v - I 'Vv'-k-'t'. -1:?1:',!1:'. il':;:.;riSt' r t' f;"-;': S - 5 MfM- T -" f ' " ' ' JT -y ' .- , -.i -fr 4 . ; .,.;f S.' 3 gximD SERIES I' . SALISBURY. N. C; SEPTEIIBEE 16, 1880. HO 48 jl i g : u: i . y . . : :.. - - ' pjCWOlina Watchman; l -JJpt fellED IN THE YEAR 18S2. COMMUNICATED. . Flasrsrtown N. political: ! 1 fi t" ia I i 1 lT 1.50 1 .WM I I' a .ui i 4 50 5. 23 1 T fia It j 4.60 o.oo r i.wri.iij.T 1.50 .T5 111.25 l.Ef .. " Tie ie Oil r a l t If .O ? ---S.W 4n uv. i; - - - ill! IIH y -"i JVVood Leaves. i . i 2nSADVRTXSII?0 RATES. c ! V"Hx TowIp. lIr. trith transit all 1 Sept. 2nd, 1830. - ' ' " - T, K. Bui;sER,Esq. , r , , How,ProtcctionJVorks. Dear Siirrvl liere- Col. Arxifield. Col. Armfield Ui , .-..r . MISCETVT, atjtottq . rifting ft ronmon'o i f.. it ' : haAlued of tlat pri yatei; property :virj,rr-it:. not be as flowin? a sneakers som (I Almontl. Pf rsicft) is oner shall not.be taken for public usea ex- 'tino of writing anotlic :t week, Ihouirh tfoti'ioiji ilinhilu ri i. a TlifintiJi. oi jne raisi acreeaoie8weeiisu-ni'Ju iiuiist i i i--oj- - i: ; . . . f - 1 t i . ';... .1 f. I lite lltrt lrhtrf otsin rkt ltip . -tcr rvtiiln.. U Asia. IE Crows uest ill winia aim ua- alio jiu..oiuu vf is nvm- ut pan. Its cn SV to tlie forth lu- by L ..... .. hv(H inri f - . it 1 i-iH t ffi distases of tiio Breathing Organs. u ifloUica and t3 jlcxaBrnso f ir! jiuiSmL and- creveatg ih nSsit- JiVta aial tkatscss across tho etiest ; SwSciit. C&XSC&PXJOX . dSlIrrlto havo Uo ri,rht remedy . KUl' liALSASi is that remedy. ; Buddeuly bur Monday niorninir. S!ic te . ureaiaasc as nsnal-and died aliuoht i ! mediately thereafter. I . Uiiitj i.to have a titoro Vonducted Mr. Plulps is a Lrother of the geutlemUu reewitly killed in Davidson County, j, 'e lifceto chronicle intenjal iniprove niejits and thereforo note the faet tbat Mr. lice 1 1 .erecting, quite a" Iiandoi and cotamfKlrous dwelling Iioujhj on t "IJenson Plaee," in which, Wf he 8o to place one ef UuitvJs farfiones. - Cabarrus Items. dlivation in China goes back ted by, what we call a protective iSJSr icst anttqnity.f Hie peach is tero under Avliich privateipersons ;are itioned in tle booksof Coufa- ' i A . . i- i required to pay higher prices than arc a thoaj;li professional aid falls. - HENRY'S tissoyESMii; frptccrful Healing Aneht ever Ditcoverea. yry' Crtr;o Salrv heals burnt. Venn' i 'Cirhptio fxlso e?rv torta. ' Htxry Aik for rjcnrj's, r.nd Trte ro Other. i .fOWNSEEY'S I i 1 " 'IHHW'JP i,CC4E3.IN ONX3 MINUTE. the Tiio men It U no longer found wild,althouSh forms neccessary to promote - the growth ' t)f run wild are met" with wherever the cold- business in which others private citi- vatiou of the peaeh has been carried on zena are engaged, and without; com- for any time, especially, in the Gaocasian pensation. The manufacturer claims country, in Terek, Persia, Southern Ili- that U jential for tU prosperity malava, China, &c. Tle native land is c. ... - , 0, therefore, probably, to the northeast rath- - . er than the northwest of India, whence it oe Pieciei. lie inststajnaino ior- eiteaded Grst to Cashmere and to Uueh- eign mafltrfacturer can and -wilt -Un- aria, and gradually to Persia, Asia Minor, dersell him unless the law comes to &c The absence of a Sanscrit name for xs rescue. And thereupon he is grant- tins important iruic snows mat us in ns- ft, protection through the1 tariff and plantation from its native land took place lt 3 . - f - e . . . t. p.. o other citizens are required to give before the in limit ion of the banscnts. At : 6 is i 1 Two Giants arid a Dwarf, Three of the most remarkable men of the century are now on exhibition in 4 others but he stands second to no one I . 