Carolina-Watchman; TIIUKSIAY,Ji:l-V2J, 1USO. . " ' ' -ill JTATIQJJAL DEM03BATIC TICKET. - FOR PRESIDENT : " DTFIELD SOOTT HANCOCK, Ov Penxsylvam. J ' ' FOR VICE-PRESIDENT :' WILLIAM H. ENGLISH, - Ok Indiana; I MiM Painter U pi-.bto,. tbi Court l IIoubo iu cwrosimt,""" ,et getting up consiuerauie jcji&iuuo iuiui. . 1 . ' ' '" t j The Republicans of the Gth District have nominated W. B. Myers, of Char lotte," forCongress, and G. W. Patterson, pf Concord, for Elector. Dr. Phillips lias experienced very deci- u 1 , . , , , numerous friends now cherish a livelj Lope of complete restorations j - The population of Charlotte has increase ed, from 4,437 in 1870 to 7,075 in 1880. A. laree increase beyond question. Similar results will bo shown 0f rIIickoryi Win . ston, Durliam, and perhaps Raleigti ' Mr. Best is again the subject of inquiry, the 20th of July having passed without his appearance along the line td pay off 1 hands, &c. Confidence iu his success is still maintained,' and so the failure is having no serious effect. f j ! Bv a recent decision of the Commis- siouer of Internal Revenue, , leaf ! tobacco . . i cut and prepared for cigarettes is manu- factored tobacco, aud cannot be removed for use or consumption without; paying the tax of sixteen cents. j i There is no abatement, but the contrary, in the earnest zeal manifested from the start in behalf of Hancock for the Presi dency. jPhe Country is settling down on the idea of his election as certain, beyond ; doubt. Every new development tends hat way. j Fatal Accident. A N. Y. Company are constructing a tunnel under the Hud son ;iver to connect New York city and Jersey city.. The work bas been pushed 'latterly witjh considerable vigor jrom the New"3rsey! side. Ou tho morning of tho 21st., 28 men being at work, the casing gave away and 20 were either crushed Or (Irowped. i i , " Electou for the 7th District. The friends of Capt. Charles Price,' greatly de- . piro that -he should be appointed Elector for this District. We know of no gentkr" inan who possesses higher qualities for the His popularity in Rowan and -Davie, where he is well known, is com mendation enough. I fbe Statcsville A vi erican says : "Among the leading Democrats who have express Xiil confidence in Gen Garfield's integ rity, are Hon. Jere Black, Hon. Allen J. Thunuan, Justice Field, Hon. bleary Wat son ant! Don Piatt." Rut it don't amount to much, since every one of 'them will go .Hancock. Col. Armfield, iu a public; speech in Statcsville, is reported b.y tho American as saying, "thatjio felt that the govern ment would be perfectly safe in the hands f. Gen Garfield." Does Mr. 1 Armfield 'feel" that it would "be "perfectly safe in the h ands" of the Republican iiarty 1 : 1 . rotf ' Gov. Jarvis returned from ghelby and went on to Raleigh yesterday) expecting to meet Judge Buxton in Raleigh to-day, for the purpose of consulting iu Reference to joint cauvass of the State. Gov. Jarvis thus- does his adversary the honor of choosing his own course iu the premises. Wo hope the judge will decide to accom pany Mr. Jarvis'. It will be more accepta ble to the people, aud more honorable to hjnitHrlf. ;j CAMTAKiX Or-EXKD. Gov. Jarvis and i Attorney Gen. Kenan, opened the cam- paign at Shelby, on Saturday last. There . "was a large crowd present, and the speak- er entered upon the w ork of the sum- uer - wmi mucu animation, ihe candi- dates of the Republican party w ere not in attendance. After the Governor: and the Attorney ueneral had concluded their j speecucs, tol. Charles R. Jones was call- pq ana responded. ! M r ine Wilmington btar says: Stephen fM ... 1 iwenarason, caiorexl, made a murderous - nssauu on tue fannly Qf Robert Phinney, colored, iu the city, on the njght of the 20th, i He entered the houseWith a heayy iron shovel, and made iudiscriininate war upon old man Iinney and wife, and their r daughter, who was the wife of tlie assail- aut! : The. latter died of her wounds, and v.. yvvj.tu en senseless and oipeumg ou the Hoor. Richardson ran, vr vupmreu uiiu is in prison. "The Old Set ' io the Fkoxt. The reformers of the; Republican1 party, like uearge imam Curtis, HaUtead and ;Schurz, are thus spld out at tle very be ginning of the campaign and are to have riu piaco wiui uarneiu, should lie be elect- uas auo11 set" are to hare the front eats. IUsuuteworthy-that after Gen. Garfield announced m his lettt kf- .Aa t ' ' i 1 1 , " "1' tance that lie should rely unon th '1 bossei for oecio,, of ll to tlir dUtrtrt n... J -record tmktJ: unia " ,ree , ' ' ; :rr!