r if -ti 0 XL THIRD SERIES SAIISBUEY, N. C.; AUGUST 26, 1880, PTPITI ' r7::V j - I ' ?. If ; - 1 - ' 6 WfPK (UklL . M JL iL JL . - i 1 - i VOL! - - . J ITA AS Theparolina WatcluMn, POIilTICAIi. FST ABLISI1EP IN TPE YEAI1 1832. rtSvillACT ADVERTISING RATES, Inches i One Foot tori . f5fi for do. i do. V month 8 Ws c la's u m? fl.50 j$2.50if3,50 J 5. 09 fS.N ' 3.00 . 5:25 7.59 12.68 4.50 I .00 7150 11.99 15.99 6.00 7.50 9.99 13.59 18.99 7.50" 9.75 11.25 16.59 25.99 11.25" 15.75. 20.50 25.59 40.99 I 18.75 1 26.25 33.75 4S.75 75199 ' New Orleans Custom house, tiBEAT SOGTHEliX lEDY tor th cm of Serof. laU. grpbius, bcroniou Turn, uneo llTtLm! White SwelUBC.Gost. Goitre. ICoaioiBptloB. Bronchi U, Kerroos De from mi mpiirv cvuuiuuit y m bill or scalp. ; - -- y - ' 3 XL vfi 11 . if . ii Q ROSilDilLIS CUBES StKOfULA, ii ROSiLDillalS X-a Cures Klicnmatlsnu X Cures Sypkilli. P 1 fL Cures Halaria. r-Mi ' - - ' IROSilDilLIS 1 1 Cures Kervous Debility, i rfl..,;r .......n i S if! ROSiLD-aMSr " I f CU11ES COXSUMPTION. rl f -...J tj. y RosABjaEais & I ... . . i 1.11 1 I r a. MMMMP i Fckaga how It to your Physician, ana ! 1 rl H.. Tn oll Tim It 1 nnmnosed or the i ltt'S FAIN PANACEA KAPE OF TIIE PRESIDENCV. (The Great Fraud of 187C. tye Xamet of the Tkfcves and the Jaeards ObtainedChapter of History J ' that Should be Kept Before ' the People. ippen4 te list originally publislied in the Qazette of September 29, lsJ7d, and ai'tervrards -enibodiedwithout credit) in the Putter lie port, containing the names of sixty persons whp helped to steal the Presjdeuc iqr IJayesi, together with a brief statement of their part Ju the drama and the annual pay secured out of the United States Treasury for their services. This list is necessarily incomplete, and yet, including the fees not enumerated in the table, it amounts to over $200,000 ner aiimim. M i DENTIAL STEAL PAUT PLATED B EACII AND THE REWARD QIVEN EACU (iLT OF THE UNITED STATES TREASURY. j J Madison Wells, President of the Louis iana Returning IJortfd, Surveyor of the port of New Orleaus, $4,000 M Kenner, member Returning Board appointed Deputy Na-Tal officer of New Orleans, $2,500. - j W Pitt Kellogg, so-called Govejaior of Louisiana and Hayes Elector, who cer- tified to forged returns and made re ports againsts countiug voto for Demo cratic electors, foisted into the United States Senate by Stanley Matthew's support,- $0,000. Stanley Matthews, great-go-between and confidential correspondent of Supervi sor Anderson, elected to the United States Senate through Hayes' interfer ence $5,000. i Morris Mark,' Hayes. Elector, appointed EtToccstRiterathrea that exist, and to an i Collector, of Internal Reveneue, $3,750. E0SAD1LIS to aoid bran Drogstota. U ll urewster, Hayes Elector, appoiuieu iiij niiji w. w iil.-.- -. - - . j o : r.. i ..ft ai ann A B Lavis.ee, Hayes Elector, whose electoral vote counted for Hayes, al though Ins name was forged to electo ral certifi'cateKappointed Special Aeut ; of Internal Revenue, $1,500. S B Packard, candidate for Governor on Hayes' ticket, and who got more; votes than Hayes, but juggled out of offk-e to satisfy Hayes' promises, appoiutea Con sul to Liverpool, $0,000 John Shermau, Leader of the band of vis iting statesmen, who promised ; to re ward Republicans who did their I duty, appointed Secretary of Treasury $3,000. E V Stoughton, ''visiting statesman, clerk in $1,200, - . Maxwell, Hayes body goard, appointed Lieutenant United States - army, uovir in the penitentiary, $1,500. John M Aarlau, member Louisiana Commission to carry out bargain on which Hayes was counted In, appointed Assci ate Justice United States Supreme Court, $10,000. - j j J R Hawley, member Louisiana Com mission, appoiutment of Chief Comtuis sioner toParis Exposition, $2,000. j W L