' J - i ! i i i i . i A. Fine Building".' The Glorious Fourth. To Young: Men. Dasville, JVa, Tone 28. :Rev. I i James Jamieaon did in Mecklenburg . TTau, licb? Corners WiU CeUbrxde.ntvein iVMv. nd buried Here I Henry Clao once said : I owje my sue- ' - : ,.- .. , . . tl WWW . W - J . . : 7 , . ' i ' .. - - -... . . iug, fl i.tH ro rarr.. tinimir At tup lto.av Hfi was for fi ft v years a Meth- , ' , ... - f . . DJu?.nA iJ.sf-rdav morn- ' - . v .l A,V..L l.i fio1 twenty-seven i - commepeeu ana ' - "v v . , . odist minister in orwr Carolina continued for Tears the practice of read- ' lwgtoffice, a ng a blunt-spoken, hearty-looking Virginia and for many years a col- ing and peaking upon the , Revenue j) firsitizen of Bebs Urner made lege president in Danville. ; some histbricat or scientific b ' , m-i his appearance on griswold street to ' ' " " ' . offhaud efebrts were made s 4arinz the late visit - to Raleigh wc took occasion to visit te new irnv arnment buildinjr erected there, r- . " and which embraces Varl ftirf mom r.,.vy... :r--, his appearance partment, P.str.cttorney f.?,. some lawyer who would de- Marshal omce, omce oi veginr Bankruptcy, and various mm. for the me of diflerentoffici.l.. """-'" !7 J VTJ. ;i. "S Kep ! . T .". P F " - i- . . no iooiin?. ne nau www ui wu a .. no tpnt in isirce Kiauies. i .. t ..i..t. .... .. i. -.-j ib in rharire Ot UOl. I " : - j . . "B; ' wr- ... 0 mm j ttlu , nmcuieu iui we )iunnrjr huu " o , II... U. fVkllrkMr-siiaiia f r mnlTA fill nr. I l :ll r.. A 1.1; i ! i. . i r i ujr ins jeuw-viM-. I DecausO iney win iuvc . me, uu leauiug impulse inai siiuiuiiiieu me ior ward, andj8lianed and maided iny entire subsequent destiny. Improve, then , young gentlemen, the superior advau- ttr ,nart. 11 ver the fourth of July oration at goiitade and r are made savage by i la. p..w.M Ho ki'4 hit(inn and i " n- l I me vwusiix 1 neinfr Kent aione. vrua.ui vui'iiii 01- contents of boot.' These sometimes in Cabe OP HORSES. Horses hate cornfield, at others in a forest, and not nuirequeuny m gome uisiaut uarii, wiin the horse and ox for my auditors. It is to The build m T, .torical arrangements, anu nenao ue- h m follow them rfoctea as tnroug , ne Pr,. gQrt of .Jdres, U wou,d not g0 by the,uselves. t- hmUnnori a solid concrete founda- . w7 B 7 out though . , . , .J wanted.V He was put in communica te used in the base V t k . , i,on graime ueu . . n attorney who bad nf the build n was obtained from , . i n or me ouwuing address of 400 pages of foolscap all Warren county, and that used in the . ,Ke bedy pf the same from Rowan county near; Salisbury. He Tould Me ter du It.' written out for such an occasion, Af- - c i:n,:nP 1 IIC CiifcSSV ' . r . A late landed Hilernian was a mrl thA prisoner yesterday in the Fordham Police Court to answer a cnarge 01 tages 3ou; Here enjoy. r.et no uaj" pass without exercising j our powers of speech. There is no pay like oratory. Cajsar controlled! men by exciting their fears. Cicero ly captivating their affections and waving their passions. The j influence is heated by a furnace 10 the basement - a rp(. t lhe assault and battery preferred against oftne one perishes with the author; that which consumes one hundred and! . v I him by a neighbor. of the other continues to this day." .. ot. istrii(rfTip 01 our ioreiaiuera 1 UUIIIIUIIT. 1 . . .. vn, yes, x nave cbhiw hmv references to their perils, struggles supplied with hot andT triumphs." "Knock 'em right out then cross one of them! Every fool fathers had to struggle. Of course their business to; the praise due, 'em " twenty tons of coal various rooms are and cold water, and it takes seven hundred and fifty thousand gallons of water to fill the- pipes : a forced ' n orator Mnlou every. p..FVVu.K rrrr'U in the country knows that our fore intotwolargetanksintheattwhicb' ? t of contain about fifty tons. The furnance 'J runs only about seven months in the liey ,d ' 11 w. b-t rrln they have had all Year, IJUfc me iiumiw 1 " bv bl , . . . t .....j... -n. iv w xvuuIr Und Bebee's Corners won't give 'em every ay. i . ; arge. The post? ",,v"i" ,"r" I T - A - f ,I,:K : T.roeJHHl " I ouiuov - " , -v u ,. 