-'9 fLX .7--,- y REAKIXG A CHAIN". You will have to open uie ?nof this morning," Lucia, and take, cape of It the best you can, called my father from the next room, 'for my h,ead i$ aching so that I shall he qnahle q leave my bed to-day I was quite a little girl then, not more tbSn eleven yeqrs old, tyt at father and I "were alone and jhere jtna no one pise to" petfqrm the task, I arose cheerfully, sljivereV intq my clothes for it was bitter cold and auite early-and hastened down stairs. . . ii I Broom in hand fqr. the purpose of sweeping off the sMewald first I pro ceeded to threw open the frqnfdoor, but'only, to 4 raw back, with a faint crv of terror and sunnrise. ; t Crouching behind the friendly shadow of a large box, standing at one side of the doorway, wag a lad apparently about twelve or fourteen, a poor, ragged creature, with hollow cheeks and a haunted look in his dark blue eyes that lived in my memory for mauy a day afterward. 'Please, pleaAe don't cry out, or call any one!' he entreated in a low pleading voice, they'll surely take me again, and I don't want' tq g - back " ! 'Don't want to go back where I asked, growing courageous, and taking V step nearer him. : For answer he pointed to a heavy ball and chain attached tq one of h ankles. j la those days for the time of which I writwalong ago it was custom ary to attach a weight of sonyj kin to the legs of conyipts in order to pre vent them from going very far; in case they should attempt to escape ; sol lat once understood that he had got away from the town jail. 1 was arrested for stealing ia meat pie and they treated me so bad at the jail he said with a dry sob that went straight to my hearty 'that-that 'You ran away, poor boy Come in nd "I'llliide you safely away Together, and with much diffi culty in preventing the chair, from rattling which would betray his pres ence to my father, we succeeded in creeping down tq the back j cellar. There I left him, well satisfied with ny morning's work, j A little while after, I carried him a bowl of steaming coffee, and a slice of bread, vhic he swallowed tq my satisfaction, with a decicl.e relish. 'I 'say, sis,' he whispered, a I turned to leave, 'if I had a good strong file, I coqld get this 'ere chain off, and then I'ck be all right will bring you, no$ only a file but a good suit of clothes that belong ed to my bro.ther. that s dead, an an ld red wig from the garret, tq dis guise jyou Aiith, I answered 'on one condition only - 'What is it?' he asked eyeing me curiously. 'Only thi that yoq give meour solemn promise never to. steal again no matter how poor or hungry you may be, and to try and b,ecom,e a good and respectable boy . A flash of brightness, visible even in the dim light that struggled through he narrow cellar winoY, passed over his wan features, and kneeling down before me, he caught one otnjy hands and bending over it, slowly breathed the required pledge. . . - For three days, during which time fortunately for my projept, "my father f kept his room, the poor fugitive re mained m his qingy retreat. Then when night came qq, ant I xA knew the one cqns,table our town boasted was snoring comfortably between his blankets, I softly open e$ thebapk door ; and let John Ray as hacajlecj h,im- selfj ouf into the arknesa. Freed fronrhig fetters, and arrayed in the nice suit I had given him, he Jooked sorespectable, even handsome that I felt he never wpqlcj be recog razed, and, that he wight not wan for ready cash tq assist hini on his way I pressed a, long treasured gold piece of juy own in 1m hand, as we -parted rn sober si Ienpe in the shadowy ' doorway. - ; Twelve years catqe and