McMillian, who helped the com missioner to break tip Pack ark' Legisla ture, appointed Pension Agent, $4,000. L JSouer, who bribed Packard Legisla ture to elect Kellogg Senator, Appraiser of Merchandise, New Orleans, $3,000. j James Lewis, Returning Board, Ken ner's friend, appoiutcd Naval Officer to conciliate him, $5,000. Benjamin Bloomfield, Jim jAudersoh's protege, Auditor in New Orleans Custom house, $2,500. '" ; , Governor Steam's secretary, who help- 1 ed along the Florida frauds, place j in Treasury Department, $1,400. F A Lesage, an East Baton Rogue striker, appointed to New Orleans Custom house, $820. MISCELLAKEOUS. How the Benders Died. The Story of a Man Who Says lie Helped to Lynch Them Pursued by Forty Arm ed Men, Captured, ; tied to Trees and Shot to Death Dying Vith Curses on Their Lips. j A recent dispatch published in Ihe Ob server stated that a correspondent of the Chicago Times, writing from Oswego, La bette county, Kansas, declares that the Bender murders are dead and that he helped to lynch them several years ago. I They lived upon the highroad through the prairie, aud in the floor of their din ing room was a trap doof, whicn, ' when opeued, precipitated the;1ntended victim into a well, where Kate and her father ex ecuted them. They had murdered in this way a great many travelers. Dr. York was the hist who came to their house aud disappeared. I The full story of the correspondent is now at hand and is as follows : When search was instituted for the body of Dr. ' York, in April, 1873, suspicion was direct ted against the Benders,! and, contrary to geueral belief, a close watch was kept on For MJJf and BEAST. rj i External and Internal. tjnj (fog TEST PAIS RELIEVES OP TEB AOB. flWsliror Pills: sTEB GREAT VEGETABLE CATHARTIC , REGULATOR. - ir-t- ! j Dr. Rogers' Vegetable WORM SYRUP Icltantlr destroya VOKI and Is rwommendwl by pbtaiana as the best WORM MLXiICLNK. ii i 1 t7For sale by all Drucglst. . 4 OllXr. HENRY, CURRAN&CO., - . i j '- SOLE PBOFEIETOE3, . . 34 CallecB Place. Ncvr York. Por 3al by T. F. ivLUTTZ, Druggist, ' : 3$:r n : ; " : Jsiilisbury, is. C. --4-4 Also the following more or less promi- tuem for a wuile- They; must have been nent actors in the great steal, viz : j " awre of the surveillance, for at the nrst Jack Wharton, appointed United States ' cppoi tnuity they decamped. They bun- Marshal, $2,000. L Desmarious, Cashier New Orleaus Custom house, $2,500. . "Judge" Cessna, appointed Postmaster, $2,50Q. Henry Sniith, appointed New Oaleans Custom house, $Cj0Q. E Lukemau, appointed New Orleans Custom House, $600. Napoleon L Lastrppes, appointed New Orleans Custom house, $600. Paul Treyigne appointed New Orleans Custom house, $1,000. II M Twitchel, appointed United States Consul at Kingston, $2,000. A B Sloauaker, appointed Internal Revenue $1,200. Mr Varnuin, appointed Receiver Land Officer, $1,500. j Mr. Taylor, appointed Receiver Land Office, $1,000. Bowles of Leon, appointed Treasury Department, $720. Mr Phelps, appointed Commissioner to Paris, $ Total amount per annum (exclusive of fees not estimated), $196,560.00 P. S. James A. Garfield, "visiting statesman"' to New Orleans, elected Uni ted States Senator, salary $5,000, by the influence of Hayes, afterwards chosen by the National Republican Party as their been left to themselves they would hare made full confessions beyond a doubt. Kate perceived this, and thinking it would please the vigilantes too much to hear The Late General Grimes. The talented editor and sterling confessions, she fell to cursing her broth- gent,eman Henry A. London, Esq., erjand father for their cowardice. They j u ',e 'a8' 'ssue of tne 9"atnam eo" took it sullenly at first, but soon some- ordf pays a high tribute to the scldier thing of her reckless spirit