Thi Carolina Watchman, ! rWiBLISIIED IN THE YEAR 1832. . avRACI ADVLRTISIKG RATES. 5TTI ..DBninvi iso' r $1.50 2."5U 43.&U $5.9 f8.t 3.00 j 4.50 . 5.25 7.5 129 -4.50 - 6.00 7.60 1 11.99 15.99 -1 6.00 'T.50 9.03 1 13.59 18.69 1.50 .- 11.25 16.69 25.S9 11.25 15.75 20.50 40.19 18.75 2&25 83.75 48.75 75.99 J. UEMEDYror tha core f Serof. ala. tijpbllls, Scrofaloas Taint, Ehen .Itlun. White BweKlus.Cont. Goitre. IConMmptloB. ItonehHlff, Kenromt B. Ciliti. MiUrU, anil all aiseaiet arlslHg pTom an Impure coudltloa of tas blood, Lkla or scalp. ' " " : - CURES SCROFULA. Cures Rlteumatlsm. S3 t - Cures SypbillJ. - Cures Malaria. , I 'Cures Nervous Debility. f ? fun ' li-rniit- i:'nrii''iiiniiriii'iTri f j I : CURES COXSU3IPTIOK. 3 ia 'a 1 1 Btronee?V filtcratlvos that exist, and la an lexcellent lllood Pur tier. t0SADALI3 Is eold by oil DroggiBta. IS MIS jir For 21 AN and BEAST. j ij titeraal and Internal. TSZ OEE-dTST FACT EELI2VSP. OF TES AGg. (Mi w mi JHE CBEAT VEGETABLE CATHAETIC Vedabie WORM SYRUP brplHsiclaaa an tiio czb V cr-X IIJ 13 -f or ua:c nv an irurr:j:a. ' JOHN r. HENUY. CTJRRAK CO., H i - sous riionTOEn, , i 3t College Tlacc, 3r ' j m For Sals bv T. F. KLTJTTZ, Dru gilt, fcHli.sbury, N. C JAMES M. GRAY, Attorney and Counssllcr at Law, Salisbury, k. c. Offijic in 'the Court House lot, next doo ' MSqtjpre anghton. Will practice in all the I'uurts of the State ArilJlXEY AT LA M iAtjlS15URY,N!c., it! ; -Is - 'i 1 i I PrlctiUs in the State and Federal T Courts. 1 . " n2:GiV jjKfiRRCBA'IGB, Attorneys, Counselors i and Solicitors. SALISBURY, N. C Jaaay22 1879 tt. UNITY HIGH SCHOOL. tprm if tliia Rphnol will DIIPII'. . x Mi August .3rd, 18SO. 1" njs, &c., address - t - 9;lni - i ' J Wood Leaf, N. C. eisioro Female College, Greensboro, TI. C. Tbe 40t1 C.!- t.,. " or;4i. -r 1 -...:iVl TI III lil VI IUV I IS J ADpu4 - j -. - - 1 - . - 0 t f'KWeH known Inst itntion offers superior bin d fltoent1 moral culture, com 4j J-th fle ceiuforls f a tleai?ant, well or- in ,of aslilng and liglit) and Tuition !glMh foure, $75. Extra Studies F.or parliculitr snnlv to I- THHpressly for infants at 3tft 7" MRS. D. I. BEIHGLE'S. tsaseDeeds for sale hero ! hv various other blans. 0 a? i A PANACEA I I- K A. 2- j J rf ! t POETRY. Kvcry Year. Tbe springlias less of brightness - I Every yearj cry year ; . ; Every year. Tr J-rnviti(f l4fl-? nnlilui. As th heart a ml soul grow older -1 j ery year j I care no inoie for dancing, Or foreyes with passion glancing, Love is less and less entraucing ' j : Every year. Of tho' love aiid sorrows blended ' ; Every year ; Of the chartiisof li iendship ended " Every year ; Of the ties that still might bind me, Until Time and Death resigned iue, My infinities remind me Every year. Ah ! how sad to look before, ns - Every year ; While the cloud growsdaf kcr o'er us . Every year ; When tlie blossoms are all faded, That to bloom ve might have aided, And immortal garlands braided Every year. To the past go more dead faces . b Every year; As the loved leave vacant places Eyerj; year ; Everywhere t hi-'sad -eyes meet ns, I the coming dusk they greet us, And xo-eome to them entreat us 1 Every year. 'You are growing old," they tell us - Every year ; "You are more alone," they tell us Every year j "You can win no new aflfection-, You have onlv recollection, Deeper sorrow and dejection j Every year. Yes! the short s of life are shifting Every year . -And we are seaward. drifting i ' -Everv vear i t a. 7 Old places changing fret us, The living nioie forget up, There are fewer to regret us -Every year. But the truer life draws nigher ! Every year ; . And the morning star climbs higher, -Every year; Earth's -Jiold oji its grows slighter, And the. heavy hu rdeu lighter, , And the dawn .immortal-brighter Every year. Albert File. Robert Burns. BY IIENHT W. LQN'GFELLOW. I see amid th fields of Ayr A plowman, who in foul or fair," i Sings at his task,! OO IHitl 11MM II lb The laverock's song we hear, or his! ror care- to ask. i For him the plowing of thosefields i A more ethereal harvest yields j Than sheaves of grain ; " : Songs tiusb with purple bloom the rye j The plover's call, the curlew's