Wt. Mis fortune meanwhile had visited us in several ways. Oue jwintry nightour little shop and all it contained, together . witlj pur household goqds, was ,- consumed by fire. Later ray father's eyesight failed hrm, and hoping to better our pqqdi? lion, we moved to New York. '-But we soon found out) that the great city was al ready qver-crqded , with workers, and in a little while wc becamejpoorer than we ha ever been before. - i - Ilci'ving one I:V lyit a' yjlthy .vgeuticuiau, who xm aooiii ij "make Jqug journey, wanting a respectable person care for hi$fhouse dqring his absence, I hastened to apply for the situation. I found him t Ins pfce a hand some, kindly feature j man, seeming but a few yeare elpjer that myself. lljave yoq references T !e assea, on my stating my business. I protect a written j aper which qqr good mjnister had: given me be fore I left the home of my cnuqi hood. j A flush of pleasure! overspread h,4 handsoqje features as lie reqd it. 'You do not recognise, rnc, I see,1 he remarked. , J I certainly did nqt, x$ said 5.P 'And you mqs.t remember John Ray?' I shook my head, j In the many troubles that had come upon, us, tie memory of the; convict boy I once as- - ';: i sisted iiassed entirely away. y 'if you have fqrgotton me, Lucia Sqm.roers he returned, taking a small shining goldrpieep. frqm his watchchai n 'perhaps yoq may remember one dark night Twelve years. aq. 1 had no oc occasion tp spein) it then,' he went on, 'for I found work irtnediately, and, slnco. T have kent It as a talisman V.- I . .. ;i a,gains.t temptation, aqd a reminder o the promise I made yqu. '.nd why did you never Ie,t me hear from you V 1 asked. I wrote to you once, but received no reply, and two months ago, when - . A . t I found mys.elf the. junior memoer o the firm whom I had served so long X went to your town to look Ibr you but you had gone n4 one knew wither John Ray, prosperous and happy, went on his inende journey, but not alone; for we were married soon after, and I accompanied him, and my father also, for the purpose of having his eyes attended to by a cejebjated French doctor. When his. sight was fully restored we 91116 back to reside in the beauti 1 ful home which had come to us all through my timely jaid in 'Breaking a Chain The Qsprey. The osprey feeds exclusively on fish, being the only eagle, that con- Ifines itself to such bild diet, always choosing his eyrie? with reference to such prey ; though; it ijS rjqnored that want sometines compels him to touch other flesh, at the best a rare depar ture from usual habit in sp. goodja fisher. He catches his silvery food by sweeping along hei surface of the Water, ,?in able to discover it fom great height, when he descends sheer as a bolt, not headlong like the solan but feet foremost, seizing the luckless; fish wth his. powerful talons, the Iqwer 5ur,aee of iwhicli is roughly sealed, to prevent its escape. He. pre fers to build on hsumcnit of a high rock, headland or castle wall, either by the. sea shore or in a loch, cloe to good fishing ground. He is frequent - ly oblighed, hower, to nestle on a tree, doing so always oo, its very headt and, eebre, generally select-! ing a fir with a flat top, on which hra grea n6st my lie in order to ccmraanc a free, ontlook for observation ant safety, dear to a 9reature q sby Scorning all protection from wind anx weather, however jferce and iqelem entt the hardy bird ijits calmly will beak to the rudest blast and nude the heaviest celqge.. Singularly inoi fnive and mild in, disposition,' Ik attacks no other bird or beast, thougl he is. a; brave as the fiercest of h falcons, not fearing the heayiest