j . '. 1 ; I : " : ' ' ;. v :.r ' "! " -V;'' - - -; .- V : 1 - . . ' ? " ' - . , ! - .. - . , : ": V- - --'- '" vv .- -v- " : ..." y, - X . . ,-, v. --. -;' - -v. . : ; - v - -J--: v." h:M- : ... ... r ' . , - - " j - ' I " lr' ------ - -j'U" 1 ' ' ' - ---- - q I ; -': i : i iM3G : v v Ob iLulMllcOLll :, - i 1 T VOL XL-HIED SERIES K?-: -1; SALISBTJEY. N. U., IilAKua. li, jlbbu. i XiO 2 1 ifc Carolina Watchman; ivrABUSIIED IN THE YEAK 1832- inlSACT ADVERTISING RATES. i , F 3 m'a 12 m3 MABEL'S CHOICE. ..'V BY P.-.-Xi- ri-li. i! i month 8 m's JOT- j - Ifi , fH; Si ffi.60 l $2.50 $3.50 $3.IM .0ft 0Di , tli - - 1 - S.00 4.50 5.5J5 T.50 18.00 1 1'f , I .00 I3.WJ 18.00 Fhmnfor T.M -75 U.25 16.50 25.00 i4!5,do. 1T.S 85.50 40M -J;f;l3.TS- 84.85 83.7Sl 48.755.00 r- rncumonls- Brcnchiti?, I IB CJ vv. ,. fl I 1 i Trk-i f.na null IS HJO iiiJUHru-e . 20. "Send me pictures of your daily life and j sketches of tHe new people you have around lyou pen pictures in your realistic, style to onghten the dullness of my hermit . Sotyou wrote in your last letter, dear Christine, and I fell iirtheimood tqnpbey 'gou now, while I sit waiting in my best dress of Quaker drab and watching the animated picture be fore me. M t , i ... . Xet me tell you something of this nicative individual, and more than this she would have told had not the the daily care of poverty (not her sparkled on her finger, and I knew I i The Southern llom publishes thefoN own, Dut III a I. oi jmr Miyiuer,y uu uic i mci uuum u otaieu. little girls come lor me to take themther. How many hpw tVery many, j Sept. Iliave been too sad recent up to bed. I am tired now, and wilnendithe struggle by lleinginfaithful ly to write, for it is heartrending to March 14.I have not written fpr to themselvees and their love ! If Mr. see this girl trying to conceal her sor Varicc was! only rich,- but alas ! he row. She succeeded well, but I who a Ion"- while, rav dear, but "I am sure ! is por. Ypu ' knpw in the world's have had a glance behind the scenes you will excuse me when you hear the estimation, ; j can see the mighty effort she is mak- you cause of my. silence. .. ,J- 4 i The day after the party, which was quite ' a" sucdess, ' Mrs. L'Estrange requested 1 me to take my r work into Mabel's room and sit with her as she was quite sick. I, of course, An empty pocket is thj worst of crimes." ixjg. She has certainly made Mr. Clair Th whi and j; Mr. JVance was, ushered in. I j j October. The family have return- lowing letter : John Hopkixs Uxivebsitt, Baltimore, Md., Feb. 19, 1880. The Unirersity now in its fourth year has 150 students, one half of whom have graduated elsewhere. Thirty -nine Amer ican Colleges and seven foreign Universi- A VALUABLE STONE. .7 Corundum Mines In thq South 1 North Carolina Takes the Lead. Scientific American. , ' . . ; The name "corundum is applied to all erjstalized alumina. It is tbo hardest mineral in the world, except the diamont ties, (the Universities of France, London, J and vrhen in the crystalline fornt and i Heidleberg, Leipsic and Gottiugen, being 71 j x" H tu: . TT , , ; . 1 included) are represented by graduate thurify Ai-This morning, happy. , His whole heart seems to be Students. Howard has th largest repre ile at the table, a ping was heard, given her, and his devotion is rare. . I sen tation five; then Yale, University of mar- would betraV any agitation. For an married. She insisted that the went. - I found the poor girl with a instant only, she lost: feelf-control and rrage should take pi acc from her ! liicrh fever, verv excited and restless. ueca,"e ueauiy jjuiesjuui, motners humble Home. Hiverytlnne f,mIlv ;n wh:rl; j have founa n!v vo-1 1 tried to soothe her, and succeeded, 1 greeting with the others was over, she was done in the most quiet manner. For daysjBhe has been conhned toUier . 