ioh XL THIEB SERIES SALISBURY.:!.1 C JULY 15, 1880 1 110 39 " ,-1 ', , .. : .i. ..(.. . ; '. i ! , . .V .... V . - ' ins - - - ' I Xhe Carolina Watchman, ESTABLISHED IN THE YEAR 1832. : PRICE, IM IS -ADVANCE. JnjrTRACT ADVERTISING BATES. V" i.,r;- ! .Mvnor i!Voa ioorv . 1 monta S la's 8 m's ; t m's , 12 id's f 1 ,60 $2.50 $3.51) , $o.(K) $8)0- 9.00 , 4.60 6.25 7.60 12.00 ' 4.50 .00 T.6d 11.00 15.00 6.00 ' T.50 9.IK) 13.50 18.00 tO 9.T5 11.S5 16.50" S5.O0 11. fS T6.75 80.50 85.60 40.00 18.75 6.85 1 S3.75 48.75 75.0 To rpr . ! iif for i furw Colli, Pncwaonb, CrcncWtls, diseases of the Brea&ing Orgaca. ; ft soothes and heals the Mciabranor of fie in5S inflamed and poisoned b Se disease, and preTent9 the nfeht Weals aad lightness across the chest iotaa tR'arable msladrv-lt is only jde, .1 this' t beidim Epwiflc rrlll cn i re you, renl thih proffcfedonrl aid fculs. mm if. Ve Host ; jt'Gzvcrful Haling m Jsjrnt cvcr Vixovcrct!. - tTfrnfir Carbn'-lo f'Zie Jtcnls hvrnm. ;ry' Cnrbollo h Iso tu" cs tcixs. f - s- .- .f. " A. a ...' Lria.scs. .!rr-r:: inci'couN.'rrrjmT. 3 1 u r f H,V i SI ,H 1 r 3 r a A ruiiE rRETz;n",CT' vnljisecs'sfi Cold;. Ecrcmcec, Utt.s5 to tT:s Tzsis. iltijgffi&lfd Mm 11 1 j Seliovi Dy3$'.psia and Biliousness. Cr rOIt SALE BY ALli DnUCGI P T XSlft&SXZr a CO Co' For Sale by T. F. KLTJTTZ, Dm gist, I 16:lj. Salisbury, N. C. CLOVER, ORCHARD, and Alt other Grass Seeds, nt Richmond Prices, (freight included). hCatiandseeat , . ENNISS'. 17:tf j JAMES M. GRAY, . -attorney and Counsellor at Law, rr (-SALISBURY, X. C. .. 0ffi i:e ia tlie Court House lot, next doo to Sqaire Haughtou. Will practice iu all MUarU of the State. If ATTORNEY AT Il TP, j SALIS1JU1TY, TV. C, I Practices in the State and Federal L'- : " ir ' Courts. ! ! 12:6m I. . 1 KERR CRAIGE, ' gttonun at. f ato, ani Heiierson, rneys, Counselors " and Solicitors. SALISBURY, N. G 1 Jaay22 1879 tt. ! r. - sloro Female College, ''iii h Greensboro, 1ST. C. y kSjS j5ion wlirheein on the 25th o "Ut'li- ' klowt Institution offers superior If 5 " 'Of mental unil mnrarriilHirp. com- 'fcri k 'N Pe'u'fcrts. of a pleasant, well or-: tiT Per temion nf 5 montlix: Board fVSSlp h!n'g and lightP) and Tuition Jte.r y-s..i I fcjT vgiiRn course." S75. Extra studies 'Jt ' P ev 0? particulars annly to tc& M Note Heads, Bill Heads, i2-QJnrKLOPES'"printed:to order le!r iv rates. Call at this office. SShIjLT.'H I5AI3AJris11wt remedy! iiesvai c lii1' lit Milt, ror 118HISMH, aii liiii itlctaoii Prices! , i y g . -. .. K, L.- r - T POLITICAL,. v..-T , i, KspXAL.The card signed by I'Many V oterin the last Watchman, wiispub- lulled without ipy kuowledgeoonsent I ain ton poor to make a aiivas4jfoi :the Legislature, were I hiade a candidate by' the people; besides, Uhere are:jqnitea nuinberof gentlemen in tliet counjtymore suitable and be jter able to cHsclif rge the responsible duties pf a legislated j I take the liberty to suggest the names of a few There are L. S.jOvermanf FranklBrpwn, JV W. Ma6ney,i JM. Grayrl L-' H. Clemehtef the town, and J, G. feniing,' - J. rv. urabam, k rank Jol.iuston, J. A. Fish- er, 11. L. Bimt.andN. F. Hallof the couu- ' t'JJ SAjiy-ftwriloCtheseigentlemjerir twill make goiid reprj'sentatires. I nnij oblig ed to the gentlemen Jbr the prefereuced expressed, but I am not a candiifajte. r S ' .T. J. Stewart. SausburyExamlner. . i The dark deeds of reckless niejn have struck terror into the hearts of the peo- and they are more or less iutmidat- J1 i - . T ..1 ' . ' it 1 M . m cu ur uicieuuious even in me iaceoi tne most propitious signs and hopeful; antici pations of coming victory. What they confess with their lips they tlicjourage with itlieiffeafs. 