- I ! I ( ! A ' ' e- . . I ' . I - V ' . . ! .... I ' - -t . - T, . , . ..... .-a'. ' ii , si - ; - ' ; - - ' - : 1 ' - "'' : ' -r t . I 5 - Pi ; - T it ;4 .:.v.: - -t i- 3Ci O .O jfiL-2L Fr m EVi TKinis. im I! 0111 and after the 1st iluof January. tliouuserijuioii price oi rue uaiat vvill be in follows: - ! iief rear; paid -jut advance, ? , $L50 payment delayed 3 months, 2. 00-! i I payment aeiayeu vz uiontus 'Z 50 - f ' "f 1 1 been cm rV' few fine peaches or apples Lave brought to this market so far. iii v.i- r -.vv:; jHiAiuens (f SalUUury i.Mu the in-. fall trade. M I ; J- " - I "V - -' -- - ' " uAV.i. Black nierdias lconiea uiem- f the llardw;tty firm of Crawford &.' Veterans, who have "served k term" in actual service.1 ' . - : 1 ' This organization mast be uniformed, and that at short notice j for the old Eoitan Artillery must be 'at Kipg's Moun tain' in October,, AVe would ; tigget that this is a very expensive organization to and it must be done bv a&ii- make it a to ilowau ular. Besides, he was a brave and true soldier durinz the late war and when x& The weather had become fearfully dry I have sai table men of this class it is but and crops were suffering intensely, but I just aud right that they should receive a we are glad to say that on Monday night I ebare of the public otnees or proiit. Wei II anotb- believe that he is tue cuo:ce of the Deni- we had an excellent rain, and sti er on ;, Tuesday night aud crops! ookmg ranch revived. tance from outside sources, to credit to those concerned and comity At large. - r , This is, and must be unders ooil to be, '1 ai hr. -o - ir In?- nipes h.iv made their- appearance in market they are healthy and eoo!- a eiiuiity enterprise ; it cannot ie run by individuals successfully; audi as it is composed of veterans, there ' need be no fears as to the inteutious of these form- . .!.- - " I ' lUg It, - j; " We- commend this new, or .rather old organization t the people., r All reiueiu j hej-'the old Rowan Artillery as Uue of the organization of .which, not Jon ly the j county, bdt the w hole State wak proud let! the people sustain it now, us iti ye lit:1 Oarlyoung' Ieople aie enjoying a feast ie :way of social gatherings several r( arotcfor next week. 1 1 -o- A -healthy Hancock aud Jarvis club WM irgauized last Monday night it do gmnl-work jduring the cauiuaign. , bright new flag (16x25 feet,) now sdriii m public 'square - tne nanieH of fjjmci;k ant Jarvis are to le attache. 1. - ellum time. o- -o- To the delight of our people, wean tioaiiee that another Photo. Artist has ta ken charge of the gallery lately vacated by Mr! Wool w ine.: : X : -p, -o " Dikb.Ou the 20th instant, William Franc8,infaut sou if Mr. John Greenfield, aged aboiit six months. ; Abuh plucied to adorn a heavenly erewn. tr i- j ' ". - -. - " Xbrre were 21 luames added to the :''rolifllIarisVClfaiel,""-asthe result if the tabors of the Rev. Mr. Creeoy, during the late protracted meeting. There were about 70 conversions in all. :' ; -O One of the most amusing things in life is to see a weak brained chap buck up against a raauof- intellect its worse tliait "Uiking a bull by the horus," "or a dog by the ears." I o- . .- ante i -I-1 Stock Law. I he triends of Jhe btock Law are re quested to meet at. the Court House, in Salisbury, on Tuesday,, the JOth day of August, at 12 oclock, to receive tbejeo port of the Committee appointed tri examine and locate the Stock Law fence from Gold Hill to the Yadkin Klver, and also tde vine BieaiiH ftr the buiidiiig 4f the sjiid fen'e;at the euiliest day Your committee earnestly request all the friends of this measure to be preseut on that occasion. J. L. Gli VKBER, E.- M a usev, Com in i 1 1 ee T. J. SUMNKR. ) it- ! Peusonals. Miss Kate Foard, of Con cord is visiting her sister, Mrs. J. F. Ross Miss Mitggie. Alerrimou ot Kuleign is Upayingher eister, Mrs. L. S. Ovwuian a visit. , - Dr. and Mrs. La-sli, of Walnut Cove Forsyth Co., are the guests of Mrs. Robt Mut phy Our utreets presentel sprite a busy ap jiearauw last Saturday whether it was tlie . lTafe,niielirii wagons or the New Han cK,k jkiid Jarvis Flag that was floated to the breeze on that day, that brought them toellier we did .not ascertaiu. i -''ui -7" Rnx.f-Oue of the most delightful ihowera of the yeir fell- this morning while peotl generally were at breakfast. No wiui! n storm nothing but the uecioasnierey drops to refresh and cmil tJi4 jiarcjied eurth. '"I H '. () WheuJvou trv t! jwalk m.iin ; toko. l! jt. great Iisi:iesH tiiorinigtitare, aud v.i.i -cj ;!ea t j.i .ly rtead tiii a wat ennelon or (ieiiy in y lr face tUouutents of a VWlyiolHiiel antehje, ali r.m have f i!;i n j) n-ioize and. pass on. -One huo'u Um4 to it and the n. ;t duu't !at LMCrahnit G ekn-!" ;i"f o ' . Mrs. D. A. Davis, MissSallie McCorkle Mr.; Henry Horaii, Mrs. Susan Murphy Sudie and Clarence Murphy, have gone to Warm Springs, to spend the season Miss Jauie Thomas, of Lexington, is at Mr.; Ben Marsh's. Misses Emma, and Bessie Rankin, of Cabarrus Co. and Miss Annie Worth of Asheville are the guests of Miss Linda Rumple. Miss Georgia tjohuston, of Va.? is visit ing Miss Lizzie jMcCorkle. . Miss Ailice Smith of Davidson