s JL IIU AdLI (lilllidi Vv (di(UMIll(iiIlo ; " i-'"-?- U-i ; . .- - I''-. . a C . 1111 t ' ' ' ,',.:.,,,,,. t , ' ' -.-" :- . - - -. -. : t i fOL XI. THIRD SERIES 8AIISBUSY. ;1T. C, JUITE 10, 1880 110 34 Tlie Carolina Watchman, -f isTABLISIIED IN THE YiLVU 1832. u .! PRICE, IN ADVANCE. . POETRY. MISCELIANEOUS. Gen. Pat Cleburne. ncss, an I seed Mrs; Simpkin t'other Aide j oi uie room, bo a Kings oat, 'in, Mrs.' The Popular Science Monthly for Jane ' Simpkin, land o' Goshen, but that air vrig- Carp Culture. A leather-back carp, treighing 7 lb. Gov. 'SeVrard's 'Advice to Younff 1 Men. ' nlk1!.1iA orinrrtifta frtim n11rRi$ at f haw vpr lmriii' thither tlnv mal-M rr 1ia lo 1 l. ,i Albany Joum&l. The followin- beautiful lines trere written 7 " A T t .rr, . . " ZL T. T Jir. i !.. ia lue Comment t r o lines i month i BJ's 8 id's em's lam's C0yr,;Y;,Wi"Llt', - : T T UBuCOUi,D OI - cal Society, in which he v'il,, - t -. , . . juoh V UUlim. V T f ULLI1 ' 1U11 V 111 1,11. m . 1 l ; , . , ' " -----c- , j jt rona one i inese no inmom iennessee, near wuicn place there- pr Ie- nmnuer of onr mains oi tne gallant nero lie buried : "Fare iErin And .Passed Senator Gordon's Prospects X ( - - - - : Washington, llnj 23. Senatot I onelor -J two for i ,mr for jfeolumnlor f ; do. - do. fl.M ti.SU $3.51 $ii.i)0 $4 00 3.00 4.M 6.85 7.50 12.00' 4.50 S.00 7.50 11.0 15.00 6.00 7.60 -.i0 13.50 18.00 17.50 .751t.25 18.50 25 00 11.25. 15.75 S0.50 85.50 40.00 1H.75 26.25 83.75 4S.75 75.00 - jw u pit U9 u buuxu JCr iu gai ; ponas at wasiiincton. It was ona of tb . r, oewaru, m a letter to a vonntr woruon autnomes tne statement that says: . when yer git yer false teeth we won't lorinal fish bronglit to this conntrr br man. inst nabliahMl for U fircf he Jias been tendered fh niU ks, compiled aM kow you from yri darter And then Mr. Hesael thr vr. fi . L ' :j . t - i. i . ' t.. 4 ? . - ; i t :i ... hi.- L , . wmjiBui giau 10 Know tnat you -waMS cousuiung counsel lot w.'u.u --j i " 1iviioaun.i yun durco u no a ins huuws a race or CTOwtn far exceed- " S..A a. wm1 tit. nitlillilArtin MF T I. ISill 1 . Tl .1 All M w.m OT-ft . 4uot vtl atlll a 1 ... IKCUMIOi auil IVIUUIViliVU V. u.v... 7 lliun a t awmpfU AO JV.V .1111 (. 1JLV ij 1 LJ.1M.L 111 I. fl n B 1 m M fifth nnilAP .IfMil.. ' the well, departed chieftain! ! ......J,:,....: ...J.......... o .ww . .riL," . " " bt fnr mAn ' .-,r...-i !i i . - inimnuj yi uo uwu umio, mmii ,vw iuuw mi uuuui. iwv miiiuies, UU JirB. Circumstances In KnrnnA. Srrl n.ailp , i - "& ... o utviiu Bcuus iti Li a h i i: . : . ... . 1 " . - . a . oh, my country sad lam entsi thee. !year(rB. C, it has been ascertained, what Simpkm looked like she wanted to kick ed advantages are claimed for the Oer- -lo SlYe you a word of advice. to soar inrougn Ueatu s Uarit vale, jias long, ueeu suppoHea, inat unaHiea soiueoouy, an- my wie sez sne, soiomon, man carp for profitable cultivation. Any as soon as yott can JlWli OUEAT SOU'lUEItN X BEMEDY for tho cure of fccrof. BU, Kjphiiis. tScruniioas Taiot, libea LtUit Ml. lie Kweidntr,Cont, Gulire, fn.ninDtJon. COBCliill. Aerroas Dc- ItiUltrfjilBUrU, nl all dlseaaea arising front an impure cvuuiuuu vi uu wiuuu, LUaorKalP CURES SCROrULA. 1 D mm L Blow jebreezes softly on him, J ;Fan his brow with ;entle breath : Disturb ye not hii peaceful slumber, j Clebujne sleep3 the sleep of death 1 Rest thee, Cleburne, tears of sadness- Flow from hearts thou'st nobly won ; Memory ne'er, will rease to cheerish i Deeds of glory thou hast done ! . was uw iwreui muu w. aiiuuvuij , iw h ; ewinuuu, . . jeu iw i j 4 u m uuwu ou me Kina ot pouu, no matter how restricted, employment into some occupation by eVtQiX is found, from this compilation and from baby, or broke a loottn' glass. The peo- can be used. Difficulties of temperature 1 which You can tnnnort vonrsplf An he will '.!.