- --" ".'--"..-".:" ;. . . -. ., j - i . - :.. : - -. - v . " ' -i L. ' :.' ' -' . . : ' "" : WW sii Tfc) n Tni'Vni'inv ' :t - : V V (aLIIIlldLilo ;;S.:r ; ML XL THIRB SERIES SALISBURY, II. C, SEPTEMBER 2, 1880. 1 I - i 110 46 fie Carolina Watchman; ESTABtlSIIED IN THE TEAR 1832.1 1 , fRlCE, $1.50 IN ADVANCE. " .. roNTRACT ADVERTISING RATES. J I FEBHUAKY 80, 1380. r- I : l month 8 m'B 3 m's 6 18 m's - f On tor j ! ir.tr for j ,$U9 12. $9 15.99 18.99 25.99 40.99 - 75.99 tiumnftr do. - ! HA da. t'fnrj r ! rfrol'.i (- :rr. . T.'r?:n rr.C7 0 iri:rr.-3" Cottir io 2Joep-;n Celt's. nr-rnrr.fec. t ; tr- ro r,.xi: by all dsuggists. WC3 F.HE2Talr, cuSiait & CO.. .ILL ot.b ' raonus-fona, T I , llll IJ. M II Fr $alc by T. F, KLXJTTZ, Dracgist, : K:lj : -if I . Salisbury, N. C. JAMES M. GRAY, itjjrnsy and Oounssllor at Law. SALnwuar, x. c. OiBie in the Court House lot, nextdoo &nre Hanghtou. Will practice in al fte flirts of the State. ! .1 11 11 jr T ITTOnXEY JIT LJ1K tact ices in the State and Federal 12:6m I - x KERR CRAIGE, i fttorntD at ato, - "-i!-4. 1 1 ater. and Mera, i i . . - 1 1 1 i i seys, Counselors and Solicitors. skLlSBURYN. C Wiy22 1879 tt. V4 .;'i!: HIGH SCHOOL. 1' uei Ilk Pnll ..J . ii.: xi i ' m i c -; viui o una ocuooi win open, August 3rd, 1830, address, geo. u. McNeill, Wood Leaf, N. T?ntnolrt f?rl 1 rv nrrv : Greensboro, ET. C. t43t-h Sessn wil1 bcgn on the 25th of fitcilit1- cnown institution offers superior bm-wi i r ment-l! and moral culture, com- Hora cei"torl8 qf a pleasant, well or- Vllk i . .... fern Jer session of 5 ntonthn : Board inff6 f hibg and lights) and Tuition fifn S -Sh toyir 75- Etra Studies . :r'-r lur uan rn an unn in T.M.JONES, Tres't, -ipi-j ; age Deeds for sale here r Also various other blans. reB?C?":r,,e Milk of one cow is . Wfcd expressly for infants at ; ; $1.50 12.50 $3.60 I $5.V9 t3.00 4.60 5.85 T.59 4.50 T.50 11.99 .00 T.60 .9 13.59 vt.50 9.75 11.25 16.59 . 11.25 - 15.75 20.50 25.59 1S.75 20.25- 83.75 48.75 I Ill I 1 I ! I ijii:.' " i; i digits f.tlrojDiestljfnff-Organsu ;i a it 8xK)ti$cs una i:ca iin?.iiemsrc3 n ! rrts'T ' -ftaTO -itho rt"ht r(jmev, SvXll'AIttj LIrrfsr tril3 Ss'ii fin al's Tiili caro yea, t 1 :pj.tni f ;'"" JJlsccvcrccJ, v -v Vfuf i C:r-jo!li Fp?io crt-?' sevca.- -i .1 '!:::' I- ..... ' I . MRS- D. I. BRINGLE'S. POLITICAL. BaiMMries to Leaislale General - S 'Hancoci Out of Offlce. ! ' V i -is . I ! ' I - 1 - . " ! . T . .4.,. ... i; ,r , ;- ..,( : v i j. , . A Faithful Officer to le Removed Because lie Obeyed the -Xaw ' ,and v,w ld " ot Govern witli iHlw Cl? the Sword ! - n A Til II nx nAiT-r-- L UilliriCiLiU UUJNjUimJNlilJ 1JX 'MIS OWN WORD! ! Hancock Support of Civil Law ,?Iale a Crime by Garfield. H3AD THE RECORD ! - IpJanuary,18G8, Andrew Johnson was President, U. S. Grant was Gen eral the. Army, and Winfieht 8. .... " ' i i i Hancpclc was Major-General in com- mand of Louisiana and Texas. rspvember 29, 1867, Hancock as-' Ktimpl pnmmi iwi i.: r...I. Order No. 40. .5 " ff It contained these xvordjj : " rAVIm in,rrw; v- i i . . overthrown and peace established Und ....... ...... in.iuu CQi.ii inui'ii, i U 11(1 the civil authorities are ready and w lling to ijeffnnu tliir .lufw.a .;,;i; 10 pt norm tlieir (Juties, the military pow- erh,,ld cease to lead, ami the civil ad- ministration resume its natural and 1 jght fiildcrtuinion. SolemnlyOm pressed iwitl iiuacrtinnion: Solemnly' impressed with these YI4MV8, the General annoiinees! that the greatr principles of American liberty are still , the lawful inheritance of f this people, and ever should be. The Tight of trial by jury, the liabea.s'corpus, thij lib erty pf-the press, the freedom of -speech, the natural rights of persons, and the IirrlltS ot nroOertv must bi nreservil " - i L - - r rom tne congressional Ulobe, Uan- uary 13, 1868, page 489 : ; Mr. GARFIELD. I ask- unaniinous wusent to oiler for consideration and ac- tiona bill to reduce and improve the mili- ..... .. f . f rary : esraoiisnment by discharging one on;iess cinmiijiiiuiiig an etasses 01 oiu-Major-Geueral.'" i i I ceis to perform all kinds of duties. It is 'J"he bill vas re ul Tt orovidei thit ' a ne om . as reau. it prov iue that the Army of the United States sliall ie reduced by the discharge from . . J e ! milijary service of the