!- 1 111 TJ ' O tfBi L2J I List of Dead Letters remaining in the pP. 1 1 1 ! . ' Post Office at Salisbury, Rowan county, N-.O, April 5,1880 A Miss Mary A. Autner. ' " i Zftr tbe 1st day of Jauuary. I B Miss Lillie Benson, Miss Eliza Bord Jum snt ! - i .. ... . . .Ion. XT.. !., l t ti 4 " UwriDtion price of the li atcii- j tur, ju. iuuciuu oecik G Miss C. C. Graham. ; ' 3 H -Miss Minerva llojians. Miss Alice Unclaimed Letters. .1 6:. jsr'-.,, follows: . 0 i ?:L in advance, $1.50 5 Avmeht delayed 3 months 2.00 i--Miss Mi ivment delayed 12 mouths, SiL50UlaniiIUn. r a .Linvma imes. K Miss Mary A. Koon. (be pay for"me Wednesday ten or eleven Tha- J of the Public Graded School of said town, lers; and in four months 15 pounds, j ! - Sec. IX. This Act shall be in force from Whoever wants to send children" they its ratification. I j . r ; i . Paid the Penalty.-, HARRIED. may como to-morrow. Further, I Reserve i the privilege to fix up the schoolhouse, as I intend to live in it: and as far as - board is ! concerned I wWi to be? to send it -to the judge Uvery !tfas in the city last. Sun- tanvassinr our illUtcnt venders are ljv They are interesting talkers. fnB i ,rt!v after crettimr voutobuv. les'rP " Bernhardt & Bro's are now fil- T iiifirsinelesjaut selection of goods trade, M Harriet McKoy, Kufus Morrison, colored. " ; NrMiss Lizzie Neal, P Mrs. H. O. Petters, CI ay born Pojgne. R Theo. D. Ruddock, Jr., Alfred Red wine, Clarisssi Ilibely (or Moses Chambers. S Mrs. Mary A. Siinerson. W Lake Wilson, colored, John Wills. Wlieu Ciiliug for any of these letters, say they are advertised aud give date of tins list. D. L. Buixgle, P. M. care of the schoolhouse, then I will : take cooking myself. ' . joiiaxs uecieich Ghoessex. I . , . Schoolmaster. ; the 10, January, Anno 193 On the back of this ancient document there is a list of pounds, shillings and pence, and the following names : y "Fracic (Prick), Mr. Kreith, M. Besincer, Ph. BoIIandt (Boland-BulIen),M. Schumann; Read three times in General Assembly, and ratified this the day of March, A. D. 1880. . t '- i ' ' ; ' State of JionTB Carolina, Office of Secketabt of State, f 1 Raleioo. 3d April, 1880. Skai- V I certify the sbov to be atrne i Copy of the Original Act on file in this Office, i j ! i W. I. SAtrxDEHS, ! Secretary of State. An Act Killian Ernhardt, M. Scherritt. Ph. Luempe fob the pbotectiox of crops in KOW- (Limpauh), Jost Goetz, Koestlr (Kjeistler) an couktt.: Andreas Bawer (Bower),GeorgDochr;(Derr). 1 ; Nic Leialerj?er,Conrath Bollandt (Boland), flte General Assembly of North Carolina Georg Fiseher, Georg Bollandt (Boland), do enact: i I Jacob Besinger, Peter Drechsltr ( iTexier), SEimox I. Every owner of real esUte ..... i JJL'onsA aniouut of talk on our n i I f . -Kout the Yadkin Railroad. Timj . . I . .. 1.1- r i, music never pays, uu lei a tliatroau.; -;! DEATH Or JOHN D. BROWN. It is with unfeigned sadness we record the death of one of our oldest and, most highly esteemed citizens, j For a numlwr of years he had been doing business in New York j ..J Kiottz, of the firm of Klnttz & city, returning to his home in this place two T,, L. has iust returned from the Pr thrce times a yer 8Pcud tt few wecks flpidlestanhas just returned from 1 7?.,.. markets having purchased a Heuirich Baer (Bower), Alex, klingmann (Chnjinian), Ludwig Koeler. It lseiuhty seven rears since tnis uocumcnt M-as written, and Mr. Groessel,and all the men i whose names are upon it are uone, and doubtless all the children, whom he initi ated into the mvsteries of learning. But the names and the famines remain. Enochville Items. H,;: Vbile We are going to pressT there is "Lis, snow storm prevailing. It is ! red it will do a great deal of damage to dMA crop which ia very forward in tliif section. r 1 1. xt : i nsirw? mannfiitnrinff Mr A'V liarrio o u" ,u......'-v.....e .at be rate of from COO to 800 per S; He informs ns that he finds sale for tTL box of them be is able to pot up. HeUarted tbe business here a few months , Jwith only one ; hand employed, now i..?.. ..afiint wore to inree, ana con- IW VUunw"-"1 : his manufacturing I 1 ii . nlnrffl ntr faci! ities to a still greater extent. 