kl.-f-THIRD SERIES SALISBUBYi HTCHIY 6a 18B0 HO 29 ,!f-: ' ' ;:. ' Ht .ttil, -r)-Ai. fLiUV U Jtf- . .- " Carolina Watchman, fhe '.BUSHED IN THE YEAR 1832 ,1; . rtUJ, r - - - .y SOME ; FACTS ABOUT SOUTHEKX reared its black and venomons head. The The South is no much given to Republi 1 AGGRESSION. - j baneful tide of fanaticism had not started, canism. Nor can it be while the Republi- . ( ' j j : It was only preponderance of power the can party cultivates toward that section the Apropos to our usual Sketches on Rad- nrWi .m!im,nAnta ; mnat imnif hi hkti if th nnyin 1 lcaiism, aud in their- absence thU i . .. ... L 'A. , a rT ADVERTISING RATES 1 i i - i wouiu ine ;ortii permit .Missouri roue- pairy vouiu nave niainiaineu coniroi oi ine $rRrXKY so, isso. . W? glI ,U? 8Jomed chapter taken from corae member of the Union, until the Government, the Southern State wotrid now a am's 6 m I2m's ! T " -.. cumimers oi Historical South had yielded again to its exacting be prostrate beneith the heel of .a party 1 - Si ,Bionth2" 1; " $f.50 i ii. 50 ! $3.50 $5.00 $8.00 .e4 . S.W 4.50 5.85 ! 7.50 12.00 -""I. 4.50. -6.H0 1.50 I I1.0 15.00 4.00 -7.50 j 9.00 1.13.50 18 m mnlor tO 9.75 11.25 j 16.50 25.00 I'fda ft-23 2-5tti 25-6 40.00 iURK it I Three out of every five Rad icals who have held office in the South since the war have proved to be frauds, embezzler?, or thieves."' i , f Xo matter what position they have held. or uy whom employed, they have robbed the people aud stolen themonev of thow spirit and civeu ui its rishtiu all the ter- that was never animated by one generous j who eiuuloveri tlin Kn n. v lilies ti:e ltatlical party was bnsyj at ritory west of Missouri. While contend- impulse toward a fallen people. The Dem- J men are called Christians ! Will the peo the work of sectionalizing this country, ing that such a restriction was a violation ocratic party created the , inevitable that , pie not see. ! We do not say that there are no honest. Ilarrisburgr CouTentlon. Harmony Prevaitmg Between the two i' I! 1 H H E ffi fen the cry agaiust the fcouth was the grasp- of the .Constitution, the South yielded to comiK'Hed Hayes to remove the troops, and j ing spirit of Slavery," "the aggression of it, nevertheless, for the sake of peace, and as a result dispersed the carpet bag thieves, me oouui, ol.c. i nese. phrases .were the to quiet the fierce threats of disunion ; ana put an end to jthc most j,iatamou9, rule chief stock in trade, and they are sjtill which came from the New England States. ; that ever disgraced any. civilized country used to justify the villainies of Kadical- j Thus it wa through the grasping spirit ! under Ilea ven. f r the Republican party, ism. When asked to point out thpse and the unconstitutional demands of the J wants to break tho solid South it . nut be southern aggressions to put theirfinger -North that what is known as the "Mia- honest, and just ; until that U done theSuth Cores Cells, i-afpKa, fffsacKs, .11 Aivssc ct tic UrcatIug1 Orgasrj. will remain as solid as at present., The fol- ' ' - - L 'J ----- - -- lowing statement shows the relative strengtl upon the point irteaud the place trcr 6ouri Compromise" came into existence, they are confounded, look foolish, or tier- ! ami cut in th unil f thn Tin inn n. iri. hap denounce you as a rebel and traitor. graphical line between the North and the 1 of parties' in tjie southern iiegialatures on Almost the only case of "Southern Ag- South gresshm they will venture to nauiej is ' South the tugitive slave law that is an act to riirhts . By this yielding on the parj; of the Joint ballot, and the figures uay be studied bythwrgiviug op of , iier.' owir P by. ail bloody luf;f; nn:l'i ffHrripiVr nnd nrufti'il n plnnoo lf t.' . . . , . t. ...... mi: .... t.'.. 'Alabama. t.viuunu Jl 1IC OlillfB, IZ. i lUHil, M 1 11 IJCTIU, IVilll thft North rraiiifd tprritrv for kix legislatures. i Arkansas. 'Rep, Dein. .3 U30 Z disuse, and .rre- tlio nlrr;t II T .1 .- z'io T'o Ci!ser. 1 .VSLTJ2 KITv-LInTI VI c ? Cac'ara Disease CclcL-., I'c-rf ic ' a.piitqria, and T"iiouic; touc--. M"'i ur---ii-Tifii'aac3CTg ;0 the Federal Constitution, is denounced! as sas, NebraskaOregon, and .Washington; Delaware a southern aggression. The real truth is, While the South retained but two, viz: Florida . that so far from the South having evinced Missouri and Arkansas, with a chauce for i Georgia ... an aggressive or grasping spirit, she lias a third in the Indian territory. been compelled, almost irouvthe first hour J Kentucky . Louisiana . . t i. : . . 