oddt Indeed, the osprey would eem to b a kind qf Gunnar among the bird, bigt stronf, milc and daulessf i Nial' qn, with fa like devotion j duty which is as beautiful as it i j L teresting. (hod Werds. I -' ; f" Gen. Grimes Assassins. U ft Frora a party just frqm Beaufrt county, and well acquainted wijliill the parties, we learn that strong s. picion of bping impHpated jn. the. sassination qf Qen. Grimes has fetfnJ for orq0 time, on two yiite named latthews an4 farker.' thews is a yqung rnao frqrr ville county, keeping bsr"fqyHrt Pararqre, in dewberry and faiter resides near the j locality whereihe desperate deed vas cxmmitted. ith of these inen are jquite JntimateTjith the pamqrp JtWeen wqcj! j-a Gen. Grimes itir od Ger. GrimesV evidence, it is would have involved Paranj'ore ti the arson of Gen. Qrimesr rrjilK (4 i. formaii ay Matthews wears jNb. 5 or6 shoe, wlueh; yould; corrlsj,ond with the ftp pf'j the track ?& i$ on the edge nf t))e swamp. Tlietjcu. Jars of be cvidenagaiiist$hem;,J we could not calLeri hnt It. U Parker piloted the way in swamp, and Matthews shot Qen. Gfimes r as he was passiqg. Qqr informant thought hat these nartiei were arrested, pror bably. as he- wa telting qst oq Tues day. We understand both, New york aqd BLiltiniore detectives have been at work qu flip cas. Tarborq Soutft- 'W - "; ' Many eqrPs -ill qst rat ions are to be found in passiiig events of the. change that are being! made in the great world, he eeiopment ot cotton cultqre at the Soqth lsj one by whicl) the Southern fvpple furnish, clothes. tall of ChrUteiqdoni. Anoth er i$ tq le fuud in lie Iiipment of our immense wheat crops from the fmzeq "fields of VYis?coqn acrq continent anc across qn. ocean tq fred tin people of western fuqrope. Less important, but equally striking, is thecoiirse q( the wine trade in rancc. That favored country ha for centu ries been the, reservoir whence ajj nitions drew their supply of wines. But of late the boct ha$ gotten on the wrong foot. It is said that from ex porting more than eighteen mca i s much as she imported, France iuw imnorts more wine than she sells. i , Up to IS.S she prinliced an annual average of eight huudretl millions of gallons. During the last ten years the annual average of i her wine pro duct was more than fourteen hundred millions of gallons, and in 18G9 the crop had increased to near two thou sand million of gallons. Since then the ravages of in sects have. reudere the crop very uncertain, and theie bas been a great decrease, so great indeed, that laJ year the amoun produced was only abutt e.igjit hun dred minion gallon being abou what the crtp was twenty years ago As a resulK the Fvench are now im porting more wuit man ihey ex port. It is a subject with i which we are not very familiar, but we know tha good wine is made in North Caro- linl, and it; seems to, iis that there is anf in lint i ted capacity ; for production her, and that now is the time fu oqi people tO( make niore strenuous eflRrts in that direction. liciltigh Qberver, l"" ; A CHARWITTE iNVENTICVi. Mr igene Aslibury ly invented ant U-nqrr0kv vill apjly fr a patent n 3W.C wusirucie qi a principle vhich involves a spying of at least a tindre per c.en in wood, and pos sses other considerable advantnges. t is especially adapted to use where ooking on an etensjve ecalo. is re in i red, and t!ie special claim of the aventoris that he is able to utilize all heHieat by dividing the flames into wo flues over each of which a row l vessels majf le, he.a,tel. T4e$e. Oues may e of any length; within a certain limit, so that four or five times many vessels may be heated as on i n ordinary stove of