- t.... i:.i i;..i.,i..ni..;.. : ..u j:.i.iV i.....iu r... . 1 ' .. ... . . . ( uuiwi juu mu support yourseil, ao , . " V wiuci uiicivn, uiut 1110 utiuj niiuciiiBV.no- jno umu t oc;iu iu wiu(iKr iui it lliug or UQniJ OI Water Kdltfilj factOTI in 11 i , i I n loirnMl tli ktara. and distiniruised and tinie.Vu? Lumbv we ifkcni- awav. an mv earn Mltr Pm.m:. ... . l and bcome..an independent man. cral , 9 - D ..... . , . ii; : - . t - aavv vatiju lud w uier IB uul Ii I ' POT? ' Cures B Rlicumatism. HOS.BAIatXS Cures- Syphilis. 1 Cures E3alarfa W.-i.f ulliii iiiii.mii ii I Robert E. Eec. BT FATHER BTAK. f. Cures Nervous Debility. f K ; ! IT H CUBES COMSUHPTIOX. iiaa tta Ineredienta tuMto.ied on ererr fpackncoTshow It to your Physician era the will tell yon it i composed of tho Etrtmert r Iternttves that exist, and 13 oa exceueut liiooa lurucr. B0SADALI3 la sold br aU Drngglsta. Ti Tl 111 iifr jllffilPMB PIM 1 id For JTjyiancJ BEAST. f. External and Internal. tni GREATEST PACT KEUEVER O? TlS AGE. oil's Liuer PiHs t 1 1 i f TUB GREAT TEOETAEtE CATTTARTIO Go Glory I ; and forever guard Our chieftian's hallowed dust; And, Honored keep eternal ward 1 : And Fame be this thy trust. - Go with your bright emblazoned scrqJK . And tell the years to be The first of names that flash yoor roll ; Is burs great Robert E. Leej Lee wore the grey' si nee then, ' 'Tis Right's and Honor's hue; He honored it, that man of men, r And wrapped it found the True.. . j Dead! but his spirit breathes, . Dead ! but his" heart is ours ! ) Dead ! but his sunnv, sad land wreathes : His crown witlrtears for flowers. A statue for his tomb ! I i Mould itbf marble white! 1 For rong, a spectre of death and doom 1 j An angel of Hope for Right. I i Rut Lee has a thousand graves ' In a thousand hearts I ween, And tear-drops fall from our eyes in waves That will keep his memory green. i Ah ! muse, you dare not claim" ; A nobler majn than hath less 6f blame, Nor nobler man has less of blame, Xor blameless man hath purer name, Nor purer name hath grander fame llor fame another Lee. ; have got into the country. It is the the new railroad combination, which Allow me wpludes a continuous line under the" Just management from St. Louis to Savan- get out of puhlio nan ana althoughjie has not jet, ac- the oner the prospects are that do so at an early day. fQen- ordon is also contemplating a named the constellation that form our . wife sei she, Soloing Splon, some men too cold, carp thrife rapidly. In fact no : P rics exhaust the energies of all renewal ot bis former Jam partner- . preseut zotliac to show the course ot the are mace tools nn'-lsome men are born natural water has been found too warm 1 men ana. very ollen corrupt theru. "'P w,in noge iileckley, bis broth--Uuu'a path in the havens ; divided time fools." An sez I, allyVthat's so,' but I; for them. Being vegetable-feeders., carpi No greater calamity can Jefal! a r-n-laif, They began the practice j into weeks, months, years - that they di-1 do noi know for thq life V me who she thrive on the plants growing in the wa- young man than to begin life in a' of ,aw together many years agol and i1!:!:. An easy clerkship, iWfc' Bleckley was elected to , the may be dug on arable laud, allowed to " uucrai Paiai oueneE inJurea : -i"--" -U8fulH1eMme grow carp for two or three years, the fihtthaa henefiiu the recipitent. As a time that Gen. Gordon was elected to marketed, and tue ground be brought un- rMie " unnis a young man tor the ieu oiaies oenaie, , xney were 'ii! ' M- I the seventh a day of vest, to which they 'gave a name from which we have derived our word -"sabhath,? and which day, as j a day of rest from all labor of every kind, they observed as rigorously as the Jew or the Puritan heavenly bodies and the weather were 110 nection, as I have before stilted, as M. de Perville claims to have discovered, be tweeu