Co., an Mr s 'Lou Smith of Atlanta, Ga., are at Mrs. W. II. Craw lord's. " M ' o- Bro, Wood house, of the ConeoiUl Regis ter, 1 in his characteristic wavi dilates thusli outhe chaimsof seveiai North Carolina editors : Green, of the Durham Tobacco Plant ii-..f.f J is a jremi ot tne urst water, as ii.tnUioiiK' as alt Adouis. Clem Jiaol , of the Aut Shell, is likened unto Davy CuK'ket sine qui non. VYoodard i as hiiudscme as a madoua, I and U journalistic sprite. ! Rykiiisou is an editorial ievvel. lorse ii.itle,!tlie jieev .! Chestertie)d ? B'io Fuf- : iiiaiq 13 gray picnia:uiel. Franklin Zephyrs. These rains seem to have over a large area, enibraciug all Of Scotch whelming majority ate now I ocrats of this township, for the office of Sheriff and if he should receive the uotu-i extended ination would be elected by an over Mt. Ulla. r lieu, uutijr aim cmuioiu. , . There is now a. movement pa foot to get up a crand Democratic nichic at Franklin Academy at which time it is proposed to raise a Hancock and jarvis pole aud flag, have public addresses, and a grand time generally. Success to the movement. -' M i In the late enumeration Franklin re- one of the candidateb for the next Legis- ported 12,103 dozen eggs prrduced last 1 1, V iT l7T . ue 01 vear. Of course no one is nn?siimeil to ' iv Examiner and Democrat please copy. -i '-' ; ' " " s .. ' - I j For tne Watcluaaa. . Legislative Honors. Editor Watch nix: Through yoar kindness, ullow me tb speak a few words to the voters of Rowan county. It is of have counted all their eggs -4- iiierelva,teutiou In ,g78 hi& was prooiineutly ? i 1 t 1 t.1.1 .1 . gu d at It, " therefore, it (the ieggs) w, cum; kuuw uirougu, shouh! be' taken mut rHo though uad e "ot "5 f"tioa, aveu doubtless the statement may contain tMr- H - ,or W,1",31 d'.41 mativ grains of truth as our people are famous for poultry and eggs. 1 The health of our comniunitv is excel lent aud e very boil v in favor of Jlancoek aud Jarvis and the nominees of the com- I iug Democratic County Couventionl. W.i-K. F. i j Kaocliville Items. ! I - i Last Saturday was a pleasant day at this place. Mr. Frank Black welder on that dm closed a term of twelve dav's instruction in vocal music at this puce. Some jei&bt or ten other classes taught ov the same gentle- man were invited to join in the exercises of; valuable work in the canvass. His friend were much disappointed at this turn, but Mr. Brown claimed I that it was for the good of the party that he threw away his chances aud labored for another. Now, 1 think, is the proper time to remunerate the services of this gentleman, and at the same time send a ht 'and worthy man to! represent our county, in the Legislature.; 1 ins is an important ooice aud one that should be tilled with: some abilitythe people have come to this conclusion, and! 1 think will select MK' Brown from Salis bury uud couple his name with some sol id man in the country thus making a team that will win. ; A recent communication in the Demo ROWAN COUNTY. theoecasion and thr-e,Oak Grove, Thiatira " ,'7'- i ' T it t,' and Trinity accepted the invitation. Atan "liie .friends of Mr. Brown ear, v hour the people began to pour in by maay goid things to say m his tavor. va;on loads, until every hook anl corner ot the countr) for twelve miles distant was represented. The large house was soon all ed a its utmost capacity and bat littluxver half were able to gain admittance. Joel Corriher, Esq.. was appointed master o' cer emonies, an olhce he tilled very satlslaetori ly; and at 10 o'clock the singing com menced. ' ! The tour classes sang alternately juntil 12 'clock, when a recess was announced, and the large crowd scattered over the grove and partook of the refreshments w hich care- He is an active wholesouled, faithful Dem ocrat, i wo years auo. lie canvassed a portion of the county lor his friend Mr. Bost, with great ability and success. In the campaign during that year he made for himself a great many friends. Having been uigeil Jur.tne uouuuuUou Jwo vears ago, and having yielded then in favor of another, his friend think it has now come to ba his turn. He is also polite aud gen tlemanly. ' This shows that I am not alone in my opinion of Mr. Brown, but that these ful hands had prepared for the occasion, facts are recognized by the good people . t 1 1 . -.1 1 ! v Aireran iiours recess me unurcn was aram iu iud couuuy.' lours, nlled and the singing continued until five o'clock when all the invited classes joined in singing a few tunes which closed! the ex ercises, and the crowd dispersed apparently in the best of humor. Each class acquitted itself in a mt cred itable manner, showing thorough anstruc tion by the teacher, and lively interest and close application by t-he pupils, so much to that it is not yet decided, and perlr$ps nev er will be, on which class to coniertthe de cree of proliciency in the divine art Rev. Backman Brown, preached ;an able sermon here the 2d bundav in tins month. - . 