1 our forefathers," humbly replied the over by ex-Go v. Holden, is supplied ' J r with all the modern improvements oraio' ; , . -it i?hi "Very well. Now, what have you boxes and 50 drawers' and a hand- JPr f881" reSard 10 ,loL T i,a rmrriilnr fi Washington? , T j . . i t "Well. X probably mention him i o - . cri 4;r ! ri.: . A ' i .ii .ilioriv or niiy iiiues, - ii nsuiuKMiu wc in our bostoffice. The furniture in all Sreat man' aud vv? mU8t DOt forSet "Why did you strike the complain ant ?" asked Justice Wheeler. nn i i a 1.1 a .1 ! it reKasc ue touiu me ier uu ii, was the reply. "Oh, you merely obey orders ? "Yis, Judge." "Tell me all about it." "All there tesjibout it, Judge, ees, we had a little growl, and oi tould him oi'd slap ees face ; thin ee jumps 'oop and down and cries three toimes, i ! ! ' Hiiffl :o- We are. determined that our LARGE STOCK O V is the Engineer ,n charge. I he poster ; , j J'Du it, du it, du it. It is reported that the real cause of Mr. Chrisjtiancy'a ill feeling toward his wife arose from the fact that during the honeymoou Mrs. C. used to rnn after him singing: ; Goosey ! Goosey ! Gander, Whither do you wander t Up stairs and down stairs, Or in my lady's chamber ? No Michi-gander would like that sort of thing. The Philadelphia Record claimls that Phil adelphia is; the greatest manufacturing cen ter in the world. The value of her manu factures is expected to reach this year the fabulous sum of $625,000,000. The produc tion of woolens and cotton is put down at SUMMER GOODS SHALL BE SOLD, i We offer Special Prices to Cash and Prompt Paying buyers." Our Stock i 'TOG LARGE ' For us to attempt to enumerate here ; But if you will call and see us, wc PLEDGE OURSELVES to make it to your i INTEREST. REMEMBER We are 1 ' ' Determined to Sell Our Seasonable Goods. I ROSS & GREENFIELD. Chiirch & Go's. Fine bukg RnnA. Put un in neat nackaires. for. sale . , i . . , at J. D. McXEELY'S. GEN. MORGAN'S Horse and Cattle Powders ; : The Urgent Packages and smallest dose "of any Powder made, and warranted to do all that it claims. Manufactured at ' 18:tf BARKER'S Drug Store. O. V. V. ftnr Ve&rAtflhle. Vermifuffc The great est known remedy for expelling wornis. Safest, nureet and most reliable. Manniaciureu ni l&tf BARKER'S Drug Store. NOTICE OF SALE IP? The sale oqtteK. A, Caldrdl KL nos-tponed fiQiu ihe ln.f 4?PrlT place arhw pfce, Thuritlav, jjj.' Mt " For further Hlit-uTar,, and for L P-H Law and Miaetl lun tons lr.i-. 7 . t.of 1 oldt address niekt CUarlotlee f ifl Jne5,1880. R. lU;, -uiA.ttll May ID, 1830. i 23:ly "And you did it ?" "Oidid,sur." "Fine, $101" "What, arter he'd tould me ter du $48,500,000, of carpets $23,000,000, of hosi- some the use him." "Strike him right out!" was the departments in of solid black wal nut, and, is kept in excellent order). TL. A , T . , f great and good man. Bebees Cor- nam. 10 no Inual tld 11 IT TAWII in A mfr I 10 T-v till it?" "Yes ; you had no business to strike him. even at his own request. Got w $10?" A friend paid the fine, and the the prisoner retired, murmuring to him- ery and knit goods $23,000,000, and of silks and mixed goods $7,000,000. ' These figures indicate the great" prosperity of s the city of Brotherly Love, and they show that Phila delphia is destined to take rank with the. foremost of the world's busy marts. fiat command. "Washington