r Carolina -Watcbman. 'THURSDAY, JULY 81 83u. NATIONAL DEMOCRATIC TICEET;-. . t S FOR PRESIDENT: WIN irlELET SCOTT HANCOCK, . ' - Or PenSsylvaxia. ! FOR VICE-PIiESWENT": WILLIAM H. ENGLISH," Of Ixdi as a. D23IDCHATIC STATE TICKET: FOII GOVERNOR, ' THOMAS J. JAEVIS, Of Pitt. For LiEi TKXXT-GrVEnxon, JAMES L. ROBINSON; t 'Of Macon. Fob Secretary of State, WILLIAM L. SAUNDERS, For Attorn ey-G exer ae, ; THOMAS S: KENAN, ' Of Wilson. Fon Treasurer, JOHN M. WORTH, Of Randolph. ;Fou Auditor, f. p. Roberts, ... . Of Gates. For Scrj. Public Instruction, J 01 N C. SCARBORO, Of Johnston. Electors for the State at Large, JAMES MADISON LEACH,, i Of Davidson. FA til US II. BUSBEE,' t ' or-wsskc. Seventh Ulstriet 1 (in" ressioiml Convention. -At a meeting of the Democratic Executive Committee of the Seventh District held at Statesville on j Tuesday the 8th, a Conven tion to nominate a candidate for Congress, was called to meet in Y A D K IN VILLE on THURSDAY, he. th of August. IErUBLICA .MEETlXCr IX CHARLOTTE. --The Observer of Sunday last, brings re port of the proceedings of a Radical con vention in vv hjcli there were several in cidents of public interest. We note firtt, thatVni.'R. Myers ami Gen. li. Ban in ger'were the only white men' who took part, , The oth er speakers were negroes. John Sehenek, colored, seemed to be' the I ruling spirit of the body, and when resfttf i ed in noma of the proceedings of the nieet- in,;, rose up with his follower?, and threat j ened to,;vacatejhe Hallr This brought j up Gem Ban ner, who gave in toSchenck, I and begged the meeting-to do'so. He was j successful Harmony was restored, and ;the'meethig proceeded with its business. But we note seeoned, that in, the course of las .speech ( Gen. JJamnger declared . j that jif the Democrats ever got the power -1 theywonld restore slavery : He Icneifi then denied it, but they a cre liars !t : j We put this on record for the General's benefit hereafter. Was it said to appease Schneck, and scare up the negro vote! . "Was it intended to signalize extraordinary courage iu behalf of radicalism t Was it in pajtnent of a debt to the radical party, from whom it is reported the General has received substantial tokens of, favor! Was it becanso he believed what lie said ' jwas true! These are interesting inquiries ! land we leave them to our readers io solve. The General has placed "himself ! beyond the pale of a charitable construction by the violence of this own language. Men are at liberty to believe what the please ot him. . ' " i The strength of the Democratic party in iJforth Carolina is beyond all question. The only trouble about it is to get them; to go to the polls. A gentleman from Atwell town ship safil to us a few days ago "nearly all the focrcashes in Atwell (there are about 160 of them), are good solid men and dem ocrats, bat not more thanixtv of them ever troubletheinselves co go to thjt polls." This is an exceptional year. The democrats iof this great country are gojngto vote a tre mendoas rebuke to thef&'publicans for put ting Hayes in TildeoAs place, and every good Wan in Audi's township, we trust, will make a. hand at the work. ; ' ' ' CouxTr CoxvEXTioxs-Since our last the State Executive Cmimittce have, sub mitted a plan for holding County Cou-ventious-for the , purpose of nominating candidiits in the several counties of the State. Ve ar;glad tliey have done so amljt mastbV apjWi-ent to all that the aim of the Central; Executive Committee was ypiuitarily to devise a jdan which would fairly bring -out the true seuti ments of the people and secui-e the great est possible harmony. They could have no other design. The County Executive 1 ouumttee of lUwan uovr have this plau underconsideratiai!, andAvill iu oiir next address the demoemtic voters I of the Icountyoh tlie sulyect. ' - 1 ; The National Republican Committee ! met in.W asliington, July 2d, and or-nut jiized.1 Marshall Jewell, Connecticut was elected Chaiinian." Ex-Seuatw flJorseV ..H of ArkausaK w;is made Secretary in place of Ivcogh, of N01 th - Carolina; i A " sub 1 committee of seveu membeis was appoin ted, to have its. headquarters at Chicago, j; with John A,, Logan, of. Illiuois, chair- j 4 3v 1 N. C. JIixixg e suppose there is not man or company en raged in the milling business tu . this State ' who entered npon it ? liefore he or jtliey had .fully satisfied tltehiselrk that the prospect of making money tas rea -isojiablyirf or thsit