infused them y qualities of the late General Grimes. twi' j0iintLe tiradC: Er In an editorial of length, he says: the old woman chipped in occasionally, Tl. , 9 J . and her appearance indicated that .he? It,wJIOTr ood fortune to have wholly approved of the family demonstra- eeu ,ntimate7 acquainted with Genv tidn. When charged with the murders Grimes, and we desire to express our laid at their doors the answer was a curse ; tribute of affection and regard for so followed by more curses and then a vol- j true a friend, so brave a soldier and ley, a fusillade of curses and ribald abuse. ' - l- u a i it Our court went through with the form1? hiZtoa a gentleman. He was prescribed and Uien pronounced the sen- j the soul of honor nd M ineere as teiice of death. , The announcement was : ne was brave. In him North Carol i received with jeers from the hardened na has sustained a great loss. With criminals, who had determined to brave ; out any exception whatever, Bryan it out to the last. It was decided that the j Grimes showed 8vratom8 0f fear ... vAv-k ii o ouvuiu euvij its lb VTUUIU than any man we have ever seen. It mattered not how thick the death dealing bullets or the shrieking shells might fall around him, he was cool and calm in giving his orders, and in leading his men in the' rushing face with unfliuch- showers that died their goods in to two wagons and start ed for Indian Territory.; They crossed over iuto Montgomery county aud squat ted near the Verdigris River to await de velopments. The distance from their farm was something like twenty miles John, Jr., or John, Sr., made daily trips back to the viciuity of Cherryvale and took observa tions. It was their intention to return if the excitement should blow over, but if it continued warm they would go on as oritrinallv planned. They knew of the discovery of their crime within an hour after the bodies were dug out of their shallow graves, and lost no time in strik ing their tents. They struck out for the west, bank of , the river and started south ward post haste, Their flight soon be came a panic, and to add to their discom fiture one of their wagons broke down. Packing what they could of the loud on their hqrses they piled up what was left, ett- fim fit ii !iiul Iiiu tii'!? tin. Mmvhih. a v i.nl:,,, committee had inS to heaveD- We theu Proceeded north w ft...,i Ti. v5.rii.Mt -li.t notnnm- waM derating before reaching the set v. waAW - - - her moae than a 100 me 500 with the new ones just elected from thirty-one States and Territories Alter electing members of the exec utive council the association adjourn ed. Reported Suicide of Dr. Duch Anna A Probable Ruse to Escape Jus- , wee. - - . j; The Philadelphia iZecorrfyesterday announced that Dr. John Buchanan, dean of ther Eclectic Medical College, u iiian vi i jf 1IUIU WUICU DOgUS UipiO- mas have been issued purporting to be authorized by institutions uider names almost without number, had ended his career about 1 o'clock yestenlay morn ing by leaping from a Camden and Philadelphia ferry-boat According to the Record, about the hour above nam ed Dr. Buchanan, in company with a friend, Thos. . Vanduserj; was on board the ferry-boat PhHadelphia, on her 1 o'clock trip to Camden. As the boat was entering the west end of the canal at Ridgeway Park, Dr. Buch anan went to the side of the steamer, th rew off his coat, jumped upon a wheelbarrow and sprang overboard, shouting, "Good-by." The boat wn stopped as soou as possible, and back ed to the snot, but as there was a a. 9 - strong tide running nothing could be r JAMES M. GRAY, Attdrnay aitrGounssllor at Law, Ijl SALISB Vli r, x. c. Office in the Court House lot, next ddo Si$e llaughton. Will practice in all Jhe Courts of the State. . ' -1 1 - . i "2&- 33 G. LVJJY AT LAW, 7 