--r?nK.fJ yard split her skull onen. ITnmao. . . ; - - extiinir his horse he thfin drmr pursiou for a trfp to Europe. X r. JForMJ . . j - .There are over 200 teachers attendirg uituimm scuooi. Mb. S. A. LowitAXCE, of West Rowau, f who is oheof the biost successful wheat ndsers in this or any other part of tho fcrate, furpisbes the followingon his nieth ctc!iJIejBeecle4 IB bushels this year and has garnered 501 bushels, being au average of over 27 bushels to one oilseed sown, - f , . Por tue Watchman. i i Mr. Editori Having had frequent in- Jfuirics a to my mode pf sowing wheat roin my fellow faxiiiers of Rowan county, and for the benefit of any others who may wish to know; I will give a few ways, as I have no iron rule i -&Z&Et& v First- ? to make a jrood crop, 1 would a Bunjcieni unie ior a crop 10 gi - Qvr w oe lurueu w Augusi-T-pio luei the dropping of the stock is all kept 01 the dropping of the stock is all kept on the land, Though a clover sod that had ti rst crop mown, jor better, turn all the crop under in August, is a good start for a wheat crop. Au jold pasture is also good. 1 never follow Wheat after wheat, and seldom sow after corn. -7 , First of all. Hie essntial is a thorough preparation of the soil : plough well and subsoil if possible. I frequently sow peas h M auj mu fceforo frost, leaving all the vines on the land, of course. My time for sowing is from the 10th of October to the middle of November, but prefer to sew froin the 1 5th tojthe 20th of October, one year with another,7 though late sown wheat is sometimes the best. I drill in one bushel to the acre with about 160 to 180 lbs. of Peruvian Guano. I hare made good wheat with other standard fertilizers, though the Peru yiai j is best, for wheat. r Last but not least, a personal attention to the ploughing! is indispensable to suc- cess. The oldrsaying is true witu respect to farming especially : If you want any thing done get it done, but if yon want it done.rigbt do itj yourself." As to soil a clay soil is best, but 1 have had as good wheat on light soil as any. With a thor- ouch preparation oti soil, &:c.. i never Calculate on reaping less than 20 bushels frn nnA TIia bm Ron "" nit iiinrKi. hafl Vfil'V , t do witb tbe cron. Hoping these rcmai ks may be of benefit to my fellow farinors; I am , 1 lours &c, y : SI A T .rxxiT a The Atlantic and j North Carolina J- Railroad Lease. - - f : Newbern Nut Bnell J i At the meeting of the lease committee of this road, held on the 14th inst., at Morehead City, the following proposition were submitted i i Mr. Wm. P. Clyde, Col. A. S. Buford and Col. A. B. Aiidrewa offered to lease for a term of tweuty-oue years $30,000 per annum. They recommended : That $5 000 of this go topermanent improvement of the road, the balance of the indebted ness of said corporation secured by the first mortgage ibonds of the company. The guarantees Of this proposition were not m definite j shape. I hey were not prepared to ofiel a deposit of money as security. The next proposition was made by Col. Bridgers, President of the Wilmiugtou aud Weldoil' Railroad, iu behalf of that compauy. They offer $33,000 per auunm for a term of twenty-three years, with the understanding that the entire amount outside of that necessary to keep np the corporation, which isjfrom $2,500 to $3, 000, to go to the payment of the first mortgage bonds of the company uutil the same shall be paid, aud thereafter as a semi-annual dividend upon the stock. This amount of 33,000 to be paid quar terly. As a guatautee of their good faith $20,000 iu bonds are to be placed in tho National Bank of Newbern or any other place agreed upHj. . A proposition was submitted by Mr. C. W. McLean, who telegraphed the propo sition to lease from Chicago at $35,000 ler auuum. There was nothing definitely shaped as to terms, guarantees, etc. A fourth proposition came from Apple ton Oaksniith, iij behalf of ttie Midland route. The ternks of this proposal were forty years at $1,200,000 for the entire term, with the privilege, t$ mortgaging the road at the rate of $15,000 per mile. The State Canvass, , ! ( i The State eanfass wo may say, began on yesterday ati Shelbey,' where Gov. Jarvis and Col. Kenan opened the battle onoiir side. We do not know that thev were replied to or that there was any division of time asked by any one repre- seutingthe Republican ticket. Indeed, up to tho present time, it is altogether uncertain whether there will bean anta?