was aUlf, "a strange countree oi've got in to. ftorvS rwv " ,' " . i i m i- t ica. but we've hat! Washington W e hope to see such a building here , before many years, the first install ment of $65,000 having been voted for that purpose. Wit. Star. He Laughed Too. wc can t rest. The orator madei a note of that also, and the other continued : "I presume you have put in a boom for the Declaration of Independence?" "Yes, I never heard of a Fourth of of July oration wit.li that left out." xneu you are guwig t.uieaiiiov.Aje-1 f tjje jjan(J ? thine new. lichees Corners would From the Detroit Free Press. . i The Chief of Police yesterday had a visit from a farmer living! out on the Chester Line road, who had a story howl all dav over the sight of an Amer totell. After two or three efforts he jean flag if there was any call for it ; began: but "we're going to take a new de- 'I vbas goiu' home last night vhen parture. No Declaration of Inde I overtakes two men on der roadt. pendence in our i oration this year. Dose fellers -dey laft und saidt Scratch 'er right out." would I gif 'em aride; Iiaft too, und "That doesn't leave me five min Bay shtjmp in. - ' " 1 utes'-talk,' said the attorney as he 4 Yes, I understand.' made a calculation! 'All I have left Pooty queek one feller laft und saidt are a few remarks on the Pilgrim Fa he likes Dutch mens, cause his uncle there.' vhaa a Dutchmans. Dot vhasall right -WhKt kind of an oration do you und so I laft too. I v has real tickled, want up there? asked the lawyer as und I shakes all oafer.' his heart began to sink. 'YeS. Tli, what 1M1 a11 vmi Pan von Un a leedte vhile one veller vhant ;ni9 me to shange aseven toller bill, so as lie could gif some money to der or- Then you are out in the cold. We phan'asylums, und he lafts ha ! ha ! want an oration lasting just ten min ha ! Dot tickled me some more I lafts utes. We want a sentimental song to too. Den de odder feller he grabs me lead off, and a funny one to end with, py der collar und pulls me down be- The remarks between the songs can hind und says dey looks in my pock- range all the way trom 'Major Jones' ets for Ja stheampoat dot vhas stoled to 'Pop goes the weasel,' but they must from-Detroit makes us all laff like be funny all the way through. We some good shoke.' . are a funny set up there. We go in 'It must -have been famiy heavy on conundrums, and we make 'It vhas. Dose fellew took out my some of the best puns going. We wallet undounted oop der monish. shall want, say, ten puns, ten conun I hadt shu8t ten tollar, undP dey laft drums, two songs and something to und said dot dey must go on some warrant about five grins and from trips to der seashore mit dot. Dot seven to ten regular old side-splitters, tickled me sorao more, und I laft and the terms will be $15 cash on the too. nail. Are you the man ?' Well, what theu ?' 'I I guess noti was the faint jre- 'Vhell, den day shumped but und ply. t put dier fingers on der noses und says - 'All right 'nun said. TH move goot pye old Dutchman,- und avhay on to the next, and if I can't strike dey goes like some horse-races.' the chap in this town I'U sail down 'And you didn't laugh at that b' to Toledo. Bebee's Corners is going ! Vhel I, not pooty much. Iivhas al- to git up and howl this year, and don't ready to, but I sthoped. If 'dem fel- you fbrgit it !' J ' lew vhas up to f shokes it vhaa -all ,H T right,bdtifdeys vhas robbers I vhaoti yJ?' W'J VA:'J?e 27 you to catch 'em und gif 'em some V ,ule a1D.em?rat1,c ttion meet pieces of my mind like dander ! I !S Was be,n he d on CaPlto1 uare doanrlike" somepody to UtY at me yeaaS and while a salute was vhcny doan' feel tickled all over.' - "g ' g man naraeu iucariny ana a boy Escaped. Saturday afternoon, as