Go:io to'ltls -Love' slit ! doors'." The victorious feani maT thi rst - ed fur more gore, and, iu hid efforts la cratify the desire exhibited almost ' ' ii ', . . j , human intelligence. Placing one paw against the iron dofr. he would push 1 float- Some of these rocks give forth a rich oh it as jf raisiuga wjndovr. Twice Ills note 01 me Katr. , iHmuT.r rocks were chosen and a few tunes, Thp romance of a wrecked Hie nasuucli as "uiu uunureti, -owra, lieen brought to light through the diary and By," and Home, Sweet Home," found upon the person of an niiknown ere given with considerable clearness. man whose body was discoveret :-J:i,. RlvprJ O., Monday last, full tone, which IwouldrvieTWith the it yielded partly, and Jol it hi Uttle before daylight, the body was best metal. The! "State House rock" position, he would lower his. head foulnd at the foot of Wall street. It at one time was one of the largest: It sideways and look through the open; liad been in the water for many days has been broken several times, but iug, but when he attempteil to get uh ud identification was impossible. In it still preserves jits strong, full tone, der relaxed hold , would return, the Jueof the pockets of the coat were The sound produced by : striking the door to iU place.. On the last trial he tWo small book, one fillecl with writ- iinajler rockr resembles that made raised it, andt with the assistance of the ..,.t Ae. U tho Action of thelwhen a blacksmith's anvil is struclc, otner paw gave ii anomer mi, anu iuuv.il j ... - , . - . . . . . i - . .-. tog iine clearer than others but no was half way through the adjoining alike. Many sound as though pit before the keeper could drive him r nd -the" other -a printed vol- some bei " , i y U TIipu throw lufht upon the two are . " .h Mkp and ciDose the car wheels ' were! being tested )Y the back. Tbe loor was then securely inner side of a life varied and tem- hammer strokes of the station men. fastened to prevent a repetitron of the pest tosta life finally wrecked, but The "ringing rocksV have been visi- proceeding. For the next half hour which obtainednuch of the 'light and ted by thousands. On the surfaces the ' polar continued "trying to get shade of joy and adversity. of many of themjare marks resemb tlirougb, and at last gave it up as a Part of the book is used as a diary, ling footprints of horses and other bad job. and shows a record of ten years. animals. ac similes oi numan rooi- Honesty Before Etiquette. ! TI.a tnrv it tells is that the -writer prints are also to be seen. rhxUx ' ' 1 ! s u a.u ,r Lov.Ji.v. P, L - There are those that nurse their gome VCillo og"! ""'"b n " r j. his betrothed, onae, leit nis native tastes up to 6'fineypbint that moral The of course the iron trade is not worth may be at any time . eclipsed without a lesson. The price was abnor- by n bad ly-fiting garment or shoe, pr city in Denmark and became a wan- Aarmr TIlO i T 1 1 V?A 1 i ft! anl)CarS tO u.v.. - " -7". -It- i . .. . . t n-rr I . . . ... have been aimless. On many pages ally low in the jDeginning o! 10 , a violation ot grammar, spelling or 1 -otl. cl.rvrl : Ktnnrns of IetrV. are anu " impu.io y. hw.. enqueue, JI1HS IS BUCtr IOIIV, as uuc wUbk. - r r t . . imi . 1 ' 1 1 . . . . - .. l.