1 Ales. Kicstler, col., was up before; Squire Lipe one dav last week, charged wuli com uiitini: an assault and battery on the person ot t rank Overcash. He plead ifuuty aud was lined live dollars and cost. Dr. W. A. Leazer has been very sick for the past three days. His disease is thought to be typhoid lever, W, Wood Leaves. Tiiepe editors oiighi to ieel good - dou't he--Mtfhoi1iht eoninetialion have ..tu. . ..1.:.... -. r -7- . Wh' thtV 'Kii-Oliliill'r K-.ilt ill It (Hill - . J - " - t titne for the inetiiTiers of iliat 1 I si 10 iueri V-yvialiy ami si-end a in coi, vri nation and song. y ,ui'et hy invitation at tl residences trf j tiu'ii roiigregation. Aright goodly "Ufti ir.ii 'lMis rtiised tor nirssjons, or cou- v'il M t tje !;U:rs f l.uinHttee of this county, it aiiMsanle tor those who are : i4i r- co.nn.ti. r - the various oraces ot the to anuouce themselves as such so ihut tSie people may-j know who the cau didutrs aie. As it now stands, the can didates lire tolerable thick so thick in f-ct, that'uutil thitiued out, there will be comparatively few voters. Let the can diiUhjs announce themselves. tER Census Synopsis. The enunie- rUon wa completed on the 5th day of July, : Number of inhabitants 1947; males .;;feilesS95; dilference 39; deaths 33; hirth 5tJ i 1 in State Prison C .Torv larT ;fny. j rjicreare 28 mulattos; 261 blacks; :id'"ts 2, ibpth- blacky abode, Bensonville. j lm are'3G7 farms besides those of 3 acres j " Under and some not in cultivation, ttabliiibhicnt . T)f industrv 6. nroduc.infr --;nA t ' !. X ' 1 0 -O- tce obliging and haudsome clerks I Psrf Koss & Green held, were"giveh party by Mrs. J. F. Ross on last isyeuuig. It was a most delight u -nut sbaiptuous affair. About40 guests wer j pri;8cnt-.tlie ladies all i fair and wyp-rthe cents handsome aud snor- Mve. RtjfieghnjeuU were abuudant and 1 - i - 1 7Y5iM excellent Uste. The host and i "8tess, both lively and entertaining, ad i mucti to thegayetyf tle eveniug bv ' us iu tue song and memment. I lwant feveiiing aU(d one to be reineni . cu nf ody by thpse to whom it yas hut by all present. House tire goivl uie-lal wan -ilarrrli s poe try on ,iit there .is uothiug like having a man jalohg'that can appreciate au ediioi's specialties. r A i : A aRty at tiik Kkv. Mr. Rumple s. Last eveniug the malice was bnlii.tntlv lightetl and all the indications vt nieiri- 1 i ' - Uieiil; aflU g ;d ciieer vVtH- 'is,oJf. tell o'clock, aOoUi oi) $ Ouiig people .tiU souie not so young) might have ucen seen some talking, some walking, nome laugh - ing, some singing, some er all mating themselves funny. The party Was de- ightful and plea.siut most of the young adies visiting iu the city were preseut. At the request of several ladies, we mention the tact that oue young man got off so many witty things, that on measur uientj a pint cup was pronounced full. Ano t herd the most bashful man, said that ie did not waltz, but that he liked the position; and in sweet aud tranquil iu- uoceuee asked if she (the lady to whom he was speaking) did not agree with him. Cold water and ammonia soon brought her back !tOj au equitable frame of mind. Another announced that "he was as hap py as a newly accepted lover." These may not be matters of public interest, at the same time they show that the cup of enjoyment was full to the brim. May our young people enjoy many such gath erings, i ' . ! - i anA.Rtili.ert. This company was ganizeii last Saturdav. with the fol- w!Jgoffi,m. j0n M Bamsay, Capt J:11' McCombs, st Lt.j H. H. Crowell, D W.;H.c. Agner, Orderly Sgt. W. W. JfSgt.; W. H. Crowell, 2nd Sgt.; A, Claaipet, 1st cor'l.j W. A. Campell, rcor'l.nv. A. FiuJ'an.M. tk.w,h ; M?mPMe for the manuinfof two guns ion ll,terested are exceedingly" anx, L. "!el1 we roll to a sufficient nam foni. ea?ble to company to haud(e . un This would be much better . toakea finer display. Oue feature of The Annual Township Sunday School (onventiou, of Unity, will beheldini Uui- 4y church on Frida'v, Jnlv the JOii). Sev eiai addresses and other matters of inter est may be. expected. Ail are in ir o. The sound of the thresher is hkud in the land. M. L., who, by-the-wa-,..iv complete satlstacilon witii ins mat-iiii'.r-, says, that iu a threshing t xperienc,f of iht past tkveuty yeais, tiie pn-smt ciojj) i.th. poorest. Not much above one-tjiii:d of ,t.;i average. ! Speaking of iuachine, reminds jis thai Messrs. C. Kice Je.Sons, nave au Jcit l I heir 'al read;.' valuable tei:ii millija nw seventy-saw cotton gin, together ('.ith a self-feeder ami condeuser. '1'hey aie iiov prepared to gin in tho very lit ri ,tyle, siv aiil deliver lumber for bni'-diuj, aiii iuiitish'stiiiigies lor covering ll s.Hcarce ly necessary to add that the wijil cast five solid votes for Haucock and Jarvis in Novembei . j W't think the election plan as given by i h. t'eutrai Executi ve Committee will give -.1: '-;(.: f wi. ii icalt-. '!, 11 ,,.! ' . ,i m jl' t'i tir ii.i.u.H cn.il", ! "..'iVeliU''." lMjl,il liM H 'il. i.fs it win i;jvi -uiaeraoir v lion, howevci, iuat this may be fully seen In all. i We rer; 1 it, if any one ttndiT.