the weather and the chauges of the Off With thej Check-Rein. Nothing in the pretentious career of civi- der culture again. lization can be more cruel and barbarous i The profitableness of carp culture j rougher work of life, and by taking both re-elected to their respective of is 1 him awav from th ttimnl flees, and a short t i .1 The motion of the " than the sulyection of -the noble animal," shown by the followingexperiencereport-f . RWk W - min J .l.wlMt 'I i dthe phenomena of nian's tat friend, to the abomination of the ed in a California par. gentleman f Pents him ; Bleckley res.gned, although seyrail ted down, and a con- check-rein. In the interest of the horsa and In that State bought six carp in January, 1 fr?m acqu,,ng the mental, and phys-; years of his office, yet remain. Now ot humanity, increasing wartare sliouia be , 1876. One of them soon died. From the waged against it, until it is no longer in use, I the other five he raised the first year 2,- Holding these views with a sincerity 044 fish, and the rar nfW 2 (572. Tn lfWfl ' moon. Tliey invented the sun dial to wua u., ; ue M1a two oi ms oia nn, and raised 80 often merely temporary. Itwould meet as private citizen mark tiie movements of the heavenly tortures, we esteem it as both a pleasure and 4,000 from the remaining three. He had ! ua on unA :r i. ' their nld !r nartnrh:A t....i:. a dutv to reoeat what Peter F. Alba, a w ai,iw fiah n,i. j not be so bad if the young man who j their old law partnership, uvuics, lud vitrei v uic.cuiv uuiw I 'i " w.inuj, pwf vavu, i ' . . . ; . t U and thevanak in this work of Knots u prominent veterinary; surgeon of Mobile, : and covering about half an acre of low S1113 I,fe ln a rut were permitted to ng voluntarily abant the sun. a facts thev could oulv have Ala- 8ai3 on thc subjebt : - j ground comparatively worthless for oth- 8tay there. But these easy clerkships " offices which they mi known by the aid of telescopes, which it is supposed they possessed, from obser- 'When the check-rein is drawn so as to j derange the natural incline of the head, it vations that they have noted down of Causscs a stifines of the neck and a pressure Hin rUinnf Vpn.ia nnd tl.fi fiu-fctlmt of the cervical and dorpal vertebras, changes Layard found a crystal lens in the ruins er uses. For his original fith he paid $30 and $10 for food stuff, making a total outlay of $240. In four years he sold $514 worth of fish, and had from 4,000 to of Nineveh. These bricks" coutaiu an account of the Deluge, is substantially the same as the narrative in the Bible, except that the names aie different. They dis close that houses and land were then sold, eased, and mortgaged that money was oancd at iuterest, and that the market gardeners, to use an American phrase, worked on shares," that the farmer, when plowing with his oxen, beguiled his abor with short and homely songs, two f which have been found, and connect this very remote civilization with the usages of to-day. i . ! ... -4f Vegetable WORM SYRUP Mtant!lestrenWCHTS, rr.d i ? rroccr-mended ty pbjsieiaMaa too best VOll iTLXlCUtii. EXAMINER ITEMS. INDEPENDENTS. UT ' tots vnoTztrrtozs, - .. - , Si tToCese Place, - fvcrr lork. Jorale by T. F. KLUTTZ, Druggist, lictaoni f ri m PHc !"!!; I BBS! CL0VEE, ORCHARD, ' ' I and i other i Grass Seeds," at Richmond es, TJfreiiEht included). Call and see at ENNISS'. the natural position of the windpipe, and 6,000 left, after supplying hU own table interferes with free respiration. The neck I Uh fish for eiirhteen months. being raised curves the vertebrte of the back, j There are thousauds of small ponds making it hollow, which has the tendency throughout the couutry which might, to draw the hind less forward under thc w!ii, i!rn n.nu. .n.ii.pMnm(!. k " w wi nun iui f i uub, w vwu- body, or to thrust the body backward upon them. This