- ogist in the field against Gov. Jarvis, for Judge Buxton ilppears, like Mahomet's coffin, to be iq a fearful state of suspense. He wants to be Judge aud go on aud try cases, and at the same time be a candi date before the people for a purelv noliti ' -1. cal office. It is paid to be by no means settled what course he will pursue, and so we are still w ithout definite iuforma- tiou whether 0ov. Jarvis will have a walk over or a con test before the people, It will matter but little so far as ihe re- suit is concerned1, although a livelv cau- vass would stif us up- aud bring out many voters who might otherwise re- wain away from the polls.. Raleigh Ob server. Double Mubx er axd Suicide. New York, J uly 20. A. special from Syracuse N. Y., says: Oc Sunday last a wealthy farmer named Easterly, living near the Village Lyons, N1. Ti, became-involved in a quarrel vvithi his -wife. The latter's mother interfered for Mrs. Easterly riro icciionf wiiereulou Easterly killed, hi ,..i...n - - r, i.. . motuer-m-law th an axe. He then at liicKcu ins wire Wptu tne same weanon and n. -i J 00uOWwiHJD,anQ ST. "t"." ly tever.1 "W. V-T" "oase t of gua outlet, stripped himself naked and ll rn wnl Mmclf:- . '. . : : : f . w .u. ViUJUUiLl- uuuocii 114 vutj stream, lie was w year of age.t and Ayprth $20,000 or uw. leaves tw diDdren. UancoeU in Pennsylvania, Hon. Milton Speer In jN..Y. Herald, lth. With the tide running as it now is debate as to Peunsolvania will soou end. Her people have soldiers, as well gri'at State pride. Her as the soldiers of tue Union, love the name of Hancock. The Republicans of Pennsylvania could have but two issues jfirst, the bloody shirt, and second, the tariff. .. The first issue is eliminated from the nation of Hancock canvass by the uomi He wore the bloody sliirt when it cost one's me to wear it, and it cannot be never heard the used now by men who roar of cannon or saw the flash of powder. As to the second, Geu Garfield has j declared; repeatedly that he is for protection for the purpose of securing' fiee trade, and so distinguish ed have been his: services in public for free trade that he has received the unu sual honor for an Ameriain, of beiug elected a membrof the Cobdeu Free Trade Club of England. Hence Hancock is aggressively strong in Pennsylvania with the soldiers and his appeal to our State pride. He knew when to fight aud fought. When tiie; war was over he knew when to quit, and he did quit. The machine Republicans of Pennsylvania were for Grant. The Independent Re publicans were for Blaine. Prior to his nomination there was not a dozen Repub licans in Pennsylvania who ever dream ed of Garfield becomiug their caudidate. Pat ty drill may, aud doubtless will, bring the body of the party to Garfield's sup port. But I predict that iu this contest the Republicans will lose every doubtful legislative and Congressional district iu the State. Hancock is the pride of our people aud the idol of our soldiers. He is stronger than the party, aud with the many declarations by prominent Repub licans of their earnest aud enthusiastic support I cannot and I do not doubt that the electoral vote of Pennsylvania will be cast for him by a decided majority. The; Cash-Sbannou Duel Senator Butler Thinkf it is not Defensible tinder the Coie. From the Charleston Xews and Courier. Eiwjefield C. H., July 13, 1830. Messrs. Riordan d? Di(cson Deak Sihs : I want to Riiy to vou that you have niy hearty eudorsemeiiti iu the position you have taken in reference to the Cash Shaunou tragedy, lit is uu letlection upon the memory of tlij gallant geutlemeu of the past who resorted to the duello to settle their personal differences to ask that the law be vindicated iu this case. Informer days the most punctilious de corum and chivahtc courtesy distinguish ed the conduct of gentlemen iu "affairs of honor," aud coarse; ribaldry and gascou encc as odious as the ; but now the "wash- ade in correspond brand of cowardice buckler style" appears to be fashionable. Tlse issue is v-ry sharply made be tween those who trample law defiantly unuer loot auu uiose wna execute ir, and I do hope that courage enough may be found to execute it. It will be a sad lay for South Carolina when a geutleni?.n, who feels it to be his personal or professional duty to vindi cate private rights iu our courts, is first to be insulted, pursued, villified aud goaded to desperation, and theu shot. If that is to be the plane which onr civili zation is to occupy! we shall all bo sleep- iug ou our arms. Aud there must be something radically wrong in public sen timent which cau force a mau of Shan non's high character and acknowledged courage to tight a duel under the circum stances which surrounded him. It is about time we were finding out where we are, and ascertain whether Vborder ruffianism" is to govern this couutry or whether civilized institutions shall be maintained. I express no opinion on the merits of this difficulty for j I know nothing of it, except what I have seen in the public prints ; but I do veuture the opinion that it is the first time in the historv of duel ling in South Carolina that a man has been shot for doing what he had, iu morals and law, clearly the right to do, and for doing whatf it was his sworn duty to do, to wit; faithfully, representing the interests of his clients in the courts against parties who had themselves gone into the courts. His without a parallel either in the issue' made or the manner of its conduct. You are doing your share of public duty iu a proper manner pardon mo for saying so aud I believe that nine-tenths of tho respectable people of the 'State will sustain you. i You may couut on my doing so in any way that I properly may. Very truly yours, &c., M. C. Bctlek. London, June 28th, 1880. Bro. Brunkr ; I have arrived safe in London, the largcsticity on our globe. We think New York large, but' the population of this city is fourfold greater, being some thing like one-tenth as great as the whole United States. lu; X write not however to tell you about London; but how I got here. Well, at New York I took passage on board of the S. 8. Ship Italy of the National Line. She is in length 425; ft., in breadth of beam 43 ft. and depth of hold 84 ft., and register ed to carry 4,303 tons. She had a crew of 85 officers and meqi commanded by Capt. Jas. Sumner, 9.1 saloon passengers and 30 steerage passangersj 300 head of fat cattle and 4000 tons freight. We left New York at 11. A. M. June loth. The day being fine we had a fine view! of the harbor and its surroundings. If the Bay had a Mt. Vesuvius some where on the end of Staten Island the scenery, I think, would equal if not excel the Bay of Naples. At II! P. M. we were outside of Sandy hook and discharged our pilot. A Cunard steamer wjeut out just before us and a French steamer behind us, they both tooK a course away j ro our leic. we saw a number of other vessels going out and many I bo.und in. By C p. !nx. we saw neither land nor vessels except the twp that came out with 17th. A quiet morning and a calm sea. No vessel in sight but the French steamer far away to our left. Saw two steamers in ward bound and quite a number of ether vessels daring the day. , fe' The sub went down behind a cloud and not a thing to be seen on the broad waters. While a few passangerswere complaining of sea-sickness, the greater part ot them were engaged about something some were play ing audi singing, some reading, some iu con- rersatiuu,! some at shuffle board, some pitch- ing rings, some piaying cuecker ana some cards, Ac. ' ' ' 18th. A fresh wind ahead which stiffened during the day, and put a number more on the sick list. At 7 p. m. the S. S. City of New iprk of the Inman line, inward bound passed jus away on our right. She being out of her course, signaled us to look out for ice, as she had to run south to her present lati tude 41 before she got out of it. ,19th.! A fresh wind, a sprinkling of rain, and sea at times breaking over and washing some of our deck; saved myself from a wav? sprinkling by dodging behind a mast oiu wtiH mma anKieueep in water running Cross t Ue deck. Many of our passanyers are down with sea-sickness. Not a thiug seen all day! outside of our ship but the waste of watersiwith their white crested waves. 20. A lovely Sabbath morning, wind has calmed down but still considerable sea Tun ing. Had Episcopal service in the dining saloon; by II r. llovey of Brooklvji. and in the afternobn by Geo. C. LerjrueL D. D. of Chicago. 5 p. m; met one Barque and pass ed another, and saw four others lufore sun down, j Suppose they have been driven south oi tnejr course ov ice. 2lbCFSea calmed and many of the sick have got on deck. Passed a Barque in the aiternoon. 22d.i A smooth sea and fair: wind. Noth ing seen from our decks to-day but the boundless deep. . 23rd. Weather and sea as yesterday. Pass ed a Barque at noon. At night had an ex cel lent concert (in dining saloon which was draped with flas for the occasion) and a stiring address from G. C. Lejimel, D. D. on behalf of the Sailoi's, Orphan Home, tor which! a collection was taken up. There is a Coaipany of Minstrel passengers with us rro:u whom we at times have line music. 