: f '- :V S : . 1 : V '-' T' A 4i : : 'A A: ' AA? TI n TTTTT el -1 . 1 j6T. 11.0 r- !: i .... I'm" X i M- J.' i-"'-j'$ iu.rK-sn t.i.. " i " - ft ! r I 't H S mil .'(MJi 1 ' . f t v 5 " , y01xi.-THiRDSERps ;. 8AHSBTOY. IT.;;C, JU1IE -3, 1880: HO 33 in (T. ! 1 I' r- '- . ' TO Til I.IIl3L-;-.. AA.rtl . . . -'I The Carolin&Watchman, ! oi teaciien tny uoTioe uoc- mcaus iiuiciciiisjii uieiiuiuYuiuurj me xarHuais mac lias fasseu. may be noinewhat inaccurate. free democratic systeuiof government.! in s: i.!0!,uiT-' ; 4? t- "II ll 13 UJ V KINHI IUIIUIID W CtJJWJ ' POETRY. A j4tABUSnED IN THE YEAR 1832. y ; J v 1 so TH ADVANCE. J 4 H j Love Unexpressed. a moltitnde ' triues : Thou lowing, written upon a piece of foolscap papers " . . ! - ' . . - :- "At 10 o'clock tlii morning a tidal -rnACT ADV RTj rim ir.. for KING RATES. -FEBBUA KY 20, 1380. imontbsm icq's BT CONSTANCE TEXXXMOKE VTOOLSON; f; - tlail v dit antmlr of milk and butter from - . ; . ter th nauMfA f tliU .A r yi ! .w.; -wMch rret iu market ; .o-oj;, P'V'-e " "' tonietlihiz over !, tonirImr-cuw8)i ine mpie. ihhw ; ;-r - - - SB ga. wiping oat the entire city r K T 60 J $2.50 $3.WI 5.0 I $S 00 i 's'tiO 4.50 25 T.50 18 00 - 4 60 .0 !l.M H.' 15.00 i 6.00 T.50 .IK 13X0. IS 00 - . f i tC IK I Cn KA I J r A 1 iA AA mm wim&m' The sweetest notes amonc the! human ;I " heiirt-8tring ' ' (' 1 ' - 1 A ...SJ. 1. . 1 I . j t illC llllll 1411 I list, J , , ( The, sweetest thoiili, adjusted byi tlie an- geli, Bojthei, ami theii the Bate. Tliese three ? Graut leads or not. Tls people can't help i ; i .Are clogged with dust. , . "" V may interbreed and hot lose' there regis- out We. if they will but open their eyes, i We pipj and pipe again on r. dreary' in usic"tm' But they are faf more valuable- !' ' ---- - j i utM;i cue gciiMUiie straius, ' when the ieuicree rnns uacK pure on sausDuir examiner. . i niie Kmimu ui vuuie auu tear dud ties tf .n., thnt tlir arei three creat . .J. . . i ... - . . J SirtMi2 ti. n . . ' t . i' 141,1,4 ;-r" were ten leec deep in . ..... f. -i. viite tiieicaaicai ticket: iorioiueseimnirsf' branclies ot UJis Kiniior Kiue; Aiieiucu- , - - - ,f r ; . . eses are mosr highly prized. Then the i the tendency of th;tt party, ;wheth ..1.,.:.... UI.IIIUU i . -J W til.: i ( Come back in sad refrains. each side. There is another' kind the 'Seveuteens which look hs well, are as' ORGANIZE A5D TOTE. The campaign of thei present year is no ings -'uPi 2'1t -U deputy, marshals s5iii w T P 1 58 i- joacrawento nd Stockton. Accompany bo appointed by the . C rcuit , Court ' ----- - of theited Staies for dUtrkF0 f1 .1. was xvhich snch marshals'are to perform :tki- g? 'i,... , : - Hmine on the Com stock am amass of duties, m each year, at the term of court ,; . . v 1 . : rnm8.i Ao further particulars can be next preceediug any election of Represen- ,f nrn, tatives or Delegates in Congress; , but , if, f -Tids, HoUster aaid. be had intended maiclilng iVitlt listenius ears; j Each longing, 'sighing-,; for. "the heavenly music - " ' - lie never hears: I Each lmigtrg, sigiiiug for a word of com iie doctii tute the fmni 4111 r nan tttAA oik v1j1 4 ed. Men cannot bo 4oo ,MC rct Coum ,n. tjo Stote. or O, Tbe decUne n Com8tock est iajtheir advocacy of i f W such marshals are to. be ap- . had m tLe . of de ! vhasnlcv Conarh. tec larire for beeves, and are as good milkers. v iu -in .in vain aiiniiiiitf. iiipv nrp. vfrv . i ..... ...... m.U I . . - -' - .11 A. 2 . m. On thionirl, the world wfl it... n , artnr ' .n.-h Ii rahm!.! tlui , the otht-r branch- coucenu ureal,. wMen-gnw pnn es of the family of short-horns T because cipies, are mvoiveu - their ancestry cannot dato back as far. zealous too rnest The rt-eords were bst in , England in the . tjM (seventeenth century; and while many i iiuMi timl flipni ift -:iluahle as nnv o there. ! tt t t L a.-.. 1 i iwtifrir tuna -SU1I uieir Qiooa cauuo. we ywwmB vuuiu - rr - ,.autie their courts to nnpned fortha 'nnr- T . . "w A .A. word, of tender prkisA 1 ' ' fastidious in his alliance tumble to irfeees of .lu'oVir dtod' weicrit ..f:PPOnt ea, depaty4niareliaU;by iiiniJand he intend to rut th "Lscs o lie Brealftins -ccr itlica imd-twda tiio HemDrsi Sind 'te&tew jXTM the cheat If'rv io have t:o k U remcj., mVfi f&SPAlit- RELIEF, for , fort,' - ' ; ; j 'r v A - A word of teiider prkiseA 1 ! A wuril .if livf' to vwr tin. iiilli-Kft four. Wli..iiiA-..r :m iiniiii:il Ii.