the same size. Tie inventor has e.xhibi.ted his model p those familiar with such subjects, and it has met with unqualified approval. Mr. Asbury is himself quite sanguine. Cfiarlotle Observer. ; A Sixty-Hay Fast. One Msc Perow, living just north of this city, some two months ago became posess ed of the iJea th he had a cancer i" bis Ktomach and could not ea,t. He refused all footi, and could not be persuaded to tike any sustenance ex cept some sweetened water occasional ly, and onoe onp teaspoon fyl of ice cream. He thug lived si$ty-thrre days, and died last Saturday night. An autopsy made to-day found that his stomach, bowels, jiyer, lungs, heart, &c., were all perfectly sound and healthy, and tha'his whole trou ble was in his bniu. P is abstinence from foot! is perfeotly established, al o the length of time he fasted. He was formerly a carpenter in the em ploy of the Detroit, Grand Haven and Milwakee Railr.qaoj. Grand Rapids (Mich.) Special. Preparing fortheGupat Event. News come from King!s Mountain that the preparations for the centen nial celebration are gojng forward rapidly. The mouument is approach ing completion atuj is prounced by those who have seen it a credit to the association. The local committee is going ahead with the wprk of prepar ing the grounds for the grand milita ry display, and the people are making preparations for flip eiitertainnient of thejlarge crqt) tjiat is expected. The exectecomraittee meets at King's Mountain on the 21st to complete the final arrangements.-Charlotte Obser ver. " we Utf mm Xt is tha best Blood Pnrifier. and sttmolates every function to more healthful cUoo. sAd iM Uiua A benefit I n all dvseaaea. In PliminatinfftbeimpuriUeaof the blood, th natural and necessary result is the cureoTBcruf otuus and other Kkn Kruptiona and Diseaaea, including Cmnrtrs, Ulcers and other Bon's, Dyspepsia. Weakness of the Stomach, Consti pation. Dizziness, General Debility, etc, are cured by the Mafe Kilter. It is unequal ed a an appetiser nn.l regular tonic It is a medk-ioe bich sliould be In every fanv lf, and which, wherever used, wlU m the payment of many doctors' bills. Bottle of two stses ; prices, SO centa and UM. klVnrner'a fe Reme dies are sold by Druggists ulmMfcAlZl am and Dealers in Medicine eyery where. ST A rt ti TrriTivrrm nrt Proprietors, ! Bo-tiester, BI.Y. ' B"fnd for Pamphlet and Testimonials. IAHTED!: "Que Hundred nu.-Hcl of Onions; h1o, On Hundretl Bushels of Peach Stones, at ENNLSSS' That Little AROUND tlB CORNER TO THE PUBLIC GREETING : IULIAN&FRALEY, GaMiat Mm aiJ Carpenters. Their priced are as low it is '!.'-sjlle to make them, ami llur work not inlVi i .r ;u r.a?. They fill ordets in two .l.'p;iriiuciit. Their re:vlj made sto'-k in hand comprises a general iworltuent vf !!; ftrnitisre U-l-uteail, nnrcans, L'lolln-H l're-.i-rf, Lounges, Kacka. Var.lro!n, I ok-C;ises,(Ju) iirl.- .- net China Prense, Candle St ;inlf, Tin .S;rfeK, Doskh. Tables, Vashtand, Ch.iirx, Tlu-y also keep an assortment of COFFIiSTS of walnut, pine an l jplar, from $1 upwards. AIho, WuiiloW St-sli. Vii'.'y iiil onlers - without vexaiioit deiays. Will contract for carjje titer'.1 work and warrant, satisfaction. Will take good' lumber and 'country produce in exili'anjie for furniture. liop nearly opposite Watchman Office. JULIAN & PRALEY. iij "llNGHAH SCHOOL, MEBAXESVILLE, X. C, Established in 1703, I a now lVi-tnniu'itt among .Sctitbcr Ronitlitig SchJs for hoys in ;is;-. i hhuj bcrs anj area iiti(m:tV. The ;t s- sioti iK'gins July rr catu!.