COMPOSTING. From the third AffrictUtual Report of the State Experiment Sta- ., ttonj I88O. The constant demand j for formula and directions for composting has in duced the reprinting of those given in 1878-'79. They I have been tried for three successive i seasons and have eaved money and given satisfaction. .The following instructions have been prepared Jn .response to a great many requests for: information on the subject of composts and making home fertilizers. There are countless "for- xnulas" offered to our farmers, and almost as many methods' of preparing them for use. I have noi Intention of supplanting or deciding between them. Whatever our views as a people, whatever the view that agricul tural chemists hold as to the benefit of chemical manures, no one will deny that it is of the utmost importance in (he economy of the farina to -utilize all fertilizing material which the farm can supply. To this end these for- mulse have been prepared. By f6l lowing them we can save money, and "a j)enny saved is a penny earned." In a State where ninety per cent. of the population burn wood, no one will deny that the ashes should be utilized. In a State which raises as much cotton as North Carolina, the money value of the seed for fertilizing uses alone is thousands of dollar?. We need to increase year; by, year our home supplies, and can do so readily by an increased use of! oiir marls, muck,- cotton seed, Stable manure, &c.,&c. WILL COMPOST PAY ? - This question has often been dis cussed. The answer generally depends entirely on the demands of the soil and crop, and the available means of sup- r plying those demands I If we can generalize, we should say that for heavy soils the labor ofj preparing, shoveling, turning j and moving the ingredients of a compost heap will pay better than for! lightjsoils. The porous, sandy land nature's agencies, generally allows air warmth and fain, to act upon fresh manure, ap plied without composting,! quite rap- r lfllV ftTMl pfflO'ininitcItr wlula ni-nn Jvti c J w , ....a.w IVIIVUg composting and rotting will greatly Denent a manure intended tor use on iieavy land. Another consideration where cotton sead is used is the fact that it must be killed ! before apl plication. To do this and not lose compost, properly made and protect ed, can be found in a State where labor is 60 cheap as with us. So, jifter careful consideration, I am convinced that in North Caroli- x na at least, proper; composting will always pay, I DIRECTIONS, AND FOEMUUE FOBXJOM pnaf tv i- L Select for the manure heap a level spot under shelter and convenient to the stables. Remove enough earth to give a gentle slope from every side toward theentre. From the middle, cut a small ditch 4 inches! wide and the 63 1X2 Q (3 CCD. &ud CAUSA ifc in filnrtA I ftr a w from the centre to one side and empty into a half barrel sunk in to' the earth. This ditch can be covered with . a uoara. xue liquids, so valuable as ' fertilizers and so often wasted, will be cansrht in -th I barrel nA j O 7 - . HUU lUUliD in a while should be baled out and sprinkled over the top of the heap. Have at hand a pile of dry earth, or better still a mixture of j dry earth and ground plaster, and lonce in a whllO lr am 1. I. 1 J . .t t - -..v w,-4 ,. n,-. neap ia ine aeptn of an men or two. By this method there will be a maximum paving of liquids and gases; and the com post heap will 1 -f Ka .... A ;i ' -.w. -r u.u uucuww me nostrils, even are not at hand, tffth water, Then begin. with the stable manure and re- Words of Wisdom- One act of charity is worth a cento- peat the layers and wetting as before, I - Vno until -afl the 'materials is employed. T e Wence, The whole h ahouidUheri be cov-1 The use of character is to be a shield eretl!withdiy!earth or plaster, Fermen-j against ttlumny, tation will be complete iu from, three! .The fear of future evil is in itself the to seven weeks and the cotton seed j greatest of evils. ! 