Major-General, whovas the last commissioned in . s , . . . i ' uai giauc. vviviv uuuuuiy, xooo, to t nko pffpetl from" it t-!iie-nro er! thor shall be but four Major-Generals in the Army, i i Jlr, GAPvFIELD. I liepe the bill will be allowed to come in, and then We can act on it in the. morning.! I Objection was made, and Mr,- Gar field said he would bring it up the first thing on Monday next. j rajor-General Winfielcl S. Han cock was commissioned Major-General oil- July 26th, 1866, and he was the last-person commissioned in that grade before January, 1868. i Thus we sec tljat within sixjweeks afteriyllancockr issued his order, No. 40, Garfield, being at that timejehair man of the Jlilitary Committee, mov ed a bill to remove Irira from office. This was not to retire nor to pension hini, but to punislr'iiim. j j .llilc Kill ii'Od" nn lifi-irrl nf! nnr'iin Jk- II U ISItl 1 II UVUtU VT UjU 111 y. out.iiouse 43111 iMo, 4oy came i rom the Committee on Reconstruction on that day (January 137 1868),'through Mr. Bingham. j That bill contained the following sections : . I ! ' - ' Sec. 2. And be it further enacted, That for tle sieedy-entVrcement of thejact en titletl K'A n actlto provide for the more tlncint government -.of the re'bel States," passed March secoud, eighteen j bundled and! sixty-seven, and the several aets supplementary- thereto the General of the Army of the United States is here by, authorized and required to enjoin by i special orders upon all officers iu conunatid within tlie several milirary de partments within said several States, the performances of all acts authorized by saiI several laws above recited, J at his discretion, by his order from command anvforall of said commanders, and detail other officers of the United States? Army, notibelow tho rank f colonel, to perform all the lnties .and lixercise all the power authorized by said several acts,' to the end that the people of said several States in a' speedily recogn ize ci vil govern men ts, republican in form, in Said several States. land be restored to political powef u the Union. ,- - ! SEC. 3i And be it further enaetetf, That the j General of the Army may .Remove auyjor all civil officers now actiug uuder thepeveral provisional governments with in said several disorgazed States, and ap point others to discharge the duties per taining, to their respective offices, and may do any. and all acts which jby said several laws above mentioned are author ized to be done by the several command ers of the military, departments 1 within said States ; and so much of iaid acts, or ot any actas authorizes the President to detail the military commanders to said military department, or to remove any officers who may be detailed as hereiu provided, is hereby repealed. 4 1 The 5th section made any interfer ence by force with' the orders of the General of the Army (Grant), or any refusal or neglect to carry out the statute, a high misdemeanor, punish able by $5,000 fine and two years' im prison men t J" ,1' '';; "JltXtT .. This statute aimed, vat compelling Hancock to obey the orders of Grant tne ueneral, and not ot Johnson, tne President, and itempowjered Gener al Grant to remove Hancock if he obeyed Johnson and not Grant. It also gave the General: of the Army full power to do everythjing , he saw fit to do in each of the Military, lie- partments without any control of t le President. t m m lt real animus was the effort jof Garfield, and those who aoteI wi(h him, to subordinate the ci vi 1 to te military power in all the oonth, anr to remove Hancock because he recog- ; nized the law as stioerior to the - i j The bill was put upon its passage,' and the Congressional Globe, Tof Janu ary 17th, 1868, contains' the follow- ing speech from James A. Garfield in its favor ; "I call attention to the oath that every officer and enlisted man takes before en teiinsr the Arinv. It is in these words : "I do solemuly swear that I will boar true allegiance to the Unitetl States.'' and will observe and obey the orders of the President of! the United State8a,i,1 the orders of the officers ap- . . - . litl over me, according ,to the rules and articles fn- the government of the A f ti, ijn;tea Jtite "t Anny ot the United btates. . Now, should the President of the Uni- ted States giveJU the humblest