ln 1'". ....... , L'inil after U,e 1st dn of January, 2Jbe subscription price of the ir atch bo as Allows: ' r: 'iiid iii advance, $1.50 f irivmut delayed 3 ruonth8ll2,00 ' payment delayed TJuioutlis 2.50 iT "'fruit crop of this section will be if was at one time expected : i . . -O- c i L..:i j in broad tfnes across the fle jirtit heavy rains were very dam ; freshly plowed lauds, sweeuing if i I i.TrtSEEXt. The sale of R. A. Cald ..-r efr poiUpoucd to the 1st of July, proxi- ' i ' - . 4 B. J. Edwards, Jr., cord, rcpreseiting the management of the Colored Industrial Fair Association at Raleigh is in theUityl The enterprise be represents should be encouraged. ! ' ' " - - ' .; A Card. " j v I desire to return my sincere thanks to mj friends and the Democrats who man ifewted o deep an interest in the success of the Democratic ticket for town officers ast Monday. I can not fully express my gratitude and grateful appreciation of their conduct on that occasion, i hough our ticket: was -defeated,' we could not af ford to, and would not. swap places with our triumphant opponents. The result will yet tell m favor of Dcmocraticlpnn- ciples and good government in this coun ty. Let us, therefore, take fresh cojirage and resolvo to fight it out on this line, though It take all the summer. $tand firm friends ami Democrats. We have made an honorable records TIwb victory will yet pa ours. Respectfully, j J; J. bTEW A.Hu. -o- TV trowing wheat, in some places, isi , wfoVyetlow, t)Ui; mere is a uinercncc nTjL as to the 'cause of4t.Some ay ft V l"r y . i . t-O- L-j & Laddkk. This Company -etitltlieir Hall Friday uight, and it is oi4 that they I in tend to dUbnndi a Dumber of members declare them Jjvrt ifi willing to jserveUuriijg the prea Mc or- PitrI-NS f Husbandry, who as an j'body fire notj so strong in this -state LfonD'Ji stiU a n"'8!'1" devoted UtieiritAUsc at 4'ot ecasi, a. l;., it. iiieaie, itot lit i handsome little weekly at nceDt45er - hmsu FlaSts. All persons de- a'rug RitLir Greenhouse or out-door plaiits, Hhoultl ail-Ty to V. M. Smith of CMwrl'X- C. He has a large variety, uikislplaHt8 are cheap A lot sent to tJitor olf I this paper, last- week, were de Krcred ftt such excellent condition that the jlant show "o damage for the removal. -1-4 -o 'FiteiU-Tlie L Cope Mills, comprising a pistaiiil 8tainjing niill. ix miles soutli fiwt ofihis place, were destroy ed by fire lisiulgt. Wheh discovered, about one Vtfuckjft was then falling in. MrrCady, v,p lintt a qiianity of me in the in HI, sus Uined i'suiiill loss, ! Mill property was in partiusamHn '"the office of Mr. J. Allen BroffBrj Supposed jto be the evil work of u Wiluiary.' 1 ' ... I ': jj :f. i . - o : - ' ' : There was a pleasant musical cntertain- neot at the private residence of Mr. Wil liams Blown, Tuesday evening. Miss Aoiiie, ftii adapted j child of the family, liavinisiiffst received a piano from the 1'triff Ihiuse, several young ladies of inu- lical tawnt and skill, Miss Lillian War str andjiMiss. Sallie Marsh, especially, ; nit rw'gnized as competent persons to ttitkipialities. , The evening slipped swayialiaost jmicohseiously while these tendereif in splendid style some very daboratfe pieces. ' . , . o -. t TiikoUvox Ringiiakz, of the firm of !DouVini!fc Kiniiharz, of Baltimore, min ing 'ejignieer,- has i been here for some Ant inspecting mining property in this eonutjiind Cabarrus, and gives it as his muioiilUliat this is an imn.ensely rich Mining tegioh. He is much elated at the T SI ; . j frwjiecl of bringing much of this proper ty into market and full development, and prok'ciilh)g his researches daily for this pttrjibstsl M I - , !j . O . Mariuaoe i Hay Met MrxiciPAL ElRctiox. The following is the tieket elected for town officers last Monday. For Mayor. J. A. Ramsay. For Commissiners. West Ward. S. II. Wiley, Abdrenr Murphy. f North Woird. E. II. Marsh, J. M Corkle. . j East Ward. Martin Richwine 1 Wni Smithdeal. " '- ' U' South Ward. Theo. F. Kluttzi, Jo; Ilorah. This ticket was nominated mainly by negi oesn a dark and dusty Hall "over a negro bar-room, on a secluded "alley, and voted for at the polls by nearly 200 ne groes, the white Radicals of the jtowu, and nUt a u dial of Democrats. ! ; - , There are good men on the ticket, but they were put forth as cat's paw toj draw in a few Democrats. That is so, we sup pose no one will deny. Examiner ; ' r - -o - r ' 1 A