1 . IK V . Hi, . -. 1 IK" -- III THUliSDAY, AUGUST 5, I860. NEW TISUMS. ...... roiu and'nfter the 1st day of January, i L..i. -n..i. lie juwtiii'Mvii iiitcui ni iruici vU be as follows: - r. j ve:ir, paid iu advance, $1.50 l payment delayed 3 months, 2,00 UNFURLING THE COLORS. GEN, LE ACHE S SPEECH. ivite a 'A V lyment delayed 12 months 2 50 pleasant party at MrS. F. place lat Friday evening. j O - , -'" r? 'l" ? lie igpecial Term of Kowan Superior -o- -l:f r; igohie of. our merchants are complain- ;d.iftiaIe being dnlL" Advertise liber- .ill kur word lor It your trade wit 1 ' '' , jncrens''- WV. Click to go ith him. -They two closed themselves in (he store - Three loaded pistols, an axe- and some whiskey At precisely 2, p. m.. Mondavi fAnirust were placed on the tables It seems they 2djamid the lively straius of niasic, by expected to be attacked, and had taken our excellent band, the large aud hand- au ino precautious ior a vigorous some Democratic Campaign Flag Was on- AyI,a1 an understanding mat jone furled and hoisted to the piunacle of the should sleep white the other kept watch.. magnificent Dole tlutt had been previous- uunau was Keeping waxen ami li ck aa ly elected for it in the centre of tlie pub- RleePiuK oa the hvd' It is supposed that Phelps lay down acorss the foot of the bed and must have touched Clik in turning; and Click, (who, beside being' a somnambulist, hail; hi brain excited with a few glass of whiskey, and had gone to sleep expecting to be at- mes of our leader, Hanek tacke'l' dwaniing that negnn had jen- rereii me uouse juihikh i iacm imc lie square. There wVre aliont eight huu died citizens present, from all 'parts of the county ; and as 'the tw'a ut if ul,tii -colored Banner of this glorious - American Republic grac ful!y. flaunted out no the breeze, and revealed to. the gaze of the leople the na and Jarvis just as the soul fctirriui; air 1- I- .. . ".; - . .1 . !of the compounded- " "VASKEE DOODLE-DIXIEw burst upon th ears of thu throng !:r)ri J. j . Scjimekell Air Representa- the Legislature: Why T , For his jj0ufjty, iutegiity and Crliistian virtues. ; ! W. M. li. i O ' ( glacial Hates, a single fare, is ofliiied the -Saturday nigbt tram of tue Westr C Railroad passengers to return - ou eru jltiday morniiig. -o- 1 lination of llr. J. J. Stewart for the ifi'atnie, and Mr.,n tit. iliwdocli s Iet- ruui Lou uon are omitted lor want of . o- deafeniug, -there cheering yell, ev noi Leg terf jltancock and Jarvia Club will hold their lueetiug at ilertmey's Hall, Tuesday leuderson rni - deliver an address. ; Kuserved seats for the ladies. j !M I o . The- Eowan County Sunday School (ftbtto'n will open at Organ church on tl,friOthrinst. The annual meeting of Bt!ie County Bible Society-will be at the Mine pU'tra on the next day, the llth. Perpus uesniiig lo .aneim uiese tueei jpg will rem her tke-time and place. were ehowu on last Monday, a Tety natulsotne and elegantly finished Bng wifh a Xev canopykop.' Mr. W. M. Kurker uow has the right to manufac ture hese baggies aud -theione shown us Uaerfect beauty, all the workmanship beiuf . lieat and very substantial. ' - 1 AfcooD one. The Democratic people of &lvan will see iu this paper that the naml of Dk; 3. J. Scmmeell is lefore tliliinVls a . candidate for the Legislature. If they waut a better man than he is they will lafe to import hi nr from some other .chanty or State. Can't we give hi m aunau ituuiu uutiiiuatiou! Mrl W. It. Kester brought to market e!. x - " Iswt Saturday, a load of the finest water aietotfs we jiave seeu this season. They were fl hi uumbeiv the lightest weighing 3am the heavies 45 lbs., making an av 'mjielpf 35 Jbs. all rouud." VVhocau beat was! one long socli as only the trut .warm-heark?d pa triots of the South can give. j After the baad had ceaed plaviug, the crowd was informed there would " be a 8Hech delivered at Merouey's Ilall, to which 'place all immediately repaired. We shall not attempt to report id detail, but will give a brief "outline W the sub stance of the speech of one of North Car olina's gifted sons, , ' i . UOXJAMES 3X. LEACH, 0 i wh, iu his jHipular and pleasing style, first drew a comparison between the' can didates of the two parties ' in onr own Mate, showing out in glowing contrast the brilliant records of the uoblel manly leaders on the Denncratic State ticket. Hut as Buxton, Barriner and company had no public record worth . mentioning, he handled them gently by ilnpiy leav ing them to all the glory to which they will ever be able to at tarn that of being candidates of a party which has its skirts all liesineared and bhrckeued byHiigh handed villainies, corruptions and the unprecedented crimeof fraudulently steal ing a Presidency Trom a free-boru eople. , lie next clearly, forcibly and. viiite eh quently provel, from facts that boldly stiiud fortli in the public life-history of Jas. A. Garfield and Chester A. Arthur, axe and sti ucU on the bed, one, two, three blows, with all bis strength the violence of his action woke liim from his dream. As he discovered what he had done, a deep groan and cry of burrow burst from him I UAVE KILLED MY BEST FUIESD.", He took down a horn and blew for the neighbor-, who soon gathered in and fon ml to their horror that the three blows had all taken effect one on the