i i I It J n-r 1 1 1 1 i ! .i-T : 1' .i I U '-i ' 'if i; l'!'. ! 1 ; - J 1". 1 Carolina Watchman THUKSDAY, APRIL, ;I;1V . losses by the late frosts arejrcported lies vy la Vir&uU Mr, V4Joiiy t.f tlm.biibiottc OStrirrfJr felines io We- candidate fur or. fcular democracy oi 'XSfr York is Raid to Vc doubtful. .T,r.,: -u.wi- .; -neinwatt'ti throtigh tfie large cities1 tf tl$SotUh an excursion par ly of CiiK54;tliAtti'Oiarid preparations .umkijig for tlieiu at Augusta.: j .n i j - .!';! Utii They have a sjdi itnafisticxhibition at ise 'I a 'Charlotte.' It does not the Opt ra bouse. 'eeirf roaAiouht to much; Spiritualism has never' flourished id this latitude. ..Tpe Y,irgiiiUjrepublicar.s are in favor f firant above every other man stloken of for thelVesidcliejy and will go for hlni in tVe'iio'iiiifllHtii 'Convention: , , .a i if r , ' ' Walking 31atcii. A. negro. -wan in New York, '.named; Jlart, bus just com- )leta is d;iy V sy;idk, summing up 5GG iuileP tlie best walking on record. xCapt. .Wjui EUei brock and his faithful dog .were caught in aburuingbuildhig at Wi 1 in iugt on, 014 tlie jiijjhtof the. lUth,aud TierisHed in the flames. Their charred re- mains were found near each other. And now'it 1 announced with all due formalities that. Mr. Tilden will; not be a candidate before the CinciiiUJiti j Conven tion. That he had written a letter two months ago to this purport, but out of re aspect to personal tYieuds, had not publish ed it. It is booh -to -appear. The Charlotte correspondent of the Raleigh A?' writes that paper of a vUit made to the Bellows "Vactory, and says it is in full woik Tind the 'demand for their goods so pressing it will' compel tlie iro prietors to increase' their facilities. i" . - i ;j . The Springfield (111.) election the Re publicans .elected .their candidate for mayor, and the, Democrats the treasurer police- magistrate and four of six alder ;iuen.r The new council stands 10 Demo ttats, 8 Republicans. ' The literary Societies of the University ollndiaua, at Rloomiugtoiir have decidt d they will invite Jefferson Davis to deliver the annual address liefore them. Mr. r.''- '.' ' ' ?t-i"'.1. i c ' :' . i -! Davis will draw a ' crowd and not disap ; point any reasohable especrations. siDr. 31 T. G. Mittag, well know here by ; some of the older inhabitants, now a res ident of, South rCarolina, clajms.to Iiave discovered the principle of t)ie Telephote, as he called it, in an article written by hiili" in' December. 1877. He 'thinks an Sn&tt nmept may be inado to cohvey the expressions of the hauian mind as it is now conveyed by the eye. Immigrants from. Epglaudand Germany are coming this year in increased num bers. At Baltimore tiiercr. have Ueen" 2,- '300 this year against 2c(? the cqrresppu fngjienod of Iastyear. The class now "obmiugiii is Raid" also to" be better than Sd8aal,-j most!- of them bringing money enough to boy farms . and stock ; them. They ttasto ne fiiiue iin. the cUies but uovo at ouco to the West, 'I 4t '- ryuiM:- . i T vTio Supreme; Court jlia8. rendered the -j following decision, 'as wo learn from "ifaieV Weelti); April '13. ' : Witf. V:'R.'Jt: Co;, r. Rollins: Buncombe'. tJierersed. n J 01 vr,. . . .-.. AejO oTMarch 13th, 1879, repeaHog the charter. of JLhe Western Division of j?",1" 9a(r11",.a Byroad is notn violatitm of flie'constitution. rhe President oHhit .Conip'aiVy must turn ov er Un.Wfe to tl"Vft5ter Xorth ' Caro lina Railrtiad j sCompaay i jri nccordarice Mllli SiUU VCJ. I, Tub' Meaxt AUk A Druggist at Portland, Liine, wtis aroused ijxthe night by.a ..man jw hp wanted to, buy some ' bran dy;'. The. Druggist refused to sell itfear iug prosecntiou - uudeE; ihe, Prohibition Law.; The man declared that the liquor .was for hb wife, who had, been taken vi olently ill, ami might die- nuleua she got ilfsoie was given nmail ipiantjty. He vas really a temperance spy, anil on the following dy he hod the draggist arrested. A IIUWBiIl; CosGRKtis. No'citv in the country has been1 tUi tl.nriMii'Mv iti.. giaced by l he fti ntn cy of t lie biu tid crime of rape as the cfn of Washington." Kn. giesCwhtcli .ekerclsy sjSeciiiT care over T.tnn1.V oynave nlaof betyreUbeni 1 bill to .liuuislt;ulaekma.UvrsU'Hotju ought' to be m nud;feiufij ff x ff, j ?. , . . , .... . ... i - . . , i ,-;!. -t.