i j . I: '':. :t I fit Carolina Watchman; THURSDAY, SEPT. NATIONAL DEE0TIC5TIC2BT., - " FOulSSsiDENT; i WINFIELD SCOTT HAHOOOK, '"-. Oi- PKJf-NSyLVANIA. ; , FOIt VICE-PRESIDENT ; WILLIAM H ENGLISH, ' ' Of Isdiasa. ' I THOSE INSTRUCTIONS, In reviewing Ho hasty and erroneous conclusions arrived at by boiuo of Mr. j liiugham's friends on the subject tf the ! Instructions laid dovyu by the- CJeutral ; Executive Committee, for thegojerjnmeut ! jof the Township and County Con ventions, j we have tjiotight proper to give pur read- i ers aTplain insight to the incautug of tiie J gaid instructions. But before we proceed, vre cannot refrain from referriugio the ut- ; ter inconsistency of the Examiner as is at ; once shown up, when you uay read in its j columns of the 28th nit., where, in its i leadiii" editorial, speaking of these io sTictions, it imys : 44 We think it very pltiin, if Uhe plan ndopted by tiie Lxecutive Coiuniittee, wli iuAugurated the primary Byteni, is to be ; .canted out7 ; Jn tiie . very next is?ue following, ' tun a complete somersault, arid says : "The purport of that -document," (the insts notions), "ambiguous and indistinct as U is, clearly tavois, &c. ; If this is not rryxiug things, we Are greatly mistaken J What is it that , is so .clearly "plain ?" Why, the course to be ; . pursued (as laid down in the instructions) I by the township and eounty conventions 1 Yet, thi same document is declared to be , ."unibiguoug and indistinct." Kow if the Jutter bo true, how could thipgs be "plain anI f'cleac?" But we agree with the Ex funincr to the extent that the instructions are plainly 6et forth, so that there can be no misunderstanding as to their meaning Tliese instructions read ''In Ciuje of a division or preference in any township, then the chairman of its delegation shall cast its vote according to vuo wish ui us luuiviuuai niemoers." "Individual members" of what! Vhv the individual members of the; tovrnshii delegation j nothing more nor nothing less, And jf all the meujlrers of any single del egation are agreed to cast their; vote sol Jdly for a candidate, there is riot a word ar n clause, in the document that takes from them, tliat right $ neither is there tt word in the whole of tliese instructions that cvt;n hints that the county conven tion has the authority, which it assumed to direct them, outside of these instruc Hons, how they slmll cast the vote of thei township. j . And again, as-to the pro rata system which the ExecativeCoiumittett concedes , to delegates. The following, which the j Examiner quotes to sustain jtsLposition is so plain it really needs no comments j put because of the stubborn disposition o ; Be iu tlieir persistency in misrepresent iug facts and thereby creating wrong im pressions; we will briefly comment bu its .clearness. It reads "If any delegates or alternates of an v vu nMiip are aosein irom the county con Tetiou, the delegate or alternates present Irom sneh township shall be entitled to i vote the full strength of tire township. ...1 : e - 1 . . I uu iu cuso vl a ui vision oi opinion or preference in sncli township, then each ucitrgnie Mian up entitled to a;ro rata part ei the voltes of the said abjsent dele gates or alternates in addition to his own :, vote, autL the chairman of such delegation shall thus cast its vote according to the -f wish of its individual members.'? This is identical to theother, oiilv it coen fufrtber to simply.: instruct how: a pait of .. .1.1. ...! . "" . twicgauon s to vote , in cas a part of said delegation be absent and Ithe mem Ijers iiKatteudauce at county convention dp not agree to casting the vote of their towushiirsolidly for any candidate. But li iiwy are agreed, then theytod, clearly iiiiu uuapuuteuiy have the right to cast the yote solidlyl r ' W ft will -in ,.Y,, ,Lltu uucn iq another (clause of the instructions, to show how wM?m ueieaM8 were eloctod and ."counted in" by the r9mmitt at the . various polling places in the. townfehinn this, it cau bo seen at a glance, detides wuicn oi tne. candidates are eleetcdjibave Ids competitors at any one or all of the Kiid towuship polling places. We "quote from tlithird paragraph of tli instruc tions, omitting; as will bo observedall that is not relevant to the imint in land : "T,,c tollip convt-ntions shall deot 4heir delegates by ballot. 