-if: ! -. . XLTHIRD SESIES M Q T 3 S 0 0 A J8ALISBUET. H.:C,;, lIA7I:20,i1880 ; ' t k. ti" l i 1 ' i" il HQ 31 - ; R.m.l 111 ! ' . I I 8- . I I' V l I ' f. W .-- - -' ' 1 " wilt M ilia I , if i .. i 1 f I I .... I I .... ! I . TT I I I . i . . . . i . - ....... . y . . ' i i . .rLi iffie Garoiiiia sw aiuumau, . pstIbUhED IN THE YEAR 1832. 1L POLITIC All. 1 1 montk t ms Sin's pi'tu it m"s Salisbury Examiner. I THE COXYEXTION SYSTEM; ! 7 ;f 'Wc not nnfi-eqnently hear men saYtlier, A ftre opposed to conventions as n mcau of ; bring; out candidates; yet nota single-one ma for' j L -m lot, 7 do. do. 3t0 .W lt.85. 13.75 4.6i 5.S5 TJ50 .00 f 7. KM, It. T.50 ; iX50 fl.75 i U.5 j 1(J.50 15.75-i 80.50 85.50 86.25 t 43.74 'iwcCoi Kjcnincsla, i3roshiils, iPSVtroGP,Tlicopf Ccti-c, vxi , ifn fSfesesof tie BresSiliiff OrcaaV'- SWti i-nTft tl?5 rf'fct remedy, . K?mrESPAlJl OF HSUFC lor- norayJlTlaes9,pDd tlie Wuerpirit of ratrititryUnd iLiuiitiveiieU.U And the crownipg sljame and ipfanoy of all is that some men cnUinr themselvea Deino- crkts lend1 their irifluence'and snpport tp m1 j has any ; better method id offer. "What llioo j then ! Can Ve afford in this struggle IwUh eS the Radical partyyfor all that is ;forUi Jcontejiding for in government for -all that islear to-freemen-i-for41ibertv! and hoifetiul miui&t ration ofuIic QiftairJ ainVlet afford to allow! every, one Jo nn who tliinks hiniself competent torve the peopie and thereby secure the coutiu lillUJUKiUU ..... i .' 1. it u u ii. JTeAry'a Carbo io CrTi h-aZi bunts. -Kear't't Curvolla Fft&x cr .? . j Jlrtury' C'trf'ttlic f tlva 1 finis jf. ?.. ., 'llenty's Carbolic btc6 .tclJ tvK&f A!idr Henry's, eJ Tstio ITo csbcr. . EOTAIS CP CO'JNTTrirrS. ..3 J ' 23 1EU 4 In speaking of tlie labors of the-' iress in the political-campaigns,'., the Tarboro 'er??fi:" Lit : fij-r'i 1 The chief burden of the 'fray is' al ravs 'borne Uv the Dress. It makes nianv thfs vile travesty on popuia rightsagaiust big ntanntof very poor inaterial. f.It noes more grnuimous -irorK tnan any oilier calling. It i4 expected always to breath a high,' pure tone' of patriotism. , f And when ! all is! done, sonrt fellow pokes aronnd and stibscrtbes like he was doing theleditor u big ersoaal favor, . T But, brothers of the press, our destU ny is in onr own hands. It is . high ... and It is in our i t " ' . li.' 4T ct - i I t r 4 i i i . . . . i ' ' 1 - public ond social interests. t rV Sallsburr Examiner. , , j 'STKAXGE BED-FELLOWS: Can a man i taler.fi re in Jiis bosom and his cloSesVcnt Se , lAmied t LCari 'lie lie Ucd liild of that most ndinnn Mm1nrfnht chaii'ro tlowit witli Rwinft mid not become oolut- Ii0llc,if we Will make it SO ed with veriniirt The is almost a much Y? to crnfont the loathsome parsites , . . . iiiat can )muiics, Bcrcieij, every y inmg. times,, iq pnr commenda ctiticeisms, le fair, fearless. H'anuiu, conscieiHious. it is certainty about heo things as there is us at concerning the' fact thai a Iepard can not ; tibns'.aud c hitspots,norAa negro this skin. ! independent, faction t Sftrelv not Mnnkino-aituiMitfll i Yet strange thing3 happen every da. lur . r . 1 ---o :- , - - - iriwMi " ? - . that we should do ; this thinHIt ! Fools make no note of time. AY iso men " ; 1. ... i" J . ! . I 1 .-- 1 a " say means evil well as to uphold the' I ; lilt' ;. 3 .' "J.: conceded even by many Republicans Arrested tor Forgery.- St .r Tnis. Jlayj 7. Gen. B. A. Morton, president of the National Liberal League-'was' arrested Here yterday, charged with haying forged the time', of QovoIi Palmer, of" Illi nois to a check for $2,000 On a bank in' Jop lia, Moi, about a year ago. 