-.t i Observer j 'Says .dr. Card well haij. cotup' rub-division of his district ?au'd"hasHt3 daiVdi:i4iviuj;0hd has tmvdo AW&Ac i " eywiaeratiHs R;.eaehTha cluiseu Wffb present leguf 'fttadfttee,1 post'ofliee 4l(Ueas,giiTit tbdtqnocipal!jfiicts , of .education and professional or butsiueasex- ,jerience, itchtdi tiy i astateuieut of all na- rionf; StafiinftrnfcilJalffi-i-tJkanJ-tia88hdilflha 'the4laci ajid uature tdiSpreirt lOCcvpAthm.JtU must allbe iu their iiwn handwriting and socertilied by thenisdfves. tej-fere and pass, more stringent laws for ihe prttectibTf of the4 1 Hun'oecht Wn'ni.v -i V'11. 'H b.ave io inake a new application, IjkwIjicIi tlieyare leiiuired to give 'a Vio- irrmuiicai skercu oi riiem'irpu . -i?,Sj; a CKxi-KKAur, otiiE'Battle oG voRbJ lth aliciidv beeii aunouucetl iu , w : a ,r this Ji pec. hat we were to have a grand veuieuuiai leiturauim vi uuum; .........;..i n..fi. rIaier in 1110 raid oi lua roaa jihvo uceu Gnllfbiti-fJourrHonsennf the 15th MaTcb, j 1881. ; There was u large meeting of citi- aeiis, comprising a .iionaierr oi visiiora fioni a distance, Jieldat Greensboro, last week, to make ajwrmanent organization for the purpose of promoting the centen- IiITkv n.JT. MorhaL Hon.l -riuw S -fvml1 others! Encbnrair. jug lettei-s were l ead from ,mapy, distiu- Qtlemekriii add odt bf the State, riiishi'V rn o : . . . . I among them one; from tJov.Marti; Presl deut .ilayva,. WW.; M.XvHrtHon.-.WIAi. Allen. Hons. S. J. lliindall, T. A. Heu- I dricks, Gen. Hancock, Senator Edmunds, Danl G.FoWle, Bob Vauce. Yalterl1 uayMjor "iwo mey hwi Steele, and others. The committee Vttee 'on rted-tKe ... ..a..... ' 1. a. .k a. I aw.m 4 .V n ' ; tvtflA.I A.) n.t -r v...ii. ru.ii a.. p.t1iif.wi Hon. R. 1. Dick Vice president j for Sec retaiy, R. G. Fulgum ; for.Treasurerj, Neil Ellington : and for Central Ex. Coramit- tee, Jas. T. Moreheau, chairman, &c. A Cabakrus Iotor Mr C. H.tDe Jarnette, of Cabarrus,; w in i the city .'with a .drawing of,hi8 proposed Belf-suBtaiuing motor. ; lie wislies to-submit the desigo to a street coiumjttee of citizens acquaiut- ed with'the laws of motion, and if it Weeta with their apprdval he will attempt td get upa joint stock- company for its n- trodnction. The plan of Mr. DeJarnetto 4v rg"izauon-anu mere is an im verv in-enious. A si.iral tube is wrap- nMin8e & howling on the floor ned around an incline cylinder. Balls Vf..,;.;....iil ,.i,.;... ;,. fi. inW nn.l bv!the arfan-emeut of the spiral around the cylinder theV roll down a continuous ly inclined plane antil they reach the lower end of the spiral, when they are nutomaticallv taken un and inser- ted above. Mr. DeJarnetto has the, good o ii sense not to claim perpetaul motion for his luvention, but simply claims that it is economical aud powerful. Charlotte Ob server. He ought to have exhibited a working model before talking of a joint stock com pany. ii Ml 1 4 i M Col. L. S. Fremont says the shortest route from Hickory to Wilmington is by way of Lincolnton. Thus, from Hickory to Charlotte via Statesville is 82 miles, From Hickory to Charlotee, via Lincoln- ton, is only 52 milles, showing a differ- ence of 30 miles, and making the distance from Wilmineton to Konxville 447 miles. against 543 as the distance from Knox- ville to Beaufort, X. C. He vouches for the correctness of these figures. But it iis still7 an open question whether Beaufort . . . ,. i . .. . I or iimiugioii is me mosi tiesiraoie out- let to the sea and the markets of the world. 