cry, j Sing in his brain. Touched by his hand the way-side weed Becomes a flower ; the lowliest reed liesule tlie stieam r - ; Is clothed with beauty ; horse and grass Aud heather, where his footsteps pass He sings of love, whoso flame illumes " The darkness of love cottage rooms; He feels the force, - The treacherous under-tow and stress. Uf the wayward passions and no less The keen remorse. At moments, wrestling witfi his fate, ; -His voieels harsh, but not with hatej The brush-wood bung -". Above the tavern door lets fall Its bitter leaf, its drop of gall, Upon his tongue.! i But still the burden of his song In love-of right, disdain of wrong ; O. In master-chords Axe Manhood, Freedom, Brotherhood j Its discord but au interlude Between the words. . And then to die so youugrand leave j Unfinished what he might achieve ! Yet better sure Is this than wandering up and down, Au jold man in a country town, Infirm and poor. For now he haunts his native land As an immortal youth ; his hand ; Guides every plow ; He sits beside each ingle-nook ; His voice is in each rushing brook, Each rnstling bough. His presence haunts this room to-night, A form of mingled mist and light. From the far coast. -Welcome beneath this roof of mine ! Welcome ! this vacant chair is thiue, Dear guest and ghost. New York, Sept. 3. The police to-day raided on the oflice of the Louisianna State Lottery, 319 Broadway, and arrested three e'erks selling tickets; After the police left the other clerks resumed the sale of tickets, The police, at intervals, warned them to stop, bnt nqjittention was paid to the warn ing and other arrests are expected. ' j Wix.xiXGTOr, N.C, Sept. ; 3. Steven Richardson, colored, was hanged" hereto day for) the-murder of his mother-in-law Lucy Phenney on the night of July 19. his death was almost instantaneo us. ., ; -- '- Bex'i CoscxDnuM.Gcn. Butler's latest political conundrum will go the round o the country t MIf Grant could not be treat. ed with a third term, holr can the Bepubli can party be trusted with a sixth term? iWv World. ... 1 POIilTICAI. , The Campaign Text Bo ok. . - The Deniscratic Committee are doing good yrk placing Vhard practical, fact" r,f M.,- s,t,trnvMl firadffrind tvix, before. T . "i I O the public, and appealing to the national anii it mote in matters of iudxrment than of feeling. - We have before ns, in the simple an- nails of Garfield's record, an indictment lvitlinr t APrion nf iiwliMnmnta imintinrT ! out disqualification fr any office ot honor : trust or profit under the United States government, and, of course, with still greater force, for any othce m or ot the. government, and still greatest; for that office which, of all others, particularly as administered bv radical incumbents, is . ..'ii ..a it. sr, ior mac i fie government. These iudictmeots inr ! volve a history of all the principal scan- ; dais which have vexed the public mind ; for many years, and brought the charac;- ter and institutions of the United States , , . -. ,. into reproach the world over, "liiisdis;- graceful record," say the committee i.i I their arraignment, "would have i-enuer- ed General7 Garfield's nomination, even the various nominations, and their by the Republican party, for the presi delegates had no other alternative dency impossible, had such a misfortune but to represcnt the wishes of the ma- been supposed possible. His nomination ... , , . ,, . 1 r i.i c 11 jonty of the people in their town was an accident. And then follow nine J J r teen heads of the complaint, ranging from sll4s. It would have madeJ. Madi the Credit Mobelier frauds to the Pacific son Wells and the Louisiana return Mail steal, and thence to his corruptions ing board blush to have witnessed the in Congress. With those several topics boldness manifested bv certain dele we shalWdeal in turn as opportunity gBtes i that convention tocapture the serves. '-Today we make brief reference ..... . . - , . , , . . . . 