Presidential standard bearer at Chicago, vho explained the forged return of votes prospective salarv $50,000, in considera- as a "clerical error," and who was one tion of distiucuished services to the party 0 - - of Hayes leading counsel before the electoral Com mission, Minister to Rus sia, $17500. John A Kasson, "visiting statesman," Hayes' connsel before Electoral Coin- at New Orleans, in connection with John Sherman, Sec. G. C. W. take too much time to hang them. The sun was already nearly down and the shadows of approaching night were deepeniug. There on the borders of the forest the cruel killers were tied to sap liugs aud told to prepare for death. One of Olir mitnlur trim li-wl rwtt- nnit-a fnwtm- -- , v"bu" 1 . 1J ten his earlv eduction, undertook to of- """6C uu.v fer a prayer, but Kate spit in his face inS eve the ,eaden while he was addressing the Throne of I swept the held. In battle he seemed Grace, and he quit right in the middle of to bear a charmed life, for he would a sentence aud drew off in disgust. The exDose himself where it seem no man f, , . .. i: i j I wu, uicu miu luic uu lueir iiys, uaru- ..IJ i: w.H An a r0momK0r ; i i , , , . i w ft v a vsv iiv a wmviu awa eneu ana unrepeurant to tueiast. inerei . . . in that lonelv. dismal snot, awav bevond um iaia raorn,Dg April u, 1000, the confines f civilization. thv mt A when the lines around Petersburg were righteous retribution, with their souls stormed, aud as our soldiers were re- seen f the body, although Jhe moon black with crime, and murder. tiriuff before overwhelmine numbers vas shining brightly. In the pocket Their executioners treated them better now Gen. Grimes rushed to the front f bis coat was a note addressed to his than they treated their innocent victims. geize(j a musket from a retreatln sol. wife without signature, which indicat- ZZrur rrJ dierf nred it In raVd succession .t the ed ins purpose to commit suicide. much time was wasted in burial, but it vanciug enemy, and finally rallied AH yesterday the harbor police were was growing late and the vigilantes had his men, and charged and recaptured "ragging me Delaware river tor the a long ride before them. A hole, made a portion of our line which was held body of Buchanan, but without suc- by the 'displacement of the roots of a fal- ali that dav until niehtfall. when Gen. cess: One of the ferry boat hands says leu eottouwood, was made a little larger ordered a retreat." He also says : that when he last saw the doctor '.'he and brushwood. Thi. wa all thr wna dOU Ot Ueorgia the glory ot the last ot " luuuiui AS.anu. XAe was to the funeral. On reaching the level fight at Appomattox. It was Gen. held in 10,000 bail on the 10th of again the effects of the Benders were Grimes who had command of all the June last by the United States- Corn- stacked aud burned as a eort of an offer- tr0ops in the engagement, aud not missioner, and a true bill wis found Gen. Gordon, and he it was who against mm juonaay Dy thegrana i - u- io uiu.nt koirrA tn I itirv for usincr the mail to assist in I . i . .. i -Ail UiilUO LU4L 1 do u LFililiAllb V.IIUI ij j o ; u an toid, uut tney , J hrnaU hrnnh Rhoridaii'a swarms of his bocus diploma trade. TheUni . . .i i i t.. i inert) uu uiuw iiiaue aoouc uut n -.. i . meant business, as tue sequel proveu. iu ,.: , ,i nn States District Attorney abnlied to , , , . . i. atiiicTciueui, eacu uiitu keeuiug ui unu uivaiiv, auu lact wiun - - j- was nv oou oi uitu mnuuc iu u wuc m i - - . ... I t i n i i the elect! Scouts were sent out iu all di- counsel. The secret was well kept, and that battle field was carried by the J udge Butler in courtjesterday morn- rections. and within fortv-cight Lours of aml u was weeK8 ore outsiders stopped writer hereof from Gen Grimes to ng to have ISuchanau's-DaiUorieiieu, The Statesman IlANCOCK.