- wrltpr'.. njimP the date latively small, jiney rn aiong oc- mUst needs take leave of the world it v . w. j : . i -.X I , - - tween 1&,UUU,UUM and zu,uw,uuv 1 os. he Would,avoid these little unpleasant itv1 Danish Per month, the price being about $17 n&jsesV If the perpetrator have but an y." He did ler ton The price beginning to rise, upright soul aud an honest heart, we affixed and the place in which the verses are inscribed. At least twen tnvni ro nrrfpd ill this ivav not seem to care to earn more than the imports begarj likewise to increase. would rather Uke him or her by the nUpntto barelv sustain life. He the New York Times we find a ana, than thousands whose dress, : would settle at the town, and having table wl,ich shows the matter at a conversation, and manners are oracu ftccumulated sufficient pittance to car- S,ance- 1 ur " v larly styled lauiuess. wi coure, one r him te.nntW.ki. would i iournev 1879, the imports amounted only to prefers greatheartedness and refine "J ' I ir, nrn l ..i'M i - . . . onward. At times he appears to have ivo,uw,uuv pouuus, win w iu uc ment combined ; but it to gam the become a prey to melancholy, and si : months of that year they ran up hatter the forraer mult be dispensed writes as follows : i to J,jyj' An gst le Pr,ce with, it is in our opinion, too great a "There is not one friend left to me was 2l ln Uctobcr m 1Jecem- sacrifice: We have seen people whose iu- this desert of a world ; neither sis- wr u e sec, mereiore, uiai uie tecth were-quitect on edge by the ter nor brotlier, and she whom I lov- English workmen have prohted very chance mjSpr0uunciation of a word, ed is gone to rest. She looks down 'geiy. irom our oom m iron, xwo ta wi,om an acfc of dowuright immor upoume from amongthe tars and months ago the price was up to40, rality: would be far less distasteful. It beckons melo her. I come,! I corne l DUt ,10W u 13 dropping, the great aa- is unnccesSary to pronounce a verdict I saw her in a dream last night. I vance checking consumption, lhe on such surto-people. Let them know I shall soon meet heragain." reduction is already 25 per cent., and keep summing life till it be thinned Again he puts his feelings into lhe ouiiook is saiu 10 oe very g'oomy tQ thdr taste tor the owners ot tne American tur This statd of thimrs has been The State Board of Medical Ex- caused bv pushing nn -the price so "miners win - meci m Wilmington on ranidlv as to indlice the trreat influx the 01 ilay to enable candidates of foreign pic iron, which overstocked wno PaBS ine,r examination, 10 eon nect themselves with tlie otate Medi- i 1 f 1 P.W JT. - f A -j- -.t I S . fx irsCHOlTfLnS,: I ! A' Groat Tow lc A Sure Appear. i IROH BiTTERS, I " A. tranflrte 5uetfth.rr. ! IR08 BiTTEBS, ! A Valunble Mvdic-'n. tSOXBITTEnS, Not Sold u k Cetrtir. IROH BITTER 1 Par Dr!ict FcnulM. t the 1' ik- ItitTMli di-i f 4-ij.t'f in i imt am- ti1t-i iftliirut fr-rn-. Sluitl .p. Iffttli, JLoim of tirt HQt!;, i.nrk of h.uei t tti. It n rifin the blood, stn )i,i!FMi tb nios--ai,i;:ifiifiVOH tew 11 f i ii.v i ir?t. To tb si-t"1. l:-f!l'-.. ami chU srn r'v il:!y r rtipor !!ii, I Is is vniuabl i"rrer:y tun not be too i Iire eharit i :i u:-tl t'ttitive organ. A I'-HKjHiouful bt-fure i;iTis ftlll reninve all djbptptie symptomi. THY IT. Sold by; ail Druggists, TE2 SHOWS CEI1CAL COL B AUTJ MORE, Md