1W ., i nomination already given to another to a supplemental sheet just issued by the r J b committee. man. The central executive com- In this we have brought clearly before mittee laid down a plan governing usiu extracts from the Congressionat Globe, township meet iugs and each and every a history of the. efforts made and the one of that C:niiniUee has given as wiles resorted to by Garfield to legislate , . . . - , . . , , . his opinion that Mr. aartrouer was uenerai naneocK ouc or omce xo sacri- tke to his petty spleen a faithful officer, whose crime was obedience to the and re- fusal to resort to tho government of the s.vord; to remove from positio and honor a military . commander -who -.had had the good sense of recognizing that in time. of peace lhe civil law was superior to inatial terroism and drumhead courts;. Well, "the mills of the gods grind slow ly," and unx it will be Hancock's turn, before the higher tribunal of the nation, to meet and confound his ancient enemy. In November, 1807, Hancock assumed command of Louisiana and Texas,. and then was issued his famous order No. 40, in which was proclaimed that the great principles of . American liberty are still the lawful inheri- tanceof the people, adding: "The right of trial bv jurv, the habeas corpus, tlie liberty , .. , , r of the press, the freedom of speech, the na- toral rights of persons and-the rights ol pro - perty, must be preserved." Here w&s a statesman s prpnouncement from a soldier's pen; here, aconstitution, in tatLe, ocyond which any nation desiring freedom or pro tending to its possession need not go. But Mr. Garfield, the President- nominate of the Radical party, could not sec it in that liyht when could any of the party since the days" of Lincoln see liberty of thought or freedom of action in any favorable aspect- 1868, less than two months after Hancock's model manifesto, asked the unanimous con sent of Congress to offer for consideration i and action a bill to -reduce and improvelhe miliary esiaonsmnent oy awcnarging. one axajor-vjcuci ai. it .: 1 A bill to "improve" tlie military establish ment into a military despotism a bill to remove the constitutional soldier to give full swing to the imperial absolutist a bill to punish the military commander who had not forgotten that the civil element and its prosperity were the condition and comple ment of - the nation's life. This bill fell through; but a second bill was soon after introduced which struck at Hancock also, for it aimed at compelling Jhe Major-Gener-af to obey the orders of the General of the Army (Grant) and net of Johnson, the Pres ident. The real animos.was to subordinate the civil to the military power ia all the South, and to remove Hancock because he recognized the law as superior to the sword. Garfield's speech in support of this latter bill is a model of vituperation and venom. President Johnson was attacked for using his authority to obstruct and delay the res toration of the States, and Hancock was re ferred to as the Major-General of the Army, in whom Johnson had found a facile instru ment for obstructing reconstruction. This bill passed the house yeas, 124, all Republicans nays, 45, all Democrats Jas. A. Garfield- voting in the majority for te humiliation of Hancock. And now, as tljie committeeVdocumerit pointedly puts it jit is Hancock, the soldier, civilian and the law. against Garfield, the disgraced civilian, and the sword above the law. Gbast Not a Bad Mas. There are sonic flowers on every, thorn bush. It appears from Gen. Grant's Galena speech that he is not as bad as he might be. His voting re cord is a clean one, inasmuch as he has nei ther cast a ballot for himself nor for Hayes. Courier Journal. " j A Dibtt Flixo George B. McClcUan contemplates retiring from politics at the expiration of his present term of office. George can always find employment. For instance, he can hire out as a patent ditch digger. Baltimore Americmu If he were a "patent" fool-killer he might find work in Baltimore. He is a Democrat ic toldier, hence the dirty fling. j Itowan Politics. The Other Side of the Trouble About the Sheriff' Nomination. , iu- y issue ot lue ioserper,. a nonce a communication sitrnM V "X ." from ' this place, attempting t!give a report of ti,e DroceedinPs of thi cf.untv con. ' I D . - . J 7 - vention held here oh last Saturday. IIe Sive3 the names of the nominees, but does not say whether it was by fair or fraudulent means that his can- ! didate for sheriff has his, name before : ' ' - . " fi, nAlin 0 tn.,. Th U votes for his man very much resem- bIes tl3 work of ; a retutniu boards A number of the delegates from ' the different townships bolted the instruc- tiolls Df their resnretive townshins ? 