4' ' killed;5 When ready to use, the pile , Cherish vonr heat hone aa faith thoroughlv over layers mixed to- and abide by them in action. He must be a thorough fool who can learn; nothing from his own folly. A great many j pairs of shoes are I! before a man does all he worn ou says Every flower, even the fairest, has its shadow beneath it as it swings in the sunlight, ! The tie that binds the happy may should be turned and the different gether. 1 :' No danger ! from firing" or 'burn ing" need be feared if the heap is moist within, ''and well covered to prevent too rapid oxidation by the air. " j ' -.- When used for Cotton apply 300 pounds per acre, half in the opening furrow and half "with, the seed.' On poor or old soil 400 or 500 pounds! he dear, but that which links the un- may be used; 150 pounds with the fortunate! is tenderness unutterable, seed as before, the remainder in the Age is! not all decay j it is the rip- furrow or even broad cast across fur- ening, the swelling of the fresh life rows. . 1 J within tn4t withers and bursts in the For Corn use nearly one pint to husk. tne nui, unless tneianu be in pretty Passions are likened best to floods good condition, when less will suffice. anj streams. The shadow murmur On sandy pine lands, or old fields, but tjie deep are dumb, which are usually deficient in potash, j,, and soarml with r . . . 1 . 1 the wounds of elory thin to surrender Ithrnnorh Airnpilipnov t wlfnf. i wntnrr ! ; " teiii!KVislR; (c lui m ie; A rretabl prepantloa and tk ni mm Pd in the world fop Hrlvltt'a VTestlmonlAlB of tbehlrttet ordr In proof of these luwmean, t f ; SVFor the care of Ilh, call for War, a Safe DUtf Vnrp " i.WFor the cure tf Brirhfa and the oth ! 25 "UI01" WVfrt; BtU9 lduejr S1Yarner'a are aold by Druggists and Dealers In Medicine eTerywliere. EEWJIHER&Ca, Proprietor, Barhcatr, X.T. VSebil for PamphJet and Taatimooiala, illlinTtTr Fsruit Jjars ! acre mav be added. solved in the water used for wetting . 1 rrt tne compost neap, mere are verv How quietly flows the river toward es- r i i i u ! the sea, yet it always reaches its d Few lands nnnn which an nnnlinatinn nf Ji J r rr rru: : rpotash will not pay. Where ashes ","rtUUU- l"'3 18 f pu,"b lU are plenty they may be substituted for the muriate of potash. This formula will do excel leutly for winter wheat, 400 to 500 pounds per acre. But when used ou this crop I prefer 50 pounds sulphate of potash dissolved in water and applied as di rected in the j case of the muriate of potash. After a backward season 100 pounds of nitrate of soda per acre, broadcast, in the spring will help the crop very greaily. Many requests have been received from farmers in the northern counties for formula? for tobacco, &c., without the use of marl or cotton seed as a basis. This formula may be compos ed in the same manner as described br formula No. 1. When chemicals are not to b ob- ained, good stable manure or a high grade commercial fertilizer mav be when you are trying to 'rush things. Just received a: Nice Liot of MASON'S IMPROVED HALF GALLON i AXD QUART i Jars for sale at