-ih even the small- . . . .. , . -.. A ..... ... . Who Shall bo atinointed hv ike anid1i ' ' . .. - r... - ern8r in its rnina rue-iitHtrty ot the-m. - , ---.i v-tJ- f wires and aend hi dispatch at that uey . - !. s esffraction of blood iron, a lower grade, . ... , . : .. tnct courta : and the officer $o appointed . ' , uepi.u si, uia . .. .r:. i. . i f : ....... : ... neoole. the stunt of' our democratic svs- r i . . ' . , ooint. i :a .,i . ivt-.v.u8J - " . . . . .4. ... sa oc in equal numuers irom the ainer- 1 r ; :.;K . iuaidei as t facilitate tracinffotnetugree, rem, ana tnecnensneu oiessings i gooa u- . - . ,! . .. . . .. . ' -- ,mm , They love us, and we know it : this suf- and it adds to the value.' Therwmay lw government. Down with third termers ; auu.wwu; oo weu ; A Brahmin' estimate of lEMBVS .mi ri- jLjf-ui ever Dicccvcradr. 1 frirTto io FcUl'O recr f.frt!r. ifwrj C'rio:j t.fJ-u ton 3iM: v C..triUy ':( - " -j.'t. fA$kitfKcary'c, aa S'a'ia IIo Ctbcr. 11 lill . 1 S U W I UIVI o ' ' . . - J tic- , two calves withame sire and dame; the ,u tr5t,. itl..ir t.tiv tr5flv.l U"TU "'us Si morai. cuaracier, Hdfe-down i PtM residents of tin, oting, pre- goveru ri tit titmaiv Why should they iiuse to give that love nimeyf though as an autmai the one , , .T 1 " s ncU in which their duties are to be per .expression ; ; i '" lf intrinsically u,nor. .n aera. asorpauon, ana 8 tarf H .of for if Ik gentle rare T -5 Tlie calves must be aiout a year oiu-oe- meddling with atate and '.local allair8. ! ' . . .. fiitll ( vinyi vjjtw ui mi ctct4u nuu mi f, tan auu poiio vi o luwuoiotvuii n tiu HI' ' 1 - name of the mother. For instance, a cow offlre, aud low taxes. Away with ltatii named Olivef her cidf, if a female, should ClX frauds, red-tape and insolence in pub have a name Iwgiuuing ! with "0" wiy, ,;..(, .,. . r - Olympia, or Oriole, or somethiug similar. Uc, , . . . ' V, V Sometimes they are named by number.! .Radicalism 1 inevitably leading to ceh Take the Duchess breed of Short-horns: trulized Empire. Aud every victory of The bulls being; dukes 1 would be called 1. w if 11 gentle caret -s The calves must oe aoouc a year uu meddling with atate and local au Why should Miey pause ? But still our fore the' are registered, so that the color Qjve U8 imk the Government of our " hearts are aching 1 may not change." Tho heifers should le .,, .,1..,:.,! ....?. . j With all the gnawing pain j named with i certain similarity 'to the er8 ho,,est admmtratiou, pnreme Of hungry love-that longs to hear, the music, - 1 ' And Jongs aud longs in vain. We love them, and they know it ; if we ; falter, i : With fingers numb, Amoing the unused strings of love's ex pression, i- The notes are dumb. An i n i P.' r . --t :- mj, r-. - jntwHi AA" ctntEs is o?rn rtrr?UTE. - , i 42dey's Eaitolio bodies 3 I'lfwawS 0 tTi Taste, ' rt- -I I " - tJL We shrink within ourselves in voiceless sorniw, ; ! Leaving the wordsutisaid ; " And side by side with those we love the dearest, i lit silence on we tread. Thus on we tread, and thus each heart in silence 1 . j Itsfate fill fills. , j - Waiting and lioui ug for the heavenly mu- sic : Beyond the distant hills. 1 The only difference of the love- in heaven ' M Front Jove oi earth below Is, lie re we love, and know not. how to tell it ; , - .. ... : And there, we all shall know. For t&e Watchman. -"r WORDS IX L0YE. BY KENTZ First, Secoud, raThirl Dukeof so aud so, as they were first, secud or third in de t cent from : some celebratetl bull of that order. The Short-horns are the great beef pro ducing breed.. The western cattle raisers come in here to buy up , the superfluous bulls to carry Itack in order t increase the weight of their market beeves. This is no inconsiderable item ; for in a two years steer of this variety, GOO ponuds more flesh can be easily made than with the tteautifuHittle Jerseys, though they do give such elegaut milk. I heard some of Uie calves priced: $100 for a calf six weeks old : $250 for a heifer a year old, and $50 to$90 for some little animals seems very dear to us. But then the blood oh the blood. 