'M -M y( i Rv.yC.'H Yiley, Hnferntendent of the .American 'lliblo ' Society for North Carol ina , say s, tliat for the year eridin g April 1st; 1880; transactions in his district footed op( ,-that 2a.b00 ' families were visited, over '25,(K)6 volume of the scriptures were distributed. The official letters of the Snnerinte'ndent'for thai:'periodam'orited' tbd,rj9G, 'makiuir an average of more than four per. day A Little Box: President's late- veto has re acted Tne WernaVMttU Trick $nt by Mail to the poUcyif every one is torunvhaUe- suable, pure inert Iwasli their hands of ' ; . . ..ha presi(lent;flWi whh. sires, then wehad better lmve najnore hy ycif mid folbw tioriuwtfe of jnticil rider to whfch h GrQveliug 11a- pl under the laboring " millions withfhigu took exception, but also without any - ap propriation for the marshals. Then" they elections. It would be more to thdrfuf- ficoirhtlrels and thieves. pose and more economical to say the ! tures are always looking out for an ex- liadvcalsw endorse yoni- despotic and Tlr?,,MIU"fT "fMf ; win pass the section felat in 2 to the appoint-' beget each other. ' Une of the pecu-J . !--'. . ' -j .!' ..:.1!:'imi CUl Ul ULJUl UlUtbllillS BS u sepuruLC Mill d send that to the President. I he argu- n-w.rtf tf Ilia vaA mnaMm will Tkrkf annlfr . . . 1 . . ... . . l. . . . . . . . 1 . ... . ..... . . . . mi u . . . . . . -l r 1.1 T .1 . . ... . s.j .. I i rr hi vi 010011 iiau luuruer. x i i juujia eorrriiif rnli. f will tint ntiniMA rnn i mil. I they :.... ...tii. I ...i.r i.".. ! liflrrfPA nf lindieiiiisni. kiii. js. that iu tiuue to.mb the uublici treasarv. and ? o'"1 fMf lr Protective t a 1 i ffs, X at ion al Ba n k S wi n dles,'Hnd Internal Revenue burilens-f Ikft the masses of the Democratic citizens'aVfc- not - ready to give these cowardly cou Bsels. It is only the trimmers, the time-serversC those Who are looking out to turn aii hon gaudisDi of .cruelty and death. JThetiO proverb are not taken from Sol -onion's 'writings,- but drawn from daily observations .which the sharp and vigi laut will no doubt fully. appreciate. I l uut in come to.tne pomris it not iwiss- VJ. st iy penny, regardless of the phbliciRtri,c that poH tics inake such strange weal, or the ruin that may befall the ionn-1 belleiiuwsx ? it- consistency ami trntii try, who are so iudustiidusly pijittngj wt,r thecontroling natives of action, about the evils of the convention, syfcteSiiui There may le evils in the couvetitiou svstem, but tell us of one tliat is not biore or less defective. .The primary election system has beeusggested. Well tljis; lias" In-en tried in several cities and jsonie iStates4; but it has fallen' into; "disrepute. Besides," it iw expensi ve and liable to even greater abuses than the convention systemv j They have-giveu it a thorough trial iu of it this fact 'Would not be a matter of wonder However, thoughtlessness may havasoine thing to do wit h it, but 'does not by any Imeaiis justify any wrong that may result. Nlif '1?M Maryland, and here is wh mhilh&M by the Baltimore Gazette, at is said one of the that State rj r T u suns ruEVENrnx o:? est and ablest papers m The Gaset it says : There is not an intelligent Democrat or Republican iu this city who doeaim know that the primary elections of I 1 Costarica Disca3"i Ccudl T3oa.r5eneca 1 ' 'iJ.piaszia, ana vvAoopmgr ucugii. ii si PIiNManffn lint T.tietm. it thenand he! cannot refuse an; assent to a law proposed by the Republican leader in the House without making himself still further ridiculous. If he should do 60, " the House will of course refuse auy , appropria tions for deputy marshals, and the responsi bility will rest! with the President.-Char- lotte Observer. The Kerv York World calls, npou the South to fepealt out on Hie' presidential question. The IforM Siiys: "It is not enough for'thc sixteen Southern States, which we hope to see voting together in We hear uien .deuouuee certain villiauoiis . Xoveniber, to 'point, out what democratic acU of individuals perpetrated optmly I asiMiawt thev do not Wish to seenomina- wiui me mosisuametessnyiMwnsy, ueing tea They shoaui with equal Irankness actuated by greed of place or love of pow er, and still these same men will surren der their tft!iticalaith abandon , their pat4irgauifauiuan to the , polls nsTtTienaanrWs tor those whom they - V III old-f anatrn havetkiDpottrnred trshypricrits and krtowu to bCnftlTyilrttie frjMvit of honest men. Democrats wliohave been robbed and sincerity give northern business men some indication of the sort of cah dictates whom (they would like to vote for' ; : i ' .U VV H ; Grant An Settle Rksolutioxs Pass ed. Jacksonville. Fa..Mav 6. rTlie Repub lican Congressiftaal wnVratKni of "the first he New York Spanish Consul General. Newark, May 13. A dastardly at tempt was made yesterday' by5 some par-1 ty or parties to kill Spanish Consnl-Geni. eral Hypolito d'Uriaste.