Coi.oukd Bekciiehite. John son, the eoloredpastor of the Baptist church of this place, was led out of the pulpit Sunday night last, and dismissed from further service. Representing himself as a single man he has led a festive life here for a few months a gay fellow, paying court to several of his young and pretty female parishioners, to one or more of whom he had engaged himself to be married it is said ; and but for some accidental discov eries grossly derogatory to Ms professions, lie might soon have laid himself liable to the charge of biggamy. A neglected wife in the eastern' -part of the State failing to get answers to her letters addressed to him, reached the ear of parties here who confronted her wandering spouse) with charges of abandonment, and brought his career to a sutUteu and rather unpleas ant termination. Johnson is a tall, rather spare I made man, very black, dressy, and impudent in his bearing, mouthy, but not very intel ligent. .. o J. sure their defeat ; and we present this view that every voter may see the importance of each man standing to his colors and doing his whole duty. -h - - - But there was another cause that operated to the prejndice of the regularly nominated ticket of the Democratic party, and which more than anything else caused its defeat. We allude to the facti that the Republican ticket comprised every member of the old board, which is personally a highly respect able body, consisting of five decided demo crats, and four republicans, three of them the' most moderate in town. These last, taken in the order of their political viru lence, so far as they have any, are J. A. Ramsay, Martin Richwine, S. II. Wiley and M. McCorkle, Esq. It would be impos sible to make a more respectable mixed ticke in the community, and therefore con nected with the fact that it was more than half democratic, may well account for the defeat of the regular nominees where so few votes ma v change the result. We see no reason why the same republi can tactics, ana the same democratic sup port given to it, may not elect a radical Mayor year alter year, indefinitely. It is true that the Mayor can carry out no public policy without the support of the Board He is the servant of the Board, to execute its orders. Bat he is also clothed with the powers of a Justice of the Peace and in this capacity is more acceptable to the masses of the republican than nny democrat could be. It needs only. to be stated to show the polit ical effect and advantage thus secured t the republican part', since its members make up about two-thirds of all the busi ness of our lower Courts. The political tendency of this is to hold the republican party together and to concentrate them in elections, and this effect becomes more pos itive just in proportion as the incumbent identifies himself with those whom he es pecially represents. It is a question for each democrat to decide for himself, how much stock he should take in this sort of business. Whether he should give his name to be used, and cast his vote to sustain it. war. and that she; was in active service in and daring the entire- war. Conse quently she is now 24 years old. The njared man has since bonght a $125 mm to . cultivate bis mule to enable crop. ; Sinrinff- schools are the order of the day in fonr of obr churches. When two or s more of ourj choirs combine, tliey produce music hard to excel. Mr. II. G. Miller sheared twolamds one year old.1 The tvo fleeces weighed 13 pounds. Mr. Miller goes in Tor hue stock of all kinds, as do the most of our farmers since we have the Stock Law. Mr. W. A. Powlas died of pneumonia on the 29th nit, jerving a wife and child and many friends to mourn his loss. We are glad to learn that the stock law commissioners have finally adjusted the matter, as to how the expensea of the tHHindary fence is to be paid, to the satis faction of all concerned. Now, er ai have peace." W. R. F, ! Imminently .Appropriate t j ; ... . - r , ': A younglady sends the following which is certainly in a nigh degree appropriate : "WuuteoV thirty-sir yoaus: tneu, more or leas, all diapr kird sizes, from the tall A. Double Tbaokdy jlsd a Reioh or 1 PtlCE GU R REN T . Tehrob, New Albany, Isd April 37. -A doable tragedy occurred this morning in the office of Esquire Boston, in Blue Rock townshipjlarrison county. ' Henry Long was undergoing a preliminary examination on Flasrjrtown Letter. May 1st, 1830. COUNTY COMMISSIONERS MEETING. Mr. 0 D. Davis and Miss -orklo were united in matrimony it the jiresbyterijin j church, yesterday CTttningi The popularity of the parties attracted to the ehiireh a.brilHant-asseuib- Igeof jjadies aiid ; gentlemen to witness flit cercmonv. which was nerfomed bv . ... --.