iHpS I S4f5Si3 is&Ji-3i &iS&&3t?i? ( BURIAL CASKETS w'-' 4 -e- v ' I have just received ana have on exhi bition in the Hoom Above the llardvar Store of Messrs. Crawford & Taylor a ve rv Haudsoine Assortment of B urial Cas kets to which public attention is invited I - THEY ARE OF j VERY 1 NEAT STYLES, Carefully Made and of various Grades. Will be pold lov. Persona wishing anything of the kiml should call and see them. I am prepaied to Uudertakei and furnish everything requir ed. B. Special attention to Preserving Bo dies from Dicoloring."53a I hav !td ranch personal experience in thin line and Awl sure of giving satisfaction. : C. W. C. WOOLWINB. Not. 25, 1879. 6:6m SPOOL COTTON. ESTABLISHED 1312. poetry : My staff witlfheavy heart I took," A wanderer on the earth Ye-withering leaves from Nature' book, Blown merry ly over ber lonely grave, Soon dauce ye over mine, Next follows quite a long poem, the market, and has occasioned the which describes the death of (hU love crash. It is an ill wind, however, and cxpresses'a wish soonUoijoin her that blows nobody any gcod, and in another worlds His only regret what gives the iron men trouble makes at leaving this life seems to be the tne consumers oi nans ana iron mau- thought of the fate of the mementoes Noctures feel more comfortable. left him bv his dear one which Jie de- Raleigh Observer j scribes as a faded wreath, a lock of hair and a crushed violet. It cuds with the following couplet r j How the Polar Bear Kitted the Brotcnl cal Society on the 11th, 12th and 13th. The Board will continue in session during the 11th, 12th and 13th of May. A Terrific Bear Fight. Bat place them with me when I die, And 1 will rest content. at the Cikcinati Zoo. But tWO names beside his pwn ap- Clnclnattl Commercial. pear lathe little volume. One of these It was found necessary yesterday to is the dedication of one of his out- repair the polar bear water tank at bursts ofinelancjMjiy to "Miss Chris- the Zoo, and for the purpose the tup," and an other to "Tine," which brown bears were driven into the is an abbreviation for Vincentine. On right compartments so that their pit the last pages of the diary, written in could be occupied by the white speci- Mr. George G. Loddell, of Wil mington, Delaware, passed through here on Tuesday to examine the lauds of Mr. P. J. Snipes, about ten .miles north of this place, with a view of purchasing and working the iron ore that is supposed to be there. We learn that it is more than probable the sale will be made, and if so, Lod dell will go to work with a large force and make things lively, in that neighborhood. CaUiam Record. A reeetAblo preparation and tfc only rare mneiiy in the world for Bright' Disease. Ilateti. mnH AlX IUliey( Liver mtid Urinary DUfaM. K39Testlmon!l of thehlghest order in proof of Lbese statements. WFor the core or Dlnbetes, call for Ww cr't Safe Diabetes Cure. - Xd-For the core tT Bris;litVi ird th other dlsraapt, call fur Warner's Hmfe Kiduey "Warner's Safe lleme- Tf& dies are sold Mm mi mm i m. ay rruist!i and Dealers S'M I & eTery where. rwri uu us i r muiuu vv ?TCC1 I'roprietors. msoenesier, x. x. BSrSond for Pamphltl sna'i esiimontais. i A. GEORGE CLARK, SOLE AGEXT, 400 BROADWAY NEW YORK. o. c. s. Oar Consrh Syrup. T!ks most ;i!ata hle, soothing .and