- It appears that when his letters were brought to his office among them was a package about 8 inches by 3.i The consul attempted ftto open It wheii it cxploiled and balls of fire shot out, burnitig the carpet aiid the consul's coat and hands, but doing no other dam age. I An examination shbwed that the box contained gun fiowder, ! large percus sion caps, and what was supposed to be nitro-glycerinei and arranged to explode when the top was taken off. It was post marked Philadelphia and New York, and supposed to be a Cuban plot to kill the Spanish official. nnaninlou3 vbtel'4 the members rising; V '''. ti -..5 . - - -r to their jeet instead of voting as usual bj; uplifted bands, ; t , Bishops Jioggct .and McTiyrc,- of the M E. Ghureh South, Were intro dacoVl' as'rraternarMelegatesr and re ceivettttn jilie , customary . courtesy by. thf conference. , , , M , , TA resolution approving the conduct of Mrs. President Hayes in uphold, ing temperance principles in the pres idential li6seKol(F.was adopted by a sUnding vote.., , .4 . I. Ht Forest Fires. both ni n NKWS IT123IS. Eaievo Zy3prpsia and EUiousness. I tsr ron sals iit all dihtgcists. uud inultetl ami oppressed ) RadicaiJ district in this tate has lK.-en. in scsshf r p knavewho sgt t-il4vh on theH- allfwni-9 i dav at Tallahassee, , without mHking-Any parties, artf uoJonei k the -voice of the! mas- I ana cwP through the stench and filth cf nomination for Congress. Ye terday strong ses of the people iu' regard to the belec- MS1"0 hoveis, ouck aueys and gutters ,so- Grant , and . settle . resolutions were passed tion of candidates. In fact they have be- lifting votes, have done these things. A without opposition. come lb hoiwdesslv corrupt and so sflauieH thortsaddimes-woiiW we - prefer to vote fullv defiant of the popular will ihat a fr t,,e dirtiest and greasiest negro iu all lai Je iiiaioi itv of the decent men of all niggerdom than for a white man who can parties ham long since ceased ;to attend 8 fi,r f"rget what is due his race and col thein ,f " - ---p or, to say nothing of the base hypocrisy is the. Gazette weH.ajsi there and inorl murdeor ins motives, political parties under hut Pys- -zm-- tent of representative government, aijdjtar- J GraVrolnation DangeroJiis ties must haA-o leaders. There will also 1 . .. . . . . .. . . .rAl...fa ii.tmiiiif nil na l-nrriia I v7C Now,-as ipmt r.- heney cuar-asi & ccx. nUl.t be-i ftr'taebj T. F. KLTrTTZ,lDrgist, bc ,);y tickets nominated aa long as we fym.E1?? Curt Pini?n f 16clj Salisbury; K. C. I , , t vi. ' .',2im-7tTi .Movement. na-ve pojmiar .ciecimus, nuu p1'1 chiuerv of some sort, least objecthmable, . Xewv Y'ouk. Ma v 5. A telegram from must be adopted to select leaders. As J &t. Lcmis.said that! Georire William Cur- ! on niy ycstcrdatiiear liew uity by n Drusn ! Nil. iitvn vit, ciiuiimncit wi aumu a uuuu: a oi Prices ! . EXPX)SI0N OF A" PoWDfiR MlLL. PottsvilleMay 131 The Mabon ingt powder 'fniir near Asbland, ex ploded. this morning, killing , El wood Benseman, and injuring five others. It is( not vknowp iwhether any more were killed'or' nbt; as the mill is on fyi&ao'cahuot be approached. , Death of 'a Tobaccosist. Dan ville, -Va.r May 13. W. W. Keen, a well known tobacco dealer, planter and speculator, "aeliTsmorning. 