XLTHIRL SERIES - ml : ; s : : SALISBURY, II. C, ; JULY 8 1 f N038 1 r V :- : Carolina Watchman, POETRY. ' i 3TXBLISIJED IN THE TEAR 1832. PRICE, $1.50 IS AUVANCfS.' 1 one tor (Kisses. My love and I for kisses played j. ' j Klin ahaiitfl LaAft-nlrtta ,' T a... . A. avi c0RACT ADVERTISING RATES. But when I won should be iij w e Care-r of the Donmcrnti.M ancMates than 201 il I 1! FEBEUAI;Y20,kso- ' ; 1 This made me ask her What she lOt-mir. for 1'i i.leii't and Vii-Presideiit. We lish in th rray, since i see," quoth she, ll'your wrangling vein, " -1- j' Take your own kies; give me mine IKm. rod, 1804. 1 1 month 8 pi's S ni'a 6 m's , u ms go. I do. I do. do. I fj.50 i $2.60 $3.5U SO.itO $8.00 5.00 4.60' 5.85 T.W 18.00 - 4.50 6.00 T.60 11.0)1 1 15.00 6,00 '7.50 9.00 13.50 18.00 7.50 9.75 11.85 16.50 85 00 M."?5 15.75 80.50 85.50 40.00 13,13 1 86.85 88.75 48.J5 1 75.u0 - again. 3 and looked and loved" again.- j ' But looked and loved and loved and look ed, and looked and loved in vain. R POIilTICAIi i It is not often, says the Richmond fUiK GREAT SOUTHERN State, thai we meet in duy country xiiey no not maice tnoir nli ills. 1 L.ttan. wliite Sweiuiir.Coat. liolire. HmmbipUoii, Bsonehit), Acrvoas De Euitj, Jtalaria, mud all dbMMt arising irgn aa mpm miuuuuB uv uwu, LjJaoricalp. 3 i CUBES SCROFULA. "" - '"' Cures Rheumatism. Cures Syphilis. Cures Malaria. liiaHYr-" Cures Nervous Debility. R0SADA&IS-. CURES CONSUMPTION. i.i n ir A- ... i . ;, . .r ... : Gen. Hancock and Hon Wm. II. - (English. . - We copy lengt hy sketch of t he pub- POLITICAL' JOINTS. ri j j . . -. NO ELECTORAL COMMISSION THIS TIME. l3PW J he National Contention at Cincinnati, June 24, 1880. The Democratic Platform. Put us down as predicting' not less than 2C1 votes for Hancock and Enc:- : tonvenuon assembled declare: The Democrats of the United States in ; ; - tl .Ui,V;UAiiX way. gl4 to receive a friend cordially, i UIED, at bis residence near KAlUfuirv I Ilia .nvninn . A on the 28th of June, 1880, of that fati cure unbltJ i , WW"-" malady, "Bright diseaseof the Kidney L7l ?lench!?r lnttyvboth in thougl.t; xitsDERsox, Eq.t in the 70th 7, ' k" - wr,ier who knew him year of his age. well, may be allowed the expression Tin's diseafte is pronounced incurahle natur1 ChristUnthat iV nathrehad im notice in regard to any previous selec tion of .President and JVice-Presiilent. Bei ng4otlt Northermntfii, and Uiiton or war Democrats, their noruinat Um kills the sectional cry and buries for- jever the notorious "bloody -shirt" is- e electoral collefo. TIip fiir w i a a.-. wa. ii'-.. t i found the sketch in the Raleigh Xetcs, tires may go abovejbut not below ' n, " ' our -ew to the ,y tne raedical faCulty, and generally fa- Pnt im such high moral iprincinles , uiuiici, BUU inUJUODS OI . f w K o H,..i..l .1.- ... . - tblt he W n r.,tl, .Pl. as illustrated by the terthA ft.L- -i.; of the first ..r,W a.ii: I.. . ..... n. jui in uio Buu cciainnrj &uu his irprn i thru sketch, it waa chronic, coveriug a space crdinal "turcs of St Paul hchad Faith fI i jears,. curing winch he was a eon- "c uau ope ne naa the greatest nf 1 l . . w i staut but unraurmuring sufferer. He ree' nantJ or love to God, lore to man. was born on the 8th of Januarv. 1811. and 111 10,8 altn. P and Love. Ire died anri . . . ' ' .iil.n... ' . - " cousquently at his -death, was aged 09 ut?nerai itesurrection he will doubtless years, 5 mohths aud 20 days. He was the receiTe t,,e bessmg vouchsafed terought all son of Archibald Heuderson, the eminent, xlernuJ. n? yc bles.ed children of my and therefore give that pa jer creilit this. It requires 185 to elect ; Gar- tile Democratic partv i . l -II l' 1. 1 1 . .!... 1..J 1 I Mill I . . !! . . - iot ir. ii win ue niguiy iiireresiiug neiu ano Aniiur win ue iniriea. jo teacinng -and example of along line of Dem- to the reader. -.