1 . . . a. . : p a. .. . 1 . 1 4 1 . ' I il is iiiis Kicaiesti iiiisitii mue iiiiit uiu lisissinni after the adoption of the Constitution,! to ' South yielded the "Missouri Compromised j Missouri , to the unjust, aggressive, and uucoustitu- j North Carolina. j ouuui varonna . act on the defensive, agaiust the , domi neering, meddlesoine,aud aggressive spirit of the North. At the conclusion of the tional dejnaud of the North, tor it was 1 Tennessee. . . , that which inspired northern fanaticism, Texas .....7 3t 4 ...21 ...23 6 . . . . IS . . . ..51 .8 ...17 117 30 71 215 115 110 Radical, we believe there are some hon est and conscientious: Rut the record they have made among us, convicts them of the charge. The holiest ones have made nothing. In factj they, have beeu robbed by the dis honest of their own Party. rouiiW. We Lave only room) for the resolu-! tions adopted by the Convention.' The committee on ; resolutions then reported as follows : The Sctxday Law In Kextcckv. Gen eral Grant's idea that the best way to get rid of a bad law is to enforce if rigorously, out the unit clause and favorin? the abrogation of the two-thirds rule. Wallace spoke especially in favor of the n-solution as reported from the committee. Randal hoped instructions to vote as a unit would not be given. The question was then put to a VOte and Snowden'a tmondmanf ! D i f i FTt itk: 1 . . nzsoivea, i, anai we, uie Demo-1 carried by 125 to 122 araid ereat ' cratic uartv of Ppnnv1 i . r : it- . . " - . , j " "..j. j & ivnuuau party. veHuuu , assempfeq,, renew our vows Ilie resolutions asjiinended were then ana fidelity to the fundamental prin- adopted. "r woiwMa, pracucea Dy the; . illastrons toed who settled oar free institutions and founded the Bern- ocratic party, to protect and preserve uivtu I a. i Revolutionary war, the northern States j and northern lust of power, with the hope Virginia. . 8(5 . t had no territory for new States, except j which has resulted in the ruin of our Maine and Vermont; while the South owu- country. cd the vast territory of the North-west Mr. .THRVrAnn fullr realized the f:if:il and South-west, out. ot which so niahy i cousequencs of the sacrifices which the great and populous-States have been form- South then made to preserve the Union, d. Then the South was as rich in teri i- I In u letter to John Holmes, dated at Mou- toi y, and in all the means of extending ! ticelhi, April 22, 1830, he said : herself and her institutions, as Hie North! I thank you. dear sir. fortheconv vou was ptior and coin tract ed in the resources have been so kind as to send me of the let- - . ' a. . a i . . ii.- of expansion. All the territory out of , leI lo oui: COH!"uuen" 11 ' -'M" which he proud and flourishing States of j ,em j had for a long timet t.t.:,sc.;i to n.a(1 the North-west were made, was the prop- newspapers, or to pay any attention to public erty ot the South, and the Ucal law of ' attaus, conthlent they were in gooti nanos, Klave, i-,!iii the parent States Was 0veH and coiitent to lea passen-er uiotirown bark men or mat territorv. until the eein men 01 mai lenuorv. until tue i.., , u: . i;l .. . i.n - i liui ini ill wiim.ii l uuvniion, urvv. i iii-wuvii South""' freely .donated it to the United I in the night, awakened me, and tilled me States, and by special act devoted it to j with terror. I considered it at once the freedom. But this, in the neutral laniruaae ! k.,,dl of the Union-. .Il.i8 1,ushVd' in(k:e'1 ,or i lie iiiuui(.'ui ; uui una is 1 1-jh n-v k iii j , iui West Virginia. Total ..10 r . ...W 114 ...10 79 .244 1,744 From the Anderson (Ind.) Democrat, of the Kadical-Aboliti'on party, is called "grasjiingj" and "aggressive." vflad the South firmly adhered toitsahsolute rights, final sentence. A geographical line, coin ciding with a marked principle, moral and political, once conceived and held up to the it could have? extended its power over all anf !" ol ": wtil : ' .1 f ,L,i ! 111 1MI1HK IMIlIf IPl'lttlAII TI' I 1 I Dltl 11 it imjl , ctllU U CI IJm.Y II l.lllUIl n ill JL tlilt vast regions- At that time the coin inerce of the .South was greater than that deeper aud deeper. I regret that 1 am now to 'die in the belief that the useless of the North, and, occupying a more fa- sacrifices ot themselves by th-e reneralimi oi vorable position, both as to soil and cji- to acquire Bell-government am nap- mate, she had: every means ot extending unwort, assions and perpetuating hei power. JUad slwe t of their sons, and thaj. my onjy , consxilatioja,! ii t i i 1 : . a. .. i . ii. . t .1. 