neck, severing the cervical vertebra?, one ou the back of the head, peuet rating the hol low of the skull, and one just above the shoulder blade. Apparently, Mr. Phelps without a struggle. Mr. Click seemed very much troubled, but explained to those who came in, just how every thing occurred, the condition of bis mind, &c. He is a known somuamb ulist. During the last 12 months especial ly has he demonstrated his proclivities in this fespect walking on houses, jump ing through windows and carrying the sash with him j goingtothe liver aud ridr iug iu cauoes was saved from a watery grave not long since. In fact, he is so much troubled, tiiat he frequently tied himself so that if he got up during the night the cord would wake him. It is a sad case. Mr. Phelps was well thought of was an honest, upright, bus iness man, aud his li ieuds say that drink ing was his only fault. ROWAN COUNTS bx jr. Flavin? been solicited . by m&nv friends from different parts of the county to permit it!- -o- We!; are at liberty i to announce Dr. J, j'. ''iini:aerelt as a candidate for a seat in thjj Jroas? of Commons of the next Geueral Assembly of Jtlie State subject to tbtj i jvvilLitf the. people as expressed in HtaPjrcun County Convention, to be held -otttl!;23th-iiitaht. Mast Votehs. "1 J -1 . vr- O J. Iv. Gkauam, Esq. V find ami!igst our prl atevt)i iej)tnidenee that the friends f tliL gehiieman dvsire him t become a .; adiiuljite jur. the General As-emld. Mr.UjiUIiiUi i?. welf known espe-'it!ly iu 'At? weMeia ji.il t of the county and would fi ihhbt make a good, representativi-. d'- -.hfV-loiig devotion to conservative . jfn.'ile i'oaiineitd him an a saie and :rui:ifi'i.v-.v.;l:j. ' . -r For tbo Watchman. The Salisliury Examiner and its cones- t hat both these aspirants for the highest hxmdents desire to excludeSljerill Wag- position on earth within the gift of man, Convention to be held on Uie 2dth of Au Irave upon their escutcheons blots both ,r,lfet iUiitant, on the ground as they say, dark and damnable ; and that the Repub- that he was a "bolter," an "independent," licau partv have far surpassed ami put to &c. Can they not see that uo surer course Al i , e . i i could be -pursued to rivet the friends the blush even some of its most stalwart of Mr wi rtf0lierf and nuvke theni the aduerents by placing uetore tne American people the greatest people on the glolie and shamelessly asking them to support and keepiu power such men as 0arfield and Arthur. The speaker's vindication of the right and his denunciation of the w rong, back ed at all points bythe might of truth, were powerful and telling ; and ke feel assured that the few honest Republicans, wlio were present, went away with doubt ing minds and troubled consciences. In discussing the merits, the purity and sublime grandeur of the chatacter ai:d record of I i ! QKS. VIXFIELD SCOTT HAKCQCK and Wm. II. Euglish, the speaker's words were flashes of enthusiasm which, ta ken up by the already enthusiastic .crowd, atjeach pause brought forth thundering rounds of annlause. amid whie'h! one of i the great speeches of the campaign vlos- .sjjsburv ed.r -Gen. Leach having K'cupie4l two , riii.klin. determined opponents "Ot the man who shall be slipped iu to supersede him T Do they not kuow that this very course, two years ago, with tlm same identical man (Mi. Bingham), as (lie subject, brought on great confusion in tbeCounty Conven tion aud resulted disastrously to him, who, iu Yaet, was the least popular of the three candidates before that bdy f That convention undertook to force Mr. Bing- GENERAL GREENE AND. LORD CORX- ;1.WALUS IX ROWAIf COUNTS Lossinir in his tield book'! savs that the village of Salisbury; is the capital of Row an county, a portion of the "Hornet's Nest' of the Revolution. , It a place of consid erable historic note. On account of its ceo- crmpincm nosuioa ji wanen me place ol renoezvons oi me niimia preparing lor tue battlefields; of various regular corps, Amer- ican ana uruisn, a u ring xue last years vol the war, and especially as the brief resting plaee of both armies during Greeners memov rable retreat." vol. 2 p. 015). The writer is not aware that the British troops were ever in Salisbury, eseept once, when Lord Corut wauis was in pursuit oi ueu. urpene. 4 31 rr lssing seems to nave oeen peculiarly wnr fortunate in his visit to Salisbury .MIe secmi to have seen nothing there that had any his toric interest, although the house occupied 1 IT I 1 1 . . - oy vyornnaius, as nis neat ujuaners, was silll standing there, (Jan. 184U), besides other buildin-is where the British officers conjjrei gated, as we thai I see. .He seems however to have heard of the famous Rowan ''Natur- al wall." which he locates in Salisbury, andj s-ipposes to be a part ;of thet circunval-i lation of a city of the tnonnd builders H The fact is that about three miles from Sal 4 isbury. and a;ain about nine miles from Sal isburv, in the direction of Mocksville. there are "trap dikes," or ' natural Walls of trap rock. ledea;h the surfai-e of the ground, trom twelve to fourteen leet deep, and twenty-two inches thick,, as Lossing says, that have the appcarauce of lein laid in cement But this cement is nothing but a tine de compritioB of the trap! .rock itself, or an infi'ilation of fine material fcom