'sv ".Tf'fr w - room, with me for her constant com- & lnn?s infuned and- ijcisoccd h 1 Binary t have tlie rirM remcuy, : 14 not J Bptl)ESPAl OF RELIEF, for m benien stifle will Bcure yea, panion when not engaged with May and Jean. Mrs. L'Estrange is too much engaged with Inez either to think or care ranch about Mabel. She seems to fear her darling will be eclipsed by this niece of her husband's. I have sentation fivej then Yale, University of Virginia and Davidson, come next, with watched Mabel closely," to see if she ed to their city home and Mabel is fonr eacn AmonS nndergraduates there thej tlillsboro Military Academy. Finan cially, the University is absolutely inde pendent, having, together with the IIop kiiis Hospital, seven millions. Twenty fellowships ( $500) are awarded annually i She has returned from her bridal In the, eyening,i the young, folks tour, and when I took the little girls started off fpr a ride,; Mr. Vance and Ud 6ee "Cousin Mabel," to whom they to enable students to prosecute their stud ies here. These are not confined to mem bers jof the University, -but are open to Matjel taking'the lead. Soon after ar6 devoted, I found her surrounded from Vassar, who mirabile dictu, is in the tahala rane of mountains (cue of the thiss I went out for my usual evening hy every luxury which wealth could mathematical department. A Russian and spurs of the Bine Ridge), and paying on. path which procure and which love delights to a Jap. also bold fellowship. Besides tuo either side of Buck Creek (a tributary 4f i i osc summit lavish upon its beloved. She has ac- mentifed; ,a of the Tennessee), at an elevation of from MRY EilSOLLKMII FJ 'f S; governess Colonel LEstrange, his wife, ! their beautiful daughter Inez, May and ean (my two little charges), and; most interesting of all, Mabel play- ton, a niece of Colpnel L'Estrange, who makes this her home. This girl is a study. Outwardly as calm and placid as the lake we saw last summer during our visit to the mountain, but, like ; that lake, with unfiithomed depths higher nature, and with a power to oppose herself against uesti- ny as tnose smooui waves, cuuiu . ., , 4 r- . vounc lover. They! must have left WW hnr that it was not for herself LL i.eu tt. n t.-i.i r.tr TKJo of norae. ne wuo yicius 10 ubwhciu. . -; , . . . - . oau,.lll.1ju.uo. UI1U IWU1C Willi liiu Dim in. a-.mjmw, - .. . n nrHoo: n cpotho hpnnt transparent, constitutes the Oriental gems, ,;y the sapphire, ruby, emerald, topaz, etc which are of great value, some even ex-,, , . ceeding the diamond, because they are . more rare, it is used lor abrasive pur- r;.i poses, but as yet a 6ufficieut quantity has , never been found in this country ta t&k , the place of emery. Jt is much harder than emery, performing the work in less time. t Corundum occurs in the great crysolitfti belt extending from the Southern part of Virginia to Middle-Alabama, passing in & Southwesterly direction through the mountainous portion of-North Carolina, a the world. One of the "fellows" is a lady jn ti,e Southwestern counties, in the Nan stroll. I took a secluded .cu wauu. ..WvU layisu upon jus ueiovcu. one una ac- - ... .,1:i n,. . , , -. , ,- r. ...oa rr,,l TO;l, fl mo 1P trpp M' fiii. j rrii , ri i.um luctuu uituuai wnvo mree to iour iiiousanu ieei is me Bo-caiica. was crowned with a grove, the trees coraplished her end. The day after Lif.nW,i Wp. attn,i thp ipctnrpa nn Hi- nnr-.. a .i.ui. I,-- w. w. - i 1 . 1 ,1 il J I ' i 1 j - - vuiiunciim iviuuuuiu lit t u v, -nuivu ul found out how this girl is situated. She of which were garlanded with wood- their marriage, her husband settled ology, and seven medical doctors are en- been considered thelargest deposit of co- is one of several-daughter of Col. bine 1 determined: to rest a wnue an annuity on Mrs. Clayton which rolled as full members. Several courses rUndura in this country.! It? covers au r . , . . before retraciner my steps. I had been i;fta l1Pr fur above nressi no-wants. But of lectures are delivered each year in farea Df three hundred acres. TLid ruino L. rirauge s omy biaier, wu . , , . m ' , T . -: 4 " tri.:. it Mos m'-- w v Ancuz ever x-cwt Healing Foxvcrful 'vrr Uiscc 7eri'-Ccrh'!ic PrJlvo licali burns. 