24th. Sea rough aaia, making many sick. iixm. met uauauian oi tuis -line ou her way to ,New York. 2 th. A fresh north wind causing hip to roll, while at times a white crested wave sends its spray a cross the deck, sprinkling altwlio are in its way, but generally the the deck is dry and many are sitting Hat on it. Hearing laughing, I looked and saw some who were sitting on deck be tween 'smoking saloqn and skylight jump up and run when a stream of water rushed across: the deck where they had been, a wave having broken over that part of the ship. Later a row of ladies were reclining on easv chairs; along lea side of diniug room sky light, loa camp stool at end of row, while before us were some seated on deck and others standing, a big wave rolU our ship over to starboard, launching all in tront ot us into scupper against deck railing, while we who were !ittin'r are launched from our seats On to our backs full length on deck. When: the ship righted we were trying to right ourselves, when the ship took another lurch and we slided against those that were in thej scupper. No one was hurt, and amongst the general langhter we soon all got righted agam. Nothing but white crested waves seen from our decks to-day except a minute s sight ot two porpoises. aotii. A lovely mormnsr, wnul and sea calmed down, six vessles in siiht at sun up andnfour more are seen during the dav. How soon they vanished out of our sight! This aiternoon we had ships crew mustered and drilled by gettingout four of our boats. 27th. A lovely Sunday morning with calm sea ami ncm wind irom the south, we are nearing land as a steamer and several ves sels we have pised are making for theaauie point as we. We hve had quite an interest ing discussion on Christ's 2d jcoming, after which! we hadthe Episcopal service on deck folio. vpd by a few practical remark.- on the lessanjot the day (the draught of hlu-s) b Rev. Mr. Johnston, Methodist, Baltimore Have met a lew vessels this ; morning and passed many, 1 p. m., see a pilot bo:it. h;iii iag them. W e jhave 3 methodist, 2 presl? terian, 1 Baptist and 1 Epicopalian ministers aboard. We breakfast at b a. m., Liinh at 1 p. m., dine at 5 and tea at 8 p. m. Each morning after breakfast a few of the ministers and others assembled on deck with their Bibles (weather permitting) read a portion of Scripture, had prayer and then discussed for an hour the Scripture read. Twd p. m., see lighthouse on land, and half past 2 sec land, wheu a band of us join iu singing, "Praise God from whom all bless ings flow." 4 p. m. pass Lizards point 4-i miles ifrom light on Lands End and 3G-1 milKs from Graves end which is 23 miles be low London. Passed the celebrated Editson Lighthouse at half past 7 p. m. Went down this evening into Fore catle with a number of ministers and others, and jheld interest ing religious services with the sailors. 27th. A calm morning with a licht fog 5 a. m. nassin Iale of Wight The shore along the Lizards are rocky and steep, rising 200 to '500 f'.-et high. and then the table lands sloped back with green fields dotted with white houses and a village, uegret I could not jsee what the Isle of! Wight is like. Why should old Eng land hide her face from us. Ill a. m. pass ing Beachy head with bold white clitts. Old England has now unrailcd her face and Binilcsj upon us. 1 p. m. pass Dunvtenys! Church Castle and ligbt house. Engine stopped for first time since we left New York, ana tikes pilot aboaru. We now pass Falksteu and Dover with their bold clifts 200 to 400 feet high. 3 p. ra. enter the Thames and have a tine view of South Point with its beautiful lands and residences. Passengers are admiring ihe tine landscape. Can t make Graves End on account of lw tide, so cast anchor. 28th. Hove anchor, and was up at Hams- gate 1V 4 a. in., when Costoui Ortjcors came aboam and we had a change of pilots and a steamer hitched along side of Us. We were opposite to our dock before 6 a. m., but it took us five hours to get in and pass Custom house Officers, Dock Officers, fcc., and get aboard of train to go up into the city. So it was near 1 p. m. betore l rcacnect my hotel. lours truly, Wm. Murdoch. COURT CALENDAR. Calendar oFCajsseis forTrlal at iuuMt ?5pocial Term o 1 to wtm Superior Court Coinmcuciiig JAoiilii' tin? OtU luy of AuffitNit, 1 WJSO, IIIh Honor A. AJ 3JoIQy, J?ieslclliig'. i i - - ! Moxday 1st Week. No. 6 Pleasant Martin, j B. T. Cheat- ! ham. ! a a a tt a tt 9l-rRl A. Caldwell v J.: V., Syuions. 10 Margaret A. lleeyes, v W. A- ! Kestler. 11 Boy den v Ackenbaek. 13 E. Manner, t T. J. Crowell. 13 John F. Park, v Elizabeth Park. 14 Frank Dobbin, B. & D. 11. II, Co. j V TuESDAT-rs Week. No. lt Means v Waggoner. il. 18 T. J. Meroney v MJ LMcIntyre, . ! (t at, - i- ' tt 13 Meroney & Bro., t M. I. Mc- Intyre, rf al. 20 State Ex Bel. M. L. Holmes, t? "Thomas J. Foster, tt ah. 21 George U. Iveuuerly, v Margaret Keuuerly. ; . . ; ! -x 22 Moses; L. Holmes, t R. ) A. Cald well. V i 23 John W. Fisher, v T. H. AVebb. 21 Jones, Gaskill & Co., v A. T. Powe. ... "' Wedxesday 1st Week. Xo. 25 George Lyerly and others, Ex ... Parte --- ... ,-f.-4 , -26 Anna Macay and others x Parte. so Anna iiacay ana others t.x rurte. 