1 : !' i i1 i .it i i. "t !U 1' t . i I, F i i 1 i ! t Ik. i J. . t:; til' -1 !: I i 1 f! Til Carolina Watchman; THURSDAY MARCH 25. (860 i : j .it i tiffin ImmIv urHnv;M hIhwIv jiud caa-l tiously. Tho Conuwf tleo ou the Railroad -""--J 1 - C - " ale reported a redrafted Best) bill on MomUUSferal important amendments have been made in it. But in the midst of tho labors tr Leg islators on "this Bill Hale' WeeUtfpt Tues day publishes another bid, not only for the Western X. C. bat Jilso for the N. C. acid Atlaniio", nud tlu-jN'orth Carolina Iload. This ofler is by Geo, A. Fitch, for Wal lace and associates. Tlwy propose to take up all these roads, subject to all the debts and mortgages upon them,: and pay the Stttte'.$750,()6o in cadi! -They propose td tii'il h the Western JS. C..to Paint Rock by the year 18dl. They do not pmiKse to Wild ' the'.Ditcktewn branch, but promise; to irbirandfeqnip it if the State or, her citizens shall trade, tie and bridge it.. If the party making this offer is able to do what they propose, it must, we think, haul a. good dcjalof the wind out of the sails of the Best Syndicate.':-- . -s !'' L But there is still another bid by James R. Doughty, iof which we know hot little. With three distinct propositions before the Legislature; its members oijay only find it the more difficult to agree ' npon onev : -I ' --if'.; : ' " : 1 .A Surry, county correspondent of .the 'Winston Sentinel has this to say about candidates for Qovcrnor : "Xow, as to the political sitnation, give ris Fowle for Governor;' We are satisfied lie) can get more votes in Surry than any living man, ; unless it be Maj. Bobbins, and for him we hare another place." j With reference pto" the. Presidency the same correspondent says : " 'Third. term' means more .than Grant for President. We ,Jneed no 'strong government' we need no 'strong man' in the White House iu tJieseuse in which the Radicals use it. We want and. need a man strong in miud, free from sectional prejudice, from .party bias.7 A man with a will of his own, one not to be warped and duped by political friends and party tricksters a mfere ball of clay in the hands of potters-j-a mau who will run this once great gro.vernment in jthe interest of the people and not of a party. Our liberties weie purcliased by the Vrions blood of Reyolutionalrv sires: shall tlieir sufferings!, hardships aud pri vations be blotted from the' pages of our history and tradition? Are we such un worthy sons of noble sires as to sit with hands folded and tamely submit to the ruthless hand of the foul usurer ?" . : Artificial Diamonds. Some anon ths agQj tho Scientific American announced that a. chemist iu Europe had at iast ac complished the great triumph in chemis try; of converting carbon into the dia monds A week or two later proved the statement ith fine. The supposed diamonds failedtb stand the tests required, and so, like mauypiecediug trials, this 'one-was pronounced a failure. But the American of "March 27, comes up, with the news that the efforts of another man, Mr. J. Ballartttue Hannay, of Glasglow is the fortune gentleman to discover the meth od of making artificial diamonds' which fully : realize all the requirements, and stand all the tests applied in rhe trial of them. If this really be true, then the value of diamonds will feel the shock, and the tinie may come when they will cease to be rare. ; J r Mr. J. S. Tomlinson, Ltailroad agent at " Hickory, in reply to a Wilmington, cor respondent in the Charlotte Observer, complaining f freight discriniinations against Charlotte and Wilmington,hows that the discrrmi nation practiced; by the Western road are exclusively iu;favor of ; these two cities, and against every other town and city in or out of the; State. This is simply inexcusable.