named Nibert. a gang of convicts employed outside the penitentiary1 were returning from Sociability. Think how much happiness you convey to each other by kindly notice and a cheerful con versation. Think how much sun shine such sociability lets back into vour own soul. Who does not feel more cheerful and contented for re ceiving a polite bow and a genial "good morniug" with a hearty shake Who does not make himself happier by these expressions of fellow feelings and good will? Si lence, and a stiff, unbending reserve are essentially selfish and vulgar. The generous and polite man has pleasant recognition and cheerful words for all he meets. He scatters sunbeams wherever he goes. He paves the path of others with smile?. He makes society seem genial and the world delighted, to those who would else find them cold, selfish and for lorn. And what he gives is but a tithe of what he receives. Be social wherever you go, and wrap your lightest words in tones that are sweet and a spirit that is genial. Warn Safe Pills are an Immediate timnlus for a Torpid L ver. nnrt carp Costive, ness. Dyspepsia. Biliousness, Bilious Diarrhoea, Malaria; Fever ani A sue. and are useful at times In nearly all Diseases to cause a free an-1 rwilnr action of the Bowela. The best anti dote for. all Malarial Poison. Price, 23c a box. Warwr'a Safe Bforvlne qnlckly rives Rest and Sleep to the suffering, cures Headache and Nearalpia, Prevents Epileptic Pits, and is the best reined.v fur Nervous Prostration brousrht on br excessive drinking, over-work, mental shocks and other causes. It relieves the Pains of aU Diseases, and is never injurious to the system. ; The best of all Nervines. Bottles of two sizes ; prices, 60c. and tlJW. I Warner's) Safe Remedies are Aid byDrngsista and Dealers fa Medicine every where. I EH. WARNER &C0n Proprietors, Bbeater, N.T. Ore "Send for Pamphlet and Testimonials. Frais J ars ! i Loxfi&N, Junei 28. The master cotton spinners ofkMossley have re- AioaJ A. a. L 1 m r ' ' dash for fredom .! : I grauv uie aavance oi nve per J uuvwsutU III S3- work, three of them made a bold I w.n f i ... 1 a a. capinir. although rennatlJ .U iir:C:,B,M T9 wuon 8P,nners by the guard.he names, resident IfT; H consequently iid wnfr.nfinm:-i-'ri,. struck, and from seven to eight thou- . -'Mn.uism oi me iufai t s tives are as lollowsr Johu .B out of employ- lartin county, two years, for larceny: A n . ' Bobert Wilson. Menlcllnhl. .ill . A Constantinople correspondent of years, fbr larcenf ; Isaac I Hunter " ' Manchester G says W has Davil in- i IJL" ! Uon to believe that the gravest an- ' i pretiensions are entertained at the British Embassy relative to the torn Russians at Court. . In the Romanoff gallery at the winter palace at St. Petersburg the attention of the visitor is attracted by a green cur tain on one of the walls ; it conceals a table inscribed with the very curious rules which Catharine the Great caused to bo observed at assemblies. These regu lations were as follows : I. Lea to your rank outside as well as your hat, and especially your sword. 2. Leave your right of precedence, your pride and auy similar feeling ouside the door. 3. Be gay; but do not spoil anything; do not break or gnaw anything. 4. Sit, stand, walk as you will, without refereuce to anybody. 5. Talk moderately and not very loud, so as not to make the ears and heads of others ache. 6. Argue without anger and without excitement. 7. Neither sigh nor yawn, nor make anybody dull and heavy. 