tilicacious lfiiicdy ever plaeed lef)n the jnililic for that most dreaded of diseases, eoiiirhs, ells, &.c, manufactured at BACKER'S ;'16:tf l)ni; Store. Tlie distinctive features of this spool cotton are that It 1& made rrom the very nnest SSA ISLAND COTTON. It Is finished sort, as the cotton from which It le made: it has n waxtmr or artificial tinlsU todecelvt the eyes: It Is thR strnnsrest, smoothest and most elastic sewing-tlire .id ln the market: tor machine sewing It lias .10 equal; it is wound on WHITE SPOOLS. The Black Is the most perfect JET BLACK- ever roiucert In spooleotton. beln? dyed by a svstrrL patented by ourselves, The colors are dyed by tUt ' 1TSW A1TILIN2 PSOCSSS rendering them so perfect and brilliant that dress makers everywhere usethmlnstead of sewlnpsllks. We. Invite eft'nnirlson and respectfully ask ladles to srive it a fair trial and convince taemselves of Its superiority over all others. Tb be had at wholesale retail from J. D. OASKILL 5:6m Salisbury N. C. Iwil ui . Lllilo DEEDS & MORTGAGE Fee Simple Deed Deed in Trust, Mortgage ueeaa, coniuiissioiwrs' Deeds v;L J Deeds. Chattle Mortgager, Farm Contracts, Alarnage ana Continuation Certifie , - Distillers' Entries, and rarious other forms for sale at the ;dUs . " JVATCHMAX OFFICE. - SALE NOTICES: I Administrators, call on us for printed their property quirements of iv ;i J oiieo Bcriijceu iruiu mis ut" v mci using iufht h ' a'vWl it and midn it liriiicr its Vftloc. ' We furnish Sale DOllCCS Dromntlv onr AWt-, m7W f VU V WIIVS MUSWMW W wrm mm y -w - - X , J V ii J) executors, commissioners, sheriffs, constabks,'lgents,A'c., areailvX j1 iJ sale notices. It ia certainlv great injustice to owners to Am at pubiicauction without nrst giving ampie notice or the sale fh 1 the law on the subject every body knows are insufficient. Prr,,Z r? PAMPHI SCHOOL CIRCULARS i BILL-HEADS, LETTER HEADS, 1 1 Monthly Statements UAKLlo, Jfosters, all kinds, "51 .- Who has once nsed tlm PEOPLES' MACHINE-will prefer it over all others, and AGEXTS selling it find it just what the PEOPLE want. It mat. cm th shuttle loci stitch, runs easily, dws the widest ranged ! ii FOUTZ'S HORSE AND CATTLE POWDERS 3 The Motherless. Sittincr in the infc that appears-much tresher than mens of the Gcnu3 Ursus temorari- school room I overheard a conversa any that precedes it, are four lines of Jy. One of the iron doors of the com- tion between a sister and a brother. ryhme, rudely constructed. They con- partnient not being fully closed re- The little boy complained of insults iue wnierj, luwnuoa oi , enaing suited in one of the small brown bears or wrongs received from another lit ais iiie. auey are signeu "ti.vy- discovering what he considered intni- tie boy. His face was flushed witl 111 . ,, nil . I " : . .. I renuani,iu naste. 