ihe4udieations-jusH-fietl the risk thel proposed to make. We" suppose farther,-that they en deavored accurately to calculate the amount of the rik and t(Kprovide for meeting all the demands of the venture with cash. A failure in either pe, ? pecmllflielast, would le likely to prove -embarrassing if not disastrous to their hopes. Why T Betanso ready cash is in' disiensable .W al operations pf this kind. .Without it he company soon saf--fer a Toss of confidence. Local - business men, niay, afford temporary relief,. but , in their ignorance of the financial standing of the com puny, they naturally .become nervous and fear'al aa they , feel the weight of the help they are giving, and a failure to come-to time is apt to precipi tate movements to secure themselves. This is all very natural, and although it may; sometimes afford the ground work of complaints of bei ug hardly dealt with, it cannot ' bo denied that similar actions under; similar . cirepmstanees sis the rale the world over, anjd the exceptions no more rare in the South than elsewhere. It is a .(act, then, that companies engaged Tit mining in North Carolina, must pra vide to meet business engagements with promptness, in small as well as in large transactions, orenepcuter the usual scram bles that men make to protect themsel ves against loss, or japprehended loas. " If it be true that northern mining com panies satisfy themselves in advance of the probable character of the mine in which they propose to invest hiouey, (and we giye them credit for so doing), then, by the judgment o f men who profess to be competent to pass on such matters, the mining properrj- of North Carolina is worth all the ventures that have been or may yet be made tj test their value. No honest company win make an important venture on the mere word of - a proprie tor. but, the property is first closely in spected and subjected to thorough tests. The company's age it enters the mine and takes from it the o es and subjects them to a satisfactory exsitniuation. No amount of bulling will sell ja gold mine to men who expect to work it and get oat of it the purchase money. It must be proven to be all that is claimed for it. The dis honest work in mine transactions is not done by the North . Carolina proprietor who proclaims thatj he has a gold mine worth sidling, Hp is geuerally a poor man and sella becaHse he is not able or willing to incur t!e expense of working out the property. ! AU the bulling he can do can ouly elicit a thorough exami nation f his property by men who are supposed to possess! scientific knowledge of the , subject, and a ' sale at any price must be accepted as proof of value. . If these promised be true, then North Carolina mines qre j worthy the attention of northern 1 capitalists, notwithstanding a captious man berejind there, may say the coutrary ; and j this brings us to the poiut we set put to reach. JXVe are willing to make allowance for the feelings of one who has adventured and failed to realize expectations; but when he predicates upon that the , assertion that there is no minrng property in the State worthy of an honti4u vestment of money, he should see that he brings his judgment in direct conflict with scores of others equally coinjHiieui. 10 give, an opinion, and who are actually demonstrating the contrary ; for there are many mines and miners in the State. This is an attitude we do not chose to caiument ox, bnt it must suggest to any onetoccupyiug it doubts as toils propriety, and whether it may not sub ject him to ail off-hand, criticism. It certainly has no general concurrence, or mining would soon cease to be a business inthc State ; wheaeas it has been and is yet arrowing interest, and men esteemed to be wise in such maters think we are just noweutering upon developments of far greater importance than ever hereto fore concei yed of. Al most every day brings .to light the existence of hidden minerals in our hills ivtid valleys, whilst mines -which are worked with skill are generally remunerative. . . Trcss Conveution.' The Convention met in Ashcville, North Carolina on Wednesday, June 80th in. ac cordance with an invitation extended by the people of that pleasant city.f We do not propose to tax the general reader with the businees proceedings of the Convention, but win only give some impressions of. the oc casion, and the reception and general treat ment of the Press by the hospitable citizens of Asheville , Before we