. r 5 - LOCKED IN FOR YEARS, i - , . - - - , . - - ; t 'I ' ,BBaHaaa ' Chaiucd in a Djiiiffeon Like a Dog, An Insane Mm Thrust Jnti a Filthy T " - ' yii ! Roombyllh Own Brother and Uiatnz M-4 Terrible Story of Suffering, Jpedal Correspondeut PuidelpUla Time!. ' 1 BeaqinQ! August 23. One of the saddest sights ever witnessed in this "section of the State was the taking of i man aged fiTty-five, named Henja- . ininSechler,ia the Coqnty Almshouse yesterday. He was dressed in a sim ple petticoat, and from his right leg tjangled a rusty chain. This man , been chained and 'con lined in a Jog dungeon for twenty ?seven years. The truthful story of this man'mis foriunes far exceeil3 anything of the kind pnbl ished i n Eastern ; ?eunsy I- vania for many years. A J lew days .'ago the 4 i rectors of the poor of Berks county were informed )f the fact that a man. name Sechler, a ludatic, was confined by his brother n a filthy cabin, that the poor unfqrtqnote was, being brutally treated. Accordingly, Mr. John H. Bower, of the board of the directors, accompanied by James W. Sallade and John B. Knorr, of the almshouse, and David Heinly, Justice of the peace of that section, proceeded to the upper end of Berks county, for the purpose of making a thorough investigation. They were directed to a wild anddesolate re gion of sparsely settled country along the Blue Mountains, in Albany town ship. On the premises of Joseph Sechler a brother of tbe lunatic, was found a smajl wooden building, very 6lrongly built, of heavy logs. It eon ' tained butone room. A small door entrance to the dungeon vya3 bqlted on the outside by a heavy oaken bar. TJie low roqf was covered by thatch ad brush. Under the den was a roughly-built fire-place, "constructed of rocks. Here fire was occasionally kindled, sq that the heat could as cend through tfte cracks of the floor, to give warmth to the imprisoned Junatic. This floqr was made of rough oak slabs. ' CIAIKEn.IN ms DUXGEON. When the officials arrived they were met by JosephSechler,- a broth- " er of the lunatic. He pointed out the way to the dungeon, at the foot of the mountains. The man in the hut beat the timbers of the .sides of his fearful - abode with his hands when he heard the noise of the approaching footsteps. Tbeiclumsy, heavy oak door was un-: barred, and the sight presented on the inside was fearful to; behold. '-Crouched down on a bed of filth was an old man. His gray and shaggy - beard extended to his thighs. ,His body was nude and brown with filth, .lis eyes glistened and his black teeth were nrmiy set. a neavy cnam rat- tied on the nlthy floor j one end of U was listened to a staple m the inid? die ot the floor and the other-was i o . . . 1 pouua to one ot the legs ot the nude maniac, lie was violent. His long confinemeut had made him as vicious ana as wiry as.a uiui-uog. e was savage. The officials tried to coax him, but they might as well. have en- deavored to make peace with kn angry hyena. The ferocious being shrieked ouia senesot oatns and unintelligible . . - .. . I s - " i J J l . i J i ' ' .:. I voru3 anu peat nis prison nouse with his black and bony fists, jit Was a wnviv ouu! guujr ipis. H wasa terrible moment. Quick " as thought the poor lunatio was overpowered "and rTL.L i : . ironed. The heavy chain bad hecome so rusty that a blow from heavy sledge was necessary to break it. The iron band about his ankle had to be filed off by the blacksmith of the almshouse when they arrived with the wmoriunaie mnatic at that institution. When the officials took the poor man The Centennial Impressions or wronght nails are used. The ad out of his dungeon ho looked about in Relation Thereto. The idea vantages of this fence are the follow- . . 