1 with his family and friends. He had: been on a visit of t hb kind two months ago, and returned to his work in the city, bat soon found he was unable to fill his accustomed place, and went into a Hospital for treat ment, j His malady proved to be Bright's disease of the kidneys. He had the best possible attention while in the Hospital from the skilled physicians of the Institu tion; but his employer, out of a feeling of anxiety for his safety, supplemented these attentions by sending to him his own fami ly physician. But the best endeavors were destined to prove unavailing. His physi cians advised him to visit-the West Indies and to seek in travel what it was not in the power tot medicine to give. Suspecting, it may be, that his case was incurablej Sir. Brown decided to return to his home in this place, which he safely reached some three or four weeks asro. He had the attention of his family physician here since his arrival but his disease culminated in death, at 2$ o'clock, p. m., April 6th. Aged about 63 Mr. Brown was very extensively known in this State and in South Carolina, and his . . i - , ixi i - 1,1 l l : J. :.i The attention of citizens generous uisposu.on aim nuuuie u iwuic W.M I I tf I IIt.liWiv I uilvited to this araeuduieut .eel there will be no increase of taxes by went. ! J.lAi.Hnn. and tliat 118 niovisious arc L HB ... . . . a 11 L-nnnrn .1 u a motV'lianf in .:.Lj Unat n. between white ana oiacK ' ia...av.j RUwu ... MupuMrf-r- , . c . , I fr cl,rt 1 - I oausuury uciuiv iijc koi uu ui . suw time since, for which business he was hap- niivnnnsiitntiid w nrci 111 rfmfnt and natura r- ;ptja1crior Qourt is in session this week, a member of society he was highly vUH about tue orumary.uocaei.oi ws MtR4.mpri. As a business man he had the 'slltMrpasses and affrays. Notmng in confidence of an wbo knew him. As : thai of general interest., mere is, pernaps, christian hc. was intelligent and devoted Uierpuinber of cases than heretofore. m. alul upright life Was o The case of John lteet was oeiore me rreat tQ hU. frienda-and is R rih in Grand Jury, yesterUay, on uie cnarge 01 .0,.:9 family, to whom he was bein; fai eridi a formed the duties of the office with fidelity is. aud shall be. lawfully entitled to the entire and exclusive use of his owu sou ; and every entry- upon lands, unles by leave of the owner thereof, shall ue un lawful. Sec. II. No person shall permit any of his live stock to so. or enter upon the lauds of another, without having obtained leave from the owner of such lauds. Sec. III. The following laws are re tw:ilri. to wit 1 Section xl. of chanter 34. aud secJ-i. of chatiteflf 48 of the Revised It paias us to announce that Ueatti Code; section xlin. tf cliapter 3K, and sec m1 itWyitwl viit t this villaire on i. of chanter 43 of;i5attle Kevistil : aud about 11 o'clock, and claimed tor jits vie- ec. IV. The Board of Commissioners tim Mrs. Emma Rodgers, aged 20j years. for Rowan county may, by resolution, sus- She was the wife " p . . . i. . . ...j .i mi .i : . .. . l. .. a dutiful, affectionate daughter and sister, proper, ana sunn uave muuui 114 iu ic wkc a hvinir wife and a eeueral favonte with sucn resolution at any ume. In this iriace. At the residence of the A Youno Negro Ltxciied ix Ken-I bride's mother, Rev. ly F. J. Murdoch", TtTCKT for an Attehptei' Rapk. No j Apru 7thr 1SS), Mr. Win. A. Mowery and York April 2. A special from W inched Mj BoUrU CuthrelL , ter, Ky., saya Ben Johnson, a young no- . VlJrr I ",e I:u"7 -U. i w i j i April 7tb, 1880, by Rev. J.J. Renu, Mr. gro arrested on Wednesday for an at- c skij,anf formeriT f Petersburg Va., tempt to outrage a respectable young ami Miss Mary Wwnack, of this city. uj , buu oitci an examining iruu yesrer- j m Charlotte, by Jiev. 1. A. rroost, day, ' aid held to answer to the Circuit April 7th, 1880, Mr. Jits. A. Vogler, for- Court and sent to jail. ! He had caught merly of thia city, to Mis Came AJexan- the bridle of the ream? ladr' lioriiA. nt & ' v , i 0 rf. - onely place along the road, and made a desperate effort to get her off the horse, but she struck him witli her whip and es- j Wisstos, Is. C, March, 29, 1830. caped. It was with difficulty the negro J Lugs common dark:.... ...'....$2,50 $50 was taken to jail. About 1 o'clock this p'8V dromon bright....... .. . 