1 ! n . - . i - .t in the State m point of abilitv. s He ' has already by his' talent and ' legal Lonon at the Royal Alquarium the knowledge attained anj influence in giant Cljang, a tea merchant of Pekin; Congress that a neV rncmber seldom rustad, a tall Norwegian, and Che reaches during his first "term, and j man described as "the Chinese dwarf, 111a constituents can rest assured that' .lucsi uwari ; in me world. he will occupy a position in that body j Chang is the ' largest in existence, that his district and $tate will be ; stanas. . ght feet two inches, and is Mr.T2ditg5: "We had t he pleasure of be- ,.M.r3X'rB tbe ,!. of Aristotl. tlu-re were o juicy ) W a larger P'ice than they would the finest musical treats that the elements peaches raised in Greece as in Egypt, even have to pay foreigners for the same prond of. His speeches, while not full of fiery, eloqueuce, are full of ''ar gument and sound reas)niogbristling with facts that carry conviction. The party, can rest . confident thati their cause is in safe, in ahjle liinHfs- and mat inetr uauner win oe carneu to a glorious victory in November nexL in&lon Sentinel. uuiisiuLr 1 lilt nurc ni n limp, innnroi n i , n e itt t.:i. 1 rri .1 t i i p,, v , An A , ' upon uieisiamioi jiuouesuio miich oouil fjooas. 1 nai is me naueu worKinc I CTa. - -ll At county could afford. ; The Cabarrus people ; J- . , , , . f ..,! . Hancock has given th . . . - l I; ! t us trpfl nrnnnlilr first. r..iin. fro 111 Asia tr 1.. l. f I D are,preaisposeu 10 .-4narcn ouwara in other 1 ; 1 ' , T J - - - oi protection, uuuer tne guise 01 a civil service reform th enternrises than farming it, thU i Minor), and where it produced .at that .... .. . ... . 1 - " . ... . r pLrvte 1C,UIUI l"e 1. . . , v,T -Tj . - - . , . puujic use, money is taiien irom one f min ranN!nmi ii.. display of in usical talent. We refer to the j time only flowers and single scattered:.. ' J . Ot many years and that. consoimation ot tjve or six choirs from toe ! fruit Hppp it U nr.l il.l, tJ.:.t. xvii;lf eiuzeii aim given 10 auoiucr wiuiout ftnr iif mnt. tlilntlno j the Hudson River " Railroad . wero bnrned. The stands in . the market were owned by some sixty persons: cr firms, whose losses rango from $200 to $2,000 each. No insurance' Tho loss on the market building is 100, 0.0, It is insured in various compa nies to the amount of SlOO.OOOl ; , ' ' " ! " ; , :.:. Circular Users of Gold and Silver, The director of the mint has pre pared a circular wKlcli he is distribu ting as widely as possible tliroughout the country among manufacturers highly educated, speaking five differ- ent '. Innrrnirroa wl.wl t.r. T lt-l. i i 1 if , t, , fa . . . and users of gohi and silver metal of which he speaks very well, but w th all Ao b r 4, - ai'. I)lfl , 4 . 7 ' . al descriptions, for tho purpose of the well known smg-Eong of the Chi- 1 j i . 1 . -I' i-n. -. r. i. V, . ... wtaraing as definite information 'as t i u 0 . " possibleupon whichtobase ancslimato out his boots; be measures sixty UfUv.J uicues rounu me cnest, weigns twenty-six stone, has a span of eight feet with his outstretched arms, and sins a con- his name without an effort upon a sign-post ten feet six inches high. Chang is thirty-three years of atre. various churches around, numberintr in all about 175 students, "alt -under the instruc tion of Profr-Waltcr MKirkTa young gen tleman ot tine taste and museiaV talent, j The degree of . 