- returning boards or electoral com- Gitra tic statesmen and patriots, and cm bod i- f The nomination of Gen. ''Hancock ' missions will have a part in deciding e'f 1 1 the P,atform of the ,t National con- aud Mr. Gnzlish seems to have given ! the next election. Th; people will do , V'"1'00 of e PartJ- ? c . .i ii i i . . i i Ii i 1 lSecon. Opposition to centralization and inoregeneraj ttitfaction to the whole the electing, and they will do it so t6 that dangerous spirit of encroachment country than , we -remember to have j well for Gen. Hancock that Garfield which tends to consolidate the power of all will wonder what he ! was runninsr at t,,c departments in one, and thus to create. O ;i . all for. New Haven tnion. yea, pre-emiuent Jurist (for he Was with- i VERY DAMAGING. n 'J -i ' rr ,i comQlon schools to be fostered and protect , 1 lie charges agaiusfc Gen. Hancock eti. thus far are decidedly damaging. Third. Home rule, honest money, consist . u ouiuutuai jaws: separation , of Church and State for the good of each; appearance every day, but come at widely separ- 1 ' - I ...L!.L I I !!.! .. I il. . ' Ifpm llM IS 1 rronf anvin ifnm n in!T OT frnlfl nnrt n.l biIpop B,yA - .,f pi. ,i T i i . sue wnicu 4iuvc uccii reueu on oy uie 6,'"Vfc,"tt" i uu ,jaJTC,, u- rather, felt than seen.-!,, I!,...,. . Ipt. of West R.int; item, an . v.rtible u coin o d.m,d; ric. aiui uermanv we see instances a this f j i , . .. . i time of two or three of these meteor ! eVel7 camPain since the close of tlie men who make their age historic. In this country we havejelt thejpresr ence of at least two, and their great i late war between the States. . t- Of course there are some individual Democrats, who were disappointed at inlllPh(,..i.mn rUMimn ' 'pi.L . We nominal ion ot Hancock because .......v-. wx. la.sv.i .i.ii iiiiic a uctc air -t- t rhas its tnf I nacfciirra. baow h win tell von fciceil'ent lilood Purfier. E01AD1LIS Is sold by til Drugdsti "i "'-.'?!S5r.'g: jjr mil? and BEAST. j External and Internal. 2 HE GREATEST rUN-EEUEVES 05" TE2 AGE. iEaur fftiwr .Pi j , 1 JSK GBEAT VEGETABLE CATTTaRTIO KEUULAiC-i. Vcketable WORM SYRUP litantlv dstrrTa T70?.?IS. anl J r'v-c mended by j-iyiicLaaj cj tao best crl a plenty of men who are betterj than their age or Jheir pa r t y u 1 1 h ose w ho are greater' than, both are few and' far between. That Tilden is one of these phenomenal men we think is I now readily acknowledged by all j who haver felt the influence of the suhtle power he has wielded over the party during the past few ycarsKaud which so far from losing force has only gained additional weight by his With- 1 '. a urawat iroan the actual leadership. Id this,res;ect he is as much greater than' Grant, that other-man' in this fair land who stood greater hdn his party ? as intellectual aud moral ipow er is greater than the force of destiny and the mere instincts' of brute force. t . w. .C . 1 ii r . i rJ. . - t.- - - i .. i i ivunutu oi ine niioiic iaitli btate and Na- Episcopalian : item, a corset-wearer: , i'tlx-liin"' oiaie anu It iai , brains News. against brawn.-r iia. Diiringr with Mr. Tilden. I ZTVot r.al Iv all Dt-t ."s. U JOnXF. HEIIRY. CUDRAN CO., WCoiIe-e Place, rfCTT yCTh. loHale by T. F. KLUi'TZ, Druggist, ll6:ly. ! :tli-buiv, . C. i iilioit Prices! CLOVER; ORCHARD, , v-- ana Ill othef Grass Seeds, at Rifhinond Mtreiglijijiicltided). ud see -tit hA.Mbb. New York, June 30. General Hancock having expressed a deJireto jeall informally upon Gov. Tilden, ii.. . .1 c:. .. a- iir.nJ ' p liic general inei oenaior aiia'e, or Pennsylvania, Gen. Franklin, of Con necticut, and Henry Watterson, of Kentucky, this afternoon at the Gil sey House by appointment, whejn the party repaired to the well-known mansion in uramercy park anti, were received and entertained by Gov. Tilden with cordial hospitality. Gen. Hancock and Mr. Tilden 4rad a pro tracted and agreeable interview. and in taking his leave. Gen. Hancock they expected and desired the selec- j tion of another gentleman, but they will givejthenominee as warm a sup port as they would had their iavorite been nominated. In common with ma ny good Democrats in this section and elsewhere, we thought how was the time to take up a good civilian states man and elect him, but it may be that the best course has been adopted, and one that will result in the certain suc cess of the National Democratic party. We congratulate all good people on the present condition of affairs, aud the prospect that all sectional strife is to be eliminate from the political can vass of 1880. The Democrats of the South were once willing to take the notorious an- 'q ti-5outhern Horace Greely as ithe President of these United States for the sake of