-. . . m . N William Davis, elder brother of the bridegroom, assisted by Rev. J... Rumple, Tstor 0f thc cliurch. The lady friends of hllfeli lulnvd I'unnln luid derrornted tlchaiici Avith wreaths and boqueti of wer lu fine style, adding much to the nttiiftlw? scene. Mr. W, W. Rankin, fCLariotte, and Miss Sallie McCorkle, ster oftlie bride, were the waiters. ne fiappy pairtook the eastern bound tR"nfi oVlock,-and will spend some Uxci.aimkd Letters. Statement of unclaimed letters remain ing in Jthi' Post Office at Salisbury, N. C, May ,1880: B Miss Mary Barn. C Jas. Corel, Esq., Rev. R. F. Crooks, Mr. Charlie Crawford, Miss Jane Chauip boii, Miss C. S. Coral. F Mr. J C Foster. x II Miss Meavana Hogens. JW. II. Johnson. - L Wni: Lowrcy, col'd, Dr. S. E, Lyn don, Mrs. Ester Long, Miss A. J. ! Liue- baner.j ; M Mrs. C C. Misenhimer, Miss L. C. Misenhimer, M. L. McEntire, Thos. Mc- vinsay, eol'd, care Capt. Laura. P Julia Parker, Mrs. Malinda Plum- mer, Mr. l nomas l'uiKsiou. R Mrs. Margret Ranssou. S, R. A. Surratt. T Miss Mollie Thomas. W Mr. John H. Walton. When called for please say Advertised, and gfve date of list. DL Brixgle, F. M. -o- th Thomas Calender Clock, 'ashion. Mr. C'lfnll. travell fur t,ta Me of . this clock, bas given us a ! - H w,th i m"ch pride exhibited the !",uc Il -IS sellinfr If i4 a walnut; t 4- ituMouuitr, iiuu ii win uii we Ctr, Clni in an excellent ime-iiecc. U "ar!!? Iecondsj minutes, hours, days of c "ftk and month, and is warranted ien fears. Tw .irwL- ;a cti-..nrriv t-- I ?mmel?,,It-d j by purchasers in several 0$lierfc it bas leen tested, 'which ustpas as a'gaarantee of its worth. Mr EB Mp-.-. 'l'l. T. ... .... jv -y ".6u.m' tuc twunai aim e fJIur held a meeting at Franklin 'mi,; pear this place. Monday. The uiH Were uot St,uerid'ly represented 'or causes not under their control kPastors failed, to attend. The uigat. Franklin was presided over r.iobert Knox, of Salisbury, Rev. "I" Secretary, Only three churches reu to the roll ca'.l-Franklin, Thy -ua balbury, Three of the four . l08 set for discussion were taken , anVxnScd the earnest attentioirb ;.. . Members of Franklin church . - rNir URiinfi iii3.ut.ii;. "..., Tii- i- ---'. unifitanii ntic jii a. JtY ai)d at T o'chck recess, siread to,jn.fql board under the shade of the lU ia'ivk all partook as ono family Hi i ,ueeting wns appointed .to be jlhesila, M.roday afte ilie 1st -o- The Municipal Election! - On Monday wds warmly contested from sunrise, to sunset. There were 4G7 votes polled a few more than the vear before. Of these J, J. Stewart received 213, and A. Ramsay 244. A few voters erased the name of the candidate for Mayor and voted exclu sively for Comriiissioners. " Mr. Stewart and the ticket he represented was nominated at a spirited public meeting of the Democratic party held in Meroney's Opera Hall, where there were by estimation loO democrats present. J lie meeting was characterised by the high respectibility of its ntemlicrs, and remarkable unanimity of sentiment. . The ticket headed by J. A. Ramsay, was nominated by a meeting held in the grog shop of Pink Hall,a somewhat notorious colored republican, whose headquarters is a dincy ToldslieU in the rear of th Opera House.' It was attended by some 20 or 80 coloretl republicans, and D. L. Bringle, Post master; John Murphy, a policeman; T. B Long, special postal agent; and W. W. Rol lins, the troublesome man of the Western Division of ihe Western North Carolina Railroad, and J; -V Ramsay, the present Mayor. j T This statement is given as a means of in dicating more particularly the character of the contest. "r ' It is not thought that any Democrat in the community could haveTnore successful ly concentrated the strength of the party than did Mr. Stewart, and the ticket head cd by him. -And vet its failure was caused by Democrats, about 20 of whom were in fluenced by personal considerat ions to .vote for Mr, Ramsay, and some thirty orj forty who neglected to vote or reached th0 polls too late. The relative strength of the two parties is approximately given below j Whitc'Democrats' 253,. colored 5; Total 260. White Republicans 25, coir. 225; Total 250. It will thns.be Reel! how slight a-defection in the rank of the Den)Qcrat wl en- The Commissioners of Rowan met on Monday; preseut, D. A. Davis, chairman; W. M.Kincaul,G. A. Bingham, J.G. Flem ing and D. C. Reid. D. M. Barringer was licensed to retail on corner of luuiss and Lee streets. Pink Hall, also licensed to retail in rear of the Market House. S. C. Miller, to retail at Jack Hall's old stand. j Exempt from road working: J. A Cook, for five years; C. W. Raymer, for five years; E. L. Linn, for six years, and from poll tax for five years ; A M Propst, 1 year; 1 V I homason. 