3IISCEIXANEOUS. Did any one ever hear of a person, who, because there is counterfeit mon ey in circulation, would have nothing to do with money? Why, then, re ject Christianity because there are bo gus Annstians in circulation 7 it is very btrange that so trivial and unrea sonable ah excuse -should 'be so often offered. he ; confessed that be bad only beea shamming temporary death, and to the great amusement of the court prece ded to demonstrate how the trick was done. The consequence: was Pro . - lessor Hansen lost bis suit. ' - Trr G'reat Destruction of Property in the Oil J: Region of Pennsylvania. Bradford, Pa., May 13.--A fire again i L 1 I ll. a . t . . J 1 . A. i l l suirieu in uie urn oer laims as uie neaa or Mf j0,n M. Bailev, of Winning Farm, rwrer.JSrook Valley yesterday. n" Billerica, Mass., informs us that he is now ..,0 .utv..j,w.iW. ...... (April 4) teeiimff his milch cows and tanks. The wind was blowing a gale cw68 and lambs exclusively upon corn u(i ine ore swept over me nuge, consu-. ft)ddcr cnsijaged iB September last. His ning everything iu its path, Cdiitinuiug sl,oi wewsi oncnted December 3. and the the tire swept down Tram Hollow, a pro preservation of the fodder is as perfect line portion of Uie oil fields, burning rigs, ow M thetu Mr Baiiey i8 doing great smal tanks and buildings. The villages service to the agi icultural world in demon- of Oil Centre and .Middoughville, with bating to American farmers the advant- thc exception of one or two houses, were agc.8 0f thjg method of keeping fodder. entirely destroyed. At ten o clock last night tko 25,(M)-barrel t-ink of Mitchell & Jones was in liames. No villages be ing located, uear, the' danger from that source Wats not great. ' At ' Ilaker's Tres- le, on the Kendall fc-Eldred Railroad, a Volcanic. Ercptiox. City of Mexico, May 7. The volcano, at CaliuVa? "continues in active eruption. Lorilla, at the foot of the volcano, is reported sinking. The in habitants are panic stricken and abandoning their homes. Destructive! Fins in Pennsylvania. Bradford, Pa., May 7. An oil well was set if rVrrtr.-D ntmr ATn ..... rAll . (ttiiPF Irnsia Saola s at T?i1i timnil rijoes, (freight included) J v. J Callandseeat EXXISSY i 17:tfi - ' 1 - ct wc have none better than .the convent tl3 tA written i letter to the Anti-Grant tiou system. But some say conventions convention;, which had been punted for are jiacked. This is impossible if the peo- the reason that.it sukt, that, while Curtts -i .. ;.. ... ...rl I ' '' ' -1 ' .' .. 1 l..n J.S.. i v!. . ..lV.- r pie vio nits iiiieienii: m uin u;u uu i was opK8eii io ui.ini, lie as aiso ui)iu vote their w ishes. " It they will uotrdo so, cj to a bolt. Mi;. C.uiis was ask d about then they should not complain, but cheer- the letter here to-day. He answered : "I fully acquiesce iu whatever the majority j did not write a letter, but sent a telegram. at the convention-does, red houses, was! entirely destroyed. It is estimated that three hundred derricks were burned, besides Iseveral miles of forest. The loss will reach $300,000. I Uambetta's Liovemakin?. i l : r DESPOTISM VS. DEMOCRACY. On Sunday juight f last week loud It was brief Spd jdid , not keep i copy, S(renming were heard to issue from the but I caulwntViTout,'' liud he wrote the , jf. e. Church, after wrvicesiu the church following: had closed aud i the building locked up. j Gamlietta is a bachelor ; but he has 0M?iNJong4withoit having at sM U Lbt 'fP i I - U t. rr . least : rconteni p la tet -iiiariagc. i;he Henry Hitchcock, CMirihan Committee on 3 In rita ttowti j j 4J r - r, I am nualile to come to St. Louis, but sympathise vtb all Rein.blicans who, un Democratic government, or a Democ racy, is a government bythpcople. The word Democracy comes from two i Greek terms : demos, peorde, and kratein, to-got- der the present circumstances, opjMise a story, of Jus enrajenient to an lcircss eru m Westjern France, aiid its sudden en ,viiig ongives us a, jrcsn glimpse - - . . , . ,. , . -1 filv Lr-. ..? I b 1 n.or buWil in thA lunula of the 1 "y . v iv. - -- O ?f til character. , and taken