1 27 Anna Macay audothers Ex Parte. 23-Jos. Dobson, r S. McD. T ate. I t it 2U T. C. Hauser v S. McD. flute. it it 30 Cowles v R. & D. R. R.,Co. 32 Jas. ICiider v R. A. Ranisey. Tiiuusday 1st Week; No. 33 State Ex. Bel., B. C. Arey v J. S. , , Henderson, admr. of Mason and others. j 370., G. Foard v Henry Cauble. tt ti t 33 Tobias Kestler v I. S. Linker. 39 C. Blihgle t' Sally Ilill.- 40 Johu II. Loug v Louis Mason. 41 Moses L. Holmes v W. h. Kcsltr and others. EuiiiAY 1st Week. ; t tt No. 42 State upen relation of S. C. Stvers v George H. Peelei admr. of Charles Eller and oihers. 43 Simeon" Klultz, r John Hi A. Lip ard. 41 V. A. Postou v John Rose. 4bV-Sylvauus Huyues, v W. A. Wo mack. 47 J. B Woods aud others vObadiah Atwell. ! 43 John Beard r Sam. H. Wiley. 50 W. A. Poston v J. W. Moore. Saturday 1st Week.; tt ii ii tt it o. oi it. ii. aiomsoo, i7 v.oauuis8iMers W T W ft Mt . oi fcaiisoury. 54 C. B. Hotchkiss, r Ann McNeely. 55 Geo. Ackeuback v T, P. Johnson. 50 E. W. Hovey v L. B. Cady. 57 Thos. J. Meroue.v i' J. L. Wright. 58 Abrain Meant v Phaniah : Pi opst. Monday 2d Week. tt a n No. 59, C. A. Coble r James. McLean. 01, Jones, Gaskill & Co., J. W. Bright, tt al. G2, R. J. Holmes, r E. V. Hovey and others. 63, R. V. Lanier, v R. & D. R. R. Co. 64, Wiley Parker r Paul Barringer. 05, Jones, Gaskill & Co., v W. H. Kestler. Go, E. W. llovey r Henry Tyson, e t al. 67, E. W. Hovey r William Davis. 08 Sandy Shaver v Thomas Pinkstou. Tuesday 2d Week. tt a . t tt tt No. GO, M. W. Campbell, t' W. A. Pos ton. 70, Jesse- F. Wyatt, v W. C. Rutty aud others. 71, Wm. A. Downun r J. A. Fisher. 72, Nancy F. Kirk v Agnes Eagle, Excutiix. 73, Ja.s. C Carter and wife, v Agues Eagle, Executrix. 74, Henry Barringer v Noah Peeler. 75, J. R. Silliman c J B Gaither. 70, Alexander Parker v A C Harris and others. , 78, Luke Blackmer v P N Heilig. 82, Luthci Hubbard v Rosauah Hub bard. 84, 1 A Goodman v J C Miller. 8.5, K 11 Covvan r Jan S McCuUbins. 80, Jas liLiinit-r v Thos J Meroney. tt t tt t. t t tt tt t. .t tt X7 t.itt..v I Ih.u t- 1 li l! ft- r Thuusday 2i Week. I No. oG, Johnson, Clark & Co. va C H ; Beruheiui. ! 88, Ttibias Kesler vs Ii P Uo.senian. i 8J, Wins. Brown vs R S Johnson. UU, Hi ss, Uogi-is &- Ch;i!ubers vs R F Grab. i in and others. .t tt tt tt Ul, Koonce vs Jciniuia Pinkstou. 1)2 fet ate ex. rc-1 F II Mauney vs Isaac E u iib.udt and others. Wm Hunt vs Emma Hunt. Ul Kaic Fostt i vs r J Foster. r:;:u.vv l H tKK. No. 1)5 Fiaiii..iu Davis & Co. vs T M K.i i ii... do Meroney & Rogers vs Mis. M L Chuuu. 05 Washington Paifer vs Audn-w Wtlle. 09 Tobias Ivesler vs It P Roseman. 100 Harriett L Fily vs Valentino Piopst. 101 John Lowder vs Caroline Chuuti. 102 Thos J Meroney vs.lnoil Bright. it 103 Thos J Meroney vs It M Payne. 104 J J Mott vs Jno A Ramsay . Satubdav 2t Week. No. 105 J C Lentz vs W A Posu.n. I Oli Albei t Peeler vs W A Poston. 107 W A Hanner v It & D It It Co. 103 Alfred Sappentie'.d vs It & D R It Compaux . 100 W Ii Leouard and wife vs J II Shelton audothers. MOTION DOCKET. No. 1 Clarissa Julian and others ex parte. 10 J 11 Newnan and others ex parte-, 11 RA Caldwell kivf v'g adm'r of Clin. F. Fisher vs Christine Fisher & others. 4 Juo Hughes adm'r vs J G Flem- mg et al. 5 Juo Y Bryce vs Jas Calloway. 4 7 Wm II Horah adm'r vs John M Horah and others. " 12 XCG Amalgamating Co., vs X C O D Company. 15 E Mauney vh Joseph Marshall. 17 L Black tuer adm'r of John McRo- rie aud others. " 31 The Commissioners of the Town of Salisbury vs D Ii Julian and others, i " 34 E H Marsh vs T J Meroney. 44 35 Commissioners of the Town of Salisbury vs J Henry Heilig and others. ' 45 Charles Price vs H C Eceles. 49 Coins, of Guilford vs W B March aud others. " 52 E W Hovey vs W F Buckley aud and others. " 53 Edwin Shaver vs E H Marsh. '60 C A Coble vs Alexander Brown. " 7U Marg't W Long vs Geo S Cole Sc Brother. 44 79 Dugal L Arey vs David Baringer. " 60 B C Arey vs David Barringer. 81 Jno W Manner, receiver vs John D Brown. " 83 Johu Graham and others vs The Commissioner s" of Rowan. 44 97 J X B Johnson vs Victoria John sou. In the call of the Calendar, any case, not reached and disposed, of on the ap pointed day, goes over to be called on the next day, and in precedence of lease set for the next day. Witnesses not allow ed fees until the day appointed for the cases ii which they are subpoened. Cases on the Motion Docket will be heard ac cording to the convenience of the Court. Miraculous Power, The Forest and Stream has it i 'iTo pre- serve health use Warne's Safe Remedies. These are almost of Miraculous power in removing diseases for which recommend ed. The wonderful curative qualities they are possessed of are Touched for by tens of thousands," SEW ADVERTISEMENTS. -. FRAHKLIIL ACADEHY. ... This School, located in a beautiful and healthy village, four miles north of Salis bury, ; will reopen on the 1st Monday in August, 1830. ,-; - - f : .' .,,-. Itey. H. M. Buowx, A.M., Principal. ;, H. C. Fisheu, Assistant. 