-tood our article re.i.iiive to the ik k L t' as an attack on Mr. Heudeisou. W' simply in tended it, as teas stated, to give JUr.il. an opportunity to explain the proper le gal Way by which the law could i;e put into ojieration The advocates ol the liw seemed to be iu a dilemma without jlteihi; able to see the way to extricate them selves. . Seuator Henderson's reply, ex plaining fulh fhe proper con is-.', wasjist to the point, and just what w-w anted to know. We have always fully endorsed his course in the Legislature, and 'think that Davie could not do better than nom inal, him, although from Jiouun, for the Senate this tall. ' M. ; 1 r Destructive Storm. Ours correspondent on Dutch IlulTalo, Litaker township, writes us, July 15th, as follows : - ' The news from this neigh liorhood is frightful. ! Ou the evening of the 14th Inst., two elonds arose one iu northeast another iu southwest and moved on iu the direction of each other and appeared to concentrate over Dr. Phillips' anil A. .Shank's farina, and then a terrifie storm pf hail and wind ensued-T-doing serious damage to crops of corn an! pottou, we nnglit say, litterallyatterjug them to pieces. f3on lir places 19 battered down as if jou had taken a broad board and battered from tasseL tir near the ground, Cotton field were stripped of leave, bolls and blossoms, The north and north west portions of Ai Sloop and II. A. Kctner's farms suffered greatly, but jijot so seriously as did the crops immediately on the crek Dr. Phillips, A; Shank and Lj. C. 1Kb: eaian's where the two plouds I : r 1 T 1 - . I I MM. anoeareu o. maso tue couisiou. iue cloud moved up the creek north west-t-in the direction of China Grove. ... Hailstones are said t have fallen that were about the size of a heu's egg. . Ducks, chickens &c., were killed by the hailstones. Dr. Phillips thinks that, had the hail all lain from first to last it would have been 15 I inches deep. - The wind did considerable company i jat it is ma4e tip of old damage to timber, feucet &c PA-t .e mi ' and EXCMEKATIOXUX SCOTCH 1 HISlt.-f-Tlle number of inhabitants is 1,5S(), aix.Ut oiie third colored ; the uumler of farms; '21 0 ; the number ot establishments ot produc tive industry , the productions of Iiiijh amounted to $500 annually, only itw; and the number of deaths "which occured during the census year about 30, one-haif or more of which are colored. i i Jesse PowtUs. Fkom the Cocxtrv. For ths WatcUmaa. For the House of Iieyreseutatives. Editor WatcLmau : It is conceded that this is to be an important electiou, audi that all our candidates tor Congressman to Corouor, should be selected with spe cial regard to their iituess aud etrenglii, aud without regard to more individual prefeiences or spites. Aud in ' view of the threatened agitation of certain trouble some matters iu our county cauvass, it is not only important but absolutely necessary, that our liioiuinees lor the Legislature should be inen of high char acter, personal popularity, and ability to meet auu discuss iu a proper mauuer all issues which may arise. Salisbury, we believe, is entitled to name one of her citizens as oue of the nominees, and we respectfully suggest the name Ms. Fkaxk iiuowx, a oue which tills the bill. Mr. Brown is a gentleman of pleasing address aud popular manners, aud is amply able to taue care ot himself in the strife. True, he is not a lawyer, but only a man of the people, yet with his wellkuowu ability and energy, uo fear need be entertained but that he will make an effective and aggressive, cauvass, and that our county banner if placed iu his bauds, will be carried through to victory. Mr. Brown nas a laige acipiaintauce with the public .ncn tiironghout the state, aud if elected, Aoul.i make a most useful representa tive oi tiu interests of iiowau. Let our pcr.;dc -ar these things in mind, and let .a towiisliip con venti ns speak out for Frank iJrovvn and victory. Salisbury. KevIu' ioiiS of Thanks. Ai a laguiai ineeting of the Salisbury Hides' held in their armory Thursday eveuiug, July 15th, 1BS0, the following resolutions were unanimously adopted: Resolved, That the thanks of the com pany are hereby tendered to the ladies a ho so successfully managed, and assis rl at the banquet given for our benefit mi the evening of the 14th inst. Hesolvi d, That the thauks of the com- ..11 I ..k lun.lul'jul 4.. til.. 4 fc I .1 1 a. ... i .... jiiiji ' ii:iiiciii n nir oaimuuij i'i Baul, to Prof. E. B. Xeave, Mrs. W. II. N'U', Mioses Hu midland Kliffmueller, and to Messrs. Baker, Young and Woods sot t he excellent music so cheerfully aud creditably rendered. liesolved, That the thanks of the com pany be tendered to the citizens who so hospitably douated refreshments and moneys for the banquet ; aud who encour aged our patriotic organization by their approving prcseiiee, and liberal purses. liesolved. That our thanks be tendered to Mrs. J. Bum pie, for: the use of her piano, aud to the young ladies who so skillfully presided at the same. Hesolved, That these, resolutions be spread upon the minutes of the company; that a copy le went to each of the news papers of our city, with a request to pub lish the same, aud to accept our thanks for their many encouragiug notices, and cheerful assistance. TOE -.HO WAS COUNTY COMMITTEE OF SAFETY. . -i i..