j ENXISS. !8:tf ! H asm A J- r. ''We are determine that our s LARGE STO G.K -r-0? GOOD SHALL $E SOLD. t1 We offer. Speciat Prices tp Cash , and Prompt Pajiug buyers. Our Stock is ; TOO LARGE For. us to attempt to enumerate here j , put if you will cU ind see us, we PLEDGE OURSELVES t make it to your INTEREST, REMEMBER We are Determined to Sell Qur Seasonable Goods. ROSS & GREENFIELD, BINGHAM- g CffOOI 1 Estalbllshe4!in 1793, i, Is now. Pre-em.iuen among Souther fioarding Schools for bojs in ae nvimu hers ana area patronage. The 173rd Ses kiou begin July 29th.1 1 For catalogue, giving full particularaaddirss r t ... Ma. R, mNGHAM, Sup't. 4 , 3$:3tp ' , V - 1 ". ' '. " May ip, 188Q, 23:1 y KEROSENE OIL. AT 20 Gents per Gallon OR A Narrow Escape from a Watery Qrave. MessrsJ H. A. Cook and G. B.j Haly burton had just completed a saw mill and shingle machine, after a couple of months' work, twelve miles j west of this place, on South river, and had been running them success- t)AA T?ii-kfTT OWI 5 Ceuts per Quart at fully about ten days, when, Thursday night ot last week, as they sat upon the dam! after supper, talking over their business affairs, there was a sudden rush of water and the dam burst to pieces. In a moment the two : men found themselves precipitated into the current, fighting and. drifting with the debris of the dam. Cook was washed about fifty yards down and he cought on the shingle house, which Molasses and Whisky ARRElLS To arrive in a few days. As the demand fur BARRELS will be great. Call and leave orders, at ' EXNISS' wa itself Under water, where he held used, with a plentiful addition of UDtil the Water sqbsided He Wlls )ard-wood ashes. In regard to the amount to be used per acre, no general rule can be given it should vary with the condition beaten with the timbers and rafts, re ceiving numerous : bruises and cuts upon his face, heqd, and different parts of his body, j and haying: his of the soil," from 400 to 500 pounds clothes neirlv a11 jrn oft Halybur- or even more per acre. ion was swept aoout a quarter ot a mue uown stream, ana when he came to realize his situation was hanging; to a bush, i He finally eot a foothold r o . -it i i " " VIIVJS OTUC'K. A VARIETY OF InnH nn rtA tn -T., - I r.. 1 1 1 tame iu iouu iu u uiuisiieu ami Food. It is a well established fact greatly distressed condition. He vom that a sinele kind of food is not ua n Lr ucu a mivc aiuuuubiui w.iLtfr. ca.'SLiiiir o I to Machine Oil, Tanner's Oil, Terpentine and Varnish TR08TEES SALE OF Yalflai GoldMiBB Property! Ry virtue of a certain Mortgage made to m as Trustee, I will ell on the Dremu.-s on ih 24th day of May next, for cash, all the proper ty of the Rowan Gold and Copper Mining uompany oi .Baltimore, consisting of 108 acres of land, with whatever Machinery there may oe lliereon, together with all the Minerals Mining Kights, I'rivilegen, Immunities, im provements and appurtenances thereto belon mg or in any way appertaining being the property so long unit well known as the Ry mer Mine. or description of property and title see Mortgage to the undersigned dated Febru ary 'oth, LobJ , and recorded in Kcw.L- W. 49 page 254, in the Register's office of Rowan toumv, ;v u. - JOHN A. THOMPSON, I rnstee Rowan Co., April 10, 18S0. 20:Cw. t Little SHOP ill Tlia About 27 bushels. At EXXISS' TURNIP SEED ! TMP SEED ! ! Just Received A Lsirge Stock of Fresh and Genuine Turnip Seed of Different Varieties at 18:tf when quite nearthe The following formula have been house. prepared, as already stated,! to enable those iwho ao obtain cotton seed muck or marl, to thereby saving in their compost, money aud purchase FORMULA. S cable manure, .. .... Cotton Seed,.... -Dissolved bone. of chemicals : NO. -.T....I..800 fts. t.750 fts. ...... i. . 