3y:lm-p it n . . fl flORTH uAROLINA bOLLEQE . r, t.. r, ; . 1 axi. ruAAMy vuiurus uuuuij . The next session of this Institution be gins the first Moiidav of August, 1880. Instruction is thorough, and the total expenses ior len niomns average iromv tonuis average iiomv further infrmation, j .11 11 . Pi-K'f. ! 1 25 to SI 00. For ; address, La A. Bi rr" 3D:4t Notice! The Milk of one cow is reserved expressly for infants at. 38:tf MES. J)L. BEINOLE'S. WAHTED!-, One Hundred Bushels of Onions; also, One Hundred Bushels of Peach Stones, at . - EKNISS' Wesleyan Female Institute, srALTXTON, VIRGINIA. Opens its 31st Sessiou. September 20th, 1880. Atkliimr tlu Unit. Sflituils t'nr iniiinr ladies iu the United Mates. Climate un- . :. . : r. v ' ""is t I . . " sin passeu. ouiTunuuigs ueauiuui. -i'u- i.s troui seventeen States. oim terms at the Union. i'i;.JS: Board, Washing, Ligliti", Englinh Conr-.'. Lalin, French, foi each hnlf of the iloiiic year.. . ' -. $ 15 All extras verv' low. For catalogue, ad dress Rev. Wm." A. II A RK1S, D. V , Pre?., 3S:"Jin Staunlon, Va. FOB SHE! Maclisery ii Miniii Materials: One new Morey Sperry 10 Stamp Battery. - One new Agitator for Same. One new 30 horse-power Return Tubular Boiler One new 30 hore-power Erie Company Su tioncry Engine. One 12 horse power Horizontal Hoisting Engine with verti. al boiler. All ihe above in runnijiyr order. - One Bi.tckiuith out fit. One btre vice. Also, Picks, Shovels, Diilis, llamhit-rs, Pipe tongs, wrenches, ropes barrels, barrows and mining .ippertenancfs. All the above are of superior. quality and in first-class coti'.iiiji. For pun it ol afiv or all of ihe iti.ove, iiiiiress hv r t- loie Jnlv 10, io, L. BERTRAM CADY, Lock Liux 410, Aalishurv, J. C. It otiec To ot tractors Proposals will Ik- received by the un dersigned until 9 o'clock A. M. on Satur day tin 31st inst., for bnildinga parsonage near Thyatira Church. Plans mid s;-fi- lu-tUioiis mav bo seen l anoJ to tin- undersigned Chairman of Holding (':; m it tees. ' V. A. Lingle. Jnlv (ith, KvO. :iS:4t. MARSH'S MA IME SHOPS.' Administration, 3zc. i i in- il.r.c E j .M u hiiM Shops and Fo-.imirv ni' t lit i. Maih are FOirl r a r. An exirienced nm liii.tsi uno t'!nt- t i.i to aMirige, will fin i i.riv a vrv invitini.- -l'oi;.:iiiiv fur uei u i . I';i.ii, "1 ni;i- i-liii.rv in ai! iii oo.i r iii-u j: ttt- kt'J.i Uivj :ili :. ui.lii ri nu-Tir rii-. r NOTICE! H rvi;g ;iiiiii:;i-i-i a .:) uiv late Inirbarnl .-e-MafC, a!i erMn it.iiibu! ti it re lieret . nulitied i mat cfti l . j i iH'tit. And lltuM havii; i iaitns njraii?-: u.v miitv, are requiinl to prt j-i-tn tin in iof 11 ni.ini within iw iv moi.if. (r-ltl l .l- ll . l-i ti:i ll'Ji;l( , .1 f .iiJi he plt-;il i. :i.r ot j-. in t r , MA It 1:1 V. M UtSM ' dy i, 1880. 37:rtw Vdiuini-tratrix. From one hundred and fifty to two hundred acres of good half woodland, and balance (including good meadow and new ground) under cultivation. Tract lies on the X. C. Rail road, two miles from station. Will be .Hold at a bargain. For further particulars call at this of fice. 37:2m. Special Term of the Su perior Court of Rowan County.' Notice is hereby given to all Parties to Suits, Wituesses, Attorneys, and to all whom it may concern, that a Special Term of the Superior Court of Rowan Comity will be held at the Court House iu Salisbury, on Monday, the uinth (9th) day of August, 1880, for the trial of civil cases, aud continue until the business is disposed f, D. A. DAVIS, Chairman County CommisVs of Rowan, II. X. Woodsox, Cl'k Board of County Commissioners, 37;Qw Administrator's Sale AND Notice of Settlement; Having qualified as Administrator de bonis non with the will annexion the estate, of Solo mon Eagle decM, we will sell all of his estate both real and personal, at hi late residence, on the 20th day of - July. ' Horse, Cattle, Sheep, and Hogs, with Farming tools of all kinds, and . household and kitchen furniture will be sold, with Three Fine Plantations of land near Libertr Church, on Dutch Second Creek, coai prising about 700 sens, all in good t epair. fQUTerms of Sale, Cash. All persona indebted to the estate are re quested tq make immediate settlement, and, all E ergons having claims against the estate are ereby notified that hat they must present them to U4 on or before the 20th day of June. 1881, or thw notice will be