- Whylshould Salisbury,; Greensboro !and Raleigh be j discriuunated against t , Who will rise to explain this grossiujusticeT . j .TiiE Latest. Tlio Bridgepoii Nctcs describes ; an in veu t ion credited tea -Bridgepiir Yiuikee, to prevent niarket meu from palming off old eggs for fresh fresh, ones. He puts a rubber stamp in every hen's nest, with a moveable date, connected with a pad of indelible ink. When the hen lays an egg and kicks out her hind leg in leaving the! nest, she; operates the . stamp and the egg is " permanently dated. Someone must go at the close of each day and change the date in the stainpjmd the work goes on beautifully. The first elephant born in the United Mates madejts appearance March 10th, in the elenliant hmua rii- -in Bailey's circus, Philadelphia, li tc ft - - - - w iiNi iir at. fdnale' 4 feet 6 inches long, 33 inches high, and weighed 213i pounds. Its motner fromCeylou, India, is 23 jears old and weighs 8,000 pounds. The period of . gesranon ot the elephant was, j in this case, 20 months and 20 da vs. The babv elephant throws back its trunk and sucks like a calf. - jTlie Mecklenburg Presbytery was in session at Dallas, hist week. J.imp vn liams was licensed to preach, and was -appointed evangelist for the monnfain ciMiutry dnruig the samraerV't ti Miller of, Charlotte, was appointed to -perform iyaiigt:lietic workiu the nionntaius, at his discretion, we presume. The Fall meeting will bo hehPat Llncolnton on the 3d of November. j 5 : A new-plastering machine has been patented by a Michiganer, with which , . , linn ntmi nan Mir. .....1. ..r j. 1 . TTJ: lu"' auu ln a euiicnor niauncr. I 1 rt-jkJ L..k l. Lt...t. profitableneiss of raising Cotton iuid To- hacco; GroW isf A vabto important and - juuimj (injuucii ui uin buu limn iuey , I YHiuaoiu priniucb oi I um boh mail tuey, i --isl I .inn anil nfilmnl int.iiAii. Am irn i taut as this truth ia there are but few who really seem to appreciate its magui-1 nAmiKtv from flip nrth. from v!ir tf rer I lUUO i UUk UrCilUBC UiUSt BUI MUI11U I only requiring to )e harvested, it is taken into Darns anaiei ip stock wunouc any I I rA Lrx iifl. GRASS, -- I to be too: generally: j counted' ont, or ntiUc8Pie'8 accomplice, comes bacfc tons nrmlnrta nf t)i fjrm ir n liiT nmri.inn I Khould bo made in the ireneral lav-ontof I i " t ' v I me year s worK. ; i nis is unquestionably a great error, ana-one wnicn cans tiori amouumeu Aiore nirention snouia oetj given io jjie prouaciiou oj grass, ootii as 1 - .. ... I to quality anu paaniuy. hot tne oetter the uality-the better tho results io its nsft! 1 nnd lirfTpr't)i' ntKi'tififw greater the profits of jthe form1. ' r ' J M We have been ledf into tljese remarks by tho fact that ! ;'a'(',t3 oxe hundred CAR loads of grass have been" shipped from this J nnint tinr tlm fYltU QcnfamUf l.,ef I The larger part of it was; very common j meauow nay, wuicii seiaom onngs a good I price in the markets ! simplv because it is not worth much except as a last resort. And yet there is no doubt the "quality of our meadow Jmy can be greatly improved and the quantity vastly, increased. Farm efs should find out the ways to do this. But the chief of all id this relation, they should give niorei attention to the "fine cultivated grasses, orchard,' clover, timo thy,' &c These grasses raised on good uplands are, worth twice or three times as much as our coarse meadow hay, and when properly managed yield two or three times moro to: the acre. . Indeed, they are more valuable than cotton or tobacco. " j Tliere is a family of proplo at Conover, Catawba county, named Jennings, who have supported themselves for years, it is thought, by artful bfgging throtigh the mails. They succeeded in deceiving the Graphic, a New Yorkfliteraryjournai of note, whose editor qecamo the? medium through whom theTgifts of charitable peo ple in that city were ent out to this fam ily. These gifts summed up handsomely,, and were in response to a moving story of affliction and destitution published in the Graphic under the following attract ive heading, displayed in capital letters : "Destitution : Heart liemling Story. The South Starving and Anpcalinn for Aid from the Xorth.'1 j Some how or other jthe