1 1 ... i : .... I .. ......... .. m. I reauy oeeii as grasping ami ajrirressive RbUV3 l)ysp-isia end riliouEneea. cHroisALE BY ALL DRUGGISTS. -t xnur. penut, cuarir cs co., ii . . ; I SOT .p. nuiratcTflu Salisbury, N. U. Jor Sale Ij. T. KLTJTTZ, Druggist, hi tt i ri If I BicMqnfl Prices! GLOVER. ORCHARD, I and fe Grass Seeds, at Kichmond ncf? (treight included). and sey at 17:tf i EXNTSSV npoii the North, as the North has since been upon her, she would have retained her preponderance aud power over this country. Had she been" grasping, or had she sfuiply held to her own, she would iiot be where she now lies, bleeding and plun dered, at the feet of tho North--of that .North which has received all its power, all its-ability to butcher and to plunder, at the bountiful and unsuspecting hand of the South itself. The next important step in the history of our country was the purchase of Lou isiana from France; -Hilda measure so necessary to our national prosperity, and which has contributed so unlimitedlyi to our wealth, was absolutely opposed by a portion of the North, because it would bring slave territory into the Union. Vir- rinia-had first voluntarily jriven all her vast North-western territory to the Union, and freely devoted it to noii-slaveholdjng laws. : But immediately upon this great and generous event, the North tried to prevent the purchase of the territory; of iLouisana, though it was indispensable to our safety and prosperity, because if would add slave territory to the Union, or, as it was said, "added political strength to the South." Vho was errasnine then? Who was aggressive then! Who was gener ous and unsuspecting, aud who grasping and suspicions ? By the lav, of France, slavery existed in all that territory, and as this law was not repealed by the act of purchase, it was still slave-holding. Indeed, the-rights of the inhabitants were expressly guaranteed to them bv the treaty: and the laws of the territory being slave-holding, the institu tion was guaranteed and perpetuated sin all that count ry At the date of this purchase, in 1803, there tvfiM t'iirht ftlaveholdine and nine non-slavehohling States. Out of the ter ritory then belonging to tho United. States, the slave States could add but two ;to their number, viz., Alabama and Missis sippi; while the non-slavehohling "States had five to be added, vur Indiana, Hit nois, ."Michigan, Wisconsin, and Maine. When all these were admitted, the North would have fourteen Status, and the South ten The acquisition of Louisiana-from no reierence to the provision oiFranCe , and of Florida, by treaty with Spain,1 gave the South twelve States, while the North had fourteen. . - Such was tho comparative strength pi had sufficient wrk to V-.U..I, ciifU lvhon Missouri nh- ,L i i , l lull". ilHUII llllll UUI" " j. a Uot tnn mn.li - ' l-i; j nminsul tviHl ".. . , . , ...... ii. TT.. r..i.i ?tiltf ! i ' "sriiiea tor aainission iuio ine ij iimu. .uuiuc nau just oeen aumiutu, uuuui uujcvuvu on the! part of the South, as a non-slave- holding State, which gave to the North a majoriijr of one State at that date. But when Missouri was admitted asaslavp holding State, the North was all ablaze. New England, especially, was going oat of tlie ! Union if Missouri was admitted. EL GEO. W. GRAHAM, CHARLOTTE, N. C. : , Practice Limited to , aii THROAT Diseases. Mb wita Dusi JONES & GRAHAM 13.3m lii' "t Rearncr in the House of : It i-1 : -IT ' Correction. ;j t j - ' ' ,t , ."''V t ikll II M r All i'UV JL r ce;nourt this inorninir the prosecuting ttor-fy asked for the commitment of Kearney, 'flie latter was irot pres tuttlie time, lint a few minutes later' JtTMied with hiscounsel, who asked for tfft to enable hwii to make application "Supreme Curtfor ii writ of habeas PUs., The court denied the request as 'al and extraordinary'. The com- 'raH-ntBagj then jnade ouf',rand Kear Sey pidentjy depressed and - chagrined, .. ken below, n a fewmi n lites he was tola hack and driven td the 0 - f ? Correction, wherer after going -. m -tie hands of ;a baibiT and " dou- 1st p VJ ,eic 11,6 COUT' room ne Judge, if tle"commitment con- The jndge replied that the yikk of uulUce t!0,f i. J he House of Correction iy ted toj avail the prisoner any- tfhlhlreMsti't aiiy ?od for the Siatesjsaid a Canadian niay- tp!?, Hubert Ingersoll, "but there , traria'da : ami vou can't have in this i to be that I shall not live to weep over it." How fatally true was tins prophecy ! And the historian of this country's fall will justify these melancholy words of Jefferson, that it was the aggressive tem per and unjust demands of the North which proved our ruin. Had the South al ways kept what belonged to her, and had she never yielded any portion of her rights to settle angry growls of disunion from the -North, this country would never occu py the disgraceful atitude it now does in the eyes of civilized mankind. It would have been infinitely better that New Eng land should have left the Union, as she attempted todoin 1812, or as she threaten ed to do in 1820, and on several other oc casions ; for the rest of the country would have reposed for ever in the anus of peace aud prosjerity. The vast domain now covered by ten or twelve non-slaveholding States aud territ tories once belonged to the South, and she was able to keep it ; it was through an unsusjiecting generosity that she gave it up. The population of the very terri tory which was her gift to the Uniou have turned upon their mother, to carry over her bosom, with fire and sword, the med dlcsom and intolerable spirit of New England. If the South had been "grasp ing" if the spirit of "incroachmentnhad guided her couueils, the North would nev er have had the preponderance of power to work the ruin it has. Examiner. j Garfiki.d Pukdicts Jcdge Field. I asked General Garfield whom he thought the Democrats would nominate after they got out of their present dilemma, lie said: "I have thought they would nominate Judge Field, of the Supreme Court. He has some strong points in his'favor.not possessed by the generality of theirjeandidates. In the first place, he was an ont-and-odt warDemoctat. Although of a Dchiocrtie family, they were all uniou men, and no one more so than he. The cry of copper-head-counot be raised against him. As soon as the war was over ho took a Democratic position, and has almost uniformly w ritten a dissenting opin ion against the majority of Uie Supreme Court in favor of State rights and limited Federal powers. Then he has been sound on the currency. ! He took position for re sumption, and maintained it throughout. The fact that Mr. j Lincoln placed him on tlie Supreme bench is a testimonial to his purity of character and knowledge of the law. George. A. Tjjwnsend ia Uifc&infjnnaT ti Enquirer. I f is now being reduced to practice in Louis ville, Kentucky. The Sabbatarians have been making trouble for the conductors of certain amusement halls and drinking sa loons that were kept running on the first day of the week by bringing the Sunday 147 ! law to bear upon them. The aggrieved per J59 j sons demanded that this law, if carried out 'I"' .1 -II -.1. -..Ill ! .... . t an, fcuouiu.oe appiieuin ail its length and breadth. Consequently all the newspaper offices in Louisville were visited by detec tives soon after midnight on Saturday, and 1 the names of editors, reporters, and all others in any way at work on the various journals, were taken for presentment by the Grand Jury for violation of the law. Organ ists in the different churches, sextons and hired choir singers are to be similarly re ported for indictment; and, as the law pro vides that all persons receiving pay for ser vices of any kind on Sunday shall be pun ished, even the ministers will have to be included. A Lesson to a "Lady-Killer." A sensational Story is told of a young "lady-killer," of New York, aud his hu miliating experience in attempting to form the acquaintance of a young lady re siding in Elm street, in this city. The names of both parties are suppressed for obvious reasons. I The story is that the young lady, who:is, of course, attractive, was intently reading in tlie cars at the Jersey City depot ou Friday afternoon, when a note was! dropped in her lap by an employe, who instantly disappeared. In her excitement she put it in her pock et without reading, and on reaching home told her father of the occurrauceand gave him the note, which proved to lie a re quest for her adjdresa ;to be scut to the care of a South William street merchant. A consultation ensued, re.altiug iu a let ter written by the young lady's uncle "Heury" and copied by her, favoring his friendship and appointing a meeting in Military Park. She accordingly met him there and he was unexpectedly conducted to her home and introduced to the family circle, which was