deprives the horse of the pow er of extending himself. Because, by chang ing jiis natural carriage you cause a greater demand upon his strength for the resistance against natural motion and the action will be dwelling and slow. 1 The shoulders being inclined out of position throws the support oif the front legs, and cramp the withers, which divides the free movement of each leg, and impair the freedom and suppleness verted into carp ponds. The Presbyterians. ical fibre indispensable to success. j ven. Cxordon has done a similar An these coveted positions are all thing, and it would be a! pleasing ico the more pernicious because they are incidence if the two should again and renew after : hav- loned the 'pub- ght have held" have come to be recognized, as re wards for partys8ervice rendered eith er by the recipients or by their friends and come and go with the rise and fall of parties. A dismissed clerk for several years to come. Changing- One's Faith. I The reason why a great many'peo- I 1 Bnn, U l 1 . frnm o nnlWIool ffi i Vf no ocul" w way. ranging lueir . k:. a r taith, is that they never? really have ahle an onient na nnv nn nffon m oof a I . J .. j j with. During the two or four or six years he has been drawing a fair salary for i little work, he has been forming hab its which unfit him fnrstrnncpr 'anrinnp Day's Doing' in Yesterday's Generally he ig obHgcd tQ 'np the siBsemmy. thread nf life where he drnnnwl It n any faith; They have indeed what they call faith, and are often very positive about it. They: have gath ered together a number; of opinions and fancies, often very ill considered, which they say they believe using the deep and sacred wofd for a very superacid and fri villous action of . . - , , , . . ........... vmiv wkfvu . ? vwvvvi iivi aamir. I , i . .,, rrt . - -. . , ineir wins, iney no more cave a a vagrant has a home who . f rt- t a i vtiAitiiuiua, ixay .-in me .fch f f. n i , flmli;tinn. flnd Presbyterian General Assembly, to-1 . . ' , , , , . a,th than W 0 Commencement at Statcsvillc. The Radicals say the cohnty will be full of Independent candidates this year. And iust here, we desire to ask, how do they know ? Have those who expect to run as Independents been prowling around seek ing Radical support t - We are iunable to understand how they would know, unless this has been thecaae. We all kuow that no Independent can hope to be elected without the votes of the Radical party and it is very natural to suppose such are making, or have already made, applica tkon for that support. x',k,. nn trim f?oiirrn t. trill rnn as an vf i , ii yj viuw iivniuv. ..w ..... , independent, and every ohe who has de ided to do so, is out of his place in the Democratic party. He should lose no time in! coing over to the Radical party. There is wheie Jte properly belongs, lie can do us no harm there ; he may dolus some while claiming to be a democrat. Our impression is that the people of Omre in the Court House lot. next doo to Squire Haughton. Wilt practice in all ,udentcandidates this year. They have been baniboozlett in this way until tuey are heartily sick of the very name. They will at ouce place them whereithey be long. No man, whatever bis j standing leretofore, will be allowed to disorganize otir party and beat its regularly chosen nominees nnder the false and treacherous name of Independent Democrat. Radi calism nnder this guise has-had -its day. The people will no-longer tolerate it The Landmark says : The spacious hall was packed to hear what is by unanimous consent pronounced the best musical enter tainment ever given in Statcsvillc. The con cert was opened iwth the grand coronation inarch, from "The Prophet," piano 8 hands, with brass quintette. The audienfce were taken by storm from! the beginning,jand the captivating melodies followed in such rapid succession that there was no