'Tliey believe ib 'thier hearts that Hancock hud English dan and will be elected; yet they give utterances to their hopes and convictions wijh mis- j from the shuck. which the monstrous fraud of counting iu Hayes nover their (chosen leader in 1877, gave allvho werejunpre pared to fully -realize the revolutionary extremes of which the Radical traitors had proved capable. They see in this higlr-huuded and infamous usurpation an omen of coming danger; aud a daft? per is thrown over their zeal, wliiie glooniy fore bodings haunt their fondest dreamjs. The Radical leaders are aware of all tlijis, and they -are anxious -to impress the j people with the ida that there is justification for their 4fears; that another- similar t!iaiul is possible, yea, in contemplation. But the people should banish their feari. The fraud! of 1877 was a game of In whicfk the bluffer. ' won,4ecausc illy at of the cowardice of those who held the intakes. It never could have been accomplished, and there Avould have been no war, if the leaders of our party had stood firm. But those leaders havirheard it tli under. Those who shall represent our paity this year and next year have been t -vtU4 drilleiHiftheir "duty to-er yield lap inch to the iutimidatioji of jraitors anil usur- pers, were tney ooiu enougn to attempt the ..fraud again. Hanctick and English will -be elected and they will take their i . Re.'its. No earth lv nower can nrevent it nienceforth the constitution and the laws will be iu foree,-and those who iittempt to ignore the one aud override tlie other will be made to pay the penalty. The American people will never agaiuj. submit to being swindled out -of the President of their choice. The Democratic party; have resolved not tobe. Such a majority will be rolled up for our candidates as will si lence all opposition and put to bliishjeveu treason itself. Be not alarmed, therefore, but work. There will be no more 7 to 8 electoral commissions. No more frauds counted in. I Salisbury Examiner, Some say we should nominate' certain men this year to seenre harmony in the party in order to succeed. : U'eat moq : has it come to this ? - Are we after the - 1 I- o i spoils instead of principles ? Are we to cojidone crime and vote for bolters, life long disorganizers and trimmers, rather than coudeuin it and roto for, true I men who have spent their lives in defense of honest government 1 If great principles are worth nothing if policy is tolethe watch word, and the epoils the object of triumph, thejeL jt matters very little which party succeeds. This applies as well to the county officers as to the nation al. It is not availability the country needs, policy is not the creed, the spoils of office will give ho relief to the t ax-ridden rop- pressedjand misruled people. Thethief.the despot, and the sneak may wear tlie check ed cloak of availability, policy is theene my of principle, the emoluments: of-oflice is the glittering price of the nnscrnpulous politician, the reward of the bootrlick 7 . ,' X .1.1.. . .. , rni.X . tl.i..lhl. I anu tue kuave. , mere isbuivumuk "o' .1 o .i.l nmria cespn t tn 1 p-.Tined ! m'this contest. Great principles which nnderlie and constitute the fundamental basis of our fred system, the sovejrignty of I the States, the liberty of theciti?en, bon - - est administration, equal ana just "x;iatende During the J8truggle,we tiou, nonprote?tive tariffs, and the pro-? .. . ,T XT , , , 4 . J-i it'UcixLLLsAnl f learu that Mr. A else Cook and Mr. tection of labor from the exactions ot , tection mouonolies: We know that cowardice will'shriak froni thisittoble tnskand jthat slotii will lie down in the gutter of slpep, while the mere demagogues of piirty will ftkulk about iirbv-places, hunting after skuiK auuun j i t - i,n, into theocean of 8poils;" but Ihe true patriot the real friend o)F tliesys- tern our fathers establishetl, wilt neither skulk, nor go to sleep, nor uouge. auoui, after party; success, D :wiii setj -AiniseH as to the work of a lifetime, tojne Dusi- pess of spreading'ihe truth, kndHndicat- in the Immutable principles of justice and right. The great uattie oi yrwapies is now firsttp be fought. The jnonuna- tions, so far givi ns proper leaders in aa. T hniA . v-Af tA ha rn.ndA. ! IiA equally worthy by; whether for constable or u riJ .v?i"j-r - for Congress The deliberate iudinuent of the coiin- try has braiided the: bict fealarj grab1 Ha a dishonest thing The cusfians oribe public nurse- 0 uiariFof thWas favor ed tbat scheme or profited by1 it-ipht fheir hahda selves' ti in s iuto the parse Whelp1 them- ihouev which dirf not beloriF,,to them. M We are well awarti'that hbse jwho Were implicated iu that butrageotis fro- ceeding were not all llepnblicans. ' !B'ot if Tn.iMrnta RfonhUcart trans theV mnst takfl the eon sentiences. ; It has