togetlier; dcmoiria,,Ut- third-term nomination. ,.i.see. mi ieas4u i . i . .i" i i III I lie COUUIllUil tii munt jiui4iin iui iwur ill v meiins a government by ihe people;, ll,vt f . - ' , h t . i i . V mitting the Republican party uuuecessa- nrm froveruuient in which the-su -V" ,V,V .i . f . . LA r' . . - 'to'the overthrow of a sound and con- Frpm Itlie time of liis leaving his l'u7'" v' , " " . h Vl serfiTtiVCPitifditioa' nfltlfe l?T$rOhietit;J people collectively. There is norbetier VTRAll v - . A 3' A 1 , . !s-.. which basbeen formally approved by the system ever.devised by man. It is free',' WleiomeV. Oah'ors' till l.Ta rise ..,.U.i ..tronrtlve. It' is stron. P ty in many-States and has never been KaiUesfc rank of iiublic lierson- and ! powerful, and equitable just ' qntl?nd violated in propo i .r1 idflt.u.f1 pmcj Under it every voter is presumed I thinklheininatiouof Grnnt would lie t.r bUmable of exercising the right of a very daiigron3WminiUoT for be Re- w - r . i . . l.j1. im. franchise Without prejudice and without ipuoucan Pfuy io hikc. dictathm. He is expected to uury his in dividuality, aiid animosities, behests of mere cliques aud factions, jrnd vote lor: the pi omotion of measures calcii U !. ir. V- : .. rM i. Ir .1."-'. .... aSlGateta lived witir aiaithfulli" Proportion as the people are en, ,;Vii K aita )ovuikvoted wboil,ad foir Mgl'teued and virtuous, educated and "V" 4we(tLtm toMris and who made, fve,7?lHre he' went, a pleasant librae wraua. blie was at ouce ins maid--v?fsork'.:.and Ins congenial eom- "The pastor, who live near, had the key, and went over to examine, when he open ed the door a small bundle of humanity ran out. -Who it was we .have not been able to learn. But ho had evidently gone to sleep, under 'the Soothing influence of BuwCarrawayfs sermon and when he awoke he, found himself shut up in utter darkness. A warning to those who arc spiritually asleep. Winston Leader. t paiuoa, aiii Ite was as deeply attach- I r w b Mm. 'A ; Hisenagnient to a handsome and accomplished rl, 15t! aotof Feiek ijtvas a shock; to-the -good iPlf 'yieWed . gracefully to the 'OfitablcJ .When the arrange vfllivlJlve marriage Iwerej lieing isscaed;iiowever. the vouns? ladv N-bead1 tonlake it a coii 'iWiPCheir union that the aunt excluded from' tbeir new e . i j i .. . 1 . . r i - "ousunlenti r . r I . L ft. .. k ; S11? scarcely elegant enough to TTOISiided lafitr.ft'dw niueli 1 aiiut had been V' aeon: : Gambctta ex- latedtodvance tile interests of the con: mon gomlo Vth white men this generally adopted and constitutes WithJthe idea; is the in- iolored of bolt iniG rant's nomination has not reached the time for decision yet. A great many Re that uomm publicans have decided to bolt uiatiouii nwde. ; J I 1? to fte rich beautyiwas only the centive to their ncltiou iKMiple, as they are. now manipulated by.a few disreputable leaders, it is entirely, the. reverse. Jn no instance ha yjo they ever voted in any considerable numbers for measures promotive of the common weal.! On the other hand, they gelierally go to the polls, at the dictation of self nlinoiiited leaders and cast their Jballots for men most odious" iu the comninuity, and for measures and principles in direct autajionism to the well known interests of u large majority of the people ;ainong whoni they live. Fifteen years of free dom and twelve years of sutltage have! not iihpTuW tlienit TheystilIi8ickUo theirj initiative experience and follow he jcounsels Jind ;; leadership of the most selfish worthless and! abandoned set of, political jucksters that ever walk ed the plahk or disgraced the pillory. The system thus inaugurated f,a thousand .The Lonisvil svstem fs'tiow fjony Sweep of the Louisville and Xashvillc liaiitvay8. "'NaahviTIe American. n e and? Nashville Railroad he foarthfnpoiiif mile nge on the continent.? It owns jand.con- trM "2,700 miles of railroad. TTiere are 8,163 miles of road embraced in the Gould system. The Pennsylvania roads control d Irv VLl. Scot, have a mileage of 5,400, and the Vanderbilt roads are 4,G97 miles J natraml-hvith i -profouti d ;bovv, MbleVKeyerl notndtle BD!W' each pther.'