'Tis true 'that good milk ers come lower, but the , pride and satis faction in pure breeds. t i f " ". rather .enjoyed my ftrst lesson in lio dgy. - hojeT may have time to digest it. before I visit a farm where the Jersey's are worshipped. One -creed -"at a time, if yon please. , 0.0. May 18, 1880. this act'are hereby . repealed. ; "Section 3. That the marshals of the United States for , whom deputies shall missionary work is given by the Rev. Dr. Chamber lain, of the American Presbyterian Mis sion at Ascot, India, who say that after one of his Bible lectures a Brahmin asked permission to say a few words, and pro ceeded thus: "Behold that mango tree yonder. Its fruit is approaching to ripe ness; j Bears it that fruit for itself T From the moment the frnit is ripe till the last be appointed by the court under this act mansd is oclted off it is assailed with shall not be liable for any of the acts of- .tick's and stones by every passer-by, till ii. K Sift i Heliova Dyspepsia and ZXl&trsnees. : f2T TOIl SALE BY ALL DKUGGlSTS. ' JOSH F. HENKY, CTJS2AII & CO., ' i ' FOLE niOPKIETOE, ' T 24 Conec Place. KewTork. lor Sals by T.T. KLUTTZ, iirugist, H i- lBdyj t SalisUifry, Jf. C. EctoM Prices! CLOVER, OKCHARD, - and their ; Grass--Seeds, at Richmond Prices (freight included), Call and see at 17:tf 1 ; 1 Aii Reader, did you ever wonder, When you've seen a hardened face? Have you ever stopped to (Minder ;0'er some loved one's siid disgrace t -All ! yes, surely you have noted' - The despairing, saddened mein Of hi in who once -was courted, j On the met its of his good uanie. Tliat goml name was highly honored. that party however small is adding fuel to the flames and . strength to the ponder ous wheels that are rolling on aud crush ing to the earth every thing dear to free men. Our cause is not hopeless. Every thing depemf upon, the action of the peo ple. In united effort there is strength. There is victory in organization. There is a half million majority of Democrats in this country, and il they will organize and stand together, victory will surely perch upon their banners, aud Radicalism will' reap the reward of itscrimes. Mr. Jcirersou the great champion of Democratic principles was elected Presi dent in IdOO, when all the combined influ ence of Federalism was against him. But the (KMiple had become alarmed and grown tired of the infamous 'Alien and Sedition laws" passed by. the ' Federalists, just as they are now tired of the tyranny, rob bery and sedition ''acts; of Radicalism. Thev had great 'odds to contend against. such deputies." Against ainst What ? the traditionary usage from Washington to the present day. j' Against the entire Democratic party, t Against a majority of his own party. : In the face of his own corrupt record of eight years. Against the moral seutiment of the couutry. Against the instincts of the . whole country in favor of freedom and equal ity, and of rotation in office. ; Against the "unalterable" resolutions of - the Republican party, adopted only four years ago. L Against all these can Grant be elect ed T Not ''by the votes of a free people. it stands bereft of leaves and bleeding from its broken branches. Is it disconr aged T Does it say, If I am barren no one will pelt met Not at all. Next season the buds and fruit appear again. That is a' type of these missionaries. I have watched them well. What do they come here for t Not for gain ; some of our clerks gee more man they. .Not tor an easy NEWS ITEMS. -4 The mail carrier report heavy frost ia some part of Mitchell county on Friday, baturday, Sunday and Monday, moraines last' and vegetation considerably dam-. 6ged thereby. -Llue lUdqe JJTadc The Fish Law, as it now read, wake it unlawful to remove fish except it be with hook and line from the .