-l s" "tiui r; , Ho sounded the first notetf libertv in Jsorth Carolina! There are claimants for this honor, but their claims are not fully.es tablished. Iu the unsettled state 0f .affairs immediately preceding the Involution of I776 public opinion Was drifting insensibly for a number of years in the direction of a higher form of civil liberty. Besides this many have confounded liber ty with independence. The design to pre serve their liberties was universal before the thought of independence gained any hold Upon the public mind. Col. Moore, iu bis history of North Carolina, affirms that as late as the meeting of the Continental Con gress in Sept., 1774, there were but three men in America who contemplated actual independence of the crown of England. These were Patrick Henry of Virginia, William Hooper of North Carolina, and Samuel Adarus of Massachusetts.! These three had given utterance to sentiments of independence, but the Congress avowedjts loyalty to the King, and protested its devo ticn to the British Constitution. TheCon gress of North Carolina in August, 1774, protested the same loyaltv. But at the same time there were opinions on the subject of 1 . 1 1 1 aumau rigius, ami nians ana purposes on the subject of trade and taxation, and re solves on the matter of a union of the Colo nies, whose inevitable consequence iwas the ultimate independence of the colonies, un less the British Parliament should recede from the position they had deliberately chosen. It matters little who first called for independence, provided we know who first avowed the, principles that inevitably led to that result Without claiming that these principles were, first conceived in Bo wan county, or i 11. .1 11 .1. 1 . i 1 even ruui mat iney were iirsi avowcu uere, i from the documentary evidence before the; public for thirty years, it may be affirmed that the first recorded adoption of these principles occurred iu Salisbury. Nearly a year before the patriotic citizens of Meck lenburg adopted their famous "Resolves" of the 31st of May, which so irritated Governor Martin, and provoked his aurv letter from the lower Cape Fear; and nearly two years before the National Declaration of Inde pendence, the citizens of Rowan adopted a paper that contains the germs of independ ence. This was on the 8th of August, 1774. The evidence of this is found in the Journal of the Committee of Safety of Rowan Coun ty, found recorded on pp. 360-2 of Colonel Wheeler's Sketches of North Carolina, vol. second. This document was discovered in Iredell county, among the papers of the Sharpe family by the Rev. E. F. Rockwell, and published by Col. Wheeler in 1851. William Sharpe was the last secretary of the Committee, and preserved the minutes that were found in the hands of his descendants. Col. Wheeler vouches for the genuineness of the document. This Committee of Safety began its ses- sious, according to these Minutes, on the 8th of August, 1774, seveaieen days, before the assembling of the first North Carolina Provincial Congress. This committee was probably chosen at the time appointed for electing members to tue (jreneral Assembly of the Province, or it may have come into existence before that time, in obedience to the wishe- of the people. Tlie members of the committee were chosen from all parts of this fjrand old county, and numbered twen ty-five. The following is a list of their names: Jas. McOay, Andrew Neal, George Cathv, Alex. Dobbins, Francis McCorkle, Mathew Locke,' Maxwell Chambers, Henry Harmon, Abraham Denton, William David son, Samuel Young. John Brevard, William Kennon, George Henry Barringer, Robert Beii. Jno. Bickerstalf, John Cowden, John Lewis Berd, John Nesbit, Charles McDow ell, Robert Blackburn, Christopher Beck- man, William Sharpe, John Johnson, and Morgan Brvan. -At their first recorded meeting, Aug. 8th, 1774.tbis Committee adopted seventeen reso lutious upon public affairs,showing that they wrre iu the very forefront of liberal and patriotic opinions As this paper is not generally known, we give it entire. Middling freemen, prevents manufacturers and :ntbr useful emigrants from Europe from settling among us, and occasions an annnai inrpns ne lalance of trade against the coloniea Eesolced, That the raising of sheep hem r tuid flax ought to be encouraged, v. r Jlesolced, That to be clothed in manufac tures falirlcatod in the colonies, ought to be considered as a badge of distinction, of re spect, ana true patriotism. lltsolttd, That Messrs. Samuel Young and Moses Winslow. for the couctv of -Ho wan- arid forjthe town of Salisbury, Willism Ken non, Esq., be, and thev are herebv nomina ted auJ appointed DeDUt its nnon tho nart of the inhabitants and freeholders of this iW-.iali fnlinl.,.n,l 4 . .ru..i:.i ...... . ! vOVJOJ-MUlll uu mnu vi oausuurj, iq meet sucn Deputies as shall be appointed by ,the other counties and corporations within this colony. . -vvuuMwu VVUtk 11UUSC, IMC faUlU OI llllS instant. . . t v fosohed. That, at this !rannrttt n alarming crisis, it be earnestly" recommend- ca to tne saia Deputies at their general Con vention, that they nominate and appoint one proper person Tout of each district of this province, to meet such Deputies in a Gener al Congress, as shall be appointed upon the pan oi uie otner continental Colonies! in America, to consult and agree upon a firm and indissoluble