1,e ,U I?'Vtes cacli township U entitled to, receiving the highest uumber of votes in any township conveutioii hall be de clared by the town sihip executive commit tee to be the delegates elected." And now ip our first versiou of these .instructions, which sums up the whole in the followiug:; "In order that your delegates may know' mnl,r,efercn,ceS for th"fi various otlices to fin 1 VKlCh tovv"8hi? requested to JHot at its convention, for candidates for th .various hoininatiouV tiie ballotinc to " o"i'eivjsou oi uie executivp coiniiiittees respectivelr the same -rules and regulations, as far applicable, as aro aboro prescribed for ballotrug for delegates.' . ::. j - T.P -r?w iner hx xxot aitempted to ex plairi away theeaning of this for reasons taat are evidently plain enough, "in order Jhat your delegates may know jour nre rencea VJuvt ia meant by fy0ur pre ' TheCeTitral Committee hive . told us a plaiidy aa 'they 'coidd ' wMd, Relegates to deciao on as bciifg the pre jerred delegatesaud ntieiF ftiey tell us that -these fiiinie iile ; and Regulations ynust govern township committees, and .lhe elected delegation cannot 'J but kiiou- the to nshipV prefcrenee for a! candidate ;ly Uu5 same rule vh tolls klwm that iJiey are the preferred deleates-of tlaii jtownahip, Avhich result is, tfilt thivi,,. . $datc or udidateVreceiviDgjiic highest vote at the township meeting can be none other than the preference, , -'. And further) in regard to divisions and prefereucp iij'rtowiiships, the delegation of each respect i ve "towuship should "bo the judge to decide for whom they should cast their vote aud not the county convention. Here U our caudid opinion on this pari of the subject, and I we are borne ont in pLiciug tJiis iuterprbtatiou upon these in structioua by the authors of the same j and we are noturpriseil if Messrs.; IJiugham and Co.1 are not seeing it in the samelight. Yet they have, with a persistency nn equaled, impeded the plain legftimate course intended to have been canied out by these instructions. This they dare not denyr And here we assert, Without fear of contradiction, that the above proves who are the disorganizes and en emies to Democratic harmony in the ranks of our party. Not the Watchman aud the masses of the Democrats of llowan ; but, on the other haud,;there are a few cham pions of the Bingham, "wirepulling" par ty, who. are trying to impress the honest men of the county ijqto the lielief that if they do not support their pet they are guilty of a great political sin. Fellow Democrats, look wjell to your principles, watch thee sneaking, bUthering, sure enough diHorganiters, and vote every time for Charley Waggoner, the true Democratic candidate for sheriff, aud you may rest assured your votes will be count ed next time. . ; We attended the Franklin Picnic las Saturdav airiveI there just before din dcr, A handsome; flag was flung to the breeze in the forenoon, bearing the names of "Hancock and Jakvis.'V After din ner Judge Fraley introduced the Honor able Ghas. Price, j He made a fine demo cratic address, shapiug all his arguments to dovetail with his opinions of the divide between the two candidates for sheriff. He denounced as "bolters, disorganizers and euemies all who refused to support Mi . Binghani--the regularly aud fairly uomiuated exponent of democratic prin ciples in liowan Couuty ." These are grave charges, but the Hon. Charles Price makes them and they must be true; for he is honorable, at least Judge Fraley iutro duced him as such, and Judge Fraley knows!- Mj V aggoner! received 33 electora votes ou three separate and distinct bal lots, yet the lion. Charles Price says that "Mr. YY aggonor and his friends are boltei B, disorganizers and enemies to democracy. The Hon. Charles; Price knows ! Hon. Charles Price says that Mr. Bing ham ditnot seek; the nomination ; that the people iu the county brought him ont. Looks a little strange that the people's candidate must have such a champion as the gifted Charles Price to fight his bat tles ! But the Hon Chas, Price knows ! In the convention, after the three ballots which gopersistently nominated MrWag goner, the Hon. Chas. Price offered ares- solution (which the secretary mentioned iu his report, but does not publish ver batim),, prefacing it' by saying that the convention could com to no conclastion by voting as it did it nominating Wag goner every time, and that every dele gate be allowed toj vote his own individu- ai preierence lor sheriff. It was on this ballot tho overidiig was done, and which, it is claimed, nominated Bingham. The Hon. Chas Price says it was fair and iust he knows ! The official vote, which was cast in ac cordance with the' ideas promulgated by the Central Executive Committee, nomi nated Waggoner one, j;wo, three times ! letj lion. Chas. Puictfsaya that Mr. Wag goner is "a bolter, and Ms friends are dis organizers and enemies to the Democrat ic party." The Honorable Charles Price knows! j ! t- After this effusion, Mr. James M. Gray was called and made a Democratic speech. eulogising the Natioual and State leaders, plead for their support in a most thrilling and interesting nmnner. He did not touch couuty affairs, except incident ally. MrJ. L. Graebcj was then called and made hia first political talk. Ilia remarks were appropriate and bare the stamp of noneacy ana iineeiliy of purpose to do what was right, and to do it with all his might. There was no demarocism. dod- ng, or willul pei-veition of facts in his remarks. Mr. Bingham was called and excused limself from making a speech, but hat be was the nomiue of