-1st day of April to the lOtli day of Jone- from the Catawba, South Fork, Pee Dee and Yad kin rivers under a Sue of not less tbaa $100 or exceeding $300. . Ma; Robbins was endorsed by Rowan last Saturday, and our delegates to the. District Convention i instructed r Jto nse i ,i their influeuce to secure him the nomina tion for Congress. We feel that no better selection could have been made. ' --' f i Now, with Capt. Chas. Price for Elect or this district may, be set down as poll- ing a. larger majority for our cause than ever before. - . Another Horse Shot.- Week j before - last a special force of Revenue officer were scouting in the neighborhood of Old' Fort, McDowell county, consisting of Capt. R. A, Cobb, J. S. Fleming. P, C. Fletcher,- Hudson, A. P. Long,,W. D. Joues, John Keerans and A, M. Elliot. While within one-fourth of a mile of Hen ry's, Long's horse was shot and killed by parties whoso still was captured and de stroyed. This makes the third horse, we believe, that has been killed. Long Bince being in the service. Three stills had at last account been captured and destroyed f Statetville American. , , Stock Law in Cabahkus. A corres pondeut in Cold water township, Cabar rus county, write thus to the Concord Sua: All opposition to the stock law has- Tiie Kellogg Case. Washington, May It is given out as probable that POLITIC Alt.; Salisbury Examiner. GRANT AND EMPIRE. It U now pretty well settled that Grant will get the nomination of the Radical party for the presidency. We do not ob- A11 the departments of the federal gov- i a day , two Gov. Hampton will sub- 1 And that brow, then bright ami clear; ject, for we believe that he will be more Ami a face, now deeply furrrowed To a mtdher's life brought cheer. But, alas! 'tis dark, despairing ; Sin has laid itswithering hand Crushing a souHor hell preparing Eternal death by its subtle wand. See yon form beloved is reeling, Tottering from the accursed cup I Beats a sad heart, or unheeding ENNISS'. easily beaten than any other man of that party. If not, theu, iudeed, we have fallen upon evil times. 'Grant is thoroughly identified with all the revolutionary aud unconstitutional measures of the Radical partv. Hi eight year's Administration was the most shameless, tyrauical aud corrupt this country has ever seen. He n... f . ,;. i,i nriiiiiwi mips iiniirhtf I rpurpseiits the march of Empire, of des- 1 IIC ilSUK n Wll Hixuuu vi vu . .(-- - Hi .! f: ;: i 1 f -1 ; ; : , . : " aj - . rt Produce L Commission ' 8CH1MT. MrRfiH'hisE BROKER. cbfnjjle.niotuitaiu and Country Produce gen- i m Agent for The oil ani Cotm Yet, beneath that bosom swelling, There's a heart to love will yjeld y Then in gentle words protesting, Trusting God will prove his shield. .Need you longer in doubt ponder? Charity brings its reward! ATkind word in love may coiifpier, !Tho' the heart be conscience seered. Happy thought, oh let it linger! ;Balm of iK-ace to every heartf In life's "path is-there a stranger, :Who iu love does Jife impart f Yes, indewl, therewas a stranger, tWho to earth in love was made A kind fiietid, a shield from anger Crucified, that anger stjiyed. j . . ! COKKESPONDEXCEi For tbe Watchman. ' . : . Kentucky Jottius. J t i"lu me ia w ooiror tuese .iui3 io oev,urucu "jiaa, woven or ExciianjfeJ tor ciotn, uiauKtui ur V4rpeta.i rnifwa unix nave pftiiPntiv been turmsHea lltl m i,lilnii-ir on.l ( ra n.ktv TirPIl MTfil IO Uiae , Blanker fail wldUU, Carpets, All wool Casolawre, ni. 'Ul-piy casii tor all tue wool you may nave Br sale, i AVIH tf-a n rt in. Knlftln'" fni ton. Cot- - -. . . . . w-m ' v uv v-a a a. iu. Yarn, or Sheeung. Prices ot worJdnif up wool m u uhsi year. , - - - If Tnn trint Ks3 rai.i'-tTi m- Tnlvimrt and . u b J. v KJ lb CCiUtUVi ' ' w COtlin Pv. . no .rifor-itiiT Arlincf- ; v; " " 6 y iJcmciuiA.1 vuv FWolions azxoL l.Wllnt a V... 1 . .1 rulAi-ana An.'l AnA ' IiHi w uaJ Villi; 1UUUMU I tuiwicuj cu.u - - lutoo Eggs,$o Mas In your Poultry and Uen-fruit. rm nave Cottonr Flour, corn, or any waa oi o,Kl cveeii field even the sucking calf of Forir.Kiiif vftti win a iva mnnpv hv lt-avlnir It I auu 6'" u . . . ,, . t m meioseii tTjf rou. brAll cotfoa or Produce 1 a few weeks has its train ot uev oteea 1 uis ,ue t0 siUBiscovcreaDyiJMurtfrtcp.uaiuuij- j worship is nniqnu; no iiriesio jwum inch . a. mitism. It we are to jnuge oy uie jmn he is capable of any act to further his owu ambitious purposes. He will sacrifice his couutry aud the