union and association fur preserving, by the best and most proper means, their common riglits and liberties. Reached,. That this colony- ought not to trade with any colony which shall refuse to join in any uuiou and association that shall be agreed upoh by the greater part., of the other colonies on this continent, for preserv ing ineir common rignts and liberties." KIISS LOCALS. Just recei ve3 at A C. IIarris i a fine lot of Xo. 1 4 Cigars ! i : t - and Frencb Candies: Tor the Watclifaaa. Mt. market ter. Mr. Editor: The time is clos at hand when the Democrats of the several Townships will be called upou in tlieir primary elections, to 6elect suitable err sons to fill the various couutj' offices, i Iii the election in November, party lines Will be strictly drawn. In older to secure success to the entire ticket it is a matter of prime importance that none but good men and such as have Iwen strictly true to the party should be selected. We h'ave a class of office-seekers who are always williug to abide the action of convention wheu they receive the nomination, :but wlieu they fail to receive it, they are ready to bolt and run as independents! thereby disorganizing and setting at defbf anee the Democratic party Such men do this, knowing that they will always receive the support of the Radical party? who watch fp" every opportunity to 6trikei a blow at democracy., ltwill not do I for the party iu Couveptiou to select any man who has ever run as au independent, as no true Democrat cap hopqrably sup port any such. ".1'-' . '. ... j For the office Sheriff we have no beiter maq ip the county than G. A. Bingham, Esq," He is a man of first class business capacity, courteous and obliging, true! as steel to the party and therefore very pop- Rowan Comity N. C. Mr. Editor Having seen many persons within the last dav or two and having eon- versed freely with them on the subject of our next representative, 1 find almost unan imously they are in tavor of Thomas J. Sum ner as the man wanted by western Rowan. The eastern pail being conceded as entitled to the otiier representative; we leave it for them to name him. Every township has had its turn in the Legislature or a chance at it since the war. except Locke and Unity. I mean west of the N. C.R R. And now in presenting the name of T. J. Sumner of Locke Township, we not only present a man from a hitherto unrepresented township, but a scientific, thoroughly educated and prac tical farmer as well as being well versed in almost all other sciences and an expert in Railroad mattcis of which 83 many projects constanly press our Legislatures. In short he is one of the men who know our wants and riglits and will fearlessly battle for them. We bespeak for him a unanimous support at our county convention and a tri umphant erection. , ' - - E. P. S. We have not asked his consent to use his name. We scorn those who are elec tioneering for the candidacy and pick up him who does not seek the office. E. BILIOUS FEVERS. Obstructions of the Liver, . Weakness of the Stomach, Torpor of the Bowels, caused by, the clogging of foul accumula tions, are what pave the way for levers. Set the liver ami stomach at work, cleanse the blood, and fever can obtain no hold. The one way to do this is by using Dr. Flaggs Improvrd Liver and Stomach Pad. No doses are to be taken. CURRENT. Corrected j. J.-H. Knox Co.1. good Middlings,' : f'ni s;ibl i low do . j ! ' stains Bjlcox, eunty, hog round i li UTTKB k Eggs ' r CmeKEJts -per dozes f uokx ew - 51eal nroderrtte demand at ! WntLVT good demand at Flour best fam. 80ilO - ' 65 751.10 extra super. Potatoes, Irish Onions no demand Laud IUy Oats Beeswax Tallow Hlackbekuies Apples, dried SCGAR 8.00 2.50 00 ' 8$9 " 2530 . -.40 2O0i21 '' .5 WINSTON TOBACCO MARKET. WissTO.v, N. C, J uly 12, 1880. Lugs, common dark:. Lugs, common bright, Lugs, good bright, Lngs, fancy Irijilit, Leaf, common dark, Leaf, good dark, Leaf, common bright, ....... Leaf, good bright, Wrappers, common bright, -Wrappers, rood bright,.'.... Wrapper, tine briglit,.... Wrapptri, "fancy bright, St. Louis .Market Quotations. . Jci-r 19, isso. Prlcfs glvpn are for goods aboard cars or t it ready ut autptnent to dcaUaauoa. r Mess Pork . Dry Salt Shoulder ". " " Ciear Klb sides.. " Clear sides Bacon Kljouldera.-... ...... Clear i;ib Sldi-s Clear Skies......... Hams Plain.. " t'iiuvabed .. Lard Mess licet Flour Extra Fancy....... Choice " FamUy " Fine Cora ileal Grits t'Drn White In Bulk " Sacks " Mixed In Bulk. "S.u-ks ..Per DM. .Fer lb, ...rerbbl. .rer lu. Oats ilixt d In Hulk Sacks.. "At a meeting of the Committee, August 8th, 1774, the tollowing resolves were uuan imously agreed to : Resolved, That we will at all times, when ever we are called upon for that purpose, maintain and defend, at the cxnense of our lives and fortunes, his Majesty's right and title tb the Crown of Great Britain and his dominions in America, to whose royal per son aud government we -profess all due obedience and fidelity. Retolced, That the right to impose taxes or duties, to be paid by tlie inhabitants within this province, tor any purpose what soever; is peculiar and essential to the Gen eral Assembly, in whom the legislative au thority of the colony is vested. ; Resolved, That every attempt to impose 'much taxes or duties by any other authority, is an arbitrary exertion of power, and an in fringmeut of the constitutional rights and liberties of the colony. I Resolred, That to impose a tax or duty on tea by the British Parliament, in which the Xorth American Colonies can have no repre sentation, to he paid upon importation by the inhabitants of the said colonies, is an act of power without right. It is subversive to the liberties of the said colonies, deprive them of their property without their own jfonsent, aud thereby reduces them to a 6tate 0 ' slavery. 