officer of the Army au order .contrary i to the Rules aniLArt i el es 4f War r to the law of Con gress, the subordinate can peremptorily refuse to obey, bjecaiise: the order has not been given in accordance with the rules and regulation's f the ;power which commands both liiin and th( President. j Aow, if Congress can make laws assign- "i' ' alid barrack masters, what uew doctrine is ; this that it may not also assign special duties to the General of thej Army I 1 he volumes ot statutes are tail ot laws Ot ;.. .11 . . ..tf --Ol nmv l),,,Isea to. require oE the General f th A t nei.forlnnil.L 0f a smeia luty, namely, the duty of j directing the hntious ot tha partof the Armywh.cij neMine Mi Stjites Intelv in rebellion. It the General should neglect his duty tike A ,dent' as oonimancIeMn-elnet, cn call liiDi to account lor such neglect, out ne canitoc preveui ins oueuieuco to iwc law "."So much tht3 section. for the const tntionalitv if I now come to inqure why this its legislation is needed It is Itecause this Congress, in its work of restoring to i their places the States iu rebellion, au thorized the President to assign the officers of the Army to the duties prescribed in the-law: and the President has made such of that authority as to; obstruct arid delay the restoration of thcjse States. Without violating the letter of the law lie has been able, in a great measure, to hinder the fall aud efficient execution of the law. His acts and those of his advis ers are, to-day, the chief obstacles to the prompt restoration of rebel States, and Congress proposes to remove those ob stacles by transferring the power to the hands tf one who has shown his loyalty to the country, aud his willinguess to obey the laws of the Uniou. Mr. Speaker, I will not repeat the long catalogue of obstructions which he has thrown in the way by virtue of the power eouferred upon liini iu the recon struction law of lrib'7, but I will allude to one example, where he has found in a Major-Generai. of the Army a facile instrument with which more effectually to obstruct the work of reconstruction. This case is all the more painful because si n otherwise meritorious officer, who bears honorable scars, earned iu battle for the Union, has been made a party to the poll cal : madness which has so long marked the conduct of the President. This Gen eral was sent into the district of Louisi ana and Texas with a law of Congress in his hand, a law. that commands him! to see that justice is administered atmmg the people of that country, and that no pretense ot authority Shalt deter him froiii noi'-fin-tiii'inr liw diir, :inil vet, we tiud that ffieeiiving lectures iu the and had a very free conversation with form of proclamations and orders on what him iu regard to the political situation. Ought to be the relatiou betwen civil aiwl j qu. Garfield said he considered Indiana military departments of the Government. thek to tuo' November election, and We SEE HIM CislXG) A GENERAL ORDER: IN : . , . T, , .. i 11 j which he declares that the civil . that unless the Republicans are baiMy de shoci.d not give way before the mili- ! ceived in their calculations, the State will TARY. We hear hi ni declaring that he tiuds nothing in the lawijof Louisiana ami Texas to warrant his interference: iu the civil administration' of those States. It is not for him to say which shouhMie tirst, the cb il or the military, in that rebel communltv. It is not tor him; to search the defunct laws of Texas for a guide to his Louisiana and Conduct. It is for him to obey the laws Which ho was sent there to execute. Ilj is tor himito to carry the State in October, and with aid in building-up civil (governments, 0jk aud Indiana iu the Republican col-l-sither than niennrinsr himself to be the " 1 1 . ... .. .. , in evidential candidate of tli.lt Dart V W htch fa vp 1 1 1 iii mi svnmatliv when he was cial- lantly fighting the battled lot the coUn- try.".' ,1 h ' j The bill passed the jl ouse yeas, 124, all republicans; nays 45, all dpmoerats James A. darfiehh voting ..... Tii : oib . cuUUSC ou.ua , -xpy The record is made up!: It is Han- cock, the soldier civilian knd the law, nx n-A i.. ,i;J.iU J;i. ian and the sword above Iaw.. CHOOSE YE! I. The Pautt And Its Mission. We j seek to restore the Constitution in its pristine spirit and delopj jit ,int fullest vjjjur. ? o nre w lo-couiyusu i oa mid mainspring 01 au tne movements or the Ff. a,tu w eek tn l anish that fLu ing of sectionalism which 'has been the cursb of the countn. Ral.:fjf,' .'