1 1 .. . ! li 4 - - i - i ' nim as u.ue l,aafiaienly been trans- lorraea into another world. For 4?Avttc-onw m.h.. A.X It . .,uroccl, cars uie sun; naq jjot :uu"c UFUU An an . mat time he liaa Deen neither Washed, clothed nnr . ' , I Tl? - -W t" . . " . a 1 . animals are fea. The offices say that . . ...w u..6CUU waa paverea webs and the nests of bats. There , was little or no ventilation aud the wfcVUV,4 uuucaruuie. - j.ne officers tried to getrthe poor man to tell his nimil TTa tvinrl a 51 1 r . p-.. s. viuiem enorts to free himself, but could not." ' uauuie piaces oy excrement aTfoot at Hand is that held at' Charlotte in can easily be replaced. The fence is mdepth. The sides were black with North Carolina, from October 4th to easily removdd by placing lever n flth and from the roof dangled cob- October;9th: f ?Qn the first day combs derthe hoolJ and nt u - Starr, but" his rpnsnn waan tt. I .vJl U t...i w - - s mu ujr 4ram xt .ayne ana one to naqgi on the panels and a mentaVeckmore .brute and an oration by Major Paniel ; on tighten qp the hooks, Will set seventy than human. Fifth had been so com. the fourth, a competitive malitja prixe five or one-hundred rods in a day. j(fntttt drill.! The battliof KingV Moun- Itbas has leen reported hie Ihat - .y 7s ;ke thf fe most filthy tain was one of importance, and well some one claims a patent on the hooks, ' STORY Of HIsHlIFE. ... Thirty years ago he was a young man, Strong an, 4 YgC0st 51 clear, mi nc. . He) worked on a farm that; Ills father own.'; Qn a very hot: .1 - .1 1. ... 1 a i n i 1 ,q.iy, uuu wiiu.i. ,. v.u ........ . tiorif Ii 3 jumped ii a njoqntain stream, of cold water. 4fter that bath his mind became . aiTepteil. ! Finally, lie became i derangecl. His father ed ami, left property to' his twq . sons, Joseph i and Benjamin. Joseph says he di4 ' not desire to put , Benjamin into an insane asylum, bq he resolv ed 1a keep hint until; he died. He thought his death would take place before a great while. Instead of this the poor man Uyec. o r and on ard finally he became so violent that the brother says he resolved to build he strong cabiq and chain him. For twenty-seven years this, horrible im prisonment continued.' 'What suffer ing the poor man , eqd ured may be more easily imagined than clescribec. His fingers, tipped with long; black nails, looked Jikef the claws of a wolf. Hi tues were matted together with filth; more resembling hoofs , than feet, He slept on loose straw Ijke a "f 1 -T7I-- ... -.1 ".IV common au.nia.. j.ri.en iie arriyeu ai tnepoor nouse jne was tnorougmy wasneq. c.wii require weess Derore hecan: be; made thoroughly clean; His long beard was cut off, and it was some time before he could be in duced to submit to being shaved. His hands an4 feet were first firmly bound. Then his hair was cut short and his scalp, thoroughly cleaned. Hevas then dressed in a cool and comfortable suit. The best attention is being given to him, as it is belived his mind may possibly be restored. There is con siderable money! due him from his father's estate, which will enable the authorities to engage additional ex- pert medical assistance. i x overus,, xcw im fr i -.- ra i I Never sacrifice safVtv to larcre s i i f x-r i i i rever make a ilone on importuni- ty I 'I i 1 v . . s . I iSever lend a borrowing friend more than you are willing to lose if he can't . pav j Never speculate deeper than you are able to lose, if yon lose at all, Never borrow money to speculate with.