had reached our designation, we were met by Mr. Natt At kinson, the fruit man of Buncombe. He emptied a basket , of -fine apples into our car, which was a thing to be appreciated. At the term.nas of the Railroad, we were met by stages, hacks, (carriages &c., sent to convey our members to the city only dis tant five miles .Jn Asheville, the Editors (some people iTf "J-Jiem dead heads) were kindly taken ttige of, and conducted to the most pleasant homes in the city. On Wednesday evening ai reception supper was tenrtered,. and a ; most sumptuous affair it prove;! tvbeT enjoye4 beyond ear power of description.. One vej-y amusing scene oc- curreu t o urmg the wrening : , One of the liandspmest Editors pjrescnt was so unfortu nate as to accidentally dip : his countenance into the .cold sweets to the astonishment of a saucer of cream, and mirth of several fiiirob3eryers.; We suppress his name for vrint of space' - On Thursday t evening the doors of. the Opera Hall were thrown wide open, and the Uall given n honor of the Press was a sue cess. has seldom been our pleasure to witness such a display of beauty and taste as was presented on that occasion. . Great thanks are due the ladies andxjentlemen of Ashevillc forthe admirable manner in which everything, connected with both the supper and ball were' conduct edv "Thanks are due MrJE. 1. Holmes for a lot of smoking tobacco and other refresh-meats-tendered U9. ' "Vie must say that his smoking tobacco is put up in the best pos sible manner and is excellent not deaden ed by flavoring matter. His enterprise must succeed that is if the public care for a pur article, well put up. . W. TvBIackwelI, the Durham tobacconist of world wide fame, honored the associa tion withseveral presents giving each member a chess board and men, a package of Durham Smoking tobacco and a fau to keep him cool. A man equiped thusly could laze away lots of time. .Our space forbids that we go into particulars we can onjy touch as it were here and there; All agreed that the association had never been better received, or better cured for. Asheville is a delightful spot, the most fashionable, and at the same time, cordial summer retreat we have ever visited. The beautiful views in the immediate vicinity, are easy of access. WThile writing of all the pleasures and courtecies extended the Press, we do not hesitate to say that we are opposed to this way of accepting invitations and hospitali ties from towns, hotels, &c. It would add much to the dignity of the press to dispatch their business and pay for their pleasures as other people do. When this is done, and the questions which really touch the interests of the Press and the State are dis cussed, then the Association will be at a proper standard, and in' keeping with the dignity and responsibility of our position. OFFICERS FOR 'SO-'Sl. Dosset Battle President. Jordox Stone Sec. and Treasurer. -Samukl A. Ashe Orator, l Poem. BUXTON AND BAKUINGEIt. The Cart before the Horse. The Republican State Convention which met at Raleigh, on the 7th, nominated Judge Ralph P. Buxton for Governor, and Gen. Rufus Barringer, of Mecklen burg, for Lt. Governor. A sandbank pony and a .Morgan horse make up this team. The Bloody Shirt. The republicans find it impossible to move a step with out waving their old banner, the bloody shirt. Already they have issued a sensa tional book depicting in glowiug and monstrous colors the Hamburg, S. C, affair, in which the responsibility of all the crimes there enacted are laid on the shoulders of the Democrats. It is a tis sue of falsehoods from beginning to end, but that makes 110 difference at all ; with them the object sought justifies the means employed, however despicable they may be. What does a party care for lying after having once robbed the people of a duly elected President by fraud and false swearing. r The Wilmington Star says Mrs. V. M. Parker ; and Mr. Ashley Gilbert, tame near being drowned while surf bathing near Wrihtsville, X, C. Mrs. S's head had twice ! disappeared un der the water which Swas beyond her depth, before Mr. Gilbert who went to her assistance reached her. He caught by her bathing dress aud struggled with her to shallow water which he fortunate ly reached before utter exhaustion. Rev. Mr. Jurny reached the party in time to be of service. The same paper recited the particulars of a mosir villainous attempt tu fire the residence of Rev. G. V. ij'rice ; and worst of all