'ilmirtf 'a Carbolic fi.tlee cu ca sores. j ujj,,, Carbolic .Sc-Jrt? ettrr crttpifpna. V 'heir!? VnrMto Hnlro heals plutplrs. - jyirtfs Carbylia Zalvo hcaU hntuee. ' Ask far IJcary'e, kbcI Tao Ho Otlicr. IdT IEWAEE OF C0UNTZT.1T3. OWNSLEY'S t 4 FTS Illlffll 111 Wr. i mv Palmate of Mabel fclav- mt things would not be innuencea ton - t by her against this step, and treats The L'Estranges are very rich, and Mabel as he does his own children. entertain both pleasantly and hand- Nothwithstandtng, her home is not somely. Their visitors are numer-; pleasant: Wliiie her aunt is too iaay- ous, but IIay, Jean and I are seldom j like to be really rude, yet there are ore than lookers-on, as we are ex- many little ways m which she is made pected to take very little part in the to feel she is not on the footing of a household gayeties. I am, however j daughter in the house. often with the family in the evening During her sickness and convales- Witlr my habit of closely observing cence, many were the tropical fruits everything that is passing, I; may and flowers sent by her numerous ad Sf m,..:, i here onlv a few moments ivhen I saw fa':ri wnTn h UnrtA hpr W Hopkins Hall nnderthe auspices of the Uas purchasext in April, 1879, by HermaA W1U0W anu exiremeiy poor, xneyoi- . - j .......... ..... p Untversity-the subject of which vary Behr & Co., and has been worked since onel kindly took the oldest girl to his through the foliage Mabel and her for gold happy ? Remember when you from tbe Structare of tIie Crab and Oys May, witlfwhat success not reported. Iu Macon county, N. C, on the western slope of the Blue Ridge, at an elevation CUKES IN ONE ISINUTX2. Idsy's 1 I fK Troclics find something to amuse and interest you in your loneljness. i Mrs. L'Estrange thinks but little Afr. Clair's beinff excelletl bv i nnnp Jn l,P?r nmfiision. I noticed that , to sFeak but ,,cr ...... ... ....... j daily, from the gayer and more costly ful view of the surrounding country which was to be seen from this eleva tion. I'waa-an unintentional listener to ail that was said. Poor fellow! he was pleading with all the ardor of vouth for her love, she listening with ! downcast eyes and trembling lips to I the out pouring of that passionate I avowal which, had she been true to her heart, would have made her hap piness. When he paused for ah an- 1 swer she was silent. ! Twice she tried she did this thing, but for others. : Mr. Vance is rapidly advancing in his profession and will soon rank among our first lawyers. If she had only waited. Yours respccfully. W. S. Mooke. of about twenty-five hundred feet, is Co rundum Hill, formerly know ns the Caj lasagee mine. This mine was, discovered in 1872; it was afterwards purchased fey E. B. Ward, and worked fur eighteen The Bankrupt Law. -The sub-committee of the House Committee on the Judiciary, to whom was referred for in vestigation and report the subject of a months by Col. C. W. Jenks, of BostoiT. national bankrupt law,are hearing sugges- Rumor My8 that gems ofexceediug great i tiotis as to the fenturesof the proposed law. vaiQe wcre taken out. In July, I878this Some of these are that the lawshould be minc wa3 purchased by Dr. H. S. Lucas I . .1 . 