8. In all innocent games, whatever one proposes let all join. 9. Eat whatever is sweet and savory, but drink with moderation, so that each one may find legs on leaving the room. 10. Tell no tales out of school ; whatever goes in one ear must come out at the other before leaving the room. A trans gressor against these rules shall on the testimony of two witnesses, for every offense drink a glass of cold water, not exceptiug the ladies, and, further, read a page of the 'Telemachiad' aloud. The Telemachlad" was the work of a verv feeble and evidently much despised poet named Treadiakoffsky. Whoever breaks three of these roles during the same evening shall commit six lines of the 'Telemachiad' to memory, and whoever offends against the tenth rule shall not agaiu be admitted." Just received a Nice Lot of MASON'S IMPROVED HALF GALLON AND QUART Jars for sale at EX?iISS'. 16:tf KEROSENE OIL AT J?0 Cents per Gallon TRUSTEE'S SALE OF Valuable Golfljiie Property ! By virtue of a certain Mortgage made to roe as Trustee, I will ell on the premises on the 24ih day of May next, lor cash, all the proper ty of ihe Rowan Gold and Copper Mining Company of Baltimore, consisting of 108 acres of land, with whatever Machinery there may be thereon, together with all the Minerals, Mining Rights, i'rivueges, Immuuities, im provements and appurtenances thereto belong ing or in any way appertaining being the property so long and well known as the Ry tner Mine. C. For description of property and title see Mortgage to the undersigned dated Febru ary 25th, 1861, and recorded in Book No. 42, pge 2o4, in the Kegister's office of Rowan County, N. C. JOHN A. THOMPSON, Trustee. Rowan to., April 10, 1880. 23:Cw. o. o.:s Our Cough Syrup. The most palata ble, smithing and efficacious remedy ever placed before the public for that most dreaded of diseases, coughs, cohls, &cc, manufactured at BAItkLU S 18:tf Drugstore. "FT. A OH-'B IMPROVED PATENT LIVER PAD I Nbvsb Grrs Hash. Ca bs MaBI axi Stkkxoth Dksibbd. Last Twicb as Loxa. Biieuet Corel TltliOTrt DrttKiaj tti Syitea. : CUKSS CkilLundFeTtr, Utu Complaint, Neuralgia, KcTTOUSCSS, J&eomatt-m. Costheses Female Weakness, Ed t Kenou TTnTTT TTT imntrnn . fill-will be apjmrent to anv one vhnJn !' amine ;i SouuiGoi.D Wajcii, tllni r Uie necessary ijiickuePs for ei.gravii.l- F0Bl ishing, large'i.roortsun orthfrtorprr?; al nwil la ntiaili1 ... . !, ' DIM enrave4-oortions ir. i, .... .... . HU'lts necessary soliduy and strength; .?u'Hi-lfc gold is actuall)- needless so laras ltim beauty are concerned. In Jom,, vT - . k 1 1 1 These Psds Care all Diseases by Absorption. sAie N Noxious Pills. Oils, or fb nedieines arc taken Into tbe Stomach. The Pads are worn over the fib of toe stomach, eoverinjc the ureas Nerve Centres, sis the Liver and Stomach. A genOe Vefretablo Torucii atorted i nto the circulation of the Blood sod Li ver, purify inf. the Blood, stimulating tbe Liver an! Kidneys to healthy action, and strenfrtheninft th Stomach to digest food. Pkicb op Pads tl and $X bach. Solo bt all Druggists, or sent by Mil or Express. Manufactured at 39 & 41 North LiBXRir St Baltimore. Mo. For at T, f. KLTJTTZ'S Drug Store. S0:Gm. . PATENT I GOLD WATCH cS'- : this wast3 of j.recious n.elal o?wLi3 r the same solidity and strength Hi, vi at Irora one third To one-half JT? I-!,.,L ulnr.i I' .ll . , l"e;Ult J ,""ur " v piate ol t t - 1 C-omiiwitiun Joetal, epe,Msliy il(!.tted T l nurjiose, i.as two plates ol soljH (rr.A U one oo The ! ea oetween iwiiaIh-cI steel rt.l!rs ard th suit is a rtpioi heavy, plated vomrC from whK.h the ha. ks, centre h T &c, are cut al shaped hyiAh dS formers. 1 he? gold in th.pe cases i. ftr--tytlrick toadmrfof all kin.ls r Ltt t it- vllinT as graving and ejMuneHing; the engraved have been carried until worn tiA-r ..t by time and life without removing 1 1.' f'k I This is the 4niy Cie Mae witlrTwJj Plates of Solid Gold & Warraite by --'Special Certificate. For sale by J.&H. HOR UnA .u rTT BEST lil THE WORLD! L TTAT.TT.