without. Mr. Lossing does however give us in his lxK)k. a beautiful little moonlight sketch of Trading Ford, showing the point of the Island, and the row of. stakes that then stood there to guard the stranger from the deep water below. There Gen. Greene, with Gen. Morgan and his light troops, crossed the Yadkin, Feb. 2, 1781. After the unfortunate battle of Camden, Aug lil. 1780, Gen. Gates was superseded bv General Greene, who immediately proceeded to his field of labor. Passing through Dela ware, Maryland and Virginia, and ascer taining what supplies ha was likely to ob tain froin these States, lie hastened on to Charlotte, the headquarters of the Southern Army, where he took forma! command, Dee. 3, 1780. Cornwaliis hid, fallen back to Winnshoro. Gre,-ne divided his little army se idinar the larg r portion to the: Pee Dee, noar Cheraw, a out sev'cntv miles to the right of Lord Co-nwallisi The other por tion consisting of about one thousand troop? he sent under General Morgan, about fifty miles to the hft of Cornwallis, to the junc tion of Broad and Pacolet Rivers in Union District, Skmth Carolina, j Gen, Morgan with his little force gained the1 memorable battle of the Cowpens over Col.fTarleton, January 17,1781. Col. Tarleton ,with the remnant of his troops retreated precipitately to the mam army ot Cornwauis while Genera Morgan with his prisoners, hastily crossec the Broad River, and pressed toward the Catawba, to effect a jncction with General Greene. This brought, on the. famous re treat cf Greene, a military mameuvre, that will not compare unfavorably, with Xcno phon's famous ''Retreat of the Ten Thous and." Mortified at the disaster that had befal- my name to be used before the Democratic Corroy dull good Middlings, I 10J Convention jis a candidate for the Legist- puddling t If) tureIhave invariably answered I did pot I lo.w.,. do . 78 deKir th nnminnl inn . A th nnmarr I . ' . . . . - Stain ir; a elections will shortly come on and other JBacox, county, hog round, ft 110 Democratic Irienus nave been presented lor J iJUTTER-r- the same position J feel it a duty I owe my-1 Eoos ' ... self and others to publicly withdraw my I nicKEXs -per dozes name, as there may be less difficulty in unit-1 Cons 2s ew mr on some other man. I aie.u uioUfrateUemand at: I tender my sincere thanks to my many I Wheat -good demand at . M 751.10 riends for the interest they have nhown in I FLOCR--ltst fan. 2.R.1 my behalf, and will pledge myself as I have always done, cordially to support the nom inees of the Democratic party. J U. rxiocixai Examiner please copy. upon the people of the county, aud the poeple of theuouuty rebuked the shame- j ien his favorite officer, Tarlton.and hopingto less enort by electing Mr. w aggoner. j recover the prisoners-carried away, by Gen ley ttv the same game oyer again 1 1 Morgan, ('ornwallis lie dan his pursuit 01 did two Will they tty lfthev do.it will result, as it years ago. Their candidate (unless fair ly aud squarely nominated), will Vie de feated as he ought to lie. The Examiner's Frankliu correspond ent says Waggoner fell short in Demo cratic 'votes in 1878. He gave as uo fig ures to show the vote.au important otitis sion, which 1 take this occasion lo supply as follows : Iw-shiis. 1 Waggon kk. BftoiiAM. hours and ten minutes in its '.ciivi v. Fei'.ow De m oe rates of Xorrh i' uoli iia, we an- fufe lo fiaserln;g ri:at od Kow an is thoroughly moused, aid unless Im-al dissensions break her phalanx se will shoot hi'r biggest gun in November for true republic tn principles, civil I'vi edotn ui-il st !'ove.r)iueii ir'?er I V-iiocrat- Uniiv, v oi. Irish, .Ml. Li ia, l,OCiit, At well, Liiaktr. dou inn, rk-rntrardt's. 1.. e s.i'J-rl ii. Ct M 'iu tltftqtci, a statement of , aou rep;juiisli Dra. Rep Tot. I n in Ktp i';. 128 J39 437 loU 46 17H ;,1 35 120; i 12 40 1 .2 . 55 2") Koi st iu 41 45 (58 1 1 .'. 20 Ht"i : 72 90 162 4.) Wi 4. i 7G 68 114 ; 00 5j 152 00 207 4G W 4(i ; S? 45 13- tA 10 ti I 42 10 -VJ 14 00 14 i tn 9 4t 00 -i- I :?3 00 o.v -vj y i 00 5- Mate ex- penditkres for.each vear since IrfGS. We 1. , '. .. . . ' liat I'd exhibit was gotten up uu fer tli4uieriiou if Treasurer Worth, l tlit ft may be relietl as correct. CHiiduiates and others taking part in this yw's lanvass, kliotild havethis table at lift A careful study of it will show '"lirllit facts to the" credit of the Dem- A DKUXKEX AND ISSOLKXT XF.tiUO SHOT FOR FOKClBLK ENTUANCli. j. J. SomiuimbulinfM Dreadful Iked A Man Almost IhcajtiUitcd. "craticjnarfy, and its convenience in the- 'aw of (fiscussi'Mi is not the least part of hniW . 0. ' ' - SI-BOATES TO - THE COUNTY CoXVES- Tiox.--Ve would suggest to our Demo pitic friends in the several townships. Uiatlt si fc'fctioii of delegates to the Count v -")iion. possible. Seud up men of Ua(lS ailll boiiml liKltrinout Viotn ni'lH'aiihcPft it is likelv that therr-will " uo general agreement by the townships ".wiuucr to the Legislature, and i vvumy convention may have to "tKie selection. In that case it u ap ltut f 'dr ,le delegates should lie meu u inarm a tn, in,...,.... . ...:n 11 ;v luniuciii, huu ruv.ii i will uo "J W bniiL' to tlm w ork m iae voitli ami nij A harmonious, and orderly eon- wiiiive great pleasure to the P0Ple.iud inlnre a grand victory. It is the , ri"f the Democratic people of this u to rout RadjcaUsm horse, f.xt ""artUWr unA tat- nncUccinn C. K(,WiU hould be in the frou i "u. anu w,ii be jf ber best meu are put 1 11 ri rv . 