1 lie stanza reads dew in hisfatnily'sdomain. -Evervtirae aner. The sister listened awhile and ftSIOllQWS: - lone of the visitors nnsSPll this nnpnitiff fhon fnrniiiir wp bIio anewornl "f - - y - w umm aV M O I S S " J J 0 V UII0II VI illj V qrer the grave so lone he rammed one I paw throueh arid do not want to hear-another word. ppray from the Sea is thrown : . t , i . ,., ... . . Soon, tot, over me luiwwgive imu a swipe, rinnanyi wuuc aas no moiner. ne urotner s will the waves dance jiernly. the male polar, after making several lips were silent, the rebuke came Following are these words, which go-as-you-please laps around the pit, home to him, ami stealing away he appear to be the last ever written by seemed to have definitely settled upon muttered, "I never thought of that. the exile: a plan of action. iWhen making the He thought of his own mother, and Hopeless misery qt the parting, next circuit thel warlike paw was the loneliness of Willie compared When the morning's sun rises from stuck out as before. In a second . he with his own happy lot. Do wc think the waves mine shall have set forever. grasped it and dragged its owner into of it when want comes to the orphan My day to-night shall turni Brief the pit. Those who 6a w the fight say land rude words assail him ? Has the wad my joy and weighty , was my that it was terrific while it lasted. The little wanderer no1 mother to listen tb sorrow. phaJJ I never see her whom contestant were unevenly matched, but sorrows? Speak gently to him, thea. 1 love again ? O my love, farewell." nevertheless the little brown bear stood Christian at Work. up to the work with admirable nluck Ud and down th nit. thv WonJ Yol never find out how bad a man in the deadly struggle, the little fel- I,as been uatil he nominated for o low scorine the fifst point bv brin- nce and never kMOW how good Id! fnr u.a f. .l- !. he has been, until vou read his orbit- J. 1 l , . I u'uuu vru nn, liutui O liCJU, 1U1 Willful ' ft. was a op ock when our partv j,0 rana:nA lu.- ....i , 44t. uary. rpar.npil "Kioin. I 1. it ti.. i I n ttnrtwMin na . . K i I s I ' , til ZZJ " 7 P :r P'J They i0S Hke a flash This gentleman, a prominent and well xruzen,ana;mosPot and quicker thaa thought the nnlar known lawver nf TnvWill. dl ttlA finnur nf ri.tfrnN k-J .1! L i I I. O " " I 'I J J " I v, if iulci iiuti ii innairoi i )- . . i . r V i4i ' 1 r 7? nose " lts h,uU with his enemy in that place last Tuesday night. He ye had come to ring a chime on the i i . A, ' r , , J fa t strantn nd wnnAnt.r.A i f "vw. p iuc iwsurwas was a sun m uie iaie ex-onerin OOr ZterJ"lTh could be heard to seph Bogle, Iredell, a brother of Uri hr L J 7 P 4tetl Ckr Gently the hug relaxed Roxana Simonton, of StatesvilleL M farm of Abraham Monlf Z 1 a S h f?rPped to the le- and spent a considerable part of his i - I mnnt 'l ha tn ny. 4., i I 1 iL'. t r t t Pottsgrove township, Montomerv Z Tn eanyuie.n tn.s p.ace. Mr. liogie muntv ; TlL , I I ne seemed to be; fuhy enraged, and was a man of excellent natural pow- three-quarters of an acre. Oiir nartv . i-j.-i "wwu C4a U1 "'""i geummy oi mau- - j'i uwji, i iitioj uu "oiu iu uuivcisui es- in aii- teem. Staiesville Landmark. AROUND flic CORNER TO TISE PUSLiC CS2Ti;i3: iulian&frAley, CaMaet Mm aai Carpssters. Their prices are an low-as it sis o-.