4 1. a -fwn a 1 n mr n A I m . m w m ti t 1 L 4? Durinthc day Governor Seymour strayed as cumpuicu wuu mt iunuC. lor Uie iianipuen winery vompauy, ui into the main vestibule of Bragg's Hotel, simple in its machinery, more uniiorm Chester, Mass. They commenced mmiBg and was conversed with for a few minutes i" its operation and less expensive to those August 20th, and up to the present time The distinguished availing themselves of its provisions. A they have taken out two bundjred tons of NEAYS ITEMS. Seymour on the Third Term. revert l A SUIU3 rKEVENTIYE OF (yitagious Diseases Cold. Eoas?ncct, i , i Pleasant to tint Taste. Seliavo Dyspepsia and Olounc83. it i . .' II firr rOKSAUSUX ALOj JJiiUUUiaia. jfaHlf P. HENRY, CTJ21BAN & CO., ; - ! POLE rKOPKIETOBS, iCollejM Place, ITftTS-Tork. of airy thing save the society in which flowers, a little bunch of geranum she moves. The house,at present is in great commotion, ior Inez's jeigh- ' i .1 1:1 1 1 ...nA leaves ami my ui iuc vuncj- hcis chose and kept near l.er. When her teeuth birth-night is to be celebrated eyes rested on these, a soft and tender by a. grand party. The guests have light would fiirthem;aiuVa sweet, sad not yet commenced to arrive. 1 1 am 1 smile would play around her cxprcs notxpected to take part in the gaye- sive mouth. "Compliments of Edgar ty of theoccasion, as I am pot so Vance" was written on the card ac- t fTM . . Ll - J.n.Mn. flmrara wlllnb (MVP young as l once was. ine gins are uoiujaiiyiig u; "o looking splendidly to-night. I have . such pleasure. hv vnnr porrcsrwindent, J. J 1 . . . I I- : ... tVnf nnrtoin I , . J l.i irentleman looked remarkably well, but '-uo cornnuum aiso, in wawuug wmo w uiw tongue refused to could not be drawn into political discussion, acts should be made to constitute a prima dump8 ieft tlieto when worked by Coh He evidently wished to fight shy of the en- facie case ot iranu, ana mat me ourueu jenk8, were found many tragments oi tne i tangling alliinces of party warfare. Agri- of proof should bo changed from the cred- orictal gem r perfectly transparent and t him say ; cuhure thewonderful growth of the Uni- itor to the debtor. The subject of home- of yery brilliancy. Among these i t ine, anu , R , kindred tomes was discus- stead exemption was discussed, and the an emerald weighing 30 carats, and sot perform its functions. "Speak to mc !" I heard "speak tell mc you are m minie alone that my fears are ground- RPA w;ti, the cleouence so characteristic 6f point made that in many States the ex- era rQbies of the finest color. k ! lcaItl.nt. vrni do not intend to ffive tl, ex-Gavcrnor. but the trouble of the emption covered so large au amount that In the eastern part of Jackson county, vo..relf to that jnan for his money. Democratic party or the remedies to be ap- creditors were virtually powerless to col- North Carolina, at the foot of t one of the youpelt to that jnaujor his money ngroundupon lect debt.. The better law for us all highest peaks of Ue Blue Ridge, is what Ohysay I have not been presuniptu- t isAhat when a man makes a debt there is termed the Hog Back mine. ThU mine ous in hoping you love me! the assertion, however, that the Democrats will be no discharge except by its pay- wa3 operated for a limited season by the "No," she replied, with the calm- wre jikdy to wait and ascertain what their ment or compromise with the creditor. Hampden Emery Company. ,ip nf dpsnnir- 'Jno. vou have not rimmnrnta were likeW to do before taking Northwest of the Pigeon, in Haywood I- ilrr. T. v & f rv tf a or I At. n i: A AnAttiA thfearessivc in the national campaign, ana iuoiblbai iun "ri.i.i . county, iorui carunna, jo Pocins of the AVcck. not yet described them toyou. Ijiezisa tnvftyft Iviip nf mv f:ivnritp filvle of m SalebyT.F.KLTJTTZ, Druggist, J. 