1 -M 111 1 1 r " n I t. . b- - n o . M.ftE!ftAl PiiivirrnivftQ Th .Tua. l!!if I' eae met at the Court Iloutie "v xo elect a R.iail of County Com- lt4- : ' ax.. vs va w vim avp m "ore, ta . iv k ti:. r r v.a.i 1 iL'rl".; Wm.'M, Kiucaid. aud G. A t Ilia ItoQf.l i . i;u . viHtiuiseiiar!iBa iiisirresoui. L.!5ue6to tys satisfaction oTthecoun ty ne uavenniiloa l.o i. ..,1, I )r 1 - ? . - - - .mvi. iif, oiij vuUbU vuujir jtfth ,orthe puWc gowU The affiii is V.C .uv are 10 excellent condition. ,il V-' f nepestUourt House and the best ''DiWfRteru Xortb Carolina. Wehavea we believe it is Hull .'-'?,'"'WVIUII i?l"5fl. .The county be pl W aU demands as presented. iitK i'H-lwive managed for; the eouutv laalr ze!kl watchfulness such as meir in,.,'- u regara 10 meir own We bono they willcon- N'ot-llr. George R. McNeill taiWrates raised the pay of the eonjortheanferior Court to 3 a TH3 lAVlDSON COUXl'V TilAGlCJJV. Ou last Saturday eveuiig, at a small store iu what is kuowims "Horse Shoe Neck,' Davidson county, some -negroes gathered, as is their custom on Saturday evenings. IN. 3d. nieips was me pro prietor of the store, and Alfred Phelps, his brother, was in charge.I The uegroo were drinking, and one in particular, Pies. Hairston, obstreperous and insulting 1 n h is man ner. Al fi ed Htel pw ordered him to leave the store the uegro refusiug to obey. After ordering him tuit veral times, Mr. Phelps, desiriug no distur banee, gave Hairston 50 ceuts to leave. He did so, but came back about the time Phelps had closed the store, and de manded admittance. Phelps refused to admit him, when the negro said that lie would foice down the door, if he was uot allowed to come lu otherwise, mem replied that if he broke iu, he would jshoot him. The tiegyo broke the' diM fasten ings aud entered the store. Phelps! call ed to hm to "keep out," at the same time discharging his pistol; the first three shots were fired into the ceiling, for the purpose of frightening the darkey, llair- stou was drinkiug and made at Pfielp and was about to take hold of him, when Phelps discharged one, shot iu to, the ue gvo's side. This aeemed to sober bint and uie lettr--not nurt seriously, as ue was seen at church the next day. He is now under . . - -.. . ' 1 arrest. I This ends the. story of ibaturday evening, but leaves a more sad and dread ful one to tell. v 8 r' r ' VY ! SUXDAT KIGUt r' ! . : following the drunken brawl just rehears- ls out Of debtcd, found Alfred Phelps still under: ap prehensions that this negro would return and commit some dee4 of revenge for his slight hurt. So fye. appealed Ito; his brother U. II. Phelps to take his place, ami alio w'hini to go home (they Jive in Davie, county), to which Uriah .agreed but on consideration, thought it best to No.v take Bingham's Democratic vote 723 lroiu Waggoner's Democratic vote 1)41 and we have 213 Democratic majority for the latter. It auv one doubts the correctness ot the thrive tabulated statement they can ver- f it by the original records from which ' " - - . . am. - it was coined. 1 here will tie no denial except as to the proportion of the Kepub- lieau votes assi-ueii to eacu candidate. But the above estimate was made on the most liberal basis possible for Mr. Bing ham to whom is assigned Bepubiicau votes iu the county, thus leaving huu the lamest itoasible Democratic vote. It is idle to talk alout his receiving a majori ty of Democratic votes. Giving him his whole vote. eo4. ami adding to it im, an the Republican votes as-igu d to Wa- ... .ill I -"jr goner, and u aggouer 1 sun aue.ui ot . Mr. Bingham tell behiud Vance's vote over l,oOD. 4 But to returu : It will be oosesvtsl tliaf Biimhant's democratic vote was I his taken from WaggonorV democratic vote;, 4J, leaves a majoiity otCl3 in fivor oi Waimoner. Tins shows mat "ine uoot is on toth er leg that Mr. Bingham not .Mr. WaggoTier); was the man who tell short in 1 a rat i.e. voles. Mr. Bingham of all J take a friends - Accordingly, lie begge4. 1 vines was the lii;ii!UO.f man iu sarts. demoeratic aud lemutiiciii. Aor was it the result of anv lac ot ettort on his part or of his f lief ids. He m.ule the biiraest sireet-hes, cai rieil with him around on the canvass the biggest force of ue- gvo canvassers, and it is said did the heaviest treating. And yet ho came in on the day of the election 731 VOTES BEHIND his quiet and orderly oppoueut, Mr. Wag- .- -m . y . a. I goner, oi votes majority ior me man whom the Examiner aud its moou-strucK crrespoudent deuounce as a "bolter," "indeiieudent," fcc.. wlto should be ex cluded from the privileges of the county couventiou. What modesty I 1 hey' ask the people to drop the man w ith the vote of 1585 and take up one who came "in 731 votes behind him ! Whyt Some say he has-been in long euough.- Others say he don't do any thiug for , the party. Some others (a few) deuounce him as a "bolter." The people of Rowan know all about this "boltiug," business. They considered it two years ago and set their heel upon it with crushing force, j Don't try to bring it to life. It is dead as a snake hung up to bring rain. ' And as to his having been in long enough, it cannot be said he has grown negligent of his duties; arid faith folness in office is all the - people' require of a sheriff. They do not want political evangelist logo al6ut among them breach ing politics; nor a snake in. the grass to to work against their favorite man for Congress or the Legislature, Jtmici. 