- Hi. fTiat Little News. Macox, Ga., June 27.One hun- P" affairs in Albania. . S ' . . '!'.... I - i -5 ..I, urea guns were -fired last j night in The population of Nash villTenn. honor of themotic candidates-- essee, is report tp be 43.377. In Mutw"1 ouu i 1870 it was hut 9. Rft-. Leighton, Pa., June 28. George Dick was found dead in the grave he was digging in the Catholic Ceme tery this morningr His Death was caused by sunstroke. New Yobk, July 1 Of 187 deaths in this city for the 24 hours ending at 12 o clock to-day, 79 were caused directly by excessive heat, which also U1rlM tbo ff b rtf OR ar nan I of the other cases, OR 5 Cents per Quart at ENXISS' 200 Empty 200 Molasses and Whisky BARRELS To arrive in a few days. As the demand for BARRELS will bj great. Call and leave orders at ENNISS' Machine Oil, Tanner's Oil, Terpentine and Varnish At ENNISS' AROUND the CORNER TO THE PUBLIC GREETING: JULIAN &FR ALE Y, CaMiet Maters ani Carpenters. - Their prices are as low as it is possible to make them, and their work not inferior to any. They fill ordeis in two departments. Their ready made stock in hand comprises a general assortment of home furniture Bed steads, Bureaus, Clothes Presses, Lounges, Hacks. Wardrohes, Book-Cases, Cupboards and China Presses, Candle Stands, Tin Safes, Desks, Tables, Washstands, Chairs, &c. They also keep an assortment of COFFILSTS of walnut, pine and poplar, from $1 upwards. Also, Window Sish. They fill orders without vexatious delays. Will contract for carpenter's work and warrant satisfaction. Will take good lumber and country produce in exchange for furniture. Shop nearly opposite Watchman Office. JULIAN & FRALEY. 4:ly Practical Blcaksmtih HORSESHOER. f SHOP connected with Brown Verble's Livery stables. &&u Ueslgns of Shoes, to suit any suapeoi loot. All shoeing on strictly sclent llleprln clples and WARRANTED. All kinds blacLssuiitUlut; promptly done. is:ij- Subscribe for the Watchman or.l S' KE UP YOU YOU :C LITRSa LUBS-a FOR THE CAROLINA WATCHMAN, The BEST Weekly in Wostnn North Carolina. Only $1.50 a year in advance. Home eriilizer! Ilgbtly dirty wlilte color. It mar appear white, examined bv it- 1 elf. bnt a COMPAUISON WITH 1 CHURril Vk CO.3 AH5T ANO HAMMER" IIAM will show -the tlflerenee. See thai your Baltlne Sda It '"White and I Ill, an should be ALL SlJlILAlt tjllSSXAML-s used for food. ' A Eimple ut svcrA tost of the comrarttm value ol different brands of Roda is to dtwolre a dessert spoonful of enrlx kindrii h sbout a pmi of water (hot preferred) in clear glasws, ttirrinv until all is thoroughly dissolved. The delete rious insoluble ma ttei- in the inferior Sod will be shown nfttt settling sorae twenty minate or sooner, by the milky uppe iranoe of the wlutioa and the-quantity of floating flock y matter to cording to quality. Be sure snd ask for Chnrch & Co.'s 8o"a4 see that their name is on the package and jou will get the purest and whitest made. Theuse ot this with sour milk, in prelerenco to Baking Powder, avea twenty times its cost. See one ponnS package Hr valuable infonD" tioa and read carefully. SHOW THIS TO YOUR GROCER. l:5m i ' tf THE0. F. KLUTTZ. HAS JUST RECEIVED A CAK-LOA1) HA ED WARE ! BOOT Celebrated Home Fertilizer ! ! The Chemicals for making 1 Ton will be sold lor 14, or 2C0 Its. Of Cotton in No vember. Ho Cotton Seed or Stable Manure required. This Fertilizer is fully equal to the lii;h priced, so-called (iuunos, and al less tlum half the price. 