harmony and promoting prosperity, but the Radicals of Ithe item, he was engaged in an expensive Indian war; item, Mrs. Surratt was hung. These things' are enough to make an American, citizen forswear the 'and of his birth. '-Chicago Times, Jnd. ! . t don't liketubcutop his clothes. j Major-General Hancock is the per sonification and quintessence of mili tary foppery. He is the delight of the ladies and the excruciating, inimi table model of ambitious beaux. The American people will never elect such a military exquisite cjyer the robust manly volunteer soldjer and exper ienced statesman, James A. Garfield. Philadelphia Journal, Rep. ii MISCAUniED. General Grant's letter of consjralu- lation to General Garfield is so lomj on its way that we fear the ex-Presi dent forgot to stamp it. New York Star. i der, of Cabarwis-countygrandson of Richard Henderson, the colonial judge nnder the British crown, and whose auto graph is visible in the Court records of Rowau county nephew of Leonard Hen derson, one of the first elected judges on our buperior Court bench an office first father, receive th l.io;. juvpareu lor you from the beginning of ihe world." ' integer vitae sceleris que puraURequieg- in race. ? r. - cat V AGKlCULTUHAt. To Restore Old Laxd. By actual ex- periencel find that ploughing in green croos tendered to his brother Archibald, who WC" r,ated Totation crops is the ' I fill TAQr inn nAoi-iAnt a J. . it NO SPEECHES TO MAKE. ...... ! does not matter! that General North rejected . their old .seetwual HanciM.k is not a speech-maker. He has nothing to explaini- Philadelphia Record. N- i THE SIUATION IN A WORD. JAIV1ES M. GRAY, ! Mopey and Oouiissllor at Law, ' v SALISBURY, X C. ! OfEfditj the Court House-lot, next doo to$qitfeIan:Mon. Will practice iu all the UOtA-ta of the State. , - I 1 a 1 mpRXEY AT LAW, A.LIS1JURY. IV. C 4 Notices in the State and Federal a. voarfa. 12:6m i Ait KERR CRAIGE, Stiaritfn at ato, ani Heilerson, wwyrneys, Counselors 'ill . onJ 0A1!4i.. ! SALISBURY, N. C 1 1 , - ;' :. ;Janpa i ha - - i ii ro Female College, Greensboro, W. C. .fn 'Scssion :ll be gin on the 23th of offtra superior 'MtiiL i moral -.culture, com- Wdjjp t'le ceaj forts of a leai?ant, wtll or- .V i fxl!Ifj"r "oo of 5 month': -Board -uiiig ano Hgmaj ano luilion ln fourne, $75. Extra Studiea 0r particulam apply to T. M. JOES, Pres't. early g be- accepted an invitation to pay an visitj to Gramercy. The 1'eeli tween the two is represented jto be exceedingly cordial. No one! was present except the gentlemen named, anil th? interview was unceremonious and unrestrained. The Frecdmaii's Bank. champion simply because the South endorsed., him. It remains to be seen whether they (the Northern Radicals) can defeat a Federal General and a Union-war Democrat simply because Well, the Democrats are happy. le is acceptable to the Southern De- Boston Herald, Ind. mocracy. . No matter who-is pleased or tlis- pleased, the Southern States will give a solid vote for Hancock and English, and if Northern Democrats will; do their duty, and carry a few Northern State, Gen. W. S. Hancock will be the next President of the United Mates. Let the Democrats of the Northern States now prove by their works that they are in earnest, and have been acting in good faith to wards the South. Char. Democrat. com vings Washington, June 28. Thej missiouers of the Freedman's Sa Bank announce that they will short ly pay another 10 per cent, divi- deud to 4fs unfortunate depositors. This will make 40 per cent, in all. The commissioners have 1 i i tie ex pec tation that the assets will enable them to pay. more than 50 per cent; to the depositors. No dividend hasi been paid since 1878. The commissioners however, have since thattimb ex pended large sums in caring for the bank: property. They anticipate that j the government will buy the banki buildings which is now occupied by the Department of Justice and the United States Court of Claims j and is a "white elephant" on the hands of the commissioners. HAxebeK McClureisms : General Hanclock is said to carried on an expeusive cam t?6 CuSj NoteIIeads, BillHu-ds, T rw-OPES printed to order uvr rates. Call at this office. .at . rf'f against the Cheyenries in which he only succeeded in killing two' In dians. That is nothing. In