assembled in full force, and after an embarrassing reprimand was allowed to depart with promises not to do so again. Xeuurk (S. J.) Advertiser. What a Max Shouldh't Do at the South". The Itev. Dr. Talmage preached yesterday on politics, being recently back from a journey through the Southren States. His text was: '"Give me a blessing, for thou hast given me a southland; give' me also springs of water." He said there had been a persistent and outrageous misrepre sentation of the feeling at the South toward the North by correspondents and politicians. "Of course," Mr. Talmage said, "If a man jumps from the cars, dumps his valise into the railroad station, goes to a plantation and says: 4 We whipped you in the war and we will w hip yon again. I come from Bosl TTorr. Lauirhterl That's the Hub. I More laughter. You look just like the man t. shot at South Mountain. I came through here and I killed and quartered a heifer on your front stoop. What a miserable race you Southerners are !" Such a man is not apt to lecome an elder in the church right off. Laughter If he gets a free ride on that portion of a rail fence most easily removed and is set down in a place not specially picked out for his comfort, we would not protest against the treatment. But if a man has common sense he can get along as well in Mobile as in Brooklyn." Mr. Gladstone's Ministry. All the leading offices in the netr British cabinet are now filled and it ( ThaUhe jpst powers of the Kill be seen from the sketches which '", Federal ? Unjon, the fights of the accompany the names of the minis- States and liberties of. the people are ters that a stronger and more enlight- vital parts ot one harmonious system, enec ooay ot men could scarcely nave and to save each part in its whole Deen selected in any country in the constitutional vigor is to "save the world. In the premier and John life bf the nation." Bright it has the two greatest masters That the Democratic party of oratory in both houses ; in Lord maintains, as it ever has maintained, Hartington, the Duke of Devonshire's thatthe mlitariy areand oughtto be in I eest son, if conveys that subtle all things subordinate to the civil an- aromaof strawberry leaves to which thorities ; it denies, as it ever has de- even the most radical constituencies nied, the right of the Federal admin- In England are keenly sensitive. In istration to keep in party at the gen- Childers, Mr. Foster and Mr. era! expense a standing army to in-1 otanfield, it has three statesmen who vade the States for political purposes, "ave already felt the softness of the without regard to constitutional re- cushions., on the Treasury Bench. strictions, to control the people at the Lord Selborne has long been distin polls; to protect and encourage fraud- gushed for his legal and hymnal ulent counts of votes, or to inaugurate qualities; Lord North brook was pop- candidates rejected by the majority. uar even among the whimsical "Qui- 4ih, That the right to the free ballot "yes of Indian hill stations, and the is the right preservative of all rights - sturdy and masculine eloquence of is the only means of peaceful lyralf ess- the Duke of Argyll has won him ing greivances and reforming abuses ; fame on both sides of the Atlantic. presence, at the polls of a regular I With Sir Wm. Vernon-Harcourt re- military force and of a host of hire-1 tamed as the stock humorist, the ing officials, claiming power to ar- equipment of the cabinet may be con- rest ; and imprison citizens without sidered complete. warrant or hearing, destroys all free fhi tt , 1 ' 1. - a " n tv Iran T town in :whicU to de- . whence came "aggression then T M this date Radical Abolitionism had not John Sukrx ax at the Circuis. Hoti. John Sherman and a party of friends visit ed Barnum's Circus in New York Thurs day evening. All the reserved seats were occupied, and the great showman instruct ed the ushers to put seats in the aisles fr the distinguished party. Then the police sergeant in charge of the building bore down upon the ushers and ordered them to take away the chairs under penalty of ar rest, as it was against the law to obstruct the aisles. Mr. Barnum expostulated, and called the officer's attention to the fact that it was Secretary Sherman for whom tile seats were intended. The sergeant did npt care who he was, and his orders were to en force the law. So Mr. Sherman had to see the "greatest show on earth" along with the gailcry gods. j A Success. The shirt factory recently established in thisity by Mr. J. Klsbach has proven to be a crealer success tlian it was expected to be so soon after its Estab lishment. The citizens of the city are en couraging the enterprise and country 'mer chants are buying largely of the "RoyalT and 'Congress" shirts, with which to sup ply their retail trade. Mr. Elsbach isnoyr working thirty, hands and as his business is increasing, he finds he will have to employ more help. It always gives us pleasure to chronicle the success of any Wilmington enterprise and we hope ere long to sec the business grow so large as to require Mr. Elsbach to employ hundreds of workmca.