recovery, until the end, from the first delightful sensations. To follow the course of the programme, which was full and varied in the character of the selections, is not to be thought of here. The young ladies of the institution, in their instrumental and vocal performan- was little to do and big pay for doing it! 1 Whoever has any protracted expe rience in political life can call up of his front action ; for, as the front legs are day, a telegraphic salutation was re kept stiff so 'u the spring diminished, which 1 cefved from the Northern General is the essence of free action, and in propor- Assembly, and a cordial resnonse was fianf Kv toloirrn iY in that AceomKIp ferel with by over extension in the front, so J J . does contraction of tlic suspensory and lat- A,,e new uireciory oi worsnip was eral ligaments, the flexor muscles and back ordered to be printed and copies sent tendons, take place. ) This is the prolific I to every church and presbytery for cause of the knuckling over thc pasterns and criticism. On the subject of dismis spriuging of the knees. Besides, as undue . f ffi . h . . . . I I f a -l 4 la a i a-a a11aM ara a-a " 4 vertebne, serious strain is produced on thc v..u v..a uuUW. loins and rear parts, and a disordered state luemit his omce except where he 13 of these members is the consequence. Hence I unacceptable to the people. The As .fm r 1iivkVkikrn vurtiitrt cninjt moninfrUia I 1-1 A ! 1 a. ' il. . 1 ? a. w " -i" . . semoiy uecniieu 10 rev,e we o, f ffi g . . . - ana other Uiseases oi tne spine. delecrntes to the Preshvterifln Alliance. e j m ne yearS QUl v ii a lestox, o. iiay zo. ine thfi chance ae that - i r- ! ivi il, rresuyterian uenerai assembly liearu fQ4. i:fe a long discussion on the overture from ItfAMA llrtkifD .Kon MiliAn ll n 1 ( llin liutov. uawiu klldU nucu uc icu UI9 , , . yw " . . . , , , , , , sieeps upon a ainerentaoor-siep every- origmal employment, where be had . 4 . , . , , . to Work hard for little pay. to enter T . . . , . , - . . . . r , , where every night, and so these wan - upon an omciai position wnere mere . .r . ' . . i ,. , A . 1 . , . , . derers among the creeds, at each givea moment are believing something, al- AVhcre the Islands and Sand Bars in the Mississippi River Come From. though that something is forever al tering. We do not properly belie vo what we only think. A thousand speculations come into our heads and our minds dwell upon them, which are not. therefore tn he hnt intn Anr sunk into obscurity, if not something I p , , n - pp thtxv Rpm. I worse, under the enervating influence U j j hi. i . ' m o i - I t,r cree" our credo, anything which we call by such a sacred name, is not what we have thought, but what our Lord has told us. Conner. ' scores of young men whose early abil-! ittes inspired high hopes of useful ness and success, but who would have JAMES M. GRAY, and Oounssllor at Lav, SALISBURY, N. C. werourtsofthe State. dTTOEXEY AT LAW, practices in the State' and Federal Cfiarts 12:Cm ces, evidenced the skillful and painstaking cultivation, which their musical gifts have t . a , - 0 A. .. . ; A tragic termination to an amusing received at the hands of Mrs. and Miss Kliff- From a series of daily observations ex- the Synod of South Carolina as to iA Remedy for Scarlet Fever. ing incident was witnessed a few day. muller, at once doing credit to themselves tending from the early part of Februaiy the legal authority of the "in thesi ; Mfro Sn Tttlr A man .wu: ! tv. u to 'the liitterfnart of October. 1879. taken arflnta rxf ilia tZ rt a I A eonm Klw Dr. E. Woodruff, for nineteen vears a6 at -ehrw lu xl?lJ aiiu lutrtr auburn jjiiaucu iiimi uiui 9. iuiuc . . . .