benevolent heart of the Graphic was, after a while, disturb ed by Gonbts of the genuineness of this story of distress. Southern newspapers were silent on" tho'subject of a "starving South They diflu even complain of short crops, dry meadows, low waters. laud not much of tho Scarcity of money. And then the Graphi? doubtless happen ed to remember that as a general thing, mere are no beggars jiu tho South. Iu lew of these facts the editor opened a correspondence with j some reliable man iu Catawba, as we learn, and by him was u formed that Cataivba was all right no body starving there but horses, cows, pigs, and sheep were iu great plenty and in first rate order. Thereupon, the Graph- tc bundled up the gifts he had received and placing them in ihe hands of a trus ty agent, sent him all tho way to Conover to look into the business with an ve for the fair thing honesty in begging. The agent called on the Jehningses, and found tliem living iu very Icomfotable style- nice little house, welljfurnished, even to a parlor organ. He looked for the starva tion about Conover, Hickory and Xewton and didn't find it; but on the contrary found a beautiful, thriving country aboun ding with tho good blessings of Heaven. With the best grace he could command, he returned with his! gifts aud ere this has reported to the Graphic, all in a word "sold." And now' they say the Jen ning8es will have to gp to work or change their foraging ground: ' ; rF Another New Sect. A new sect, de nominating itself "The Salvation Army," isjust beginniug to work.itself into public notice in New York and Philadelphia: The organization is inj effective strength m London, England aud has just sent over a corps of officers to this country, to . . . - i 0 uowuug OI iuc creeu proiessea, whicli probably eom- Lnri$uA nnt1iinn naw kri.- a:.; ..t: tbeonran zstum nm. f A u Gospel to those who will not attend the ways, to theatres andUloons, and where- ever people can be drawn toother hear it. We quote-The army now embraces 122 corns.l directl hr in officers. Meetings are held every Week j iu 100 ineaires, uance-iiaiuwarehouses, beVV tZn,? . . .......; UuuU1y it is estimated that 60.000 tliese meetings each week, and 74,000 the 13 A !c!P lufe ; tfte :W . "P" air meeiinjs is Oberi meetings is put uown at 2,000,00(1. A doctor iu New York had a pet Florida alligator. During al cold snap he left open the window of the room in w hich it was kept. Next nidrning the water in which the reptile lay jtvas frozen and his let was stiff as a poker. But he rubbed it and laid it by a stove, pried open its mouth and dosed if wjth liquor and after two honrsworking restored it tu life, f Amelia Linkhaw.i the slavers of TA r it... --II- .x:.T.-. l 8 reCentll mTn? ence,S.C-to aAntVnmh ii r.i , ' - .0 .7 : " .wax.. o.n,.n (iu Visa . , r V.....UOIUH, nmj oecanie in teres teti in ner , while he was in brison and orw,, i0 i - if. A 1 '"arjJW4-UUl,E3 11 1L11: IIPX. I ,Ottc.ReBaW, Mlv-Henderioiilias in fhiiilnrrl n. Kill iti IiLm Turtlt nni ft. ction of crops iir ilowuui Requires the ownerji f . stocked keeptheni np. ;.. uim a.n iumm, uuu win ... -tmo im .- inr-vi, nuu nut tllA II ft 17 1 V . - 1 - Improved akd ExLARGED.Sflyl this wwiv . Alio BWIJ u& UID marriajre. at looresville. of Joe fimni colored, nephew of the Joe .Gillespie who " ito ,'"p1.f wjr ijjiorjniie, to the Tvulow of Jnle T)nv1)tnti. fhn IfUr Tlic'pafties are renresented UK white, find tbe iiwaginatir writer says: "The cere- - """y -1, juawj ui ujc open air, ana was. DV"U,"J, yE iyuiHieufc miuisier oi wo '"rJ1 vnurcu. xue wuuness ucigiiwrueu oy lae wiera- lil'a 1S1 .11 :i 1. : iwuuvcu uy pine torcuca neia by the i attendants of the bridal party. SeVCaral hundred nersonfl witnna1 1im cereonTi f ih njinistcr omitted to ob- serve the Ume-honored custom in this section of claiming 'the first kiss from the oiusuing wiougn mature bride. Just as t,,e word wer 4 pronounced which made UlO twain One. A number nt bom. who n em crouched on top of a, neighboring