-pNearly every dav something is brought to light bearing mission, appointed Minister to Austria Upon the character of Gen. Hancock, and $12,000. ! -1 showing how patriotic and wise our soldier- E F Noyes, "visiting statesman" and statesman has ever been. The more his re confidential friend of Hayes, appointed cor(j js ventilated, the more he appears to Minister to France, $17,500. merit the profound respect and esteem of William M Evarts, Hayes' counsel before i,j9 countrymen. His utterances, whether Pnietice3 in the State antT Federal I art I! i 12:Gm KERR CRAIGE, gUomen at ; -51 .11 nlL5 1 Blipj ir and Heierson, : Attornevs. Counselors if " and Solicitors, n SALISBURY, N.C laay22 I870!tt. . ! ii .-if- Electoral Commissiou,Secretary of State, $8,000. Lew Wail lace "visiting statesman," ap pointed Governor of New Mexico, $3, 000. ; " Eugene Hale, "visiting statesman," ten dered by Hayes position as Secretary of Navv. $8,000 Gedrge L Smith, who manipulated the public of private, are always on the same line. He ever exalts the constitution and the laws, and pleads for harmony, good will and reconciliation between the sections. His letter to General Sherman, written hastily, with the freedom which one officer uses in his intercourse with a brother officer, breath es throughout a spirit of patribtism worthy of the better days of the republic, while 'his the departure of the Benders from their camp iu the next county the fact was dul reported to us. About forty of us organiz ed iuto a pursniug party aud started after the butchers. Once on their trail we had no difficulty in following it. The murder ous quartette had.taken to the open coun try west of the river, but were keeping within convenient distance of the thick timber that grows in the valley watered by his stream. They were expecting pur suit and and hoped to escape by losing themselves in this timber if it came to the worst. As we proceeded the trail fresh eued and ere long we came across the half consumed ruins of the wagon left by the Renders iu their flight. Burdened as they were with mi;ch enm brous baggage, they had not been able to make very great speed, but they had used every possible effort to put space behind them. It was 3 o'clock on a hot sultry prowling around in search of the Benders. J ,y All for Love. What the Lawyers Talked about at Saratoga this AVeek. but consideration of the matter was postponed until Thursday nejtt. The Philadelphia Evening telegraph of yesterday says the story of the sui cide is regarded by the officials a high- returns of seven parishes, Collector ofr military orders- and public letters while Port of New Orleans, $7,000. commander of the Department! of the Gulf, Hugh J Campbell, who appended forged stamp him as a nian whose name might well jarats to papers before tne returning mentjoned along with those of Washing ton, Jefferson and Jackson. Ital. Observer. JJS1TY HIGH SCHOOL, The Fall terra of this School will open, , 08tar; AnTnci! ;i,.,l ! .Wernis, &CT address. 39:lm Geo. r. McNeill, Wood LeafrJN. C. Female College, Greensboro. II. C. A Jl Session will begin pn the 25th of ilV known! Institution oflers unperior Wed I u nivnll and nwral culture, coiu dprJI'1" l!ie ccuifcrts cf a pleasant, wellor- f5 Fr wrion of 5 month : Board inTnU of .hinK and lights) and Tuition mJl '''"gih course, $75. Extra Studies Herchel V. Johkson Dead. Augusta, August 17. Ex-Governor Herchel v . Johuson died at his residence in Jefferson count v. Ga.. last uiht, in the 68th year of his age. He was a presidential elector and Judge in 1844, United States Seuator in 1848, and Governor of Georgia from 1853 to 1857. He was also the Democra tic candidate for vice-president with Don glass in 1860, and a member of the seces sion convention in Georgia in 1861, when heapposed vigorously the policy of leaving the Union j iu 1863 was elected to the Confederate States Senate and presided over the State constitutional convention in 1865. In 1866 he was elected United States Senator but was not permitted to take his 6eat. In 1873 he was elected a TOT Uartirnlur nnlc to . M T. M. JONES, Pfes't. ft gage Deeds for sale here t. so various other blans. : i - ! I w i . 