plead in bar of their recovery, ' f! JOHN EAGLE, ' JOSEPH EAGLE, Adminhiton de bonis con of Solomon Eagle. June 19, 1880, $66w FOR SiLlU! ' ' Wftw l Af . . ' ' QFFICE- ' BUILDDsQ ADJOINING TuZ uwnsreui tiu aiming L&nrta n ; commualcauoa. K na3 aMBuye,pi au Miuxu tuictcaia uietl prompt aUfinti 1 t NoLes. accounts. &e. coiWt- 4 uuoa.i ! Estates, and ai uiauers ot Admins. X i Executors, AwsetQej . iminlstrjttort L Land ana sui other Utles cirefuliv lmL i BEAL ESTATE ACtNCY lW' buy or sell, f I u "" 5 I Amugeineius niaae to parchfisii b-lortda, lexas and nesotaiS TheproiiitS.3914 lUul PnJ it Lands lor sale la Illinois, aid i river in Virginia. ! the 4 Parties deslrtnir to irartlnr,. . V'i 1 farmed with nrv;.,:v 1 't-mrtw furnished wUJ nocessarj LitOriia, N.B. Lond4 bouat aiti line ot toe Wadesburo and lis"?M road must be bunt whether Arm st$ 3ad- oS an counties receive outside au or ioToS ot the day and the awakening enerrij? pie ot these counties demand na mM Arranjemeats behijf perfected tS rmt " Sansbary and at other polnmn B U r.s. a nrarm ready tor small,- 4 , ET-Call at baiee, or address Lock Eot - h .- . -. Creek To Rent. -1 have a verv ilcV.i, property for;Mtrt-haniile Uhmmwi - CreM.H Nellie P. O, Ire.Wl CoomX? which I Mill rmi ah . a good place for a Store and is wvn WOnL innpection of any acuve uian wU.ii, txUv- I lwh a eoiintry place foi : Wmi. - iW AIo, 1 mint to erect s. Fjirtor l.nn.i:.. i Huntiuir CrtL. r.,l k.,;i.i... -."wft- i address roe for ions Anl tni,. 7 9 v ...... .r are luvuwu I have also Piutahle luilIlin., fn, . B, , umttli'aiul Sluu ami rt.u.i M1.. ... n . . " "Wi " ,' v"" '""ker, wnrcliciiU to' reaoy lurninneu tviui looia. June 4. I8B0. J. W. F.T.f .TS 34:6t:pd Settle, Iredell rouiTu .c. FOR Fruits, Candies. Pictures, And Ficture-Frapvea - NOTICE! CAROLINA RAIL R3a0 CO,, SlSUKiifAKy TJtKASEKEH'S OPl'ICE. ComJ tY Shops, N. jn May olhM The lliiitv first Aiu tia! Meeting' of the: Stock litUl-rs ihe Nartii jirolina RaHrwd Com pan v will be ht-ld' in rvr:8lciro,S. f on lire wnnu i imrMi.iy in Jnue, loSU, r the Trannfejr BtKks of snid ccnipanT willhf closed iron tins a alt- until sttf-th- niecting. JAW if. u. KUJc i, SectY T EWS! Money Saved By: Examining '1 . . rt n Ii I muz & mmwii Large and Well Selected Stcck cf Just Read a b-u )iulg fhf ala;u -;'-jif our Stock acc-of-jU :.-"! : !'. lliups, and I :'.jf Th(ti:, i n.t yair s of ii 1 i h tii v -nffvrat ly. ct k:-...!.. t (J : It .. ii ;. Vt 11 h :- frii';. VI V, tits 1 1 . l-.t ;:rti ."s. Lift'iiSi A tail A-vrtEftt.g siilrt -j m :l''sr prt'-s. Clot&iuK Clioap: t .in sf-Sl nJ i'j'.i CiHt for -vi cem' fcu;:.t ct J h:r ib ot COFFEr.S. fr.jn uy u. neris Mo. ii k. i; vuieU-" cf r.ip; ana Wvf' ri rrM-an. A',.-.t .'irtiiiem of :3i;CAS ' as cui b ' ha.i'i the place. .Tw.-lvt- !.' f cnhwtaa tobacco, - "ClK-nnsl tOitie bt'il to t)4'? s.tU Lenatr. '; :r;o '.. n,iny'f rrT ,'."!; n we buy ,tn4 l.i .-i:; ; -u- w ill py t ; ni-f.- rr i r. j; Be Kure aal.soe, UT-t May 2 -, l--- Ir' GREAT EXCITEMENT1 At Ho. 1, Marpliy's Granite Est Li ; I I i- McCOBPIGS. BEALL & 0. ifave just received their ; V SPRINQ AMD SUHMEff STOCK OF NEF GOODS BOGIIX EKTIRKLat roa CASH at exceedingly low prices, which cannot fi3 to please. They have a full and pojuplt stock of DRY GOODS, V ' GROCERIES. : QUEENSWAB HATSCAPS, and 1 STRAW GOODS, - BOOTS and SHOiA NOTIONS, CLOTIIIXG, Fish, Bjicon, "Lard, Flour, Meal, &c. ; Ttjey are agents for the ra'e of Jons MM" RV.MAX & Cb's. BONE DUST, admitted be the verv! best cotton and tobacco Fertiflj zer in use. 'Also, for the French Burr w Stones, Bolting Cloths, Eureka Sroot chine, fcc. Don't fail to call at No. -March 25, 1880. 24;lf j P. g We have fenced up a Fbeb bi ing Lot in rear of of our t Warehouse, people can hitcB" and feed without WW annoved by1 rattle and hogs. W c"10: putting aprStalls. No charge exeep to shut the gate. ' . z EXECUTOR'S SALE ANP N0T1?6 ?5 f SETTLEMENT. navlng qualified as Executor of thJ Will and Testament of Alexander lrB-2--deceased, I will have a Sale of lua property at his late residence on Wcdn the 14th day pf July next, HOta Horses, Cattle, hogs, witn "v-- and KfTCKES Fl'RXITniK TrtrTj f All kinds will be sold.' TERMS OF SALE CASa ah Tverirm indebted to the estate ar"j. ae esmvo -v r quested to make immediate stsitleuieni all persons having claims against tbe w are notified that they must present tne me, on pr before the 12th day of Jan, JJ; or this notice will be plead in barot recovery. G. Henrt'Brows, Errv, 4 Jqne 11th, 188a Alexander Bro. ; i n,p.35:6fr: - ' ; . .? NOW IS THE TIME TO SDBSCBl FOR THE WATCHMAN i IE0. B1BBAII ! . f -.' S - i

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