house, w6au' y . uuu uicu? ixacuing tne eaH of the marriage party, "Old Ande Joe was handged on a sour apple tree." I Some one in anticipation of .the result of the re-election of Grant, to the Presi dency, has'coinpiled from the newspa pers of '1827 items which he thinks will be current news at that time, from which it appears that Grant it styled thus; VUIysses I, Emperor." And then follows Court news in which we have dukes, and dutchesses, lordB and ladies, Imperial commissioners, &c. Let the fol lowing suffice to indicate the character of the news of the day : His Imperial Majesty, the Emperor Ulysses I, accompanied by the Empress, theCrOwli Prince Frederick,nd a numer ous suite r arrived at the palace yesterday after a week's visit to the Duke of Penn sylvania at his palatial residence, Cam eron - Hall, ' Harrisburg. His Imperial Majesty, wo are , happy to announce, is in the best of health. The I nine rial escort consisted of a Battalion of the Guards aud two companies , of the Household Cavalry. Orphanage. There is a privatelinsti tution at Clinton, 8, C, under the care of some earnest christians there, known as tho Thornwcll Orphanage. Its object is to support, educate and train orphans. No servants arc employed. All the work of the establishment is divided out among the pupils. It is supported by private chari ty. The annual expenses, including every thing, is about $70 a pupil per annum. The benevoleut who have funds ro spare would do well to bestow it on this insti tution, Rev. W. P. Jacobs is president of the institution. A daughter of the dis tinguished divine whose name it bears, is the school teacher. Game. Under this head the Charlotte Observer reports the feats of sportsmen in that city. Are tho game laws not in force from and after the 15th March t We learn from the same paper that two railroad hands on the Statesvflle and Charlotte road were overwhelmed by a slide, while digging out gravel in a cut, and were not relieved for about one hour. One of the men had a leg broken in two places, and sustained numerous other in juries of which he died shortly after be ing taken out. The other was also seri ously hurt, but it is hoped ho will re cover. Revenue Seizure. Deputy Collector Young yesterday detained niuetv boxes of tobacco at the Richmond and Danville depot,! for irregularity in the stamping. It was the property of Davis &. Son, of Mocksvillo. A quantity of tobacco be longing to this samo firm was seized in this city, a short while ago, for the same irregularity. Char. Observer. Don't talk to a man or a woman when thy are closely engaged in attention to running machinery. A momentary diver sion of the mind from the work may cost a finger, or a life. Wait until they are clear of the wheels, then speak. The Newbern At Shell mentions two acci dentstrifling ones, it is true which oc man nil lusi ytbck, iroiii a mo- curred in that city last week, from a mo- band " "'F""' i" uie ui .A8Ium and otuer8 pressing for ad- ll?lUS "Bd aceufc bpU8e8 are Lfi,led' Preparations making to add , " lorchHPht ca,ls ou t,,e Legi iatuio for an appropriation. This insti totion is undoubted bestowing a great blessing on the helpless onihans of the State, and deserves to be sustained. James Cochrane, formerly of the U. S. Navy, proposes to make New York har mr. n ,ni w i,,, ,ni ; nn w t wn; . and having gates for the passage of ves sels.; He enumerates many advantages such an arrangement would serve, among which is an, increased depth of water in the harbor, and the submergence of flat lands which are 'now the prolific source of malaria diseases. Wild Ducks, eays the Newbern Nut Shellt a so plentiful in the waters near that city that fisheijmen catch large num- ' . 