'perfection arrived at by these various choirs was peculiarly striking. -wlien.we consider tlie tact that they had not might be considered as different species of peach, are. only varieties which all arose in the course of cultivation. Among these belong the fruits with naked and hairy skins (psilocarpso and practiced together, and as we learned were i carpae)witli auiiereutana treestonos, convened to assist in the dosing exercises i (clingstones and free stones,) with white, of a musical term at this place. Among the spectators we noticed the man ly form; of t4ie venerable Rev. lothrock, around whose brow the bloom of youth still seemed to linger. And whilst well tuned ifancocfc and Civil Service Reform. We happen to know that General is subject of and: it is about fifteeu years since earful study 1 he was in England. he shares the I After five years residence in the men as to the Celestial Empire, he returned to Eu- compensation. consequences of a nrotracted nonular rone! for the Paris exhibition, and has A t.-r , , , . it wouiu DeiarDetter toievyatax indifference to the evils of our exis- Uinco visited Vienna .where the era- 1 . . j I I 1 ! x aim pay me .imencan manuiacuirer Ung j system. No government or peror gave him a ring he proudly ex a uonus ai, once, rigures snow " country can long prosper under such hibib, marked with the imperial eagle ine tariii, suppose, gtves lu per cent. svsten, Kut uovv jaw about :t anti an(l the initials of Francis Josenh protection. iow i.mow ?iW worm no rcsoi veaJontcj bv individual mem- Berlin and Hambnrir. Sine.! his last sumed in the'-arts and manufactures in tlie United States4 The director" in his circular assures parties who may recive it, that any information they may furnish will be regarded as confidential, as his onl object in procuring this information is to em body it in tliat portion of his forth coming annnal report which treats of the value arid ' amount ofT gold and silver and in the arts and manufac tures. .! Moorish Cruelty. , : Kaid Maclean, a retired. English yellow and variegated ilesh, and finally of goods from the manufacturer to the Gf Congress aud no action by any residence in this country Chane has officer who commands the Moorish Eiey's 'Carbolis Trosh i,ll r m.m . . if. -.,1 A3 13 j : a'5Uhe pnn"ENTiviJ cp Coctaiouk Eiaa?s OoIdM JZeiTcn.e.so, D.plitiicria, scaJL YJhcj?h-j.c iZouxiu j j'lsatatit to Ote 2Wff Eeliovai Iyspep3ia aud rilieisa.css. BT Fplt SALS BY ALL DHUGCI5T3. -:aS3 P4 KEITKY, CXJ1ULA2Z & CO., . J - I M E I'KnpRIXTOIW, 84 Oolleira Place, - Kew Torlc PorSale fey T. F. KLUTTZ, Bruf gist, tbj " Salisbury, N. C. PLOW BRAND voices xr;ehymning that beautiful Quar tette, !;hat a gathering that will be," His thoughts seemed to be fixed upon the gath ering that will. occur when , time and senbe -hall be no ntore. Lonj mav he live, to ful fill his 'tnissioii of labor and love here. j Among the female voices, none were more distinctly au'dible than those of Misses Lu C. Lyrcyt ?f.!R3Iisenheimer, JIattie Fishier and 3f.j Jf Dry, which seemed to rival in sweetness the mellow tones, ofra silver bell. Tlie iIesdrs:iMiseuhiRiers, Dry, Klutts, iS. V. Beaver, Capt. G. A. -Barker, W. M. Pen inger and others whose names we could not learn, ,all acquitted themselves with honr. Whilst jhe entire organization certainly did well, tlie good ladles of the' community did in. t fail-to provide a rivh . repast, to whif-h ample instice was don 5. Kverv -t4mjr end ed as ic was begun an love and harmony. And as'tii;? last sweet strains of the iami!ar D; xolgy, Praise Go'd 'from whuia .ill bleps ing'.s flow," cease to echo 'the vast concourse ri;hu tantly retirel to their honus. Prof. K is as genial, waruv-hearted gentlc nuui, as one would wish to meet. Long and happy may he live to contjr on others the happiness of song.fr.nv sacred harmony wrougal.. - H W. W. IL with elongated, round, forms. I The peach at the present day is distrib uted everywhere, not only in the Old bit in the New