the perpetrators I escaped detec tion. The Phylloxera pest, says the New York Times, has destroyed many of the best and most productive vineyards of Fmnce. The evil has completely baffled the skill of the French Scientist, and the i people are com pelled to witness its ravajres without the ability to an est it. It has already spread extensively in the wine making districts and fears are entertained that it may ruin the wine interest of the country. It has also appeared in California, to the alarm of the wine growers of the Pacific slope. Alexander C. Langhlin, employed as an cxpeitto count and cancel bills of the Bank of the State of South Carolina, was put to jail, last week, in Charleston, for stealing a portion of the money he was at work on. It is not yet known how much he has stolen. His ensrasrement has ran v -1 . through several months, and the pack ages he has made will have to be counted again to discover' the amount they are :short. Bill Arp is out most jubulantly for Han cock and English, ne say? if we don't elect them lie will "lose faith in all subloonary things and try and. fit myself for heaven and quit." , Gen. A. L. Pearson, who has long been a Republican, it is reported in a special dispatch from Pittsburgh, to the Wash ington Post, has em oiled under the Han cock Banner. There was a Democratic flag raising at Monroe last Saturday. Maj. Dowd and Gen. Leach were there and made speeches. It was a lively time. . James B. Wearer, Greenback candidate for President, has announced his accept ance of the nomination tendered him. The cotton crop in the eastern counties of the State is said to be very fine and far advanced. Geu. A. L. Pearson, a republican lead er in Pittsburg, Pa., declares in favor of Hancock. ; , .k - -'The "Second Century,"' is the title of a 24 column weekly Democratic papejr just start ed at Albemarle, N. Cby P. W. .Wooley, Esq. It s issued on Thursday, starting Jnly 1st, at f i.50 per year. If ' j fi'. We clip from its columns the .-following items: ! j . - '. --1' "Col. r. F. Simmons, was knocked down by John Louis Hall, at Troy, last week on a trial before Neil Mclnnis, Esq. j The Cal. was pleading his own cause, (h had, war ranted llall about some lumber) and charg lngllall with fraud in the transaction. Hall, then and; there dealt him three severe blows and felled him to the floor.' Hall was fined $10 and imprisoned 24 hours for contempt of court. : Mr. Jajrob Barnbardr, living abont three miles west of town, killed a rattle-snake last week that had 35 rattles and a button. He says that the snake at the largest part, was as large as his boot leg. , 1 , The following members were elected of ficers of Salisbury Lodge No. 775 K. O. H. for the next term : Die C. E. Mills. V. Wf. II. Overman. Ass. Frank Brown. Rep. T. B. Beall. F. R.4H. M.Jones. Treas. W. L. Klutts. Chap. R. R. Cr wfoad. ; Gnide-Jno. Y. Baiber. Guard Geo. A. Kluttz. Sen. M. A. Smith. 1 Med. Ex. Dr. H. T. Trantham. There will be a caljed meeting on next Monday night at 7 o'clock sharpe. All members are invited to attend, as there will be important business. I Reporter. Town papers please copy. Mary O'Couner, of Jersey City, N.J. killed her three children on the night of the 2d instant. She was suffering under some great mental oppression and killed the children because she thought she would soon die, and did not want to leave the children to take the chances of the world. They were 8, 5 and 2 years old. She cut their throats with a razor. Her husband, now almost crazy, was waked by the cry of ore of the children, but did not get into the room until it was too late to save them. One of the troubles of the Republican leaders is in the refusal of many of the clerks and office-holders to contribute to the party fund for political purposes. Some women clerks who have refused have been notified that their services are no longer required. The Record says there is as good tobacco land in Chatham as in any county of the State, and that her people are going into the business in earnest. One man has set 150,000 hiils and another 100,000. Gen. Clirignian claims to have been an original Hancock man, having predicted his nomination two weeks before the event. Jude Black' Compliments Gen. Hancock on Order No. 40. Washington, November 30, 1867. My Dear General : This moment I read your admirable order. 