2 it: i.. . . w'K omoi ins uet one momincrover Rirtc which had become entangled in it during L. . . . t i i iunuuuug itue - nigot:' ' A bear Wft. rhtlV tnu - - m wuu- T V 11 1111 VAlff w KIWI ...... .1 . V The reiKjrt of the New York! gtate Sa perintendeut of Public Instruction shows that tliere' were during the j past year 1 ,628,727 children iu the State between the ages of five and twrntyone, - The number enrolled ln the public schools was 1,030,00, and the average daily attend ance was j 570,382. There were 1 1,280 8chootliIl85ricU iu the State 1 and m669 leacherf'ilielr average salary was $374- 45 forth, year not an. enormous sum. The expenditure, for . all school nurnoses during ,0ie;ytar was $10,349,918.08. " j i- o. " r- - The trial of the Virginia Judges, indict ed in the United States Court! for the Western District of Virginia, Judge Rives presiding, fox refusing to put1 negroes on jjUries, iu violation' of the United States i ' . :. j t t j. !i t wnnw wicuccu m : Ayncupurg on Saturday, j The first case called was that of Judge Hill, of Buckingham, who was aequitted. j ' M Negro laborers in St. Chales parish, La., have struck for higher wages, and threat en to bttrn sugar houses nuless their de mands are conceded. The Governor has sent troops to quell the incidentaldisturb ance of the peace. M A new and frightful disease has made its appearance in Italy, caused, as is be lieved, by the consumption of maize in a damgaged condition and the unhealthy state of tho hovels in which the people live. 1 M N SAVED BY EXAMINING OUR BEFORE PURCIIASIXG ELSEWHERE AS WE NOW HAVE MOST COMPLETE SPRING ik SALISBURY, And No One Shall Undersell TIs, -:o:- Will Furnish (by mail or otherw ho), on application, SAMPLES of DRESS GOODS, IlaWNS, GASSIMEHS, &C, &C. 1880. J. D. GASKILL. 23: FOB SALE! A Good House andilLot On tho corner of Church and Monroe st's. The House i a two-storv building withe 9 rooms. Two well in the jard, and ail other necessary out-building raw fencing around the lot everjtiurtg in jtood order, ii Apply to R. FKAK GRAHAM, Apt. Saliribnl-v, K. C, Mar. 19, JSS0. i : 2S:lm 1880. SPRING 1880. We are Offering 3,000 Yards Nice, New Spring Prints At 8 Cents per Yard. WE are offering the handsomest Stock of Buntings, De Laines and Lawns that has been shown in this market, and at the same prices as last year. WE offer 4-4 Bleached Domestic at 11 cu. hy the Bolt, almost as good as Fruit of the Loom. WE offer the Best Standard 4-4 Brown Domestic at 8, 8 and 9 eta per yard. WEare offering a Large Stock iof Piece Goods in cheap Cassimers, Cottbnades and Jeant at last year's prices. ! WE offer I Large Stock of Boots and Shoe! t last year's prices. j WE offer the handsoment Stock of Clothing we have ever shown, at Cheaper prices than ever before named for similar goods. ; j WE offer a large Stock of HATS at old prices. j WE have 500 HATS that we are celling Tou your choice for 50 cU from one lot and $1 from the other lot. Some of them are worth $3. 1 WE offer you the Best Selected Stock of Groceries to he found in this market. Good Sugar 10 c. Good Coffee 16 els. In a word we will just aaj, we have a 1 LARGE j STOCK OF GOODS aud we are going to sell them.! Our prices 'quoted' will buy our goods we mean for Cash lor Barter. 1 Call and ee 1 ; I HEOSS & GREENFIELD. i March 22, 1880. 23:ly j : . 3 ; - I SPECIAL MCEMET! J0NES,McCUBBINS &Co. Have just opened a Complete and : Attractive Stock of j DRY GOODS, FANCY GOODS, Notions, Clothing, Groceries,! &c, Which they! will be enabled to offer to the public and old patrons at as low prices as any lone. Call and see us Main Street, next door to Ilorah s Jewelry Store. : 22:2m ! ? ! i s hi - i ; i Dissolution Notice! The firm of Overman & Holmes is thin day dissolved by mutual consent. 1 All pt-rt-ons in debted to Overman & Holmes are request to ball at once and settle. VV. II.Ovekman. March 16; 18S0. M. L. Ilouixs. Ha vine purchased the interest of menrt. her in the Shoe Store, I hereby; inform my friends and the tublic general v.! that I will Continue the business at the old stand, where Can be had good Goods t-nw price. 22:1m OVIiMAN. - Grecufeboio-with 2500 inhabitants has five news papers! r-' .