his cam paign against the rioters in Phi ad el phia he didn't kill anybody ; but he stopped the riot all the same. , The" Republican organs are aston ished at the nomination ofHancock, and they are very free' to say don'tlthink any man should be' l nated for President who has not had have laign Vhat they Think of us. We never really believed until yesterday that any intelligent people at the North believed in Southern outrages When Gen. Hancock issued his Louisiana Order, President Andrew Johnson well summed Up it and its teachings: "General! Hancock an nounces that he will make the law the rule of his conduct; that he will uphold the Courts and other civil au thorities in the performance of their proper duties, and that he will use his military power only to preserve the peace and enforce the law. When a great soldier with unrestricted power in his hands to oppress his fellow men voluntarily foregoes the chance of gratifying his selfish ambition and devotes himself to the duty of build ing up the liberties and strengthen ing the laws of his country, he pre- AAAf fYi miniiiiiifii tinrinsoa i A . , J n .i n sents an example of the hitrhest nub J o o , It:- .. : i. i..... .. i x.,..n lie iiuic mac uuiuau uiiiuic is ;uja I., had wished to attend Judge Strong's law school and had written to the Judge to inquire about terms &c. In replyto Judge Strong's answer he mtes: 'I would be happy to avail myself of the advantages which your school ble of practicing. EXAMINER 1TE3IS. It is high time the people were casting about for suitable candidates for the Legis lature and county offices. The people should turnout in their pri offers, and if the matter rested entire- mary meetings and make their selections Iv with me would certainly do so. without dictation, and then come to the R.TiJr . . i ri County Convention in mas and ratify their nf I ,rrfiict tiatar (nth wuhpa nt m v I '" j J D . choice. If they will do so, there is no rea inenas. tenner iur. o. nor myseii tn - , t. af 5mr4PI1IWP fifJi,.Hr,n. !! have been able to prevail upon them made there is no reason to fear that any to consent to my going South, on ac- but true and tried friends . of our cause wil be uomi- expenence in civil ad m i n istnit ion. -f a, -; 1 1 : - This s a kind of a second, thought that has come to them since; 1868, when Grant was firsfc nomina'tedi' count of the generally disturbed state of society which they in common with many of the Northern people believe exists -there.' It is a matter of wonder-with some of the newspapers whether General Hancock' will resign his army com mission ' before election, as McClellan did. It is possible General Hancock may "follow the more recent pre cedent established by General Grant and hold ' on to his commission until within a few., hours of his inaugura tion..; V, r -. i'. - r Raleigh . Observer : ' A Tetter has been .received by the Governor, stat ing that a memorial window is to be placed in Westminster Abbey, iLon doiCini honor of Sir Walter Raleigh, whose name this city bears.1 The let ter iiife V'wBtflbution'fbF on the part of this city, for the ereption of the window. be selected there is no reason to fear that bolters, independents or disorganizes wil be recognized. Let the people speak out, and take hold of the matter in a body. Fourth.. Subordination of the military to cijil power and general and thorough reform of the civil service. Fifth. The right to free ballot is t ha right preservative of all rights, and must and shall be maintained in every part of the United States. i Sixth. The existing administration is the representative of a conspiracy only, and its claim of right o surround ballot-boxes with troops and deputy marshals, to intimidate and obstruct electors,and the unprecedented use of the veto to maintain its corrupt and despotic power, insults the people -and im perils their institutions. Seventh. The great fraud of 1876-77, by which upon a false count of the electoral votes of two States the candidate defeated at the polls was declared to be President, and for the first time in American history the will of the people set aside under a threat of military violence, was struck a deadly blow at our system of representative government ; the Democratic party, to pre serve the country from