2 years ; C H Bruner, 52 years ; David E. Beaver, 5 vears; John F Aguer, exempted from poll tax and work- mg the roads for i years. . It was ordered that the report of the committee appointed to adjust the Stock Law claims, be approved : and that each township pay its own expenses, except Mount Ulla is to pay $112 of the Scotch Irish township expenses, as agreed upon l- said .committee ; and that the taxes In levied and collected accordingly. Also that each Fence Commissioner tile witli the Clerk of this Board an itemized ac count of all work done bv his order, and to whom the same is due and payable. The following is the Committee's report above referred to: That after consultation we agree that it would be more acceptable to the tax payers for each township to pay the expenses incurred in building the fence for said towuship, and that Mt. Ul la agrees to pay for one-half the distance from Jonathnu Barber's to the Iredell line, on the basis of $32 per mile. That llie eharges in some cases in Atwell are exorbitant, and ought to be reduced. Further, that the collection of the Stock Law tax be postponed until the Sheiilt' shall collect the county and State taxes." Signed Win. A. Houck, R. J. Holtoro, Jesso Powlas, T. J. Sumner, J. M. Harri son. G. M. Overcash was appointed consta ble in Atwell. The-petition from school committee,, District No. 10, was laid over until next regular meeting. Overseer at the Poor House was direct ed to have the buildings white-washed aud cleansed. Twenty-four paupers re ported in charge. The property assessors met the Com missioners on this occasion aud in con ference, agreed upon the following valua tion of personal property, to wit: 1st class harness Horses or Mules, cKW. do. farm do. do 73. 2nd-class " " " 50. 3rd 44 44 44 44 25. All other horses and mules subject to the judgment of township assessors. Milch cows and steers 1st class, 915; 2d. 10 : those of less value suhieet to the judgment of assessor. Com valued at 40 cts : Wheat, 1 ; Rye 75 cts ; Oats 30 cts per bushel; Flour $2.50 per sack ; Bacon Gets; Cotton 8 to 10 cts; Leaf Tobacco J to Jo ; Manufactured 1 o- bacco 12 to 30. The valuation of all other property subject to the discretion of the assessors. Editor Watchman : It was in the farly part of tlie balmy mouth of May, last year, that the hospit able aud GiKl-feoring residents of El Do rado towuship 011211116 acquainted with a Htrange individual of apparently unques tionable respectability and gentlemanly address. His name was Alfred Wort man, and he was between theagesof 40 and 45, full bearded, rather stout, int.: build, and Ii ailed feoni thai uiost sacred of cities : Xew York, Haiving becii a miner ever since he was eighteen years of age, and having travelled in almost all of the Western States and Territories he was, of course, brim full of exciting and interest ing stories relative to the dusky red man, the reckless and daring desperado who carries his life' in his hand, aud hair breadth escapes on the wild frontier. It was he who could so dextenonsly narrate the eventful episodes in the life of that rentable individual, Hankmunk ; it was he who could describe with cleverness the exciting scenes winch occurred in lioise City, Idaho, during the great mining ex citement years ago; it was he who could tell of the wicked and bloodcurdling deeds of some of the most daring villians that ever walked the Western prarie. He lo cated in the eastern part of this township and at first commenced .