5Rit uts pursuit; on the 25th of January. " At(RamsourVMil!8 Lincolntnn he .destroyed, allhis'kUperflHous b:iy,'.r:-,e and hastened towards the Cataw ba River, hoping to overtake Morgan, en cumbered a he was with prisoners,, before he eoul Jeffi-ct a junction with Geri. Greene's maiu army, sup(used to be now hastening up from Cheraw. But we will probably get a clearer idea of this affair bv following each uartv in succession, one at a time, On the sa'ne day that Cornwallis began his purs tit Jan. 2 t 178! Gen. Greene was apprised of .Morgan f victory at Cow pens and "ordered Gen. Stevens, with his bodv of Virginia militia, whose term of -crvio' wa.- about ; expiring, to hasten to ( 'li.n io te. relieve Morgan of his prisoners,1 ami convey, them to Charlottesville, Va., while he himself left the eamp on Pee Dee. under Generals linger and Williams, and hastened, with one aid and two or three mounted miliiia. to meet Morgan on the Catawba On the route he was informed of ' i' po-M'- "! C'rival!is, and iurneiliatelv I IT . ... 1 I. i- ... i. . t. ;u ,.,i iiuer 10 urea ;iie Ua:np on the Pee Dee aud meet Mor gan in Salisbury or Charlotte. Gen. Greene rca-.-hed Sherrill's Ford on the Catawb;!, ten or nfteeu miles above Beattie's Ford, on the list of January, meeting general Morgan there, aud taking charge of the future move ments of his detachment. Gen. Greene im mediateljrplaccd the prisoners in the hands of Morgan's militia, to le carried to Virgin ia by a more northern route, while Morgan, .vith his live hundred regulars, was left un encumlK.Tcd, and ordered to guard the Fords of the Catawba. On the same day General Greene issued a stirring appeal to Col. Locke of Rowan, urging him to jp moody the mili tia and hasten to his assistance. But so mauy of the soldiers of Rowan were prison ers of war at this. time, and the fords of the Ca ta w ba were, w' D umeroua. and the enemy so near, that very little could lie done to stay their'progress. General William David son succeeded in collecting 300 militia, and .va posted at Cowan's Ford, 3-few miles lielow Beattie's Ford, while Morgan '-with his regulars was higher up the river. In order to create the impression that the Brit ish would cross at Beatlie's Ford. Cornwal lis sent Col. Webster with hii brigade to that point, while he with the main body of ill's armv decau.ucd at mKitnghl, and hast eaed to Cowan's Font, whir h he reached a Jhttie be!re dawn, Feb. 1, i.181. Plunging Into (he stream, nearly five' bunds red vrus jwide. and waist deep, the , Bi :il:sh soon f.-ai !ul the Mecklenburg s;ore.wh re they Were re eived by Gtn. DaividMin and his three hundred niiiitia wilh a galling tire. Tlie guide having deserted the British at the first shot of the sehtincli they misled the ford, and came out a considerable distance almvc the place where General Davidson was .stationed. Davidson at once led his men to that part of the bunk which faced tihe British. But by the time of his arrival, tiie light-infantry' had reached the shore, and quickly forming, they won dispersed the handful of patriots. Gen. Davidson wns the list to leave the ground, and as he was riountlng his hor-c to hiake his est ape, he received a mortal w.ourjd. Dr. Carmhers states that Geii. 'Datidsbn was killed b a siiot fired bv Freileric! Hager, a German torv. who piloted the British across the rJiv-; er; but this statementoes.not agree with tljie generally accreditedlstoryt that the-pilot deserted at the sentinel's first fire. He was killed in Dr. Samlij;.a3rcCorkVs gfeat coat, which he bad; borrowed the day before. The Rev. TbosJ, IL McCaule, an other Presbyterian minister, with Col. Wm. Polk accompanied Gen. Davidson to the riv er; that morning. And when Cornwallis, af ter tarrying about three hburs, for the pur pose of burying his dead,- had proceeded in the direction of, Salisbury,- David "Wilson and Richard Barry, both oL Whom wire at the skirmish that morning, returned, . and secured the body of General Davidson, and on the following September ordered a mon ument, costing not more than $300, to be erected to, his. memory, but the resolution was never carried, out. But it is a pleasing fact that a half century later there was es tablished near that place an' institution of learning that was named Davidson College, Mter the brave enA atriotic general. His sont Win. Lee Davidson,J2sq. was an early friend and patron of the College, gave the lands upon which it is situated to the Trus tees, and when leaving this State placed his father' trusty sword in the College. - There it hangs to-day in the College Museum. 