-' j li ' C ' - I-.: ; :-. rl IL:-- -' ;:-1- . i 5 , There is telephone connection between Wilmington and.Wadesboro.V.distance of 136 miles. I ' : ' ' " ' j A State Convention of tho Democratic Conserative party w ill be held at Raleigh on the 17tk of June cext, I j Lighting Mines bt Reflectors, is an nounced in tho 8cientifio African, It ia a wonder it )uvs not been thought of be fore, . We often nse a mirror ta inspect the work of well-cleaners. ; : According to tlie Western newspapers, the prospects for the winter wjieat crop in that section is . excellent. Iri eleven States, the yield, it is estimated, j will be about GO per cent, larger than last year. " . ;('. - !' . . - -- ' Chatham Record Near Kivett's SHll, in Harnett county, a hawk and. an eagle got into a fight, aud falling to the ground were so intent upon -killing each otbej that a negro took a stick aud killed them bo tli. A ROCHESTER PHYSICIAH S EX. PEKIENCE. ii' t . .. R. Caul kins, M. DM of Rochester, N.Y., certifies, Oct. 6th, 1879, that lie has used the Safe Kidney; and Liver ! Cure in his practice for diseases of the kidneys and liver, and the result has been: satisfactory in the extreme. He says : I would now prescribe the same remedy to all similar ly afflicted, aud you are at liberty to so state in your testimonials." M JanltoApl ' :l - 2NT X NEW STOCK OF GOODS CHEEKING NEWS! JUST RECEIVED JNO. heNNISS' A New antl Select Stock of Hooks, Stationer-, etc., including; the following iiopular School Scries : Davie's Arithmetics, Emerson's Arithmetics and Algebras, Green leaf's Arithmetics. Montieth's Geographies, Cornell's (Jo. Mitchell's do. Smith's Grammars, Bullion's do- Holmes' Headers, McGuffey's do. National Dictionaries, Webster's do. Worcester's do. Hymn Books Methodist, Presbyterian, German Betonn, Gospel Hjrmns, &c. AND BOOKS OF WORSHIP. An elegant assortment of all grades of WRITING PAPERS, ENVELOPES, Steel Pens, Inks, Pencils, Slates, Visiting Cards, Playing Cards, Cray ons, Drawing Materials, Sec. Also, the Celebrated Fifteen and Sixteen PUZZLE. All chcajer than ever be fore offered to the trade. 22:tf. At E.N'XISS' Drug Store. German Millet Grass Seed, cheap at ENN1SS' HOW WATCHES ABE MADE. It will be apparent to any one, who will ex amine a Solid Gold Watcii, that aside from the necessary thickness for engraving and pol ishing, a large proportion of the previous met al used, is needed only to stiffen and hold the engraved portions in place, and supply the necessary solidity and strength. The surplus gold is actually needless so tar as utility and beauty are concerned. In James Boss' PATENT GOLD WATCH CASES, this waste of precious metal is overcome, and the same solidity and strength produced at from one-third to one-half of the Usual coat of solid cases. This process is of the most simple nature, as follows: A plate ot nickle composition metal, especially adapted to the purpose, has two plates of solid gold solder ed one on each side. The three are then pars ed between polished steel rollers, ard the re sult is a strip of heavy plated: composition, from which the cases; backs, centres, bezels, &c., are cut and shaped by suitable dies and formers. The gold in these cases is sufficient ly thick to admit of all kinds of chasing, en graving and enamelling; the engraved cases have been carried unlil worn perfectly smooth by time and use without removing the gold. This is the only Case Made With Two Plates of Solid Oold l Warranted bv Special Certificate. ! "For sale by J. & H. HORAHj and all other Jewelers. 