liberty of the people for power and fame. He has never hesitated to over-ride the constitution, the liberty of the people, or the rights of the States when they stood between him aud some ambitious scheme or wish. He is a tyrant by nature, and an enemy to good govern ment because it pays him to be so. The Empire is peace, said Napoleon the first, when he was scheming to overthrow the liberties of the French people. Grant no doubt thinks the Empire is peace, and, we have no doitbthe will so declare, should the people of this couutry so far forget themselves as to elect liim Presi dent of these United States again. No greater calamity could befall onr Radical cursed couutry. It would bean entire sur render of all the established usages and customs of the people since the fouuda- . . a va . eminent at; , that., time tlie Executive, Legislative aud Judioi it were decidedly against them, with all the power and 'in fluence of public patronage. The Legis- aturcs of all the States, also, except those of Keutucky and Virginia, were against them. Of the two .hundred newspapers then published in the pnitedStates, nil but about twenty were enlisted by pref erence or patronage on the Federal side." Yet Jefferson the uiastr spirjt of, the re forms proposed was elected and so we can elect any good D?mocratsthis year ou a platform yt proper principles. And we must do itj or prepare for the worst calam ities. ' .... V.;s u The first thing to be done is to thorough., ly organize the party ; and the second, is to see that every man Votes for the regu lar nominees of the Democratic conven tions. Every man hits an influence and he should iise it in -bringing about con cord aud conceit of action iu our ranks He cannot afford to remain in active uu less he is williug to see the curse of Rad ical rule continued unless he is willing to see military government established and nemo domination prevail. Every : mau, too, is directly interested in good to their intention. - I i a. .1 a. i.- . m life; see how they work! No ! They auoui uieu oul ,n 1,118 8ecuou 8lDC'J 11,01,0 seek, like the mango tree, to bear fruit wl, oiV " ? t work. In for others, and this, too, though treated 81X l" 8 "wul nn a rrT with much abuse. Now what makes P" m.ymr ;uwkui them do all this for nst It is their Bible ;" f others who protmse adopting it oon." and at the end of aneloqaent defense of Thu 18 the comn,on V04ice in th that book he said : "Do what we will, it wuicu nave given tue lence law is the Christian' Bible that will sooner trial. - The longer the people are or later work the regeneration of this under U the Jcak" beC0,M8 the 0,6il' land" uon io u.-oiaie ivurnai. t 1 I : Graded School. The Graded School ought to be regarded as a fixed institu tion by the people of this town. The possibility of its beiug allowed to dwin dle away or be dis continued, Tiught nev er to be entertained for a moment. It solves the great question of cheap and ef ficient instruction in a manner that no other system of instruction ean. The schools at Raleigh, Greensboro and Wilmington, are iu a flourishing condi tion, and Goldsboro and Salisbury will soon have schools of this character.! Let -them be established in every town' where -two or three hundred children can be got together. "We must educate, or we must perish." Faycttev'dlc Examiner- t We have a graded school in successful operat ion here, Watchman. ! It is; superfluous perhaps to state that the N. C. Medical Society which aseui bled in Wilmington last week Is a very highly intelligent and, in the main, dig nified: body of gentlemeu. They left a very fine impression, we feel sure, upon our cemmuuity. Oue thing, we are dis posed1 to bring into prominence in this connection. 