-prospecting with a pan, afterward on a more extensive ba sis. His dealings with the inhabitants were always characterised., with fa in. ess and a laudable desire to do always what was right and just. I his trait in the gen tleman was a means of gaining for him the standing in the commuuity which he craved, w lien ue uau on.ee esraoiisiieu himself in the minds of the residents as an honest and upright personage his despic able purposes were then very easily ac complished. His eff orts in gold hunting were reward ed with tolerable success, and he soon was offered opportunities for developing other properties of unquestionable rich ness. He accepted them, and commenced operations with a goodly force of men aud pursued them with undaunted euer- gy and commendable pluck. and graceful, with hair sufficient on his! thUharire of havins murdered John C. upper up io stun a cushion, down to the Drinkelaker, who had mysteriously disap little bow-legged, freckled -faced carrot pearcd after having had some trouble with headed upstart. s The object Is to form a Long. The trial was prolonged, evidently gaping corps, to be in attendance at the for a purpose until 4 o'clock this morning, church doors, at the close of the divine when a hundred masked men rode up to the service next Sunday evening to stare at magistrate's office and seized Long., He the ladies .as they leave church, and to drear a revolver and shot the leader of the make delicate and gentlemanly remarks bai, who proved to be Henry L. Otte, one abou t their dress, etc. All who wish to of Long's neighbors. Otte' death infuriated join the above corps are requested to ap- the mob, who fired on Long, but he retreat- pearon and about the steps of the church ed, bleedinjr, to the kitchen, where he hid doors at the above day mentioned, when until threats were made to burn the house. they; will be duly inspected, their uanies, He then fled past the barn and was fired at personal appearance, equality t brains, by the mob. He has not since been seen, ect., will be registered m a book for that but a pool of blood has been found in the purpose, to prcveut a general rush, it j woods, and it U supposed that he was kill may be well to state that no one will be ed and his body secreted. His wife and a enlisted who possesses the intellectual j number of neighbors have 'been warned to capacity of a well bred monkey Ral. leave the place, and a reign of terror exists Corrected by J. Jl Kkox Jc Co. May 6 1880. Cotton dull god Middlings, Middling. ' : . low ' do stains ' Bacon, county, hog round Bctteu i : : Acirt. in the neighborhood. North Carolina at Seven Pines. Gen. Joiheph E. Johnston's lieport of the Battle mrt Division. Gen. Joseph E. Johnston's official report 11 CurcKEss per d07.es Corn Xew Meal moderate demand at Wheat good demand at - Flocr best faai. extra super. Potatoes, Irish Onions no demand Lard Hat Tallow Blackberries Apples, dried Sugar j-' iu.l 3 3.23 HI 50 P "Ki "ACORH COOK STOVF," i'. ill "I No More Ska-Sickness. A large com pany assembled by invitation on the Havan na steamer, City of Alexandria, at New York, Tuesday, to inspect the operation o the new self-levelling berths with whicl that vessel has been fitted. These berths m vwvfe a of the battle of Seveu Piuea has been nub- are OI e ordinary size, i ney are attacn lished, and for the first time, in the Mav ea tn aboTC ana Dclow to universal joinx uumlH-rolrtheSoMfAcrn Historical Society and are weighted underneath by crescent Paners. In it he docs full iustice to Gen. B,iaPea cylinders oi iron. i nis arrange D. II. Hill's division, which wsiseomnoseil menl 18 agnea to Keep me oenns perpet- 1 i. . i U. : .jv i..t exclusively of North Carolinians. uauJ ieve'' DO mauer wr,at anS,c uie vcssei K ol0Te BU M "re 8 uu T,i ...... . ipru r miv tiko anl onnapnnentlv. tn do "l ie iirinemai ntr.-n-w uu innnn iv I j i j' 'I rw Maior-General Lmffstr.r. with his own away wun sea-sicKness enureiy. i o mrui and Maior-General D. H. Hill's diriMton I maintain me uenus m u.c.r uruu, ..u I . i t At -tki iatterHutliadrar. HilP-hmvi, PreTent suaaen ranges oi position, uiey I i i ? mt. trnona. ad.ni.abK- r.n,5,nd,l rh.1 rn. are proviaea wun spiral springs, i ney ap l:.ntlv led. forced their v, tkro.k th, Peared to work wCl1 Tuesday, and the visi- n --- --j -i. , ai .:r : abatis, which formed the enemy'g exter- lu.rs aP l""r MUSim,u . ""Ufc WIXIilAMft BROWN Jlan the exclusiv sale of this celebrated J. Y. BARBER, AT The rentleman in question, a short time since, alter having exercised his in ireuious propensities in the wav of con tracting debts at several stores, and scra ping together nil the gold and cash he