4.00 (?) &.00 - i e j I LuffS fiood bright,. ........... J....6.00 (g, 8.50 morning a crowd of 31) armed men over- i ,fanP.Kr!ai,t L.i.no (k is oo powered tbe guard at the jail, took John- j Leaf, coajtuondrk...... L.. 4.00 Oil 6.00 son niul nftpr triri,,,, n vnin t.t u Letf, good dark 5.00 Oh 6.00 fession from him, hung him to a tree iu Tat Graded school hill. o puo- lijiin itis paper tho amendment to the To4n Charter, the design ofjwhich is to .nJle tlie Town to appropriate a portion k' HTnom fiiTfia for the support of 01 iuc; - - all who knew her. She was kind and affec tionate to all. possessing, in a hichidegrce, all those Christian virtues which iidoru a effect woman. At a barn raisinc, at John Horn barrier's. on the 1st inst., Bill Deal was perform ing It will be 1 manners made him friends wnerever ne At his home he was much beloved bv all s his relatives and friends. He, was tax payers, v Sec. V. This Act shall ue in iorce from and after the 1st day of September inJho vear of our Ixrd one thousand eighl hundred and eighty,! and shall apply to the county of Rowan only prorirtcrt, that this Act shall not go into effect until the of Rowan shall have constructed L . I . it m . 14' . 1 ' . I I'll llll V souie unnecessary ieui hi iinimiiB T , , , m . ir f. . i,..5,rilf axe. and was repeatedly warned tlie ,. i 'ACORHCUOK STOVES WISSTON TOBACCO MARKET. 3 ' j T7ILLIAHS BTIOW1I ITan ibe exclusive wle of tl !n tl-l-r?tM Cook Siove and il.c are iug oC like h6tS Leaf, common bright, 5.50 () 7 50 1 Leaf, ffood briirlit 8.00 ( 12J50 the jail yard, where the body was fouud I Wrappers, coruniuu bright, .... 12.50 (") 15.00 this nioruing. Ukauthorized Religious Societies T9 be Dissolved. l'ans, March 30. Decress against unauthorized religious societies were published to-day. The first concerns the Jesuits, and saya the government, considering that Wrapped, srood bright;... Wrapper, fine bright,... rappers, fancy bright,. .25.00 Civ 30.00 ....35.09 03 50 00 ,..5000 B 75.00 danger to which he was exposing! others, but continued until his axe slipped out oi his handi and struck Jacob Hornbarner, who was sixteen feet distant, cutting a cash in his hand an inch aud a half long- . . . . t "IT t . 1 . 1. n tho end ot tlie nanuie siriKing uuu iu tow forehead and inflicting another severe wound. The geueral expression is that f)eal should have received a severe chas tisement light there and then. W. FROM! A DISTINGUISHED PHYSICIAN. Prof. Green, a distinguished allopathic physician, wrote to the Medical Record to the effect that after all other means had fai!- fnrthur I ed, he sent for the Kidney Cure (Safe Kid- ...eranee cauuot b. teded to . 'of against which national sentiment has de- easc Dyi administering it, and afterwards 1 clared itself, have resolved to dissolve j found it equally benencial m other cases. the association, and that establishments occupied by its members must be closed Letteu and Note Heads, Billheads, and vacated within three months, which Cards and Envelopes printetl to order , . , , ... . . at very low rates. Call at this otnee. period maybe prolonged until Aucnst or-xi . 31st, in case of educational establishments being attached to the society. The second decree provides that un authorized congregations must apply to the government for authorization, and that such bodies as shall not ask or even tually obtain authorizations shall be dia solved. 1 tUtti mm mm locals. A FINE JSSSEY BITLX, at my stable. A rare chance to cross your- stock with the very best, which all wight to embrace. C. I'LVLtU. 6:3m. ' J " K JAMES M. GRAY, Attorney and Coinssllor at Law, Office in the Court IIoiiso lot, next doer . to Souire llanghton. Will practice iu all' the Courts of the State. ' ( ' j r i i along the line ; which separates the coun ties of Rowan and Stanly. Read three times and ratified the 29th day ot March, a. u., ioou. A Newark Phtsiciax Devoured by We republish the above act in order Mice. The dead body of Dr. George W. to present it correctly as it was passed, Piper, aged seventy years, uncle of the the first copy furnished us beiug incom- late Bishop Odenheimer, was found at his DON'T FORGET IT COME AND GET YOUR FIxotograplis. C. W. C. WOOLWLXE, rHO TOO fs.i PH Elt . Blacte aiH MMi, Attorneys, Counselors and .Solicitors. salisbuiit;n.c Jaoaay'22 1879 tt. plete by the omission of section IV. Important to Doctors. I mi .1 ? 