- Qwe no man anything. , . - - -i i J4e sitisfied witp a moderate rent to a good tenant. ; Keep well insured, and watch your policy. Never consult a man on business who does not manage well his own. A vnidt-sprnnd imnp'frior Tni. frocli . r -'C3"0 " loan. He that maketli haste to be rich is not wise. ; poverty is -no bar to marriage if botii parties will work and save. - The gods help those who belp them- selves men and women. ' God nromises nothing to idl :, O- -' I : . .! . I A man must ask his wife if he may be rich. , j . t - Little coins, like little drons of wa- ter will fall a bucket, As we sow in temporal affairs we shall reap. I '" Short settlements mdke long friend- ships. - j . lortqnes are mdde by carninff and m ri ' . I saving. f. t Money easily gotten is soon spent, jjuuey easuy gouen is soon spent, Money earned is money valued. . i is easier to loosen up good prop- . .. i.. : . erty than to re-establish it. In discussing business disagree- ments keep cool, I Less wisdom is required to make money than to keep it securely when made, . -1, : J.. seecms to have gotten abroad especial- Iy at the , North that the King's I r . Ii - . - - 4 mountain centennial celearation is? to come ott at Charlotte, which the news- I nanpr ynorrar.iPr tmiimni) ia mltUXn, i . o-- - "o!uv !" , 1 a a - - York Sun of Mouday says : i "Aq in, leresung ceoienniai ceieorauon near U re-union of States: on the second an illustration of the plan of the battlei mnaeruen. uosenh k. .inhnernn .. the third, the dedication of. a , monu- I " " J 1 deserves thiscommemorat on "Chnr. yOh. ! - Old Timber. -. 4 Probably It' WorlcV whiqlf nse of man is ie oldest timber in the fids been subjected, to the that found in the an- -enfJ ten,plek .i! of, Egypt; in; connection with the stqnework whichis1 known to be at least four thousand years old. This, the only rootl usecj in the tem ple, is in the form of ties, holding the end of qncj stone ta another at its proper surface. When two block were laid m place', an excavation about an inch, deep w; $ made in each block, into which the tie shaped Ijke an hourrglass! was ''driven.' 'Jt is thereT fore very diiHcuU tqjfbfce any stone rfrom its position., The ties appear to have been of thp tamarisk or shit- tern wood, o 1 YtlllUII li(U iltft UMI- str noted, a sacred tree in ancient Egypt and floy Yery rarely found in the valley of tile Nile. ' The dovetailed tie are ijjust iissountj now as on the day o,f their in sertion. Although fuel is extremely scare in the country, these bits of yood are not large enough to nake it an obiect with the Arabs to heave off iaver after laver to obiain them. Had Lh beeq of bronze, half the old tem- ,eg would baye be n i - iileslrayed years agQ g() precios they have been lfor.'wioug pposcs. Items of Interest Weigh and measure all purchases when5 they are brought home. Raisins should notj be bought in large quantities! as "they are injured by time. A Few drops of ammonia in water will thoroughly cleanse the dirtiest brush or comb. Candles improve by being kept three or four months, ;and are better, therefore, if bought by the box. To test nutmegs prjck them with a pin j if they are good,j the qil will at once spread round the puncture. Ronnhps Arri fnnd nf flnnr nnsto nn.l :r .j k -i i V" u P""!"'" ' ! rrvr J a n t ra t f tirt ( K (.4 il 1 . Y 1 ,i: .i .:i .:l:. uiu mi line emu-ir u. i Hf.l 1J.-1 1 U-il A. ? ll Auoius&es siiwuiu ue Kept hi a ceiiar, r i i.i :J i j A,cvcr P ' g'a ware, as 111 ! ne v,neSar "fms a poisonous com Jpouud with the glazing. Cheese soft jbetweeu the fingers is richest and best, aud should be kept m a box in a bool dry place. Wipe off the mould with a dryiqloth. Common house flieslmay be destroy ed by feeding jthein with grouud black pepper and sugar, as much as will lie on a dime, moistened with two teaspoonfuls 6f cream or rich milk. They eat it, seek the iiir, and die out of doors. rri, . 