civil war, submitted for the time in the firm and patriotic faith hat the people would punish this crime in 880. This issue precedes and dwarfs every other. It imposes a more sacred dutvuuon he people of the Union than ever addressed he consciences of a nation of freemen. - Eighth. We execrate the course of this administration in making places in the civil service a reward for political crime, and de mand reform by a statute which shall make it forever impossible for a defeated candid- date to bribe his way to the seat of a usur per: Ninth. The resolution of Samuel J. Tilden not to be a candidate for the exalted place to which he was elected by a majority of his countrymen, and from which he was exclud ed by the leaders of the Republican party, is received bv the Democrats of the United States with sensibility, and they declare their confidence in his wisdom, patriotism and integrity to be unshaken by the assaults of a common enemy, and they further assure him that he is followed into the retirement he has chosen for himself by the sympathy and respect of his fellow-citizens, who re gard him as one who, by elevating the stand ards of public morality and adorning and purifying the public service, merits the last ing gratitude of his country and his party, Tenth. Free ships and-a living chance for merican commerce on seas and on land ; no discrimination in favor of transportation lines, corporations or monoplies. Eleventh. Amendment of the Burlingame treaty; no more Chinese immigration ex cept for travel, education and foreign com merce, and thereon carefully guarded. ! Twelfth. Public money, public credit for public purposes solely, and public land, for actual settlers. j Thirteenth. The Democratic party is the friend of labor and the laboring man, and pledges itself to protect him alike, against cormorants and the commune. ! Fourteenth. We congratulate the country upon the honesty and thrift of the Demo cratic Congress which has reduced the pub lic expenditure forty millions a year; upon a continuation of prosperity at home and national honor abroad, and above all upon the promise of such change in the adminis tration of the government as shall insure us genuine and lasting reform in every depart ment of the public, service. from oecunmrv n,V n. ' eurni BUU cneapest way to improve worn- j " v i it ii Buniu nanimously declined it iu favor of his brother Leonard, and brother of Mrs. Jane C. Boyden of Salisbury, so well and so favorably known throughout the State. In December 1840, he married Mary Steele Ferrand, eldest daughter of Dr. Ferrand, of Salisbury. From this union there were any kind of crops, whether small grain, peas or clover to plow the land deep. It is not expected that a farmer will take his whole farm through this process at one time, but he may use the best of it for corn or cotton, while he improves a part of it, and change -.j. ..u UUIUU lUCre WCrtJ Kri, .1. ... - - . X 3 "Hi. Hisedu-1 " f , ,. l - cation was liberal. Matriculating first at prove it all. All land cultivated in corn .ImnU 1. 1 ... . . Yale College, he comnl , f . u,u w in ai 1 nc P-wing his studies at the University of Virginia. Baptized when young and afterwards Confirmed by Bishop Atkinson, he per took of the Holy Communion a short time before his death, at the hands of the cel ebrant, Rev. F. J. Murdock, Rector of St. Luke's church. He had a profound rev erence for the Christian religion, but from physical causes, was prevented from at tending church. His was a mind of su- corn. No land should be cultivated in cotton more than one year without chang ing to another crop. Jf. Groom "before Me don Grange, Alabama. Getting Rid of the Weevil. A French writer asserts that his father years ago clean ed his barns and grain bins of the weevil in tlie following simple manner : "He placed an open cask impregnated with tar, in th linm anrt than in f1a n n n . .1. ........... I - .u i in. Kiauaiics . uv 1 1 1 C villi . . --.H...I - -8"- ofsome hours the weevils were seen climb- cast; a judgment clear, vigorous and .iftnw th. ... LA klllind. Wtllla Ilia nonfnl i-t I . JO . .. .. in all directions from the cask. On moving greats his physical was not. For years hh r 1 r 1 i .1 lO irni rllA IlkIllll ni-nnU rf IhA lo.v I -I i.iu wiuuii viatic ui uio icuiu 1 -.