the conven tion, and that he would show during the campaign that the! convention could not have doatf anything else than it did. He was Allowed; by Col". F. E. Shober. vho made an able talk, touching only the mam issues in the coming campaigndid et reter to county affairs in particular. So ended the day' pleasure and the frankliu Picnic, i i RQWANiCOUNTY, THE FTOjp ySkS OF PEACE. On the 10th of October, 1781, Lord C0171 wallis surrendered to peneral Washington at Yorktown, ia yiriiaia. It.was inthc middle of the night; aday or two after, that the news of this closing scene in the miubty drama reached Philadelphia. A watchman in the street called; out, "Twelve o'clock and a cloudy morning" Cernwalli alvn." In a short time tbeiwholeeity was aroused, and the wildest manifestations of joy were displayed. , The same news ran rapidly over all the States, and the people in every village and hauilet were fijled with gladness. In England, all hopet subjugating the States was abandoned, apd j Lord North retired from ihe Mmistry and the Whigs took charge of tiie government! Negotiations for'peace Salw't?1' ? commissioner8 frZ c L:Dlt Stes met a like number lMd a fris, and a provisional ,eHC. W 81ed September 3rd, luZ- ?Ltrf signed at the same place, on thed of September 1783 and each of the original Thirteen Colonic was acknowledged by Jretj Britain to be an In dependent and Sovereign State. i Buf though peace with England was de clared, there were many bitter heart-burnings in the breasts'pf ' tiie eiple aipong them selves. The'army was unpaifl.and efforts were made to array it against Congress, and thu9 turn over the public civil government into a military despotism. Nothing but the cour- age and patriotism of Gee, Washington arrested that sad calamity. Besides this there weye many loyalists in every part of tbecpuijtry, 8omP of whom had taken up arms in behalf of Great Brit ain, and many others hd remained neutral in the struggle. When peace came the wliigs could scarcely feel t hatj their tor j neighbors ought to enjoy equal rights and privilege! with theraselvpa, and no doubt were easily provokel to taunt theni with insulting epi thets. These were days of violence, and he who had the brawniest arm, or was most active of limb, came out conqueror. Many of the loyalists voluntarily remove J to 'dis tant parts of the country, while others re ceived legal notice to depart. Besides this, suits were brought Against many for j the confiscation of their projicrty for disloyilty, according to act of thej Assembly of North Carolina. ' This act .wab adopted at the first meeting of the General! Assembly under the Constitution, at Newbern, April 8th, 1777, and declares it to be treason and punishable with death and confiscation of good, to take commission in the army of Great ! Bri tain in North Carolina,: or to uiJ or assist in any way the enemies of the State. The law was terribly severe, and was never fully ex ecuted. Still, in 1782, 1 twenty-two persons were summoned u appear before tue Ituw- an Inferior Court charged with disloyalty Some were found guilty and some were ae- quitted. Hut the sale of the property those fouqd guilty was! postpone!. At the a a m Interior Court of Ilowan for Februarv, 1783, no less than one hundred and sixty persona were cited to appear and show cause why their estates should i not he confiscated, Though the citation was signed with the names of Griffith, Rutherford, Jas. MeCa Win. Sharpe, and Robert Mackie, magistra- tes, Holding the Uourt, it is recorded that the entire lot made default, and thereby ig- uorcd or defied the Court. The curioua reader will find a 'list of their names on Minute Docket of Rowan Inferior Court for Feb. 1783, volume 1778-1786. It has 'been supposed that a considerable part of the German population of Rowan were neutral or averse to the war. But if such was the case not many oi tnem committed any overt act bringing them within perview of the law . provided against disloyaltv. Out of the one hundred and eighty-two names but a small part about one huh are German names, the rest are common English names, Ine revolutions of one hundred years have j softened the asperities and rounded off the! convinced that it was his duty to maintain ius loyalty to the King to whom he had given his oath of allegiance. But it was more than could be reasonably expected of the suffering patriots of that day toset it in that light. But slowly, imperceptibly better days came on, and the husbandman could again devote his whole time to theimproye - mem or nis larm, and tne good housewives farmer's life was far more, independent and uiiiucsvit luiuiia. ju moise iiavs ine Bcii-susiaining man at present. w ith the exception of a few articles, stich as iron. salt. a iui:c sugar and couee, or chocolate, pen 1 ? 