1 AN ACT WU. EDITOR ? i ne unaerignei, chu- I.V tllM To Authorize Vie EddUUkmett of Graded - i I .Ul UIVUl SJWSCfcjr AVS spectfully ask jou to jmiMimIi the follow- ini inkccompLice in the infanticide for t6ndcrlv devotca. He was one of the bi(Jhi daughter awaits trial; but no oIdest;mcmbcrs of the Presbyterian church, idMckasbund against him. hU connection with it dating from !J8U. i ft I ! o ww f niHnv vnni-a a deacon anclner- Sethools in the Town of Salisbury, The General Assembly of North Carolina do enact. Sec. L The Commissioners of the town of Salisbury are hereby authorized to sub mit to the qualified voters ot saiu town at such time and under such rules and regula tions as the sai J Commissioners may pre scribe, whether an annual tax shall be levi ed therein for the support of one or more graded schools in saia town, mat rato ny of tj,e branches thereof, or in any qualified voters, at such election, are ai in- , prescribe for the cure of diseases, for orized to vote on written or printed ballots fw nf rewara the words "for school" and "against school FUI t,ei more, he "shall not be entitled and tlie penalties for illegal and fraudulent sue fur or M(lV(s nuv Iuagis. voting in this election shall be the same, as ju tU gtftU any llie(Ucfti in the annual elections for Mayor and Com- bm f(). Rervic.M n,mt.,ed i the practice ntici nnoru rti hip uiu i iji nuunuui i. Sec. II. In case a majority of tneitali ficd voters at sech election shall be; in favor of such tax, the same shall be levied and collected by the town authorities under the same rules "and regulations by which their town taxes are levied and collected; and the tax collector shall be subject to the liabilities for the collection and dis- room at Newark, N. J., Saturday night last, by some children, partly eaten by mice. The deceased lived iu a small room in the house of George W. Selzer. He had not been seen for a week, and it is" supposed that the cause of his death was appoplexy. When found the body was 'still possessed by the slowly devouring mice. I iiiir notice for the information oi your subscribers: "The Hoard of Medical Examiners of The vermin nestled in the corpse, and had the State of North Carolina." will meet to be beaten off. Death, it is said, occur- in the city f I Wilmington, on Monday, j t wcek flg0 .MiiV iUtii, loou, lor uie e&uiuiuauuu ui iimlii-Miita for lipfttiM Without a license from this Board, -'no ing spectacle. person shall practice medicine or surgery The partly eaten body and filthy room presented a sicken- Just received at A. C. IIahriV a fine lot of No. 1. Cigars and French Candies. PRICE CURRENT. I Corrected by J. M. Kkox te Co.l April 8 180. 13 lit TIME TABLE WESTERN H. C. RAILROAD Leave GOING ULbT. Komnuish. A Movement for the Establish tnent of an Independent Church in this Country. New York, March 23. -Large meetings Cottox firm good Middlings, Middling low do stains Bacon, county, hog round Butt ek. Eggs Chickens per dozen Corn NevV Meal moderate demand at Wheat good demand at Flo uh best fam. extra of medicine or surgery, or any of thewere! held this afternoon and evening, Potatoes, Irish super. I .1 .f '1 Una, 185$-5tf. Pkter E. Hines, M. D. W. T; Esnett, M. 1). II. T. B a uxsox, M. D. IliiL fto.D Meetixo. There publjc meeting held hero Saturday for thc4pirj)ose of reviving the Salisbury ,e ! i I 1 I TIlM W l Y 1 t at 4i o'clock p. m., Kev. J. Kumpie o- and collected, shall not exceed for the meeting (was wen aneuueu. au tintt Merchants and others closed tueir first vear onc fourth of one per cent, on vai these J. Mi Gray, Esqs. Kesolutious were j, .uuLiuwiio v. -i ursu jear uuv iuiiu v res and-places of business and attended Ue of property, and seventy-fiv ne services and it may be mentioned as poll; nd foJVSIpl. 1 i , , , ; . . exceed one fifth of one per cei The funeral, services of the deceased took bursement of said tax as he is or may be for t-. i u -,!,, r oilier town taxes. ' me rresujier.an . pMpiji That the tnccial taxes so levi- l ... r T l.n.n!n nttii-lu. 1 .. . Addresses . . ho -five cents on the year shall not , I . - " " ' T I. , nriA tuiF (im T tn w Tin VH.1- .,W r With fwmM tiri new orcail-. , ... 'e .i.- A hnU execeu two uiui "v v. w.. - " 7 7 unusual, inai many " lucw,u,lu ' rw ue of property, and sixty cents on the poll; ization nf the Compauy, and for a county of town crovvtiej the galleries. and that the taxes thus levied anl eollec- 1 n..tVn f.K lw. Iw.ll in tliia iiT.w.. ftTI til P. 1 Kt I . . . . I., j 1. 