-iMeto make tliem, and llu ir work not inferior to any. They till uril;i! in two departments. Their redy mide ?tok in hand comprises a general asnortjuent ofhouse furniture Bed steads, Bureau?, Clothe iress-s, Lonnyes, Racks. Wardro!,, Book-Cies, (J)l)iardj and China Prestc,Cand!eSt.inlf,Tin iSafep, Ienk, ratdef, W ashtandc, Ciuiirs, &0. TLey also keep an assortment of of w ilrmt, pine an 1 p-pUr, from ?1 upwards. lso, W iihIow . i.sh I hev.jiU orders, w itriont vexations delays. Will eontr u t for earpenter's work and w.irr.iut satist u tion. Will i.ke j;oh1 nnler and eountrv proiinoe in exelinnze for furniture. hop nearly opposite Watchman Office. JUL! A S A FKA LEY. 4:1 v This ends the record of a checker ed lifeNew York Star. . ; Music in Stones. ppnsisto ladivs-and gentlemen 7" - "T . I ! T- , , hoarse growls that cal ed forth an versed-in music. Ji,.ich sp wt,l .It.M. nr- -L-rlVr Bering chorus from all the animals tkIlJ:.... .,.... .V. " v surrounding. Hqatlast held the car- -f icauin cuiiciuaii look ine rock IS i mnw trifll Ann L - i -itcy. . ' . ' i ' " uuc i'av uuu .com tp . ..ammer, ana it teeth. The keener, who h niwnJ .f-i - - rans out verv much like the old T- Li i ' , -;- me utwrs, maiiing a passage wav forctwas vrackeJ. The t.rn of a wcnt j wU, a ;'; '. puuiuer oi siuues were testeu belore iiron rod. and kiinrpmloil An A:.i each member of the party . had select- the polars back! to their quartera pdone nthatouecorrespoudiUgt9wheu he immediately-let .down the Death of ax Aged Citizen.- Mr. Thomas Stevensou died Monday of this week at his home nearKilpat- nck's ford, on the South Yadkin, in this county. Landmark. Iredell Superior Court ! (the 8th day of June) when the time and place for the meeting of the " congressional dis trict convention will be selected.-- Landmark. t . . , i , Will ears or prevent Disease. Jfo Hobsk will die of Colic, Bots or Lmro Tk Yr.it. if Fontz'B Powilers are csed ln time. Fontz'B Powler will cure and prevent lloo Cbolzbx Fontz Powders will prevent GaI'es ik Fowls. Fontz'B Powders willlnerefute tlie qnnntitr of milk snd cream twenty per cent, and moke the butter firm and sweet. : Koutxl Powders wm euro or prevent almost xtxbt Disxasb to which liorsos and CatUe srs subject. Fotrrz's Powdms wile sirs SA.TisFA.cTiojr. Sold everywhere. DAVID E. TOVTZ. Proprietor. BALTiaiOKE. ild. Til EO. F. Klutt:?. Agent, 2:Gm vSalist.ory, N. C. D ! nmim gardm.is SOMETHING WONERFUL : While Ejyplian Corn yields under good conditions 'JOl) bushels of corn per acre lias been known to vicld 5-10. Tliisis no exairera- in. Make the finest bread, cakes, etc., ever tasted. iN'utl.ijng euual.s it for luwls and 8tock. A p.ickagt by' mail fur 2oc, tlirce packages for 50c. One pound for SI. Jeosinte. A native of Uentral America, pro- diices a greit number of i!iots, growing three to four yards higii, thickly covered with leaves and yielding such in abundance of forage, that one plant will feed a pair of cattle for twenty- four hours, One package 40c or o packages for $1. Lig-of-Wood MitxJc Melon. CJrOws 3 feet in length ; ripens vi-r;. early, yield' a lare num ber to the vine and is of splendid quality. 2oc 5 for $1. Excelsior Watermelon. One of t lie earliest grown, attains an immense s-ize, thin rind, sweet and delicate to the taste : 1st premium of the Mass. Ilort. So specimens weighing 65 lbs. Package 25c, o for $1. The Chiri'se Jiwn. Introduceed at our ('en- tenninland m;ide a sensation, yield 40 bush els per acre of very small, nutritious beans in lender pods which hang in huge' clusters. 2oc 1 e pkj; 6 for $Ii larks larbm romitn. Ivirly i and prolific, bearing lOto 20 fruits in a cluster, with few seeds, solid body, delicious flavor; robust prowth ; fine for, preserving; beautiful for dec orative uses. Pkg. 20c. Cuzco Corn. The Giant Corn of South America. The grains are one inch long by inca wide.' They are unique curiosties. 