450 fta ! To Prepare this formula snread layer of barn-yard manure two inches deep on the compost1 yard ; 2d, a lay er of dissolved bone two inches thick, and 3d, a layer of cotton seed four inches thick. Wet the mixture pret ty I thoroughly witli chamber lye, or nrina from the stables, but if these enough for the best growth, health up with-a quantity of gravel which uuu uomiortoi animais. u Ke our- he had unconsciously swallowed, selves, the stock which we keep does The young men tell a very thrill a change of diet thrives ing storv of their perilous adventure, better With a change of pasture so to They were under the water for a con speak and gives fuller returns for giderable length of i tiW i and Mrh Rouble of providing the variety of says that h expected every moment foods. Coarse fodder should be mixed to be his last. with that which is of a finer nature, The breaking of th dim ,W and the highly , nitrogenous feed with to the fact that, having been! just cotn some substances weak in nitrogen, nleted it hatl not hrl nrnnprJiv l.r.l O ' ..mi . i . . rr--r v ' win xeea ineir sneep and an old dam a littlej distance GREAT EXCITEMENT corn one mprningnd barley or oats above it on the river having broken, f lJn . t 1 the next, and thus keep up a contin- the new onUas not! able to resist th At M 1, IDFDIIV S Grailfe M ual surprise, heightened by a lick of rush of water. Th vnn, m 9 r-. - . salt now and then. It is the same love n0w rebuilding the dam, and the peo- MCUUMIIS, MALL & CO. of change which , makes colt, cow, and nle of the neihhorhood kindle Have just received their heven the oldest horse, feel glad when dering their assistance, they expect SPRING AND SUMMER STOCK OF uzrueu into a neweld. to be at work aain earlv next wek. TVrnCPTXr Bites and Stings. AddIv in- Tne saw m'l wa3 removed about 25 BOuoirT ESTfKi.v n Uy9 wiia a son rag, most lreely, " .jt"-, u.ub uuuuug was at exceedingly low prices, which cannot fail spirits oi . Hartshorn. The venom of oiawsvuie ! JMnamarc. stings being an acid, the alkali nulli fies it. Fresh wood ashes, moistened Not onlyj does thej healtli of man with water, and made into a poultice, nd depend much upon their clean- . . A mm .isa - ... irequeniiy renewed, is an excellent Iiness, but their cleanliness is one of substitute, or soda or ' saleratus, all the principles of their good humor, being alkalies. To be on the safe side their internal satisfaction, and even, in case of snake or mad dog bites, in certain respects, their morality, drink brandy, whisky, rum or other Uncleanly villages and huts arc the spirits as free as water, a teacupful, favorite abodes.of idleness, d egrada- or a pint or more, according to'the tion, bad faith, theft, and all the aggravation of circumstances. vices. A want of cleanliness iniurea ml ; When a man snjeaks into the house T DJr,lhe Viy ?! thp bdy but at m dnio-hf nrl t ... L , " soui itsem without waking up the family, every stair and floor board creaks like a rusty swinging sign in a gale 5 but a burglar an go through the same uouse as; noiselessly . as a floati zephyr. 1 r A scientist says 50,500,000 stars glimmer in the firmament. Will some one of our readers please count the stars and inform us how near this scientist is correct iu hi figures? If the count can't be made in on a Avon Mtm. ..!...'