .! L33r S. CTSBAIT, ATTORXEYl jlT L.iW SALISBURY, IV. C., Practices in the State and Federal Conrts. 12:6m NORTH CAROLINA, y A. A. Weaver and Susan 1 -. Weaver, adm'rs of Christian ! Evajis, dee'd, Vlatjf, Petition to j Ayhiutt Kplir iim Dislier, Siirah Di- Sell Land fur lier, Elizabeth Evans, Mary J- , Di.-lier, Jno rulrz, Louana AerteU. i Fullz, Dan'l Evaiis.Luriflda Kvan.s ainl Michael Evans. lleirs-at-Law, DtfendTls.) ! It appearing to the satisfaction of the Court ! from the return of the 8heriff ami the sffidarit 1 defendants in the above proceedings, jh a nun- j resident of this State, and a necet-fary party to i the determination of this proceeding, in refer- f ence to the real estate in this Stale: It m there-1 fore ordered, tJiat publication be-niade once i j week for ix consecutive weeks in the "Carult-j na Watchnian' a newspaper published in the Michael Evans to appear, before the Clerk of.j our Superior Court at his office in the Court i lluiie in Leri:igton, Davidson coynty, on! Thursday the 11th day of March, 1880, sad answer the petition jji this proceeding, oilier judgment will Te taken- according to lb r prayer of the petitioners.! 15:6w C. F. LOWE. C.S.C rVOUTII CAROLINA. Davidson County, 1Wl!y n, . R. J. Cecil, Adm'r of Evan Da-" vis, dece'd. i Trff. A tjninit . W. C. Davi.-7 widow, and Chal mers S. Davis, Mary -E' Da vis, II. D. Jenkins and wife. Petition to r Susan S. Jenkins, Thos. P. Da vis, Andrelr Hoffman and Wife ; Antoinette C. Hoffman, Olivia C. Davis, Ida V-Davis and Jno W Davis, (the three last nam'd being minors without guard Uell land lor Assets, i ians) heirs-al-law, ' JDffdts'. J It appearing to the satisfaction of th rniit-t i.. iis ci..;flrv.n.....iPii:ntiltli affidavit t Vi t f'h-;!inr T' hitit oiTeofthfi v v i. urn liiu n i : i. u i ia uiu i.iu v Defendants in the above named proceedings,: is a non-resident of this State, and is nec essary party to tlie final determination ot this proceeding in reference to real estattin' this State : It is therefore ordered bj the Court, that publication be made once a week for six consecutive weeks in the ttditbury Watchman, a newspaper i published in lh . i' e..i: .i :r's v. '1.1. iiinu hi O.U15UUI j , uuiujriug mc wuu v. niers E. Davhi,' to appear before the Clerk of the Superior Court of 1 Davidson County, at his office in the Court house in Lexingto on .Monday, the 29th day of March, 1880, and answer or -"demur to the petition, which has been filed In this proceeding, othcrwi judgment wil( be taken according to thr praynrof the petitioner.-i ; C. F. Lowe, C. S. C, t- Luaries Lu lieitman, ; .annviuvj AW A VfcAVtVUVS ; --Z Num GaroM !PresIulfiriaiJ -:o: No efforts. are spared to make thiso' gaii of the North Carol jna Fresbyterianii both attractive Jiud usef nl. To do this w nreseut such a-varietv of moral and rehi L'ions reading na will liirt read hv VOBHtf aud old, rich and poor, ' clergy 'and laitjg. learned and ualearned. Our special a"P is to publish at live papef. ! 7 It numbers feamong iti correspondeits Kev. Drs. Drury Ivicy, J. Henry Siuiw J. 11. Adger and A. V. 3Iiller; Kev. Mes srs. Jos. M. Atkinson, El IL HardinfT, JJ' E. Jordan, J. Rumple, E F. Rockwell, 1 1 I. II:1II11. ii. l 1 :1SS. II. I.. 11111. - M. Wharevi lrof"J. It. Blake i Mrs. t-op uclia Phillips Spencer, Mrs. H. Mrfr,B' and many others. Price $2J'& a y'flfj. Address, JOHN McLAUBlXi n Editor d- Piojr, WilmwjWn, -Y- 0 ( i w AKE AKE tp Yotnr I LUBS UP YOUR LUBS-61 "FOB THE 1 CAROLINA WATCHMAN. The II EST AVeeklv iif Western North Caroliua.Ouly S1.j0 a year in advance BUY FROM ' -r.l-l ools Lacy, W. W. Pliarr, F, II. Johnston, r. y Penick, 11. Z. Johnston S, I. Chester, V, V. Primrose, S. M. Smith, K. C. Keed.

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