World. v The; Altuoud . tree (Amygdalus eoni- ud compressed customer and the course will be as follows : Manufacturer 100 00 To jobber To wholesale merchant at 10 ner cent, added bv iobber :.. - I. ...1 i,ir I T III 1111 is,; hum a yiaR.rtuu uaiu, ui imu for his profits and soft shell to its kernel, like , many T H mcrcnant with 10 otber species oi4tne genus is ino.gmous o .pePcent at(lea for profits to WeMCI U ilMilUUIl xUltll illlltil, iiuuuull at the present day, it i3 hardly met wiih there in a wild condition, it was kuoWu at a very early period to the inhabitants of the Mediterranean regions of Syria and Palestine. The Jews make mention jnf it ; and it was carried by the Phoeniciaiis to the Hesperian peninsula (towards Liisetania and the Baelican province). It was sacred to Cybele, in Greece, wheife, even at that time, there were two kinds, with sweet aud bitter nuts. Phyllis hangs herself 011 an almond tree, and is traiis- 140 00 wholesale merchant To consumer with 25 per cent, added for retailer's profits Now let the same goods come to consumption without this protective price added to commodity : Manufacturer To jobber To wholesale dealer To retailer Fo consumer President touching it can be really grown six inches. He has a benevolent army, said recently : "If f were to useful and effectual which is not in- Monjgolian face, a courtly manner, and publish half the things I have seen spired by a powerful arid united pop- wears a richly embroidered dress, Wl my own eyes in this extraordi- ular opinion wjiich will put and keep worked for him by his sister, who is, nary country I should beiranded as a office-holders as well as bayonets in like the rest of the family, of only liar for the rest of my life The 154 00 their proper places at all times and in ordiaary stature. xuoors ot iuorocco are aescnoea oy all circumstances. New York World. Next to Chans, and next by no Captain Colville in his new b6ok of long! interval, stands Brustad about travels there a3 barbarians, bui their Gov. Hendricks has promptly and Leveji feet nine inches hih, very barbarism is concealed by a politeness effectually responded to a challenge muscular, verv broad back, having as "genuine and gentlemanlike." Yet . . . - ' - J - - - -, o I . . , . 169 40 211 78 to Prove Garfield's corrupt complici- great a girth of chest as Chang, and a "the Kaid of Pacha, with whoseT ty in the returning boards frauds in wider span in proportion to height, polite manners and lavish hospitality Louisana. The challenge came from He has a low forehead, but speaks one has been struck, may just haye the Indianapolis Journal, aud the op- I English fairly well. Brustad has also been watching a slave flogged to death portunity to respond was aflorded a r which he""reatly delights in- or may at the very time he is talking Gov. Hendricks at a mass meeting at exhibiting. He presented it to himself to one be starving a man to death in w ' i nil . . I ! - I t 1 10 00 Indianapolis. 1 no accusations against out bf tlie profits, it is supposed, gain- an upper ciiamoer, or planning some 121 00 Garfield he repeated with startliug Lj by bein shown. It is four and new and horrible torture by which he 151 25 emnhasis, and convicted him, as our a half ounces in weight, and a nennv may extract money from his subjects." ii (th i-im1 i 11 ti"i t. I ':il w;illf il it, X MT Grf:ien. I TVoilnof Vftm nrina in minenm. I . ... . .i ,1 . . . I mt t ..-V 1 . -- -- - -- r j x...v.w.. v..r-. report sliowus this morning, witnout cocs cas jy through it. To grasp his -ine -raD tortures men ana aniruais troni which it by no means follows that er under nrotcctivc nolicy 21100 . . . , . , to. l . 