1 . . Aiiskville and Salisi;kt. A hand- some passenger car has lately been added to the rolling stock of the Western North Carolina Railroad. It was built at the shops of the company in Salisbury and lias been in course of erection for some time. It is described as beiu,r very hand somely fiuished and has "Salisbury and Ash ville" painted in bright letters upon it. It, however, does not run over the mountains at present, but is turned back at the meeting point of the two trains. Charlotte Observer. This car is indeed a splendid job,, and reflects much credit on Mr. Gates, under whose direction was built. It is complete and beautiful in every", detail. Iowa, which i3 the banner Republican State) snows the worst official corruption of any State iu the Union. Of ninety nine county treasurers, no less than forty four are defaulters. The Governors pri rateusecretary hasnnade off with $70,000 of the people's money ; the State treasurer bas appropriated $50,000 belonging to the agricultural college, and the assistant State treasurer has also secured several thousand dollars of public moneys. Such is the picture of the banner Republican State drawn by the Chicago Times. ( , Frightful, if true. We hope our ,Vi lisca (Iowa) exchange can relieve this dark pictnre to some extent. Have all the" rascally carpet baggers who plunder ed the South found refuge in Iow.af , , Fatal Siiootixo. In Edgefield, S. C., on the 13th, a disturliauce occurred at the polls between Dr. Wallace ''Bland and a merchant named Clisby. : They disputed about a vote. Blaud struck Clisby over tlie head with his pistol, and Clisby shot him through the bowels and killed. him. Julian Blaud, a younger brother," then shot Clisby, mortally Wounding him in the legion of the kidneys, and then fired upon A. A. Glover, father-in-Jaw of Clis by, wounding him in the thigh. ,The Columbia Reijhter thinks Glover may re cover. ' ' The"kingjofSiam will take passage ou the 2.M inst, for the purpose of visiting Europe and Americaduriug the ensuing Spring and Summer. He will arrive at ew Yor.k about the Sth qr 10th of July. Ho will be .cpompauied by a splendid retinue of royal princes, ministers aiid other higli officials. i-It is said he was in duced by x-President Grant who had a reception at the king's palace, tq make this, visit -v; ( .i It . , ' A bill Ims'Tjeen introduced in Congress to reimburse the colored depositors for losses by. (he-breaking of the Frcedman's, Bank, iVcipffsnmc, howeyej) it stands no chance to; become l w? A law to enforce the arrest Rf lH Piuerere, and 'stripping them to the bone of 'thfeiirilf-gotteii mbnet. in order to reimbureev thd colrtred depoiitora; would be equity, iiButf there isnouity in vtaking tfiepeopJe money; to jnake good the losses by .the.radicai tb ieyes who robbed the ne- S lGe Grf'JM,as twfee been elected presi dent by the Radical (party, and lie i tiever iu hi life eyr yoted anything but the fiuocraue ncKot, but lti troe. never- 1.1 llf .1 . - cuvivss. ft usiiiH'jwn iozctte. t'lL-jhe AVwteni-ifC. ltallroad. , ? ? rr 1 f. 1 1 rm. i .. . i . .. jl : . i i. i - tTOut .u v -i!.. ill . .IT. . J I I . , 11 , s f . j ; "JXAWcneMnerai aH I0f ft,r tr. 1W na l.U u-Utea. After : , " : ------ i i the papera had been prepared they were carefullyjreviewetl by Measriee via and Thomaa RuflBn audHhetffetrntsI ten. etnbodvincr their suirirestions. Messrs. vi iuffln refused to acce j "y for their acrvie. Afttt-lalllhe chan I IIH I'llHllB I Kcs cjvin toXewTyjk est nd.his asso- c,aie8 . le I'vi e, a s ii... i - f nr.... I Pan aMa- m-e f f"1 1? nn? 6s u.reci, i AsneTiue anu oiuer jpotott theeeteru ad 'iAfter re- Cim to.I!?i arriving here-.the latter P?f ffe fiVf'h V '.W. then be siirueU, au il tlift nnitirtvi" formerly J&nde over. fi&i. 0b. ... : r ; T w-v - A BIltD'S 3 12 YE ! VIEW What .a: Woman JSaw, in Conarets, and t u What the Think of it. Yd gel into the ! House of Repfeseuta ,t Iff -, " . , tives i is to f ne ftmuuiareu very mncu like being let into ' a menagerie, for the atmosphere is very;;hot and close, the jaUo.n .