1 22: ly Letter and Note Heaps, Bill Head?, Caris and Envelopes printed to order at very low rates. Call at this ffice. a:fi - f . ' PARSONS SNUFF, Still increasinff n favor. Try it. It u mild and pure. I For sale by J. U. Oicvu 1 -E-W - : -j j . . NEW ADVERTISEMENTS. Fonnflery & Machine MER0NEY & BRO. Have their well known establishment io full and regular work; agaip, and respectfully so licit orders. They have in their employ. Mr. J. A. GILL, one of the beat Machinists in the country, with a full force of tried , work men. Are prepared, to do all kinds o repairs on Engines and other ' Machinery, t abort notice. Their foundery n in lull operation for castinr in Iron or Brass. Their Machine Shop is turning out Sash, Blinds, Doors, Moul ding, &c, and everything called fcr in that line. Persons wanting any thing, in these sev eral branches, would do well to call and see them. They are still manufacturing the cele brated Meroney Plow. : J ' ' ; ' FOR SALE-BARGAINS! - One second hand 12-borse portable Steam Engine, as good as new. . s Also, a 25-horse power Engine,Trow in daily use, will be for sale in a month or two. . Call and see them. Feb. 19, 1880. 1 8:3m ' AND Bone Di Fertilizer, FOR THE LARGE AND RAPID GROWTH O COTTOiV. Also, a Complete Manure for Tobacco, Corn, Oats and all Vegetables. t3T TERMS: $40 (cash) per Ton, or 45(1 pounds of Lint Cotton, payable No vember the 1st, 1830. Call and get circulars. I have also, Good Virginia Lime on hand for sale. B.J.HOLMES. llKGt Salisbury, N. C. ome THEO. F. KLUTTZ. HAS JUST RECEIVED A CAlt-LOAD Celelirated Home Fertilizer ! ! The Chemicals for making 1 Ton will be sold for $14, or 200 lbs. of Cotton in tfo- No Cotton Seed or Stable Manure required. I x ms reriiuzer is imiv eqiuu 10 ine nign priced, so-called Guanos, and al Jess than half the price. I refer to the following well known gentlemen, who used il la.-t sea-n on cotton: John V. Karri nger, Jas. li. Gihson, V. F. Watson, Tho.. C. Watson, R. T. Cowan, W. B. Meares, A. Tait, J. G Caiible, J. F. E. Brown, E. C. Lentz, S. J M. Krown, and many others. Call early for your snpphVs anrsare money. T. F. KLUTTZ, Druggist. GARDEN SEEDS! .1 FULL SUPPLY OF Buist's Celebrated Garden Seeds. liEMEMBEli THAT BUIST is the only Seed-Grower who WARRANTS his Seeds. Look at j every paper of Eery', Landi eth's, Sibley V, Sec, Sec, and see if you find any icrtrrf j upon them. Iloware of worthless, un warranted commission Seed, and come to KLUTTZ'S for B11 1st 's which are warran ted fresh and genuine. THEO F. KLUTTZ, Druggist. 20: Jy.. O. Q. C. Our Quick Cure. As thousands can testify. Nothing has beeu equal to it for the cure of colic, cramps and ttiarham Sec in their worst forms. Manufactured at 18:tf UAUKEK'S Dwiir Store. FARMERS Would save money by, being careful enough to buy only THE BEST BRANDS OF ACID PHOSPHATES, (Dissolved Bones), and other Materials FOR fiOHPaSTITSG. PRICES: $8 to $10 for making One Tou ; or 100 lbs. Cotton, parable Nov. 1st. 3 q q As there are a great many Spurious and Inferior brands offered you nt low figures, which are shipped under the name of "Chemicals," to avoid taxation and analv sis, 1 repeat, you should be Very Careful aud save your money by getting such goods as ure legally authorized to be sold in the State, and have beeu analyzed and stamped. V5T Don't forget also that 1 continue to keep the old established and reliable "NAVASSA" and '"PACIFIC" GUAKOES, And COTTON MfYTTTP P wKirl. T h... been welling for the last. 12 years with perfect Miutiatuon. iou naveonl to axtc Uioae who have tried them. Do not waste time, money and trouble by experimenting with the many new and untried brand now going to be offered yon. You will do well to consult the undersigned (who for the lft 14 years has made thu a spe cial business) before urchasing. J. ALLEN BROWN. P. S Mr. J A. dookvi m- authorized Aeent at China Grove, and will sell at- 8ali bury prices. 15:tapl0 O. V. V. Our Vegetable Yermlfagre. The great est known remedy for expelling worms. Safest, surest and most reliable. Manufactured at Peruvian maio PLAIT ES TOLAim&MERALOi Persons owning 1 ' ! i- FanaXne or Mineral L, . of the North Carolina IJallroad froJ conl to Greensboro, and wish to .i;L ' of tho same, will rto well to eallba AU York Land &IWr.hlgVor H:tf - ' ; ; - p f9Ci;'j . f ? ' -. fi ,i j ..j i, 'it p. -' tollcationVill be inadet A1t.J yt nd menu to the: Charter of the T i - -" ' ' - ' ' ' ' ' " IM - t- i'uuu Llm !.. !" HOW SAVE piiYi I i f Ana jou win noi only save monev fcw r . the Best Goods made. - You will &d ;B !