'w"r;" " V , ,,rj' ft ,! jliiftlyV Salisbury, K.C. beauty, golden hair and large, soft brown eyes. She is arrayed in j white silk with white illusion falling in graceful folds over it. Emeralds snarkle in their cars and on 1 , ; snowy neck and arms. These and jtiponicas form her only ornaments. Mabel is a queenly-looking girl, dark-brown hair and'eyes, and splen did fiirurc. She is dressed Id some ,ie That The si;xi.vy. Ull-nnd rest, in that sefeno repose ithiKliU holy morning conies to tliose VTlit have been- buried with tho cares tliat-inako , -"-'! lad heart weary and the tired heart ache. " pe still and rest Mod's dav of all is best. been presumptuous, for, Edgar, I love At this he started forward, his face He also asserted that the Republicans did received there of the dismissal of 27 stu- year ag0 last March. b M i! MOXIAY. takl! arise! Cast off thy drowRyMreams! lied in the east, tiro morn in 2 kI earns. w ' Mouday goes, , so giTea tne weeK, j dames say. ' ert,' relieved, use well the initial ' dav : : ' ' . ' .. - ' ' . 1 &njl see ! thy neighbor - , Uvlready seeks his labor. ,1 : . ' - few , TUESDAY. IV 1 1 INor sal, away seud it to yesterday al30 expressed the opinion that harmony Institute. A special from Richmoud, deposit of corundum, called the Presley Mav 25. Now that Mabel is well V?Ut . . . , , . ann union would soon be brought about. Va., siiys that information has just been raine) willcb has been worked since one j , again, tne iamny are auoui iu their flight to the country. They have a summer-residence in the county of Ti wliprp thpv rpside several mw . .ww.w 1 I .... - I .... t... at r. 1 . . . . . . . a . H . . . . It is their cus- Fu,aw . from the Governor's remarks that be Smith, the superintendent, to grant tnera acre8j and has been worked lor tne iiamp-. "1 have not told you all, sue con- . ook a the ex.president'achanccs an additional suspension from duty, to den Emery Company for the past season. - . . w v .1- i ji i.i I . f : ft. . i . j i , i . tinued. "1 love you ana tninK mis f; , . . nomination as being at all bright, enable them to prepare ior exaiuiuuuui ijeposits oi corunuum are, iuwi iouuu Pnnfpssion is due von.:' vet I intend to thk Rpnuhlicans beins likely to take up a in descriptive geography, which ho re- m South Carolina, Georgia and Alabama. .In tbP thintrvou feared do it that candidate that would harmonize ana gmuiusea, usiib '""1 r .1 1 . a t f Uissps Rn tactions W11UU1 UlCir lan&s. uu oiuMiiwu may tree my uiumci tiv oimno from radiant with love and joy, and would nQ t a .wsitiVe man in the presidential dents from tho Virginia Military Institute, Tn Madison and near the' Buncombe have clasped her to his heart, but her cliir the history of the organization hav- at Lexington, ioraisoueaience u. u.uc. county line, in uie same ouue, m au uuw "Ston'" uttered in chilling tones, re- in proved that fact conclusively. While and for breaking arrest. The dismissed cr0pping of chrysolite, carrying corun , 1 ' . rlJiTincr with such a point it might be infer- students had requested Gen. Francis H. dum, which covers an erea of seventy-five months of the year. her! torn to entertain a nurauer ot their city friends during their sojourn at "The Heights" (which is their country house). Mr. Clair is one of the party who will be down after the family are settled in their new abode. I hope soft silkeii "material, embroidered with Mr. Vance will be ot the numoer, ior sheaves of 'golden wheat. The dress is becoming to her bright pictures que beauty. ! I must stop now to look after May anti Jean, "wholarc all anxiety to be taken into the parlor, and I will have to go down with them. TtcelceOrdoch P. 31. I have just AhijtJer.mornlng,8 - banners aw unfurled odmb up jxom the .niirth, music and Ajifciyr day loolcs smiling n the world; !-, xtu 'inartjcfnatin i-ln 4he ' Upholds ilew laurels for thy soul to win I dancing. Ot .participatm n xne not its grace by slothluluess or kiu, ' amusement, 1 had lair opporiunuy ox observing all that occurred. Of all The . - I - . . il J 1 .... 4- .-ti . o ;,1., rr.