1 he committee of the New mtt a motion for the iudefiuite postpone ment of the Kellogg case, and that Gen. Gordon will make a grand farewell speech of conciliation and peace. The follow ing Democrats are put down as likely to I Hanover Medical Society having in charge .aai. . - - I vote lor tue uuienuite postponement : tue arrangements for the excursion to Hampton, Gordon, Lamar, Butler, Whyte, SmithviUe, complimentary to their gnests, Grooiue, Randolph, Jones of Florida, decided to furnish no liquors for the oc- Bayard,Thnrm.iu, Ransom, Walker, Har- ca&ion. Two often accompanying invi- ris, Pendleton, and also Judge Davis, of tatiens, the assurance that there will be Illinois. It must not be understood, J an abundant supply of whiskey, is her- however, that any of these Senators have aided through the press as an induce- authorized auy statement-to be made as men t to those invited to attend. A very MISCELLANEOUS. Wiped out by-a Tidal Wave. An Extraordinary Bogus Ditrpatch that it ! Author Sever Sent, Recently a telegraph operator named : Thomas Hohster was arrested in bau Frauciseo by a Chicago detective. Hol ister had formed a plot to cut the tele-!?ranh-wires uniting New York and San C? a grossleompliutcnt, if iudeed it is a com pliment, to the guests. All honor, we say, to those who adjudged that the Medical Society of North Carolina might be regarded as occupying a position not to be reached by such groveling induce ments. We trust the worthy precedent will generally be followed. Pretbytcriau. A Noticeable Difference. A smart young mau asked a gentlemau from Cape Cod: "What's the difference between you and a clam 1" thinking that the Cape Codger would say he didu't know, aud theu the young mau would pity him for not being able to see any difference be tween himself and a clam, but the thing didn't work. The Codger took the young Editor Watchman : Dr. Dabucy is correct. 1 he (iou ot the. .-. . t . . T... nn lilue urass country is a pi. t .- f nMno.ratic irovern- Hiest 11 vw - - a- - ment. It would be cuttiug loose vova tue Iv the Bulls are sacred, but to the mo I cow is a shrine erected In every pasture , annssions no more tor tu.u security. - 1 - alllll.;. ..n ..rA ttrt? Keen J and no lf. 8torp9(r cnA ii.3nr. A.it.v Flour 10 cts I ..i.,Kn...lfu tuinn i-4 nm erecteil. Hilt 31r. I DOW oth Produce 5 per cenu , . 1 Editor, if you could have seen hall: a sciire HUtory tells us that Phillip of Mace- it s w . m m i . 7 old land marksand entering upon a bouud less sea of innovations. It would be vir tually making Graut king, with supreme power for life - i ;Tuq Fashiouablo Women Am M of live men prostrate befoie a heard of ljon tl:e enemy of Atheus. By place short-horn a3 humble as any .Meuipnian i - . .,,' i " ui .,! tSilini?nieii of .1 . ... :.- c.t n nuu iiu u wnv .-.. D f actually instituted. 4JTi-truo one fails to What Phillip was to Greece Grant is to m L - -; 1 .tr il:tl IV 5 ne late Lord Lytton was fond ot ; re- - , . - jse.aw,um-wi,l.r-tlie sjicrcd an- thf ni inciules of self-government and lib- . . . ' l- tt; .. 1...II.. I !.... Tiimla lilll'ietl. OUC IIHLUlUg IU llie llilllO Illlll ft - - 7 " : I f - wtag a little anecdote as an illustration - ir i. i - - r - . - : - r 3. . ' . - . . , m a I . :- -'"'.. J . 1 . I . v . . a.. . A - ? , aracte.,,,,0 of lug.l. KSSllSrT vI.eaJud .out f tb, Badica. i-ary- !,: .Lirl , snoriiy unci "r -l " t.. .. (f ! r,Waty,; ttatriajie. said to the author of "Pelhain," . . y- r' . - - , - i wife cannot be a leader of, fashion.", j tTlte nobility it blooded aristocracy np not, my lord She has virtue, ou four feet. Why, to see au old man t a .t .....f.i;.i..nm..f ir H.iim.ited over Ui 8Ilorc-llornt giv- . v A . 1 .1... .,wf.i-id "nfidiirree ou lK)th sides hit nnon the ver v. reason first: she li14 "i Vs. i!..;,.!! ni tm -l I f , - - - : I Ait tllM IKIIIHt'. Ill UUB -L. "J irtaou8;: The lead iu fashion is be- 1 i.-fiiiii the names of thei ves- toed by the praises of certain fashion- ge( ;u w,ich its Anglo-American ancestor W "'F"! 4 O UUIUIII iast be earned. Th I Li.. 1 . f I. If Z ifieu to lamuiarity. vuiicu, . . 7- . t.,,, uuiiluillinff. won, oi, uestrucuon, wuicu, it 1 Timar,!V4:i of the Mayflower i nowhere ajj rioes, uiust carrv with it the reputa-I i.. , , ' vit-:i itioivof vW! -h-iA r...KM mr !fn ftlinulil I lim.r tierfectlr canied away"; last . - ivv ; v vu aw utvi itj w m c I ' 1 KmM to this ! therefore she must Saturday writh the cow-aieeting , w. Ki-AA.i lL "i i i .i ii r . ; I attempt lorecouussomewuai. iumiuwiu, vO COntentrrt liA.