-Verydefective-n odor of c'f amoe auua its ouruenw a sensi- Thl imPWMloo of it nil, although I ve listeiied very, intently and tried to become informed in the ways of the gov ernment pfniy country. The speaker 8Peud most of his time in pounding violently with Ids gavel, and nobody eems to care whether he pounds or not - , 7 ... . . .... . . ne apparently, 'does it lor ins own amusement. Then with a very few ex ceptions everybody that speaks acts ex actly as if: he intended to annihilate everybody else. I never can understand say,-except by snatches, and lnwr wnnJ f L n what they iiupunuuce. uoes seem so nuicuious : i. Ti i .i- i for a. mail to get .up and work himself in- to a tremendous passion, swinging his a . arms, pound on his desk, walk up and down the aisle, grow mi in the face, and swell up the veins 6f hi. forehead, and end wth a grand peroration about 'blow- ln tlle bugle till it resounds again" all ,f which J heawl aud saw the otlier day wile M,e ot,ier members are reading newspapers, smoking outside the rail, writing at their desks, chatting with elcu otler and continually passing in and OT1t while - nobody seems to pay any at- UnfUn tn oil a,i.:i.::.... r .i: w uus cauiuiiiuu i itrciing. Tbey seem to take especial delight in con- trudicting each other flatly, insisting that somebody is out of time or order, and on the whoIe I've come to the conclusion that things couldu't be much worse any way and who knows if they mightn't be i better? even if womda had a place iu tliat august (?) body. The Senate is better, that is, they dou't rant so violently, but seem slow and stupid. I've found myself wondering sev eral times what it all amounted to after all. -1 have been able, after giving the closest possible - attention for some lime, to make out. that they've, been agitating the questiou of a mud road somewhere in Indiana, audi have heard something J about the Indians, that's all. As our I Senator Dawes dosen't seem to have a boom even in the far horizon, let's hope that the Edmunds boom may amotiut to something, and just for this reason, that Mr, Edmunds appears to know cverv thiug that is going on, and to listen at tentively to whatever is being said, as if he really had a conscience concerning State affairs. - I think Mr.' Jloar is the handsomest . man iu the Senate Gen. Burnsde ipay be perhaps excepted he r, - 4 w , CjCTtajnly has more of a sfciet( an elegant and distinguished h ty air, and is ooking man. Ferry js considered handsome, but the fact that the rich bachefor of the Senate and has, moreover, the aroma of a dead aud gone and hlf-ystiBf iops love affair banging about him. may have something to do with that notiou, for to the casual cy e he is certainly not a beauty, although well-looking enotigh but his beard is very, western aud needs pruning. , Plumb, of Kansas,, has a thoroughly good and honest face" full of purpose,' although his apearat s uiipollsdicd. : 1 had entirely forgotten t about Senator Bruce until I saw the other day a colored man of dig nifie4jippearance .walk calmly across the flqojof J,he Senate as if he belonged there. At first I wondered idly if there were Colored doorkeepers, wheii' he sat down at his dek, nnd then I lvm'embered. He h(s' undoubtedly , good --or i bad white blood iu .his veins the shape of his hands alone nwpuld indicate that. . He is not of the.pai ticularly light color, and his hair. although evidently brushed with pains taking' ' clue, is very kinky. I am sorry for him and more sorry for his wife, who I understand, is so white that no one would suspect her of colored blood. See is called upon by the wives otUilie other Senators, but "still ir ismadeV protect isifter all rthe old race prejudice clings, and will cling. A; Jiegro cadctAt tlie West Point School, has been and continues, to occupy much of the attention of the newspapers. It Seems that sdmebody iiifficed' npon iiim injnl-ies-'which 'disqualify him" for his duties; Some of i tho palmers isay lje in flicted .them Jiiself. Be tftfa as it. may aiyesUfatioa Jscalled forand it yrili doubtless be had,3 whether the game pays for the" canMio or fid?;1 ' f!lJ fe H0IiaAD .jOrpHlIpRE, DIE sicuins.attnbnte it to variods causes, and have ft vocabulary of Infal tile diaensea too numerous to mention. Worms! Worms! Shriuers Indian Vermifuge w ill kill them and restore the child. Rkvkxue Galgkk. About tt dozen! profeaslonal caujrer have been sent out " from the iuternal rereuae deoarttneut at - waoi.i. i - x; i oBBuiugion, nu are nw cnpigeu id , amiuing the atorekeepert t the distiller.