(-i. rp at. hia hands I stndents retuseu to ODCV Uie cuuuiuiuuaui from the iron clutch of poverty, from I ; . " . rpmlirk. -The ncoolc of the Institute iu the superintendent's the pangs of hunger and cold do it control the government and not the absence, and were dismissed upon his re- interest turn. A few of the class tiecimeu to join . I tl.nk T innv psn.inn the dailv hcart-achC tli r'nnln. business it would be two bad It the poor lei- f nowinr t,icir condition. Edgar, Fs the great lever that guides the country tire rebellion, and three or four of those low didmot have an equal chance , . . ? : , ... t Ua .ittn th nolicv. We have more who did returned to duty. The supenu- with Mr. Clair in the race for which Mabel will be the prize. Though "the battle is not to the strong nor the race to the switt yet money oueu - - .nfrll:.ii Tf f had onlv L tumnt and voted for Buchanan for I I 111 11 Li ITTim uiigt.iw... - I tt '"'"-' -) 11US I . . ., I . I .,. All. ..... 7l.'..x. fnih V. Y. ..w.ir tn nnnsn pr a lite Willi VOU I rresiuent. itwy " I !...! ...1 t.nro linr I Anil dictates tllC policy. V uo no juug .... w ; . - U9 -n the united States now tendent had issueil an order iu the interest voice broke down 1 uo not uu.iu ma . arinl:m, .cttinjr forth Uie facU in the . i man iu uuj wuiiuj v..... o i i wealth would repay me for all 1 lose ..... to the political history of the ex- whole affair. The mutiny began on the in giving you up, lor my neart. IS pr;csdent, he said i "The ex-fresiacnt was i!4tu and tuc uissmiss;ua joiiowcuuiui- Wit nncrnish- IT I lllld OnlV I i tnmnrrjit;. and VOtCU for UuCUlinan ior I Jy . 1 I 1VJ.L1IJL1 null - - - - . I u ft7vuiv j I the. day, and this young man A spark from a passing-engine ignited a bale of cotton, on the platform of thoN. C. Railroad, on Wednesday, and a num ber of others soon caught; but tho burn- ii. i re .1 ing COtton was roweu ou, auu wio ii'ica of the fire prevented, though a strong , wiud was blowing at the timer Thew was considerable excitement, especially among those who remembered theconflag- ; ration a few years ago which originated ad that place, and destroyed 1.500 bales of cotton and a number of houses. The Southern llome. WJiUXESDAY. the "end -the week's unto to llnsh noon. , fnoriiing, hours-d Roon ! When the noon id A : lirwrht : i j 'Unctively we look toward the niht. i glow is lost . .;. kl. . ... vutv mo meiiuiuu ciusi. the gay throng, there was none to compare with Mabel. There was some more beautiful, many more handsome- o speed away so ly dressed but there wasiibout her I that "jc ne sais ouor," as the French reached, however ' ........ uUi CXpreSI ' . 11 Ullj Vjmto iuvii-M.i Aninn(T tfie Gentlemen r drlnotice - O - : O .. ' THURSDAY. "1 my eyes one j on whom; X am sure would not have rested a second, ex cent for his attentions to Mabel. He lthe week has sued,-" hast thou a -I, .i "L c friend n : 1 i 1 - i8' u uc a mu" lu'7i.v omudati hour, in converse. It will' fifty years very gentlemanly! in ap- lenrt very little of it. ' Jttnel. Here I am, safely enscon npil.nt "The HeiffhtH." where the soothing' melody of swift running brooklets and singing birds make such pleasant contrasts to the heat, noise and dare of the city. Two girls, fripmla of Inez, came down with the family. This evening, the gentlemen visitors are expected M. Clair and . 1. 1. ' three sprigs omon. : ..M cl,anre her decision "w I . 1 l.f. "LiCt me KISS you oiny uw Jiileanty Urfliv labors and' thy life se a little sometimes in the striie. Moil S(H)ii seems rude liat has no interlude. girl FKIDAY. pearance, but iiothing mDre ihe received his attentions, very j kindly indeed, seemed to exert, herself to ap peal! interested..' I inquired of the lady v5Hi whom I was talkinir. iAvho he w Mts abstain : be temperate, and vasi tiiou wilt; and yet, throughout iitiicjlay, mi no labor and no duty shirk ; niaav honra nip. b it thee tor thy work - , I'AIhI it were moot " iWiall should bo complete. "fi i! thei crentieman witii iuiss Clayton? He is Mr. Clair, the catch of the season. He has quite a Story of his