could lay his grasping paws on, whether his mvn or lelongiug to other parties-, was discovered on trne morningrbe- von et, having, w? supiose, departed to parts un- Iiave ual defeuces, and stormed tiieir entrench' ments by a determined and irresistible rush. The operation was repeated with the same gallantry ana success as our troops pursued their victorious career through the enemy's successive camps and entrenchments. At each new position they encountered fresh troops belonging to it, and reinforcements brought on from the rear. Thus they had to repel repeat ed efforts to retake the works which they had carried. But their advance teas nerer successfully resisted. We doubt if auy more splendid fight ing was done during the war than by Hill's North Carolina boys at Seven Pines. Theif loss was fearful. The regiment commanded by Major Bryan Grimes (af terwards Major-Geueral) lost terribly. We have forgotten the precise figures, but our recollection is that during the war no Confederate regiment lost so havily in one tight, with the exception, possibly, of the 2(Uh (Vance's old regiment, com manded by Col. Harry Burgwyu, who was killed), at Gettysburg. Wo remem ber that one company, commanded by Capt. David M. Carter (afterwards col- stint. They are to be introduced in all the vessels of the line, and other lines have the I matter under consideration. t rri... ......... .............. , , , , ,, 1 i : ,,, onel, and one of the ablest meu of North been duped by this rascal, tins true rep- ' ... resentatives of the villiati family, thistle-' uvm of the deepest, die we are not prepar ed to state; suffice it to say, however. that aiiKing them are hard working labor ers, poor women upon whom he sponged his board, &c, and the owners of proper ty upon which he worked. A more sys tematic swindler has not graced the local ity with his ily, soft-soapy and flattering appearance in juauy a long day. We are rid of him now and I trust he may never return. Tkoy Marx. Franklin Zephyrs, Last Thursday (29th) we had frequent showers thronghtont the day. lu the evening, about sundown, the hardest raiu4ell which we have hail tor years. doing incalculable damage to freshly plowed lauds by sweeping away the sou in great gaps, washing up planted crons inundating, and casting adrift on the meadows and low lauds, &.c. We hear that considerable damage was done by the late frosts to early wheat in some portions of our lownship, tnougn we have noticed nothing ot the sort in our neigh borhood. We learn that in some localities the fruit was all killed. In our own vicinity there is still a great abundance, especial ly, .where the orchards are in an elevated position. We have many trees, "especial ly peaches, so full that they must break down, unless some are shed, or the tres supported somewav. Apples aud other fruits still plentiful. The Whool at Franklin Academy will close on the 21st. J. M. Gray, Esq., will deliver au address on the occasion. Some thing rich, rareand spicy is in store for those who attend and hear it. - One of our modest farmers was recently swindled bv an unscrupulous jockey, who traded hini what he represented to be a fine young brood mare, eight years old, foriro horses. It turns out, however, that parties who know the mare say she was two years ojd at the opening of the Talking with Greenville Through the Telephone. Telephone connection was established Sunday afternoon between Greenville, S. C, and this city. The instrument at this end was in the MeSmith Music House. After a little delay, caused by having to adjust the transmitter for. such a long I circuit, the signals were exchanged aiid I conversation carried on for some time. A music box placed. at this end aud played was heard distinctly at Greenville, and when the music ceased, the party at that end instantly exclaimed, That's a music box !" They also recognized the music from an organ. This is a remarkable suc cess, considering the distance a hundred and ten mile.v and that the wire used was a regular telegraph wire, on the same poles with two others, the latter having heavy batteries, which caused great in duction, and necessarily lessened the volume of sound signals throngh the phones. The experiment was conducted in the presence of several gentlemen in the music house here and atGreenville. The experiment will be repeated next Sunday, and as soon as the new telepraph line between