- - uvuiiiiuiivt v mv wuviu. tv.i" j ' - J t. ' Jl it. usual features of such entertainments were at St. Charles, Mo., nnder the direction aud the geeral power of the Church a practicing physician at Grand Rap- Wlth a dancing bear arrived in the added cornet, trombone and flute played of officers of the UulU d Suites Engineer ,i:aliaa:fltl Mme n nn ids. Michigan, furnishes the Snrinff- evening, and begged a lodging of a by Messrs. W.H. and E.Neave while the Corps, it has been a. ertained that the - Zl'Z field. fllU Journal, the following, M. parts-borne by Messrs. Woods, Baker and average quantity ot earthy matter car- r-.- f ""r .....V .... . , " The bear was accordingly turnecVin- I. . . - . .1 . I ;.. B.,at.Ui.G;nn .i.a Hot nn nr I tiirpu renffi rnn no the jiptinn of the I w asn tne cniiu irom neau to iooii . -. f: A M I a. A mm Kn v 9 n a aii1 11 It. a I 1 icil 1 1ft ouo 1 ' V- as oix'ta a 'ino inuv aaaai w - - --- w - i tjuir'. un aim iitiiu. ltui iivuu auu t,uw . - not for a moment to of the party whom . . f c t 1 mnna rrriKnT Trfim tnm i iki ill r inr this (ifl'H- 1 . - y 7 1 1 iM w mrtan 1. ri .v,v- .-0... ----- . - . xt . uuaiucau uutusu t.u i v I . j I. . .1 " 4l 6iobDt delved ai,d ha31he h..rt? ,h..k . '" jl? .T liour". s,ecl, affirming the lpU aa- U? from hotter, applied freely. Then h ..ieg.'. of dur appreciative people lor tne pleasure "'"" "Fi" v i . ii . . FF . ... .f,1:. lt...L...r 11, trrni.mf.N.t when drr. irivinffanav. thonty of the deliverances in ques- gV tiiar no ana arrnrnpn nnn i up ihm'mhii iii iii v t"- - -w -- j r- " o their visit to nswillbi marked in all our erage of 12,837,312 cubic feet of earth tiou. annaU with a white stone. Where such transported each twenty-four hours dur )rg Wood row and Wilson will fol 1 . . -- n a 1 JM 1 i w i v ita nifv.Drir a t r 0 ins vmrv nan rissvn 1. . . ..... w a a a I 111. M 1 M. .AMH A W I LU LUC I I ii. 7a. T StbVI allV S- aW WWM beforotton. iNot one the Missouri Kiver, intween one loot 01 MjuiSVllIe (Kentucky) Assembly on wuii biroug oai suua wuier, warmueii - Mrs. Kliff.uuller-3 influ- the bottom and the surface, amounts to this subject jn 1879. wipe dry. Then immediately bathe " """V ' - V 1 r jr.- . 1 1 ij 111 nor aotn 11 fi fir i.in.f.y.fi.zixi 1 11. i . . ... i i- 1 .- :iu A i. .M AM i uiiuui ui uik.u um...w- 1 hmiii a turn 1 ireeiv iviLii un iruiu ueci uiiii i u v ui i - " 4 f3 KERR CRAIGE, Sail -! . Li ME -Ms. - T ;We believe that Mr. Jarvis is, by all odds, the strongest man in the Democrat ic1 party for Governor, and next to him. General Scales. They have the! best re cord, and are less vulnerable than any of the prominent gentlemen mentioned for the place.; 7' - e should ani fieiflerson, eys, Counselors ftnd Solicitors. SALISBURY, N. C 1379 1. f ! St It is verv natural thatMr.Fow have many warm frienda-who think him the most tuitable candidate to bead the Democrats to victory in the Gubernato rial race ; but 6hould he receive the nom ination; they will find out that he is much more vulnerable than they anticipated. uniformity of excellence markei the rendi- ring the entire year, enough to cover one jQW to.morrow in opposition. tion of an entire programme it seems ungra- square unm wuu . uq-u, w The rt of the comraittce on . 1 a. tie It- 1 I in.1,.1 I V I cious to appear invmious, anu y ! cCu , , Varrfflf;Ve waa read and annroved. . o,,!; nna;fii. i iiiirin'r the months ot June ana juiv. 1 rr ous for its own beauty and for perfection of the average quantity, per twenty-four The report of the committee on pub- rendition we should point to the fantasie hours amounted to 47396,448 cubic teet, lie work ot the nurcii was a I so read. from Verdi's "Rigoletto" slide trombone enongh to cover a square mile with a 'fhe debt of the publishing house at and piano, Prof, and Mrs. W. H.j Neave. depth of oue foot and eight inches. The Richmond has been reduced to $10,- They were warmly encored, as they well de- maximum quantity observedjbr twenty- 0qq Three years oeo it was $59,000. 1 i . 1 . 