-.: . r- , r ... , 1 I premises were in n fw inva nmnlot.t lrt liarttf in tltaa innnftr nod Iia n - I . : 1-... ' " ' cleared of these troublesome and pernicious Knowledges leader of that party. He was -neata. TI.p f.r t. mw.4i uk krltaral rllO trraof hoof vaaI IvaoI vva4-A.l I - ."f- , these ingects ma asheperceiveatheirnrea- itintn 11 n nil 1 . . . . n F . .. . . I ' wiiimau u an ill IB iiiuu Ul tuuilllj '. I . i. c - , . xt . M : . .1 i o - umu ueer uuuer8looa ine meory 01 Dlank. witU Ur d nlacB th.m B rpnn5r(k(1 i t il. t.i i . 1 . I I T 1 " " "f 'u nu new the ur from time to timc in U)e course inoreoueoienttoitsjaws. Aot ambitions of ofthl!VCttP to thp:rPfll!a a; i e ..I J uuice, uuour, or preiermeni, ne ien in ins .1 . ... I own case, wun Aaensiuc, "tuat tne post Ticks os Cattle. -Cattle cratin? atlha of honor, was a private station." But still outskirts of woods, among brush and shrub office sought him. He was elected a mem- bery, are liable to be covered with ticks. oer oi tlie electoral college with Hon. Brushing the cattle over once a week-with iNamaniei macon, in ,ie.io. ne was a a mixture of one part kerosene and two part memoeroiuiecouncuoi tate,unoeriiov- iaro 0 wfn protect them from the attacks ernorsKeid and tins, and Director on 0f this vermin. When ticks are found on the part of the State, of the Western N. cattle in considerable numbers, they should C. Railroad, from its organization untillnotbe removed by force because in that tne new regime alter tne war. in gener- i case he head of the tick will remain imhd. al literature, he was well read, and mem- ded in the hide of the animal, and. when in ory rarely proved treacherous to him. iarge numbers, will lie apt to cause consid- His JiiDie was always on tne table, at erable irritation and inflammation of the wnicu ne sai anu reau so mncn, ana oiten skm. By apnlyinjr aliffht coat of Jard or a did he "search the Sriptures." Reared in iittie benzine, by means of a brush to the the lap of luxury, enjoying the 'emolu- body of the tick, they generally! withdraw ments of a large estate, until the late civ- their heads and let go their hold on the il war, with no personal ambition to grat- hide. Western Farm Jaurnal. ify, he had no incentive to nrge him on to the goal of fame. The matchless fame of Watering Hoeres. Do not give a tired a the father, seemed not to inspire the am- horse very cold water, as it often produces bition of the son. While the father, in I colic. Many allow water to stand for some the legal profession, stood without a peer time in buckets. On the road horses should and, in the language of Judge Murphy, be watered once in ten miles at least. Tha "was the most perfect model of a lawyer stomach of a horse is so small, in com pari- that our bar has produced," the modest, son to his body, that large draughts injuri- unassuining son was content with the ously distend it; consequently, small quan- comfort and delight ot his happy home; tities at regular intervals is the best rule. yet like that father, the faculties of a Always loosen the check rein before giv- strong mind and a brilliant intellect in ing water to a horse. If watering with a the son,were blended with the most exalt- pail, hold it higher than necessary to relieve ed moral feelings, and civic virtues. The the neck from the pressure uponl the collar. petty quarrels, and groveling disputes,and It is not natural for a horse to drink witlr driveling contests of men, were far beneath this head up, any more than it is for a man - him, for he soared in the region of pure, to get down to drink. exalted, noble sentiment, and there he An Interesting Book. We have been shown an interesting book entitled the His tory of the Yellow Fever Epidemic in Mem phis in 1878. It was written by Col J. M. Keating of the Memphis Appeal, and is very graphic in its description of the scenes dur ing the terrible plague, ilr. T. R. Waring, son of R. P. Waring, Esq.. of Charlotte, and secretary of the Howard j Association, of Memphis at the time of the prevalence of the fever, sent it to Kerr Cr!aige, Esq. With the exception of 500 copies for gratuitous distribution, the copy right of the book is given to the Howard Association. It will be published and sold bjj tluV benevolent