4i .1 tm given them to this convention. Iheir . . . townships expresed their preference at the ballot box lur candidates tor tlie 'gally nminated candidate for sheriff. If Mr. Waggoner is not the nominee. of the Democratic party for sheriff, the convention that met here on last Saturday failed to make a nomination for any oflice at all. Mr. Waggoner's nomination wasthe same as those for the legislature,and thecon vention recognized their nomination by t lie people and ratified it, when Mr. Warij:aner had more of the elec toral votes than any of them, but certain members ot prominence in that convention said that they did not care for tie nomination of mem- , . WQa .!, ei.PP;ff that Hiav i , r, . , . . .... wanted, i his shows their willing- t . . , i ness t0 vlolate t,,e lstructiOUS of the ; lejple and express tlieir individual views to defeat Mr.-H aifiioner. We views to defeat Mr.-Wagoner. had the same trouble two year ago, when Mr. Bingham claimed the nomi nation and canvassed tlie county for ; omce, but tlie people toiu nun . at 1 a t . t 1 .111 the ballot box he was not wanted, j &m re-elected Mr. Waggoner by a j ni;l:orky over Bingham of 731 votes. "X" has a good deal of cheek to say in his report that it is believed that Mr. Waggoner would run indepen- j dent when he well knows that the : j . lH t portion Gf that conven 1 o tion declared Mr. Waggoner the.Ie gallv nominated candidate of the Democratic party two hours before Mr. Bingham's friends could find room to stick lini in ; and that was only done as the convention was ad journing. The people will ratify Mr. Waggoner's nomination ' in Novem ber, and the harmony of the party will not be disturbed thereby, but it may disorganixe "X" and his friends. They tried their hands two years ago, and may be used to defeat and hot take it very hard. Hancock, Jarvis, Armfield, and the whole State ticket, will not suffer anything by the sher iff's race, as our people are too good Democrats to forget their allegiance to the party and not vote the whole ticket. Very respectfully, : XX. The Charlotte Democrat, whose ed itor has lived in Charlotte for the last twenty-five years, characterises the assertion as a baseless fabrication. The Democrat says : "Gen. Barringer is reported as as serting in one of his speeches in Stan ly county, that the people of Meck lenburg and Charlotte were so intoler ant as .to refuse at one time to permit the late Gov!. Morehead to speak in Charlotte. The assertion is without the least foundation in truth, and the General must certainly have been cra zy whea he made such a statement. No respectable man of any party was ev er , prevented ' from making a public speech in this city, before or since the war. n t an BE- IMPORTANT DIFFERENCE TWEEN THE TWO MEN. General Hancock U a man of cor- j rect, high and.noble instincts. No- i r MWuuuy,uouui8 u. l one lmP"tes to him a mean act urinS his whole life, Xo .stain of pecuniary corruption rests upon him : nor ,anv accusation of mndnct . - -vwmw VTA .1 1 1 . .. i uouoiiui integrity. I Sneh a man in the White House t ww all a A IT . f A A "V1 "dl"ri surrouna nimselt with u,v' 01 'e instincts and ot similar t i . 