1 am much en gaged, but I cannot resist the temptation to steal time enough from my clients to tell you how grateful yon have made me by your patriotic aud noble behavior. Yours is the first, most distinct and most emphatic recognition which the princi ples of American liberty have received at the hands of any high officer in a south ern command, lt has the very riiig of the revolutionary metal. Washington never said a thing in better taste or bet ter time. It will prove to all meu that "Peace hath her victories no less renown-! ed than those of war." I congratulate you not iK'cause it will make you the most popular man iu America (for I dare say you care uotjting about that), bat be cause it will give yon through all time the solid reputation of a true patriot and a sincere lover of your country, its laws and its government. This, added to your brilliant achievements as a soldier, will leave you without a rival iu the affections of all whose good will is worth having, aud give you a place in history which your children will be proud of. This acknowledgement from me does not amount to much, but I am expressing only the feelings of millions, and express ing them feebly at that. With profound respect, I am yours, etc., J, S. Black. To Major-General Hancock. Hancock at Chancellorsville. Policeman Albert Bradley, who was formerly a member of thetw;enty8cventh regiment, Connecticut volunteers, tells a characteristic story of Gen. Hancock. It was at the battle of Chancellorsville. Officer Bradley's regiment was on the right of the line, a battery of artillery on the left. The rebels set to work at the battery and rained such a storm of shot and shell upon it that many of the gun ners were killed and the rest were driven away. Gen. Hancock rode up among the infantry and called for volunteers to man the guns. Officer Bradley and others went forward. Gen. Hancock rode at their head through the terrible fire, j He was a picture of manly strength and beauty truly a "superb" man. It was impossi ble that horse and rider should escape, and the former went down. The' gallant leader 6eehied deeply affected. He look ed for a moment to see if the animal was really fatally hurt, and "then he stooped quickly and passionately and kissed the faithful charger. Brushing his hand across his eyes he said: uTo the guns boys !" and 6n foot be remained at the head of Ids men until every gun was once more righted and pouring its death dealing: missiles into the j enemy. "I shall 'never forget the sight," knid Mr Bradley j "and ever since I have cherish ed a tender regard for Gen. Hancock. TJiat incident made a deep impression on his men, and, although I am a Republi can. I kuow,fchat nearly all of the boy a Vho fought under hlni will'vote for Gcu -ii- v tm m ": j 0 ; U- Sentcuee Commuted to Imprison ment for Life. Gen. Vance and Senators Ransom and Vance succeeded in having the sentence of death upon th iah M. Cooper, late of Brevanl, N. C, commuted to imprison ment for HfeTMrT Cooper waVsen tenced to be huug-at Fort Smith, Arkansas,' on the 18th of June, Strong hopes arc en tertained for a full pardon at an early day. The following letter lias beeii received by Gen. Vance from Mr. Cooper: r Fout Smith, Ark., June 14, 1830. Hon. Jl. Ii. Vance Dear Sir : i , Tis with great pleasure, and a heart full of gratitude and love for. you that I express my most sincere thanks to you for your interference in my behalf to save me from an ignominious death-scaffold. For your aid in securiug for me a com mutation, rest assured it will ever be re meinlH?red by me and my "ieople of that proud old State the State of my nativity North Carolina, a8longaslil'elasts. My wife and two little children, who are all the world to me, makes life indeed sweet to one in my jMsition. Circumstantial evi dence, as you are aware,' has sent many persons to the gallows, there to suffer for crimes which they were wholly innocent of. So it would have been in my case had I met the awful! doom which I was Hear ing when you and the Great Oi)e stepped in and saved my life. Permit me again to thank you from the; very-bottom of my heart for the interest you have taken in my behalf, and to hope tliati "He who doeth all things for the best" will assist you in finally securing for me a full and unconditional pardon. My folks in my mother State also tender a thousand thanks, and will ever remember the name of R. B. Vance,, With prayer and love, Your obedient servaut, ' Uriah M. Cooper. Right here is a good time and place to tell what we