-;u-, iviug full partirulars, al.li ss :Maj. K. UIXGIIAM, Sitp't. 35:.3t p - SMITH'S WORM OIL ! Atiikns. Ga., February 32, 1873. Sir: My child, five years old, had symptoms of worms. J tried calomel r.nd other Worm Medicines, but failed to expel any. Seeing Mr Haiti's certificate, I got a vial of yniir Worm Oil, and tne first dose brought forty worms, and the second lose,po manv were passed Xdid not co-trfTr-fbem. ' ' r U. APAIS. Prepared by Dr. E- S- LYNDON, AthrtTts, Ga. For Sale by Da. T. F. KLUTT Salisbury, N. C, And Druggists general. " 5?(iiy GREAT EXCITEMENT At No. 1, Hnrphy's Grauite Bow. McCUBBIHS. BEALL & CO. Have ju.st received their SPRING AND SUMMER STOCK OF NEW GOODS, BOUGHT ENTIRELY TOR CA3H at erceedinglv low prices, which cannot fail to pleiise. They have u full and complete stock ot tKY GOODS. GROCERIES, j QUEEXSWARE, HATS, CAPS, and - STRAW GOODS. BOOTS and SHOES, NOTIONS, CLOTHING, " Fish, Bacon, Lard, Flour, Meal, fcc. They are agents forthealo of John Mek rtmav & Co. BONE DUST, admitted to be the very best cotton and tobaxxto "Fertili zer in use. ( Also, for the French Burr Stones, Bolting Cloths, Eureka Smut Ma chine, &c. Don't fail to call at !No. 1. March 3(i, 1880. 24;ly P. S-We jiaye fenced up a Free bitch ing Lot in rear of of our Warehouse, where people can hitch and feed without beie annoyed by rattle and hogs. Wc intend, putting up Stalls. No charge except; to shut the gate. IF you yisii Your Watches and &&ixf jClorks. Sowing M:ichineH,&o, K.i"ired bjr a uood, cheap ' and itonible workman plea 'e leave thero Measre. Kbitu & Eeodieaian, Salisbury, K. C. s Vvl fat sff&fi. if 11 THEfl. BUEBBAuLlS HEflDQUflflTEflS FOR Fruits, Cigars, Pictures, Books, And . " vT Picture-PrarKea 32: tf -:o We are determined that our LARGE STOCK -O K SUB GOODS SHALL HE SOLD. We offer Special Prices to Cash and Prpmpt,Piiyiug buyers. Our Stock is TOO LARGE For lis to, attempt to, enumerate here j; B.Ut if you will cql aud ee us, w PLEDGE OURSELVES to ntukc ir t ynr INTEREST. REMEMBER We are Determined to Sell Our Seasonable Goods. ROSS & GREENFIELD. May 9, 1B30. 23: ly TRUSTEE'S SALE OF yalaaMe Gold Mine Property ! By virtue of a certain, Mortgage made to ni as Trustee, I willll on the premises on t lie 24th day of May nest, for canh, all the proper ty oftheRowan Gold and Copper Mining ft r T-k .. . .... Vompmy oi jjitacirre, consisting oi lu acres of land, with whatever Machinery there may le thereon, tosether with all the Minerals, Mining Rights, I'ri vi leges, Iinnuinitifs, im pi ovi -tnent and appurtenances thereto belong ing or in any way appertaining being" the property su long and well known as the Ry mer Mioe." For description of prcpcj;ty and title see Mortgage to the undersigned dated Pehru ary 25(h, I8G1, and recorded in Book No. 42, p.?ge 2-"4. in the Register'n ofSce of Rowan Count v, X. 0. " JOHN A- THOMPSON, Trustee. Rowan Co., April 1,1 SSO. 2r:Gw. ' BONDS To make Title to. Land, ami Laborer and BLANK ADMINISTRATORS SALE NOTICE Yoi at tliia Qflite. Fruit Jars S Fruit' Jars S ! Just received a Nice Lot of MASON'S IMPROVED HALF GALLON VXD QUART EMSS Jars for sale at 18:tf KEROSENE OIL AT 20 Cents per Gallon OK 1 5 CeDts per Quart at ENNISS'. 200 Empty 200 Molasses and Wh;sky BARRELS To arrive in a few lay. As the demand for BARRELS will be great. Call and leave orders at ENNISS' Machine Oil, Tanner OiK 7. Terpentina and Varnish At EXXISjS'. TURNIP SEED! TURNIP SEED!! . - Just Received A Large Stock of Fresh and Genuine Turnip Seed of DifTerent Varieties at ... ENNISS' EhlirCh & CO S. Fine Baxix SoA,"Patx packages, for aai GRAY'S SPEC1FIQ MEDICINE. TRADE MAllll'ibe Great EngllahTRADE MAR orucnv An nn. - iti V55tk ' laHlnif cui lor i H'.-t .