1 1 1 .nnK,l ...Kicivnlv trV t hfl Slin- mcniiHjj: im j ircm m mmsh'ivv v I tjood man nas gone to ine fvi icu iimh w - " j j t SHtuixlaylin May. Fnr uwho ,ove dod. port of "Graded Public 8choolsandshall Tlie secretcry of the meeting has reen W(j gul)j0n tue following from the Char abseit fnlni town and failed to supply us tte QfaTt.r. , -whh fall reortof the proceedings. ' death of an old merchant. ! ! - Hi rr" o . . . A tetarram was received In this dty yesterday a I ' V. ho In SnltaTturV- at (lws of North Caro- in . ti1H stahlislmieiit of an Amur- Onions no demand I wii " ..." I i...n Til..iwiiiliit. riiiiii-h at which ad- I LiARD , i t .. .1 I II AY dresses were maue UV ivev. rauicru Quiun, Wood, Broderick and others, for merly JRoman Catholic priests. It was stated that many priests were at present Com. Tlie Churches in North Carolina. Biblical Recorder.; Statistics of Christian denominations Oats Beeswax Tallow Blackberries (. B'...w.w ....... . . .1 Ippt ca rlriMl. eniraced iu the work and tliat r ather a ' Quinn, President of the organization, was dailv iu receint of communications from 1010i 89 20 10tl $1.50(2.01) 5o60 G5 1.251.30 3.30(3.50 3.25 3.25 50 50 89 50 4550 2021 67 7 56 10l2i Salisbury Third Creek Hi ui wood Statevi!le I'atawba Statim Newton "nnova - Uickory Icavd Morgar.ton Glen Alpine Bridgewater Marion Old Fort Ilemy SwanhanoaGap Black Mountain Coopers Arrive - GOING EAST Salisbury Third Creek - i 8 137. a r io , JO. 30 U 2 liy 1'2 3.Y l'io7 1 44 2 28 301 3 4 4 91 A M. M A I0PJ -3 30 3 07 2 c l-'ylfi 19 North Carolina, gathered from minutes of ..rimta who are tirewariuff to abandon 1879 and con-esmm deuce of leadiug min- Romanism and who were anxious to la- Chew Jackson's Best Street XavyTobaccc NEW ADVERTISEMENTS. inters of the churches given : M. E. Conference (white) llolston Cufereuco in North Carolina (white) r:i.iii r'nnfiaruiiiw in Tt-t!i not be appropriated or expended for any other punose; and, j . v ' Provided, further. That all the taxes which A. M.E. Ziou (Colored Meth- shall be levied by said town for all purposes odist borJor the benefit of the poor people in 66,059 tjie extension of true principles and prac tice of Christianity. Letters were read HORTH CAROLINA, in any one year shall not exceea one na oi A R rcoiomi Methodist J -, i i 1 . onMoivit 9 m rTg iur i'kiii iiiii tvii in uir,i i 1 . w v w . . i AvcitiiIeii lUPK.Ilobt. Bame. a yonuc theaeam a. . - nn f ' - ! M. K. Uhurcl. colorea iietu- ---t .: - i in thn 1 rr rr nnrir i n nr. duuu 1. uivnu. m i nuti u.wi - 1 " f - I . . . . .- , o'clock I mnlivlug several iuiles east of this place; jjgnaeman well known threughout western North Sec. IlL The special taxes thus levied odistsj charledwith ranin-a little eight year- Carolina and especially highly esteemed athls home and collected from the taxable property and christian O'KellyireJ arjeu, wnn rapin0 a i lue v 3 Qf age aQ(1 wa3 a s of white shil,i lni expended in protcstant Methodist s okl negro prion tho night of EastcrMon- Jq; speclmen of old tlme merchant; Iledlda seeping up a graded public school for white J:"T" day iluded the search of the officers, un- largeund nourishing 1 business before the war and persons of both sexes between the ages of uah-erB ; til Tiiesilay lust: and was thcu found sit studd desencedly high in the commercial m.nu. six and twenty-one years; and tlie special L,utnerau Loonij suhseiuentiy he abandoned business on his own ac-1 taxw tjUS ievio(3 and collected from the tax- Uomau Catholics about able property and polls ot coioreo; persons Moravians snail oe expenoeu in Keeping up, 1.!. t ' J T i i... .....1 uw mine, lie was; orougni, w io ; . MnneptC(1 wlth the firm of S. 9, committed to jail. iHh case c:wne up yes- , & Co of Sew York, and la the capacity ot ter fav before Justice IlaUghton for ex- salesman lor them came Into contact with business aminhitioui , lie was confronted by the men throughout the State. As anevia nee 01 ine .. hi.ti ho hpirt bv the firm, mar ttltf girl tvhorecognizwlaiidpointed him menUoQcd the tact that when his health gave oafc I fjtM rjoriea waon the witness way a tew months ago they promptly offered to andUtkf!rVtnfh condition of the send htm oaa trip to Florida, at thesame time "I : .yr"j . ' .. -v.r I wi. nut liKhnnin nimeiemiv rp- vi v ... , ; . i . . 