1 r . . ' jji nun epiue, uiemnn, i nc nocKs and ticrns yielded all that was ccnHumed at the homes of our people. The tabic was louded with home productipns, The operations of the farm were carried on with rude and simple implements and in a primitive way. The market for grain and flour was several hundred miles distant, and the expense ot transportation was too exeat io justiiy me raising ot more than was need ed on the farm. The rich new grounds and bottom lands with their virgin soil, brought forth a bountiful crop with little labor, and left a large margin of time for fiphinir ami hunting. There was nlway a "slack sea son" between the "lavmtrby" of rmn ml locidcr-puiiing time. That was the time to hunt squirrels, and the crack of the rifle might be heard around the cornfields on all side. And then fishing expeditions were organized to some favorite pond, or stretch of the river, where with long circling Beinc rne jumping trout, and the blushing red horse were captured. The frr.tV i,v knew where the sweetest wild grapes or the I most tempting muscadine crew, or where the thinnest shelled scalt hnrkn. or fMttKi hickory nuts, or the plumpest and jukieM black haws were to be found, and Waned them accordinulT. Thane snme farmsru boys also knew the hnw tree?, persimmon trees, anu grape thus m ail the countrv round that were likelr to be frequented b the fat opossums in the Inter fall, and they i had their possum docs in sood training hr the time the first hard frost ripened the "her- simnions and thcopoesum himself, and made nis ncsn nt Tor eatin-'. But before that time came around, even the '-slack ser.son" had some work to be done. Xo rirrnhiHr-.T 1 uresrnntr Mactiine, or Separator, wns thrn to be found, to clean up the wheat and oats of a farm in a single day. Instead of that the farmer built his double loc-barn with a . 1 l; . g, -. . hrcshint? or tramnin flr v. si.-1 II IS I enarpjjreuiiceaiigenaerei ny tne great COU- pie, or a nine iogwooi gave a liw.irous black, fiict, anl we are now able to'seethatitcould No "aniline dyes" were known, but roots, 1)C iM8sible for a man to be conscientiously barks and leaves lent their essential colors stable. The wheat and oaU wera hauled ly OTer th fnn Md around tht ankle, and from the harvest field and parked on the U- PP10! ih J!J fcth h hort drrtw, eata ble lofts, and on the loft over the Urn floor P1! mitxn. And then moootod on This floor was usually t wen tv-fiv. or ihirt- Prit?l horse of her ow, or may bo on a feet square, and was shut in on both sides in on tiotFi iMi with huge folding doors. When the tramp- : r . r r. . . ing time came a floor of wheat was thrown down, the bundles untied and laid in a cir cle around the centre of the floor. The fold ing doors were thrown open, and several Bpans of horses were put in to walk arouad and around upon the wheat until it wns separated from the straw and chaff the at tendants iu the meantime turning over the straw as required.. At first the wheat was winnowed with sheet, or coverlet tied up by two corners, and briskly swung by two men, while one slowly poured down the mix ed wheat and chaff. But wheat fans were soon introduced, and their clatter could be heard at a great distance, doing up t he work neatly and rapidly. The oats, being more capily crushed by t lie hard hoofs, and the straw being used to make "cut feed" for the horses, were usual lrthreshed out with flails, the bundles be ing kept entire. No matter if the grain was not entirely taken outthe horses would get it in their feed. Later in the fail was tha time for pulling and shucking the corn. A huge long heap, straight or crescent shaped, containing thir ty, fifty or a hundred loads of corn in the shueks, was piled up in the barn yard. ; On a given day a boy was sent out to ask hands to come in to the shucking on a night ap pointed. Fifty hands, perhaps, might come just at. dark. A rail would be placed in the middle, and the hands divided bv two cap tains who threw up "cross and pi'le" for first choice of hands. Then came t he race, the shouting, the hurrahing, and the singing of corn-songs, if any nerroes were present. And generally a bottle of brandy was circulated several times and was sampled by most of those present. Quite a number would some times get excited by tbe liquor, but it was considered disgraceful to get drunk. Some times a fight would, occur, especially if the race -was a close one.; The winning side would try to carry their captain around the pile in triumph, but a well-directed ear of corn, sent by some spiteful hand on the beaten side, would strike a member ofthe triumphat processionAndthereliyrbad-blood would be excited, and a promiscuous fight occur. But these were tare arcideuts. Af ter the corn was shucked, and the shucks put into a Den. came the shnck imr All mwr hiaf, bUcuitsham, pork, chicken pie, punijv kin" costard, sweet cakes, apple-pie, irrane- j pie, coffee, swetmilk, buttermilk;, preserves, : jn short 4 "ch feast of everything yielded by the farm. Jt required a goog. digestion to manage such a feast at -ten or eleven o'clock at night, but the hardy sons of toil had a good digestion. Or if anything were wanting, a tramp of tour or five miles, on an opossum or coon hunt, lasting til one or two o'clock in the morning, would be sufficient to settle the heartiest shucking supper that ever was i sprtad on the fanners? tables in bountiful old Rowan county. The tanner and theshoemaker the hatter, the blacksmith and tho weaver plied their a vocations all over the countv. iThe wand ering tinker came around at intervals, with his crucible and his molds for spoons, plates ana aisnes, ana melted anu transformed in- a. t ! I. i t i "! io uriguij new articles ine oia broken pew ter iragments that were caretully preserved it ii. j . i . 