been shown that, hHe''Mr. Gar- field very artfully contrived to appear on lot!t sides of the question, so as to be able to fix up a plausible defense for ! use ilmWnnhU r.nnttnt-itfk. h wa. in rnli- ty, the most influential agent in carrying the' measure. through. u He had it in his power to defeat the bill at either of sev eral stages through 'which it progressed toward consumationi' Bnt so far from defeating it, he made sAre bf its success by calling up the Appropriation bill at a night session, when many' of its oppo nents, having been assured that it would not be called up, had gone home and in their beds. The record makes Mr. Gar field appear in the bad light of an iuten tioual deceiver, who got the enemies of the steal out of the "way by a promise which he did not intend to keen. It is true that Mr. Garfield put the money back .into the Treasury when he found what a tempest of popular rage had been created. Bnt he had previously tried to unload it on an institution of learning, thus showing that he claimed it as his own property. These are the facts, and the country will pass ou them. We don't believe any man who helped along the back salary grab, or made any pretense of a right to the money thus dishonestly voted, will ever le elected President of the United States by any party. Wash. l'it. . ; A Texan's Promise. When the telegraph had done its work iu spreading over the land the glad tid ings of General Hancock's nomination at Cincinnati, amid the glad answers that Hashed hack on the wires, came one say ing, "Texas will give one hundred thou sand majority for the man who knew when to stop fighting." This old Con federate struck the keynote of the whole campaign. He condensed in one ringing and overpowering sentence the long cata logue of virtues '-coin bluing "in" 'theinian who is both a hero and a statesman. Valoy arid political experience are, not enough in him who is now needed to heal the breaches in our national life. That "knowledge comes but wisdom lingers," is the almost invariable rule among our statesmen. The terse and sagacious title lien. Hancock lias won to pre-eminence. The words arc as inspiriug as'the immor tal anuouncment of Nelson at Trafalgar. They are to the knightly and sagacious Penusylvanian both a hope and assu rance. That he who held Cemetery Ridge with such supreme valor could so soon and tenderly appreciate the feeling and rights of the men who wore the gray, will give him the hearts of the people, and place iu the world's record along with Sir Philip Sidney, aud St. Martin of Tours. Rul. Observer. As showing the temper of the times. the Raleigh .Observer records the follow injr: The Empire State of the South always does things oh a 'grand scale. After the people there had expended all their euer gies in ratifying Hancock's nomination, they pressed the heavenly bodies iuto pa triotic service, i An immense meteor was seen iu Macon, and it went over into Hancock county and exploded. Hurrah fur' Hmifnk f Convention Ilow. In obedience to a call quite a num ber of Republicans met in Tise's Hall ou last Saturday to hold a county con vention, but the peace and harmony that should prevail in all well-regu lated institution.'?, was not a prominent feature at the meeting. After the or ganization yas effectedt,Mr. George B. Everett and Anderson Stipe got in I to a discussion about the appointraeu j of delegates, whteh soon waxed hot and resulted in passing a feMr blows ; tjat fa to cet in where they were f Farrinjrton also madesome hostilede- monstrtions.t The combatants were soon separated rand the buslnessiof the 'convention wasVrVnedmuite a . . . ' . -r i ; hurnetl confusion. From the parties engaged in the row we suppose it is a ; conflict as to whether the Revenue of ficers or Mr, Everett will be the lead- er 0f, the party in the coming cam 4 o We fove to our friends - " . rr- tbo enemy enjoy themselves.-JTW to; oenimei, Ln.r u . i :i i .? y. Our distinction do- not lie in the 181.,,., - , . in the . - 5': y" 7 w them. 