1. c.i. 1 m . ... T-.ii. o 1 ii. v. 1 - ssrvea, ana anoiner cuiusioaiii: suvu,c 1 tour hours was on uuij o, io it reawi- . - .- v - --i 12. j -Ti T-i : CT I ... '; - j a. ' e m not oiA 1 I lowea irror. xseave Bnujiiss rw'i"llluiltI 0 1 eu the enormous amouni. i m,uu Trend erinjy of the Americau-Irish song over-1 ftt Rnffii'ifnt to eover a souare mile to a depth of four feet. These fig ures do not take into account the materi al that is held in suspension within the lowest foot of the death, or that which is t hein? rolled alonir the bottom. If these anu ii - , . .... nnnnHMoa rnn ui be ! ascertainea W11U1U vi ' -r - . l.i .. . xi u:- able limit pf approximation to isiauon on uie auujevu I NOTICE ! !MrJ A. Snider was prospecting for cold on Monday, at Mr. John Freexe's in Mt. Ulla.Towuship, with good success. 'AOtlCA ia Iiorolin ron tl.nf I will a iter, A we Mayor's Office, on Inniss street, two rJrS aim VPs the Pwt nfrife fnm Hfond.1T-: TAX i We are glad to learu that the Messrs. -v. iv iiiii ions a vvvi v . . a i . almvethe Post Office, from Mondavi Cope are making arraugemenisio restore Mth. i8so. iri .Tune .Tntiiissn. inr-lii- I the hnildin era recently burned at theBul- rj"ior tue purpose of Listing the-taxa- I Hon Mine. .,.--'v J uuu 1 till?, ,tt. IUO ilinu i ?oury, for corporation taxes of said A 11 li f ! . . . - 1 ' IT-- TAAAma A fiM f ! tllA ,. -- ah persons iaiiniji rotatrena anu i xiuie our suuiw upwiuo . . ' I tli. . wicij niu iro Bui'jcvu qiieSllOu HOW USKCil l'j UJau, , 'uivo imw i Jf.1: u puuauies oi me law, which I ittUX uonarsxflne, or thirty davs impris r-vu l. Avn.' AiPRPiir. i eric , Julie 1J 1830.1 nniril,PnmhiUnnprR. .. ') It. Ma ..I J . . j;vEtter. and Note Heads. Bill Heads. and Envelopes printed to order SiS7 ww rates. tJall at this orlice. discharge"; of the Poteet lufanticides. Well, it would, seem, if such monstrous cri mes aie to go un punished jthat they might as well be dispensed with -.S We learn from his neighbors, that Mr. John Sloan has-tho finest cotton iu his section of the county, turc, on trombone and piano. Made Fools and Born Fools. Dr. Hasen is retained as secretary and treasurer. The Assembly refused to take any action on the overture from the Ath ens Presbytery on the subject of dan cing and worldly amusements, the Church already having sufficient leg- ftom the Oil City Derfclc Did yer know that the Timpkins weren't on cood terras W said Col. Solon . . . - '- t Ji. .: I aiir reason as lie dropped into uie eauoriai cuair i - 1. 1 Ln :nu hnt ther Tv. d H. Rout: of Kentucky, was K. rr r i.M eornxiuTO, hicib - - " ' i I .1 .1 ..lf.ln A...s.nf fligf I 1 a l Jl.f . . . . U nr. 1 CnA wouiu snow Bimiiwuiiiiai iuscoowi i lecieu ueiegiiic IU IIIC VJCIJCIUI UTUUU which has already been determined f tbe Reforraed Chnrch, with Dr. I v;fiuri Hpnubltcan. ? see ine 1 invited the Oil City Derrick, like a out of a wagon., i w - "No, what's the trouble V "Dumn if I know" zactly. Teri other nicht-me'n and wife war out to a party at Deekin ToddV lan'jv e went caz I knew the Deekin didn't; scrimp on eatables abit, an' allers had anmthiu in a jog down cellar. Well, when we got thar the house' was mighty nighj filled, an every one was a talk in' kind o loose like an' a complimeutin' each oher in various ways. Everything slid along as smoothly a chuuk o' butter on a hot knife till long arter supper time Mr. Siinpkin, sez he ta my wife, sez he, 'Mrs. Solon, yer look bout as nigh as. young as yer did ten years ago au my wife, sez . she 'yer a flatterm'.. me, Mr. STmpkin,l oz my wife she knows" what to say, sho docs. An I warn't goin to be outdun in polite- Prior, of Virginia, as alternate. The Birth Rate in France. The Continen tal Gazette notes that the birth rate in France is steadily diminish ing ; so is that of ruajiiage, but in a less er degree the number! of children result ing from these marriages having; great ly declined. In the class com posed of petty tradesman or the well to-do peasants there is seldom more than one child per marriage, and it la staiedjtbat in one ; of the royal communes in Picardy the num ber of children among the best-off of the Pita A New Fiber Plavt.