Carlotte and Wilmington is completed, au effort will be made to connect these two places. Char. Ob. Carolina in the last half of the nineteenth century): had every man in it but one or two killed or wounded, and it was some eighty strong when it entered the fight. Capt. Carter was desperately wounded. It is to be regretted that the reports are so written that you must know how troops were brigaded in order to under stand what particular States were rep re sen ted in a given battle. Whiting's and Pettigrew's brigades did some good fight ing at Seveu Pines. The Gallows. New York, May 1. A special from Gainesville, Texas, gives the particulars of the execution of L M. Noft- sinsrer. convicted of the wilful murder of Willis Cline, in Cook county, in 1878. Noft singer and his victim were rival suitors for the hand of the same young woman, and the success of the latter in bearing off the prize so enraged Noftsinger that he murder ed him in his bed. About 10,000 people witnessed the execution. When Noftsinger had mounted the scallold and the knot was about to be adjusted, he s)aid : "Fellow-citizens: If you think I ought to die, I am willing. I do not thank Gov Roberts in my case, though he was honest in his convictions. Judge Carroll promised to recommend my commutation. You all know how he used me. If Gov. Roberts wants me to die I am ready. Friends and all, good-bye. I hope to meet you in a bet ter world." The 'Rock of Ages" was then sung, af ter which prayer was offered. At 1.30 Noftsinger bade the sheriff good-bye and stepped on the drop, which carried him six feet. In half an hour the body was taken down and given to his father to be sjent home to Virginia. Fast Mail Lines. Graham's Old Stand ! DEALER IN FAMILY GROCERIES, Fresh Meats of -all kiuds, ! Canned Goods, Fruits, Confections, &c. IITCall and get his prices. 26:1m v JAMES M. GRAY,; Attorney and Counsellor at Law, SALISBURY, -V. C. j Office in the Court House lot, nextiToor- to Squire Haughton. Will practice in all the Courts of the State. I r-.M 1 Blactier and Metoe, Attorneys, Counselors and Solicitors. SALISBURY. N.C. J.4noay21i 1379 -tt. A Whole Family Meet Death by Fire in a North Carolina Swamp. j Nokfolk, April 23. Tidings of the terrible work of the tires which raged in in the swamp region of North Carolina last week have reached here. Life and property were destroyed and houses aud timber devastated. Zachariah Owens, of Tyrell county, was engaged in getting shingles from the swamp on the-Alliga-tor river and iived there in a house sur rounded by woods. On Saturday he left home on business, but had not gone far before he saw the flames approaching so rapidly as to imperil his house and fami ly,'iuid he hastened back to save them. He hurried his wife and three childreu away hoping to reach the main road be yond danger, but they were overtaken by the flames in the swamp and the entire family were brtrued to death. Their bodies were found by neighbors, the mother clasping her irjfant to her breast and the father and the other two children lying near. The heavy rains of Tuesday have bronght the fires under coptrol, " 'a Atlanta Constitution. The north and west are enjoying the advantages of a fast mail service. The appropriations for those sections have hardly ever leeu refused, but when $400,000 is asked for the purpose of ex pediting the mails betweeu New York and both Jacksonville and New Orleans why, that is another matter. True, the South is not as populous or as full of bu siness as it oughtn't 0 le, but should that fact deprive the entire section of special postal facilities when it has to pay in part for such facilities in other sections of the country f The postal business of tho country is not wholly based upon population or anything of that nature. The government reserves the right to carry all mail matter, and in so doiug it is iu duty bound to use nil sections fairly. It has no moral right to foster business in one section and neglect it in another. It has no more right to say to the people of New Mexico that they shall have no postal facilities because of their small population thau it has to say to the South that it shall have a slow service while the North and West have a fast service. If any Southern member stands in the way of the necessary appropriation to give the South a fast mail service, he is doing the business interests of his sec tion great