1.-1 V . viiiv uuuiu j. vu:t.t The best board fence that h pvpp been made here is called the "panel fence." It hds been in use for adoz en years, and now very little board fencing of any other The boards are usually twelve feet vSf "" nv.i.j i iuv. aiiu ui uccvili f ' maple or other hard wood. Four boards are nailed tosether with battens one in the middle and nno nlmut iV,f foot from each end, ! spreading the boards far enough apart to make the heitrht of the feuce. Four inch snunro posts are driven about eleven feet anart and these nanels1 hnnr on to the i e nosts unon hooks of hair ineh imn & m- - w a i r mm mm ; L driven into the posts. I This fence can now be made t here for twentv-five to now be eighty his owi cents per rod : if a man has own timber his outlay, aside from his work, need be but about twenty cents per rod made to nail A frame is usually he panels together upon bv sett i no- nn thr nrLts with blocks nailed upon them to hold the board the right disiance ariart, and iroi s iron plates to clinch the nails unon: clincl ing j It can be made in the winter or rainy days, and with a frame any 1 ' ' 1 man can make it. The pannels are piled up out cf the way until wanted. TU . 1 .! hu -i.--..: ... . j i i i i uc vuaia vau ue aiiarueneu anu hook I " S re- the be driven Iback without breaking the no n boards ; if a post rot or is broken it Unsts ' Shm.f.l , r.nai k- ken it can be replaced with a new nP n roa man m,ui.-.':t.:i with a crowba r. one to clri vt)d . " i . ' r T V?k - . -s . .... i . --... bnt w dr, nnt lrnw;f ft L- .rJ ' .i. - ' ., i " "i i I Tm (q) l Win! iiiinr erery fonctioa to more beal thiol tflUon. and is Urns m benefit in all diseases, i - In eliminating lb impurities of Ui blood, tirti natural and necessary riuH is tbe cure of Scrof ulous and ether sskin Eruptions and Diseases, Pyspepsla, Weakness of tbe .Stomach, Const t- yiaiiiw-i "1" tuiuvj, sec, are cured by tbe Baf Bitters. It is unequal ed as an anoettjEer and reiralar tonic. Itisaniedioinewbicbsbonld be In erery fam ily, and which, wherever used, will save Uxm payment of many doctors billa. ' . v -. . , -.v BotUes of two sixes ; prices, SO cents and tUXk , A Warner's tFjJli die sold, ;f y3 -y iDrnggista 'tam:MW( an eSiera t&Tf''tM n Medicine jil 1 P'iril fel everywhere. ; ZSJliS3 u tr TrriT-imi t.m z . 1 u. a. If tuuua CL bU. SSisx-J flf-Beiid for PamoblAt and TesimoniaU. I ' l : Just received a Nice Lot of MASOlfS IMPROVED HALF GALLON AND QUART Jara for Sale at ! EXXISS. 18:tf i mm oil AT 20 Cents per Gallon -or:- 5 Cents jer Quart at 200 Empty 200 Molasses and . Whisky B R R E L:S To arrive in a few days. As the demand for BARRELS will be grc:t. Call and leave orders at IEXNISS' Machine Oil, Tanner's Oi Terpentine and Varnish At EXXISS'. TO! m TOiS 93! ?! I! a i Just Heceived ! A Largo j Stock of Fresh ami Genuine Turnip Scd of Different Varieties at ENNIS3' ' 18:tf j GREAlEXCITpEME NT At No. 1, Ib. lily's Granite Row. IcCUBBIHS.' BEALL & CO. .; ; . . : llave just received their SPRING AND SUMMER STOCK OF NEW GOODS. . BOUGHT ENTIRELY FOR CASH at exceedingly low prices, vliicli cannot fail to-please, i They have a full and complete etock of DRY GOODS, GROCERIES, QVEEXSWARE, HATS, CATS, and STRAW GOODS, BOOTS and SHOES, NOTIONS, CLOTHING, j 1 : Fish, Bacon, Lard, Flour, Meal, &c. They are agcnts.fbr the sale -of JonK Mer rtman & Co's. BONE DUST, admitted to be the very best cotton and tobacco Fertili- zer in use.! Also, lor tne r rencn uurr mu Stones, Bolting Cloths, Eureka Smut Ma chine, &c; Don't fail to call at No. 1. March 26, 1830. j 4:ly P. S."We have fenced uri a