7 ? . . n .t . i , . . i i r x e e a dissentin"" voice. do in onerman min-htv hand in irrcetinislikcshakinff most crueny, "dui always ior a pur- at that time it was not propagated in Price to consumer free of pro- ui0ui.ii0 vv immy "aim in 3i.v.iiuc,isiuvi.siian.iii i jj i i 100 00 100 00 For the Watchman. . Public Iloads. Jr. Editor i We all very well know tiat tho Highways are indispensably necessa ry, and we turther know, 'that their good condition is much desired.4. Now (we think it high time thatome-thiug be d:Mn in this direction. It is t rue. the last Lfg htt lire .enacted a new la if, a-i- i c :i!id, i ! 1 i.ivtei".l-'.t!8; i - ' ifin i.t-lte; ClO .i iOii i I'.'f Hi?lfcJ i we iit.d i i pviii uci it ifv ; t eat (Ktetit, I. r ! tt . is '" it it!:ijii, of iJt-'vfd t?tteniv-iit iV iUt ii, of i ;,e N'ajlev wf' Vir- P .j'lis-lH.-eu j?iit ': the iulorma- .a ilf O'.Tjt ft tK'rl 1 ' isltiie in : aceoniplihjiig ; as othi-r road Uiwi-. . Uu je wl.(i tvv iImo use a - t FHilllUa' FCR 'WHEAT. 1 J r;"t yhr iiu'e ;.)0 Tons ditliei ti't '"r,lQ'if'i I'tir Hiicat aud afdr proitr- i osuutJiMij.l, wureh lus given suchfii wt4 tyiifot to double' our I lui brand '.lii, smsoii and it-wiil have p,lt.r4.llx.jti S4,i,,:),n 4(1- tie Valley." 'I, r mH',f)tt'Mlv Im-re" For teim, &o., BEHNHAaDT BROS. ' . Ag-ents. v :'--ij?2u!.-;: Attorney i M. GRAY, and Counssllor at Law, . . . St-lLlSlWkY, x.c .jl'J in jtlie Court House lot, next doo '"e tfitnglitou. Will practice in all tnfarts ofthe State. JlfrT-t--J - -33 a. o vssafi ait, TTblLVJJY AT JL1 IV. cticfs in the State andFederal 2' 1 r ! ERR CRAIGE, j flipttir'ttti at fafci, .. - '7T?rA. -' - . ' ' - - -IBM erf M HRnflersoD. - and Solicitors. N' (879 tt. r wra Kit? jouvisu- jffl-M Your Watches and gJs&CJockA,Sewing Machines,&c, Dttin I BM(lf cheap and rpsponpiWle leve tbm ; wUh Messrs. s- -.jeidlan, Sali'sbilry, N, C. !me -tieen. lun purporting to bet ter the cotiilin ;;M ul oarpioads iryui'tL'txa of the luifairm ot' she iurtts to ! if, viitnajh" .Na tl:r the peeie. wii. ave, in a great nic.iMiie, ,v Joumlatint, byne aliil tti'ucic of our cour.tryV a te tiiiionejet ; and are not to be trusted even uua'cr with. And stiH"th money is wrenched frouwjt-he pockets of this class to thelp enable, jUy' &untlij laiv makers, so ur Kpeak, to fare, sumptuously, while engaged 'in theimlnbus worii of making laws to oppress t!iein We say thedioad law's haye been aiil ure because tbev were ko framed tjbat they failed toliiiug about the desiredjie- sult. . . . i It seems strange,Hhat it has not been lonf airo realized, that no man will per form good honest labor without compensa tion. ' We appeal to all right m in ded peo ple, if we are not tight, l-et every one whom this subject may concern, ask him self the question : Can or should I per- form labor-ior tue jpiiwic wiiuoui pay, while 'otlier jii6iic'wrcflHW get ample pay for their services; yea, grow fat in many instautcesr off the pi-oceeds of the labor of the people We mauiiain iuai uiwaoiu M.uy practiced uponrauy class of citizens is coufi ary to t lie principles upon which jour government was founded that it wasiiu t'ended that no disci iminattou should bo made : but -that all citizens should; be fnual befoTthe law. ! WoRoeik iu behalf of the laWing class, audkh-sire to see their rights vindi cated, and that justice be meted out to every ruau- All desire good roads, then let all -con tubule inorder, to have thieiu. "Let justice be done though the heaven's fall, i Let every mate suoject,m euougn to pajKpi tax, who travels the public road Jrrespeciiveof age, be taxed per capi ta together a i tit ery venicie anu aui- mnl nsed ou the? road sufficient to keep tli ? roads 'iu eoodt order: hence there would be better rwids