1 . . . xiuw in youngsicrs wouiu srare at inm as he stirred the molten pewter with his bare uugerj auu uow uiugentiy tne tKiysnunt ed the rabbit, mink, muskrat, otiter and rac coon, and preserved their skins, to be taken to the hatter at Jumping Run or Cross-Kevs or Dutch Second Creek, to be made into a siee anu auinmg oeaver, to ue worn a their first "fur hat," instead of the old heav hard ''wool hat,'-' that was now to be used only as an "every day hat." Everv house had Ui pairs of cards for wool and cotton its large and small smbmsjf wheel, revolv ing rapidly under the pressure of deft finir offers or stroair and elatie foot, while th I w thread Or yarn, by the "cut" and ' hank- 1 hung on pegs in the wall. As: the visitor j approached the house, um soon as the morn ling chores were '"done up," ho would hear the deep bass rumbling of the large wheel or the buzzing of the little jfiax wheel with its hooked "fivers" whirling the thread laround till sufficiently twisted, and then let- ting the thread skilltully in on the spool, Or perhaps he would hear the creaking oi the reel, with its sharp click, as it told when a "cut ' was reeled from the apool. Or per i haps he would se a pair of hue "waruiiu bars," or "winding blades" slowly revolving as they measured off the"chain,' or "filling," j of the next six hundred "slaie" plain white I shirting j or copperas cloth, or it may b of i i j i .. ." "imaey or pern a p jeans. And then what efforts were put forth to secure the most brilliant dve, and the fastest colors! The J garden contained a bed of "m;jclfr," whose roots gave the brown or red dve. A patch of indigo furnished the blue. Walnut roots and bare, or maple bark, with a little cop peras, supplied the tints of l!ck aud pur j to tke fabrics spun and woven by fair mel ens aun nearty matrons. The Fourth of I July in those days was the grand holiday of the year. An orator was procured, and the Declaration was impressively read, and the daring deeds of the illustrious statesmen of 1778 were commemorated. It would be 1 varied with now and then a military parade nn screaming tire and rattling drum, and i u" uu mrn n iiroecue. Aariv in ine j spring th good wives began to get up the f ourin or July suits tor their husbands, each priding herself on having the most nicelv dressed, husband on that gala day. Old silkc were cut up info shreds, picked to pieces' and carded with cotton to make a "silk miied" coat. Vests, with "Turkey rrd " stripes, cut bias, and pointing like chevrons to the buttons, were in the height of fashion. Knee-breerhos, with lona stockinsrs. tied with garters, and shoes with hinre silver buckles had not gone rut of stvle in those days, i ne materia! of the breeches was rot unfreqnently a soft pliant, yellow buckskin. very "stretchy of a rainy day, I The wife ol a distinguished citizen of Salisbury in thor days is said to hive excelled all the rest bv rigging her husband out. on a certain Fourt h ot July, .in a full unit 'of '-nankeen cotton.' carded, Mmn, woven and made in her own house. Another textile fabric of those davs was flax; The flax patc h, with its delicate blue b'ossoms, wa a pleasing spectacle. .na ine nnx was sKiuiuiiv ; pulled, tlte seed threshed out, and in due time laid out to "ro.M When the inner stem was suffi ciently 'rotted,' the ponderous strokes of the ruuze "flat-brake' could be heard, and the MT,g Ttne scutcher as he cleaned the fibre his shaip. edged paddle. And lastlv the bcteiling proeess separated the tow frora the perfect lintn. The flax-whetl with it "rock" wound round with flax required the highest skill, and th prodiirt whr hleaelied; furnished the beautiful linen. wiiose piiowt whiteness wa the rnido nf the ,rost ambitious and thrifty hcueekeeper Her own attire was 'yo made oy ner own nners, ana she was sn x '.ept in tripes and checks, knew how to insert gores and jrnsseta, and if tall, how to eke out the cloth to the proper length. But finer artieles were often needed for .female attire, than these home mde fabrics. Ribbons and laces with atin and brors.de were also in demand from the looms of France and Italy. A Leghorn or Dunstable, or perhaps a silk gig bonnet, pranella, or morVeeo shoes, . ..... ound on. with ribbons crowintr eoouettuh F,,"on oUinu, ?nr was rcadv