Free hitch ing Lot in rear of of our Warehouse, where people can hitch and feed .'without bempr annoyed by cattle and hos. We intend putting np Stalls. ;f7 rso charge except to shut the gate. ! x TflEO. BIHBAM'S TEiaS FOR Fruits, Cigars, Candies, Books, . Pictures, And iPicture-Franiea 32; tf t t r 1 II I J I fin t . ..r-,e&A:- 3 : BONDS i To make Title to Land, and laborer and BLANK ADMINISTRATOR'S . SALE ' NOTICES T" . '. I" . For Salp at this Office. ISPIilllll! We are determined that our LARGE STQiOK -OF IER GOODS SiJULL BE SOLI) We offert Special , Prices , to Cash Prompt Paying buycra. Our gtock TOO LARGE and is For us to attempt to enuniete lierej But if j pu will call aud scp us, we ' PLEDGE OURSELVES Jo make it to your. INTEREST, REMEMBER : We are Determined io Sell j Our Seaso?able Goods. ROSS & GREENFIELD. May 19, 1830. 23:ly Valaa'ole GoldHiEB Property! 15y virtue of a certain Mortgage made to me as Trustee, I will ell on the premise on Ihe 24lh fay of May next, fur cadi, all the proper ty of theEowan Gold and Copper Kining Company cf Biltinore, consisting f lus acres of land, with whatever Machinery there may be tliereon, tosetlier with all the Minerals, Mininsj; Rights, Privileges, Immunities, ini piovementa and appurtenances thereto belong ing or in any way appertaining being the property so long and well known as the lly tner Mine. - Bfu For description of property and title see Mortgize to the undersigned dated Febru ary 2oth, 1801, and recorded in liook No. 42, prge 2 )4, in tbe Kegisler's ofnee of llowan C)ur.ty, N. ('. J0IIS" A. THOMPSON, Trt.stee. Kowan Co., April 10, 1880. 2C:Gv. Tliat Li SHOP AROUND He CORNER TO THE PU31IC GHEETIFJGs JULIAN &FRALEY, Calm Me., and Carpenters. " Their prices are as low as it is possible to make lit. ui, ami their work not iiiferior to any. They till or.L-is i;i two deparUuciils. Tlitfir ready rna;le stock in hand comprises a genera! assortment of houe furniture Bed steads, Ilnreiius, Clothes Presses, '.. Lounges, Hacks. Warlrohts,' Kok -Cases, Cnpbnaj-d -a nd China Presses, Candle Stands, Tin Safes, Desks. Tables, Va-h.-ta!ids, Chairs They also keep an assorttuent of COFFIisS of walnut, pine an l p -plar, from $1 upwards. Also, Window Sasli They fill orders without vexatious delays. Will contract for carpenter's work and warrant satisfaction. Will take good Itimhvr and nuintry produce in exchange for furniture. Shop nearly opposite Watchman Office. JULIAN & FKA LEY. 4:ly GRAY'S S?CSF13 rv1E3!Si?lE. TRAD r..ARX'l' at KiiiClisLvRADE MARX REMEDY ; An un- T!SrV lauln - niTV KIT .V Ss. Knfrp.:.tftrrhP!i : :; Impotency, md all W 3 diseiises til. it follow as a sequence of DEFOSE TAXISa.in the Ra. !; IMm-AFTER TA5J2S. ness of V'isi .ii. rTmature 1I A(fe, ami many tmwr Diseases that lead to lasaali;. ot Consumption, and. a rremature urave. FFull particulars In our pa:np.iiot, w .1-5? SO desire to son.-t free by mill u every one. JsThe specllle .M.ai 'lneis sold by aU clni',-j,'i.-;t fi :it packoe, or six pakntresTor 5, or will be s'ui free bj' mall on receipt ot the r .ney by ...Irtressln CRAY MEDICINE CO.. Mechanics' mkk, pkirhtt. .Vich. 3??-Sol(l In SalLsbury an1 eveiywhere by all j-uggist. 