'Sim m's.' fi - r Jxtrsstko Documents. Ife ft resolved J j tt jknaU&d Mouse of. Representative, That in addition,to thanks heretofore voted bvjjoiat, resolution,, approved January 23, 1864, to Major-General jGea H. Meade, Ma- jor - General Oliyer 0. Howard, and to the officers and soldiers of the Army of the Po- tmac for the skill and iberoic valor which at Gettysburg repul3ed,;jdefeated and drove back, broken and dispirited, the veteran arrav, of the rebellion, the gratitude of the American people and the thanks of their representatives in Congress are likewise due and are hereby tendered to Major-Genera! Winfield S. Hancock, for his gallant, meri- torious, and conspicuous share-in that great and, decisive victory, jj . Passed bj the House April 10, 1$G6. Passed by the Senate April 18, 1866. . . Signed by thqPresident April 23, 1866. MISCELLAKEOU. Last week 9,601 immigrants arrived at New York. During the month 29,451. Gen. Hancock's father was a Babtist. His wife is an Episcopalian and lie at tends that church but is not a member. He is said to weigh 250 pounds and is three inches high. Ain't he a "rouser !" The fare to New York and return by the Carolina Central Railway and Sea- i board Air Line, and Bay Line, has been reduced to $130 sleeping car, meals and state room ou Boat included. Tickets good to return until November 1st. Cheap enough. i ' s A Man of a literal and liberal spirit who believed that the ' contents of the poor-box belonged to tlie poor, was found fishing for silver and pennies on Tuesday iu the new Cathedrjal at New York. His lrae was whalebone, liial bait bird-lime, ! and he had had several bites. The court j ncliaed to' the view that this method of : distribution: involved a dangerous preced ent, and restrained the worthy man from further participation in- charitable works. w t ; -I U A Pretty TnrxoTO Sat." What a pret ty thing" for Garfield to shy : "Young gen- lemen, ifyou start out in life with high Ames you will become as majestic as the Oaks of Massachusctts."-pJn(3ianapolis Sen- inel. i PESOXALThc New York correspon- dent of Jh mv&i f'ritepipv. v ance nonoreu me wun a cau yesieraay. He islookingwellandhappy.andhis bride upon wiie l afterwards failed is Hand some, attractive and agreeable. She will be a decided accession to society in North Carolina, and especially; in Charlotte, where they will reside. They go to-day to New. London, then home. Col. and Mrs. Bryce, of Charlotte, and their daughters, are also here. Activity in Mixing. A prominent miner in tne county, ; ana one who is thoroughly familiar with tue condition of the mining interest, says that there is more activity in the business than has been known for several years. It is, too, mostly in the nature of new developments in search of snlphnreti which have here tofore been considered 1 comparatively valueless because of tlie difficulty in ex tracting the metal from them by the pro- cesses in common use. tie preuicis mac f At. . A. after the crops are 1 ml by the activity will be more marked than ever before in the couuty. Charlotte, Observer. ; Give Mr. Best a ChAnce. Mr. Best has undertaken an immense work something tlml- mn not h dnnr in in munth or vear. It ' mtll rnmiifA .pact ciiirt nf ninnpr onn . . , j Drains ana energy, io carry j om una giu n h.n rmmhi.r tiii mnnp- much of the brains must come from "outsid- ers," we submit our own people should oe patient, and give to Mr. Best and his asso- I f . i i.. . . i . . . . : ., , . colics every uu-u raaniFu oiuiu.iu;. . . , , T , . rrr x. .u" , . u is quired of Mr. Johnson if hewassatis We have the very fullest and most unquali- i Sed confidence in the integrity of Mr. B. and his purj)ose to carry out to his utmost ability the contract he has made with the State. We can say more, and we say it ad- viserlly : the contract win oe carnea oui , ... . , . , . Jww nri P,intRork. Disannoint - PrlSorehead3 mav as well cease their aland- ers. The objects are understood, and they can avail nothing. Asheville Citizen. - Liberia. Mr. Smyth, United States min - ister to Liberia, in a recent dispatch to the department 01 state, writes in giuwiug icnua of ?he land and of the lopportunities which are afforded settlers. Every family on ar riving in Liberia receives from the govern ment twenty-five acrei of the finest land and each individual emigrant ten acres. Competence is in the reach of all. But lit tle foreign bu-iness is done compared with what might be. American