and more harmony amonf those who woald keep them mi re pair, s We simply submit the above j for cnnMneration. believingrit toa snbject worthy the thought of the good people of our country, and wish omy w pufc uo Dan in. njot-ionwii.il. uie hujic lu., .uv vu didatea ofltowan county for the next Leg islatnre may think and talk about it to the people as we ottieve tney suouiu. We all should ieollect that time is mon ey to Vcomnion manTas well rs any- oher and we believe the Legislature should re lieve the peoplo interested, of the. ui .mice, as it weritv of 'keeping tip the pub lic roads uuder the present sy stem, which v . . . .. ... , tr -j.t.--i. i.l.- fit.. we think wiey-wm uo,-: ii tuey uiko mo golden rule as their exemplar. L U. Italy. Charlemagne caused amandalcr.os tection to be planted on his estates. At the present time it is distributed j Balance over the whole of Southern Eurojie, throuirhout Persia, Arabia, China and Java. In addition to the common almond, the seeds -of Amydalis Orientalis, Amyydalis, Scoparia, Amyifpalis arabica, mid -I my gdalis atrestis, are 'lea I en at the present day in Eastern and Southern' Persia, and con-! itute an art H'v- ol tr; Aiexainier the threat, brought the Ap- ricoi. from A; tuenia tt Greece and Ejdni froiu wuic.i i'.'uiutries it reacheu Italy There air dlii'e;e;!f. Varieties of this, sonn witi. tiiige hint (A, ;ii meitieariae, au gdalii''.le., pVrieariac) ;ind some wlith ftiuall fruit A, evrosinae and A- prunarit-e) of which the former far exceed the latter T51 00 attempted a reply. John bherman hands with an oak tree. His weight pose was a beneficiary of the fraud and was j,, twenty-eierht stone, greater than J . , 8 60 50 as Jeep in the corruption as Garfield. Chang's, for his bones are more mas- The S?ace Jied to btop a lram. sive. His age is thirty-five. It" clea that-the distance reqtnr- Che-mau. the dwarf, gives his age ed to stop trains increases very rapid- as iforty-two, sings a Chinese elegy, Y with the Increase of rates of speed describes himself with much fluency ana misapprenension on una vuai and variety, and twentv-five inches. hft is described, the smallest man in ments made on July 14, in England: This only one of the tor Vance, who are the commissioners , jt common for exhibi- the Westinghouse brake stopped a And so it is evident thatthe con- With Garfield he helped to doctor the snmpr pays G0.50 instead of merely rctorns, and his statement is the evi $40, which was intended as a protec-1 dence of a co-conspirator. But were & tion to the manufacturer. Twenty he a disinterested witness he is tin dollars and fifty cents are lost with- I worthy of belief. Char. Ob. out the manufacturer being atall ben- efited by this additional increase of Dr. Worth, GowJarvis and Sena the price witli mucn nuency ,ili uiiaaipccuavfii v ui as his height is only point may become a fruitful source of 2S, appears to be what destructive accidents. In experi- l t T I . T. 1 t evils arising from the villainous sys- to examine the Western North Caro- jwarfs to over tnree feet high, train moving at the rate of 4115 miles tern. The truth is, there ought to bo una itauroau, staiea at. Asueviue umi sir-Geoffry Hudson, the dwarf whom an nour at appoint oniy ou leei uis no "protection. Every tub ought to they had examined the work and that rea(ers cf Sir Walter Scott will best Uant from the place where thej brake stand on its own bottom. aucM is tlie satisiaciory prugiesa uau u-ti n.auc theory of our government, and ought And they further state that $109,000 to be its practice. falcigh Observer, had been paid by Mr. Best on account of the road, whereot $30,000 had been remember, measured three feet nine inches when he had attained his full stature. 