own. His mother married, iin vio lent opposition to her fathefsfvishes a maii far beneath licr socially, andl satuuday. - the family never again rccyjsu-ii of them. Her brother, MPiaste:! ...f.. :..t;t' f W,a Aitbpp'a krealth. Me night .thou Hast no time io , u ,i i im. : 1 died recently, intestate, and al HP accounts, and let thy soul's eyes nmous fortune came to Mr. -Clair xeiorc im is, iwal and rn-Ar. in 'nfi. lpilcpr-book. as heir-at-law. KiRweet the Rense of peace! Ua Wheeler, in Chicago Tribune. ; Voiild be my crowning joy without yon, I shall never be happy, except in trying to make others so. Iu vain he tried to convince her that . . . i i her mother would never let ner mawe this sacrifice 'hc will never know it," was her reply. ; Then he told heroT the great wrong Jl 1. r n rfl lllm llfltll- Klie Was UOIIIil HCiacu ut.v. ...... Herald. After tea. 1 see from my wind which opens on the lawn, Mabel and Mr. Clair walking to and fro in the moonlight. I wonder if her thoughts are not with the absent one ? The morning after this moonlight walk. I noticed a set, determined look about Mabel's face, which I did not at all like. I am sure she has found her king, but will she let him 1 take nossession of his throne in ner neart i Mr. Clair has proposed, I understand u:0 e.,;t baa nnt. bpen decided. I UUb llin ou.k j f 1 .1 .-.rtf lo 17 tri l-.PT- ani aiiaui sue uuw uy j self, "I can never give my hand j Where my heart can never be. It is plain she has no heart tojgive it is liim ; yet, in JSpitc of this fact, T .? ..." ti very evident to me that she win give w6 part, my darling, for you are mine, though you marry that other." "It canuot be," she said ; "it would bevronging the mad 1 must marry. But their hands were clasped, and hp pvps of each poured floods ot love - v- 1 into the soul of the dther. I left them, my heart very sorrow ' . . i i i .. ft.li f,.r f psp two. Who. Willi nearisj 1U1 :, mfm V - - - J ' united, must live their lives apart The lovers were the last to reach home. Mr. Vance couiu nob uc w . i i r IV P ditced to enter the house, anu leit ior the city by the next train. 4'All is over with jVance poor lei low," some one remarked. Just then I saw a very satisfied look flash into MrClair's face. Mabel II-. I . . .1. Krii rnnm. . -. . -i r i.r . .l n htr V I trhn ll.lfl COne U rtfliy ivf j her hand to iur. viair. -v "-7 U , -a tt. 1.., ba T.b,bv dollar. ! The came down to tea, looKiug ne iiua ...v - h .. , , . it nlntatli-Mraeas strnggl. ha, been ing on fb pa.e r, a wo-. - " nuns n:n1 'Illll 119 IlAI ' J 1 " O time ; her heart asserting rvinta rfwr I It 'r I I li Ullv V r- t I - - . ' :: . J '.Mp t,d a desire to be rais JVly lniormani. was i wiy vuiui- t . . .. 5. ! I.i ...W .n and pleading for its love, on the one went out into uie anu picauu 0 ... 1, I i : n inn Unmi diamond ed nuove sue.Ku iu, u : Grant has Illinois, Too. Wash, correspondent PJcbmond Dispatch. The information received here from II Uenublicans lesides Gen. IlllV'tM ' J - L Logan is to the effect that Grant has se cured tho machinery in that State as he did Pennsylvania and Xew York, and his friends rcallv talk as if they were certain of his nomination, while Democrats who have been afraid that Maine with his im mense personal popularity would win at Chicago are highly gratitied at the situa tion. They assert that Grant can never . r t cet the German vote, wiuie suennuu u. 45 .... r. 1. I... Blaine can, and that neuco urani e.iu u more easily beaten than anybody else. Many ' thoughtful Democrats and auti Grant Republicans, however, profess to see trouble in his candidacy, and some go so far as to soy that it means revolution, ftir that wether elected or defeated he will seek to take possessiou of tho White lloiuse. ;: j " mmP Voice of the People. During our rpiu-nt. trio to Favetteville curiosity led us U ascertain the opinion of