- I.T. . 1"" . " " ir""" . . imsmcc. inej are sent outomjr once in Lvery two or tljree year8, and their main ! bnsiffeia to examine? the! atorekeepera QA-jii4- t.RH - j n.T rt;:.t ' .:.. . , .. . " , .l,HfiM,flwea ox, storeKeeper areono means of a nature which anybody can-! perform and these examinations geuer- . ' t . - m I ally result in a good many changes. It is impossible to sav exactly when they will get dou iuto Mecklenburg and adjoining ' . ; . " T countiesCAnr. 06wrrcr. Jfa ntingf nvugf itlfttHata, cavor- u Congressman could but see himself a8 the 'people in the gallery see hiu would take a contract to squeeze ii im he ' j.... i ... i . - 1 nuiiriprfrnur anil vs rna AiiAnsaa Af i co- capiug through the orifices in the cover by sections. TTflsAiwoo a Oasette. FROM THE QUAKER CITY, E.J. Campbell, of Philadelphia, under date of Oct. 4. 1870, certified' o the won derful efficacy of Warner's Safe Kidney and f ...:.-' Liivcr uunj, in removing a liver disease ac- couipanied'by chronic constipation and yel- jow gkiu. PROFESSIONAL! Drs. M. and John Whitehead having formed a Co-partnership, offer their professional services to the public. I irutnoe next door to the Post Omce. April J5, 1880. 26:tf. TRUSTEES SALE OP YaliaMe Golijle Property ! By virtue of a certain Mortgage made to me as Trnntee, I will pell on the premises on the 24lU J of Ma7 next for ca8h aU t,,e proper of lheRowan Gold and Copper Mining Company of Baltimore, conning of 108 of 1-nd, with whatever Machinery there may be thereon, tosether with nil the Mineral. . ' . . . . Uinin-; Kiijht: rrivilegen, Immunities ini- Povcraenta piul appiirtenancefl thereto belong- !nP-Ar,jn a,ny wa-v, mortaining-bein the turonertv mi Inntr stml well kniiwii an the K r . property bo long and well known ax the Ry- iner Mine. r or description of property and title see Mortgage to the undersigned dated Febru ary 25th, 1861, and recorded in Book No. 42, page 2o4. in ihe Register. office of Rowhu County, N c: JOHN A. THOMPSON, Tm.tee. Rowan Co., April 10, 1880. 25:6. SMITH'S WGHL2 OIL ! fa "--S AtiiessvGa., February 22, 18' 8. Sir: My child, five year old, had iyniptomn of worni!. I tried calomel and other Vrm Medicine!, hut failed to expJ any. Seeing Mr Bain'H certificate, I got a vial of your Worm Oil, and the first dose brought forty worms, and the second doie,o many were passed I did not count them. " S. H. Adams. Prepared by Dr. E- S. LYNDON Athens. Ga. For Sale by Da. T. F. KLUT TZ, Salisbury, N. C, And Druggists general. 20:ly NORTH CAROL! HA, AN COL:N 1 A ' Spring T'rni, 18d0 Phillip J. Potter and John W. Hoffman, Trading a Potter St llofltuan, J'laivlifi, The North Carolina Uold Amalgamating Company, IrriuniU. The Defendant will take notice that the Plaintiff will move the Jude of the next Su perior Court, to be held for Kowan County at the Court House in Saliiduirv, on the 9'h Mon day after the 4th Monday in March, for jndg-t ment against Defendant Tor a money demand, and for the appointment of a Receiver, and the Defendant is hereby notified to appear at the time and place herein mentioned and to an swer or demur to the complaint during the term of said Court. John M. Horaii, C. S. C. April 15, 18S0 of Rowan County. 24:6w : - o - M SAVED BY EXAMINING OUR BEFORE PURCHASING ELSE Bp MOST CO MP LEW NEW STOCK OF SPRXEtG GOODS IN SALISBURY, And ISTo One Shall Undersell XJs. Will Furnish (by mail or otherwise), on application, SAMPLES of . DRESS GOODS, LAWNS, CASSIMERS, C., $C. 1880. J. D. GASKILL. 23: f" ATI C-A -1 '!-I?