tobacco, cotton goods, salt, provisions and improved agri cultural machinery are jn demand. At pres ent" the, trade of the wdst coast is in the hands of the English. But a seacoast of 500 miles,' with an indefinite extent of fertile back ccmntry, inhabited by millions of peo ple, is at' the command j of American enter prise. Steam communication between the United' States and Africa is sadly needed. Sachi7communication Would also'give an impetus to the 'emigration of our colored people, 7 Native trader 'desire closer rela tions with the United States. - - - 4 t;, Dr, , Ta knee's Long Fast. "What is go ing to be gained, by this testH a reporter asked Dr..Gunn, one of( the physicians who is watching Dr. Tanner, who proposes to fast forty days, in New .York, on Sunday last. "I think a great advantage in the treatment of all intestinal disorders," repli ed.Dr. ,Gunn. "If a person can fast for this length of time we can discontinue feeding in cases of inflammation of the stomach and bowels, thus avoiding irritation and there by effect cures much more rapidly. It will also illustrate other important medical facts. Besides, if it is generally known that a per son can live a longer time than is popular ly supposed in case of shipwreck, for in stance, by exercising the will power, the castaway will be able to hold out longer. In such cases despair is more often the cause of death than the actual lack of food. Final ly, if the doctor succeeds he will demon strate the power of niiad over matter, and the result may lead to the knowled ge of many psychological facts which as yet we know nothing of." Fatal Accident One Man Killed. A shocking and fatal accident occurred-three miles from the city, near Parks' place, ou the Lawyer's road yesterday at 12 o'clock. Levi F. Furr. a hichlv re- f.Pectable citizen of Stanly county, who lives near the Cabarrus line, had been to the city with a three-horse team for goods ordered by merchants in that county. At the point designated above he was driv ing, while his sou-iu-law, James A Polk, and a tenant, J. V. Ellis, were riding iu the wagon. The horses were frightened by the sudden appearance of a cow from the bushes alongside of the road, and ran off. j After going at full tilt for two or three hundred yards, they suddenly turned into a ploughed field. At this point the driver was thrown from his horse and the other two men from the vehicle. Mr. Furr fell directly on his head, and his neck Was broken. He lived about five minutes but did not speak. Mr. Polk was also thrown on his head, but escaped 'with a slight sprain iu his neck. Mr. Ellis was stunned, but soon recovered and -leceived no serious injuries. The coroner was notified and held an inquest whicfi elicited the facts recited above. Mr. Furr was seventy years of age, and stood well in the community in which he lived. He le.iviis no smnll rliilflrAn tlm -onhcegt beinr the wife of Mr. Pollr. whil j u a leo,,,, conSiin of the late Pre8ldcnt , Jam -g R p(),k Tfte remafns of Mn Furr j rnppiwl tfl. St!,nlr tr.Uv f. teriioou. Charlotte Observer. The recent Duel. Further Particulars Cash Talks Coolly Warrants for His Airest Verdict of the Jury. The Charleston News and Courier contains dispatches giving: further particulars of the late duel. Col. Cash talks very freely about the duel, giv ing'afull account of it. He says : 'It was agreed that the signal for firing should be given by the dis charge of a pistol in the air,"which was done by Mr. W. E. Johnson Col. Shannon's second. Col. Slwiunon fired first, about the word "one, his ' ball taking effect in the ground about five paces in front of me, and throw ing. the sand in my face. At the time I thought I was shot. I fired between words "two" and "three," there . .' ,. . . , being a distinct pause between my ' shot and that ot CoJ. ohannon. He staggered and was caught by his friend, Col. J. E. Cantey, and I am in formed died in about five minutes. My fiecond Mr. W. B. Sauders, in , hed, and as well as recollect usea these words : "My God what, more could we ask." I was taken from the grun j by my seCoud, and my friend, iV:.w. Mr. v ariug. 