.V Salisbury Examiner. - : ' WE CAS SOTi AFF0HD. IT The cool impudence of the Radical party in claiming to be patriotic, national and cpiwvative, is wonderful indeed when wc tak a calm , survey of. its past record. It was born in the throes of revolution, blood and death. Its patriotism consisted in di viding our country, in raarring and desolat ing the most prosperous anjl happy section, and in the attempt to impoverish and en slave its citkeuf. Its nationality mear seen tralization, dcspotism the elimination of gfcjtLl UneSi and the denial to the people th le riglut of local self government. Its conser- vatisni is found in ita extreme measures, 8Uch th suspension f the great writ of habefti corpus in times of profound peace; in the passage of the inSHmous Enforcement ActJ the establishmen of the negro Beureau, and ! the disfranchisement of thousands of tne st nien i (he land for partisan and political arsranuizement. it disrupted tne j i union under the pretense of saving it. It overthrew our State governments, reduced them to provinces and denied the people their1 soverign right to chose their rulers. It. placed over ie Southern States bayonet governments, filled our Legislative Halls with thieves and camp followers, interlopers and 'carpet-baggers who issued bond3 and Jr. fixed millions of debt upon'our people, stole -p. 71 ; the -,K.eeds an(1 fle(1 the Jand , fi , ,. olation, poverty and distress or , ' f .ua-a leaving des- on every hand. The men and the party that did these things are asking the people to give them power aairi. Look at it ! They usurped control of our State and local affairs by the basest and most infamous means, i They held con trol of the Legislative department of North Carolina for nearly three years, and in that timj run our state debt up.from fifteen to near fortv minions of dollars. This lame increase of debt they stole and squandered, t,ie people have to foot the bill. They inaugurated an era of terror, of blood-shed and anarchy; business was paralized and prosperity impossible. The people through their organization, the Democratic party, rostt up in their might and hurled them from power. Harmony and peace were gradual ly restored, the people have begun to pros perl and business to revive; and sothepco plej will continue to prosper, and law and order prevail, if the Demoeratic party is kept solid and its principles upheld if the Dctnocratic masses remain true to themsel ves and to their party organization. But, if thej people become indifferent, and allow tho infamous Radical party to slip into pow er again, we may ex pect a return of the days of i thievery, mis-government, lawlessness and 'poverty. The party and the men who have robbed and oppressod us once wiil rob and oppress us again, j We would have been slaves to-day, but for the Democratic party; wcj will deserve to become slaves should we ever allow that party's banner to trail in the dust, or the Radical party to again slip in to power because of our indifference or lack of proper organization. . It should be the highest duty of every democratic citizen to strengthen his party organization as it is the bulwark of our political safety, and domestic peace and happiness. The Demo cratic party has graduallj recovered from the foul clutches of voracious Radicalism in our county. State and general governments. There is one citadel yet to be taken--the Presidentcy. a"nd if we are true to ourselves, it Will surrender on the 4th of March next. Is there not every incentive for us to remain true;? ' Every consideration worthy of the respect and enjoyment of a free people de mands that we should be vigillant and ac tive and true. Wc cannot afford to allow Radicalism to be installed in power again. fiARFiELp's IlorE. An Ohio Republi can of promineuce, wliu arrived here yes terday, says he cnlletl upon Gen. Garfield at Men tor, Ohio, during the past week, be: carried by them in October. Tho Re publicans have never been as well organ ized there as now, and a very complete canvass of every school district