the people xvih whom we came in contact on the nnktion of the sale of tho Western X. C Inroad. From Raleigh to Fayetteville and return we did not meet a man who Was not in favor of selling or giving away the road. At Fayetteville we found the RS,mp feelins. Sheriff Hardie, an intelli gent, painstaking officer, informed us that L- tnmo time past he had canvassed the question amongst all elates and found but one man opined to the sale. And i tho rreneral experience of gentle Jl iJI .:!. w ibiilv cou verse. The uiuu HI .. $(Mi JoUTWiJ. Colored Jurors. Washington March johu Burroughs in the March number 2. A decision was rendered in the Su- of Scribncr, says: "It is a, fact in th preme Court of tho United States thisaf- natural history of the country that, iu the- ternoou in the case of Taylor Strander, South birds ruu more to 4eak and claw, nhiintifT in eiTor, vs. the State of West and iu the West to tail, than they do in Virginia. The question involved was the the North aud East. The beak and claw, I take it, mean ferocity, mean bowie-- knives and tho ku-khix, and tho tart, anuloth to say, means bray. 1 he vv est is windy, and the South it fierce and hot." r'Mllia. Hie niieSllOU linuocu naa ni ... ... conslitutionality of the act ot the west Virginia Legislature, (laws of 1873-73, chap. 47, excluding colored citieens from ury service in the courts of that fetate. This court holds that when a colored cit izen is tried for his life by a jury from which citizens of his own race are by a State statute expressly excluded, he is de nied the equal protection of law guaran teed by the third clause of the 14th amend ment to the constitution, aud that the State statute denying him such right is repugnant to said constitutional provis- ioin The judgment of the Supreme court of Appeals of West Virginia is reversed. Justice Strong delivered the opinion, Jus tices Field aud Clifford dissenting. A TniPPI.F. Marriage. White Water, Wis., February 29. Twenty-seven years ago, on Thursday, there were born into the family of Wm. Marshall, oi tins city, tripplets two boys and a girl. All three were married on Thnrwlay night in one ceremony by the Kev. G. W. Wells, and the three happy couple took thetraiu for Chicago. The Sanctity ok Marriage. Tho re cent encyclical of Pope Leo XIII against divorce is apparently excitiug a profound I reactionary seutimeut iu favor of the, in dissoluble sauctity of marriage through- t out the entire Christian world. Several eminent Protestant divines ; of different denominations indorse ifes positions stren uously, and Pere Ilyaciutho stoutly advo cates it. "Marriage," he eloquently and ; truly SJiys, 4'is the full and perfect onion of man and woman. Ideal marriages are rare, even impossible. Xeverfhelesa we must strive to tend toward tlie ideal mar riage. This should imply love and pari ty "as twin flowers upon one stem. All truo love hopes and ' promises eternity Clearly, then, indissolubility k tho law of human nature. Unity or monogamy, des. pite the corruptions of Salt Lake and tho degradation of lower civiliartions, is also a natural law. Jt is necessary to the dig nity of woman and inseparable from mar- Dirt has been broken, and the founda tion partly laid, for the large cotton fac tory now under construction, by the riajie.' Humanity is never ro beaittifulas wheu praying for forgivene, or else forgiving "calls a kiss . .. .1 w ' . f tl.ia iiK' YVp 1 rpioicoto . HllOlllCI. . . . r ft or- I niivr Wendell- Holmes see such improveiucio -i" , , 111 11 .rues well for tbe future of Charlotte, and limping consonant. ; He should have add give bmnd and employment to our ed also that it usually follows a-vow el. -idlo poor.-Soni Hbmr. ViUoit Free JV. - : i Mi II ill. iTii-i lit! 5 "Hi 544 ; : ) 1 - j .:!.:.':. .' M :. .....:; i: 1.- J i- , - -. ' ....:..:..., 1 :-; -. , v . -. '-;- ! - . ' . -- ' -;'