1 refer to the following well known gentlemen, who used it Ia-t season on cotton: John V. L'urringer, Jas. ii. tiiuion, W.'F. Watson, Thos. C. Watson, H. Cowan, W. ii. Meares, A. Tail, J. G. Canble, J. F. E. Brown, E. C. Lentz, S. J M. Brown, and many others. Call early for your supplies and save money. T. F. KLUTTZ, Druggist. AVIli: YOU WAST II A R D V A J E At Low Figures GRAY'S SPECIFIC MEDICINE. TRADE MARRTbe ureat English ADC MARK remedy ; An un failing cure for Seminal Weakness, Spermatorrhea, Impotency, aud all diseases that follow as a sequence of Self-Abuse; as Loss of Memory. l'nlver- sal Lassitude, Pain BEFOKf TAIlMJn the Back. inm-AFTM TAIIII. new. ol Visiou, iremature Old Age, and many otner Diseases that lead to Insanity or consumption, and a Premature Grave. "Full particulars In our pamphlet, which we desire to send free by mall to every one. tr-The specific Medicine Is sold by all druggist at SI per packoge, or six packages for $5, or wlu be sent free by mail oa receipt of the money by addressing CRAY MEDICINE CO.. Mkciianics' Block, Dktroit, Mich. rSold In Salisbury and everywhere by all j-ugglst. ";ly. GARDEN SEEDS! A FULL HVVVLY OF Bui st's Celebrated Garden Seeds l.EMEMBElv THAT B U I S T is the only Seed-Grower who H'JJATAfhia Seeds. Look at every paper of Fety's, Lambeth's, Sibley's, &c, &c, aud see it you nnd any warrant upon them, lie wave of worthiest, un warranted commission Seed, and come to KLUTTZ'S for Buist's which are warran ted fresh and genuine. THEO F. KLUTTZ, Druggist. 20:ly. SMITH'S WORM OIL ! TURNIP SEED! TURNIP SEED!! i Just Beceived A Large, j Stock of Fresh and Genuine f Turnip Seed of Different Varieties at ENNISS' ''Athess, Ga., February 22, 1878. Sir: My child, five years old, had symptoms of worms. I tried calomel and other Worm Medicines, bnt failed to expel any. Seeing Mr Bain's certificate, I got a vial of yonr Worm Oil, and the first dose brought forty worms, and the second dose, so many were passed I did not count them. 8. H. ADAMS. Prepared by Dr. E-S-LYNDON, Athens. Ghv For Sale by Dk; T. F. KLUTTZ. Salisbury, N. C, And Druggists general. 26:ly BONDS To make Title tp Land, and .Laborer and Cheap Chattel Mortgages, arious other blanks lor sale here Call on the undersigned atNo. 2,. Cram Ro.. - ! " , D . A . AT WELL, i Salisbni X'C.JunS . ' r i4 TO LAliD & MINERAL Offll Persons owning-" - Farmiflg or Mineral Land! r ' ' along tbe Hd-i of the North Carolina Railroad, from C co.nl to Greenlxro, and wish to disi'f of the sauierAtill do well to callon i ; 1 Jno. II. ENNISS, Aft.for Ifcw York Land & Emigration Co; - 17:tf '!'! MortgageDeeds for salelew Also various other blans !.-' German Millet Grass d, cheap a 5H DEEDS & MORTGAGES. Fee Simple Deeds, Deeds in Trust, Mortgage Deeds,. Commissioners' Deeds, brDi ' T . M ,i i . -n . . r ' y, . : f 'rtillf:atCI. ieeu, v.iiame -uorigayes, r arm contracts, jiarnage ano tonuiuiau" Distillers Entries, and vanoui other forms for sale at the , WATCHMAN OFFJCt. SALE NOTICES. ...... . . . . J' . isdt9 Aammisiraiors, esecuiors, commissioners, snerins, constauifs, agents, --- . call on us tor printed sale notices, it is certainly creat ininstice to owncis j their property at public auction without first giving ample notice of the sale. 111 'jg niiirrinents of the law nn the snli.rf .rrv hnrTv V- nnwe inrn insufficient. I ropery. - often sacrificed from this cause when a dollar or "two spept in advertising inigi1 saved it and made it bring its value. We furnish sale notices promptly and theJ 170 TIC SD POP. POSTING Lr-1TD P,3AD? PP-I2T7SD It tfl'rii mm Who has once nsed the PEOPLF-S' MACHINE will p.efer it ovei allotM, AGENTS selling t find it just W 4f t makes th hntm oi PEOPLE want. stitch, -rpns easily, does. the widest raug . uoik, au4 winds the bobbins without runniol the works of the machine. Write for descript ive t ircujafrand full particulars. 1301. &1303 ButtonwQod St, PMlafielpMa Seiin Ilaclim U PHILADELPHIA, PA- 5 ! - ! '-44:ty ' J ' : '! ' ' j

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