1 I-' 1 f Dice !--The Milk of one cow is expressly for infants at MRS. D.L. BEINGLE'S. Board, on which Mr. Hayes was count ed in, District Attorney for Dakota (in addition to fees), $250. M L Stearns, Governor of Florida, who certified returns of Hayes' Electors, ap pointed Commissioner to Hot Springs, Arkansas, $5,000. S B McLinn, member of Florida Re turning Board, appointed Chief-Justico of New Mexico, $3,000 W H Green, clerk to Returning Board, appointed to a place in the New Orleaus Custom house. $1,000. York Woodward, clerk to Returning Board, appointed Chief Clerk of Survey or's office, port of New Orleans, $1,800. C S Aleel, clerk to Returning Board, appointed Clerk of Custom house of New O.rleans, $1,200. Clerk B,lapk, appointed clerkship in the i tt ii t'j n ii U r judge of the State which position beheld Clerk Herrell, appointed Collector of J . ... , , rt J rnn 81 UIO lime Ui 11 IS Ueaill. RM J Kenner, brother of Returning Board Kenner, appointed to a place in the I The Great advance of agriculture in New;Orleans Custom Jipuse, $00. j Georgia is indicated by the fact that np I St Felix Caseuavje, brother of Returning to 1874-75 the cotton crop of that State Board Casenave, appointed Store-keeper was only about 500,000 bales. Now it is of New Orleans Custom house, $1,460. about 900,000. This is due, in a great II C Clarke, Kellogg private secretary .measure, to the use of fertilizers. For the appointed to a place inthe Interior De-1 Reason of 187o7fa there was inspected in partfnentr. f ,200. S - 1 :f I that State 60,000 tons of fertilizers ; for W F Dean, ex-Chief of Police of New 1876-77, 80,000 tons ; for 1877-78, 103,000 Orleans, appointed clerk iu Revenue office 1 tons, ana ox tue present season, l7y-0, under piarks, Hayes elector, $J4i00. 1 133,000 to,n,s. Averaging the cost per ton A S Badger. Chief of Police of New Or-1 at $40, Georgia paid out-last year $5,- leans, appointed Postmaster at New Or- 320,000 for feitilizers. Her cotton crop at leans. '$3,500. .iiIvTV ;- - $45 a bale will be worth about $40,000. . F A Clover, Supervisor "of -'Election of 000. The crop of 1875-76, it the same Baton Rogue, appointed clerkship in the I rate was worth about $2200,000. This New Orleans Custom house, $1,500." II shows the value of fertilizers when jodi- w!a Heistand. Supervisor of Election, ciously applied. Z?al. Observer Saratoga, August 18. The lyimprobable one, but rather .as a mse American bar association met shortly to escape justice. On the other hand sympathy of the towns-people! It is tinie that bounds be placed to sentimen tal nonsense on the subject of love, for the public' feeling on the subject threat ens to undermind every moral and social virtue. A majority of the people talk and New York Herald. A young man and woman, nnmarried, have in a New England city been loung ing about in the houses of absent rich to o ot 1 . . In i , t 1.1- a. 1 and now we are told that their affection after half-past ten o'clock, ana was uucnanan s wne regarus ine reporteu for each other has gained for . them the called to order by Luke P. Poland, suicide as an actual fact. tShe eays chairman of the executive committee, that since the prosecutions in this cage President Benjamin Bristow was in- had begun her husband was very troduced and read his annual report, much