1 From Cowan's Ford, the British pressed On and soon met Col. Webster's division. whwhr had crossed at Beattie's Ford, at Torrence's Tavern ; which Lord Cornwallis, i ins general orders styles, "Cross roads to ballisbury," and Tarleton in his mnp desig- n:itP4 i9 -Tarrant'. TUi :T i . two miles above. Davidson r,n,.a within a quarter of a mile from where Cen- tre Depot" on the Atlantic Tennessee and Ohio Rail Road, now stands. Thev brimeil the house of Mr. Torrence, of John Brevard, Gen. Davidson's father-in-law and set fire to Moses YV inflow's '..house; but the fire was extinguished bv order of Lord Cornwallis. At Torrence's Tavern. Col. Tarleton with his light horse, found about three hundred American militia, with a motlev comnanv of refugees, in their wagons, from South Carolina and elsewhere, fleeing for safetv. rm 1 . . . . " - . y. l arieion made an onslaught uixm these, kill ed a few of the militia, less than ten. and scattered the refugees. He sustained a loss of seven men, and twenty horses, in this ac- iiou. mis was about two o clock in the afternoon. From Cornwallis's order book We learn that the British army encamped at l uiicuccs uiui. nigni, anu negan its inarcn ir pursuit of Greene, at half past five o'clock oh the morning of the second of February. From Tarleton's map we learn that the route ot the army was almost directly eastward tor some fifteen or twenty miles, to a ioint winch is caller! "Grimes," southwest of Sal isbury. This was probably Graham's nlan tation, on the w-est side of Grant's Creek near "Wiseman's mill." This was in the im mediate neighborhood of Gen. Rutherford residence, among the Lockes, Grahams. Brandons, Nesbits and Allisons. Lord Corn wallis designates his head-quarters for that day "Cant hard s Plantation." - As the Reg istry ot Deeds shows no such name as "Can thard," this is probably a mistake for soru other name. And since the "Order Book," as '.we! I as Tarleton's map. is full of errors in the spelling ot names, arising trom the lac mat tueir iniormaimn as to localities was frequently derived from ignorant person? the better class keeping out of the way it is easy to see how a stranger in hot pursuit ol an enemy would confound familiar names. Or: perhaps the printer might easily mis-read a manuscript written in haste, by a busy sec retary. It is probable therefore that instead of vCanthards" we should read "Ruther ford's Plantation. From "Wiseman's Mill" there may be seen at many places, the deep cut bed of an old road, crossing the county westward and passing a little southward, of Villa Frar.ca, the residence of the late Dr. F. N. Luckcy. This road probably led on pail ''Atwell's'' old place.pastGcneral Kerr's, now Mr. Hedrick'a residence, and so on past Spring Grove, Cross Keys and on to Tor rence's. This vas once called the "old Wil mington Road." Having left Torrence's at half past .five that morning Feb. 2d a march of fifteen or eighteen miles would bring them to "Rutherford's Plantation," Any one acquainted with these roads in mid winter, after a hard day's rain, will consider this a good half day's march. But Gen. Morgan was ahead of them, and the Yadkin was about fifteen miles from this post. There was therefore but a slioft restj and they were on the march again. In a few miles they fell into the old "Trading Path," live or six miles south of Salisbury. And asdarkness gathered around them, we conceive that they would be pass ing along that old "Pathway," then the Great South Road, somewhere about the western slopes of Dunn's Mountain, in haste to reach Trading Ford lielbre Morgan should cross. Lord Cornwallis appears to have halted at a place which he styles "Camp Cassington." a fanciful name perhaps. This place may have Inen at a point about four mdes east of Salisbury, between the resi dence of Dr. I.. W. Jones and the Rail Road. We are led to this conjecture, from the fact that there is quite a number of graves in the forest at that point, and no one can account for their being there, except on some such hypothesis. But while Cornwallis halted. he sent forward Gen. O'Hara, Col. Tarleton, and the Hessian Regiment of Bose to the Trading Find, hoping to find Morgan on the western bank. But the hope was a vain one. Morgan had crossed early in the even ing, securing all the boats and flats on the eastern side. When therefore O'llara and Tarlton reached the Ford at midnight, they found only a small detachment of American rifleman, left there to guard some wagons and stores belonging to the frightened coun try .people, who were fleeing from the Brit ish armv. A slight skirmish ensued, but the Americans escaped in the darkness. It was those who were killed at this skirmish as w'ell as some wounded outs that were brought from Cowan's Ford and Torrence's tliat' vie sunrise to have been buried at "Camp Cassington " During the night the river, already swol len bv recent rains, and always pretty deep in winter, arose to an impassable height and cut off all hope of pursuing the Ameri can tmoiM on that route. It was now the third of February, and the British troops after r annooading across the river from the "Hcbdits of Gowerie," at the rear of the Americans, turned to retrace their step: and either wait till the river fell or seek an other route. The following extract from the Minutes nf tin Tn ferior Court of Rowan, fixes these dates bevond dispute: "Be ifremembered that the British army marched into Salisbury on Saturday preced tuk F.