1 ... m htmii tUe next morninff after th any white pupil of either sex. without KiMtists Lr rce vinj i,hh f .mfiT nl aeeonnnfflT leil I recaru iu w wii--, r-- public school for colored persons- of both , sexes, between tne ages 01 six n icun one years; Protided. That tne -oansuury ureucu FUrhool Committee" shall have power to re ceive into the Graded School for white per- Presbyterians Episcopalians : Baptists Missionary Baptists AutiMisSiounry Baptists Cambellite . In Scpeeior Co;:kt. 6,000 from several priests iu various parts of Rowan COUn.y. : Spaixa Teum, lb0, the country saying their whole heart was Bettie Lcthco, Plaintiff, 5,116 Un the movement, and communications Against were oresented from Methodist, Baptist, William M. Lethco, cieienuant. 26.044 -...1 Pra-hrtiuHan wnifriicea iu Balti- The defendant in this action will take no- 8,587 more, Philadelphia and New Jersey hear- tice that the plaintiff, "ie hco, has ' ' , . commenced a civil suit against the defend nt, tily eudorsiug the movement. Wm M jthco, for a divorce, returnable 8,762 to the Spring Term of 1880, of Rowan Su- 4,605 : Asheville Citizen : The national govern- perior Court, to wit : on the 9th Monday af- !3,500 nient has ordered that twelve irls and A 4,850 twelve boys of the Cherokee Indians, re- g ? required to appear and 10,000 sidiuciu the more Western couuties of nwer or dumur to the plaintiff's complaint. 1 mn Lk:. ct.it lu oil n :i t'il at the exDcnse of 1 Witness: Jno. M. Horah, Clerk of the . . . i...:n v.n.ai 1 Snnpn'nr Ccmrt of Rowan county, at oftcc i,y5- the government at ine amicmuo r-j..-:-- - 17,747 and Weaverville Colleges, the girls to be Salisbury, V) c g c 5,544 tiught here and the boys at Weavervile, j Gray Att-y for ppff. 24;0v$5 167,699 for the purpose of enabling them to in- . j TTTTGP 9,750 struct their own people. To this end Mr. JU A" 11 V U OLi 5,970 Banner, of the Asheville Female College, . ' ...... ..... rmm n l n Oil r II n I 6,516 accompanied by Dr. W. 1). Uiinara, leu KtUUIilU FLAll I Of UntHr i Elniwood Statesville Catawba NewUn uonova c-r-i Uickry 12 i.', p. ja. Icard 111-8 : Morjrautnn 10 21 ; ; Glen Alpine . - ? Bridcewater - 9 33 1 Marion 4o . Old Fort 7 57 " . Henry': 7 44 f Swannanoa 6 32 Ulack Mountain 616 i! Cooper's 6 00 A. M.- Trains run daily. Snndayn excepted, Train .eoJnfi Wesst hreakfnst ut States-, vilie and dinner at Ucnrv. Trwin pinp Eaft, breakfast at Henry and dinner at Hickory.. J. W. WIL30N, President.! M '.1 OLher Pianos w jar out f BBTrstY-'G"! oh Forever, 1 vicr n 1 1 t - .t conteu a' 4 c,r World. M ictPie i.oa.W.ind-ftl UnmNlHi ty iiit R - n.in t 'iv. im-T'. my io'l rtei( . .uri:l..-i..' . I a ve iuiiw ."' krp -n-i oOr. ; i Tfi riiy rurp U3T HKfiM' ! 1 1 ic.- t ii it. e iu April 1, slt 1 fur ( irrt. 1. t Ctl I-'.- . t- . v ... jl.::a .. tm Ai-ri 1 iS. t, .dl Al cnnif. jThe testimony before the umgis- tome and be tetewaideeiued 'sufficient to recommit New York al ti iis6uer to 'answer a,t the next term ior Court. These fiirurea thow that there are in here satumay inorumg iu w r-r1 few weeks ago. He died, we team, of er to admit to the Graded school for color- NortJi Carolhm 17695 Pedobaptists, and selecting these scholars. was generous, klnd-neartea ei persons ana coioreu pup..D .,tttt T!,a statistics may Mr. James C. Anderson, Spring Term tiat ishe has had for many a Jury U will show two cases of rape, in I BrtgUt-s disease. He wu fenerous, ukhi . p rr-" 189.925 Baptists. These and maaij in all Ws deaungs. ana pou. L..filf, L f iMlfc tilpT flr Verv nearly Lenoir Topic : int rnnnrtenee or all wno tnew iuui. niarria-i bec. iv. ii a uiu uruy vi 1. r....v- m vv...vM . . - .,.. j o.:, Rowan Vdl have the blackest docket at tlve, Col John L. Brown, ot this city, was wltn bJm voters cf the town of Salisbury shall vote who lives near 1 8 1 " janfcill have the blackest Uockci at ' Mmeot-M8deatlt i ' Ufor school" the Commissioners for said .... county, became suddenly ill a fe days town at their next regular meeting and PojEcr.