depressed in mindso- much so which dealt chiefly with the changes that about two weeks ago he attempt- made in the statutory laws by thesev- ed to commit suicide by taking laud- act as if love were a sufficient excuse forleral States and by congress during num. "She further saysthat he had been any crime, and as a reciprocal passionate tue pasfc years. Among other new paralyzed on oae one side and could attraction between meu and women de- j . enactments he referred to at- not swim a stroke. His counsel also serves t be dignified by the name of love , railroads say there is no. doubt of, fihanan's vat micf nf th tionnlo trhn f:illr t.hia inrt. J . . . - -r . ' J v I l .. I . 7 of nonsense are last to admit its annlica- Georgia, wnere a comin.w.uu buiuue. . . .. . i. a. ..el I . . . i . i i .May auernoon inai we came m H.g..t o tioil if they uappen to sufferers by it. been appointed to nx rauroau raies, death of A3f EbTlifABLE Lady. w.-w rPlin Ortnt r a DAAn flB TV.'" I . ........ I . w- . a fli i I Pu. . ...... Uo o If tue young mflQ lrapi,cated m the con- and to the law in the same estate ior w chronicle with regret the death came from the cover, i"d Udon,ng teinptible theft8 aUuded to really loved his the appointment of temporary judges , M. . . t of t.j u,,fe w.... j iemimne companion ue would not nave ..i 4i -rtncon nr uoMnv , 1 . ' , , . plunged into the woods and scattered, h. a fellJburdar ofIier; he would pro em. with the consen of Iit.gat Dg g Xavlor Martin formerJy of thia We were close upon their heels, however, and 1 ! mug. me oiu nmu auu um auu aw en jea to raise Let in the respect of I in LOneress some equiiaoie uansrupi . r?,nfiv yi . m m lAd HiAft an Imnr I . ... I . . t I wnc uuun bucbi iu iw i'" " I oil t nhnm elm mifriit. avar mmA in I I 1.. .n viul in nhmn tne I .. . t . f.t . " ....,.. - . - law liiin i b tJv, . . j. . , ... i .ii.fttr itwiinrr mnniv v n wnn I w I MS. t T . M-rsJ. .v. v. w. ..... , . . . . - air would her condi- however. 1 I - .. I o " ' ' to surrender. ' ,.1, niilftr na nalliation for their offence real estate after twenty years trom me V.a ..no nf thorn chnirdil ticrUt. hilt I ... .1. .... .. .1 I iiic.j o", oi.i mara l,nato f.i inanA. hi honestv loef navmnt to tllfi ai)D0intmeni DV r..i -Ifl. nT,Pntinn of Kfltft thev all weak- " . - . lJ " " . ' martin was a line wuiuau.y u.!, .v.. -" 1 I .1 ,l mna fnr lrth Ilffl RIITH TO 11 ee,ll I i L . CJ. i .rannrio nt t lio (imiffrflnt I i.i ii t . t """"""i ---1 me oiaic vi vw.6. "b anc was much oeiovea nere, ana ine a grea, ue... u. s - commissioners for the encouragement announcement of lier death will carry r,nejT'" ' I of emigration, and to the stringent us- J ,anor to the hearts of as many per- ury law recently passed. Unly twelve gong as knew hcr wejj and appreciated they did not succeed in eluding us into vulgar carousings; he would have out of the various laws proposed in months past she has been in failing The old man and his wife and Kate endeavored to raise Ler in the respect of in Congress some equitable bankrupt heaftu Recently she was carried to John. Jr., was more fortunate than the other members trived to evade he was at leng of tu. tribe, f b. . zr:;" MTAr::. "attDee- "pDueu . "t'1"' . , u t ci.aDge ot , for an honr loiter, but :.?,a .... He referred also to tne law enacieo k imDroveraent i5 - aiia aiiiK aw 1111 m -; mm oa,a. u lou a th run to cover and forced inftuatioil of the80 young people for by South Carolina removing liens on t(w; She gradually sank,, their names. eued when it came to the scratch. She emptied every chamber of her revolver into our faces, but her aim was bad and she did no serious damage beyond maim ing one of our horses and clipping a lock of hair from inv temple. The bullet rais o1 n riilim nlnurr