-hnii.rv term. 1781. and continued 1111. -M. ..... . in towh till Mondav night or Tuesday morn ing following: therefore the Court was not called according to last adjournment. The minutes of this term were transcrib ed from Mr. GitTord's rough minutes." (Signed) "Ad. Osboex, C. C. C." A calculation, carefully made, from the Court Records, shows that the ''Saturday preceding the February term of 1781, fell on the third day of February, and co incides with the foregoing account of the march, as -ll4a ihn "Order Book " of Lord Corn wallis I There has been some confusion of dates upon this point by various writers : Dr. Hunter, in his Sketches, bringing the British to Salisbury on the night of the first of February, and Lossing on the night of second.; The truth appears to be that the main armv of the. British passed near Salis bury on ;the evening of the second, and re turned and occupied theTown on Saturday the third. - It is however probable that a squadron of dragoons pas-ed through the Town'ori the second,-where Tarleton says, some emissaries informed him that Morgan was at the Trading Ford, but had not cross ed the river.'!- --;';;; ' r. T " .' A CARD. PRICE CURRENT. s J Corrected by J. M. Krox ac Co! A eg.' 5 801a- 11.50 $.00 t 65 Frankliu Township. ATTENTION DEMOCRATS 1 The Democratic partv of Franklin are re spectfully invited to attend a public meet ing to oe held at Franklin Academr at 10 o'clock a. in. on Saturday the 14th instant. The Hon. Charles Price and other disting uished speakers will address the people on the occasion. The ladles are etoeciallv in vited to attend. -Let every Iwwlv come. W. R. Fralev, ) "Executive .1 R, J. Haltom V J. B. Ford, ) Committee. Examiner and Democrat, please copy. extra I super. Potatoes, Irish Oniosh no demand Lakd Hay Oats Bkkswax Tallow BLACKBF.nniES Apples, dried V SroAK " C.75 .no 4045 48 , 20Q21 5 ' 10il2i BUSIHESS LDCAESv Talk about the Hancock boom playing out. It has just begun.. Wait a few weeks until it has got fairly under way, and then be wicked enough to stand be fore it. It would be wuer to oppose Ni agara's rush or the fearful momentum of an Alpine avalanche, or even to get in TO Willi AT OnOWKHs.As jt is about time you were cettingrendv voftr compost heaps; I again offer: vou.the besf and higWst grade of 'Acid fPipsphatesn- ior comKsiiug. call at once ud secure what you may waut. Will also have on hand the "Old Reliable," "Nivassan & "Pacific' G nano of high grades for'wheat. Parties wauting tlie Genuine No. Pern- vian Guano, will do well' to leave their orders with me in time. ; i - J. Allen?Browtji. August. 4th 1880. - 4C:tf -Mrs. Kliffmclleh. head of . tlie tart de partment of Simontou College. ill make the way of some lively lightning. No, Crayon I)rtraits, life bizaJVomPllotographs, no. It is "growing hourly, and the wise at moderate charges. CaJl on Mji. KJacd man seeth it coming, rushingS4id roaring gee specimens at Captain Beairsf Tesideiice. and he adapteth himself accordingly. " ' P' Tfi7. Star. When it becomes necessary to "lock up a peaceful aud law abiding citizen, to prevent his murder by a brace of blood thirsty miscreants, matters are really get ting serious. It isthe avowed intention of this pair of brutal bullies to regulate Mc3 Vork .... r O . i i: rrl . I c.i. .,,..,!,... io oicoa ui ouuiu vuroiiuii. Aiiere uiu.si ciuun,.,, be no unpleasant allusions to the recent murder. Col. Cash must be treated as a man of unsullied honor, as he aud his son, armed to the teeth, will fall on any editor who offends and shoot him down like a dog. We can think of no reined v half so ikely to effect a radical cure in this case as a judicious and timely application of hemp to the old man and a bull-whip to Cora White in Hulk.. tue son. l he code has had its dav. and Just received at A. C. Harris a fine lot of No. 1. Cigars and French Candiej." - St. Louis Market Qnotatons Prices given are for goods aboard 4ars or . boat ready tor shipment to destluatlyu. i buried it. in Hopewell c same nitbt by torch light. lurch yard that Ths Congress Ciear Kill Sides... ?' 44 Clear sues:....... Bacon Shoulders .- 44 CUear lilb sides .. " Clear Sldea Hams 1'ialn.. " , Canvased Lard V.es3 Beef ; Flour Kxt ra Fancy Choice.... ......... 44 Family......". 4- Fine......... Corn Meal Oriuj.. .Perbbl.! is ..Fer lb. - ; i'k at . ! " 4' .PerbbU is . " i !6 5 3sclts.Cts: 2--'" 8 60 ;s 85 ..Per bUi I MixeflaBulk. even in its zenith it was never intended o:its Mivon in'mni.- 44 44 44 Sacks..; to shield such fellows as these Cashes from the blows of outraged law. Il'ni. Post. 80 M 89 45' 44 80 Prices on Iloiscsi. Mules. Wacons, Macltlnery Frm Impleiii'-nis, Field and urasH seeda etc., given on application. :. . - Wa. M. P21ICE & CO. tjt.LouhsMo. CONDENSED TIME HOBTH CAROLINA RAILROAD. TRAILS liUtU KASf. Dally, j Ualb'. 1 1 Date, May 15, isso. Leave Charlotte 44 Salisbury 44 Ht?hPotnt Arrive at Greensboro 8 so a rn 6 i3 44 T31 " b 10 44 S SO " :23 " 1 1 in 6 MU4' Dally ex. Sunday. 4 lo p.ial "54 ."1 i tot " f 1 .7.. ...... - T3T t j ...