to accompany her escort. for a ten or twenty mile ride to church, to; a wedding, a party or a quilting ifoiic. i nose were active, neaifhttii, buoy ant, blithsome times, those enrlv dsvs of American Independence, and it is probable that the sum total of social and domestic happiness was greater than in these ad vanced days. The more people help them selves, as a general rule, the hapniar they me. i nerc m giauness m tne success ful ingenuity required to supply the real and artificial wants of domestic and social life. Some one has recently said that the Ameri can is the imly man that has ever had enough to eat. And now that he has got to the West, and Can go no further without going to the East; he is turned back upon himself to grow and nrovo what can be made of a man in a land of plenty. And those were days of plenty. The virgin soil brought forth bountifully Herds of cattle and droves of swine fed atlarg. unrestrained by any stock law. Bears, deer, turkeys, wild geese and ducks abounded. The Yadkin and the Ca tawba were filled with shad, trout, red horse, pike, bream, pereh. cat-Ssh and eels, and the fisherman seldom returned without a hcavj string offish. 1 " x ' Besides this, the early Ilowan man was a man of faith. He may have .been a little rough and free in his manners, but he had his religious beliefs, and his religious obser vances. iOa the western side pi the county the Presbyterians had their churches, Thya tira. Third! Creek, and Bethphage, where Dr. McCorkle, Reyl Jaa. D. Kilpatrick and Rev. John Oarrigah preached,and taught the people the strong Calvinism of their creed. In the eastern division, at the Organ Chnrch, the Lower Stone, fnd elsewhere, the devout Lutheran and German Reformed churches and ministers' Jed the people in the way of life. Salisbury could boast of but one church, the Lutheran, standing where! the Lutheran grave yard now iai .rlt didAot always have a pastor,' but it was ojen to all evangelical ministers. Salisbury Presbyterians were a branch of Thyatira, and here Dr. McCorkle often officiated, and nia'd his wife iq this- teachers were employed to give instruction to the young. In this way matters moved j ular election or a general muster, for .several years after the close of the war. AND SPERyATGRRKEA. A mlaabla Discovery and Y.ew Departure In Kc-J. leal Soiaoos, an entirely Kawand poaitiTely en'ei-tivo Itemed? for tha apeody aad permanent Cura cf So ini tial Emianion aad Impotency by the uoly ti-ua vray, ria: Xtiract Application to the prtnri;al Hunt cf the Disease, actio by Absorption, and exerting lie inecinc lnuuence on las semuaai vesicles, Ejao ulatoryDucta, Prostate ClanoL and Urethra. Tha nse of the Kemedy is attended with no pain or incon Tonience, and doca not intarfera with the ordinary pnnuita of life; it is ertriefcty dissolved and soon ttv oroea, proauclng ta immediate aoothinsrand restor ative effect upon the pexua I and nervous onraniza tiona wrecked from aelf-abajo and exceswn, etoppimr. -the drain from the Bystem, rstorin tbe mind t-r health and sound memory, removing the iJimnrsa cf Sig-ht, Hervous Debility, Confusion of Idaas, Aversion to Society, etc, et., acd the appearanre of premature old age usually acconmaajring this trouble, and restoring perfect Sexual Vigor, whero it has been dormant for years. This mode of troat ment has stood the test la very severe cateA, and la sow a pronounced success. Drugs aro too much pre scribed la tboie troubles, and, j mry can bear wit Bess to, with but little If any pernittneutgood. Tut-ro Is no kooasase about this PropAriUion. Pmctloai oh at'rvaton enables s to positively gxmrantec tiutt it wui srtrs amuaracnon. iurins tne eijr:t yeai-s tnat U has beae la aeaeral use, we have thousands of te&ti- BobUM as m its value, aad it Is now conceded by ths sdlsal rrafawlosi to be ae most ntior.al ctoans ;et diaeorre J of seachlac aad sariog this very prevalent Wosfele. that Is wU knowa to bo the raue of untold stiasryio so Biaoy.aad upon whom quacks prey wiih Itilt umIm Bustruras sad biif fees. The l'6;neiy U pot up in neat boxes, of three sizes. No. 1, oaou?h to last a month,) 93; lie S, (suiiiciont to cficct a pcr manent curs, nnles lu severe cases,) 5; No. 3. (lasting over throe moatha, will stop emission ana restore vhor in the worst discs,) $7. H.ent by mail, seared, la plain wrappers. Full DIRECTIONS lor ugiDZ wul accompany EACH BOX. Ut m ti n I ' tea tmaivint (f AMatuairal I lltistititiattri tnit Tvittimtm f, 9enirn tmtl rmirmre restored to ferfeet tna i hood. a ml tt- teU for tho ltttie of life, mtuie uu if j inertr fjyc. BVHI Off KARRIS kuMEDY CO. MFCL GEtSIS.. . Market and eta sis. St. Louis, Mo. A .d4 ceapkta CCIDK TO WEDLOCK, cuatisiGt Ckiplt n on A Caipiat Wnuuv. head. !etioa W wi(, Evidaucci ol Virria ity, 'tmfnmat. hivrilrty, Ad vie, to "Briii- T mi as ' . Ccaios. CMtWsMSt, Law suJ CoBMsutio. luiaJiistsltls Vai sshssm. k ssBBwi. 