! ; a A ud i m geiwa& put ofX fcrevery J'ij? &ad fcaro thaPtlie; Messrs itfmes. worse than that entorceil bthe old - Ota.J wbmluiug:bni!4ittga Feudals Wroetliseval ages; it is tiot De; ISmlibr $t&XiSli0ftAUi&a He idespo? W work I i is 1 f 1 made a noble record "kf governor faith- f, prompt and trtMK , -We have heretofore t4ikeu no parjMn the discussion of the merits of candidates for tUer gvernwriinpreferring riher tr wait ampilear mes suggested HhatVe might the beter choose our candidate. Biit we are sft1fidwUnJarirfs aiitTdo not think thaeoptecan pildjrdo better than to elect him. Lxamincr. in Jen irtlu -including the Chicago am Xortliweitern, fn;which Mr. Vanderbilt lias an interest tstifiiciently large to enti tleliiin to a'decidirig voice in its manage- meut. - BtinaLAtt Ala.rm. That the great est ingenuity should be displayed iu the invention of machinery to econo mize manual labor .i at-once natural 5,000 barrel tauk also tnk fire. The ant preditable, but we did not autici town or Duke Centre, a place of one thou sand inhabitants was threatened, but was How an Arab Lady Perfumes Herself. -:t.J-.:. Sir Win. Baker. . j - - In the floor of the tent or hut, as it may chance to be,a small bole is ex cavated sufficiently large to contain -: common champagne bottle ; a fire of charcoal or of simply glowing embert is made within' the bole, into, which the woman about to be scented throwt a handful of scented drugs. She then takes of the cloth of "tope" which forms her dress and- crouches naked over the fumes, while she arranges her robe to fall as a mantle froni hec neck to the ground like a tent. She now begins to perspire freely in the hot-air bath, .and, the pores of the skin being thus opened and moist! the volatile oil from the burning per fumes is immediately absorbed. By. the time that the1 fire has expired "the scenting, process is i completed, and both her person andherrobe are redo lent with incense, with .which they are so thorougly impregnated that I bave frequently smelt a party of wo men strongly at full a hundred yards distance when the wind has been blowing from their direction. Earthquake Shocks SurEHFiCAi The superficial character of a Nevada earthquake was noticed some months ago. The Eureka (Nevada) Trader of April 17, relates anotherjiud similar experience Af miner 'at' work In a mine on Prospect Mountain daring the last shake at Secret 1 Canon says that while the tremorTwas plainly felt by his partners on the surface, he, at a depth of eighty feet, noticed hoth ing unusual. The same miner says that through an experience of fifteen years underground he has observed one peculiar phenomnon, namely, that loose stones and bits of earth in mines are sure to fall between twelvo and two o'clock at night. About this time it seems that everything begins to stir, and immediately after twelve, although the mine has been as still as the tomb be fore, the fall of little particles of rock and still safe at midnight. State Medical Convention, patci that the builder of -the futnre earth will be heard, aud if there is a cav would be called upon to fit a median- ing piece of ground in the mine it is sure icarVi-atch-dog' to the street door, to to give way '"2 t..l:': i . i. mM:aA It would I guaiM ou outlet; uc w'v jtijumu to construct. be interesting to know if other . miners have ever observed this phenonvq i euon. ' Use of this Potato. In Franco farina is largely used for culinary purposes. The famed gravies, sauces, and soups of France Most persons are aware Wilmington, N. C; May 12. that, by introducing a flame of There is a full atfen'dance ' upon the gas into an open tube, whether met- tnedical convention nowi in session al or glass, the tube will sound; in t .i ''.I i. ' l : : nere, anu tuc session, tnus lar aas iacx, we uiiguvii prouucc.aH.gM.g ,a . indebUsd fort heir, excellence to been very pleasant. 