1 t character. Hancock would never knowingly appoint a dishonest man : to office ; and if by mistake be should i appoint such a man, he would be prompt and decided in rectifying the mistake by an unceremonious remov al as soon as it was discovered. Witli General Hancock President the country would enjoy that substan tial, practical, desirable reform in the civil service which, naturally comes j from having a pure, robust, upright man, intoleraut of dishonesty aud of negligence at the head of affairs. We should have what is attainable of civ il service reform, in substance, in place of so much sentimental twaddle, with out performance, on that subject as we have now. In these respects Gen. Garfield is the very oppoiite of General Hancock. His training is that of the mere party politician. By instinct and habit he is a demagogue. His strength consists mainly in the adriot practice of the arts of the partisan. For money he betrayed hisrust as a member of the National Legislature; for office he bdsely betrayed his confiding friend in the Chicago Convention. If elect ed he would environ himself with low aud venal characters , like Richard Harrington, who is one of his promi nent and most ardent supporters. With a man for President who has once dishonorably put money in his purse, what sort of characters may we expect to see in subordinate places. Let the thoughtful, intelligent, con scientious, patriotic voters of the Uni ted States consider these great differ ences between Hancock and Garfield. N. Y. Sun, (Aug. 22d.) Extraordinary Lying:. January 31, 1879, John Sherman wrote the following letter to Chester Ai Arthur, collector of customs of New York, now the Republican can didate for the Vice Presidency : ''Gross abuses of administration have continued and iucreased during your incumbency. Persons have been regularly paid by you who have ren dered little or no service. The ex penses of yonr office have increased, winie its receipts have diminished. Bijibes, or gratuities in the shape of bribes, have been received by your huboiditiatcs in several branches of th$ custom house, and you have in no case supported tlie effort 10 correct these abuses. 111 his Cincinnati speech last Mon day he said : have never mid one word impugn ing Gen. Arthur's honor or integrity as a man and a gentleman, but he was not in harmony with the views of the au ministration in the management of the custom houfse. While I would not, perhaps, have recommended his uom ination, yet I would vote for him for Vice Presiiei-t a million times before 1 would vote for W H English, with whom I served in Congress. Siif-convicted of most extraordina rv lying. His mendacious tongue wags on all the same. A Model Candidate. The Democratic party has very good reason to be satisfied with its candidate, no mistakes. Thus far he has made Nor is this all. Everything which has been developed of the past history of Gen n.nnrV rrrimmdg to his credit. His letter to Gen. Sherman alone ought to elect him No bribery, jio fraudulent transaction, taint his name. He appears, by all that is brought to light about him, to be a man of sound sense and of a remarkably clear and intelli gent views of personal rights and of consti tutional law. If Gen. Hancock continues on the discreet course he has thu3 far pursued, he will be regarded and spoken of as the Model Can didate. And there is good reason to believe that the model candidate wilUmake'a Model President. ., v ' " ' The people of the United States pay MrJ fechurz $8,000 a year and travel ing Expenses to make Republican stump speeches. Phila. Chronicle Hancock and Garfield. Before Buxton got awa iVom him; J?r.v.,Proved on him that at the be- j ginning of the .war he started to raise ! !2" I0' W and " I maBiog eaupelre lor the Confederate 1 nearly all the old secessionists and war; men in North Carolina are Rad ical now, and take pleasure in de nouncing the Dmrpmfir a " " " t J JUi itiging on the war. -Landmark H or It would seen that the love of toe' lie- m a - i publican party for the begro is not alto- t5"'?r 01 eartn earthy. "Sunset" Cox IfiB tn f Sa. . , . has interviewed a negro who went to hell in a dream. "Were there any Democrats there V "Yes, right smart sprfnkliV." ' "Any Republicans V . "Hell war full of 'em." "What were they doing V nre. I MISCELLANEOUS. The Business Men. How they View the Situation 0 South cm Trade. The Brooklyn ITtnjZe has interviewed lost votes. We see it in 1876, in the ago the large business firms of New York, or ny of shipwreck, clinging to the floatiti" their representatives, of A. T. Stweart & spars of a few technichal quibbles, whiro Co., 11. ii. uanin & Co., T. B. Se ll. K. Thorbcr & Co., Dunn, Wyman & Co., Tefft, Griswold & Co., Deuham, Duckley j battered