in the State gives them something over three thousand majority. With a full vote Getm Garfield said 1 he entertained no doubt as to the ability of the Republicans ! asitvred. Vert Evident, and WnT. It has be- come d.uitc evident that it is the policy ci th Republican party in this State to avoid johU discussions during the campaign. They -4caU that they cannot successfully meet our . ies 0n the stump.! and that they have evtrvthing to lose and nothing to gain by allowing the people to hear both sides and judge impartially; They prefer to conduct ka fumn whr there is no one to deny them. Statesville Landmark. .. I - -NEW I OBK IN JN Oviiat ber. an harmony in the Democratic oooncils, . antj a reasonaDie .auioun oi ioroear- , Scnse, and hard work, A otk - can gi ve Hancock and ' English a majority of 40,000 in No- vember,- iv'. Y.Suh, THE RECORD ? J AMES A. GARFIEJLD. The Credit Mobelier Frauds The Dis trict of alurabia Ring and the De polyer Bribe. The Sanborn Frands. jThe Back Pay Grab and the Salary Z f Steal., The Indian RingGar- i neld s ber v ice l n its Behalf. En- J I couraging and Defending Petit 1 Larceny. Garfield the Chara I ' pion of O. O. Howard. The j Black Friday Scandal- j Garfield's Effort to Sup ; press the Truth. Gar- " ' ! field the Friend of Rob- j; eson. The Electoral i Commission. Three j Monstrous Grievan ces. The Pacific Steal. The Moth Swindle. Gar field and the La j boring Men. Garfield against Free Salt. The Judgment of his Republican Const i i uents. Garfield's In sults to Mexican Vet ! - erans: Garfield and Pnfligate Expenditur es. Garfield on taxing Printing paper. A MONUMENT OF CORRUPTION. Fatal Election Itiot. A, Colored Democrat Killed by the Greenback Candidate for Sheriff- The Latter Killed in Return. j Mesiphis, Tenn., August 22. From passengers who arrived this morning the following particulars hive been gained of the riot which occurred yesterday at Coffeeville, Miss., the scat of Yallabusha county, sixteen miles north of Grenada, on the St. Louis, Chicago and New Or leans railroad. A special election is to be held next Tuesday, to fill a vacancy in tne sncriit s oince over which there was a contest at the last general election. The democrats and greenbackers have each a ticket in the field. Both parties held a ratification meeting at Coffeeville on Saturday. Each raised a pole. The democrats had a brass band from Grenada, and after the pole-raising marched through the streets. While passing a corner a difficulty occurred between a negro named Spearman, who was in the democratic procession, and A. V. Pearson, greenback candidate for slier iff. which resulted in Pearson shoot- ing Spearman, killing him instantly This was the signal for a general melee, and a volley of shots were opened on Ptarson, who received three wounds, from the effects of which -he died last night. Two of Pearson's friends, Kelly and Reddick, were wounded. For a time a perfect pandemonium reigned, the excitement running so high that the Walthal Grays, a military company of Grena daj Miss., where telegraphed for, but the order was subsequently counter manded. Last night Coffeeville was quiet. ; : . Everything Lovely in Indi ana. Washington, August 26. A gentleman who has close relations 0- with the Democratic national com mittee, and who has been in New York for several weeks reports that the private advices received from In diana are all to the effect -that the Democrats will undoubtedly carry the State. The national committee has been informed that Indiana would not call on the party outside of the State for any, financial aid, and that th party in that State would perform the unparalleled feat of supply ing al the money needed in the campaign TIia Knnip gentleman savs it is consid- ered as a matter of course that Mr, Hendricks will be a member of Presi dent Hancock's Cabinet. That Texas Tornado. Galveston inef 51 Knecial disDatches to the ftUguav A Xeic$ estimates the damage by the recent storm as follows: At Matamoras, $500,000; Brownsville, $750,000 ; Garrison; $50,000; Point Isabel and to shipping, xuu,uuu How It ' ArrEcrs lira. Bobbins gays whenever he wade a political speech which is praised by the Republican press and lead ersL he always thinks be made a failure tome- lotc. But when they find fault