injury. Willi an appropriation of $400,000, it is estimated that New York would one day be placed one day nearer in time to Atlanta than it now is that is, a traju could leave New York at 4 o'clock iu the afternoon and yet reacli AtUflta as soon as the train that now JeavlVthe metropolis early iu the morning. The advautageof such a qaick ening of the trains would be felt iu every part of the South, and it is to be hoped that there will be a solid South in Con gress iu favor of the desired appropria tion. Third Creek Elm woxl Stat.eYill ' Catawba Station Newton It is now probable that Congress will Konora I IIiiknrv adjourn abont the 1st of June, Demo- Icard J crats and Republicans appearing to be Morganton pretty well agreed upon this time. S'fLtfpV " " ------ j- Marion ..... Old Fort Henry Swiinhanoa Gao In Franklin township, April SfiJth, at Black Mountain 2 o'clock, a. m.. ot tmeumoniA, .Mr. m. coopers A. Powlas. acetl about M years, leaving a young wife and oue child to deplore the irreparable loss. TIME TABLE j WESTERN N. C. RAILROAD 1 Leave GOING WEST. I Salisbury M, DIED. 57 " e i 10 ioai 12 CO . It 12 UT 12 57 1 44 I 2'2 :i oi ? 4 01 , MARRIED. April 25th, I860 in Gold Hill Township by A. W. Kluttz Esq., Mr. Milas L. Bur ger and Miss Sarah K. It. Ititchie. In Iredell co April 20th, by Rev. Geo. B. Wetmore, Mr. W. S. Wesmoreland to Miss Mary Catherine, daughter of the late John Gardner. Esq. By the Rev. R. L. Hrown on the 22nd of April 1830, at the residence of the bride's father, Mr. Dav id C. Lingle to Miss Mary L. File. Both of Rowan co. The expression as applied to actors and public speakers, of " bringing down the honse" originated with Sampson. He was the first on record. State Episcopal Coxvextiox. The sixty-fourth annual convention of the Church in the Diocese of North Carolina will meet in St. Paul's church, Winston, on Wednesday, May 23, 160. WINSTON TOBACCO MARKET. WixsTOJf, N. C, May 6, 1880 . $.1,50 & $5.00 ...5.00 0i) 6.00 GOING EAST Lng, common dark L"g, common bright, L"Ki Good bright, Log, fancy bright, Leaf, common uarlt Leaf, good dark Leaf, common origin, Leaf, good bright, Wrapper, common bright, .. VVrapr, good rrtht, Wrapper, fine bright, Wrapperf, fancy bright, ...7.00 G$ 8.50 ..12.00 Oi, 18 00 .. 5.00 6 00 .. 7.00 8.00 .. 6.00 (a) 7.50 .10.00 m 12.50 ..12.50 15.00 .25.00 6) 30.00 ..35.00 50.00 . .50.00 75.00 Arrive Salisbnry Third Creek Elm wood Statesville Catawba Nowtou Conova lliekory I card Morpanton Glen Alpine Bridgewater Marion Old Fort Henry Swanii.moa Rlack Mountain U'oper'it Trains rnn daily , Sundays excepted. f Train iroing West will breakfast at State ville and dinner at Henry. Train going Ea?t breakfast at Henry and dinner at Hicknry J. W. WILSON, President. - ! A -P- It : .? i I 40' i. i-V 1 I I ' 10 i h :, 8 45 i 7 57 7 44 0-lft.- ' G 00A. II FE014 A DISTINGUISHED PHYSICIAN. Prof. Green, a distinguished allopathic phvsician, wrote to the Medical Record to the effect that after all other means had fail ed, he sent for the Kidney Cure (Safe Kid ney and Liver Cure), and to his astonish ment cured a gcrious case of Bright Dis ease by administering it, and afterwards found it equally benenciat m otner cases. Lktter and Note Heads. Hill Heads, Cards and Envelopes printed to order at very low rates. Call at this ottice. 35 3! KERR CRAIGE, gttonun at fab, Sallslaury, 3X. O. Cicap Chattel Mortgages arious other blanks for sale here Harness, Saddles, &Gi BUSINESS LOCALS. I DON'T FORGET IT COME AND GET YOUR Pbotograplis. C.W.C. W00LWISE, I nOTOORAPHER. I Just receive 3 at A. C. Harris' a 6tre lot of Xo. 1. Cigars and French-Candies. LOY PRICES AHD GOOD WORK Have made my Business a success. And I uow offer the people of tUia county and .idjoiuing sections tlie BEST MADE WORK in my line that can be found in the. State. The Material I use i ofihe Best Quality, and as the best is alwayn the CheafM, POLMD'S HEADQUARTERS For Harness and Saddles i the place to make yoornjrcliaseti All. I ask u a trial and I guarantee satisfaction. ' ; t . I can iell a Good Set of-'IIarnenn for $850 and op to the fliietd outside of cew York city. I can sell you a Good Saddle at $30 and upward. ,. ; JEST Repairing dcM neatly and with dft natch. Call and we me, next door to Craw- j ford Hardware store, on Fitdter Street. - I -X&3M W.E.PaiAITD.i '71 iri t Us 11 V i 1 .

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