heard one of the joss Repub licans of Rowan say only a few weeks ago "Bob Vance," said he, "is worth more than any other four members .we have in Congress; he works for the people of his State without regard to party. He takes hold for them at once and never lets go nntilhe has done all that can be done." The New York -YiV, in an ajMlogetic article on Garfield and the DeGolyer pavement swindle, concludes by saying that "it is not fair to judge his (Garfield's) conduct in 1871 with the light of 1880. There is not one of us whose views about discretion touching the relations between politics and nionej have not been greatly clarified by the eveuts of the past nine years." All which means, if it means anything, that bribery and theft iu con nection with polities were in the nature of excusable misdemeanors in' 1871, but that "we," who have leen "clarified," think differently now. Mr. Garfield, for instance, thought then that it was all right to take his share of the DeGolyer s wag, but probably wouldn't do so again therefore the record should be ernsedr He has since passed through the pangs of a new birth and a process of "clarification" that have made a new and perfect man of him. We do not care to follow further the intricacies of this curious argument, but would suggest to the Nation that there were some honest men in polities who looked upon bribe-taking and venality in office as odious offenses, even so far back iu the ages of history as 1871, and these meu, whether Republicans or Democrats will take it as no compliment to be told that they winked at rascality under cov er of a loose public sentiment, that now, in a pure Democratic era, they would make haste to condemn. The Nation may speak for itself, bnt it doesn't speak for upright citizens anywhere. The conn try is in 110 mood to take a candidate for the Presidency either on probation or in the throes of penance. Wash. Post. Indiana Democrat.. Grand Ratifi cation Meeting Speeches by Exglish and Hendricks. Indianapolis, June 29. An iinitien.se Democratic ratification meeting was held here last night. Ex Governor Hendricks presided. Speeches were made by Ex-Governor Hendricks, Hon. W. H. English, nominee for Vice President, and others. English, in the course of his remarks, said he would ac cept the nomination when officially ten dered him, and if elected would perform his duties iu 110 bigotted spirit, He also said Hendricks would stand high in the confidence of the next Demoratic admin istration. Death of Dr. Sears. Saratoga, N. Y., July 6. Rev. Barnas Sears, D. D LLD., of Stauuton, Va., died : here at three o'clock this afternoon, aged 77 years. Dr. Sears had long beeu prominent in educational matters, and was -the au thor of several books on educational sub jects, and was for many years president of the Brown University at Providence. Wlien George Peabody gave a fund to promote education iu the South, Dr. Sears was made its manager, with an advisory board of trustees. He then went to Vir ginia. He came here about a month ago for his health. The funeral will take place in Boston. One of the reasons given by Senator Dou Cameron for so persistently refusing the chairmanship of the National Repub lican committee is that the position would have cost him not less than $50,000 of his private funds, which may be true and may be uot. , It is probaly a somewhat ex aggerated statemen t of the case. The Cam erousbet high, however, on afull hand,and there is no doubt in the world that if the candidate, had been a .man by the name of Grant the Senator would have put np handsomely and taken the chairmanship besides. He evidently looks on Garfield stock as a risky invesment. Washington Post, 1 " Fifteen years after the close of the war t the Democrats have concladed to forgive the sia of fighting on the Union side.- St. Louis Grant-democrat. And have decid ed to make the Rapublican p1arty forgive Unquestionable. The JIeraldr Detroit, Mich., says of Warner's Safe Liver and Kidney Cure: "Its efficacy in kidney, liver, and urinary diseases is so fully acknowledged that it is not worth the questionings Bona fade testimonials from well-known-citizens in public and private te life ,arer evidences strong enough to con vince 'the most stub born doubter. ? Chew Jackson's Best Sweet Navy Tobacco NE W A D VERTISEMENTSr t Notice! The 'Milk of one cow is reserved expressly for infants at, " "1 33:tf URS. D. L. ERINGLE'S- fMTED!