Association, and the proceeds devoted to the erection of a monument to the ph jscians, nurses, and it members who died in Mem phis daring the scourge. i w ' vi The book contains an appendix showing a list of the dead and alsoW the contribu tors to the sufferers with the amounts, Ac, The total amount contributed by North Ca-olina is f 7,190 76. The amount sent by the citizens of Salisbury, & 330. Three Boys Hanged. ! Bad boys need not go West in order to find adventure, commit crime and swing into the next world from a gallows tree fTwO Chicago boys, aged respectively seventeen and nineteen years, started a year ago for the East in search of ad venture, and they found it before hal way here by killing an old man for his money. Then, instead of becoming tre mendons fellows among hard characters. as boys iu books always do when they have killed their man, they spent a year in jail, and yesterday were strangled on the gallows. Another boy younger than ither, left the world in company with jthe Icoupje. He began his business career by stealing, and when a Companion threatened to tell he shot him. No mem ber of the trio was old. enough to be trusted away from apron strings, and other boys who are panting to distin guish themselves in blood aud thunder style would do well to take the hint. An apron string in a boy's buttenhoh is not half so annoying as a stoat rope around his neck, and when finally untied it leaves him for something better than to horrify newspaper readers and feed the worms. occupied a standi ug that was pre-eminent. Having spoken of his mind, what shall we say of his heart? With no disposition to injure others, he forgave others their tresspasses against him. Possessing great delicacy of feeling, and a sensibility ten der and refined as that of a lady, his af fection, for his wife, chiidreu, relations and friends, always glowed with undying fervor, and whether as husband, father brother, friend or master, he was all the human heart could wish. He went far ther than the code of ancient Ethics. For besides, the "honeste vivere.w to live hon estly and honorably the "laedere nenii ueni," to injure no man, and the "tribuere cuique suum" to give every matt his due, (a large and comprehensive code, cover ing a great portion of the Christian), be believed in and reverenced the one, living and true God. Racked with bodily pain, tortnre and snfferriog, the greater portion of his adult life, he bore it all without a Climate Controls Varieties. The va rieties in tobacco are onlythe result of cli matic influences, as there is but One species that has ever been cultivated. The differ ent kinds soon loose their characteristics when planted continuously in any given lo cality. All varieties of seed leaf are. doubt less, from the original Connecticut seed leaf, which, in turn, i nothing more than the Havana of Cuba, acclimated iir-the North ern States. When these facts are known, it is evident that, in order to preserve the pe culiar qualities of any variety; (t is neces sary to obtain seed frequently from its orig inal locality. Western Tvbaeea Journal. Kissing is simply the meeting of two pairs of lips. It may express a great deal, but it really amounts to a very little. It is rather but very I rief. It ts a sort skin and iump" bliss. Its! ar pleasant iof "hop, like the ranrniar, and bowed in meek submission lightning, you scracely know it is ended but . ji -. : e r to ail ine u.,pCuuv.ous ox rrouuence. commence(1 yieD q , jg Says Addison, in his Spectator, "there is ... , ... not on earth a spectacle more worthy, JStl11 ne people-Iike.it. than a great man superior to his suffer-1 jn the following love couplet there f ngs. Up to tne late war, ne was gem- h & t y ; of j al and social, riding up to town nearly t. . in. thm ti nleaaant eon. much meaning as there IS versation and companionship of friende. most moving love songs- have After the war, stripped of his personal fashionable run : - j property, consisting mostly in slaves, about . . . . tict&itomh A d deed is uerer lost he who with family, books, newspapers, periodicals, eos courtesy reaps friendship, and &c as hU chief solace in old age, but tl- he who plants kindness, gathers lo Ye. mm in raaur a 1 m -.

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