1 The first impor- flames. , . There are . 6ilent speaking tnat 80Urce, and its bread and pastry equal- taut meaaurc yet brought 'before the tubes-rthat is toay, tubes that, un- ly so, while a great deal of the so-called body in a comtntihlcatiou frohi the der ordinary circumstance, do not ut- cognac, imported into togiana anu r ranee, lgeconibc Couyiarcah Society ter a sound but if the door be open- is the product of the potato. Throughout .ii . v ir I- j. . . , .. . , i .i .i i Germany the same uses are common. In the substance oi wirrcn is iovpunisn, eu xi uiau-,., vqaiey, u,e. m.c6.u, p . . . manufacturc cf spirits from the by a fitie of $50, of imbrisontuent for vibrates, aiidthQ most startling noises I ia a mo&t extensive trade. "Stettin not less than ninety days, any one result. A glass of this ; description brandy,' well ktaow'n in commerce, is large-" fotihd'gin'tv br ttfe'-nlistfemeanor'of lias been contrived in which, when a ly imported into England, and is sent from pfactichiganiediciue or'tsurgery. in this ject of gas burni, the sound of a dog thence to many of ' her foreign possession. I ' : . . , . , .. . ' , ii.i . . as the producft of the grape, and is placed Sfate contrary, to the statute which in- barking is produced, should the street oa uble of England as the same, corporated the state .Medical Society 1 ooov be opened. I litis may tne nouse Lwhije the fa-lr iftdtes of our country perfume andestablished theStatelioanl of Med- be guarded by a mechanical watch- themselves with the spirit of potato, under ical' Examiners.1 ' Thati star tile makes it a riiisdemeanor for any one to prac tice medicine and surgery iu North Carolina who has not a . license from such board, unless- such person was engaged in practice prior to the pas sage of the law lii question. The Edgecombe Society also asks for the ' ' i. ;'; i ... nassaire ot a law c examine druggists alo for a law dog. Spiritualistic Exposure. t ho designation eau dc Cologne. But there are other uses which tins esculent! it turned 1 1 abroad. After extracting the farina the pulp is manufactured into ornamental arti. cles, such as picture frames, snaff boxes, and several descriptions of toys, nd he water that runs from it in the process of, manufac- cases of death', before burial, the cer- um V tjfieaf e' of K imysieiau shall be furnish- at" . v i . i "i aud unde 1 It is gratifying to find that the peopje geuerallv are tor Jarvisfor governor But there is nothing strange about rit after. the record lie- has made asgovernor since Vance. went to.tha lj. S.Senate. That he is a cfkft livtleJ.'jUsr, and sagacious ruler, even his enemies must admU, .He haal Somenonthsjago tlief Foster brothers, three i cinema uesperaie cuaraticis ui Polk county, were arrested and ptaceu in jiUW Recently a party, headed by a man named Price, went to the jail and releas ed Yhem.T T,Tho.4e engaged in the Jiiatter, together withtte prisoners, escaped, ex cept Price, woo was4captared by the SheriDtand iailetU AnticipaUng Uiat the Fosters would lu turn emieivor ia mease Price, in the sajne manner as they had beenT tufueil' out. j the j Sheriff carefully rTreparedTa trapr door which would spriug the mement aujaJtemptwd8foade ton lertheSall. " tistAituekaf Tlie Fosters apieareiithe tfap fell, batching all three in f he rnoni below. Thev.made k deiperiite 6tfiigg1 and one or two shbts peace shall be furnished. she becomes cured by the operation. Abtificiai. Respiration. The Medical Press and Circular, 1880. informs us-that in a receut communication to the French Academy, Professor Fort raises again tlie question of prematuie intermeuts. One fact he mentions is that be was enabled to . Progress of the Boom. ?1 . Grant would not bc a eandulalt ;rk re-building soon., ' iMjmbf,mctionV on the suthorirr of ?ndidait anyway lie -would not becaideunless there was a unan imous cairfor him and he was nominated by, acclamation. 