-Latelv a project of ago, and Ur. Scott was sent for. The doc- A Relic of Antiquity in Uowan. su in importancc to Hickory and surround- tor removed from 'fZflZ ... .. ... .. -r. 11.. i,nr cliall Hpot three pent e- nf, nnmx nn (mm an unexncciea die. nearly mice iuihw rpt, - fVillna inrr TPllC OT TOC last ceulUiT I aiinuini J uiv.ii.. u.. .. . iu: wuunn,v...uv. .r 1 1 ... r The following "c . J fnteirritv and ability, qualified voters I 4 p:ttJlI1P ,he irreat iron king of rust, and attached to a piece of thiead hdtfijof whieh the otTendeis are white men, tlie victims litle, tiegro girls. Oue case iuiutioide in which three or four per te implicated ; and ail nuusually large auiniicrof lesser otfences. sented to the Watchman for publication be- of said town, ?t illustrates one of the phases of edu- Board of Ldu 4- .AnctUnta tli KnllfillUrr TJ,m5n"nlth. the Lnitca Diaies, is I have a fine collection of Plant3. well grown. at reduced rate, which I will sell cheaper than can be purchased anywhere elae. Price list free. Correspondence noucuea. WM. SMITH, 20:1m Concord,. C. G1IAS0S! No. 20: 4f FOI1 o- JTjiiilarch No. of, tho Sou th Atlantic tit jiand,. well filled as usual. John S. onKq.. ofXewbern, in an artiele en the "Decline of EliMiueuce in the m,n Uiiuks the ace is too nc&ll brushing away the about a foot in length. Mr. Anderson, a it illustrates one of the phases of edu- Board of tucation ana yarning n u.c . fift arg or more and up t tuia eatioi in Uowan county in the olden th, J! J: tldin. a narrow sau.e tlnie in good health,. does not know when rAAW . fJ n TAp A fTfi d ihmnrf. West Virginia, and on through he swallowed the needle, and knew 1.0 th- tUl U l " Ashe and Wautaga to connect with our iug about it until it was about passing Chester & Lenoir road, and thus not only from him, when his sufferings became in- open up a way to the great ore beds of Vir- tense prac- .mom? the German population, and because Learning tne Bcnooi v-uuiai v. T Sen s the ordinal methods of spelling District No. 27 of Rowan County, and the IcXmiVy names, that have , undergone Mayor oi th. tl . ,.ua,,rrt The "documeni was wru- buhi us '" some chances. 1 ne uin.uiuc f ti- ahall le. and are here- tan !n thn i.erman lancnaue, hdu h uwu ... . --- 1 - - , ten in tne uermau iwlu r -tii; a lxdv cornorate bv tbe manner translatcct ntera y, "7 - i T"; i9burv-Qra(ied School ! Commit- :ot Salisbury, air, u,.,.--- - - -n - . - fiiv full control and ginia aud North Carolina, but secure a di- for the culture of this oratorical known as a Redemptnker,, that is, a man Jjower. - . 4.- ci. .. r.H aooIi mpmhpr ni rhiii "viral:-I inji 10. 4 SkAi.A-j t j:....i.. ..i,rt iliRvinir no means oi iwing nis v- ocuwto, ""-. vi 13 miniiL i.iia.LiL is cicccuuiui) i "- o - . . hall have lull control ana nnporion with the South Atlantic sea- management of the "Salisbury uraaea v-v - ; , . Mtfc.i..t:n - - which was attended by Prof. Kerr, . 1 1 -1 0.1 1 Him 1 rtminiif in i ...t fie hear a man of real eloqnenco, and that he should be sold on his otRce until his successor shall be elected, or OQr Sute geologist, wbo gave them informa- l-1 . . I Tf nminirii fr lAncrpr nr short-i aDDointcd and Qiiallhed. I . th min pral denosits of this UIl klllllrliUlU ..... I . .. ... tho country, it is tneir purpose iu iuu road through to Charleston, and should it be undertaken by those rich corporations, will be pushed vigorously to completion, and nce completed it will be one ot tne . if ..r . n f linn nf th onnnt TY. - . nroh ' nl-nt nm ina. greai lines 01 r" " . of prone, r;''V ftai;aWv R.it to Sec. VI. The Principals and Teacnere oi The fact cf hs; small cost comparea kii itm.n Theves. New York, April 3. A special to an evening paper from Read ing, Pa., says: 0t often itm mW ivilli' n w!ih'ftvn al rAOXT . Z ' Mr,"liUimr'r iw V. -The Salisbury Graded School : "-4; it, since the, war. ine nerce er time, to reiunu iue 1""" rnI5l m.t sne and be sued, have a i 0f that dreadful ordeai; destroyed srs Frark wi - common seal, purchase and hold real and naOV hf ' H. lw,.;r..1 mwl rli!irminiriaavancuuijw.v .. . - ..u..l MMna1 nrnmrtv tint exceeding fiftv thous- of Uhe South, and drove men of Tchurch which he prised to take care and dollars 1 arirl Wnr frm iln.miiiiifr into ii Lr .ml for the bencht ot wnose meuiocra ru.c .-.-v...