...... - , -r Ams is a nice time of night for ing enumerator jshould make a you to be coming in," said a mother halk mart where he leaves off, in - " "-uMltr wno returned from a to know where to commence waiicMeno clock. "When I was the, nexi night; otherwise he may like you, continued she, "my mother count iosua stars twice, i woum not aiiow me out later than CASAn a' .At,. W H' J '7Un t? ? -At -e man ,peH- lT , .ureumegirl; ed "passu p' and got beet. "I had, you young jade' saicHhe mother,, "a nicer mother than vervoa XvuZ. 1 ' ' hiV'Salem SuJ y0B What is marriage? One woman to please. They have a full and complete GROCERIES, QUEENSWARE, CArS, and STRAW GOODS, BOOTS and SIIOES, NOTIONS, CLOTHING, Fis.fy, Bacon, Lard, Floor, Meal, &c. They are agents for the sale of John Mer rtman & Go's. BONE DUST, admitted to be the very best cotton and tobacco Fertili zer in use Also, for the French Btrrr Mill Stones, Bolting Cloths, Eureka Smut Ma chine, &c. Don t fail to call at No. 1. March 26, 1880. 24:1 y P. S.We have fenced up a Free hitch ing Lot in rear of of our Warehouse, where people can hitc and feed without being annoyed by cattle and hogs. We intend putting up stalls, ts? No charge excent to shnt the gate. t Tl ATTTT ii -, t w--r-v AUUUiMJ TflR L KWWK LXLU TO THE PUBLIC GREETING: IULIAN&FRALEY, C&et Mm and Carpenters. Their prices are as low as it i possible to nj;ike tliem, anl tlieir work not inferior to any. They fill orders in two departments. Their ready ma.le sto-k in hand comprises a general assortment of home furnitiire Bed steads, Rureaus, Clothes Tresses, Lounges, Hacks. Wardrobes, Book-Cases, Cupboards and Chinti Tresses, Cand!eStanIs, Tin Safes, Desksr TabltR, Washstands, Chairs, &c. Tliey also keep an assortment of COFPTiSrS of walnut, pine and poplar, from $1 upwards. Also,Vindow Sash. They fill orders without vexatious delays. Will contract for carpenter's work and warrant satisfaction. Will take good lumber and country produce in exchange for furniture. b-'bop nearly opposite Watchman Office. JULIAN & FRALEY. 4:ly ChurCh & C0'S,V Fine Bakixg Soda, Put up in neat packages, for sale at : : ' i J. DMoXEELf S. IHPROYED PATENT LITER PAD I - Kt Gm Raxd. f ' :t" ' Gam m Mass t 8uraTH i)xatuo Zwuf Twice am Loss. . etrn? -,; dilQs and FeVen liter Comjlahit, lyipewia, Cosfirenea Temala f eihess, Rck I Kenoui These VSa Gan all Diaeaset by Absorption Ko rToxioos PIQm. Ofla, or Potaonon Mediciaet are Ulcm tut o the Stomach. The fads are worn ow the Pit f the Stomach. coTrrinn the Great Nerre Centres, aisi the Liver and Stomach. A (rentle Vefretabla Tooicii absorbed into the circulation of the Blood and LtTer, pttrifyiDf? the Blood, stimulating the Liver and Kidneys to healthy action, and strengthening the Stomach to digest food. JPxics or Pads tl and S3 each. Sold by all Vbuogists. or sent by Mail Letteb and Kote liJ . n . nrv, . ' Kir. y. atverjrlow rates. FRAllKLffl AGADBT This School; located in a1 ealtbr Village, four miuiful hpiilthv villi bury, will reoDen on tii., of & A rurn st.-1 PRO.' lV ilon,?' W TV - w w p.