-f ; U II v U ll Kll railllt tA I ll b. A.UnlilfHl. itifl K. A wiMWtu itio wne " . to M L. ILUnK-aija. Briigev (do U). I t in are n u , . SALISBURY. Saturday, lit llayi 1880, t The Valnable Briek Store and Office, owned byaaid Caldwell in Saltorary. Alli UiAW AUMisufiLiLiAXHtiiu uunAnii ud (if necearyJ .hla interent in theCaldwell Land near Salisbury, adjoining ;ihe lands of Alfred Johnson and : oiher. Say in all 600 a 1 F J W a - 1 ' - CI acres; SgjTerma Carh. . RUFDS BARRING ER, April 5, 18S0. Trustee and Attorney. 25:4t ., -v.-.i YADKIN RAILROAD I FROM SALISBURY TO WADESBQRO. The Officers and Stockholder of the i ad kin KauroaU Company are requested to meet at balisbur ou Thuisdav, the 22d instant. A full attendance is ueces . ... ..... sary. as important business of the Com pany will be transacted. P. N. 1IE1LIG, Pres't. 25:3t April 5, 1880. GREAT EXCITEMENT At Ho. 1, HoiWs GranitB Row. McCUBBINS. BEALL & CO. Have just received their SPRING AND SUMMER STOCK OF NEW GOODS BOUGHT ENTIRELY FOR CA8I1 at exceedingly low prices, which cannot fail to please. They have a full and complete stock of DRY GOODS, GROCERIES, QUEENSWARE, HATS, CAPS, and STRAW GOODS, BOOTS and SnOES, NOTIONS, CLOTHING, FifBi Bacon, Lard, Flour, Meal, &c. They ate agents for the sale of John Mer RvyAX & Co's. BONE DUST, admitted to be the very best cotton and tobacco Fertili zer in use. Also, for the French Burr Mill , Stones, Bolting Cloths, Eureka Smut M chme &e Don't fail to call at N March 26 188- a- P. S. We have fenced ap a Free bitch ing Lot in rear of of our Warehouse, where people can hitch and feet! without beinr ' annoyed by cattle and hogs. We intend ' putting tip Stal's. EST No charge except to shut the gate. Church & Co's. Fine Bakp Q Soda, Put up in neat packages, for k le at J. D. McXEELI'S. l Wo are Offering 3,000 Yards Nice, New Spring Prints At 8 Cents per Yard. WE are offering the handsomest Stock of Buntings, Do Laiues and Lawns that has been shown in this market, aud at the same prices as last year. .WE oiiir 4-4 Blsached Domestic at in cts. by the Uolt, almost us good as Fruit of the Loom. WE offer the Best Standard 4-4 Brown Domestic at 8, 8J and 9 ctajer yard. WE are offering a Large Stock of Piece Good in cheap Cassimers, Cottonadea and JeailS at last year's prices. WE offer a Large Stock of Boots and Shoes at last year's prices. WE offer the handsomest Stock of Clothing we have ever shown, at Cheaper price than ever before named for similar goods. WE offer a large Stock of HATS at old prices. WE have 500 HATS that we are selling von your choice for 50 ets from one Jot and $1 from the other lot.- -Some of them are worth $3: WE offer you the Best Selected Stock of Groceries to be found in this market. Good Sugar 10 c. Good Coffee 16$ ctB. In a word we will just say, we have a LARGE STOCK OF GOODS and we are going to sell them. Our prices noted will buy our goods we mean for Cash or Barter. Call and pee BOSS & GREENFIELD. March 22, 1880, 23:1 y FOUND. About the 1st of January last, a silver watch, hanging on a bush t ear the butment of the bridge at Tobias File's Mill, on the Wilkesboro road. The name of William T. Perry is scratched on the inside of the case. The owner can have it by proving property and paying for this notice. Tobias File. Woodleaf, April 1st, 1880. 3t:p'd. W If ERE AS WE NOW HAVE ::- mm o E-T HOI NEW ' ADVERTISEMENT. CHEERING NEWS! JUST aEcnviTDF' JNO. HENNISS' A New and Select Stock of Hooka, Station ery, etc., including the following popular Davie's Aritlmteticf -U ! ' , " Emerson' Arithmetics and Algbra.i, Ureenleat'B ATlUlineUCS. , Montieth's Geographiei, ' Cornell's U: doif ' ' . , Mitchell's do. Smith's Oraium&rt, Bullion's ., do. Holme' Header i, McQuffey' do. -National SicUonariet, Webster do, Worcester's do. Hymn Books Methodiit; Preibyterian, Garman Retona, Gospel Hymns, &c. BOOKS OF WORSHIP. ; An elegant awtortment of all grades of WRITING PAPERS, ENVELOPES, Steel Pens, Inks, Pencils, Slates, Visitiug Cards, Playing Cards, Cray ons, Drawing Materials, &c. .Also, the Celebrated Fifteen and Sixteen PUZZLE. All cheaper than ever be fore offered to the trade. 