4 J. rnrtssv jrlsa mt aWssiaJsmssss. fettsM Latf es 4. Lw id mmrrf SmI DiuaV LaJ .Vffssf Mrwl WMtass, )-r-r V U mmmm, I'.etr uiks ea.4 rare. arte. It u t! a YrivM Medical Adviaer " a j r altmf (rem isipurt xual anactatiuttt, and co ttrtabuw tti MTV SHkSaH S rts. M4 OstaSt M afsaBT iU. -slaaaB,) Nsftty EsolSl"M. LoaB W ViM, aaV.. Baal mwafcaa mmrnf tmi?mmt mt atpr. fxssvf bastas mi B)Uf iaWbk tmmtm. A. mmm tat '( mm raw ivtuCt that svlsJt aaarWi kss w rl. is. mmt m mm Usw tv; a $ est 1aI mf (uir. It utia sw b lst w aasft I Mir t.'. i k, mmi Las tUw WjgttSa Vlik M V J'Uta CajBSia viKvaSSlh tlMiMssSl t-f 1. . (I. PIM aaWHaW B1 fas -Bit,. MrTa-rtf DM) IirllRI tmm tb rtUOtlX BW I "'MIL Mai SBSBBiBB Watt aWs lst U USUM sVSMaUiaBU t UeU SM.vBS.U4. 1 mm Tr.SK. Alaau J M.Mnt'HSPtAT, X0.I8X. f(l SI.. Ft. UnK So. WANTED!- Onc Hundred Bushels of Onions; also, One Hundred Bushels of Peach Stones, at ENXISS' 2 g not buy until you have seen 1L tir FOX SM E BY ALL LEADING DEALERS. WHEAT Tli "PARED T.9V EOA1I.Y POU 1ETE WHEAT ro FROM 0TB 1 OSiffl FYYY MM RCHIV70NP,VA ESTABLISHED 1805. We a?ain offer this firs'-dot Fertiliser to worthy of their patronage It has! stood the been brought to ita prcseit admirab'e condition only by thtt libtral expenditure of labor anu money in a continuous enori io improrc. its standard -.and unilormitv arc cu-ir in teed. i 1 b The rennlt of its applicstitn to the wheat crop for the p.-u-t twelre rears has proved it to be equal to any fertilizer ever sold in the United States. During thhrtinic thousands of tone of it have lxen used by t he i farmers of Virginia and North Carolina trith hi"hlv satisfactory results. j J We recommend it because: It is rich in Soluble Phosphate atjd Ammonia. It affords a constant supply ol plant food. It contains no inert matter. j It insures a stand of grass or cloyipr. It is an improver and renovator of worn out lands. It U fine, drj, and in the best condition for drilling. , It contains an ample quantity of all the elements necessary to make wheat and a lare surplua which will show itself uponjtht; clover and grass, and in the improvement of the land. - It is prepared from the best and) most approved materials, in the most careful and thorough manner, and under our personal supervision. Its standard and uniformity are guaranteed. Whatever mJ he the merits of thcr fertilizers, no one can go wron in using one which is so well made, is so fully guaranteed J has been so long and so thorough tested. -To - APP 3tT O A.TI GK. " WTecoiaaen'J.lh3 application of tromlOO to OOO pounds per aere-rfrtffcrfin wltn the wheat If pracUcable. If the drill Is not used, the and should be ploughed and krrnred unUl fine ana free from clods, and the wheat and guliio harrowodjm, following with the roller. This mlxis the manure with the soil, and keeps It near the surface Just wh re the roots of the wheat will find it easiest. When sowed on ian i pioug-nea put not iiirrowea, mucn oi tne guano ForS&le cLsan & Co., Mpcrcsville, C P. awe, y Agents at all xapcrtant p:istj m IT. b , A Nwftfl maU ha 2SJ'00?, lu" beroses in full bloom. L Attention Attention MOKERS 1 MOKERS ! "Aslieville's Girl of The Wtt," "Sitting Unll" received to-dar. My as- sortnient of tine and tutu null) Cigars for tho Wholesale and Iietail trade is the jmost complete in town. CIGARETTES Chixsius Tobacco iu gro.it vai ieties. S2:tf THEO. BTJESBAUM. A NISTR ,T0R'5 SALE OKI 1 will at tii ( ' ni t House door, in in., on Saturday', Sa'.islmr.v, at ' 11th day of nix ext. 8 feharea oi iNoith iroliua'Uailroad Stock, beIon"iii! to the estate of William lleathman. dee'd II. C. BOST, Abo'r de bonis noti ui U'm. Ilealbuian. 14. 1SS0. 44:1 2 rH o x o H W 1, o CO . fr- CO fa ?3 U2 1 1 in trJ o o CO o o S3 otj GO CD S3- t CO o S! t n m o i! CO o 0 CD pa ' &. O 1 - O 0 w B.C. BIBB & SON Iron Founders, BALTIMORE, MD. Manufacture a desirable line of Heating sus Cooking Stoves, including the renowned The most perfect in operation, altrstctlTS in nppearsjire, and eiailtl for durability. IK TIIE growth - .1 'UU I OF GRASS AND CLOVER r - Wheat Growers r.r being in all respect. test, for tifhe year's c nnionir ih and has - - a goes dawn m the opening between the furrow sUces. LemMcn, Einsliaw Bros.-, Winstra, and C, ani Va, ' TO U ixxJ v v ixo J yEV' ADVERTISEMENTS ' ' North Carolina College Mt. PtEASAXTv Cabrnis Comity v 0 ' tlie next session of this iDstitntio gins the first Monday of Augait SV Instruction is th or on Mi ! v ocu expenses for ten months averse , aI 1 125. to 8IG0. For-fiirther InftT rr address. UA. Bikle, D,iTiS 5 39:4t 1 . PIANOS & ORGANS Special Oia-r, Fall llgo Cash Prices, with Thr4 M -KB. a . V iUUiiBus' ureaft; Pianos and Orgnua 000 trong" br everv tmtgA our mammoth, Stw boubU Store (CO f?3 t Voinina mur noriM nigu;, 110m eeltar to loft d " ply the trade of the South. Jnt 'i r.' advantageoun contact with Ieadinir Pianj 4 ? Organ luanafacturerB. NewSivles LiSs ew Term, for f.ll trade 1880 S, i VS Ii fer d to Cash Bayers-Dnring eul, beptemberud October we will,";: Lowest Cash Pnce. imvablH S-A . VV ' noHorSlO eh on.Organ.., with Ulan", V 1 three monthn without interest. Ktw i: 1 9 Stops, $59. Selections from leakers t-J ; 65 different etvles. Lowest nrici ?