-t- Wilmington iriVto. Murder in' Sampson. A gentleman who arrived here from Clinton, yesterday, reports that a murder was committed near that place a few clays ago, but he did not ascer tain the names of jthe parties to the tragedy. It seems, from what our informant could learn, that the twlo men loth white, have enjoyed .the' reputation of bullies in the neighborhood where they lived, and that in two personal encounters between them, one of them was pretty badly used up by the other. On the second occasion the defeated belligerent, who j had been badly beaten, swore that if the bther ever attempted such a thing again he ivould kill him. Another difficulty occurring lx'tween them subse quent to his threat, and the weaker one again getting the! worst of the encounter, he hurried to his house, got his double bar rel gun and shot his antagonist to death. Wilmington SlarJ . The Charleston Xetcs and Courier has issued a pamphlet- from its exhaustive ar ticle upon "The Cotton Mills of South Car olina," on which ive commented at length upon jts first publication. The article has attracted a great deal of attention through out the Union, and has been very beneficial, we are sure, in tjireet'.ng attention to the man: fol! advantages which the South has in the matter of cbtton spinning The same ought to be done -in 'every. Southern, Stafek and the information thus gatered put in permanent shape, kike the Sac, and Courier has just done with! its own work. Ex. There are 34,034,000 hogs in the Utiitcd States. ' Skvestt-Five Miles an Iloun. The new locomotive recently built by the Bald win Works for the Reading Railroad Com pany made a formal trial trip from Phiadel phia to Jersey City aud back, with a train of cars, last week, and successfully made the running time ninety minutes each way But the engine was sent back to the factory to. have some repairs made to the driving wheels, to prevent their slipping on the rails. The maximum speed thus far has been seventy-three miles, w hich it ia expect ed will be attained when the difficulties mentioned are overcome. This pioneer en gine is expected to become the type of the future American locomtie. TnE Latest Invention. Letters patent has been issued from the patent office, grant ing a patent to Peter Herdic, of Williams port, Pa., for improvements in running gears for vehicles, which, it is claimed, wil revolutionize the present system of local per snnage transportation. The improvements it is claimed, combine greater strength of the more important parts, a very great re duction of friction and strain incident to jolting over inequalities of the ground, and to secure to all vehicles to which they may be applied the advantages of easy running and abrupt turning. South Carolina Congressmen. We do not doubt that all fire of the South Carolina Congressmen will be renominated. There is no opposition at all to Mr. O'Connor, lit tle or none to Mr. Richardson, and not much to Messrs. Tillman. Evins and Aiken. It is a good delegation, thoroghly respectable and smirched by no scandal. We say this the more cheerfully, as regards Mr. Richard son, because he and some of his friends think .tkat we have some especial grudge against hiaa and we certainly have not. Xetrt arid Courier. Tomatoes. An agricultural ex change says in regard to this very important vegetable: A9 soon as plants are three or four inches high, dom of elections and upturns the very foundation of self-government. We call upon good citizens to aid us in pre- CAVtrtiin Atifi 1 net 1 ill tAna fi.rvn flactpiiA- i?Vi4 .UtL UU1 lUOUUIilUIIO IIUIU UmMUV I . , 11 C7 I tmncn Ant nnsm w . . v . w x m . . ... . . , .it fi aii.iliaui auu ji l v C kllCIU U1U1C 1UUUI till, ueim vi luuiucb unvt i rn , . . , , - - coercing the popular will in keeping . . , ti t . 