-lnsAnd Willi thfi bum- I . . v . ... . r i. ... '. i , ....... , . . a. . n:u unnr.inces lur; ciiwib w reneat the - anecdote. for 1 1 .. r vji i-firded as a noor. unsoph's- Raider its application -better now than I ticuted Tar-ht-el, aud all were o anxious and reatiy to impart iiiirucnou,jni.ij, rtv in the United States. Grant is the m - - "1 I have come to the conclusion tliat the I a party whose secret oi success i muiuij attlo of this region , are considered its Jattribuable to its being able to bribe ' the leading men of the opposition to it rev? olotiouary design. Eveu - Democrats bave been boiigU like sheep, with the prices offered. But tlds iufamous trafic has become a grave matter. Men can no longer sell tlieir principle for place with- AWfi sittui lidi feriu'r awaV the ' liberties of their couutry. The Radical leader are ;i keen to bu v as ever, though it is not mere votes they waut, but prolonged and absolute power, .They bid, not for. mere pelf and place, bnt fur ; Empires v If men can see anythiug else in a third term, but au inorduate yearning for , dictatorial 'then they must be blind,' hide in-these praises they caaw over. Not stopping there, butbe rini .rivJ must be giuniug with fresb interest with .the re rhe giveis must be . f Eugland. Ah, it make a man Francisco, and then send East a dispatch government, aud it is his bounden duty to! 'dated at some station iu the Sierras, say- use evcrv effoi t iu his power. to promote jug that a tidal wave, followed by an j 4aa lllllllLn li ! i1ui-rfiv(i1 Run Fraueiseu -J . w" ,,-fr ST w..H...-M .. j . , ,.., thm fro and the ooorest man, therefor, is a deep- aud ' Viririitia City. The object of the 71,cu T T " :I ly interested iu the result of this campaign plot was to cause a panic in Pacific Mall as the richest. The duty for action is stock and Conistoek securities in New imperative. Organ ize aud vote.' Grakt and the (Presidency. Chica go, May 24. Tie Galena Gazette, whose editoi U a persona! friend. of Graut', 'is deuving the .statemeiiU. regai-ding his wJHulniwjiI. sivs: ' Grants- name has mw T ( , never gone) before the public a a' caudi date for the pi esideiiryi byany word or act of his owiiynhd he will nibitcertsiinly not orders Ih i name to b withdrawn. A very: large class of the 1 American peo ple Iiaveeuose to make him their ;candi date and if the Republicans at the nation al convention at Chicago see fit to tender the nomination he will not decline it. This fe know to be a fact, aud we pub lish it beca'hse it is welL that represena tive of the; county should? cease to hold the matter iu doubts: U ' Monroe Express t : We see the name of Samuel J. jPembertouit Esq. ' of Stanly, mentioned among the list of candidate for Congress from this district. We also hear that he say if CoL Johusou is nom inated he wlill opprse him as an ludepen den "i candidate; : W thiuk lm will find in Auy casej tht jmore is to.he gaiued. by remainiug in i raaka . than by 4hreaKing ; r .'si, H t i.i.'l ' itt York market, the panic to be taken ad vantage of by confederates. The New -'York Sun says: "For several mouth the Western TJn- iou knew their wires were beiug tamper ed with, and seu t for the Chicago de tective. He traveled along the line for several weeks, and finally came to a clue at a spot a few miles east of Battle Moun tain. - At this spot the wire had been cut, and a piece that could readily bed iscouuect id had been let in. The detective fuither and then after crowding him into an enip ty fish barrel and yanking him out again, said i "A clam wouldn't be playing with yon this way. That's the difference twixt me an' a clam !" The young man had no more questions to ask. Arrested for B u kg l art. John -Wilson, colored, was takeu to Salisbury yes terday afternoon, in the custody of aa of ficer of Rowan county. He was arrested on the charge of burglarizing the premi ses of Mr. Devid L. Bringle, af Salisbury, in tbeearlyjiart of the present year, rob- ling him of jewelry and other articles f value. Queers have been, on hi-track for some time, and Thursday, aconstablo came over from -Salisbury, expecting to fiud him. He failed but a description was left and on the following night he was captured by Mr. T,u Black and turned over to the police, and the author ities were notified. The evidence against Wiisou is said to be conclusive. He will no doubt be tried at the present term of the Superior Court now iu session In Sal isbury. Charlotte Obsetrtr. ' Military chaplains are to be dispensed with1 at the end of the year iu France. The; Roman Catholic have not yet deci ded what to do, but'iu all the garrison towns wheie there is no church the Pro testant ministers will go personally to the barracks to invite the soldiers to at tend service on Sundays, there ate in lf iouuu au - silty.four garrigoa towIlII which have no eras and sage-bush near by.