- -r- "r j , XT..; I haI inonneufent Wltn lUe laWS VI ..! Ill I ijiinti 1 v' "The people of Honey brook township, Chester couu, a terrible state of alarm over tho depre ,iann f a band of West Mountain WAHSTS PLOW BRAND Raw Bone Super Phosphate For Cotton, Diamond Soluble Bone For Composting. We are offering the above Urandu of Guano to the Farmers, confidently believing that iI.pv cannot ourchajw any other that will gife I 1 A v ..an ta IICIICI irruiw. . I c..ii..Ti;w vnnr Dalr.maze. we hope that ail .ill Mll ntl" nee u nd bear terms before KERR CRAIGE, , lttorncj at zzK SalislonrT, XT., O. I Cheap Chattel Mortpigrd, f; arioun other blanks for sale here j Harness, Saddles, &C-1- . thA:M Krtfna ami thieve, who are unrn.ng - m'akin"arrangeroeul, elsewhere. driving off their stock. The marauders making Regretfully, itrnin.i. 1 i..- 1... 1. 1 Ha was teaching, was tne --bh'c iur oreau. lair, louc uuiniij inwuiv . , Nebturaf for tho decline offa?" O..1!!? Wueuce in 'tliiilsautik more remote U?! 8 ' Uuch craded public schools, shall not be roads and the great saving in throne surfed above, but we P' "whTreaT Mrr Conrath Frack and Mr. subject to the toother with the fact well tliiriU u . ou.::T" Rhn,nnn stood cood for me for to salary prescnoca ny aw- -1 . -" . A a greater per cent, of freight, all combine to make this one of the greatest enterprises ym it difficult to discover anything Christian ehumann stood gooaiorm paid demonstrated that narr-w gauges can carry ! 1 n 3 - i-ti 1 ! an i iifir nn c: x uaic 1 - - S!l '" '-" CTSe" SSS S .h T will th I M .oh compon...ion th. ft "uruens oorne enee will -revive , w . iged tto that ! by our ieop!e. Elo- j he in thia vicini, r'"' i V; 7k;: .init. until I have naid ed School Committee ULK1UI HCir, - - . . . when our sons come back said money. Furthermore 1 win irom mv dPum insit And Commissioners for tbe . 'ili'H " v , I uav a - j - . 1 he days of trial, endured by this day and year r' town of Salisbury .hair be authorized to unn WMlooi as 1 nac "-. V"" - .. . v. I ,l..t.m - r k. .1. j .u bu rt rmn hiii'.ii tcriiis iuci mi Uf if i mt vcm. ana as 1 sew ui yu ic o-, -r r - - . , ... - - now on foot. Hickory Carolinian. fathers. 1 r Lenoir Topics : A man on Linville Monn- rnUA the. county school house of a large n:i.lr. nailed it to a tree, and po1' a notice, a skoll and cros bones attached, stating that if the Horse Insurance Com nnnr Tollowed them up to make arrests fearful desolation would nt once follow. A number of members of the detective company have had their horses and cat tle poisoned The New York Sun defies the Cinciu- n,i5 mHrs to publish any proof ot tne fact that Tilden or his friends had en BERNHARDT & BROS. 10:6w "a corner" on the SPASMOTlf! CnVVTTT.TTflVS fluently caused "f TaU; therefore, at the first iadica a af Ivhrni Rl,rSiii Tndian Vprnd anxious A-RElgivcs me -irfi,j rooer. the School House lot belonging 10 . rJ i I .voihi1 to secure ... ... - fPI T I... tk.t an.n ll(l I nnKD OiaTU. UII.VU, w HIV ri lliuiru IU' j . . .. aeB,.i 1 - lmanv; rears wiwi juu. 6 j---- . - hlin.inriii-h other lot . i,t,-nn- or. rimnH-1 ocratic conciuu. fT.y vMcy m wmiuo bu.n r - - to his likin? to suitscnoej c;emcicrj, v- . 'on. wnuo uu . iinM m 1.1 f 1 u 1 1 1 . - 1 .ix--,;i ehinsr for the benefit of the church, i or .lot. 111 wT-n v to mt to Mr. Frack and to. and may erec --: j , AtM.m f k- tiir i.... .,.i viiUrin-M Uir SrhumaoTV a. these two men have tov.ame as uicj 1 , - r . 1 Khalf ot said town 01 ury , Mountain, la8t week, came acrow erect such buildings upon the mwr The story to this effect has been going the 4ouud for sev- tr-il weeks. J. Y. BAHBER, AT Graham's Old Stand ! DEALER IN FAMILY GROCERIES, Fresh Meats of all kiuds, Canned Goods, Fruits, Confections, Slc. nrCall and get his prices.Q 10:1m LOW PRICES AHD GOOD VOEK Have made my Busmen a Tuccesai f And I now ofier the people of this county' and adjoining sections the J BEST MADE W0RK1. in my line that can Le found in the State.- -The Material I uce i of tlie Beat Quality, and, as the best U always the Cheapest, i POLAND'S HEADQUARTERS i For Harness and Saddle i the place to make your purchases. All I ak U a trial and I guarantee satisfaction. I can fell j Gocd Set oUIanieM for $8.50 1 and up to the finnt outside nf New York city 1 I can sell jvu j. Qui Saddle at $3-0 nd UI jT kepairing done neatly id with di patch. d me", n.-t door to Craw" fnrd' Hardware state, on FUhcr Street. j -lS:Um W.EPCLAKD. m j -:H j. i. ! : T E m 1 i i r t J4 -i it f H -I 1 1 V: .-it . I ; i. ' L

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