- I", . "o5!fll "Tone. wiVl ; mius ouwu vjiujld VVAtch ,l 7 w "Hlft. M necessary IhiAneforwgS shine, a larr Dronrtion f.? T '"ItJlJ al used, is needed onir ic .,:r.i P'ioiu. engraved -portions in tlW fcM I neceasary-8oii4 ity and strength! nft ?. gold is actually needless 80 lar arir amy vare-concerned. In Tftm" TATENT GOLD WATS 15 Waste of precious moi.i s-'. the sani? solidity and treno4?C0Blt at from one-Uurd to one-half 0,Vh proi3 of solid case. This Ulf m ...I "up" "'uir. a to invi. t -r : -v ixpresa. M.a lanufactnred at S9 k. 41 Nostb Liaai-t St. For s tie at T. iF. KLUTTZ'S Drug Store, 30:6m. compositioij toetal, especially .j" jyk purposeas two plates of solir lT! ed one on each ,ide. The t ed betwea polished steel roller, - .A", r suit 13 a irV of heary plated fron, which Uie case, back Ac, are cut ind shaped by suiukiV' - nr mese cases i , ly thick to adoit of all kinds of M. Thia w thepnly Cse Made AAtW Plates.of Solid Qold A XVarrlJ:, by Speciil Certificate. ' Bft srrayinjr aAd enaraelIiDg ; the en" hare bwn carried untii Worn n,L I - - 1 - I T lb. For ale bv J. & H. TTOT? a u . . (-.1i 30 &$V. WEB En BEST III THE WORIDI Practical Blcaksmtih AMD HORSESHOER. SHOP connected wltb. Brown & VerblCs Livery i btaoles. ZTU aesins of suoes, to suit any i suape oi foot. All shoeing on strictly scieiitllie prin tlples and WARRANTED. All ktida blacksmitlilDg , promptly aone. j 1 Subscribe for the Watchaian only S a a. -a, m aa m ah.. -vv k.1 Impure ni-rarb -Soda Is of a Ughtfr dirty wlilto eolor. "tJiay aaalaiv': a it vaminad k t weir, bnt a COItlFAliisv iW.r .?S utnn 'HIS.-- AKE UP LP YOUR YOUR C ' FOR THE CAROLINA WATCHMAN. The J3$r-Weekly in Western North Carolina. Ouly $1.50 a year iu advance. mm FerfiEiz THE0. F. KLUTTZ. HAS JUST KKCEIVEU A UAn LOAD er! appear wblte aeir, bnt i IlVltClil S i:i.M " AII1T lain IIAlTini Ell BRAND will .Sii? 4 Ibe difference. w. See that jronr Bakta; Soda u -Tvh ite and PtJRE,u ahonTd be ALL ' rood. J - 1 A simple bat sptcm test f the cornramm. ; alue ot different brands of goda i to diawiw a ? J deaaert apnonfnl of each kind with about a nak ; o 7ff (hotjsreferred) in clear rIsjsxs, rtirrar i -until ail u iboroagblj dis)lTl. Thadeleta- rions inaolnbl mutter in th inferior 8odi,l ' : be abo-sm after settling some twenty ajinntet or1 ' sooner, by the milky appeiraaceof tbeaolatwa I and the quantity of fioaticg flocky matters ; cordin; to quality. ; : Be snre and ask for Church S Cr.' gal mi ' see that their name ia on the package and m will ffct 'ie purest nl whitest tnarte. Thtajt : t this with sour milk, in preference to Btktst Powder, uvea twenty tunas ita cott. See one poind package for TaluaWa inform tka and read earef ully, SHOW THIS TO YOUR GROCER, 1 2:5in ' ' J i Celratei Home Fertilizer ! ! The Chemical for making 1 Ton wilLbe sold for 14, or 200 lbs. of Cotton No vember. No Cotton Seed or Stable Manure required. This Fertiliztr is fully equal to the high priced, so-called Guanos, arnl al les than half le nrice. 1 reler to tne louownig wen Known gentlemen, who used it last sea.-i.-n on cotton: John . Iiarrintjer, Jas li. Gibson, W . f . Watson, Thos. C. Watson, R. T. Cowan, W. B. Meares, A. Tail, J. G.Catible, J. F. K. Brown, C. Lentz, S. J M. Brown, and manv others. Call early for your supplies and. save money. T. F. KLUTIZ, Druggist. HARDWARE V- t2i Jii GRAY'S SPECIFIC MEDICINE. TRADE MARaThe Great EngUshrRADE MARK KtwtoT ; An un failing cure for 1 i Seminal Wen tnps w-v m Tri&V spermatorrhea, V3S Wi? i,A Imnotencv. n.i all f.l& Cm i m-J . . - ' -oiseases tnat rollow as a sequence of f a a . - r c-eii-Auiuse; as Lrf)S3 yrt; nf VI nmrwi- C-C-J sal Lassitude. Pnin BEFORE TAIIia.i'' the Back, Dini-AFTER TAI1I8. nesa of isiou, premature old Ape, and many oUier Diseases that lead to Insanity or Consumption, and a Premature Grave. tSTFull particulars la our pamphlet, which we desire to send free by mall to every one. fcjgr-The specific Medicine is sold by all druggist at $l per packojre, or six packages for $5, or will be sent free by mail ou receipt of the money by addressing CRAY MEDICINE CO.. MKCUANICa' ULOCk, .DKrKOIT, MlCH. ISold In Salishary and everywhere hv ah -j-uggist. 