- One Hundred Bushels of Onions; also, One - Hundred Bnshels of Peach Stones, at ! ENNISS'1 Wesleyan Female Institute, STAUNTON, VIRGINIA. Opens its 31st Sessiou September 20th, 1880. Among the first Schools for young ladies in the United States. Climate un surpassed. Surroundings beautiful. Pu pils from seventeen States. Among the loxcest terms m the Union. ; TERMS : BoHrd, Washing, Light?, English Course. Latin, French, foi each half of the Scholastic year $1 15 All extras verv low. For catalogue, ad drew Rev. Wm. A. II A RRIS; D. D , Pre., 38:2io Staunton, Va.- FOB SALE! Machinery anfl Mini Materials : One new Morey & Sperry 10 Stamp Battery. One new Agitator for same. ' One new 30 horne-power Return Tubular Boiler. , One new 30 horse-power Erie Comany Sta tionery Engfffe. .One 12 horse-power Horizontal Hoisting Engine with verti. al boiler. Ali the above in running order. . One Blacksmith outfit. One large vice. Also, Picks, Shovel, Drills, Hammers, Pipe tongs, wrenches, ropes barrels, burrows and mining appertetiances. All the above are of superior quality and in first-clas condition. For puiiluue it any or nil of the above, aHilrow hv or hfie Ji;v 15, 1880, L.BERTRAM CADY.' Lock Box 410, Salisbury, N. C. U . rTotice To Contractor. Proposals will be received by the un dersigned until 9 o'clock A. M.'mi Satur day the 31st inst., for building a parsonage near Thyatira Church. Plaus and sin-ci-tications may be seen by apphing to the undersigned Chairman of Building Com mittees. W.-A. Lixole.' Julv 6th, 1860. 38 : 4t. MABSH'S MACHINE SHOPS? Administration, &c. The Machiue Shops and Foutidry of the late E. H. Marsh are FOR RENT. An experienced machinist and icmpetriit man to manage, will find here a very inviting op portunity for PiiccexRful business. The ma chinery in all in good running or.il t r and will be kept in oM?ration until rented. Orders will be filled as usual. NOTICE ! Having administered 011 my late husband's estate, all persons indebted to it are hereby notified io make early payment. And those having claims against the anine, are required to present them for paymant within twelve months from this the Ixt day of July, 1880, or this notice will bis dead in liar of recovery. MARTHA C. MARSH," July 1,1880. Administratrix. 37:i w FOR SiLEain From one hundred and fifty to two hundred acres of good half woodland, and balance (including good meadow and new ground) under cultivation. Tract lies on the N. C. Kail road, two miles from station. Will be sold at a bargain. For further particulars call at this of fice. 372m. Special Term of the Su perior Court of Rowan County. Notice is hereby given to all Parties to Suits, Witnesses, Attorneys, and to all whom it may concern, that a Special Term of the Superior Court of Bow an County will be held at the Court House in Salisbury, on Monday; the ninth (9th) day of August, 1880, for the trial of civil cases, and continue until the business is disposed of. D. A. DAVIS, Chairman County CommisVs of Rowan. H. N. Woodsojv, Cl'k Board of County Commissioners. 37:6w Administrator's Sale, AND I Notice or Settlement. Having qualified as Administrator de bonis rum with the wUl annexion the estate of Solo mon Eagle dee'd, we will sell all of his estate both real and personal, at his late residence, on the 20th day of Julr. Horses. Cattle' Sheep, and Hogs with Farming tools of all Kinas, ana noinenoiu ana KitcUen furniture will be sold, with Three fine Plantations of land near Liberty Church, on Dutch Second Creek, comprising about 700 acn, all in good repair. , , figL.Terina of Sale, OasH. i All persona indebted to the entat m r. quested to make immediate settlement, and all n.v.nn. It..t. .Iu! mem . L uvinuii. ii.Tinf ii.iun jcaiHFk. Hie esiaicare hereby notified that that thev miut nr.ni thera to non or before the 20th day of June. u, uwuw win w pieau in oar 01 their recovery, ; .a -i4' "i ' JOHN EAGLE, I ; J; JOSEPH EAGLE, ' Administnra de bonis non of Solomon Eagle. Jane 19, 1880. 3&6w ; C?l" i""" nuRJCHfll. al -$W ' n OFFICE- ' if - H TUB BUILBIXO ADJOINING TuE COCRTHot A ll Vlnlncr lntowot. h " V . iunv prompt ationti " : 1 Notes, accounts, Ac. collected OUon- P wtotates,:andj all matters of Adintntll T t Executors, Ac. setMed , , a&trutort - tj s ' -L6nd and a"er titles carefully invest, $ t-STr'SSf"0'' atM 4ft., Arrangements made to Durchisi ,.1 vU Florida, Texas, and Minnesota na?Unl4 ! the promised Land). K 1 knoirjj -I Lands for sale la Illinois, amr-v, ' river In VlnrlnLx. u ana thcj.... " o - ".M4UC ' furnished witb necessivryliUonti0"11!! &.l3$?l!22& and sola 11 "urjul ucswiro ana Salisbury JVP8M; road must be built whether IS JfmS an counties receive outside aid ornot 8 m of the day and the awakenln? Vtsm - pie of these counties deS?? toSiu - . u4uat cavp iti ' Arrangements oetng pertected tn nM ' 'i . Salisbury andat other pSntsS fiaanS. ' f P.S. A market ready for small aL:. 