- An end fc lu ... ,.,..1. ,1.1 m.in lin Protestant place forworship, and in these " ; 'rr" - " - niini8ter on social mission will ask per waa coiled' up. 'lhe wire ran north, and n' the detective, following it for a mile, over. The Brahniui ,K Indiaj are di v $ y tJiobuestiok.whetliertho water of the' rial Gaugesi their h'olf river will not lose itt edl sanctity 'after 'V'li'aa'"bn, 6rulgwl ovt r Pfritwas. In our judgment, a. third term for GrantbjEuroneaij,.,;, came apou an excavatiou in the ground, which was roofed iu with brauchea and turf, aud which" contained, buried iu one corner, : several Leydeu -jars, strip of mission of the mayor to receive oldier iu one of the hall of the mairie. Every failure i a step to success ; every detection what ia false directs toward what is true: every trial exhausts some Not only so, bnt t i ... ... r u -j.i I t(.mntiitr furni f error. ...... iiiirrif til iirin. iuc ucitiiiio i 1' ----o -.:-L..ii i.i...tf nMr bv and watched scarcely any attempt is entirely a fail . ..i km. -iti,i I nre: sea reel v any theory, the result of the piace ior aevciai , - . - ..,-is::- '.--iu. j steady -thought, is altogether false; no Itemntiu:; form i without some la tent I" une uiw i wm """"" ----- - - a iiewpaier an account of the arrest for diarm derived from truth vYheveu. ii breach of peace of a telegraph operator Friendship is no plant of hasty growth ; . . . . i. ...i t-f.'u-ii tn t!1ilirn. The Tl..' nlxuted in esteem's deeli.fixed soil. Wlioui uo o i i : , . . v detectiv. ' froni what he knew f the man The gradual culture of kiud Intercourse tietectivi, irom , .JiMiwti brinir it to Derfectiou Joanna w prompted to go to.&au raucisco ana " ... 1,1, aftW him. He -visited 'Holister'n 144 . ' ' ' mtiinil tJnjrefottudVhatcoufirmed hi I Whatever that be, which think, which H...iLuU tlml it was Hoiisfer 1 who had f understands, which will, which uacU. it tatapered: HolUter frMiou wuh the Western -uo ion aire. i tsometuing ceiesiui uu iiuhvj auu as arretted,, ana . inaue con f upon mat account, iuuv uevoosanij w uliis rooiri :wa found the fol- tlerall. ticrro. 'Off for Europe. Prof. J. F. Latimer, of Davidson College, arrived in the city yesterday aud left ou the Carolina Cen tral train for New York, f.omwhicIi point he will sail for Europe Friday. He will be accompanied by hi wife and child. As heretofore stated in thi paper. Prof. Latimer goc to Germauy for the purpose ol farther prosecuting the study of ;tbe Greek and German languages. It la hi inteution at present to - ..remain until Christmas, returning at that time to re sume hi duties in the institution. A i generally known, in thus section of the State at least, he ha already ; spent a year in the German, universities ; being a most enthusiastic student, he desires to again eujoy the superior advantages they afford. Few men now counected with" Southern colleges surpass him - in Greek scholarship; as a teacher, bo ha perhaps no superior in any college south- of Baltimore. - CharlotU Observer. The hand that U closed let iu nothing j just as trulyasjt lets out nothing, and selfishness thns outwit itself. Thi i j true piritually as well a la temporal and pecuniary matter.; ... .'. .- '- , The iutellect has only oue failing, which; to be sure, i a very etntsiderable one.' It ha no cmciencs Xapoleou i the readi est iuhtauce of thi. If his heart had borne auy proportion to hi brain lie had been oue of the greatest men lu all hit tory. latctlt. - ; 3i: -1 1 1 1 : r ' "it:. 4 "r . -f -f - I i .:1 i;

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