111 vaiiiiiin. . I . t. w-r -VTl.. IT. U present, t lie apricot occurs wil 1 in I uERMAN S JriANCOClv. i"Sor- paid on account ot the Moating cleDt. the regions. of thji- Caucasus, particularly ristovvn, Sept. 7. lo-ntght the rooms j andf$30,000Jhad also been expended in on its Southern Slope. In Armenia, whiere ,,r ilp nnnnnratie Association were! tltA itiirnhnse of iron and snikes. then . . '- i . i ; J : - I I 1 1 It was yropiUiy, lliT cuunaieu, i is LMW1U with TWinnrntir mid Re i nib- .,n l, w..v, in shovil RnL Oh. . . ; . .. - , i, lw.ui.v.vu I UU IIIV ""I -' . 1UUUUIUU 11U. 11 isuisuiuuiruumiutii- , . 11 1 . . . , . I l.pnn (iprmnim who were addressed m nut tin. i-11 tii-i. f.:at vn to I .:ishnifrp. anil I .... N - s ' - - L a w " - r I . , . Northern India and over Northern Africa German ty A. ivneuie, ot tne nauera An All-Healing Spring. While at King's Mountain the other day we were informed that a was applied, but when the speed was increased to Gl miles per hour the distance run after the application of the brake was 1,185 feet, and when the speed of the train was increased to G7 miles per hour the distance traversed after the application of the snrine i 1 has been discovered about brake was 2,053 feet. Similar results aud Southern Europe. Its cultivation is Freund, and C. F. Plumacher, two to the State of North Carolina, in 18G8, most extensively prosecuted about Da mascus Amarnialade is prepared from the fruit by boiling, which is spread upon cloth, dried aud thus brought into the trade; Yours truly, Jonx'F. Cotton. years affo' a leader of the Greenback element in Montgomery county. Mr. Kneule stated that the only German Republican daily paper in Cincinnat- U, Abend' Post declared against Gar- rrniin sx'riwnt. visit to this ffentle- field last week. While Mr. Ivneule -'""k." - c- 1 man, this subject came up, and this .is a wag gpeakinf Mr. Louis Scharff, pro continuation ot if ins letter may ue . , t. WL-C of interest to onr fruit crowina farmers. P"w 'J1 a,Sc ttl4" ' - " . ' I . -m . 1 t 1 T. K. lil below jNornstown and a nie-iong ne ....ui:.. rr.ii , . , , 1 ill Ili 1V.UU ClilVltU. XiL l JH3 (livv.l,v,v 1 l I ..i 1 VTTI nt fr 1 t ti,.i.ct ti, ..-?r.D ..n.M.f w tu anniause. neii iur. xvi.euic the electricity in the air and discharge it ceased Mr. Scharff was introduced and at the ends, and if the telephone is iujuse j received with tremendous applause. at the time, the persons engaged arejapt jt ke ami(j cheer3 i i .i i 1. ...... : 1 . . LU W MKItHfU UUnil ilUU UUIti .IIAUIUIU . .r . ....... ... w to tne amount oi eiecmcuy uiscnargeu. T VpmvT . Tlr vmnv The mm mm W m a A Jk. m mmmv v'V ' S a wixg Shingles. Mr. Daniel Hiirt- J Vermont election took place Tuesday. map has attached to hi steam saw find Tho ttpnnhlioan maioritv will foot no ahine to saw shiiigles. 1 ZQfm moreor1ess. Vermont grist mm. a m Wre have m tu somepf the shingles turn ed oat there and think them very nice. He will saw either pine or popalar to suit customers, and says he can furnish them as cheap as any body. ' The Rev. W. S. Creasey has been con- dncting a very interesting religious revi val at Providence church in this county. We learn that there have been 76 conver sions and 54 accessions to that church. ! : Dr. . Ashbnry, the inventor, has been in Baltimore the past two months superintending tests of his process for brick drying. He has, we .under"' stands succeeding in introducing it . to very great extent in Richmond. is emphatically a, Republican State, and for the best reasons : yermoht lias always Ubeen under Republican rule. ! It lias the largest per cent, of crime. I The lowest wages.' ; The least gain in population. It drinks