1 Rewdred, That the late cruel and sangui nary acts of Parliament, to be executed by military force and ships of war upon our lister colony of the Massachusetts Bay and town of Boston, is a strong evidence of the corrupt influence obtained by the British Ministry in Parliament, and a convincing proof oi their fixed intention to deprive the colonies of their constitutional rights and lilrcrties. - : Rtxohed, That the eaue of the Untn of Bos ton ithe common cause of the America Colo nies. Rtsohei, That it is the duty and interest of all the American Colonies firmly to unite in an indissoluble union and association to oppose by every just and proper means the infringment ot their common rights and privi leges. Remits!, That a general association be tween all the American Colonies not to im port from Great Britain any commodity whatsoever (except such things as shall be hereafter excepted by the General Congress of this Province); ought to be entered into, and not -dissolved till the just rights of the colonics, are restored to them, and the cruel acts of the British Parliament against the Massachusetts Bay and town of Boston are repealed. i Resolted, That no friend to the rights and liberties of America ought to purchase any commoditv whatsoever, except such as shall be excepted, which shall be imported from Great Britain after the General Association shall be agreed upon. Resolted, That every kind of luxury, dia sipation,'and extravagance ought to be ban ished fronr among us. . - f Resohedi That manufactures ought to be encouraged by opening subscriptions for that purpose, or by any other proper means. Resolted, That the African is injurious to this colony, obstructs the population of it by An analysis of these resolres. shows that these early patriots comprehended all the gicut uwmucs oj civil liuerty. luey ue gan with Hie profession of loyalty to theii king. An examination of a large number oi similar papers adopted about the same time in Virginia and in the more northern colonies reveals the same acknowledgment ot loyalty to the House of Hanover. To nave omitted it would have been evidence of treasonable designs. Jlen educated r.n der monarchical rule sometimes affirm their loyalty in amusing ways. The Parliament of England, in the days of Charles the first. levied war against tue king m the name of the kiug himself, for bis own good. Ia the case of the ltevolutionnrr natriots. there is ..... . . r r' little reasou to doubt the genuineness of ineir proiessions in the early days oi the strucrsrie. l nev entertained hones oi sec.ur ing ineir iioerties uy the repeal of the odi ous laws, as they had done in the matter of the stamp duties several years before. liLthe next place they firmly declared that no person had a right to levy taxes upon them except their own representatives in As sembly. This was the pivot on which, the whole matter turned. And to prevent the arbitrary imposition of taxes, they propose an indissoluble union and association of all the American Colonies, and do all in their power towards-securing this union, by ap pointing deputies to' a Provincial Congress and recommendirg those deputies to secure the appointment of representatives to a Con tinental Congress. Hie other resolutions concerning luxury, home manufacture, the slave trade, and sympathy with Boston, are subordinate to the others. - Having affirmed their political creed the Committee adjourned until the 22d ol Sept., 1774. At the next meeting, Wm. Kennon appears as chairman and Adlai Osborne as clerk. Their first business was to read and approve the Resolves of the Provincial Con gress that had met iu the interval, and take steps towards carrying theai out Maxwell Chambers was appointed treasurer of the committee, and an order issued that each militia company in the county pay twenty pounds proc. into his hands. As there were nine companies of militia in the county, this would aggregate the sum of 180 pounds, or between four and five hundred dollars. This money was to be used by the commit tee at discretion, for the purchase of pow der flints and other military muni lions. This conduct as early as Sept., 1784, show ed that the idea of resistance was growing up rapidly in the minds of the patriots of no wan powder, and examined carefully iuto the political sentiments of the people. If they were not satisfied with a man's conduct, they did not hesitate to declare him an ene- rnv in lilwrtr nnH trt mit liJm nmlir unit!ili! , ; ' . . - ' " Lcive Clruensboro 10 lo a.ia. 34p.ia luuuwi wuu umucis, anuniu bimiib l"T Arrive iil ttaieigil la ZS p.m. 10 4& enter suits against others, and torbidding some. No donbt many of their acts were arbitrary in a high degree, aud sometimes an infringment of the liberty they proposed to protect. But when the storm of war was about to break upon the country, the com mittee acted vigorously, awaking zcaT, sup pressing disaffection, emboding militia com panies, providing ammunition, and doing all they could to support the cause of free dom. Nor did they confine themselves to deliberation, but they took the field. Gen. Rutherford. Col. Locke, Gen. Wm. David son, and others won for themselves honor able tames iu many a march and skirmish, aud many a hard fought battle. 