-.m DVINIIIBI i, vo&uvoo, I r uiacastfs tun i imiuw as a sequence ot of Memory. Unt ver-dL: v Bnl l.aositiirlo Pain Kelf-Atuse: as Loss K uVi"i"7fimitafe ow a, rSauS"? Diseases that lead to Insanity or Consuinption, and a Premature orave. r"Full partlculira In our pamphlet, which we desire to send free by mall to every one. par The ro A V MEDICIMECO.. Mechanics' b lock. Detroit. Mich. E3ff"fkld In Salisbury and everywnere by all -j-ujjglst, 'I1 IDPROYED PATENT LIVER PAD! Kkt Gkt Baxb . Can a lfasa asi BTmanoTK Dma. Lbv Twica at Lose. Slisues Cuw4 xitiazX rrogts tl Syitia cvasa (hnisiadfem; liter Complaint, Bjipewia. Ktnoraesa, Costheoes female feahes Eck I Kenou HeaJatlie. Thtse Pda Care all Diaeaaea by Absorption. No Noxious Vills. Oiia,"? Pofsonou Medici dm are Ukea . iatotbe StocMch. The Pada are worn orer the fit of the Stomach, covering the Great Nerre Centre. 1 the Liver and Stomach. A ireotle Vetreubla Tooicis abmrbed intothecircalationof the Blood and LiTeT.purifjinK the Blond, stimntaU.. the LiTerand Kidneya to healthy action, and trenirtheiUDir th Stomach to digest food. Paica op Pads $1 and tJ bach. Solo bt all DavOAUTa, orient by Uail or Jjxpress. , - MxnafactorH at 39 fc 41 Nosth Liai r 8t BafciiMOKK. Aie. I or', .,u- at T. F. KLUTXZ'3 Drug Store, . 30:6m. i?xasticai lcairsmtiii HORSES HOER. SHOP connected with Brown 4: VerMe"t Livery strides. l& U designs oi uoes, o sutl nn? smipeol tool. All HUoem on strictli sjcleuiilit n in ciplesaaU WAR K ANTED. All kiiiUs blacksaiiiuibg promptly done. is:i Subscribe for the Watchman oi;lv $ I 1! f b UP Yoin AKE YOU LUBS- TOE THE CAROLINA WATCHMAN, The BEST Weekly in Western North Carolina. Only $1.50 a year in advance. THEO. F. KLUTTZ. j HAS JUST RECEIVED A CAR-LOAD 3 Celebrated Home Pertiliasr ! ! The Chemical for making l Ton will be sold for $14, or 200 lbs. of Cotton No vember. No Cotton Seed or Stable Manure required. Thie Fertilizer is fully equal to the hijh priced, po-ealled (ir.au op, nd at less than half the price. 1 refer ttbe tdlowinn well known gentlemen, who ued it 1:1 season on cotton: John V. B.irringer, Jas B. Gtlion, V. F. Watson, Tho. C. Watson, 11 T. Cowan, W; B. Mearc!, A. Tait, J. G Cauble, J. F. K. Brown, E. C. Lentx, S. j M. Brown, and many others. Call early for your supplies and save money. T.F. KLUTTZ, Druggist. GARDEN SEEDS! .4 FULL SUPPLY OF Bu? sVs Celebrated Garden Seeds. REMEMBER THAT BUI ST is the only Seed Grower who H'-lA'fi.lA'reiiis Seeds. Lmik a every paperof Ferv's, Landreth's, Sibley V, &c, &-c, ami s-' if you find any ttvirrtinf upon them. Beware of worthless, un warranted commission Seed, and come to KLUTTZ'S for Buist's which are warran ted fresh and genuine. THEO- F. KLUTTZ, Druggist.! 20:ly. Cheap Chattel Mortgage, arioiiF other blank for sale irt specific Medicine is soia Dy an arusrgisi at si per packojre, or six paefcaes for $5, or will be sent tree by taail oa receipt of the money by addressing L tHS fw - Homo -Fertilizer!! Fee Simple Deeds. Deeds in Trust, Mortgage Deeds, CoiuuiisMoners1 Deeds, Sbtnfr Dccds, Chattle Mortgages, Farm Contracts, Marriage and Confirmation Ccrtifta Distillers' Entries-, and various other forms for sale at the WATCHMAN OFFICE. SALE NOTICES. Administrators, executors, commissioners, sheriffs, constables, agents, &c, are advised t j call on us for printed sale notices. It is certainly great injustice to owners to put p their property at public auction without first giving ample notice of thc salje. The re quirenients of the law on the subject every body knows are insufficient. Property l j often sacrificed from title cause when, a dollar or tw o snent in advertising might 14T I saved it and made it bring its