with his speeches, 'he feels comforted and encourag- eCl. Dial CTY IOC inui;wi. ! The Black Record. The record on page 26 of the convention document shows that both Barringcr and Buxton voted for Jones, who was an able-bodied negro man. against Norton, who was a'one-legged soldier. And this vote of Judge Buxton and Gen. Bar ritiger is the key note of their whole conven tipn record. Raleigh OJmrter. , MISCELLANEOUS. A Universal Ciicrcu' Federation. Geneva, Aagnst 24. -A dispatch states that Bishop llerzog left Switzerland fur hfc United States with the object in view of promoting a scheme for the federation of jail the christian churches in Ce uni verse. ' ' 'r' ' f jr'W.v. Egittias Cottox Crop a Failure.--ondon, August 24. A dispatch from Cairo says it is believed that the Egyp tian cotton crop will be, half a million caiitors 22,500,000 pouuds less than that of 1679 aud it will be about 15 days lat ter. The Greeusboro Patriot says that "the relirainary line of the Cape Fear and Yad- in alley Railroad, up the Yadkin Val- ey, willbecommenced in a few days. Col. . C. Jones, chief engineer, and Dr; No- eus Mendeuhall, one of his assistants, are .now preparing to examine the line and make an instrumental survey as soon as possible." North Carolina Ahead. New York, August 24. The first bale of the new crop of North jCarolina cotton was sold ere to-day by auction Tit 13 cents per pound. Grade, strict low midling to mid- Uling,and i is about ten days earlier thau the first bale of last year from North Car olina. Justifiable Homicide. Atlanta, Aug. 25. On Wednesday, near Chochrane, Ga., four young white men disguised themselves and went to a negro cabin, broke down the door and commenced firing into it. The occupant, John Brown, seized his double barrel gun, which was loaded with buck shot, and fired both barrels, killing two brothers, named Dykes. The tops of their heads were blown off. The negro made his escape. The coroner's jury returned a ver dict of justifiable homicide. A young woman at Alden, Iowa, said she "wished to heaven she might die that day." A terrible storm arose immediately, with thunder and light ening, and s'he imagined that it might have some relation to-hercase. Has tening to a church, she knelt and pray ed : "Oh, Lord, I didn't mean it when I said I wanted to die. Please don't let the lightning hit me." A Montgomery Merchant Missixo. New York, August 24. The police arc making search for Johu M. Benson, a youug hat merchant of Montgomery, Ala He arrived here on the lGth inst., to pur chase stock, and his singular conduct at tracted much attention. He appeared to be out of his mind at the time, grief at the death of a favorite sister being the cause assigned. He went with friends to Coney Island Sunday and suddenly disappeared, A sister of the missing man arrived from Montgomery last night and has prompted a vigorous search, which thus far has proved unsuccessful. Forty-Two Days on Cider. Mrs Hannah Bent, of East Bostou was kept alive for fortv-two days duriuc a recent illness by moistening her mouth with ci der. Her stomach could not endure tea, coffee, milk or even water, aud it is doubt ful whether it ever received more than a ppooutal of tho cider with which her mouth was moistened. Something broke in her stomach, which gave her relief, and she gradually recovered, and is now in the enjoyment of her usual health. She was attended daring her forty-two days' fast by Mrs. Cummings, who states pos itively that nothing but cider entered Mrs. Bent's mouth during that time. It is he lieved that abstinence from food saved her life. Boston Traveller. We have seen farmers hauling ma nure and damp earth or road scrap ings into a large heap, and turning and mixing it two or three times du ring the winter season to make a com post for corn-hills, while at the same time a rich blackJiqued flowed from the barn yard utterly going to waste which, if it had been saved and mix ed with dried earth or rich muck, would have been the very thingthey desired afrauch less trouble and no loss. Theliquid waste of many barn yards, if properly utilized by mixing with dry dust made from rich soil or muck, and made into a rich compost of rather phosphate, by adding about twenty per cent, in bulk of finely ground bones and mixing and turn ing the mass over until it is done 1 . i T ... 