4' i tarcaU omce. or address Lock itoTm ' 1 -1 Hunting t. Creek -To Rkxi-I have very oesfe property for Merchantile HusiTit at it,,-. Creek Mills Settle P, a, Iredel. Cf 7 which I will rent, on, favorable terin: t, ajjood tdace for .Sloreand i- well worihnL inapectionuof any active u.anilung :lu j 1 lwh a country place for business. PT',:, .Also, I want to erect a Fadtorv buildinS Hnnt.ng Creek, and l-buildft are 1"? X 0,J" addres me for specificationi A otljer , I havealso snital,Ie bmldins fbraBlarlV ' amith anI Kiisia .nil i. t 1. ..... . ......... ..... ,JVi iiwi .M.Tier, Which tanU rented very low. The B JC L readv fornislied with tools. : : 'l June 4. 1880. 34:6t:pd , Jl W VJ 1 id Settfe, Iredell tutjty, K.Q, HEADQUARTERS " . for. - 7r - l3 I Candied Cigars,; - Books, Pictures, And PJcture-Frapiea i t r - NQTICE! NORTH CAROLINA RAIL ROAD CO., SECRETAUY & TKEASUKEK-.S OPTCEi Comply Shcps, N. 0., Mar .1J, 1880. The Thirl HJ-t t - . . '""'s vi ir.r 1 Stockholders of the urth I'aroHna Uailroad j Company will; he held in (.iret-riKhorii, K. f . j on tl-.e Seeondi Thnrwlav in July, 1880, ini J the Transfer Books of sii.l nmi"mny willTie I closed from this date until s&er the meeiirw H EWS! t Money Saved By Examining Klnttz !& Eeoilaai's Largo anid Well SelectM StocEof -NEW GOODS. . :-o-: Just Read la -'few liues and judge the balance of our Stock accordingly : Lawns, Pl Uf-s, and Percale atldcts. Twoortbree Thousand yar s of Good Calico, bought tist jrr that we offer at cts. A Full assurunf nl ot an kinds of , 1 DEY GOODS AND NOTIONS. A complete Stock or shoe at old prices. Ladles and Men's Hats fromli v, cts u 0. A Full Assortment f Shirts at last year's prfcesl ' OlotXxlxxe Clieapi Can sell ;i Ma'ilt : Co.tr. tor 50 cents. EUfht or T kinds of COFFEES, from-li cts to the Finest Mocliiu -Eipht viarlcti-. of Syrups and Molassa e ry cheap. (cok1 assortment of SUCARS MV oa can oe naa 1 j ine puce. Twelve kinasoi csswzza-a tobacco, r " Cheapest to 'flm best to be had In any"martel Salt, Leaf ti er. M cat s Crockery, I'otatoes and mm ' many articles not herein mentioned. i We buy and sell all kiaksof tonntry Prodre, r.p will pay fol prtees ror lrim Fruits and I'errt W Be suru and s; us belore you buy or 9eltjrJ May 2, ls. i - 31:3m i GREAT EXCITEMENT Al No. 1, Murphy's Granite to McCDBMS. BEALL & CO. Hav just received their i SPRING AND SUMMER STOCK OF ! NEW GOODS. IlOCGirj;' ENTIRELY KOR CASH at cxceedlnptly jlovr prices, which cannpt fail to please. Thev have a full and complete stock of DUYjGOODS. GROCERIES. ! QUKENSWARE, HATS, CArsjand " STIIANV GOODS, s j 1J03TS and SHOES, NOTIONS, CLpTHING, "- ; Fish, Baeon, Lard, Flour. Meal, They are agents for thebaic of John Me rtmajhS: Go's.! BONE DUST, admitted to. be the very best cotton and tobacco Fertili zer in use. Also, for the French Burr Mill Stones, Bolting Cloths, Eureka Snuit Mt chine, &c. Dontfail to call at Nort. . March 26, 1380- 24:ly j P. S-We hive fenced up a Frek bitchy ing Lot in rear;of of our Warehouse, whera people can hitch and feetj without bem annoved by cattle "and hogs. We intend putting up Stalls. Xo charge 'except I to shut the gate. EXECUTOR'S SALE AND NOTICE FOR SETTLEMENT. navinjrquarincd as Executor of thuLM4 ' Will and Testament of Alexander Brown, deceased, I wiHTTave a Sale of his Per9e.D, I' property at his late residence on Weanesdj 1 the 14th dav of Julv next. Horses, Cattle, Hoos, with HovfetHOto, , and Kitchen iFcrmtcre and Fabmiso, Tools of all kinds will he soid: . j TERMS OF SALE CASH. . t All fxsons indebted to the estate re- Quested to makeJnimediate settlement, all persons having claims against the et are notified that they must present fhenj 1 w me, an or lieforethe 12th dav of June,188i or this notice will be plead in bar of there recovery. ' ' O. Henry Brown, xr.,of , June 11th; 1880 ' Alexander Brown. ' no.35:Qw. . . - ! ' BLANK SALE NOTICES 1 For Sale at this Office. ! !:nnni' t - I I I

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