value. We 2TOTIG2J3 TO?. ?CSTn:a,L'.lTD Who baa once nRed the '.PEOPLES9 MACHINE wiir'nrcfer it ov all otlnTS, stitch, A--irik, the ivo W Just redeived at A, C Habbis' ''A "A ft lino lnt nf 'n 1 f: and Trench Candies. FMKLU ACADEMY " This School, located, in a beautifnl i 4 will rwpen on xue lat iloudayi Kev. H. il. Brown, A. IL, Princlnal tr i?... " : a, v 1 Assistant. HOW- WATCHES 'ABE Mi it win uc apparent to any one, woo ijj etJ uine a SonutioLD Watcii, that aMdy frWB lie n-'-enary thickne for engraTing mnj nng, targfj profrriioii of the pr i0us tan il ttHeJ, is needed only to atitleii iwJ hold ' etigravet ortiot in lrt e, and "iipply the Decenary aollhtity ami strength. Hi gUr..jUf . ' :olI U actu:illy neeillesOo lar a fTlt.iTV n, cutty are concerned, fn Jaaes Boss' PATENT GOLD WATCH CASES, 7 ihi wast9 reciuus metal is ovtrt(.iue7 and Uie saoia solidity and strength rrodWd i tto id cuavk. ll.i.- riHiM h of lt ,4.nple ii uiire, a fulit-w: A i.Lte kl nukl .inpKilioti met ti, esj,frillv adajMed U tin -irMM. hax twt j.latea ol silld gold Bolder. ... ed one on etch fide. Tiie three are tlin t)aii. eJ between xlihetl steel rulleid, ard the re tUUa M rip of heavy plated com Kwiii0D" from which the oasea, la-lw, centres, hetelo are cut and phaed hy ouitnl.le din Mn(j -ftinnern. The gojd ht lhcse taw i 'migifiii t. j Iv thick taadmir f I! kintif ihaiB r ) " . . ' lI Mll.l -, L graviir an 1 enamrtlni? ; thf : trrtvm! r,h,8 have been otrried UHliI wmii l etfulW V, , (fc by time ind naevitliuit. renukvin i) . t i Tliis ! the only CfsWVV hl.T- Plat 3 s of Solid Qold St War ratted ' by .Special Oeriificiite. - 'J 2tHt f F-.r -mI- by J. A ILMOI5n, a 1 ,11 tr' , Jveler. - BEST 18 nil KSKlCi! CI & Hsfc'Jv dirty Trlcft oto - fi- I. E2f 7 v lt appear WiUf, rxarui;-. TfllTHCIl ?.'. "41- 1 1 yj m v. u uiixs tue dlflercncc. wh'toao'i l' UIaHShoiflt)e vr.r." HI.7IHt.AL2. 5L'i'A.tL.i ued lo Ta)uct &jre(:t 1 ran ct Po! t.i'-K ; .1 !--?"t rionliil rl L kind vrh r'xnr n y-i ct wxtT (hijS-rrri, rref ) 11 rl-f.' ts . 'rrr, taiilitllfrt thonrt (rl.'y t .junid. 'l".i'. tr- "1 o 'n httf r M-it iifc ji.nu- f uti."- rninnti ir oo&er, bytbo ia.!kv m .r.tf - o't'.w -"lUixn i imI t!:'!'f;-lf?'y t-f-floatl.. Ct-tky louuc: 1 Ri f'r r'l f--" TH imi & Cc's S'n r I rv t"1irt tlu ir 1 'S t it .Vin pn'k;vr n 1 - rr 11 pt t J iiiC 11.1l ilitt nt ul. Ihfv t 'hn w.ih .i.r mi It, i i .nlmcc la liii. en.? T3 u l joctcr.go .f ? vtl-.iu'.le ir.f.v- tioii anJ rtil rrr-i .'.'.y. SHOW TBJS.T.d.YfiUH BHCCE3. 1 2:5m IVIIEV YOU XVAXT II A IS. 1) W A.li E At Low Figures i Call on the undeii8ed at Uo. 2, Grunt, Ro-.. D A. AT WELL. S.alieburv NC. . Junt S ll Sjiecial Term of he Su. perior Court of oiuan County. A Notice is hereby given tolall Parties to ! Suits, Wituessen, Attorneys, and to aU ij whom it may concern, that a Special ; Term of the Superior Court of Rowan j County' will lie held at the Couiti House j in Salisbury, Monday, the ninth (ytb)q day of Aug'mit, lf-:0, for the trial of cV.j cases, nud continue imtiMlie bufinet disposed of. D, A. DAVltS Clu.iroan jj Couuty Commis'rs ot uowHD. . r '- II . N. Woodsox, Cl'k Board of C'im t i;oitiuiissioiierM. ' furnish sale notices prompt! v andj cheap. nentin aaveriiMiiu. - x HARDWARE 1 OiI AGESTS Bellin; it and it just what tl PEOPLE want. It makes th shuttle lk runs easily, docs tho widest rang?- and winda Ho bobbins w ithopt runups works of the machine. Write for descript circulars and full particulars. . ;i 1301 &1303 Buttonwooa St., PiageMia Sewinir Machine C., ) nun inn miiR nx - 1 rniLHUCLrniH, th 44-Ay ' 4 4ly T K. L. BROWN, H i-

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