1 . . .i i ii . i i I it iivii. aiio uvo uiau iu KbUUK 4hn nmo tn tho lo I Int lr v nnon nnn I O llic ts li" wwiiwb iv vruvu uuu I.. it... free, as it was to our fathers; in re moving the army to a safe distance when the people assemble to express their sovereign pleasure at the polls, aud in securing obedience to their will when legally expressed by their votes. Gth, That Rutherford B. Hayes, having been placed in power against the well-known and legally expressed will of the people, is the representa tive of a conspiracy only, and his claim of the right to surround the ballot boxes with troops and deputy ...L.I. 4. M win! A AM1 ft mars., ,..c.utc TlIB CONGRESSIONAL EXEECUTIVE electors, and his unprecented use of CoMMITTEEThe meeti of ihe eX. i i a . - : a ; il:. ...... u hi i v tne veto to uianiiaiu una uuua auu j sized holes with a spade, and then fill these holes with fine, warm surface soil, and put a tablespoonful of super phosphate in each hole, -working Jit thoroughly into the soil with a hoe. Before removing the plants to set them out, give them a thorough. wa tering. Set the plants deep, say, till the first leaves are on a level with the surface. Press the loose, mellow soil firmly around the ball of earth and roots. Keep the eround very loose and mellow on the surface. menace to the country. Gthf The Democratic party as of old favors the constitutional currency of gold and silver, and of paper con vertible into coin. 7Ui, That we are opposed to the ecutive committee of the Conservative Democratic party of this (the seventh) congressional district, called to take place here last week, was not held, owing to the fact -that only two of the members were present. These ad journed with the understanding that We would have published a part of the reports from Union Theological Seminary in ' last issue and would have been glad to do so, but our copy did not reach us until after our paper was mailed. It is due to J udge Wat kins, Secretary of the Board of Direc tors, to state that the delay was not in atiy measure club to remissness on his part. . . .. i.;j: I... l. ....I ' system 01 unusiuiea uy .,, 6cu-, , committe una to be rall-d tn- government,andappropriationsofpub- l ether oq q tbc firstweekof lie moneys or creuii io any uujevi uui i the public service. Knows Nothing of Fools. Says 8th, Tliat the Democratic party re- the Philadelphia Record: Judge Tour- news its expression of sympathy with gee, author of that remarkable politi labor and its promise of protection to Cal noVel, "A Fool's Errand," has its rights. just left off editing the Denver (Col.) 9th, That we look with alarm upon Times, with which journal he has been pretentions of the great transportation connected for several rponths. Asa companies, and until they accept the journalist he does notrappear to have constitution of 1873 in good faith, been a success. Fiction is his appro- they should remain objects of the ut-j priate sphere, and his soaring' genius most vigilance and jealously by both j spurns the common place realities of- the legislature and the people. j fact,such as the newspaper man must The 10th relates to local affairs. I for the most part deal with. IMA. That the erreat fraud of 1876- '77. bv which, upon a false Count of Last week Indiana, voted on a the electoral votes of three States, the number of constitutional amendments candidate defeated at the polls was all of which were adopted. Among seated in the presidential chair, was others one to- allow negroet and mufa- the most deadly blow offered to our toe to vote, lias not inaiana oeen ... . I Z. IT.. ! f aa1 aF rannnclrnpf inn 1 F nnAsanlaflV0 (rnvPrnlTlPnT. 1 OiZllfU 111 utcu i .vwus. uwkVru and the necessity of rebuking that Well, it is coming in time. Just preat wromr. impose a more .sacred the sovereign negro suffragans of our duty upon the people, of the United Eastern counties begin to flock in, States than e?er addressed itself to they see tne necessity oi compliance f free-1 with the modern Constitutional 1 1IC tuavivuviv ...... . I Amendments. Iredell jazeUe, men. Supplementajy resolutions instruct-1 Mr. Thou. E. Brown, has jnut received ine the deleates to Cincinnati to vote at Ins stible a fine, new, handsome umni- as a unit and to oppose the abrogation of the two-thirds rule led to a scene of much excitement. Snowdeu, of Lehigh,offered an ameudmentstriking bus for the use of the National Hotel in -thisity. - Jow much pain the' evls have co us that never h3ppened, - i -a-I' " 1-i -m .li-i- t- -f . 'S