- The American Consul at Vera Cruz has been calling attention to a new fiber plant, a species ofcactus commonly called 4'pita, which promises to add materially to the resources of Mexico. Some of the fibers are sixteen feet long. The fiber is strong and silky, and capable of : minute" subdi vlsiotu Some months ago a native of Vera Cruz seut some of the fiber to Eng- j land, where it was woven into handker- ive freelv eatnin ta. or some trood intention of Stealing the farmer's J)ig sweating article, pennyroyal, ect. Re- The result can easily be imagined, peat every half hour, or as often as The bear & the mena warm re- they get worrisome or wakeful, and P1'011 promptly flooring the wo in one or two'days they will be en- who ventured into the st before they tirely cured. I have been called to acorea me suosuiuuonm cases where they have been fully ma,s- Al,e rooer was pwrneu broke out, and in this way entirely wun Ir,gnt at ine Iaie 010,8 ln- cufed them in twenty-four hours. I l0US DUl manaScu 10 have had thirty cases on hand at a ana ine farmer ana oearaeeper were lime, and never lost a case in my life. 900n on the spot, Thfy found the Rot now I am old and about to irive nm man qmw aeaa seconu oan- up; my business, and seeing from the papers that your town is infected with tho epidemic I wish to do all the good I can. It is so simple. You do not need to call a doctor. A good nurse can attend to them. If by operL ing the pores of the skiir and sweat ing you can let off tbe poison, which is an animalcula, or animal in the 113 .1. i.i. fi Diooa, ine cure ..wmpicie. j Ah he said to himself, as he turn is equawyoou .u ?s cd the awful rank of that unmelo- bard colds ana cougns. 1 uuce tne gerously wounded, and It is believed that the adventure has destroyed the reason of the third. . : f Every position inJife has its cheer ful side. No man can go! so for down the hill that the sun won't shine on some part of the vallcyj for at least an hour in tbe day. Think of the poor organ grinder and: take heart. 1 ttt dious instrument, and heard the pen nies drop on the sidewalk, "if I hadn't studied music when. I was . young l might now be a common beggar." ground that all diseases are caused by a Istodpage of Jhe pores of skin, re taining the poison, or living animals, injthe blool, and all you have to do at first is to open tha doors ot tne sys-1 0 sad state tern and let them out, or drive them I Of human wretchedness I so weak is man, out. All people know a warm bath So ignorant and blind, that did not God is good. But you apply the oil to Sometimes withhold in mercy what we ask, t u , . v ! ! We should be ruinM at oar owu request, the skin, and it keeps the pores open EannaMoe7 "u. V man esnnnt' fully annredate the dis- the Egyptian plague of three dead ones are de- 11: -i : ! - ; 1 . . - - i Aiiarai whii-fi wot irmiifT anii very uea.a 1 . . : nr i - - ii . mi 1 ; peasants is thirtyseven ior tniny-uve " - T-u W : : 'ft T i a Chance to get out. 1 nopeau wm ; ffre-ahleness of ... .... . , - 1.. . i ' tf' .nneanncr more like silver tiatnei i ? ... . 1 agreeauieocsa 01 tamtues. v tiar, asts xue w j -r w .... try it. and they will soon be con- fro nntil two or be the ultimate destiny of ' ranee 11 tnu ae-, wiau , .-f , M I nosited in bis well. . i m (clineot the population coutiquesf and tUer are millions of acres of it. Virtced. 1 posited tu ms wen. , , .1 si- ti. it . if. i i : ' - : :: ... ; ..... f - i -. 1 , , - -, . ! . - i ; ! : ' - - . . ! . i : 'I

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