1 Col. Cash is represented as speak- ing without the slightest perceptible excitement. Dr. Lee, of Darlington, was present at tlie duel as surgeon for Cash, and Dr. Burnett, of Camden, as ! surgeon for Shannon. V. E. Johnson, ghanlons second, was from Camden, , . c . r n , , o A and W. B. Sanders,. Cash s second, from humter countv. Hacli ot tne principals was attended by three friends upon the field, the friends of Col. Cash, being A. ; H. Waring of Florence, G. J. McCown of Darling ton and M. L. Sanders of Sumter. The friends of Coli Shannon were Thomas Ancrum, J.jM. Cantey and AlDj1 Goodwin of Camden. After the duel Col. Shannon's body was taken to Camden. It is said that that when he was first shot he stood still for a moment, exclaimed "Oh, God l" and; half turning around, fell and . was caught by his second. In aai'tiob ; 'to the, friends and seconds of he parties, a number of other, persons ! . 1 ! i witnessed the dnel The pistols used by Cash were his own, and those osed by Shannon are said to ha ve been the property of Col. Alfred Rhett. Col. Cash went to Darlington connty on Sunday and spent the night with his attendant? at the house of Mr. R; D. Lee, within a' few miles of Du Boss bridge. The duelling ground is about half way between Camden and Cash's Depot, and near the line dividing Kershaw and Darlington counties. - Col. Cash returned home on Mon day. It is rumored that he sent word to the sheriff of Darlington county yesterday that he need not come to ar rest him, as he would go down when ever he got a note from him. There is a general expression of horrible reeret at the duel and its atal result, and jt is rumored that another meeting between Col. Shan non's son and W. B. Cash, Col. Cash's sonis contemplated, and that there was an agreement between the Shan nons father and son, that if the father fell in the fight, the son should take up the quarrel. At Cheraw universal regret is ex pressed at the sad termination of the difficulty at Bennettsville, and in Marlboro there is much feeling against Col. Cash. At this place and in the county I am informed that there is great excitement and a feeling of gen eral indignation against Col. Cash. Coroner Goodale held an inquest yesterday and to-day. The verdict of the jury was that, "from the evi dence brought before us, Wm. Shan non came to his death from a pistol shot wound, said pistol beiugfired by E. B. Cash." Corouer Goodale im mediately issued a warrant for the arrest of Col. Cash, directed to Sner- iff Doby, who has transmitted the same to the sheriff of Chesterfield county for execution. 5 How She Found Ojit. It was one of the most provoking and unaccountable things ever heard of. Lina Rivers had two lovers, and. for the life of her she couldnt' tell t 9 which of them she loved best, or if she loved either. But if it were per- plexing to Lina, it was doubly so to the two candidates for her favor, Har ry Byrne and William Goodwin, who, however willing to give each other fair play, were as much in earnest as men are apt to be in such matters. To do Lina justice, she distributed her smiles very equally between them, she was always willing to talk to both, aud apparently as happy with one as the other. But when either urged her to give him a decid ed answer to his suit, "She didn't know. She would think it over, and give him an answer next week." But when next week came she was unde cided as ever. m Thus matters went on for some time but it couldn't last forever. 'My dear Lina, you promised that you would tell me to-day urged Har ry, whose stock of patience was well nigh exhausted. Lina's sunny face became instantly overshadowed at those grave, earn est words. 'How can I tell, you Harry when I don't know myself?" 'You know if you love me, Lina. And so bitter as the knowledge is, I am compelled to believe that you do not, and never can." "But I do love you, Harry !" re torted Lina almost ready to cry at the tender reproach convpyed by these words. "That to say I like you very much indeed.' 'But do you like me the best? that is what I want to know.' 'Yes, I like you best, now." ThAn whv not nromise to become .f 9i - my wile. 'Because when I am with William and he talks to me the same way, I . X think I ifke him the best.' In spite of his pain and perplexity Harry could not help smiling at this J . . - natve confession. - But you cannot marry both of us, dear child.' 