decks until, finally, we see it cs & Co., Bates, Reed & Cooley, E. S. Jaf- capingxlcath bn lifecraft of a juggling ar- -fray k, Co., Howard Bros. & Reed, and bitration. The ecepe changes and wo seo Mills & Gibb on the state of trade be- tween the North and South, and draws these conclusions from what they say : animated by Flaiiagan'scommandingspir First They without exception give it we hear them bandying for a whole the lie to every pretence that the South week the name of the once illustrious man ern people exhibit any hostility to North- ern men. unfamiliar assertion that Northern men, j unless they be Democrats, are ostracised in Southern communities, and that the Southern people will not do business tfitb Northern Republicans, or for that matter with Republicans from any sec- ion. no respect different from what prevails with good men here. 1 here is atumtiou J from each other and kept there in an end to business, contempt for issues that I less duel. "I denounce these doctrines arc dead beyond recall, love of honor aud justice between man and man. Fourth As between tho negro and the white they report a steadily growing good will, born of tlie colored man's ap preciation of his identity in poiut of in tcrest with his white neighbor, and the white man's equally clear appreciation that the colored man's labor is indispen sable to him. Fifth Of the reported bulldozing, se cession sentiment and general violence they have seen and heard nothing except in the columns of partisan newspapers. Sixth Their proof of sincerity in af- firming the peaceable purposes of the South and the integrity of the people, is furnished in the fact that they are do- ing trade in every Southern city and town, have given them credit to the ex-, tent of millions, and are pressing them to accept millions more. The tidal wave ot emigration is about to 8trike this country with treme&dous force, Our dispatches this morning indicate la- bor troubles in England which promises to send to this country a most valuable popu- lation. Emigration t: America offers the only certain extrication from the disastrous c jmplu ations that now surround them. .Ex- iraorninary as uie uermsn emigration na 11. r 1! 1 I Deen, it is largely on me increase, iue cseki being the church troubles, the pressure of increased fixation, the greater cost of living, the political reaction, and the dread of ac- tive service in the army. Bremen, Stetting, nauiuuis ' v -aDtuwwiwoui- tlie fir&t 6ix months of 1880 & (ol& of 5U,4lz persons, againsi oniy io,uy in me same nine in lotv, o,o m ioio, muu ijcct: A man may not marry I. Grand 021 in 1877 that is to sayrthe emigration mother. 2. Grandfather's wife. 3 this year is 8,478 in excess of the aggre- gate for the first six months of tbe three preceding years, now many or me sturdy and thrifty emigrants has North Carolina received t How many will she receive in the future? The State is almost unknown. How are these emigrants likely to hear of it! Not only are me v esiern otaies active ana energetic in distributing such information among these people as might induce them to go there, but other countries are in the field. Tbe Canada, the different provinces of Australia, New Zealand and several North American States are pressing their attrac tions on the attention of emigrants. ine5eareco..uc,a ,,,u... u,c that meets Raleigh next winter, and we shall advert to them again and agam.-Char. Observer. TheEbro Bridge Disaster. New York, Sept, 3. A special from Paris gives the fol lowing particulars of an accident on the river Ebro : LogTona is a beautiful town built on the right bank of the Ebro, where tne river is acep. a regimes oi mc ne at pointg ,n their respectiTe District was crossing on a pontoon bridge, the band ' do not conflicfc w itli previoas en playing gaily, when the bridge gave way, ' gageroents : v , -. carrying into the river more than one hun- jit. venon, Botraa cooBtr, XoBasT.'teptT'it dred men and ofScers. Tlie scene that fol-1 sntesvuie, ireleit county, Tuesdar, Sept." t4 lowed was one of indescribable horror. Pan- ;JrWf;-"' 1 , ,j- i. v.