3- He would try the first bailotbat3iJiM3e w.thdran,n'4. H4 was after it like anyother man. ; Ie ii f inn for a bitterght,' ahd wilf naa on iui hft !. rStld dowiaSd ben I. Thia last .... "tai;wit' x-ogsnv twere,fired befofOrtlie Sberi gotr them t prison, VutUe are safe there now, m I were at last accounts--CAirIof 05cri i Iter, A trial took place at Vienna re cently, the result of which will not - . m m - be recetved'with much favor by tliasc j ture js a ra08t yaluable scourer. ' For per- who put (heir trust in mediums. A fectly cleansing woolens and such articles, . . . stiiritimlist nrofessor. named Hansen, it is the housewife's panacea, and if the reatiug a. board to . . .... . -, vfk1'X, 1 washerwoman happens to have chilblains! . ' i o. . i who has acquired considerable noto-1 t, ... . . .. 1 netr at Vienna and Pesth for some rennirinff that in an r.. . . , . ; :l J .! - .... vn. iiAcf aH 1 f XW r 11 rt t thA to couseon to the plattorm, l.M..vf - 'lrt nnt.?A mm . t .... .1 .... 1 aMamln.1 I . i ' . ...iiicf lna will . I li ll5llloi1(TA W9R i . .i .:c... :....;,. i 1(. asuw,0, M,a M" fcw mat ine ceriiucaie juanvw v - v i r. , , M, accepieil vry u yuung man iiauicu r-.. ' J'.t t . . . ...... Fislicner, ana tne proiessor, uespue restore to lue a child tnree-years oia, oy practicing artificial respiration on it four hours, commencing three hours and a half after apparent death. Another case wa communicated to him by Dr. Fournol, of Billancourt, who, in July, 1873, reanima-; use of which expression he was sura- J ted a nearly drownetl .person - after four raoned before the district magistrate j hours of artificial respiration. This per- mi:finp.l one: hundred florins. The son had been in the water ten minutes, M.... .. .- - - I . . j. a - ' f j t 1 and the- doctor arrived one nonr alter rofessor, however, did not look upon ant n. , - . , . , ' I . . if :. W ' - , . -I aSPIiyXIIl. rmiwwi 4 uinuww aiov vu r' " 'V . - ..!. 1 1 1! . -. .nffi.iani rnnamf ttn tnr hi a I . . . ... - . : - UIXCIXXATI, May iu.-r-t llie &es.l M113 as "-i the utility of artificial respiration in casea eliminate tne glands. The to practice . t fi-A AUU nnllAd n witness a artinciai respirauon in any case oi appar- ,1, . . - ' 1 1 en t death from asuhyxia. Professor Fort his general maintained not a cow ard, and whu ha conscience aud con-; determination. be depended1 ou rrl i i...t.!..'..t .tin. t.nfli..i.aH ". i I i ... ii. V hls-artistic passes, failed to produce special committee of five, to report at lj; t. . . ;,' VV any effect upon him.Fishcher began this session. The fol owing are.the u - u T r a' a I ii t to banter the professor, and tell him commttee: Drs. S. 6, batch well j Jno. - J. .V1. t1lA iv.t r.ina ;tu;1 he was on y a ."vile impostor, for the Moore and H. M.'Alfordl The "yorfhern Jletliodist'.' i.T.tba Mothodist General lnfer-lift tired honor, ana commcnceuairesii nf nff. sn order to 'JwHav memorials were nresert ted 1 suit4 in order to proVjC ; that , he was poisons from the lungs and J 1 . A .. f I i II r 1 l. - I I....1I. t if la l1ncir1ltt elnrfiitn tit m bwlitiir tor i reall Vi caDaoieDi.,ioinc waa. uc pru- imM .- ft ' v-.' - a ir 'W V w .. I siou ence advocating Liberia, to be located in mat repuoic, i the election of a colored uisiK.p,,auq lypung mau.w.io uauu.wa.. Pr has not yet determined, 4ut the electionofa German bish, whose ap excellent medium on the iioTn ; 10 i, that it ahoulibe t jl:-.;i uimiitd ipotj huwever. lana'wno ar, xne uiauinc 01 uie h 1 nemevenn-r v. tor several nour CpiSWIff pii. r , . '1 $ J .tt' T " berestricied to Gttir4tf;im - p The raode8Vwa.; tvhai Aesbtiaibni'a'nVirtJ and cd noimngcommuui. Hvmiial8orthb-MetuodUfe;Ep rpmtsriutbqoth.wp v-Miiirili aiid t?iakVntbVoim the- man most to l$ioi X? ltU nseb'br tht defence1; for elective coufl.ct. ! ' ' ' ' ' ' - - - .. " .' - 9 r " ' ' ' j ;....,; I ; ; r ; , , . . -,v .-. .-; .'. T7-' . ; I r,- . . "t HI- 5

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