'Of course not said Lina, blush- ini rosily at tub practical application A j Jiu.. w,f th;ntrm of her words i - but why can t things Uif! " . J . ,b go on just as they nave oeen t. inat is what I should like .4? or a moment Harry stood in si- - " lent perplexity. : At last,! quite de spairing of making" her comprehend nim, he said "I am convinced that you will nerer entertain ' a warmer feeling lor me than friendship ; and that the wisest thing for me to" do is to seek in absence the peace that for- getfulness can' alone give! roe. 1 God bless yon, dear lana, and make you "sppy wiin uie man wuo 13 lor- unate enough to win you.1 ,' 'He won't go he loves me too fond ly,' thought Lina And yethe sound of the closing door fell heavilv oh her heart. w 'So Mr. Byrne is fairly off at last; said a lad? acmiainbtnnA fn Mn. m J . . next day. "I just met blm on his way to the station to catch thr Wo o'clock train for Cliffdale. Goodwin is going to be the happy man, I j?ee. Now I always thought your choice would fall on Harry.' j I don't know that I'm obliged to have either said Lina, laughing, but with an Indescribable sinking at the How little do women show of their real thoughts and feeling I Never did Lina rattle away morel carelessly aud gaily than after receiving this unexpected news. J Just before dinner, as Lina was sitting alone with her mother, in burst her brother James. " 'There has been a terrible accident mother 1 The two o'clock train to ri:M-i :-t 1 ; ' 1 vnuuaic iau uuo a mggage train ana 1 1 1 1 .. j . Kiiiea 1 don t know how many ! There's an extra train coiner to their" relief ; and they want all the linen bandages and cordials that can be had.' i Away bustled kind-hearted Mrs. Rivers, to get whatever the house af forded, leaving poor Lina with a dumb-horror in her set eyes and pal- id face that no language could ex press. Going to her room, she hur riedly put on her things but how she hardly knew. 's 'Killed she moaned, as she hurried towards the station ; and ;it is I who sent him to his death f Ob, Harry ! Harry ! now indeed I know; but ah, too late : . i As Lina turned the corner of the station in her blind haste, she ran di rectly into the arms of a gentleman who was coming from an opposite di rection. - 1 ' . 'Lina?' .. Lina gave a wild cry ofjoy, as she twnvu IUVV AMWW VTA ovunwt 'Oh, Harry I can it be you?' she gasped, 'I thought you were in the train, and killed !' j 'I was five minutes too late for the train, Lina.' - As a matter of course, Harry went home with Lina and curiously enough he chose the longest route he could have taken. "So you really do care for me alit t'e. Lina?' he said, looking down into iisr nusneu tear-wet iace. 'I like you a great deal, Harry was the low and tremulous reply. 'Please bend your head, so I can whis per irryour ear." 'Well, darling?' ; - 'I think yes, I am sure that I have found out 'Found out what?' exclaimed the young man. -J 'Found out who it is that is dearer ii 11 .u i,i i,:.i t I 11 I - 1 M . w iuc limn an 111c wguu ucaiusa. . 'Tell me his name?' : Lina hid her flushed cheeks" upon her lovers shoulder. ' 'Oh, Harry ! can't you guess?" she said, in a low, earnest tone. 'It is you you I And to think' that I nev- er knew it until'I thought I had lost you for ever.' 4 We understand that between one and - two thousand dollars have been paid out and distributed over the county to wit- jnesses and others holding claims, as a rc- J gultf the recent motion of Mr. Bingham to recind order of the county Board, which allowed tlie passage of claims but j once a year in March. The abrogation of . J 1 -t. ' - AX. if tnai oraer was bo w we ngnt ai- . .. . . . .. 1 Now is the time to sow Buck-wheat. ! The stable should be tnrnedjwithoat de- iaVf ana the eed sown about the 25thof this mouth and ploughed in with a boll- tongueafterwards harrowed. Land that willjirodnce 6 to 8 bushelsof wheat will make 11 to 12 bushels of buckwheat, and . , 1 , soon. It is a valuable crop and should u er&Vj grown, ft good fertilizer to to It is also said to be torn tinder; when green. Examner, : m -"' v - ' - i ! - - . . ' . i . '' - : I.

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