-i.. f r 5 o p.m. Atlanta, July 31. Gov. Colquitt went to Jouesboro last night with the Gate City Guards, of Atlanta, to prevent any at tempt ou the part of friends to rescue the prisoner who was imprisoned on the charge of the murder of Millie Johnson, colored, for beating her father aud moth er and fatally wonnding her brother. T i . . . r :. Leave Greensboro tiouesuviu wii& iu it rcui "lute oi eiciie- i Arrive at lliiWoro ment over the affair all of yesterday. afeit Sheriff Archer met with resistance iu at- Lce . Arri ve at (ioldsboro A l!. A I A. A A. I A. 5 . leuipuiig uie arrest oi some or uie panics Ni-Counot-isat Salisbury vtdi wlM. u. U. for charirpil with cnTiiniittinir the crime Sev- all point lu w est ern Oltil t.'a(.r. dally except cnargea wun commuunt, me crime. ?e Sjnday. At ureeudiion with the It. & D. Railroad en prisoners wore brought to Atlanta bv for ail points North, Eastfand West, ajl Goidsboro , ' rt. , , "v. a V. ii Ulroad Ior W tltimton. i .o. 4o connects at orernsixiro wlta tbfl B. A V. KallroaJ for all points North. li isAinrt W est. TUA1NS GOING VT. J .No. 4 ! No. 42, l jcc.f;,Datlr Dat, May is, issa. J Dally. Dally. n;es.Siiin!ay r :::::v.i 6m a. m l'Uio 4i 1 1 47 a.m. a oo" the Gate City Guards and put iu jail here for safe keeping. Others will probably be arrested. Sam Cook, one of the pris oners, turned State's evidence and impli cated all of the others; but subsequently Leave tireen.-boro Arrive at UalclgU 112 25 j Leave . 44 i S4u retracted and said that he was frightened Arrive at Durham 4 6-j into a confession. There is an uncom-1 44 Greensboro T so Leave 44 8 so ioi(a:n. en-in.uLTJ. in. 10 45 4- L'.. T co a. m. 19 promising demand for a full investigation Arrive nigh Point j hss and if the guilty parties are found Geor- Z chafite nVA gia v ill have a wholesale hanging. ANNOUNCE3I ENTS. Iiegislativc! , Mr. Editop. : We see several names men tiored for the Legislature, all of which we consider good, but we wish to mention the name of "John K. Graham, Esq., who has served the partv faithfully for the last fif teen years aad who has been an acceptable justice of the peace for over twenty years. J Mt. Ulla. A Card. Td the People of Rowan County : I am a candidate for the office of Sher iff subject to the approval of the Demo cratic Couuty Convention, called to con vene in Salisbury on the 2tb iust. I am induced to make this aunouncemeut, be cause I believe it to be the wish of a large majoiity of the Democrats of the county. If 1 6hall receive the nomination, I shall make a canvass which I hope will be satisfactory to the party, aiid do all in my power to assist in a glorious victory for our noble standard bearers ou the Na tional and State tickets. In conclusion, I lieg to return my warmest thanks to my friends for the enthusiastic support gj ven me during the last canvass, aud notwith standing I was defeated by the Republican party, I have the satisfaction of know ing that l received a considerable majority of the Democratic. votes in that contest. G. A. Bingham. Examiner and Democrat please copy. To the Voters of Eotcan County: 1 hereby announce myself as a candi date for re-election to the office of Regis ter of Deeds of Rowan couuty, subject to tlie action of the Democratic County Cou veution. July 29th, 1880. H. N. Woodson. To the Voters of Rowan Count;: I hereby announce myself as a candi date for re-election for the office of Coun ty Treasurer, snbject to the action of the Democratic Coiyity Convection. J. Sal-McClbbins, Jr. July 2Gth, 1880. BILIOUS FEVERS. Obstructions of the Liver,' Weakness Of the Stomach, Torpor of the Bowels, caused by the clogging of foul accumula tions, are what pave the tway,.fort levers. Set the liver and stomach at work, cleanse the blood, and fever can obtain .no hold. The one way to do tbisJs by using Dr. Flagg's Improved Liver and Stomach Pad. No doses are to be taken. v kis i Better Timet. The Democrat, New Orleans, La., says: .J p. m. - i T-bo 44 4...;'...-...; - ' p.m j ill" 4 No. 4S Connects at G reenboro with ilin Brneh. At Atr-Llne Junction with A. c. A. T,j Railroad to ajt points South and .southwest. Si i harloue with the C. C & A. Kaiiroad for all jKMnt.s Soih & South east. At Salisbury wlth-AV. N. rc. Uaload, dally, ! except Sundays, tor all joints la Western North Carolina. f Wl No. 4i Connects at Alr-Llne JiinctloS with A. & '-" C. A. L. Railroad for al! points South rand South-; , west- . I . , '-' T1MK TAI!I,K i WESTERS 11. C. RfilLRCflD Takes offset Saturda, J uly s-t. 5.an I'.M. l& , GOINO WiiST. GOING EAST. - l.KAVF. : ' I,BAT." to so r. Jt .. . . .SattHbory . i-iAiN - tl 52 Third Crrr-k i.i 8 00 , H50 Elmwood tr s as 12 17 :...ta4esvm S 08 , -. 115 CaUwba ' 1 15 ! ' 8 13 , Newton :.v ..'t. 18 0 , 9 86 . .....Conoa... ..v.; ' HOT . 2 57 . -Hickory 4.; F.Mll 4S 3 42 Icard tow ; f ' 47 Moorantor. . 10 1 . 4 52 Gl-n Alp'ne k. . SI '; 5 is Bridccwatf-r I. M 5 54 Marion 1 S4S -' C 48 Old Fort T4S 7X0 Henry t. T'45 J .; 8 25 Blact Mountain . - S4 ' 8 40 Cooper'.... i. It) 6 OS tf'.J S 55 ...Kwannanoa . S4S ,r Headol Knad... .-...i fjf.SSS nr"Tral3 run dally, siindavRrrptp4. t r.. a. B. ANDREV.H, qen SupU "AC0RHC00K ST 071". ' ima m a .. 1 WILLIAMS BROWII Has the' exclusive ile of this celtbrat'd Cook Store anu tbej are ging off like hot cakft, ' ' -"' " '" T if , AN D CO NP ECTIONBH! 4: At the Old Bookstore StaoJ , next. door to Barker's Drug Store. . 1 j i C0TTHTEY PE0DUCE Beugit ?" for CASH. - . J ''HUitriends are respectfully lnntcl t can and se him. "-'n t a Sofl'ei ing among sneu as nave oeen trou blpd with diseases of kidnevs and liver. has Wen perceptibly better since thein- , V0W4S THE TIME TO SUBIiilJa HuScii" P I FOR THE WATCHMAN t .2" I

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