22:tf. At EXXISS' Drug Store. German Millet Grass Seed, cheap at ENNISS' HOW WATCHES ARE MADE. It will be apparent to any one. who will ex amine a Soul lioLD Watch, that aide from the ntt-ewary thickness for engraving and mI iidiing, a large proportion of theTprecious met al iHed, is needed only to stiffen and hold the engraved portion in place, and supply the necessary solidity and strength. Vhe surplus gold w actually needless so far as utimty and beauty are concerned. In James B088r PATENT GOLD WATCH CASES, this waste f precious metal is overcome, and the same solidity and strength produced at from one third to one hull ol the usual coat of solid case. This process is of the most simple nature, as follows: A plate of nickle composition metal, especially adapted to the purpose, has two plates ol solid geld solder ed one on each side. The three ate then pass ed between polished steel rollers, ard the re sult is a strip of heavy plated composition, from which the case. b.-w-k', (rent re, bezels, &c, are cut and shaped by suitable dies and formers. The gold in tfctse rast-s is i.fii-i al ly thick to admit of all kintt,' of chasing, en graving and enamelling ; the engraved cases have been carried nntil worn erf. c ;ly Fninnth by time and use without removing ti e gold. This is the only Cae Mad with Two Plates of Solid Gold & Warranted bv Spwial ('triificale. "F.rsale by J. & II. 1IOBA II, and all other Jewelers " 22: ly MERONEY & BRO. II tve their well known establishment in full and regular work again, antl respectfully so licit orders. They have in their employ Mr. J. A. GILL, one of the beat Machinists in the country, with a full force of tried work men. Are prepared to do all kinds of repairs on Engines and other Machinery, at short notice. Their fouudery is in full operation for casting in Iron or Brass. Their Machine Shop is turning out Sash, Blinds, Doors, Moul ding, &c, and everything called for in that line. Persons wanting anything in ihese sev eral branches, would do well to rail and see them. They are still manufacturing the cele brated Meroney Plow. FOR SALE BARGAINSI One second hand 12-horse portable Steam Engine, as good as new. . AIo, a2o-horse power Engine, uow in daily use, will be fur sale in a month or two. Call and see them. Feb. 19, 1880. :8:3m O. Q. C. Onr Quick . Cnre. As thousands -can. testily. Nothiug has 'been equal to it for the cure of colic, cramps and dial heca &c. in their worst forms. Manufactured at 18:tf BARKER'S Drug Store. FARMERS AND Would save money by being careful enough to buy only THE BEST BRANDS OF ACID PHOSPHATES, - (Dissolved Bones), and other Materials FOR COMPOSTING. f .PRICES: $3 to $10 for making One Ton ; or 100 lbs. Cotton, payable Nov. 1st. 5 q As there are a great many Spurious and Inferior brands ottered yon at low figures, which are shipped nnder the name of "Chemicals7 to avoid taxation and analv sis, 1 repeat, you should be Very Careful aud save your money by getting such goods as are legally authorized to be sold in the State, and have been analyzed and stamped. tW Don't forjret also that 1 continnc to keep the old established and reliable "NAVASSA" and ''PACIFIC" GUANOES And COTTON MIXTURE, which I have been selling for the last 12 years with yerftct satisfaction. You have only to ask those who have tried them. Do not waste time, money and trouble by experimenting with the many new and untried brands now going to he offered yon. You will do well to consult he undersigned (who for the last 14 years has made this a spe cial business) before nrchssiar. i ! . J. ALLEN BB0WN. -P. S Mx. J A. Cook, iJ-my authorized Agent at China Grove, and will sell at Salis bury price. 15:tapl0 ' Foiflerj & Macmne PUNT'S 1 KEV ADVERTISENex?. - ....and..., tru Bone Dust Furife FOR THE LARGE AND COTTON. , :.f Al90,'aComnlete Manure for , Corn, Oata and all Vegetables GT TERMS : $itrtrnnh Z 450 pounds of Lint Cotton Jv! vember the 1st, 1830. ' V JaV' NV, Call and get circulars. , ,96, B'f1S?lK-.- S"I,WT,X.C. Onx Vegetable VemlfogThelZ est known eraedy fur expellimr -om. 1 irest and most reliable.