15c. a package, 4 for 50 cents. fOne package of each of the seeds by mail postage-paid, for only Ose Dollar."5 Aa a premium to purchasers of $1 worth of seeds I will ?end a method by which it is claimed that vegetables may be grown lo dou ble and treble usual izes. ThU secret has been sold at $5. Send money by registere1 letter or money order. Postage stamps taken as cash. for small sums. Positively no humbug about these seed. I have spent my Jiff here and refer to any body in thiscity ato reliability. Any seeds man or agricultural editor will endorse theee statmentn.l Addre'm. JOHN GASDIIIEE, 1C7 Whitehall St, , ! I ' Atlanta, Ga. 1 27!:2t. CRAY'S SPECIF'0 ?!ED1C!NE. TRADE MARKTheunat KngllshTRADE MARK REMEDY ; An un failing cure for Seminal Weakness. Ii cipenuatorriiea, -i ; E Tmrmfptipv mid nil diseases that follow as a wquence of Self-Abuse; as Loss of Memory. Univer sal Lassltwle. Pain CEfQRE 7AUa.ln the Hack. Dlm-AFTI TAIIRI. noss of Vision, i remaf ure Did Age, aim many other THsoases that lead to Insanity or Consumption, and a Premature Grave. t3T"Full particulars In our pamphlet, which we desire to send free by mall to every one. W The specific Meliclne Is sold by all dnyretst at f l per packojre, or six packages for $5, or will bo sent free Dy man on receipt ot tne mone ny nnaressmg GRAY MEDICINE CO.. Mechanics' Block, Detkoit, Mich. tSold ln Salisbury and everywhere by all -j-ugglst. 7;ly. EEST 111 u c r1 . v rFr. -V:.?.v 4m& i IA11 kinds of Blank for Sale at the Watchman Office. . Impnre R ' r r fuln ! f llgbOr lrty wito r(fr. I" tr appear . v:3aiJ, eT.-niine r- elf, bnt a Cf Ji'iliMr; Wl ' rHvntn v-i ASiTi - tlie difference. See thot y Tklne Sd- ' -wViite ai.d rt 11'.. a sliooir. I f ; food. - A simpl Vnt ' Tfr tst f iht enrn'-a-atir-slue ot aiPpTv'.t 1 mi r rt Pods i 1 dfJO'' fisnt prxxiofii of . Ukindwi ' sbu ii i of vatrhoti i -vm I in rtwrir as . r until all is tun't f t ..-o.ve I . Tt rioon inoll2 lu ll r tti f"irvr i4v. be shown ci r utt'ir.. mt- tireDfv inw sooner, by th m!kv i -furanof t';-- tl quTi'"7 tf tiaaUtii llucky xuu.'.. u. conlingtaqi.thty Bbsnre a 'l srU f" Church t Co.' S" " r " pe tlit Iheir i nm- is .u tba piw-ssar . ' Will evt ih )'i:'cs i I whitest mi.fe. I'J '' rt this with pour mi . in preierrncu to; Br;; Puwder, ssverf ' wciit y timad its cost. See one pn- n 1 p-cViiga r vslosbls ik?s tion and rea l f .rf ..ly. show t:;;i to your grocer. 12:5m j v:ik, anil winds the "bobliin without ! uiihing the works of the nijuhine. AViite for tlescnut ;! ive lircnlars and full particulars. P ! 1301 & 1303 Buttonwood St. 1 PMlafielpMi Seras Hacie Ci PHILADELPHIA, Pi 44:ly ISAAC A.SHEPPARD & CO.,SaItimore,ia Manufacturert of THE CELEBBATED . -. Unsurpassed for Durability, Economy, and Convenience CMiMiiif sll lBiprTmente of Value, Ami Perfect ! OnrratlaB. -J ALSO A VABIED ASSOBTMEXT Of STJPEEI0R HEATING STOVES FOB BALK ST C. F. BAKER &-m, Salisbury, N.C, 3:6 m HARDWARE WIIEiV VOU WANT II R'D W A II E At Low Figures MOW TO SfliMl BUY HARD- I WARBf ! And you will not only save money,' butgri tlie Best Goods made, ion will hud jb hn Well "SelecTed Stock of - Hardware, Mowen, Threshtrf, aiul