50 10012 ..33.50 f? $5.00 .....5.00 0 6.00 xv... 7.00 ;.' 8.50 12.00 18.00 o.OO t C'CO 7.00 (V S.Ou ..... 6.00 7.T.0 . 10.00 (klX0 12.50 fo. 1S.C0 ....25.00 80 f ) 35.00 f 50 o ....50.00 7f .4 1 ixais. ct. 13 " 75 6 . ' "TV - lo.V 1IX r 25 10 60 V5' 85 41 41 m 43 ' ss 24 12 S S s t s Prices on Hoises. Mules. Wapon!. Machinery Farm Impjenienis, Field and Grass Seeds etc., erven on appllcaLIou. 1 s.,4 Wm. M. rSICE & CQ-; - - St. Lotls, Mo. CONDENSED TIME I H03TH G ROLIIJA RiULROAb. TRAINS GOING EAST. "' No. 47, 1 Xo. 43, 1 Date. May 15, isso. Leave Chrirlotte " 8alistoury 111U i'oliit Arrive at Greenslro I.eae trt-e)irib;ii Arrive at iihlsUro Durham " i:alelgU Leave " .rrlve at ooldsboro 3 5tt x.m 6 rs " 131 " S 10 " S 20 " 10 23 " 1 1 04 mstopm 3 30 ' 6 80 NO. , Ialb" ex. Dal'r, MindAy. 4 lop in 5 54 7 01 ! ! T ST " I j t' p.iri. . I 10 M - i I 4T'ii..in. soo " 6 oo a.m Moo"" Xo 4:" connects at Salisbury with W. N. L for all ;cliits In Western North CarUna. daily rorceot This committee fixed the irice ofj Htuidiys. At (reen.-b-ro witjtue u. ie if. Uaiiroad iui wiuu -Minn, mm ana west. At tioias&oro V. W. Kill foal for Wilmington. No. 45 connects at oreensboro w ith the R. & D. KiUlrjaJ I n- ull polnts North, East .ind V.'ebt. TRAINS GOING WEST. A Shooting Racket in Statesville. A very lively racket occurred at the depot in Statesville, night before last, while the; omnibusses were waiting for the train, the participants in which were two hotel clerks, a colored porter and a livery stable man. It seems that a difficulty arose between a young man named Boshamer and Jno. D. Kerr, when a colored man put in to help Boshamer, and subsequently, Jim Reeves, a clerk in one of the hotels, did likewise. The story brought down by passengers on the train is that Kerr knocked Boshamer down first, and then the negro; then being attacked by Reeves with a stick, drew a pistol and fired at him, the ball taking ef fect in Reeves's knee.. This put an end to the row. Charlotte Olxerttr. No. 4S, bally. No. 42. Dally. fNo.54a11y ,1 cx.Sunflay Leave " j J 4 Arrive at Durham . 4 M HlllstKjro 6 30 " Greensboro! 7 60 Leave " - -; 8 2n Arrive Hhrh'P-'Int ' S55 Salisbury 10 16 I Charlotte j a. ta. .; i ,. il fT ' :.: 3 45 p. m. w a.m i 7 34) ; . 15 12 27p.m 1117 No. 4$ Connr ts at Greensboro wltti Falf m Iirnch. At Alr-Ll Junction v. uh A & C. A. L. Kallxoaa to a;l potato iouf h and Southwest. At Charlotte with the c. C. M A. Kallroad for all points outh & SoiUh eiLSt. At Salisbury with V. N. C. Railroad, rtiiily, except Sundays, for all points In Western North Carolina. . No. 42 -Connects at Alr-Llne Junction with A. fc C. A. L. Railroad for all points South und youth-west. TIME TABUS VESTE H N. C. RAILROAD Takes effect Yanday, July 5, 5.00 YM. ISmi, - GOING WEST. GOING EAST. Better Times The Democrat, New Orleans, La., says: "Suffering among such as have been trou bled with diseases of kidneys and liver, has leu perceptibly better since the in troduction among 111 of Warner's Safe Kidnev and Liver Cure." Chew Jackson's Best Swoet Navy Tobacct UNITY HIGH SCHOOL. The Full term of this School will open, Tuesday, August 3rd, 1660. For terms, &c, address. geo. r. McNeill, 39:1 ra Wood Leaf. X. (J. BINGHAM SCHOOL, MEBANESVILLE, X. C, Established in 1793, la now Pre-eminent among Sonther Boarding Schools for boys in nge, nnmn bers and area patronage. The 173rd Ses sion begins July 29fh. For catalogue, giving full particulars, address . Maj. R- BIXGHAM, Sap't. 35:3t p BLANK ADMINISTRATOR'S SALE NOTICES For Sale at thU Office. 1.KAVE. LEAVE. i' 3J r. a Salisbury " a.m. 3 68 it s . . Third creefc 5 oo. U6o Wmwood... ; v.. 3 83 12 17 Statesville , . . a 06 116 Catawba lis 2 13 Nev. ton 18 20 2 i .CoDova..... ;.. iM 8 57 ...Hickory r.alt,4i 3 it Icard 10 ss . 4 17 Moranton io IS 4 62 Glen Alpine.... B 51 6H ..Brldgewater.. 9 B 9 54 Marlon...; 99 oid Vvn . i ts ' 20 Henry..... 1 l a 8 25 niaek Mountain ,. 54 s 0 Cwper'H.... M 5$ Swunnaiioa 48 Head ot Road a m . 5 terrains run dally, Sundays excepid. A. B. ANDREWS, Gen. Supt. "ACORN COOK STOVE." . WIIiIilAMS BROWN ' ITa the exclusive Mle of this eelrbratrd ook. Stove nu the tr -ing c C cflUifce Ut r.tf i - i AND OOKFBCTIO N'E Rl . , ; . r 'I - . At the Old Book-Store ictan4, next door to Barker's Drug Store - C0TJ1, TRY PRODUCE Ect(f:t- ! far CASH. i j HU fiienda are rvpeetfhllyrfii ttrd r lent nnd st e Lim, " ;

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