thfi fskin. the IU which shows to this day. Shefiually sue- finishing touches on the dome last cumbed to superior strength, but to the wee an(j the structure which Catho- last maintianed the same dare-devil, reck- jjc gu e jiag een contributing to less demeanor, navingcuieu ic q hundred years is now finished . u ... .. . c ITt WA founded in 1248. At various are we to lo witn tnem i oome were ir taking them back and letting the law take times work on it was suspended. W hen its course. The advocates of this line of the great Reformation started by Mar policy were largely iu the minority. There rher swept over Germany it was were those among us wiiose relatives uaa fallen victims to the deadly hammers and knives of the wretches, and they would not listen to the suggestions of the con servative element. They threatened to do some killing then aud there if their demands for iustant veugence were not regarded. No one would have offered a very strenuous opposition if they carried out their threats, but it was thought best to do the job up after the most approved form obtained in the courts presided over by Judge Lynch. The prisoners were ac cordingly arraigned and asked what they had to say in their defense. The old wo man was sullen and ugly, but the two men showed signs of faltering. Had they abandoned entirely and for a great period it was a matter of doubt whether its construction would be re sumed. But with the indomitable will and perseverance which i has ev er characterized the Catholic; Church the task was taken up andlittleby lit tle the vast cathedral has grown tow ard perfection. The building is in the form of a cross. It is 510 feet long and 231 feet wide. The towers are 500 high and the eides are made to represent in the carving and orna mentation the four seasons. The Oxlt Cekscs Fraud. --The only census fraud which has leen discovered so far Las been iu the North, and that, too, in the very moment when a portion of its DoDulation was quivering witii in- At last the great cathedral of Co- States and Territories, he said have her true worth StatesvUU landmark. t nt Whe is complete. The artist put the no laws against usury, tie spoke oi cw a. i -or a - . I . .11 i t . . the recently enactea law oi iuisana requiring every person in business or professional life, with the exception of those engaged in agriculture and a few others to pay special license fee, rtjgnation at tne idea of the wholesale in- and referred to the laws torDiaaingi faUjies about to be committed at the. the intermarriage of blacks and whites $outb. One enumerator in New York which has been passed in South Car- has so far forgotten himself-thongh he r,, , mi i i gars he has been mm posed on as to re- o Una and other States. The law here- BaJ"w . "r uuuit auu uniw w. torn the namesiof all the caudidates for toforepassea to vne same eiic " the presidency as residents of a house of Virginia has, he said, been aeciared questionable character. constitutional by the United States Supreme court. j' On motion of Carleton Hunt, of Louisiana the thanks of the associa tion were tendered the president for his address. 1 A large number of new members were elected on the report of the exec utive council. The georetary report ed that the association had more than 400 members last year, and more than yly daughter, never tell any one. your private affairs," said a mother, in sending ber daughter away upon, her first journey. Monsieur, a third. class ticket, if you please?" said the daughter at the ticket office. For where V asked the employee. "Is that any of your business?" answered the Madamoisselle, indignatly, remem bering ber mother's advice. i -T . i & V i.-::i I ST. i s ' -7 f ! - .-... i 1 1 i''i . 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