7:Lr SMITH'S WORM OIL ! THEO. BOERBAUM'S HEADQUARTERS FOR Fruits, . Candies, Cigars, Books, Pictures, nd Picture-Fraxnea 32: tf ' BOND Tq make Title to Lan5, and 'Laborer and BLANK ADMIOTSTKATOK'S Atoexs, Ga., February 22, 1878. Sir : My child, five years old, had symptoms of worms. I tried calomel and other Worm Medicines, but failed to expH anv. Seeing Mr Bain's certificate, I got a vii of yonr Worm Oil, and the, first dose brought forty worms, and the second dose, so many were passed I did not count them. S.H.Adams. Prepared by Dr- E, S. LYNDON, Athens, Ga. For Sale by Dr. T. F. KLUTTZ, . . Tl . Saliabury, N. C, And DruggisU general. 20:ly WANTED !"One Hundred Bushels of Onions j.alsp One Hundred Bushels of Peach Stones, k ; EliNISS' NOW 18 THE TIME TO SUBSCBIBF FOB THI5 WATCHMAN GARDEN SEEDS! 1 FULL SUPPLY OF Bui st's Celebrated Garden Seeds REMEMBER THAT BUIST is the only Seed-Grower who WARRANTS his Seeds. Look at every paper of Fery's, Landreth's, Sibley's, &c, &c, and see if you find anj' warrant upon them. Beware of worthless, mi warranted coin mission Seed, and come to KLUTTZ'S for Bnist's which are warran ted fresh and genuine. THEO F. KLUTTZ, Druggist. Cheap Chattel Mortgages, Jt'riouH oilier blank for sale here WHEIV YOU WAST II A R W A Jl E At Low Figures j Call on the nndersigned atNo. 2, Grtfiit Ron-. ' 1 V D .A.ATWELl; Salisbnryj.N. G., June S tt. Special Term of the Su perior Court of Rowan ' County. Notice i-s! hereby given to all Partieata. Suits, Witnesses; Attorneys, and to H whom it may concern, that a Special Term f the Superior Court of Kow. County will be held at the Court HojiM in Salisbury, uu Monday, the ninth f9tb day of August, I860, for the trial of ciril cases, and continue until the basine&i disposed f. D. A. DAVIS, Chairman County Comiuis'rs of Rowan. II. N. Woodson, CTk Board of Coont; tOiiiruissiouers. DEEDS & MORTGAGES Fee Simple Deeds, Deeds m Trust, Mortgage Deeds, Cpmmissioners7 Deeds, Sbenfc Deeds Chattle Mortgages, Farm Contracts, .Marriage and Confirmation Certificate!, . Distillers Entries, and various ther forms fVr sale at the - WATCHMAN OFFICE.. SALE NOTICES. Administrators, executors. commi?sionr sfrifTa 0nnc.u .rpftdviw call on us for printed sale notices. It is ccrtainl v great .injurtTce to owners to puttp their property at public auction w ithout first giving ample notice of the sale. The quireiuents of the law on the subject every ldy knows are insufficient. Propert7 often sacrificed frotn this cause when a .dollar or two spent in advertising might h saved it and made it bring its value. We furnish safe'notWs and cheap. ! .-jj-,- , . ITOTIOSS ffOSl POBTHT& LANCtJtSADT PSlI'rSD.: A W(CMtlliA? Who has once used the PEOPLES' MACHINE wM Prefer it ovei-all others, tni i ' 1 AGENTS selling i find it jtist what PEOPLE want. , It inalie. th shuttle li.' stitch, i-ttna. easily N does the, widest WOlk. and winda rh ImKKin without rnDD W - - - - B. rf . - f AT V W - . ' -W , . y - j.. the works of the maciine. Write for descnJ? ivo circulars and full, paTticularaT i - 1301 &13j)aButt6nwoo4'Si! PHILADELPHIA, PA., f BALE NOTICES H For Sale at this Offic. iwj more ana one man the less. t tv ...

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