- 2! ? ca. Guaranteed inptrmuent. 15 daYs .5 ,1 Kvenrinducement tlat any re.illiT, can offer 011 sUndard instruments; Stnd S VM 18S0 Sped! .Offer-. Addre Luddea & Bite a' Rt W esleyan Female Institute STAUNTON, VIRGLNIA. ' Oi)ens its 31st Session September mfi 18S0. Ahjou- the first Sthols for vounir V' ladies 111 the United States. Climate nut ; BiuiMBwii.. fiirrounaiiis wauiiful.-ypg. pila from seventeen States. Among the lowest terms the I'liion. . TERMS : Board, WashinLight., Englial, Course. Laun, trench, fui eieh. Ur J ?.t. Seholafic year X....I... L sita All extras, very low. For caUlobu, Td: Iress Rev. Wm. A. 11 A UK IS, D. DJ 1 W Slaantdn.AV JAMES M. GRAY, glttoriuij an. OyflKhstllor at OFFICE-- . .. TIIE BOLIHN-C1 ADJOINING THCPOiTTlOt'SS, Owners of 'OolJMialn Lands and Huyers. put la comiuunk-uttnn. i ianU, All Minlnj luttrrsts meet pi-oinpt atti?alion. , . Notes, acuountsv". collected. . t flsute-s, and alt matters of Adailnlstrators ibS j Exeeutcrs. Are. siatleit " j Jjuid and all otuor titles carefully Investigated. -Real estate- agencv imw in ant a'ljotainsr-eounUes buugj and mVL 1 Co!.imalcatlon Kollclted wiUi. tliose aeater-j; buy or sell". Arranpements made to purchase fhoaplaBsb la 4 '.-lorida. rxiH hT Minnesota (ihat pan known is l he pri;ats-J I.aji i;. IinN f r s.ile In rtver lu Vlrjjtajjs. IIUnoLs, an 1 along tUcrisn Iartt'?3 (K'.sfrtilK" tneoee. or row toT Xtirvli CatoBa-' fumisiu-u witli ii.:e.'iar.v tnroruiationi N.,-1. L:ui ls iviijrit aud sold" alonif the pnm j ine of tiv a--les'.ir aad saltslury riiilrd. (r3 ' roul in 'ist !n battt wli-tber .torn. Hanlvanrt (.!- i in .(ir.rics n-rt'lve outstle uhl urliDi, Thi'pro,Ti-w n 1 :ic ! !.. .ui! ui" !iwru.en:n)f-PTionfli it tlie)t. le nf t :u-nt ::mti,! (leinrtud "and mart liave lt Arr.ui? Micnfsj in-luir neii-tl to pst lonlsla Usljur.v ;ml ill ..ider xdms tn lUiirici t. 1 I'.s. .Via.ir;d renrty tur sffla'.! :teblc farms. - IffC:.!! u .-.-e. or aadress Luck Box m. " STATS. CP SCnVii GAHGLIsX A" in. T. (jiitn-s :hi! wifvMai ., inos. liniur and w: J'hint'fs. . fci. ...... .H til Laud Pi I it inn 'in ' i,ncy J., anl o(-ker- . ... . .-...111. -.llli I It. I i IT I ... ili...... T I .'U1'I nit w'irr Clara C , i i for I'artiliuo. t i.vw ui '" i i 1 i a m II. Ilea (.ill. ID tlec'd. Ihfdu: II spearing to the natifar(im of tlieCwrt upon aflhlavit,- that Thosr Il.-Ieaiiii;tn, "ontrl. the ll-ffntlantM uttove name, H a iipn-rt-iiaf of this Slate, and can not, after due uiTiuct, Ue I' l iud, It isorderedtitat ii?nc;L btwtfie for nis snecepsive weeks, in the "(Jaroiins Walelniiaiipnldiplied in Salisbury, C." nolifving sniO dejViMlanls tf nt Jiear at th tif ' tice of the Clerk' of 'he Surior Cotirt of eounty, on or-before'the lOili hiy of .Sjitf Ker, and an-v,er l!:e IVti'iimi which .1-, fiiel in said ofKee, or ihej.i;!in! ill- v.ii!;if . , to Che Court fur the relief dcmandi 'i ;' ' coRifdainl. . Winter this the2nth day ,.f Ji.i . ! : G.'M. KlN(.!!AM. v V ; 41 :rw -$().. j( - IXi'viH ' '.!: : i MARSH'S MACHIK 3 Adrainistration, kc Tho Machine- Shoos and Foundry d e late K. II. Marsh are -'FOR BE ITT. ; " An experienced machinitit and rompeleti m& to msnsue. will find heie a very inviting portnnity for fucccpcfur hoir.tFs. Hi."; ehinery i nil in pood rtinriit p f Tr , he kepVjn i.peration until rtuled. Order ' he filled as usual. r NOTICE P Having ad id injsiered on my late Jlllbna, estate, all m-runn ir-ilr htu) to it are lirTfv notified to T.ll;r .vrlu t.-iv-m n IlMviri" rl iima urrnli.tl thas-imn arc to'prfscnl them for parinant witbitL iwelv inoiii lis -fciu -l-li is ihe 1st dav of Jnlyf1839r". this notice will he plead in .bar of recovt-tj. M A UTI I A C. M A lff, . 'July I, 1S30. " Administratrix. 37:tw " - . 00 EWS! SaveiBv Examining, III 1 fains Large and Well Selected Stock of NEW GOODS. L Just Read a few" line and judgo th( balance of our Stock accordingly : that kuxtijof DEY GOODS AND NOTIONS. A complete Ktock of Shoes at old prices. LatUf?, o Men's uats from, m cts ud. a Full Assortuien Shirts at liWt yetir's prices. ' . C3.ot2xJ.3EXB Olaoo-lP.'- Can sell a Man's Coat for 50 cents. Elgtit or, 32 kinds of COFFEES, from it :cta to the jve Mocht Elpht varieUeihif Syrups and Molasses rycheTip. A pood assortment of SUGARS - as cau bo had ia the place, Twelve fclads oi cna win a tobacco, ; Cheapest to the best to be had ln aib? ?r" Salt, Leather. Jrfeata Crockerr. Potatoes aDiXm, many articles not herein mentioned-r , " we bU7 and sell all kinks or Country IayJvi will ps j- potHl prtofsor Diied Irtilts and Kernj rr De sure aad see us before you hey of May tt, tJyjy. j ; s' Money m LawnsrPHucaL and HCrcals at 10 t'ts. Ttvoor""" housaiid yarda of Good CaMpo, bought last yj we offer at Ik, cts. A TuU ossortmeni w