7:iy. SMITH'S WORM OIL ! Athens, Ga., February 22, 1878. ' Sir : My child, fiveyears old, had symptoms of worms. I tried calomel and other Worm Medicines, but failed to expf 1 nr. Seeing Mr Bain's certificate, I got a vial f yonr Worm Oil, and the first dose brought forty worm?, and the second dose, so many were panted I did not count thera. S. H. Adams. Prepared by Dr. E. S- LYNDON, . Athens, Ga. For Sale by Da. T. F. KLUTTZ, Salisbury, N. C, ' And lJruggisu general. liu:ly II MX lilllJ :One Hundred Bushels of Onions; also, One Hundred Bushels of Peach Stones, at ENNISS' OH BJ1 mm ira f1 trtw "s? t. x vg,w. ua"j. NOW IS THE TIME TO SUBSCEIE FOR THE WATPHMAP BINGHAM SCHOOL, r . MEBANE3YILLE, Nj.C.,;, v,. ' ' Established in 1793, Is now Pre-etmuent amoo s Souther- Boarding Schools for boys in apje,: nunin bersand area patronare. .The 1713rd fees- sion begins July 29th.: For .: catalogue, giving lull particulars, address ' . . . JMaj. ii. BIN GUAM, Sup7t, 35:3tp . GhlirCh & C0?S; Fine Baking Soda, Put up in neat ; packages, for sale at J. 1). McXEELY'S. IMPROVED PATENT LIVER PAD ! ' " ITxvxx Qxru Raxo.' CmM SB MXSX AXt STKXS GTH DSIIXXD. IiMT Twicx as Lose. - Kseuef Caiel iaattlsgs!ajti STrtsa. " - - ----- ft ctrxxs -CMlsindFeTtr, Lher Conjoint. Ehematisa, remalo Sick & Kcrroni Headache. . These Pads Core all Diseases br Absorption. lf Noxious Pills, Oiis, or Poisonous Medicines are takfti Into tbe Stomach. , The Part are worn over the Pit of the Stomach, covering the Great Nerve Centre, als- the Liver and Stomach. A gentle VeRetable Tonic i absorbed i nto theciirulation o f the Blood and Liver, purtfjiDf? the Blood, stimulating tbe LiTeraad Kidneys to healthr -action, and strenirtheniDK the 6tomach to digest food. Prick or Pads 1 akD ti xach. Solo xt all CBPCGisTs,or sent by Mail or Express. . Manufactarrd at 39 & 41 North Lixxxi t St Baltimors. Mo. For 'mW .-ii X. 2". SLTJTXZ'S Drng Store. 30:Cm. Praculoai Blcaksxiitih. HORSES LiOifilt.-- f i C P .onntv,. wiih Drown Vei tile's Llrery O 't.-tiv'h. UC 14 u-..:.u no ui' Mj''-n tei.t any uaK' ut :-;. At!r!.o.-i.:-o:i -.IVK-tii -Iriililicpiin ciilet ana WAKtisNTtO. ktuu:: UUv-'uSiullUing yromptij iIviia-. l:ly SuberiUe for tio Vv'alcluu;in ot;l Sr AKE ARE UP LP YOUR OUR w'LUBS-sa P0R TEE CAROLINA WATCHMAN, The JiKST Weekly in Western North Carolina. Only $1.50 a year iu advance. feweSi rC p U r3 ti HE0. F. KLUTTZ. 1 HAS JUST RECEIVED A CAR-LOAD ---r(r. 3 3 3 i-k-t . GeMrlfii lis MisrJ ! The Chemicals for making 1 Ton will he j Moid lor 314, r 200 lbs. cf Gotten i No- I vt-nihtr. , ! Cotton Sttl or Slahle Manure required, j Tliif Ft rlilizi 1 is f.illy equal to tl lii li- j prict il, so-called Guanos, orid al les titan half j the price. I r . for l the followmp wtJI known Kii.tltniH', win) ustd it la.-treason on cotton: John V. liarrinicvr, Jas. P.. (jiht-on, V. F. Walson, Tiio. C. Vatson, K. T. Cowan, W. IJ. Mi-:ins. A. T.iit. J. G Cauhle. J. F. F. lirown, K. C. L"iU2, S. J M. nTown.and many others, j Call early i n your supuln s and save money. T. F. KLUTTS, Druggist. Sf4i E 8! IT i.ij rri'iA' of Eu: st' 3 Ctfiebrated Garden Seeds. P.KMEMilLll THAT is the .nly' ee'l-Cl rower who W'AJiL'AM'S Lis Seeds. Look evevv paper of Fer.. "s, LanilretliV, f. il)liyV, ite., w;-., niul s - it von 11 nd ai( uuimnit n 1,011 tlu-.n. Jit; ware of worthless, nn- 1 . , v:u rauiiMi e.oni m; sion te, anu eoiue 10 - i t 1 KLUTZ'S t'-r ILiist's which are warran ted IVesli inl t-i.unu'.. THE0 ?. ELUTTZ, Dru-jist. !hlv i . i . 1 1 vi;mel --M-ortgairefc, ariou "lher blunk lr sa le lier- JiiJi 14' J. ( 1 TV 17S71 k & MOHT Fee Simple Deeds, Deeds in Trust, Mortgage Deeds, Coiiimissioners' Dcrdi, Deeds, Chattle Mortgae?, Farm Contracts, Marriage ' aiid dmSrmation CertificMc, Distillers' Entries, and,-various -other fornix for" sale at the J "- ' WATCHMAN" OFFICE. - SALE NOTICES; Administrator?, executors, commissioner?, sheriff, constables, agents, &c'., re adviwdW call on us for printed sale notices. It is certainly great i.Jutit'e to owners topPBP. their property at public auction without first giving ample' notire of the galc.Tf ; qnirenicnts of the law' on the' subject everv Wdv knowirre