-1 Well Selected 5 Stock of Uarffware mSL W Threshers; and Sewing machines, .' f Straw-Cutters t Corn-Sheilers Grain Cradles, Grain andGra Sc,. ' a w . ' Plows, Hoes, Mattocks and Picks. SkN f Spades and Forks, Glass, Paints ' Oift t and Varnish, Locks, Hinges and W,.-V Duuden't Croas-Cut. lUnrl r, 11:11 ' J Mill C awt. Blacksmith & Carpenter HORSE AXDMpLE SHOES, Tin and Hollow Ware, Pateut Oil CangJ Patent Fly-Fans and Traps L BUGGIES, OPEN AND WITH TOPS, RnggJ-Harness, Harness LeatheJ snd Vj Mountings, Wagon and liuggy Material, ! and many other articles too tedious to i mention. n ' j At Heilig'g oldntand, main street ' ! Salisbury; N.c:n 30:ly ' -nj.rr: GEN. MORGANS Horse and Cattle Powders ; The largest Packages and smallest doseofinv Powder made, and warranted to do all iht it claiiJS. Mauufactnred at i' 18:tf , ? BARKER'S Drug Store. iS2 S, ATTORNEY- AT MWt. Practices in tho State and Federal Courts. 12:6m o. o. s. Our Cough Syrup. The roo palata ble, soothing and ellicacions remedy ever placed before (lie public for that most dreaded or diseases, coughs cohls&r. manufactured at -BARKER'S i f 18:tf Drugstore. KORTII CAROLINA. "I Daiidson Countr. I Ix SfPERiou Court,! uauuson couniy, Feb'rr 11, 1880. K.J.Cecil, AdnVr of Evari Da vis, dece'd. Pf. Against W. ('. Davis, widow, and Chali niers . Davis, Maty E. Da vis, 11. D Jenkins and wife, Petition to Susan S. .Jenkins, Thos. F. Da- Kaell land for Tin, niiuirn iiuniuau uuu wnc I Aaccll. -- Antoinette C itonman, Uavia C. Davis, Ida V Davis sndJno W Davi-, (the three laft nam'd being minors without gnard ians) heirx-ul-law, Defdta. It appearing to the satisfaction of the Court, by the Sheriff's returns and PlaintiflV arSciavit, that Chalmers E. Davis, one of th Defendants in the above aamed proceeding is a non-resident of this State, and is a nee essary party to the final determination of this pnx;eeding in reference to real estate in this State : It Hs therefore ordered hjjlw Court, that pulication bemadeoncea week for six ronsecutive weeks is the fxilubvrf, Watehmau, a newspaer published jn the townf Salisbury, notifying the aidXhl mers E Davis,ho apcar before thr Clerk of the Superior Court of Davidson Coutitj, ' at his olSet- in the Court house in texinjrton on Monday, the 29th day tf MarchJ 1S80, and answer or demur to the petitionwhWl has lx-ez..fiJetl in this proceeding, otherwise judgment will Je talvi-n according to" tlit pray-r of the petitioner. F - 1 C. F. Lowe, C. S. C. Charle-s L. Ilc'itman, Attorney lbr Petitioner. 17:6. Norli GaroM Preslyleiiai;" f to: : lj fi Nq efforts are spared to make tli or- ' gan or the North Carolina rresbyteM M both attract ire? and useful. TodothiiF present such a .variety of moral and reh -gious reading as will be read by yottflff and oldr-rich and poor, clergy apd laitj . learned and unlearned. Our special ; is to publish a liv paper. f r It numbers among its coiTespontlenU Eev. Drs. Drurv Ijicy, J. Henry Santo J. B. Adger and A. W. Miller; Itev. pJet srs. Jos. M. Atkinson, E. II. Harding, P E. Jordan, J, Ruin pie, E. F. UoekweU,P.. II. Daltmi, L. C. Vass, II. G. HHl, W. Lacy, W. W.Pharr, F.TI. Johnston, JVX ; Penick, II. Z. Johnston, S. H. Chester, J. W. Primrose, S. M. Smith, R. C. Reed, M. Wharey ; Prof J. R. Blake ; Mrs. Cor' nelia Phillips Spencer, Mrs. II. MJrfrm., and many others. Price $2.65 a J' r Al.lo T1H V HfI 4ITRIS. coy V V V - w - r Ecliior & PropW, Wilmington, v BARKER'S 1 1 VEK PllitS1 Though a new preparation, has J$ universiil satisfaction, and is warranto to icork anywhere. Manufactured at 1 ISrtf BARKER'S Drug Store. . M CLUBSrd L.UBS-6 AKE AKE UP UP YOUR YOUR TOR THE j CAROLINA WATCHMAN , The IJESrSYeekly iu Western -tft r e-i sr. - -ir iu advauc BUY FROM jj I 7 1 'm . I 1 -:'-! '-; ' : - . - f -a "ill ' i ' m - - l : -i ' -r . ; :,- - , .r . - 1 . i life: ' ' -"'y - . i .-- ." . j- .... . I. ( ; - i - ; 1 ! i j i

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