1 1 . enkof.nAA easier to handle for cornhills than the , bulky' old-fashioned soggy compost, . . . - - I made out ot straw manure. A Cycloxk. Flushing, L. L, Ang. 27 During Wednesday's storm a cyclone one mile wide and seven miles long swept over Little A'eck, Great Neck and Creedmore. . Inndreds of acres of corn were' entirely destroyed and. many buildings damaged. There are many unpleasant thintrs in this vale of tears, but a collar witha but ton hole lage enough to stick joiir liead through will canse yoii about 'aft much trouble as the rest of them. 'I The First Duel ix the United Siatss. The first duel in the United Statlttyas ought at Plymouth MassachusetsJn th 18th of June iG21, between Ed warjd-Do-ty and Edward Leicester, two servants, both of whom; were wounded. For this outrage they were sentenced to' tWfmn- lsnmentot naringtheir heads and feet tied together, and lying thus t wen t'y-ifour Hours without food or drink;11 After'suf- fering, however, in this posture an Lour, at their masters intercession and? their humble request, with the promise of amendment, they were released "by the-Governor.-Portland (Me.) Presh - The New York Sun tells the following: A young man from Texas married fli girl in North Carolina, and then proposed to eave her while he worked his way back to his Texas home, in the hopeof there earning money enough to send farther. fehe said, however, that she would rather accompany him -afoot. They, therefore, made the journey of l,GO0 miles as tramps'; bu t their good appearance gained for thehi considerable help along the way; and for the last fifty miles they rode triumphant- y in a cariage,provided by an eathuliatio admirer of their pluck. , r " ' "' 'i: 'i'i- Matrimonial Advice. . i Marry in your own religion. 1 Never both be angry at once.14 Never taunt with a past mistalce. Let a kiss be the prelude ;of a re buke. " ' $ Let self-abnegation be the habit of both. f Never allow a request to be re- "I forgot" is never an acceptable excuse. - .-r-.p. - A good wife is tlie greatest earthly blessing. - I If you must criticise, let it be done lovingly. i- .: ' Make a marriage a matter of moral jugdment.- -i. Marry in a family which you have long known. Never make a remark at the er panse of the other. - Give your warmest sympathies for each other's trials. , :: i Never talk at one another either alone or in company. ' If one is angry, let the otherpart the lips only for a kiss. , K Neglect the whole world beside rather than one another. ( j Let each strive to yield oftenest to the wishes of the other. " The very felicity is in the mutual cultivation ofusefulness. jU" Never speak loud to another un less the house is on fire, t '' V Marry into different blood1 and temperament from your owu. f' Always Heave home With, loving words, for they may be the last) Gold fish were first brought . from China to England in 1691, and.jwere then a great curiosity. ' ; i The Somerville Journal mak, it out that the eagle is the aristocrat, of birds because he moves iu the highest circles. " i - When the phonetic spelling comes into use it will always be rfte in ''order to rite rite, to rite rite, rite. Andrew The way the king of the Sand wtcbr islands carves a chicken is to takehold of both legs, draw a long breath, and pull for all he is worth. j, The reason more umbrellas than. watermelons are stolen, is thought to be because the thief dosn't hare to plug the umbrella. It is always ripe for the harvest. 'r:r ' - A good cow ought to produce 8,000 hound of milk annually ; but in this country the average is oniyabout half that.j whle in Holland 10,000 pounds, is only considered a fair yield. Tlie valley of the Missirsippi has 1,257,000 square miles of territory. Its waters make about 10,000 miles of. navigation, and its val leys gives level; routes to a vast system of railways. . Texas commenced raising wool in 1845, and has now 4,000,000 sheej It is estimated that Montana will pro? duce this year 80,CK)0,000? pound W t i u ri:ci ' wool, nearly as much as Califprt 1- : 1' i I ! i i .. l.V I I if - i Mi V ty i i" r f r r i ,1 4 u- -! A" i U i i-i i m f I : f. i i V , ' - i -. r - i'. -: ; X '! 1 r s x ! .a.

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