Sewing tuachinep, x 1 Call on the undersigned .tHo. 2, granite gtraW-CuttCIS & Coril-Sliellfe Salibur N. C. D A. AT WELL. JlltM S tf. BARKER'S LIVER PILLS. Though h new iin-aration, has given universal satisfaction, nnd i warranted to work anywhere Manufactured at 18:tf HAHKEK'S Drug Store. TO LAND & MINERAL OWIIERS ! Persons owning Grain Cradlec, Grain and Grasii-Scythe; ! Plows, Hoi s, Mattocka -and Picks, iijiottli, ! SpadeKjir.d Porks, Gla.w, Paints,.. (.HI, Puttj, j and Varnish, Locks, IIiii;e and ; Sett, i Distiten'a'C roS.-4-Cut, Hand and Mill Saw? j ! I 'Si Blacksmith. & "Carpenter HOUSE- AXD MULE SHOES, tf Tin and Hollow Ware, Patent Oil Can! of the North Carolina Railroad, from Con cord to Gre o.-boio, and wih to dUnoftc of the g;tnie, will d. well to call on Jxo. II. K s'NISS, Agt. for New York Laud & Emigration Co. 17: f Patent Plv-Fans and Trans. Farming or Mineral Lands BUGGIES, CPE1T AND WITH TOPS.! ajong tne nne nllfrr.iisirn-M. Hn,,, Leather find Mountings, Wagon ami liuggy Majeftal,! j and many other arficlesjoo -twlioas to,-; men tion. ' ; ; At Heilig'ff old stand, main street4 30Hy SALISBURY, N. C. j BONDS To make Title to Land, and Laborer and Mechanics Liens, or sale at this Office 1 o in o Foi HKzeri THE0. F. KLUTTZ. ! HAS JUST KECEIVEI) A CAK-LOAD "Tie Siipr apin TrinmsiaBt!" FIRST PREMIUM AWARDED AT THE I STATE PAIR. Note the following improvements: An Eleirant guildcd stand, Improved Bobbin Winder, winds thread without running themachine. Improved patent Journal, which maKes it THE LIGHTEST , .RULING MACHINE BEFORi: THE PUBLIC?. Sold cheap for cash, or small monthly instalments, at the office of the Singer Manufacturing Company, next door to Barker's Drug Store. ! ; U:ly, J. O. REAM. Aot. J0 Practical Blacksmith A NO ' HORSESHOER. HOP connected with Brown Verble's Livery j Stables. tW4 designs of Shoes- to Ktilt &nv shape of foot. All shoeing on strictly scientific prln wiyiro auu warranted. All tinas DiacKsmitning promptly done. is:iy Subscribe for the Watchman or.l S OF M AKE AKE UP UP YOUR YOUR c LURS-3 LUBS-a FOE THE CAROLINA WATCHMAN. The BEST Weekly in Western North Carolina Only Sl.0 a year in ad van NOW IS THE TIME TO SUBSCRIBE FOR THE WATCHMAN ' German Millet Grass Seed, cheap at " ;EXNIS& CeleTjrated Heme Fertilizer!! The Tjhemicals for roakinp 1 Ton wilM sold for $14, or 2C0 lbs. cf Cottoning veniber. . , I No Cotton Seed or Stable Manure requ f Thi" Fertilizer in f.ill.v equal to the 1 j priced, so-called Ouanox, and at less than h. ; the price. I refer to the1blloing well kno j gentlemen, who uied it fast season on co"fDi, ) John V. Barrinper,; Js. B. Ginwn;;V WatiKjn, Thos. C. ntson, K. T- Cowttr.- MeareV, A. Tait, J. G auble, J. FrE.Brol E. C. Lentz, S. 'J M. Brown, and many othtfi. Call early for your snpulns and save mow T. P. KLUTTZ, rruggi GARDEN SEEDS! : .1 FULL SUPPLY OF Buist's Celebrated Garden Seeds- KEMEMBER THAT u uist is the only SeedG rower who 1P.4 PEA NTS his Seeds. Loot every pit per of Pel v'a, Landreth's,SiWry &eM &e.f and see'if you tind any va uiKn theniJ, Beware of worthless, 0 warrauted comniihsion &Y7, 1 aud come w KLUTTZ'S for Buisfs which are arrl ted fresh ind irenui ne. THEO- F. EXTJTTZ, Druji 20:1r; r r "fi-

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