insufiieieot. ' PfopyW, often sacriliee! from this cause when a dollar or "two spejnt in advertising might ht. saved it aud made it bring its value. We Who has once used the PEOPLES' 31ACIIIXF will the ire - XiETTint aVid Note Heads -Rir7irT? Cards and Exvelop'es printed to ' at ratcs" Cal1 at this office " bury, will reopen, on the J8t Mondl ' August, 1880. v f ' Jlonaaf.. -Itev. H. M Brows, A.SL, Pr '. mmeaBousuoLD watch, thataid-fa he necessary thicknes-s fprengra?in uc.BrJ uivo ipr engra?in. ,nd KlflfV m 1 VA IMi.nn.t. 1 . I O " U DOU engraved portion, in plaee, and Upp 2 JJ -old is actual. needless solar as VTjrnr beautj are concerned. In James ... ' . ."- : "v"'" in n..' 'ViUJjy., James Bom. .PA!TiMff.:.WATCa,ciAa-i at from one-third T p-halfoi I of solid casefv This protesis of iL 'j coraposuion metal, .eapecialjT-adabtedi?r purpose, has. t Wo plates of solid ethtkSf t ed one on each de. The th?ee Je K I ed between polished fetee!' rollers, rd ij.- from which the cases, Hcks,. centroi, Ac, are ciit tnd shaped by. RuUabiedi?J ' fonaers, .The gold in these cases ii ,,.: "j mJ position Iy thick taanritoralh kinds of chS'T rivi'nr .(! Vn.mollirn i ... 'intra hkn ,Airiiii1 tiniJ m ,. . " by time and wee without removing the 0ij Thia i the only Csse Made withTwoi- V '- riatcs of Solid Gold Warrant by BpwiaT Certificate. - p j.,, For ile by J, & II. IIOUAII. ':! 1,. ? BEST 113 THE WORLD ! .k It 2- Impur I51-rar f?oda In cf a sliglitly dirty ivhlto color. It mar appear wL.lt. examined br it- e!r, bnt a COIrPAtilSON flTlt , cnimriT; & r.'s ak!hand 1 IIAITIUS Elt ' thow', tli ditlcrcnce. - :-) Seo that TTir KaktnE: Soda l xvrilteandJPl.KE.aonhould b ALL SI.TIII.AJli SUtiiSr XSCIZS used lor i rood. . 1 A simple bnt erven trsft oftha ccnrttin . value ot different brands of Pxl is to diiiolte . denert Fpooahii cS ench k ind with about k ptnt 1 cf water (hot preferred) in clear plasws, nirrinr tin til all ia thoronghly diseolred. Th delete- xious insoluble mutter ia tha infcriorlioiwitt.j be ahowri aftef wf t)in Bome twenty mhvtr or eooner, by tho milky tppetraao of tba toiutia S and the quantity of Cos-tuij flocky isatter u- ' cordirg to quality. ' ' , Be inire ami Xsk for Chorch & Co.'s S1 at4" cce that 1 r-tir rift me ia en tbe packaa and ytra will get tie potest and -whitest mou-e. Jtie osa '- t thin with bout milk, in prelerrcca to Vi ' 1'owder, eaves twenty times ita cost. ' Sea one "poind pvekaga f.r raluable iafona i tioa and read carefully. - ( .SHOW-THIS TO YOUR GROCER. MDWJUffi i. ' ' W5IEr YOU WA.VT- At iLow Figures : i Call on the undersigned at Ko. 2, (i"niUj 1 -D .A. AT WELL. JniH- S If. 1 Salishurv N . C , Special Term of the Su pcrior Court of Bow Qmntij. Xotiee is hereby giveirto all Parties taj Suits, Wit uessi Attorney, aud to H whom it may eotieein,' that a Siecial Term of the Supi rior Court of Tfowa-, Countv -will be at f!n- Court lions : in Salisbury,, onMojuhfy, the niutli day of August, 1 &!(,' il.r (lie trial oi kytbi eases, and continue until the lusin :6 i dispostd D..A. DAVIS, Cliainr 5a ("oiunty Cointuifi'is of Koian. II. X. Wo.iasox, Cl'k lioard of CnutJ ('oinniis-sioiK vs. rjTaiw sb i-rift furnish sale notices promptly and clieapj j 14 HOifATCipf It will be apparent to anyone: wLV'-- GAGEB prefer it ovei all others m AGENTS gelling it find it just at PEOPLE want. It makes1 th shuttle lock stitclrf runs easily,; does the widestraie uoik. and winds the 'bobbins withouthroflDUl : - . works of the machine. Write for descry circulars and full, particulars. 130L& 1303 Buttonwood St Dnilnr? olnn . ni Onrrntinr T.Trlnli.nfl flf. PHILADELPHIA, PA; . ' t - a . . . i a .a. 11 Liiiiiir inr iiiiTiir a r . a m