- , . "iadklurtUe.ladiln conaty, Taarsj,ls U ic stricken soldieri on the ihore were unsb.s kv.i, firry . rcmnty, Friday, gpvir, - - -' : : '. . - to assist', their 'droiming' comrades: who cre clinging to the debris of theTmdge. Th.c -su,t waa that most of them sank, "all aSSETM? The uthoriiU T ,V' search was prolonged by the aid of torches .ic .a me nigiit. The bodies of firs officers and seventy men hare been recover-' ed and others have been found by TillaVf lower down the river, where they were car ried by the stream. The pontoon bridge had been erected to enable passengers to cross the river while the stone bridge! was being repaired and had been pronounced" safe by the engineers. Seventy-nineperson in all are known to have been drowned. It is feared the full extent of the loseof life nv jew ueca ascertained. -. v Tlie Creed of Cain. 1 :t The Fannil TTnll m.tln. i n . - i::.. .. ... pvuwiB w assacuusetts. AlbertPalmer presided over this meeting, and made a speech that ringsn onr ears as we write. His arraignment of the Republican party with which he has acted for twenty year ; is one of the most scathing invectives in the history of politics. Kvery election day, he said, has marked the waning of its strengtlTby hundreds of thousands of the angry waves of a hostile popularjiia-" jority of a'quarter of a million swept its" it at Chicago tossed with internal dissen- tions, the prey of con ten ding factions, and who yet lives to link tliem with their greater nast and r! I - a kuvui cy they thrust aside the conqueror of Rich- mond for the hero of De GolyerandCred- it Mobilier. On the Southern question he- - was equally pronounced and emphatic. I He said it will fail. It oucht to fail It is the gospel of revenge preached by -the apostles of an everlasting vendetta; It is the fanatical nrorrammof nnartviw I0 - j - m w sees no future for itself unless the North and the South can be placed at ten paces "as the political creed of Cain. I believe "the people of the North will repudiate "them. There is and there can bo no ra tional pretence that the North fcara tho "South. The men who put it forward do Clingman's Electric Light. A Fatcnt Refused Because It Conflicts With Edisons. Washington-, Aug. .). Au appeal ha been filed in the district Supreme Court by ex-Senator Thomas L. Critfgtuan, of j Asheville, N. C, against the decision of I the Commission of Patents refusing a pat tent for au improvement in the electric lights. The device sought to be patented is sphere of zirconia combined with alum- j inium magnesia lime or sileca and glazed j with pure zirconia. This is sustained by two platuius wires and gives light by its resistance to electric and candisceuce itbe- ing infusible and incombustible. The rea- sons of the examiner at the patent office for refusing a patent were that the claims j conflict with the patent issued to T. A. Edison Sept. lfth, 1879, for tho licht from J incandescent zirconia and another to" one Jenkins, March 4th, J87D, fofpladins snn- ports. The case has been placed on the docket for the September term of til J court. What a Max Can't Marrt. The fol- lowing is"Archbishop Parker's table of proniouea uegreesoi marriage, published I in 15C3 aud ever since, in England, tlia basis of a judicial opiuion on the sab wife's grandmother. 4. Father sister, 5 Mother's sister. C. FAtherVbroth,.r wife. 7. Mother's brother's wife. 8 Wife's father's sister. 9. Wife's mother's sister l0. Mother. II. Stepmother. 12 Wife's 13. Daughter. 14. Wife's dangh- ter i5..So-, wife. lGm SUter J? Wife, j gjgter 18. Brother's wife. 19. Sou's daughter. 20. Daughter's daughter. 21. Son's son's wife. 22. Daughter's son's wife. 23. Wife's son' daughter. 24. Wife's daughter's daughter. 23. Broth er's daughter. 20. Sister's daughter. 37. Brother's son's wife. 23. Sister' son'a wife. 2!). Wife's hrnthVr! an in fii(tterv jdaughter. A woman is ,lil)ited from rnarryillg wfthin tLe Mmo , ,M . t.ati-nt.. PUBLIC SPEAKING, Attorney General Kexax, will speak at the following times and places, r; r.Arnifield, Hon. A. M. Seal , the Dcmocratie-Eectora? wllial Hon. Scales, and mocratie-EIector. rif f.ilan- uumV

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