the most rum, . v And has the largest Republican majority. , ' . i s Scutperxoxg Grates. -Dr., Coleman has a finejBcnppernong Tine on his place. He thinks it will yield 30 bushels this year. MrBaerbanm has them for sale. three miles east of that village, on the The United Statesgovernmentgavc hancs of Messrs. Garrett Bros., the medical properties of which are unsur naBsed bv any waters in the known tr " world. It has been know to cure the Worst cases of skin diseases in less than three days- In short, its medi cinal properties are so great that it has been most appropriately named the "All-Healing Spring. Irom this spring certainly flows the "Fountain of Youth" for which Peter Parely searched in vaiu while writing his celebrated history of the old and new world. Shelby Aurora. were ootainea were used. when other brakes land scrip worth several hundred thyusaud dollarT'for the purpose of establishing an agricultural .college. The scrip was last seen in the hands of some of the leaders bf the Repub lican party. Can, anybody tell us what became of it? Perhaps Judge Buxton, when discoursing on the sub ject of education, can explain the mo dus operandi by which it was lost to the State. Ral. 06s. The Radicals-in two years managed to get 41,912 scholars in attendanceat public schools. Last year we had 5, 503 schools in full blast, and 288,749 scholars enrolled. Perhaps Judge Buxton will tell the people about it; Ral. Obs. , - " Dolog-ua. ' ' i - -- " f - - i - .Bo-logn-ya is a walledcity in Italjr, yet it invented sausages. Bologna, has no hogs, yet the shop3 reek with tlie odors of leeks and garlic, f. Cairo may have forty-nine smells, but how many has Bologna? There are nineteen kinds of cheese (that are gocjl), and each with a, emell! There ire the shops of cooked vegetables where you buy a boiled hot potato-for a soldi; or a half-kilo for five of them, all these smell: the sausages. It's a jperfect A Prayer Answered. Mrs. Nancy Jessup died last week in Westfield township in her 88th year, A ftl r.00.000 Fire in New York. Xew York, Sept. 9.-A fire broke ge an inuu.ma. --.vi rew . , lU -A ofBoliirnas They are: in links, in out about midnight on the north side ofoligoas. . j J J of Manhattan market, which occupies o.aaaers ,o a the block from Eleventh Avenue to stomaens, m " V'6 . , sitb nA flask-like forms, m clubs, in cudgels, i Ortll xviver, aiivi tci.ivvw 35th streets. The fire occurred in the basement of Pope Bros., provision dealers, and spread rapidly. The For twenty-seven years before heifUhole building was soon wrapped in jiJoi'in cWo bad bpen blind. One month 14 4JL lit OUV ago,1 she prayed that j she might re ceive her sight and see her children; and r strange to say, two days before death her sight was restored and she was permitted to see ali b er children and was astonished at their klooks. Verily the prayers of the righteous availeth much. 3lt. Airy Visitor. flames. Sparks were carnea Dy the wind to the large establishment of T. Bl Clarke, on south side bf 34th street and a number, of surrounding stores and Hay Market Hotel took fire and were blazing, away at 1 o'clock. The in canes; sausages sjuuhty, uitw, leeked, fatted, lean, spiced,; plain, mildewed, decayed, greasy, . moldy, red, gray, mottled broken, tottering with age, or plump with youth. The per capita expenditure for ad ministering the United States govern ment is as follows: Under Radical rule. 187434.62: 1875r$3.89 ; 1876, t Jm. . . . . Tl t a m W-M TmW th. W Af. loss is estimated at $1,500,000. The 3,63. w itn a emocruuw .-. market and hay sheds on the adjoin-1 check Radical extravagance,; on, ing block, and ninety freight cars of $3r03 ; 1878, $2.80.-Bal. 06. X - TH :V A-