- Mannfaotj0 18:tf Snp3rior Coisrt, I 'i-"' Eowan County, f TERM. Anna McKayaoui 1 Motion to sell hti C tioned n the pk-diSl others, EyrU. for the purchase fcooE due thereon. "J To William W. Beard, slrah B. Bear! . j Ma'ry &wrdx . lnl You are notified that in the afcorreitfAi cause, U was ordered that th Leu al Margaretta L, Beard be made yarift UuS. ants, and it appearing that Wm. WiSS Sarh. R, Beard and Alry Beard, ,tt JTj of MasgaretU L. Beard, are nonrentrtf a State.i in considered Jy the Court th. apj)ar at the ntxt Term of the Superi.Hw! to be held for the county of Kowan, outKeStk Monday after the 4lh Manday of Martbi,,, at tlCourt House is Salisbury, tlitn uniiL to appear and answer or demur to the co. plaint. Wknesio.v hand and seal of oflktMh. 31st, J. M, -UOJiA.H,it;" vc 24:6Jr$5 .. 7' North Cdib3, In Superior Qcrat. !DayldsoaCoiint7$ W. W. Pict6.ri, 4m'r of John C. WeaveL Wd, Against Wesley Wcav Katharine Weavel. Row.ui Bodvnhatn- er, Sar.ih B(xlenhaiMr Air exander ljodenhamer jN-ut cv Morri, Louizi Motrin, SeU Ult- lIias Huff ami wife, Clem entine II ni", Harrison tStll and Andrew Ketse, Sarah Bodchhamer, AlexanJw BaiiHiIki. er, Nancy Morris, lxuiizi Moiri llarruoa ; Sell and Andrew Ketfse, being tai aunt a iibuat general guardian, Wir. at Jaw, detM4aHti It appuarin&.W the satisfaction of 11m Court, by thit sheriff return and 1 1 e 1 1 1 .n i n t i f vit.tltal Nancy Morris and Lotiiz MorrU,iw of the dii-l'vndiinl in the alnive nuiut-dprocted. ing, are iioiirt-idt nt of this Male tiutair nw -esxiiry parties to the final determination uf tti proceeding in reference- to real estate In tins .Stle: it is lliprefurt oriifrpd ili.it t.iililicimk f be -made o:ice a week for six conset'Utive tttk ! :.. 1 1. t.j i! i .. .: i in . ne ;irniiii;i n nicuiuan, a newspaper pim Ii."htd in the town of Salisbury, N.Cnnotifyii,p said Nancy Morris and luiz:i Morri tnij. near before tho Jlerk of our Superior ("onrt w ln c&ce in the Court House in Leiiiipioii,n Saturday the - eighth dav of Mav, 1r80,iii1 answer or demur lit the pet i lion which Iim luta nled in-lhis proceeding, otherwise jiulgturul will le taken according In the prvr i f the petitioner. U. F. Lowr, S.C1, V. F. Hendeksos, Att'y for Plaintiff, i 24:6w$8.50 J?S--i t L WESTERN 'lOn CAROLINA RAILROAD CGtlPAHY. ' PRESIDENT'S OFFICE. Moito.XTOx, March 27tii, 1880.!;:, A tnceti.ig of the Stockholders-uf thk compstny w ill lie held at Hickory Thursday t he-lath of April. A full teudanct; is requested. JAS. W. WILSON, President. 24:3t - Dissolution Notice ! ; The firm of Overman & llolmei U thw &J dissolved by mutual consent. All perfoniia debted to Overman & Holmes are request to call st once and settle. W. II. O.VHiiuS,- March 16, 1880. M. L. Hotaixs. , Having purchased tlie interest of in part ner in the Shoe Store, t hereby inform my frienls and the public generaly, that J iH continue the business at the old stand, wkert can mHiad giHMl (.iood at low price. 2:lm W.H.OVERMAJf. ' special mmfflfc t JONES.HcC UBBINS &Co.r Have just opened a Complete and -r Attiaitive. Stwk of t PRY GOODS, FANCY GOODS, Notions, Clothing, Groceriei, &c, Whi. h tl.ry wille -enabled to ofler toiht public ami old patrons t asjnw price as any me. Call amt see us Main fctreel, arjt door to lluiali'u Jewelry Store. 22:2m FOR SALE! A Good IIotie and Lot On the corner of Church aud Monroe t Thellooseisa two-story building witfct rooms. Two wells'ln the yard, and alloiBW" ncc -ssary out-buildings new fencing awo00 the lot everything in Jf-ood order. AppLyto "R. FRANK GRAHAM, Salisbury, N. C Mar. 1P,18S0. 2 GEN. MORGAN'S Horse and Cattle Powders; The largest Package and smalIesVdof01fBZ Powder made, and warranted to do an ' claims. Manufactured at ' - 18:tf BAEKEE'SDr810 LS3 S. ATTORNEY AT LAV't SALISBURY, N. C, Practices in the State and Federal i. Courts.- 12; A NOW IS THE TIME TO SUBSCRIBE FOR THE ATCHMA U1J 1 1 1 1 I i : r ! K ,. -4 1 .

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